There are 4 pages

I'm thinking of posting more unhinged, uncensored, more 'out there' Josie takes under 'Subscriber Only', so that I don't have to feel like I'm too much or too annoying to the general public. If anyone happens to subscribe I'll take it as explicit consent to being exposed to full-on Josie madness.. you have been forwarned. xD

I have been tempted indeed

Go ahead haha, being already premium setting it up is free, and if people subscribe as you said, they are signing up for it

what kind of unhinged are we talking about? I was very excited to receive your subscription but I’m considering giving it back to you to show my support 🙃

no, no, no, absolutely no need, this not a sub-4-sub kind of a deal. :D Absolutely no pressure to subscribe. I'm just digging your vibe, is all. As for what kind of unhinged, well, you see, in truth, I have way more of a 'main character' vibe to me than I let slip in polite society out of courtesy and the conditioning that it is not ok to.. shine.. THAT brightly..!! You know? :D So I plan to just do my own thing.. and vibe.. whatever that may entail in any given point in spacetime :D So anything that I'd normally shy away from sharing, feeling like ooh, that might be too much, or too out there, or too wo-wo.. or too illogical.. too emotional.. stuff like that.

well at least I would like to know you better! I’m not reading much long form these days, working on too many projects but I want to read more of yours.

Main character vibes? Hahah I imagine this:

Too woo woo for me? Nah!

Yup, ha ha, lovely video, something like that. The world needs more whimsy like that, yes!!

also thank you for digging my vibes!

I decided on yearly subscription as opposed to monthly, because for me remembering to renew it monthly would be too stressful. And I also believe that coughing up 100 HBD yearly is substantially easier than 10 HBD monthly..

Same thoughts here!

I'm very grateful and so proud of my son! #freecompliments #cent #bbh

This is so good of him, let him keep it up....


You just got DOOKed!
@calebmarvel01 thinks your content is the shit.
They have 4/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

He is cooking!

smile ☺️☺️☺️☺️...

many congratulations to the proud father and son.
#freecompliments #gf

Oh wow! You have a bright son, congratulations to him and to you too❤


Yes mam. Tyvm!

Congrats to him. I am proud of him as well. May he continue to grow in wisdom and keep making you proud. Cheers

#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 15/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Good morning dear friends!
Taking a break from my Friday work

Morning! Looks like you're having a great time!

Lovely shot, ma'am. Have a great day at work.

#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 27/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

The #technology threadcast is starting to shape up like the original vision for Steemit. It is becomes a "reddit" for technology. One can scan through and get the technology news headlines along with more information.

Good job to @godfish, @tokenizedsociety and @coyotelation for the contributions you are making.

Good job everyone! I'm getting a lot of value from that threadcast

Agreed. A lot of good technology news going in there each day. Too bad few realize it.

I need to increase the sports threadcast numbers.

Lately I've been able to maintain an average of 100 comments. I need to increase this even more.

He is a way to do it:

Once or twice per day, chose a name of a team or sports figure mentioned and go to a chatbot to get a biography. Take the output and post it as a threadstorm in your threadcast.

It adds context for LeoAI while also doing a great deal to enhance the number of threads.

Great idea Task! Thanks for telling me that.

More ways to bring more content to the threadcast and also more information for LeoAI.

Yep. Anything you can put under the article thread that relates to the topic is of help.

So even pulling data from the web will help to tie it together.

That is true. More adds a great deal.

I'm averaging 100, I'll have to double it to try to keep up with your pace in the technology threadcast.

I am going to write an article tonight about these threadcasts. It will be the topic of this upcoming week's The Lion's Den.

A great topic to cover. I see that some people are no longer bringing their threadcast to the top.

It solves the Reddit situation. This is what Steemit to set out so long ago.

Threadcasts solve it.

It's very good to know that. This makes me more motivated to continue feeding the database.

I will even increase the number of news and will also bring them in Portuguese.

It is important that in addition to English, we can have other languages ​​for anyone to read.

That is also very true. Having information written in the native language of people (not using AI translators) could be more valuable to the readers.

Certainly, even the informal way will be beneficial for LeoAI to better understand how things are in different languages ​​and their customs.

One simple way is that each time a buyback occurs, have a copy of the transaction threaded out. Set up an account for this so there is a list of the threads there with each transaction. Then they can be passed around.

Also place a counter on the site, perhaps on the dashboard or leaderboard page (if you dont want to do front page) of the total buybacks. Of course, the front page might be better because then people can see it growing before their eyes.

Call it Leo purchased off the open market.

I have to agree with Task here.
Showing the buybacks and them occurring on a regular basis will give some faith in the process.

It might only be of interest to the investor types tho

Not at @taskmaster4450le level but I'm happy to soon pass 11k threads 👏


Getting up there. We need to see bigger numbers from a lot of users.

Yes we do. But have noticed new faces popping up on Inleo. Hope we can find the next @taskmaster4450le

I havent noticed too many but I dont pay attention to that anymore. Not going to concern myself until someone does something to get on my radar (in a good way).

Congrats to you, I haven"t even done my first 1k yet ^, a week can go by without me posting or threading. This need to become part of my routine to have an impact.

That's pretty cool bro!!! Is time to get down on my activities 🤣🤣🤣...


You just got DOOKed!
@calebmarvel01 thinks your content is the shit.
They have 6/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

powering thru!!!!

Most excellent. I'm pushing 8k myself

"We're an ignorant nation right now. We're not really capable, I do not think, the majority of our people, of making the decisions that have to be made at election time and particularly in the selection of their legislatures and their Congress and the presidency, of course. I don't think we're bright enough to do the job that would preserve our democracy, our republic. I think we're in serious danger." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The ethic of the journalist is to recognize one's prejudices, biases, and avoid getting them into print." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The profession of journalism ought to be about telling people what they need to know - not what they want to know." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We've got a great percentage of our population that, to our great shame, either cannot or, equally unfortunate, will not read. And that portion of our public is growing. Those people are suckers for the demagogue." ~ Walter Cronkite

"If that is what makes us liberals, so be it, just as long as in reporting the news we adhere to the first ideals of good journalism - that news reports must be fair, accurate and unbiased." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We are on the precipice of being so ignorant that our democracy is threatened." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We are on the precipice of being so ignorant that our democracy is threatened." ~ Walter Cronkite

"As anchorman of the CBS Evening News, I signed off my nightly broadcasts for nearly two decades with a simple statement: "And that's the way it is." To me, that encapsulates the newsman's highest ideal: to report the facts as he sees them, without regard for the consequences or controversy that may ensue." ~ Walter Cronkite

"America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your principles." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I am neither Republican nor Democrat. I am a registered independent because I find that I cast my votes not on the basis of party loyalty but on the issues of the moment and my assessment of the candidates." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I am dumbfounded that there hasn't been a crackdown with the libel and slander laws on some of these would-be writers and reporters on the Internet." ~ Walter Cronkite

"There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free, or you are not free." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The ruling class is the rich. . . . And those people are so able to manipulate our democracy that they really control the democracy." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Our job is only to hold up the mirror - to tell and show the public what has happened." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Not only do we have a right to know, we have a duty to know what our Government is doing in our name. If there's a criticism to be made today, it's that the press isn't doing enough to put the pressure on the government to provide information." ~ Walter Cronkite

"It is not the reporter's job to be a patriot or to presume to determine where patriotism lies. His job is to relate the facts." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation." ~ Walter Cronkite

"In all my years as a news commentator I was never once, able to tell the truth, about anything." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I don't think people ought to believe only one news medium. They ought to read and they ought to go to opinion journals and all the rest of it. I think it's terribly important that this be taught in the public schools, because otherwise, we're gonna get to a situation because of economic pressures and other things where television's all you've got left. And that would be disastrous. We can't cover the news in a half-hour event evening. That's ridiculous." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Not only do we have a right to know, we have a duty to know what our Government is doing in our name." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The debates are part of the unconscionable fraud that our political campaigns have become a format that defies meaningful discourse. They should be charged with sabotaging the electoral process." ~ Walter Cronkite

"It is a seldom proffered argument as to the advantages of a free press that it has a major function in keeping the government itself informed as to what the government is doing." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Ethics must be reintroduced to public service to restore people's faith in government. Without such faith, democracy cannot flourish. Your ambitious agenda is filling a desperate need." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Ethics must be reintroduced to public service to restore people's faith in government. Without such faith, democracy cannot flourish. Your ambitious agenda is filling a desperate need." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We've always known you can gain circulation or viewers by cheapening the product, and now you're finding the bad driving out the good." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Pat Robertson has written in a book a few years ago that we should have a world government, but only when the Messiah arrives. He wrote, literally, any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the Devil. Well join me - I’m glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Those advocates who work for world peace by urging a system of world government are called impractical dreamers. Those impractical dreamers are entitled to ask their critics what is so practical about war." ~ Walter Cronkite

"It seems to me that instead of cutting taxes, we ought to be increasing the taxes to pay off the deficit, rather than let that thing build up to the point where our grandchildren's grandchildren are going to be paying for our period of time and our years at the helm." ~ Walter Cronkite

"For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I tried not to communicate them to my audience." ~ Walter Cronkite

"For how many thousands of years now have we humans been what we insist on calling "civilized?" And yet, in total contradiction, we also persist in the savage belief that we must occasionally, at least, settle our arguments by killing one another." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Objective journalism and an opinion column are about as similar as the Bible and Playboy magazine." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I think it is absolutely essential in a democracy to have competition in the media, a lot of competition, and we seem to be moving away from that." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We know that no one should tell a woman she has to bear an unwanted child. We know that religious beliefs cannot define patriotism." ~ Walter Cronkite

"A handful of us determine what will be on the evening news broadcasts, or, for that matter, in the New York Times or Washington Post or Wall Street Journal. Indeed it is a handful of us with this awesome power.And those [news stories] available to us already have been culled and re-culled by persons far outside our control." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The fact that you are here tonight gathered together with us testifies to the fact you understand the need for this organization and the need for redoubling our efforts in this organization to try to assure that democracy as represented by the United States must depend upon a total freedom of religion, which is written into our Constitution, of course, and the mere suggestion that anyone could maintain that one's patriotism, one's devotion to one's country can be judged by one's religion is so vile, so vile that we have to take to the streets indeed and to put it aside." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Our task is not to tell the truth; we are opinion molders." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I am a news presenter, a news broadcaster, an anchorman, a managing editor - not a commentator or analyst. I feel no compulsion to be a pundit." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The daily coverage of the Vietnamese battlefield helped convince the American public that the carnage was not worth the candle." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Would it be better to have a president who cries easily? Well, that depends on what he cried about. I would not like the thought of a president who could not cry. That would be worse than one who cried over the right things. Which, in this case, would be the things I would cry over." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Leaving San Francisco is like saying goodbye to an old sweetheart. You want to linger as long as possible." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Interviewing friends is a tough one. Your duty to the interview must transcend your friendship. Occasionally you'll lose a friend." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Everybody knows that there's a liberal, that there's a heavy liberal persuasion among correspondents." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I think that being liberal, in the true sense, is being nondoctrinaire, nondogmatic, noncomitted to a cause but examining each case on its merits. Being left of center is another thing; it's a political position. I think most newspapermen by definition have to be liberal; if they're not liberal, by my definition of it, then they can hardly be good newspapermen." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The first priority of humankind in this era is to establish an effective system of world law that will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I grew my mustache when I was nineteen in order to look older. I never shaved it off even though it overran its usefulness many, many years ago. Once you get started in television, people associate you with your physical appearance - and that includes the mustache. So I can't shave it off now. If I did, I'd have to answer too much mail." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Everything is being compressed into tiny tablets. You take a little pill of news every day-23 minutes-and that's supposed to be enough." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The invasion of Iraq was illegal from the start." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The perils of duck hunting are great- especially for the duck." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I'd like to be a song and dance man." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Reagan was an exceedingly likeable guy, just a heck of a nice fellow, despite his politics. He was funny and loved a good joke, the dirtier, I'm afraid the more ethnic, the better. I don't think he brought very much to the presidency, except charisma and success." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Old anchormen, you see, don't fade away. They just keep coming back for more. And that's the way it is, Friday, March 6, 1981." ~ Walter Cronkite

"For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I tried not to communicate them to my audience. Now, however, my circumstances are different. I am in a position to speak my mind. And that is what I propose to do." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The battle for the airwaves cannot be limited to only those who have the bank accounts to pay for the battle and win it." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Our country today is at a stage in our foreign policy similar to that crucial point in our nation's early history when our Constitution was produced in Philadelphia." ~ Walter Cronkite

"A system of world order-preferably a system of world government -is mandatory... The proud nations someday will see the light and, for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Putting it as strongly as I can, the failure to give free airtime for our political campaigns endangers our democracy." ~ Walter Cronkite

"To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past. To say that we are mired in stalemate seems the only realistic, yet unsatisfactory, conclusion. It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out then will be to negotiate, not as victors, but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy, and did the best they could." ~ Walter Cronkite

"This opens the door on another chapter of history." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Terrible, it was terrible. Even today and it's been several months now you just bring it up and I tear up a little bit, terribly. You know when you're that close that long and got along as well as we did, we seldom had any serious arguments. We might have - might discuss which movie we wanted to see and what play we wanted to go to, where we ought to go for a vacation but that usually didn't last very long because we were much of the same mind all the time." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I'm very proud of what Harry Truman turned out to be in office and the record he made. Certainly I think he'll go down in history as one of the greats, because of his conscience, his determination to stick with what he knew was right." ~ Walter Cronkite

"So now the question is, basically, right now, how will the Osama Bin Laden tape affect the election? And I have a feeling that it could tilt the election a bit. In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, that he probably set up bin Laden to this thing." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We're living in a state where no one can trust his telephone conversations, nor even his personal conversations in a room, in a bar or anywhere else." ~ Walter Cronkite

"When you're bringing in a fairly unknown candidate challenging a sitting president, the population needs a lot more information than reduced coverage provides." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Television... is not a substitute for print." ~ Walter Cronkite

"It seems to rise again when the crisis times come, and this is a time of most severe crisis, as we all know, not just for the history of the United States and the survival indeed of our democracy, but for the future peace of the world. And never before probably has the need for interfaith commitment been nearly as great as it is at this very moment." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I guess I showed certain signs of being a workaholic in early years; I had a magazine route very early on - I must have been about seven or eight years old or something like that - when I was carrying Liberty magazine, trying to win green and brown coupons; I eventually [won] a pony." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The great sadness of my life is that I never achieved the hour newscast, which would not have been twice as good as the half-hour newscast, but many times as good." ~ Walter Cronkite

"When Moses was alive, these pyramids were a thousand years old. Here began the history of architecture. Here people learned to measure time by a calendar, to plot the stars by astronomy and chart the earth by geometry. And here they developed that most awesome of all ideas - the idea of eternity." ~ Walter Cronkite

"News reporters are certainly liberal and left of center." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I have never pretended to be a great writer. I am totally immodest about being a great reporter and a good news writer. I write fast and I write accurately, nearly as accurately as anybody can be, and that's my skill." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Probably the most important single element that I found in my own marriage was a sense of humor. My wife had a delicious sense of humor, and I think I have an adequate one." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Television [is] a high-impact medium. It does some things no other force can do-transmitting electronic pictures through the air. Still, as an explored, comprehensive medium, it is not a substitute for print." ~ Walter Cronkite

"People who understand music hear sounds that no one else makes when Frank Sinatra sings." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I think somebody ought to do a survey as to how many great, important men have quit to spend time with their families who spent any more time with their family. Probably less." ~ Walter Cronkite

"It seems now more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We cannot defer this responsibility to posterity. Time will not wait." ~ Walter Cronkite

"To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe, in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past." ~ Walter Cronkite

"The 60s undoubtedly were the most turbulent years of the century." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I am not a contemplative type, basically. I am much more of an action person and, as a consequence, I look forward to today and tomorrow and what's breaking." ~ Walter Cronkite

"It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order." ~ Walter Cronkite

"It is clear that military force and our policy of preemption are alone insufficient to make us safe. But help is on the way. Legislation has been proposed to create a US Department of Peace. In the propsed Department of Peace it would organize our present system into one conscious effort to improve humanity in achieving peace, where true safety lies." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I think most newspapermen by definition have to be liberal; if they're not liberal, by definition of it, then they can hardly be good newspapermen. If they're preordained dogmatists for a cause, then they can't be very good journalists." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Let us hear the peal of a new international liberty bell that calls us all to the creation of a system of enforceable world law in which the universal desire for peace can place its hope
and prayers." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I asked [my doctors] if I'd be able to play singles tennis and they said I could. That made me very happy since I haven't played in five years." ~ Walter Cronkite

"If we are to avoid that catastrophe [a nuclear World War III], a system of world order — preferably a system of world government — is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see the light and, for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty, just as America's thirteen colonies did two centuries ago. When we finally come to our senses and establish a world executive and parliament of nations, thanks to the Nuremburg precedent we will already have in place the fundamentals for the third branch of government, the judiciary." ~ Walter Cronkite

"For nearly five decades the World Federalists have worked to promote a strengthened UN and more effective institutions of global governance. I offer my personal endorsement. Now a great opportunity has opened for the realization of the dreams of the UN's founders." ~ Walter Cronkite

"We must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a World Government, patterned after our Own Government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace." ~ Walter Cronkite

"When the Eagle landed on the moon, I was speechless—overwhelmed, like most of the world. Couldn't say a word. I think all I said was, 'Wow! Jeez!' Not exactly immortal. Well, I was nothing if not human." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I think he [composer Joe Raposo] was the first man who kissed me on the cheek." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Everybody knows that there's a liberal, that there's a heavy liberal persuasion among correspondents.....Anybody who has to live with the people, who covers police stations, covers county courts, brought up that way, has to have a degree of humanity that people who do not have that exposure don't have, and some people interpret that to be liberal. It's not a liberal, it's humanitarian and that's a vastly different thing." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Justice was born outside the home and a long way from it; and it has never been adopted there" ~ Walter Cronkite

"The sweet smell of the South, of Camellias and Azaleas, clings to Beaufort's ancient and historic buildings." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Never before probably has the need for interfaith commitment been nearly as great as it is at this very moment." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I want to say that probably 24 hours after I told CBS that I was stepping down at my 65th birthday, I was already regretting it. And I regretted it every day since." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I'm a romanticist in many ways. I never get behind the wheel of my boat and dropping the anchor without saying to myself, secretly giving my orders to the crew "All right, lift the anchor, we're on our way to South Hampton. We're gonna beat them there with this load of tea!"" ~ Walter Cronkite

"Dan Rather and I just aren't especially chummy." ~ Walter Cronkite

Here is a biography of Walter Cronkite:

Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. was one of the most influential and respected journalists in American history. Known as "the most trusted man in America," Cronkite served as anchorman for the CBS Evening News for 19 years, from 1962 to 1981.

His career spanned some of the most pivotal moments of the 20th century, and his steady presence in American living rooms helped shape public understanding of events ranging from World ⇪ II× to the moon landing to the Watergate scandal.

Early Life and Education:

Walter Cronkite was born on November 4, 1916, in St. Joseph, Missouri. He was the only child of Walter Leland Cronkite Sr., a dentist, and Helen Lena Fritsche. When Cronkite was still young, his family moved to Houston, Texas, where he spent most of his childhood and adolescence.

As a youth, Cronkite developed an early interest in journalism. He worked on his high school newspaper and yearbook, foreshadowing his future career. After graduating from San Jacinto High school in 1933, Cronkite enrolled at the university of Texas at Austin to study political science, economics, and journalism.

However, Cronkite's college career was short-lived. The Great Depression was in full swing, and financial constraints forced him to leave the university after two years. This setback did not deter him from pursuing his passion for journalism. Instead, it pushed him into the workforce earlier than expected, setting the stage for his remarkable career.

Early Career in Journalism:

Cronkite's first job in journalism came in 1935 when he joined the Houston post as a sports and general news reporter. This position gave him valuable experience in the basics of reporting and writing. It was here that he began to develop the clear, concise writing style that would become his trademark in later years.

In 1937, Cronkite took a significant step forward in his career by joining United Press International (UPI), then one of the world's leading news agencies. This move exposed him to a wider range of stories and allowed him to develop his skills as a wire service reporter. The fast-paced environment of UPI, where speed and accuracy were paramount, helped shape Cronkite's approach to journalism.

World War II Correspondent:

Cronkite's career took a dramatic turn with the outbreak of World War II. As America entered the conflict, Cronkite volunteered to become a war correspondent for UPI. This decision would prove pivotal in his career and life, exposing him to the harsh realities of war and cementing his reputation as a reliable and courageous reporter.

During the war, Cronkite covered some of the most significant events and battles in the European theater. He reported on the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942, a crucial early campaign that marked America's first major offensive against Nazi Germany. He also flew on bombing missions over Germany with the U.S. Eighth Air Force, providing firsthand accounts of the aerial war.

One of Cronkite's most notable achievements during the war was his coverage of Operation Market Garden in 1944. This ambitious Allied operation in the Netherlands aimed to secure key bridges and pave the way for an invasion of Germany. Cronkite not only reported on the operation but actually flew in a glider with American airborne troops as they parachuted into enemy territory. This daring act of journalism gave him a unique perspective on the battle and demonstrated his commitment to getting the story, regardless of personal risk.

Cronkite's war reporting wasn't limited to military operations. He also covered the Nuremberg trials in 1945-46, where leading Nazi officials were tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. This experience gave him insight into the aftermath of the war and the complexities of seeking justice in its wake.

Post-War Career and Transition to Television:

After the war, Cronkite continued to work for UPI, serving as the agency's chief correspondent at the Nuremberg trials. He then became the head of UPI's Moscow bureau, giving him a front-row seat to the early stages of the Cold War. This experience broadened his understanding of international affairs and geopolitics, knowledge that would serve him well in his later career.

In 1950, Cronkite made the pivotal decision to join CBS News, marking his transition from print and radio journalism to the emerging medium of television. Initially, he served as a correspondent and narrator for various CBS News programs, including the historical series "You Are There," which dramatized historical events as if they were being covered by modern news reporters.

Cronkite quickly adapted to the visual medium of television, developing a calm, authoritative on-screen presence that would become his hallmark. His clear diction, measured pace, and ability to explain complex issues in simple terms made him an ideal broadcaster for the television age.

The 1952 political conventions marked a significant milestone in Cronkite's career. He anchored CBS's coverage of both the Democratic and Republican national conventions, demonstrating his ability to handle live, unpredictable events with poise and insight. This performance established him as a major figure in television news and set the stage for his future role as the face of CBS News.

Anchorman of CBS Evening News:

In 1962, Cronkite was chosen to replace Douglas Edwards as the anchor of the CBS Evening News. At the time, the program was only 15 minutes long, but it expanded to 30 minutes in 1963, making it the first half-hour nightly news program on American television. This expansion gave Cronkite and his team more time to delve into stories and provide in-depth coverage of major events.

As anchor, Cronkite quickly became known for his signature sign-off: "And that's the way it is," followed by the date. This phrase, delivered in his reassuring baritone, became one of the most recognizable catchphrases in television history and symbolized Cronkite's commitment to straightforward, factual reporting.

Cronkite's tenure as anchor of the CBS Evening News coincided with some of the most tumultuous and significant events of the 20th century. His coverage of these events not only informed the American public but often shaped public opinion and even influenced policy decisions.

Covering the Kennedy Assassination:

One of the defining moments of Cronkite's career came on November 22, 1963, with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Cronkite was one of the first national news anchors to break the news of the shooting to the American public. His calm demeanor and factual reporting in the face of a national tragedy provided a steady voice for a shocked nation.

In a rare display of emotion, Cronkite momentarily lost his composure when announcing Kennedy's death, removing his glasses and pausing briefly to collect himself before continuing with the report. This human moment, broadcast live to millions of Americans, endeared Cronkite to viewers and demonstrated the profound impact of the event on the entire nation.

Cronkite's coverage of the Kennedy assassination and its aftermath set a new standard for television news. He anchored CBS News coverage for four days straight, providing updates and context as the story unfolded. This included live coverage of Kennedy's funeral and the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby, which occurred during a live broadcast.

The Vietnam War:

Cronkite's coverage of the Vietnam War was arguably the most impactful of his career. Initially supportive of the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Cronkite's perspective began to shift as the conflict dragged on and casualties mounted. In 1968, following the Tet Offensive, Cronkite traveled to Vietnam to see the situation firsthand.

Upon his return, Cronkite delivered a special report on February 27, 1968, that would become one of the most famous broadcasts in television history. In this editorial, Cronkite declared that the war had reached a stalemate and suggested that negotiation might be a better option than continued escalation. He concluded by saying, "It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out then will be to negotiate, not as victors, but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy, and did the best they could."

This report, coming from "the most trusted man in America," had a profound impact on public opinion and policy. President Lyndon B. Johnson is said to have remarked, "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America." The broadcast is often cited as a turning point in American support for the war, although the full extent of its impact remains a subject of historical debate.

The Space Race:

Cronkite was also known for his enthusiastic coverage of the U.S. space program. From the early Mercury missions through the Apollo program, Cronkite brought the excitement and wonder of space exploration into American homes. His coverage helped generate public support for the space program and made complex scientific concepts accessible to the average viewer.

Cronkite's most famous space coverage came during the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969, which saw humans land on the moon for the first time. As Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface, Cronkite, overcome with emotion and awe, simply said, "Oh, boy," a reaction that captured the sentiment of millions of viewers around the world.

Watergate and Political Coverage:

The Watergate scandal, which ultimately led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon, was another major story that Cronkite covered extensively. The CBS Evening News, under Cronkite's leadership, devoted significant airtime to the unfolding scandal, helping to keep the public informed about the complex and far-reaching story.

Cronkite's coverage of Watergate demonstrated his commitment to holding those in power accountable, regardless of political affiliation. His straightforward reporting on the scandal helped maintain public trust in journalism at a time when faith in government institutions was being severely tested.

Throughout his career, Cronkite covered numerous political conventions, elections, and major policy debates. His reputation for fairness and objectivity made him a respected figure across the political spectrum, and his analysis was highly influential in shaping public understanding of political events.

Legacy and Later Years:

Walter Cronkite retired from the CBS Evening News in 1981, with Dan Rather taking over as anchor. However, Cronkite remained active in journalism and public life for many years after his retirement. He continued to appear on CBS for special reports and documentaries, and he was a vocal advocate for journalistic integrity and press freedom.

Cronkite's influence on American journalism cannot be overstated. He set the standard for television news anchors, emphasizing accuracy, impartiality, and clear communication. His ability to explain complex issues in understandable terms, combined with his evident integrity, made him a trusted source of information for millions of Americans.

Beyond his work in journalism, Cronkite was also known for his advocacy on various issues. He was a strong proponent of freedom of the press and often spoke out against attempts to restrict or manipulate the media. He was also passionate about environmental issues, particularly ocean conservation, and lent his voice to various environmental causes.

Cronkite received numerous awards and honors throughout his career, including multiple Emmy Awards and a Peabody Award. In 1981, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States, by President Jimmy Carter. In 1985, he was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame, and in 1995, he received the Norman cousins Global Governance Award for his promotion of a more just and peaceful world.

In his personal life, Cronkite was married to Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Maxwell from 1940 until her death in 2005. They had three children together. Cronkite was known for his love of sailing, a passion he often indulged during his retirement years.

Walter Cronkite passed away on July 17, 2009, at the age of 92. His death was mourned across the country and around the world, with tributes pouring in from journalists, politicians, and ordinary citizens whose lives had been touched by his work.

Cronkite's impact on American journalism and culture continues to be felt today. He set a standard for journalistic integrity and impartiality that remains a benchmark for the profession. His career spanned a period of tremendous change in America and the world, and through it aLL, he remained a steady, trustworthy voice, helping millions of viewers make sense of the events shaping their lives.

In an age of increasing media fragmentation and partisan news coverage, Cronkite's approach to journalism – emphasizing facts, context, and impartiality – is often held up as an ideal to which modern journalists should aspire. His famous sign-off, "And that's the way it is," was more than just a catchphrase; it was a commitment to truthful, comprehensive reporting that informed and empowered viewers.

Cronkite's career also serves as a reminder of the power and responsibility of journalism in a democratic society. His coverage of events like the Vietnam War and Watergate demonstrated how responsible, fact-based reporting can shape public opinion and even influence policy decisions. At the same time, his commitment to objectivity and fairness set a standard for how journalists should approach their role as watchdogs of democracy.

The landscape of news media has changed dramatically since Cronkite's heyday, with the rise of 24-hour cable news, the Internet, and social media. Yet many of the principles that guided Cronkite's work – accuracy, integrity, and a commitment to serving the public interest – remain as relevant as ever in the digital age.

As we reflect on Cronkite's life and career, we are reminded of the vital role that journalism plays in our society. In an era of "fake news" and information overload, Cronkite's legacy serves as a beacon, reminding us of the importance of trustworthy, factual reporting in maintaining an informed citizenry and a healthy democracy.

Walter Cronkite was more than just a news anchor; he was a national institution, a voice of reason and reliability in turbulent times. His life's work stands as a testament to the power of journalism to inform, educate, and unite a nation. As we face the challenges of the 21st century, Cronkite's example continues to inspire journalists and citizens alike to seek truth, foster understanding, and work towards a more informed and just society.

In conclusion, Walter Cronkite's life and career represent a pivotal chapter in the history of American journalism and media. From his early days as a wire service reporter to his tenure as the face of CBS News, Cronkite brought a commitment to accuracy, fairness, and public service that set the standard for broadcast journalism. His coverage of seminal events like World War II, the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam War, the space race, and Watergate not only informed the public but also helped shape the national conversation on these crucial issues.

Cronkite's influence extended far beyond the nightly news broadcast. He was a cultural icon, a reassuring presence in American homes during times of crisis and change. His integrity and professionalism earned him the title of "the most trusted man in America," a moniker that reflected the deep connection he forged with viewers across the country.

As we look back on Cronkite's legacy, we are reminded of the vital role that responsible journalism plays in a democratic society. In an age of information overload and increasing polarization, Cronkite's commitment to factual, impartial reporting remains a model for journalists and a standard by which news organizations should be judged.

Walter Cronkite's life story is, in many ways, the story of 20th century America itself. Through his eyes and his words, millions of Americans experienced the triumphs and tragedies, the challenges and changes that shaped their world. His career serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that one dedicated, principled individual can have on society.

As we face the challenges of the 21st century, Walter Cronkite's legacy continues to inspire and guide us. His unwavering commitment to truth, his respect for his audience, and his belief in the power of information to improve society remain as relevant today as they were during his time behind the anchor desk. In remembering Walter Cronkite, we celebrate not just a great journalist, but the enduring values of integrity, curiosity, and public service that he embodied throughout his remarkable life and career.

"We are the lucky generation. We first broke our earthly bonds and ventured into space. From our descendants- perches on other planets or distant space cities, they will look back at our achievement with wonder at our courage and audacity and with appreciation at our accomplishments, which assured the future in which they live." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I've gone from the most trusted man in America to one of the most debated." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Attorney General John Ashcroft has earned himself a remarkable distinction as the Torquemada of American law. Tomás de Torquemada...was largely responsible for...[the] torture and the burning of heretics — Muslims in particular. Now, of course, I am not accusing the Attorney General of pulling out anyone's fingernails or burning people at the stake (at least I don't know of any such cases). But one does get the sense these days that the old Spaniard's spirit is comfortably at home in Ashcroft's Department of Justice." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I was lucky enough to have one of the first high school classes in the country." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I sort of think in a way that many of us young reporters who had the opportunity to go overseas for our organizations were kind of, in a sense, war profiteers. We were enhancing our careers while covering that terrible conflict." ~ Walter Cronkite

"I'm still ready to go to the moon, if they'll take me." ~ Walter Cronkite

"There is a compulsion that is perhaps the heart of life's meanings, this marvelous mystery of blood ties that brings joy whenever a new family member comes on the scene." ~ Walter Cronkite

"Be kind to an old man." ~ Walter Cronkite

Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 10/18/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.

Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.

On Wednesday, X (formerly Twitter) made changes to its Privacy Policy, stating that third-party collaborators can now use X's data to train their AI models unless users choose to opt out. This follows previous reports of Elon Musk using X user data to train xAI's Grok AI chatbot, which led to an investigation by the EU’s main privacy regulator. However, the policy hadn't mentioned before that third parties could also use the data.

#newsonleo #technews

Not sure why people are upset by this type of stuff.

They are the ones who willing give the data to Big Tech. Nobody forced them to do it.

And now they complain that something on X servers is being used by X.

exactly what I told my brother last night while we were talking about These stuff

Yep. But like most things, get enough people bitching and then it becomes the norm.

Meta fires staff for ‘using free meal vouchers to buy household goods’

Meta has reportedly fired about 24 staff at its Los Angeles offices for using their meal credits to buy household goods. Meta usually feeds staff for free from canteens at its larger offices, but those at smaller sites are given daily credits to order food through delivery services. Some workers were found to be abusing the system, including sending food home when they were not in the office. Employees who had only occasionally broken the rules were reprimanded but were able to keep their jobs.

#technology #meta

Sam Altman’s Worldcoin becomes World and shows new iris-scanning Orb to prove your humanity

Sam Altman's Worldcoin crypto project has changed its name to just 'World', potentially signaling the project's interest in expanding its identity beyond its original cryptocurrency mission. Tools for Humanity, the startup behind the project, has unveiled the next generation of its iris-scanning 'Orb' and other tools. The new Orb is easier to mass-produce, has fewer parts, and operates three times faster than the previous version. One of the new tools is called Deep Face - it is an attempt to combat online deepfakes and impersonation using Tools for Humanity's human-verification services.

#technology #samaltman #worldcoin #world

Scientists claim breakthrough to bringing back Tasmanian tiger from extinction

Colossal Biosciences, a Dallas-based company, claims to have extracted a thylacine DNA sequence that is 99.9% the same as the original from a 108-year-old specimen preserved in alcohol at a museum in Melbourne, Australia. The company aims to eventually bring back the thylacine, along with other species, back from extinction. While some argue that it is unethical to return long-extinct animals to habitats degraded by human activity, the company's research has produced beneficial advances that can be applied across current living animals. Its efforts could help protect threatened species.

#technology #biotech #bioscience #colossalbiosciences #dna #tasmaniantiger

Microsoft and OpenAI’s Close Partnership Shows Signs of Fraying

Ties between Microsoft and OpenAI have started to fray. The partnership has been strained by financial pressure on OpenAI, concern about OpenAI's stability, and disagreements between employees of the two companies. OpenAI has been trying to renegotiate its deal with Microsoft to help it secure more computing power and reduce expenses, but Microsoft executives have grown concerned that the company's AI work is too dependent on OpenAI. Microsoft has started to hedge its bet on OpenAI by building its own technologies.

#technology #ai #openai #microsoft

The Agent-as-a-Judge framework is a breakthrough in evaluating AI systems. It allows for continuous, real-time feedback on every step of an AI’s process, providing deeper insights and improving the efficiency of evaluations. This framework reduces costs, is scalable, and offers a more reliable alternative to human evaluation.

#newsonleo #AIevaluation


Cold War in the Stars

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first human-created object to orbit the atmosphere of planet Earth. It was Sputnik-1, which lasted six months before crashing. For 22 days, until October 26 of that year, the artificial satellite transmitted small radio signals, basically "beeps" monitored by experts and radio amateurs. The Space Race, which for decades brought together intense efforts from both the Soviets and the Americans, was officially underway.

#newsonleo #space #technology

In addition to small radio signals, Sputinik-1 also carried out important studies of the properties of the atmosphere, the effects of microgravity and solar radiation, which paved the way for the first flight of a living being off the planet (the dog Laika, in 1957), and the first manned mission (Yuri Gagarin, in 1961) — undoubtedly the first major media achievement of the space race efforts.

Since the success of Sputnik, global powers have become involved in a dispute over the sovereignty of space research, in dramatic events that were only brought to an end after the end of the Cold War. In recent decades, the space race has changed its shape: it is no longer seen only as a piece of ideological propaganda and a source of scientific study, but also as a potential market, which has also gained the company of companies in search of profits and resources. It is no coincidence that experts see that we are experiencing a new space race, the results of which are still unclear.

Like many of the technologies that became popular in the 20th century — such as the internet and smartphones — the space race and the launch of spacecraft were a military initiative. The large rockets that transport artifacts and humans into space are direct heirs of the large ballistic missiles that were created as a weapon of deterrence, such as nuclear warheads. The first satellites were also prototypes of spying devices that could not be avoided.

Even before the end of World War II, the famous Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun, considered the father of V2 rockets and intercontinental ballistic missiles, negotiated his own surrender to the United States government. Along with more than 500 rocket scientists and researchers, the German was secretly taken to the country, where he received US citizenship. It was called Operation Paperclip, which welcomed more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers and technicians into North American services, including former leaders of the Nazi Party.

The Soviets undertook a similar operation, known as Operation Osoaviakhim, when they relocated more than 2,500 German engineers and secret research equipment to areas controlled by the Soviet Union after Germany's surrender in 1945, but without giving them new citizenship.


Por que um departamento de polícia nos EUA comprou um Cybertruck de R$ 850 mil?

Um departamento de polícia no sul da Califórnia anunciou que comprou o primeiro Tesla Cybertruck dos Estados Unidos para uso policial. O Departamento de Polícia de Irvine divulgou a compra na terça-feira (15), pelo preço de US$ 153.175,03 (cerca de R$ 850 mil).

#newsonleo #tesla #technology #hivebr #pt

O Cybertruck, veículo desenvolvido pessoalmente por Elon Musk, fará parte da frota da polícia e vai atuar ativamente no combate ao uso de drogas na cidade de Irvine. Apesar disso, o carro dificilmente será visto em abordagens ou em regiões com presença de tráfico.

A intenção é que o Cybertruck faça parte da estratégia educativa dos policiais que participam do programa, servindo como uma forma de ficarem mais próximos de crianças e adolescentes. Já é tradição na cidade que os carros utilizados no programa sejam chamativos e consigam captar a atenção dos jovens.

Mesmo sem a intenção de ser utilizado em ações policiais, será equipado com luzes de emergência, gráficos personalizados e espaço para armas. Além disso, será capaz de responder a emergências policiais e poderá auxiliar a comunidade local, contando com tecnologia de comunicação policial na cabine.

A participação do veículo será no programa D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), fundado em 1983. A iniciativa surgiu no auge da chamada “guerra às drogas” e é alvo de polêmicas atualmente. O programa serviu de inspiração para o PROERD (Programa Educacional de Resistência às Drogas e à Violência), iniciado pela Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro em 2001 e, posteriormente, levado para todos os estados do Brasil.

O nome do programa também é um trocadilho com a palavra “Dare” (ouse, em português), dentro do lema “Dare to say no” (ouse dizer não, em tradução livre), como forma de empoderar os adolescentes a rejeitar o uso de drogas. No Brasil, o lema foi traduzido como “Lutando contra as drogas, ensinando a dizer: não!”.

Nos EUA, o programa foi totalmente reformulado, de acordo com o porta-voz da polícia de Irvine, Kyle Oldoerp. A cidade é uma das poucas que ainda mantém o programa na Califórnia. Agora, mais do que um programa de resistência ao uso de drogas, tabaco e abuso de álcool, a iniciativa foca em “boas escolhas”, segundo Oldoerp. No formato atual, a expectativa é que o programa aborde também temas como anti-bullying, respeito, estabelecimento de metas e autoestima positiva.


Turning to plastic: “cheaper” version of the Apple Vision Pro should cost US$2,000

Apple is about to launch a more affordable version of its acclaimed mixed reality glasses, the Vision Pro. According to information released by Mark Gurman, renowned Bloomberg analyst, the Cupertino giant plans to launch a variant of the headset in 2025 with an estimated price of US$2,000, approximately R$10,000 at the current price.

#newsonleo #apple #technology

This new version of Apple Vision Pro represents a bold strategy by the company to expand its user base in the mixed reality segment. The original model, launched in 2023 with a price of US$3,499 (around R$17,500), established a new technological level, but its high cost limited access to a wider audience.

To achieve the most competitive price, Apple will make some concessions in terms of materials and specifications. The new model will replace aluminum and glass with plastic in its construction, a significant change that will reduce production costs. Furthermore, the device will feature a less powerful processor, possibly the A18 Pro, which should debut in the iPhone 16 Pro line.

One of the most notable features that will be sacrificed is the EyeSight feature, which displays the user's eyes on the outside of the headset. This function, which uses an external screen, will be removed to further reduce manufacturing costs.

Despite these changes, Apple maintains high expectations for the new model. Gurman reports that the company aims to double sales of the Vision Pro with this more affordable version, indicating a strong bet on the market potential for more affordable mixed reality devices.

It's important to note that even with these changes, the $2,000 price tag still places the device in the premium segment of the market. However, it represents a significant step by Apple towards the democratization of mixed reality technology.

Gurman's report also reveals Apple's future plans in the field of augmented and virtual reality. The company is developing the second generation of Apple Vision Pro, scheduled for 2026, which should feature a faster processor. Additionally, Apple plans to launch smart glasses similar to Meta's Ray-Bans and AirPods with cameras, possibly in 2027.

This information suggests that Apple is committed to expanding its presence in the mixed and augmented reality device market by offering a wider range of products to serve different consumer segments.


Device from Elon Musk's company receives government approval to restore people's vision with new method

Elon Musk's company claims that the first version of the device will gradually restore people's vision. Everything will work as a projection and the chip will be connected to a part of the brain responsible for vision.

#newsonleo #neuralink #technology

"As long as the visual cortex is intact, it will allow even those born blind to see for the first time," Musk wrote on his X account.

"To set expectations correctly, the vision will initially be low-resolution, like Atari graphics, but over time it has the potential to be better than natural vision and allow you to see in infrared, ultraviolet, or even wavelengths. radar, like 'Geordi La Forja' [Star Trek character]".

It is worth mentioning that, despite being an advance, a cure for blindness has not yet been found. Furthermore, the Blindsight device has not yet entered the human testing phase and does not have an exact date for this.


Meta AI: brasileiros compartilham testes e reações sobre IA do WhatsApp

A Meta AI é a inteligência artificial (IA) generativa integrada ao WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook e Messenger. O chatbot chegou ao Brasil no último dia 9, e está sendo liberado aos poucos para todos os usuários das redes sociais da Meta. Na Internet, os primeiros brasileiros a receber a novidade já repercutem a ferramenta. No X (antigo Twitter), a IA do WhatsApp foi recebida com surpresa por muitos, e o público se divide entre os que gostaram do recurso e os que não curtiram a implementação da IA.

#newsonleo #meta #ai #hivebr #technology #pt

Desenvolvida para concorrer diretamente com o ChatGPT, a Meta AI é uma ferramenta da Meta totalmente integrada com o WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook e Messenger. A assistente já conta com quase 500 milhões de usuários ativos mensalmente e é capaz de responder a perguntas, fazer consultas na internet, e gerar imagens, GIFs e figurinhas. O recurso pode ser acessado a partir do ícone azul e roxo nos aplicativos ou no site "" (sem aspas).

No X, grande parte dos comentários sobre a Meta AI mostram a surpresa dos brasileiros com a nova ferramenta, que está chegando aos poucos na base de usuários das redes da Meta. No entanto, muitos também já experimentaram o chatbot e mostram suas primeiras impressões acerca da capacidade da IA. Confira algumas reações.


You asked about feeding #leoai with numbers:

The reason why numbers are important is computers operate in binary code (1 and 0). All other languages have to be converted to that. The easiest transition for computers is to go from a number.

Another factor is the AI databases are vectored. This means that data is laid in a different way than with classical databases, which are basically input/output (what goes in comes out each time).

Numbers can be grouped together easier. The best example is a table where the data is positioned to provide context.

For example, you could have a city table with population, crime states, and crimes/1000 people. This all feeds into itself and allows the vector database to establish context.

It is much harder with language.

Did you know Nvidia released an open source LLM?

I didn't know that. I see more open competition in the market. Good to know that.

Not really competitions. This is a new form of compute. Hence we are dealing with expanding of infrastructure. To me, think of it as more roads being built.

ChatGPT comes to Windows

OpenAI's AI-powered chatbot platform, ChatGPT, is now on Windows, in preview for certain paying customers.

Today, OpenAI announced that it’s begun previewing a dedicated Windows app for ChatGPT, its AI-powered chatbot platform.

#newsonleo #chatgpt #windows #microsoft #technology

Currently only available to ChatGPT Plus, Team, Enterprise, and Edu users, the app is an early version, OpenAI says, arriving ahead of a “full experience” later in the year.

“With the official ChatGPT desktop app, you can chat about files and photos,” OpenAI writes. “This app brings you the newest model improvements from OpenAI, including access to OpenAI o1-preview, our newest and smartest model.”

The ChatGPT app for Windows can run on most Windows 10 machines, but currently has certain limitations compared to other ChatGPT clients. It doesn’t support voice yet, including Advanced Voice Mode, and some integrations with OpenAI’s GPT Store aren’t functional.

As with the ChatGPT app for macOS, the ChatGPT app for Windows lets you minimize it to a small “companion” window alongside other apps while you work. You can upload files and photos to it, have it summarize documents, and create images via OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 image generator.

Tesla's Full Self-Driving software under investigation by federal safety regulator

The U.S. automotive safety regulator has opened a new investigation into Tesla's Full Self-Driving (Supervised) software after four reported crashes in low-visibility situations.

The top U.S. automotive safety regulator has opened a new investigation into Tesla’s so-called “Full Self-Driving (Supervised)” software after four reported crashes in low-visibility situations — including one where a pedestrian was killed.

#newsonleo #tesla #selfdriving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) announced Friday that it is probing the driver assistance system to find out whether it can “detect and respond appropriately to reduced roadway visibility conditions,” such as “sun glare, fog, or airborne dust.” The agency also wants to know if other crashes have occurred in these conditions beyond the ones that were reported.

The investigation comes just one week after Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed the prototype of his company’s “CyberCab,” a two-seater car that he said is supposed to serve as a robotaxi, following years of unmet promises. Musk also claimed at the event that Tesla’s Model 3 sedan and Model Y SUV would be able to operate without supervision in California and Texas at some point in 2025, though he did not offer any details about how that will happen.

In April, NHTSA closed a nearly three-year probe into Autopilot, the less-capable driver assistance software that Tesla offers, after investigating almost 500 crashes where the system was active. The agency found 13 of those crashes were fatal. At the same time that it closed that probe, NHTSA opened a new investigation into the recall fix that Tesla had issued to address problems with Autopilot.

Tesla’s software also faces other legal threats. The Department of Justice is investigating the claims Tesla has made about its driver-assistance features, and the California Department of Motor Vehicles has accused Tesla of inflating the software’s capabilities.

Nebius to resume Nasdaq trading after severing ties with Russia and Yandex

Nebius, Yandex 2.0, will begin trading on the public markets once more -- two years after the Nasdaq halted trading due to sanctions.

Nebius, the company formerly known as Yandex that’s now focused on cloud infrastructure for AI uses (aka “AI compute”), is to begin trading on the public markets once again — more than two years after the Nasdaq halted trading due to economic sanctions imposed in the wake of Russia’s Ukraine invasion in 2022.

#nebius #technology #newsonleo #ai

Nebius: The Netherlands-Based Company Poised to Dominate Europe's GPU-as-a-Service Market

In a bold move, Yandex N.V., a Dutch holding organization, has transformed into a new entity called Nebius, with the aim of becoming one of Europe's leading players in the rapidly growing "GPU-as-a-service" space. This unique startup-turned-public company offers an alternative to traditional US hyperscalers like Alphabet and Microsoft, allowing anyone to invest in its innovative AI infrastructure business.

A Brief History of Yandex

Founded in 1997, Yandex is often referred to as the "Google of Russia" due to its extensive portfolio of products and services, including search engines, advertising, maps, and autonomous vehicles. Initially, Yandex focused on its domestic Russian market and a few neighboring countries. However, its parent company, Yandex N.V., went public on the NASDAQ in 2011 and later listed on the Moscow exchange in 2014.

Over the years, Yandex expanded its operations to various countries, including Turkey, Ukraine, and Belarus.

The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Birth of Nebius

Prior to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Yandex N.V. had a valuation of $31 billion. However, the conflict led to a series of global sanctions against companies in the region, including Yandex. In response, Yandex co-founder and CEO Arkady Volozh was forced to resign after being placed on a European Union sanctions list.

He was later removed from the list in March 2024, paving the way for his return as CEO of the new entity, Nebius. The conflict also led to the sale of Yandex's Russian assets, which generated $2 billion in cash, providing Nebius with a solid financial foundation.

Nebius: A European AI Compute Leader

Nebius is built around Yandex N.V.'s remaining assets outside of Russia, including a Finnish data center and AI cloud business called Nebius AI. The company formally emerged in July, outlining its ambition to become a "European AI compute leader" similar to CoreWeave, a company expanding into Europe and raising significant equity and debt.

Nebius's AI infrastructure business is designed to provide a scalable and secure platform for AI workloads, leveraging its expertise in machine learning and data analytics.

A Public Company with a Unique Advantage

Despite the Nasdaq's initial decision to delist Yandex and other Russian-affiliated companies in 2022, Yandex appealed and the Nasdaq agreed to maintain its listing, albeit with a trading halt. With the Russian ties severed and $2 billion in the bank from selling its Russian assets, Volozh decided to continue Nebius as a public company, citing its ease and cost-effectiveness in accessing capital for its capital-intensive business. This unique advantage allows Nebius to focus on its growth strategy without the need for additional funding.

A Vision for the Future

Nebius aims to build one of the world's largest specialist AI infrastructure businesses, requiring access to technological expertise, graphics processing units, and capital. With its existing assets and expertise, the company is well-positioned to achieve its goal. Volozh emphasized, "Our ambition is to build one of the world's largest specialist AI infrastructure businesses. This requires access to technological expertise, graphics processing units and capital. These are exactly what we have." The company plans to achieve this goal by expanding its data center footprint, investing in research and development, and building strategic partnerships with leading technology companies.

Trading Resumes

Nebius's Class A ordinary shares will resume trading on Monday, October 21, 2024, offering investors a unique opportunity to participate in the company's growth and innovation in the GPU-as-a-service market. With its public listing and capital-intensive business model, Nebius is poised to make a significant impact in the European AI infrastructure landscape.

Byju's founder says his edtech startup, once worth $22B, is now 'worth zero'

Byju Raveendran, the founder of the embattled edtech group Byju's, acknowledged on Thursday afternoon that he made mistakes, mistimed the market, Byju Raveendran, founder of edtech group Byju's, said his startup, once valued at $22 billion, is now effectively worth "zero."

Byju Raveendran, the founder of the embattled edtech group Byju’s, acknowledged on Thursday afternoon that he made mistakes, mistimed the market, overestimated growth potential and that his startup, once valued at $22 billion, is now effectively worth “zero.”

#newsonleo #edtech #technology #startup

In a recent candid conversation with a group of journalists, Byju's founder Byju Raveendran revealed the shocking truth behind the startup's downfall, which has left the founder with a bitter taste in his mouth. Despite being once valued at a staggering $50 billion, Byju's has since entered insolvency proceedings, a far cry from its former glory.

Raveendran attributed the company's demise to its aggressive expansion into new markets, which ultimately proved fatal when financing dried up in 2022. The startup had planned to go public earlier that year, but the global market downturn following Russia's invasion of Ukraine sent the venture capital market into a tailspin. Many of Byju's over 100 investors had urged Raveendran to pursue expansion into as many as 40 markets, but when the global market crashed, those very investors "ran away," leaving the startup high and dry.

The departure of three key backers – Prosus Ventures, Peak XV, and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative – from the company's board last year made it impossible for Byju's to raise additional funds. Representatives of the aforementioned three firms, as well as auditor Deloitte, left the startup's board last year, citing governance issues. Raveendran lamented, "It's worth zero. What valuation are you talking about? It's worth zero." The founder's words are a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of poor governance and accountability.

Byju's, once India's most valuable startup, had raised over $5 billion from prominent investors such as BlackRock, UBS, Lightspeed, QIA, bond, silver Lake, Sofina, Verlinvest, Tencent, Canada Pension Plan investment Board, General Atlantic, Tiger Global, Owl Ventures, and the world Bank's IFC.

Despite the setbacks, Raveendran remains hopeful that his startup will make a comeback. "I have nothing to lose. I came from a small village. I invested everything I had into the startup." The founder's determination to revive Byju's is a testament to his unwavering commitment to his vision.

The story of Byju's serves as a cautionary tale for startups and investors alike. It highlights the importance of prudence and caution in the face of uncertainty, as well as the need for strong governance and accountability. As Raveendran's words echo through the startup ecosystem, one thing is clear: the demise of Byju's is a stark reminder of the risks and challenges that come with entrepreneurship.

The surprising way OpenAI could get out of its pact with Microsoft

The New York Times on Thursday published a look at the "fraying" relationship between OpenAI and its investor, partner, and, increasingly, rival,

#openai #newsonleo #microsoft #technology

The New York Times on Thursday published a look at the “fraying” relationship between OpenAI and its investor, partner, and, increasingly, rival, Microsoft, reporting their five-year romance has cooled owing to financial pressure on OpenAI, the limited computing power Microsoft is providing OpenAI, and disagreements between the two about ground rules.

Most fascinating perhaps is a reported clause in OpenAI’s contract with Microsoft that cuts off Microsoft’s access to OpenAI’s tech if the latter develops so-called artificial general intelligence (AGI), meaning an AI system capable of rivaling human thinking.

TC has asked OpenAI for comment, but the Times — which talked with 19 people familiar with the companies’ relationship — says the clause aims to ensure Microsoft can never misuse the technology. Thing is, OpenAI’s board can reportedly decide when AGI has arrived, and CEO Sam Altman has already said that moment will be somewhat subjective. As he told this editor early last year, “The closer we get, the harder time I have answering [how far away AGI is] because I think that it’s going to be much blurrier, and much more of a gradual transition than people think.”

Netflix shares jump 7% in premarket after third-quarter earnings beat

Netflix saw momentum in its ad-supported membership tier, which jumped 35% quarter-over-quarter.

Netflix shares jumped Friday after the media streaming giant reported third-quarter earnings and revenue that beat expectations.

#newsonleo #netflix #entertainment #streaming #revenue

Netflix Surpasses Earnings Expectations, Shares Soar as Ad-Supported Tier Shows Significant Momentum

In a major boost to its investors, Netflix reported a stellar set of earnings for the third quarter, surpassing expectations and sending its shares skyrocketing in premarket trading. The streaming giant's revenue and earnings per share (EPS) both exceeded analyst estimates, with EPS coming in at $5.40 and revenue reaching a record-breaking $9.83 billion.

The company's ad-supported membership tier, which was launched earlier this year, showed remarkable momentum, with a 35% quarter-over-quarter increase. This growth is particularly noteworthy, as Netflix does not expect ads to become its primary growth driver until 2026. However, the ad-tier accounted for over 50% of sign-ups in the third quarter in countries where it is available, indicating a strong demand for the service.

Netflix also provided an optimistic outlook for the December quarter, forecasting a 14.7% increase in revenue to $10.128 billion. The company expects revenue to reach $43 billion to $44 billion in 2025, representing growth of 11% to 13% from its expected 2024 revenue of $38.9 billion.

analysts at Citi praised Netflix's fourth-quarter outlook, stating that it "exceeded the Street," while its 2025 forecast was "relatively in line with consensus estimates." The analysts predicted that shares would trade higher on the back of the earnings report, citing the company's strong performance and growing ad-supported membership tier.

Richard Broughton, executive director of Ampere Analysis, told CNBC that Netflix's continued investments in content have been a key factor in its success, despite a challenging environment for the broader media landscape.

"It's a good indicator that some of the growth that dropped out of the market in 2022 is returning," he said. "If you think about the last 24 months, we've had cutbacks in content expenditure, hiring freezes, redundancies in some of the major studios and streamers. And aLL through this, Netflix has tried to keep investing in content. That sets it up extremely well over the next couple of years."

Broughton also highlighted Netflix's scale and dominance in the scripted TV market, noting that the company will be responsible for not far off one in 10 global series next year. "It's in a very, very different position compared to some of its competitors just in terms of scale," he said. "Netflix has a massive library of content, and it's able to produce a huge amount of original content every year. That gives it a significant advantage over its competitors."

Overall, Netflix's strong earnings report and upbeat outlook have sent a positive signal to investors, with shares expected to trade higher in the coming days. The company's continued focus on content investment and its growing ad-supported membership tier have set it up for success in the years to come. As the streaming landscape continues to evolve, Netflix's ability to adapt and innovate will be crucial in maintaining its position as a leader in the industry.

After rejecting Google takeover, cyber firm Wiz says it will IPO 'when the stars align'

Wiz is hoping to achieve $1 billion in annual recurring revenue in 2025 — a key condition the company wants to meet before going public.

Cybersecurity firm Wiz is seeking to hit $1 billion of annual recurring revenues next year, the company's billionaire co-founder Roy Reznik told CNBC, adding that the firm will go public "when the stars align."

#wiz #google #cybersecurity #newsonleo #technology


Wiz was founded in 2019 by four Israeli friends, Assaf Rappaport, Eliran Moizel, Roy Yanai, and Avi Doron, while they were still serving in the 8200, Israel's intelligence unit. The company's early days were marked by a focus on developing its cloud security software, which was designed to scan cloud storage providers like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure for risks.

In 2020, Wiz raised its first funding round, securing $30 million in venture capital from investors such as Sequoia Capital and Bessemer Venture Partners. The company used this funding to expand its engineering team and further develop its software.


Wiz's software is designed to scan cloud storage providers for risks, including security vulnerabilities, data breaches, and compliance issues. The company's software uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze the cloud storage provider's infrastructure and identify potential risks.

Wiz's software is built on top of a cloud-based architecture, which allows it to scale quickly and efficiently. The company's software is also designed to be highly customizable, allowing customers to tailor its features to their specific needs.


Wiz has experienced rapid growth since its founding, with its ARR more than tripling in the past year. In 2022, the company achieved a remarkable feat, reaching $100 million in ARR in just 18 months, making it the fastest software company to achieve this milestone.

Wiz's growth has been driven by its expanding customer base, which now includes some of the world's largest organizations. The company's software is used by customers such as online retailer ASOS and digital bank Revolut, among others.

Acquisition Bid from Google

In February 2023, Wiz rejected a staggering $23 billion acquisition bid from Google. The bid was widely seen as a surprise, and it marked a significant turning point in Wiz's history.

Wiz CEO Assaf Rappaport expressed his gratitude for the bid but made it clear that the company would not be sold. "We're flattered by the offer, but we believe we can do it alone and achieve even greater things as an independent company," he said.

Despite the rejection of the Google bid, Wiz has received interest from numerous other parties looking to acquire the company. However, Rappaport remains resolute in his decision to take the company public, citing the company's impressive growth record and its potential for continued expansion.

Expansion into the UK

Wiz has been expanding its presence internationally, with a particular focus on Europe. The company has opened its first European office in London, a move that CEO Reznik attributes to the UK's vibrant talent pool and thriving cybersecurity ecosystem.

The UK represents a major growth opportunity for Wiz, particularly in the cybersecurity space. Recent high-profile cyberattacks on National Health Service hospitals and Transport for London have highlighted the urgent need for cloud security solutions, and Wiz is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend.

Growth Plans

Wiz's CEO, Assaf Rappaport, has outlined the company's growth plans, which include doubling its ARR to $1 billion by 2025. The company is also planning to expand its engineering team and further develop its software.

In an interview with CNBC, Reznik said, "We're excited about the opportunities ahead and we're committed to continuing to grow and innovate. We believe that our software is a game-changer in the cloud security space, and we're confident that we can make a significant impact over the next few years."

Wiz's expansion into the UK is seen as a strategic move to tap into the continent's vast and growing cloud security market. The company's software is already being used by customers in the UK, and it is expected to play a major role in the country's growing cybersecurity ecosystem.

Market Opportunity

The cloud security market is poised for explosive growth, with estimates suggesting it will reach $1 trillion over the next few years. Wiz is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, with its innovative software and strong engineering capabilities.

The cloud security market is dominated by a few large players, but there is still a significant opportunity for smaller players to make a dent. Wiz is positioned to take advantage of this opportunity, with its software designed to be highly customizable and its engineering team focused on developing innovative solutions.

Overall, Wiz is a company that is poised for significant growth and success in the cloud security space. Its innovative software, strong engineering capabilities, and strategic expansion plans make it an exciting company to watch in the years to come.

Intel seeks billions for minority stake in Altera business, sources say

This move that would represent a sharp about face from its earlier public messaging about the larger company's prospects.

Intel is looking to sell at least a minority stake in its Altera unit in a transaction that would raise several billion dollars in cash for the struggling chipmaker, according to people familiar with the matter.

#newsonleo #intel #altera #technology

Intel is looking for a deal that values Altera at around $17 billion, said the people, who requested anonymity to speak freely about confidential information. Intel purchased Altera for $16.7 billion in 2015.

Following a steep drop in its stock price and extended stretch of market share losses, Intel has been looking to make drastic changes.

The company made overtures to a number of private equity and strategic investors this week about Altera, the sources said. Intel has expressed to some of those investors that it would be possible to acquire a majority stake in the business.

A representative for Intel declined to comment. The sale process represents an abrupt change from Intel's prior commentary on Altera. As recently last month, CEO Pat Gelsinger said that Intel's leadership considered the business to be a core part of Intel's future.

Intel has previously said it could look to monetize Altera business through an IPO, possibly as soon as 2026. But the idea of taking strategic or private equity investment would be a marked acceleration of those plans.

Gelsinger and his leadership team have previously said that Intel understands its disadvantaged position and is working aggressively to remedy it. Selling a stake in Altera might allow Intel to more easily pursue its semiconductor fabrication ambitions and assure investors that it has a future as an independent company.

But the sale process also comes as Qualcomm has expressed interest in acquiring its onetime rival, a deal that would face fierce regulatory scrutiny and potentially reshape the semiconductor industry.

Intel shares have dropped 50% this year, as the company has been trounced by NVIDIA in artificial intelligence chips and has lost share to Advanced Micro Devices in its core PC and data center market.

Behind the scenes: How AI is reshaping Google

Google has decided to reshuffle some of its departments to further speed up its AI development. The first part of this change involves the Gemini app team being absorbed by DeepMind. Another big change involves the Assistant teams moving to Platforms and Devices. Prabhakar Raghavan, SVP of search and ads, is changing roles to become Google's chief technologist. Nick Fox, who was a part of Raghavan's leadership team, will be taking over Raghavan's old position and be in charge of Search, Ads, Geo, and Commerce products.

#technology #google #ai #gemini #deepmind

Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave

Amazon's cloud boss on Thursday told employees who are unhappy with the company's new five-day in-office mandate they can leave for other companies.

Amazon's cloud boss on Thursday gave employees a frank message about the company's recently announced five-day in-office mandate.

#amazon #remotework #cloud #technology #newsonleo

Amazon's New Return-to-Office Policy

Amazon has announced a new policy that requires corporate workers to be in the office at least three days a week. This policy is part of the company's efforts to keep pace with rival companies in the development of generative artificial intelligence.


Amazon's previous return-to-work stance required corporate workers to be in the office at least three days a week. However, the company has since relaxed this policy and allowed workers to work from home or in a hybrid work environment. However, with the rise of rival companies in the development of generative artificial intelligence, Amazon has decided to revert to a more traditional office-based work arrangement.

CEO Matt Garman's Comments

CEO Matt Garman made the announcement during an all-hands meeting at the company's second headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Garman stated that the new policy is aimed at preserving Amazon's culture and "leadership principles," which are a list of more than a dozen business philosophies meant to guide employee decisions and goals.

Garman emphasized the importance of working together in an office environment, saying, "If there are people who just don't work well in that environment and don't want to, that's OK, there are other companies around." He also acknowledged that some employees will have some flexibility to work from home, but emphasized that the office environment is crucial for preserving Amazon's culture and leadership principles.

Backlash from Employees

Not all Amazon employees are happy with the new policy. Roughly 37,000 employees have joined an internal Slack channel to advocate for remote work and share grievances about the return-to-work mandate. Some employees argue that the new policy puts extra strain on families and caregivers, who may need to take care of children or elderly relatives while their parents are at work.

Others claim that they are just as productive working from home or in a hybrid work environment as they are in an office. They argue that the new policy is out of touch with the needs and preferences of many employees, and that it will lead to increased stress and burnout.

Expert Opinion

Some experts have questioned the validity of Amazon's argument that working together in an office environment is necessary for preserving the company's culture and leadership principles. A study by Stanford University found that remote work can lead to increased productivity and better work-life balance, and that employees who work from home are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

Key Concerns

There are several key concerns surrounding Amazon's new return-to-office policy. These include:

  1. Increased stress and burnout: Some employees may experience increased stress and burnout as a result of the new policy, particularly if they are required to commute long distances to the office.
  2. Impact on families and caregivers: The new policy may put extra strain on families and caregivers, who may need to take care of children or elderly relatives while their parents are at work.
  1. Loss of productivity: Some employees may argue that the new policy will lead to decreased productivity, as they are forced to work in an office environment that is not conducive to their individual needs and preferences.
  2. Outdated policy: Some experts have questioned the validity of Amazon's argument that working together in an office environment is necessary for preserving the company's culture and leadership principles. They argue that remote work is a more modern and effective way of working.


Amazon's new return-to-office policy has sparked controversy among employees and experts. While some argue that the policy is necessary for preserving the company's culture and leadership principles, others argue that it is outdated and will lead to increased stress and burnout. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how Amazon will adapt to the changing needs and preferences of its employees.

Trump family gets 75% of crypto coin revenue, has no liability, new document reveals

Donald Trump's crypto project, World Liberty Financial, published a 13-page paper on Thursday laying out its mission and how tokens get allocated.

Donald Trump's crypto project, World Liberty Financial, published a 13-page document Thursday that described its mission and how tokens can be allocated, and that indicated that the Republican presidential nominee and his family could take home 75% of net revenue.

#trump #newsonleo #technology #worldliberty #crypto

The launch of WLFI tokens and the involvement of the Trump family in the project is a complex and multifaceted story. Here are some additional details:

The Trump Family's Involvement

According to the WLFI paper, the Trump family will receive a significant portion of the net protocol revenues, with 35% of the total supply allocated to the token sale. This means that the Trump family will own a substantial portion of the WLFI tokens, which could give them significant influence over the project's direction and decision-making.

The paper also claims that the Trump family will assume no liability for the project, and none of them will be considered directors, employees, managers, or operators of WLF or its affiliates. However, this does not necessarily mean that they will have no involvement in the project's decision-making process.


DT Marks DEFI LLC, a Delaware-based company connected to the former president, is set to receive three-quarters of the net protocol revenues. This company is listed as the sole owner of WLF, and it is unclear what the nature of this relationship is.

It is worth noting that the WLFI paper does not provide any information about the ownership structure of DT Marks DEFI LLC, or who the company's executives are. This lack of transparency has raised questions about the project's legitimacy and the motivations of its creators.

Axiom Management Group

Axiom Management Group, a Puerto Rico LLC wholly owned by co-founders Chase Herro and Zachary Folkman, will receive 25% of the remaining revenue. This company is listed as a key partner in the WLFI project, and it is unclear what the nature of this relationship is.

Chase Herro and Zachary Folkman are both listed as co-founders of the WLFI project, and they have both been involved in the development of other cryptocurrency projects. However, it is unclear what their role is in the WLFI project, or what their motivations are.

Steve Witkoff and Zachary Witkoff

The WLFI paper also reveals that Steve Witkoff, a close friend and political donor of the Trump family, as well as his son Zachary, will receive a portion of the net protocol revenues. Steve Witkoff has been a long-time supporter of the Trump family, and has made significant contributions to their campaigns and business ventures.

Zachary Witkoff is listed as one of the co-founders of the WLFI project, and he has been involved in the development of other cryptocurrency projects. However, it is unclear what his role is in the WLFI project, or what his motivations are.

The WLFI Paper

The WLFI paper is a lengthy document that outlines the project's mission, goals, and technical specifications. It claims that WLFI is a decentralized finance platform that will provide financial services to individuals and businesses.

However, the paper is also somewhat opaque, and it raises more questions than it answers. For example, it does not provide any information about the project's ownership structure, or who the key executives are.

It also does not provide any information about the project's technical specifications, or how the WLFI tokens will be used. This lack of transparency has raised questions about the project's legitimacy and the motivations of its creators.

The Trump Campaign's Response

When asked about the project, the Trump campaign referred questions to the Trump Organization, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Cryptocurrency Community's Response

The cryptocurrency community has been largely skeptical of the WLFI project, and many have questioned the project's legitimacy and the motivations of its creators.

Some have raised concerns about the project's ownership structure, and the involvement of the Trump family and their associates. Others have questioned the project's technical specifications, and the use of the WLFI tokens.

Overall, the launch of WLFI tokens and the involvement of the Trump family in the project is a complex and multifaceted story that raises many questions. While the project's proponents claim that it is a legitimate attempt to create a decentralized finance platform, many in the cryptocurrency community remain skeptical.

The Guardian: Quit if you don’t like our office-working policy, Amazon executive suggests

The Guardian: AI-generated child sexual abuse imagery reaching ‘tipping point’, says watchdog

The Guardian: Here’s the deal: AI giants get to grab all your data unless you say they can’t. Fancy that? No, neither do I

BBC: 'It's our moonshot': Why scientists are drilling into volcanos

Google CEO names new search and ads boss, slides predecessor to role of chief technologist

Google is replacing Prabhakar Raghavan, the company's search and ads boss since 2018, with longtime executive Nick Fox.

Google is replacing Prabhakar Raghavan, the company's search and ads boss, with longtime Google executive Nick Fox.

#google #search #newsonleo #technology

The move was announced by Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, who said in a blog post on Thursday that Raghavan will be moving into the role of chief technologist after 12 years of leading teams across the search company. Raghavan will continue to report to Pichai in the new role, the company told CNBC in a statement.

"Prabhakar has decided it's time to make a big leap in his own career," Pichai wrote in the post. "In this role, he'll partner closely with me and Google leads to provide technical direction and leadership and grow our culture of tech excellence."

The move comes as Google continues to restructure its teams to move more quickly in the artificial intelligence arms race, where it faces increased competition. The company is also dealing with several antitrust lawsuits related to its search and ads business.

Fox has long been a member of Raghavan's leadership team. He will be leading Google's Knowledge and Information division, which includes the company's search, ads and commerce products, Pichai said.

A Google employee since 2003, Fox has been vice president of product and design for the company's Assistant product in recent years. He previously worked within the company's ads business unit.

"Over the past few years, Nick has been instrumental in shaping Google's AI product roadmap and collaborating closely with Prabhakar," Pichai wrote.

Raghavan has led the knowledge and information unit since 2018. Earlier this year, he told employees to prepare for a different market reality because "things are not like they were 15-20 years ago," CNBC reported.

Additionally, Pichai announced that the team working on Google's Gemini app, which includes Google's AI direct-to-consumer products, will join Google DeepMind under AI head Demis Hassabis.

"Bringing the teams closer together will improve feedback loops, enable fast deployment of our new models in the Gemini app," Pichai wrote.

The move also means the Assistant teams focused on devices and home experiences will move to the Platforms and Devices unit "so they can sit closer to the product surfaces they're building for," Pichai wrote.

Germany’s auto giants are struggling to stay relevant

Germany's automotive sector, long recognized for producing high-quality cars, is struggling to preserve its relevance in the age of electrification.

Germany's automotive sector, long recognized for producing reliable and innovative internal combustion engine (ICE) cars, is struggling to preserve its relevance in the age of electrification.

#technology #germany #automotive #newsonleo

Economic Weakness and Sluggish Demand in China

Germany's automotive industry is heavily reliant on exports, particularly to China, which is the world's largest car market. However, demand in China has been sluggish in recent years, due to a combination of factors such as economic slowdown, increasing competition from Chinese brands, and changing consumer preferences.

As a result, German automakers have been struggling to maintain sales and profitability in the Chinese market. This has led to a decline in demand for German-made vehicles, which has had a ripple effect on the entire industry.

Increased Competition from China

China has emerged as a major player in the global automotive industry, with many domestic brands such as Geely, BYD, and Great Wall gaining popularity worldwide. These brands have been able to offer high-quality vehicles at competitive prices, which has put pressure on German automakers to reduce their prices and improve their quality.

However, many German manufacturers have struggled to adapt to this new reality, with some failing to innovate and improve their products quickly enough. This has led to a decline in brand loyalty and sales, particularly in China.

Shift Away from ICE Vehicles

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation, with many countries and companies shifting towards electric vehicles (EVs) and alternative fuels. However, this transition has been slower than expected, and many German manufacturers have been caught off guard.

The shift away from ICE vehicles has created new challenges for German manufacturers, who are struggling to adapt to the changing market. Many have invested heavily in traditional manufacturing processes, which are not well-suited to the production of EVs.

End of Electric Car Subsidy Program

In December 2023, the German government announced that it would be ending its subsidy program for electric vehicles, which had been in place since 2020. This move has been seen as a significant blow to the industry, as it has reduced the incentive for consumers to purchase EVs.

However, the government has said that it will continue to provide support for the development of EVs, and that it will work with manufacturers to ensure that they are able to produce high-quality EVs at competitive prices.

German Government's Failure to Prevent EU Tariffs on Chinese EVs

In June 2023, the European Union voted to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs, which has been seen as a significant blow to the German automotive industry. The tariffs have been imposed in response to concerns about the intellectual property theft and unfair trade practices of Chinese companies.

However, the German government has been criticized for its failure to prevent the imposition of these tariffs, and for its inability to negotiate a favorable deal for German manufacturers. This has raised concerns about the country's influence on regional policy and its ability to protect its industries.

Impact on Brand Loyalty and Sales

The challenges facing Germany's automotive industry have had a significant impact on brand loyalty and sales. Many consumers have become disillusioned with the industry, and are turning to alternative brands such as Tesla and Hyundai.

However, some experts believe that brand loyalty will remain a key factor in the success of German manufacturers. Many consumers remain loyal to brands such as Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW, which have a long history of producing high-quality vehicles.

BMW's Launch of Low-Cost EVs

In an effort to address the challenges facing the industry, BMW has launched two budget electric Mini models at the Paris Motor Show. These models are seen as a positive step forward for the industry, and demonstrate BMW's commitment to producing affordable EVs.

However, more needs to be done to address the challenges facing the industry, and to ensure that German manufacturers are able to compete with their Chinese rivals. This will require a concerted effort from policymakers, manufacturers, and consumers alike.

Historic bitcoin theft tied to Connecticut kidnapping, luxury cars, $500K bar bills

The kidnapping of a Connecticut couple has been linked to one of the biggest thefts of cryptocurrency from an individual in United States history.

Two young men accused of committing one of the largest person-to-person crypto thefts in U.S. history went on a brazen spending spree that included buying exotic cars and a $2 million wristwatch, renting mansions and running up nightclub tabs of hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece, new court records reveal.

#bitcoin #crime #technology #crypto

This is very important.

While it is a low level, it is scaling at a great pace.

Exclusive: Former watch trader is now building the AWS of grid storage, Terralayr

The startup's technology is a twist on the virtual power plant concept, in which batteries are aggregated and portions of the whole are sold off to various customers.

Philipp Man was burned out. He had founded a watch trading company with his flatmate, but the grind was wearing him down.

“We did that for ten years,” Man said. “It’s very difficult to keep yourself motivated when you know the whole reason for your operation is to sell expensive stuff to wealthy people.”

#energy #technology #power #electricity #newsonleo

Revolutionizing the Energy Industry: The Rise of Terralayr

The energy industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources and the need for more efficient and sustainable power management. Amidst this shift, a new startup, Terralayr, is poised to disrupt the traditional energy trading landscape.

Founded by a former jet fuel trader at Glencore, Terralayr is a virtual power plant that aggregates grid-scale energy storage assets, bundles them, and sells capacity to power providers. This innovative approach is designed to address the inefficiencies and high costs associated with traditional energy trading, creating a more sustainable and efficient future for the industry.

The Problem with Traditional Energy Trading

The traditional energy trading model is flawed, according to Terralayr's founder. "The industry, while still very nascent, has been built the wrong way around," he said. "Today, people build a battery, and then somebody else trades it." This approach creates inefficiencies and high costs for both battery owners and power providers. For instance, battery owners often struggle to find buyers for their excess capacity, leading to wasted energy and revenue. Meanwhile, power providers face the challenge of managing their output to meet demand, which can result in costly penalties for failing to match their forecast.

The Virtual Power Plant Solution

Terralayr's innovative approach is similar to Amazon's cloud service, AWS, which aggregates computing resources and sells fractions of them. Terralayr aggregates grid-scale energy storage assets, bundles them, and sells capacity to power providers. This allows battery owners to sell their capacity to the highest bidder, without having to manage the trading process themselves.

The startup's platform operates as an exchange, connecting battery owners with power providers, and charges a small percentage fee based on revenues. Additionally, Terralayr takes a portion of the upside if it can operate the battery more profitably than a competitor.

How it Works

Terralayr's platform operates as an exchange, connecting battery owners with power providers. The startup's algorithm matches excess capacity from battery owners with the demand from power providers, ensuring that energy is sold to the highest bidder. This approach eliminates the need for battery owners to manage the trading process themselves, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. For power providers, Terralayr's platform allows them to fill gaps in their output, avoiding costly penalties for failing to match their forecast.

Expansion Plans

Terralayr has already made significant progress, with seven megawatt-hours of capacity on the grid and another 40 megawatt-hours expected to be turned on soon. The startup has signed development agreements for over 200 sites in Germany, totaling over seven gigawatts, or about 3% of Germany's total generating capacity. Terralayr is also eyeing U.S. markets, particularly California and Texas, and has raised €77 million in funding to support its expansion.

A Generational Opportunity

Terralayr's founder believes that the company is poised to capitalize on a generational opportunity. "We believe this is a generational opportunity," he said. "The industry is changing rapidly, and we're well-positioned to take advantage of that change." With its innovative approach and strong funding, Terralayr is well on its way to revolutionizing the energy industry and creating a more sustainable and efficient future. As the energy landscape continues to evolve, Terralayr is poised to play a leading role in shaping the future of energy trading and management.

Tesla now has 60K chargers globally. They passed 50K in Sept of 2023. They are averaging around 75 sites per month with an average of 10 stalls per.

Bluesky surges into the top 5 as X changes blocks, permits AI training on its data

Social networking startup Bluesky, which just reported a gain of half a million users over the past day, has now soared into the top 5 apps on the U.S.

#newsonleo #technology #bluesky #microblogging #socialmedia

Bluesky Soars to T 5 on US App Store, Overtakes X in Social Networking Category

Bluesky, a social networking startup, has experienced a remarkable surge in growth, with over half a million new users joining the platform in just one day. As a result, Bluesky has catapulted to the top 5 apps on the US App Store and has become the No. 2 app in the Social Networking category, surpassing X, a popular social media platform. This meteoric rise is a testament to the startup's ability to capitalize on the growing dissatisfaction with X's recent changes and moderation issues.

According to data from app intelligence firm Appfigures, Bluesky's growth is entirely organic, with no paid advertising campaigns running on the App Store. The app's popularity has spread globally, with many countries showing four-digit growth in downloads, including Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Canada, South Korea, and Singapore. This widespread adoption is a significant achievement, considering that Bluesky is a relatively new player in the social media landscape.

Bluesky's rapid growth can be attributed to a combination of factors. One reason is the controversy surrounding X's decision to change its block function, which has left many users feeling unsafe and vulnerable to harassment and abuse. This change has led to widespread criticism and a loss of trust among users, who are seeking a more secure and respectful online environment. Additionally, X's updated terms of Service and privacy policy, which allows the company to share user data with third-party companies, has raised concerns among users about their privacy and data security.

Another factor contributing to Bluesky's success is the moderation issues plaguing Threads, a social media platform owned by Meta. Users have been reporting account bans and post downrankings without explanation, leading some to switch to Bluesky in search of a more transparent and fair moderation system.

While X is still experiencing a significant number of downloads, its growth has slowed, and the app has dropped to No. 29 on the US App Store. Bluesky, on the other hand, continues to rise, with Appfigures estimating 197,000 new installs on the App Store on Thursday alone. This surge in growth is a testament to the startup's ability to adapt to changing user needs and preferences.

Bluesky's previous surges in growth have been driven by similar factors, including its public launch and the Brazil ban on X. The startup's ability to capitalize on these trends has helped it establish a strong presence in the social networking space.

As Bluesky continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how the company maintains its momentum and addresses the concerns of its new users. With its focus on providing a safe and secure platform, Bluesky is well-positioned to become a major player in the social media landscape. The startup's commitment to transparency, moderation, and user privacy will be crucial in building trust with its users and differentiating itself from its competitors.

Experts say OpenAI's patent pledge amounts to little more than 'virtue signaling'

OpenAI recently said that it would use its patents only 'defensively.' But experts say that the pledge is extremely vague.

This week, OpenAI quietly published a statement on its website pledging not to use its patents offensively.

#openai #technology #newsonleo

OpenAI's Pledge to Use Patents Responsibly: A Game-Changer for AI Development

In a groundbreaking move, OpenAi, a leading artificial intelligence (AI) research organization, has announced that it will not use its patents offensively, sending shockwaves throughout the tech industry. This bold declaration marks a significant shift in the way the company approaches intellectual property and has far-reaching implications for the development of AI technology.

Understanding the Concept of Offensively Using Patents

Before delving into the specifics of OpenAI's pledge, it's essential to comprehend what it means to use patents offensively. In the context of intellectual property, a patent is a legal right granted to an inventor that gives them exclusive rights to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period. When a company uses a patent offensively, it means they use it to prevent others from using the same technology or to extract royalties from competitors who are using similar innovations.

In the AI space, patents can be particularly contentious, as they often relate to fundamental technologies that are essential for the development of more advanced AI systems. When a company uses a patent offensively, it can stifle innovation, limit access to critical technologies, and create barriers to entry for new competitors.

OpenAI's Pledge: A Commitment to Responsible Patent Use

OpenAI's pledge to use its patents responsibly is a significant departure from the traditional approach to patent use in the tech industry. By committing not to use its patents offensively, OpenAI is sending a powerful message that it prioritizes the advancement of AI research and development over short-term financial gains.

According to the statement published on OpenAI's website, the organization will not use its patents to:

  • Sue or threaten to sue other companies for patent infringement
  • Extract royalties or licensing fees from competitors
  • Use patents to block the development of new AI technologies

Instead, OpenAI has committed to using its patents to:

  • Advance the state of AI research and development
  • Collaborate with other organizations to develop new AI technologies
  • Make its patents available for use by other companies and researchers

The Far-Reaching Impact of OpenAI's Pledge

OpenAI's pledge to use its patents responsibly has significant implications for the development of AI technology. By committing not to use its patents offensively, OpenAI is creating a more collaborative and open environment for AI research and development.

This move is likely to:

  • Encourage other companies to follow suit and adopt a more responsible approach to patent use
  • Foster greater collaboration and cooperation between companies and researchers in the AI space
  • Accelerate the development of new AI technologies and applications
  • Increase access to critical AI technologies and reduce barriers to entry for new competitors
  • Promote a culture of innovation and experimentation, allowing researchers to focus on advancing AI capabilities rather than navigating complex patent landscapes


OpenAI's pledge to use its patents responsibly is a significant development in the AI space. By committing not to use its patents offensively, OpenAI is prioritizing the advancement of AI research and development over short-term financial gains. This move has the potential to create a more collaborative and open environment for AI development, accelerate the pace of innovation, and increase access to critical AI technologies.

As the AI landscape continues to evolve, it will be essential for companies and researchers to adopt a responsible approach to patent use. OpenAI's pledge serves as a powerful example of the benefits of collaboration and cooperation in the development of AI technology, and its impact is likely to be felt throughout the industry.

Automattic offered employees another chance to quit — this time with nine months' severance

Days after 159 people accepted Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg’s offer of a six-month severance package to employees who wanted to leave, the company

Days after 159 people accepted Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg’s offer of a six-month severance package to employees who wanted to leave, the company floated a new offer late on October 16 of a nine-month severance package to anybody who quit immediately. Employees had four hours to decide whether they wanted to take the deal.

#newsonleo #automattic #technology

Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg Offers Buyout to Employees, Threatens to Banish Them from WordPress Community

In a shocking move, Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg has offered a buyout to employees who are not aligned with his views on the company's fight with hosting provider WP Engine. The offer, which was made in a Slack message seen by TechCrunch, comes with a stern warning: those who accept the offer will lose access not only to Automattic but also to, effectively banning them from the WordPress community.

The buyout offer is the latest development in a bitter feud between Automattic and WP Engine, which has been ongoing for nearly a month. The dispute started when Mullenweg called WP Engine "a cancer to WordPress" and accused the independent firm of not contributing enough to the WordPress open source project. Since then, the fight has escalated, with Automattic accusing WP Engine of violating trademarks, WP Engine filing a lawsuit, and blocking WP Engine's access and taking over a plug-in it had been maintaining.

The buyout offer is a significant departure from the usual approach to employee departures, and it's unclear how many employees have taken Mullenweg up on the offer. Automattic's headcount currently stands at 1,731, according to its website, but it's possible that some employees may have already left the company.

The buyout offer is not the first time Mullenweg has taken a hardline stance on the issue. Earlier this year, he published an internal post in which he threatened to involve "nice and not nice" lawyers to defend Automattic's trademarks. The post was seen as a warning to employees who were not aligned with his views on the issue.

The implications of the buyout offer are far-reaching, and it's unclear what the future holds for the WordPress community. The open source project is a critical part of the web development ecosystem, and the loss of key contributors could have significant consequences for the project's future.

The feud between Automattic and WP Engine is a complex and multifaceted one, with both sides accusing each other of wrongdoing. At its core, the dispute is about control and influence over the WordPress open source project.

Automattic, which is the company behind, is the largest contributor to the WordPress project, and Mullenweg has long been a dominant figure in the community. WP Engine, on the other hand, is an independent hosting provider that has built a reputation for its expertise in WordPress development.

The dispute started when Mullenweg accused WP Engine of not contributing enough to the WordPress project, and accused the company of being a "cancer" to the community. WP Engine responded by filing a lawsuit against Automattic, alleging that the company had violated its trademarks.

The dispute has also raised questions about the future of the WordPress community, and whether it will be able to maintain its independence and integrity in the face of increasing commercial pressure. The community has long been a bastion of open source values, and the dispute has raised concerns about whether those values will be able to withstand the pressure of commercial interests.

The future of the WordPress community will depend on the ability of its members to come together and find a way to resolve the dispute. The buyout offer and the ongoing feud between Automattic and WP Engine are a reminder of the importance of maintaining a positive and inclusive community, and the need for leaders to prioritize the values of openness and collaboration.

In the meantime, the WordPress community is left to wonder what the future holds for the project and its contributors. Will the dispute be resolved, or will it continue to escalate, threatening the very existence of the community? Only time will tell.

Marc Benioff warns that AI, while useful, is overhyped and partly blames Microsoft

One of the tech industry’s biggest hype men, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, is psyched about AI, but points out that it hasn't cured cancer.

One of the tech industry’s biggest hype men, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, wants you to know that he is psyched about generative AI, but even he doesn’t think it can do what its biggest proponents say it will do. And he (not surprisingly) blames Microsoft.

#newsonleo #technology #ai #salesforce #microsoft #marcbenioff

Salesforce's Marc Benioff vs. Microsoft

Marc Benioff, the CEO of Salesforce, has been a long-time advocate for AI and its potential to transform industries. At Dreamforce, his company's massive tech conference, he heavily promoted AI's capabilities and touted Salesforce's own AI-powered products. However, in recent interviews and appearances, Benioff has taken a more nuanced approach, warning that the hype surrounding AI is not always matched by reality.

Benioff's criticism of Microsoft, in particular, is aimed at the company's AI-powered Copilot tool. He compares Copilot unfavorably to Clippy, Microsoft's infamous 1990s Office cartoon that was meant to be a helpful assistant but ended up being a nuisance. This comparison is a clever way for Benioff to highlight the limitations of Copilot and Microsoft's approach to AI.

The Limitations of AI

Benioff's criticism of Microsoft's AI efforts is not just about Copilot, but also about the broader hype surrounding AI. He argues that customers have been misled about the capabilities of AI, particularly enterprise AI. This is a common theme in the AI industry, where some companies and experts have been overly optimistic about the potential of AI to solve complex problems.

Benioff's warnings about the limitations of AI are not meant to dismiss its potential, but rather to caution against unrealistic expectations. AI is a powerful tool, but it is not a magic bullet that can solve aLL problems. It requires careful consideration, expertise, and a deep understanding of the underlying technology.

The Importance of AI Agents

Benioff's emphasis on AI agents, particularly in customer service, sales, and prospecting, highlights an area where AI has shown significant promise. AI agents can help automate routine tasks, improve customer experience, and provide valuable insights for businesses.

Salesforce's own AI-powered offerings, such as Agentforce, are designed to leverage the power of AI agents to drive business success. Benioff's prediction that Salesforce will have more than a billion agents running within the next 12 months is ambitious, but it reflects the growing importance of AI agents in the enterprise.

Microsoft's Strengths and Weaknesses

Microsoft, on the other hand, has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to AI. While its Copilot tool has shown promise in certain areas, such as coding and debugging, it still lags behind other AI-powered solutions in terms of overall capabilities.

Microsoft's close relationship with OpenAi, however, gives it access to some of the most advanced AI technology in the industry. Its cloud platform, Azure, is a popular choice for enterprises looking to deploy AI-powered solutions.

However, Microsoft's strengths in AI are also its weaknesses. The company's focus on LLMs (Large language Models) has led to criticism that it is not doing enough to develop more advanced AI technologies, such as AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

The AI Industry's Hype Problem

The article highlights a broader issue in the AI industry: the hype problem. Some companies and experts have been overly optimistic about the potential of AI to solve complex problems, leading to unrealistic expectations and disappointment.

Benioff's criticisms of Microsoft and the AI industry as a whole serve as a reminder that AI is a complex and multifaceted technology that requires careful consideration and expertise. While AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, it is not yet ready to replace human workers in most cases, and its limitations should not be glossed over.

In conclusion, the article provides a nuanced view of the AI industry, highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses of various companies and technologies. Benioff's criticisms of Microsoft and the AI industry as a whole serve as a reminder that AI is a complex and multifaceted technology that requires careful consideration and expertise.


Last week, we launched Replit Agent, our AI system that can create and deploy applications. Now, with only a few sentences and a few minutes, you can take an application from idea to deployment.

You can think about the Agent like a pair programmer. It configures your development environment, installs dependencies, and executes code. From your laptop or the Replit mobile app, the Agent is changing how our users build software.

#replit #ai #agent #technology #newsonleo

Amazing examples of the Agent
Since launch, we’ve seen resoundingly positive impact from our community. Builders of all types are creating tools that help them drive impact. From students to doctors, the Agent is taking ideas to apps.

Custom health dashboards
A doctor was able to deploy custom dashboards for their patients to help improve health outcomes.

We're not entirely sure what he means by "stool heat map," but this is the one time we're ok with seeing those words in the same sentence.

Interactive campus parking map
If you’ve ever been a student in the US, you know parking on campus can be a nightmare. One Replit user solved parking with a campus map, complete with availability reports.

I certainly wish this was around when I was in school, perhaps I wouldn't have had all those tickets.

Replacing workflow automation tools
There are even users replacing expensive workflow automation tools, like Zapier or Make.

Stop spending hundreds / thousands on no-/low-code tools. With the Agent, you can build and deploy the solutions you've always wanted.

When will superintelligence arrive? Sam Altman knows!

#technology #newsonleo #openai #superintelligence

The video titled "AGI vs Superintelligence: What's the Difference?" discusses the potential benefits and risks of superintelligence. The video also includes interviews with experts on AI, such as Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAi.

Here is a summary of the video:

  • AGI vs Superintelligence: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to a machine with the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, similar to human intelligence. Superintelligence, on the other hand, surpasses human intelligence in every aspect, including problem-solving, creativity, and learning.
  • Sam Altman's Prediction: Superintelligence is Coming Soon: Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, believes that superintelligence is only a few thousand days away and will revolutionize our lives. He envisions a future where superintelligent AI can solve complex problems, such as climate change and space exploration, and push human progress forward.
  • Potential Benefits of Superintelligence: Altman outlines several potential benefits of superintelligence, including:
    • Personalized education: Virtual tutors can provide tailored instruction to each student.
    • Autonomous personal assistants: AI-powered assistants can handle tasks like coordinating medical care and running households.
    • Scientific breakthroughs: Superintelligence could lead to breakthroughs in fields like physics and medicine.
  • Challenges and Risks: However, the development of superintelligence also poses significant challenges and risks. Altman warns that if we do not build enough infrastructure, AI could become a limited resource and lead to conflict. Additionally, there is a risk that superintelligence could become uncontrollable and pose a threat to humanity.
  • The Debate Continues: Not everyone agrees with Altman's optimistic view of superintelligence. Some experts, like linguist Noam Chomsky, believe that the impact of generative AI is overhyped and that machines will never be able to think better than humans.
  • Preparing for the Future: Regardless of whether superintelligence arrives in the near future, it is clear that AI will have a profound impact on our lives. To prepare for this future, it is important to choose careers that are not easily automated and to continuously learn and adapt to new technologies.
  • Conclusion: The development of superintelligence is a complex and multifaceted issue with both potential benefits and risks. As we continue to advance AI technology, it is crucial to have open and honest discussions about the implications of this powerful tool and to work towards ensuring that it is developed and used responsibly.

In addition to the summary, the video also includes a number of interviews with experts on AI, including Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, and Noam Chomsky, a linguist. These interviews provide a variety of perspectives on the potential benefits and risks of superintelligence.

Overall, the video is a comprehensive and informative overview of the topic of superintelligence. It is well worth watching if you are interested in learning more about this important topic.

Metacade Expands Web3 Gaming with Launch on Coinbase Wallet, Reaching 73M Users

Metacade, a widely known platform in the Web3 gaming space, has launched on Coinbase Wallet. Through this integration, Metacade will grant easy and instant access to the platform community and gaming ecosystem to over 73 million verified users. This will be a landmark for the company as the integration ensures that users on both PC and mobile have full access to numerous games, tournaments, and rewards.

#metacade #web3 #gaming #coinbase #wallet #newsonleo

Metacade Ensures Easy and Instant Access for Coinbase Wallet Users
The integration enables users of Coinbase Wallet to join Metacade’s gaming community instantly. Players can now enjoy over 10 new titles, such as “Atlantic Sky Hunter” and “Fruit Frenzy.” These games are part of a broader library designed to engage players with immersive experiences and tournaments available across mobile, desktop, and Telegram.

Metacade Tournaments allow players to compete for prizes, including $MCADE, USDC, and CHUCK tokens. Players can create and host custom tournaments, encouraging greater community interaction. This new feature is expected to increase engagement within Metacade’s platform by allowing players to participate in and lead tournament events.

Increased Convenience for New Players
Metacade’s integration with Coinbase Wallet simplifies the onboarding process for new users by enabling instant smart wallet creation. Additionally, funding wallets through Coinbase provides a streamlined way for players to access and participate in the platform’s ecosystem quickly and securely.

Through the tournament system, players can win over $5,000 in rewards in October alone. This comes after Metacade updated its white paper and recently released its “Level-Up” service, which helps game developers maximize their projects. Metacade has 80+ projects in its portfolio and has been quickly evolving into a community of gamers and developers.

Agrotoken Revolutionizes Natural Resource Commodities with Polygon-Powered Tokenization

  • Agrotoken has announced a new collaboration with Polygon to transform agribusiness by tokenizing agricultural commodities.

  • Agrotoken selected Polygon for its scalability, which will allow it to offer commercial and business opportunities for its users in agribusiness.

#agrotoken #polygon #crypto #tokenization #naturalresources

Tokenization is often looked at as a blockchain application for the financial sector, where real-world assets are tokenized to unlock liquidity. However, it spans every sector and several companies are proving that tokenization can open up new opportunities and business models in day-to-day lives. Agrotoken is unlocking the potential of tokenization in agribusiness, and it has now partnered with Polygon to expand its presence.

Agrotoken is a tech company that blends agriculture and technology. It built the world’s first infrastructure for agricultural commodities tokenization. It transforms agricultural products like grains into tokens that can be easily exchanged for fiat, other goods, or assets for farmers who require efficient financial support.

The company has already facilitated $70 million in transactions, tokenizing three grains: cora, soya, and wheat. It boasts of over 1,000 farmers, 40+ grain holders, and over 250 merchants. Collectively, these ecosystem users have tokenized over 230,000 tons of grains.

By partnering with Polygon, Agrotoken will not offer greater transparency and efficiency with its cost-effective tokenization solutions. With sustainability now a big focus for companies globally, Agrotoken also focuses “to create products that promote best practices for agribusiness and pave the way for a more sustainable industry.”

Waymo offers $3 credit for San Francisco riders going to public transit stations

For the next month, Bay Area riders of Waymo robotaxis can earn a $3 credit whenever they travel to and from certain public transit stations.

For the next month, Bay Area riders of Waymo robotaxis can earn a $3 credit whenever they travel to and from certain public transit stations.

#waymo #autonomoy #sanfrancisco #technology #newsonleo

Waymo Launches Groundbreaking Pilot Program to Encourage Public Transportation Use in San Francisco

In a pioneering move, Waymo, a leading autonomous vehicle operator, has launched a pilot program that rewards riders for using public transportation in San Francisco. The innovative initiative aims to promote the use of public transportation by offering credits towards future robotaxi rides, marking the first of its kind in the United States. This move comes after Waymo's recent survey found that 36% of San Francisco riders have used their robotaxi service, Waymo One, to connect to other forms of transit.

The pilot program, which runs until November 15, allows riders to earn credits towards future robotaxi rides by using public transportation to and from a select few stations in south and southwest San Francisco. The eligible stations include:

  • BART: Colma, Daly City
  • BART/Muni: Balboa Park, Glen Park
  • Muni: West Portal, Revere / Shafter (T Third Street line)
  • Caltrain: 4th & King Street, 22nd Street

Riders who use public transportation to and from these stations will automatically receive credits in their account, without needing to prove they actually rode public transit. However, to prevent abuse, the promotion is limited to one $3 credit per day.

This program is a significant step towards promoting the use of public transportation, which is essential for reducing traffic congestion, decreasing emissions, and improving air quality. The idea is to encourage riders to use multiple modes of transportation to get from point A to point B, making public transportation a more attractive option. By connecting public transportation to shared micromobility services, such as bike and scooter share, riders can seamlessly transition between modes, making their commute more efficient and sustainable.

The concept of connecting public transportation to shared micromobility services is gaining traction. In September, the Seattle Department of Transportation launched a promotion to connect Lime bike and scooter share trips with public transit, funded by a 2016 ballot initiative called the Seattle Transit Measure.

What's noteworthy is that Waymo has not received financial support from the government or transit agencies for this pilot program, making it a privately-funded initiative. This highlights the company's commitment to promoting sustainable transportation solutions and reducing its environmental impact.

While the program is limited in scope, it sets a precedent for other autonomous vehicle operators and public transportation agencies to follow. As the transportation landscape continues to evolve, it is essential to explore innovative solutions that encourage the use of public transportation and reduce our reliance on personal vehicles.

Apple Music’s latest feature lets artists create dedicated playlists for concerts and tours

Apple Music introduced a new feature for artists on Thursday to enable them to create playlists tied to their recent concert set lists. Dubbed “Set Apple Music's “Set List” feature allows artists to turn their set list from a single show, residency, or entire tour into a playlist.

Apple Music introduced a new feature for artists on Thursday to enable them to create playlists tied to their recent concert set lists.

#apple #music #technology #newsonleo

Dubbed “Set List,” the feature acts as a promotional tool for musicians to engage with their fans. It allows artists to turn their set list from a single show, residency, or entire tour into a playlist, which can then be shared with fans on Apple Music and displayed on Shazam’s Artist and Concert pages, as well as posted on social media.

Using the feature is simple. Artists first need to upload an artist image to their profile for the playlist’s cover art. Then, they can choose tracks by typing in search or by pasting Apple Music links. There’s also an option to schedule the publish date, allowing artists to choose a specific time for when they want their fans to listen to the playlist, giving them a way to provide a sneak peek into their live performances. Artists can even rearrange tracks to correspond with their actual show sequence.

Set List is powered by Bandsintown, the music discovery platform where users are notified about tours and bands playing in their area. Artists are required to connect their Apple Music page with Bandsintown to help increase the discoverability of their shows.

Music fans have been showing interest in new types of playlist creation tools, including apps like LineupSupply and Instafest that made playlists from photos of concert or festival posters. Today, the app stores offer more tools that let you build playlists via AI, as well.

The new playlist creation tool is an addition to Apple Music’s Set Lists space, which launched last year to help fans discover upcoming concerts.

Google's NotebookLM now lets you guide AI-generated audio conversations, launches business pilot

Google's NotebookLM has updated Audio Overviews with the ability to focus on a specific topic in the given content and has introduced a NotebookLM Business pilot program for organizations.

Google Thursday updated the audio summarization feature of its AI note-taking and research assistant NotebookLM, which recently gained significant attention for its podcast-like audio conversations based on the content users share, with the ability to guide those conversations and focus on specific topics instead of just generating holistic audio summaries.

#newsonleo #google #notebooklm #ai #audio #conversation #technology

Today, audio Overviews in NotebookLM allow users to digest and comprehend the information in lengthy documents or videos through AI-generated audio conversations. Shortly after its launch last month, the feature helped NotebookLM grab eyeballs, as many began sharing audio summaries of their content on social media, including those created using their diaries or journals.

While Google hasn’t disclosed the traction NotebookLM has received as a result, data from the website traffic analytics platform SimilarWeb suggests NotebookLM saw an over 371% increase in its traffic in September to 3.07 million monthly visits, up from 652,181 a month ago.

French court blocks porn sites over age verification for child protection

The Paris Court of Appeal ordered some pornography websites to be blocked on Thursday over failure to implement robust age verification systems

The Paris Court of Appeal ordered some pornography websites to be blocked on Thursday over failure to implement robust age verification systems that are capable of preventing minors from accessing the adult content, Politico reports.

#newsonleo #porn #france #newsonleo #technology

Porn sites Tukif and Xhamster were among several adult websites subject to the order. The sites have been given 15 days to implement effective age verification or face the block being extended until they do.

Child safety concerns lie behind other recent high-profile interventions on tech platforms — such as the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France in August under a new cybercrime law. He was subsequently charged in a wide-ranging criminal case sparked by a child sexual abuse material probe.

The European Union also recently designated four adult websites under the strictest layer of the bloc’s online governance framework to push them to use stronger age verification as a child safety measure.

Apple says support for redeeming rewards with more partners is coming to Apple Pay

On Thursday, Apple celebrated 10 years with Apple Pay and announced how the service will evolve in the future, including features like redeeming rewards

#apple #applepay #newsonleo #technology #rewards

Apple Celebrates 10 Years of Apple Pay, Unveils Ambitious Future Plans

Apple marked a major milestone on Thursday, commemorating the 10-year anniversary of Apple Pay, its groundbreaking mobile payment service. To celebrate this achievement, the company revealed its plans for the future, including the introduction of new features and partnerships that will further transform the way we pay.

One of the key announcements was the expansion of installment loan options through Apple Pay. Starting today, users in the US and UK will have access to loans from Affirm, Monzo Flex, and Klarna. Additionally, Apple plans to expand access to installment loan options to include those from eligible credit or debit cards, such as Citi and Synchrony in the US, and other participating issuers with Fiserv. Outside the US, these options will be available from ANZ in Australia, DBS in Singapore, CaixaBank in Spain, and HSBC, NewDay, and Zilch in the UK. Furthermore, Klarna will be rolled out to Canada in the future, marking a significant expansion of the service.

The company's decision to discontinue its own "buy now, pay later" service, Apple Pay Later, and instead partner with Apple Pay-enabled banks and lenders to offer installment loans, is a significant shift in its strategy. This move will allow Apple to focus on providing a seamless payment experience while leaving the lending and credit aspects to its partners.

Apple Pay's vice president, Jennifer Bailey, hinted that the addition of loan providers is just the beginning of further changes for the payment service and wallet. She mentioned that consumers will soon have the option to redeem rewards, which Apple Pay-enabled issuers and lenders can use to better connect with their customers. This feature is already available with select Discover credit cards, but Apple promises more partners are on the way.

The company's ultimate goal is to replace users' physical wallets entirely, which it has been working towards with the app's support for digital tickets, transit cards, keys, and government IDs. While the adoption of digital IDs varies by state, Apple has made significant progress, with California, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, and Ohio NOW supporting digital driver's licenses and state IDs.

Apple Pay has come a long way since its launch, with hundreds of millions of consumers across 78 markets using the service on millions of websites and apps, and in tens of millions of stores worldwide. The payment technology is supported by over 11,000 bank and network partners.

In conclusion, Apple's 10-year anniversary of Apple Pay marks a significant milestone in the company's efforts to revolutionize the way we pay. The addition of new features and partnerships will continue to shape the future of mobile payments, and Apple's commitment to replacing physical wallets with digital alternatives is an exciting development in the world of FinTech. As Apple continues to innovate and expand its services, it is clear that the future of payments is bright and exciting, with Apple Pay at the forefront of this transformation.

Truflation and Scannit Partner to Boost Data Transparency and Economic Insights

Truflation, a real-time decentralized economic data company, announces its collaboration with Scannit, a user-owned data monetization platform. This collaboration is expected to boost Truf Network as it combines the data obtained from Scannit’s users, which provides a transparent picture of the current economic state.

#truflation #scannit #data #transparency #technology #newsonleo

Scannit’s Data to Strengthen Truflation’s Analysis
The partnership aims to enhance the Truf Network, which already tracks over 20 million items through partnerships with more than 80 data providers. Using Scannit’s legal and consensual user data, Truflation will provide more accurate, real-time information to businesses, researchers, and analysts. The operation will enhance the current data feeds and users’ autonomy by enabling them to sell their data while still being able to make decisions about its usage.

Truflation’s commitment to democratizing access to critical financial information is further solidified by bringing data on-chain. The company has consistently worked to make data more transparent and verifiable, contributing to smarter decision-making across the economic landscape. With over 782 data feeds, including commodities like US Wheat, oil, and lithium, Truflation continues to expand its ecosystem of valuable, real-time economic metrics.

A Joint Vision for Data Empowerment
The companies aim to reshape how data is valued, accessed, and utilized. By empowering users to control and monetize their data, Scannit aligns with Truflation’s mission of making financial information more accessible and beneficial. The partnership reflects a mutual belief that data should be transparent and directly advantageous to those who generate it.

This collaboration marks the beginning of a larger initiative to grow a thriving data ecosystem where economic insights are increasingly accurate, real-time, and accessible. Truflation’s decentralized data infrastructure and Scannit’s user-controlled data will help reshape how businesses and individuals approach financial decision-making.


China confirmed that covering a desert with solar panels changes the ecosystem — forever

China has just discovered that deserts can be the ideal environment for solar panels. Photovoltaic installations in arid areas not only generate large amounts of clean energy, but can also improve the local ecosystem.

#newsonleo #china #technology #energy

A team of researchers from Xi'an University of Technology has found that the development of large solar parks in desert areas has positive effects on microclimate, soil properties and vegetation.

To measure the ecological and environmental effects of the installation, scientists used the “Driving-Pressure-State-Impact-Response” (DPSIR) model recommended by the European Environment Agency.

They evaluated 57 indicators and applied the entropy method to weight each indicator, giving greater weight to those with less variability. The research focuses on Qinghai's Gonghe Photovoltaic Park, a massive 1 GW facility located in the arid Talatan Desert in the mountainous province of Qinghai.

The area inside the solar park had a score of 0.4393, classified as “general” by the model, while the transition areas and areas outside the park were classified as “poor”, with scores of 0.2858 and 0.2802, respectively.

The development of photovoltaic energy improved the microclimate, soil properties and diversity of plants and microorganisms in the area where solar panels cast shade, reduced air pressure and humidified the environment.

The installation changed the distribution of energy on the desert's surface, creating more favorable conditions for vegetation and microbial life. “Photovoltaic development has had a positive effect on the ecology and environment of desert areas,” say the researchers in their study published in Scientific Reports.

The Foundation Series of the Tesla Cybertruck is over.

Anyone can now order the Cybertruck. Anyone with a reservation is given a priority.


Hyundai employs Spot robot dog at Crete factory

That was very Black Mirror! Last Monday, the 7th, Airton Cousseau, CEO of Hyundai Motor South and Central America, presented the Hyundai Creta 2025, explained the car's extensive changes and discussed its price of R$141,890 to R$189,990. Out of nowhere, however, he called a robot dog onto the stage!

#newsonleo #technology #robot #hyundai #ai

Not everyone has heard of Boston Dynamics, an American robotics engineering and research company. But many people have seen the series Black Mirror, which has been successful, season after season, on Netflix with futuristic episodes, a lot of allusions to the failure of communication and understanding between people, as well as problems with the use of technology. And one of the scariest devices shown in the series were, precisely, robot dogs armed with machine guns and similar things.

In real life, the robot dog is one of the creations of Boston Dynamics and has a name: Spot (Mancha, in Portuguese), just like a dog's name. It is not possible to adopt it: the basic Spot costs US$74,500, or R$416 thousand in direct conversion, and is only offered to companies and government agencies. And it has a monitoring and security function, but not necessarily something militarized or scary.

Can be controlled via tablet, but also navigates in autonomous mode, on its own, Spot sees and hears the environment through 4K, infrared and thermography cameras, as well as ultra-sensitive microphones.

Its limbs and neck have strange articulation, with movements that resemble those of a teenager from the film The Exorcist (1973), but they serve to ensure that the electromechanical quadruped has easy access around obstacles and can easily correct its trajectory, in case of a problem.

Robust as a toolbox, it can carry up to 14 kg of materials.

All of this is used to inspect production lines, looking for industrial failures, or even security breaches and structural risks. In practice, the robot dog uses technology and programming with Artificial Intelligence to keep an eye on the safety of factories or sensitive locations, being able to access places that are not healthy for humans.

In 2021, the Hyundai Group purchased control of Boston Dynamics for US$1.1 billion. The Japanese group Softbank, former owner of the robot developer, maintains 20% of the ownership, while the South Korean company paid billions of dollars for the other 80%.

The manufacturer uses Boston Dynamics projects as part of its Progress of Humanity line, as it likes to call activities parallel to the development of common cars. This division includes Robotics (where Spot fits in), but also other furniture and prosthetics projects, Urban Air Mobility (drones and e-VTOLs), Future Mobility (autonomous vehicles and robot taxis) and HTWO (hydrogen solutions) .

In addition to selling its robotic solutions to companies and industries around the world, Boston Dynamics also supplies its products to the owner Hyundai.

The brand's factory in Singapore has used Spot as a guardian of the assembly line, to know if all vehicle production is going well, and if there are any serious failures that could result in loss of productivity, as well as a risk for workers. humans.

Cousseau explains that all of this helps to increase quality while drastically reducing costs. The inspection process, which is at the end of the production line, becomes just a matter of checking aesthetic details, without major flaws.

Furthermore, the robot dog can also be used as a first responder in possible dangerous situations, as it can access obstructed areas and is immune to leaks, electrical risks and very loud sounds. After giving the OK for the general safety of the area, Spot allows the first firefighters and health professionals to enter.

Curving science center takes low-tech approach to keeping cool

With its upcoming scientific research center in Uzbekistan, Zaha Hadid Architects has taken a low-tech approach to maintaining a comfortable temperature. The eye-catching building will feature an ingenious passive cooling system inspired by traditional local architecture.

#newsonleo #technology #architecture #design

Alisher Navoi International Scientific Research Centre: A Masterpiece of Sustainable Design and Cultural Heritage

In the heart of Central Asia, a new architectural marvel is taking shape, paying homage to the region's rich cultural heritage and innovative design. The Alisher Navoi International Scientific Research Centre, named after the renowned 15th-century poet, author, linguist, and statesman, is a testament to the fusion of traditional and modern architecture. This magnificent structure, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, draws inspiration from the traditional wind-catching towers of Central Asia and the Middle East, which have been used for centuries to combat the scorching desert heat.

The building's curvaceous supporting arches, constructed from local brick, are designed to capture the wind and channel air into the building. During the hottest summer months, this system will be supported by electric fans and water misting to cool the air before it circulates within the structure. When the wind is not blowing, the hollow arched structures will naturally create a chimney effect, allowing warmer air to escape through the openings at the tOP of each arch. This clever design principle, known as the stack effect, promotes ventilation throughout the building and reduces the need for artificial cooling. The arches will also provide a unique visual feature, adding to the building's aesthetic appeal.

The interior of the research center will be a marvel of passive design, requiring very little energy to cool. The building's high thermal mass, combined with the day-night cycle, will extract warmer air while trapping cooler air below, maintaining optimal conditions of comfort with minimal energy consumption. The interior will feature courtyards and skylights, bringing natural light into the heart of the center, while deep roof overhangs will provide effective solar shading in summer and permit winter sun to warm the interiors. This thoughtful design ensures that the building will be comfortable and energy-efficient, minimizing its carbon footprint.

The Alisher Navoi International Scientific Research Centre will be a hub for literary education, research, and the performing arts, incorporating 13 permanent exhibition halls around a central courtyard. The interior will measure 23,000 square meters (almost 250,000 square feet) and include the Navoi State museum of literature, research areas, a workshop, and a repository housing a collection of 3,500 historical books and manuscripts. The museum will showcase the life and works of Alisher Navoi, as well as the literary and cultural heritage of Central Asia.

This magnificent structure is a testament to the power of sustainable design and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. The Alisher Navoi International Scientific Research Centre will not only be a hub for learning and innovation but also a symbol of the region's rich cultural heritage. As the project nears completion, it is clear that this masterpiece of architecture will inspire generations to come, serving as a beacon for sustainable design and cultural preservation.

Let's look for the 300 comments.

We hit it.

You see what is happening with the Mets?

I dont want to jinx them....


We must always have positive thinking.

Today they need to massacre.


Scientists on global alert: underwater robot makes worrying discovery at Doomsday Glacier, putting the world on critical alert

Doomsday Glacier, known as Thwaites, located in Antarctica, is one of the biggest threats to sea level rise. This gigantic mass of ice has the potential to raise ocean levels by up to 3 meters if it melts completely. Recently, new studies have revealed that the situation is even more alarming than previously thought, putting scientists around the world on alert.

#newsonleo #technology #robot

This discovery reinforced concerns about the future of Thwaites, which already contributes 4% to annual sea level rise. Functioning as a natural dam for the surrounding ice in West Antarctica, its collapse could trigger a catastrophic rise in sea levels, with devastating consequences for coastal regions around the world.

An autonomous underwater robot belonging to the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, mysteriously disappears after making unprecedented discoveries under the Thwaites glacier. The six-meter-long submarine Ran was sent in 2020 to explore what is considered one of the most dangerous glaciers in the world. During its operations, Ran identified a series of unknown structures beneath the ice, which caused great concern in the scientific community. The robot's latest transmission indicated that ocean water is invading the base of the glacier, accelerating its melting with warmer, salty water, contributing to global sea level rise of up to 60 centimeters.

The Thwaites Glacier is the widest in the world, with an area comparable to the US state of Florida. Its location, on downward-sloping land, makes it extremely vulnerable to erosion caused by seawater. This particularity makes Thwaites the most unstable glacier in Antarctica, which worries scientists about its future. Researchers have been monitoring the impact of climate change on ocean currents for decades, and evidence shows that warmer seawater is being pushed toward the coasts of Antarctica and other polar regions, according to scientists.

This scenario places Thwaites in a critical position, with the potential to trigger a major glacial collapse due to accelerated melting, affecting sea levels globally and posing serious risks to shipping routes around the planet. Continuous monitoring and analysis of collected data is crucial to understanding the progression of these consequences and their potential consequences. The situation demands global attention and rapid action to mitigate the impacts of climate change, which is already altering the delicate balance of glaciers in Antarctica.

Electronic warfare system creates fleets of phantom aircraft

Leonardo UK has publicly rolled out its BriteStorm electronic warfare system that allows air forces to penetrate hostile airspace by creating phantom squadrons of fighter planes and missiles to jam and spoof radar defenses.

#technology #newsonleo #warfare

Breaking the Radar: Leonardo's BriteStorm System Revolutionizes Electronic Warfare

In the rapidly evolving landscape of military technology, the battle for air superiority has taken a dramatic turn with the introduction of Leonardo's BriteStorm, a cutting-edge platform-agnostic digital jamming and deception system. This innovative technology has the potential to disrupt the traditional aRMs race between air defenses and counter-defenses, giving friendly forces a significant advantage in the face of increasingly sophisticated enemy defenses.

The Scenario: A New Reality

Imagine a military command and control center in the near future, where operators of the Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) detect an incoming group of hostile aircraft. As the countermeasures go to full alert, the sensors of the IADS tRY to learn more about the intruders, their numbers, and possible threats. But what if the enemy has a BriteStorm system deployed ahead of their force, sending out powerful digital signals to jam and spoof the enemy defenses? The result is a chaotic and confusing environment, where radar signals go blank, and the defenders are left struggling to make sense of the situation.

BriteStorm: The Solution

Leonardo's BriteStorm system is designed to create this very scenario, but with a twist. Instead of being a passive defense system, BriteStorm is an active electronic warfare (EW) system that can be installed in a variety of aircraft, preferably drones or missiles, to fly ahead of an attacking force at long range. The system uses Digital radio frequency Memory (DRFM) technology to detect and evaluate the electronic warfare environment, detecting potential threats and selecting the appropriate response.

Capabilities and Features

BriteStorm's capabilities are impressive, to say the least. The system can:

  • Jam radar signals by sending out high-power white noise signals, effectively rendering enemy radar systems useless
  • Transmit false signals to confuse defense computers, creating a "digital smokescreen" that makes it difficult for enemy systems to distinguish friend from foe
  • Generate dozens of ghost fighter and missile signatures to make the defense system think it's confronting a larger, more powerful force that doesn't exist, thereby overwhelming the enemy's defenses
  • Weigh only 2.5 kg (5.5 lb), making it lightweight and easily deployable, allowing it to be integrated into a wide range of platforms
  • Be swapped in to fit a wide variety of platforms, including drones, missiles, and aircraft, making it a versatile and adaptable system
  • Be programmed for individual mission requirements, allowing operators to tailor the system's performance to specific operational scenarios

The Impact

The introduction of BriteStorm has significant implications for the future of air warfare. With this system, friendly forces can deploy ahead of their attacking force to create confusion, making it difficult for enemy IADS to detect, track, and engage friendly assets. This gives friendly forces a significant advantage, allowing them to complete their mission with minimal casualties. The system's ability to generate ghost signatures and jam radar signals also makes it an effective countermeasure against advanced air defenses, such as those equipped with phased arrays and other advanced radar technologies.


In the ever-evolving landscape of military technology, Leonardo's BriteStorm system is a game-changer. This platform-agnostic digital jamming and deception system has the potential to disrupt the traditional arms race between air defenses and counter-defenses, giving friendly forces a significant advantage in the face of increasingly sophisticated enemy defenses. With its impressive capabilities and lightweight design, BriteStorm is poised to revolutionize the way we think about electronic warfare and air superiority, offering a new level of flexibility and adaptability in the battlefield.

Bom dia galera! Sextou! Vamos de #threadcast

Posso? Posso começar minha participação nessa threadcast daquele jeitao? Então vamos lá




Arrocha! kkkk

Na torcida por um dia tranquilo pra podermos sextar de boas

Corinthians deitou ontem! A esperança é a última que morre

Hoje o dia amanheceu bonito, mas a previsão é de tempestade mais para o fim do dia....

Espero que não tenhamos os mesmos danos da semana passada...

Tem gente que ainda nem teve a energia reestabelecida e já corre o risco de um novo apagão

Os times que eu acompanho todos foram 8 ou 80 hahah

Corinthians meteu 5 gols na arena

New Orleans Saints tomou um cacete

E o Montreal Canadiens também levou uma paulada

Não dá pra ganhar todas, já dizia o pica pau

Mais alguns galões de gasolina comprados no Rising Star. Mas ainda vou precisar de mais alguns pra liberar a nova missão

Fiz as contas aqui e faltam 11 galões de gasolina...

Como não vou fazer nenhum aporte pra comprar esses galões, vai levar um tempinho ainda

Vou apenas reinvestir os STARBITS que eu ganho com as missões então acho que vai levar mais um mês pra atingir o objetivo

Deveria ter me programado melhor pra isso e já ter comprado os galões ao longo do tempo

Nem lembrava que tinha esse requisito também... estava focado apenas no level, que demorou um tempão pra conseguir

Mas, pelo que eu vi, essa missão é a que tem o maior requisito de gasolina... para as próximas não devo precisar comprar mais

O tempo já tá fechando... pelo visto a tempestade vem mesmo

STARPRO vem num desempenho legal

Bom dia pessoal!

Flamengo foi amassado ontem kkkk... pqp

Deu sobrevida para o Fluminense. A disputa será muito interessante e emocionante na reta final.

Corinthians deu um show ontem. Acho que domingo será uma grande partida contra o Flamengo.

Finalmente chegou a sexta! Obaaaaaaaaa!

This is the #selfie & #memory #threadcast.
Post what ever you want, as much as you want. No limits.

A sleepover day with my little ones. #selfie, #memories

I love this pic :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 13/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@mamaemigrante! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (13/100)

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That beard looks great on you

Thanks so much :) I like it also :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 12/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@mamaemigrante! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (12/100)

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Good morning. This is my @taskmaster Halloween Costume...

taskmaster impersonator

#selfie #memory

hahahahahaha, love it :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 21/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@sgt-dan! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (21/100)

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Today is the happiest day of my life because what I couldn't achieve in the previous months is what I've achieved today.

That is so awesome to hear :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 22/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@joyben! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (22/100)

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Oh I like the beard!! Looking

Thanks my friend :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 25/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@senorcoconut! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (25/100)

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“The end is not quite the end, it can be a new beginning, a new opportunity to do everything differently, everything better. Think about it, the end of the cycle I always announce a new one.”

#freecompliments #phrases

🧵1/3 Deciding where to live involves significant responsibility. Generally, we have two options when it comes to settling in a place: rural or urban areas. Each of these alternatives has its pros and cons, and in the end, we must weigh what makes us happiest. What’s your choice?

#threadstorm #outreach

🧵2/3 My current choice is to live in an urbanized area, and the reason is simple: more opportunities for personal growth. There’s also comfort in urban areas to a certain extent, with more convenience and accessibility. However, it’s in rural areas where I feel safest and happiest; it’s where I was born and raised, and one day I’ll return to enjoy the tranquility that only exists there.

🧵3/3 I talk a bit more about these points in the post below. Come check it out and see if you agree with me or not about the aspects discussed there!

It’s a dark one, but humor has no limits! #meme #memes #leomemes #notmymeme #jokesonleo

OMG. To soon? But fucking funny

“Do not doubt your ability to do things, as much as they say no, only you can decide whether or not you can do something”

#freecompliments #phrases

É isso aí

Podemos sempre criar algo novo e lutar por ele para dar certo! Tenho certeza que todos nós somos capazes! Um abraço meu amigo!

With good morning, worlds
warm greetings and I hope you have a great day today, Friday the 17th, a day to go out and celebrate the culmination of a great week full of successes.
The sun rises for all, I send you my sunshine.
#threadcast #gmfrens #freecompliments #cent #bbh #photography #dailydook #motivational #sunrise

Your sunshine has eliminated every darkness

We move again with being a premium member. 30 days to go 🫡

Congratulations, Princess. 🥳

#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 26/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Thank you, Sabrinah 😇

Task is hitting 100000 threads I still need to hit 10k lol.
Gotta get my thread game going harder!

Time to buckle up :)

yeah i'm sitting here thinking I'm doing good at not even close.

Conversations with AI #threadcast (Day 30)

Here I'll be putting some of my conversations with #ChatGPT. I'll put them in both screenshots-form and text form. Mainly to give more data for LeoAI to eat from.

Feel free to use the threadcast to do the same! #freecompliments #cent #ai #bbh

Conversation with ChatGPT4o:

Prompt: I want to clone voices for text-to-speech usage, but I want to do it legally. Are there any free-to-use voices I can clone?

Summarized Response:

Yes, there are several sources for free-to-use voices for legal cloning in text-to-speech (TTS) applications:

  1. Mozilla's Common Voice: Open-source voice dataset under a CC0 license.
  2. LibriVox: Public domain audiobooks available for free use.
  3. OpenTTS: Open-source TTS voices with permissive licenses like Apache 2.0.
  4. VCTK Corpus: Free dataset of recordings, usable with proper attribution.
  5. Google’s Speech Commands Dataset: Short speech samples under Apache 2.0.

Always check licensing terms for commercial use to ensure compliance. If you need help with specific TTS models, let me know!

Full Response In Comments.

Yes, there are several sources of free-to-use voices that you can legally clone for text-to-speech (TTS) usage. Here are a few options:

1. Mozilla's Common Voice

  • Details: Mozilla’s Common Voice project is an open-source initiative that collects and provides a wide range of voice data in various languages. The dataset is released under a CC0 license, meaning it is free for public use, including for cloning and TTS purposes.
  • How to Use: You can download voices directly from their dataset here.

2. LibriVox

  • Details: LibriVox provides free audiobooks of public domain books, and the recordings are also in the public domain. You can use these voices for TTS training or cloning as they are legally free to use.
  • How to Use: Extract and use recordings available on their website here.

3. OpenTTS

  • Details: OpenTTS provides open-source implementations of TTS models and voices. You can use their voices under permissive licenses (such as Apache 2.0) for cloning or personal projects.
  • How to Use: You can access OpenTTS models and resources on GitHub.

4. VCTK Corpus

  • Details: VCTK is a speech dataset containing recordings from multiple speakers. It is free for academic and commercial use with proper attribution. This dataset can be used for voice cloning, but it's important to adhere to their license conditions.
  • How to Use: You can download the dataset here.

5. Google’s Speech Commands Dataset

  • Details: Although primarily focused on keyword recognition, this dataset contains a wide range of short speech samples that can be used for TTS model training.
  • How to Use: Available here, this dataset is under the Apache 2.0 license.

Licensing Considerations:

When using these sources, always check the specific licensing terms, especially for commercial use, to ensure compliance. For instance:

  • CC0 (Public Domain) means you can use it freely for any purpose.
  • Apache 2.0 allows modification and commercial use, provided the original license is maintained.

Are you looking to use any specific TTS cloning models to implement these voices?

Prompt: What economical system(s) did Libya use under the Gaddafi's rule?


Under Muammar Gaddafi's rule, Libya had a unique economic system known as the Jamahiriya. This system was characterized by a mix of socialist and Arab nationalist principles, with a heavy emphasis on public ownership of key industries, such as oil and gas. The government controlled the means of production and distribution, and the country's oil revenues were used to fund social programs and infrastructure development.

Gaddafi also implemented a social welfare system, which provided free education, healthcare, and housing to all citizens. However, the system was also marked by corruption, cronyism, and a lack of political freedoms, which led to widespread discontent and eventually contributed to the 2011 Libyan Civil War.

Oops! Wrong thread.

Prompt: In Steam Deck's context, what are 'Wayland' and 'X11' and what value each of them offer to the platform?


In Steam Deck’s Linux-based OS, X11 and Wayland are display protocols that manage graphics and input.

  • X11 is the older, more mature system offering wide compatibility with many games and apps, but it suffers from performance limitations and inefficiency due to its outdated design. It's more prone to security issues but is reliable for legacy applications.

  • Wayland is modern, providing better performance, lower latency, and improved security by isolating apps. It's optimized for modern hardware and is more efficient, but some older software may face compatibility challenges.

For Steam Deck, X11 ensures compatibility, while Wayland offers superior gaming performance, making it a better choice for modern games.

I am excited! #F1 United States Grand Prix

This picture if from Singapore one (the previous one)

I know its not @threespeak but I am doing this for exposure of #hive!

(not specifically for this one, this is just an example, but that's where I will be experimenting more)

Level 20 #game thing!

I completely forgot this game. Not checked form months.
#game #freecompliments #gf

I don't consider myself a whale on the game, but I am surely an enthusiast!

Any new update which you want to highlight?
#freecompliments #gf

Still trying to see/wait for the best cards on the new Vault thing...

OMG what te hell all those are. Looks like I forget everything about the game. What I remember is upgrade and attack to collect the token.
#freecompliments #gf

If you purchased packs during the airdrop, you should have the ability to spend your airdrop points on such things. Also, you can spend SHARD at the moment.

Quite a lot of dynamic in the game at the moment. Also, if you are in a guild, there are other bonuses.

Craazy... its barely after mid way month, and without any effort I have already naturally increased my activity 😏 I think this is some sort of #feedback

I have also added more delegation... from 450 to 520 HP.

That's fantastic! Kudos to you. Keep it going😉

Yeah, the tablet also improved the stats in this case.

That's some engagement right there!

My Premium was supposed to be already ended, but it says it ends tomorrow... I'm not complaining though. #inleo #feedback

Lol. Enjoy the extra day. You deserve it 🥳

#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 45/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Great to get some extra time. Enjoy and use it well

You shouldn't complain, you have enjoyed it

I don't want to complain, but if it's a bug, I do have to report it, even if it's to my own detriment...

Welp, time to get some work done... will get back to engage when I have a break

No problem. Come back soon. We are waiting for you 🥰

#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 39/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

We are expecting you soon

two weeks without electricity, power finally came up and I have forgotten my job role 😞.


You can now charge your chargables

You bet I did 😃🥰


We are already in the 80's, the best musical era.

step by step my friend @bradleyarrow

#bbh #freecompliments #dailydook

Thank you so much :) The 70's were a good decade also ;)
And the 60's is the decade I was born ;)

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 17/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

ah so come on, let's go for that 60's era, and it's closer to the 50's LOL

@lanzjoseg! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (17/100)

(html comment removed: )

Today new season of Lordsforsaken ( Play to earn game ) started,

This season you can earn 5x faith token ( the ingame token) for playing.

If I can get to 20 subscribers by next Friday, NOV 1, then those subs will get a 20% discount on the Logical Trading Indicator PRO that will help give you an edge in any trading market!

Only 18 subs to go! What are you waiting for?

In my last splinterlands post, I talked about 2 reward monsters with the Reflection Shield ability and in today’s post, I will be talking about 2 more monsters but with the Snipe ability.

#outreach #threadstorm


Snipe is one of the oldest abilities in splinterlands and monsters with this ability target the first non-melee enemy card that is not in the front place.


If you are interested, Please read my full blog post below!

Link -


Anyone else having issues uploading shorts? Nothing happens when I click the "upload" button.

3speak issues

Ah. Thanks

You are welcome my friend :)

1/🧵 Avoiding Business Mistakes And It's Possible Downfalls

For anyone who is about to start a business of any kind or is already into one, there are mistakes that are bound to happen. I shared some of them in the content below. #outreach #threadstorm #business


Disregarding your customer, Ignoring the competition, Ignoring marketing, Pursuing too many business opportunities and a few others are mistakes highlighted in the blog content.

How it all started ! 😶

#windows #media #player #cent

I don't get it...

It was at that age ,,i got hooked into visualisations 😂 .. Did you use windows media player before . ?

#outreach #threadstorm
Which would you rather reside in between urban and rural areas?

I wrote about the good and bad side of both Urban and rural areas, while sharing my experience of staying in both and which I'll prefer now.


Come read more on the different between urban and rural areas in this article.

I prefer urban area

Slowly getting my engagement up on X after returning to the platform. This tweet is 24 hours old and has already accumulated 1200 impressions, 40 likes & 1 comment. Interested to see how far I can take this… #X #cent #sapphirecrypto

keep winning

Great. Congrats. Hope some of that impressions convert to sign-ups so you can enjoy your referral bonuses, and they get to enjoy InLeo

#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 41/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Yes, hopefully!

Looks like #memecoins are leading the way in the #crypto markets just because Elon mentioned the word DOGE when referring to a new govt oversight committee...

This shows just how fragile and immature our space is and why people have a hard time taking it seriously.

Sorry, not sorry...

I agree that the market is immature, but there is something I doubt: I don't think that common users have the economic mass to move those #memecoins in that way, whales have a lot of weight.

Which makes them extremely dangerous to the little guys that think they can yolo and get rich off of some joke coin. These 'devs' and 'whales' for these coins are the main counter party risk to the whole thing. $DOGE is the only one I would ever mess with because it is actually backed by a proof of work network.

That's right, $DOGE may be one of the redeemable tokens from the long list of #memecoins.

I mean, at this point, DOGE is just as much of a memecoin as BTC, lol.

Hahaha, there's not much we can do. 😀

@thorkellnft are you still active on hive. Been trying to reach you for a while now, I have a question I would like to ask you

Now I am curious. Let me go and snoop around his account.

#onlysab #freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 38/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

I’ll keep tagging him until he replies

Hi, @sabrinah,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Hello @darkcloaks.

You have been losing all curation rewards by keeping upvoting this blacklisted spam-farm scam account "sabrinah".
A guy from Nigeria who pretends to be a woman from India.

maybe he traveled keep checking on him

I’ll do that

please do

After an accident, my phone became my crucial link to safety—calling my parents was possible because I had my phone. Have you ever relied on tech in a tough spot?
#outreach #threadstorm

There are always unexpected moments when technology can be of great help. You just have to think of them.

Remember to use hashtags related to the topic of the article, only in the main thread.

Yes. It has made things that we wouldn't otherwise think of now possible.

Okay. Noted.

Yes of course it has secured a lot for me

I am glad that you can relate.

These phones really serve us well.

It's not just major emergencies where tech saves the day. I once ran out of data at a critical moment, but a USSD code saved me. These small features on our phones can be lifesavers in ways we might overlook.
#techhacks #lifesavers

Preparing for emergencies now involves my phone and a power bank. How do you stay prepared?
#inleo #gosh Read more here [].

Bit of original content today: my daughter has recorded a new sparkly song ;). See next post for the video.

Is subscriber status visible somewhere? 🤔

Like, can other people see how many subscribers another user have?

@onealfa may be posting some numbers about it. The data is all in the blockchain, so everything is “foundable” 😁

That's true, was just sort of expecting it to be somewhat easy to find. Thank you for the reminder though 😁

You just got DUO from @caspermoeller89.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

@katerinaramm! @caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89. (1/20)

(html comment removed: )

I don't think so

Can I see my own somewhere? 😆

I don't think so. lol

I'm not sure this feature exists right now, but they'll add it in eventually.

Hi, @caspermoeller89,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Cryptocurrency is global, and its mass adoption appears inevitable. For digital entrepreneurs especially, it's wise to become part of this ecosystem early.


I’ve aggressively accumulated 200K SPS, staking for a 10%+ APR and enhanced in-game rewards. Staking boosts earnings, making liquid tokens less beneficial. Today, I reached my 200K SPS stake goal, which I’ve been chasing for months.

#outreach #threadstorm #splinterlands #sps


Staking 848 more SPS raised my reward boost from 9.26 to 9.27. My next target is 250K SPS by 2025. Although SPS’s current value is low, I believe it’s undervalued, and I’ll keep reinvesting and buying from the market.

Always with the self-upvote and never a link to the article you're referencing. You might want to re-assess your strategy.

There are 4 pages