There are 5 pages

The greater THORChain ecosystem (+Maya) is quietly taking over the exchange rails for all of crypto.

It should be market cap top-10 already, based on how valuable and used it is.

Cross-chain DeFi is the future. And increasingly, the present.

Look at that transaction spike! 👀

Withdrawals are enabled from the Evolution to the Core chain (a year and a half faster than Ethereum 2.0 enabled them).

And, the first beta testers are registering their usernames.

Evolution is coming to life! 🧬

Run Forest! Run!

Can't wait until both blockchains start posting some real numbers.

Me neither.

Awesom Fracking Sauce :)

Learn more about Dash Evolution that we activated last month!

Also watch Evolution transactions on the Platform Explorer:

@dashpay! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (29/100)

(html comment removed: )

I am very happy because I will join the InLeo family bringing my content here and well, what better way to move forward if not using the best Fronted of the moment 😎😎😎.

#inleo #leofinance #premium

literally the best!!! Love to see you using finally Inleo! You have an amazing content and you're so kind. LFG! I hope you have a good day! Welcome to the Lion Family 🦁

And we love to see your verification badge like premium user, have a lot of benefits!

Thank you beauties, I really hope that things go better for us and that we can learn more and more about what the Lion family brings us 🦁💓

Yes yes dear friend!! No doubt about it! Thank you too for hear us about this frontend in #Hive

We will be tuned to your subscription ☺️

Truly the lion family

indeed, the family!

waiting for you

I have already uploaded content, it is not exclusive yet but you can join the family 🫂💚🍀🎉🎮👾

Awesome!!! Glad to see you around and have your subscriptions open!

Thank you very much, darling, it's good to know that I found the ideal frontend for what I'm currently doing 😍😍

Share your premium experience in Premium Experience Contest for $5 + $5 rewards 🔥

#onthisday in 1879 Thomas Edison perfects the carbonized cotton filament light bulb, the light for our lives :)

#history #freecompliments #invention


It’s been sitting there for a while, but I finally claimed a @holozing Achievement NFT

It's almost christmas again! 😄

dang that was forever ago lol missed out on all those token drops!

Various aspects of content make it valuable. There is no singular factor. However, there are a few key factors that contribute to the creation of valuable content. These include:

It is helpful
It is informative
It is profitable
It is exclusive

These are the four primary aspects in my opinion. However, they are not absolutes. #cent #sapphirecrypto

I have the second, maybe have the first, probably not the third one... As for Exclusive, I'm me, nobody else!

If we are “Making America Healthy Again” … why are we working at McDonald’s?

Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to be working at a small farm with people who are actually striving towards making America healthy instead of an establishment that serves mystery meat and seed oils?

Absolutely brutal. 💀 (stolen from a friend) #crypto


A friend posted this, he's in the process of getting on InLeo but didn't finish yet.

Soon he'll be posting these himself.

love it. we need moar memes


Ouch... that hurt.
It probably will leave a scar too...

Just finished up a short hike with Scarlett

amazing. I love fall time. !PIZZA !BBH

@jeffjagoe! @dkid14 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @dkid14. (1/5)

(html comment removed: )

I am so proud of my daughter, only 15 years old yesterday she started medical school, I just made a post about it.

The word love is spelled with the same letters as the word daughter.

#threadcast #gmfrens #freecompliments #cent #bbh #photography #dailydook #motivational #daughter #love

Quite the go-getter! Congrats to her and you as well.

Thank you for your words, for her, and for me.

I am sure she will help many, many others in her career.

Yes, it has the vein of professors, I am a professor and my wife is a professor at the university, I am sure she carries that blood of helping others by giving her knowledge.

Pride always follows my children's success.

That is so fracking Awesome :) !BBH

@lanzjoseg! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (31/100)

(html comment removed: )

Hermosa verla dar esos pasos.

Si vale fue muy emocionante

Wow, that is young! I can't imagine how proud you are. Best of luck to her. It's a difficult journey, but rewarding in the long run.


You just got DOOKed!
@freecompliments thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/80 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

Credit: thales7
@lanzjoseg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Yes, I can't deny it, I am very proud of her, for what she is, for what she is worth all her effort, she knows, she is long, and she told me not this long dad, a few years ago I was in preschool, now I am in college, tomorrow I will be practicing.


Uses: 30/34

@freecompliments! @lanzjoseg likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @lanzjoseg. (4/5)

(html comment removed: )

@lanzjoseg! @freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (1/50)

(html comment removed: )

@lanzjoseg! @freecompliments Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

Indeed Logo

That's awesome man :)

Congratz to you and to her

Thank you, I am very happy for her accomplishments at her young age.


Uses: 29/34

My doctor said he could help me stop dreaming of cows playing football
I asked him to wait till after finals.

Credit: adedayoolumide
@lanzjoseg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bot-bdbhueso

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

@tokenizedsociety! @lanzjoseg likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @lanzjoseg. (5/5)

(html comment removed: )

That is awesome! Congrats!

It is pretty amazing what in Leo has built in a relatively short time

Time to market at its peak, deliver first, patch later, we are living times of speed. Even if sometimes it is better to be steadier... :)

It's wonderful and this adventure is just beginning 🙌

Here's the Kingdom #threadcast for Tuesday October 22, 2024

Post your favorite #bible verses, scripture, inspirational quotes and religious news here!

Portanto, vão e façam discípulos de todas as nações, batizando-os em nome do Pai e do Filho e do Espírito Santo, ensinando-os a obedecer a tudo o que eu lhes ordenei. E eu estarei sempre com vocês, até o fim dos tempos".

Mateus 28:19-20

Respondeu Jesus: "Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida. Ninguém vem ao Pai, a não ser por mim.

João 14:6

Busquem, pois, em primeiro lugar o Reino de Deus e a sua justiça, e todas essas coisas lhes serão acrescentadas.

****Mateus 6:33****

one of my favorite verses ever. No matter the language :)

You're right, Jongo. It doesn't matter the language.

The word of God is beautiful regardless of the way it is transmitted.

Wow, first time seeing a threadcast like this, this is actually encouraging. Please are there days for this threadcast or is it everyday? I want to be actively involved in any threadcast.

i try to do them as many days as I can, but will make sure to do them at least 4 times a week.

Are there days for it or just a random time when you are chanced?

This is the 3rd one, so I started it Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. As soon as I wake up or get to work, that's when I post them. No real exact time yet

Fill the thing up.

One of my favorite scriptures, and I don't think if you are a person of faith you can deny it...

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

Ecclesiastes 12:13

Bible Verse

If we say we have not sinned, the truth is not in us, we maketh him a liar.

Bible Verse

And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the glory, the glory as of the father.

Bible Verse

It is not of he that willeth nor he that runneth but it is of God that showeth mercy.

God will show someone in this threadcast so much mercy this week. Amen.

Bible Verse

Shall we now continue in sin that grace may abound?

May we refrain from all sinful characters or behaviors that dents our image in Christ Jesus.

Bible Verse

And I will overturn, overturn and overturn!!!!

Bible Verse

Go to the ant and learn yea slogan.


I actually blindly opened up my bible last night and landed on Titus 2...Just WOW. This is how it starts...

"But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:"

Titus 2:1

Love Psalms 51. I will be mentioning it alot lol

"Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom."

Pslams 51:6

Not who I would call the most 'religious' guy around but this quote always hit home for me:

"God's delays are not God's denials."

Tony Robbins

Porque Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho Unigênito, para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna.

João 3:16

Sometimes the bad things that happen
in our lives put us directly
on the path to the best things that can happen to us!


True, "there are evils that come for good."

so, with this upcoming dash integration, we could now earn Dash…So does that also mean we could also, maybe one day, earn in $BTC ( or whatever other currency that’s is supported by LeoDex?)

You will only earn Dash if signing up with a Dash walllet.

most of us will just keep on early leo! Love to see the volume added to leo dex.

I think it would be something wonderful and an opportunity for those of us who are in hive

khal has talked about building front ends for other chains as well. Hoping dash goes well with this launch. It would be amazing to onboard other chains that would all use Leo Dex.

Good question.
In truth there is historical context for your question:
Back when then Leofinance, now Inleo , launched wleo on Uniswap as a liquidity provider opportunity, leofinance paid people in ETH who signed up with a Metamask wallet.
This was to lure ETH people into Hive.
Every one who signed up for Hive with Metamask was paid in ETH.

Now the situation is different , but similar.
Now if you sign up with a Dash Wallet, you get paid in Dash.
I suppose that if you wanted to be paid in Dash, you could create a new account with a Dash Wallet.

Now as for Bitcoin, if the time came, where @khaleelkazi and @anomadspul thought a front end which looked like a Bitcoin Commuity Product would lure Bitcoiners to Hive to post, I suppose you could sign up for Hive with such a thing as a Bitcoin Wallet, and then you could be paid, through www.leodex in Bitcoin.

"If you don't believe it or don't get it, I don't have the time to try to convince you, sorry." – Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi had it right


You just got DUO from @bitcoinflood.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

#Bitcoin $BTC open interest surpasses $40 Billion, setting a new record. And we have liftoff to the #moon!

Good because I recently bought more lol

Good, good. Price going up is great but we need that dominance down.

We need to pay more attention to what we are doing and where we are going so that we don't miss out.
#freecompliments #cent

Don't overthink also. It's not good for us.


This one #onthisday from #history is an epic One:

In 1884, International Meridian Conference in Washington, D.C. adopts Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) worldwide and creates 24 international time zones with longitude zero at the Greenwich meridian.


Ya iniciaron las inscripciones al primer torneo en #bhr, durante esta semana son las inscripciones por parte de los propietarios de caballos y la siguiente será posible inscribir algunos caballos por parte de patrocinadores. Ya inscribí mis caballos en esta nueva etapa de #blockhorseracing

Registrations for the first tournament in #bhr have already started, during this week there are registrations from horse owners and the following week it will be possible to register some horses from sponsors. I have already registered my horses in this new stage of #blockhorseracing.

#hivenftgamelatino #spanish #bbh #hueso #cent #alive

Just one thing...

Dogs. And I don't mean $DOGS but the actual real ones


A boom? ;)


Eeace of mind

Food. 😍


more money

Heaving sex on a rooftop.

Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates

Edition #110
October 22

Fora de Campo

Renato Augusto processa Corinthians e cobra R$ 5,4 milhões em direitos de imagem e bônus

Dez meses após deixar o Corinthians, o meia Renato Augusto ingressou com um processo de cobrança contra o clube na Justiça de São Paulo.

#newsonleo #sports #hivebr #pt #futebol

A defesa do jogador argumenta que tentou acordo amigável por diversas vezes, mas que o clube alegou estar vivendo uma crise financeira e "em nenhum momento se prontificou a proceder ao pagamento da quantia devida".

O Corinthians tem por costume não comentar processos em andamento. O ge consultou o clube por meio do departamento de comunicação e vai atualizar esta reportagem caso obtenha resposta.

Renato Augusto afirma que, de fevereiro até dezembro do ano passado, o Timão não arcou com os R$ 480 mil mensais que tinha de lhe pagar em direitos de imagem. Além disso, não teria pago a última parcela de R$ 200 mil relativa a luvas.

O meia deixou o Corinthians no fim do ano passado pois a nova diretoria alvinegra, liderada por Augusto Melo, não quis renovar o contrato dele. Dias depois, ele acertou transferência ao Fluminense.

O jogador passou duas vezes pelo Corinthians. A primeira delas, entre 2013 e 2015, rendeu três conquistas: o Paulistão e a Recopa Sul-Americana de 2013, além do Campeonato Brasileiro de 2015. Ele retornou em 2021, após uma longa passagem pelo futebol chinês, e ficou até o fim de 2023.


Chapa de Wallim é indeferida por "tentativa de fraude", e Flamengo terá três candidatos em eleição

Flamengo terá três candidatos aptos para disputar a eleição presidencial do clube: Luiz Eduardo Baptista (Bap), Maurício Gomes de Mattos e Rodrigo Dunshee. As chapas de Pedro Paulo e Wallim Vasconcellos foram impugnadas nesta segunda-feira pela Comissão Permanente Eleitoral (CPE).

#newsonleo #sports #flamengo

O documento enviado ao Conselho de Administração na sexta-feira relata inconsistências no registro das chapas encabeçadas por Wallim e Pedro Paulo. No caso de Wallim, a impugnação aconteceu por "tentativa de fraude" com a utilização de assinaturas falsificadas de sócios do clube, segundo análise da Comissão Eleitoral.

  • Trata-se de uma tentativa de fraude que foi identificada, investigada e comprovada no âmbito da competência e das apurações efetuadas pela Comissão Eleitoral (...) No caso em questão, a tentativa de fraude eleitoral se deu por meio da entrega de formulários para CPE com assinaturas que não foram reconhecidas pelos próprios sócios que seriam, em tese, subscritores dos aludidos documentos - diz uma parte do documento.

O ge tentou contato com o ex-candidato, mas ainda não obteve retorno. Logo depois, Wallim postou um vídeo nas redes sociais (veja no topo da matéria) prometendo recorrer:

  • Fomos surpreendidos com a decisão da Comissão Permanente Eleitoral negando o registro da nossa chapa. Sim, um absurdo total porque cumprimos todas as exigências, aliás, mais ainda do que reza o estatuto e diferentemente do que foi exigido das outras chapas. Incrível isso. E começa a me passar um filme de 2012, quem se lembra que a chapa que eu liderava foi impugnada? Está acontecendo basicamente a mesma coisa em 2024, só com uma diferença: as pessoas em 2012 que combatiam aquelas práticas que aconteciam no Flamengo antigo são as pessoas que hoje estão querendo impugnar a nossa chapa. Nós vamos continuar firmes, vamos recorrer ao Conselho de Administração e tenho certeza que vai aprovar o registro da nossa chapa. Flamengo correndo perigo, galera. Não podemos esmorecer agora, vamos para dentro e vamos ganhar essa eleição.

No mesmo documento, a CPE revelou que, após a análise inicial e a identificação das inconsistências na inscrição na chapa de Wallim, marcou uma reunião com o então pré-candidato para o último dia 10. Segundo a Comissão, ele entendeu a gravidade dos pontos apresentados e informou que aguardaria a comunicação formal do CPE.

Dias depois, a Chapa endereçou ao CPE algumas das substituições necessárias dos nomes de sócios para o corpo transitório do Conselho Deliberativo e para o Conselho de Administração, e afirmou que não havia mais o impedimento para o registro da chapa.

A impugnação da chapa de Pedro Paulo ocorreu pela ausência de autorização assinada de sócios aptos a integrar os corpos transitórios do Conselho Deliberativo e do Conselho de Administração. Além disso, a Comissão Eleitoral alega que o candidato não tem o tempo de vida associativa necessário para concorrer à presidência (cinco anos).

Ao todo, seis chapas foram inscritas, mas só três concorrerão ao pleito no dia 9 de dezembro deste ano. Além das impugnações, Delair Dumbrosck retirou a candidatura na última semana para ficar ao lado de Rodrigo Dunshee, que também recebeu o apoio de José Carlos Peruano.


Corinthians paga valor da multa para o Flamengo por Hugo Souza

O Corinthians realizou, na manhã desta terça-feira, o pagamento da multa de R$ 500 mil ao Flamengo pela utilização do goleiro Hugo Souza na segunda e decisiva partida da semifinal da Copa do Brasil. O empate sem gols, na Neo Química Arena, classificou o time carioca para a decisão.

#newsonleo #sports #corinthians

De acordo com o contrato de empréstimo assinado entre Corinthians e Flamengo, a cada partida disputada por Hugo Souza entre eles, o Timão deveria arcar com uma multa de R$ 500 mil no dia seguinte ao jogo. Ao todo, o clube paulista desembolsou R$ 1,5 milhão para usar o jogador em três partidas contra o Rubro-Negro.

O contrato previa o pagamento nas 24 horas seguintes ao jogo, mas com carência de dez dias para a quitação da pendência. Caso o Corinthians não fizesse dentro deste prazo, o Flamengo precisaria enviar uma notificação para que o clube paulista deposite o dinheiro em até cinco dias.

Caso o Corinthians não efetuasse o pagamento dentro do prazo, ficaria impedido de avançar na compra do goleiro. Neste caso, os clubes teriam que renegociar a pendência para poder seguir nas tratativas previstas em contrato pelos 50% dos direitos econômicos do jogador.

Ao todo, o Corinthians deve desembolsar R$ 7,3 milhões para adquirir 50% dos direitos econômicos de Hugo Souza. O valor inclui R$ 1 milhão pelo empréstimo, mais R$ 1,5 milhão do pagamento de três multas pelos três jogos em que ele terá enfrentado o Flamengo durante o período emprestado e mais R$ 4,8 milhões referentes à porcentagem dos seus direitos.

O prazo para um acerto entre os clubes é 30 de novembro. Até lá, a negociação sai pelos valores previamente acertados. Caso não entre em acordo e se mantenha interessado em Hugo Souza, o Corinthians precisará negociar da estaca zero a partir de 1º de dezembro.

Internamente, a direção alvinegra acredita que vai conseguir cumprir todas as exigências do Flamengo até o prazo determinado e honrar o que foi firmado no contrato de empréstimo, com o primeiro de quatro pagamentos sendo feito em janeiro de 2025.

Há um acerto com o empresário de Hugo para um contrato válido por quatro temporadas, com o pagamento de luvas e comissões diluídas ao longo do vínculo. O goleiro deve receber uma importante valorização salarial, tornando-se um dos atletas mais bem remunerados no atual elenco.


Morre Tonhão, ex-zagueiro do Palmeiras, aos 55 anos

Morreu nesta terça-feira o ex-zagueiro Antônio Carlos da Costa Gonçalves, conhecido como Tonhão. Aos 55 anos, ele estava internado e teve a morte confirmada por um dos seus filhos por meio das redes sociais.

#newsonleo #sports #Palmeiras

Tonhão construiu carreira passando por clubes como Goiás, Internacional, Inter de Limeira, América-SP, Nacional-SP, Americana, entre outros. Mas foi no Palmeiras que conquistou títulos e fez sucesso nas duas passagens pelo clube, entre 1988 e 1996.

Formado pelo clube, ele atuou com a camisa alviverde em 161 jogos e foi titular no histórico título paulista de 1993. O ex-zagueiro também foi campeão estadual pelo Verdão no ano seguinte e conquistou o bicampeonato brasileiro (1993 e 1994), além do Torneio Rio-São Paulo (1994).

O Palmeiras e a Federação Paulista de Futebol lamentaram a morte do ex-jogador:

A Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras lamenta profundamente a morte do ídolo Tonhão, aos 55 anos.

Bicampeão paulista e brasileiro em 1993 e 1994, Tonhão será sempre lembrado pela garra exibida dentro de campo e pelo amor dedicado à camisa alviverde, com a qual disputou 161 jogos e fez quatro gols.

Prestamos nossas condolências aos familiares e amigos do ex-zagueiro, com quem nos solidarizamos neste momento de imensa tristeza e saudade.

Wimbledon tennis tournament replaces line judges with technology in break with tradition

Wimbledon is replacing line judges with electronic line-calling to mark the latest step into the modern age by the oldest Grand Slam tennis tournament.

The All England Club announced Wednesday that technology will be used to give the “out” and “fault” calls at the championships from 2025, eliminating the need for human officials to make them.

#tennis #sports #technololgy

Wimbledon organizers said the decision to adopt live electronic line calling was made following extensive testing at the 2024 tournament and “builds on the existing ball-tracking and line-calling technology that has been in place for many years.”

“We consider the technology to be sufficiently robust and the time is right to take this important step in seeking maximum accuracy in our officiating,” said Sally Bolton, chief executive of the All England Club. “For the players, it will offer them the same conditions they have played under at a number of other events on tour.”

Sources: Lions WR Jameson Williams facing 2-game suspension

The bumpy start to Jameson Williams' career continues, as the Detroit Lions wide receiver is facing a two-game suspension for violating the NFL's performance-enhancing substances policy, sources told ESPN on Monday night.

#lions #nfl #sports #suspension #jamesonwilliams

Williams, 23, is second on the Lions in both receiving yards (361) and touchdowns (3) -- behind only All-Pro wideout Amon-Ra St. Brown -- and was off to a strong start in his third season.

Williams said he was disappointed with the current suspension but that he has "no choice but to take it on the chin."

"I'm in good spirits just ready to get back with [my] brothers ASAP," Williams told ESPN via text.

Lions coach Dan Campbell said during a radio interview Tuesday morning on 97.1 The Ticket that he couldn't elaborate on the suspension until the league formally announces the decision.

MLB wants Rays near Tampa area even if damaged Trop unusable

Major League Baseball hopes to find the Tampa Bay Rays a temporary home near their fan base at least for the start of the 2025 season if the damage to Tropicana Field from Hurricane Milton cannot be repaired in time.

#tampa #sports #mlb #rays #milton

The translucent fiberglass dome at the ballpark in St. Petersburg was shredded by Milton's winds, leaving its immediate future in doubt. A number of spring training sites around the Tampa Bay area have been suggested as temporary homes, and MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said the league wants a location in the region if possible.

"We're hopeful that we can figure out something in [the Tampa Bay area] for them and that the repairs can be done in a way that allows them to resume playing," Manfred said on an episode of "The Varsity" podcast published Sunday. "The easiest thing is always to stay in the market where the clubs are anchored, if we can manage it."

The Rays have played at Tropicana Field since their inaugural 1998 season, although the building was constructed in 1990. The hurricane damage comes a few months after the city of St. Petersburg and Pinellas County approved a new $1.3 billion ballpark in an adjacent location that would open in the 2028 season and is part of a much larger downtown revitalization project.

Sources - Indiana's Rourke has thumb surgery, prognosis improved - ESPN

Indiana quarterback Kurtis Rourke's "prognosis has improved" after he underwent surgery on his injured right thumb Monday, sources told ESPN's Pete Thamel.

The timeline to return for injured Indiana quarterback Kurtis Rourke is coming into focus, as sources told ESPN that Rourke's "prognosis has improved" after he underwent surgery on his injured right thumb Monday.

#indiana #ncaa #football #sports

The successful surgery provided some clarity on a potential return, including optimism that he could be back for Indiana's game at Michigan State on Nov. 2. Rourke is still doubtful for No. 13 Indiana's home game against Washington on Saturday.

Rourke has led Indiana to a historic 7-0 start and stunningly ushered them into the conversation around the College Football Playoff.

The school announced that Rourke is out "indefinitely" after he injured his thumb in a blowout win over Nebraska on Saturday. Rourke didn't return for the second half of the 56-7 win after his hand hit the helmet of a Nebraska defender.

Sources: Chiefs' Jaylen Watson to have surgery on fibula, tibia

Chiefs cornerback Jaylen Watson will undergo surgery for a broken fibula and tibia, sources told ESPN's Jeremy Fowler on Tuesday.

Watson could return late in the season if the Chiefs make the playoffs, but it's also possible he won't return.

#chiefs #nfl #sports #jaylenwatson

He was injured in Sunday's win over the San Francisco 49ers. He had started all six games this season and had six passes broken up.

Watson joined the Chiefs in 2022 as a seventh-round draft pick from Washington State. He played in 32 regular-season games (eight starts) and seven postseason games (three starts) in 2022 and 2023.

Christian Pulisic scores 'Olimpico' goal for AC Milan in UCL

Christian Pulisic continued his sensational start to the season on Tuesday, scoring directly from a corner in AC Milan's UEFA Champions League match against Belgium's Club Brugge.

The United States star opened the scoring in the 34th minute at the San Siro, sending in an in-swinging corner from the left that deceived the goalkeeper and defenders and somehow missed everyone before bouncing into the net beyond the despairing attempted clearance on the goal line.

#acmilan #soccer #sports

The effort was the first "Olimpico" goal of Pulisic's career and took him to 10 goal contributions in his past 10 games for club and country. It was also the 26-year-old's second goal in three Champions League games this season, after scoring in Milan's opening defeat to Liverpool last month.

76ers rule out Joel Embiid for week, delay Paul George debut

The Philadelphia 76ers announced that Joel Embiid and Paul George will both miss Wednesday's season opener against the Milwaukee Bucks.

Embiid, who didn't play in the preseason for what the team called left knee injury management, will miss not just Wednesday's game but also Friday's game in Toronto and Sunday's game in Indiana. The 76ers said Embiid is "responding well to his individualized plan" and will ramp up his return-to-play activities this week, including going through scrimmages.

#76ers #nba #basketball #joelembiid

George will be reevaluated later this week after he suffered a hyperextended left knee that left him with a bone bruise Oct. 14 against the Atlanta Hawks.

The other injured 76ers player at the moment, rookie Jared McCain, will have his status for Wednesday's game updated later Tuesday after he suffered a pulmonary contusion in a rough fall last week against the Brooklyn Nets.

Chris Godwin (ankle), Mike Evans (hamstring) injured in Bucs' loss

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers lost both of their star wide receivers -- Chris Godwin and Mike Evans -- in a 41-31 loss to the Baltimore Ravens on "Monday Night Football," with Godwin suffering what coach Todd Bowles said was a dislocated left ankle and Evans suffering a right hamstring injury.

Bowles said he was waiting for further details on Evans but that "it [didn't] look go

#nfl #bucs #sports

"Our prayers go out to him," Bowles said of Godwin. "Chris is a hell of a player and a hell of a human being. Not much you can say. You feel bad for him, and unfortunately, they're not going to cancel the games. We got to step up and move on. But our hearts are heavy."

With 1:04 left in regulation, Godwin caught a pass from Baker Mayfield and was tackled from behind by inside linebacker Roquan Smith, with Godwin's left ankle appearing to get caught beneath Smith.


Reds captain reveals discussions have started, with his current deal expiring at the end of the season

Liverpool captain Virgil van Dijk has revealed he has started discussions with the club about a new contract.

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football #Liverpool

"Discussions are ongoing, we will see what happens in the future," said Van Dijk about his own situation. "My full focus is on Liverpool, wanting to win games that are ahead of me and nothing else.

"What the future will bring I have no idea at the moment. I can only tell you that discussions have started and we will see. When it's time to make a decision, you guys [the media] will know it as well."

Van Dijk has played every minute of the Premier League season so far, with Liverpool one point ahead at the top of the table.

Impressively, the Reds have only conceded three goals across their eight matches, with Nottingham Forest the next-best on six goals, having played one match fewer ahead of Monday night's home fixture against Crystal Palace.

Following Sunday's 2-1 victory over Chelsea, Van Dijk provided insight into how the team's defensive mentality has changed under new head coach Arne Slot.

"At the start of the season, we saw numbers about what happens if your opponent is in the final third - how many bodies do we have behind the ball? - and that has definitely changed," explained Van Dijk.

"I wouldn't say it's [just] the last line and the goalkeepers making a difference, it's the guys in front of us, it's a team effort.

"Me and Ibou [Konate] as the centre-backs, or the goalkeepers, will get the credit for the clean sheets but it's about everyone in the team and credit to everyone who is doing that."

Liverpool are next in action on Wednesday night when they travel to RB Leipzig in the UEFA Champions League, before a big Premier League showdown at Arsenal on Sunday.

Do red cards harm a club's title hopes?

After Arsenal's third sending-off this season, Ben Bloom looks at whether disciplinary issues can affect a team's hopes of becoming champions

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football

After Arsenal's third red card of the season, football writer Ben Bloom looks at how costly the dismissals could be in the Premier League title race, and what history tells us.

While the Premier League table shows Arsenal in third place – four points behind league leaders Liverpool – it hides a more detailed explanation of their current predicament: the need to avoid red cards.

In the five matches where they have managed to keep all 11 men on the pitch, shown below, Mikel Arteta’s side are yet to drop a single point.

They have scored 12 goals in the process and conceded just three, showing precisely why many people tipped them to usurp Manchester City as champions this season.

But then there are the other three matches in which Arsenal have been reduced to 10 men.

In August, they were unable to cling onto a 1-0 lead for 41 minutes when a man down against Brighton & Hove Albion, and they ended up with a draw. Against Man City last month, they played the entire second half at a numerical disadvantage and conceded a late equaliser in a crucial head-to-head.

Then William Saliba was shown a red card just 30 minutes into their trip to AFC Bournemouth on Saturday and their survival instincts were insufficient to prevent a first defeat of the campaign. In those three matches, Arsenal have picked up just two points from a possible nine.

Arsenal players receiving red cards has plagued the club since Arteta took charge in December 2019.

During that time, Arsenal have accrued more reds than any other Premier League team, and by a considerable margin: their total of 18 players sent off far exceeds Everton and Wolverhampton Wanderers, who are joint-second on 13.

Prior to the current campaign Arsenal's disciplinary record actually looked to be improving. Last season, they received just two red cards in the league – putting them joint-12th in the red-card table – while the previous season did not see a single player sent off.

But the reds have returned over recent months because of a trio of avoidable incidents.

Saliba's sending-off was for bringing down Bournemouth striker Evanilson, who was chasing after Leandro Trossard’s wayward backpass. Trossard and Declan Rice’s red cards were both second yellows for kicking the ball away to delay a restart.

Arteta has bemoaned the handicap his players are repeatedly giving themselves.

“You see how much of a struggle it is for all of the teams to win football matches," he told the club's website on Monday ahead of facing Shakhtar Donetsk in the UEFA Champions League. "When you want to do it with 10 men for 65 minutes, the task becomes impossible so we need to eradicate that. It’s clear why, the reasons and how.”

On his side’s disciplinary issues, Arteta added: “There are things that we’ve discussed in relation to certain topics. Certainly we need to play with 11 if we want to be in the position we want to be.”

Do red cards prove costly for champions?

So how costly will Arsenal’s indiscipline prove as they bid to become champions for the first time in more than two decades?

Recent history shows not only how difficult it is to win a Premier League title when losing players so frequently, but also the importance of avoiding defeats when a team are reduced to 10 men.

Not since Leicester City in 2015/16 have a club become champions when picking up as many as three red cards.

Interestingly, the only occasion that Man City received more than two red cards over the past seven seasons – four in 2019/20 – was the sole campaign that they did not win the title.

In the 146 minutes that Arsenal have been reduced to 10 men this season they have failed to score and lost with an aggregate scoreline of 4-0.

That inability to score and avoid conceding when at a numerical disadvantage has seen Arteta’s side drop a potential seven points in those matches.

Compare that with recent Premier League champions. Not only have no title-winners had more than two players sent off in a whole season since 2015/16, but none have dropped more than three points in matches where their players have seen red. Arsenal have already dropped more than DOUBLE that total in just eight Premier League matches.

If you compare them with their "Big Six" rivals, Arsenal have struggled to win points when at a numerical disadvantage.

In the 17 matches since Arteta's appointment in December 2019 where Arsenal have received a red card (against Wolves in February 2021 they got two), Arsenal have claimed on average 0.94 points.

Only Chelsea and Manchester United have a poorer points average when a man down.

If these figures show the scale of the uphill task facing Arteta, there is one other that might yet provide some hope.

Arsene Wenger won the Premier League title three times during his 22-year stint at Arsenal’s helm; on all three of those occasions, his side accrued at least three red cards.

In 2001/02 they even managed to finish top of the table despite a remarkable SIX dismissals.

But their red cards came at the end of the season, while Arteta’s current side have gathered their three red cards in less than a quarter of the campaign. If they are to win the title, they know how important it is to keep every player on the pitch from now on.


Gordon signs new long-term Newcastle deal

Newcastle United have announced that forward Anthony Gordon has signed a new long-term contract at the club.

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football #Newcastle

The 23-year-old joined Newcastle from Everton in January 2023 and has made 73 appearances in all competitions, scoring 15 goals.

"I just think the club's in a great place. Since the takeover it's just been up and up. Me and the gaffer are a perfect match in terms of style of play. I love it here,” Gordon told the club’s official website.

"I'm very happy here, I like living here, the team is very suited to me - and I'm here to win a trophy. The short story is we need to win a trophy.

"Winning a trophy here would be unbelievable because the fans have waited so long. To be part of that team who finally does it is a massive goal of mine.

"We [my family and I] have always felt settled because Geordies are so easy-going and so welcoming, very easy to speak to and always want the best for you. It's a very easy place to come and live, I think. I feel very connected to everyone - team-mates, fans and everyone involved."

Gordon's performances in 2023/24 earned him Newcastle's Player of the Season award, while he was also part of the England squad that reached the final of UEFA EURO 2024.

His first match following his new deal will be against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge this Sunday.

Man City

Why has Haaland stopped scoring after his prolific start?

Alex Keble analyses the Man City striker's dry spell and explains why he could soon be back to his best

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football

A little over three weeks ago, Erling Haaland’s incredible Premier League form had us predicting a record-breaking season for the Norwegian.

Ten goals in five matches was remarkable even by his standards and when Pep Guardiola reasoned it was because Haaland was fully fit for the very first time. Well, it looked like game over for Manchester City’s rivals.

How quickly things change in football.

Haaland is now on a three-match goal drought in the Premier League. In that time Man City have drawn with Newcastle United, beaten Fulham 3-2 in a match that could easily have swung the other way, and edged past Wolverhampton Wanderers only with a corner in the fifth minute of second-half stoppage time.

The champions could do with Haaland scoring again. But a deep dive into his numbers suggests the problem actually lies elsewhere

As we might expect considering his phenomenal start to the 2024/25 campaign, Haaland’s statistics compare favourably with his first two seasons in Manchester.

From this perspective the reason for Haaland’s dry spell is easy to spot: in the last three matches, Haaland has had zero "big chances".

He has every right to blame his team-mates for his lack of goals, then.

Indeed looking at his shot accuracy and Expected Goals (xG) total from the last three matches, Haaland hasn’t suddenly gone off the boil. Rather he isn’t taking the shots, or being given good opportunities, to begin with.

Absences hurting Haaland

There is no doubt that Man City have become less creative over the last three matches.

Injuries to Rodri and Kevin De Bruyne have quite obviously impacted the team’s creativity, as the stats show.

Man City have averaged 0.7 "big chances" created over the last three Premier League encounters, down from 3.6 in the first five matches, and their xG has almost halved in the process.

How De Bruyne’s absence impacts Haaland is easy enough to understand. The Belgian is the creative linchpin of the team and with Phil Foden restricted to just 193 minutes of Premier League football this season, Man City are short on creativity.

Foden has only managed 102 minutes of Man City’s last three fixtures – one start, one substitute appearance – while De Bruyne was absent entirely. It’s little wonder the chances aren’t coming Haaland’s way.

Impact of Rodri’s injury

Last season Rodri topped the Premier League charts for passes into the final third, with 378, completing an astonishing 56 per cent more of these passes than the next best player, Pascal Gross, 242.

His incisive forward passing splits teams open, disrupting the compact defensive shells that Man City regularly face.

Without his distribution – without his clipped balls into the wingers and his sharp ground passes through midfield lines – the opponent finds it easier to hold their shape, surrounding Haaland.

Crowding Haaland out

Cut off the supply line to Haaland and he rarely scores. In fact, only twice in his entire Premier League career has Haaland found the net in a match with zero "big chances" presented to him.

That’s precisely what Wolves, Fulham, and Newcastle have done in the last three encounters, leading to zero "big chances" for Haaland.

In a typical example from last weekend, when City’s slow Rodri-less build-up allowed Wolves to keep their shape, note below how many defenders are swarming Haaland.

Drought likely to end soon

Man City’s creativity issues might not continue for much longer.

Foden is almost back to full fitness. De Bruyne is eyeing a return this weekend and Haaland will be licking his lips at the prospect of Southampton at home on Saturday.

The Saints have conceded the second-most goals in the division, with 18, conceded the second-highest xG of 17.3, and have leaked three goals in each of their last three matches.

More importantly, they will not be as defensive as any of Man City’s last three opponents; Russell Martin only knows one way to play, and there is no suggestion he will be any less proactive for the trip to the Etihad Stadium.

That’s reason enough to assume Haaland will be back in the goals soon, but there’s more.

Only twice before has Haaland gone three Man City matches without a goal. After the first, in January 2023, he scored four goals in his next two encounters. After the second time, he scored five goals in the next three matches.

Nobody keeps Haaland down for long. It won’t be long before normal service is resumed.

Deebo Samuel hospitalized with pneumonia as 49ers' injury nightmare deepens

Add Deebo Samuel to the list as the decimation of San Francisco’s locker room continues.

The star wideout has been hospitalized with a “pneumonia-like illness,” according to 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan.

#deebosamuel #49ers #nfl #sports

Samuel, who has 20 receptions for 335 yards and two touchdowns on the season, first began dealing with symptoms on Sunday morning in the hours leading up to San Francisco’s Week 7 showdown against Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs.

A game-time decision, the wide receiver ultimately decided to suit up but took himself out of the contest after only three offensive snaps. Before the end of the second quarter, Samuel was seen heading to the locker room accompanied by a 49ers trainer.

As Shanahan would later reveal, the All Pro wideout was struggling to breathe. Now hospitalized, the coach confirmed Samuel has fluid in his lungs.


Entenda por que título da Sul-Americana se tornou crucial para finanças do Corinthians em 2025

O Corinthians tem como grande objetivo nesta temporada a manutenção na Série A do Campeonato Brasileiro. No entanto, a Copa Sul-Americana se tornou crucial para o clube pensando a longo prazo.

#newsonleo #sports #corinthians

Eliminado na semifinal da Copa do Brasil e com a disputa no Brasileirão restrita à fuga do rebaixamento, o Corinthians tem na Copa Sul-Americana a possibilidade mais viável de aumentar o número de participações em competições em 2025.

Neste momento, o Timão tem asseguradas para o próximo ano apenas as disputas de Campeonato Paulista e Campeonato Brasileiro. Para aumentar a lista, depende da classificação final na Série A e de um possível título da Sul-Americana.

Caso seja campeão do torneio sul-americano - está na semifinal contra o Racing -, o Timão garante a participação na próxima edição da Conmebol Libertadores. Automaticamente, assegura também uma vaga direta na terceira fase da Copa do Brasil.

A participação nos dois torneios aumentaria os ganhos do clube. Neste ano, por exemplo, a primeira fase da Libertadores garantiu a cada clube participante US$ 3 milhões (R$ 15 milhões) mais US$ 330 mil (R$ 1,66 milhão) por vitória. Na Copa do Brasil, cada clube recebeu R$ 2,205 milhões apenas por jogar a terceira fase.

Em 2024, o Timão acumula mais de R$ 40 milhões em premiações pelas classificações na Copa do Brasil e na Sul-Americana. Caso avance para a final na competição continental, o clube assegura pelo menos mais R$ 10 milhões, premiação destinada ao vice-campeão. Caso levante a taça inédita, o bônus chega a R$ 30 milhões.

A arrecadação do Corinthians com premiações tem superado a expectativa do que tinha sido orçado pelo departamento financeiro do clube para o ano de 2024. Outro ponto que precisa ser levado em consideração é a arrecadação com mais jogos em casa no caso de participação em mais competições.

A campanha acima do esperado na Copa do Brasil e na Sul-Americana - o Timão projetou chegar até as oitavas de final nos dos torneios - compensa o fracasso no Paulistão. O Corinthians previa ir até a semifinal do Estadual, mas foi eliminado na primeira fase.

Apesar do bom desempenho nas competições eliminatórias, o Corinthians dificilmente vai conseguir alcançar o projetado para o Campeonato Brasileiro. O orçamento previa a sétima colocação, realidade distante da vivida com a luta contra o rebaixamento.

Por isso, o título da Copa Sul-Americana torna-se essencial para o Corinthians aumentar a arrecadação em 2025 e ter um calendário mais recheado. Além disso, a permanência na Série A é fundamental para que o clube mantenha ao menos o orçamento previsto com a venda de direitos de transmissão fechado e válido a partir do próximo ano.

Chelsea starlet wanted by Real Madrid and Liverpool frozen out by Blues until he pens new contract

Chelsea have told Josh Acheampong he won't play for the club until he signs a new contract, talkSPORT understands.

The Blues starlet is one of the most highly-rated youngsters at their Cobham academy but now faces an uncertain future.

#chelsea #realmadrid #acheampong #soccer

It is understood the teenage right-back, whose current deal runs until 2026, has been informed of the conditions around his Stamford Bridge exile.

The 18-year-old will not play for the Blues' first-team or development side until his long-term future at the west London club is secured.

He has attracted interest from Real Madrid and Liverpool but talkSPORT understands the Chelsea hierarchy do not want to sell him.

Mets Free Agents: Re-Sign or Let Walk?

David Stearns and Co. will have a lot of tough decisions to make this winter, with a bunch of key members of the memorable 2024 squad up for free agency. How can you put a price on Candelita? Or the pitcher/hype man who was in charge of holding the OMG sign? The franchise first baseman who picked a playoff pumpkin?

Here is a look at which Mets are free agents and what I think the club should try and do.

#nymets #freeagents #sports #mlb

Pete Alonso
Playoff pumpkin picker Pete Alonso slashed .240/.329/.459/.788, for the lowest OPS of his career. And then he saved the season with a homer in Milwaukee and posted a .999 postseason OPS. He’s 29. Sluggers historically do not age well, and his defense at first. The thing is he led the Mets—and all MLB first basemen—in home runs with 34. David Stearns’ philosophy hasn’t been to spend money on first baseman. But he’s also been the been the most productive player the Mets have had since he debuted in 2019.

Recommendation: Re-sign.

Sean Manaea
Sean Manaea, 32, isn’t a free agent, but we included him because he has a $13.5 million player option that he is likely to decline. He seemed like a new pitcher after deciding to imitate Chris Sale‘s delivery. He loses points for struggling in Game 6 against the Dodgers, but earns them back and then some for getting choked up talking about it after the game. We want players who care, especially if they pitched to a 3.47 ERA.

Recommendation: Re-sign.

Jose Quintana
Jose Quintana (10-10, 3.75 ERA) was brilliant in September with a 0.72 ERA in four starts. He threw 11 scoreless innings in two playoff starts before facing the Dodgers in Game 4, where he was hit hard. But age probably catches up with the 35-year-old and inconsistency lies ahead, as it did at points in his Mets career.

Recommendation: Let walk.

Luis Severino
Luis Severino (11-7, 3.91 ERA) enjoyed a nice bounce back season after pitching to a 6.65 ERA a year ago with the Yankees. He also took on the important responsibility of monitoring the OMG sign on days he wasn’t pitching. He was OK in his three playoff starts, but his career 4.62 postseason ERA (60.1 innings) is worrisome for a team now looking to make permanent October plans. The Mets could offer him a qualifying offer, too, and get compensation if he signs a long-term deal with another team.

Recommendation: Let walk.

J.D. Martinez
J.D. Martinez hit 16 home runs in 434 at-bats one year after hitting 33 in 432 at-bats for the Dodgers. Red flag. His first career walk-off home run helped turn the tide for the Mets this year, but his performance fell off the map the last couple of months. He was great as a mentor for hitters, but it’s tough to roster a DH in decline.

Recommendation: Let go.

Jesse Winker
Jesse Winker is a player we want on our side. It’s a lot more fun rooting for Winker than against him. He loves this, um, stuff. He may not regain his 2021 All-Star form, but he can be a valuable left-handed bat that is passable in the field.

Recommendation: Re-sign.

Harrison Bader
Harrison Bader provided energy before it was cool in 2024. His .236/.284/.373 slash line is replaceable, but he plays a great center field. This one is tough, because he played a reserve outfield role well. But the Mets also have Tyrone Taylor, and Bader could still command a decent one-year salary.

Recommendation: See how the market plays out.

Phil Maton
Phil Maton (2-1, 2.51 ERA with New York) was a solid midseason acquisition from Tampa Bay, but gave up runs in four of his six playoff outings. He isn’t a free agent, but the Mets have a team option to keep him for $7.75 million. That price might be too steep for a middle reliever, especially as Stearns works to build a bullpen his way.

Recommendation: Let go.

Ryne Stanek
Ryne Stanek (1-0, 6.06 ERA with New York) was a midseason pickup from Seattle who performed well overall in the playoffs (3.38 ERA, eight innings, eight strikeouts, three walks) after a rocky regular season. He showed up in big moments, and when his stuff is on, he can mow down Shohei Ohtani and Mookie Betts.

Recommendation: Re-sign.

Jose Iglesias
Jose Iglesias, aka Candelita, finished the season on a 22-game hitting streak with a .337 batting average. He showed a slick glove and quick hands in the field, too. But the emergence of Luisangel Acuña and existence of Ronny Mauricio makes it hard to find him a role. He seemed happy that was able to show he still has it. He’ll remain a Mets Legend for life. But he deserve a good MLB deal. That might not be with the Mets.

Recommendation: Let go.

Rams dangle Cooper Kupp on the trade block in telling sign

The Rams "have called multiple teams" to discuss the idea of trading star wide receiver Cooper Kupp.

The Rams “have called multiple teams” to discuss the idea of trading the star wide receiver, according to The Athletic.

#nfl #sports #rams #cooperkupp

The report added that the team has “indicated a willingness to take on some of the ‘24 salary and are seeking a 2nd round pick.”

Kupp suffered a high ankle sprain during the Rams’ second game of the season against the Cardinals on Sept. 15.

He has been out since then, but is expected to make his return for the team’s game on Thursday against the Vikings after he was a full participant in practice on Monday.

Speaking with reporters on Monday, Rams head coach Sean McVay was coy about whether Kupp will be on a limited workload in this week’s game.


Hello foodie Lions 🦁! Happy Tuesday. Welcome to today's show. 🥗🍲🫕

This is the #threadcast for Day 120 of the #foodtalk on Leo. It's time for some meal inspirations and food conversation. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.


  • Be part of the Food Talk Show On Leo. Here is Day 119 that leads you to the previous threadcasts.
  • Share your meals.
  • Get to know some recipes around the world and street foods.
  • Share other food-related content and ask questions about food.
    More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast. Upvote the comments you find interesting & connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie

I think you will like Friday's show on the Lions Den. We are going to cover threadcasts.

It is a subject that could be important for what you do here.

Okay, I will be looking forward to that. You always dish out ideas to help the community.

Well it will frame threadcasts in a different light.

Welcome to today's #foodtalk on Leo, Day 120. We will discuss recipes around the world and street foods. Join the conversation and share some that you know.

Recipes Of The World: Chicken Wrap, Quick And Easy Recipe. #foodtalk #chickenwrap #easyrecipe

Patiispage- Viral breakfast sandwich 🥪✨ #foodtalk #breakfastideas #easyrecipe #sandwich

Patiispage- Teryaki Lachs Sushi Bake 🍣✨ #foodtalk #sushi #sushibake #easyrecipe #food

Asian Street Food- Asian Street Food. #foodtalk #fish #sauce #healthyfood

Majestriraww- Nothing like a tasty protein healthy dish! Would you try this? #foodtalk #easyrecipe #dinnerideas #leanprotein #seafood #food

YummyBoy- Japanese Style Popular Street Food Collection. #foodtalk #japanesefood #food #streetfood

Bento Club- Japanese Street Food - Tacos?! #foodtalk #japanesefood #food #streetfood #taco

Need more news in here.

Food news: Wendy's launches Boo! Bags; Starbucks offers 'Wicked' drinks

Craving something new to try? Here's what to know about restaurant chains including Wendy's, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, McDonald's, and Krispy Kreme.

Previously, Krispy Kreme added a new doughnut collection to its menu and Panera Bread settled the first of several lawsuits. See what you missed here.

#wendy #food #hollywood

This week, Wendy's offers spooky-themed bags with a special glow-in-the-dark item and Starbucks offers "Wicked" drinks and merchandise ahead of the movie.

Wendy's is now offering a spooky selection, available for a limited time.

The Wendy's Boo! Bags, which launched Monday, are the fast-food chain's latest release which comes with two Halloween-themed items along with your meal. Here's what the deal includes:

Wendy's Boo! Bags come with a Dave’s Single burger, small fry, small Frosty, a glow-in-the-dark Bone Chiller Frosty figure and a Boo! Book.

Boo! Books are filled with coupons for five free Jr. Frosty treats, and a sixth coupon to redeem a $1.99 Wendy's kids' meal with any purchase. For each $1 Boo! Books coupon book sold in a Boo! Bag or individually, Wendy's will donate $0.90 to The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

Wendy's began offering Boo! Bags on Oct. 21, nationwide.

This Mexican restaurant is the only place in Kansas City that rivals my mom’s cooking

I have been asked by many of my non-Latino friends which Mexican restaurant is my favorite. I often tell them that is a hard question to answer, because I love home-cooked Mexican food, an art my mom passed onto me. So I can make most Mexican food, and pretty well, too (and I do believe my friends and co-workers would agree).

#kansascity #food #restaurant #mexican

But the restaurant that gets the closest to my mom’s cooking is La Fonda El Taquito, a 40-year-old Kansas City restaurant run by the Medina family.

Especially when I eat their carnitas, I’m transported back to my childhood: cleaning the pinto beans so my mom could cook them, the smell of pork cooking on the stove. I would walk in and tell my mom, “It smells like a Mexican house.” Only those of us who grew up in a Latino household can understand.

Perhaps another reason I love La Fonda so much is regional familiarity. In Mexico, the food is prepared differently depending on where you are from. For example, if you go to Veracruz you will most likely eat black beans, white rice and seafood. My grandparents were from Guadalajara. Some of the Medina family is from the same region.

But the other great thing about La Fonda’s carnitas ($8.99) is that they are never dry. I’ve tried carnitas at other restaurants, and they are not the same. La Fonda’s pork is flavorful and juicy, because Sandy Medina and Martha Mendez marinate the meat, then cook it for four hours. The final result is almost falling to pieces and running with juice.

You can’t eat carnitas without beans. And they have some of the best refried beans in Kansas City ($1.99). Another go-to I love at La Fonda is their chicken soup ($5.49), filled with avocado, cilantro and much more. It’s much easier to buy thank make it at home, and it’s the best cure for a cold.

La Fonda El Taquito, 800 Southwest Blvd., has a long history. It all started when Agustin “Chino” Medina moved his family from Kansas City to California to learn about making tortillas from his cousin and came back with his own new recipe for corn tortillas. Initially, Agustin opened a small neighborhood grocery store, where his wife Teresa made tacos and burritos while he made corn tortillas in the back of the store.

One dead, 10 hospitalized from E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald’s quarter pounder

Ten people have been hospitalized and one older person in Colorado has died after E. coli infections linked to McDonald’s quarter pounder hamburger, the Centers for Disease Control said on Tuesday.

Shares of McDonald’s were down 9.2% after the bell.

McDonald’s has proactively removed the slivered onions and beef patties used for the quarter pounder hamburgers from stores in the affected states while the investigation continues, the company informed the CDC.

#mcdonalds #food #ecoli #newsonleo

Quarter pounders in some states may be temporarily unavailable, according to the CDC’s statement.

McDonald’s did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Wow! Ironing bread? I've heard about it but not tried it and I don't see myself trying it someday, lol. But this looks cool and an alternative for toasting bread.

True, it's another attempt at how to prepare bread.

#freecompliments #cent There's a contest by @leogrowth about sharing your Premium Experience... If you're interested in #Premium but haven't gotten it yet, see why people like it:

Will you share your experience with us? 👀

Keeping this tabbed, hopefully I come to write something before the deadline.

Ledger Live has teamed up with decentralized finance protocol THORChain to offer native cross-chain swaps on its platform. This new feature allows users to swap assets across different blockchains

#ledger #blockchains #cent

When I First joined Hive (the then Steemit) I use to write blogs about #onthisday with important activities from #history, I feel like starting that back with #threads as a great opportunity for that.

#inLeo #askLeo #ask

Wish you will be able to share a great deal of knowledge!

Thanks for reminding me, I forgot on this :) Will get some interesting Ones now :)

This sounds like a very suitable content for threads!!

Yep, something to learn for me and for my viewers, hopefully :)

ShadowFax 🐴 🏇 se lleva el primer puesto 🥇 en la carrera 3943. #bhr

ShadowFax 🐴 🏇 takes first place 🥇 in race 3943.

#hivenftgamelatino #cent #bbh #gf #spanish

I’m out of the card game for the most part right now. I had to grab one Wemby rookie though.

Fun story:

I'm Jessica

And the bot on the Discord server that manages certain tickets is also Jessica

One day Khal replied to an user that "Jessica" was going to fix something and I was like "What? she wont because she has no clue"

But then I remembered here I'm not Jessica, I'm Tsunsica or Sunseeker 😂

@tsunsica! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (30/100)

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Your initial shock was probably like... what's wrong with him!

Yes hahaha because it wasn't anything form the UI but from the older projects and I'm lost there XD

Hi, @tsunsica,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Frogs are getting boiled soon.


More vintage slide scans. These photos were taken in the late 1950s in the Miami Beach area.


They mostly feature hotels. The cars seen in the first photo provide a good way to estimate the date.


Check out the original post for more photos from this set:

Right now I am very hungry and I am waiting for the dinner. I noticed that in recent times I am feeling hungry more compared to the old days. I am yet to figure out the reason.

#hungry #thoughts #cent #freecompliments

That will be a challenge.

All a challenge, I'm going all out to someday reach that amount of threads.

!BBH !DIY !DOOK #lolz

You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 12/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@hatdogsensei! @pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (11/100)

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@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @hatdogsensei! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

Come to the AMA. It just started

How to make an Irresistible Offer? #cent #bbh #business

Trait #7: Urgency:
Create scarcity or limited-time opportunities to encourage prompt action and capitalize on impulse buys.

Who is the best defender in football of all time?

#askonleo #opinion #pob #cent


I remember him vaguely from Inter Milan, but I think he was in his prime before that. I recall Nesta much better (also as being better)

Hi, @caspermoeller89,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

In my opinion, either Nesta, Maldini or Vidic

#gmfrens Going on abentour wit @pepegame and you're invited to join by leaving a reply for an invitation. #pepegame
Frog frens going to play a frog battle trading card game.
#freecompliments #cent #bbh #dailydook

Only those who dare to have great failures, end up achieving great successes #freecompliments #liotes #bbh #cent

#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for October 22st, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.

Mental Health Ambassador Team: @bitcoinman @bradleyarrow @calebmarvel01 @ckole @crazyphantombr @ganjafarmer @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @forkyishere @ibbtammy @ijelady @lightofhope @luchyl @pepetoken @thebighigg @thelogicaldude Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.

Happy to be here @bitcoinmain

Thanks for the good work 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

You just got DOOKed!
@fashtioluwa thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/10 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@bitcoinman! @fashtioluwa likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa. (1/5)

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You just got DOOKed!
@thebighigg thinks your content is the shit.
They have 2/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@bitcoinman! @thebighigg likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (11/50)

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@bitcoinman! @thebighigg Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @thebighigg.

Indeed Logo

GM frens, thank you fer posting. !BBH !DIY !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 15/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Happy Tuesday, brother!


You just got DOOKed!
@freecompliments thinks your content is the shit.
They have 6/80 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

I’ve been told crocodiles can grow up to 15 feet
but I’ve never seen one with more than four.

Credit: reddit
@pepetoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

@pepetoken! @freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (6/50)

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@pepetoken! @freecompliments Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

Indeed Logo

@bitcoinman! @pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (16/100)

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@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @bitcoinman! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

Thank you for putting this up today, brother!


You just got DUO from @freecompliments.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

You just got DOOKed!
@freecompliments thinks your content is the shit.
They have 3/80 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

Credit: reddit
@bitcoinman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

No problem hope your fam is alright !DOOK !BBH !DUO

You just got DUO from @bitcoinman.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@freecompliments! @bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (1/50)

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@bitcoinman! @freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (3/50)

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@bitcoinman! @freecompliments Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

Indeed Logo

Got you

@bitcoinman! @luchyl likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (6/20)

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Hello friends!

Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

Credit: reddit
@bitcoinman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr



@bitcoinman! @crazyphantombr likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @crazyphantombr. (1/5)

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