There are 5 pages

Suddenly, then all at once.

The digital cash revolution begins, on DEX rails.

#crypto #dash

@alex-rourke welcome!

I aquired my first DASH back in the day the old school way, good old proof of work! But I guess DEXs are another alternative, lol.

Today yes. You can still mine Dash, but it's more professional and harder to do now.

Yes it is... Way harder. I do miss the good ole days where anyone could be involved.

Got a banger of a video interview being uploaded today.

You guys will get it later because 3speak is still down though. 😅

In three days of work after returning from vacation, I’ve already reported on 7 homicides... it seems like everything decided to happen once I got back

Eita porra

o crme não descansa

nunca! e hj já teve mais outro

I'm liking your thread, not the reason for it (may those people rest in peace).

Sometimes things pile up for us when we're away. Who knew it was going to be homicides in this case?

In most of all this murders, they're related with drugs


Maguila, lenda do boxe brasileiro, morre aos 66 anos

Ex-peso-pesado Adilson Maguila faleceu em decorrência de demência pugilística, consequência das pancadas na cabeça que sofreu ao longo dos 17 anos de carreira; Adilson conquistou títulos brasileiros, Sul-Americanos e o Mundial da WBF

#newsonleo #sports #luto #rip #boxe #boxing #hivebr

O Brasil se despede de um dos maiores boxeadores de sua história. José Adilson Rodrigues dos Santos, mais conhecido como Maguila, morreu nesta quinta-feira, dia 24 de outubro de 2024, em São Paulo, aos 66 anos. O principal peso-pesado e uma das direitas mais pesadas do boxe brasileiro sofria de encefalopatia traumática crônica, também conhecida como demência pugilística, diagnosticada em 2013.

A notícia do falecimento de Maguila foi confirmada pela sua esposa, Irani Pinheiro, em entrevista ao canal de TV "Record".

Ele tava, ficou 28 dias internado, e a gente procurou não falar com a imprensa, porque eu procurei cuidar da minha família. É o momento de cada um. O Maguila estava há 18 anos com encefalopatia traumática crônica... Há 30 dias, foi descoberto um nódulo no pulmão, ele sentiu muitas dores no abdômen, tiraram dois litros de água do pulmão, não conseguimos fazer a biópsia - relatou Irani.

Maguila nasceu no dia 11 de julho de 1958, em Aracaju. Dos 17 anos em que lutou, acumulou um cartel de 85 lutas, 77 vitórias (61 por nocaute), sete derrotas e um empate técnico. Com seu jeito carismático e suas entrevistas folclóricas, foi cativando o público. Entre as lutas mais especiais da carreira, estão os confrontos com nomes como Evander Holyfield e George Foreman.

O interesse pelo boxe começou ainda em Aracaju, ao assistir às lutas de Éder Jofre e, em especial, de Muhammad Ali. Em uma casa repleta de irmãos, Maguila assistia às lutas do ídolo em uma TV preto e branco na casa de um vizinho. Anos depois, se tornou campeão peso-pesado, mesma categoria de Ali.

Eu me interessei por boxe porque eu sempre fui fã do Muhammad Ali, do Cassius Clay. Sempre fui fã dele e disse: vou lutar boxe. Gostava demais dele. Quando eu comecei a assistir, nem televisão tinha em casa - disse ao ge em 2015.

Mas o início no pugilismo só viria mais tarde. Logo aos 14 anos, o então jovem Adilson foi para São Paulo para ser ajudante de pedreiro. A vida na capital paulista trouxe muitas dificuldades, inclusive a fome.

Fiquei amarelo, pálido. Foram três meses (comendo) pão com banana. Minha morada era um caminhão abandonado no Butantã, desses que carregam entulho. Quando o dono descobriu que eu dormia lá, tirou o caminhão, e eu fiquei (dormindo) no poste - disse o lutador em 1987, ao documentário "Maguila", de Galileu Garcia, lançado em 1987.

Profissão: pugilista

Começou a treinar em 1979, e a primeira luta veio dois anos depois, em 1981. Foi na “Forja de Campeões”, maior evento de boxe do Brasil, que acontece desde 1941, sob o comando do técnico Ralph Zumbano, tio de um de seus ídolos, Éder Jofre.

O primeiro título brasileiro veio em 1983, ao vencer Waldemar Paulino, no icônico ginásio do Ibirapuera, em São Paulo. Maguila se manteve no topo da categoria no Brasil e dono do título até 1995. Foi campeão sul-americano pela primeira vez em 1984, ao nocautear o argentino Juan Antonio Figueroa ainda no primeiro round, também no Ibirapuera. Ele manteve o título por 10 anos.

Em 1985, no ginásio do Parque São Jorge, em São Paulo, Maguila perdeu sua invencibilidade. O sergipano foi nocauteado pelo argentino Daniel Falconi. O brasileiro, no entanto, conseguiu dar o troco. No ano seguinte, no mesmo palco, ele não somente teve sua revanche, como também deu um fim à carreira do rival.

Aquela luta terminou a minha carreira, porque deslocou a retina do olho direito. Para o Maguila foi um trampolim para decolar na carreira. Salvaram meu olho depois de duas cirurgias. Era muito perigoso continuar minha carreira nessa situação. Tive que decidir e parei - contou Falconi ao ge em 2019.

Maguila também conquistou o cinturão das Américas pelo Conselho Mudnial de Boxe (WBC), em 1986, e da América Latina pela Associação Mundial de Boxe (WBA) e pela Federação Internacional de Boxe (IBF), ambos em 1996.

Apesar de não ter conquistado o título por uma das quatro principais organizações mundiais de boxe, Maguila foi o primeiro brasileiro campeão mundial dos pesos-pesados. Em 1995, ele venceu Johnny Nelson, em Osasco, e conquistou o cinturão da Federação Mundial de Boxe (WBF), uma entidade considerada de segunda prateleira.

Maguila pendurou as luvas em 2000 e foi nocauteado por Daniel Frank em seu adeus aos ringues, no dia 29 de fevereiro daquele ano.

Holyfield e Foreman: as maiores lutas da carreira

No dia 15 de julho de 1989, o Brasil parou para assistir ao duelo de Maguila com Evander Holyfield. O brasileiro vinha de uma sequência de 18 vitórias, incluindo o marcante triunfo por pontos sobre James "Quebra-Ossos" Smith, em 1987, e vivia o melhor momento de sua carreira. No primeiro round, o sergipano até levou a melhor, mas a alegria durou pouco. No assalto seguinte, o norte-americano conquistou uma vitória contundente com um nocaute fulminante.

A luta contra Maguila foi importante para mim. Ele era número um e meu objetivo era ser o número um e forçar a luta contra Tyson. Eu treinei para isto. Nós lutamos, eu o nocauteei, e as pessoas sentiram que eu tinha força, assim como Tyson - disse Holyfield, em entrevista ao Esporte Espetacular, em 2015.

Em 16 de junho de 1990, Maguila enfrentava novamente um grande nome do boxe mundial, um ano após ser derrotado pelo então campeão mundial Evander Holyfield. Aos 32 anos, em Las Vegas, Maguila subia ao ringue para enfrentar George Foreman na preliminar da luta entre Mike Tyson e Henry Tillman.

Na época, Maguila ostentava um cartel importante nos pesos-pesados, com 36 vitórias e o 10º lugar no ranking da Associação Mundial de Boxe (WBA). Do outro lado do ringue, Foreman, com 41 anos, lutava para poder disputar novamente o cinturão da categoria.

I feel sleepy now. I think I'll call this a day and have a good night everyone!

I post more threads today. Now it's proven that I can do something better than just being lazy.

#freecompliments #gn

good night!!! Have a good rest!

It was a productive day for you.

Have a good night sleep.

#freecompliments #gf

Just wanna share @cryptosimplify post if you have any interest in Sportstalksocial community.

what a sad state of affairs...such a passionate community and great project. hope they get it sorted


You’re welcome

Oh you get INJ as well! Noice

yea it’s revshare from TALIS Marketplace

okay let me have a look, I do like getting more INJ

The 2024 World Series Begins Tomorrow

Please meet nabintha , welcome her to this amazing platform

#feedback #newbie

The account loren b hodl is available on $HIVE #lmao

This is my station to work on hand dexterity . I usually do mazes and stuff, after my therapist works me out in the gym.

That's quite cool and as I had two spine surgeries I can relate to the exercises needed to keep our body healthy. Luckily for now I am ok while having recovery procedures each 6 months, so we can only push through.

Got my first "Dashtoshis"? on LEODEX


Can you exchange directly from LEO to DASH and viceversa? Didn't use LeoDex lately and not sure what tokens I need to have in my wallet to get Dash IN and OUT...

No, you'd have to convert LEO to HIVE or to ArbLEO to convert it to DASH.

LEODEX is in it's early stages and still a bit clunky and slow, but the INLEO devs seem to be constantly working on it.

This is a great opportunity that is being created.

Just received this badge from Peakd, who else got it ?

#cent #bbh

That's great! Congrats for reaching that stage!

#cent #bbh #freecompliments

thanks NFT, I like surprizes hehe 😂

Yeah, I like them too.


I told the Starbuck's clerk my name was Marc with a C
When I got my coffee it was marked Clark.

Credit: lobaobh
@mango-juice, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg



That's awesome man! Yeah, PeakD seems to have put out some new badges. Congrats on making it to bumble bee status.

yes I just crossed 15k HP some days ago, Nice surprize from peakd. 😍

Still a long way to go. :-). May take a while..

keep hustling bro, you will reach there sooner than you think.

I need to double the staked Hive to get this lol
#freecompliments #gf

you are doing well guurry, keep hustling my friend 😍

Thanks for the encouragement
#freecompliments #gf

Are you a transformers now? 👀

Lots of new Lions coming to Threads it seems these days.

First off...Welcome!

Second...You'll notice that you will get a LOT more from this community when you put some effort into your time spent.

Third....Engage every day, good things will happen!

Fourth.....Unlike other Hive communities where you feel like you need to beg for votes, $LEO is different. The community supports those that support it.

Fifth....I love u n i c o r n s!

Feelin' cute....Might buy some $LEO

Making your own moves.

Few days ago, LEO was at $0.015... so why buy and not sell as the price improved?

i never buy or sell according to price, i just dollar cost average. i'm not smart enough for the other stuff lol

Hi I am nabintha ,born to South African parents but I live in Newyork with my siblings, nice to be here

Hi! Welcome to Inleo! Glad to have you around!

New York sounds interesting, I live in a place that is quite the opposite haha

Hey there 🦁

Welcome to Inleo .!

Hi welcome to the wonderful web3 platform.
Feel free to ask if you have any doubt with askleo tag.
#freecompliments #gf

Welcome! Nice to meet you.

Thank you all

1/🧵I'm Paying Users To Join INLEO & Play Rising Star 🚀⭐

It'll be cool if more 🦁 started this trend. It might pay off nicely 👇

#threadstorm #outreach

2/🧵Many lions aren't playing Rising Star. So you guys are actually eligible to get 25K Starbits from me.

  • Just play 10 missions
  • Follow me
  • Leave a comment

But you'll have to be quick ⚡

3/🧵I'm trying this out for 7 days. Let's see how it goes. We need to try new things to get our numbers up for 2025. Hive deserve the crypto spotlight 🐝

Oh, so that is the case. We still cannot determine Pi's circulating supply, so we cannot compute its market cap. Someone corrected me on X.

#cent #bbh #PiNetwork

Where are we heading, side effects of AI....

#newsonleo #ai #chatbot #freecompliments #gf

sad news

@guurry123! @logen9f likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @logen9f. (3/5)

(html comment removed: )


In teenage...right guidance and counselling are needed. Parent should take care of their teenagers in this AI era.

#freecompliments #gf

The nuclear families and the loneness is one major reason for such incidents.
#freecompliments #gf

Exactly....humans are social from the get-go, such a thing is much more needed during teenage.


Tomorrow's episode of the Lion's Den will be covering threadcasts, hopefully in a novel way.

There is a lot of value to this, especially as it pertains to #leoai.

Good, I need to up my game related to #threads and #threadcasts, any insight is helpful at this stage.

It will be insightful. We are actually solving a long time Hive (dating back to the steem days) problem.

i might be around for it!!!!!

Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates

Edition #112
October 24


Artur Jorge leva torcedores à preleção e emociona time do Botafogo antes de goleada sobre o Peñarol

A goleada do Botafogo sobre o Peñarol por 5 a 0 no jogo de ida da semifinal da Libertadores começou a ser construída muito antes de os jogadores entrarem em campo. Além de toda a preparação, análise de vídeo e treinamento para explorar as fraquezas do adversário, a preleção de Artur Jorge foi crucial para deixar o time ainda mais motivado, segundo relatos ouvidos pelo ge.

#newsonleo #sports #botafogo

O português tem um perfil comedido e assertivo, mas é absolutamente apaixonado quando fala de futebol. Antes do jogo contra os carboneros, a paixão foi o tema que trouxe para os jogadores, convidando alguns torcedores para o papo.

Entre eles, inclusive, o técnico convidou um botafoguense que sofre com uma doença degenerativa chamada Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica, que é progressiva no sistema nervoso e causa paralisia motora irreversível.

O Mister vem sendo muito feliz nessas preleções. Todos os jogadores já estavam bastante motivados para essa partida. É um prazer para todos nós estar jogando uma semifinal de Libertadores. Ele deu um toque final, colocou alguns torcedores para mostrar a importância das pessoas que estão vindo com a gente nessa luta - afirmou o volante Gregore.

Artur é um treinador que cultiva boas relações com o elenco e passa longe do perfil general. Luiz Henrique já se referiu a ele como "paizão".

Agora, o português tem a missão de manter o elenco centrado e não deixar a empolgação subir à cabeça antes da partida de volta da semifinal, em Montevidéu. O Botafogo pode perder por até quatro gols de diferença na próxima quarta-feira, com transmissão da TV Globo, às 21h30, que se garante na final da Libertadores pela primeira vez na história.


How much will Arsenal miss Saliba against Liverpool?

Alex Keble looks at how Mikel Arteta's side will cope without key defender for Sunday's huge match

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football

Arsenal's 2-0 defeat at AFC Bournemouth has ramped up pressure on Mikel Arteta's side, ahead of their big Premier League clash with leaders Liverpool on Sunday.

They could hardly have picked a worse time to find out what their defence could look like without William Saliba, who is suspended following his sending-off at Bournemouth.

Saliba was ever-present in the Premier League, UEFA Champions League and FA Cup last season, only being rested for two EFL Cup fixtures.

His absence is therefore a new challenge for Mikel Arteta – and one without an obvious solution.

Arsenal have other problems, too. Riccardo Calafiori is also a doubt to face Liverpool after he suffered an injury against Shakhtar Donetsk, while winger Bukayo Saka is "unlikely" to be fit to play, according to Arteta.

But it is Saliba's absence that looks to be the biggest issue to resolve.

It is notoriously difficult to capture the value of central defenders in statistics, but there are two key metrics in which Saliba clearly excels.

First, Saliba has the best success rate for tackles on dribblers in the Premier League this season, with 90 per cent.

In other words, when players try to run past Saliba, they are almost always stopped. His one-on-one defending isn’t just elite. It’s the best in the country.

What’s more, he has attempted 21 tackles, completing 12, both more than any other Arsenal player, again highlighting his unusual aggression. For comparison, his fellow centre-back Gabriel Magalhaes has attempted only six tackles.

Saliba is brilliant at ball recoveries

Another stat to note is the number of loose balls Saliba recovers for his team.

Although he has only registered 14 so far in 2024/25, he made 213 recoveries in 2023/24 - more than any other Premier League centre-back and eighth among all players.

A reason why Saliba's recoveries have reduced this season could be Arsenal's recent red cards, which have forced the team to sit deeper, leading to a compressed pitch and fewer loose balls. Their possession average has dropped from 58.2 per cent last season to 49.1 per cent this campaign.

But if we put together his recoveries stat from last season and his tackling success in this campaign, we get the picture of an elegant but formidable centre-back who sweeps up possession and wins the one-on-ones.

These are two traits Arsenal need against Liverpool’s direct runners.

Arsenal’s record without Saliba isn’t strong

There isn’t enough evidence to say whether or not Arsenal can cope without Saliba, although scar tissue from 2022/23 will leave their supporters nervous.

Saliba didn’t miss a single minute of Premier League football last season but the season before that, Arsenal’s title challenge collapsed after the Frenchman suffered a season-ending injury in March.

They picked up just 18 points (W5, D3, L3) from the final 11 matches of the campaign - and the problem was clearly in defence.

Arsenal kept just two clean sheets in that run, conceding at least twice in five matches, while their attacking output remained consistent.

Arsenal with/without Saliba in 2022/23

Of course, a lot has changed since 2022/23. Arsenal are a considerably more accomplished team and they boast a much deeper squad.

Indeed, of the six Saliba-less matches that Arsenal failed to win, Rob Holding was the centre-back paired with Gabriel. They have better options these days.

Potential replacements for Saliba

Analysis of the last 18 months suggests Arteta will pick one of two options to replace Saliba: either Jakub Kiwior will come in as a like-for-like replacement or Jurrien Timber, if he is fit to return from injury, will come into the side and Ben White will shuffle across.

Kiwior was brought on to fill the gap at Bournemouth and given he is the only other natural centre-back in the Arsenal squad, there is sound logic in starting the Poland international.

However, Kiwior will need to perform better than he did in that game.

These two images from the first half show how he rashly came across to cover for right-back White and was beaten by Antoine Semenyo, leading to a good chance for Evanilson.

In the second-half incident depicted below, he lost a 50-50 with Dango Ouattara and, then out of position, was unable to stop a cross that Semenyo should have converted.

It is telling that these errors were about deficiencies in aggression and one-on-one defending: the two attributes most associated with Saliba and most needed against Liverpool.

White is only an option if Timber is passed fit

White might be the better choice, not least because he is more experienced in this team.

He replaced Gabriel at centre-back for the first three Premier League matches of 2023/24, and although Arsenal only collected seven points, dropping two in a 2-2 draw with Fulham, their total xG conceded across those matches was only 2.8.

That’s an average of just over 0.9 xG against per match; a slight improvement on their average of 1.0 xG against per match with Saliba in 2023/24.

White’s recovery pace is also a potential advantage given the speed in Liverpool’s attack.

Taking into account last season's data, White has recorded a higher top speed than Kiwior.

How Liverpool could capitalise

Nevertheless, this does not make White an obviously better choice over Kiwior.

For starters, despite his performance against Bournemouth, Kiwior won 73.7 per cent of his tackles against dribblers in 2023/24, compared with White’s 44.8 per cent. On this metric, at least, Kiwior is more Saliba-like.

What’s more, White is only a viable option if Timber recovers from injury in time or, less likely, if Arteta is willing to start Thomas Partey at right-back.

The decision is not an easy one. Whichever choice Arteta makes, there is little doubt Arsenal will be worse off without Saliba.

That gives Liverpool an advantage – and it’s one Arne Slot can seize by packing the front line with runners.

Rather than play Cody Gakpo up front, Slot may give a rare start to Darwin Nunez, an agent of chaos whose probing runs on the shoulder of the last defender could pick holes in a defence missing its main tackler.

Alternatively, Luis Diaz returning to the left could drag Kiwior or White out of position, as we saw against Bournemouth, in turn creating room for Diogo Jota; a nuisance of a No 9 who should find pockets of space away from Gabriel.

Those are just two ideas. Liverpool, unlike injury-hit Arsenal, have plenty of good options in all areas of their team.

John Mara makes defiant statement on Giants futures of Brian Daboll, Joe Schoen

It was as close to a vote of confidence that the co-owner of a team that is 2-5 and mired in last place could make.

#nfl #nygiants #johmara #sports

John Mara said Wednesday night that he has no plans to make a move — now or in the immediate future — with Giants general manager Joe Schoen or head coach Brian Daboll, despite the continued struggles of a team that is losing games and making scoring points into a mission: impossible.

“Obviously we’re all very disappointed with where we are right now,’’ Mara said. “But I’m gonna say one thing, we are not making any changes this season and I do not anticipate making any changes in the offseason either.

Taylor Trammell set to receive World Series ring — no matter who wins

Taylor Trammell appeared in five games with both the Yankees and Dodgers in 2024, setting him up to receive a World Series ring.

The former first-round pick in the 2016 MLB Draft spent five games each with both World Series participants this year, which sets him up to receive a World Series ring for his contributions.

#mlb #worldseries #baseball #dodgers #yankees #taylortrammell

MLB teams reward players who contributed to their championship runs, no matter how big — think Aaron Judge — or small — think Trammell’s two plate appearances.

“Because I’m with the Yankees now, I completely forgot,” Trammell, who finished the season in Triple-A with the Yankees, told The Athletic. “If the Dodgers win it, I can get a ring as well.”

The marathon of the MLB season means teams have to rely on players like Trammell, who could be labeled as a Quad-A player, throughout the year to help contribute.

David Stearns makes Mets' Pete Alonso intentions clear ahead of free agency

Alonso, 29, hit .240 with a career-low .788 OPS in his sixth season with the Mets, hitting 34 home runs and recording 88 RBIs.

Pete Alonso was at Citi Field on Wednesday packing up belongings for shipment home in his final days before he reaches free agency.

#sports #nymets #petealonso #mlb

The first baseman stated after the Mets lost Sunday to the Dodgers in Game 6 of the NLCS that he hopes for a return to the only MLB franchise he’s known.

That sentiment was matched Wednesday by the team’s president of baseball operations, David Stearns.

“[Alonso] is a great Met and I hope we have him back,” Stearns said during an end-of-season wrap-up session with reporters. “I think we both understand this is a process and everyone has got their own interests and Pete deserves to go out into the free agent market and see what’s out there and then ultimately make the best choice for him and his family.”

Alonso, 29, will be maybe the premier power threat available on the market this winter. What remains to be seen is if the Mets value him enough to pay him long-term dollars after a season in which he produced a .240/.329/.459 slash line with 34 homers and 88 RBIs while playing all 162 games.

Alonso has 226 homers in six seasons — Aaron Judge is the only MLB player to have hit more during that stretch. Darryl Strawberry is the all-time Mets home run leader with 252.

Pete Alonso:


Yankees can stick it to Hollywood thieves with tie-breaking championship in mammoth World Series

LA has really never stopped trolling us, or stealing from us.

Ours is not the only city to be victimized by Los Angeles’ larcenous heart. LA stole the Lakers from Minneapolis. LA stole the Rams, twice: once from Cleveland, and then from St. Louis. LA stole the Raiders from Oakland. LA stole the Clippers from San Diego and later doubled up on that, stealing the Chargers, too.

#mlb #worldseries #dodgers #yankees

But New York has been LA’s favorite target. It started innocently enough. In the fourth season of the hit TV show “I Love Lucy,” Ricky Riccardo gets a big career break in California and so Lucy and the Mertzes — of course — decide to follow him there. It was supposed to be a four-episode arc; it was such a wildly popular ratings hit, it lasted for most of the 30-episode season.

The Riccardos and the Mertzes eventually did return to their apartment building at 623 E. 68th St. — don’t go looking for it; it’s actually in the East River — but that 1954-55 season clearly reflected the pulls that would drag so many of New York’s most prized possessions west. Seventeen years later, Johnny Carson closed up shop in New York and took “The Tonight Show” to LA

Giants' Dexter Lawrence has shot to be NFL sack leader in unusual way

There is certainly a chance the best Giants player will accomplish what an interior defensive lineman is not supposed to claim on his résumé.

It most likely will not happen because it almost never does.

But with Dexter Lawrence not getting any smaller or weaker or less willing to dominate, there is certainly a chance the best Giants player will accomplish what an interior defensive lineman is not supposed to claim on his résumé.

#nfl #nygiants #dexterlawrence #sports

Big Dex could actually finish this season leading the NFL in sacks.

“He’s on pace for it now, so … he’s doing a great job,’’ inside linebacker Bobby Okereke said Wednesday.

It is one of the many wasteful aspects to this season for the Giants.

They are 2-5 and seemingly headed nowhere, other than to Pittsburgh soon enough for a Monday night meeting with the Steelers.

Tucked inside another losing campaign is one of the best stretches for a defensive player in the history of a franchise that is commemorating its 100th year of existence.

Lawrence is leading the NFL in sacks with nine in seven games.

That puts him ahead of Will McDonald of the Jets (eight sacks), Aidan Hutchinson of the Lions (7.5 sacks but out for the remainder of the season), Trey Hendrickson of the Bengals (7) and Kyle Van Noy of the Ravens (7).

'The Wall' in Clippers' new arena baffles KD, but LA loses

With 10 minutes left in regulation of the LA Clippers' first regular-season game at the Intuit Dome on Wednesday, Kevin Durant found himself at the free throw line facing something he hasn't experienced in his 17 seasons as a pro.

The Phoenix Suns star went up against The Wall. And The Wall won, as the 88.4% career free throw shooter missed two, sending the sellout crowd at Intuit Dome into a frenzy.

#nba #clippers #kevindurant #sports

Durant scored 12 of his 25 points in the fourth quarter but could have had two more if not for the distraction of The Wall, a steep section of fans behind the basket closest to the visitors bench.

James Franklin refuses comment on rape charges against ex-Penn State football players

Penn State coach James Franklin declined to answer questions from reporters Wednesday after two of his former players were accused by police of raping a 17-year-old girl in their apartment on July 7.

Former Nittany Lions defensive end Jameial Lyons, 19, is facing felony charges of rape, aggravated assault without consent, voluntary deviate sexual intercourse and misdemeanor charges of indecent assault without consent and invasion of privacy without consent.

#crime #sports #pennstate #football #rape

Former Penn State linebacker Kaveion Keys, 19, is charged with felony rape, aggravated assault without consent and sexual assault and misdemeanor indecent assault without consent.

Lyons was released on $500,000 bond by Centre County Magisterial District Judge Donald M. Hahn during an arraignment Wednesday; Keys was released on $400,000 bond.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled on Oct. 30.

Following Wednesday's practice, a reporter started to ask Frankin about the criminal case. Franklin walked away from the microphone, and a university spokesperson read a prepared statement that said: "Regarding the two former Penn State football players, we released a statement yesterday and our program and athletics department will have no further comment."


Four things we learned from Champions League Matchday 3

Four Premier League clubs have continued their UEFA Champions League campaigns this week, each winning without conceding a goal. Football writer Alex Keble analyses the key takeaways.

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football

Another Emery masterclass shows Villa’s strength in depth

Aston Villa 2-0 Bologna

Three wins, three clean sheets and top of the league: Aston Villa supporters can scarcely believe how well their inaugural Champions League campaign is going.

But it wasn’t the result that had Villa fans pinching themselves on Tuesday, rather their team’s elite tactical and technical performance despite Unai Emery making four changes to the side that beat Fulham.

Villa have never had strength in depth like this. Nor have they had a manager so tactically astute at working out opposition flaws and brutally exposing them.

On this occasion, Emery had a targeted plan to break Bologna’s man-to-man press, as he revealed to TNT Sports after the match.

He showed the limitations of Bologna’s approach by outnumbering the visitors in central areas and then instructing the Villa defenders to hit the free man at every opportunity.

Villa made 42 progressive passes and completed 12 dribbles, on both counts their second-most in a game this season, reflecting their verticality in response to Bologna’s high-risk defending.

Another day, another Emery masterclass. With a tactical foundation this strong – and a bench this deep – it’s no wonder pundits are starting to believe Villa can win a major trophy this season.

Nunes and Haaland star in Man City’s record-breaking win

Man City 5-0 Sparta Prague

Manchester City are now on the longest unbeaten run in Champions League history, their sequence extending to 26 matches as their thrashing of Sparta Prague at the Etihad Stadium broke a Manchester United record that had stood for almost 20 years.

In many ways, Pep Guardiola could not have asked for more from a routine victory on Wednesday evening.

Then again, as the manager noted in his post-match press conference, there was nothing routine about Haaland’s spectacular goal. Was it normal? “For a human being, I would say not,” said Guardiola.

Haaland's incredible goal v Sparta

There was also nothing routine about a brilliant performance from a forgotten man.

Before this match, Matheus Nunes had started just nine games in all competitions since signing for Man City back in the summer of 2023 from Wolverhampton Wanderers, mustering only one goal and three assists.

He almost doubled that tally against Sparta, scoring one and assisting two more in a dominant display on the left.

“He has a special quality that we don’t have,” Guardiola said after the match. “That’s why we need him – and he can play in many roles.

“The only problem he has is one: his manager doesn’t give him the minutes he deserves.”

Injuries and creativity are concerns for Arsenal

Arsenal 1-0 Shakhtar Donetsk

A Dmytro Riznyk own goal was enough for Arsenal to squeeze through a thorny fixture at the Emirates Stadium and keep their Champions League campaign on track, but another low-key performance – and another injury – takes the gloss off Mikel Arteta’s strong start.

Seven points from three matches is an impressive record, particularly with Paris Saint-Germain and Atalanta already ticked off, and keeping three consecutive Champions League clean sheets for the first time since 2007 is a feat worth celebrating.

But Arsenal supporters looking ahead to Sunday’s match against Liverpool might struggle to see those positives right now.

Riccardo Calafiori’s injury – “a bit of a worry,” says Arteta – further weakens a defence that will be without the suspended William Saliba.

In attack, two matches in four days without a goal being scored by an Arsenal player suggests chance creation is a serious concern while Martin Odegaard and Bukayo Saka remain sidelined.

After a challenging few days, the Liverpool game on Sunday looks a lot more daunting than it did a week ago.

Nunez emerges as key weapon against Arsenal

RB Leipzig 0-1 Liverpool

Arne Slot has enjoyed an almost perfect start to life as Liverpool head coach and unsurprisingly the records continue to fall.

Liverpool have won their first six away matches in a season in all competitions for the first time in their history.

Better still, Slot is the first head coach EVER to win as many as 11 of his first 12 games in charge of an English top-flight club.

But Slot will care more about the future than the past, and with that in mind the biggest takeaway from their win against RB Leipzig was Darwin Nunez’s second goal of the campaign, assisted by Mohamed Salah.

Salah and Nunez have combined for 14 goals in all competitions since the beginning of the 2022/23 season. Among Premier League clubs, only Erling Haaland and Kevin De Bruyne, with 21, have combined more often in that time.

That is instructive, not just regarding Nunez’s long-term future following a slow start under Slot but also in preparation for Sunday’s game against an Arsenal backline significantly weakened by the absences to Saliba and Calafiori due to suspension and injury, respectively.

On this evidence, Nunez’s chaotic energy and relationship with Salah could spread confusion in a weakened Gunners defence.

Pelicans' Dejounte Murray broke hand in opener, sources say

New Orleans Pelicans guard Dejounte Murray sustained a fractured left hand in Wednesday night's season-opening 123-111 victory over the Chicago Bulls, sources told ESPN.

Tests confirmed the injury to the former All-Star, who will now be sidelined for an extended period of time.

#nba #pelicans #dejountemurray #sports

Murray put up 14 points, 10 assists and 8 rebounds in his debut for New Orleans, which acquired him in an offseason trade with the Atlanta Hawks.

He appeared to either sustain or aggravate the injury with just over two minutes left in the fourth quarter. With New Orleans up 12, Murray attempted a 3-pointer from the top of the key and was fouled by Zach LaVine on his way down. Murray tumbled over and came up holding his left hand, then refused assistance when a teammate tried to lift him back up with that hand.

Murray was still able to go the free throw line, making 2-of-3, but was subbed out for good with a minute to play.

He did not speak with reporters after the game.

"Hopefully, he's not out too long," Pelicans guard CJ McCollum said.

Maria Sharapova, Bryan brothers selected for tennis HOF

Five-time major champion and former world No. 1 Maria Sharapova and Bob and Mike Bryan, the most successful men's doubles pairing in history, were named to the International Tennis Hall of Fame's Class of 2025 on Thursday.

They will be inducted Aug. 23 at the Hall of Fame in Newport, Rhode Island, following a three-day celebration and related activities.

#tennis #sports #halloffame

In a statement, Kim Clijsters, the Hall's president and a member of the 2017 Hall of Fame class, praised the trio for their careers and achievements.

"Beyond each of their historic accomplishments on the court, the Class of 2025 have had such a profound impact on the game of tennis and have inspired multiple generations of fans across the world," Clijsters said. "We look forward to celebrating them in Newport next year."

Sharapova, 37, is one of 10 women to achieve the career Grand Slam. One of the most recognizable players on tour for much of her career, Sharapova was Forbes' highest-paid female athlete in the world for 11 consecutive years due to her earnings on the court and various endorsement deals.

She wrote on X that she was "incredibly grateful" to be a Hall of Famer and thanked her fans.

Ravens' Derrick Henry can break rushing record, Lamar Jackson says

Can Baltimore Ravens running back Derrick Henry break the NFL's single-season rushing record?

Lamar Jackson nodded his head when posed the question.

"It's there," Jackson said after Wednesday's practice. "I feel like he has a great chance of achieving that. I think he can do it. I believe he can do it."

#nfl #sports #derrickhenry #rushingrecord

In his first season with the Ravens, Henry is having the best start of a decorated nine-year career. With stiff arms and explosive runs, Henry is averaging a league-best 124.7 yards rushing through seven games.

He is on pace for 2,120 yards rushing, which would eclipse Eric Dickerson's 40-year-old record. Dickerson ran for 2,105 yards for the Rams in 1984.

"I don't really try to think about that too much," Henry said when asked about Dickerson's record. "Just focus on me doing my job and being better and better every week. I don't really try to get into the statistics of things. I focus on the team goals."


Após perder por 5 a 0 do Botafogo, Peñarol posta foto com alusão a seus cinco títulos da Libertadores

Após sofrer goleada por 5 a 0 no jogo de ida da semifinal pela Libertadores contra o Botafogo, o Peñarol publicou uma foto no X (antigo Twitter) com o patch de cinco vezes campeão da competição. Minutos após a postagem, o perfil da equipe uruguaia deletou a publicação.

#newsonleo #sports #botafogo

O Peñarol conquistou cinco títulos da Libertadores e é o terceiro maior campeão da competição, atrás somente de Independiente, sete vezes campeão, e Boca Juniors, com seis títulos. A última vez que a equipe uruguaia levantou o troféu mais importante do continente foi em 1987, há 37 anos.

Na partida desta quarta, os uruguaios fizeram bom primeiro tempo no Nilton Santos, mas foram massacrados pelo Botafogo depois do intervalo. Aos 13 minutos, já perdiam por 3 a 0. E não conseguiram reagir até o apito final.

Com a vantagem, o Botafogo pode perder por até quatro gols de diferença no Estádio Campeón del Siglo que avançará à decisão. O jogo de volta será na próxima quarta-feira, às 21h30, com transmissão ao vivo da TV Globo.

Rudy May (July 18, 1944 — October 23, 2024), former major league baseball pitcher, passed away at the age of 80.

#death #rip #mlb

Clueless TBS has made Yankees-Guardians ALCS unwatchable

Today we pause to give our eternal thanks to TBS for allowing us a few brief, presumably live moments of the last can’t-make-it-up inning of Thursday’s Yankees-Guardians playoff game.

Today we pause to give our eternal thanks to TBS for allowing us a few brief, presumably live moments of the last ca

#tbs #sports #mlb #broadcast

Until those final brief glimpses it was touch-and-go — whatever that means — as to whether TBS had any idea what was going on down on the field, as the national network had become immersed in scouring the stands to provide closeups of fans, many with their eyes closed, deep in spiritual devotion praying or at least meditating on behalf of the team in the religion of their choice.

Pick a praying fan! Pick 10! TBS found scores to choose among!

Yep, standard, 21st Century live, big-event sports television. Anything worth doing is well worth overdoing as a matter of thoughtless habit, like sitting on a bench carrying a “Wet Paint” sign just because.

The games networks purchase for billions of dollars to exclusively televise? Nah!

Show everyone else in the ballpark watching what we tuned in to watch. Indiscriminately utilize all the TV cameras we schlepped along to fractionalize your attention! Best seat in the house? By pregame design it’s no longer in your house.

But sports and TV now meet at the corner of Discomfort and Bloating.

Manchester United

Eriksen's honest answer on systems

Christian Eriksen says he is happy playing in a range of systems, as long as he's on the ball.

The Dane is enjoying a fine individual start to the campaign, scoring four times and assisting a further four for club and country so far.

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football

Eriksen may be tasked with replacing the suspended Bruno Fernandes as Manchester United's primary playmaker against Fenerbahce in Turkey on Thursday, but he says that's just fine for him during a wider discussion on availability and adaptability during Wednesday's press conference, with Erik ten Hag.

Here's what Eriksen said in Istanbul...


“Yeah, I think every season is different. I think some seasons you play and some seasons you don't and obviously with the injuries I had I was a bit in and out of the team in the last two seasons, but have always been available when I'm fit. And of course, like I said, I enjoy playing for United in midfield. Definitely. Of course, as a player you want to play as much as possible, but in the end it is a manager who takes the decisions on who's playing and you do your best when you can.”


“For me, it doesn't matter what system you're playing. I think every game is different. I think every game you're going to see a so-called 4-2-3-1, 4-4-2, 4-5-1. You're going to see all of it, I think, at times in the game, but I'm just happy wherever the ball is.”


“Yeah, I've played in Turkey. It's a lot of years ago, with Denmark with the national team against Turkey. So I know what it's like to play in Turkey. But obviously I missed the Galatasaray game last season, where I think we saw up close how the atmosphere could be. And I think the Fenerbahce game tomorrow will be very similar, but like the coach said, I think we enjoy playing in these environments. And I think when you, after a few minutes of the game has been going on, I think just continue playing football and yeah, it's nice that people are following it and giving it a bit of a good atmosphere at the same time.”


“I think the confidence obviously is a big part. I think when you draw, when you lose, I think the confidence is down a bit. And I think also when I spoke at that time [after Twente], it was probably here at the moment after you felt like you were winning the game and you lost or you felt like you lost, but it was a draw, obviously. But I think since then I do feel like the group is getting together and yeah, we played some good games since and obviously we want to win every game possible. When you play at United, I think it's the aim and that's what we're going to go for no matter what.”


“It's not really up to me, when my contract runs out, I think it's up to the club and the position. But no, I’m really enjoying my time [here]. I have done for the last few years and I still do. So when the summer comes, I think if the offer is there from them, I definitely take it serious.”


Barboza escuta mensagem de pai torcedor do Peñarol: "Disse que hoje ia torcer para o Botafogo"

Zagueiro do Botafogo, Alexander Barboza marcou seu primeiro gol com a camisa alvinegra na semifinal diante do Peñarol, na goleada por 5 a 0. O momento especial para o argentino foi justamente contra a equipe do coração do pai, nascido no Uruguai. Na zona mista após a partida, Barboza chegou a escutar uma mensagem de áudio do pai, que o parabenizava pelo gol.

#newsonleo #sports #botafogo

Meu pai é torcedor do Peñarol. Meu amigos perguntaram pra ele para quem iria torcer nesse jogo. Ele disse que obviamente o Botafogo. E hoje deve estar muito feliz pelo gol e pela vitória. Há pouco tempo tirei uma foto com ele com a camisa nova do Botafogo. Ele estava com a camisa do Peñarol por baixo. Quando eu tirei a foto ficou tampando (o escudo), para que as pessoas não falassem nada. Mas deve estar feliz pela nossa vitória - explicou

Perguntado pelos jornalistas sobre o conteúdo da mensagem, Barboza disse que o pai estava preocupado com os dois cartões amarelos que o zagueiro tinha. Caso leve cartão amarelo no jogo de volta, em Montevidéu, o defensor estará suspenso em uma eventual decisão.

Ele está com medo, porque eu tenho dois amarelos. Então ele ficou com medo de eu levar amarelo hoje e perder o jogo de volta. Agora não quer que eu jogue lá (em Montevidéu), mas eu vou. Se o mister decidir que eu jogo eu quero jogar. Quero jogar sempre. Vamos pra cima - completou.

Filho de pai uruguaio e mãe argentina, Barboza comentou que metade da família do pai torce para o Peñarol, a outra metade é Nacional. Contratado para esta temporada, o zagueiro Barboza, de 29 anos, viveu um momento especial ao marcar o seu primeiro gol com a camisa do clube. Quando o Botafogo já vencia por 1 a 0, ele aproveitou uma cabeçada de Igor Jesus para o meio da área, empurrando a bola para aumentar o placar

O Botafogo enfrenta o Bragantino, sábado, em Bragança Paulista, pela 31ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro. O jogo de volta contra o Peñarol será quarta-feira, em Montevidéu.


Análise: Cruzeiro tem atuação fora do tom, não merece vitória, e era Diniz vive pressão com um mês

O Cruzeiro segue em má fase e, contra o Lanús, teve atuação ainda pior que nos últimos jogos. Assim como contra o Bahia, voltou a não ter organização. Dominante na Conmebol Sul-Americana, o time viu o rival argentino ser mais efetivo, e o placar ficou até de bom tamanho pela atuação.

#newsonleo #sports #cruzeiro

Sem velocidade, movimentação, aproximações e efetividade, o Cruzeiro foi perdendo confiança ao longo dos minutos iniciais, vendo o Lanús ter mais organização e ser mais efetivo. Os erros, ansiedade e tensão foram aumentando à medida que as jogadas não davam certo, que o time não envolvia os argentinos e que não marcava os gols.

Com Matheus Henrique de volta, o Cruzeiro teve dificuldades em controlar a posse de bola, ser envolvente na parte ofensiva, abusando dos lançamentos à área, pouco frutíferos. Levou um susto com um gol de Walter Bou, mas o lance foi anulado.

No segundo tempo, com Mateus Vital em campo, o Cruzeiro teve um momento de domínio e abriu o placar após chute de meia, em que Kaio Jorge pegou o rebote e balançou as redes.

Mesmo que a paralisação pelos sinalizadores possa ter afetado o ritmo do jogo naquele momento, ela não pode servir como muleta para o time se ver envolvido em campo. O Lanús foi para cima e, na bola pelo alto, em que ganhou quase todas as disputas, conseguiu o empate.

O time argentino seguia mais organizado e tentando até mais. O Cruzeiro, com as mudanças, tentou reagir na base do abafa, sem muita organização e dependendo mais das individualidades do que do coletivo, que definitivamente não funcionou.

O empate pressiona o time para apresentar uma melhora de desempenho rapidamente, e também resultados, já que será preciso vencer na Argentina para passar no tempo normal, sem precisar dos pênaltis.

Com um mês de trabalho, Fernando Diniz ganhou a primeira manifestação contrária, com vaias e protestos no Mineirão. São cinco jogos, cinco sem vitória, e com pressão agora de dar uma resposta rápida para não ver o ano se perder nas próximas semanas.

Fórmula 1

Colapinto mostra capacete em homenagem a último argentino vencedor na F1

Único representante da América do Sul na F1 em 2024, Franco Colapinto disputará as etapas latinas do calendário, os GPs da Cidade do México e de São Paulo, com um capacete que lembra do último piloto da Argentina a vencer na categoria: Carlos Reutemann. O piloto de apenas 21 anos divulgou a homenagem nas redes sociais.

#newsonleo #sports #f1

Meu capacete para o México e Brasil em homenagem a Lole (apelido de Reutemann). Orgulhoso desta oportunidade - escreveu Franco.

Reutemann e Colapinto integram a lista de 24 pilotos da Argentina que já passaram na F1. O veterano, falecido em 2021, disputou 146 GPs na categoria entre os anos de 1972 a 1982; em 1981, quando corria pela Williams, ele perdeu o título para o brasileiro Nelson Piquet por apenas um ponto. Dono de 12 vitórias e 46 pódios, o argentino colecionou passagens pela Ferrari, Brabham e Lotus.

Reutemann havia sido, até então, o último piloto do país a pontuar em uma corrida da elite do automobilismo na Europa. No último mês, entretanto, Colapinto terminou entre os dez primeiros colocados apenas em sua segunda corrida na Fórmula 1, o GP do Azerbaijão chegando em oitavo lugar. Foi o fim de um jejum de 42 anos, desde o GP da África do Sul de 1982.

Do total deste conjunto, só oito argentinos conquistaram pontos para o país, sendo Franco um deles. A lista é encabeçada pelo pentacampeão Juan Manuel Fangio, vencedor de 24 GPs na F1.

Colapinto era egresso da Fórmula 2, na qual corria pela equipe MP Motorsport. Porém, foi convocado no fim de agosto para assumir a vaga deixada por Logan Sargeant, demitido pela Williams; depois de pontuar no Azerbaijão, ele cruzou a linha de chegada em décimo no GP dos Estados Unidos no último fim de semana.

Sensação na Argentina, Colapinto estampou capas de jornais no país e foi elogiado até por Lionel Scaloni, técnico campeão da Copa do Mundo de futebol de 2022; até Sergio Aguero, ex-atacante da seleção argentina, rasgou elogios ao jovem piloto.

O piloto da Williams, porém, já teve sua despedida confirmada da F1 - ao menos por enquanto. Isso porque ele foi convocado para ocupar a vaga de Sargeant um mês depois da equipe contratar Carlos Sainz para ocupar o assento do americano em 2025. A segunda vaga pertence a Alexander Albon.


E o Gabigol? Santos recua em interesse após chegada de Filipe Luís ao Flamengo; entenda

O desejo do Santos em ter Gabigol de volta deve esperar mais alguns anos. Depois de ter apresentado uma proposta em junho e mantido o atacante no radar, o Peixe deve recuar nos bastidores após a substituição de Tite por Filipe Luís no comando técnico do Flamengo.

#newsonleo #sports #santos

O entendimento do clube da Vila Belmiro é de que Gabigol dificilmente aceitaria uma oferta do Santos para a temporada 2025. O fato de ele voltar a ser peça importante no Flamengo com o novo treinador pesa na equação.

Além disso, no próximo ano, o Peixe terá "apenas" o Paulistão, a Copa do Brasil e muito provavelmente a Série A do Campeonato Brasileiro no calendário. O desejo de Gabigol é voltar à seleção brasileira e, para isso, seu staff entende que é necessário manter o protagonismo continental com a participação na Conmebol Libertadores.

Agora, ao fim deste ano, a diretoria do Peixe aguardava confirmar o retorno à Série A para tentar seduzir o jogador com um novo projeto de longo prazo, sendo o rosto da reconstrução santista.

Contudo, nas últimas semanas, Gabigol voltou a ser titular do Flamengo e, segundo os relatos recebidos na Vila Belmiro, voltou a ter satisfação no Rio de Janeiro. O período coincide com a saída de Tite e a chegada de Filipe Luís à equipe carioca.

Embora ainda não haja um acordo entre Gabigol e Flamengo pela renovação do atual contrato, que vai até o dia 31 de dezembro deste ano, o Santos deve apenas observar a negociação e não mais apresentar uma segunda proposta por entender não ser o momento ideal de tentar um movimento de retorno.

Rams activate WR Puka Nacua after five games out

The Los Angeles Rams activated wide receiver Puka Nacua from injured reserve ahead of Thursday night's game against the Minnesota Vikings.

The Rams placed linebacker Troy Reeder (hamstring) on injured reserve in a corresponding move. Reeder, a starting inside linebacker, will be sidelined for at least four games.

#nfl #sports #larams #football

Nacua, who sprained his PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) in Week 1, has missed the Rams' previous five games. The injury was an aggravation of a training camp knee injury.

The Rams have been without their top two receivers since Week 2, but Cooper Kupp also is set to return Thursday night from a sprained ankle.

Dodgers to honor Fernando Valenzuela with patch in World Series

The Los Angeles Dodgers will honor franchise great Fernando Valenzuela with a jersey patch in the World Series and during the 2025 season.

The team unveiled the patch on Thursday -- a circular design with a black background, his name in white and a large No. 34 in Dodger Blue.

#dodgers #mlb #sports

Valenzuela pitched for the Dodgers from 1980 to 1990, then had stints with the Angels (1991), Orioles (1993), Phillies (1994), Padres (1995-97) and Cardinals (1997). He finished with a 173-153 record, a 3.54 ERA and 2,074 strikeouts in 2,930 innings over 453 games (424 starts).

Report: Mets Committed Significant Resources to Scouting Roki Sasaki

In his article predicting contracts for the top 45 free agents, Jim Bowden of The Athletic mentioned that the Mets are among the teams that committed “significant resources” to scout Japanese sensation Roki Sasaki.

With the Chiba Lotte Marines missing the NPB playoffs, Bowden said that a decision will be made soon on whether or not the 22-year-old will be posted. According to Bowden, the Dodgers, Yankees, Red Sox, and Diamondbacks are also invested in scouting Sasaki. Since he is under the age of 25, Sasaki can only sign a minor-league contract in the States.

#nymets #rokisasaki #baseball #mlb

Sasaki, who boasts a triple-digit fastball that has topped out at 103 MPH, dominated his competition again in 2024. However, he missed two months due to an arm injury, a year after an oblique injury short-circuited his 2023 campaign, and he’s only eclipsed 100 innings twice in his career. All told, Sasaki turned in a 2.35 ERA with 129 strikeouts against 32 walks and allowed just two homers in 111 innings.

South Florida basketball coach Amir Abdur-Rahim dies at age 43

South Florida's Amir Abdur-Rahim, one of the brightest young coaches in college basketball, died Thursday at age 43, the school announced.

Abdur-Rahim was undergoing a medical procedure at a Tampa-area hospital when he died due to complications that arose, the school said.

#ncaa #basketball #death #coach

"All of us with South Florida Athletics are grieving with the loved ones of Coach Abdur-Rahim," USF athletic director Michael Kelly said in a statement. "He was authentic, driven, and his infectious personality captivated all of Bulls Nation. Coach Abdur-Rahim leaves a lasting impact on our student-athletes, the University, and the community. We are supporting those closest to him, including his family, team, and athletics staff, to ensure they have the resources they need to deal with this tremendous loss."

Abdur-Rahim guided the South Florida men's team to one of the biggest turnarounds in the country last season, leading the Bulls to a program-record 25 wins and their first American Athletic Conference regular-season title. Prior to Abdur-Rahim taking over in 2023, the school had never finished .500 in the AAC and had ended above .500 overall just once since 2012. He was selected as the AAC Coach of the Year.

The Bulls were also ranked in the men's AP Top 25 for the first time in school history, earning a spot for two weeks in late February and early March.

"I asked [Kelly], 'You afraid of heights?'" Abdur-Rahim said at his introductory news conference in March 2023. "'Because you're going to have to get up on that ladder one day to cut down those nets.'"

Dodgers' Shohei Ohtani won't pitch in World Series, Roberts says

In a World Series matchup loaded with storylines, one was seemingly put to rest Thursday: Los Angeles Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani will not make a dramatic return to the mound to face the New York Yankees.

"There is no possibility, none whatsoever," Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said. "Thank you for asking."

#dodgers #worldseries #otani #mlb

Ohtani has not pitched since undergoing major elbow surgery last September while with the Los Angeles Angels. The two-way star was strictly a designated hitter for the Dodgers this season, one so good that he is the overwhelming favorite to win NL MVP after posting the first 50/50 season in MLB history.

All the while, he rehabbed his elbow. Finally, in late August, he began throwing off a mound. Then, last month, Roberts opened the door to Ohtani pitching in the postseason. Soon, however, the Dodgers put the brakes on the idea. Roberts on Thursday slammed them.

Broncos receiver Josh Reynolds shot in the head after leaving Denver-area strip club -- cops find bullet holes all over car

Broncos wide receiver Josh Reynolds was wounded in a shooting after leaving a strip club outside Denver last week.

Broncos wide receiver Josh Reynolds was wounded in a shooting after leaving a strip club outside Denver last week.

Police responded to multiple 911 calls early last Friday morning related to the shooting, according to 9News in Denver.

#denver #broncos #nfl #crime #sports

Reynolds, 29, and two other men were reportedly followed while leaving the strip club and were shot at while riding inside a blue Ford Bronco.

Reynolds was reportedly shot twice — once in the back of his head and once in his left arm.

Another man was shot in the back, and a third victim was wounded by broken glass.


Braz ironiza pressão do Atlético-MG e "celebra" que Flamengo decidirá em BH: "Conversa fiada"

Vice de futebol do Flamengo, Marcos Braz ironizou o fato de Sérgio Coelho, presidente do Atlético-MG ter pedido impedimento semiautomático nas finais da Copa do Brasil para que existisse "jogo limpo" na decisão e não "sujo, como no passado" (confira a declaração no pé da matéria). Braz afirmou que as reclamações por parte do Galo não vêm de hoje e "comemorou" o fato de decidir a competição fora de casa.

#newsonleo #sports #flamengo

Essa pressão do Atlético-MG tem 40 ou 50 anos, desde os anos 80 que tem conversa fiada em relação à arbitragem. Se o segundo jogo fosse aqui, ia falar que a bola era fria, que era ruim e não sei o quê. Então foi até bom o segundo jogo ser lá - disse Braz.

Tanto a Arena MRV como o Maracanã têm condições de receber esse equipamento. Insisto em dizer, o jogo tem que ser limpo e não sujo como foi no passado. Até mesmo os flamenguistas que presenciaram a ladroagem na final do Brasileirão de 1980 no Maracanã e no histórico jogo pela Libertadores de 1981, no Serra Dourada, têm vergonha dos fatos.


Ramón explica mudança contra o Racing e avisa: "Está tudo aberto, Corinthians não está eliminado"

O técnico Ramón Díaz vê a semifinal da Copa Sul-Americana entre Corinthians e Racing em aberto após o empate em 2 a 2 nesta quinta-feira, na Neo Química Arena.

#newsonleo #sports #Corinthians

Em entrevista coletiva após a partida, Ramón analisou a partida e defendeu a substituição realizada na metade do primeiro tempo, quando perdeu o volante José Martínez e promoveu a entrada do atacante Ángel Romero.

Quando fizemos a alteração, estávamos um a um e íamos empatar, e eu sou um treinador que tem a caraterística de poder atacar e correr riscos. É preciso compreender isso. Vou fazê-lo aqui, vou fazê-lo amanhã, depois de amanhã, toda a minha vida. Quando vejo que a equipa precisa de médios, utilizamos os médios, mas quando precisamos de jogadores ofensivos, utilizo-os. Então eu não sei qual é a sua dúvida, a sua e provavelmente a de mais alguém, mas o Corinthians tem um técnico com caraterísticas ofensivas e eu corro os riscos, eu os assumo e se houver – declarou o técnico.

Eu não pensei que vocês todos pensassem que essa fase ia ser definida hoje, vocês estão enganados porque o futebol internacional é diferente, as táticas são diferentes, a agressividade é diferente, os árbitros não são brasileiros, eles são da luta permanente de um jogo e nós temos que correr. Faltam 90 minutos para jogar e está tudo em aberto, o Corinthians não está eliminado. Temos que ir a Buenos Aires e jogar em qualquer estádio, porque se queremos jogar a final temos que primeiro tentar ir lá e, apesar de jogarmos fora, o Corinthians a tem uma equipe que tem a possibilidade de poder passar – completou.

O Corinthians esteve à frente do placar por duas vezes contra os argentinos, mas acabou por ceder o empate.

O duelo de volta será na próxima quinta-feira, no estádio El Cilindro. Antes o Timão enfrenta o Cuiabá, fora de casa, na segunda-feira.

A gente tinha uma caraterística de uma equipe que joga atacando e foi difícil por causa da chuva, mas eu fico feliz pela equipe em primeiro lugar porque a gente não perdeu, estamos a 90 minutos do apito final, mesmo tendo que jogar fora de casa, custe o que custar, mas para passar a gente tem que competir e o Corinthians está competindo, então eu fico muito feliz com isso.

Sequência de jogos

Estamos muito presentes no jogo, principalmente do meio-campo para a frente, porque estamos a criar muitas situações. Hoje também criamos algumas situações no segundo tempo para poder, além da data FIFA, estar dentro do prazo. Mas disputando as três competições que o Corinthians está disputando, seja no Brasileirão, no campeonato ou a nível internacional, temos compromissos de três em três dias, e com certeza temos que nos preparar mentalmente, fisicamente, temos que rodar alguns jogadores, porque o esforço é grande, o Corinthians está disputando todas as competições, e agora daqui a quatro dias jogamos novamente com o Cuiabá, um jogo importante, e na semana que vem temos que disputar novamente. O calendário é assim, ele é respeitado, a gente sabia que ia ser jogado assim, por isso que a gente procura treinar, treinar bem. Temos de treinar todo o grupo para que esteja em condições de competir.

Por que time sofre tantos gols?

Por causa dos riscos que corremos. Porque também me parece que no Brasileirão e também na Copa eles são a equipe que marca mais gols. Se temos que corrigir defensivamente, claro que temos sempre que corrigir, mas sempre como aconteceu aqui no último jogo que fizemos, tirando o Flamengo, os outros foram todos jogos em que marcamos muito. Estou muito feliz pelo Yuri, porque todos vocês, todos os torcedores, todos o criticavam, tal como o Romero, e são eles que nos estão a dar a possibilidade de jogar e chegar a uma final.

Por isso, estou muito contente por ele, continua a converter, continuamos a trabalhar a mobilidade, os perfis, porque hoje, se virmos uma ação que aconteceu no último jogo, ele perfila mal, não perfila bem para a direita e perfila para a esquerda e o defesa corta-o. Trabalhámos nisso. Eu disse-lhe que ele tinha de se moldar sempre à direita para poder marcar e eu fiz. Um gol muito claro, muito fácil, muito feliz por ele, mas vamos continuar a defender o grupo, o Corinthians, vamos dar o nosso melhor para tentar chegar à final. Ainda faltam 90 minutos de jogo.


O aspecto psicológico é fundamental para poder competir, tanto a nível nacional como internacional, mas os jogos internacionais são completamente diferentes. Há muita luta, o jogador argentino vai lutar antes de receber a bola, aconteceu muito, mas para as duas equipes foi igual, para nós aconteceu a mesma coisa, tínhamos de ser cobrados e não fomos cobrados, mas é assim que se jogam os jogos internacionais, Parece-me que os gols que as duas equipes marcaram foram criados e foram gols bonitos, porque o gol do Racing, o segundo gol, foi uma jogada muito elaborada, não conseguimos contrastar no meio e os nossos gols foram realmente muito bons e acho que isso faz parte do espetáculo, faz parte.


Mas temos de dar confiança à equipe. Temos de lhes dar confiança, dar-lhes continuidade. Sim, se chegamos a esta fase é também porque houve alturas em que na Sul-Americana e no Brasileirão mudamos muito. Penso que para o grupo poder competir temos de o fazer, há alturas em que temos de repetir e há alturas em que, como o Bidu, o lateral que estava com o Hugo antes, se lesionou e agora vai ter de jogar porque senão não há outro lateral. Por isso, não podemos improvisar e ele tem de jogar. Se calhar já não tem, está bem, mas já não tem a dinâmica, o ritmo que tinha quando se jogava uma vez por semana. É por isso que temos de gerir bem os nossos esforços. Agora também temos um jogo importante no Brasileirão e com certeza temos que colocar em campo uma equipe renovada, competitiva, para que possamos vencer e sair da zona de rebaixamento.

Três zagueiros

Sim, mas sentimos isso, senti que com três avançados houve momentos em que jogamos muito bem, mas senti que agora precisávamos ganhar pontos, precisávamos ganhar, precisávamos do resultado para sair da zona de despromoção, por isso também começamos a trabalhar na parte ofensiva, por isso é que eles são uma das equipes com mais gols. Claro que temos de fazer correções porque temos muita gente no ataque, temos de nos organizar e saber como temos de jogar, mas ainda está tudo em aberto, ainda estamos a competir e vamos certamente analisar bem, tanto tecnicamente como jogámos hoje, como também para podermos passar à final.

Gol do Racing

Quando se olha para o gol, se virmos o primeiro gol, houve uma falta sobre o Cacá e não foi marcada. Houve uma luta, foi uma falta e não foi marcada. No Brasil, certamente, teríamos chamado o VAR, eles teriam visto a jogada e tê-la-iam assinalado. Mas isto é a nível internacional, é uma competição diferente. Tentámos fazer com que a equipa reconhecesse as suas reacções e eles reagiram. Estávamos a ganhar 2-1. O adversário também joga. O adversário parece-me que no segundo gol deles, não conseguimos cortar para o meio, nem com Garro, nem com Charles, e eles provocam, são jogadores profissionais.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

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Another steel plate. You know what you have to do.
#seed #bitcoin #wallet #cent #bbh

Power-up every day?

1 $LEO= 45 SATS

good way to look at it...i can earn my little peanuts worth of satoshis on some faucets....flip it for $LEO :)

Hmmm... I took my eyes away from $LEO and now I see its price gaining 100% from the price that I knew it was - $0.01525. That's quite an amazing amazing jump.

Another Leo taking advantage of the market promotion.

The price of $LEO today is very underestimated and whoever takes advantage of this moment to accumulate will be very happy in the future.

#inleo #leo #crypto

So, I'll just say this... I am not a fan of Michael Saylor and his banker/Wall Street loving view of our space.

But... $MSTR #stock is freaking KILLING IT! These #options premiums I am getting are just stupid, lol.

Just made nearly $1200 rolling some options contract for the family fund I manage. I rolled one Covered Call with a strike price of 240 up to 260 and out from Nov. 1 to Nov. 8. I did this so I can possibly secure more profit on the stock if it sells! Buy in was 216.

The other was a put option I had open at a strike price of 195. I closed that one and sold a new put at 215 for Nov. 8 and earned the bulk of the $1200 in earnings there.

This strategy just requires the money or stock available to sell the options contracts.

Not bad for a few minutes of work, lol. This is what can be done with some #logicaltrading

Trading means ignoring personality, personal feelings about a company, or even the stock.

Simply let the chart be your guide.

What's the proper way for us to view Michael Saylor so that we aren't duped into doing something against ourselves which happens to help him? Do we still need to pay heed to what he & $MSTR are doing?

You view him however you want. I am usjng MSTR to make income, that is all. Don't date it, don't hate it, just trade it.

That makes sense. For what traders do, he's just a tool to be used to achieve desired ends. It's purely business, so it's nothing personal.

The markets do not care about our feelings, opinions, needs, or wants. Right now this options chain is ridonkulous so you have to take advantage when these opportunities arise!

Divide between whom? Those two projects? Or just in general?

the view of those projects versus other projects.
They have the same religious zealot beliefs.
I will go into more specifics in the next week or so

Looking forward to it. I trust your viewpoint on things knowing your axe to grind isnt based upon personalities but what is being done.

Hi I am Andrew , I'm a security personnel and I also have a passion for content creation , looking forward to a great time here

#intro #newbie

HEy Andrew! Welcome!

Welcome aboard!

Hello and welcome!

Welcome to Hive blockchain and the InLeo/LeoFinance community!

Temple near Chengdu under renovation where my massage therapist/teacher took me to chill with some monks for the weekend. 2016?

I would like to understand some Peñarol fans... Posting this only increases the embarrassment they had yesterday...

Botafogo scored a goal for every Libertadores title that Peñarol won decades ago...

Maybe there are people here who weren't even born when Peñarol won their most recent Libertadores, in this case in 1987.

#sports #football #libertadores

#moviesonleo #cinema #review Victor Mature stars as one of history's greatest military leaders in rather disappointing swords and sandals epic. (link in reply)

It’s a beautiful fall day on the river

beautiful scenery

Very nice that river, where the water looks very calm.

In hell there is a place exclusive for those who design laptops inside.


hahaahha my dad is great repairing PCs, he hates laptops

It just an evil plan to mess with our mental health!!

Good late morning frens! My Internet was out all morning, so I did my morning coffee time in Pre-2000 style, next to the woodstove with a book 😉

Got this cool shot of a decaying dried floral wreath that’s hanging in my barn tho!

#freecompliments #bbh #dailyleo #gf

Nice pivot on your part 🤗

Thank you! It’s the only time I’ve pivoted and not fell on my face 😁

Hope the workout today is awesome!!


Good late morning! Sounds like you had a cozy, unplugged morning...sometimes it’s nice to disconnect.
#freecompliments #gf

Agreed 💯

And I did have a most cozy morning for sure, Hope you had an excellent morning as well😊


Morning/Afternoon Special K :)
How come your lifeline was down? lol

Morning Professor B!

One of the commonplace hazards of living in the woods is random, unexplained internet outages lol!

And I can’t believe it took me so long to reply, I’ve been writing a case study for the last couple hours, time got away from me, mea culpa!


Busy women :)

Always 😆

I dont know why and how my internet data draining fast.

#freecompliments #gf

Really old fashion and I am sure you enjoyed it.
#gmfrens #freecompliments

Today’s beauty, Eva Green aka Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale #photography #bbh #dailydook #moviesonleo

Vesper Lynd: James Bond's first true love.

She sure looked good in Casino Royale!

executives that ignore emails are the worst.

Also, if I’m ever an executive I’m going to ignore everyone’s emails. 😂😂😂

I'm busy, ok!

I try and handle emails that take less than 10 minutes of work immediately, and everything else gets left in a backlog.

The cycle never ends, haha!

Hi, @dkid14,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

wut email? !BBH !DIY !DOOK

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Don't be shy - share some DIY!

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Today in #historyonleo

On October 24, 1861, workers of the Western Union Telegraph Company link the eastern and western telegraph networks of the nation at Salt Lake City, Utah, completing a transcontinental line that for the first time allows instantaneous communication between Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. Stephen J. Field, chief justice of California, sent the first transcontinental telegram to President Abraham Lincoln, predicting that the new communication link would help ensure the loyalty of the western states to the Union during the Civil War.


🔗 Source in Comments

The weather is cool over here , I love it !!! #weather #myday


Welcome aboard :) !BBH !DOOK

@brigona! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (29/100)

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Welcome and enjoy that excellent weather!


@brigona! @generikat likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @generikat. (1/5)

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