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Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates

Edition #90
September 29

Flamengo ainda empatado em 0 X 0.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

The Mets and Dbacks both lost yesterday 9/28/24. They are tied, one game behind the Braves for the wild card spots. The Padres locked it up.

Due to the hurricane (Helena), the Braves-Mets have two games on Monday. The Dbacks season ends today.

#mlb #baseball #sports

Among these teams you mentioned, only one can guarantee a place, right?

2 out of 3 will make it.

One will start their offseason very soon.

So, the Mets still have a chance. Good to know that. Now you need to win 😅

Yes they do. The Mets really have to win today. The number of games is getting down there.

That's what I thought, the games are ending and the Mets need to win.

I hope they make it today.

The game will soon begin.

Hello my friends sports lovers!

Que todos tenham um ótimo domingo!

Mais um dia de threadcast.

Vamos compartilhar as notícias de esportes em todo o mundo.

Hoje temos Flamengo.

Pouca carga de ingressos vendidos para o confronto entre Flamengo X Athlético.

Poucos torcedores no Maracanã tem uma explicação. O péssimo desempenho do time.


Dirigente do Vasco diz que mudança de datas da Copa do Brasil fere dois artigos de regulamento da CBF

Depois do posicionamento público de Pedrinho, em vídeo divulgado pelo Vasco, Marcelo Sant'anna, diretor executivo da SAF do clube, também se manifestou sobre a alteração das datas dos jogos de volta da Copa do Brasil entre Vasco e Atlético-MG.

A entidade divulgou na noite deste sábado que os jogos serão disputados nos dias 2, 19 e 20 de outubro. Marcelo publicou em uma de suas redes sociais que a decisão da CBF é absurda e que manipula o impacto esportivo na Copa do Brasil e no Brasileirão, além de ferir dois artigos do Regulamento Geral de Competições da entidade.

#newsonleo #sports #vasco

— Absurdo a DCO da CBF inverter os jogos e manipular o impacto esportivo na Copa do Brasil e na Série A. As datas-base da Copa do Brasil foram divulgadas em 05/01/2024, e a DCO da CBF descumpre o RGC Art 5º I de "fazer cumprir o calendário anual e as respectivas tabelas" e também descumpre o Art.11º I pois "a convocação de atletas para seleções nacionais não assegura aos seus clubes o direito de alterar as datas de suas partidas". E ambos os pedidos foram feitos pelos clubes visitantes; outro absurdo.

Em um vídeo divulgado no perfil oficial do clube nas redes sociais, Pedrinho disse que "o Vasco está indignado" e afirmou que "Atlético-MG e Flamengo estão sendo beneficiados". Marcelo Sant'Anna, executivo de futebol do clube, apareceu ao lado do presidente.

O Vasco havia recusado a solicitação formal da CBF para mudar o dia do segundo jogo da semifinal. A proposta havia partido de um pedido do Atlético-MG, que provavelmente terá jogadores convocados na Data Fifa. Pedrinho lembrou no vídeo que o Vasco viveu situação parecida contra o Athletico nas quartas de final, quando Puma Rodríguez e Jean David chegaram em Curitiba horas antes do segundo jogo depois de servirem suas seleções.


Augusto sobe o tom contra CBF por mudança de jogo com o Flamengo: "Corinthians foi desrespeitado"

Depois de publicar nota oficial contra a mudança de data do jogo de volta contra o Flamengo, pela semifinal da Copa do Brasil, o presidente do Corinthians, Augusto Melo, subiu o tom contra a CBF (Confederação do Brasileira de Futebol) em vídeo publicado neste domingo, nas redes sociais do clube.

#newsonleo #sports #corinthians

Ainda em protesto contra a alteração do jogo de 17 para o dia 20 de outubro, o que antecipa o importante compromisso do Timão contra o Athletico-PR, pelo Brasileiro, Melo reclamou da entidade máxima do futebol brasileiro e citou nominalmente Júlio Avelar, diretor de competições.

– O Corinthians foi desrespeitado. Quero entender qual o motivo da mudança, a antecipação do jogo do Brasileirão de domingo para quinta-feira, que é muito importante para nós. Corinthians não quer ser beneficiado, mas não vai aceitar que ninguém seja beneficiado – sentenciou.

Internamente está descartada a possibilidade de o clube descumprir qualquer medida neste primeiro momento. O Corinthians vai analisar a partir do início da próxima semana o que está em alcance para em relação à mudança de data. O foco neste domingo está no clássico contra o São Paulo, a partir das 16h (de Brasília), no Mané Garrincha, pelo Brasileirão.

– Corinthians não vai admitir este tipo de coisa. Seremos prejudicados, estamos em três competições, não podemos ser prejudicados, temos planejamento, logística, para isso. O próprio treinador do Flamengo criticou o diretor de competições, Julio Avelar, dizendo que as mudanças de calendário prejudicavam os atletas – acrescentou.

– Nos dê um motivo para a mudança. Assim como o Corinthians respeita o regulamento, gostaríamos que a CBF respeitasse. O Corinthians não é brincadeira, é resistente, contra tudo e contra todos. Isso não acaba aqui – promete o dirigente.

Os jogos da rodada da Série A que seriam disputados nos dias 19 e 20 de outubro envolvendo os semifinalistas da Copa do Brasil acabaram antecipados para os dias 16 e 17 de outubro a partir de um pedido do Flamengo.


Romero vira referência depois da chegada de reforços e volta a palco em que deu show pelo Corinthians

Diante da ineficiência na maior parte do ano, o ataque do Corinthians se tornou um dos principais focos do time no mercado de transferências. Além da chegada de Talles Magno e Héctor Hernández, o clube se mobilizou com a patrocinadora máster para contratar Memphis Depay. Porém, na reta decisiva da temporada, quem tem se destacado é um velho conhecido: Ángel Romero.

#newsonleo #sports #corinthians

Mesmo cercado de desconfiança, apesar do histórico positivo com a camisa do clube, o paraguaio chega para o clássico com o São Paulo na melhor fase da temporada e joga “em casa” neste domingo, a partir das 16h (de Brasília), no Mané Garrincha, pelo Brasileirão, para seguir em alta e como referência da reação do time na competição.

Foi na capital federal que Romero anotou pela primeira vez três gols em uma partida com a camisa do Timão. No Brasileirão de 2018, na goleada por 4 a 1 contra o Vasco, no mesmo Mané Garrincha, o paraguaio comandou a goleada sobre os cruz-maltinos.

As lembranças daquela tarde de 2018 se misturam com as mais recentes. Romero soma cinco gols nos últimos seis jogos pela equipe, que colaboraram para um mês de setembro praticamente perfeito do clube, semifinalista na Copa do Brasil e na Sul-Americana.

Com os 16 gols em 2024, Romero soma 62 com a camisa alvinegra e está a apenas três atrás de Jô, o grande goleador do Timão no mesmo período.

Na temporada, Romero está a apenas um atrás de Yuri Alberto, o principal artilheiro do Timão no ano.

Ozzie Virgil Sr., former MLB player, and father to Ozzie Virgil Jr (who also played in the major leagues, passed away at the age of 92.

From Wikipedia:

Osvaldo José Virgil Pichardo (May 17, 1932 – September 29, 2024) was a Dominican professional baseball player and coach. He was the first person from the Dominican Republic to play in post-integration Major League Baseball, appearing in 324 MLB games between 1956 and 1969 as a utilityman for the New York / San Francisco Giants (1956–57, 1966, 1969), Detroit Tigers (1958, 1960–61), Kansas City Athletics (1961), Baltimore Orioles (1962) and Pittsburgh Pirates (1965). Frequently a third baseman, Virgil played every position except pitcher and center field. He batted and threw right-handed, was 6 feet 1 inch (1.85 m) tall and weighed 174 pounds (79 kg).

His son, catcher Ozzie Jr., played in all or parts of 11 MLB seasons (1980–90) and was a two-time National League All-Star.

#rip #mlb #sports


Brasil bate Marrocos e chega às semifinais da Copa do Mundo de Futsal

Com 3 a 1 no placar, gols de Marcel, Leandro Lino e Dyego, seleção agora espera por Ucrânia ou Venezuela, que ainda jogam neste domingo. Semifinal será na próxima quarta-feira, ao meio-dia

#newsonleo #sports #futsal

O Brasil está a um passo da final da Copa do Mundo de Futsal, no Uzbequistão, onde busca o hexacampeonato nas quadras. Para isso, passou por um jogo difícil e tenso com Marrocos neste domingo, pelas quartas de final, o que não impediu os 3 a 1 no placar. Marcel - artilheiro da Copa com dez gols -, Leandro Lino e Dyego marcaram para o Brasil. Boumezou diminuiu o marcador.

Na fase semifinal, o Brasil espera pelo adversário que sairá ainda neste domingo. Ucrânia e Venezuela se enfrentam a partir de meio-dia (de Brasília). Quem vencer joga com a seleção brasileira na próxima quarta-feira, dia 2 de outubro, a partir do meio-dia (de Brasília).

Assim como já havia acontecido nas quartas, contra a Costa Rica, a seleção brasileira demorou para se encontrar em quadra. E pior, nervoso, com menos de três minutos já tinha cometido três faltas - Marcel chegou a receber cartão amarelo nos primeiros segundos do jogo.

Ferrão, com dois minutos, foi o primeiro a levar perigo ao gol de Marrocos. A equipe africana, que começou marcando na quadra brasileira, chegava em lances perigosos com El Ayyne e El Mesrar, mas parou no goleiro Willian. Com pouco menos de cinco minutos, o Brasil chegou a fazer uma troca de time quase completa. Dois minutos depois, o técnico Marquinhos Xavier parou a partida.

Mas, mesmo quando quando o dia não está inspirado, ainda assim o Brasil consegue ser um time efetivo. O primeiro gol saiu aos 11 minutos. Marcel, artilheiro da Copa do Mundo com dez gols, aproveitou cobrança de escanteio de Valério e bateu de cima para baixo, com direito a uma quicada antes de chegar ao gol, o que atrapalhou o goleiro marroquino. Era o que precisava para o time se tranquilizar.

Na resposta ao gol sofrido, Marrocos saiu com o goleiro na linha para tentar chegar com um a mais na frente. Pressionado, o time africano passou a cometer mais faltas. Com 16 minutos, o técnico marroquino Hicham Dguig paralisou o jogo. Mas quem voltou para a partida melhor foi o Brasil, que com 17 minutos ampliou o marcador. Neguinho encontrou Leandro Lino com uma assistência precisa, e o camisa 9 já recebeu girando o corpo para soltar um chute que só parou dentro da meta adversária.

Na segunda metade da partida, o Brasil quase ampliou com Marcel, após jogada de Dyego que o deixou na cara do gol, mas o artilheiro da Copa pegou embaixo e isolou a bola por cima da meta. Marrocos, que precisava sair para o ataque, passou a pressionar e chegou com Charraoui e El Ayyane. Guitta estava no lugar de Willian no gol brasileiro.

Com três minutos da parcial, o Brasil pediu o vídeo suporte vídeo para ver um lance faltoso de Marrocos. Na revisão, El Ayyane levou cartão amarelo, mas como o pedido era de expulsão, a seleção ficou sem a possibilidade de novo pedido. Com cinco minutos, Neguinho perdeu um gol feito. Lino tinha boa posição para chutar, mas travou e soltou para Neguinho, que chutou rente à trave.

Perto de chegar na metade do segundo tempo, Marrocos passou a pressionar, mas foi justamente nesse momento que o Brasil chegou ao terceiro gol. Dyego, com a bola, parou, pensou, e saiu para cima do marcador, soltando a bola para a direita para soltar uma bomba no ângulo. Já era uma margem mais segura.

Daí em diante, Marrocos foi com tudo para cima com o goleiro linha. E aos 14 minutos o time africano diminuiu com Boumezou, que recebeu longo lançamento e matou no peito para soltar uma bomba que Willian não pegou. Na sequência, Charraoui, El Mesrar, El Fenni e Boumezou continuaram a levar perigo, mas a defesa brasileira - principalmente com Arthur - se mostrou segura para manter a vitória e a classificação.

Os Mets venceram!

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.


For Excel lovers:

I haven't used Excel for a long time :) !ALIVE

Very very very useful.



My voting power is being depleted, so I'm giving this thread everything I can:

  • !PIZZA
  • !LUV
  • !BBH
  • !LOLZ

Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own questions?
I do.

Credit: marshmellowman
@onealfa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of magnacarta

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

@onealfa! @magnacarta likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @magnacarta. (1/5)

(html comment removed: )

I have to take the print out lol

Made $45 on a few deliveries before noon today

Thats decent money. Where do you drive?

Model Y at the moment

GM All.

Question: What's a good marketing spend to acquire users?

Is a $120,000 spend acquiring 3,000 users a good deal?

Congratulations friend, that's a great job and commitment to the ecosystem.

Thanks so much. The growth continues.

1/3🧵 #threadstorm

Society faces a severe drug problem, particularly among its youth. The some major reason for the same are unemployment, lack of awareness, corruption and specially the politics.
#outreach #drug #drugaddition

If I look round me then I can clearly see the issue in my society and even some of my known persons also sufferings form the same. I have two three experience to share with you people.

Alex tendrá que tomar una serie de responsabilidades si quiere que sus bandas musicales sean un éxito y poder ser reconocido.

Post en los comentarios

so many crypto analysts insisted that september will be bloody in the crypto market but the market proved them wrong , september was not bloody

#crypto #analysis #cent

#moviesonleo #cinema #review Denzel Washington disappoints in gangster biopic which was supposed to be The Godfather of 21st Century. (link in reply)

1/🧵 I love Sundays, a nice lazy day. I just published my weekly 10 HSBI giveaway, I'm up to week 29 already!
#threadcast #outreach

2/🧵 I'm also giving away 2 DUO tokens and a legendary Splinterlands card, this week it's a Void Dragon!

3/🧵 Please stop by and get a chance to win some HSBI, DUO, or the card. Just answer this simple question in the post, who is your favorite superhero?


Que tengan una feliz tarde y un gran almuerzo 😎

The digital is vastly different from the physical world. Most of the lessons we were taught were based upon people's experiences in the physical.

That is why we need a new mindset regarding the digital. It is much faster and more reaching than the world of atoms.

In the world of atoms, only atoms :) !VSC

And ice cream.

It depends on your worldview, panna cotta is also a good option, as is fruit jelly :) !BEER

Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

We need to start picking more carefully what we consume. Is not about knowing a lot, but to know good stuff. We need customizable feed algorithms, at least let us to kill our brains at free will. Today is decided by keeping atention 24/7

We also have a hand in feeding the algorithms.

People use social media to complain and spread negativity. Then people get upset when that is what the algos pick up.

I said years ago, be careful what you are posting online since you are going to train tomorrow's AI.

And what others post, because you can get tagged by a friend, and not only what you post, what you consumes also trains the algorythm, sometimes knows you better than yourself (not you or me, a general speaking)

Very true

Absolutely! The digital is more of the play of waves and energy rather than atoms.

They key here is it's flexible nature. It has really scaled digitalization

How about a HIVE drink?


#cent #bbh #freecompliments

@axietrashgame just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @bitcoinordinal! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS


rim just sounds stupid lol

Wen Rimio retard in Rim? !LOLZ !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 14/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@bitcoinflood! @pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (14/100)

(html comment removed: )

Never knew that some ppl called it Rim, sounds silly

Rome is very gentle.

Rim sounds a bit vulgar.

The main thing is that Rome didn't care about it, during the times of conquests :) !VSC

A few more tests and we'll roll this out this coming week. Start getting ready

Hype train getting up to speed

Time to dump life savings into $LEO

As we say in Venezuela, I'm ready for that parrillada.


interesting, I am curious if someone wants to pay for my content… Who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️

you’ll only know if you try!


Nice! Awesome update! This unlocks huge potential!

Check your discord DM´s there is a gift there!


*a gift there in the DM in Discord

Wow,. now we just have to wait, but also be very attentive so I can subscribe.

Launching very soon

Hi @khaleelkazi good of you to write me, I left a comment on Discord, reporting another error when leaving a scheduled post, I hope you read it, or your team.

Itchy fingers, lol. Always on the go. AWESOMESAUCE!

Wow! looks so awesome.


We are waiting for the new option.

I never knew this , thanks for this vital information , I used to think the colour of those helmets are just worn randomly.

Pink - female worker..
As usual pink is for default.

Instructions for a brick? :) !LOLZ

i never knew the female construction workers have their own helmet that comes with a colour code too

Hi @bradleyarrow, I'm just shy of 5000 BBH, and I'm going for more.

#bbh #freecompliments #dailydook #cent

Awesome man, fracking awesome sauch :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 18/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@lanzjoseg! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (18/100)

(html comment removed: )

🧵 1. Global survey shows only 8 out of 25 world leaders enjoy positive net approval ratings in 2024, including leaders from India, Australia, and Mexico. #politics

🧵 2. Approval ratings of world leaders dropped during COVID-19 crisis, with further decline after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

🧵 3. Notable low ratings include French President Macron at -48%, Czech PM Fiala, Japanese PM Kishida, South Korean President Yoon, and German Chancellor Scholz at -53%.

🧵 4. Leaders with positive ratings in the survey include Prime Ministers Modi, Albanese, Schoof, Harris, and Tusk, as well as Presidents of Mexico, Argentina, and Switzerland.

🧵 5. Despite challenges, some world leaders like Modi and López Obrador have managed to maintain approval amidst global crises.

When my thoughts is different from reality..


I have been in 11 places from this list. Not even half....

Any plan to add to this list in 2025?

As I understand it, you were collecting taxes there, I don't see any other reason for this :) !VSC

To US dominates list. Are a lot of places I would visit before some on this list.

I've been to close to half. Not sure i agree with the list entirely though. For example, i can probably come up with 100 better places to go than Atlanta.

but first I have to visit US

Decentralization is the way to combat tyranny. This is even more important with the impact of the digital on our world.

Be sure to do what you can for humanity.

But for now, this is only for those who are in the blockchain. :) !MEME

That is true although that means we are limiting it to only what is before us. The tentacles do spread further.

Some people see truth and freedom in open source code, and some see the piercing gaze of a bailiff collecting alimony, or something else, lol, so my friend disappeared from the blockchain on the second day :) !LOLZ

Did he appear someone where or is he still disappeared?

Haha, I invited him, he registered, and when he saw that the information was completely accessible, he decided to stay on YouTube without expanding his audience, for Canada and his situation it was too open. !VSC

Decentralization is the key for the private sector, is the best future possible.

Surprisingly, all the gold ever mined in human history could fit into a cube just 22 meters (72 feet) on each side.

According to the World Gold Council, approximately 212,582 tonnes of gold have been extracted, with nearly two-thirds of it mined since 1950.

Though widely used in jewelry, investments, and industrial applications, gold’s true value lies in its near-indestructibility—meaning almost all the gold ever mined still exists today.

It’s fascinating to think that despite its significance, all the world’s gold would occupy such a small space, making it all the more rare and valuable.

Even in a world where cryptocurrency is gaining popularity, gold still has its place. Should we lose the ability to gener8 electricity (WW3, catyclsim, "cosmic" events, &c.), gold still has its intrinsic value. We should own a bit of gold.

That scarcity and indestructibility is its USP.

That's why it's better to measure everything not in cubes, but in parrots, that way you'll get more :) !VSC

And that is one of the reasons why gold remains one of the metals that many people will not stop investing on

John Ashton, the actor who played Sgt Taggert in the Beverly Hills Cop series of films, passed away from cancer. He was 76.

(February 22, 1948 – September 26, 2024)

#rip #entertainment #hollywood

What a pity!!
so sad 😔 😪

Stake Based Curation

Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.

For more info check below ⬇️


InLEO Discount 👀

Glad to see the support among the community members 🦁


Been in 8 of them...

They clearly owe you :) !PGM

wow most of them are in USA.


I have been to dubai International Airport and I loved the vicinity

national or international or both?

Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón


For AI lovers:

Some of them doesn't work... But nice list.

Sure......will try them.


I haven't used Excel for a long time :) !ALIVE

This is going to be very useful to me..thanks for sharing

I have used for designs and the platforms offers great tools that makes designing interesting and amazing

#ai everywhere

@bitcoinflood by @leofinance
What's New With Hive Last Week Sept 2024 and Goals
#hive #ocd #pob #bbh #pimp #cent #neoxian #sbt #bee #gosh

18 hours ?? That is a very long flight

almost 19 hours it's too much

18 hrs is indeed too long.

I'll wait until they launch a trolleybus between these cities :) !MEME

billions and billions

Wow....this is motivating to me

Wow! Women with positive economic impacts.

Wow.....great to see these billionaire women.

This is what cutting and sewing courses lead to :) !LOLZ

My review for the world’s strongest tape
It’s not tearable.

Credit: reddit
@onealfa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of barski

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

oh I can see one Indian face also.

I will never EVER defend the property of bankers, i draw the line there

Of course, everyone hates the bankers until they want money. Then they get upset if the bankers tell them no.

Isnt that ironic?

Couldnt agreed more, i live debt free, poor, barely managing to get monthly, but debt free.

Its the same with social media, everyone knows that is poison, still they are popular cuz massivity. We lack the compromise to live as we say.

A lot of people have mountains of debt because their self worth is tied to "keeping up with everyone else". They cannot afford to buy something so they go into debt.

Its keeping up with what the system decide is a goal, is nothing new of course, but with the new technologies is even worst, much more targeted and monopolized that the past. We are living in a cleptocorpocracy in real time.

Hatred of the bankers causes us to not understand the bankers. This causes people to have false beliefs about how money works. They refuse to look at the people who know about money, how it works, and what is the reality of it.

I understand how it works and thats why i hate them =P

The only way to truly get ahead in Crypto as an average Joe is to earn on SocialFi platforms, utilize DeFi, and just keep compounding! Over time, you become “favored” and the market begins to look after you! #crypto #cent #hive

Good bye, we love you so dear much. #dailydook #inleo #freecompliments


It's Monday the 30th September 2024

Todays #lbi asset backed value per token is:

1 LBI = $0.116 USD = 0.546 HIVE = 3.766 LEO

Our weekly dividend went out last night - our biggest one since the relaunch.

Full Income and Asset report for the week will be out soon.

Have a great day everyone

Pensamentos aleatórios podem gerar postagens!
Divagações são como eu chamo quando começo escrever e não paro mais! E para isso a comunidade #freecompliments é fenomenal!

Me marque e junte-se a nós!

#linkincomments #hivebr #bbh

That's the rainbow up there. It is so beautiful 😘😘

#dailydook #natureonleo #photographers #cent #bbh

Success have no specific time-frame , this is another evidence that success knows no age...I am happy for him and I am also motivated

Commitment pushing off limitations

This proves that what they say about cholesterol is not true :) !VSC

Many of those country-age pairs are surprising, in both directions.

18 or somehwrre around 18 mostly.

The East is pretty wise :) !VSC

A group of recruits is called "batch "..good to know this..

Thanks for sharing

informative thread.

Quite useful.


There are no like-minded people in Inleo here. :) !PGM

Trying to become a committee member

Glad I came across this valuable post. Saving it already, thank you.
#freecompliments #dailydook

This district of Helsinki is called Kalasata - Fish Harbour.
I live close by.

Nice pic. Not mine.

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