Please don’t get frustrated at the amount of bugs that pop up. The Leo team is building at breakneck speed for such a modest sized team and they’re doing a really good job at building up this ecosystem.
Khal has stated that he stopped testing things in beta for extended periods of time because they can get more data and develop much quicker if they roll things out fast and let the whole community help tell them what’s not working.
If you still don’t know what’s going on here, don’t assume some bugs are negligence or laziness. The level of thought and energy being put into this project is worthy of praise.
You can join the threadcasts when you see Khal’s yellow background pic up at the top. There you can learn about all the things being developed. He announces them all on twitter too.
A dude who was once skeptical and now a true believer who went all in
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Since the connection-starved pandemic era, the tourism industry has embraced the sexual wellness trend. Now the international sex party scene is booming.
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American YouTuber and Twitch streamer Johnny Somali has been slapped with a travel ban by South Korea for “causing a commotion at a convenience store in October”.
Top travel destinations for 2024: Explore the world’s must-visit places
As 2024 unfolds, travellers are setting their sights on destinations that offer unique experiences, cultural depth, and breathtaking landscapes. This guide highlights the top travel spots for the year, delving into what makes each location specials...
New partnership will bring visitors travelling from Dublin to enjoy Belfast Christmas Market
Opening its gates to the public on this Saturday at 12noon, Belfast Christmas Market has announced Dublin Express as the official travel partner for the market's milestone 20th year.
SEVILLE, SPAIN (2024) | 10 Awesome Things To Do In & Around Seville (Sevilla) - World Wild Hearts
0:00 Intro
0:59 Casa Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija
1:58 Giralda Tower
2:56 Seville Jewish Quarter
3:41 Guadalquivir River Cruise
4:25 Triana District
5:08 Day Trip To Ronda and Setenil de las Bodegas
6:05 Metropol Parasol
7:06 Real Alcazar
8:25 Maria Luisa Park
9:03 Plaza de Espana
9:57 Andalusia Travel Tips
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Lol don't worry it can be confusing they sort of the same thing but the thredcast gets featured at the top of leo when it gets more than 15 comments !DOOK !BBH
Feline fans everywhere mourn the loss of Amazin’ Hadji.
Mets legend Keith Hernandez announced in a sorrowful post Wednesday that his 22-year-old cat died last week.
“It’s with a heavy heart that I must tell you that I had to put Hadji down last week,” Hernandez, now the Mets’ color commentator with SNY, said on X. “It was his time to go. I loved him so much and miss him dearly. He was a great companion for 22 yrs. RIP my little guy.”
“My old buddy. See you in another life. I know you’ll be waiting for me with open paws,” the five-time All Star and two-time World Series champion wrote in another X post that included the tomcat’s picture.
Hadji’s euthanasia is a second sting in the already tenuous hearts of sports personalities and their faithful followers.
Less than a week ago, Kirk Herbstreit lamented that his beloved Golden Retriever, Ben, had been put down following a battle with cancer.
Named after a character in the 1960s animated television show “Jonny Quest,” Hadji was a Bengal, “a breed that is four generations removed from the Asian Tree Leopard,” Hernandez told GQ in 2021.
The love and tender regard with which Hernandez, 71, held Hadji is well known among the Mets faithful: the cat was referenced many a time during baseball broadcasts — sometimes unintentionally.
Na próxima sexta-feira, o Lyon terá de prestar contas à Direção Nacional de Controle de Gestão (DNCG) da Liga de Futebol Profissional da França sobre a sua situação econômica. A reunião foi marcada após a Eagle Football Group, holding que pertence a John Textor, registrar um déficit de 25,7 milhões de euros (R$ 157 milhões) ao fim da temporada 2023/24.
Segundo a imprensa francesa, a perda de receitas elevou a dívida da Eagle a 500 milhões de euros (R$ 3 bilhões). Por isso, a DNCG espera que os dirigentes do Lyon apresentem garantias financeiras de, pelo menos, 100 milhões de euros para a atual temporada.
Se não apresentar um planejamento financeiro sustentável, o clube francês de John Textor corre o risco de sofrer uma punição do órgão fiscalizador da liga, desde a fiscalização nas próximas contratações e na folha de pagamento até um rebaixamento no Campeonato Francês. O Lyon é o quinto colocado na atual temporada.
Em entrevista à rádio francesa RMC, o diretor do Sport Business Observatory, Vincent Chaudel, afirmou que a DNCG "quer ver algo concreto" da parte do Lyon. Uma possível saída, segundo a imprensa francesa, é o compromisso por parte de Textor de vender jogadores dos clubes pertencentes ao grupo Eagle, seja do próprio Lyon ou dos demais espalhados pelo mundo, como o Botafogo, no Brasil, ou o belga Molenbeek. A outra solução passa pela venda dos 45% de ações do Crystal Palace, da Inglaterra, pertencentes à holding de Textor.
No comunicado de imprensa em que divulgou seus resultados financeiros da última temporada, a Eagle Group anunciou contribuições de 75 milhões de euros até ao final de dezembro de 2024 sob a forma de capitais próprios e/ou receitas da venda de jogadores detidos por clubes da holding, podendo chegar a 100 milhões de euros no início de 2025 após a "conclusão das transferências de jogadores durante a janela de transferências de janeiro de 2025".
Vini Júnior é a única novidade da seleção brasileira em relação ao time que venceu o Peru na última rodada das eliminatórias. Dorival Júnior confirmou nesta quarta-feira a escalação para pegar a Venezuela com craque do Real Madrid na vaga de Rodrygo, cortado por lesão.
Desta maneira, o Brasil entra em campo às 18h (de Brasília) de quinta-feira, no estádio Monumental de Maturín com Ederson, Vanderson, Marquinhos, Gabriel Magalhães e Abner; Bruno Guimarães, Gerson e Raphinha; Vini Jr, Igor Jesus e Savinho. O camisa 7 não participou das vitórias sobre Chile e Peru por conta de uma lesão na cervical.
Até mesmo pelo pouco período de treinamentos (apenas dois com elenco completo), Dorival já chegou a Belém com a ideia de mexer o mínimo possível no time titular. Para o treinador, o momento é de dar sequência e valorizar o que tem dado certo:
Dorival falou ainda das situações de André e Guilherme Arana, que ficaram fora do treinamento desta quarta, em Belém, por questões médicas. A comissão técnica decidiu esticar a corda até a próxima sexta-feira para decidir ambos seguem para a partida contra o Uruguai ou serão cortados:
Uma avaliação maior será feita após a partida da Venezuela para caso necessário tomarmos as posições devidas para alteração. A princípio, vamos tentar uma recuperação pela forma que foram as lesões.
A seleção brasileira viaja em voo fretado para a Venezuela na tarde desta quarta e retorna ao Brasil após a partida diretamente para Salvador, onde encara o Uruguai, terça-feira, na Fonte Nova. Com 16 pontos, a equipe ocupa a quarta colocação nas eliminatórias e subirá ao segundo lugar na noite de quinta em caso de vitória.
A seleção brasileira tem um novo camisa 10. Raphinha herdou o número histórico na ausência de Rodrygo, cortado por lesão e que vestiu desde a lesão de Neymar, em outubro de 2023. Esta foi a principal novidade na numeração divulgada pela CBF nesta quarta-feira para as partidas contra Venezuela e Uruguai pelas eliminatórias sul-americanas para a Copa de 2026.
A escolha faz jus não somente ao grande momento de Raphinha pelo Barcelona como também pela nova função dele em campo. Não à toa, o jogador foi anunciado por Dorival Júnior como meio-campista e não como atacante na lista do dia 1º de novembro. Na Data Fifa de outubro, quando marcou dois gols diante do Peru, ele vestiu a camisa 11, que agora será de Gabriel Martinelli.
Desde a Copa de 2022, Rodrygo vestiu a 10 em todas as oportunidades em que Neymar esteve ausente - 15 jogos foram realizados no período. O craque esteve à disposição apenas em quatro partidas: contra Bolívia, Peru, Venezuela e Uruguai, pelas eliminatórias.
De volta após lesão que o tirou dos jogos de outubro, Vini Jr. volta a vestir a camisa 7, enquanto Igor Jesus será novamente o 9. Novidade na lista, Estevão, do Palmeiras, envergará a 22.
Apresentado pelo Rennes na última segunda-feira, o treinador argentino Jorge Sampaoli quer contar com dois jogadores que dirigiu no Flamengo. São eles: o zagueiro Fabrício Bruno e o meio-campista Gerson. Nenhuma proposta foi feita, até porque a janela está fechada ainda.
O meia, aliás, também trabalhou com Sampaoli no Olympique de Marselha. No período em que foi treinado pelo argentino, o capitão rubro-negro viveu seu melhor momento no futebol francês.
Na última janela, o clube francês ofereceu 14 milhões de euros (R$ 85,7 milhões na cotação da época) ao Flamengo, mas teve proposta recusada inicialmente. Na sequência, pintou a oportunidade de contratar o senegalês Mika Faye, que defendia o Barcelona, e os franceses acabaram optando por ele.
Depois que Sampaoli deixou o Flamengo, em setembro do ano passado, Fabrício Bruno e Gerson passaram a ser convocados com frequência pelos treinadores que passaram pela seleção brasileira e voltaram a ficar no radar de clubes europeus.
Paulinho está entre os relacionados para o jogo do Atlético-MG contra o Flamengo, nesta quarta-feira, no Maracanã, voltando a figurar em um jogo do Campeonato Brasileiro depois de mais de um mês. O atacante estava sendo preservado para ser utilizado somente nas Copas, por causa de uma lesão e das constantes dores na estrutura óssea da perna direita.
Com o vice na Copa do Brasil, o Atlético-MG mira o título da Conmebol Libertadores nesta reta final de temporada. Caso não levante a taça, o Galo corre o risco de ficar de fora da próxima edição da principal competição do continente, por causa da posição do clube na tabela do Campeonato Brasileiro. Também por isso, a comissão técnica decidiu escalar força máxima nos jogos até a decisão continental.
Neste momento, o Galo ocupa o 11ª lugar com 41 pontos, seis atrás do arquirrival Cruzeiro, sétimo colocado. Com o título do Flamengo na Copa do Brasil, os times que ficarem entre a primeira e a sétima posição vão disputar Libertadores de 2025. No caso de o Atlético ser derrotado pelo Botafogo na final da competição, o oitavo colocado também se classifica para a disputa do ano que vem.
A gente chega nessa reta final de temporada, o cansaço bate, mas não tem como a gente ficar focando nisso, porque são os finais, são jogos muito importantes.
O Galo tem, no fim do mês, a decisão da Libertadores contra o Botafogo, em Buenos Aires. Até lá, o clube vai dosar quais as partidas o camisa 10 vai jogar. A tendência é que atue em algumas partidas, justamente para não perder totalmente o ritmo de jogo.
Depois de enfrentar o Flamengo, pega o Athletico-PR no fim de semana, cumprindo jogos que estavam em atraso no Brasileirão. Depois, terá Botafogo. Antes da finalíssima, terá Botafogo, São Paulo e Juventude pela competição nacional. Após o jogo da Libertadores, finaliza a Série A diante de Vasco e Athletico-PR.
De joia da base do São Paulo a funcionário de fábrica de sacolas. De namorar atriz famosa a ter dívidas até com a mãe. De ser protagonista no Sudeste Asiático a apanhar em festa em ilha paradisíaca e precisar fugir nadando. Se há histórias de vida que se tornam livros, uma biografia hipotética do atacante brasileiro Patrick Cruz poderia render uma coletânea inteira. Isso, com apenas 31 anos de muitas peripécias pelo mundo.
Mineiro de Uberaba, Patrick defende o Pattaya United, time da 2ª Divisão da Tailândia. Na carreira, também jogou na Indonésia, na Malásia, na Rússia, no Vietnã e em Malta. Uma peregrinação pelo "Planeta Bola" que começou em Cotia — ao lado de nomes como Casemiro, Lucas Moura e Rodrigo Caio —, passou pelo Corinthians de Guerrero e Sheik e por pouco não terminou antes do esperado por conta da "gastação" de dinheiro.
— Eu tive tudo e perdi tudo. Inclusive fiquei devendo muito dinheiro para minha mãe, que foi a que mais me avisou. Eu não consegui guardar nada. Trocava de carro, sempre comprava roupa, vivia para lá, para cá, viajando, fazendo isso, fazendo aquilo.
Ao ge, Patrick não conteve as palavras e relembrou os momentos-chave da carreira. Admitiu ter se perdido em meio à badalação quando estava na base. Lembrou o período em que, sem dinheiro e sem clube, se afastou do esporte para trabalhar com a família.
Celebrou a chance de recomeçar no futebol na Ásia. Contou "causos" das andanças pelo mundo e ainda especulou uma possível volta ao Brasil nos próximos anos. Por fim, afirmou se sentir realizado, mesmo com os altos e baixos: "Se eu morrer hoje, minha vida foi muito boa".
A coleção de números expressivos de Arrascaeta no Brasil não para de aumentar. Com o gol que abriu o placar no primeiro jogo da final e ajudou o Flamengo a conquistar a Copa do Brasil, contra o Atlético-MG, o uruguaio chegou a 10 gols e 10 assistências na temporada e alcançou o quinto "duplo-duplo" em seis anos no Rubro-negro.
O termo "duplo-duplo", mais comum de ser usado em esportes dos Estados Unidos, indica que um atleta atingiu dois dígitos em duas estatísticas. No caso de Arrascaeta, gols e assistências.
No Flamengo, o único ano que Arrascaeta não atingiu dois dígitos em gols e assistências foi 2021. No total, ele marcou nove gols e deu 14 assistências. Vale lembrar que naquela temporada o uruguaio perdeu seis jogos – dois no Carioca, dois no Brasileirão, um na Libertadores e um na Copa do Brasil–, por conta de uma entorse no tornozelo e um estiramento na coxa esquerda.
A temporada ainda não terminou, mas Arrascaeta não pode mais aumentar as estatísticas. No último domingo, após a conquista da Copa do Brasil, o craque uruguaio anunciou que passará por uma cirurgia no joelho esquerdo e não jogará mais em 2024. Neste ano, o Flamengo ainda enfrenta Atlético-MG, Internacional e Vitória, no Maracanã, e Cuiabá, Fortaleza e Criciúma fora.
Pelo clube da Gávea, o uruguaio conquistou duas Libertadores, dois Brasileiros, duas Copas do Brasil, uma Recopa Sul-Americana, duas Supercopas do Brasil e quatro Cariocas, se igualando, em número de títulos, a Zico e Junior, ídolos do rubro-negro.
O empresário de Gabigol, Junior Pedroso, e Marcos Braz, vice de futebol do Flamengo, tiveram conversa na manhã desta quarta-feira e jogaram água na fervura.
A fim de diminuir a tensão provocada pelo afastamento do atleta da partida com o Atlético-MG, marcada para esta quarta-feira, no Maracanã, as partes já marcaram uma reunião presencial para definirem os próximos passos da relação de forma amigável.
Minutos após o Flamengo comunicar que Gabigol estava afastado do jogo com o Atlético-MG, o atacante reagiu rápido e prometeu que iria ao Maracanã para assistir à partida do Setor Norte, local onde as organizadas do clube se posicionam.
Nesta quarta-feira, ciente de que tal movimentação poderia causar transtornos sob o aspecto da segurança, Gabigol desistiu da arquibancada e assistirá à partida do próprio camarote, onde costuma ficar quando não está relacionado para os jogos.
O contrato de Gabigol se encerra em 31 de dezembro. No último domingo, em entrevista à TV Globo, ele anunciou que não ficará no Flamengo. Seu provável destino é o Cruzeiro.
A Conmebol abriu investigação contra o Botafogo após uma denúncia do Peñarol. A apuração é sobre "atos ofensivos e discriminatórios" da torcida alvinegra no jogo de volta da semifinal da Libertadores, em Montevidéu, no último dia 30 de outubro.
O pedido tem como base um vídeo que mostra brasileiros fazendo gestos de mãos algemadas em referência aos cerca de 200 torcedores detidos no Brasil por confusões antes da partida de ida.
O clube uruguaio formalizou a denúncia na última terça-feira (12), a e Conmebol abriu procedimento disciplinar para investigar o ocorrido. O Botafogo tem até o próximo dia 18 para apresentar a defesa.
Internamente, no Botafogo, correntes do clube enxergam o movimento como uma continuidade às narrativas de mudar o que de fato ocorreu no Brasil, por parte do Peñarol, na tentativa de distorcer os acontecimentos. À noite, no Nilton Santos, o espaço destinado à torcida adversária, uruguaios depredaram cadeiras e banheiros.
Em Montevidéu, ainda no dia do jogo, torcedores do Peñarol fizeram um protestos pela liberação dos presos no Brasil - antes, durante e após a partida. Na saída de campo, inclusive, jogadores fizeram coro ao pedido das arquibancadas.
Novidade na seleção brasileira para os jogos das Eliminatórias da Copa, o zagueiro Murillo é o novo sonho de consumo de dois arquirrivais do futebol europeu. Segundo o diário “Sport”, Real Madrid e Barcelona monitoram o defensor de 22 anos do Nottingham Forest.
Além dos dois gigantes espanhóis, Chelsea e Juventus também miram Murillo, que foi vendido ao time inglês pelo Corinthians em 2023 por 12 milhões de euros. De acordo com a imprensa europeia, o defensor custaria agora, no mínimo, 40 milhões de euros (cerca de R$ 244 milhões).
O Real Madrid seria o clube mais disposto a investir em Murillo, uma vez que perdeu Éder Militão para o restante da temporada devido a uma grave lesão no joelho.
Aclamado pela crítica pelo desempenho desde que chegou ao Nottingham Forest na temporada passada, o zagueiro é o 75º convocado pela seleção brasileira desde a Copa do Mundo de 2022 e o 41º estreante. Ele tem apenas 74 jogos como profissional.
O Coritiba anunciou no início da tarde desta quarta-feira a saída de cinco jogadores que não fazem parte do planejamento para 2025. Na lista estão nomes como os atacantes Alef Manga, Robson, Figueiredo, além do meia Yago Ferreira e o zagueiro Maurício Antônio.
No caso de Alef Manga, o Coxa tinha a opção de estender o vínculo do atacante por mais um ano, mas decidiu pela liberação antecipada. O jogador ficou marcado pelo envolvimento no esquema de apostas esportivas que o suspendeu do futebol por 360 dias. Ele voltou a jogar apenas em outubro deste ano, quando marcou um dos gols na vitória por 3 a 1 sobre o Amazonas, no Couto Pereira, pela Série B.
Outro que não fica é Robson. Aos 33 anos, ele é o vice-artilheiro do Coritiba na temporada, com 14 gols, sendo 11 deles pelo Campeonato Paranaense (foi o goleador do estadual) e outros três na Série B do Brasileiro, e deu seis assistências. O destino dele deve ser o Goiás, que ainda está na disputa pelo acesso à elite de 2025. Recentemente, o camisa 30 completou a marca de 150 jogos pelo Coxa.
Maurício Antônio, considerado uma das lideranças do elenco em 2024, também não vai permanecer no Coritiba. Ele disputou, em quase dois anos de clube, 41 jogos, sendo 38 deles na atual temporada.
Outros dois nomes dispensados de forma antecipada estavam por empréstimos no Coxa. O atacante Figueiredo, pertence ao Vasco, fez 42 jogos, marcou dois gols e contribuiu com duas assistências. Já Yago Ferreira, do Fluminense, se despede do Coritiba com somente cinco partidas e uma assistência.
O returno da Série B tem um novo vice-líder. O Ceará aproveitou tropeços de rivais na 36ª rodada para subir três posições na tabela do segundo turno, com goleada e hat-trick fora de casa, diante do Botafogo-SP.
O Santos manteve a condição de líder, mas agora abriu três pontos de frente, ao vencer o Coritiba. A cereja do bolo santista foi o acesso sacramentado à Série A de 2025. A briga pelo simbólico título do returno, no entanto, segue aberta - assim como do caneco em si da Segundona.
O Ceará sequer fazia parte do G4 do returno até a semana passada. Era quinto colocado. Os comandados de Léo Condé fizeram sua parte e contaram com sequência de vacilos de seus adversários diretos para alcançar o segundo lugar.
Em Ribeirão Preto, o Vovô não tomou conhecimento do Botafogo-SP e venceu por 4 a 1, com direito a três gols de Saulo Mineiro e um de Erick Pulga, artilheiro da Série B, com 13 gols. Gustavo Buchecha descontou para os mandantes.
O Paysandu também vale a citação. Antes 17º, o Papão subiu para 13º no returno. O mais importante a se comemorar, após a vitória de 1 a 0 sobre o Brusque, foi a permanência garantida do clube na Série B. De quebra, o resultado rebaixou os catarinenses.
O atacante Gabigol se manifestou nesta terça-feira em suas redes sociais sobre a decisão da diretoria de afastá-lo da partida contra o Atlético-MG, na quarta.
Em razão da nota publicada no dia de hoje pelo Clube de Regatas Flamengo, cumpre apenas esclarecer que estou à disposição do Flamengo e do treinador para cumprir meu contrato até o fim, inclusive para jogar amanhã (treinei hoje normalmente), e que a decisão de não me relacionar para o jogo foi unilateral da direção do clube. Meus representantes estão à disposição para tratar de qualquer assunto, seja pessoal ou remotamente. Obrigado, Nação, e estaremos juntos na norte amanhã! - postou o jogador.
Minutos depois do título da Copa do Brasil, no domingo, contra o Atlético-MG, Gabigol anunciou que deixará o Flamengo no ano que vem. O contrato dele com o clube acaba em 31 de dezembro deste ano. O atacante acertou sua ida para o Cruzeiro.
Não fico no Flamengo, nesses últimos anos houve negociações, o presidente, a diretoria, apertou minha mão, do meu pai, da minha mãe, e depois aconteceram coisas que eu realmente não gostei. Sempre soube das coisas pelo podcast (refere-se a entrevistas de dirigentes em podcasts), nunca pessoalmente.
Nesta terça, a diretoria decidiu afastá-lo da partida contra o Atlético-MG. Faltam seis partidas para o Flamengo no Brasileirão, três delas em casa. Segundo os dirigentes, o objetivo da medida é "manter a harmonia do elenco".
Gabigol é ídolo do Flamengo. Em seis anos, marcou 160 gols em 305 jogos pelo clube. Ganhou, entre outros títulos, duas Conmebol Libertadores (2019 e 2022), dois Brasileiros (2019 e 2020) e duas Copas do Brasil (2022 e 2024).
O Atlético-MG vai pedir reconsideração da decisão do STJD que determina interdição da Arena MRV e que o time atue com portões fechados até o julgamento dos incidentes ocorridos na final contra o Flamengo. O Galo quer que o Superior Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva escute a defesa e os argumentos do clube, que pretende jogar em casa. O ge reuniu alguns detalhes do que prepara a defesa do Atlético, que tem até dois dias para se manifestar.
O Atlético foi denunciado pela Procuradora nos artigos 211 e 213, Incisos I,II e III do Código Brasileiro de Justiça Desportiva. O argumento usado pelos procuradores é de violação dos referidos códigos, que têm multa, interdição e perda de mando de campo como punições possíveis.
Com a interdição do estádio imposta pelo Código Brasileiro de Justiça Desportiva, se faz valer o artigo 74 do Regulamento Geral da CBF, que afirma que o time que tem o estádio interditado, tem que mandar os jogos em uma distância de, no mínimo, 100 quilômetros. No entanto, não é citado portões fechados. Assim, o Atlético vê inconsistência na decisão.
A decisão do STJD desta terça-feira é de que o Galo, além da interdição da Arena MRV, jogue com portões fechados. O Atlético vai usar isso como argumento para pleitear atuar em Belo Horizonte, inclusive, na Arena MRV, mesmo que sem torcida. Mineirão e Independência não estão descartados, caso seja mantido o veto ao estádio do clube.
O próximo jogo do Galo como mandante é contra o Botafogo, no dia 20. Segundo o clube, ainda não há definição de onde será a partida. Caso tenha que atuar a uma distância de 100 quilômetros de Belo Horizonte, é provável que o clube tenha que jogar fora de Minas Gerais.
Em nota divulgada nesta tarde, após a liminar do STJD que fecha o estádio e ordena jogos com portões fechados, o Galo afirma que quer direito de defesa em um pedido de reconsideração. Um dos argumentos do Atlético na defesa é de que torcedores foram identificados.
Segundo o clube, eles já identificaram alguns infratores. No dia do jogo, 16 torcedores foram conduzidos pela Polícia Militar, sendo que 12 foram detidos por conta de incitação de tumulto, ameaça e caso de injúria racial.
"Sobre o pedido de interdição da Arena MRV, o Atlético informa que, pelo fato de o STJD não ter oportunizado ao CAM o exercício do direito de defesa, o Clube apresentará um pedido de reconsideração. O pedido será fundamentado em tudo que foi e está sendo feito pelo Galo em relação à segurança da Arena MRV. O Atlético irá cumprir a ordem do STJD, mas entende que a garantia do direito à ampla defesa é indispensável para a construção de uma decisão justa".
After saying that Joe Flacco would remain the team’s starter earlier in the week, Colts head coach Shane Steichen said Wednesday that it instead will be Anthony Richardson getting the nod against the Jets on Sunday and for the rest of the season.
The Colts benched Richardson two weeks ago as the team had struggled to move the ball and after the 22-year-old had admitted to pulling himself out a game against the Texans for one play because he was “tired.”
Flacco, though, was unable to find the magic that he displayed last season when he led the Browns to a surprising playoff run.
The Colts lost back-to-back games to the Vikings and Bills, with Flacco throwing for 451 yards, two touchdowns and four interceptions.
“Joe is a veteran guy, like I’ve said,” Steichen said Monday before his about-face. “He’s had two games that he’d want back, but he goes out there and throws some good passes.
“The interceptions, there’s three of those, there’s two he’d want back. Again, you stick with it, you grind through it, the process of this whole thing really is a process. We’re going through the process, and right now, Joe’s still our guy.”
Now, Anthony is the guy again as the Colts look to stay in the playoff race with their young quarterback.
The Colts (4-6) are one game behind the Broncos for the AFC’s final playoff spot and two games behind the division-leading Texans, although Houston swept the season series.
O dono da SAF do Botafogo, John Textor, explicou pela primeira vez sobre o fracasso na tentativa de adquirir o Everton, da Inglaterra. Em agosto, o norte-americano ficou perto de comprar o clube, mas foi atravessado pelo Grupo Friedkin, que também é dono da Roma.
A Eagle Football, empresa multi-clubes de Textor, tem 45% das ações do Crystal Palace, mas Textor não toma decisões majoritárias no clube, que possui diferentes acionistas. Por isso, o empresário busca um novo clube na Inglaterra, visando o funcionamento da rede de clubes. Para adquirir um novo clube na Inglaterra, vale ressaltar, ele precisa vender a parte que possui do Palace.
Não temos uma posição majoritária no Crystal Palace. Temos 45%, mas não conseguimos colaborar no elenco quando um clube precisa de um zagueiro ou outro precisa de um ponta. Essa colaboração entre a rede-multiclubes, que é imprescindível, faz falta. Os funcionários de cada clube estão se falando a todo momento e eles gostam uns dos outros. Eu demiti as pessoas que não colaboravam e agora temos um grupo que acredita uns nos outros. Não conseguimos fazer isso com o Crystal Palace porque lá tem muitos acionistas e pode gerar conflito de interesse - explicou em participação no "Olé Football Summit" nesta terça-feira.
Além de Botafogo e Crystal Palace, Textor também é dono do Lyon (França) e do RWD Molenbeek (Bélgica). Há também o FC Florida, projeto de base de John nos Estados Unidos. É comum haver transações entre os clubes e que uma contratação já venha traçada com uma "ponte" para outro time no futuro.
Nossos relacionamentos na Inglaterra são muito importantes para decidir possíveis contratações. Estamos de olho em um clube da Premier League ou clubes da segunda divisão que podem subir. Os jogadores gostam mais de um projeto do que propriamente de um time, isso te faz conseguir melhores jogadores no futuro. Temos que resolver isso logo. Estávamos muito perto do Everton, é a primeira vez que falo isso. Faltavam 24 horas para enviar os documentos mas eles estavam em leilão com outro comprador. Às vezes você precisa mais do que um aperto de mão, e foi isso que aconteceu. Erros acontecem, o Everton não aconteceu, e deve ter um motivo para isso. Acredito que teremos um clube melhor em breve - completou.
Thiago Almada, contratação mais cara da história do futebol brasileiro, é um desses casos. Adquirido pelo Botafogo em julho, o argentino tem o futuro ligado ao Lyon. O projeto europeu foi uma das formas que Textor conseguiu convencer o meia a atuar no Alvinegro. O camisa 23, contudo, tem gostado do período no Rio de Janeiro e pode ficar por mais tempo.
Eu não assisto à MLS. Não vou criticar, mas não gosto de algumas regras da liga de limitar talento. Não sou fã e isso afeta meu desejo de consumir. Duas pessoas me levaram ao Almada: um jogador ex-FC Florida chamado Julian Gressel, foi o melhor novato da liga em 2017 e hoje está no Inter Miami, que jogava pelo Atlanta United. Foi lá que descobri Almada. Dias depois recebi a ligação de um dos donos do Atlético de Madrid dizendo que o amava. Apesar de ter gostado dele, eu não confiava no nível da MLS. Continuei assistindo e qualidade é qualidade, independentemente do lugar. Vi qualidade excepcional no Thiago e quis trazê-lo. Ele teve o desejo de fazer parte do projeto. Ele quer ganhar títulos aqui. Ele sabe que um dia pode jogar na Europa, mas quer aproveitar aqui, a família está mais perto. Está sendo uma boa experiência.
Minnesota Vikings rookie quarterback J.J. McCarthy recently underwent a procedure on his surgically repaired knee, head coach Kevin O'Connell told reporters on Wednesday.
McCarthy had season-ending surgery in August to repair a torn meniscus, and O'Connell said on Wednesday that the training staff noticed "a little swelling" in his knee as McCarthy conducted his rehab.
"We just wanted to make sure that there was no cause for concern," O'Connell said. "All reports were very positive. He's on the original timeline and in good shape. ... (We) feel really good about where he's at."
NFL Network Insiders Ian Rapoport and Tom Pelissero reported Wednesday that McCarthy also received a biologic injection as part of the knee procedure in order to assist in the healing process and ensure his recovery remains on track.
McCarthy is expected to be ready for the start of training camp next year, per Rapoport and Pelissero, and he will continue to attend meetings as appropriate at the team facility.
McCarthy, the No. 10 overall pick in the 2024 draft, impressed in the Vikings' preseason opener in August but sat out practice following the game due to what initially was believed to be knee soreness.
McCarthy's injury prematurely ended any training camp QB battle, and veteran Sam Darnold has started all nine games this for Minnesota, enjoying a career resurgence in leading the Vikings to a 7-2 start.
"I obviously saw what happened," the rookie quarterback said on Wednesday. "It's tough just because you work months and kind of knew Shane (Waldron) before being drafted here because all of the process and stuff. Just trying to build that relationship and then the guy you've been trying to get on the same page with isn't here anymore. So, now you kind of have to adjust and adjust fast because we are in divisional play and playing the Packers this week."
"I don't get to choose decisions, nor do I get to choose whether decisions are good, bad, or indifferent," Williams said. "My job is to listen, and from there, go do my job."
He's struggled to do that job the past month behind a struggling offensive line in an offense with no cohesive plan. Waldron's scheme rarely gave Williams easy answers, and some design flaws were stunningly poor.
"It's tough not scoring as much as you feel you should or moving the ball as well as you should. I think that's where the frustration comes from," Williams said.
Following a 4-2 start to the season, the bottom fell out in Chicago. After the bye week, the Bears are 0-3, averaging a futile 9.0 points per game, 156.0 passing yards per game, and haven't scored an offensive touchdown in 23 possessions.
Williams' struggles are at the heart of the issue. He's thrown zero touchdown passes since the bye week and been sacked an average of six times per game with a passer rating of 64.7 over that span.
The talent is there, but there's been little tangible growth over the course of the season. At times, the rookie looks like he's overthinking and not playing up to his natural ability. The issues prompted the change.
The Bears have allowed pressure on 40.0 percent of dropbacks (fourth highest) and 31 unblocked pressures in 2024 (fourth-most in NFL), per Next Gen Stats. The blocking has been porous, but not all the sacks and pressures are on the offensive line. Some of the problems were Williams not finding his outlet and, at other times, the offense not providing an answer for the rookie quarterback.
"I think we'll do a good job of marrying everything up together," Williams said of working with Brown. "Making everything look the same and then from there you'll get a few easier passes, a few extra layups. I think it will help us in the run game, it will help us in the pass game. From there, I think it provides more explosiveness for us as an offense."
The first outing won't be easy against a Green Bay Packers club that has dominated the rivalry. The last time the Bears beat the Packers (Week 15, 2018), Williams was a sophomore in high school at Gonzaga Prep.
After pulling Anthony Richardson in favor of the veteran Joe Flacco two weeks ago, Colts head coach Shane Steichen announced on Wednesday that he is reversing course and is reinserting Richardson into the lineup as the team's starter for Week 11 against the New York Jets and the remainder of the 2024 campaign.
Cynics will be quick to point out Steichen said the same thing when he replaced Richardson with Flacco following Indianapolis' Week 8 loss to the Houston Texans, and they're right. But the magic that Flacco brought to the table during his early season appearances failed to materialize once he took over as the starter, and much of his two performances directly contributed to Indianapolis' losing streak, which now stands at three games.
At 4-6, the Colts aren't yet out of the running. But Steichen only needed to see Flacco's three-interception outing in the Colts' Week 10 loss to the Buffalo Bills to know he might have to renege on his decision under center.
Naturally, the coach framed it as the result of significant strides made by Richardson during his time on the bench in the last two-plus weeks. Those improvements could only be realized after Richardson appeared to disappoint the entire organization by asking to come out of the game for one play during a crucial spot in the loss to Houston because he was tired -- a faux pas in professional sports, and especially for a quarterback.
"Classrooms, the walkthroughs, the practice, the weight room all those little things just gotta be at a higher standard," Steichen explained on Wednesday. "That's what was talked about and that's where we went with it.
"That was discussed with him two weeks ago and those were the conversations that took place and over the last two weeks he's made strides in those areas, big-time strides. Becoming a pro's pro."
Richardson's play wasn't exactly stellar during the stretch that preceded his benching, either. He was remarkably inaccurate and carried a greater threat as a runner than a passer, admitting to his teammates he needed to be better after a 16-10 win over the Miami Dolphins in Week 7.
Richardson's initial benching could be (and was) explained by pointing out his inconsistencies on the field. But judging by Steichen's comments on Wednesday, it was more about professionalism and dedication to his craft than his play. After all, if the former is in line, the latter will inevitably improve over time.
Changes in demeanor and focus -- plus Flacco's 2-4 touchdown-to-interception ratio in two straight losses -- appear to have convinced Steichen it's time to turn back to the youngster.
"Is he a finished product? No. He's not," Steichen said of Richardson. "It's my job to help him get there along with the rest of the coaching staff. But he's a hell of a talent, we've never lost faith or belief in him or his abilities. And he's shown strides. He really has. With that being said, he will be our starter again. He will start this week, he will start the rest of the season."
Teammate Josh Downs -- who benefitted from a higher rate of targets and production with Flacco on the field earlier this season -- backed his fellow 2023 draft classmate, telling reporters on Wednesday "he's been working hard. He's been doing a lot of meetings, and he's ready to get back out there."
"I mean I trust the coaches' decision," Downs continued. "They felt that it was best and I know he's been working. I know that he's had his head down and he's had a good attitude about this whole thing. I'm excited for him to get back out there this week."
"Just shows that I'm willing to be a pro and I'm willing to sacrifice anything that I need to do for the team," Richardson said. "I feel like these past few weeks has definitely opened my eyes and allowed me to do that and take a deeper dive into myself and see what I'm made of. I'm thankful for these past two weeks and low-key glad it happened."
When Richardson entered the NFL, two main concerns followed him: He hadn't played a ton of football at Florida, and thus, he'd failed to prove he could be a consistent quarterback at the next level. But the potential was too tantalizing to scare off the Colts, who selected him with the fourth-overall pick, watched him find success as a new-age Cam Newton in his first month as a rookie before a shoulder injury prematurely ended his season. Indy then spent the rest of 2023 (and half of 2024) wondering if he might be able to pick up where he left off.
Richardson's lack of experience as a leader showed when he tapped out of the key moment in Houston. He's since been given time to reflect and prove he's willing to be the professional the Colts need him to be in order to lead this franchise.
After three straight losses, Steichen knows the Colts don't have much time to waste. He's willing to risk it with the quarterback who has his whole career ahead of him -- a career that could occur exclusively in Indianapolis if things go well.
"As a competitor you never want to be on the sideline. You always feel like there's opportunity to go out there and help the team," Richardson said. "But just sitting one the sideline just allowed me to look and see the certain things I could correct about myself. Certain things that the team needed help with. I'm just forever grateful for the opportunity. I'm glad Shane feels like I'm the guy once again."
First place will be on the line when the Philadelphia Eagles host the Washington Commanders on Thursday night at Lincoln Financial Field, the biggest game for both teams this season.
After Sunday’s win at Dallas, the 7-2 Eagles leapt back into first place in the NFC East for the first time since winning in Week 1. The Commanders had led the division after each week since Week 2 until Sunday, when they lost to the Steelers at home.
Both Washington and Philadelphia enter the game with seven victories and 2-0 records in the NFC East entering Week 11. This is the first meeting of these teams in which both enter the game four-plus games over .500 since Week 12 of the 1996 season.
The Eagles have dominated the recent series between the rivals, beating the Commanders five of the past six meetings. But this is a different Washington team than we’ve seen in some time. With a win Thursday, it’d have as many victories this season as in any year since 2012 and would be a step closer to their first playoff spot since backing into the postseason with a 7-9 record in 2020.
This is also the first meeting between Jayden Daniels and Jalen Hurts, who each rank in the top three in QB rush yards and who have put up similar passing numbers in 2024. Daniels is the overwhelming favorite to win Offensive Rookie of the Year, and Hurts has steadily improved his MVP candidacy with a bounceback season.
Commanders offense looking for a rebound. Sunday’s 28-27 loss to the Steelers came down to the final minute to be decided, but Washington’s offensive performance in the game was lacking compared to the gaudy numbers this group has produced. They had only one turnover Sunday (and have only four on the season) but were held to 242 yards. Jayden Daniels was held in check as a runner (three rushes, 5 yards) and thrower, held to a season-low 50% completion rate.
Teams that have had more success against the Commanders have tended to do a better job stopping their run game, and RB Brian Robinson Jr. has missed the past two games. There’s also the question of whether the league might be adapting to offensive coordinator Kliff Kingsbury’s system after their hot start. History appears to show that Kingsbury’s offenses -- whether he’s the head coach or OC -- tend to wane in production as seasons wear on. In Weeks 1-9, his offenses have averaged 26.6 points, 377.9 yards and 0.8 turnovers per game. In Weeks 10 and beyond in his career, Kingsbury’s offenses have slipped to 21.2 points, 331.6 yards and 1.5 turnovers per game.
Hurts, Barkley could be a tough twosome. A lot has been made of Washington’s pass-coverage issues, but lest we overlook their troubles stopping the run. They’ve allowed 506 rush yards the past three games and rank 29th in the NFL in yards per rush allowed (4.85). The Eagles run the ball better than each of the past three Commanders opponents and arguably better than any team Dan Quinn’s defense has faced. Saquon Barkley enters this game nine yards shy of 1,000 for the season, and he’s on pace for more than 1,700.
Prior to a tepid game in the blowout of Dallas, Barkley was on a tear; he’s averaged 6.5 yards per carry the past four games. Over that same timeframe, Jalen Hurts has eight rushing TDs and has averaged 4.9 yards per carry. The Commanders did a respectable job containing Lamar Jackson earlier this season, but other mobile QBs (Daniel Jones and Caleb Williams) had some success scrambling against them. If they’re not assignment-sound and don’t bring population to the ball, it could be a long night for Washington.
Commanders need better security on the back end. The Commanders made a trade-deadline deal to land CB Marshon Lattimore, but he missed Sunday’s loss and is out for Thursday’s game, still working his way back from a hamstring injury. Washington sure could use him. CBs Benjamin St.-Juste and Mike Sainristil figure to have their hands full with the Eagles’ duo of A.J. Brown and DeVonta Smith, who remain two of the very best at what they do, even as Smith has had a few quiet games and Brown has been held out of the end zone for three straight contests. Top-tier receivers such as Ja'Marr Chase, Zay Flowers, Malik Nabers and Chris Godwin have had big games against the Commanders this season. Washington’s pass rush, led by Dante Fowler Jr.’s 8.5 sacks, has helped the defense keep nine of its 10 opponents under 253 pass yards. But Sunday’s loss to the Steelers featured several big-play breakdowns by the Commanders’ secondary.
Eagle killer Terry McLaurin will test the secondary. They call him “Scary Terry” for a reason. McLaurin often has been a lone wolf in the Commanders offense, yet he’s continually given the Eagles trouble when he’s faced them, totaling 58 catches for 847 yards and four TDs in 10 career meetings. Over his past four games against the Eagles, McLaurin has averaged 94.5 receiving yards. But the Eagles have changed defensively, with a new coordinator (Vic Fangio) and new DBs (Quinyon Mitchell and Cooper DeJean).
Fangio will have his hands full, trying to slow down Jayden Daniels as a runner and passer and contending with McLaurin, Zach Ertz and Noah Brown. But Fangio has traditionally done a good job limiting big plays with two-high-safety looks, lighter defensive personnel and occasionally using spies versus athletic QBs. Still, at some point or another, the Eagles’ DBs will be tested. Mitchell and Cooper have been upgrades over their predecessors, James Bradberry and Avonte Maddox, and the entire secondary has held firm, well-equipped with the likes of Darius Slay, C.J. Gardner-Johnson, Reed Blankenship and the rookies.
Bohm’s fifth year in the league was a microcosm of the Phillies’ 131st season in franchise history.
There are, it turns out, players not named Juan Soto who may wind up on new teams when the 2025 Major League Baseball season begins next March.
Add Alec Bohm to that list. The infielder with the Philadelphia Phillies, fresh off his first All-Star selection in 2024, is “on the trade block,” ESPN’s Jeff Passan reports.
Shortly after that report, ESPN’s Buster Olney noted that a “rival evaluator” believed the Phillies were a logical landing spot for free agent Alex Bregman, who also plays third base.
“His swing translates in that park, strong defense, lots of postseason scar tissue,” Olney wrote on X.
Bregman, a .272 career hitter, was a key part of both recent Astros’ World Series teams and the 30-year-old is one of the top free agents on the market.
Bohm’s fifth year in the league was a microcosm of the Phillies’ 131st season in franchise history — there were extreme highs, extreme lows and disappointing endings.
Aided by the infielder’s stellar work in the box, Philadelphia looked like a true contender through the first half of the season.
For the late James Bond producer Albert “Cuddy” Broccoli, receiving the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award was a true high point in his career. He said as much accepting the prize, a non-competitive honorary Oscar, at the Academy Awards in 1982.
Roger Moore presented it to him that night while his family in the audience looked on, including his daughter, Barbara Broccoli, who was reduced to a puddle of tears, and her brother, Michael G. Wilson.
“He always treasured it,” Barbara Broccoli said in a recent interview with The Associated Press. “It was the most important physical possession he had.”
The award, then a bust of the inimitable “boy wonder” producer of Hollywood’s early years, sat on his mantlepiece for many years. Now, Broccoli, 64, and Wilson, 82, are following in “Cubby’s” footsteps as the 40th recipients, collecting the Oscar statuette Sunday at the 15th Governors Awards in Hollywood.
“It’s a rare honor, and I think that makes it extra special,” Wilson said.
Since its inception in 1937, the award has only been given 39 times, celebrating creative producers for a lifetime of quality films. The roster of honorees is a who’s-who of Hollywood legends from David O. Selznick and Walt Disney to Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. And only once before Broccoli has it gone to a woman, Kathleen Kennedy in 2018.
“It’s very humbling," Broccoli said. “I think of so many people who have come before us, so many people I wish had been given the honor who aren’t with us anymore.”
Though she is quick to point out all the others she thinks more deserving, the fact is that no one quite occupies the space that Broccoli and Wilson do as the guardians of the Bond franchise, one of the longest running film series in history.
Since Cubby and Harry Saltzman purchased the rights to Ian Fleming’s novels in 1961, the 25 films released by EON productions have grossed over $7.6 billion at the global box office. And despite all odds, the major creative decisions, including who gets to be Bond, have stayed in the family through massive changes in the business, including new corporate overlords.
For many years, EON split profits with MGM, which financed and distributed the movies. But that got slightly more complicated in May 2021, several months before the last Daniel Craig Bond, “No Time to Die” opened, when Amazon purchased MGM for $8.45 billion. The siblings continue to own 50% of Bond and maintain creative control over its future. They're also adamant about theatrical.
“People are playing it very safe. I think in times of crisis like this, you've got to be brave," Broccoli said. “It’s certainly a new era in the movie business, so we’re trying to figure it out."
Broccoli has been entrenched in the world of Bond her entire life. She was only a year old when the deal was signed and spent much of her youth on sets around the world. One of her earliest memories was filming “You Only Live Twice” in Japan. She was 6.
Her father’s passion for the films was infectious and she followed him into the business, learning the trade from the ground up. Though she didn’t quite start without connections, as Cubby had when he came to Hollywood in 1934, she never shied away from doing “the dirty work.” During one indie shoot, she remembers scrubbing toilets before the wrap party.
Wilson came into the family when his mother married Cubby in 1959. With two actor parents, he didn’t imagine a career in entertainment for himself. Instead, he pursued law. Then Cubby asked for his advice during a dispute, Wilson “caught the bug” and never looked back.
Cubby passed the torch to the kids in 1995; he died the next year. Since then, Wilson has operated as the business affairs person and Broccoli as more of a creative and practical producer. Their different skills and interests were compatible.
“I think it worked out pretty well,” Wilson said. “We were a good team.”
During their tenure, they bid farewell to the Pierce Brosnan era and welcomed Daniel Craig as the seventh Bond; firm in their decision, despite the immense backlash. They also produced non-Bond films, like “Till.”
But the spotlight on them has intensified as the world awaits official word on Bond No. 8. People are always playing the guessing game with the role, whether it was the long-running fan campaign for Idris Elba or any number of promising young actors who pop on the scene. The latest, stickiest rumor is Aaron Taylor-Johnson,
but Broccoli and Wilson are staying tight-lipped on even a general timeline for when an announcement might come.
“It’s a big decision,” she said.
They’ve teased some things: It will be a man. He’ll likely be in his 30s. Whiteness is not a given. And whoever says yes is doing so with the expectation of at least a decade’s worth of films. One thing is certain: There's going to be a period of adjustment for audiences in the transition. Every Bond had its detractors, especially at the start. Broccoli saw firsthand the vitriol of the internet era when Craig was cast ("anti-Daniel nonsense," she called it.)
But when people finally saw “Casino Royale,” the sentiment shifted to love. The five Craig Bonds are the highest grossing in the series, not adjusting for inflation. It remains one of her proudest moments. And a new Bond means new opportunity.
“Every time we cast a new actor, the films change. It’s the excitement of a new Bond, a new direction,” Wilson said. “Every one of these people who took on the role offered something new and different.”
Plus, they're playing the long game with Bond, producing and cinema in general. And not losing sight of the Cubby spirit.
“He always said films were like the circus coming to town,” Broccoli said. “You set up your tent, everybody comes and you create magic. It's all about pleasing the audience, making sure that people get their bang for their buck.”
Then the wicked
Carried us away in captivity
required from us a song.
Now how shall we sing the Lord song
in a strange land.
Then the wicked
Carried us away captivity
requiring from us a song.
Now how shall we sing the Lord song
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion.
Everything that's created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness. Wayne Dyer
Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live. David Binder
Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything... whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out. Tina Turner
Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. William Pollard
There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. Sophia Loren
Femininity is not just lipstick, stylish hairdos, and trendy clothes. It is the divine adornment of humanity. It finds expression in your qualities of your capacity to love, your spirituality, delicacy, radiance, sensitivity, creativity, charm, graciousness, gentleness, dignity, and quiet strength. James E. Faust
Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things. Steve Jobs
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. Sylvia Plath
Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention. Deepak Chopra
Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things. Ray Bradbury
In the world of creativity, laziness translates into an inability to be rigorous enough to create fearlessly. It makes us plagiarise or water our creativity down to make it more acceptable to the public. Shah Rukh Khan
I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user. Bill Gates
The difference between science and the arts is not that they are different sides of the same coin even, or even different parts of the same continuum, but rather, they are manifestations of the same thing. The arts and sciences are avatars of human creativity. Mae Jemison
You see a child play, and it is so close to seeing an artist paint, for in play a child says things without uttering a word. You can see how he solves his problems. You can also see what's wrong. Young children, especially, have enormous creativity, and whatever's in them rises to the surface in free play. Erik Erikson
The most important thing about intellectual property vs. creative expression is that copyright law was created not to stifle creativity but to encourage creativity. Shepard Fairey
Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless. Elizabeth Gilbert
As the world we live in is so unpredictable, the ability to learn and to adapt to change is imperative, alongside creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills. Alain Dehaze
Creativity is an energy. It's a precious energy, and it's something to be protected. A lot of people take for granted that they're a creative person, but I know from experience, feeling it in myself, it is a magic; it is an energy. And it can't be taken for granted. Ava DuVernay
Many creative people are finding that creativity doesn't grow in abundance, it grows from scarcity - the more Lego bricks you have doesn't mean you're going to be more creative; you can be very creative with very few Lego bricks. Jorgen Vig Knudstorp
Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. We come from the Creator with creativity. I think that each one of us is born with creativity. Maya Angelou
America is composed of all kinds of people - part of the difficulty in our nation today is due to the fact that we are not utilising the abilities and the talents of other brown and black peoples and females that have something to bring to the creativity and the rejuvenation and the revitalisation of this country. Shirley Chisholm
An Internet meme is a hijacking of the original idea. Instead of mutating by random change and spreading by a form of Darwinian selection, Internet memes are altered deliberately by human creativity. There is no attempt at accuracy of copying, as with genes - and as with memes in their original version. Richard Dawkins
Elon Musk, the billionaire behind SpaceX, has been picked by President Trump to lead the Department of Government Efficiency (Doge). His job will be to cut through government red tape, get rid of unnecessary rules, trim down wasteful spending, and shake up how federal agencies work. This role could give Musk a lot of influence over government policy, especially the rules that affect his businesses.
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I always hated investment until crypto. I think it’s because I needed to rely on these shit advisors and brokers who I could easily see were ripping my parents off and pretending they knew what they were talking about, and I thought it was all just schemes, now it’s hands on and I feel so curious about all of it
If one logs in to InLEO using Dash, is it gonna count on Dash wallet or InLEO when one wants to calculate the number of Monthly active users or logging in channel.
Regardless of the fact that other interfaces on hive blockchain have their own social media acts, I prefer InLEO and threads, it's really the best out there for me.
keys on Hive are probably the best in crypto. i find it weird that people in crypto don't know how to use it. And the plus is i could leak them and lose almost nothing and get my wallet back.
for non crypto users it is certainly confusing.
but as a Web 3 (specially for social media) it is a genius design. in any other "name wallet" if you leak keys your account is gone.
lite accounts sound really great, I think we need to communicate them more
Btw, I have an issue. I created an account when I was preparing a tutorial and lost my keys (out of stupidity)
What are the options for retrieving them?
When we will explode with new users, I think a lot of the old Hivieans will have to change their mind about Inleo. They might never align totally with what we are doing here, but we are a great positive for Hive overall!
INLEO provides Resource Credits for people registered on HIVE using the platform. So, if we got 10,000 new users, INLEO would have to buy enough HIVE to support all of these creators. A win-win situation to HIVE and LEO!
INLEO provides Resource Credits for people registered on HIVE using the platform. So, if we got 10,000 new users, INLEO would have to buy enough HIVE to support all of these creators. A win-win situation to HIVE and LEO!
Not really, there are some understandable reasons to not join INLEO, it can be even because you don't like the management. As long as someone on HIVE, we're winning!
Looks like $HIVE will be giving up all of its gains within 24 hours again. I'm curious how much of that is sell pressure or if it's just the investors swapping things. I'm leaning towards it's users though selling out. Why would you invest just to lose half of it lol
It feels like selling pressure. Haven't been here for long but I know that when a long standing project goes through a bear season for long, when a bull shows up, people sell quick (human nature)
I need to share this
What is the song that came to my mind ... as I am watching the charts
(Bryan Adams, wherever you go, what ever you do, I will be right here waiting for you!) How about you;
#newlions #newlion Check out Upland, a virtual property trading game. If you use this link, Upland will award you with a bonus for your first purchase
I guess one day I’ll have to tell the story of how I fixed my spinal injuries all by myself without medical assistance 😝 I want to make sure I don’t give any bad advice though so you’ll have to wait til I make any of it public. Feel free to ask me in private if you are having some minor issues though (warning: I’m not a professional anything)
I'm really shocked at the amount of pressure my body could take with 0 injury, on 95% of it's surface. The only time I've ever gotten hurt from massage were with two idiot practitioners, one pulling on tendons (stupid) and one trying to push the spine forcefully (also stupid)
But not everyone's body condition is the same, and so I can't be sure what to be careful of. Trust your body and don't do anything that feels dangerous to you. Slowly get used to learning what your body is telling you
You can search for "Small intestine meridian" and follow that line both with your hand and the ball against the wall. There are 12 lines like this, but is the one that usually relieves my neck problems. If there are headaches, you might wanna check "gallbladder meridian" which is a bitch, very very complicated
also be a little careful with the side and front of the neck until you get used to it, there are important blood vessels there. Focus on muscles. Sore like a workout is good! Sore that leads to relaxation is good. PAIN that has no release is bad. Once again, I take no responsibility for anything ever.
The most general advice I can give is to massage any and all muscles and find the ones that feel sore, and keep massaging them. Pain from massaging muscles usually isn't dangerous and the you'll find you had way more problems then you thought if you look hard enough.
The more specific advice is, find a really sturdy wall and a lacrosse ball and put it between your spine and your shoulder blade and look for painful spots. also massage your upper arms and chest to find points that need work. If none of that works, look around your body to find points that hurt. Hands and feet sometimes release stuff in completely unrelated parts of the body. I do fingers and toes twice a day.
(not an expert, I take no responsibility for anything ever)
bro you should go into medicine you might actually become a pro at it and maybe find solutions to spinal injuries without much equipments. I think Guru mode has been activated for you
This Dash user is mixing their funds for extra privacy!
Next step: register a username and enjoy the benefits of a stealth address which doesn't expose the underlying payment address.
(this is different from a Hive username where you can see everyone who sent to a username, with Dash it creates a new address back-end every time so you can't look up a username and see how much money it has)
Not yet, it would be Android only right now (deploying this week). We're doing our best to get iOS up to speed, but we probably need more devs and dev funding.
But regular users are better off waiting. This is part of the accelerated Genesis release that the community voted on to get Evolution out the door before everything was 100% ready for everyone.
Anyone can make a new wallet or app that supports usernames etc. though.
So, my first model has an accuracy of 82%
That's not good but also not bad considering I used a relatively small dataset that had a few quality issues (intentional issues for learning purposes)
É um modelo que prevê as chances de uma oportunidade ser convertida em venda tomando como base algumas características como: tipo de indústria, valor total da negociação, como o lead foi gerado e coisas assim.
For fun with kids, I would say start with something like a DJI Mini. You can get the Mini 2 and 3 for a pretty decent price with the Fly more bundle on Amazon. For FPV, you might find the DJI Avata combo on eBay for a good price.
Dear new users,
Please don’t get frustrated at the amount of bugs that pop up. The Leo team is building at breakneck speed for such a modest sized team and they’re doing a really good job at building up this ecosystem.
Khal has stated that he stopped testing things in beta for extended periods of time because they can get more data and develop much quicker if they roll things out fast and let the whole community help tell them what’s not working.
If you still don’t know what’s going on here, don’t assume some bugs are negligence or laziness. The level of thought and energy being put into this project is worthy of praise.
You can join the threadcasts when you see Khal’s yellow background pic up at the top. There you can learn about all the things being developed. He announces them all on twitter too.
A dude who was once skeptical and now a true believer who went all in
This is a pretty helpful thread for me. Had a lot of questions but I understand how it's done here now.
I think the platform is great, and all the features it offers are awesome. With time, things shouldn't be alright. I love it here.
glad it could help. Feel free to ask anything else and I’ll try to answer
okay thanks so much
should be alright I meant to say. Shit I'm not premium so can't edit.
If Bitcoin's value keeps going up but its permissionlessness goes down, doesn't matter. We'll work with that.
We'll build uncensorable, cheap, fast, efficient tech that's pegged to Bitcoin's value.
The people will have their freedom money.
✈️ Travel Tales, Talk & Tips
#threadcast 92
Wed 13-Nov-24
ℹ️ This is the #travelcast where we chat all things #travel
💬 Talk about your trips, discuss adventures and enjoy the world's delights!
Bon voyage! 🧳 🛫
Welcome to the Wednesday TravelCast! Share all your adventures and travel chit-chat right here...
Yesterday's edition:
4 Travel Habits That Are Secretly High-Functioning Anxiety In Disguise
Article via HuffPost
UK tourists on alert as Spain upgrades warnings to 'red' and thousands evacuated
Article via Birmingham Live
Traveling for a Cuddle, or More, at European Sex Parties
Article via New York Times
Travel Trends Report 2025: Soft Travel
Article via Forbes
Traveling to the Netherlands Is About to Get More Difficult
Article via Fodors Travel Guide
South Korea slaps travel ban on US streamer for ‘causing commotion’
Article via The Independent
ISON Travel acquires specialist TMC
Article via TBTM
The Coach Travel Group orders 42 Scanias as growth on agenda
Article via Route One
This luxury campervan holiday is the ultimate off-grid experience
Article via Stylist
Top travel destinations for 2024: Explore the world’s must-visit places
Article via The Upcoming
New partnership will bring visitors travelling from Dublin to enjoy Belfast Christmas Market
Article via Belfast News Letter
Couple ditch UK to travel world with kids and share five life-changing benefits
Article via Daily Record
Consumers ‘shifting away from travel booking peaks’, research suggests
Article via Travel Weekly
Amex GBT: Business travellers embracing AI but with caution
Article via TBTM
📍 Riga, Latvia 🇱🇻
👉 What to do in the elegant Latvian capital?
🎞️ Trailblaze Travels YouTube channel give their top 10 tips!
📍 Cardiff, UK 🏴 🇬🇧
👉 What to do in the capital of Wales?
🎞️ Ultimate Bucket List YouTube channel give their review!
📍 Seville, Spain 🇪🇸
👉 What to do in this lively Andalucian gem?
🎞️ Kristina’s Travels YouTube channel give their top 12 tips!
More info in replies… ⬇️
Tips from the vid…
A food tour with James from Spain Revealed…
Another guide…
Seville and Jerez, by Malini Angelica…
20 things to know before you go to Seville, by 'Our Travel Place'…
Walking tour…
The Seville, SPAIN that MOST Tourists DON'T See - Ross the Flâneur
SEVILLE, SPAIN (2024) | 10 Awesome Things To Do In & Around Seville (Sevilla) - World Wild Hearts
0:00 Intro
0:59 Casa Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija
1:58 Giralda Tower
2:56 Seville Jewish Quarter
3:41 Guadalquivir River Cruise
4:25 Triana District
5:08 Day Trip To Ronda and Setenil de las Bodegas
6:05 Metropol Parasol
7:06 Real Alcazar
8:25 Maria Luisa Park
9:03 Plaza de Espana
9:57 Andalusia Travel Tips
Rick Steves' Andalucía: The Best of Southern Spain
#dailydook contest, you must also check into the #threadcast to qualify
Only entries after this post are counted and you have till 9 PM EST best of luck!The one who uses the #dailydook tag the most today wins 25 $LEO:$0.03
The DUO team is looking for guest authors you can earn 50% profit share and 5 DUO if you are interested be sure to let me know, you can also check out what DUO is about here @duo-curator
I do like DUO and hold it, and could be a guest author and I am sure @deraaa would too...
Ahhhhh… me coming to your DM to ask what this is in full details
Ok no bother
Appreciate your support, And looking forward to your guest author post !DOOK !BBH !DUO
You just got DUO from @bitcoinman.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(9/50)@tengolotodo! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
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@hive-193566, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @tengolotodo gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out or join our
@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/4) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @bitcoinman gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out or join our
DOOK discord
@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (4/4) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @bitcoinman gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out or join our
Check'n in. Looking for players for Pepe Game - Battle Frog Card Game - Reply to be invited and get rewarded 100 DOOK man!
It feels good man !DOOK !BBH
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(25/50)@pepetoken! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
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I have to admit, I don’t really see the difference between a thread and a threadcast… I’m no boomer, just oldskool! 😎 #dailydook
Lol don't worry it can be confusing they sort of the same thing but the thredcast gets featured at the top of leo when it gets more than 15 comments !DOOK !BBH
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(23/50)@pele23! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
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📚 Leo Book Club 🦁
#threadcast 49
Wed 13-Nov-24
ℹ️ This is the #bookcast where we chat all things #books
💬 Talk about what you've read, what you'd like to read and discuss the world of literature!
Happy reading! 📖
Welcome to the Wednesday BookCast! Share all your reading chit-chat right here...
Yesterday's edition:
Samantha Harvey’s ‘beautiful and ambitious’ Orbital wins Booker prize
Article via The Guardian
I read every novel on the Booker short-list – only three are worth reading
Article via iNews
Best books for Liverpool FC fans this Christmas – our top 12 picks for you
Article via This Is Anfield
Florida education officials report hundreds of books pulled from school libraries
Article via AP News
The best children’s books of 2024, from war stories to a master’s last novel
Article via The Telegraph
10 New Business Books For Founders Looking To Get Ahead
Article via Forbes
News - BBC Radio 4 launches 'Take Four Books' in Scotland to replace 'Open Book'
Article via The Bookseller
I Gave My Son the Books I Loved. He Chose ‘Heidi’ Instead
Article via New York Times
'The Bookshop' Is One of the 100 Must-Read Books of 2024
Article via Yahoo
Silo: What Happens To Juliette In The Books
Article via Screen Rant
The best books of 2024, according to the Amazon Books Editors
Article via AboutAmazon
The Best Books For Improving Business Operations
Article via TechRound
Five tips to help you get your children reading for pleasure – with five books chosen by children
Article via The Conversation
Jerry Garcia’s voice recreated by AI for books, articles and more
Article via Uncut
The week’s bestselling books, Nov. 17
Article via LA Times
📚 'The Obstacle is the Way’ by Ryan Holiday
📖 The art of turning adversity to your advantage.
🎞️ FightMediocrity YouTube channel give their review…
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #129
November 13
Keith Hernandez mourns after death of 22-year-old cat Hadji: 'I loved him so much'
Feline fans everywhere mourn the loss of Amazin’ Hadji.
Mets legend Keith Hernandez announced in a sorrowful post Wednesday that his 22-year-old cat died last week.
“It’s with a heavy heart that I must tell you that I had to put Hadji down last week,” Hernandez, now the Mets’ color commentator with SNY, said on X. “It was his time to go. I loved him so much and miss him dearly. He was a great companion for 22 yrs. RIP my little guy.”
#keithhernandez #nymets #hadji #cat #pet #death #sports
“My old buddy. See you in another life. I know you’ll be waiting for me with open paws,” the five-time All Star and two-time World Series champion wrote in another X post that included the tomcat’s picture.
Hadji’s euthanasia is a second sting in the already tenuous hearts of sports personalities and their faithful followers.
Less than a week ago, Kirk Herbstreit lamented that his beloved Golden Retriever, Ben, had been put down following a battle with cancer.
Named after a character in the 1960s animated television show “Jonny Quest,” Hadji was a Bengal, “a breed that is four generations removed from the Asian Tree Leopard,” Hernandez told GQ in 2021.
The love and tender regard with which Hernandez, 71, held Hadji is well known among the Mets faithful: the cat was referenced many a time during baseball broadcasts — sometimes unintentionally.
Venda de jogadores do Botafogo pode ajudar Lyon a evitar punição na França; entenda
Na próxima sexta-feira, o Lyon terá de prestar contas à Direção Nacional de Controle de Gestão (DNCG) da Liga de Futebol Profissional da França sobre a sua situação econômica. A reunião foi marcada após a Eagle Football Group, holding que pertence a John Textor, registrar um déficit de 25,7 milhões de euros (R$ 157 milhões) ao fim da temporada 2023/24.
#sports #botafogo #lyon
Segundo a imprensa francesa, a perda de receitas elevou a dívida da Eagle a 500 milhões de euros (R$ 3 bilhões). Por isso, a DNCG espera que os dirigentes do Lyon apresentem garantias financeiras de, pelo menos, 100 milhões de euros para a atual temporada.
Se não apresentar um planejamento financeiro sustentável, o clube francês de John Textor corre o risco de sofrer uma punição do órgão fiscalizador da liga, desde a fiscalização nas próximas contratações e na folha de pagamento até um rebaixamento no Campeonato Francês. O Lyon é o quinto colocado na atual temporada.
Em entrevista à rádio francesa RMC, o diretor do Sport Business Observatory, Vincent Chaudel, afirmou que a DNCG "quer ver algo concreto" da parte do Lyon. Uma possível saída, segundo a imprensa francesa, é o compromisso por parte de Textor de vender jogadores dos clubes pertencentes ao grupo Eagle, seja do próprio Lyon ou dos demais espalhados pelo mundo, como o Botafogo, no Brasil, ou o belga Molenbeek. A outra solução passa pela venda dos 45% de ações do Crystal Palace, da Inglaterra, pertencentes à holding de Textor.
No comunicado de imprensa em que divulgou seus resultados financeiros da última temporada, a Eagle Group anunciou contribuições de 75 milhões de euros até ao final de dezembro de 2024 sob a forma de capitais próprios e/ou receitas da venda de jogadores detidos por clubes da holding, podendo chegar a 100 milhões de euros no início de 2025 após a "conclusão das transferências de jogadores durante a janela de transferências de janeiro de 2025".
Escalação da Seleção: Dorival Júnior confirma volta de Vini como única novidade para pegar a Venezuela
Vini Júnior é a única novidade da seleção brasileira em relação ao time que venceu o Peru na última rodada das eliminatórias. Dorival Júnior confirmou nesta quarta-feira a escalação para pegar a Venezuela com craque do Real Madrid na vaga de Rodrygo, cortado por lesão.
#sports #futebol #brazil
Desta maneira, o Brasil entra em campo às 18h (de Brasília) de quinta-feira, no estádio Monumental de Maturín com Ederson, Vanderson, Marquinhos, Gabriel Magalhães e Abner; Bruno Guimarães, Gerson e Raphinha; Vini Jr, Igor Jesus e Savinho. O camisa 7 não participou das vitórias sobre Chile e Peru por conta de uma lesão na cervical.
Até mesmo pelo pouco período de treinamentos (apenas dois com elenco completo), Dorival já chegou a Belém com a ideia de mexer o mínimo possível no time titular. Para o treinador, o momento é de dar sequência e valorizar o que tem dado certo:
Dorival falou ainda das situações de André e Guilherme Arana, que ficaram fora do treinamento desta quarta, em Belém, por questões médicas. A comissão técnica decidiu esticar a corda até a próxima sexta-feira para decidir ambos seguem para a partida contra o Uruguai ou serão cortados:
Uma avaliação maior será feita após a partida da Venezuela para caso necessário tomarmos as posições devidas para alteração. A princípio, vamos tentar uma recuperação pela forma que foram as lesões.
A seleção brasileira viaja em voo fretado para a Venezuela na tarde desta quarta e retorna ao Brasil após a partida diretamente para Salvador, onde encara o Uruguai, terça-feira, na Fonte Nova. Com 16 pontos, a equipe ocupa a quarta colocação nas eliminatórias e subirá ao segundo lugar na noite de quinta em caso de vitória.
Raphinha será o camisa 10 da Seleção nos jogos contra Venezuela e Uruguai
A seleção brasileira tem um novo camisa 10. Raphinha herdou o número histórico na ausência de Rodrygo, cortado por lesão e que vestiu desde a lesão de Neymar, em outubro de 2023. Esta foi a principal novidade na numeração divulgada pela CBF nesta quarta-feira para as partidas contra Venezuela e Uruguai pelas eliminatórias sul-americanas para a Copa de 2026.
A escolha faz jus não somente ao grande momento de Raphinha pelo Barcelona como também pela nova função dele em campo. Não à toa, o jogador foi anunciado por Dorival Júnior como meio-campista e não como atacante na lista do dia 1º de novembro. Na Data Fifa de outubro, quando marcou dois gols diante do Peru, ele vestiu a camisa 11, que agora será de Gabriel Martinelli.
Desde a Copa de 2022, Rodrygo vestiu a 10 em todas as oportunidades em que Neymar esteve ausente - 15 jogos foram realizados no período. O craque esteve à disposição apenas em quatro partidas: contra Bolívia, Peru, Venezuela e Uruguai, pelas eliminatórias.
De volta após lesão que o tirou dos jogos de outubro, Vini Jr. volta a vestir a camisa 7, enquanto Igor Jesus será novamente o 9. Novidade na lista, Estevão, do Palmeiras, envergará a 22.
Sampaoli pede à diretoria do Rennes a contratação de Gerson e Fabrício Bruno, do Flamengo
Apresentado pelo Rennes na última segunda-feira, o treinador argentino Jorge Sampaoli quer contar com dois jogadores que dirigiu no Flamengo. São eles: o zagueiro Fabrício Bruno e o meio-campista Gerson. Nenhuma proposta foi feita, até porque a janela está fechada ainda.
#sports #flamengo #rennes
O meia, aliás, também trabalhou com Sampaoli no Olympique de Marselha. No período em que foi treinado pelo argentino, o capitão rubro-negro viveu seu melhor momento no futebol francês.
Fabrício Bruno foi titular absoluto com Jorge Sampaoli no Flamengo e já estava no radar do Rennes antes mesmo da chegada do argentino.
Na última janela, o clube francês ofereceu 14 milhões de euros (R$ 85,7 milhões na cotação da época) ao Flamengo, mas teve proposta recusada inicialmente. Na sequência, pintou a oportunidade de contratar o senegalês Mika Faye, que defendia o Barcelona, e os franceses acabaram optando por ele.
Depois que Sampaoli deixou o Flamengo, em setembro do ano passado, Fabrício Bruno e Gerson passaram a ser convocados com frequência pelos treinadores que passaram pela seleção brasileira e voltaram a ficar no radar de clubes europeus.
Atlético-MG muda planos para Paulinho, que "volta" ao Brasileirão após mais de um mês
Paulinho está entre os relacionados para o jogo do Atlético-MG contra o Flamengo, nesta quarta-feira, no Maracanã, voltando a figurar em um jogo do Campeonato Brasileiro depois de mais de um mês. O atacante estava sendo preservado para ser utilizado somente nas Copas, por causa de uma lesão e das constantes dores na estrutura óssea da perna direita.
#sports #atleticomg
Com o vice na Copa do Brasil, o Atlético-MG mira o título da Conmebol Libertadores nesta reta final de temporada. Caso não levante a taça, o Galo corre o risco de ficar de fora da próxima edição da principal competição do continente, por causa da posição do clube na tabela do Campeonato Brasileiro. Também por isso, a comissão técnica decidiu escalar força máxima nos jogos até a decisão continental.
Neste momento, o Galo ocupa o 11ª lugar com 41 pontos, seis atrás do arquirrival Cruzeiro, sétimo colocado. Com o título do Flamengo na Copa do Brasil, os times que ficarem entre a primeira e a sétima posição vão disputar Libertadores de 2025. No caso de o Atlético ser derrotado pelo Botafogo na final da competição, o oitavo colocado também se classifica para a disputa do ano que vem.
O Galo tem, no fim do mês, a decisão da Libertadores contra o Botafogo, em Buenos Aires. Até lá, o clube vai dosar quais as partidas o camisa 10 vai jogar. A tendência é que atue em algumas partidas, justamente para não perder totalmente o ritmo de jogo.
Depois de enfrentar o Flamengo, pega o Athletico-PR no fim de semana, cumprindo jogos que estavam em atraso no Brasileirão. Depois, terá Botafogo. Antes da finalíssima, terá Botafogo, São Paulo e Juventude pela competição nacional. Após o jogo da Libertadores, finaliza a Série A diante de Vasco e Athletico-PR.
Ex-São Paulo e Corinthians conta como perdeu tudo antes de recomeçar na Ásia: "Não juntei um real"
De joia da base do São Paulo a funcionário de fábrica de sacolas. De namorar atriz famosa a ter dívidas até com a mãe. De ser protagonista no Sudeste Asiático a apanhar em festa em ilha paradisíaca e precisar fugir nadando. Se há histórias de vida que se tornam livros, uma biografia hipotética do atacante brasileiro Patrick Cruz poderia render uma coletânea inteira. Isso, com apenas 31 anos de muitas peripécias pelo mundo.
#sports #saopaulo
Mineiro de Uberaba, Patrick defende o Pattaya United, time da 2ª Divisão da Tailândia. Na carreira, também jogou na Indonésia, na Malásia, na Rússia, no Vietnã e em Malta. Uma peregrinação pelo "Planeta Bola" que começou em Cotia — ao lado de nomes como Casemiro, Lucas Moura e Rodrigo Caio —, passou pelo Corinthians de Guerrero e Sheik e por pouco não terminou antes do esperado por conta da "gastação" de dinheiro.
— Eu tive tudo e perdi tudo. Inclusive fiquei devendo muito dinheiro para minha mãe, que foi a que mais me avisou. Eu não consegui guardar nada. Trocava de carro, sempre comprava roupa, vivia para lá, para cá, viajando, fazendo isso, fazendo aquilo.
Ao ge, Patrick não conteve as palavras e relembrou os momentos-chave da carreira. Admitiu ter se perdido em meio à badalação quando estava na base. Lembrou o período em que, sem dinheiro e sem clube, se afastou do esporte para trabalhar com a família.
Celebrou a chance de recomeçar no futebol na Ásia. Contou "causos" das andanças pelo mundo e ainda especulou uma possível volta ao Brasil nos próximos anos. Por fim, afirmou se sentir realizado, mesmo com os altos e baixos: "Se eu morrer hoje, minha vida foi muito boa".
Fora da temporada, Arrascaeta chega ao quinto "duplo-duplo" em seis anos de Flamengo
A coleção de números expressivos de Arrascaeta no Brasil não para de aumentar. Com o gol que abriu o placar no primeiro jogo da final e ajudou o Flamengo a conquistar a Copa do Brasil, contra o Atlético-MG, o uruguaio chegou a 10 gols e 10 assistências na temporada e alcançou o quinto "duplo-duplo" em seis anos no Rubro-negro.
#sports #flamengo
O termo "duplo-duplo", mais comum de ser usado em esportes dos Estados Unidos, indica que um atleta atingiu dois dígitos em duas estatísticas. No caso de Arrascaeta, gols e assistências.
No Flamengo, o único ano que Arrascaeta não atingiu dois dígitos em gols e assistências foi 2021. No total, ele marcou nove gols e deu 14 assistências. Vale lembrar que naquela temporada o uruguaio perdeu seis jogos – dois no Carioca, dois no Brasileirão, um na Libertadores e um na Copa do Brasil–, por conta de uma entorse no tornozelo e um estiramento na coxa esquerda.
A temporada ainda não terminou, mas Arrascaeta não pode mais aumentar as estatísticas. No último domingo, após a conquista da Copa do Brasil, o craque uruguaio anunciou que passará por uma cirurgia no joelho esquerdo e não jogará mais em 2024. Neste ano, o Flamengo ainda enfrenta Atlético-MG, Internacional e Vitória, no Maracanã, e Cuiabá, Fortaleza e Criciúma fora.
Pelo clube da Gávea, o uruguaio conquistou duas Libertadores, dois Brasileiros, duas Copas do Brasil, uma Recopa Sul-Americana, duas Supercopas do Brasil e quatro Cariocas, se igualando, em número de títulos, a Zico e Junior, ídolos do rubro-negro.
No total, desde 2019, o camisa 14 tem 290 jogos, 73 gols e 88 assistências.
Bastidores: empresário de Gabigol e Braz amenizam tensão e começam a combinar reta final no Flamengo
O empresário de Gabigol, Junior Pedroso, e Marcos Braz, vice de futebol do Flamengo, tiveram conversa na manhã desta quarta-feira e jogaram água na fervura.
#sports #flamengo
A fim de diminuir a tensão provocada pelo afastamento do atleta da partida com o Atlético-MG, marcada para esta quarta-feira, no Maracanã, as partes já marcaram uma reunião presencial para definirem os próximos passos da relação de forma amigável.
É importante destacar que não foi Filipe Luís quem pediu o afastamento de Gabigol. Trata-se de decisão tomada pelo comando do departamento de futebol.
Minutos após o Flamengo comunicar que Gabigol estava afastado do jogo com o Atlético-MG, o atacante reagiu rápido e prometeu que iria ao Maracanã para assistir à partida do Setor Norte, local onde as organizadas do clube se posicionam.
Nesta quarta-feira, ciente de que tal movimentação poderia causar transtornos sob o aspecto da segurança, Gabigol desistiu da arquibancada e assistirá à partida do próprio camarote, onde costuma ficar quando não está relacionado para os jogos.
O contrato de Gabigol se encerra em 31 de dezembro. No último domingo, em entrevista à TV Globo, ele anunciou que não ficará no Flamengo. Seu provável destino é o Cruzeiro.
Conmebol abre investigação contra o Botafogo após denúncia do Peñarol por gestos de torcedores; entenda
A Conmebol abriu investigação contra o Botafogo após uma denúncia do Peñarol. A apuração é sobre "atos ofensivos e discriminatórios" da torcida alvinegra no jogo de volta da semifinal da Libertadores, em Montevidéu, no último dia 30 de outubro.
#sports #Botafogo
O pedido tem como base um vídeo que mostra brasileiros fazendo gestos de mãos algemadas em referência aos cerca de 200 torcedores detidos no Brasil por confusões antes da partida de ida.
O clube uruguaio formalizou a denúncia na última terça-feira (12), a e Conmebol abriu procedimento disciplinar para investigar o ocorrido. O Botafogo tem até o próximo dia 18 para apresentar a defesa.
Na manhã no dia 23, uruguaios usando a camisa do time depredaram quiosques, queimaram moto e entraram em confronto com a polícia na praia do Recreio.
Internamente, no Botafogo, correntes do clube enxergam o movimento como uma continuidade às narrativas de mudar o que de fato ocorreu no Brasil, por parte do Peñarol, na tentativa de distorcer os acontecimentos. À noite, no Nilton Santos, o espaço destinado à torcida adversária, uruguaios depredaram cadeiras e banheiros.
A possível infração do artigo 12.2 e 15.2 (veja detalhes abaixo), que consta na denúncia, pode resultar em multa de até US$ 100 mil.
Em Montevidéu, ainda no dia do jogo, torcedores do Peñarol fizeram um protestos pela liberação dos presos no Brasil - antes, durante e após a partida. Na saída de campo, inclusive, jogadores fizeram coro ao pedido das arquibancadas.
Novidade da Seleção, Murillo entra na mira de Real Madrid e Barcelona
Novidade na seleção brasileira para os jogos das Eliminatórias da Copa, o zagueiro Murillo é o novo sonho de consumo de dois arquirrivais do futebol europeu. Segundo o diário “Sport”, Real Madrid e Barcelona monitoram o defensor de 22 anos do Nottingham Forest.
#sports #futebol
Além dos dois gigantes espanhóis, Chelsea e Juventus também miram Murillo, que foi vendido ao time inglês pelo Corinthians em 2023 por 12 milhões de euros. De acordo com a imprensa europeia, o defensor custaria agora, no mínimo, 40 milhões de euros (cerca de R$ 244 milhões).
O Real Madrid seria o clube mais disposto a investir em Murillo, uma vez que perdeu Éder Militão para o restante da temporada devido a uma grave lesão no joelho.
Aclamado pela crítica pelo desempenho desde que chegou ao Nottingham Forest na temporada passada, o zagueiro é o 75º convocado pela seleção brasileira desde a Copa do Mundo de 2022 e o 41º estreante. Ele tem apenas 74 jogos como profissional.
Coritiba anuncia saída de Alef Manga, Robson e outros três jogadores; veja a relação
O Coritiba anunciou no início da tarde desta quarta-feira a saída de cinco jogadores que não fazem parte do planejamento para 2025. Na lista estão nomes como os atacantes Alef Manga, Robson, Figueiredo, além do meia Yago Ferreira e o zagueiro Maurício Antônio.
No caso de Alef Manga, o Coxa tinha a opção de estender o vínculo do atacante por mais um ano, mas decidiu pela liberação antecipada. O jogador ficou marcado pelo envolvimento no esquema de apostas esportivas que o suspendeu do futebol por 360 dias. Ele voltou a jogar apenas em outubro deste ano, quando marcou um dos gols na vitória por 3 a 1 sobre o Amazonas, no Couto Pereira, pela Série B.
Outro que não fica é Robson. Aos 33 anos, ele é o vice-artilheiro do Coritiba na temporada, com 14 gols, sendo 11 deles pelo Campeonato Paranaense (foi o goleador do estadual) e outros três na Série B do Brasileiro, e deu seis assistências. O destino dele deve ser o Goiás, que ainda está na disputa pelo acesso à elite de 2025. Recentemente, o camisa 30 completou a marca de 150 jogos pelo Coxa.
Maurício Antônio, considerado uma das lideranças do elenco em 2024, também não vai permanecer no Coritiba. Ele disputou, em quase dois anos de clube, 41 jogos, sendo 38 deles na atual temporada.
Outros dois nomes dispensados de forma antecipada estavam por empréstimos no Coxa. O atacante Figueiredo, pertence ao Vasco, fez 42 jogos, marcou dois gols e contribuiu com duas assistências. Já Yago Ferreira, do Fluminense, se despede do Coritiba com somente cinco partidas e uma assistência.
Ceará goleia fora de casa e é novo vice do returno da Série B; Santos abre três pontos na liderança
O returno da Série B tem um novo vice-líder. O Ceará aproveitou tropeços de rivais na 36ª rodada para subir três posições na tabela do segundo turno, com goleada e hat-trick fora de casa, diante do Botafogo-SP.
O Santos manteve a condição de líder, mas agora abriu três pontos de frente, ao vencer o Coritiba. A cereja do bolo santista foi o acesso sacramentado à Série A de 2025. A briga pelo simbólico título do returno, no entanto, segue aberta - assim como do caneco em si da Segundona.
O Ceará sequer fazia parte do G4 do returno até a semana passada. Era quinto colocado. Os comandados de Léo Condé fizeram sua parte e contaram com sequência de vacilos de seus adversários diretos para alcançar o segundo lugar.
Em Ribeirão Preto, o Vovô não tomou conhecimento do Botafogo-SP e venceu por 4 a 1, com direito a três gols de Saulo Mineiro e um de Erick Pulga, artilheiro da Série B, com 13 gols. Gustavo Buchecha descontou para os mandantes.
O Paysandu também vale a citação. Antes 17º, o Papão subiu para 13º no returno. O mais importante a se comemorar, após a vitória de 1 a 0 sobre o Brusque, foi a permanência garantida do clube na Série B. De quebra, o resultado rebaixou os catarinenses.
Gabigol chama decisão da diretoria do Flamengo de unilateral e diz que verá jogo na arquibancada
O atacante Gabigol se manifestou nesta terça-feira em suas redes sociais sobre a decisão da diretoria de afastá-lo da partida contra o Atlético-MG, na quarta.
#sports #flamengo
Minutos depois do título da Copa do Brasil, no domingo, contra o Atlético-MG, Gabigol anunciou que deixará o Flamengo no ano que vem. O contrato dele com o clube acaba em 31 de dezembro deste ano. O atacante acertou sua ida para o Cruzeiro.
Durante a entrevista de domingo, o jogador fez críticas à diretoria rubro-negra.
Nesta terça, a diretoria decidiu afastá-lo da partida contra o Atlético-MG. Faltam seis partidas para o Flamengo no Brasileirão, três delas em casa. Segundo os dirigentes, o objetivo da medida é "manter a harmonia do elenco".
Gabigol é ídolo do Flamengo. Em seis anos, marcou 160 gols em 305 jogos pelo clube. Ganhou, entre outros títulos, duas Conmebol Libertadores (2019 e 2022), dois Brasileiros (2019 e 2020) e duas Copas do Brasil (2022 e 2024).
Atlético-MG na Arena MRV: Galo irá ao STJD para jogar em casa com portões fechados
O Atlético-MG vai pedir reconsideração da decisão do STJD que determina interdição da Arena MRV e que o time atue com portões fechados até o julgamento dos incidentes ocorridos na final contra o Flamengo. O Galo quer que o Superior Tribunal de Justiça Desportiva escute a defesa e os argumentos do clube, que pretende jogar em casa. O ge reuniu alguns detalhes do que prepara a defesa do Atlético, que tem até dois dias para se manifestar.
O Atlético foi denunciado pela Procuradora nos artigos 211 e 213, Incisos I,II e III do Código Brasileiro de Justiça Desportiva. O argumento usado pelos procuradores é de violação dos referidos códigos, que têm multa, interdição e perda de mando de campo como punições possíveis.
Com a interdição do estádio imposta pelo Código Brasileiro de Justiça Desportiva, se faz valer o artigo 74 do Regulamento Geral da CBF, que afirma que o time que tem o estádio interditado, tem que mandar os jogos em uma distância de, no mínimo, 100 quilômetros. No entanto, não é citado portões fechados. Assim, o Atlético vê inconsistência na decisão.
A decisão do STJD desta terça-feira é de que o Galo, além da interdição da Arena MRV, jogue com portões fechados. O Atlético vai usar isso como argumento para pleitear atuar em Belo Horizonte, inclusive, na Arena MRV, mesmo que sem torcida. Mineirão e Independência não estão descartados, caso seja mantido o veto ao estádio do clube.
O próximo jogo do Galo como mandante é contra o Botafogo, no dia 20. Segundo o clube, ainda não há definição de onde será a partida. Caso tenha que atuar a uma distância de 100 quilômetros de Belo Horizonte, é provável que o clube tenha que jogar fora de Minas Gerais.
Em nota divulgada nesta tarde, após a liminar do STJD que fecha o estádio e ordena jogos com portões fechados, o Galo afirma que quer direito de defesa em um pedido de reconsideração. Um dos argumentos do Atlético na defesa é de que torcedores foram identificados.
Segundo o clube, eles já identificaram alguns infratores. No dia do jogo, 16 torcedores foram conduzidos pela Polícia Militar, sendo que 12 foram detidos por conta de incitação de tumulto, ameaça e caso de injúria racial.
Nota divulgada pelo Galo
"Sobre o pedido de interdição da Arena MRV, o Atlético informa que, pelo fato de o STJD não ter oportunizado ao CAM o exercício do direito de defesa, o Clube apresentará um pedido de reconsideração. O pedido será fundamentado em tudo que foi e está sendo feito pelo Galo em relação à segurança da Arena MRV. O Atlético irá cumprir a ordem do STJD, mas entende que a garantia do direito à ampla defesa é indispensável para a construção de uma decisão justa".
Colts abruptly change back to Anthony Richardson as starting quarterback
Something changed since Monday.
After saying that Joe Flacco would remain the team’s starter earlier in the week, Colts head coach Shane Steichen said Wednesday that it instead will be Anthony Richardson getting the nod against the Jets on Sunday and for the rest of the season.
The Colts benched Richardson two weeks ago as the team had struggled to move the ball and after the 22-year-old had admitted to pulling himself out a game against the Texans for one play because he was “tired.”
#colts #nfl #sports #anthonyrichardson
Flacco, though, was unable to find the magic that he displayed last season when he led the Browns to a surprising playoff run.
The Colts lost back-to-back games to the Vikings and Bills, with Flacco throwing for 451 yards, two touchdowns and four interceptions.
“Joe is a veteran guy, like I’ve said,” Steichen said Monday before his about-face. “He’s had two games that he’d want back, but he goes out there and throws some good passes.
“The interceptions, there’s three of those, there’s two he’d want back. Again, you stick with it, you grind through it, the process of this whole thing really is a process. We’re going through the process, and right now, Joe’s still our guy.”
Now, Anthony is the guy again as the Colts look to stay in the playoff race with their young quarterback.
The Colts (4-6) are one game behind the Broncos for the AFC’s final playoff spot and two games behind the division-leading Texans, although Houston swept the season series.
Dono do Botafogo, Textor reforça busca por clube inglês e explica fracasso em negócio com Everton
O dono da SAF do Botafogo, John Textor, explicou pela primeira vez sobre o fracasso na tentativa de adquirir o Everton, da Inglaterra. Em agosto, o norte-americano ficou perto de comprar o clube, mas foi atravessado pelo Grupo Friedkin, que também é dono da Roma.
#sports #botafogo
A Eagle Football, empresa multi-clubes de Textor, tem 45% das ações do Crystal Palace, mas Textor não toma decisões majoritárias no clube, que possui diferentes acionistas. Por isso, o empresário busca um novo clube na Inglaterra, visando o funcionamento da rede de clubes. Para adquirir um novo clube na Inglaterra, vale ressaltar, ele precisa vender a parte que possui do Palace.
Além de Botafogo e Crystal Palace, Textor também é dono do Lyon (França) e do RWD Molenbeek (Bélgica). Há também o FC Florida, projeto de base de John nos Estados Unidos. É comum haver transações entre os clubes e que uma contratação já venha traçada com uma "ponte" para outro time no futuro.
Thiago Almada, contratação mais cara da história do futebol brasileiro, é um desses casos. Adquirido pelo Botafogo em julho, o argentino tem o futuro ligado ao Lyon. O projeto europeu foi uma das formas que Textor conseguiu convencer o meia a atuar no Alvinegro. O camisa 23, contudo, tem gostado do período no Rio de Janeiro e pode ficar por mais tempo.
Vikings rookie QB J.J. McCarthy undergoes procedure on surgically repaired knee
Minnesota Vikings rookie quarterback J.J. McCarthy recently underwent a procedure on his surgically repaired knee, head coach Kevin O'Connell told reporters on Wednesday.
#sports #nfl
McCarthy had season-ending surgery in August to repair a torn meniscus, and O'Connell said on Wednesday that the training staff noticed "a little swelling" in his knee as McCarthy conducted his rehab.
"We just wanted to make sure that there was no cause for concern," O'Connell said. "All reports were very positive. He's on the original timeline and in good shape. ... (We) feel really good about where he's at."
NFL Network Insiders Ian Rapoport and Tom Pelissero reported Wednesday that McCarthy also received a biologic injection as part of the knee procedure in order to assist in the healing process and ensure his recovery remains on track.
McCarthy is expected to be ready for the start of training camp next year, per Rapoport and Pelissero, and he will continue to attend meetings as appropriate at the team facility.
McCarthy, the No. 10 overall pick in the 2024 draft, impressed in the Vikings' preseason opener in August but sat out practice following the game due to what initially was believed to be knee soreness.
McCarthy's injury prematurely ended any training camp QB battle, and veteran Sam Darnold has started all nine games this for Minnesota, enjoying a career resurgence in leading the Vikings to a 7-2 start.
Minnesota plays at the Tennessee Titans (2-7) on Sunday at 1 p.m. ET.
Bears QB Caleb Williams on OC Shane Waldron's firing: 'I don't get to choose decisions'
Ten weeks into his rookie season, Caleb Williams is already on his second offensive coordinator.
#sports #nfl
"I obviously saw what happened," the rookie quarterback said on Wednesday. "It's tough just because you work months and kind of knew Shane (Waldron) before being drafted here because all of the process and stuff. Just trying to build that relationship and then the guy you've been trying to get on the same page with isn't here anymore. So, now you kind of have to adjust and adjust fast because we are in divisional play and playing the Packers this week."
Tuesday's firing of Shane Waldron thrust Thomas Brown into the play-calling role in Chicago.
"I don't get to choose decisions, nor do I get to choose whether decisions are good, bad, or indifferent," Williams said. "My job is to listen, and from there, go do my job."
He's struggled to do that job the past month behind a struggling offensive line in an offense with no cohesive plan. Waldron's scheme rarely gave Williams easy answers, and some design flaws were stunningly poor.
The issues led the rookie signal-caller to hold the ball far too long and rarely trust his reads.
"It's tough not scoring as much as you feel you should or moving the ball as well as you should. I think that's where the frustration comes from," Williams said.
Following a 4-2 start to the season, the bottom fell out in Chicago. After the bye week, the Bears are 0-3, averaging a futile 9.0 points per game, 156.0 passing yards per game, and haven't scored an offensive touchdown in 23 possessions.
Williams' struggles are at the heart of the issue. He's thrown zero touchdown passes since the bye week and been sacked an average of six times per game with a passer rating of 64.7 over that span.
The talent is there, but there's been little tangible growth over the course of the season. At times, the rookie looks like he's overthinking and not playing up to his natural ability. The issues prompted the change.
The Bears have allowed pressure on 40.0 percent of dropbacks (fourth highest) and 31 unblocked pressures in 2024 (fourth-most in NFL), per Next Gen Stats. The blocking has been porous, but not all the sacks and pressures are on the offensive line. Some of the problems were Williams not finding his outlet and, at other times, the offense not providing an answer for the rookie quarterback.
The Bears have to hope Brown provides a friendlier offense for Williams the rest of the season.
"I think we'll do a good job of marrying everything up together," Williams said of working with Brown. "Making everything look the same and then from there you'll get a few easier passes, a few extra layups. I think it will help us in the run game, it will help us in the pass game. From there, I think it provides more explosiveness for us as an offense."
The first outing won't be easy against a Green Bay Packers club that has dominated the rivalry. The last time the Bears beat the Packers (Week 15, 2018), Williams was a sophomore in high school at Gonzaga Prep.
Colts name QB Anthony Richardson starter for rest of season; Joe Flacco benched after two games
After pulling Anthony Richardson in favor of the veteran Joe Flacco two weeks ago, Colts head coach Shane Steichen announced on Wednesday that he is reversing course and is reinserting Richardson into the lineup as the team's starter for Week 11 against the New York Jets and the remainder of the 2024 campaign.
#nfl #sports
Cynics will be quick to point out Steichen said the same thing when he replaced Richardson with Flacco following Indianapolis' Week 8 loss to the Houston Texans, and they're right. But the magic that Flacco brought to the table during his early season appearances failed to materialize once he took over as the starter, and much of his two performances directly contributed to Indianapolis' losing streak, which now stands at three games.
At 4-6, the Colts aren't yet out of the running. But Steichen only needed to see Flacco's three-interception outing in the Colts' Week 10 loss to the Buffalo Bills to know he might have to renege on his decision under center.
Naturally, the coach framed it as the result of significant strides made by Richardson during his time on the bench in the last two-plus weeks. Those improvements could only be realized after Richardson appeared to disappoint the entire organization by asking to come out of the game for one play during a crucial spot in the loss to Houston because he was tired -- a faux pas in professional sports, and especially for a quarterback.
"Classrooms, the walkthroughs, the practice, the weight room all those little things just gotta be at a higher standard," Steichen explained on Wednesday. "That's what was talked about and that's where we went with it.
"That was discussed with him two weeks ago and those were the conversations that took place and over the last two weeks he's made strides in those areas, big-time strides. Becoming a pro's pro."
Richardson's play wasn't exactly stellar during the stretch that preceded his benching, either. He was remarkably inaccurate and carried a greater threat as a runner than a passer, admitting to his teammates he needed to be better after a 16-10 win over the Miami Dolphins in Week 7.
The next week, he completed 10 of 32 passes for a touchdown, an interception and fumbled twice in the 23-20 loss to Houston.
Richardson's initial benching could be (and was) explained by pointing out his inconsistencies on the field. But judging by Steichen's comments on Wednesday, it was more about professionalism and dedication to his craft than his play. After all, if the former is in line, the latter will inevitably improve over time.
Changes in demeanor and focus -- plus Flacco's 2-4 touchdown-to-interception ratio in two straight losses -- appear to have convinced Steichen it's time to turn back to the youngster.
"Is he a finished product? No. He's not," Steichen said of Richardson. "It's my job to help him get there along with the rest of the coaching staff. But he's a hell of a talent, we've never lost faith or belief in him or his abilities. And he's shown strides. He really has. With that being said, he will be our starter again. He will start this week, he will start the rest of the season."
Teammate Josh Downs -- who benefitted from a higher rate of targets and production with Flacco on the field earlier this season -- backed his fellow 2023 draft classmate, telling reporters on Wednesday "he's been working hard. He's been doing a lot of meetings, and he's ready to get back out there."
"I mean I trust the coaches' decision," Downs continued. "They felt that it was best and I know he's been working. I know that he's had his head down and he's had a good attitude about this whole thing. I'm excited for him to get back out there this week."
Given a serving of humble pie, Richardson sounded like a wiser man when asked about the change Wednesday.
"Just shows that I'm willing to be a pro and I'm willing to sacrifice anything that I need to do for the team," Richardson said. "I feel like these past few weeks has definitely opened my eyes and allowed me to do that and take a deeper dive into myself and see what I'm made of. I'm thankful for these past two weeks and low-key glad it happened."
When Richardson entered the NFL, two main concerns followed him: He hadn't played a ton of football at Florida, and thus, he'd failed to prove he could be a consistent quarterback at the next level. But the potential was too tantalizing to scare off the Colts, who selected him with the fourth-overall pick, watched him find success as a new-age Cam Newton in his first month as a rookie before a shoulder injury prematurely ended his season. Indy then spent the rest of 2023 (and half of 2024) wondering if he might be able to pick up where he left off.
Richardson's lack of experience as a leader showed when he tapped out of the key moment in Houston. He's since been given time to reflect and prove he's willing to be the professional the Colts need him to be in order to lead this franchise.
After three straight losses, Steichen knows the Colts don't have much time to waste. He's willing to risk it with the quarterback who has his whole career ahead of him -- a career that could occur exclusively in Indianapolis if things go well.
It's now up to Richardson to prove his coach right.
"As a competitor you never want to be on the sideline. You always feel like there's opportunity to go out there and help the team," Richardson said. "But just sitting one the sideline just allowed me to look and see the certain things I could correct about myself. Certain things that the team needed help with. I'm just forever grateful for the opportunity. I'm glad Shane feels like I'm the guy once again."
2024 NFL Season, Week 11: Four things to watch for in Commanders-Eagles on Prime Video, NFL+
First place will be on the line when the Philadelphia Eagles host the Washington Commanders on Thursday night at Lincoln Financial Field, the biggest game for both teams this season.
#sports #nfl
After Sunday’s win at Dallas, the 7-2 Eagles leapt back into first place in the NFC East for the first time since winning in Week 1. The Commanders had led the division after each week since Week 2 until Sunday, when they lost to the Steelers at home.
Both Washington and Philadelphia enter the game with seven victories and 2-0 records in the NFC East entering Week 11. This is the first meeting of these teams in which both enter the game four-plus games over .500 since Week 12 of the 1996 season.
The Eagles have dominated the recent series between the rivals, beating the Commanders five of the past six meetings. But this is a different Washington team than we’ve seen in some time. With a win Thursday, it’d have as many victories this season as in any year since 2012 and would be a step closer to their first playoff spot since backing into the postseason with a 7-9 record in 2020.
This is also the first meeting between Jayden Daniels and Jalen Hurts, who each rank in the top three in QB rush yards and who have put up similar passing numbers in 2024. Daniels is the overwhelming favorite to win Offensive Rookie of the Year, and Hurts has steadily improved his MVP candidacy with a bounceback season.
Here are four things to watch for when the Commanders visit the Eagles on Thursday night on Prime Video and NFL+:
Teams that have had more success against the Commanders have tended to do a better job stopping their run game, and RB Brian Robinson Jr. has missed the past two games. There’s also the question of whether the league might be adapting to offensive coordinator Kliff Kingsbury’s system after their hot start. History appears to show that Kingsbury’s offenses -- whether he’s the head coach or OC -- tend to wane in production as seasons wear on. In Weeks 1-9, his offenses have averaged 26.6 points, 377.9 yards and 0.8 turnovers per game. In Weeks 10 and beyond in his career, Kingsbury’s offenses have slipped to 21.2 points, 331.6 yards and 1.5 turnovers per game.
Prior to a tepid game in the blowout of Dallas, Barkley was on a tear; he’s averaged 6.5 yards per carry the past four games. Over that same timeframe, Jalen Hurts has eight rushing TDs and has averaged 4.9 yards per carry. The Commanders did a respectable job containing Lamar Jackson earlier this season, but other mobile QBs (Daniel Jones and Caleb Williams) had some success scrambling against them. If they’re not assignment-sound and don’t bring population to the ball, it could be a long night for Washington.
Fangio will have his hands full, trying to slow down Jayden Daniels as a runner and passer and contending with McLaurin, Zach Ertz and Noah Brown. But Fangio has traditionally done a good job limiting big plays with two-high-safety looks, lighter defensive personnel and occasionally using spies versus athletic QBs. Still, at some point or another, the Eagles’ DBs will be tested. Mitchell and Cooper have been upgrades over their predecessors, James Bradberry and Avonte Maddox, and the entire secondary has held firm, well-equipped with the likes of Darius Slay, C.J. Gardner-Johnson, Reed Blankenship and the rookies.
Phillies looking to trade Alec Bohm as Alex Bregman rumor surfaces
Bohm’s fifth year in the league was a microcosm of the Phillies’ 131st season in franchise history.
There are, it turns out, players not named Juan Soto who may wind up on new teams when the 2025 Major League Baseball season begins next March.
Add Alec Bohm to that list. The infielder with the Philadelphia Phillies, fresh off his first All-Star selection in 2024, is “on the trade block,” ESPN’s Jeff Passan reports.
#philies #mlb #sports #alexbohm #alexbregman
Shortly after that report, ESPN’s Buster Olney noted that a “rival evaluator” believed the Phillies were a logical landing spot for free agent Alex Bregman, who also plays third base.
“His swing translates in that park, strong defense, lots of postseason scar tissue,” Olney wrote on X.
Bregman, a .272 career hitter, was a key part of both recent Astros’ World Series teams and the 30-year-old is one of the top free agents on the market.
Bohm’s fifth year in the league was a microcosm of the Phillies’ 131st season in franchise history — there were extreme highs, extreme lows and disappointing endings.
Aided by the infielder’s stellar work in the box, Philadelphia looked like a true contender through the first half of the season.
The 28-year-old was one of the hottest hitters in baseball early on, slashing .370/.448/.630 in April, then posting an .812 OPS in June.
He hit 11 homers in his first 94 games and ranked as high as 11th among NL players in wins above replacement (WAR).
Leo Entertainment Threadcast.
13/11/2024#threadcast #leoentertainment #mcb
There is always a time when the entertainers come on stage to present what ever the had...
They comes In different styles and form...
You do see them in your TV
You see them in the street
You will also see them on inLeo.... Because here we are....
We can make it happen if only we try....
There is a story of a young boy who lives in the cave from year... They popularly know him as the cave man....
On the eve of Oscars honor, James Bond producers reflect on legacy and future of 007
For the late James Bond producer Albert “Cuddy” Broccoli, receiving the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award was a true high point in his career. He said as much accepting the prize, a non-competitive honorary Oscar, at the Academy Awards in 1982.
#leoentertainment #abcnews
Roger Moore presented it to him that night while his family in the audience looked on, including his daughter, Barbara Broccoli, who was reduced to a puddle of tears, and her brother, Michael G. Wilson.
“He always treasured it,” Barbara Broccoli said in a recent interview with The Associated Press. “It was the most important physical possession he had.”
The award, then a bust of the inimitable “boy wonder” producer of Hollywood’s early years, sat on his mantlepiece for many years. Now, Broccoli, 64, and Wilson, 82, are following in “Cubby’s” footsteps as the 40th recipients, collecting the Oscar statuette Sunday at the 15th Governors Awards in Hollywood.
“It’s a rare honor, and I think that makes it extra special,” Wilson said.
Since its inception in 1937, the award has only been given 39 times, celebrating creative producers for a lifetime of quality films. The roster of honorees is a who’s-who of Hollywood legends from David O. Selznick and Walt Disney to Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. And only once before Broccoli has it gone to a woman, Kathleen Kennedy in 2018.
“It’s very humbling," Broccoli said. “I think of so many people who have come before us, so many people I wish had been given the honor who aren’t with us anymore.”
Though she is quick to point out all the others she thinks more deserving, the fact is that no one quite occupies the space that Broccoli and Wilson do as the guardians of the Bond franchise, one of the longest running film series in history.
Since Cubby and Harry Saltzman purchased the rights to Ian Fleming’s novels in 1961, the 25 films released by EON productions have grossed over $7.6 billion at the global box office. And despite all odds, the major creative decisions, including who gets to be Bond, have stayed in the family through massive changes in the business, including new corporate overlords.
For many years, EON split profits with MGM, which financed and distributed the movies. But that got slightly more complicated in May 2021, several months before the last Daniel Craig Bond, “No Time to Die” opened, when Amazon purchased MGM for $8.45 billion. The siblings continue to own 50% of Bond and maintain creative control over its future. They're also adamant about theatrical.
“People are playing it very safe. I think in times of crisis like this, you've got to be brave," Broccoli said. “It’s certainly a new era in the movie business, so we’re trying to figure it out."
Broccoli has been entrenched in the world of Bond her entire life. She was only a year old when the deal was signed and spent much of her youth on sets around the world. One of her earliest memories was filming “You Only Live Twice” in Japan. She was 6.
Her father’s passion for the films was infectious and she followed him into the business, learning the trade from the ground up. Though she didn’t quite start without connections, as Cubby had when he came to Hollywood in 1934, she never shied away from doing “the dirty work.” During one indie shoot, she remembers scrubbing toilets before the wrap party.
Wilson came into the family when his mother married Cubby in 1959. With two actor parents, he didn’t imagine a career in entertainment for himself. Instead, he pursued law. Then Cubby asked for his advice during a dispute, Wilson “caught the bug” and never looked back.
Cubby passed the torch to the kids in 1995; he died the next year. Since then, Wilson has operated as the business affairs person and Broccoli as more of a creative and practical producer. Their different skills and interests were compatible.
“I think it worked out pretty well,” Wilson said. “We were a good team.”
During their tenure, they bid farewell to the Pierce Brosnan era and welcomed Daniel Craig as the seventh Bond; firm in their decision, despite the immense backlash. They also produced non-Bond films, like “Till.”
But the spotlight on them has intensified as the world awaits official word on Bond No. 8. People are always playing the guessing game with the role, whether it was the long-running fan campaign for Idris Elba or any number of promising young actors who pop on the scene. The latest, stickiest rumor is Aaron Taylor-Johnson,
but Broccoli and Wilson are staying tight-lipped on even a general timeline for when an announcement might come.
“It’s a big decision,” she said.
They’ve teased some things: It will be a man. He’ll likely be in his 30s. Whiteness is not a given. And whoever says yes is doing so with the expectation of at least a decade’s worth of films. One thing is certain: There's going to be a period of adjustment for audiences in the transition. Every Bond had its detractors, especially at the start. Broccoli saw firsthand the vitriol of the internet era when Craig was cast ("anti-Daniel nonsense," she called it.)
But when people finally saw “Casino Royale,” the sentiment shifted to love. The five Craig Bonds are the highest grossing in the series, not adjusting for inflation. It remains one of her proudest moments. And a new Bond means new opportunity.
“Every time we cast a new actor, the films change. It’s the excitement of a new Bond, a new direction,” Wilson said. “Every one of these people who took on the role offered something new and different.”
Plus, they're playing the long game with Bond, producing and cinema in general. And not losing sight of the Cubby spirit.
“He always said films were like the circus coming to town,” Broccoli said. “You set up your tent, everybody comes and you create magic. It's all about pleasing the audience, making sure that people get their bang for their buck.”
News headline
Rivers of Babylon - Boney M.
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion.
#lyricsonleo #leoentertainment
Then the wicked
Carried us away in captivity
required from us a song.
Now how shall we sing the Lord song
in a strange land.
Then the wicked
Carried us away captivity
requiring from us a song.
Now how shall we sing the Lord song
in a strange land.
let the words of our mouth
and the meditation of our heart
be acceptable in thy sight here tonight.
let the words of our mouth
and the meditation of our heart
be acceptable in thy sight here tonight.
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down.
Yeah, yeah, we wept
when we remembered Zion.
who is in for movie tonight
am bored
#leoentertainment #dailydook
let me check if is gonna work tonight 😔😔😔..
ok boss
Trump tells Biden transfer of power will be 'so smooth' as Senate Republicans pick leader
Are we good to go guys?
yes boss
Can we have more fun for the day?
2mins to go
lets goooooooooooooooo
We have started guy's
we are on bro!!.
The last man that told him he should come and eat with the devil is in his grave.. 👀👀👀👀..
I love magical movies
where is prosper?
this is more magical!
oooh really
recomend one for us
weird laughing
someone should buy me a horse
Has the network taken Rolland away?
You will get one for your birthday
yea but am back now
oooh really i cant wait
How weird?
Back to your root abii?
They are been followed ill
Because of network I have to be watching the movie outside
A magician
you need to sacrifice for what you love doing...
He brought the bunny back to life
Am back again
a magician 🤣🤣🤣
He wants to win them over
what a fine bunny
You can take it for yourself...
He wants to teach them what he knows...
Burn the witches
The end of day is near....
Burning of witches 🥶🥶🥶🥶..
One mile for on man is not enough...
Why me
just like that FIRE! FIRE!
They are about to burn her, saying she is a witch 🧹...
Red demon😂😂
Rain of blood
he just tasted blood for above...
Blood rain.
what are they planning
He is showing them witch through map in his book...
they are planing for an adventure...
Here comes another witch 👀👀👀👀..
See possession
Fine lady fighter in a red dress
Its a test of strength
fine ladies everywhere
Woman!!! 👀👀👀👀
Journey don set!!!
I hope you people are awake guys 👀👀👀.
Fire and ice witches weakness
The greatest secret of all.,
Those bad guys wants to steal the magical book
Yes we are
did you saw the evil that came out of those guys?
Thats the hunters...
She just killed the red witch
My movie is skipping
No network oo
Okay she is not dead
The evil witch wants to destroy that book because she knew that they can kill here with it...
Wolf incoming
what a great magic in freezing the wolfs..
Nice magic trick
Absolutely 💯
Get some for yourself..
Greetings gentleman.,
Greetings to you too sir
Something is not right here at all
Which is
they are in for dinner.... Thinks are not right e..
A free devil...
Thats the witch...
The red witch just appeared
is that guy licking blood
Fighting with the evil 🙈🙈🙈..
It has surrounded the village
That guy is really strong
this red witch fine ooo
His uncle just stood in with his life for the boy ,
i wan toast am
next time
The witch capture the youngest among them.... But the witch little daughter is not feeling good with what the witch is doing to the boys..
Yes ooo
I like her
you boys @rollando.silva and @frenzykesimere2, you have started see a beautiful woman abii?
hummmm witch for that matter...
holy Grandfather!!! 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶..
You guys are up to something tonight...
Prepare for battle...
Better and wiser man than his father...
I toast witch I go like am oo because I go use am dey kill all my enemy 😂😂
Hummmmm you may be lying
Lol 🤣 🤣
War everywhere e
you may be mistaken nist..
I go lie for u
The king is under the roof of the witch t...
Son matter e...
Am back once again
Glo is frustrating me
wait they capture the king
See fight ooo
is the witch romancing the king 😂😂😂
Na you sabi oh ...
what a beautiful witch😂😂
Na you sabi? sabi
Are u guys sleeping
Wake up
Collect your money 💰 💰
@calebmarvel01 help me collect her number 😂 😂
Did she just killed him
this witch is so beautiful that if I finish this film
I will repeat it
KEep it up 👍👍👍👍.... Maybe you will see one in your dreams...
i pray so
She just released the king oo
is that an incantation 😂😂
she just made the king to fight one of his own
where are u all
I am in my dream...
she stàb the king
Oh noooo
So romantic 😍💗😍
And boom the fine witch stab herself and it affected the other one
And the king remove the knife and stab the second one
Interesting 😂
Good starbing...
the film has ended
End so soon...
so I was the only one that finished this film
You finished it well ...
#gmfrens! Here is the Motivation, Inspiration, Success #threadcast for 11/13/2024.
#1440minutes #motivationsonleo #inspirationonleo #successonleo #motivation #inspiration #success
Everything that's created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness. Wayne Dyer
Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. Charles Mingus
Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live. David Binder
Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything... whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out. Tina Turner
Critical thinking and curiosity are the key to creativity. Amala Akkineni
Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. William Pollard
An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. Edwin Land
There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. Sophia Loren
There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period. Brene Brown
Femininity is not just lipstick, stylish hairdos, and trendy clothes. It is the divine adornment of humanity. It finds expression in your qualities of your capacity to love, your spirituality, delicacy, radiance, sensitivity, creativity, charm, graciousness, gentleness, dignity, and quiet strength. James E. Faust
Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity. T. S. Eliot
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams
Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things. Steve Jobs
Cooking with kids is not just about ingredients, recipes, and cooking. It's about harnessing imagination, empowerment, and creativity. Guy Fieri
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. Sylvia Plath
Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected. William Plomer
Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention. Deepak Chopra
Negativity is the enemy of creativity. David Lynch
Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse
Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. Bo Bennett
Rational thoughts never drive people's creativity the way emotions do. Neil deGrasse Tyson
Originality is the essence of true scholarship. Creativity is the soul of the true scholar. Nnamdi Azikiwe
Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity. Yoko Ono
The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense. Pablo Picasso
Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things. Ray Bradbury
Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. Edward de Bono
In the world of creativity, laziness translates into an inability to be rigorous enough to create fearlessly. It makes us plagiarise or water our creativity down to make it more acceptable to the public. Shah Rukh Khan
I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user. Bill Gates
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. Erich Fromm
Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous. Bill Moyers
Your ego can become an obstacle to your work. If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity. Marina Abramovic
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas. Donatella Versace
I go wherever my creativity takes me. Lil Wayne
Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm. Earl Nightingale
In order to keep my creativity alive, I just try to enjoy life to the fullest. G-Dragon
The difference between science and the arts is not that they are different sides of the same coin even, or even different parts of the same continuum, but rather, they are manifestations of the same thing. The arts and sciences are avatars of human creativity. Mae Jemison
Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth. Tom Barrett
You see a child play, and it is so close to seeing an artist paint, for in play a child says things without uttering a word. You can see how he solves his problems. You can also see what's wrong. Young children, especially, have enormous creativity, and whatever's in them rises to the surface in free play. Erik Erikson
The most important thing about intellectual property vs. creative expression is that copyright law was created not to stifle creativity but to encourage creativity. Shepard Fairey
Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless. Elizabeth Gilbert
For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity. Jean Dubuffet
Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks. Yo-Yo Ma
Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. Victor Pinchuk
As the world we live in is so unpredictable, the ability to learn and to adapt to change is imperative, alongside creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills. Alain Dehaze
Creativity is an energy. It's a precious energy, and it's something to be protected. A lot of people take for granted that they're a creative person, but I know from experience, feeling it in myself, it is a magic; it is an energy. And it can't be taken for granted. Ava DuVernay
The heart and soul of the company is creativity and innovation. Bob Iger
Many creative people are finding that creativity doesn't grow in abundance, it grows from scarcity - the more Lego bricks you have doesn't mean you're going to be more creative; you can be very creative with very few Lego bricks. Jorgen Vig Knudstorp
Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. We come from the Creator with creativity. I think that each one of us is born with creativity. Maya Angelou
America is composed of all kinds of people - part of the difficulty in our nation today is due to the fact that we are not utilising the abilities and the talents of other brown and black peoples and females that have something to bring to the creativity and the rejuvenation and the revitalisation of this country. Shirley Chisholm
An Internet meme is a hijacking of the original idea. Instead of mutating by random change and spreading by a form of Darwinian selection, Internet memes are altered deliberately by human creativity. There is no attempt at accuracy of copying, as with genes - and as with memes in their original version. Richard Dawkins
having a 'chippy' day at work. Lots of people coming in to get windshield chips repaired.
You’re the OG Chipster! No blemish stands a chance!
G’day Professor!
LOL. Good day Special K :)
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(17/100)@generikat! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
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@generikat likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/5)@bradleyarrow! to your account on behalf of @generikat.
(html comment removed:
This interface to review the votes received is very good, applause for the #devs
It is a good update so you can keep track
I like
The time has come, I now have my premium subscription on #inleo.
Welcome to the premium jungle 🙂🙂🙂🙂.. lol
Thank you very much for the welcome. I had said I would be part of this jungle, and I have done so. 😂
feel free to join our entertainment threadcast, were we have fun of all kind
Thank you very much for the invitation.
you are most welcome 🤗🤗..
welcome to premium!
Thank you so much @solymi
big congrats man, it's my turn soon😍😍
Thank you very much and welcome
you're welcome too
Elon Musk, the billionaire behind SpaceX, has been picked by President Trump to lead the Department of Government Efficiency (Doge). His job will be to cut through government red tape, get rid of unnecessary rules, trim down wasteful spending, and shake up how federal agencies work. This role could give Musk a lot of influence over government policy, especially the rules that affect his businesses.
Wow this is surprising to me, and they all still look good.
#blog #dailydook #freecompliments
girl power, if you want to get in on the #dailydook contest be sure to check into the threadcast
Lets have some fun #dailydook
Here is some fun !hiqvote
We got a winner !!!! I now summon the @dookbank to drop that hiq vote !DOOK !BBH
Woohoo LFG!
Thanks sir :)
My pleasure at !DOOK we all about fun 🤣
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(8/50)@tokenizedsociety! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
(html comment removed:
@dookbank, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (2/4) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @tokenizedsociety gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out or join our
Chain Chatter #threadcast | DASH x INLEO Integration With the Dash Team
We go live in 30 minutes!
Start Engaging2Earn Below!
Can’t wait to see dash integration!
Nice post!
We just need to integrate $USDT and $BTC next! That would be the best!!
Big announcement on this front next week
Won't it be called a Yukata?
I don’t know how he rolls
inleo is the focal point where imagination and creativity becomes projects and projects come to life
Thanks everyone
I am so excited about this... LFG!
Same here.
Earning Crypto IS the reason I entered Crypto!!
There weren't as many options for Libyans to spend money online in 2013, so $BTC was "my" only option, and it was easier to get back then.
Here, lurking, my usual, at work, cannot listen :(
Am pretty happy with Dash Integration, am gonna meet neww people, new serious users and have more fun while engaging.
I'm really waiting to see this happening. The communities, both, can really benefit
Hi, @tsunsica,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
thank god for the threadcast, I splattered my Leo power all over and I can’t stop upvoting stuff so this will keep me busy for a while
I am unable to listen in because I forgot my headphones. I am on a fully stacked subway 😂 people are not appreciating me have that on speaker
lo. I love it
you can always listen to the recording later
With Electric Cars, you won't even need the Gas~
everything needs gas :) with hive you can look at it as an electric car you charge at home every day but you had to buy solar panels :)
Ready to learn about Dash
So with hive lite accounts, the use of keys and it's decryption relates to web2 account, wow, first time hearing that.
427K Followers Ready To Get $LEO Pilled 🦁
Downloading my dash wallet from Google play 😌
Its time guys, let's keep the ball rolling.
I like this distinction:
looking forward to engaging with more people that love Freedom
Man love to hear that
I think having INLEO being the place on HIVE where you can talk to people who know nothing about HIVE. That would be a good selling point!!
INLEO is meant to run on Hive
Not to be Hive
That is the key difference
Yeah... People do feel like INLEO is a scam when I talk about it.
That's one of the reasons I want LeoAI to come fast, because at least that's something you can prove it in 10 seconds of usage, and I won't need to talk at all about the earning part.
Dash Integration coming into play as bull run is on, double good news this season.
Hello Lions. I can feel something big coming with the Dash integration. Can you also feel it?
i think i need a dash wallet :)
Not yet
Wait till it goes live, you'll see what we did to make it easy for you to make both simultaneously ;)
Dash is getting it hot in here soon.
ideally we have ways to interact for people who are just casual users and other ways for hardcore privacy and self custody users
Freely and openly show for the first time, lolz
Special edition, indeed it's gonna be a special edition and we await an exciting news today.
I can hear from X but looks like X is crashing a bit.
I'm on transit, coming back from a short trip but I don't want to miss a second of this space and so I will try to get involved as much as possible until I arrive. It's not cool out here though. 🥺
now I’m imagining khal opening his kimono 👘
Are you facing challenges in the security departments of this HIVE/DASH integration?
Go nuts @ vickyvan, I copied the Space's Link for others to see it later~
While we wait for many users to turn up, lemme comment more so that many users can't see the threadcast.
Come on guys, it's time.
Wow! That's amazing, the opportunity to earn Dash and spend it. Looking forward to owning some $DASH.
I wanted to talk about Amazon, well you just did.
These cases who can never have banks, Is the reason I think crypto is a net positive for Humanity!!!
listening to this, I’m starting to think that INLEO can be the meeting point where many projects form alliances and join together to solve problem.
Massive things and massive growth to be experienced in here, InLEO is getting bigger and bigger.
Let's go!
Something that works which is an app like InLEO 😂😂😂 Love that from you Speaker.
Space Link (again) for those who are late:
Thanks for continuing to share this 🙏🏽
Nice to listen to some DASH Wallet lore!
How do you see the network effects and cross chains navigations since Dash and InLEO is working together?
yeah, I would love to be able to use leodex with just my hive wallet or dash wallet
Meet users where they are and provide what is necessary for them to enjoy and enhance what they do. Yea, nice one khal.
the internet works because Al Gore runs on a hamster wheel which feeds pickle juice into electric wires
I’ve been here since 2017. People left for many reasons, and now we are sealing up a lot of the holes and fixing the broken parts
Then I showed up ;) lol
and you love holes lol
lol, if I could only find one ;)
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(19/100)@selfhelp4trolls! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
I'm just excited with the possibilities with Inleo integration.
Inleo <3 Dash
Wow, the perfect Chain Chatter topic to shell my latest post:
That's true... I never considered it, but LEO x DASH is something news outlets will most likely jump on, without even us telling them to!
To get the rest of hive to use Inleo might not be easy but having a higher percentage using it and advertising it themselves will help go a long way.
Question ❓
How do you look at DASH integration on InLEO on the aspect of navigation and MAUs.
Will there be a community called DASH on InLEO?
To be honest, I see great possibilities surrounding Dash integration in here, it's really super cool.
I held Dash years ago. I better get a wallet to earn and spend!
Question ❓
How is the holding capacity of InLEO as pertaining to dealing with many users coming from Dash and the already number on InLEO, won't there be bugs?
So basically because of DASH integration to InLEO we are gonna see new users coming to INLEO.
So basically one would have happy endings here on INLEO as Dash Integration comes on board.
So Basically even when one is using Dash wallet to log in, earnings will be from InLEO back ends?
Yes... They'll just be converted to DASH whenever they reach a certain thershold!
So simultaneously one is using both Dash and InLEO at Same time. Wow.
Funding out side of the box
Yea, InLEO is gonna be a great killer app, this two big heads , Dash and InLEO is pretty big.
Nice brainstorming today, love it.
Start earning $DASH
How will DASH tokenomics affect hive and Leo token.
does dash also work in Nigeria?
Actually InLEO at the other end is making some people know or hear about Dash for the first time. Its actually my first time.
I use Bitrefill from time to time!!
how do I pay my bills in dash in Japan!?!?
Great news for Android users 😀
😂😂😂😂😎😎 friends that don't have a bank account, they live through crypto pays, wow. That's massive crypto adoption in there.
I just want to own some dash cause I like you guys 🙃 maybe I can use it when I travel. I think it’ll be a while before I can use it in Japan without Kyc
Looks like Dash matrix and it's use is pretty comprehensive but then it's enjoyable from my end .
So basically by mere using INLEO, one is earning Hive, Leo, HBD and Dash.
Oh, another day to learn some good stuffs.
X has started misbehaving again. It sucks, Elon please!!!!!!!!
So cool to see #dash get new users in the process 🤗
INLEO X Dash has been a mutually beneficial one. Let's hope more of these will come. Same tech should help bring even more communities.
Then they'll use premium, subs and LeoDEX 💱
hello guys... Exciting being here again today ☺️
@khaleelkazi, I can't see your Sub-only posts and the platform won't let me re-subscribe!!!!
I'll lose this feedback here
Please take screenshots and post as a top-level thread with #feedback
Already did!
Download 😌
I earn $100-$200 a month at these prices. Even in the bear market, that’s been amazing because over 7 years it adds up, and the bull markets I do much better
Leo has really grown in such a short time since 2019.
yep... Anticipating excitedly 😌
Dash and InLEO is advertising themselves in here. This is actually a win win stuff.
Dash will advertise InLEO and InLEO doing same too.
Hi from a #dash wallet
Welcome to HIVE!!!
I love this partnership. I’ve lost interest in most alts over the years but I’ve always felt good about the dash community.
So actually Dash and InLEO are pretty smart with this idea of integration, now am starting to understand the tokenomics in here.
With Dash Integration wee are gonna experience an Influx in:
The best part about this, you won't need to explain how Reward Pools, and other stuff, works for these kinds of users. Everything is Automated!!
No youtube today?
Nope, Chain Chatter is audio only on X Spaces
Chain Chatters are never on Youtube, sadly...
letÄs go
Time to plug my most recent post:
That's how I'd describe Leodex V1...
Wen Leodex V2?!!!
Talked about this in the AMA
When the Dash integration goes live
Good there is something like a hood
The whole system works, you just have to know what to do and how to do it, yea, you are right.
Its called a special edition for a reason wow, like what am hearing.
X is ok from my end.
I know someone who left because he was accused of content theft... Though he probably did steal content.
lol 😂🤣
Wonderful implementation
can you introduce us to the guy who doesn’t exist? I would love to read his blog
Finally, the talk about the wallet!
The beauty about innovating is learning from past experience and doing better. Kudos to the team for sustainability.
X Is really disturbing real hard.
Looking at the future and seeing what would be of this combo between InLEO and Dash and it's positivities, it gladdnens me.
"Join LEO, Earn DASH™"
Sounds like a good slogan~
I do have a basic understanding at how internet works, it's actually being taught (at a very basic level) in schools here.
It isn't taught around the world?
From what am hearing in here, it is really a special edition.
If one has a downloaded app and Dash wallet, can one cross link both such that if one logs in from one it's gonna be same on the other.
They don't have to but they can
This integration caters to Dash users who already have a Dash wallet
This integration will be so big
If you're on Binance, please go to the Square and use the #DashHiveIntegration tag. Let's make this trending!!!
Lolz, iPhone users, Khal what will you do with this now 😂😂😂😂.
Join InLEO get Dash, sounds Sweet.
finally something we have an advantage on 😌
Wow, this payment stuff is really having some good stuffs in here.
Not Libya, though...
We're still a majorly Cash company, and even the people I trade crypto with for cash are traders, and not spenders.
same with us. We have something like Gcash which is like Dash but uses Fiat.
At least you're using some sort of Digital Cash~
I can't wait to get on my laptop for a flow, the space keeps tripping off as I engage in the threadcast.
Dash in, more users in, more earnings and winnings, that's really cool.
Have up to $5 and all will be converted to DASH, wow.
So all rewards will have to be converted to DASH for Dash users, wow.
Maybe a video on how to make payments using Dash pay could be published so we watch and learn too.
Once Dash pulls in thesee new users it will mean too well for us in here.
$HIVE is still gonna make a huge sense in here.
I always hated investment until crypto. I think it’s because I needed to rely on these shit advisors and brokers who I could easily see were ripping my parents off and pretending they knew what they were talking about, and I thought it was all just schemes, now it’s hands on and I feel so curious about all of it
The government won't like this 😂
I Will have to try using the DASH wallet to login and see how it works
Join the queue 😃
ah! Kind of an unrelated question…
How did INLEO onboard 270 people this week? Are those the people who joined without a referral?
Could be from all of the above
Literally it's a special edition because of the tokenomics been discussed in here today.
if you want to speak on spaces and make friends you can DM, then it’s worth being on X. Otherwise don’t waste your energy
Yea khal, InLEO is gonna be a more vibrant ecosystem as Dash Integration comes in.
who wouldn't love the sound of this?
A banger combo 🔥
X keeps kicking me out of the space and it is annoying
Question ❓
If one logs in to InLEO using Dash, is it gonna count on Dash wallet or InLEO when one wants to calculate the number of Monthly active users or logging in channel.
If you're on #hive but not using INLEO, you're facing completely inward
Time to face outward and welcome new users with open arms
yes, hive users don’t need to be on X unless they are making friends there. Posting out to the abyss of the algorithm is a huge waste of energy
let do this!
Using InLEO is already a no brainer for me, literally everything i do on hive blockchain is through InLEO.
Soon everyone would get into crypto when there are more use cases.
InLEO already is a no
Yea khal, InLEO is meant to run on hive blockchain not replacing it.
Regardless of the fact that other interfaces on hive blockchain have their own social media acts, I prefer InLEO and threads, it's really the best out there for me.
Beautifully differentiated. Inleo and hive
Time to get a DASH wallet I think!
Potential for new MAUs is big
We can make it viral
keys on Hive are probably the best in crypto. i find it weird that people in crypto don't know how to use it. And the plus is i could leak them and lose almost nothing and get my wallet back.
It's a big learning curve
Once you learn it, then it makes sense but I would not say they are the best keys in crypto for the new user
for non crypto users it is certainly confusing.
but as a Web 3 (specially for social media) it is a genius design. in any other "name wallet" if you leak keys your account is gone.
Wait Until #CryptoNews Outlets Talk About This Too!!!
To have the threshold withdrawal rate is pretty easy, being active can get one that.
Anyone seen this?
Yup! Nice~
Lolz, too good to be true, anyways unless one comes onboard you won't understand what happens.
exactly! All my friends think this stuff is a scam. It doesn’t help that they don’t know much about crypto except maybe some they bought on coinbase
Can't wait for the Integration!!!
Dash users don't have to worry about these keys stuff, it's pretty simpler in there.
Can get used to see $LEO in big green numbers!
Bugs do sour the experience, though!
Even one bug encountered per day, is really bad!
The more feedback you post, the faster we fix
Feels like this show will generate tons of good clips for making shorts of!
Remeber that $LEO is cheap now. You want to get more while you can :D
lite accounts sound really great, I think we need to communicate them more
Btw, I have an issue. I created an account when I was preparing a tutorial and lost my keys (out of stupidity)
What are the options for retrieving them?
Nice to see $LEO outperforming today, wow.
I was gonna ask about this resource credit thing. Will dash need resource credits?
You can see it live in this test account: I created it and it's automatically delegated RCs from @leo.voter
Good to know the technicality behind it...
Though won't that mean they'll have to keep their Keystore safe?!!!!!
Khal is giving a good explanation on these keys stuff, wow, khal is arranging those words accordingly.
I think I’m right in the middle
Can authentication work with the phone fingerprint instead?
Working smoothly 😌
Nice to see the autoloading for threadcast working again
Light account protocol that InLEO has came from khal, wow.
Lolz, the keys stuff anyways is something on its own.
More than 214 comments so far.
It's literally Impossible for some people I know to keep their HIVE Keys safe!!! They forget even their Gmail Passwords once per month!!!
Not good!
it is the same as any other crypto wallet. but better because you can actually recover your wallet.
Sign up, use your stuffs, nothing to worry about.
Will we have a $dash wallet together with our $hive and $leo accounts?
I care about Android. Android is basically the only thing I can navigate without stress.
Khal are you live on YouTube? I'm having issues with X, don't know if it's only me.
Chain Chatter is X Space only
Oh, okay.
No... Chain Chatter spaces are never on Youtube.
I just got to know, thanks.
Well, there may not be many on Android, but there are many who are too loyal to iPhone/Mac, though.~
We are having pretty many listeners from X today.
Actually, there are already many people on HIVE who dislike the idea of integrating with other chains, so... We're Crypto people too, I guess.
I support all chains that look for interesting ways to solve problems together
Can't wait to see Dash smooth integration.
New Age Mass Adoption Crypto Apps™
"We're Ready for the Masses!"
--- Khal, 2024
Yea, we have been on for h
Did we discuss a timeframe for this?
Nothing concrete, but should be soon. I guess.
InLEO having millions of hive power, wow. They are already preparing for the future ahead.
Great show! Hope you can have more sittings in the future 🚀
All that you have built @khaleelkazi is for this moment!
Love the heads up on resource credit for Inleo users 🙂
When we will explode with new users, I think a lot of the old Hivieans will have to change their mind about Inleo. They might never align totally with what we are doing here, but we are a great positive for Hive overall!
Everyone is happy, InLEO got the deal done pretty well.
INLEO provides Resource Credits for people registered on HIVE using the platform. So, if we got 10,000 new users, INLEO would have to buy enough HIVE to support all of these creators. A win-win situation to HIVE and LEO!
What did I miss about the RC?
INLEO provides Resource Credits for people registered on HIVE using the platform. So, if we got 10,000 new users, INLEO would have to buy enough HIVE to support all of these creators. A win-win situation to HIVE and LEO!
Dash throwing their weight behind INLEO
100k MAUs inbound
Great point
Partnering with DASH is not about us making money
They bring users to the table. For us, that's way more valuable than money
Dash ❤️ InLEO
Dash x INLEO
Not really, there are some understandable reasons to not join INLEO, it can be even because you don't like the management. As long as someone on HIVE, we're winning!
Someone who's not interacting with new users is not contributing to growing the chain
This is the problem we face on Hive. Everyone is looking within Hive and not outside of it
I have spent years changing this culture with INLEO
PeakD has Snaps
Ecency has Waves
INLEO has Threads
Most of HIVE has microblogging platforms now.~
It's important to be externally facing
The other 2 all cater to Hive users
INLEO caters to crypto users
Going live
It is indeed a special edition and you should come see that yourself.
Listening on Spaces!
Space Link for those who are late:
Massive earner like khal, lolz, yea we acknowledge that.
Hmmmm... Wait, is It live?!!
We have a small group testing it in a private Labs environment ;)
Not sure if I'll be 100% committed, but can I take part in testing too?
What about Bluesky? Many good(?) people left Twitter and went there.
From InLEO's end it would be use InLEO and experience Dash but from Dash it would be the opposite.
Can rewards be auto staked?
that’s how I feel about dex’s 🤐 not all that interested, just wanna be able to trade between Leo hive btc and dash
Does hive governance affect Inleo?
it's all about creating value ☺️
I feel attacked lol
Well, you're here so it must not be that bad.~
1+1=2 Dash collaboration is really cool. Dash itself enjoys the collaboration.
lol tired of winning. Tiger blood bro
😂 when you have no choice but to put up with what you don't like 😌☺️
Dash users, how will they handle resource credit issues since they are coming in for the first time?
We are winning, this meeting is worth my time.
InLEO has experienced a massive growth this year maybe LeoAI will round it all up.
As INLEO had massive growth this year, so did some Lions compared to previous year(s).
Got to run guys 🙂
We are excited,, it's worth my time.
Thank you Khal, Eric and Dash... Well done guys 🤝🏾
Have a nice day/night, every one!
Thanks everyone
Are we gonna have any meeting tomorrow?
It's time to listen to the recording to get what I missed.Thanks for the call @khaleelkazi and @thedesertlynx
Could not make it to the Space, but listening to it now. This is so exciting and a great partnership in the making!
would you like to know more ?
Amazing, looking forward to this.
Looks like $HIVE will be giving up all of its gains within 24 hours again. I'm curious how much of that is sell pressure or if it's just the investors swapping things. I'm leaning towards it's users though selling out. Why would you invest just to lose half of it lol
No idea what the Koren's do
They must be using USDT now lol
It feels like selling pressure. Haven't been here for long but I know that when a long standing project goes through a bear season for long, when a bull shows up, people sell quick (human nature)
Korean pumps always end up at the starting price after a few days…
Hi, @bitcoinflood,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
the cheap Leo is gone, now it is just inexpensive Leo.
get yours before it becomes affordable Leo and FOMO Leo.
Sell me / (us - the real Lions) any of your extra Leo.
3 cents would be nice.
I dare you to list on the order books at 3 cents.
I need to share this
What is the song that came to my mind ... as I am watching the charts
(Bryan Adams, wherever you go, what ever you do, I will be right here waiting for you!) How about you;
FOMO $LEO will happen so much faster than people realize
I think the last cycle, $1 LEO happened in a matter of days
yeah. i spent my extra Leo money on drinks and craps last night.
No regrets.
Haha! How did that saki treat you? That stuff is like crack. Very sneaky. 🤣
I am sure that fun was had by all! Hahaha! And I meant sake BTW.
Do you play #Upland? Use my invite if not! Link in reply.
#newlions #newlion Check out Upland, a virtual property trading game. If you use this link, Upland will award you with a bonus for your first purchase
Same thing happened for LEO in the last cycle
Suddenly, then all at once
I think the rise to $1 happened in a matter of days back in 2021
the beauty of gaining on hive as hive is gaining
Just tried the new signup method and it took me less than 60 seconds to create a new INLEO account
I now have a #dash wallet connected to a #hive wallet and I'm writing a thread on INLEO
This is incredible 🤯
That's amazing
Amazing! Hope more people will realize the potential here!
how you connect your dash wallet with hive?
Welcome to InLeo!
DAMMIT @ONEALPHA!!! Why Did you Have To Increase LEO's Price So Soo~n!!! #leo #crypto #price #hiveengine #cent
le. I want more Leo. I can smell the storm is coming.
I said $100K BTC by EOY.
That looks a little late at this rate.
That's sexy talk
it looks more like the end of the month or this week.
When I was young, I was poor. But after years of struggle...
I'm no longer young.
#jokesonleo #factsonleo
Life changes and that is why every opportunity has to be lived.
HIVE is pumping hard again.
HIVE/HBD trade is more interesting now and profitable.
#Bitcoin hits $91.5K, looks like it's running to 100K 🚀
ATH: $92,810
Right. Let's see when it hits 100K.
Good morning Lions!
Have you seen $HIVE price today??
IT pumped HARD!!
#gmfrens #crypto #cent
What a beautiful day!
Old news... :)
BTC ATH: $92,091
I guess one day I’ll have to tell the story of how I fixed my spinal injuries all by myself without medical assistance 😝 I want to make sure I don’t give any bad advice though so you’ll have to wait til I make any of it public. Feel free to ask me in private if you are having some minor issues though (warning: I’m not a professional anything)
I got neck pain from exercising, and bending my neck since I use my phone for work. How to handle it🤔
I'm really shocked at the amount of pressure my body could take with 0 injury, on 95% of it's surface. The only time I've ever gotten hurt from massage were with two idiot practitioners, one pulling on tendons (stupid) and one trying to push the spine forcefully (also stupid)
But not everyone's body condition is the same, and so I can't be sure what to be careful of. Trust your body and don't do anything that feels dangerous to you. Slowly get used to learning what your body is telling you
you get the wrong massage people and you're screwed man I feel your pain
You can search for "Small intestine meridian" and follow that line both with your hand and the ball against the wall. There are 12 lines like this, but is the one that usually relieves my neck problems. If there are headaches, you might wanna check "gallbladder meridian" which is a bitch, very very complicated
also be a little careful with the side and front of the neck until you get used to it, there are important blood vessels there. Focus on muscles. Sore like a workout is good! Sore that leads to relaxation is good. PAIN that has no release is bad. Once again, I take no responsibility for anything ever.
the sore from workout is a good soar? 🤔 Well it kinda healed itself so it's a good sign
The most general advice I can give is to massage any and all muscles and find the ones that feel sore, and keep massaging them. Pain from massaging muscles usually isn't dangerous and the you'll find you had way more problems then you thought if you look hard enough.
The more specific advice is, find a really sturdy wall and a lacrosse ball and put it between your spine and your shoulder blade and look for painful spots. also massage your upper arms and chest to find points that need work. If none of that works, look around your body to find points that hurt. Hands and feet sometimes release stuff in completely unrelated parts of the body. I do fingers and toes twice a day.
(not an expert, I take no responsibility for anything ever)
then I'm going to start with massage of my neck and feet
Wait what!!!! Now that you said it, have been having some neck pains especially when I'm in the car. And "unprofessional advice* ? 😁
bro you should go into medicine you might actually become a pro at it and maybe find solutions to spinal injuries without much equipments. I think Guru mode has been activated for you
LEO is the top performer today
The lions have awoken
$DASH integration launches next week 🤝
Man feels like everything you have done is aligning perfectly
This is true!
It's easier to retain people who already know each other... Why I didn't think about it like that before? #onboarding #retaining #bbh #cent
Leodex V2...
Are Leodex Automation updates live now? If not, can we apply to test them? #feedback
I think there's value in selling for spending purposes, and putting all your investment bags in #Bitcoin is a really bad idea... There's no guarantee in #crypto!!! #finance #cent #bbh #freecompliments
Going back up! $HIVE

When the lighting is just perfect! #photographers #photography #photocast #nature #landscape
Very nice, where is this?
This is in Flanders, Belgium
Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below
View or trade
Hey @pele23, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.That's some cool shadows. You can publish a post about it on #shadowhunters community.
#thread2earn #freecompliments
Thanks for letting me know, I didn't know about that community!
Very cool!!
This is the result of having 5 minutes of "freedom" for my 2 year old daughter...
She subscribed to 2 Prime Video channels. When I realized it was already too late. LOL
Now I will cancel. I even think they make it so easy for children to commit these actions and their parents don't even notice and pay anyway.
AI in the movie industry
#ai #inleo
Made a small adjustment on the training data. Let's see what it does to the accuracy
Which model did you train? And for what?
Salesforce Einstein DIscovery to predict the odds of winning an opportunity
This Dash user is mixing their funds for extra privacy!
Next step: register a username and enjoy the benefits of a stealth address which doesn't expose the underlying payment address.
(this is different from a Hive username where you can see everyone who sent to a username, with Dash it creates a new address back-end every time so you can't look up a username and see how much money it has)
Your payments should be confidential. 🔐

Not seeing it in iOS
iOS is delayed a couple months behind Android, so it doesn't have the feature yet. 😥 We're working on it as fast as we can though!
can I register a name on IOS? I know it was delayed behind Android.
Not yet, it would be Android only right now (deploying this week). We're doing our best to get iOS up to speed, but we probably need more devs and dev funding.
Building so many things!
any other way to secure my name ?
Desktop app?
Other than waiting or getting an Android, there's an advanced tool that lets you do lots of things like this:
But regular users are better off waiting. This is part of the accelerated Genesis release that the community voted on to get Evolution out the door before everything was 100% ready for everyone.
Anyone can make a new wallet or app that supports usernames etc. though.
So, my first model has an accuracy of 82%
That's not good but also not bad considering I used a relatively small dataset that had a few quality issues (intentional issues for learning purposes)
Now let's work on improving it!
não entendi sobre o que é seu projeto
É um modelo que prevê as chances de uma oportunidade ser convertida em venda tomando como base algumas características como: tipo de indústria, valor total da negociação, como o lead foi gerado e coisas assim.
Boa... vai refinando então, já está num patamar alto de confiabilidade, me parece! Show!
Does anyone know when we will able to see the possible payout of LEO again on threads... I really like it to know what my vote is worth!
An AI generated image for my most recent article... It took multiple attempt to get it right! #generative #ai #aiart #aiimage #freecompliments #bbh
this looks awesome!
Glad you like it!
Any feedback?
The only one that the colors are not really the colors of hive and dash. but I like the whole concept of it
It's AI generated so it's hard to be color-accurate~
very nice graphic
It looks pretty slick! #bbh #politics #crypto #dailydook
Gangster shit, if you want to get in on the #dailydook contest be sure to check into the threadcast
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/50)@pele23! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
(html comment removed:
Will we have a free version when LeoAi gets rolled out? Or it's must be premium even for people who are not unboarded to the platform?
#splinterlands now is FREE TO PLAY! Just started a few battles and lets see if we can build the deck faster along with picking up a few cards.
Just snagged some profits on this morning's $BTC pump, and now it's time to go flying! #fpv #drone #pilot #diy
Ooh~ Drones!!
I need to get a drone. I’m not super technical but my kid is interested. Where is a good place to start? !BBH
For fun with kids, I would say start with something like a DJI Mini. You can get the Mini 2 and 3 for a pretty decent price with the Fly more bundle on Amazon. For FPV, you might find the DJI Avata combo on eBay for a good price.
@dkid14 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/5)@thelogicaldude! to your account on behalf of @dkid14.
(html comment removed:
$DOGE is up!