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RE: First weekly report

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I will copy here the response by Achim at the similar question in our Discord (but it was mentioned in the posts before here also)

You need to own about 0.2% of all the staked miners to get a probability to get 1 payment a day. The further away you are from this number, the more difficult it will be to get payments. At the moment there are about 6200 LENM staked. This means that you need to get about 12 LENM to get average 1 payment a day. I would suggest to have at least half of that to have a decent chance to get payments. This would be about 6 LENM. But you could also have a chance to get a payment with one single LENM. But of course the probability is much smaller.

I hope that it answers your question! Thanks for taking part!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Actually, you were pretty close... The more exact number is around 9.2 LEN tokens per year with 1 staked LENM... At the moment, if nobody else would stake any...

Thanks for your interesting explanation :) Appreciate it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta