Mounties in British Columbia are set to announce details of the seizure of what investigators are calling the largest and most sophisticated drug "super lab" in Canada.
A news release Thursday from the RCMP's federal policing program in the Pacific region says an international organized crime group is suspected of using the lab to manufacture fentanyl and methamphetamine for domestic and international markets.
David Teboul, an assistant commissioner with the federal RCMP in the Pacific region, is expected to reveal more details about the operation during a news conference Thursday at 1 p.m. PT.
The news release does not indicate where or when the lab was discovered or whether any arrests have been made in connection with its operation.
Juan Soto is going to go to whoever offers him the most money and I know the Mets’ owner can outbid any team but as a Mets fan do I want them to go all in on Soto? Well, the Mets are building a solid foundation and Soto being Latino and an exciting player they will make up a lot of that money back but they will have to give him an obscene amount of money. Not sure any one player outside of Ohtani is worth the risk?
No player is really but the reality is that they make a lot of money and that’s not going to change.
Until 2008, the village of Samarina, Estonia, was only accessible by road through a small stretch of Russian territory called the Saatse Boot. A new road now allows access without crossing borders! 🚗🌍 #geography #facts
You've got me on this as I've bought a German Shepherd for my parents. He lives freely in their courtyard and he's as smart as a human can be. Unfortunately is quite old now and has some health issues and it got better with human pills if you can imagine it.
yeah 3speak is going to be down for awhile.
There is a reason I don’t work with them.
For my subs I do unlisted YouTube videos and put the link here on InLeo.
What I love the most about InLeo is that it always tries new things, even some non-conventional in the space. It is enough for one of them to hit it big and we are set for life. 🚀🚀🚀
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @winanda!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
This is true for me too... At $0.30 HIVE I'm more likely to post. At $1 HIVE, I'll probably force myself to post every day as the HBD value will be a lot more appealing!
Does this mean that this cycle it will be Lions dominating MEMEs? :D Dogs have had their run, people are ready for something that is more exciting and can ROAR!
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @monkmasters!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
I'm interested in onboarding people and training them to be serious and consistent, guiding them through their journey to be successful on INLEO, Hive.
Sounds interesting with DASH and Memes coming to Inleo. Hope this can create new vibrant communities inside Inleo.
I'm trying to do something with geography
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @solymi!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
The reason why growth processes on InLEO is working out is because InLEO has a great support system from users that belive on the project and the future it has.
How do you guys track retention? I can say if it wasnt for @anderssinho guiding me I would probably not have understood stuff here. We bearly did it either way xP
Are there like a video playlist tutorial somewhere of all the basic steps for Inleo? Maybe something that someone should create otherwise on e.g Youtube :)
Now the meme community is making waves is just because of users that worked hard and believed on their dreams about attention,, value and productivity.
I Actually think we are growing, then people didn't know the usefulness of punishing through InLEO but now users are doing that freely. We keep growing.
Those referring with their link should at some point still check on those they referred to know if they have diffilties too. This will help retain users.
I think it is the referrers duty to encourage and train their referrals to be successful on INLEO, that way everyone grows and the community becomes stronger.
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @anderssinho!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
one of the challenges I have with thread is that it doesn't respond easily. I just wish that the technical team could make it flow easily like Ecency waves #feedback
Terrifier 3 brings back Jonathan from the dead 🔪 after Art the Clown killed him in the previous movie, director Damien Leone confirms the character returns in a supernatural way that fits with the franchise’s style, the movie takes place during Christmas time and promises to be more brutal than its predecessors 🎭 with David Howard Thornton back as Art bringing his twisted performance to new levels of horror 🎬
Não há vírgula a se colocar na presença de Atlético-MG e Botafogo na final da Conmebol Libertadores. É justo que eles estejam lá – pela força que foram adquirindo ao longo do torneio, pelo tanto que se tornaram competitivos, pelo evidente aumento de qualidade no decorrer da temporada. Será uma grande decisão, e ela estará em ótimas mãos.
O Botafogo joga o melhor futebol no país em 2024. É o time mais talentoso do Brasil. O quarteto ofensivo, com Savarino, Luiz Henrique, Thiago Almada e Igor Jesus, concentrou alguns dos momentos mais bonitos da temporada – o segundo tempo do jogo de ida contra o Peñarol foi sublime.
O Atlético não foi tão exuberante ao longo do ano, mas construiu uma competitividade e uma força mental invejáveis. Os dois jogos contra o River Plate, adversário pesadíssimo, mostraram uma equipe à beira da perfeição: capaz de engolir o rival no primeiro jogo e de controlá-lo no segundo, em um ambiente hostil, em um estádio espumando pela classificação. É um time que mostra muita maturidade – aliada à qualidade de jogadores como Paulinho, Gustavo Scarpa e Hulk.
O Botafogo jogou menos contra o Peñarol no Uruguai do que o Atlético contra o River na Argentina, mas as circunstâncias ajudam a explicar isso. Os cariocas construíram vantagem maior contra um adversário mais fraco na partida de ida – por isso, se permitiram o luxo de poupar os jogadores pendurados e fazer um jogo protocolar, de sobrevivência. Não foi a partida dos sonhos, mas bastou. O Galo, por correr mais risco, se viu obrigado a proteger a classificação.
Antes, o Botafogo teve caminho mais duro. Enfrentar Palmeiras e São Paulo é uma estrada mais sinuosa do que encarar San Lorenzo e Fluminense (em uma versão que pouco lembrava o time campeão da Libertadores no ano passado). Foi ali, especialmente contra o Palmeiras, que o time de Artur Jorge deu sinais de que poderia mesmo ser campeão – depois de também passar apuros na primeira fase, quando renasceu após perder os dois primeiros jogos.
Se minha sobrevivência dependesse de acertar o campeão da Libertadores de 2024, eu apostaria no Botafogo. Acho que tem mais chances – pouca coisa, mas tem. E por dois motivos principais: porque o time me parece mais encaixado e porque acredito que seu setor ofensivo possa ser ainda mais decisivo do que o do Atlético. Mas isso, tamanha a qualidade dos times, não significa considerar o Galo azarão – não teria cabimento. Se o time de Gabriel Milito for campeão, não será surpresa alguma.
E ainda há um mês pela frente até a decisão. Muita coisa vai acontecer até lá, especialmente porque os dois times partem com tudo em busca de outros títulos – o da Copa do Brasil para o Atlético, o do Brasileirão para o Botafogo –, o que ajuda a explicar por que eles são os grandes finalistas da Libertadores da América.
O Grande Prêmio de São Paulo de Fórmula 1, conhecido pela imprevisibilidade e também marcado pela coroação de campeões ao longo dos anos, não vai definir o título de 2024, mas certamente será crucial na disputa pelos dois campeonatos: o de pilotos, com quatro nomes na briga, e o de construtores, com três equipes no páreo. Saiba como está o cenário:
Entre os pilotos, Max Verstappen é o atual líder do campeonato com a RBR, mas tem visto a grande vantagem que construiu no início da temporada diminuir e está há 10 corridas sem sentir o gosto da vitória. Por outro lado, Lando Norris, da McLaren, e Charles Leclerc, da Ferrari, têm tido ritmo de corrida superior ao do holandês e chegam embalados para o GP em Interlagos. Norris soma três vitórias na temporada e tem travado disputas tensas com Verstappen na pista, com polêmicas sobre as punições dadas pelos comissários nos GPs dos EUA e do México.
O crescente desempenho da Ferrari, por sua vez, dá esperança a Charles Leclerc. A escuderia italiana venceu as duas últimas corridas, e o monegasco aposta na consistência, com seis pódios nas últimas sete etapas - apesar disso, Leclerc entende que ser campeão não depende só dele e quer tirar vantagem da luta entre os outros dois candidatos ao troféu. Oscar Piastri, também da McLaren, é o 4º colocado e tem chances remotas de conquistar o troféu.
Na competição de construtores, o início do ano indicava mais um título tranquilo para a RBR, atual bicampeã. No entanto, a queda de desempenho do carro e as más exibições do ameaçado Sergio Pérez abriram a brecha para que McLaren e Ferrari ultrapassassem a atual campeã na tabela. Apesar disso, a competição continua totalmente aberta, e qualquer resultado acima ou abaixo da média em Interlagos pode contribuir para mudar esse cenário.
O GP de São Paulo não é o último da temporada: depois da etapa no Brasil, a Fórmula 1 ainda terá provas em Las Vegas (Estados Unidos), Catar e Abu Dhabi (Emirados Árabes Unidos). A etapa catari é a única que contará com corrida sprint, assim como o fim de semana em Interlagos.
Em um fim de semana perfeito, um piloto pode somar 26 pontos: 25 pelo primeiro lugar e mais um pela volta mais rápida. Em pistas que também têm a corrida sprint, como é o caso de São Paulo, a quantidade máxima sobe para 34, já que o vencedor da sprint leva oito pontos no campeonato.
Sendo assim, é impossível que o título seja definido no Brasil, ainda que o líder Verstappen faça uma corrida perfeita (com 34 pontos) e o vice-líder Norris não pontue.
Neste cenário, no entanto, a distância entre os dois, hoje em 47 pontos, subiria para 81. O campeonato ficaria bem próximo de uma definição, mas Lando Norris ainda poderia somar 86 pontos nas últimas três provas para tentar conseguir um “milagre”.
E se ocorrer o extremo contrário? Caso o britânico tenha um fim de semana perfeito em Interlagos e Verstappen não pontue, a distância entre os dois pode cair para 13 pontos - desvantagem possível de tirar em apenas uma corrida. Já Leclerc, que corre por fora, pode reduzir a folga do holandês para 37 pontos. Apesar da ainda considerável diferença, o número daria chances mais reais de título ao piloto da Ferrari.
Soto did not reveal much about his plans after Wednesday’s 7-6 loss other than that he would listen to all 30 teams.
Juan Soto’s teammates want him back in pinstripes.
With the 2024 season officially over and Soto just days away from becoming a free agent, several of Soto’s fellow Yankees made their pitches for him to stay in The Bronx.
“I haven’t really thought about it. I’m proud of the year that Juanny had. It was fun to come to work with him every single day. Just the work he puts in behind the scenes, even when the guy was hitting .320,” Yankees captain Aaron Judge said Wednesday night.
“I’d see him working late after the games, if he had an 0-fer, he was showing up early doing work. Whatever he decides, whatever him and his family decides, he prays on it, he’s going to make the right decision for him and his family. We were definitely lucky to have him and it would be great to keep playing with him because he’s definitely a special player.”
One of the main narratives of the Yankees’ 2024 season centered on whether Soto would be a one-and-done with the team or if this would be the first year in a long-term partnership.
The Yankees acquired Soto knowing he may only be here for one year, although, in theory, bringing him in even for one year could help the odds that he sticks around if he likes his situation.
Soto fit in seamlessly, hitting a career-best 41 homers and driving in 109 runs with a .989 OPS.
Endrick perdeu minutos no Real Madrid. Depois de impressionar, com dois gols marcados, contra Alavés e Stuttgart, mesmo com pouco tempo em campo, chegando a ser titular em jogo da Champions, contra o Lille, o atacante brasileiro deixou de ser utilizado por Ancelotti. Depois de passar quatro jogos sem entrar, o jornal As destacou em sua manchete que Endrick está "invisível".
Apesar de apenas três meses de Real Madrid, Endrick já viveu diferentes momentos. Após a grande apresentação no Santiago Bernabéu, vieram oportunidades apagadas na pré-temporada e memes com Bobby Charlton. Até o brasileiro aproveitar bem os poucos minutos que teve em algumas partidas na LaLiga e na Champions League.
Com os gols marcados e a titularidade em algumas partidas da seleção brasileira - que também foi perdida na última Data Fifa, com a entrada de Igor Jesus - a expectativa sobre o jovem atacante cresceu em Madri. Por isso, chama atenção o fato de não ter sido utilizado nos jogos contra Villarreal, Celta de Vigo, Borussia Dortmund e Barcelona.
Ao todo, Endrick soma nove jogos e dois gols com a camisa merengue. No próximo sábado, o Real tem partida marcada contra o Valencia, mas o encontro deve ser adiado por conta das enchentes na região espanhola. Se confirmar o adiamento, a próxima chance de o atacante brasileiro entrar em campo será contra o Milan, na próxima terça-feira, na Champions League.
The Unrivaled Basketball League appears to be pulling out all of the stops to land Fever All-Star Caitlin Clark.
The new 3-on-3 league, which was founded by the Liberty’s Breanna Stewart and Lynx’s Napheesa Collier, announced Clark’s Fever teammate, Lexie Hull, as one of its 30 players on Wednesday.
Earlier this week, Unrivaled unveiled its 28th player, Aces guard Kate Martin, who is one of Clark’s best friends and her former teammate at Iowa.
Hull and Martin are both deserving of roster spots in the Unrivaled league following strong individual WNBA rookie campaigns.
The news came after Clark and Martin reunited with fellow Hawkeyes alum Gabbie Marshall last weekend, and attended a women’s basketball practice at Iowa.
As seleções masculina e feminina de rugby da Nova Zelândia tradicionalmente fazem o Haka antes ou após jogos e títulos importantes. Mais conhecida como All Blacks, por seu uniforme todo preto, a seleção masculina foi responsável por, ao longo dos anos, apresentar ao mundo essa dança ritual de guerra Maori, povo nativo do país. Pois o astro do rugby britânico Joe Marler resolveu sugerir o banimento do Haka das partidas, e precisou fechar temporariamente seu X/Twitter por causa de todas as críticas que recebeu.
O Haka precisa ser banido. É ridículo. Só é bom quando há algum tipo de resposta do outro time. Como os garotos da liga fizeram na semana passada - escreveu Marler, referindo-se ao ritual Siva Tau, realizado pela seleção de Samoa uma semana antes em partida contra a Inglaterra.
Tenha um pouco de respeito por outras culturas - respondeu um internauta, em meio a uma série de outras críticas de pessoas que defendem o Haka como expressão cultural e também como parte do espetáculo do rugby, capaz de eletrizar o público presente nos jogos da Nova Zelândia.
O tweet de Marler foi escrito na terça-feira (29). Diante das respostas negativas, o atleta suspendeu sua conta da rede social por algumas horas, mas a reativou já na quarta-feira (30).
Contexto é tudo. Estou apenas me divertindo um pouco tentando despertar o interesse em um mega jogo de rugby. Algumas respostas selvagens. Muito amor - escreveu, e completou em mais um tweet: - Também, precisava satisfazer meu narcisismo.
O canto de guerra do Haka gritado junto com a dança diz:
"Ka mate! Ka mate! / Ka ora! Ka ora! / Ka mate! Ka mate! / Ka ora! Ka ora! / Tenei te tangata puhuru huru / Nana i tiki mai / Whakawhiti te ra / A hupane, kaupane / A hupane, kaupane / Whiti te ra!"
Traduzido, significa:
"É morte! É morte! / É vida! É vida! / É morte! É morte! / É vida! É vida! / Foi o homem acima de mim / Que me permitiu viver / Enquanto eu subo / Passo a passo / Passo a passo / Rumo à luz do sol!"
A sweep would have been less painful — and perhaps less embarrassing.
In the aftermath of his biggest bet of his offseason and one of the largest in his tenure, Brian Cashman acknowledged the stakes and the urgency.
“We’re just very proud of the fact we can call him a Yankee at this time,” the general manager said in December before his one guaranteed season of Juan Soto, “with the full intentions of taking a shot at a title.”
The shot missed. The Yankees now hurdle into an offseason of uncertainty after a season of a lot of joy, far too many mistakes and ultimately yet more disappointment.
The drought has reached 15 years without a World Series championship for the Yankees, whose dream died three wins short and at the hands of the Dodgers.
Dave Roberts’s group fought its way out of a five-run hole, with the hosts’ help, and celebrated on the field in The Bronx in a dramatic, 7-6, Game 5 Yankees loss on Wednesday that was part heartbreaker and part self-inflicted head-shaker.
“I’m heartbroken. I’m heartbroken,” manager Aaron Boone repeated, “and I’m heartbroken for those guys that poured so much into this. The ending is cruel. It always is.”
Karl-Anthony Towns has changed uniforms and said his turbulent past with Jimmy Butler is irrelevant ahead of Wednesday night’s matchup against the Heat.
Karl-Anthony Towns changed uniforms and said his turbulent past with Jimmy Butler is irrelevant before he punished his old nemesis with 44 points in Wednesday’s 116-107 victory over the Heat.
“I’m a Knick,” Towns repeated three times when asked about Butler. “You’re bringing up Minnesota.
It transitioned quickly to Butler being traded to Philadelphia and a rift between Thibodeau and Towns.
The coach and center, now reunited in New York, squashed their beef in a subsequent conversation — “That was years and years ago,” Towns said Wednesday. “We are totally different men. So it’s cool to be in this spot in our lives together.”
But there’s been less indication of peace with Butler, as the two have jawed back-and-forth in head-to-heads.
A polícia de São Paulo faz buscas nesta quinta-feira para tentar encontrar e prender o presidente, o vice-presidente e um diretor da Mancha Alviverde além de mais três integrantes da principal torcida organizada do Palmeiras. A Justiça decretou na quarta as prisões temporárias, por 30 dias, dos seis palmeirenses.
Um torcedor do Cruzeiro morreu e outros 17 ficaram feridos após a emboscada na Rodovia Fernão Dias, em Mairiporã. Dois ônibus que levavam torcedores da Máfia Azul para Minas Gerais foram vandalizados: um acabou incendiado e outro foi depredado.
Os pedidos de prisões contra os seis torcedores do Palmeiras haviam sido feitos pela Polícia Civil e pelo Ministério Público (MP). Além de decretar as prisões, a Justiça também determinou que a polícia cumprisse mandados de busca e apreensão. Um dos endereços é o da sede da organizada.
Até a última atualização desta reportagem, dois cruzeirenses continuavam internados em hospitais de Mairiporã e Franco da Rocha, na região metropolitana.
A Delegacia de Polícia de Repressão aos Delitos de Intolerância Esportiva (Drade) identificou oito pessoas ligadas à Mancha Alviverde que participaram da emboscada contra torcedores do Cruzeiro.
A Promotoria apura o envolvimento de torcidas que agem como "facções criminosas". Segundo a Drade e o Gaeco, três dos suspeitos investigados têm postos de liderança dentro da Mancha Alviverde.
Seis dos palmeirenses tiveram as prisões temporárias por 30 dias pedidas pela delegacia. O Grupo de Atuação Especial de Combate ao Crime Organizado (Gaeco) do MP, que acompanha a investigação policial, concordou com os pedidos.
As autoridades estão analisando vídeos que circulam na internet e filmagens de câmeras de segurança para identificar mais autores do ataque a ônibus dos torcedores da Máfia Azul.
O caso foi registrado incialmente na Delegacia de Mairiporã como homicídio, incêndio, associação criminosa, lesão corporal e tumulto com violência — este no âmbito da Lei Geral do Esporte. A investigação passou a ser feita depois pela Drade, com sede na capital paulista.
O g1 e a TV Globo apuraram que o Ministério Público foi favorável aos pedidos de prisões feitos pela polícia por causa do risco de fuga dos suspeitos e que eles destruam provas dos crimes. Os promotores destacaram que as imagens refletem banalização da violência e crença absoluta na impunidade.
Ainda segundo a Promotoria, a emboscada dos palmeirenses aos cruzeirenses demonstra escárnio com o poder público e com a sociedade e a audácia da ação planejada e executada à luz do dia.
De acordo com o MP, a Mancha Alviverde ainda tentou refutar o vínculo com os fatos, publicando nota oficial isentando a responsabilidade, apesar do evidente interesse e envolvimento da cúpula nos crimes.
Na quarta-feira, a Federação Paulista de Futebol (FPF) divulgou comunicado interno informando que irá acatar a recomendação do MP para proibir a presença da Mancha Alviverde em estádios de futebol no estado de São Paulo.
"Atender integralmente a recomendação do Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo, para que seja PROIBIDA a entrada, nos estádios de futebol do Estado de São Paulo, de qualquer indumentária e objetos (faixas, bandeiras etc.) que identifiquem os associados da torcida organizada “GRÊMIO RECREATIVO E CULTURAL TORCIDA MANCHA ALVIVERDE” a contar desta data", informa trecho do documento assinado por Fabio Barbosa Moraes, diretor executivo do Departamento de Segurança e Prevenção de Violência da entidade.
"A Federação Paulista de Futebol oficiará aos Órgãos de Segurança do Estado, Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo, para fins de fiscalização no cumprimento desta Portaria. Esta Portaria entra em vigor na presente data, revogadas as disposições em contrário", informa outra parte do comunicado.
Em suas páginas na internet, a direção da Mancha Alviverde negou que tenha organizado, participado ou incentivado qualquer ação relacionada a emboscada contra os cruzeirenses. E que não se responsabiliza por ações isoladas de palmeirenses envolvidos no ataque.
A direção da Máfia Azul se manifestou também em suas redes sociais. No Instagram, a torcida fez postagens com mensagens repudiando o ataque dos palmeirenses contra cruzeirenses. Numa delas, escreveu que "o choro da mãe do seu rival não traz a alegria da sua".
O Palmeiras informou por meio de nota que repudia as cenas de violência do final de semana envolvendo torcedores do clube contra a torcida do Cruzeiro. E defendeu uma punição rigorosa para os criminosos.
O Cruzeiro também se manifestou informando por sua rede social que "lamenta profundamente" mais um episódio de violência. E que é preciso dar um basta a atos criminosos.
O cruzeirense morto é José Victor Miranda, torcedor da Máfia Azul. Ele tinha 30 anos e, segundo seus parentes informaram à reportagem, a vítima estava dentro de um ônibus que foi incendiado e acabou sofrendo queimaduras fatais. Um laudo pericial da polícia irá apontar a causa da morte.
Catorze dos cruzeirenses feridos foram socorridos por ambulâncias e levados para o Hospital Anjo Gabriel, em Mairiporã. Outros três torcedores do Cruzeiro seguiram para um hospital em Franco da Rocha, município vizinho.
Foram apreendidas 12 barras de ferro, dois pedaços de madeira, cinco rojões e duas bolas de sinuca. Os palmeirenses também usaram "miguelitos", que são pregos retorcidos, para furar os pneus dos ônibus dos cruzeirenses e obrigá-los a parar na estrada.
À época, integrantes da Máfia Azul atacaram membros da Mancha Alviverde. O confronto deixou quatro pessoas baleadas e outras dez feridas, entre elas o presidente da torcida palmeirense, num pedágio numa rodovia em Carmópolis de Minas, no Centro-Oeste de Minas Gerais.
As organizadas de Palmeiras e Cruzeiro têm histórico de conflito, desde 1988, entre a Mancha Verde e a Máfia Azul, quando um dos fundadores da Mancha, Cléo Sóstenes Dantas da Silva, foi assassinado baleado com dois tiros.
Na partida seguinte ao ocorrido, disputada contra o Cruzeiro, a Mancha fez homenagens a Cléo, mas que terminou interrompida por cânticos de insulto da Máfia Azul em referência ao fundador - resultando em uma briga no setor destinado à torcida visitante.
Desde então, as organizadas guardaram um histórico de brigas, aliando-se, inclusive, às respectivas torcidas de seus rivais - a Mancha com a Galoucura, do Atlético-MG, e a Máfia Azul com a Independente, do São Paulo.
Players and coaches around the league use plenty of buzzwords to describe their six divisional games each year. Physical and intense come up a lot.
Players and coaches around the league use plenty of buzzwords to describe their six divisional games each year. Physical and intense come up a lot. But the Washington Commanders used a different phrase ahead of Sunday’s tilt with the New York Giants: fun.
Rookie quarterback Jayden Daniels and coach Dan Quinn both said they’re looking forward to facing their division rival.
The Week 2 matchup between the NFC East foes, a 21-18 victory for the Commanders, was anything but fun. Washington limped to victory without scoring a touchdown, instead relying on a franchise record seven field goals from kicker Austin Seibert.
That was seven weeks ago, though.
The 6-2 Commanders of Week 9 said at practice this week that they’ve grown exponentially since the September showdown with the Giants.
The numbers back them up. Through the first two games of his NFL career, Daniels had yet to throw a touchdown.
Then he broke out.
The Commanders’ offense has put on a show since its inert Week 2 performance, orchestrating a hyperefficient display that has drawn comparisons to the St. Louis Rams’ Greatest Show on Turf from the turn of the century. Washington has scored on 60% of its drives this season, the best rate in NFL history through eight games of a season.
Daniels has thrown for 1,326 yards and seven touchdowns in his six games since facing the Giants. The offensive explosion has catapulted the No. 2 draft pick to the front of the Rookie of the Year race and into MVP conversations.
“He can throw it under pressure. He can escape and make plays with his feet. He can escape and make plays with his arm. He’s got good command, which we knew,” Giants coach Brian Daboll said of Daniels this week. “He makes good decisions.”
Shohei Ohtani and the LA Dodgers win franchise's eighth World Series title by beating the New York Yankees in five games.
The Los Angeles Dodgers won their second World Series championship in five seasons, overcoming a five-run deficit with the help of three Yankees defensive miscues and rallying on sacrifice flies from Gavin Lux and Mookie Betts in the eighth inning to beat New York 7-6 in Game 5 on Wednesday night.
Aaron Judge and Jazz Chisholm Jr. hit back-to-back home runs in the first inning, Alex Verdugo’s RBI single chased Jack Flaherty in the second and Giancarlo Stanton’s third-inning homer against Ryan Brasier built a 5-0 Yankees lead.
But errors by Judge in center and Anthony Volpe at shortstop, combined with pitcher Gerrit Cole failing to cover first on Betts’ grounder, helped Los Angeles score five unearned runs in the fifth.
After Stanton’s sixth-inning sacrifice fly put the Yankees back ahead 6-5, the Dodgers loaded the bases against loser Tommy Kahnle in the eighth before the sacrifice flies off Luke Weaver.
Winner Blake Treinen escaped a two-on, one-out jam in the bottom half by retiring Stanton on a flyout and striking out Anthony Rizzo.
Walker Buehler, making his first relief appearance since his rookie season in 2018, pitched a perfect ninth for his first major league save.
Bilal Coulibaly scored a career-high 27 points, and the Washington Wizards beat Atlanta 133-120 on Wednesday night for the second win over the Hawks in three days.
The Wizards swept the home-and-home series with the Hawks after a 121-119 win over Atlanta on Monday. Trae Young had 35 points and 15 assists for Atlanta, but Washington took control with a 16-4 run at the start of the fourth quarter.
Atlanta was missing two starters in Dyson Daniels (right hip) and De’Andre Hunter (right knee), plus Bogdan Bogdanovic (right hamstring). Washington was without starting forward Kyle Kuzma (right groin).
Hawks: Young rebounded after going 2 for 15 from the field in Monday’s game, but after he scored 24 points in the first half, the Wizards were able to keep him under control. The injury-riddled Hawks allowed 76 points in the second half.
Rowdy crowds took to the streets in Los Angeles after the Dodgers won the World Series, setting a bus on fire, breaking into stores and setting off firecrackers.
Rowdy crowds took to the streets in Los Angeles after the Dodgers won the World Series, setting a bus on fire, breaking into stores and setting off firecrackers. A dozen arrests were reported by police early Thursday.
Video showed some people throwing objects at police in Los Angeles as sirens blared and officers told them to leave the area after the Dodgers defeated the Yankees in Game 5 in New York.
There were some “unruly, and at times violent and hostile celebrations,” with several acts of vandalism, including the burning of a Metropolitan Transit Authority bus, Los Angeles police spokesperson Officer Drake Madison said in an email. Arrests were on charges such as failure to disperse, receiving stolen property or commercial burglary, Madison said.
There were also several instances of street takeovers downtown and police used less-lethal munitions to control several hostile and violent crowds, Madison said. In the coming days, detectives will attempt to identify those responsible for crimes, he said.
It’s not that uncommon for blueblood programs to have two five-star prospects arrive on campus in the same year.
It rarely happens at schools that don’t have that kind of tradition. And that’s what makes No. 25 Rutgers one of the most intriguing stories of the season as the Scarlet Knights welcome Ace Bailey and Dylan Harper.
Bailey was the nation’s No. 2 prospect in his high school class and Harper was No. 3, according to composite rankings of recruiting sites compiled by 247Sports. The impact they can have as freshman teammates became apparent on Oct. 17 when Rutgers faced St. John’s in a preseason exhibition. Rutgers lost, 91-85, but Bailey scored 25 points and Harper added 20.
“Dylan, for a freshman, he’s got so much control,” St. John’s coach Rick Pitino said after the game. “He plays like a senior. He’s so much under control. He’s got a lot of Clyde Frazier in him, the way he plays. He was amazing. Ace just has great talent. Both of them are great. I think they’re terrific. Obviously they deserve the ranking that they’re getting.”
Bailey, who is 6-foot-10, averaged 33.4 points, 15.5 rebounds, 3.9 assists and 2.9 blocks while winning a state title his senior year at McEachern High School in Powder Springs, Georgia.
Harper, the son of former NBA guard Ron Harper, had 23 points per game his senior year at Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey, New Jersey.
Six-time Super Bowl-winning owner Robert Kraft and trailblazing quarterback Doug Williams were picked among the nine semifinalists in the contributor category for the 2025 Pro Football Hall of Fame
The names of the candidates released Wednesday came after a Blue Ribbon committee cut the list down from 25 people. The committee will next meet Nov. 12 to pick one finalist for consideration by the full selection committee for the Hall early next year.
The one contributor will be grouped with one coaching candidate and three seniors candidates. Between one and three of those five finalists will make it to the Hall based on getting at least 80% of the votes from the full committee.
Williams was the first Black starting quarterback to start and win a Super Bowl with Washington in the 1987 season. He later worked in the team’s front office.
“Without Doug, I probably wouldn’t be in this seat. He was a pioneer, trailblazer for all African American quarterbacks to follow after,” Commanders rookie quarterback Jayden Daniels said Wednesday. “So that’s awesome for Doug. You know, just him being a mentor to me since I got here, I can’t thank him enough for what he’s done, not only for me, for my family, also. So much respect and love for Doug.”
Kraft bought the New England Patriots in 1994 and quickly turned them into one of the most successful franchises in the NFL. He hired Bill Belichick as coach in 2000 and oversaw the franchise winning six Super Bowl titles from the 2001-2018 seasons.
Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese helped bring women’s basketball to new heights over the past two years. While there may be a ratings dip from last season’s record high, there are plenty of talented players like Paige Bueckers, JuJu Watkins, Deja Kelly and Hannah Hidalgo ready to continue the rise.
“I know we lost some great ones in Angel and Caitlin, but we gained so much more. We gained so much more talent, skill set and marketability,” South Carolina coach Dawn Staley said. “I’m really looking forward to it. I’m glad it’s happened during a time in which I can attest to it, I can share with other people who are just now tuning in.”
Watkins, a Los Angeles native, draws attention at home games at Southern California which routinely sellout and have been known to have a celebrity crowd.
“I don’t know that there’s been a young African American superstar in women’s basketball at this age be able to have this platform, and I think that’s gonna do a ton for communities both in L.A. and across the country,” USC coach Lindsay Gottlieb said. “I wouldn’t bet against her to be able to handle anything. At the same time, it’s our job to prep her for what might be coming and make sure she’s able to have joy and be a kid.”
The Nets defended their way to a two-touchdown cushion against the Grizzlies, and this time they held on for a 119-106 win on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, the Nets built and then blew a huge lead in a heartbreaker against the Nuggets. A night later in Memphis, they closed the deal.
The Nets defended their way to a double-digit cushion against the Grizzlies, and this time they held on for a 119-106 win before a crowd of 14,745 at FedEx Forum on Wednesday.
“Our energy was getting better and better and better and increasing every time,” coach Jordi Fernandez said. “And it’s good to see those guys have a fight for each other. That’s a cool thing. So getting stops helps, having control helps.”
That fight produced the most fouls, most free throws conceded and biggest discrepancy at the charity stripe in the entire league.
Fernandez used gamesmanship in the press and got a technical foul just 1:43 into the game.
“What I was doing is just trying to fight for my guys,” Fernandez said. “Sometimes that happens because you want to see that they’re protected so they’re not the ones complaining. And if somebody has to take the next step, it’s going to be me. I want them to be under control, keep fighting and do the right things on the court.”
It wasn’t flashy. It didn’t draw overflowing praise. It wasn’t the kind of move, like Texas A&M’s previous coaching hire of Jimbo Fisher, that was going to inspire immediate adulation.
But sometimes those are the best choices. So far, Mike Elko is looking like a home run, the former Duke head coach who got his start in coaching as a graduate assistant at Stony Brook and had stints at Fordham, Hofstra, Richmond and Bowling Green leading the Aggies to their first 5-0 start in the SE
Texas A&M didn’t have high expectations. It was picked ninth in the conference coming off a 7-6 season that included the firing of Fisher. Then, it dropped the opener of the Elko era to Notre Dame. At that point, a bowl appearance would’ve been deemed successful in College Station.
But Texas A&M hasn’t lost since, reeling off seven consecutive wins. It knocked off LSU, ranked eighth in the country at the time, on Saturday night, rallying from a 10-point deficit. It now sits alone atop the SEC, ahead of the likes of preseason championship favorites Texas and Georgia.
The Miami Hurricanes went into halftime last weekend up by just 10 points against a floundering Florida State team. The Hurricanes did not play up to their standard in the first half despite having a lead through 30 minutes. Quarterback Cam Ward made sure the team knew it. “We’re not playing like that,” Ward said in an impassioned locker room speech. “We’ve got to pick ourselves up and whoop their ass, bro. We’re at home. We’ve got to beat their [expletive] ass. We restore order in this [expletive] state. We run this. Let’s go.”
The Hurricanes responded and won 36-14 to stay undefeated and keep their path toward spots in both the Atlantic Coast Conference Championship Game and 12-team College Football Playoff alive. “Just trying to get us to play our best brand of football,” Ward said this week about the speech. “We’ve yet to do that do that this year. That was really my message with the guys. We came out, making plays on both sides of the ball. I feel like I just helped push give a little more energy into the game, and we came up with a win.” So much talk about Ward has been on his otherworldly stats and his breakout year in his lone season with the Hurricanes that has him in the Heisman Trophy conversation.
But it’s moments like that halftime speech against Florida State that show where Ward’s focus truly lies. “My goal is not to be a Heisman Trophy winner,” Ward said. “My goal is to win football games and play for a national championship.” The opportunity to chase that goal continues on Saturday when the No. 5 Hurricanes (8-0, 4-0 ACC) host the Duke Blue Devils (6-2, 2-2 ACC) at Hard Rock Stadium. Kickoff is scheduled for noon and the game will be televised on ABC.
It didn’t take long for reporters to ask the sport’s premier free agent whether he expects the Mets to try to persuade him to make a crosstown move.
“I mean, I don’t know what’s the teams that wanna come after me,” he said after the Yankees’ season ended with a loss in Game 5 of the World Series. “But definitely I’ll be open to this and every single team. I don’t have any doors closed or anything like that. So I’m gonna be available to all 30 teams.”
“I feel like every team has the same opportunities when I’m going to the free agency,” he told reporters. “I don’t want to say anybody has any advantage because at the end of the day we’re gonna look at what they have and how much they want me.”
The Athletic predicted a 15-year, $622 million contract for the 26-year-old, four-time All-Star outfielder.
Aaron Judge was asked if he thought Soto enjoyed his time in the Bronx.
“You know you hope so, you know you hope so,” Judge said. “He brought us a lot of joy. I think we brought him a lot of joy as well. Like I said, we were lucky to have him for this year.”
Soto said his teammates “wished me the best of luck and make sure I do the best for me and my family. These guys, very special, and I’m really happy to play with them and really excited what’s going to be.”
He laughed when asked if the fans chanting his name at Yankee Stadium during Game 5 would encourage his decision.
“Probably impact the decision of the ownership,” he quipped. “We will see, we will see how it goes. So definitely real excited and really thankful for these fans. They’ve been incredible all year long.”
The offseason is officially here for Major League Baseball, and the offseason transactions are starting to come in, including the New York Mets. On Thursday, they announced they signed right-handed pitcher Dylan Covey to a one-year major league contract.
The 33-year-old righty split the 2023 season between the Los Angeles Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. He was 1-3 with a 3.77 ERA in 29 games and 43 innings pitched. He had 30 strikeouts and a WHIP of 1.51.
He missed most of the 2024 season with a shoulder strain. He began rehab in late July and had a 2.66 ERA in 20 1/3 minor league innings, all with the Philadelphia Phillies organization. He split those appearances between Clearwater, Reading and Lehigh Valley. During his minor league appearances, he threw a mixture of sinkers (46%), cutters (22%), splitters (19%), and sliders (13%). His fastball velocity was up to 97 mph.
Prior to playing with the Dodgers and Phillies, Covey also spent time in the American League with the Red Sox and White Sox.
Overall, his career record is 7-32 with a 6.18 ERA in 100 games and 307 1/3 innings pitched.
The Mets recently signed right-hander Chris Devenski to a minor league deal.
Soler stood as one of the most obvious trade candidates in all of baseball this offseason, given his defensive limitations and the presence of Marcell Ozuna in Atlanta. The Braves acquired him as something of a desperation move at the deadline, needing help for an injury-ravaged lineup. The plan always seemed to be stomaching Soler in the outfield for a couple of months and pursuing a trade in the offseason (hence Soler ranking prominently on our list of the top 35 trade candidates of the 2024-25 offseason).
The 32-year-old Soler (33 in February) will add a thunderous bat and defensively limited skill set to the Angels’ roster. He inked a three-year, $42MM deal with the Giants last winter on the heels of a 36-homer campaign in Miami and has now been traded twice in the first year of the contract. That isn’t for lack of production, however. To the contrary, Soler enjoyed a solid season at the plate, slashing .241/.338/.442 in 142 games. He was particularly productive from June onward, catching fire with a .263/.366/.489 batting line and clubbing 15 of his 21 homers in that span of 386 plate appearances.
The Braves started their offseason by trading outfielder/designated hitter Jorge Soler to the Angels.
The Angels and Braves wasted little time hammering out the first significant trade of the offseason, as the teams announced Thursday that they’ve agreed on a swap sending designated hitter Jorge Soler to Anaheim in exchange for righty Griffin Canning. There’s reportedly no money changing hands in the deal. The Angels will take on the entirety of the remaining two years and $26MM on Soler’s contract. Atlanta, meanwhile, will be on the hook for Canning’s salary in his final season of arbitration. MLBTR contributor Matt Swartz projects a $5.1MM salary for Canning, who’ll be a free agent next winter.
Devin Williams, RHP, Brewers | Signed through 2025 ($10.5MM club option for 2025, which is his final arbitration season; Brewers could buy out for $250K. Projected $8MM arbitration salary)
Many will assume Williams is on here because of the unfortunate way in which his season — and the Brewers’ season — ended. That’s not the case, however. Williams stood as an obvious trade candidate long before that postseason meltdown. The Brewers are no strangers to trading their best players as they progress through their arbitration years and are particularly frugal when it comes to relief pitching. Josh Hader was in trade chatter for years before being moved with 1.5 seasons of club control remaining. Williams is arguably as good — or at least as talented — on a per-inning basis and will be more affordable.
Williams can command a solid trade return for his final season of club control, while the Brewers save some money, add to their base of young talent, and turn the ninth inning over to a more affordable arm like Trevor Megill, Abner Uribe or Joel Payamps. Milwaukee isn’t far south of its 2024 payroll even if Williams is traded and Willy Adames signs elsewhere, and owner Mark Attanasio’s recent comments didn’t exactly read like someone planning a major payroll spike.
Yandy Diaz, 1B, Rays | Guaranteed $10MM through 2025 (contract contains $12MM club option for 2026, with no buyout)
The Rays are among the most cost-conscious teams in the sport. They have a deceptive level of payroll flexibility this offseason after trading several veterans at the deadline, but Diaz’s $10MM salary will still be a notable contract for them. The 33-year-old had a down season at the plate relative to his high standards, but much of his struggle was confined to April. From May 1 onward, Diaz hit .297/.355/.447 in 490 plate appearances.
Diaz doesn’t hit for a ton of power, however, and the Rays have a heavily right-handed lineup they’d likely prefer to balance out. Teams like the Mariners, Astros, Yankees and Pirates could be on the hunt for first basemen this winter. Flipping Diaz and allotting his playing time to Jonathan Aranda, Curtis Mead and/or Christopher Morel could create flexibility to add in another area while also netting some young talent. The affordable no-buyout option for the 2026 campaign only adds to the allure for other clubs.
All year, right through the American League Championship Series, the New York Yankees overcame a tendency to play sloppy baseball by vanquishing opponents with overwhelming talent. The metrics calculated -- and the eyes figured -- that they were the worst baserunning team in the majors during the regular season. They regularly committed head-scratching defensive miscues. They were not nearly as fundamentally sound as one would expect from a 94-win AL champion.
But the Yankees flaunted superstars. They had Aaron Judge and Juan Soto fueling an offense that banged home runs. They had Gerrit Cole fronting a top-line starting rotation. They discovered an effective bullpen formula in time for October. Ultimately, they out-talented teams -- until they couldn't.
Their shortcomings finally caught up with them in Game 5 of the World Series on Wednesday night. A total defensive meltdown in the fifth inning, one that will be remembered as one of the worst in postseason history, cost the Yankees their season in a 7-6 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers at Yankee Stadium, ultimately ending their bid to become the first team to overcome a 3-0 series deficit in the World Series.
"This is like as bad as it gets," said Cole, the Yankees' Game 5 starter.
Cole was on the mound for the fifth-inning debacle. The right-hander, pitching on four days' rest for the fourth time this season, cruised up to the disaster, holding Los Angeles scoreless over four hitless innings. Cole threw just 49 pitches. The Dodgers' only baserunner reached on a walk. Trouble did not appear imminent. Then everything fell apart.
It started with Enrique Hernández breaking the modest no-hit bid with a leadoff single. Four pitches later, Tommy Edman hit a routine line drive to Judge in center field. An inning earlier, sure-handed Judge had made a highlight catch crashing into the wall to steal extra bases from Freddie Freeman. This time, he flubbed the liner for his first error in 2024 -- regular season or postseason.
"That doesn't happen, we got a different story tonight," Judge said.
The New York Yankees are an American professional baseball team based in the New York City borough of the Bronx. The Yankees compete in Major League Baseball (MLB) as a member club of the American League (AL) East Division. They are one of two major league clubs based in New York City alongside the National League (NL)'s New York Mets. The team was founded in 1903 when Frank Farrell and Bill Devery purchased the franchise rights to the defunct Baltimore Orioles (no relation to the current team of the same name) after it ceased operations and used them to establish the New York Highlanders. The Highlanders were officially renamed the Yankees in 1913.
The team is owned by Yankee Global Enterprises, a limited liability company that is controlled by the family of the late George Steinbrenner. Steinbrenner purchased the team from CBS in 1973. Currently, Brian Cashman is the team's general manager, Aaron Boone is the team's field manager, and Aaron Judge is the team captain. The team's home games were played at the original Yankee Stadium in the Bronx from 1923 to 1973 and from 1976 to 2008. In 1974 and 1975, the Yankees shared Shea Stadium with the Mets, in addition to the New York Jets and the New York Giants. In 2009, they moved into a new ballpark of the same name that was constructed adjacent to the previous facility, which was closed and demolished. The team is perennially among the leaders in MLB attendance.
Arguably the most successful professional sports franchise in the United States, the Yankees have won 21 American League East Division titles, 41 American League pennants, and 27 World Series championships, all of which are MLB records. The team has won more titles than any other franchise in the four major North American sports leagues, after briefly trailing the NHL's Montreal Canadiens between 1993 and 1999. The Yankees have had 44 players and 11 managers inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, including many of the most iconic figures in the sport's history, such as Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford, and Reggie Jackson; more recent inductees include Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter, who received the two highest vote percentages of all Hall of Fame members.
According to Forbes, the Yankees are the second-highest valued sports franchise in the world, after the NFL's Dallas Cowboys, with an estimated value in 2023 of approximately $7.1 billion. The team has garnered enormous popularity and a dedicated fanbase, as well as widespread enmity from fans of other MLB teams. The team's rivalry with the Boston Red Sox is one of the most well-known rivalries in North American sports. The team's logo is internationally known as a fashion item and an icon of New York City and the United States.
From 1903 through the 2024 season, the Yankees' overall win–loss record is 10,778–8,148–88 (a .569 winning percentage)
The Dallas Cowboys have been the most valuable team in the world’s richest sports league for 18 straight years, but America’s Team wasn’t the first franchise worth $1 billion, or $2 billion, or even $3 billion. (By Forbes’ calculations, those milestones were first achieved by, in order, the then-Washington Redskins in 2004, Manchester United in 2012 and Real Madrid in 2013.)
If everything really is bigger in Texas, though, Dallas owner Jerry Jones can surely appreciate this: The Cowboys are the first sports team to cross the $10 billion threshold, landing at $10.1 billion on Forbes’ annual list of the NFL’s most valuable teams. That figure represents a 77% increase since 2020—when the Covid-19 pandemic momentarily slowed NFL teams’ growth—and an annualized return of 15%, beating the S&P 500’s 13% in the same four-year period.
The Cowboys may not have won a Super Bowl since 1996, but they now have a $2.5 billion lead on the NFL’s second-most-valuable team, the Los Angeles Rams—and a $7 billion gap ahead of the No. 32 Cincinnati Bengals—thanks to Dallas’ nearly $800 million in local revenue during the 2023 season, including ticket sales, sponsorships, merchandise and other streams specific to the club. No other pro football team even topped $400 million, with the Las Vegas Raiders and the Rams getting the closest, and Dallas’ $564 million in operating income essentially doubled up the second-place Rams’ $286 million.
All NFL franchises are riding high, however, with roughly $380 million in revenue per team coming from the league’s lucrative new national media rights package, which kicked in last season. The agreements—with CBS, ESPN/ABC, Fox, NBC and YouTube, plus Amazon’s Thursday Night Football deal, which started a year earlier—are set to pay at least $125.5 billion through 2033.
That kind of guaranteed money has all 32 NFL teams now worth at least $4 billion, at an average of $5.7 billion, up 11% from 2023’s record $5.1 billion. And every team is profitable, with operating income of at least $56 million across the board for the 2023 season, according to Forbes estimates. (By contrast, Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer and the NBA each had at least three teams lose money in the most recent season of Forbes data.) Those economics help explain why the NFL’s valuations sit in a relatively narrow band, with the Cowboys worth 2.5 times the last-place Bengals—smaller than the spread in Forbes’ most recent lists for MLB (7.6x), MLS (3x), the NBA (3.2x) and the NHL (5.6x).
The future of the NFL’s “Sunday Ticket” package, which shifted from DirecTV to YouTube last season, is somewhat uncertain in the midst of an antitrust lawsuit in which the presiding federal judge recently overturned the jury’s $4.7 billion verdict against the league. (The plaintiffs are expected to appeal.) But after the Washington Commanders were sold last year for a record $6.05 billion (including a $200 million earn-out), there are tailwinds that could push team prices even higher.
First, Netflix is set to stream two Christmas Day games this season and at least one in 2025 and 2026, adding one more competitor to the media bidding war. The NFL is also growing internationally, with five games being played abroad in 2024 and flag football debuting as an Olympic sport in Los Angeles in 2028. Meanwhile, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell continues to push for an 18-game regular season, after the players’ union reluctantly accepted a 17th game starting in 2021, and the widespread legalization of sports betting is opening new opportunities. In addition, several teams around the league are pursuing new stadiums, which typically boost revenue.
More immediately, the NFL, which has always required team owners to be individuals, could see an influx of private equity money after a vote at a special meeting on Tuesday to allow select funds to own up to 10% of a franchise’s equity. That level of investment is well below what MLB (15%), MLS (20%), the NBA (20%) and the NHL (20%) reportedly permit a fund to own, so the impact may be somewhat muted. The idea, though, is that institutional investors can expand the ranks of potential bidders for teams, a pool that would otherwise keep getting smaller as prices continue to soar.
Likewise, in October, the NFL raised its debt limit for teams to $700 million, from $600 million, and for team buyers to $1.2 billion, from $1.1 billion. That should make it easier for a prospective NFL owner to cover the 30% of a team’s equity that the league requires a franchise’s general partner to hold.
So while the Cowboys are the first team to get to $10 billion, they surely won’t be the last.
The Giants are planning to name Zack Minasian their new general manager on Friday, reports Bob Nightengale of USA Today. Minasian, the brother of Angels GM Perry Minasian, has been the Giants’ vice president of professional scouting since 2022 and a member of the front office since 2019. He replaces former GM Pete Putila and will work under new president of baseball operations Buster Posey.
yes sure, you should first spend some time and know more about coins through research. Also those are all good projects you said including Leo being my fav. of course 👍
$BTC goes 1500 US$ down allegedly over latest polls giving Harris Michigan and Wisconsin back. In the meantime, $HIVE has some major crawling back to do in order to return above 300 sats.
Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 brings back Zerxus Ilerez 👑, the paladin from Exandria Unlimited: Calamity who made a deal with Asmodeus, his return connects to the group’s journey into the Nine Hells 🔥, this callback to Critical Role lore shows how deep the animated series goes into the game’s history, making fans excited about possible connections between different storylines ⚔️
This is pure history and future generations might read about it in schools or universities. Few weeks ago I have watched "Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery" movie trying to reveal Satoshi, but that will never happen.
Whatever you see being done with #ai is possible with LeoAI.
It only comes down to enough data and processing. What LeoAI to recommend restaurants? The data needs to be fed in. Want it to serve as your tour guide? required. Need it to provide recipes? Once again give it the data.
After that, other things can be built on top of it.
Ethereum’s co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, recently revealed the fifth phase in Ethereum’s developmental journey, which he has named “The Purge.” This phase marks a significant milestone in the Ethereum roadmap
Lmao , even prisoners understand the important benefits of investing on crypto , I would really love to know his response , I guess he suggestesuggested BNB
Mounties in British Columbia are set to announce details of the seizure of what investigators are calling the largest and most sophisticated drug "super lab" in Canada.
A news release Thursday from the RCMP's federal policing program in the Pacific region says an international organized crime group is suspected of using the lab to manufacture fentanyl and methamphetamine for domestic and international markets.
David Teboul, an assistant commissioner with the federal RCMP in the Pacific region, is expected to reveal more details about the operation during a news conference Thursday at 1 p.m. PT.
The news release does not indicate where or when the lab was discovered or whether any arrests have been made in connection with its operation.
Juan Soto is going to go to whoever offers him the most money and I know the Mets’ owner can outbid any team but as a Mets fan do I want them to go all in on Soto? Well, the Mets are building a solid foundation and Soto being Latino and an exciting player they will make up a lot of that money back but they will have to give him an obscene amount of money. Not sure any one player outside of Ohtani is worth the risk?
No player is really but the reality is that they make a lot of money and that’s not going to change.
16 years Ago today, Satoshi released the Bitcoin White Paper. The rest is history.
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Muy bonitas excelente colección.
Muchas gracias sacrita! Son mis primeras cartas épicas de verdad que se ven preciosas! Saludos. #spanish #threadstorm #splinterlands #pob #hivenftgamelatino
Those are some awesome pulls, the mimic is awesome ability.
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Until 2008, the village of Samarina, Estonia, was only accessible by road through a small stretch of Russian territory called the Saatse Boot. A new road now allows access without crossing borders! 🚗🌍 #geography #facts
Ella no entiende por qué su cara de preocupación #meme #got #hivenftgamelatino #spanish
¿Qué se olvidó de comprarle?
Lo que a ti se te ocurra; tal vez papel de baño..... #spanish
Dios mío 🤣🤣, eres más gracioso de lo que pensaba. jajaja
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Let's go go go
#leo inleo
Preach it brother!
You've got me on this as I've bought a German Shepherd for my parents. He lives freely in their courtyard and he's as smart as a human can be. Unfortunately is quite old now and has some health issues and it got better with human pills if you can imagine it.
I'm stack thinking 😂
I feel selfish for picking A
Don't want too much harassment for picking B
I feel like I could have had a cooler offer for Picking C
Sneak preview
Added this new dialogue that shows when a user is logged in but isn't currently an INLEO Premium Sub has a slick UI
Always make it easy for someone to spend their money! I like it.
Great work..
that's okay
I’m grateful for a dad who had me come into the garage whenever he was working on a project and have me help.
That is often called cheap labor.
God bless him so much, 🙏🏽🙏🏽 he is a good dad...
Another day, another killer interview I won't be uploading here because 3speak is still down. 😩
yeah 3speak is going to be down for awhile.
There is a reason I don’t work with them.
For my subs I do unlisted YouTube videos and put the link here on InLeo.
Sad. Has it always been this unreliable?
no. It has been good.
The testnet ran fine. The issue is not the tech. But the deployment etc.
If you want to chat about it sometime. Let’s do a call.
I would be down for that, I'm @thedesertlynx on X, Telegram, etc.
your X account can not be messaged.
you can message me @simplegamee on X.
I will reach out on X. My name is @simplegamee on X with 2 e's
3speak going down? Not too good but I believe the team are working something out #feedback
what is the issue with 3speak
It was down for weeks. Now it appears to be up.
I wonder if we send them a bunch of adoral will they fix it faster?
Not sure.
Yeah not sure what they might have done. Must have been a nasty PR that got through xP
I think (I'm just speculating) that it's lack of dev availability.
Rise of the Meme Communities #threadcast | Growing INLEO
We'll be talking about the rise of Meme communities and how INLEO is leveraging new key partnerships to grow to 10k MAUs and beyond
👇🏽 Engage2Earn 👇🏽
You tell a friend and they tell a friend and so on and so on...
Amway at its finest.
Get more owners who are interested in building and will be consistent.
What I love the most about InLeo is that it always tries new things, even some non-conventional in the space. It is enough for one of them to hit it big and we are set for life. 🚀🚀🚀
Yes so much dev happened in the last 6 months, it is pretty incredible.
I onboarded 4 newbies this week so far and there are more to come.
It's nice to see one of them already set and making threads.
Great to see and hear. !BBH !DIY !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(27/100)@winanda! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @winanda! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Looks like its gonna be hectic november december for us Lions
I am ready to do my part!
Ill try to find more ppl to onboard :) if crypto goes nwq ath it might be easier :)
Why is that?
If we want to hit the 10k MAU :)
This is true for me too... At $0.30 HIVE I'm more likely to post. At $1 HIVE, I'll probably force myself to post every day as the HBD value will be a lot more appealing!
If you post and earn now when there is less competition and sell those hive rewards at $1 it will be the same probably even more then waiting.
It's more about the immediate feel that gives me the motivation... Even if I know that, instant gratification is a beast!
How is the Dash collaboration going? Will it finalize before the end of November?
The best way to be always right is to throw 1,000,000 ideas out there at a time, and one of them will be right!
Talk about your favorite Meme tokens on threads and be sure to feed LeoAI a healthy dose of data to learn about them.
I'll rather talk about geography :) Its gonna be so much easier when I reach 10HBD :D
Add the #meme tag and you get rewarded with $MEME and $PEPE tokens too.
On it!
...? Wait... We Are?!!!
Would love to have LeoDex convert tokens automatically for me!
Manually it's very slow, and you'll have to be on top of it until the end!
Having communities with a lot of positive energy and thoughts would help get more vibes and rewards to users if everyone gets in line.
My new memecoin is WEWE.
Created by J. P. Thor
On basechain.
Does this mean that this cycle it will be Lions dominating MEMEs? :D Dogs have had their run, people are ready for something that is more exciting and can ROAR!
Grab Life by The WEWE!!
Should we check out this $WEWE #lolz !BBH !DIY !DOOK
One should always check out the WEWE! Then hold it tight!
It is by J.P Thor of thorchain fame.
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(28/100)@monkmasters! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @monkmasters! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
I'm interested in onboarding people and training them to be serious and consistent, guiding them through their journey to be successful on INLEO, Hive.
Sounds interesting with DASH and Memes coming to Inleo. Hope this can create new vibrant communities inside Inleo.
I'm trying to do something with geography
HIVE is segmented enough on its own... And Medium has the name recognition!
With InLEO, You grow, we grow.
we do not need naysayers from inside of HIVE, there is so much negative sentiment around. New fresh positive peeps we want.
I am the old positive ;)
yes you are!
Peeps almost like #pepe, we just need love man. !BBH !DIY !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(19/100)@solymi! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @solymi! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Hi, @solymi,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Time to market is king nowadays. This is the way!
I'm not into Memecoins too much to be honest...
gotta go back to work unfortunately, have a great time you all!
See you soon!
good luck at work
Hi, @solymi,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
1818 MAU that's good!
More memes, more engagement, more fun.
Eric sounds fine on YT.
I can hear from X pretty well.
Hi, listening on Youtube... I hear Khal for now.
Maybe no data for SHORTS because of the inconsistency from 3speak.
Get more users and keep growing. Yea, Meme to the World.
More users, more value, more earnings.
so many amazing initiatives
Thanks for today, so happy listening to you guy
Thanks all lions for their participation 🦁
Wow, crazy that Threads v2 is landing tomorrow. I am a backend and performance qa test architect, so I will surely appreciate the speed of it. 😆 👍
InLEO rewarding meme community and making it obvious will make other communities out there to work harder.
we have to make sure the DASH community does their part too and they give their users an incentive.
I think there is more to the wider world of what InLEO represents and referring new users should be encouraged.
threadcast is not showing on top row …
yes I saw that too. Had to scroll to find it
Let's increase that usability on LeoDex, that's a key factor for growth!
Those referring should make sure that they are ative, if not for themselves but for those they referred.
I'm looking forward to the time I will be buying LEO in 100s and 1000s of dollars.🦁
I don't like the new rethread system you screenshotted, the images are too small in the thread preview. I like the old look better.
This look is better
Otherwise they clog the feed
Not to me, but I think you should do what you think is best. I gave you my #feedback, and if there are enough people like me, pls consider it.
Leo Chatbot will deliver 2,000 MAUs fairly easily especially with a free trial for 30 days.
It is even little percentage of InLEO that are engaging more often imagine when 70% of InLEO users buys into its vision.
Nothing retains users more than seeing those that Onboarded them see the results they preached.
How much refarrals do you need to be able to cash out?
Have to bounce now! But look forward to keep seeing you all onchain
Can't hear anything at the moment, looks like we haven't started fully.
Finally can hear Eric
All time high in monthly active users, 10118? Wow.
Looks like this month is so bullish for us here on INLEO.
Once everything comes in place, we would keep breaking grounds the more.
Meme communities are super active!we want moar #memes
InLEO partnership with Dash is a no brainer.
Hi, first time joining in on one of these calls!
Wow, thanks for the shoutout :) Feel free to look me up in the feed Lions :D
We still have some weeks before this year finishes we can still change these numbers.
I like the growth processes on InLEO.
Is the cashout in $HBD or $LEO?
This... I have 300+ LEO as of now, and the cashout button didn't appear to me yet.
I think the threshold is just too high!!!
It keeps stacking
So just keep referring people in and don't worry about it
Lions Memes incoming...
Meme Family with fun vibes.
Look at the number we have at the moment which is impressive, imagine what will happen once LeoAI comes live.
I Think the referral system is a more support system that is breaking good grounds to the improvement on engagement.
The reason why growth processes on InLEO is working out is because InLEO has a great support system from users that belive on the project and the future it has.
How do you guys track retention? I can say if it wasnt for @anderssinho guiding me I would probably not have understood stuff here. We bearly did it either way xP
Haha we try our best 😅
Are there like a video playlist tutorial somewhere of all the basic steps for Inleo? Maybe something that someone should create otherwise on e.g Youtube :)
Meme is having a good shift to positivity because there is a platform like InLEO. InLEO keeps creating the platform and the growth calls continues.
Now the meme community is making waves is just because of users that worked hard and believed on their dreams about attention,, value and productivity.
I definitely had rewards as an initial incentive, but am still here because of the community.
Exactly, as the referrals win by being consistent, the referrers also win.
Maybe start a mentor initiative so some powerusers get incentive to help the newcomers?
At the end of the day, InLEO is becoming a platform that grants one the visibility and atmosphere to explore more on the web3 world.
100% what you say there @khaleelkazi. If you get engagement or have your friends here, people will stay. But complexity might scare people away.
I'll try to do my part to help newbies
Any collab with $GIFU?
i never understood why web3 projects don’t embrace HIVE and post their updates here instead of medium
Yeah Task, training LeoAI with our favorite meme tokens is gonna help our growth calls.
The current way I'm using to get referals have shown 0% retention rate, so I'm thinking of replacing it now...
Will maybe be easier if you onboard people from a community. Then they already have their network of people and they can also help out
Join the INLEO Telegram group!
we definitely need more replyguys! Engagement on threads is very low most of the times.
Man, I am quite excited about the impact that Dash users will have with InLeo on the Hive blockchain as well. Bring it on!!!
I Actually think we are growing, then people didn't know the usefulness of punishing through InLEO but now users are doing that freely. We keep growing.
Buy $LEO now while it is still cheap!
Financial advice 👏
Haha! Wait...I was just talking to myself. Yeah. Just myself. 😀
haha I bought with all my money ;)
Good Luck to You! I am in a similar boat. 😀
Hope you can onboard entire communities at the same time!
Inleo having these additions to make users make more money and increase their value propositions is super cool.
Those referring with their link should at some point still check on those they referred to know if they have diffilties too. This will help retain users.
Inleo and #memes are a match made in heaven!
Meme Coins and projects have the simple approach of adoption and activating their community.
Inleo offers great technologies and platform which the meme projects needs to
Add value to InLEO ecosystem and InLEO adds value to what you bring to the table. That's nice.
If everyone brings 1 friend onto the platform to before next weeks show :)
one advantage of meme coin is that it's huge users bases and viable community that behind the project.
This is a good handshake to grow our communities
Question ❓
What's InLEO roadmap on making the Leo token of much greater value.
Khal always brings spectacular spekers.
Yeah, as a team, we can do so much. United we stand, United we grow.
I think it is the referrers duty to encourage and train their referrals to be successful on INLEO, that way everyone grows and the community becomes stronger.
I think the partnerships is a win win for all
Welcome 👏👏🦁
Thank you @anderssinho
wowow, this is one of the wonderful integration that is highly needed to bring more people and products on the ecosystem
Since I heard about Dash integration, I now rate engagement to be on a high rate.
Once Dash Integration becomes successful, we would have a smooth ride and growth calls.
I Think InLEO is a win win platform.
Increase usability as a result of Dash Integration.
Am seeing a strong sign that we would still break records before the year finishes.
DASH also has a lot of practical utility for unbanked people, which I think we have a lot of.
InLEO ecosystem is large and accommodating.
Who is the best onboarder to Inleo as of now?
Dash users will really enjoy the great potential, Inleo and Hive blockchain will offer.
Wonderful integration and cooperation
Thanks for today show
Lion Den tomorrow with @taskmaster4450le will be a date.
I can't wait for the threads V2. Yay! 🚀🚀
Last time I will shill. I promise.
Created by J. P. Thor. He is highly focused on memes and I think it has great potential.
May be too rich for our blood, but even small amounts invested there... why not go big?
Currently 8 Million market cap. I believe he is shooting for 100 Million. Just getting started building momentum.
Already have their own dex.
I meant the one here. I didn't like how the images are displayed in the thread preview while rethreading!!
post it as #feedback, will lose it here
Set a reminder for the space below
We'll also be live on YT
live in 18 mins
Is this looking at the Khalendar.
I might actually be able to catch something live for once! Woohoo!!
Yes, we have
What a good day to be alive on the bull market.
Welcome guys
Live in 2 mins
We are Live
Now I hear Eric!
Regardless of where we are on monthly active users, we can still do more.
The network effects from InLEO to meme is gonna make a great sense, mostly with InLEO Investing on them.
i think more reward for users it makes more threads and the fast growing
Why is SHORT still shortened?
agreed no more cakepop please 😂
What is the amount we are willing to invest in buying memes? Ballpark.
So once one have a good project, generating alot of positive energy and bringing good engagement values, InLEO will support?
Your success, Our Success
Soo close to a cool image :)
Yes, who's Emee? #lolz !BBH !DIY !DOOK
AI hallucinations :)
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(26/100)@anderssinho! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
(html comment removed:
You can query your personal balance by
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @anderssinho! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
We have a #newlion @fr6leo in our threadcast today, nice. 🦁
Please rethread the telegram link.
Need to check if my Telegram account is still alive, will give it a try.
Thanks for coming around guys
It was a nice call today. Thanks Khal and Eric.
I was active at 5 AM this morning, couldn't sleep and what better way than to say Hello on Threads. 😀
Yeah, I saw that thread.
Dash network have secure and privacy oriented technology that improves transactions and trade which Inleo users via LeoDex will enjoy too.
Friday lions den
thanks so much for today. Although being late, but it's enjoyable
Speed is purely fascinating!
Have a nice day everyone!
It was an awesome session, thank you guys 🫡
I hope Inleo grows super big, I have a question though, is Inleo planning on creating other meme coins? Maybe it's unnecessary I don't know
one of the challenges I have with thread is that it doesn't respond easily. I just wish that the technical team could make it flow easily like Ecency waves #feedback
Meme coins get the most hype these days, there's a lot of chance for Inleo to use it indeed, I've got a lot to learn about this platform anyways
Terrifier 3 brings back Jonathan from the dead 🔪 after Art the Clown killed him in the previous movie, director Damien Leone confirms the character returns in a supernatural way that fits with the franchise’s style, the movie takes place during Christmas time and promises to be more brutal than its predecessors 🎭 with David Howard Thornton back as Art bringing his twisted performance to new levels of horror 🎬
#terrifier3, #arttheclown, #jonathansreturn, #moviesonleo, #linkincomments, #skiptvads
Read More:
InLeo pumpkins, I love it!
I had this delicious sandwich yesterday filled with sardines and boiled egg.
#foodtalk #winandasworld #food #cent #foodphotography #photographers #sandwich #foodie
How do you love your sandwich?
a little bit here, a little bit there
It all adds up 👏
you are a real 🦁
Clever move.
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #119
October 31
I don't like discussing sports anymore because Chelsea isn't doing well #sports #silverbloggers
These are just phases that any team goes through during the season.
Botafogo é favorito sem que o Atlético seja azarão na final da Libertadores
Não há vírgula a se colocar na presença de Atlético-MG e Botafogo na final da Conmebol Libertadores. É justo que eles estejam lá – pela força que foram adquirindo ao longo do torneio, pelo tanto que se tornaram competitivos, pelo evidente aumento de qualidade no decorrer da temporada. Será uma grande decisão, e ela estará em ótimas mãos.
#sports #botafogo
O Botafogo joga o melhor futebol no país em 2024. É o time mais talentoso do Brasil. O quarteto ofensivo, com Savarino, Luiz Henrique, Thiago Almada e Igor Jesus, concentrou alguns dos momentos mais bonitos da temporada – o segundo tempo do jogo de ida contra o Peñarol foi sublime.
O Atlético não foi tão exuberante ao longo do ano, mas construiu uma competitividade e uma força mental invejáveis. Os dois jogos contra o River Plate, adversário pesadíssimo, mostraram uma equipe à beira da perfeição: capaz de engolir o rival no primeiro jogo e de controlá-lo no segundo, em um ambiente hostil, em um estádio espumando pela classificação. É um time que mostra muita maturidade – aliada à qualidade de jogadores como Paulinho, Gustavo Scarpa e Hulk.
O Botafogo jogou menos contra o Peñarol no Uruguai do que o Atlético contra o River na Argentina, mas as circunstâncias ajudam a explicar isso. Os cariocas construíram vantagem maior contra um adversário mais fraco na partida de ida – por isso, se permitiram o luxo de poupar os jogadores pendurados e fazer um jogo protocolar, de sobrevivência. Não foi a partida dos sonhos, mas bastou. O Galo, por correr mais risco, se viu obrigado a proteger a classificação.
Antes, o Botafogo teve caminho mais duro. Enfrentar Palmeiras e São Paulo é uma estrada mais sinuosa do que encarar San Lorenzo e Fluminense (em uma versão que pouco lembrava o time campeão da Libertadores no ano passado). Foi ali, especialmente contra o Palmeiras, que o time de Artur Jorge deu sinais de que poderia mesmo ser campeão – depois de também passar apuros na primeira fase, quando renasceu após perder os dois primeiros jogos.
Se minha sobrevivência dependesse de acertar o campeão da Libertadores de 2024, eu apostaria no Botafogo. Acho que tem mais chances – pouca coisa, mas tem. E por dois motivos principais: porque o time me parece mais encaixado e porque acredito que seu setor ofensivo possa ser ainda mais decisivo do que o do Atlético. Mas isso, tamanha a qualidade dos times, não significa considerar o Galo azarão – não teria cabimento. Se o time de Gabriel Milito for campeão, não será surpresa alguma.
E ainda há um mês pela frente até a decisão. Muita coisa vai acontecer até lá, especialmente porque os dois times partem com tudo em busca de outros títulos – o da Copa do Brasil para o Atlético, o do Brasileirão para o Botafogo –, o que ajuda a explicar por que eles são os grandes finalistas da Libertadores da América.
Fórmula 1
GP de São Paulo será crucial na disputa pelo título da F1 2024; veja cenário
O Grande Prêmio de São Paulo de Fórmula 1, conhecido pela imprevisibilidade e também marcado pela coroação de campeões ao longo dos anos, não vai definir o título de 2024, mas certamente será crucial na disputa pelos dois campeonatos: o de pilotos, com quatro nomes na briga, e o de construtores, com três equipes no páreo. Saiba como está o cenário:
#sports #f1
Entre os pilotos, Max Verstappen é o atual líder do campeonato com a RBR, mas tem visto a grande vantagem que construiu no início da temporada diminuir e está há 10 corridas sem sentir o gosto da vitória. Por outro lado, Lando Norris, da McLaren, e Charles Leclerc, da Ferrari, têm tido ritmo de corrida superior ao do holandês e chegam embalados para o GP em Interlagos. Norris soma três vitórias na temporada e tem travado disputas tensas com Verstappen na pista, com polêmicas sobre as punições dadas pelos comissários nos GPs dos EUA e do México.
O crescente desempenho da Ferrari, por sua vez, dá esperança a Charles Leclerc. A escuderia italiana venceu as duas últimas corridas, e o monegasco aposta na consistência, com seis pódios nas últimas sete etapas - apesar disso, Leclerc entende que ser campeão não depende só dele e quer tirar vantagem da luta entre os outros dois candidatos ao troféu. Oscar Piastri, também da McLaren, é o 4º colocado e tem chances remotas de conquistar o troféu.
Na competição de construtores, o início do ano indicava mais um título tranquilo para a RBR, atual bicampeã. No entanto, a queda de desempenho do carro e as más exibições do ameaçado Sergio Pérez abriram a brecha para que McLaren e Ferrari ultrapassassem a atual campeã na tabela. Apesar disso, a competição continua totalmente aberta, e qualquer resultado acima ou abaixo da média em Interlagos pode contribuir para mudar esse cenário.
O GP de São Paulo não é o último da temporada: depois da etapa no Brasil, a Fórmula 1 ainda terá provas em Las Vegas (Estados Unidos), Catar e Abu Dhabi (Emirados Árabes Unidos). A etapa catari é a única que contará com corrida sprint, assim como o fim de semana em Interlagos.
Em um fim de semana perfeito, um piloto pode somar 26 pontos: 25 pelo primeiro lugar e mais um pela volta mais rápida. Em pistas que também têm a corrida sprint, como é o caso de São Paulo, a quantidade máxima sobe para 34, já que o vencedor da sprint leva oito pontos no campeonato.
Sendo assim, é impossível que o título seja definido no Brasil, ainda que o líder Verstappen faça uma corrida perfeita (com 34 pontos) e o vice-líder Norris não pontue.
Neste cenário, no entanto, a distância entre os dois, hoje em 47 pontos, subiria para 81. O campeonato ficaria bem próximo de uma definição, mas Lando Norris ainda poderia somar 86 pontos nas últimas três provas para tentar conseguir um “milagre”.
E se ocorrer o extremo contrário? Caso o britânico tenha um fim de semana perfeito em Interlagos e Verstappen não pontue, a distância entre os dois pode cair para 13 pontos - desvantagem possível de tirar em apenas uma corrida. Já Leclerc, que corre por fora, pode reduzir a folga do holandês para 37 pontos. Apesar da ainda considerável diferença, o número daria chances mais reais de título ao piloto da Ferrari.
Yankees teammates make their pitch to Juan Soto with free agency uncertainty looming
Soto did not reveal much about his plans after Wednesday’s 7-6 loss other than that he would listen to all 30 teams.
Juan Soto’s teammates want him back in pinstripes.
With the 2024 season officially over and Soto just days away from becoming a free agent, several of Soto’s fellow Yankees made their pitches for him to stay in The Bronx.
#nyyankkes #juansoto #mlb #freeagency #sports
“I haven’t really thought about it. I’m proud of the year that Juanny had. It was fun to come to work with him every single day. Just the work he puts in behind the scenes, even when the guy was hitting .320,” Yankees captain Aaron Judge said Wednesday night.
“I’d see him working late after the games, if he had an 0-fer, he was showing up early doing work. Whatever he decides, whatever him and his family decides, he prays on it, he’s going to make the right decision for him and his family. We were definitely lucky to have him and it would be great to keep playing with him because he’s definitely a special player.”
One of the main narratives of the Yankees’ 2024 season centered on whether Soto would be a one-and-done with the team or if this would be the first year in a long-term partnership.
The Yankees acquired Soto knowing he may only be here for one year, although, in theory, bringing him in even for one year could help the odds that he sticks around if he likes his situation.
Soto fit in seamlessly, hitting a career-best 41 homers and driving in 109 runs with a .989 OPS.
Real Madrid
Endrick deixa de ser utilizado no Real Madrid, e jornal diz: "Invisível"
Endrick perdeu minutos no Real Madrid. Depois de impressionar, com dois gols marcados, contra Alavés e Stuttgart, mesmo com pouco tempo em campo, chegando a ser titular em jogo da Champions, contra o Lille, o atacante brasileiro deixou de ser utilizado por Ancelotti. Depois de passar quatro jogos sem entrar, o jornal As destacou em sua manchete que Endrick está "invisível".
#sports #realmadrid
Apesar de apenas três meses de Real Madrid, Endrick já viveu diferentes momentos. Após a grande apresentação no Santiago Bernabéu, vieram oportunidades apagadas na pré-temporada e memes com Bobby Charlton. Até o brasileiro aproveitar bem os poucos minutos que teve em algumas partidas na LaLiga e na Champions League.
Com os gols marcados e a titularidade em algumas partidas da seleção brasileira - que também foi perdida na última Data Fifa, com a entrada de Igor Jesus - a expectativa sobre o jovem atacante cresceu em Madri. Por isso, chama atenção o fato de não ter sido utilizado nos jogos contra Villarreal, Celta de Vigo, Borussia Dortmund e Barcelona.
Ao todo, Endrick soma nove jogos e dois gols com a camisa merengue. No próximo sábado, o Real tem partida marcada contra o Valencia, mas o encontro deve ser adiado por conta das enchentes na região espanhola. Se confirmar o adiamento, a próxima chance de o atacante brasileiro entrar em campo será contra o Milan, na próxima terça-feira, na Champions League.
Unrivaled lands another Caitlin Clark pal as rumors swirl with one spot left
The Unrivaled Basketball League appears to be pulling out all of the stops to land Fever All-Star Caitlin Clark.
The new 3-on-3 league, which was founded by the Liberty’s Breanna Stewart and Lynx’s Napheesa Collier, announced Clark’s Fever teammate, Lexie Hull, as one of its 30 players on Wednesday.
#basketball #women #caitlinclark #unrivaled #sports
Hull, who is close friends with Clark off the court, filled the 29th spot for the league’s inaugural season, which tips off in Jan. 2025.
Earlier this week, Unrivaled unveiled its 28th player, Aces guard Kate Martin, who is one of Clark’s best friends and her former teammate at Iowa.
Hull and Martin are both deserving of roster spots in the Unrivaled league following strong individual WNBA rookie campaigns.
The news came after Clark and Martin reunited with fellow Hawkeyes alum Gabbie Marshall last weekend, and attended a women’s basketball practice at Iowa.
Astro britânico do rugby sugere que o Haka seja banido dos jogos dos All Blacks: "É ridículo"
As seleções masculina e feminina de rugby da Nova Zelândia tradicionalmente fazem o Haka antes ou após jogos e títulos importantes. Mais conhecida como All Blacks, por seu uniforme todo preto, a seleção masculina foi responsável por, ao longo dos anos, apresentar ao mundo essa dança ritual de guerra Maori, povo nativo do país. Pois o astro do rugby britânico Joe Marler resolveu sugerir o banimento do Haka das partidas, e precisou fechar temporariamente seu X/Twitter por causa de todas as críticas que recebeu.
#sports #rugby #haka
O tweet de Marler foi escrito na terça-feira (29). Diante das respostas negativas, o atleta suspendeu sua conta da rede social por algumas horas, mas a reativou já na quarta-feira (30).
O canto
O canto de guerra do Haka gritado junto com a dança diz:
"Ka mate! Ka mate! / Ka ora! Ka ora! / Ka mate! Ka mate! / Ka ora! Ka ora! / Tenei te tangata puhuru huru / Nana i tiki mai / Whakawhiti te ra / A hupane, kaupane / A hupane, kaupane / Whiti te ra!"
Traduzido, significa:
"É morte! É morte! / É vida! É vida! / É morte! É morte! / É vida! É vida! / Foi o homem acima de mim / Que me permitiu viver / Enquanto eu subo / Passo a passo / Passo a passo / Rumo à luz do sol!"
Yankees' season ends in heartbreak as they choke away Game 5 of World Series
A sweep would have been less painful — and perhaps less embarrassing.
In the aftermath of his biggest bet of his offseason and one of the largest in his tenure, Brian Cashman acknowledged the stakes and the urgency.
“We’re just very proud of the fact we can call him a Yankee at this time,” the general manager said in December before his one guaranteed season of Juan Soto, “with the full intentions of taking a shot at a title.”
#nyyankees #worldseries #baseball #mlb #sports
The shot missed. The Yankees now hurdle into an offseason of uncertainty after a season of a lot of joy, far too many mistakes and ultimately yet more disappointment.
The drought has reached 15 years without a World Series championship for the Yankees, whose dream died three wins short and at the hands of the Dodgers.
Dave Roberts’s group fought its way out of a five-run hole, with the hosts’ help, and celebrated on the field in The Bronx in a dramatic, 7-6, Game 5 Yankees loss on Wednesday that was part heartbreaker and part self-inflicted head-shaker.
“I’m heartbroken. I’m heartbroken,” manager Aaron Boone repeated, “and I’m heartbroken for those guys that poured so much into this. The ending is cruel. It always is.”
Karl-Anthony Towns didn't bring any Jimmy Butler baggage into Knicks rivalry
Karl-Anthony Towns has changed uniforms and said his turbulent past with Jimmy Butler is irrelevant ahead of Wednesday night’s matchup against the Heat.
Karl-Anthony Towns changed uniforms and said his turbulent past with Jimmy Butler is irrelevant before he punished his old nemesis with 44 points in Wednesday’s 116-107 victory over the Heat.
“I’m a Knick,” Towns repeated three times when asked about Butler. “You’re bringing up Minnesota.
#nba #miamiheat #nyknicks #karlanthonytowns #jimmybutler #sports
“I’m not a Timberwolf anymore. I’m a Knick.”
Butler and Towns were teammates for just over a season in Minnesota, clashing both during their tenure together and after the separation in 2019.
The most famous incident involves Butler reportedly tormenting Towns in a practice under coach Tom Thibodeau.
It transitioned quickly to Butler being traded to Philadelphia and a rift between Thibodeau and Towns.
The coach and center, now reunited in New York, squashed their beef in a subsequent conversation — “That was years and years ago,” Towns said Wednesday. “We are totally different men. So it’s cool to be in this spot in our lives together.”
But there’s been less indication of peace with Butler, as the two have jawed back-and-forth in head-to-heads.
Polícia procura presidente, vice e diretor da Mancha para prendê-los após emboscada a cruzeirenses
A polícia de São Paulo faz buscas nesta quinta-feira para tentar encontrar e prender o presidente, o vice-presidente e um diretor da Mancha Alviverde além de mais três integrantes da principal torcida organizada do Palmeiras. A Justiça decretou na quarta as prisões temporárias, por 30 dias, dos seis palmeirenses.
#sports #palmeiras
Um torcedor do Cruzeiro morreu e outros 17 ficaram feridos após a emboscada na Rodovia Fernão Dias, em Mairiporã. Dois ônibus que levavam torcedores da Máfia Azul para Minas Gerais foram vandalizados: um acabou incendiado e outro foi depredado.
Os pedidos de prisões contra os seis torcedores do Palmeiras haviam sido feitos pela Polícia Civil e pelo Ministério Público (MP). Além de decretar as prisões, a Justiça também determinou que a polícia cumprisse mandados de busca e apreensão. Um dos endereços é o da sede da organizada.
Até a última atualização desta reportagem, dois cruzeirenses continuavam internados em hospitais de Mairiporã e Franco da Rocha, na região metropolitana.
A Delegacia de Polícia de Repressão aos Delitos de Intolerância Esportiva (Drade) identificou oito pessoas ligadas à Mancha Alviverde que participaram da emboscada contra torcedores do Cruzeiro.
A Promotoria apura o envolvimento de torcidas que agem como "facções criminosas". Segundo a Drade e o Gaeco, três dos suspeitos investigados têm postos de liderança dentro da Mancha Alviverde.
Seis dos palmeirenses tiveram as prisões temporárias por 30 dias pedidas pela delegacia. O Grupo de Atuação Especial de Combate ao Crime Organizado (Gaeco) do MP, que acompanha a investigação policial, concordou com os pedidos.
As autoridades estão analisando vídeos que circulam na internet e filmagens de câmeras de segurança para identificar mais autores do ataque a ônibus dos torcedores da Máfia Azul.
O caso foi registrado incialmente na Delegacia de Mairiporã como homicídio, incêndio, associação criminosa, lesão corporal e tumulto com violência — este no âmbito da Lei Geral do Esporte. A investigação passou a ser feita depois pela Drade, com sede na capital paulista.
O g1 e a TV Globo apuraram que o Ministério Público foi favorável aos pedidos de prisões feitos pela polícia por causa do risco de fuga dos suspeitos e que eles destruam provas dos crimes. Os promotores destacaram que as imagens refletem banalização da violência e crença absoluta na impunidade.
Ainda segundo a Promotoria, a emboscada dos palmeirenses aos cruzeirenses demonstra escárnio com o poder público e com a sociedade e a audácia da ação planejada e executada à luz do dia.
De acordo com o MP, a Mancha Alviverde ainda tentou refutar o vínculo com os fatos, publicando nota oficial isentando a responsabilidade, apesar do evidente interesse e envolvimento da cúpula nos crimes.
Na quarta-feira, a Federação Paulista de Futebol (FPF) divulgou comunicado interno informando que irá acatar a recomendação do MP para proibir a presença da Mancha Alviverde em estádios de futebol no estado de São Paulo.
"Atender integralmente a recomendação do Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo, para que seja PROIBIDA a entrada, nos estádios de futebol do Estado de São Paulo, de qualquer indumentária e objetos (faixas, bandeiras etc.) que identifiquem os associados da torcida organizada “GRÊMIO RECREATIVO E CULTURAL TORCIDA MANCHA ALVIVERDE” a contar desta data", informa trecho do documento assinado por Fabio Barbosa Moraes, diretor executivo do Departamento de Segurança e Prevenção de Violência da entidade.
"A Federação Paulista de Futebol oficiará aos Órgãos de Segurança do Estado, Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo, para fins de fiscalização no cumprimento desta Portaria. Esta Portaria entra em vigor na presente data, revogadas as disposições em contrário", informa outra parte do comunicado.
Em suas páginas na internet, a direção da Mancha Alviverde negou que tenha organizado, participado ou incentivado qualquer ação relacionada a emboscada contra os cruzeirenses. E que não se responsabiliza por ações isoladas de palmeirenses envolvidos no ataque.
A direção da Máfia Azul se manifestou também em suas redes sociais. No Instagram, a torcida fez postagens com mensagens repudiando o ataque dos palmeirenses contra cruzeirenses. Numa delas, escreveu que "o choro da mãe do seu rival não traz a alegria da sua".
O Palmeiras informou por meio de nota que repudia as cenas de violência do final de semana envolvendo torcedores do clube contra a torcida do Cruzeiro. E defendeu uma punição rigorosa para os criminosos.
O Cruzeiro também se manifestou informando por sua rede social que "lamenta profundamente" mais um episódio de violência. E que é preciso dar um basta a atos criminosos.
Briga de 2022 pode ter motivado emboscada
Filmagens feitas pelos próprios palmeirenses viralizaram nas redes sociais. Eles mostram como eles atacaram cruzeirenses.
O cruzeirense morto é José Victor Miranda, torcedor da Máfia Azul. Ele tinha 30 anos e, segundo seus parentes informaram à reportagem, a vítima estava dentro de um ônibus que foi incendiado e acabou sofrendo queimaduras fatais. Um laudo pericial da polícia irá apontar a causa da morte.
Catorze dos cruzeirenses feridos foram socorridos por ambulâncias e levados para o Hospital Anjo Gabriel, em Mairiporã. Outros três torcedores do Cruzeiro seguiram para um hospital em Franco da Rocha, município vizinho.
A polícia também investiga qual foi a motivação para o ataque do torcedores do Palmeiras contra os do Cruzeiro.
Foram apreendidas 12 barras de ferro, dois pedaços de madeira, cinco rojões e duas bolas de sinuca. Os palmeirenses também usaram "miguelitos", que são pregos retorcidos, para furar os pneus dos ônibus dos cruzeirenses e obrigá-los a parar na estrada.
Uma das hipóteses investigadas é se os palmeirenses quiseram se vingar dos cruzeirenses por causa de uma briga ocorrida em 29 de setembro de 2022.
À época, integrantes da Máfia Azul atacaram membros da Mancha Alviverde. O confronto deixou quatro pessoas baleadas e outras dez feridas, entre elas o presidente da torcida palmeirense, num pedágio numa rodovia em Carmópolis de Minas, no Centro-Oeste de Minas Gerais.
As organizadas de Palmeiras e Cruzeiro têm histórico de conflito, desde 1988, entre a Mancha Verde e a Máfia Azul, quando um dos fundadores da Mancha, Cléo Sóstenes Dantas da Silva, foi assassinado baleado com dois tiros.
Na partida seguinte ao ocorrido, disputada contra o Cruzeiro, a Mancha fez homenagens a Cléo, mas que terminou interrompida por cânticos de insulto da Máfia Azul em referência ao fundador - resultando em uma briga no setor destinado à torcida visitante.
Desde então, as organizadas guardaram um histórico de brigas, aliando-se, inclusive, às respectivas torcidas de seus rivais - a Mancha com a Galoucura, do Atlético-MG, e a Máfia Azul com a Independente, do São Paulo.
Commanders aim for season sweep of division rival Giants
Players and coaches around the league use plenty of buzzwords to describe their six divisional games each year. Physical and intense come up a lot.
Players and coaches around the league use plenty of buzzwords to describe their six divisional games each year. Physical and intense come up a lot. But the Washington Commanders used a different phrase ahead of Sunday’s tilt with the New York Giants: fun.
Rookie quarterback Jayden Daniels and coach Dan Quinn both said they’re looking forward to facing their division rival.
#nfl #commanders #nygiants #sports #football
The Week 2 matchup between the NFC East foes, a 21-18 victory for the Commanders, was anything but fun. Washington limped to victory without scoring a touchdown, instead relying on a franchise record seven field goals from kicker Austin Seibert.
That was seven weeks ago, though.
The 6-2 Commanders of Week 9 said at practice this week that they’ve grown exponentially since the September showdown with the Giants.
The numbers back them up. Through the first two games of his NFL career, Daniels had yet to throw a touchdown.
Then he broke out.
The Commanders’ offense has put on a show since its inert Week 2 performance, orchestrating a hyperefficient display that has drawn comparisons to the St. Louis Rams’ Greatest Show on Turf from the turn of the century. Washington has scored on 60% of its drives this season, the best rate in NFL history through eight games of a season.
Daniels has thrown for 1,326 yards and seven touchdowns in his six games since facing the Giants. The offensive explosion has catapulted the No. 2 draft pick to the front of the Rookie of the Year race and into MVP conversations.
“He can throw it under pressure. He can escape and make plays with his feet. He can escape and make plays with his arm. He’s got good command, which we knew,” Giants coach Brian Daboll said of Daniels this week. “He makes good decisions.”
LA Dodgers, Shohei Ohtani win World Series, beat Yankees in 5 games
Shohei Ohtani and the LA Dodgers win franchise's eighth World Series title by beating the New York Yankees in five games.
The Los Angeles Dodgers won their second World Series championship in five seasons, overcoming a five-run deficit with the help of three Yankees defensive miscues and rallying on sacrifice flies from Gavin Lux and Mookie Betts in the eighth inning to beat New York 7-6 in Game 5 on Wednesday night.
#dodgers #mlb #worldseries #baseball #nyyankees #sports
Aaron Judge and Jazz Chisholm Jr. hit back-to-back home runs in the first inning, Alex Verdugo’s RBI single chased Jack Flaherty in the second and Giancarlo Stanton’s third-inning homer against Ryan Brasier built a 5-0 Yankees lead.
But errors by Judge in center and Anthony Volpe at shortstop, combined with pitcher Gerrit Cole failing to cover first on Betts’ grounder, helped Los Angeles score five unearned runs in the fifth.
After Stanton’s sixth-inning sacrifice fly put the Yankees back ahead 6-5, the Dodgers loaded the bases against loser Tommy Kahnle in the eighth before the sacrifice flies off Luke Weaver.
Winner Blake Treinen escaped a two-on, one-out jam in the bottom half by retiring Stanton on a flyout and striking out Anthony Rizzo.
Walker Buehler, making his first relief appearance since his rookie season in 2018, pitched a perfect ninth for his first major league save.
Bilal Coulibaly scores career-high 27, Wizards sweep home-and-home against Atlanta with 133-120 win
Bilal Coulibaly scored a career-high 27 points, and the Washington Wizards beat Atlanta 133-120 on Wednesday night for the second win over the Hawks in three days.
The Wizards swept the home-and-home series with the Hawks after a 121-119 win over Atlanta on Monday. Trae Young had 35 points and 15 assists for Atlanta, but Washington took control with a 16-4 run at the start of the fourth quarter.
#nba #wizards #hawks #bilalcoulibaly #sports
Atlanta was missing two starters in Dyson Daniels (right hip) and De’Andre Hunter (right knee), plus Bogdan Bogdanovic (right hamstring). Washington was without starting forward Kyle Kuzma (right groin).
Hawks: Young rebounded after going 2 for 15 from the field in Monday’s game, but after he scored 24 points in the first half, the Wizards were able to keep him under control. The injury-riddled Hawks allowed 76 points in the second half.
Los Angeles sees burned bus, store thefts and rowdy crowds after Dodgers win World Series
Rowdy crowds took to the streets in Los Angeles after the Dodgers won the World Series, setting a bus on fire, breaking into stores and setting off firecrackers.
Rowdy crowds took to the streets in Los Angeles after the Dodgers won the World Series, setting a bus on fire, breaking into stores and setting off firecrackers. A dozen arrests were reported by police early Thursday.
Video showed some people throwing objects at police in Los Angeles as sirens blared and officers told them to leave the area after the Dodgers defeated the Yankees in Game 5 in New York.
#losangeles #mlb #worldseries #dodgers #nyyankees #crime
There were some “unruly, and at times violent and hostile celebrations,” with several acts of vandalism, including the burning of a Metropolitan Transit Authority bus, Los Angeles police spokesperson Officer Drake Madison said in an email. Arrests were on charges such as failure to disperse, receiving stolen property or commercial burglary, Madison said.
There were also several instances of street takeovers downtown and police used less-lethal munitions to control several hostile and violent crowds, Madison said. In the coming days, detectives will attempt to identify those responsible for crimes, he said.
College basketball's freshman standouts feature Rutgers' dynamic duo of Ace Bailey and Dylan Harper
It’s not that uncommon for blueblood programs to have two five-star prospects arrive on campus in the same year.
It rarely happens at schools that don’t have that kind of tradition. And that’s what makes No. 25 Rutgers one of the most intriguing stories of the season as the Scarlet Knights welcome Ace Bailey and Dylan Harper.
#basketball #ncaa #rutgers #acebailey #dylanharper #sports
Bailey was the nation’s No. 2 prospect in his high school class and Harper was No. 3, according to composite rankings of recruiting sites compiled by 247Sports. The impact they can have as freshman teammates became apparent on Oct. 17 when Rutgers faced St. John’s in a preseason exhibition. Rutgers lost, 91-85, but Bailey scored 25 points and Harper added 20.
“Dylan, for a freshman, he’s got so much control,” St. John’s coach Rick Pitino said after the game. “He plays like a senior. He’s so much under control. He’s got a lot of Clyde Frazier in him, the way he plays. He was amazing. Ace just has great talent. Both of them are great. I think they’re terrific. Obviously they deserve the ranking that they’re getting.”
Bailey, who is 6-foot-10, averaged 33.4 points, 15.5 rebounds, 3.9 assists and 2.9 blocks while winning a state title his senior year at McEachern High School in Powder Springs, Georgia.
Harper, the son of former NBA guard Ron Harper, had 23 points per game his senior year at Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey, New Jersey.
Doug Williams, former Redskins QB, picked among Hall of Fame semifinalists in contributor group
Six-time Super Bowl-winning owner Robert Kraft and trailblazing quarterback Doug Williams were picked among the nine semifinalists in the contributor category for the 2025 Pro Football Hall of Fame
The names of the candidates released Wednesday came after a Blue Ribbon committee cut the list down from 25 people. The committee will next meet Nov. 12 to pick one finalist for consideration by the full selection committee for the Hall early next year.
#dougwilliams #redskins #halloffame #nfl #robertkraft #sports
The one contributor will be grouped with one coaching candidate and three seniors candidates. Between one and three of those five finalists will make it to the Hall based on getting at least 80% of the votes from the full committee.
Williams was the first Black starting quarterback to start and win a Super Bowl with Washington in the 1987 season. He later worked in the team’s front office.
“Without Doug, I probably wouldn’t be in this seat. He was a pioneer, trailblazer for all African American quarterbacks to follow after,” Commanders rookie quarterback Jayden Daniels said Wednesday. “So that’s awesome for Doug. You know, just him being a mentor to me since I got here, I can’t thank him enough for what he’s done, not only for me, for my family, also. So much respect and love for Doug.”
Kraft bought the New England Patriots in 1994 and quickly turned them into one of the most successful franchises in the NFL. He hired Bill Belichick as coach in 2000 and oversaw the franchise winning six Super Bowl titles from the 2001-2018 seasons.
Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese departure opens door for new crop of talented women's players
Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese helped bring women’s basketball to new heights over the past two years. While there may be a ratings dip from last season’s record high, there are plenty of talented players like Paige Bueckers, JuJu Watkins, Deja Kelly and Hannah Hidalgo ready to continue the rise.
#caitlinclark #angelreese #basketball #ncaa #womens #sports
“I know we lost some great ones in Angel and Caitlin, but we gained so much more. We gained so much more talent, skill set and marketability,” South Carolina coach Dawn Staley said. “I’m really looking forward to it. I’m glad it’s happened during a time in which I can attest to it, I can share with other people who are just now tuning in.”
Watkins, a Los Angeles native, draws attention at home games at Southern California which routinely sellout and have been known to have a celebrity crowd.
“I don’t know that there’s been a young African American superstar in women’s basketball at this age be able to have this platform, and I think that’s gonna do a ton for communities both in L.A. and across the country,” USC coach Lindsay Gottlieb said. “I wouldn’t bet against her to be able to handle anything. At the same time, it’s our job to prep her for what might be coming and make sure she’s able to have joy and be a kid.”
Nets hold on to big lead this time as defense leads way for win over Grizzlies
The Nets defended their way to a two-touchdown cushion against the Grizzlies, and this time they held on for a 119-106 win on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, the Nets built and then blew a huge lead in a heartbreaker against the Nuggets. A night later in Memphis, they closed the deal.
The Nets defended their way to a double-digit cushion against the Grizzlies, and this time they held on for a 119-106 win before a crowd of 14,745 at FedEx Forum on Wednesday.
#nba #nets #grizzlies #sports #basketball
“Our energy was getting better and better and better and increasing every time,” coach Jordi Fernandez said. “And it’s good to see those guys have a fight for each other. That’s a cool thing. So getting stops helps, having control helps.”
That fight produced the most fouls, most free throws conceded and biggest discrepancy at the charity stripe in the entire league.
Fernandez used gamesmanship in the press and got a technical foul just 1:43 into the game.
“What I was doing is just trying to fight for my guys,” Fernandez said. “Sometimes that happens because you want to see that they’re protected so they’re not the ones complaining. And if somebody has to take the next step, it’s going to be me. I want them to be under control, keep fighting and do the right things on the court.”
Texas A&M learned from past mistake with unsexy Mike Elko hire that looks like home run
It wasn’t flashy. It didn’t draw overflowing praise. It wasn’t the kind of move, like Texas A&M’s previous coaching hire of Jimbo Fisher, that was going to inspire immediate adulation.
But sometimes those are the best choices. So far, Mike Elko is looking like a home run, the former Duke head coach who got his start in coaching as a graduate assistant at Stony Brook and had stints at Fordham, Hofstra, Richmond and Bowling Green leading the Aggies to their first 5-0 start in the SE
#ncaa #texasam #mikeelko #duke #texasam #sports #football
Texas A&M didn’t have high expectations. It was picked ninth in the conference coming off a 7-6 season that included the firing of Fisher. Then, it dropped the opener of the Elko era to Notre Dame. At that point, a bowl appearance would’ve been deemed successful in College Station.
But Texas A&M hasn’t lost since, reeling off seven consecutive wins. It knocked off LSU, ranked eighth in the country at the time, on Saturday night, rallying from a 10-point deficit. It now sits alone atop the SEC, ahead of the likes of preseason championship favorites Texas and Georgia.
As hype continues, Cam Ward’s focus is on ‘What’s next.’ For the Hurricanes, that’s Duke
The Miami Hurricanes went into halftime last weekend up by just 10 points against a floundering Florida State team. The Hurricanes did not play up to their standard in the first half despite having a lead through 30 minutes. Quarterback Cam Ward made sure the team knew it. “We’re not playing like that,” Ward said in an impassioned locker room speech. “We’ve got to pick ourselves up and whoop their ass, bro. We’re at home. We’ve got to beat their [expletive] ass. We restore order in this [expletive] state. We run this. Let’s go.”
#miami #ncaa #football #hurricanes
The Hurricanes responded and won 36-14 to stay undefeated and keep their path toward spots in both the Atlantic Coast Conference Championship Game and 12-team College Football Playoff alive. “Just trying to get us to play our best brand of football,” Ward said this week about the speech. “We’ve yet to do that do that this year. That was really my message with the guys. We came out, making plays on both sides of the ball. I feel like I just helped push give a little more energy into the game, and we came up with a win.” So much talk about Ward has been on his otherworldly stats and his breakout year in his lone season with the Hurricanes that has him in the Heisman Trophy conversation.
But it’s moments like that halftime speech against Florida State that show where Ward’s focus truly lies. “My goal is not to be a Heisman Trophy winner,” Ward said. “My goal is to win football games and play for a national championship.” The opportunity to chase that goal continues on Saturday when the No. 5 Hurricanes (8-0, 4-0 ACC) host the Duke Blue Devils (6-2, 2-2 ACC) at Hard Rock Stadium. Kickoff is scheduled for noon and the game will be televised on ABC.
Juan Soto Keeping Options Open
Let the Juan Soto speculation begin.
It didn’t take long for reporters to ask the sport’s premier free agent whether he expects the Mets to try to persuade him to make a crosstown move.
“I mean, I don’t know what’s the teams that wanna come after me,” he said after the Yankees’ season ended with a loss in Game 5 of the World Series. “But definitely I’ll be open to this and every single team. I don’t have any doors closed or anything like that. So I’m gonna be available to all 30 teams.”
#juansoto #mlb #baseball #freeagent
Do the Yankees have an edge? Apparently not.
“I feel like every team has the same opportunities when I’m going to the free agency,” he told reporters. “I don’t want to say anybody has any advantage because at the end of the day we’re gonna look at what they have and how much they want me.”
The Athletic predicted a 15-year, $622 million contract for the 26-year-old, four-time All-Star outfielder.
Aaron Judge was asked if he thought Soto enjoyed his time in the Bronx.
“You know you hope so, you know you hope so,” Judge said. “He brought us a lot of joy. I think we brought him a lot of joy as well. Like I said, we were lucky to have him for this year.”
Soto said his teammates “wished me the best of luck and make sure I do the best for me and my family. These guys, very special, and I’m really happy to play with them and really excited what’s going to be.”
He laughed when asked if the fans chanting his name at Yankee Stadium during Game 5 would encourage his decision.
“Probably impact the decision of the ownership,” he quipped. “We will see, we will see how it goes. So definitely real excited and really thankful for these fans. They’ve been incredible all year long.”
Mets Sign RHP Dylan Covey to Major League Deal
The offseason is officially here for Major League Baseball, and the offseason transactions are starting to come in, including the New York Mets. On Thursday, they announced they signed right-handed pitcher Dylan Covey to a one-year major league contract.
The 33-year-old righty split the 2023 season between the Los Angeles Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. He was 1-3 with a 3.77 ERA in 29 games and 43 innings pitched. He had 30 strikeouts and a WHIP of 1.51.
#mets #dylancovey #mlb #sports #pitcher
He missed most of the 2024 season with a shoulder strain. He began rehab in late July and had a 2.66 ERA in 20 1/3 minor league innings, all with the Philadelphia Phillies organization. He split those appearances between Clearwater, Reading and Lehigh Valley. During his minor league appearances, he threw a mixture of sinkers (46%), cutters (22%), splitters (19%), and sliders (13%). His fastball velocity was up to 97 mph.
Prior to playing with the Dodgers and Phillies, Covey also spent time in the American League with the Red Sox and White Sox.
Overall, his career record is 7-32 with a 6.18 ERA in 100 games and 307 1/3 innings pitched.
The Mets recently signed right-hander Chris Devenski to a minor league deal.
Soler stood as one of the most obvious trade candidates in all of baseball this offseason, given his defensive limitations and the presence of Marcell Ozuna in Atlanta. The Braves acquired him as something of a desperation move at the deadline, needing help for an injury-ravaged lineup. The plan always seemed to be stomaching Soler in the outfield for a couple of months and pursuing a trade in the offseason (hence Soler ranking prominently on our list of the top 35 trade candidates of the 2024-25 offseason).
The 32-year-old Soler (33 in February) will add a thunderous bat and defensively limited skill set to the Angels’ roster. He inked a three-year, $42MM deal with the Giants last winter on the heels of a 36-homer campaign in Miami and has now been traded twice in the first year of the contract. That isn’t for lack of production, however. To the contrary, Soler enjoyed a solid season at the plate, slashing .241/.338/.442 in 142 games. He was particularly productive from June onward, catching fire with a .263/.366/.489 batting line and clubbing 15 of his 21 homers in that span of 386 plate appearances.
Braves Trade Jorge Soler To Angels
The Braves started their offseason by trading outfielder/designated hitter Jorge Soler to the Angels.
The Angels and Braves wasted little time hammering out the first significant trade of the offseason, as the teams announced Thursday that they’ve agreed on a swap sending designated hitter Jorge Soler to Anaheim in exchange for righty Griffin Canning. There’s reportedly no money changing hands in the deal. The Angels will take on the entirety of the remaining two years and $26MM on Soler’s contract. Atlanta, meanwhile, will be on the hook for Canning’s salary in his final season of arbitration. MLBTR contributor Matt Swartz projects a $5.1MM salary for Canning, who’ll be a free agent next winter.
#angels #braves #jorgesoler #mlb
Devin Williams, RHP, Brewers | Signed through 2025 ($10.5MM club option for 2025, which is his final arbitration season; Brewers could buy out for $250K. Projected $8MM arbitration salary)
Many will assume Williams is on here because of the unfortunate way in which his season — and the Brewers’ season — ended. That’s not the case, however. Williams stood as an obvious trade candidate long before that postseason meltdown. The Brewers are no strangers to trading their best players as they progress through their arbitration years and are particularly frugal when it comes to relief pitching. Josh Hader was in trade chatter for years before being moved with 1.5 seasons of club control remaining. Williams is arguably as good — or at least as talented — on a per-inning basis and will be more affordable.
#mlb #brewers #tradecandidate #sports
Williams can command a solid trade return for his final season of club control, while the Brewers save some money, add to their base of young talent, and turn the ninth inning over to a more affordable arm like Trevor Megill, Abner Uribe or Joel Payamps. Milwaukee isn’t far south of its 2024 payroll even if Williams is traded and Willy Adames signs elsewhere, and owner Mark Attanasio’s recent comments didn’t exactly read like someone planning a major payroll spike.
Yandy Diaz, 1B, Rays | Guaranteed $10MM through 2025 (contract contains $12MM club option for 2026, with no buyout)
The Rays are among the most cost-conscious teams in the sport. They have a deceptive level of payroll flexibility this offseason after trading several veterans at the deadline, but Diaz’s $10MM salary will still be a notable contract for them. The 33-year-old had a down season at the plate relative to his high standards, but much of his struggle was confined to April. From May 1 onward, Diaz hit .297/.355/.447 in 490 plate appearances.
#yandydiaz #mlb #tradecandidate #sports
Diaz doesn’t hit for a ton of power, however, and the Rays have a heavily right-handed lineup they’d likely prefer to balance out. Teams like the Mariners, Astros, Yankees and Pirates could be on the hunt for first basemen this winter. Flipping Diaz and allotting his playing time to Jonathan Aranda, Curtis Mead and/or Christopher Morel could create flexibility to add in another area while also netting some young talent. The affordable no-buyout option for the 2026 campaign only adds to the allure for other clubs.
Yankees lament fifth-inning meltdown in World Series finale
All year, right through the American League Championship Series, the New York Yankees overcame a tendency to play sloppy baseball by vanquishing opponents with overwhelming talent. The metrics calculated -- and the eyes figured -- that they were the worst baserunning team in the majors during the regular season. They regularly committed head-scratching defensive miscues. They were not nearly as fundamentally sound as one would expect from a 94-win AL champion.
But the Yankees flaunted superstars. They had Aaron Judge and Juan Soto fueling an offense that banged home runs. They had Gerrit Cole fronting a top-line starting rotation. They discovered an effective bullpen formula in time for October. Ultimately, they out-talented teams -- until they couldn't.
#nyyankees #worldseries #dodgers #gerrittcole #sports #baseball
Their shortcomings finally caught up with them in Game 5 of the World Series on Wednesday night. A total defensive meltdown in the fifth inning, one that will be remembered as one of the worst in postseason history, cost the Yankees their season in a 7-6 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers at Yankee Stadium, ultimately ending their bid to become the first team to overcome a 3-0 series deficit in the World Series.
"This is like as bad as it gets," said Cole, the Yankees' Game 5 starter.
Cole was on the mound for the fifth-inning debacle. The right-hander, pitching on four days' rest for the fourth time this season, cruised up to the disaster, holding Los Angeles scoreless over four hitless innings. Cole threw just 49 pitches. The Dodgers' only baserunner reached on a walk. Trouble did not appear imminent. Then everything fell apart.
It started with Enrique Hernández breaking the modest no-hit bid with a leadoff single. Four pitches later, Tommy Edman hit a routine line drive to Judge in center field. An inning earlier, sure-handed Judge had made a highlight catch crashing into the wall to steal extra bases from Freddie Freeman. This time, he flubbed the liner for his first error in 2024 -- regular season or postseason.
"That doesn't happen, we got a different story tonight," Judge said.
From Wikipedia:
The New York Yankees are an American professional baseball team based in the New York City borough of the Bronx. The Yankees compete in Major League Baseball (MLB) as a member club of the American League (AL) East Division. They are one of two major league clubs based in New York City alongside the National League (NL)'s New York Mets. The team was founded in 1903 when Frank Farrell and Bill Devery purchased the franchise rights to the defunct Baltimore Orioles (no relation to the current team of the same name) after it ceased operations and used them to establish the New York Highlanders. The Highlanders were officially renamed the Yankees in 1913.
The team is owned by Yankee Global Enterprises, a limited liability company that is controlled by the family of the late George Steinbrenner. Steinbrenner purchased the team from CBS in 1973. Currently, Brian Cashman is the team's general manager, Aaron Boone is the team's field manager, and Aaron Judge is the team captain. The team's home games were played at the original Yankee Stadium in the Bronx from 1923 to 1973 and from 1976 to 2008. In 1974 and 1975, the Yankees shared Shea Stadium with the Mets, in addition to the New York Jets and the New York Giants. In 2009, they moved into a new ballpark of the same name that was constructed adjacent to the previous facility, which was closed and demolished. The team is perennially among the leaders in MLB attendance.
Arguably the most successful professional sports franchise in the United States, the Yankees have won 21 American League East Division titles, 41 American League pennants, and 27 World Series championships, all of which are MLB records. The team has won more titles than any other franchise in the four major North American sports leagues, after briefly trailing the NHL's Montreal Canadiens between 1993 and 1999. The Yankees have had 44 players and 11 managers inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, including many of the most iconic figures in the sport's history, such as Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford, and Reggie Jackson; more recent inductees include Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter, who received the two highest vote percentages of all Hall of Fame members.
According to Forbes, the Yankees are the second-highest valued sports franchise in the world, after the NFL's Dallas Cowboys, with an estimated value in 2023 of approximately $7.1 billion. The team has garnered enormous popularity and a dedicated fanbase, as well as widespread enmity from fans of other MLB teams. The team's rivalry with the Boston Red Sox is one of the most well-known rivalries in North American sports. The team's logo is internationally known as a fashion item and an icon of New York City and the United States.
From 1903 through the 2024 season, the Yankees' overall win–loss record is 10,778–8,148–88 (a .569 winning percentage)
The Dallas Cowboys are the first franchise to lasso a $10 billion valuation, and all 32 teams are now worth at least $4 billion, with prices primed to keep rising.
The Dallas Cowboys have been the most valuable team in the world’s richest sports league for 18 straight years, but America’s Team wasn’t the first franchise worth $1 billion, or $2 billion, or even $3 billion. (By Forbes’ calculations, those milestones were first achieved by, in order, the then-Washington Redskins in 2004, Manchester United in 2012 and Real Madrid in 2013.)
#sports #teams #franchises #worth #forbes
If everything really is bigger in Texas, though, Dallas owner Jerry Jones can surely appreciate this: The Cowboys are the first sports team to cross the $10 billion threshold, landing at $10.1 billion on Forbes’ annual list of the NFL’s most valuable teams. That figure represents a 77% increase since 2020—when the Covid-19 pandemic momentarily slowed NFL teams’ growth—and an annualized return of 15%, beating the S&P 500’s 13% in the same four-year period.
The Cowboys may not have won a Super Bowl since 1996, but they now have a $2.5 billion lead on the NFL’s second-most-valuable team, the Los Angeles Rams—and a $7 billion gap ahead of the No. 32 Cincinnati Bengals—thanks to Dallas’ nearly $800 million in local revenue during the 2023 season, including ticket sales, sponsorships, merchandise and other streams specific to the club. No other pro football team even topped $400 million, with the Las Vegas Raiders and the Rams getting the closest, and Dallas’ $564 million in operating income essentially doubled up the second-place Rams’ $286 million.
All NFL franchises are riding high, however, with roughly $380 million in revenue per team coming from the league’s lucrative new national media rights package, which kicked in last season. The agreements—with CBS, ESPN/ABC, Fox, NBC and YouTube, plus Amazon’s Thursday Night Football deal, which started a year earlier—are set to pay at least $125.5 billion through 2033.
That kind of guaranteed money has all 32 NFL teams now worth at least $4 billion, at an average of $5.7 billion, up 11% from 2023’s record $5.1 billion. And every team is profitable, with operating income of at least $56 million across the board for the 2023 season, according to Forbes estimates. (By contrast, Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer and the NBA each had at least three teams lose money in the most recent season of Forbes data.) Those economics help explain why the NFL’s valuations sit in a relatively narrow band, with the Cowboys worth 2.5 times the last-place Bengals—smaller than the spread in Forbes’ most recent lists for MLB (7.6x), MLS (3x), the NBA (3.2x) and the NHL (5.6x).
The future of the NFL’s “Sunday Ticket” package, which shifted from DirecTV to YouTube last season, is somewhat uncertain in the midst of an antitrust lawsuit in which the presiding federal judge recently overturned the jury’s $4.7 billion verdict against the league. (The plaintiffs are expected to appeal.) But after the Washington Commanders were sold last year for a record $6.05 billion (including a $200 million earn-out), there are tailwinds that could push team prices even higher.
First, Netflix is set to stream two Christmas Day games this season and at least one in 2025 and 2026, adding one more competitor to the media bidding war. The NFL is also growing internationally, with five games being played abroad in 2024 and flag football debuting as an Olympic sport in Los Angeles in 2028. Meanwhile, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell continues to push for an 18-game regular season, after the players’ union reluctantly accepted a 17th game starting in 2021, and the widespread legalization of sports betting is opening new opportunities. In addition, several teams around the league are pursuing new stadiums, which typically boost revenue.
More immediately, the NFL, which has always required team owners to be individuals, could see an influx of private equity money after a vote at a special meeting on Tuesday to allow select funds to own up to 10% of a franchise’s equity. That level of investment is well below what MLB (15%), MLS (20%), the NBA (20%) and the NHL (20%) reportedly permit a fund to own, so the impact may be somewhat muted. The idea, though, is that institutional investors can expand the ranks of potential bidders for teams, a pool that would otherwise keep getting smaller as prices continue to soar.
Likewise, in October, the NFL raised its debt limit for teams to $700 million, from $600 million, and for team buyers to $1.2 billion, from $1.1 billion. That should make it easier for a prospective NFL owner to cover the 30% of a team’s equity that the league requires a franchise’s general partner to hold.
So while the Cowboys are the first team to get to $10 billion, they surely won’t be the last.
#1. $10.1 billion
Dallas Cowboys
#2. $7.6 billion
Los Angeles Rams
#3. $7.4 billion
New England Patriots
#4. $7.3 billion
New York Giants
#5. $6.9 billion
New York Jets
#6. $6.8 billion
San Francisco 49ers
#7. $6.7 billion
Las Vegas Raiders
#8. $6.6 billion
Philadelphia Eagles
#9. $6.4 billion
Chicago Bears
#10. $6.3 billion
Washington Commanders
#11. $6.2 billion
Miami Dolphins
#12. $6.1 billion
Houston Texans
#13. $5.6 billion
Green Bay Packers
#14. $5.5 billion
Denver Broncos
#15. $5.45 billion
Seattle Seahawks
#16. $5.4 billion
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
#17. $5.3 billion
Pittsburgh Steelers
#18. $5.2 billion
Atlanta Falcons
#19. $5.15 billion
Cleveland Browns
#20. $5.1 billion
Los Angeles Chargers
#21. $5.05 billion
Minnesota Vikings
#22. $5 billion
Baltimore Ravens
#23. $4.9 billion
Tennessee Titans
#24. $4.85 billion
Kansas City Chiefs
#25. $4.8 billion
Indianapolis Colts
#26. $4.6 billion
Jacksonville Jaguars
#27. $4.5 billion
Carolina Panthers
#28. $4.4 billion
New Orleans Saints
#29. $4.3 billion
Arizona Cardinals
#30. $4.2 billion
Buffalo Bills
#31. $4.15 billion
Detroit Lions#32.
#32. $4.1 billion
Cincinnati Bengals
Giants To Name Zack Minasian General Manager
The Giants are planning to name Zack Minasian their new general manager on Friday, reports Bob Nightengale of USA Today. Minasian, the brother of Angels GM Perry Minasian, has been the Giants’ vice president of professional scouting since 2022 and a member of the front office since 2019. He replaces former GM Pete Putila and will work under new president of baseball operations Buster Posey.
Bob Costas retiring from MLB play-by-play after 44 years
We won’t have Bob Costas to kick around any longer.
Costas, 72, is retiring from calling MLB games, The Athetic’s Andrew Marchand reported.
Costas has been calling baseball games since the 1980s and most recently was on the announce team for TBS.
#mlb #sports #broadcaster #retirement
During the 1990s, he was on the call for the World Series on NBC. He called his first MLB game for NBC 44 years ago.
His final MLB broadcast was the Yankees’ win over the Royals in Game 4 of the ALDS.
Costas’ contract with TBS’ parent company WBD expired, and The Athletic reported that he made his decision to retire now before this season began.
Hola buenas tardes para todos, acabo de publicar un nuevo video y me gustaría saber que tal les pareció la jugada 🏎️💨🏁🤩 por aqui se los dejo:
#inleo #threads #videojuegos #hgv
Hi, everybody!
So, I just would like to say something now: Support HiveBr (community of Brazilians at Hive), you won't regret it.
Let's grow together! 🤝
This Is the Level ETH Has to Overcome to Challenge $3K
#crypto #ethereum #cent
It is a very interesting move and can be good or bad.
The triangle pattern of Dogecoin indicates constant higher lows; a breakout over $0.17 could draw in new investors
#cent #breakout
“Arrests made after World Series celebrations in Los Angeles see bus burned, businesses burglarized”
#sports #newsonleo
Freaking morons. Amazing to see how people use #sports as a way to act like criminals.
Los Angeles is not unique on this one...only the latest in what is becoming a long line.
An Embarrassment
We're in a sad state in this country.
Worse every year
I may ve wrong, but I believe the under 20's are sick of all of this and are going to turn it around.
Police are looking for information after a hunter was reportedly shot near Grand Le Pierre, N.L. on Saturday afternoon.
The RCMP says it received a report of a gunshot injury from the Burin Peninsula Health Care Centre around 3:30 p.m. NT.
The man told health staff he had been shot while scouting the area to set some rabbit snares.
Poilice said a 22-calibre bullet was removed from the man, who was treated for minor injuries.
Police believe the incident happened earlier in the afternoon, between 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.
The RCMP says the man didn't see any vehicle or people in the area, and when checking the scene itself, nobody was found.
Police are looking for anyone who may have been in the area on Saturday.
What is your Favorite Hive-Engine coin?
For me, It's $LEO !!
#inleo #crypto #cent #leo
frankly i don't have one.
I started my journey with CTP, then added LEO, ALIVE and so on.
yes sure, you should first spend some time and know more about coins through research. Also those are all good projects you said including Leo being my fav. of course 👍
I would say SPS in the good days... still dreaming for those times to come back...
I used to be a decent SPS holder but nowadays just focusing on HP, Leo and HBD. I still hold around 65k sps still and its being rented out.
$LEO of course!
Leo Fan spotted!
Guilty as charged! 😀
Dash has been added to NanoGPT!
NanoGPT allows you access all the top AI models like ChatGPT-4, Claude, Flux, all privately, without even creating an account.
You can pay as you go, for as little as 10 cents, to access the best AI prompts without giving up your privacy information.
And, of course, they accept Dash for payments!
Go try it out!
Bybit faced regulatory sanctions in the Netherlands.
The fine is €2.25 million for operating without required registration.
The crypto exchange has six weeks to file an objection to the sanction.
#news #bybit #cent
Before the evening red! #photography #photographers #photocast #nature #landscape
$BTC goes 1500 US$ down allegedly over latest polls giving Harris Michigan and Wisconsin back. In the meantime, $HIVE has some major crawling back to do in order to return above 300 sats.
Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 brings back Zerxus Ilerez 👑, the paladin from Exandria Unlimited: Calamity who made a deal with Asmodeus, his return connects to the group’s journey into the Nine Hells 🔥, this callback to Critical Role lore shows how deep the animated series goes into the game’s history, making fans excited about possible connections between different storylines ⚔️
#voxmachina, #criticalrole, #animation, #tvonleo, #linkincomments, #skiptvads
Read More:
My recent LEO buy has me more than ready for #lpud 🦁 🚀
That looks very good and a great deal.
switch moment as $META and $SPOT did 18 months ago.#reddit $RDDT results were stellar. It had its
#stocks #cent
16 years Ago today, Satoshi released the Bitcoin White Paper. The rest is history.
Have you ever read the WhitePaper?
#whitepaper #satoshi #Bitcoin
Read it shortly after it came out. Need to go back and read it again. 😀
#crypto #florida #Bitcoin
Stats and countries holding Bitcoin and crypto might reshape the order in the world. Only those courageous will thrive in the end.
They could although I think the ones that establish an arena for #crypto businesses will end up thriving.
Be prepared
I am always focused and prepared
i Am always on guard
What do you notice about this list?
In my country that's 10%, thus it falls in the middle. Hopefully it stays like that.
California may (still) need moar money (taxes). #lolz
I did not make it, they did ;)
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(30/100)@anderssinho! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
G’day Professor B(bh)😁
haha I love that Special K :)
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(35/100)@generikat! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
16 years Ago today, Satoshi released the Bitcoin White Paper.
The rest is is history.
Have you ever read the WhitePaper?

This is pure history and future generations might read about it in schools or universities. Few weeks ago I have watched "Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery" movie trying to reveal Satoshi, but that will never happen.
Yes, I have read it once.
Whatever you see being done with #ai is possible with LeoAI.
It only comes down to enough data and processing. What LeoAI to recommend restaurants? The data needs to be fed in. Want it to serve as your tour guide? required. Need it to provide recipes? Once again give it the data.
After that, other things can be built on top of it.
True and it's too bad we don't get to have all of three in the same time.
Ethereum’s co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, recently revealed the fifth phase in Ethereum’s developmental journey, which he has named “The Purge.” This phase marks a significant milestone in the Ethereum roadmap
#ethereum #crypto #cent
Lmao , even prisoners understand the important benefits of investing on crypto , I would really love to know his response , I guess he suggestesuggested BNB
Obviously the guards wants financial freedom too
I'm sure he must have been quite "harassed" in prison about this subject, haha!
First chapter of my "mini book" is nearly done.
Full chapter will be sub-only.
Does anyone want a short version as a regular post? 😆
#book #pob #cent #paywall
Not even the first card crafted on #risingstar! And what better time than during the Halloween season! #outreach #threadstorm
I voted for #Bitcoin! #Microsoft
Great decision, it will be nice to see Microsoft invest on bitcoin
It is inevitable I think.
I don’t think it’ll pass. Black rock for Microsoft and they’re not gonna let them buy bitcoin
Thought they would be the ones to vote their own bag. Hmmm. Guess we will see.
Smart vote and whomever holds Bitcoin will be a real player in the future.
The vibe of this image is just splendid!
@generikat likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/5)@josie2214! to your account on behalf of @generikat.
(html comment removed:
This Halloween night I'm all set to watch Terrifier 3! Which movie are you watching tonight? #outreach #threadstorm #movies #spanish
no se creo q esta paso haha se ve bien tetrica
Stack & Stake
INdeed ;)