choice to re-thread some music, here are some artist tag. Double click on any artists of your choice, copy link of any of their songs and post it under the entertainment threadcast.
The Nigerian music industry is well represented in the 2024 MTV EMAs nomination list.
Ayra Starr leads the Nigerian contingent with 4 nominations for Best New Artist, Best Afrobeats Act, Best African Act, and Best Push.
The 34-year-old is the first musician to enter the billionaire league solely on her songs and music performances. This is because of the value of her music catalogue and her Eras tour.
As of Monday, October 7, 2024, Forbes has confirmed that Taylor Swift is the richest female musician in the world with a net worth of $1.6 billion.
She had previously given up bread, meat, milk and other foods in an effort to shrink them, coupled with her supplements, and it seems to be working.
After embarking on a holistic journey to shrink her fibroids, which sadly returned, Nollywood actress Ini Dima-Okojie has now announced that the fibroids have shrunk.
Nigerian actress Funke Akindele has taken to social media to urge her fans to spread love and kindness, emphasising the power of words and the importance of creating a supportive community.
The 34-year-old is the first musician to enter the billionaire league solely on her songs and music performances. This is because of the value of her music catalogue and her Eras tour.
As of Monday, October 7, 2024, Forbes has confirmed that Taylor Swift is the richest female musician in the world with a net worth of $1.6 billion.
I haven't heard of Vimm. I came across "" created by Sircork but we had a deep conversation about it. It only streams live and our audience can chat in real time, but can't be saved. It can be cross posted or connected to YouTube through a streaming tool and then saved on YouTube afterwards.
Also, short videos can be uploaded on the site. It looks cool.
Well, it's also possible that they all had the same idea but one was able to take quick actions to materialize his product before others did.. Who knows?
#shamelessplug: I'm developing a HIVE bot, and I'll be using my subscriber's $5s to fund working on it. If you have $5 to spare, take time to learn about it here:
You can access Threads on almost every other Hive Ui, but you cannot access the microblogging features from other Hive UIs from InLeo. Is this going to change?
What happens to my subscribers if I don't continue my INLEO Premium sub? Say, a person subs a day before it expires, do they get a refund? Or do they still get access [while my Premium sub is off] through the thirty days of their sub?
X is interesting as Elon & friends are constantly talking about free speech but I bet those guys are the first to ban everybody thinking differently. Wen the time is right.
Since these contents are encrypted, are there committees set to monitor contents from creators to make sure that they aren't anti hive policy on contents published?
I Think many people would have to subscribe to creators that have an enticing voting power so that they can get a percentage of their subscription fee.
Oh wow! So basically it will be wise to sub both Premium and creator subscription. Just to be on the safe side and not feel the claim button is broken lol.
Subscriptions mean people have to work. I know that is taboo in the #crypto world where people are looking for handouts and not willing to do anything.
Those who are willing to take a business approach can succeed.
By the way, since subscriptions blog posts are not top line, you can do multiple blog posts per day under subscriptions without dealing with the Hive social norms.
When you post a sub only article, it is placed on the blockchain in a container set up by Leo, hence shows up as a comment. This means that if you do a number of them, they never show up in your blog feed.
Yea, competing with web2 might be difficult at the moment but having a perculia and different niche can help prove a point that we exist and have crowds too.
Is there a way the stats of InLEO users can be documented now and then wait after one month that creators Subscription has started working to monitor the increase in all aspects.
I would loooooove it if people could pay for my subscription with paypal or credit card. I could DEFINITELY get a few subscribers if that was easy. I hate those systems too but most people I know still use them
You would have to give some money to the card providers then, it is pretty easy nowdays to buy crypto and transfer. I like the idea of staying independant from those providers.
i like the idea, but it would bring a lot of liquidity into the ecosystem and make it much easier to both onboard and get paid. I don't think using them makes us dependent though, we always have crypto
There is no how you will come to inleo and as a new user for 1 week, active and you won't earn more than $5.. except just came and made your first thread, and run away...
but you can be active on web.2 platforms for year without earning $ 0.01
Web 2 has the audience. On Facebook or X, you probably will find at least a few people on there that you already know, and it's easy to interact with people there.
He answered this before, if your premium expires, you can't claim subscription reward. If you don't sub premium after a while, you lose out on subscription reward.
I Think one don't need to fan subscribers that much, creators can just look for an entertaining niche, work on it, make it enticing and you would definitely have subscribers.
The reason I want fiat payments is that the people who use fiat are the people who are used to paying for subscriptions. Crypto people don't like paying for shit. Paypal and Visa suck but they will invite tons of $$ into the ecosystem
I follow khal on YouTube too, am one of his subscribers. Anytime I receive a notification from YouTube then I know khal is ready but we are waiting patiently.
Every creator should make their own benefits to their subscribers. I for one, am developing a bot and I promised more features depending on how many subscribers I get:
Are there scenarios that little view of contents from creators can be accessible by non subscribers and later on if they wanna read or know more of the article they subscribe?
That is actually a really good point. And more transactions on hive where you can speculate it is actual good content. And at any point you can prove it by subscribing.
On threads, a part of the content can be revealed and then a subscriber can view the full content and comment, the comments will be upvoted (reasonable comment). Is this in the plan already or will the whole content be hidden?
we need to bring more users in order to really earn from subscriptions. But subscriptions will help bring more interesting stuff to the chain. Onboard your favorite small creators and benefit from the network effect
Due to this hurricane, has the MLB organization already taken any action? I believe there must be baseball teams where this region will be affected, right?
Former New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh reportedly told FOX Sports' Jay Glazer that he was "blindsided" by his firing on Tuesday (October 8).
"Just talked to Robert Saleh who said was blindsided by Woody Johnson walking to his office and letting him go. Certainly disappointed he wasn’t going to be given the opportunity to get things going with what he said is a very good roster," Glazer wrote on his X account.
Jets owner Woody Johnson officially confirmed Saleh's firing in a statement shared by the team Tuesday morning.
"This morning, I informed Robert Saleh that he will no longer serve as the Head Coach of the Jets," team owner Woody Johnson said in a statement. "I thanked him for his hard work these past three-and-a-half years and wished him and his family well moving forward. This was not an easy decision, but we are not where we should be given our expectations, and I believe now is the best time for us to move in a different direction."
O podcast Mundo da Luta recebeu nesta semana o pugilista Esquiva Falcão, medalhista de prata olímpico e ex-desafiante ao cinturão mundial do peso-médio. O lutador capixaba falou sobre sua luta contra o compatriota Murramad Araújo, bicampeão nacional, no Fight Music Show 5 do próximo sábado.
"Eu já lutei com ele uma vez, é um bom nome, é experiente, um cara que sabe lutar. Não é um influenciador, é um lutador profissional, bicampeão brasileiro, tem a história dele. Mas não é um adversário do meu nível. É um adversário que eu vejo vitória sobre ele. Eu estou treinando bastante, sem desmerecer a história dele, mas com certeza no ringue a minha experiência no boxe profissional e no boxe olímpico vai contar muito mais que a experiência dele, que só lutou no boxe nacional" - disse Esquiva.
Depois da aposentadoria da seleção do Uruguai, Luis Suárez fez duras críticas ao técnico Marcelo Bielsa. O incômodo relatado por Suárez se estendeu a outros jogadores, como Canobbio, jogador do Athletico Paranense, que explicou que a relação com o treinador acabou por completo.
Em entrevista ao programa "Minuto 1", Canobbio mostrou insatisfação com Marcelo Bielsa. Segundo ele, o técnico do Uruguai faltou com respeito e a ligação entre eles ficou cada vez mais complicada.
Na disputa do terceiro lugar da Copa América, Canobbio ficou irritado e chutou vários objetos que estavam na beira do gramado. Depois que retornou ao Brasil, ele não quis dar detalhes do motivo da irritação. Para o atacante, não ter falado abertamente sobre o tema acabou abrindo para interpretações.
Eu queria conversar e não foi o melhor. Fiquei calado para não manchar o grupo, que veio de um terceiro lugar. Respeitei cada decisão e segui com a minha, fui procurado, mas preferi ficar calado para seguir o meu caminho, mas agora tenho a possibilidade de me expressar - comentou o atacante.
Dos seis jogos do Uruguai na Copa América, Canobbio esteve em campo apenas uma vez. O jogador atuou na derrota para a Colômbia, por 1 a 0, pela semifinal. A relação com Bielsa, segundo o atacante, acabou em 2023, quando o técnico uruguaio o culpou por um resultado negativo.
Em uma análise de vídeo que ele fez acabou me culpando por alguma coisa. Obviamente o jogador sabe quando joga bem ou mal. Nessa partida me senti muito bem. Individualmente, me senti muito bem e me chocou muito a maneira como ele falou - disse o jogador.
Sem Canobbio, que não é mais convocado por Marcelo Bielsa, o Uruguai tem dois confrontos pelas Eliminatórias para a Copa do Mundo. O primeiro jogo será contra o Peru, dia 11 de outubro, em Lima. Já no dia 15 de outubro, a seleção uruguaia vai receber o Equador, em Montevidéu.
Maior ídolo da história do Flamengo, Zico aposta na redenção de Gabigol. Apesar de o atacante viver seus últimos meses de contrato, o Galinho acredita que o camisa 99 voltará a jogar bem e renovará seu vínculo com o clube. Para Zico, as rusgas na relação entre o jogador e Tite influenciaram no momento ruim em campo.
Zico também pontuou os problemas extracampo de Gabigol no último ano, mas afirmou que o episódio em que o atacante foi flagrado com a camisa do Corinthians não significa nada. Segundo Zico, a situação repercutiu negativamente pela má fase em campo.
"Acho que o problema do Gabigol era só com o Tite. E do Tite com ele. Entre eles. Acho que foi muito chato ele subir no trio elétrico para desrespeitar o técnico que estava no comando da Seleção. Usar a camisa do Corinthians não significa nada. Você cansa de ver jogadores de outros times com a camisa do Flamengo. Vini Jr. estava jogando no Real Madrid e no Maracanã com a camisa do Flamengo. O centroavante da Alemanha na Copa do Mundo. O português do Milan com a camisa do Flamengo. Aquele momento do Gabigol não era legal. Se ele estivesse fazendo gols pelo Flamengo, usar a camisa do outro time não seria problema. Eu mesmo já usei uniformes rivais... Vasco, Fluminense. Não vejo problema nenhum. A camisa é o que menos importa"- comentou Zico, em entrevista ao Metrópoles.
O episódio da camisa do Corinthians fez Gabigol perder a camisa 10 do Flamengo. O jogador passou a utilizar o número 99. Para Zico, o que vale é rendimento em campo. Ele ainda revelou ter aconselhado o atacante sobre seu posicionamento.
"A camisa é o que menos importa. O que importa é ele jogar e ter uma continuidade de jogos por tudo o que ele fez no Flamengo. A oportunidade está acontecendo e é perceptível que a presença de Gabigol dentro do campo incomoda os adversários. Eu o pedi para não se preocupar em armar jogadas e sair da área. Ele é bom perto do gol. Só depende dele" - afirmou Zico.
Fora dos gramados desde 17 de julho, Piquerez tem vivido uma fase de influencer nas redes sociais. Enquanto se recupera de cirurgia no joelho, o lateral-esquerdo do Palmeiras passou a produzir conteúdos de seu cotidiano na internet
O camisa 22 está fora dos jogos no Verdão por um problema no menisco. Inicialmente, havia o temor de que o problema o tiraria de toda a temporada, mas ele tem respondido bem ao tratamento e há a chance de ter condições de atuar ainda em 2024.
O Verdão está na vice-liderança do Campeonato Brasileiro, com 57 pontos, três atrás do líder Botafogo. Na próxima rodada do torneio nacional, os palmeirenses vão enfrentar o Juventude, no dia 20, às 20h, em Caxias do Sul (RS).
A tradicional lista da revista "Forbes" que mostra as 400 pessoas mais ricas dos EUA ganhou uma presença ilustre: Michael Jordan. Primeiro e único esportista a figurar no grupo, o eterno camisa 23 (e 45 também) do Chicago Bulls apareceu na posição de número 385, com uma fortuna avaliada em US$ 3,5 bilhões - cerca de R$ 19,3 bilhões. Somente em royalties sobre sua linha de material esportivo produzida pela Nike, Jordan faturou, em 2023, US$ 330 milhões - aproximadamente R$ 1,82 bilhão. Entre seus empreendimentos está ainda uma equipe da Nascar e diversos contratos de patrocínio, alguns vitalícios.
Das 400 fortunas listadas pela revista existem outras personalidades ligadas ao esporte, mas nenhuma delas é (ou foi) atleta profissional, como é o caso de Jordan. Destacam-se nomes como Stan Kroenke, que ocupa o 45º lugar com US$ 16,9 bilhões - ele comanda o conglomerado que controla diversas equipes, como o Los Angeles Rams (NFL), Denver Nuggets (NBA), Colorado Avalanche (NHL) e o Arsenal (Premier League).
No topo da "Forbes 400" estão Elon Musk - em primeiro lugar com US$ 244 bilhões (R$ 1,34 trilhão) vindos de seus projetos Tesla e Space X, seguido por Jeff Bezos, em segundo lugar com US$ 197 bilhões (R$ 1,08 trilhão) da Amazon, e Mark Zuckerberg, com US$ 181 bilhões (R$ 995 bilhões) graças ao Facebook.
Lonzo Ball, do Chicago Bulls, deve voltar a jogar basquete após mais de dois anos fora de ação. O atleta de 26 anos não entra em quadra desde janeiro de 2022, quando sofreu uma grave lesão no joelho esquerdo. Durante a recuperação, passou por três cirurgias no local lesionado, além de um raro transplante de menisco e outro de cartilagem.
O armador conviveu com incertezas sobre a continuidade da carreira, mas planeja voltar a atuar profissionalmente na liga americana, algo que nenhum outro atleta conseguiu depois de passar por procedimentos como os de Ball.
A expectativa é de que Ball retorne às quadras para o jogo de abertura da temporada regular do Chicago Bulls, no dia 23 de outubro, contra o New Orleans Pelicans. Caso realmente volte nesse confronto, o armador encerraria a marca de 1013 dias longe do basquete. Próximo do retorno, o veterano terá seus minutos limitados e também não jogará jogos em noites consecutivas.
Será uma comunicação constante ao longo do ano, porque é um projeto novo, por assim dizer. Estou com um joelho praticamente novo e que sempre será um pouco diferente daquele que Deus me deu.
Em 2017, Ball foi selecionado pelo Los Angeles Lakers como a segunda escolha geral do Draft. Ainda passou pelo New Orleans Pelicans antes de chegar a Chicago. No pouco tempo em que esteve saudável vestindo a camisa dos Bulls, registrou médias de 13 pontos, 5,4 rebotes, 5,1 assistências e 1,8 recuperações.
Os Bulls lideravam a Conferência Leste com 27 vitórias e 14 derrotas na temporada. Sem Lonzo, o time terminou a temporada regular na sexta colocação.
Os Lakers ainda contavam com o trio Lebron James, Anthony Davis e Russel Westbrook. Por falar de "Big Three", o Brooklyn Nets era liderado por Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving e James Harden.
Duas das grandes estrelas atuais da liga, Nikola Jokic, do Denver Nuggets, e Jayson Tatum, do Boston Celtics, não haviam conquistado o primeiro título da NBA na carreira. O armador do Golden State Warriors, Stephen Curry, ainda perseguia seu primeiro prêmio de melhor jogador das finais (MVP).
O Atlético-MG atrasou o pagamento de uma das parcelas da compra do atacante Deyverson ao Cuiabá, e o clube mato-grossense prepara uma ação na CNRD - Câmara Nacional de Resolução de Disputas. O Galo comprou os direitos do jogador parcelados em quatro vezes na última janela de transferências. No entanto, fez apenas um dos pagamentos e, agora, vê todas as parcelas serem vencidas de uma só vez.
O acordo entre os clubes era de R$ 4,5 milhões que seriam pagos em quatro vezes. O Galo pagou a primeira parcela de R$ 500 mil e tinha que pagar a segunda no dia 15 de setembro também no valor de R$ 500 mil. No entanto, o clube mineiro não fez o depósito.
No dia 17 de setembro, o Cuiabá notificou o Atlético sobre o atraso e deu o prazo de 20 dias para o clube quitar o pagamento. O prazo venceu nessa quinta-feira, dia 7 de outubro e, agora, o Dourado prepara uma ação na CNRD.
Com o não cumprimento do acordo, as parcelas vigentes para 2025 automaticamente também ficam vencidas. Com o isso, o clube tem que quitar o valor completo de uma só vez. Galo deve, com juros e multas, aproximadamente R$ 4,055 milhões ao Cuiabá.
R$ 500 mil vencidos 15/09/2024
R$ 1.500.000 31/03/2025 - vence automaticamente com o atraso
R$ 1.000.000 30/06/2025 - vence automaticamente com o atraso
R$ 1.000.000 30/09/2025 - vence automaticamente com o atraso
O atacante Ricardinho foi morto na noite da última segunda-feira, dia 7, em Marituba, na região metropolitana de Belém, no Pará. Ele pertencia ao Remo, clube no qual foi revelado, e estava em fase final de recuperação de uma cirurgia no ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho.
Além do jogador, outros dois homens (Daivison Lucas da Silva Braga e Flávio Jesus de Souza) foram mortos na ação criminosa. Segundo testemunhas, Ricardo Emanuel Alcantara Paiva , conhecido como Ricardinho, e Flávio eram amigos. Eles estavam sentados após uma partida de futebol que ambos jogavam em uma arena próxima quando surpreendidos por um carro preto, no qual um dos ocupantes fez vários disparos que atingiram a dupla, além de Daivison. As vítimas morreram no local.
Em nota, a Polícia Civil informou que equipes da Divisão de Homicídios apuram o caso e que perícias foram solicitadas para auxiliar nas investigações. Confira a íntegra:
“A Polícia Civil do Pará informa que equipes da Divisão de Homicídios apuram o caso. As vítimas foram identificadas como Daivison Lucas da Silva Braga, Flavio de Jesus de Souza e Ricardo Emanuel Alcantara Paiva. Perícias foram solicitadas para auxiliar nas investigações. Informações podem ser repassadas ao Disque-Denúncia, pelo 181”.
Atacante que jogava pelas pontas, Ricardinho foi um dos destaques do sub-20 do Remo em 2022, com sete gols em 18 jogos. O desempenho fez com que o jogador fosse integrado ao elenco profissional no começo de 2023, ficando de fora da Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior daquele ano.
Na mesma temporada, ele estreou em um clássico contra a Tuna, pelo Campeonato Paraense, entrando no segundo tempo. A oportunidade no time titular apareceu nas duas partidas seguintes pelo estadual, contra Tapajós e Castanhal. Depois disso, o atacante perdeu espaço e no segundo semestre foi emprestado para o Santa Rosa-PA, para disputar a Série B1 Paraense.
No Macaco-prego, Ricardinho fez seis jogos e participou da campanha de acesso da equipe para a elite do Parazão. Em 2024, o jogador foi novamente emprestado, desta vez para o Rio Branco-SP, clube da Série A-4 Paulista. Em março, ele sofreu uma grave lesão no ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho, e retornou ao Remo.
No time azulino, ele estava na reta final do tratamento da lesão e havia a expectativa que fosse liberado oficialmente aos treinos em até três semanas, seria integrado ao time profissional e avaliado pela comissão técnica se seria aproveitado ou novamente emprestado.
The Blues' star forward will not face any punishment despite a video appearing to show Jackson hitting a Nottingham Forest player in the face
Senegalese striker Nicolas Jackson has what could have been a lengthy suspension for his involvement in a heated moment during Chelsea’s 1-1 draw with Nottingham Forest.
Lucas Paquetá e Rodrygo se juntaram à seleção brasileira de futebol na segunda-feira de olho os jogos das Eliminatórias da Copa contra Chile e Peru. Antes disso, a dupla se juntou ao tricampeão mundial de surfe Gabriel Medina para uma bateria de surfe em uma piscina de ondas artificiais, no fim de semana. Eles compartilharam imagens nas redes sociais.
O convite partiu de Rodrygo, meia do Real Madrid. Lucas Paquetá tentou sem muita sorte reproduzir a foto da comemoração de Gabriel Medina que viralizou nas Olimpíadas. O meia do West Ham ainda assim recebeu o incentivo do medalhista olímpico.
Gabriel Medina está de férias ao fim da temporada do Circuito Mundial da WSL (Liga Mundial de Surfe) e se prepara para mais um ano na elite. Rodrygo e Paquetá entram em campo para defender o Brasil nas Eliminatórias da Copa do Mundo na quinta-feira, contra o Chile, em Santiago. Na próxima terça o duelo vai ser contra o Peru, em Brasília.
After rejecting the chance to coach Nigeria, the former Super Eagles managerial target could be set for a huge payday in Saudi Arabia
Two-time AFCON winner Herve Renard, who was once close to taking charge of Nigeria’s Super Eagles, but ultimately turned down the offer, now seems to be setting his sights on the Saudi Pro League, where lucrative contracts from multiple clubs await him.
Os conselheiros do Corinthians presentes na reunião da noite de segunda-feira assinaram um termo de confidencialidade sobre o conteúdo debatido durante o encontro que durou quase quatro horas no auditório do clube, no Parque São Jorge.
Além de conselheiros, funcionários do clube assinaram o termo para evitar vazamentos sobre os assuntos discutidos na reunião, que abordou questões da gestão Augusto Melo.
A reunião desta segunda-feira teve início às 19h e terminou por volta das 23h. Os assuntos expostos na pauta de convocação do presidente Romeu Tuma Jr. eram os seguintes, mas nem todos entraram em discussão nesta segunda-feira:
a) Leitura e aprovação da Ata da reunião anterior;
b) Prestação de Contas da Comissão de Mulheres do Conselho Deliberativo;
c) Prestação de Contas - Apresentação de Relatórios Diversos da Comissão de Justiça do Conselho Deliberativo, referentes a requerimentos de Conselheiros (A&M; Empresa de Segurança; Comunicação; E&Y);
d) Prestação de Contas - Apresentação de Relatório Conjunto das Comissões de Justiça e de Marketing do Conselho Deliberativo, referente ao Fiel Torcedor;
e) Análise e discussão sobre eventual iniciativa unilateral da Diretoria referente a Medida Cautelar Judicial (Lei 11.101/2005 que regula a recuperação judicial, a extrajudicial e a falência do empresário e da sociedade empresária) - e suas possíveis consequências para o SCCP;
f) Análise, Discussão e Deliberação, sobre o descumprimento pela Diretoria de artigos do Estatuto conforme ofícios encaminhados pelo CORI e pelo Conselho Fiscal.
Segundo fontes ouvidas sob condição de anonimato, as Comissões de Justiça e Marketing do Corinthians relataram que mais de 30% dos sócios do clube que compram ingressos na primeira abertura de vendas, na realidade não são associados ou estão inadimplentes.
Ou seja, estes estariam impedidos de participar desta etapa de venda que privilegia a compra antecipada antes mesmo dos sócios-torcedores. A estimativa é de uma média de 1.600 bilhetes por partida deste grupo. Não se sabe a origem dos compradores das cerca de 500 entradas relatadas no relatório.
O único conselheiro a falar na saída foi Rubens Gomes, o Rubão, ex-diretor de futebol da gestão Augusto Melo e que rompeu com o presidente ainda nos primeiros dias de administração neste ano.
No relatório, a Comissão de Justiça recomendou a revisão do acordo com a empresa, que chegou ao clube via o CEO Fred Luz, por conflitos com o discurso adotado no clube, contrário a um processo de recuperação judicial ou redirecionamento para uma SAF.
Sem treinador sub-20 desde o retorno de Raphael Laruccia para o sub-17, o clube agiu rápido para definir o novo profissional. Orlando deixou as categorias de base Santos na semana passada e vinha negociando com o Timão desde então.
Orlando Ribeiro deixou o Santos na semana passada depois de quase três anos de trabalho. Ele não resistiu à queda nas quartas de final do Brasileirão sub-20 e ao início ruim no Campeonato Brasileiro de Aspirantes.
PGMOL chief Howard Webb believes VAR should have spared Bruno Fernandes from a red card in Man Utd's defeat by Tottenham; the latest edition of Match Officials Mic'd Up also discusses Crystal Palace's penalty claim vs Liverpool, Newcastle's spot kick vs Man City and more...
did you know that in 2017 during the insane bull market, Long Island Iced Tea rebranded to Long Blockchain Corporation?
shortly after, in 2018 their stocks were de-listed from NASDAQ
then from there to 2021, the SEC was investigating and determined that Long Blockchain Company had filed no financial docs to support the transition to "blockchain tech"
then they were charged with insider trading toward the end of 2021.
a sad attempt at making a few dollars off the hype of new tech turned into the downfall of the company. #crypto
Cryptocurrency exchange said it sued the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, along with its Chair Gary Gensler and its four commissioners after the regulator sent a Wells Notice to the company.
Thank you and I appreciate you for subscribing. I'm trying to figure how to move forward with this. I might use your "seeing this on my private feed" to help market myself as a way to add some visual stimulation to people's private feeds.
Ideas will spring up over time. I wouldnt fret about it too much at the moment.
Just keep adding content and building your library. Do not forget about blog posts (that are really comments). You can do a number of them per day. For your stuff, that could be a 10 picture set as an example along with some background or information on the photos.
Here I see not a lion's den, but an eagle's nest! Eagles will need to consider that the nest is high lol and some of their content will not be available to the masses, this is what stops me from creating paid content :) !LOLZ !DIY
@barski just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @onealfa!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
I totally agree for now. It's currently the best interface. (Haven't checked PeakD's latest feature's though, it might turn out to be a competition, which is good if true.)
If you are just casually spot trading, there's one interesting approach to take into consideration: hold two assets from different sectors/narratives, for example $WIF(meme) and $TAO(AI).
I never realized how much the subscription went up (I never signed up for Disney+), but can't believe people are now paying almost double what they were for roughly no much better content.
Disney was already low in my companies ranking, (the only good thing left from it is KINGDOM HEARTS series, and I'm afraid they destroy it too in the next installment.)
Is #usedcar finally getting it's recognition on #solana??
Up 300% this week.
$435k volume on $635k TVL. Damn
Been on this one since it's first week. 10 months ago.
Made it to 10M MC at the start but never died off even after crashing.
Wow! Is that shit still alive! 😂👌
Yup. Alive and pumping.
Nice! 👌
That guy that created "Useless Coin", or whatever it was named, was a smart dude. This shit is getting out of control...
Welcome to the leoentertainment threadcast 08/10/2024
Threading and re-thread of your shorts of all kinds
Jokes, Music and all entertainment updates etc
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#threadcast #leoentertainment
Greetings friends, it's another day for the entertainment threadcast....
@taskmaster4450le @bradleyarrow @beststart @mightpossibly @misterc @winanda @lisamgentile1961 @oldmans @coyotelation @sandymeyer @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @sabrinah e.t.c
let's talk about entertainment!!! feel free to share some entertainment updates with us...
choice to re-thread some music, here are some artist tag. Double click on any artists of your choice, copy link of any of their songs and post it under the entertainment threadcast.
#luckydube #boneym #kellyclarkson #jimmycliff #dollyparton #westlife #blacksherif #bobmarley #wyclefjean #jimreeves #donwilliams #psquare #akon #atifaslam #jmartins #asa #billieeilish #dimitryvegas #juicewrld #xxxtentacion #dax #ericdonaldson #2face #burningspear #duncanmighty #simi #ub40 #kennyrogers #culture #snoopdogg #50cent #oritswilliki #top100musicvideo
More stuffs for you to play with..
Ayra Starr, Asake, Burna Boy, Rema, Tems nominated for 2024 MTV EMAs
The Nigerian music industry is well represented in the 2024 MTV EMAs nomination list.
Ayra Starr leads the Nigerian contingent with 4 nominations for Best New Artist, Best Afrobeats Act, Best African Act, and Best Push.
Lateef Adedimeji’s Wife Throws Surprise Party for New Film 'Lisabi'
Nollywood actor Lateef Adedimeji has happily announced that his wife threw him surprise party to celebrate his new film 'Lisabi.'
Taylor Swift overtakes Rihanna to become world's richest female musician
The 34-year-old is the first musician to enter the billionaire league solely on her songs and music performances. This is because of the value of her music catalogue and her Eras tour.
As of Monday, October 7, 2024, Forbes has confirmed that Taylor Swift is the richest female musician in the world with a net worth of $1.6 billion.
Nollywood actor Saheed Balogun loses daughter; Fathia, others react
As of the time of filing this report, the cause of death of the actor's daughter remains unknown.
Saheed Balogun, the popular Nollywood actor, has lost his daughter, Zeenat Balogun.
Actress Ini Dima-Okojie reveals her fibroids have shrunk
She had previously given up bread, meat, milk and other foods in an effort to shrink them, coupled with her supplements, and it seems to be working.
After embarking on a holistic journey to shrink her fibroids, which sadly returned, Nollywood actress Ini Dima-Okojie has now announced that the fibroids have shrunk.
Spread love and be kind - Funke Akindele encourages her fans
She encourages spreading love and light.
Nigerian actress Funke Akindele has taken to social media to urge her fans to spread love and kindness, emphasising the power of words and the importance of creating a supportive community.
Taylor Swift overtakes Rihanna to become world's richest female musician
The 34-year-old is the first musician to enter the billionaire league solely on her songs and music performances. This is because of the value of her music catalogue and her Eras tour.
As of Monday, October 7, 2024, Forbes has confirmed that Taylor Swift is the richest female musician in the world with a net worth of $1.6 billion.
Hello @kodoso, how is your day going? feel free to share your entertainment updates in the entertainments threadcast...
They say 'E go better,' it's getting worse - Basketmouth on Nigeria's economy
He stresses that the idea of Nigeria getting better is a pipe dream.
Nigerian comedian Basketmouth has voiced his frustrations regarding the state of Nigeria's economy and the leadership of the country.
My son is not the monster they have painted him to be - Diddy's mother
She says he has been judged based on lies.
Following American rapper Diddy's arrest for sex trafficking and racketeering, his mother has now broken her silence regarding his charges.
INLEO AMA | Creator Subs Are NOW LIVE! What Does This Mean for the $LEO Token?
In today's AMA, we're diving in to the impacts of Creator Subscriptions on Creators as well as the LEO token economy
Join us at noon EST!
It would be prime if subscription only content had previews
Anyone old enough to remember Dear Abby?
I am going to offer Dear Bradley in my Sub ;)
”Frankenstein Website” 😝👍🏽
Blacklisting subscribers, and refunding them while doing so will be a good feature to have!
Or just a feature to not allow them to renew.
just made my first subscription 🔥 🔥 🔥
Good deal. Keep adding to the private threads.
If you guys where there on the test process hahah damn we were finding things and like 10 min después the devs were like "ok fixed" hahahah
It was intense and fast! Shout out to the devs that did an amazing job with this new feature!
There is no bugs there at launch which is awesome!
I wonder how many creators will onboard their users from Patreon/Substack here.
I wish 3speak had a live-streaming feature and the videos could be saved afterwards.
Vimm had streaming but saving that was too expensive for them.
Oh, sorry I missed your reply.
I haven't heard of Vimm. I came across "" created by Sircork but we had a deep conversation about it. It only streams live and our audience can chat in real time, but can't be saved. It can be cross posted or connected to YouTube through a streaming tool and then saved on YouTube afterwards.
Also, short videos can be uploaded on the site. It looks cool.
It seems everyone is copying that one. LOL
Lol. You mean copying Vimm?
Well, it's also possible that they all had the same idea but one was able to take quick actions to materialize his product before others did.. Who knows?
just put in buy orders for 6000 more Leo. Feel free to outbid me and pump it. I win either way 😊
Hehe, fact, I am not going to outbid you, but the demand should be starting to pick up
shameless self promo
Nice one 😀
Is this the Threadcast? Need to tag it
Khal is still trying to figure out how the site works.
yumm yum just bought another 2000 Leo
Nice. You're gradually pumping it.
I didn't find my name on the @leosubscriptions transactions. I found only one time even though it's supposed to be there four times.
check memos
Hmmm... Okay.
I am going to write my first creator sub post.
See what it works.
Hi, @mightpossibly,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
300+ comments 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
Memo key? What is that? LOL
Everything is intertwined.
InLEO is offering what other interfaces on hive blockchain can't offer at the moment, we are really ahead lions.
I can see a lot of thought went in respecting the current social norm on Hive relating to Layer 1 (L1) blog posts.
Be brave and bold!
That's how we win :)
Better put this way, perhaps, Hive blockchain is the technology INLEO (a socialfi) is built on...
Ok noted. Thanks 👍🏿 😊
About Hive gaming, TG/TON mini-apps wouldn't be such a bad idea. Rollercoin did it. Don't need to a TON project. The idea is to ride the trend.
#shamelessplug: I'm developing a HIVE bot, and I'll be using my subscriber's $5s to fund working on it. If you have $5 to spare, take time to learn about it here:
I love entering my key from memory every single time I do a transaction. It’s a hobby of mine.
I envy you 😞. I wish I could just log in all the time and the input of any key will be a one off something with my phone.
i stopped using hive signer cause i hated getting logged off twice a week
I don't even near there lol.
Wait, you actually memorized the key?!!!
hahahah no. If i wasnt busy doing 1000 other things i might try for fun
more sub less fee
was busy on X and YouTube for a year. Made $0 hahaha
When you put it that way... 😁
Cool and easy earning for premium 😌
monetize form day one that is big advantage
You can access Threads on almost every other Hive Ui, but you cannot access the microblogging features from other Hive UIs from InLeo. Is this going to change?
blockchain is unstoppable
I am glad to part of inleo community
Any safeguard ideas against subs content leakers?
ban and downvote all the present and future content
We have a 0 tolerance policy
I like the idea of "Welcome NFT" to subscribers:
You can re-generate you Memo Key anytime.
Since Encrypted content is not seen without a subscription, does that mean it will NOT be eligible for evergreen earnings when leo ads comes out?
Encrypted content would NOT be eligible for leo ads evergreen earnings?
Question ❓
Would subscribers have to view their contents only through InLEO interface?
API feature is in consideration?! AMAZING!!
Lolz, still waiting to hear, we are live though.
You mentioned the next Hive-Fork in the article because it'll allow for recurring subscribing to more than 1 person. Wen is the next hard fork?
What happens to my subscribers if I don't continue my INLEO Premium sub? Say, a person subs a day before it expires, do they get a refund? Or do they still get access [while my Premium sub is off] through the thirty days of their sub?
I think because of this feature, premium subscription level by hivers would increase?
Yeah they might start using in.
I guess it is time to turn my sub back on ;)
Questions by @onealfa
I saved this thread from yesterday so you can see it now, Khal:
Cat!!! I Missed Youuuuuuu~*
Youtube :
Is there a glitch already, can't hear you guys again.
working for me on X
ATH -> ATH -> ATH -> ATH
Creating content and earning proposition will increase because of this feature.
ease of use
Question ❓
Can InLEO add a feature whereby creators can have a live meeting with their subscribers?
Lolz, this actually cool in here today.
is it gonna take a while to get our own subscription sections on profile or is that a priority?
After the second subscriber you basically get premium for free on top of premium paying for itself
on off on off feature is nice
yeaaah. It’d be cool to be able to make certain parts subscription only. Like redacted text.
Will try.~
Cheers mate! Wel'll have good discussion and learn from each other. 👌
InLEO interface is there at the top as the best rewarding interface out there.
It'll be great if you make an API so people can get information of who's subscribed to who programtacially.
If so, I can use this to make Paid Features for my Bot, without spending a lot of time making my own payment system on it.
Question ❓
Please What's the chart of the referral program, are there many referring too? Who is topping the chart?
hahahahha it’s impossible to earn $0 absolutely impossibl!!!
True !LOLZ
Stuffed animals.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@selfhelp4trolls, I sent you an
You gotta be spamming or hiding to never ever be found
Content creation is a full time job.
My subscribers will earn higher upvotes.
keep doing good work
nice numbers
607 threaders, the numbers are increasing. Lets go guys
Hello @rhozolive, its time for AMA!!!!
Wake up...
am I the only one who put out a sub only post already? 😝
I put a thread, if that counts.~
Will work on my second thread after this AMA.
lol no bro hahahhaa
Fellow Inleo threaders!
Put more crypto related content on Inleo! Use hash tag #crypto and don't listen to the fudders 😀.
@moretea ?! Where you @?
Wozzup? I’m here 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
Just checkin - you tuned in !LOLZ
To get his quarterback.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
@moretea, I sent you an24 bro
exclusive is more appropriate the the private content
See? Even Task doesn't know about it. !LOLZ
Too many questions to be asked today, I expect such, these questions will help shapen this new feature.
how late am I? Electricity has been doing me dirty 😔
not much its just started
Thank you 😌
you are welcome
I am listening on X
So glade to see the creators subscription yesterday.. Thanks to Khal and the leo team....
Is there a limit to the text length of Sub-only encrypted posts? They are considered comments on the blockchain, right?
Well, comments are like posts, just nested
Wen Leo NFTs?
There will always be bugs so we are prepared for that.
Roller coaster of life made me forgot all about AMA glad to create time attending this one. By the way i love your new looks on profile khal
Release of subscription was real real #smooooooooooth. Well done you guys!
To make it big free, huh, it might take some time but regardless we are in for whatever is in the line for InLEO.
its part of development
Cheers mate! Wel'll have good discussion and learn from each other. 👌
Question: Whats the benefit subscribing for creator ?
but Khal! How do I know who is subscribing to me. I only see a number 😭
Question ❓
How will creators receive their subscription rewards when subscribers subscribe to their account?
launch is very smooth
23 subscription so far, jeez that's a whole lot, it's a new feature and we are having this already.
23 good for start
more to come
instant monetization is best
that is very creative
I'm sure a lot of people will find creative methods to use Creator's Subscription!
Hmmmm... I think I'll wait for the features to look up who's subscribed to me and not search the memos.~
enjoy Nigerian dishes...Maybe someone can @winanda could share private food content with Creator Subs. I'm sure there are peeps who'd love to
Once we get certain assets such as $TAO, $SOL, $SUI, etc. to the moon, I'll subscribe you guys like a mf! 😅
For 5 HBD, you should be able to almost justify the full cost through private threads.
Then add in posts and soon threadcasts and shorts.
How does INLEO as an interface benefit from this newly Integrated feature?
Question ❓
Can creators create AI influenced contents for their subscribers? If they can, won't i affect hive's policy?
Only you and your subscribes can see it... unless the watchers subscribe to you lol, go ahead, that is between your audience and you XD
share the trailer for free
How about people who have no crypto whatsoever? It's still the vast majority.
Question ❓
Would creators be able to use shorts too to teach their subscribers too?
X is interesting as Elon & friends are constantly talking about free speech but I bet those guys are the first to ban everybody thinking differently. Wen the time is right.
freakin #spacekaren
do as I say not as I do 😂
Exactly! 😅👍
Question ❓
Must subscribers be a premium member before they can encrypt contents made for them?
I can see a little purple crown by the premium tick on some username, does that indicate those who subscribed already?
Shorts is working out so good so well. By the way is the inleo AI online now ?
Who does khal wanna see start a creator subscription on Inleo which isn't on the platform today?
Question ❓
Since these contents are encrypted, are there committees set to monitor contents from creators to make sure that they aren't anti hive policy on contents published?
I Think many people would have to subscribe to creators that have an enticing voting power so that they can get a percentage of their subscription fee.
What will I Leo and Dash Collab around?
i tried youtube it was fail
Must creators publish their contents through InLEO before their subscribers can have access to their contents?
you have to be premium to get access to premium content
I Expect many content creators to dive in to this feature. Its gonna make a lot of sense.
Shorts is working out so good so well. By the way is the inleo AI online now
People that don't have their memo key could retrieve it, though. But then, putting it in every now and then sure is laborious indeed.
Oh wow! So basically it will be wise to sub both Premium and creator subscription. Just to be on the safe side and not feel the claim button is broken lol.
Question ❓
Are there chances that one can terminate his or her creators Subscription before it expires? If he or she can, where would the amount paid return to?
1.) LeoAI
2.) Creators Subscription
3.) InLEO premium
4.) Zeal to engage
so we can give as much investment advice as we want?
lol no I don't think that's what he meant
Give advice at your own risk
Yes mitch, you are so good that you are bab today, lolz.
What is a bab 🤔
#dodge #gensler
I arrived late, but it's good that I made it.
I wonder who came up with the idea of keys on Hive and why?
InLEO features has been much more centered on value and earnings lately. If there are users to engage then earning wouldn't be a problem.
Something people could do is behind-the-scenes of their creative works, sharing their creative process with Creator Subs.
This feature is so good, I forgot about LeoAI for while...
Wen LeoAI?!!!!!!
Subscriptions mean people have to work. I know that is taboo in the #crypto world where people are looking for handouts and not willing to do anything.
Those who are willing to take a business approach can succeed.
If I waited until I had 11 Subscribers before claiming, will I get the second tier fees even on the first 10 subscribers?
So a new user on inleo can become a creator the next day and start having subscribers?
Why not just make is one tier to make it less complicated?
Question ❓
Can anyone be a creator or are there criterias that an account must have before having subscribers underneath?
Many content creators would now start creating more content of value because they might need subscribers.
By the way, since subscriptions blog posts are not top line, you can do multiple blog posts per day under subscriptions without dealing with the Hive social norms.
wait, does that mean I can make multiple posts for sub only without it showing up on my regular hive blog?
When you post a sub only article, it is placed on the blockchain in a container set up by Leo, hence shows up as a comment. This means that if you do a number of them, they never show up in your blog feed.
Thank you
One of the great benefits of utilizing posts as comments instead.
Yep. Move things off the top layer.
nice strategy
The referral program might still increase an influx of people because of this feature.
I think this feature is gonna bring about growth in all areas of InLEO.
who wants to onboard trump lol 😝
There isn't that audience here that will appeal to him, I think.
he will bring an audience... honestly i wouldn't want the place to get taken over though. Much better people we could onboard
True, true.~
that is power of blockchain
Yea, competing with web2 might be difficult at the moment but having a perculia and different niche can help prove a point that we exist and have crowds too.
Words will go round eventually 🙂
Why can't I embed youtbe videos in long form posts though :-( I wanted to add a music recommendation from Japan to each sub-only post
There is an easy workaround:
Well it's definitely not ideal, but that's awesome to know, thanks! I'll do that for now!
Not ideal but it does a few things.
It is a repurposing of content albeit you are doing the thread with the intention of using it elsewhere.
opportunity for all
Are there global subscription stats available?
That oin the back point - is so on point!
Question ❓
Is there a way the stats of InLEO users can be documented now and then wait after one month that creators Subscription has started working to monitor the increase in all aspects.
What would be the need of being on YouTube, farming and looking for subscribers while InLEO is here for us all.
user can earn even without followers on threads
I Think being on InLEO and engaging is more rewarding than being on other Interfaces on hive blockchain.
The crown icon am seeing on khal's account, what's the meaning of that?
I would loooooove it if people could pay for my subscription with paypal or credit card. I could DEFINITELY get a few subscribers if that was easy. I hate those systems too but most people I know still use them
You would have to give some money to the card providers then, it is pretty easy nowdays to buy crypto and transfer. I like the idea of staying independant from those providers.
i like the idea, but it would bring a lot of liquidity into the ecosystem and make it much easier to both onboard and get paid. I don't think using them makes us dependent though, we always have crypto
Am Happy i got to know about InLEO before now. Am always updated on these infos.
There is no how you will come to inleo and as a new user for 1 week, active and you won't earn more than $5.. except just came and made your first thread, and run away...
but you can be active on web.2 platforms for year without earning $ 0.01
Web 2 has the audience. On Facebook or X, you probably will find at least a few people on there that you already know, and it's easy to interact with people there.
You are very correct, but we can still build that that interaction on threads too...
Maybe a video form, like a short can be used to describe how this feature works and is used, mostly the encrypting and decrypting aspects.
the experience will be more rewarding with leoads
If you are doing 100-200 private threads per month for your subscribers, that is .025-.05 HBD per thread.
That is easy
How about the higher the subscribers a creator has, the lesser the fees charged from InLEO?
That's how it is already
Read @leofinance's post for the tier details
Creators Subscription is more or like having a community of friends that lives what you do and then subscribes to always see your contents.
He answered this before, if your premium expires, you can't claim subscription reward. If you don't sub premium after a while, you lose out on subscription reward.
Microblogging means that 99% of the people are not content consumers. This increases the percentage of the creators in a huge way.
Same with TikTok
I still consider most forms of Microblogging under the "consumer" umbrella.
How does anyone consume it if it is not created?
Hence it is content creation.
I Think one don't need to fan subscribers that much, creators can just look for an entertaining niche, work on it, make it enticing and you would definitely have subscribers.
Right, we really need encrypted video content
I don't think you should judge by "TOP" members... You should judge by the "Median" members!!
Your Twitch comparison is why we need sub-only threadcasts, Emoji-reactions on threadcasts, and sub-only filtering on threadcasts!!
Yeah, sub-only comments on threadcast.
Poor only fans got like that by accident xD
The reason I want fiat payments is that the people who use fiat are the people who are used to paying for subscriptions. Crypto people don't like paying for shit. Paypal and Visa suck but they will invite tons of $$ into the ecosystem
Getting an audience isn't more of a hard stuff just be good in your niche and subscribers would come on its own accord.
Question - is their any way the nonsubscribers will be able to know how many private threads a content creator is posting?
when you go to the profile you see the private threads hidden by a message
ok thanks for the info
With this feature the number of premium subscribers would always be increasing.
Yeah, I'm still working on that.
That niche aspect - totally on point!
Notice that as soon as InLEO interface became more active, the earning proportions of her users increased.
Nice AMA today, am happy am here today.
We this this too.
What other changes do you plan on making to the subscription feature? Curious what's coming
I Know a good feature when I see one and InLEO has been really blowing my ming
If the threadcast is sub only mode, not many ideas might be gotten from meetings like this.
The AMA threadcast isnt going to be sub only.
Will the #lionden being that way as well?
That will still be public like always.
Freedom of Speech = Freedom of Design
Stop the restriction of design freedom in threads by fixed arrangement of single and multiple photos without having options!
A Shareholder
InLEO gives one the added advantage to explore your contents and make more money from it while it's of value.
Yea khal, Dalz is good with that and he can do something about it
earning is one part but its not easy in many parts of world where using crypto for living is very hard. Any solution Inleo is looking after?
instead publishing better contents on my social wall with no rewards I prefer doing that here on Inleo.
At the end of each month, I probably will do a giveaway session to end the month.
Somebody like task will have many subscribers. This feature suits him more, lolz.
I'm having a plan to collect referrals now. I needed either THIS or LEOAI for me to start acting this plan out.
More info will be in a sub-only thread. Subscribe!!
Take your content creation to Another level as you vibe through what InLEO is presenting to you.
Once I became creator, mine would be about health and entertainment.
Good luck!
Will subscribe to my first two creators before the end of the week.
Woaahhhhhhhh I’ll subscribe to you too! You said I can dictate you!
Yea a list of what subscribers should expect a creator would be cool.
d go a
is there gonna be chain chatter
that was awesome session
LOL. Awwwn.
I appreciate the recognition dear.
You are welcome 🤗
Oh so hive and inleo are separate entities?
Yeah... HIVE is the base layer INLEO is built on top of.
Thank you 😊
Just wait until they see LeoAI. That is going to blow their cookies out of the milk.
I thought we accept cookies around here
Literal cookies.
Hopefully soon.
Not likely.
How low has khal pushed his VP during a #ama and is it time to break that record?
Who cares what the social norms on Hive. Ignore it.
There was a lot of upheaval about shorts and now ecency and peakd have started that.
Leo is leading the path to change. Just keep building and overwhelm them.
Yeah, I noticed some improvements on PeakD and Ecency.
It's great to see Dash on Inleo!
We need more crypto projects and influencers on Inleo.
Question ❓
How about converting creators rewards from their subscribers to Leo token so as to give more value to Leo token.
Set a reminder here ->
We'll also be live on YouTube
looking forward to it
Oh boy this one will be super awesome!
Look forward to hear the crowd be excited about creator subscription :)
Will @khaleelkazi share workout routines to look as buff as he does in the pic?
You've got 14 mins till we go live! Give this blog post a read so you're caught up on what we've built before the show
make it a threadcast @anomadsoul @khaleelkazi @tsunsica :)
Yea, I will be there
One of the best features anyone could need on hive blockchain interface has been launched on Inleo.
This feature indeed calls for an AMA so am locked in for it.
Am already seeing a crown symbol on khal's profile, looks like khal is up to the feature already.
Barely 10minutes to go for the AMA, let's troop in guys .
I actually expect many questions today concerning the feature and I trust us. Khal br ready for questions ..
Lolz, am I being segregated because I haven't activated the feature yet,? Asking cause my comments aren't popping up in here as usual
I see your comments, the post isn't tagged #threadcast so they don't appear on top.
So immediately is tagged that, it will appear or khal would have to create a different threadcast for the meeting?
I don't know...
This post isn't tagged #threadcast, Khal!!!
6minutes to go guys, activate your prompt on X to get notified when live.
I.might not be a creator that soon but I will definitely be a subscriber to many cause I have many things to learn from us here.
Content creation is now redefined as this feature is gonna be a great game changer on content creation.
Like every time, the real question, how much is Khal on #time. 😅
Can subscription content be voted by everyone?
Its time guys, we are apparently waiting for khal to set it up then here we go.
no way we are on time lol
Wonder what khal was explaining on hive fest when this shot was taken, might be about creators Subscription, 😂😂😂
We didn't get a picture of khal and his partner on shows today, it's only khal we are seeing maybe he won't have an anchor today.
Lets get started!!!
Khal with his gym, can't see his biceps though. Lolz.
Yea finally a notification is coming through on X.
The interface still doesn't treat this post as a threadcast to me, Khal.
And khal must be some minutes late, khal will always be khal, lolz.
it’s been a while since I’ve been in one of these threads. Happy to be here!
hello all
AT work, will read, cannot listen :(
Great, I refreshed the page a few times, and the post is treated as a threadcast now!!
Am waiting to hear, we are live, lolz.
Waiting on youtube stream to pop-up, such better quality
Let the party begin.
I am not bale to hear any voice
I guess party has not begins
Hello @winanda, where are you? its time for AMA
im manic as hell today! Let’s go 🔥
I follow khal on YouTube too, am one of his subscribers. Anytime I receive a notification from YouTube then I know khal is ready but we are waiting patiently.
Hard fork?
It already started? But I don't see you on Youtube!!!
Should I get into
XTwitter?ya working for me
fuck it let’s do it live!
ya ya we are live
Never mind, I see the Youtube stream now!
We are leveling the hedge , let's go.
190 awesome
190 content users? Didn't get that.
Creators Subscription finally live.
The ability to do private threads is huge.
Expect an increase in the number of Monthly active users as this feature takes InLEO to a new height.
#premium sub
Sure, food content will be shared.
Question ❓
Can creators still publish both encrypted and non encrypted contents same time such that one can be for subscribers and the other for every one .
So whats the benefit of subscribing to a creator
Every creator should make their own benefits to their subscribers. I for one, am developing a bot and I promised more features depending on how many subscribers I get:
Hmmm what kinda bot?
Having many subscribers would increase ones earning potential within a month.
no audio?
How will vlogs work on creator sub?
Reactivated my premium....come on orange checkmark!
working now
Question ❓
How can subscribers have access to their rewards from subscription? Its it gonna be monthly or?
Read the post by Leofinance...all of this is explained.
Khal saying about the distress of the mission, inleo has really stand the test of time though
Question ❓
Are there scenarios that little view of contents from creators can be accessible by non subscribers and later on if they wanna read or know more of the article they subscribe?
well said
Building Brand is gonna be a lot easy because of this feature.
bold answer
Ohhk so what are the creators creating is it any different with what they write on hive, what exactly is the difference though
Even encrypted content can get page views. Hence, when the ad platform is developed, clicks are being generated by all that content.
That is actually a really good point. And more transactions on hive where you can speculate it is actual good content. And at any point you can prove it by subscribing.
That is true. It all feeds in together. People simply need to start using the different features that are being activated.
Goodbye Cat.~
On threads, a part of the content can be revealed and then a subscriber can view the full content and comment, the comments will be upvoted (reasonable comment). Is this in the plan already or will the whole content be hidden?
opportunity for influencers
Build an AI platform. That is where things are going.
If the focus is a social media platform, you will be passe in a two years.
we need to bring more users in order to really earn from subscriptions. But subscriptions will help bring more interesting stuff to the chain. Onboard your favorite small creators and benefit from the network effect
Yeah specially with the referals on top of it
It's a win win 💪🏿😁
@winanda for president 😀👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
SUGGESTION: Vote amount slider in settings for subscribers threads/posts/comments
As subscribers and referrals grow, there will be need to have a team.
I will subscribe4subscribe to a few people who are starting out this month and taking it seriously. Let me know
Wait... What about Blacklisting? You didn't answer that question!!!!
Nice one guys.
Thank you alll!
There's no Lion's Den this week, Task has some other duties.
Thanks Khal, Eric and Mitch.
bye guys 👋🏿
Thanks for the show. See you around!
thanks all
thx 💪🏼🦁👍🏼 see y’all on chain …
Thanks guys!
Wasn't able to listen live, but it's awesome to hear how InLeo is growing.
Listening now and congrats on the launch of subscriptions.
gonna give this a listen now
I wonder what happened to $BBHO? Why it suddenly disappeared from my wallet?
#cent #bbh #freecompliments
What do you mean? Can you be more specific?
It disappeared from my wallet last night. I forgot to have a screenshot. However, this morning, I saw my 280.96 BBHO stakes again.
Did you see my screen shot replies?
You mean this:
Yes, that is where it went. It was still there, just hidden.
I got it.
Some sold cheap so it went here:
Who subscribes to whom?
Last 20 hours, 11 subscribers, 9 authors, 23 subscriptions
23 subscriptions = $5.75 buying back $LEO each month or 213 LEO per month in buybacks
Time to scale
I’ll start subscribing soon! 🔥 need to free up a little more hbd
I guess I will add one more and subscribe to Nifty to support his content.
I have no subscribers yet. People maybe don't like art in their mail...
Waiting for people to catch on to this
Wuhoooo, never thought of that!! @taskmaster4450le
Yep. I have. LOL
There are a lot of things that I am contemplating.
Thank god, I hate social norms.
So we can write to our hearts content!
This is the Lion mentality
$LEO just got a new form of revenue through Creator Subscription Platform Fee Revenue
Moo Deng, a Solana-based memecoin, surged by nearly 40% in the past 24 hours, reaching a price of $0.148791.
#news #crypto #cent #blog
I've been watching moo deng and babydeng, maybe I should shoot my shot... but I got other memecoin from ethereum on my bag instead
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #96
October 8
Hey @taskmaster4450le @jimmy.adames
Due to this hurricane, has the MLB organization already taken any action? I believe there must be baseball teams where this region will be affected, right?
No games being played in Florida so not a concern.
I get it, at least that really won't be a concern.
No Florida teams made the playoffs.
Good thing, at least the stadium will be used to house people.
Let’s GOOOOO!!
Mets win and are one win away from shocking a bunch of folks including PHILLY fans.
Can’t go back to Philadelphia for a game five so winning the next game is crucial. Get it done at home 💪🏽⚾️
#mlb #sports
Former New York Jets head coach Robert Saleh reportedly told FOX Sports' Jay Glazer that he was "blindsided" by his firing on Tuesday (October 8).
"Just talked to Robert Saleh who said was blindsided by Woody Johnson walking to his office and letting him go. Certainly disappointed he wasn’t going to be given the opportunity to get things going with what he said is a very good roster," Glazer wrote on his X account.
Jets owner Woody Johnson officially confirmed Saleh's firing in a statement shared by the team Tuesday morning.
"This morning, I informed Robert Saleh that he will no longer serve as the Head Coach of the Jets," team owner Woody Johnson said in a statement. "I thanked him for his hard work these past three-and-a-half years and wished him and his family well moving forward. This was not an easy decision, but we are not where we should be given our expectations, and I believe now is the best time for us to move in a different direction."
#nfl #sports
Hello my friends sports lovers!
Mais um dia de notícias de esportes.
Luis Tiant, former #MLB pitcher, passed away at the age of 83.
#sports #death
Very sad news for the world of sport.
The Mets and Phillies play the 3rd game of their playoff series.
From what I researched, the series is 1-1, right?
I believe the Mets can break the tie today with a victory.
That is true. Of course, if they lose, they will be down 2-1.
The one who gets 3 wins first moves on.
[Esquiva Falcão quer nocaute no FMS 5: "Adversário não é do meu nível"
Esquiva Falcão quer nocaute no FMS 5: "Adversário não é do meu nível"
O podcast Mundo da Luta recebeu nesta semana o pugilista Esquiva Falcão, medalhista de prata olímpico e ex-desafiante ao cinturão mundial do peso-médio. O lutador capixaba falou sobre sua luta contra o compatriota Murramad Araújo, bicampeão nacional, no Fight Music Show 5 do próximo sábado.
#newsonleo #sports #boxe
"Eu já lutei com ele uma vez, é um bom nome, é experiente, um cara que sabe lutar. Não é um influenciador, é um lutador profissional, bicampeão brasileiro, tem a história dele. Mas não é um adversário do meu nível. É um adversário que eu vejo vitória sobre ele. Eu estou treinando bastante, sem desmerecer a história dele, mas com certeza no ringue a minha experiência no boxe profissional e no boxe olímpico vai contar muito mais que a experiência dele, que só lutou no boxe nacional" - disse Esquiva.
Canobbio, do Athletico-PR, detona Bielsa, técnico do Uruguai: "Falta de respeito"
Depois da aposentadoria da seleção do Uruguai, Luis Suárez fez duras críticas ao técnico Marcelo Bielsa. O incômodo relatado por Suárez se estendeu a outros jogadores, como Canobbio, jogador do Athletico Paranense, que explicou que a relação com o treinador acabou por completo.
#newsonleo #sports #athletico
Em entrevista ao programa "Minuto 1", Canobbio mostrou insatisfação com Marcelo Bielsa. Segundo ele, o técnico do Uruguai faltou com respeito e a ligação entre eles ficou cada vez mais complicada.
"Teve muita falta de respeito constantemente. Eu sou muito respeitoso, mas chegou uma hora que eu explodi" - afirmou.
Na disputa do terceiro lugar da Copa América, Canobbio ficou irritado e chutou vários objetos que estavam na beira do gramado. Depois que retornou ao Brasil, ele não quis dar detalhes do motivo da irritação. Para o atacante, não ter falado abertamente sobre o tema acabou abrindo para interpretações.
Dos seis jogos do Uruguai na Copa América, Canobbio esteve em campo apenas uma vez. O jogador atuou na derrota para a Colômbia, por 1 a 0, pela semifinal. A relação com Bielsa, segundo o atacante, acabou em 2023, quando o técnico uruguaio o culpou por um resultado negativo.
Sem Canobbio, que não é mais convocado por Marcelo Bielsa, o Uruguai tem dois confrontos pelas Eliminatórias para a Copa do Mundo. O primeiro jogo será contra o Peru, dia 11 de outubro, em Lima. Já no dia 15 de outubro, a seleção uruguaia vai receber o Equador, em Montevidéu.
Zico aposta em volta por cima de Gabigol no Flamengo: "O problema dele era só com o Tite"
Maior ídolo da história do Flamengo, Zico aposta na redenção de Gabigol. Apesar de o atacante viver seus últimos meses de contrato, o Galinho acredita que o camisa 99 voltará a jogar bem e renovará seu vínculo com o clube. Para Zico, as rusgas na relação entre o jogador e Tite influenciaram no momento ruim em campo.
#newsonleo #sports #flamengo
Zico também pontuou os problemas extracampo de Gabigol no último ano, mas afirmou que o episódio em que o atacante foi flagrado com a camisa do Corinthians não significa nada. Segundo Zico, a situação repercutiu negativamente pela má fase em campo.
"Acho que o problema do Gabigol era só com o Tite. E do Tite com ele. Entre eles. Acho que foi muito chato ele subir no trio elétrico para desrespeitar o técnico que estava no comando da Seleção. Usar a camisa do Corinthians não significa nada. Você cansa de ver jogadores de outros times com a camisa do Flamengo. Vini Jr. estava jogando no Real Madrid e no Maracanã com a camisa do Flamengo. O centroavante da Alemanha na Copa do Mundo. O português do Milan com a camisa do Flamengo. Aquele momento do Gabigol não era legal. Se ele estivesse fazendo gols pelo Flamengo, usar a camisa do outro time não seria problema. Eu mesmo já usei uniformes rivais... Vasco, Fluminense. Não vejo problema nenhum. A camisa é o que menos importa"- comentou Zico, em entrevista ao Metrópoles.
O episódio da camisa do Corinthians fez Gabigol perder a camisa 10 do Flamengo. O jogador passou a utilizar o número 99. Para Zico, o que vale é rendimento em campo. Ele ainda revelou ter aconselhado o atacante sobre seu posicionamento.
"A camisa é o que menos importa. O que importa é ele jogar e ter uma continuidade de jogos por tudo o que ele fez no Flamengo. A oportunidade está acontecendo e é perceptível que a presença de Gabigol dentro do campo incomoda os adversários. Eu o pedi para não se preocupar em armar jogadas e sair da área. Ele é bom perto do gol. Só depende dele" - afirmou Zico.
Como Piquerez, do Palmeiras, virou influencer durante recuperação de cirurgia no joelho
Fora dos gramados desde 17 de julho, Piquerez tem vivido uma fase de influencer nas redes sociais. Enquanto se recupera de cirurgia no joelho, o lateral-esquerdo do Palmeiras passou a produzir conteúdos de seu cotidiano na internet
#newsonleo #sports #palmeiras
O camisa 22 está fora dos jogos no Verdão por um problema no menisco. Inicialmente, havia o temor de que o problema o tiraria de toda a temporada, mas ele tem respondido bem ao tratamento e há a chance de ter condições de atuar ainda em 2024.
O Verdão está na vice-liderança do Campeonato Brasileiro, com 57 pontos, três atrás do líder Botafogo. Na próxima rodada do torneio nacional, os palmeirenses vão enfrentar o Juventude, no dia 20, às 20h, em Caxias do Sul (RS).
Michael Jordan faz história ao aparecer na lista dos 400 mais ricos dos EUA
A tradicional lista da revista "Forbes" que mostra as 400 pessoas mais ricas dos EUA ganhou uma presença ilustre: Michael Jordan. Primeiro e único esportista a figurar no grupo, o eterno camisa 23 (e 45 também) do Chicago Bulls apareceu na posição de número 385, com uma fortuna avaliada em US$ 3,5 bilhões - cerca de R$ 19,3 bilhões. Somente em royalties sobre sua linha de material esportivo produzida pela Nike, Jordan faturou, em 2023, US$ 330 milhões - aproximadamente R$ 1,82 bilhão. Entre seus empreendimentos está ainda uma equipe da Nascar e diversos contratos de patrocínio, alguns vitalícios.
#newsonleo #sports #nba
Das 400 fortunas listadas pela revista existem outras personalidades ligadas ao esporte, mas nenhuma delas é (ou foi) atleta profissional, como é o caso de Jordan. Destacam-se nomes como Stan Kroenke, que ocupa o 45º lugar com US$ 16,9 bilhões - ele comanda o conglomerado que controla diversas equipes, como o Los Angeles Rams (NFL), Denver Nuggets (NBA), Colorado Avalanche (NHL) e o Arsenal (Premier League).
No topo da "Forbes 400" estão Elon Musk - em primeiro lugar com US$ 244 bilhões (R$ 1,34 trilhão) vindos de seus projetos Tesla e Space X, seguido por Jeff Bezos, em segundo lugar com US$ 197 bilhões (R$ 1,08 trilhão) da Amazon, e Mark Zuckerberg, com US$ 181 bilhões (R$ 995 bilhões) graças ao Facebook.
Lonzo Ball voltará a jogar após raro transplante de cartilagem no joelho: “Serei o primeiro”
Lonzo Ball, do Chicago Bulls, deve voltar a jogar basquete após mais de dois anos fora de ação. O atleta de 26 anos não entra em quadra desde janeiro de 2022, quando sofreu uma grave lesão no joelho esquerdo. Durante a recuperação, passou por três cirurgias no local lesionado, além de um raro transplante de menisco e outro de cartilagem.
#newsonleo #sports #nba
O armador conviveu com incertezas sobre a continuidade da carreira, mas planeja voltar a atuar profissionalmente na liga americana, algo que nenhum outro atleta conseguiu depois de passar por procedimentos como os de Ball.
A expectativa é de que Ball retorne às quadras para o jogo de abertura da temporada regular do Chicago Bulls, no dia 23 de outubro, contra o New Orleans Pelicans. Caso realmente volte nesse confronto, o armador encerraria a marca de 1013 dias longe do basquete. Próximo do retorno, o veterano terá seus minutos limitados e também não jogará jogos em noites consecutivas.
Em 2017, Ball foi selecionado pelo Los Angeles Lakers como a segunda escolha geral do Draft. Ainda passou pelo New Orleans Pelicans antes de chegar a Chicago. No pouco tempo em que esteve saudável vestindo a camisa dos Bulls, registrou médias de 13 pontos, 5,4 rebotes, 5,1 assistências e 1,8 recuperações.
Os Bulls lideravam a Conferência Leste com 27 vitórias e 14 derrotas na temporada. Sem Lonzo, o time terminou a temporada regular na sexta colocação.
Os Lakers ainda contavam com o trio Lebron James, Anthony Davis e Russel Westbrook. Por falar de "Big Three", o Brooklyn Nets era liderado por Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving e James Harden.
Duas das grandes estrelas atuais da liga, Nikola Jokic, do Denver Nuggets, e Jayson Tatum, do Boston Celtics, não haviam conquistado o primeiro título da NBA na carreira. O armador do Golden State Warriors, Stephen Curry, ainda perseguia seu primeiro prêmio de melhor jogador das finais (MVP).
Atlético-MG não paga parcela de Deyverson, e Cuiabá prepara ação na CNRD
O Atlético-MG atrasou o pagamento de uma das parcelas da compra do atacante Deyverson ao Cuiabá, e o clube mato-grossense prepara uma ação na CNRD - Câmara Nacional de Resolução de Disputas. O Galo comprou os direitos do jogador parcelados em quatro vezes na última janela de transferências. No entanto, fez apenas um dos pagamentos e, agora, vê todas as parcelas serem vencidas de uma só vez.
#newsonleo #sports #cuiaba
O acordo entre os clubes era de R$ 4,5 milhões que seriam pagos em quatro vezes. O Galo pagou a primeira parcela de R$ 500 mil e tinha que pagar a segunda no dia 15 de setembro também no valor de R$ 500 mil. No entanto, o clube mineiro não fez o depósito.
No dia 17 de setembro, o Cuiabá notificou o Atlético sobre o atraso e deu o prazo de 20 dias para o clube quitar o pagamento. O prazo venceu nessa quinta-feira, dia 7 de outubro e, agora, o Dourado prepara uma ação na CNRD.
Com o não cumprimento do acordo, as parcelas vigentes para 2025 automaticamente também ficam vencidas. Com o isso, o clube tem que quitar o valor completo de uma só vez. Galo deve, com juros e multas, aproximadamente R$ 4,055 milhões ao Cuiabá.
R$ 500 mil vencidos 15/09/2024
R$ 1.500.000 31/03/2025 - vence automaticamente com o atraso
R$ 1.000.000 30/06/2025 - vence automaticamente com o atraso
R$ 1.000.000 30/09/2025 - vence automaticamente com o atraso
Remo lamenta a morte do atacante Ricardinho, vítima em tiroteio
O atacante Ricardinho foi morto na noite da última segunda-feira, dia 7, em Marituba, na região metropolitana de Belém, no Pará. Ele pertencia ao Remo, clube no qual foi revelado, e estava em fase final de recuperação de uma cirurgia no ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho.
#newsonleo #sports #para #remo
Além do jogador, outros dois homens (Daivison Lucas da Silva Braga e Flávio Jesus de Souza) foram mortos na ação criminosa. Segundo testemunhas, Ricardo Emanuel Alcantara Paiva , conhecido como Ricardinho, e Flávio eram amigos. Eles estavam sentados após uma partida de futebol que ambos jogavam em uma arena próxima quando surpreendidos por um carro preto, no qual um dos ocupantes fez vários disparos que atingiram a dupla, além de Daivison. As vítimas morreram no local.
Em nota, a Polícia Civil informou que equipes da Divisão de Homicídios apuram o caso e que perícias foram solicitadas para auxiliar nas investigações. Confira a íntegra:
“A Polícia Civil do Pará informa que equipes da Divisão de Homicídios apuram o caso. As vítimas foram identificadas como Daivison Lucas da Silva Braga, Flavio de Jesus de Souza e Ricardo Emanuel Alcantara Paiva. Perícias foram solicitadas para auxiliar nas investigações. Informações podem ser repassadas ao Disque-Denúncia, pelo 181”.
Atacante que jogava pelas pontas, Ricardinho foi um dos destaques do sub-20 do Remo em 2022, com sete gols em 18 jogos. O desempenho fez com que o jogador fosse integrado ao elenco profissional no começo de 2023, ficando de fora da Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior daquele ano.
Na mesma temporada, ele estreou em um clássico contra a Tuna, pelo Campeonato Paraense, entrando no segundo tempo. A oportunidade no time titular apareceu nas duas partidas seguintes pelo estadual, contra Tapajós e Castanhal. Depois disso, o atacante perdeu espaço e no segundo semestre foi emprestado para o Santa Rosa-PA, para disputar a Série B1 Paraense.
No Macaco-prego, Ricardinho fez seis jogos e participou da campanha de acesso da equipe para a elite do Parazão. Em 2024, o jogador foi novamente emprestado, desta vez para o Rio Branco-SP, clube da Série A-4 Paulista. Em março, ele sofreu uma grave lesão no ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho, e retornou ao Remo.
No time azulino, ele estava na reta final do tratamento da lesão e havia a expectativa que fosse liberado oficialmente aos treinos em até três semanas, seria integrado ao time profissional e avaliado pela comissão técnica se seria aproveitado ou novamente emprestado.
Chelsea’s Jackson escapes lengthy ban as Blues and Nottingham Forest receive FA Charges
The Blues' star forward will not face any punishment despite a video appearing to show Jackson hitting a Nottingham Forest player in the face
Senegalese striker Nicolas Jackson has what could have been a lengthy suspension for his involvement in a heated moment during Chelsea’s 1-1 draw with Nottingham Forest.
Gabriel Medina surfa com Lucas Paquetá e Rodrygo em piscina de ondas
Lucas Paquetá e Rodrygo se juntaram à seleção brasileira de futebol na segunda-feira de olho os jogos das Eliminatórias da Copa contra Chile e Peru. Antes disso, a dupla se juntou ao tricampeão mundial de surfe Gabriel Medina para uma bateria de surfe em uma piscina de ondas artificiais, no fim de semana. Eles compartilharam imagens nas redes sociais.
#newsonleo #sports #surf
O convite partiu de Rodrygo, meia do Real Madrid. Lucas Paquetá tentou sem muita sorte reproduzir a foto da comemoração de Gabriel Medina que viralizou nas Olimpíadas. O meia do West Ham ainda assim recebeu o incentivo do medalhista olímpico.
Gabriel Medina está de férias ao fim da temporada do Circuito Mundial da WSL (Liga Mundial de Surfe) e se prepara para mais um ano na elite. Rodrygo e Paquetá entram em campo para defender o Brasil nas Eliminatórias da Copa do Mundo na quinta-feira, contra o Chile, em Santiago. Na próxima terça o duelo vai ser contra o Peru, em Brasília.
Super Eagles: Coach who rejected replacing Finidi George now eyeing Saudi millions
After rejecting the chance to coach Nigeria, the former Super Eagles managerial target could be set for a huge payday in Saudi Arabia
Two-time AFCON winner Herve Renard, who was once close to taking charge of Nigeria’s Super Eagles, but ultimately turned down the offer, now seems to be setting his sights on the Saudi Pro League, where lucrative contracts from multiple clubs await him.
Reunião no Corinthians tem termo de sigilo e relatório que mostra problema no Fiel Torcedor
Os conselheiros do Corinthians presentes na reunião da noite de segunda-feira assinaram um termo de confidencialidade sobre o conteúdo debatido durante o encontro que durou quase quatro horas no auditório do clube, no Parque São Jorge.
#newsonleo #sports #corinthians
Além de conselheiros, funcionários do clube assinaram o termo para evitar vazamentos sobre os assuntos discutidos na reunião, que abordou questões da gestão Augusto Melo.
A reunião desta segunda-feira teve início às 19h e terminou por volta das 23h. Os assuntos expostos na pauta de convocação do presidente Romeu Tuma Jr. eram os seguintes, mas nem todos entraram em discussão nesta segunda-feira:
a) Leitura e aprovação da Ata da reunião anterior;
b) Prestação de Contas da Comissão de Mulheres do Conselho Deliberativo;
c) Prestação de Contas - Apresentação de Relatórios Diversos da Comissão de Justiça do Conselho Deliberativo, referentes a requerimentos de Conselheiros (A&M; Empresa de Segurança; Comunicação; E&Y);
d) Prestação de Contas - Apresentação de Relatório Conjunto das Comissões de Justiça e de Marketing do Conselho Deliberativo, referente ao Fiel Torcedor;
e) Análise e discussão sobre eventual iniciativa unilateral da Diretoria referente a Medida Cautelar Judicial (Lei 11.101/2005 que regula a recuperação judicial, a extrajudicial e a falência do empresário e da sociedade empresária) - e suas possíveis consequências para o SCCP;
f) Análise, Discussão e Deliberação, sobre o descumprimento pela Diretoria de artigos do Estatuto conforme ofícios encaminhados pelo CORI e pelo Conselho Fiscal.
Segundo fontes ouvidas sob condição de anonimato, as Comissões de Justiça e Marketing do Corinthians relataram que mais de 30% dos sócios do clube que compram ingressos na primeira abertura de vendas, na realidade não são associados ou estão inadimplentes.
Ou seja, estes estariam impedidos de participar desta etapa de venda que privilegia a compra antecipada antes mesmo dos sócios-torcedores. A estimativa é de uma média de 1.600 bilhetes por partida deste grupo. Não se sabe a origem dos compradores das cerca de 500 entradas relatadas no relatório.
O único conselheiro a falar na saída foi Rubens Gomes, o Rubão, ex-diretor de futebol da gestão Augusto Melo e que rompeu com o presidente ainda nos primeiros dias de administração neste ano.
No relatório, a Comissão de Justiça recomendou a revisão do acordo com a empresa, que chegou ao clube via o CEO Fred Luz, por conflitos com o discurso adotado no clube, contrário a um processo de recuperação judicial ou redirecionamento para uma SAF.
Corinthians contrata técnico Orlando Ribeiro para o sub-20
Sem treinador sub-20 desde o retorno de Raphael Laruccia para o sub-17, o clube agiu rápido para definir o novo profissional. Orlando deixou as categorias de base Santos na semana passada e vinha negociando com o Timão desde então.
#newsonleo #sports #corinthians
Orlando Ribeiro deixou o Santos na semana passada depois de quase três anos de trabalho. Ele não resistiu à queda nas quartas de final do Brasileirão sub-20 e ao início ruim no Campeonato Brasileiro de Aspirantes.
O treinador de 57 anos soma passagens também por São Paulo e Palmeiras, ambas nas categorias de base.
Sky Sports News chief reporter Kaveh Solhekol provides the latest on the Manchester United board meeting, with Erik ten Hag's future as manager understood to be on the agenda
#newonleo #sports
PGMOL chief Howard Webb believes VAR should have spared Bruno Fernandes from a red card in Man Utd's defeat by Tottenham; the latest edition of Match Officials Mic'd Up also discusses Crystal Palace's penalty claim vs Liverpool, Newcastle's spot kick vs Man City and more...
#newsonleo #sports
No approach from Man Utd for Thomas Tuchel as Erik ten Hag expects to remain in charge at Old Trafford; United not panicking and are determined to be 'measured' in how they assess Ten Hag's future; Man Utd have won only three of 11 games in all competitions this season
#newsonleo #sports
Hi, @coyotelation,
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So we can do private blogs now? How about the shorts privately.
did you know that in 2017 during the insane bull market, Long Island Iced Tea rebranded to Long Blockchain Corporation?
shortly after, in 2018 their stocks were de-listed from NASDAQ
then from there to 2021, the SEC was investigating and determined that Long Blockchain Company had filed no financial docs to support the transition to "blockchain tech"
then they were charged with insider trading toward the end of 2021.
a sad attempt at making a few dollars off the hype of new tech turned into the downfall of the company. #crypto
I loled so hard - then that happened
yeah i wrote about it a while ago. always fun to revisit stuff like this
Did you know that there are over 10 trillion living cells in the human body ?
#education #humanbody #cent #freecompliments
Me encanta hacer Threads y escribir para mi nuevo blog en blogger! #spanish #cent
This is getting interesting , it looks like Donald Trump have higher chances of winning the election
#news #polymarket #cent
Cryptocurrency exchange said it sued the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, along with its Chair Gary Gensler and its four commissioners after the regulator sent a Wells Notice to the company.
#news #cent #crypto
Good to see more pushback.
Great job in fighting fraud in the crypto world
#crypto #fraud #cent
Click pic for better view
📷 📷 📷
#photographers #photography #silverbloggers #fall
this looks amazing
Another one of those me stumbling into the perfect light moments. ;)
Rest in peace ma'am..
#tragegy #celeb #news #blog
Very nice. I like seeing this on my private feed. Great contribution.
Thank you and I appreciate you for subscribing. I'm trying to figure how to move forward with this. I might use your "seeing this on my private feed" to help market myself as a way to add some visual stimulation to people's private feeds.
Ideas will spring up over time. I wouldnt fret about it too much at the moment.
Just keep adding content and building your library. Do not forget about blog posts (that are really comments). You can do a number of them per day. For your stuff, that could be a 10 picture set as an example along with some background or information on the photos.
Yeah, I get easily overwhelmed. Getting older has made it worse. lol
Thanks for the ideas. Like you say I'm sure more will pop up over time.
No problem. Ideas are abundant. We should share them as much as we can.
A shot of some swans on the lake that I took yesterday
Beautiful shot , what camera device did you use to take this lovely photo
i love Swan so much because I use to see them as a calm bird/animal.
I really like nature photography, this one is very beautiful and how those beautiful swans blend in with the landscape.
Thanks for the info. , how can one get the data
I have collected this manually (copy-paste) from the blockchain
thanks for the info
Wow I am surprised at the number some people have now.
Here I see not a lion's den, but an eagle's nest! Eagles will need to consider that the nest is high lol and some of their content will not be available to the masses, this is what stops me from creating paid content :) !LOLZ !DIY
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@onealfa, I sent you an
You can query your personal balance by
@barski just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @onealfa! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Bitcoin was not "discovered."
It was invented. Coded up by human beings.
Anyone trying to pitch this "gift from above" line is trying to scam you. Beware.
believe in the code 👏
One of the best creations to come from humanity
Yes, and it severely insults the brilliant innovators and engineers involved in its creation to pretend it was "discovered."
Imagine if someone told you InLeo was "discovered" and you don't build it.
We are agree!! Was created, coded and invented by humans.
Maybe Satoshi is just the name of the group, maybe!
The really important thing It's have $BTC and have a different attitude with the world
Probably one of a group. What's important is the invention, and just how much it changed for decentralized money.
I like where I talk, read a connect with people with real opinions!
Accurate bro!
That's the real important thing!
It was conceived!
What an insanely good use case for Creator Subscriptions
Developing a project and use creator subs to support you while you add to it
I hope to see @ahmadmanga be wildly successful with this!
I could even picture a future where only his subscribers get access to certain exclusive features & rights on the bot
Already thinking on it:
People are still stuck to old web 2 models thinking that they know anything about web 3.0, I am afraid not. Ignorance is a sin.
I feel proud to be validated by the big K himself!
nice work!
You must be close to the best day of your life !LOLZ
That use case is SUPER AWESOME like the reminder itself!
Udder Chaos!
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
@ahmadmanga, I sent you anThanks, hope more people use the reminder~
!RemindMe in 7 days
Confirmed! You'll be notified on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 03:30 PM (UTC)
Hello @ahmadmanga!! You asked me to remind you 1 week ago. Here's your reminder to check back on this conversation!
ahmadmanga on! Subscribe for more is supported by subscribers to
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,this time more intelligently" (Henry Ford) #freecompliments #bbh #cent #dailydook #rewards #meme #inleo #pepe #hive #lolz
I so much love these guys...
Live in 15 minutes!
Valorant players, I am about to log in! If you don't want to risk have me on your team! Logout now! NOTE: I am terrible.
Looks like inleo AMA is starting soon and we will see some stuff about creator subscriptions.
Yep! I've got some crazy Alpha to unleash in this episode too 👀
any minute now.
fuck I still love hive
fuck, me to!
I support Ecency, PeakD, even keychain but Leo is on disputable. Leo is my nitch
I totally agree for now. It's currently the best interface. (Haven't checked PeakD's latest feature's though, it might turn out to be a competition, which is good if true.)
It would be a welcome development, if such competition strive.
I don’t know much about branding, but I do know that becoming one of a kind is where your passion can start to turn into a lifestyle.
True, a bit of luck to get picked up at the right moment helps too
Aside from Moo Deng feet pics, I’m super curious about what sort of content is going to be offered in subscriptions?
It’s pretty great watching Inleo grow😊
#inleo #subscriptionsonleo
i'll be making content around selling on amazon and ebay
Selling your feet? Only have two shots at get a good price for them.
That’s awesome!
anything you can think of!
Ooh, Khal, challenge accepted 😆😁
The world will be a very different place in 10 years! 😲🤯
#newsonleo #liotes
Interesting !!
Dan Gallagher, Chief Legal Officer for Robinhood, is reportedly a top candidate to head the agency
Link ⬇️
If you are just casually spot trading, there's one interesting approach to take into consideration: hold two assets from different sectors/narratives, for example $WIF(meme) and $TAO(AI).
Swap together, trade against current trend
The daily narrative seems to shift quite often: one day AI is booming, then L1s, then meme.
Seems like Chinas stimulus plan is not going to plan. Let's have a look at it and how it's hitting $BTC in my latest InLeo article in the comments. #gosh
what would you say is the #1 potential fallout of this?
Would you pay $140/yr for one or two shitty woke shows?
I never realized how much the subscription went up (I never signed up for Disney+), but can't believe people are now paying almost double what they were for roughly no much better content.
Wait, did their yearly price doubled?
Disney was already low in my companies ranking, (the only good thing left from it is KINGDOM HEARTS series, and I'm afraid they destroy it too in the next installment.)
Yup, only thing they have worth watching is probably Mandalorian.
Definitely not. In fact, I wouldn't pay that much even though it was that good 'ol Predator kinda '80s 'no-woke' stuff
Holy hell
They increased it $60!?
Seems so.
This is shocking news.
#newsonleo #sports #nfl #nyjets
A lot of pressure to win. The problem they have is that Aaron Rodgers is like FOURTY and they are all in on him.
Eating the right foods will give us the best health conditions we desire.. so eat rightly
#food #health #education
Appears bullish for now
#eigen #crypto
Nin, Croatia. One of the photos that didn't make the post about Nin. There were to many photos :) a
A very nice photo, where is this place?
Nin, Croatia
A very nice place, I hope one day to be able to go there.
beautiful pictures you take my friend 🙌
thanks :)
#natureonleo #sunset #canada
Tenemos que tener en cuenta algunas cosas que son importantes para el crecimiento en InLeo y nuestro $LEO token!
Debemos invertir mas dinero! y estacar! el dia LPUD #spanish
Eso es una buena estrategia y de esa manera poder crecer todos.
White Bird: A Wonder Story. #moviestvshows #movie #film #review #inleo
#hive #inleo #movies #review
I will be soon checking the hashtag #photographers and the community to see what you have been sharing. Last chance to share some new stuff there!
Luis Tiant, former MLB pitcher, passed away at the age of 83.
#rip #newsonleo #sports
Rest in peace.
#newsonleo #liotes
World's leading stablecoin provider, Tether, has announced a remarkable achievement, surpassing 350 million users.