Yeah it was great thank you for having me. The future is truly bright for LEO,
I’m excited to be here and to be using this unique product, It’s truly something special.
Very soon, Dash users will be able to access a blockchain social media platform with their Dash wallet, create content, get paid for it, and withdraw in Dash.
A killer social app thanks to our friends at InLeo and Hive.
Hivians, try out the mobile Dash Wallet. Has privacy features, and soon will have username/contact list stealth addresses. Really cool! Get it ahead of time, then update when the update hits.
mI love that by using the I love that by using the premium version I love that by using the premium version of I love that by using the premium version of inleo I can I love that by using the premium version of inleo I can change the color of the logoI love that by using the premium version of inleo I can change the color of the logo 😍😍😍
Hive never looks pretty anymore. The DHF is like the government they spend money they don't have on stupid stuff that has no ROI then wonder why there's nothing left.
😂 that spreadsheet showing how much money we blow on that car is unreal. That money would be so much better off just sitting in the DHF not putting negative pressure or supporting applications to be built on hive. It's legit madness
It's really sad and very true. Value Plan does little to nothing to improve Hive, only to drag the price down even further. Debt never magically disappears....
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @behiver!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
He estado pensando seriamente sobre el tema para mi canal de suscripción y tengo varias opciones, pero, me gustaría consultar a ver que puede ser más útil. #poll #spanish #humanitas
Yo sé que los temas que escogiste para la encuesta son apasionantes para ti en lo personal, pero ¿y si das consejos prácticos en el canal de suscripción para emprender negocios desde diversos enfoques filosóficos? Tienes el conocimiento y además la práctica con tu experiencia allá con lo de la Cámara de Comercio en Barquisimeto.
Jorge Valdívia foi preso na madrugada da última terça-feira. O ex-jogador foi acusado de abuso sexual contra uma mulher no Chile e encaminhado ao presídio para cumprir prisão preventiva. Enquanto o processo continua, o Ministério Público recebeu uma nova denúncia contra o ex-meio-campista pelo mesmo crime. O período de investigação vai durar cerca de 90 dias.
O primeiro caso teria acontecido no domingo. Segundo a imprensa chilena, Valdívia teria encontrado com uma tatuadora para discutir uma tatuagem. A mulher não se lembra do que aconteceu depois de terem ingerido álcool. Ela teria ligado para Valdívia pela manhã de segunda-feira, e o ex-jogador disse a ela que tiveram relações sexuais. O ex-jogador afirmou que a relação foi consensual.
O novo registro teria acontecido na última sexta-feira, 18 de outubro, segundo os chilenos. Valdívia teria ido ao restaurante El Toro, em Vitacura, no Chile, com a vítima e depois para seu apartamento - onde o crime teria acontecido.
Confirmamos que foi apresentada nova denúncia contra Jorge Valdívia pelo crime de estupro. Não daremos mais informações para proteção da vítima - informou o MP chileno.
Valdívia, que atualmente trabalha como comentarista esportivo na "Prima Media", foi afastado da função até que os casos sejam resolvidos. O ex-jogador do Palmeiras, entre 2006 e 2008 e 2010 e 2015, pode ser condenado até 15 anos de prisão se for considerado culpado.
Disparidade técnica e tática do primeiro ao último minuto. Atlético-MG e River Plate protagonizaram um duelo — de semifinal de Conmebol Libertadores, de um time só na Arena MRV: o Galo. Um domínio que ficou claro no placar: 3 a 0, e um passo à grande final continental.
Jogos grandes exigem personalidade. E Gabriel Milito mostrou antes mesmo da bola rolar na escalação. Otávio foi para o banco, e Fausto Vera ganhou a vaga para dar maior mobilidade ao meio-campo.
A nova formação trouxe características claras a forma de jogar. O camisa nove - centralizado - era procurado a todo momento para ganhar a primeira bola no alto e fazer o ataque andar. Na esquerda, Paulinho ficava mais aberto e fazia dobradinhas com Arana. Pelo lado direito, Hulk chamava a marcação e abria espaço para o ataque.
Foi esse ataque — e o meio mais solto — que deu o comando da partida ao Atlético, desde os primeiros minutos. O gol saiu aos quatro minutos, mas o árbitro marcou impedimento, confirmado pelo VAR. Mas isso já indicou o ritmo da partida.
O roteiro do primeiro gol só reforçou a ideia inicial de Milito. Lyanco fez o lançamento para Hulk pela direita. Ele ganhou do marcador e abriu espaço para Deyverson. O camisa nove dominou, tirou de Armani e abriu a conta na Arena MRV.
Após o gol, o River conseguiu jogar um pouco, trocar passes no meio e ter com Borja chances esporádicas. Do outro lado, o Galo protegia bem sua área, não sofria, mas era cobrado por Milito para não abdicar do ataque.
O Atlético voltou do intervalo com amplo domínio: ganhava os duelos individuais, ficava com a posse e não deixava o adversário pensar em criar. Parecia um jogo de 11 contra 10.
A resposta do Gallardo foi com três mudanças. Funcionou por um tempo. O River conseguiu competir mais no meio, chegar ao ataque, mas só durou nove minutos.
O segundo gol veio em uma troca de passes desde a defesa. Arana foi acionado pela esquerda e puxou a bola por dentro. Deu um toque com classe para Deyverson na área, que finalizou com categoria para vencer Armani.
Nas cordas, o time argentino não teve tempo para reagir. Quatro minutos depois, novo lançamento para Deyverson. O camisa nove dominou e ajeitou para Paulinho na entrada da área. Ele finalizou de primeira e contou com um desvio para fechar o placar. 3 a 0.
O Atlético tratou a semifinal de Libertadores como ela merece, com autoridade. Mostrou respeito ao River ao não temer o adversário e ousar na escalação. A recompensa veio. Uma vaga bem encaminhada à final da Conmebol Libertadores, na casa do River.
O empresário, fisiculturista e ex-lutador de MMA André Mussi morreu nesta terça-feira (22), aos 48 anos. O baiano faleceu após passar mal enquanto treinava em uma academia no Rio de Janeiro, onde morava.
Natural de Salvador, André é reconhecido como um dos precursores do esporte na Bahia. Com um histórico de 11 vitórias pelo MMA, Mussi teve uma trajetória de lutas no Brasil, México, EUA e Portugal, segundo o Sherdog, a maior plataforma do mundo sobre artes marciais. O ex-peso pesado esteve ativo nos octógonos entre 2004 a 2010, quando fez sua última luta oficial.
Amigo de Mussi, o sensei Renato Velame disse ao g1 que o baiano foi "peça importante para o MMA moderno" e que "reformulou o modelo de negócio, profissionalizando a modalidade no estado”.
O ex-lutador foi proprietário da antiga Academia Rush, na capital baiana, no bairro Costa Azul. O estabelecimento era especializado em musculação e também oferecia aulas de artes marciais. Ele ajudou a revelar outros grandes nomes do esporte, como Yuri Carlton e Edilberto Crocotá, além do próprio Renato Velame.
Antigamente, era difícil ter academia só com artes marciais. O forte da academia dele era musculação, mas a gente fez uma equipe de MMA forte lá. Crocotá é um nome pioneiro do MMA da Bahia. Muitas pessoas, como Minotauro e Minotouro, treinaram lá. Essa geração passou por lá treinando - contou Velame, que também deu aulas na academia.
Mussi também foi responsável por organizar importantes eventos de combate, como o Clube da Luta e o Bahia Combat, que ajudaram a popularizar as artes marciais no estado.
De acordo com informações do RJ TV, um carrinho usado para guardar barracas e cadeiras de praia foi saqueado, e os paus das barracas foram usados como armas. Mesas e cadeiras de quiosques foram usados como escudo. As cenas de selvageria deixaram um rastro de destruição.
Bombas de efeito moral foram utilizadas, mas os uruguaios, em maior número. Por determinação do governo do Rio de Janeiro, os torcedores do Peñarol serão escoltados para fora da cidade. Antes eles foram encaminhados para a delegacia.
Comerciantes foram saqueados. Mais cedo, um uruguaio foi preso por um furto de celular que estava em um quiosque. Câmeras de segurança registraram o momento do furto (veja abaixo). O torcedor foi levado para 42ª DP e encaminhado à 16ª DP. Outras barracas que estavam na praia, além de carros e motos estacionados, foram danificados.
Nas imagens, não foi possível ver torcedor do Botafogo na confusão. O grupo uruguaio chegou até a praia com três ônibus de turismo, que ficaram estacionados. As pistas da orla (Av. Lúcio Costa) chegaram ser fechadas por várias vezes entre 12h e 12h40 devido à presença de torcedores no asfalto.
Esta não é a primeira vez que torcedores do Peñarol se envolvem em confusões quando o time vem jogar no Rio. Em setembro, houve uma briga na Praia da Macumba, bem próximo ao confronto desta quarta.
A Assessoria de Imprensa da Secretaria de Estado de Polícia Militar informa que, no fim da manhã desta quarta-feira (23/10), durante o policiamento preventivo, os agentes do Batalhão Especializado em Policiamento de Estádios (BEPE) foram acionados para atender a um caso de furto de celular dentro de um estabelecimento comercial na Avenida Lúcio Costa, no Recreio dos Bandeirantes. Após buscas o aparelho foi localizado com um integrante da torcida e a ocorrência encaminhada à 16ª DP (Barra da Tijuca).
No início da tarde, torcedores do Peñarol iniciaram uma confusão com um grupo de pessoas, além de cometerem uma série de atos de vandalismo, incluindo saques e depredação de estabelecimentos comerciais e veículos na mesma região. Diante da gravidade da situação, policiais militares do Batalhão de Polícia de Choque (BPChq) foram acionados para conter o tumulto.
Equipes do Corpo de Bombeiros também foram ao local para conter os incêndios colocados em veículos. Os policiais controlaram a ação criminosa e mais de 200 indivíduos estão sendo conduzidos para a Cidade da Polícia. Até o momento, uma pistola foi apreendida.
Dodgers legend and six-time All-Star Fernando Valenzuela died on Tuesday night, Major League Baseball announced.
“Fernando Valenzuela was one of the most impactful players of his generation,” MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said in a statement on Tuesday night. “With his distinctive pitching style, the Dodgers left-hander’s rookie season generated so much excitement in the U.S. and his native Mexico that it became commonly referred to as ‘Fernandomania.’ His 1981 season ranks among the most decorated pitching years of all-time as Fernando was the National League Rookie of the Year, the NL Cy Young Award winner, a Silver Slugger and a World Series champion.
After starting his professional career in Mexico, Valenzuela signed with the Dodgers in 1979 and made his MLB debut in 1980 at 19 years old.
“He is one of the most influential Dodgers ever and belongs on the Mount Rushmore of franchise heroes,” Stan Kasten, team president and CEO, said in a statement. “He galvanized the fan base with the Fernandomania season of 1981 and has remained close to our hearts ever since, not only as a player but also as a broadcaster. He has left us all too soon.”
Valenzuela truly burst onto the scene one year later, where he won the National League Cy Young, Rookie of the Year and made his first All-Star team, sweeping up Los Angeles in “Fernandomania” thanks to his dominant stuff and his unusual pitching style where he looked toward the sky during the middle of his windup.
“63 is way too young…. A piece of my childhood is gone,” actor and “Access Hollywood” co-host Mario Lopez posted on X. “Growing up as a Mexican kid one of the main reasons I’m a Dodgers fan is because of Fernando. … Not only a great player, but a great man to the community. What a legend.”
The Seattle Seahawks are trading linebacker Jerome Baker and a fourth-round pick to the Tennessee Titans for linebacker Ernest Jones IV, a source told ESPN's Brady Henderson on Wednesday.
It's the second trade set to be made by the Titans, who also are finalizing a trade of wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins to the Kansas City Chiefs, sources told ESPN's Adam Schefter.
This is the second time Jones has been traded this year. The Titans acquired Jones from the Rams in August, sending a 2026 fifth-round pick to Los Angeles for Jones and a 2026 sixth-round selection.
The Houston Texans on Wednesday signed former Pro Bowl linebacker Devin White, who was released by the Philadelphia Eagles earlier this month.
The Eagles signed White to a one-year, $4 million contract in free agency but he was inactive for Philadelphia's first four games and then missed their fifth game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, his former team, because of personal reasons.
A league source told ESPN's Tim McManus that the Eagles agreed to release him before the trade deadline so he wouldn't be subject to waivers and could pick his new team.
White, 26, played his first five seasons with the Buccaneers, making the NFL All-Rookie Team in 2019. In 2020, he led the team with 140 combined tackles (97 solo) during the regular season, with 9 sacks, a forced fumble, a fumble recovery and 4 passes defended. Then. in the postseason, despite missing the wild-card playoff game due to COVID-19, he led the Bucs with 38 combined postseason tackles (27 solo), 2 fumble recoveries and 2 interceptions, including a pick-six of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes in Tampa Bay's Super Bowl LV victory.
The days off between the ALCS and the World Series have been especially helpful for New York Yankees first baseman Anthony Rizzo as he continues to recover from two broken fingers on his right hand, the veteran said in a video call with reporters on Wednesday.
Rizzo, 37, played through pain in the Yankees' win over the Cleveland Guardians last round, hitting .429 during the five game series. Game 5 was on Saturday, giving Rizzo five full days of recovery time before the World Series begins against the Los Angeles Dodgers this Friday.
"The biggest thing is getting the swelling out," Rizzo explained. "Between games it blows up, just from the pressure. The bones are still broken but to be able to get the swelling out has been key. Hopefully in the series we'll be able to battle the best we can."
Rizzo was hit by a pitch at the end of the regular season forcing him to miss the ALDS, but he was added to the roster for the ALCS and performed beyond expectations. He was 6-for-14 with a double and two walks, seeing his first action in several weeks.
"I can't even believe it to be honest with you," teammate Austin Wells said. "It's a pretty incredible thing, to have two broken bones in your hand and go out there and do what he's been able to do. I don't have a lot of words for that. It shows how tough he is and the character that he has and his willingness to be out there and go through whatever it takes to help the team win."
Rizzo indicated the team has some "good medicine" to help him get through each game. He could be a key bat in the lower half of the Yankees' lineup as the Dodgers don't have a multitude of lefty relievers to use on him and fellow lefties Juan Soto, Alex Verdugo and Jazz Chisholm.
Stephen Vogt lingered in the dugout after the season's final out, letting the moment fill him with both pain and purpose.
As the New York Yankees embraced on the field following their Game 5 win that clinched their first AL pennant since 2009 on Saturday night, Vogt, who in his first season as a major league manager took the Cleveland Guardians deeper into the postseason than anyone thought possible, watched.
"I want it next year and it's never going to stop driving me," Vogt said.
With the ALCS loss still stinging three days afterward, Vogt and Cleveland's top front office executives met media members on Tuesday to rehash the club's remarkable run in 2024 and discuss their plans to try and do it again.
There were plenty of names bandied about as the team looked ahead. What is the future of All-Star first baseman Josh Naylor? What about 2020 Cy Young Award winner Shane Bieber?
Our former midfielder Jack rejoined us in July 2022 as Under-18s head coach and made an immediate impact, leading the team to the FA Youth Cup Final in his first full season in charge. Since returning to the club, Jack, who himself developed through our academy before making 197 senior appearances for the club, has been an influential figure for our young players at what is a crucial stage of their careers.
Academy Manager Per Mertesacker said: “Jack’s development as a coach over the past two seasons has been really impressive. Jack has represented Arsenal in the best possible way, both as a player and in his role as an academy coach.
Jack has not only been a role model for our younger generation on the pitch – showing the young players the skills required at the highest level, but has also demonstrated every day how to be the best possible person.
“Of course, we are all sad to see Jack leave, but we are so proud that we have played a positive part in his development into the next stage of his career as a young coach. We wish Jack and his family well at Norwich City, and his many friends here will be keeping in close contact with him as his journey in coaching continues.”
Jack Wilshere said: “I’ve loved every minute of my time as Under-18s head coach and would like to thank Edu, Per, Mikel, my colleagues in the academy and everyone at the club for their fantastic support during my time in the role.
“As everyone knows, Arsenal is and always will be part of who I am, and the club means so much to me. However, this opportunity has come at the right time to progress my coaching career within a first-team environment.
“I have an incredibly special bond with the players and staff at Arsenal, and am so proud of the work we have done as a collective over the last two-and-a-half years. It’s been a privilege to have been involved in the development and progression of such a special group, and I’ll be continuing to watch and support from afar. The future is exciting both for the academy players and the club, and I know the group I’ve been working with will continue to progress and have the potential to achieve great things.
“I’d like to thank everyone at Arsenal Football Club for their support and understanding in my decision and wish everybody at the club the very best for the future. This club will always be close to my heart and for me, this is a ‘see you again’ rather than ‘goodbye’.”
I grew up in Barnet and I started playing football in the park when I was four. My family background is African. My mum is from Nigeria and my dad is Ghanaian. When I was around five or six, I started to develop and I was playing for a local team called Whetstone Wanderers. At around seven I was scouted for the Tottenham pre-academy and I was there for a year or so, but then Arsenal and I’ve been here ever since, which is a dream come true because I’m an Arsenal fan!
I’ve always been an attacking player, mainly on the wing. Growing up I was told about Thierry Henry and how good he was. I’ve seen lots of footage of him online and the range of goals he’d score was incredible, he’s someone that I wanted to play like. But I’d say players that I loved watching for Arsenal at the time were Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil. They were my idols. The first Arsenal game I went to was an away game at West Ham United for my birthday and that was an amazing experience. My mum convinced me to support Arsenal because my dad is a West Ham fan!
How I got into Arsenal is quite an interesting story because the scout initially came to watch somebody else but then my mum told me that he was looking at me. When I eventually got into Arsenal it was a very proud moment for me and my family. Ife Ibrahim and Sam Chapman also joined at the same time and it’s amazing to see that we’re all still here at Arsenal on our scholarships.
My highlights from my Hale End days were winning a futsal tournament by beating Chelsea in the final, and also winning the Liam Brady Cup in our last year at Hale End before moving to the Sobha Realty Training Centre full time. It was a sentimental moment because we left with some silverware. The best tour we had was Dubai – it was a surreal experience.
Before I was offered my scholarship I was pretty nervous because I was one of the last people to get an official decision. When they told me, I was relieved! I always believed I would get it but you just never know in these situations.
I started the season well with three goals and two assists in my first three games. The coaches have helped a lot. The training sessions are very bespoke and are intense, which really allow us to develop into better players. They’ve made the transition from Hale End to Sobha a seamless one and I’ve settled in very well.
Also, it helped that I had already played for the under-18s at the back end of last season so it wasn’t an entirely new environment for me. Plus coaches such as Adam Pilling and Adam Birchall, who I’ve known from my younger days in the Academy, are also here at Sobha.
I’ve trained with the first team four or five times. It’s very intense, for sure – that’s one of the main differences. But they really support you and get to know you after a while. Jorginho is someone who’s very encouraging and, because he’s a bit older, he gives me good advice and tips to improve my game. From a coaching perspective, I’d say that Albert Stuivenberg has also been very encouraging to me too.
I’ve got an older brother named Brandon, who is a couple of years older than me and currently at Hull City, and he has guided me a lot because he was also at Arsenal until the under-14s. So he’d give me insight into what I should expect as I get older. Maro Itoje who plays professional rugby for Saracens and England is my cousin, so I’ve also spoken to him at times about what it takes to make it in pro sport. Also, friends like Myles Lewis-Skelly and Josh Nichols help me too – I’m tight with them and they’ve been with the first team a lot recently.
Before a game I always need to sleep on the coach – it just helps me get prepared! I have to step on the pitch with my right foot and my shinpads are always the last thing I put on before I go on the pitch. My socks have to always be cut. I can’t play without them.
My goals for this season are playing in the UEFA Youth League and then, towards the end of the season, I want to get some appearances for the under-21s side.
My X strategy seems to be working. My weekly impressions are up to 13.2K from 10.2K yesterday. That’s almost a 30% increase in 24 hours. My followers are up to 1164 from yesterday’s count of 1033. That’s 131 new followers in 24 hours. If I keep compounding these figures I should be able to qualify for ad revenue! Keep grinding… #cent #sapphirecrypto
Are we going to see a return to established OG coins like #dash and #litecoin? I think so... strong communities and a strong track record with more than a decade of service to the industry! #cent #sapphirecrypto
Realizando las misiones diarias en #risingstargame. He logrado adquirir una nueva carta completando la misión numero 175 del Promote Fan Club , la FC10 Sky.
Performing the daily missions in #risingstar. I have managed to acquire a new card by completing the 175th mission of the Promote Fan Club, the FC10 Sky.
Estuve pensando en la idea de escribir artículos en Binance y promocionar Hive periódicamente. ¿Creen que sea buena manera de señalar las fortalezas de nuestra cadena de bloques?
There is currently and has been for a while now a hyper inflation of $HIVE . What's causing it? It seems to be the massive APR on $HBD which is being sold to get more hive. Creating massive inflation which is keeping the price down. Thoughts?
Hi everyone,
I’m in need of some gems.
Shill me your top utility plays and I will check them all out.
Check out $RUNE
will do, I have heard of it.
Its one of @khaleelkazi favorite projects ;)
Build your skill base and you'll never be in need. 😀
Yo yo! I'm stacking cacao and kuji
Thanks, I’ll get them checked out
both should be solid plays for the next year+
I am doing the same 👍
Hi, @shebe,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Welcome. Thread away.
only shilling i do is $LEO cause well...i live in my bubble :)
I don’t blame you, It’s so undervalued
Hello there! welcome to INLEO!
Retardio is a good long term hold on SOL...
Yeah it’s got that cult community, could do numbers in the bull run but I think there’s safer ways to earn the same amount of x’s
Good luck then!
Welcome @zeuscalls
Don't really know exactly what you mean utility, but I say everything Thorchain.
My next thorchain adjacent play is going to be $VULT that will come out in association with the new Vultisig wallet.
Sounds interesting, I’ll check it out thanks
Thanks for the space you did with Khal on Chain Chatter. Got through about half of it before work intervened and will finish the rest later.
Will be looking at your project as well.
CETUS from SUI ecosystem
Thanks, Ill check it out
Welcome to InLeo. Nice to have you here. 😀
Thanks mate, happy to be here.
You must be an OG CHAD
Or just a huge troll.
There's a time for BTC but not 2025.
Been on Hive since 2017.
Hey Zeus!
Had an amazing call with you on Chain Chatter today! Really excited to see you join the platform
Looking forward to building a better future with you 🤝
Yeah it was great thank you for having me. The future is truly bright for LEO,
I’m excited to be here and to be using this unique product, It’s truly something special.
I appreciate that!
Thank you for taking the time to poke around
You’ve got me on DM and if you ever need me to look at something on platform you can also @ tag me 🦁
Make sure to stroke @khaleelkazi's ego or you'll be muted from the main feeds. Think pre-Musk twitter style... Good luck
Hi and welcome! Seems like you got a lot of replies
Bitcoin & Ethereum it's my favorite combo (so far).
Welcome, @zeuscalls. Good to see you on INLEO.
Very soon, Dash users will be able to access a blockchain social media platform with their Dash wallet, create content, get paid for it, and withdraw in Dash.
A killer social app thanks to our friends at InLeo and Hive.
You're not bullish enough yet, anon. 🐂
Hivians, try out the mobile Dash Wallet. Has privacy features, and soon will have username/contact list stealth addresses. Really cool! Get it ahead of time, then update when the update hits.
Aaah... that's a brilliant idea! 👍
Thanks to the InLeo team for being so willing to work together!
Release the dashhounds! 😀
mI love that by using the I love that by using the premium version I love that by using the premium version of I love that by using the premium version of inleo I can I love that by using the premium version of inleo I can change the color of the logoI love that by using the premium version of inleo I can change the color of the logo 😍😍😍
#premiumexperience #inleo
I saw you have subscriptions open, what are you offering on them?
I hadn't noticed that, but I disabled it.
What an ugly picture... lol
Hive never looks pretty anymore. The DHF is like the government they spend money they don't have on stupid stuff that has no ROI then wonder why there's nothing left.
rally car anyone
Hi, @simplegame,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
oh and also don't forget about that hive movie which also cost a fortune and was a complete waste of money
yep. Both of those are Lord Butterfly draining from the chain. Dude is a piece of work
Indeed but there are also others who are enabling it to happen.
100% for sure.
This is why I said the SPL proposal when the community stopped it would be approved with a smoke filled back room deal.
I am going to talk more about this in my sub only content
😂 that spreadsheet showing how much money we blow on that car is unreal. That money would be so much better off just sitting in the DHF not putting negative pressure or supporting applications to be built on hive. It's legit madness
It's really sad and very true. Value Plan does little to nothing to improve Hive, only to drag the price down even further. Debt never magically disappears....
yeah not a good look at all. Someday that will turn around.
We all are looking forward to the day of even $0.30 again right now! lol
Hi, @dkid14,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Or a great buying opportunity 🚀👏🍺
It's a great time to buy!
Beautiful when buying. 😀
To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question...
I believe that sleep is important
Of course it is important, but I have pending commitments
Sometimes I don't take a nap, the nap takes me xD
The same happens here! LOL
It seems to me that sleep is basic for that body. Otherwise, get ready... 😴
Yo, todos los días!
It's Thursday, 24th October 2024
Today's #lbi asset backed value per token is:
1 LBI = $0.108 USD = 0.569 HIVE = 3.821 LEO
Nice to see $LEO catching some bids lately, and looking like it wants to get back over 3c. Here is hoping.
Have a great day.
Just dropped a post, about potentially swapping from HBD into HIVE, or HIVE priced assets. Let me know your thoughts on what #lbi should do.
#moviesonleo #cinema #review Mickey Rourke resurrects his career with powerful performance in sports drama. (link in reply)
Definitely me 🤣

On the #Hive #blockchain the key of the game is to be present, #engage and create #content. This got me over the 44,000 #HivePower threshold. This is the way!
I fully agree with you. I'm my way to get 48K HP very soon.
We are running a close race. Good luck!
That's incredible and I'm sure you will continue to achieve great things.
I plan to, let' see if the execution can keep up with the expectations as well. 😄
I hope it goes well.
Thank you!
Berry noice man, da way fer sure! !BBH !DIY !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/100)@behiver! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @behiver! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Conocida como parchita, maracuyá o fruta de la pasión.
Una fruta deliciosa y versátil!
La mejor fruta para hacer postre y jugos.
concuerdo totalmente, es la mejor!
Saludos 🙏
Realmente es una fruta deliciosa, casi paradisíaca. Con su cáscara se hace un postre muy sabroso. Saludos, @yessi08.
yo uso la cáscara para jugo, la cocino, y mezclo con un poco de pulpa queda delicioso 😋
Saludos 🙏
A delicious and healthy fruit!
#plantpower #vegan #galletasveganas
Good vegan recipe!
the more time I spend out here the more I remember how awesome it is living where there's not many people
where is here ?
middle of nowhere in louisiana
most people in general suck lol
oh yeah 100%
!INDEED Awesome man. Highly agree having had many such experiences. !BBH !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/100)@l337m45732! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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Lol. I thought I was the only one who felt this way.
Some of you maybe missed me , don't worry i am here
Welcome sir
"See honey i am a micro-celebrity"
The month ended so I just upgraded to a one year subscription of INLEO Premium!
welcome to the 1 yr club!
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Damn not at all jealous 😅
Im saving up so I can get that :)
That's the way to go!
Congratulations, it's huge!!
That's a powerful move.
A New Offer: see the thread below
Your Subscription for this, will also count towards the 2 subscriptions I'm waiting for to start working on @Reminder.Ping's New Feature!
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ahmadmanga on! Subscribe for more is supported by subscribers to
Hope i enjoy my stay here , good evening from here
#friends #introducingmyself #selfie
Welcome to inleo! Have a great time! chat with others and join the communities that resonate with you!
Hi and welcome :)
Welcome friend to this great world, where you can have a wonderful time. greetings from Venezuela
Welcome! Hope you can stick around!
We all "wanna be someone or something", but life might have other plans for us...
#life #funny #it #job #dreamjob
There's always a better plan...
only 2:40pm & almost done with all work tasks. then to move on to writing.
that feels like you got done much earlier?
yeah a little earlier which is always nice
He estado pensando seriamente sobre el tema para mi canal de suscripción y tengo varias opciones, pero, me gustaría consultar a ver que puede ser más útil. #poll #spanish #humanitas
Yo sé que los temas que escogiste para la encuesta son apasionantes para ti en lo personal, pero ¿y si das consejos prácticos en el canal de suscripción para emprender negocios desde diversos enfoques filosóficos? Tienes el conocimiento y además la práctica con tu experiencia allá con lo de la Cámara de Comercio en Barquisimeto.
Es una buena idea, pero, no sé si tenga los conocimientos necesarios, aunque podría contar mi experiencia.
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #111
October 23
Hello my friends!
Fora de Campo
Preso no Chile, Valdívia é novamente acusado por abuso sexual
Jorge Valdívia foi preso na madrugada da última terça-feira. O ex-jogador foi acusado de abuso sexual contra uma mulher no Chile e encaminhado ao presídio para cumprir prisão preventiva. Enquanto o processo continua, o Ministério Público recebeu uma nova denúncia contra o ex-meio-campista pelo mesmo crime. O período de investigação vai durar cerca de 90 dias.
#newsonleo #sports #futebol
O primeiro caso teria acontecido no domingo. Segundo a imprensa chilena, Valdívia teria encontrado com uma tatuadora para discutir uma tatuagem. A mulher não se lembra do que aconteceu depois de terem ingerido álcool. Ela teria ligado para Valdívia pela manhã de segunda-feira, e o ex-jogador disse a ela que tiveram relações sexuais. O ex-jogador afirmou que a relação foi consensual.
O novo registro teria acontecido na última sexta-feira, 18 de outubro, segundo os chilenos. Valdívia teria ido ao restaurante El Toro, em Vitacura, no Chile, com a vítima e depois para seu apartamento - onde o crime teria acontecido.
Valdívia, que atualmente trabalha como comentarista esportivo na "Prima Media", foi afastado da função até que os casos sejam resolvidos. O ex-jogador do Palmeiras, entre 2006 e 2008 e 2010 e 2015, pode ser condenado até 15 anos de prisão se for considerado culpado.
Análise: Atlético-MG ousa na escalação, atropela o River e encaminha vaga à final da Libertadores
Disparidade técnica e tática do primeiro ao último minuto. Atlético-MG e River Plate protagonizaram um duelo — de semifinal de Conmebol Libertadores, de um time só na Arena MRV: o Galo. Um domínio que ficou claro no placar: 3 a 0, e um passo à grande final continental.
#newsonleo #sports #Atleticomg
Jogos grandes exigem personalidade. E Gabriel Milito mostrou antes mesmo da bola rolar na escalação. Otávio foi para o banco, e Fausto Vera ganhou a vaga para dar maior mobilidade ao meio-campo.
No ataque, Rubens foi sacado da lateral — Arana voltou ao corredor — e Deyverson foi escalado ao lado de Hulk e Paulinho.
A nova formação trouxe características claras a forma de jogar. O camisa nove - centralizado - era procurado a todo momento para ganhar a primeira bola no alto e fazer o ataque andar. Na esquerda, Paulinho ficava mais aberto e fazia dobradinhas com Arana. Pelo lado direito, Hulk chamava a marcação e abria espaço para o ataque.
Foi esse ataque — e o meio mais solto — que deu o comando da partida ao Atlético, desde os primeiros minutos. O gol saiu aos quatro minutos, mas o árbitro marcou impedimento, confirmado pelo VAR. Mas isso já indicou o ritmo da partida.
O roteiro do primeiro gol só reforçou a ideia inicial de Milito. Lyanco fez o lançamento para Hulk pela direita. Ele ganhou do marcador e abriu espaço para Deyverson. O camisa nove dominou, tirou de Armani e abriu a conta na Arena MRV.
Após o gol, o River conseguiu jogar um pouco, trocar passes no meio e ter com Borja chances esporádicas. Do outro lado, o Galo protegia bem sua área, não sofria, mas era cobrado por Milito para não abdicar do ataque.
O Atlético voltou do intervalo com amplo domínio: ganhava os duelos individuais, ficava com a posse e não deixava o adversário pensar em criar. Parecia um jogo de 11 contra 10.
A resposta do Gallardo foi com três mudanças. Funcionou por um tempo. O River conseguiu competir mais no meio, chegar ao ataque, mas só durou nove minutos.
O segundo gol veio em uma troca de passes desde a defesa. Arana foi acionado pela esquerda e puxou a bola por dentro. Deu um toque com classe para Deyverson na área, que finalizou com categoria para vencer Armani.
Nas cordas, o time argentino não teve tempo para reagir. Quatro minutos depois, novo lançamento para Deyverson. O camisa nove dominou e ajeitou para Paulinho na entrada da área. Ele finalizou de primeira e contou com um desvio para fechar o placar. 3 a 0.
O Atlético tratou a semifinal de Libertadores como ela merece, com autoridade. Mostrou respeito ao River ao não temer o adversário e ousar na escalação. A recompensa veio. Uma vaga bem encaminhada à final da Conmebol Libertadores, na casa do River.
Morre aos 48 anos André Mussi, fisiculturista, ex-lutador de MMA e empresário do esporte
O empresário, fisiculturista e ex-lutador de MMA André Mussi morreu nesta terça-feira (22), aos 48 anos. O baiano faleceu após passar mal enquanto treinava em uma academia no Rio de Janeiro, onde morava.
#newsonleo #sports #luto #rip #mma
Natural de Salvador, André é reconhecido como um dos precursores do esporte na Bahia. Com um histórico de 11 vitórias pelo MMA, Mussi teve uma trajetória de lutas no Brasil, México, EUA e Portugal, segundo o Sherdog, a maior plataforma do mundo sobre artes marciais. O ex-peso pesado esteve ativo nos octógonos entre 2004 a 2010, quando fez sua última luta oficial.
Amigo de Mussi, o sensei Renato Velame disse ao g1 que o baiano foi "peça importante para o MMA moderno" e que "reformulou o modelo de negócio, profissionalizando a modalidade no estado”.
O ex-lutador foi proprietário da antiga Academia Rush, na capital baiana, no bairro Costa Azul. O estabelecimento era especializado em musculação e também oferecia aulas de artes marciais. Ele ajudou a revelar outros grandes nomes do esporte, como Yuri Carlton e Edilberto Crocotá, além do próprio Renato Velame.
Mussi também foi responsável por organizar importantes eventos de combate, como o Clube da Luta e o Bahia Combat, que ajudaram a popularizar as artes marciais no estado.
Torcedores do Peñarol se envolvem em confronto com a PM na orla do Rio antes do jogo contra o Botafogo
#newsonleo #sports #botafogo
De acordo com informações do RJ TV, um carrinho usado para guardar barracas e cadeiras de praia foi saqueado, e os paus das barracas foram usados como armas. Mesas e cadeiras de quiosques foram usados como escudo. As cenas de selvageria deixaram um rastro de destruição.
Bombas de efeito moral foram utilizadas, mas os uruguaios, em maior número. Por determinação do governo do Rio de Janeiro, os torcedores do Peñarol serão escoltados para fora da cidade. Antes eles foram encaminhados para a delegacia.
Comerciantes foram saqueados. Mais cedo, um uruguaio foi preso por um furto de celular que estava em um quiosque. Câmeras de segurança registraram o momento do furto (veja abaixo). O torcedor foi levado para 42ª DP e encaminhado à 16ª DP. Outras barracas que estavam na praia, além de carros e motos estacionados, foram danificados.
Nas imagens, não foi possível ver torcedor do Botafogo na confusão. O grupo uruguaio chegou até a praia com três ônibus de turismo, que ficaram estacionados. As pistas da orla (Av. Lúcio Costa) chegaram ser fechadas por várias vezes entre 12h e 12h40 devido à presença de torcedores no asfalto.
Esta não é a primeira vez que torcedores do Peñarol se envolvem em confusões quando o time vem jogar no Rio. Em setembro, houve uma briga na Praia da Macumba, bem próximo ao confronto desta quarta.
Em 2019, cerca de 100 torcedores do Peñarol foram detidos após confusão na orla do Leme, na Zona Sul. Um torcedor do Flamengo morreu.
Nota da PM sobre a confusão
A Assessoria de Imprensa da Secretaria de Estado de Polícia Militar informa que, no fim da manhã desta quarta-feira (23/10), durante o policiamento preventivo, os agentes do Batalhão Especializado em Policiamento de Estádios (BEPE) foram acionados para atender a um caso de furto de celular dentro de um estabelecimento comercial na Avenida Lúcio Costa, no Recreio dos Bandeirantes. Após buscas o aparelho foi localizado com um integrante da torcida e a ocorrência encaminhada à 16ª DP (Barra da Tijuca).
No início da tarde, torcedores do Peñarol iniciaram uma confusão com um grupo de pessoas, além de cometerem uma série de atos de vandalismo, incluindo saques e depredação de estabelecimentos comerciais e veículos na mesma região. Diante da gravidade da situação, policiais militares do Batalhão de Polícia de Choque (BPChq) foram acionados para conter o tumulto.
Equipes do Corpo de Bombeiros também foram ao local para conter os incêndios colocados em veículos. Os policiais controlaram a ação criminosa e mais de 200 indivíduos estão sendo conduzidos para a Cidade da Polícia. Até o momento, uma pistola foi apreendida.
Fernando Valenzuela, Dodgers legend who sparked 'Fernandomania,' dead at 63
Dodgers legend and six-time All-Star Fernando Valenzuela died on Tuesday night, Major League Baseball announced.
“Fernando Valenzuela was one of the most impactful players of his generation,” MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said in a statement on Tuesday night. “With his distinctive pitching style, the Dodgers left-hander’s rookie season generated so much excitement in the U.S. and his native Mexico that it became commonly referred to as ‘Fernandomania.’ His 1981 season ranks among the most decorated pitching years of all-time as Fernando was the National League Rookie of the Year, the NL Cy Young Award winner, a Silver Slugger and a World Series champion.
#sports #death #mlb #dodgers
After starting his professional career in Mexico, Valenzuela signed with the Dodgers in 1979 and made his MLB debut in 1980 at 19 years old.
“He is one of the most influential Dodgers ever and belongs on the Mount Rushmore of franchise heroes,” Stan Kasten, team president and CEO, said in a statement. “He galvanized the fan base with the Fernandomania season of 1981 and has remained close to our hearts ever since, not only as a player but also as a broadcaster. He has left us all too soon.”
Valenzuela truly burst onto the scene one year later, where he won the National League Cy Young, Rookie of the Year and made his first All-Star team, sweeping up Los Angeles in “Fernandomania” thanks to his dominant stuff and his unusual pitching style where he looked toward the sky during the middle of his windup.
“63 is way too young…. A piece of my childhood is gone,” actor and “Access Hollywood” co-host Mario Lopez posted on X. “Growing up as a Mexican kid one of the main reasons I’m a Dodgers fan is because of Fernando. … Not only a great player, but a great man to the community. What a legend.”
Source: Seahawks trade Jerome Baker, pick for Titans' Ernest Jones
The Seattle Seahawks are trading linebacker Jerome Baker and a fourth-round pick to the Tennessee Titans for linebacker Ernest Jones IV, a source told ESPN's Brady Henderson on Wednesday.
It's the second trade set to be made by the Titans, who also are finalizing a trade of wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins to the Kansas City Chiefs, sources told ESPN's Adam Schefter.
This is the second time Jones has been traded this year. The Titans acquired Jones from the Rams in August, sending a 2026 fifth-round pick to Los Angeles for Jones and a 2026 sixth-round selection.
#nfl #seahawks #sports #trade
Texans sign former Pro Bowl linebacker Devin White
The Houston Texans on Wednesday signed former Pro Bowl linebacker Devin White, who was released by the Philadelphia Eagles earlier this month.
The Eagles signed White to a one-year, $4 million contract in free agency but he was inactive for Philadelphia's first four games and then missed their fifth game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, his former team, because of personal reasons.
A league source told ESPN's Tim McManus that the Eagles agreed to release him before the trade deadline so he wouldn't be subject to waivers and could pick his new team.
#nfl #texans #sports #devinwhite
White, 26, played his first five seasons with the Buccaneers, making the NFL All-Rookie Team in 2019. In 2020, he led the team with 140 combined tackles (97 solo) during the regular season, with 9 sacks, a forced fumble, a fumble recovery and 4 passes defended. Then. in the postseason, despite missing the wild-card playoff game due to COVID-19, he led the Bucs with 38 combined postseason tackles (27 solo), 2 fumble recoveries and 2 interceptions, including a pick-six of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes in Tampa Bay's Super Bowl LV victory.
Anthony Rizzo's broken fingers better before World Series
The days off between the ALCS and the World Series have been especially helpful for New York Yankees first baseman Anthony Rizzo as he continues to recover from two broken fingers on his right hand, the veteran said in a video call with reporters on Wednesday.
Rizzo, 37, played through pain in the Yankees' win over the Cleveland Guardians last round, hitting .429 during the five game series. Game 5 was on Saturday, giving Rizzo five full days of recovery time before the World Series begins against the Los Angeles Dodgers this Friday.
#anthonyrizzo #mlb #nyyankees #worldseries #sports
"The biggest thing is getting the swelling out," Rizzo explained. "Between games it blows up, just from the pressure. The bones are still broken but to be able to get the swelling out has been key. Hopefully in the series we'll be able to battle the best we can."
Rizzo was hit by a pitch at the end of the regular season forcing him to miss the ALDS, but he was added to the roster for the ALCS and performed beyond expectations. He was 6-for-14 with a double and two walks, seeing his first action in several weeks.
"I can't even believe it to be honest with you," teammate Austin Wells said. "It's a pretty incredible thing, to have two broken bones in your hand and go out there and do what he's been able to do. I don't have a lot of words for that. It shows how tough he is and the character that he has and his willingness to be out there and go through whatever it takes to help the team win."
Rizzo indicated the team has some "good medicine" to help him get through each game. He could be a key bat in the lower half of the Yankees' lineup as the Dodgers don't have a multitude of lefty relievers to use on him and fellow lefties Juan Soto, Alex Verdugo and Jazz Chisholm.
Naylor, Bieber among key offseason headlines for Guardians
Stephen Vogt lingered in the dugout after the season's final out, letting the moment fill him with both pain and purpose.
As the New York Yankees embraced on the field following their Game 5 win that clinched their first AL pennant since 2009 on Saturday night, Vogt, who in his first season as a major league manager took the Cleveland Guardians deeper into the postseason than anyone thought possible, watched.
He made himself a promise.
#guardians #mlb #cleveland #sports
"I want it next year and it's never going to stop driving me," Vogt said.
With the ALCS loss still stinging three days afterward, Vogt and Cleveland's top front office executives met media members on Tuesday to rehash the club's remarkable run in 2024 and discuss their plans to try and do it again.
There were plenty of names bandied about as the team looked ahead. What is the future of All-Star first baseman Josh Naylor? What about 2020 Cy Young Award winner Shane Bieber?
Jack Wilshere joins Norwich City
Our former midfielder Jack rejoined us in July 2022 as Under-18s head coach and made an immediate impact, leading the team to the FA Youth Cup Final in his first full season in charge. Since returning to the club, Jack, who himself developed through our academy before making 197 senior appearances for the club, has been an influential figure for our young players at what is a crucial stage of their careers.
#newsonleo #sports #epl #football
Academy Manager Per Mertesacker said: “Jack’s development as a coach over the past two seasons has been really impressive. Jack has represented Arsenal in the best possible way, both as a player and in his role as an academy coach.
Jack has not only been a role model for our younger generation on the pitch – showing the young players the skills required at the highest level, but has also demonstrated every day how to be the best possible person.
“Of course, we are all sad to see Jack leave, but we are so proud that we have played a positive part in his development into the next stage of his career as a young coach. We wish Jack and his family well at Norwich City, and his many friends here will be keeping in close contact with him as his journey in coaching continues.”
Jack Wilshere said: “I’ve loved every minute of my time as Under-18s head coach and would like to thank Edu, Per, Mikel, my colleagues in the academy and everyone at the club for their fantastic support during my time in the role.
“As everyone knows, Arsenal is and always will be part of who I am, and the club means so much to me. However, this opportunity has come at the right time to progress my coaching career within a first-team environment.
“I have an incredibly special bond with the players and staff at Arsenal, and am so proud of the work we have done as a collective over the last two-and-a-half years. It’s been a privilege to have been involved in the development and progression of such a special group, and I’ll be continuing to watch and support from afar. The future is exciting both for the academy players and the club, and I know the group I’ve been working with will continue to progress and have the potential to achieve great things.
“I’d like to thank everyone at Arsenal Football Club for their support and understanding in my decision and wish everybody at the club the very best for the future. This club will always be close to my heart and for me, this is a ‘see you again’ rather than ‘goodbye’.”
We will make a further announcement regarding the appointment of our new Under-18s head coach shortly.
Young Gun: Andre Harriman-Annous
Our Young Gun series returns for 2024/25 as we get to know the academy youngsters kicking off their careers at Sobha Realty Training Centre.
#newsonleo #sports #epl #football #liverpool
Andre Harriman-Annous spoke to us recently, and here's what he had to say about growing up in Barnet, supporting Arsenal and more.
I grew up in Barnet and I started playing football in the park when I was four. My family background is African. My mum is from Nigeria and my dad is Ghanaian. When I was around five or six, I started to develop and I was playing for a local team called Whetstone Wanderers. At around seven I was scouted for the Tottenham pre-academy and I was there for a year or so, but then Arsenal and I’ve been here ever since, which is a dream come true because I’m an Arsenal fan!
I’ve always been an attacking player, mainly on the wing. Growing up I was told about Thierry Henry and how good he was. I’ve seen lots of footage of him online and the range of goals he’d score was incredible, he’s someone that I wanted to play like. But I’d say players that I loved watching for Arsenal at the time were Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil. They were my idols. The first Arsenal game I went to was an away game at West Ham United for my birthday and that was an amazing experience. My mum convinced me to support Arsenal because my dad is a West Ham fan!
How I got into Arsenal is quite an interesting story because the scout initially came to watch somebody else but then my mum told me that he was looking at me. When I eventually got into Arsenal it was a very proud moment for me and my family. Ife Ibrahim and Sam Chapman also joined at the same time and it’s amazing to see that we’re all still here at Arsenal on our scholarships.
My highlights from my Hale End days were winning a futsal tournament by beating Chelsea in the final, and also winning the Liam Brady Cup in our last year at Hale End before moving to the Sobha Realty Training Centre full time. It was a sentimental moment because we left with some silverware. The best tour we had was Dubai – it was a surreal experience.
Before I was offered my scholarship I was pretty nervous because I was one of the last people to get an official decision. When they told me, I was relieved! I always believed I would get it but you just never know in these situations.
I started the season well with three goals and two assists in my first three games. The coaches have helped a lot. The training sessions are very bespoke and are intense, which really allow us to develop into better players. They’ve made the transition from Hale End to Sobha a seamless one and I’ve settled in very well.
Also, it helped that I had already played for the under-18s at the back end of last season so it wasn’t an entirely new environment for me. Plus coaches such as Adam Pilling and Adam Birchall, who I’ve known from my younger days in the Academy, are also here at Sobha.
I’ve trained with the first team four or five times. It’s very intense, for sure – that’s one of the main differences. But they really support you and get to know you after a while. Jorginho is someone who’s very encouraging and, because he’s a bit older, he gives me good advice and tips to improve my game. From a coaching perspective, I’d say that Albert Stuivenberg has also been very encouraging to me too.
I’ve got an older brother named Brandon, who is a couple of years older than me and currently at Hull City, and he has guided me a lot because he was also at Arsenal until the under-14s. So he’d give me insight into what I should expect as I get older. Maro Itoje who plays professional rugby for Saracens and England is my cousin, so I’ve also spoken to him at times about what it takes to make it in pro sport. Also, friends like Myles Lewis-Skelly and Josh Nichols help me too – I’m tight with them and they’ve been with the first team a lot recently.
Before a game I always need to sleep on the coach – it just helps me get prepared! I have to step on the pitch with my right foot and my shinpads are always the last thing I put on before I go on the pitch. My socks have to always be cut. I can’t play without them.
My goals for this season are playing in the UEFA Youth League and then, towards the end of the season, I want to get some appearances for the under-21s side.
It's already been 3 days since #premium....
So far ROI is zero like Zerooooo... (Should've made a million at least by now)
Not really
Oh million ain't enough... so two million?
Keep on grinding! 💪
😭 grinding absolute nothing bruh
😅 That's a shame
Just keep being active and post, then ROI is gonna 🚀
Germany -19.3%
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I was asked to introduce myself .
My Name is Henry, 46 years old , a crypto lover and real estate consultant
#intro #newbie
welcome to the fun!
Welcome aboard.
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(43/100)@vilosona! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
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Welcome Henry
welcome. !PIZZA !BBH
@dkid14 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/5)@vilosona! to your account on behalf of @dkid14.
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$KOMPETE on ethereum and base. This is my gaming shot for the next bull. It is down today but still up 30% this month.
No financial advice! DYOR
Just a few more until I reach 10$HBD worth of $LEO and so I can subscribe to premium 🦁
You will surely achieve it and that way you can continue enjoying all the benefits.
Surely! Can't wait 😃
How many Leo will be enough to have 10 HBD?
#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK
I'm not actually sure, let me do the math
Based on my math, I need 39 more $LEO tokens 😃
Sent. Now you have enough 🥳🥳🥳
#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK
Woah you really gave some! I just converted some of it in $HBD. Guess who's having the checkmark in the next few minutes?
thank you btw!
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Attention 🦁s
Please welcome @zeuscalls to INLEO
He just joined the platform after being on Chain Chatter earlier this morning
Excited to have him onboard 🤝
My X strategy seems to be working. My weekly impressions are up to 13.2K from 10.2K yesterday. That’s almost a 30% increase in 24 hours. My followers are up to 1164 from yesterday’s count of 1033. That’s 131 new followers in 24 hours. If I keep compounding these figures I should be able to qualify for ad revenue! Keep grinding… #cent #sapphirecrypto
Investing "in" clothing?
#money #meme #lolz #bbh #dailydook #cent #freecompliments
Are we going to see a return to established OG coins like #dash and #litecoin? I think so... strong communities and a strong track record with more than a decade of service to the industry! #cent #sapphirecrypto
Belgian coast today, true nature! #photographers #photography #photocast #leotravel #nature #landscape
How many threads can be published in a day?
By an individual or what can the site handle?
I am not sure what you are asking.
Hey everyone , how is your day going ?
Welcome friend to this great world, where you can have a wonderful time. greetings from Venezuela
Pretty good and yours?
Realizando las misiones diarias en #risingstargame. He logrado adquirir una nueva carta completando la misión numero 175 del Promote Fan Club , la FC10 Sky.
#hivenftgamelatino #spanish #cent #freecompliments #bbh
Estuve pensando en la idea de escribir artículos en Binance y promocionar Hive periódicamente. ¿Creen que sea buena manera de señalar las fortalezas de nuestra cadena de bloques?
I like it
Very nice design and a bodybuilder look.
Power! 🦁
Here's the answer to so many Wens:
Thank you for this gem! thread along
Chillin at the beach… #photography #photographers #photocast #leotravel #nature
Such a nice photo.
It's another glorious day online!
Happy Wednesday Threads!
happy wednesday!
right back at ya!!
Happy Wednesday friend, have a great time
you too sir!
Two entry points:
78.6% Fibo = 18.66
Up trendline support = 0.1756
#cent #trading #bbh #gmfrens
Fog lifting from the river in Hoquiam, Wash., this morning. We've had two days of heavy morning fog ... then glorious sun!
#photography #pnw #photographers
Bueno, tenía mis equinos en abandono, pero ya los alimente en #blockhorseracing #spanish #hivenftgamelatino
This game actully looks legit I just wish it was translated better to English. Need to get some AI translation up in there
It has made great progress and is constantly being updated. I will forward your suggestion to the developer.
Los dejaste morir
por poco, uno de ellos llego a 8% de vida, pero ya le di medicamentos y esta mejor.
Eso si esta mal jajaj
Well all, I will see you all in about 8 hours :)
you just coming on? On my mobile. Lol
nah nah, been around all day but at work. so lurking more than anything
Goodnight Professor B!
Looks like maybe 3speak is finally back online. Does that mean shorts are working again?
Who will be first to test?
There is currently and has been for a while now a hyper inflation of $HIVE . What's causing it? It seems to be the massive APR on $HBD which is being sold to get more hive. Creating massive inflation which is keeping the price down. Thoughts?