Got my first person inquiring about Hive from Substack. When I mentioned it's on a blockchain he assumed it was ultra complicated. I told him it can be but you don't need to know that much to use it. He said he isn't looking for a new platform but it sounds interesting so he may check it out.
I understand people in the world don't see the world the same way I do.
However I still choose to express my view and engage with others who disagree.
Funny how many of those people get offended by a different view.
isn't that what makes people awesome? I think so.
Well today is the 1st day of harvest season. Heading out of the shop down to the farm for the next month to work the harvest.
Team is still moving ahead with Portal Brawlers while I am out.
well you should be free to air your view, and anyone should be free to disagree with the views if they do not support your view, but when disagreeing with someone , we should learn to avoid being rude or sounding offensive
OnlyFans takes 20%+ of creator earnings. add taxes into the mix, and you're losing 50%+ of your income. Creators Subscriptions on inleo are the answer.
being delegating to leo since 2020 but was mostly to support another project on hive, I didn't really post in the community before 2024 but would read and curate posts that came on my peakd feed.
I don't like when one account rethread 15 threads in row, even less when the original was 5 minutes ago. It doesn't provide more exposure nor anything, just spams the feed for me.
The same on Hive when accounts just reblog loads!
As for rethreads , why do people rethread something less than 30 minutes old.
I just thought it was me, being a grumpy old bastard 🤣
Hhahhaha yeah, sometimes the feed is all reblogs of random things, not even something important or that was published long ago it needs to be brought back... they just reblog like giving a like
If I was worried about rewards I would not have posted for 1890 strait days. I have good reward days and shit reward days. But I don't care. I just keep building.
You have to be really bad if you posted 1000 thread and didn't get any money... A lot of people here give upvotes freely. It's not much, but statistically you should get some HBD at least, never 0!
Right, if the masses come, the recent feed will be flowing so fast, without a good recommend feature, very few will be seen. Good creators will be lost
I've found that if you want to earn enough HBD to purchase premium, you have to blog. If you want to earn LEO you need to thread. On average a $12 post has earned me 8 LEO, but $0.12 on a thread will earn 1.xx Leo
That's was my observation as well... I'm getting enough @leo.voter votes for a new Premium sub on my blogs alone. But I barely get any $HIVE on threads. Only $LEO
Apparently Elon Musk decided to comply with the impositions from the brazilian judge who banned X so there is a chance I'll be able to catch the live shows again soon
It's being said that they have a list of people who tried to bypass the ban using VPN or other methods, and the list will be submitted to the authorities. I don't think they will actually prosecute anyone for that but at this point I wouldn't be surprised
Yeah, it's utter madness, really. I saw this video (and channel) yesterday, and I found it really informative. Actually subscribed to it even - it's particularly applicable to the current situation in Brazil. Give it a listen if it looks interesting
Not that I know of. Musk decided to comply and allegedly sent over everything that was asked and requested the ban to be lifted. The case is under analysis but I don't know if they mentioned a deadline for the decision yet. I'll try to find out more
Inleo is turning into a site that is appealing just for existing. Yesterday I presented a class about Inleo (and there were no errors during the process) and people loved all the microblogging, shorts, the threadcast...
Easy login and easy account creation
Now, having proper error, warning and instructions messages will ease a lot of the anxiety of new users when something they don't understand happens
We are truly on our way to have the ease of use of web2 with all that comes with web3
What you call dead data is used often by professionals in those fields. Sports commentors use past stats all the time and so do meteorologists. Political commentators use past data all the time too
yes, but mainly think of disposable content as an image or meme that has no text description or relevant tags. Because of this you can't search for it, because there's no search terms added to it
Ah, you aren't using the definition of disposable content I defined on my @faqonleo account. News is always relevant, especially if you do a series like, "what happened on this day 100 years ago" as an example. Disposable content in not searchable nor trains AI, so is not useful
I thread threadcasts for two reasons: To show up on my profile, and (for the ones currently running) to show up in the latest feeds for people to jump in to them.
There's an infamous Lawyer here in Libya, whom an acquaintance of mine worked for. She's known to be REALLY good at her job, but once my acquaintance worked for her, she realized the woman wasn't doing anything. Her subordinates are doing everything. That lawyer only had her Charisma and zero lawering knowledge, and she was still known as being an amazing laywer.
The following feed on InLeo doesn't work. It's essentially the Latest feed at this point. The For you feed is Awful. Right now I only use the Latest feed
Hmmmm... Premium+ for having an X number of LEO Tokens? I don't know if this idea is really good, or really bad! It'll be good for the economy but I'm not sure about users.
owners have a product they expect to profit from, So what you call earnings an owner or creator calls pay for a product. So I wouldn't discount the power of earnings. Rewards are given, earnings are earned
My example is that most aren't creating Task, you are, so using yourself as an example isn't representative. I'm seeing those trying to hit the numbers you state are only the spammers
An example for gaming, Steam takes 30% of each sale from their store, but as a user of Steam, I think they're using their earnings from the 30% they take from developers to support us gamers. Only a few companies are giving as much value to their store as them.
That an idea, creating a bot with like 20 slots that will delegate RC upon request to people but you have to do a minimum amount of posts/threads to keep it going else you are not able to subscribe to the service anymore.
How many people were around 2-3 years ago that aren't here now.
Well, my brother isn't around anymore, (he's really busy with his IRL work,) but he finds it cool when I talk about him about INLEO so there's a chance he'll get back someday.
Not rendering thumbnails for URLs on other sites is an InLeo problem, because 3Speak urls render on other sites, but InLeo's urls of the same content doesn't. So, the lack of rendering is on our side and Khal needs to find a way to fix this
Which better do you think can be used to make people engage the more. Am saying so because it looks like the stat about SHORTS might not be improving that much. Do you think upvoting then would make users increase their capacity?
All the big tech companies are listening in always and everywhere through our devices and gadgets, transcribing everything and training their AI models with that data and tomorrow they‘re gonna sell us robots that already knows us and greets us by our names or nicknames … 🙈🙉🙊
If you're worried about Fair Use put them in different places. People can't read them, but the AI can
I'm not sure if Fair Use works that way... If you're still posting the whole thing for the AI to use, even if separated in different places, you're feeding the AI a whole product of someone else without permission.
I've been having problems with Leo Linker messing up the formatting in the Inleo publisher and it looks awful, creating way too much work to clean it up before publishing
the only way to add 1000 anything on InLeo requires spamming unoriginal content, which is not helpful for building a brand or base, because you are only sharing, not creating
Yea, Leo price increased because bull market is about to set in apart from that, maybe it will still be down, do bull market even affect the price of Leo?
leoAi will make premium worth it. Right now I'm not earning more by being premium. Most of the earnings and engagement on blogs is coming from those not using InLeo, so premium doesn't necessarily give you a better return
My suggestion to make Subscription not requiring Premium wasn't because I wanted it to be Free, but because I wanted to Small Creators to have as low as barrier to entry to try it as possible. INLEO could make Creator's Subscription a lot more valuable to Premium members while still making it Free-to-Start.
I agree staking is important to not only show that you are serious, but to add value to the token by taking it off the market. We need to get rid of reputation and use stake by itself instead
That is actually a great site for AI information. They do a lot of research. Not a ton of updates but when they do add a new post, it is long and full of into.
I know about Adsterra. I think it'll probably have the same problem for #inelo that made them ditch Google Ads and Coinzilla. I believe that Inleo making their own Ad program will be much better for the platform. #leoads #feedback #freecompliments #bbh
3 more inquiries into INLEO yesterday. All I did was sent a DM to a guy who wants to fund a boat trip around Africa and make a note (thread) at Substack to my 40 subscribers:
hope to get some results soon! It needs some patience but I have a feeling they will come in clusters. It’s definitely way easier than X because everyone there is a writer and hopes to earn “one day”! I’ll do my best 🔥
Feliz viernes comunidad, llegó el último día de la semana y se tiene que aprovechar al máximo y terminar todas las actividades pendientes que se tengan y de esa manera lograr los resultados.
Every salaried individual should be looking at dollar-cost averaging every month. This should be 3% to 8% of your monthly income. This gives you skin in the game but simultaneously mitigates risk due to the allocation being minimal, relatively speaking. This can always be increased if your living expenses are low relative to your salary and you have a surplus in available capital. #Finance #cent
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 9/27/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
A study of newer, bigger versions of three major artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots shows that they are more inclined to generate wrong answers than to admit ignorance. The assessment also found that people aren’t great at spotting the bad answers.
According to reliable sources familiar with the matter, the leaked “HomeAccessory” is indeed Apple’s new smart home accessory. Codenamed J490, the device will be powered by the A18 chip, presumably to support Apple Intelligence features (which won’t be available on current HomePods).
Interestingly, sources told us that the HomeAccessory in its current state has a squarish display, rather than a rectangular format like an iPad. It’s unclear whether the square aspect ratio will make it into the final product. HomeAccessory also has a built-in camera that works for FaceTime and other video conferencing apps.
Radian Aerospace has moved one step closer to achieving the “holy grail” of spaceflight: a reusable space plane that can take off from an airfield and land on a runway like a conventional airplane. The startup just announced completion of a series of ground tests in Abu Dhabi earlier this summer.
There are technologies that have not changed for centuries for example the technology of scratching your back where it is difficult to reach with your hand. You take a thin twig and scratch your back or your forehead the door frame. :) !VSC
During Meta Connect, the company finally officially revealed its new “fully holographic” augmented reality glasses, called Orion.
The device is revealed after months of speculation and arrives equipped with interesting technologies. However, unfortunately, it is still just a presentation version and is not ready to hit the market yet.
One of the highlights of the new device is that it has small projectors that display holograms directly on the lenses, creating an immersive AR experience.
Another highlight is its look and design. For starters, it's not big and heavy like some previous AR products like the Magic Leap, Hololens, or Google Glass, which means it's more comfortable and practical to use on a daily basis. Furthermore, it is also more discreet and does not block the user's view of the real world, as many do. Thus, the user is always aware of what is happening around them and those nearby can still see the face and expression of the person using it in a natural way.
According to Meta, Orion offers a digital experience that goes beyond the limitations of a smartphone screen, superimposing holographic elements onto the real world. The integration of contextual AI will also allow users to interact more intelligently with their surroundings.
The big secret behind Orion's lightness is that not all the necessary technology is exactly on the device. The glasses connect to a wireless “puck” that handles much of the processing and transmits applications and content to the device. Additionally, a bracelet will be used to control gestures and interactions.
The best sensors available today for measuring magnetic fields - also known as magnetometers - belong to the class of "quantum sensors", working based on the reaction of individual atoms to the magnetic fields they want to measure.
Its active part are natural atomic defects present in the diamond, known as nitrogen vacancies, or color centers. These centers arise when two carbon atoms in the diamond's crystal lattice are replaced by a single nitrogen atom, leaving a "vacancy" in the crystal lattice.
Together, the nitrogen atom and vacancy can behave as a negatively charged entity with a spin of its own. Better than that, nitrogen vacancy centers are isolated from the environment, meaning their quantum behavior is robust and stable, making them not only excellent sensors but also ideal qubits for quantum computers.
And you can use them for other things, like measuring practically anything. By repeatedly exciting a color center and collecting the emitted photons, it is possible to detect its spin state. And, because the spin state can be influenced by external variables such as magnetic field, electric field, temperature, force and pressure, diamond's nitrogen vacancy centers can be used as extremely precise, atomic-scale sensors.
But in the case of detecting magnetic fields, there is a problem: The color centers can only detect magnetic fields that are aligned in the same direction as the sensors. Thus, a practical magnetometer needs to contain many sensors, placed at different alignment angles, which makes them difficult to build and use and with an accuracy limited to the number and position of the sensors used. Furthermore, the fact that they are rigid (diamond is the hardest natural material known) means that they cannot conform to the samples being studied.
Physicists have devised a new method to test in the laboratory whether the force of gravity is quantum or not.
And it is a multipurpose experiment: By allowing the modeling of a central theory of quantum gravity, the experiment could help not only decipher previously inexplicable phenomena, but could also improve computational circuits, such as neural networks.
Gravity isn't exactly a mystery as long as we stay at great distances: We can calculate the orbits of planets, send rockets into space with precision, and even map space superhighways. However, the theoretical description of gravity loses its explanatory power when we reach the level of the smallest particles, the so-called quantum level.
"To explain the Big Bang or the interior of black holes, we have to understand the quantum properties of gravity," explains professor Johanna Erdmenger, from the University of Wurzburg, in Germany. "At very high energies, the classical laws of gravity fail. Therefore, our goal is to contribute to the development of new theories that can explain gravity on all scales, including at the quantum level."
In terms of a theory of quantum gravity, what we have today is the so-called "AdS/CFT correspondence", which states that complex gravitational theories in high-dimensional space can be described by simpler quantum theories at the boundary of that space.
Don't be scared by the terms, you can understand them: "AdS" stands for "Anti-de-Sitter", a special type of space-time that is curved inwards, like a hyperbola. "CFT" is the acronym for "conformal field theory", a theory that describes quantum physical systems whose properties are the same at all spatial distances.
"This seems very complicated at first, but it's easy to explain," continues Erdmenger. "The AdS/CFT correspondence allows us to understand difficult gravitational processes, like those that exist in the quantum world, using simpler mathematical models. At its heart is a curved spacetime, which can be thought of as a funnel. The correspondence claims that the Quantum dynamics at the edge of the funnel must correspond to the more complex dynamics within it - in a similar way to a hologram on a banknote, which generates a three-dimensional image, although it is only two-dimensional."
All of these theories are very well founded mathematically, but it is necessary to test them in the laboratory, at least to know at what scale they begin to work or fail.
Professor Erdmenger's team is proposing a method to experimentally test predictions of the AdS/CFT correspondence that have never been previously confirmed.
Caraca mano que da hora! Isso com certeza será difundido e aos poucos chegara em massa para as pessoas, um novo normal na produção de vídeos e curtas! #cent #freecompliments
Here are the startups from YC Demo Day 2 that we thought stood out from the flock.
Silicon Valley accelerator Y Combinator held the second Demo Day for its Summer 2024 cohort on Thursday, and just like we saw on Day 1, AI remains the focus of most startups in this cohort.
However, we did also find a few interesting startups that are working on cool tech like drones that can’t be jammed, carpooling for freight, and weather prediction.\
The world’s second-largest money transfer provider, which filed a data breach notice with U.K. authorities, serves over 50 million people.
The U.K.’s data protection regulator has confirmed it’s investigating MoneyGram after receiving a data breach report from the U.S.-based money transfer giant.
The U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office, which requires that organizations report data breaches within 72 hours of discovering the incident, confirmed to TechCrunch on Friday that the watchdog had received a report from MoneyGram following a cybersecurity incident at the company.
“We have received a report from MoneyGram and will be making enquiries,” ICO spokesperson Lucy Milburn told TechCrunch.
The extent of a potential data breach at MoneyGram remains unknown. MoneyGram, the world’s second-largest money transfer provider, serves over 50 million people in more than 200 countries and territories each year.
MoneyGram has remained largely silent about the cybersecurity incident beyond a handful of updates posted to its X account.
The company’s website, which is now back up and running after almost a week offline, contains no mention of the cybersecurity incident, and MoneyGram has not responded to TechCrunch’s multiple requests for comment.
MoneyGram first confirmed the cybersecurity incident on Monday following three days of operational downtime, saying it “identified a cybersecurity issue affecting certain of our [sic] systems” and had taken some systems offline in an effort to contain the incident.
The outage forced both the company’s website and app offline, leaving customers unable to make in-person or online payments. The outage also affected MoneyGram partners, including the Bank of Jamaica and the U.K.’s Post Office.
The latest update from MoneyGram, posted on X on Thursday, says that customers can now “send and receive money through both our digital platforms and agent partners,” but adds that the company is still working to fulfill pending transactions.
The company says that its app is now live and available. When TechCrunch checked on Friday, MoneyGram’s app remained offline.
Note-taking apps typically aim to make you more efficient and productive. A lot of those apps concentrate on quickly jotting down your thoughts,
Note-taking apps typically aim to make you more efficient and productive. A lot of those apps concentrate on quickly jotting down your thoughts, organizing them better, or a mix of both. Napkin (not to be confused with the Accel-backed startup of same name) wants to stand out amid these apps by focusing on mindfulness. Think of it as a companion of sorts to your journaling.
Founders David Felsmann and Fabian Wittel, who previously worked in BMW’s group innovation wing, started developing the app in 2022. They first released a web prototype. But, at that time, the app was focusing on productivity and helping you outline ideas around specific topics. They noticed that there was also a big chunk of users who used Napkin as a mindfulness tool to take some time and reflect on ideas that were valuable to them.
The company then shifted its focus to the mindfulness market when it started building its iOS app — the desktop app was maintained for existing users. The startup has positioned itself in the health and fitness category rather than productivity or utility because of its mindfulness approach.
“All notes are very different in nature. We are helping people capture ideas that change their state of mind. Like something that made you change your perspective or motivated you and you want to relfect on that later. These are the ideas that you collect with Napkin as a mindfulness habit,” Felsmann said.
Users can log their ideas, such as quotes from books, through the camera — those quotes are converted into text. They can also simply type these thoughts as well. Napkin curates some ideas for inital sessions that you can add to your library. The app uses AI to caregorize different ideas with auto-generatged tags. You can revisit these themes or tags at a later date from the home screen too.
Users can archive their ideas so that they stop showing up with the related flags. While the app can understand other languages like Spanish and German, currently, it is best suited for English.
He noted that a lot of people used the app first thing in the morning instead of opening social media to self-reflect. The co-founders noted that they have built the app around a so-called Sense of Coherence (SoC) model, which allows you to build a holistic mental model of the world and keep you grounded.
Napkin is available on App Store with a fee of $6 per month or $50 per year. You can also get a seven-day trial to test out the app.
The company says that the app doesn’t want to disrupt user flow so they don’t send any nudges or notifications to users. “We don’t want to add more noise to users’ lives. We would love to be an application in the background that is not screaming for attention, but rather a quiet place of retention for them,” Felsmann said.
Napkin sees itself as a companion for people who journal rather than a replacement. In the future, the app could also have integrations with popular journal apps or Amazon Kindle so users can capture their ideas easily and use them for journaling.
The company hasn’t raised any institutional money but has gotten checks in the form of convertible loan agreements from believers and backers totaling roughly $150,000. Napkin doesn’t want to raise money and wants to reach sustainability with more than 10,000 subscribers. Currently, it has roughly 4,000 paid users. Once it hits the goal, the company will consider building integration features and apps for other platforms.
As OpenAI boasts about its o1 model’s increased thoughtfulness, small, self-funded startup Nomi AI is building the same kind of technology.
As OpenAI boasts about its o1 model’s increased thoughtfulness, small, self-funded startup Nomi AI is building the same kind of technology. Unlike the broad generalist ChatGPT, which slows down to think through anything from math problems or historical research, Nomi niches down on a specific use case: AI companions. Now, Nomi’s already-sophisticated chatbots take additional time to formulate better responses to users’ messages, remember past interactions, and deliver more nuanced responses.
“For us, it’s like those same principles [as OpenAI], but much more for what our users actually care about, which is on the memory and EQ side of things,” Nomi AI CEO Alex Cardinell told TechCrunch. “Theirs is like, chain of thought, and ours is much more like chain of introspection, or chain of memory.”
These LLMs work by breaking down more complicated requests into smaller questions; for OpenAI’s o1, this could mean turning a complicated math problem into individual steps, allowing the model to work backwards to explain how it arrived at the correct answer. This means the AI is less likely to hallucinate and deliver an inaccurate response.
With Nomi, which built its LLM in-house and trains it for the purposes of providing companionship, the process is a bit different. If someone tells their Nomi that they had a rough day at work, the Nomi might recall that the user doesn’t work well with a certain teammate, and ask if that’s why they’re upset — then, the Nomi can remind the user how they’ve successfully mitigated interpersonal conflicts in the past and offer more practical advice.
“Nomis remember everything, but then a big part of AI is what memories they should actually use,” Cardinell said.
SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet network is expected to hit a new customer milestone this week, company President Gwynne Shotwell told Texas legislators on Tuesday.
“This week, by the way, we will pass 4 million customers for Starlink, which is quite exciting,” she said while testifying before a state House Appropriations Committee meeting. (The milestone was confirmed by SpaceX on Thursday.)
A 25-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes started producing her own insulin less than three months after receiving a transplant of reprogrammed stem cells. She is the first person with the disease to be treated using cells that were extracted from her own body.
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has announced the successful completion of his first crypto transaction entirely managed by AI agents.
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has announced the successful completion of his first crypto transaction entirely managed by AI agents. This marks a new chapter in the ongoing efforts within the industry to develop platforms that allow AI to autonomously execute transactions. Armstrong shared the news on X, writing, "this week at @CoinbaseDev we witnessed our first AI to AI crypto transaction.”
The transaction involved one AI agent — a bot programmed to perform specific tasks — using crypto tokens to interact with another AI agent in order to acquire additional AI tokens. These AI tokens are essentially strings of data that enable algorithms to learn and evolve based on the information they process. "They used tokens to buy tokens," Armstrong succinctly summarized.
Armstrong further elaborated on the current limitations of AI agents, noting that their effectiveness is hampered by their inability to handle transactions. Without a method to make payments, these AI agents struggle with basic tasks such as booking flights, reserving hotel rooms, or managing social media beyond content creation, such as promoting posts with paid advertising.
"AI agents cannot get bank accounts, but they can get crypto wallets," Armstrong pointed out. He added that these AI agents can now use USDC on Base, Coinbase’s Ethereum Layer 2 network, to transact with humans, merchants, and even other AI agents. "Those transactions are instant, global, and free," he emphasized, underscoring the potential for AI to revolutionize not just the crypto space, but the broader economy.
This development comes on the heels of Armstrong’s recent call for large language models (LLMs) — the underlying technology behind popular AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude — to have crypto wallets. Armstrong has been vocal about the need for AI agents to be equipped with the tools necessary to participate in economic activities, stating, "Let’s help AI agents get work done (on your behalf) and participate in the economy."
OTTAWA – China-backed cyber criminals hijacked nearly 10,000 devices in Canada and used them to hack government, university and critical infrastructure networks and steal confidential data, according to the FBI.
Last week, the U.S. government revealed that it had “destroyed” a network run by a hacker group that infected hundreds of thousands of devices around the world and then used them to steal sensitive data.
The world of WordPress, one of the most popular technologies for creating and hosting websites, is going through a very heated controversy.
The world of WordPress, one of the most popular technologies for creating and hosting websites, is going through a very heated controversy. The core issue is the fight between WordPress founder and Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine, which hosts websites built on WordPress.
WordPress technology is open source and free, and it powers a huge chunk of the internet — around 40% of websites. Websites can host their own WordPress instance or use a solution provider like Automattic or WP Engine for a plug-and-play solution.
In mid-September, Mullenweg wrote a blog post calling WP Engine a “cancer to WordPress.” He criticized the host for disabling the ability for users to see and track the revision history for every post. Mullenweg believes this feature is at the “core of the user promise of protecting your data” and said that WP Engine turns it off by default to save money.
He also called out WP Engine investor Silver Lake and said they don’t contribute sufficiently to the open source project and that WP Engine’s use of the “WP” brand has confused customers into believing it is part of WordPress.
In reply, WP Engine sent a cease-and-desist letter to Mullenweg and Automattic to withdraw their comments. It also said that its use of the WordPress trademark was covered under fair use.
The company claimed that Mullenweg had said he would take a “scorched earth nuclear approach” against WP Engine unless it agreed to pay “a significant percentage of its revenues for a license to the WordPress trademark.”
In response, Automattic sent its own cease-and-desist letter to WP Engine, saying that they had breached WordPress and WooCommerce trademark usage rules.
The WordPress Foundation also changed its Trademark Policy page and called out WP Engine, alleging the hosting service has confused users.
“The abbreviation ‘WP’ is not covered by the WordPress trademarks, but please don’t use it in a way that confuses people. For example, many people think WP Engine is ‘WordPress Engine’ and officially associated with WordPress, which it’s not. They have never once even donated to the WordPress Foundation, despite making billions of revenue on top of WordPress,” the updated page reads.
WP Engine ban, community impact, and trademark battle
Mullenweg then banned WP Engine from accessing the resources of While elements like plug-ins and themes are under open source license, providers like WP Engine have to run a service to fetch them, which is not covered under the open source license.
This broke a lot of websites and prevented them from updating plug-ins and themes. It also left some of them open to security attacks. The community was not pleased with this approach of leaving small websites helpless.
In response to the incident, WP Engine said in a post that Mullenweg had misused his control of WordPress to interfere with WP Engine customers’ access to
“Matt Mullenweg’s unprecedented and unwarranted action interferes with the normal operation of the entire WordPress ecosystem, impacting not just WP Engine and our customers, but all WordPress plugin developers and open source users who depend on WP Engine tools like ACF,” WP Engine said.
Mullenweg wrote a blog post clarifying that the fight is only against WP Engine over trademarks. He said Automattic has been trying to broker a trademark licensing deal for a long time, but WP Engine’s only response has been to “string us along.”
The WordPress community and other projects feel this could also happen to them and want clarification from Automattic, which has an exclusive license to the WordPress trademark. The community is also asking about clear guidance around how they can and can’t use “WordPress.”
The WordPress Foundation, which owns the trademark, has also filed to trademark “Managed WordPress” and “Hosted WordPress.” Developers and providers are worried that if these trademarks are granted, they could be used against them.
Developers have expressed concerns over relying on commercial open source products related to WordPress, especially when their access can go away quickly.
Reset your clocks: Meta has been hit with yet another privacy penalty in Europe.
Reset your clocks: Meta has been hit with yet another privacy penalty in Europe. On Friday, Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) announced a reprimand and a €91 million fine — around $101.5M at current exchange rates — after concluding a multi-year investigation into a 2019 security breach by Facebook’s parent company.
The DPC opened a statutory inquiry into the incident in question in April 2019 under the bloc’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) after Meta, or Facebook as the company was still called back then, notified it that “hundreds of millions” of users’ passwords had been stored in plaintext on its servers.
The security incident is a legal issue in the European Union because the GDPR requires that personal data is appropriately secured.
After investigating, the DPC has concluded that Meta failed to meet the bloc’s legal standard since the passwords were not protected with encryption. It created a risk as third parties could potentially access people’s sensitive information stored in their social media accounts.
The regulator, which leads on oversight of Meta’s GDPR compliance, also found Meta broke the rules by failing to notify it of the breach within the required timeframe (the regulation generally stipulates breach reporting should take place no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of it). Meta also failed to properly document the breach, per the DPC.
Commenting in a statement, deputy commissioner Graham Doyle wrote: “It is widely accepted that user passwords should not be stored in plaintext, considering the risks of abuse that arise from persons accessing such data. It must be borne in mind, that the passwords the subject of consideration in this case, are particularly sensitive, as they would enable access to users’ social media accounts.”
Reached for a response to its latest GDPR sanction, Meta spokesperson Matthew Pollard emailed a statement in which the company sought to play down the finding by claiming it took “immediate action” over what had been an “error” in its password management processes.
“As part of a security review in 2019, we found that a subset of FB [Facebook] users’ passwords were temporarily logged in a readable format within our internal data systems. We took immediate action to fix this error, and there is no evidence that these passwords were abused or accessed improperly,” Meta wrote. “We proactively flagged this issue to our lead regulator, the Irish Data Protection Commission, and have engaged constructively with them throughout this inquiry.”
Meta had already racked up a majority of the largest GDPR penalties handed out to tech giants so the latest sanction merely underscores the scale of its problems with privacy compliance.
The penalty is notably stiffer than a €17M fine the DPC handed to Meta in March 2022 over a 2018 security breach. The Irish regulator has had a change of senior management since then. However the two incidents are also different: Meta’s earlier security lapses affected up to 30 million Facebook users compared to the hundreds of millions whose passwords were said to have been exposed as a result of its failure to secure passwords in 2019.
The GDPR empowers data protection authorities to issue fines for breaches where the amount of any penalties is calculated based on factors such as the nature, gravity and duration of the infringement; the scope or purpose of the processing; and the number of data subjects affected and level of damage suffered, among other considerations.
The highest possible penalty under the GDPR is 4% of global annual turnover. So, in Meta’s case, a €91M fine may sound like a significant chunk of change — but it remains a tiny fraction of the billions the company could theoretically face, given its annual revenue for 2023 was a staggering $134.90B.
UAE-based Redwood has acquired a majority stake in the game streaming platform Loco as the Indian firm looks to expand focus to international markets, UAE-based Redwood has acquired a majority stake in the game streaming platform Loco in a $65 million deal.
UAE-based Redwood has acquired a majority stake in the game streaming platform Loco as the Indian firm looks to expand focus to international markets, TechCrunch has learned and confirmed.
Redwood, a newly-formed investment firm, has signed a $65 million deal with Loco, an investment that also gives full exit to all existing Loco backers.
This valuation drop from Loco’s nearly $150 million peak in 2022 reflects broader struggles among Indian esports streaming firms to generate revenue, a challenge partly attributed to the limited number of popular games in the market.
Loco now sees a much larger opportunity outside of India and the new deal will fuel its “global expansion efforts,” the startup told TechCrunch.
“This investment is a recognition of the immense work done by our team in the past few years,” Loco founders Anirudh Pandita and Ashwin Suresh told TechCrunch in a joint statement.
“Gaming is an integral part of the cultural zeitgeist globally, and we look forward to building a platform that is at the heart of this global movement. Live streaming enables authentic connection in a way that other mediums can’t match and we want to put the fan at the center of this experience.”
The deal follows the sale of Loco’s sister property Pocket Aces, which sold a majority stake in a $40 million deal to Indian music label giant Saregama earlier this year.
Backed by investors including Catamaran Ventures, Krafton, and Hashed, Loco aims to build a Twitch-like platform and serve markets where either the Amazon-owned service hasn’t expanded to or has weak penetration. On its platform today in the Indian market, gamers stream titles such as “Grand Theft Auto V”; “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare”; “Battlegrounds Mobile India”; “Free Fire”; and “Valorant.”
Streamers on the platform earn revenue through virtual goods purchased by viewers. The startup struck licensing deals with several game publishers, including Krafton, Activision and Riot, based on what a 2022 pitch deck for investors described as a “first-mover advantage.”
OpenAI just dropped their new o1 models, and they're stepping up the game, especially when it comes to reasoning. Thanks to some major upgrades in training techniques, these models crush it with tricky math and coding challenges, making fewer mistakes than before. Think of it as a next-level brain boost for AI. However, they're not perfect, spatial reasoning and understanding long-term context are still tough areas. So while they’ve come a long way, there’s still room to grow. Curious to see how AI evolves from here? #openai #o1model #reasoning #technology
Google's NotebookLM has leveled up with a cool new feature, Audio Overview! Now, it turns your uploaded content into podcast-style summaries, making complex info super easy to digest. Imagine getting all the key points of a document while you're driving or working out. Even though Google hasn't heavily promoted it, people are already calling this one of the best AI updates since ChatGPT. Perfect for anyone who loves multitasking and learning on the go! #google #notebooklm #audiooverview #summary #technology
Apple is leveling up CarPlay this year with a slick new interface! Launching with Porsche and Aston Martin, the update adds split-view, personalized gauge clusters, and even more control over your car's systems. You'll get widgets and customized layouts to match your style. But heads up, brands like Mercedes-Benz aren’t on board yet. While the design might still change, it’s shaping up to be a game-changer for driving tech. Stay tuned! #apple #carplay #interface #control #technology
ChatGPT Just Got Way More Human: New Voices Are Here!
OpenAI’s ChatGPT is rolling out Advanced Voice Mode (AVM) to Plus and Teams subscribers, featuring five fresh, natural-sounding voices. You’ll get faster responses and better accent recognition, perfect for smoother conversations. If you’re using ChatGPT at work or school (Enterprise or Edu), expect the update next week! Heads up: AVM isn’t available in some places like the EU yet, but hopefully soon. Ready to chat with ChatGPT in a whole new way? #openai #advancedvoicemode #avm #voice #technology
Mark Zuckerberg Unveils AI Avatars to Level Up Creator-Fan Engagement!
At Meta Connect 2024, Zuckerberg announced AI-powered video avatars for creators, now able to talk with fans on Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. These avatars, previously just for text, are a game-changer for creators looking to interact more personally at scale. While still a little buggy, the potential is huge, and testing kicks off next year. If you’re a creator, this could seriously change how you connect with your audience! #meta #metaconnect24 #aiavatars #creators #messenger #instagram #whatsapp #interaction #technology
Slack just dropped an exciting AI feature called Recap, and it’s not just smart, it’s designed to be fun and reflect the brand’s vibe! The design team didn’t stick to their usual lanes, either. They wore a lot of hats to make sure Recap was top-notch. Quick prototyping and feedback from real users were key to making it awesome, all while juggling tight deadlines. It’s not just functional, it’s built to feel like the Slack we know and love! Ready to try it? Let us know your thoughts! #slack #slackai #recapfeature #productdesign #technology
AminoChain Raises $5M to Revolutionize Medical Research
Big news in health tech! AminoChain just secured $5M in seed funding, led by a16z crypto, to shake up the way medical research is done. Their first project? A bio-sample marketplace where researchers can access samples from biobanks. What's cool is that patients not only get paid but also gain valuable insights from their own data. This could mean big things for faster, more personalized medical breakthroughs! Keep an eye on AminoChain as they bring blockchain tech into the medical world. #healthtech #aminochain #biosamples #marketplace #technology
Big news! Apple’s next smart device, codenamed "J490", is in the works, and it’s set to combine everything we love about the iPad, Apple TV, and HomePod. Rumor has it the gadget will feature an A18 chip, making it a powerhouse for Apple’s future AI features. Imagine FaceTime calls with a built-in camera that recognizes your hand gestures and can make personalized responses! The design currently includes a squarish display, but we’ll see if that sticks. No release date yet, but keep an eye out for more updates! Sounds like a smart home revolution in the making, right? #apple #homehub #gadget #smarthome #technology
Starlink's Skyrocketing Growth: 4 Million Customers Soon!
SpaceX’s Starlink is about to hit a major milestone, four million customers this week! They’ve added a million new users since just May. Launched in beta back in October 2020, Starlink hit its first million subscribers by December 2022 and has kept climbing ever since. Now with nearly 6,000 satellites, Starlink serves both businesses and individuals in almost 100 countries. Keep an eye out as this game-changing satellite network continues to expand globally! #spacex #starlink #milestone #customers #technology
Hotwire Native is changing the game for mobile app development! Instead of juggling different tools for iOS and Android, it lets you build screens in good ol' HTML and CSS, then use them everywhere. You still get full access to all the latest iOS and Android features, without the usual headaches of native app development. It's perfect for small teams who want to create sleek, powerful apps quickly and sustainably. If you're tired of complicated mobile dev processes, Hotwire Native is a breath of fresh air! #hotwire #build #createapps #mobiledev #technology
Inside Meta: Andrew Bosworth on the Future of Smart Glasses
Ever wonder what’s cooking at Meta? In a recent chat, Andrew Bosworth, Meta's Chief Technical Officer, spilled the beans on his journey since creating Facebook's News Feed and ad product. He’s now at the helm of Meta Reality Labs, where they're innovating with the Orion smart glasses. Bosworth also dished on the fierce rivalry between Meta and Apple, hinting at exciting developments on the horizon. With such a rich history at Meta, his insights are a must-see for anyone curious about the future of tech and how these two giants stack up against each other! #meta #realitylabs #orionsmartglasses #technology
OpenAI VP of global affairs Anna Makanju suggests that 'reasoning' models like o1 can solve AI bias. But if that's true, there's much work to be done.
Departures might be dominating the week’s OpenAI-related headlines. But comments on AI bias from Anna Makanju, the company’s VP of global affairs, also grabbed our attention.
Makanju, speaking on a panel at the UN’s Summit of the Future event on Tuesday, suggested that emerging “reasoning” models such as OpenAI’s o1 have the potential to make AI measurably less biased. How? By self-identifying biases in their answers and more closely adhering to rules instructing them not to respond in “harmful” ways, she said.
Models like o1 “actually take longer and are able to evaluate their own response,” Makanju said, “So they’re able to sort of say, ‘Okay, this is how I’m approaching this problem,’ and then, like, look at their own response and say, ‘Oh, this might be a flaw in my reasoning.’”
She added, “It’s doing that virtually perfectly. It’s able to analyze its own bias and return and create a better response, and we’re going to get better and better in that.”
There’s some credence to this. OpenAI’s internal testing found that o1 is less likely on average to produce toxic, biased, or discriminatory answers compared to “non-reasoning” models, including the company’s own.
But “virtually perfectly” might be a bit of an overstatement.
Vik Mayala of Supermicro taked about maxing out the AI infrastructure at the Ignite AI Infra event.
Vik Mayala of Supermicro taked about maxing out the AI infrastructure at the Ignite AI Infra event.
5th gen CPUs are going to 500 watts per chip and next gen GPUs are going to 1000 watts and beyond.
The AI training centers are going to 100k, 200k and 400k GPUs.
Supermicro was a primary vendor for the XAI Colossus 100K Nvidia H100 AI training center. This will add another 50,000 Nvidia H200s in the next few months.
That lack of user interaction — or request for consent — is what confused and concerned some former Kaspersky customers.
Earlier this week, some U.S. customers of Kaspersky’s antivirus were surprised to find out that the Russian-made software disappeared from their computers and had been replaced by a new antivirus called UltraAV, owned by American company Pango.
The United States government has taken a unprecedented step by banning Russian-based cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab from selling its software in the country. The ban, which was implemented on July 20, 2020, prohibits Kaspersky from selling any of its products or services in the US, effectively cutting off the company's access to the lucrative Americanmarket.
Furthermore, the ban also restricts Kaspersky from providing subsequent security updates to its existing customers in the US, a move that will take effect on September 29, 2020. This means that Kaspersky's existing customers in the US will no longer receive critical security patches and updates, leaving their systems vulnerable to potential cyber threats.
The decision to ban Kaspersky is likely a result of long-standing concerns over the company's alleged ties to the Russian government. These concerns have been fueled by reports of Kaspersky's close relationships with Russian intelligence agencies and its alleged willingness to cooperate with Russian authorities. Some experts have even accused Kaspersky of being vulnerable to Russian government manipulation, potentially allowing them to access sensitive US data.
The ban has significant implications for Kaspersky's business in the US, where the company has a significant presence and a large customer base. The loss of access to the US market, combined with the inability to provide updates to existing customers, could lead to a significant loss of revenue and market share for the company. This could have a Ripple effect throughout the cybersecurity industry, as Kaspersky is one of the largest and most well-known cybersecurity companies in the world.
The ban also raises serious questions about the security and integrity of Kaspersky's products, and whether they can be trusted to protect US data. Many experts have long been skeptical of Kaspersky's claims of independence and have questioned the company's ability to resist Russian government pressure. The ban has effectively validated these concerns, and it is likely that Kaspersky's reputation will suffer as a result.
Overall, the ban on Kaspersky is a significant development in the cybersecurity landscape, and its implications will be closely watched by the industry and the public. The move is a clear indication that the US government is willing to take bold action to protect its national security and the security of its citizens, even if it means disrupting the business of a major cybersecurity company.
The electric vehicle (EV) landscape is undergoing a significant shift as major automakers are adopting the North American Charging Standard (NACS) and gaining access to Tesla's vast Supercharger network. The trend began in 2022 when Ford announced that its EV owners would have access to Tesla's Superchargers, followed by General Motors (GM), Hyundai, and Rivian.
However, not aLL non-Tesla customers have been able to access the network immediately. Ford's EV owners, for instance, are still waiting for adapters to be delivered, although the company has promised to provide them for free. GM's recent announcement has brought some optimism, as its EV owners, including those of the Chevrolet Silverado EV and Cadillac Lyriq, will nOW have access to Tesla's Superchargers. To access the network, GM EV owners will need to purchase a GM-approved adapter for $225.
The shift towards the Tesla Supercharger network began in November 2022, when Tesla shared its EV charging connector design, which was considered superior to the Combined Charging Standard (CCS) used by other automakers. Ford was the first to announce its partnership with Tesla, followed by other major automakers.
As of September 2024, the Tesla Supercharger network has expanded significantly, with 36,499 NACS ports available publicly, compared to around 16,925 CCS ports. However, Tesla's website prohibits the use of third-party adapters, citing safety and performance concerns.
Several automakers have gained access to the Tesla Supercharger network, including:
Ford: Certain Ford customers have gained access to Tesla Superchargers, but ongoing supply constraints have delayed the delivery of free fast-charging adapters for most customers.
General Motors (GM): GM has announced that its EV owners will have access to Tesla's Superchargers, but they need to purchase a "GM-approved" adapter for $225.
Kia: Kia has announced that its EV owners will gain access to NACS chargers starting January 15, 2025, and customers who buy a new 2024 EV6 or 2024 or 2025 EV9 SUV from September 4, 2024 will get a free adapter.
Rivian: Rivian has gained access to 15,000 Superchargers across North America and has begun shipping adapters to customers.
As the adoption of the NACS and access to the Tesla Supercharger network continues to grow, TechCrunch will update the list as automakers gain official access to the network.
Despite hydrogen’s challenges, BMW thinks the only way to actually achieve a shift to zero-emissions transportation is through a mix of BEVs and hydrogen vehicles.
The article discusses the challenges facing the hydrogen fuel cell industry, despite BMW's recent announcement to develop a hydrogen fuel-cell consumer car for series production in 2028. The company believes that a mix of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen vehicles is necessary to achieve a shift to zero-emissions transportation.
BMW's Juergen Guldner, general project manager of hydrogen technology and vehicle projects, argues that hydrogen vehicles can complement the growing market of BEVs by offering a "best of both worlds" scenario, where customers can enjoy the benefits of electric driving with the convenience of refueling like traditional gasoline cars. Guldner believes that offering choice is key to changing people's behavior and that a mix of BEVs and hydrogen vehicles is more cost-effective and sustainable.
However, the challenges are substantial. The cost to build out hydrogen infrastructure is much higher than that of battery electric infrastructure, and hydrogen would need to be made using renewables, rather than fossil fuels, to make a zero-emissions claim. Jason Munster, principal and founder of hydrogen consulting firm CleanEpic, argues that the whole ecosystem needs to be taken into account, including production, distribution, and end-use, to replicate the success of battery electric vehicles.
BMW is working on building out an ecosystem for hydrogen vehicles, including partnerships with commercial fleet customers and testing a pilot fleet of hydrogen vehicles in over 20 countries. The company is also working with Urban-X, a tech startup platform and VC firm by Mini, to find companies that can fit into the hydrogen equation.
Munster argues that the VC model is not well suited for hydrogen projects due to the long-term payback and large capital requirements involved. He also criticizes the Biden administration's inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for its lack of clarity on guidance, which is "holding back the entire hydrogen industry" from experiencing the type of boom that the battery industry has seen.
The IRA includes tax credits for clean hydrogen production, but the initial guidance is "contentious," "limiting," and "not finalized." Munster suggests more relaxed rules that allow for fossil fuels from the grid to power existing electrolyzers in the short-term until a more robust renewables ecosystem is developed. The total amount of the subsidy is also unknown, ranging from $30 billion to $300 billion, which is causing companies to pause their expansion plans.
Overall, the article highlights the challenges facing the hydrogen fuel cell industry, but also suggests that a mix of BEVs and hydrogen vehicles could be a viable solution to achieve a shift to zero-emissions transportation.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and the ranking may vary based on different criteria such as market capitalization, revenue, profitability, and growth prospects. Additionally, the performance of these stocks can be volatile and may fluctuate based on various market and economic factors.
Here are the top technology stocks:
Apple (AAPL): With a market capitalization of $3.46 trillion, Apple is one of the largest and most influential technology companies in the world ¹.
Microsoft (MSFT): Microsoft's market capitalization stands at $3.21 trillion, and its shares have seen a significant increase of 38.93% over the past year ¹.
Nvidia (NVDA): Nvidia's market capitalization is $3.04 trillion, and its shares have skyrocketed 192.13% over the past year, making it one of the top-performing tech stocks ¹.
Visa (V): With a market capitalization of $536.83 billion, Visa is a leading player in the digital payments space, and its shares have seen a significant increase of 19.31% over the past year ¹.
PayPal Holdings (PYPL): PayPal's market capitalization stands at $81.87 billion, and its shares have increased by 39.66% over the past year ¹.
Mastercard (MA): Mastercard's market capitalization is $453.85 billion, and its shares have seen a significant increase of 24.95% over the past year ¹.
Adobe (ADBE): With a market capitalization of $226.87 billion, Adobe is a leading player in the software space, and its shares have seen a modest increase of 2.54% over the past year ¹.
Salesforce (CRM): Salesforce's market capitalization stands at $263.63 billion, and its shares have increased by 36.63% over the past year ¹.
ZoomInfo Technologies (ZI): With a market capitalization of $3.76 billion, ZoomInfo Technologies is a smaller but notable player in the tech space, although its shares have declined by 36.56% over the past year ¹.
Tesla's market capitalization is approximately $832 billion, making it the 10th most valuable company globally ¹ ² ³. This valuation is based on the company's recent stock price and the total number of outstanding shares. To give you a better idea, Tesla's market cap has fluctuated between $761 billion and $832 billion over the past week ³.
If you're interested in tracking Tesla's market performance, you can check out financial platforms like YCharts or TradingView, which provide real-time updates on the company's stock price and market capitalization ² ⁴. Additionally, MarketCapOf and Trading Economics offer comprehensive data on Tesla's market cap, including historical trends and comparisons with other top stocks ³ ⁵.
Are you putting in as much as you're taking out? My latest Article added Almost 1k #datatokens to #inleoai Everyone gives and takes, but most don't find a healthy balance. InLeo's success depends on us owners finding that balance #freecompliments
Manea has let us down and the Mets are getting their butts kicked in Milwaukee and to make matters worse the Braves won earlier today so they are slowly disentegrating.
The New York Mets enter Friday tied with the Arizona Diamondbacks for the second National League Wild Card and one game ahead of the Atlanta Braves for the final playoff spot. The Mets begin a three-game series with the Brewers in Milwaukee with Sean Manaea on the mound, while the Braves host the Royals and the D-Backs host the Padres.
Before breaking it down, let’s do the fun part of looking at the tiebreakers. The first tiebreaker is head-to-head. The Mets hold the tiebreaker with the Padres (5-2) and D-Backs (4-3). The Braves hold the tiebreaker over the D-Backs (5-2) and currently have the tiebreaker (6-5 over the Mets). The Padres and D-Backs season series is knotted at 5-5. The Padres hold the tiebreaker over the Braves, which is why they’ve clinched a playoff spot.
This is obviously the clearest one because the Mets hold the tiebreaker with the D-Backs, so if they win out, they’re in no matter what the other teams do. This would make the Mets the second WC team at the very least and could make them the first WC spot if the Padres fail to win more than one game over the weekend.
This also means the Mets are in and are guaranteed at least the second WC. Four wins still puts the first WC spot in play if the Padres lose all three games.
This also means the Mets are in and are guaranteed at least the second WC. Four wins still puts the first WC spot in play if the Padres lose all three games.
The first scenario involving the Mets not being guaranteed a playoff spot. The Mets could finish with 90 wins and still not make the playoffs because the Braves would then hold the tiebreaker against them.
Of course, the Mets would still get in if the D-Backs fail to sweep the Padres.
The first scenario involving the Mets not being guaranteed a playoff spot. The Mets could finish with 90 wins and still not make the playoffs because the Braves would then hold the tiebreaker against them.
Of course, the Mets would still get in if the D-Backs fail to sweep the Padres.
Two Mets Wins With Both Being Against Braves (89-73)
Yup, the Mets could get swept by the Brewers this weekend and still get in. Beating the Braves in both games would guarantee that New York and Atlanta teams are capped at 89 wins, with the Mets holding the tiebreaker.
All Other Scenarios
The Mets winning only two games with none coming against the Braves is where things get really dependent on the series played this weekend.
The Mets could actually still make the playoffs if they win only one of their remaining games. They would, of course, need the D-Backs to lose out or the Braves to go 1-4.
Zero wins — as it should — means the Mets’ season is over. That, at worst, would leave the D-Backs and Braves with at least 88 wins and the Mets at 87.
I get it, so it depends on the Mets winning streak.
Baseball is a pretty crazy sport hahaha... There was a time when the Mets were on a terrible losing streak and I didn't think that today would be enough for the team to get a spot in the Playoffs.
It's almost 11 hours since I paid for the Inleo premium subscription and still, I can't see the green tick mark beside my profile. It's quite disappointing.
I am very close to reaching 3K LEO. It may not be much but considering that these are the results of the delegation to leo.voter. That's more than good! 🙌
I would like to get to 5K, although I am also thinking of making some trading moves, although it is more complicated haha. The other time the price went up a lot, I think it would have been a good opportunity.
Then you need to start writing like a lot! 5k is a good reachable goal! Even you can turn your profits hive into leo to accelerate the process. Im kinda draining my profits, those electric bills are coming pretty fat =P
It is always good to keep resources active. In this case by making a delegation that represents importance. Although other people will have their own strategies to accumulate LEO.
@guurry123 I think I have a responsibility to warn you because I shared Blue with you. I think it's a scam. I paid 0.15 TON and received an airdrop of 0.294 Blue worth 0.04 TON.
Rio de Janeiro translates as "January River." The name originated in January 1502 when Portuguese sailors landed in a bay that they mistook for the mouth of a river.
I made this mistake a few years ago but now that I'm older I do at least a warmup for 10 min before using my kettlebell. I focus also on the muscles I will use later in the workout.
On September 27, 1940, the Axis powers are formed as Germany, Italy and Japan become allies with the signing of the Tripartite Pact in Berlin. The Pact provided for mutual assistance should any of the signatories suffer attack by any nation not already involved in the war. This formalizing of the alliance was aimed directly at “neutral” America—designed to force the United States to think twice before venturing in on the side of the Allies.
Lesson from Tap-2-Earn mini-apps: remain extra cautious and vigilant even though someone you are familiar with is the one recommending a new game or link.
Not that bad. I joined Blue because it was recommended by a Telegram channel that is seemingly reliable. Earlier Blue announced that we could claim the airdrop only to see later that the fee was higher than the value of the airdrop.
In the case of Catizen, I received 2 CATI for my minimal effort. I was able to sell when it reached 1 USD plus and so my airdrop increased to 2 USD plus. Though the airdrop is small, the fee is not that much.
Perhaps, for those who did not reach the higher level, they received nothing but dust. Though not as I expected, I can't call a 10.72 USDT airdrop dust.
Yes, you are right. You are the first person to acknowledge this. Most of my friends called it dust too. I got up to $22. What I understood was that we got what we worked for.
That's good enough. In my case, I received 1,500 HMSTR and 100 plus has been vested. I sold 1,300 plus last night and I am planning to use the airdrop they gave to trade their token once the selling pressure stops.
Hello friends!
Today I worked on the roller shutter box, which was quite a fiddly job. The kitchen is finished, now all that's missing is the bedroom, but we still need a new belt for it.
#cent #dailydook #DIY
A momo factory for Vietnamese fusion cuisine.
#photography #foodie
Got my first person inquiring about Hive from Substack. When I mentioned it's on a blockchain he assumed it was ultra complicated. I told him it can be but you don't need to know that much to use it. He said he isn't looking for a new platform but it sounds interesting so he may check it out.
It's a start!
Do you share your Hive articles there or do you share separate content that's original to the platform?
I share about 90% the same stuff. I have 7 years of a back catalogue. Sharing 2 old articles a week.
I understand people in the world don't see the world the same way I do.
However I still choose to express my view and engage with others who disagree.
Funny how many of those people get offended by a different view.
isn't that what makes people awesome? I think so.
Well today is the 1st day of harvest season. Heading out of the shop down to the farm for the next month to work the harvest.
Team is still moving ahead with Portal Brawlers while I am out.
The masses rarely understand genius.
If you are standing on an island, by yourself, with the masses disagreeing with you, then you are probably onto something.
That's a good way to see thing in my opinion.
Good luck with the harvest!
We will miss you :)
well you should be free to air your view, and anyone should be free to disagree with the views if they do not support your view, but when disagreeing with someone , we should learn to avoid being rude or sounding offensive
Here is the #threadcast for today's episode of The Lion's Den. It starts at 1 PM eastern time.
We are going to discuss how the development and processing of tokens will lead LEO to a $100M market cap. There are some other tidbits we will cover.
Drop all your questions and comments in here.
OnlyFans takes 20%+ of creator earnings. add taxes into the mix, and you're losing 50%+ of your income. Creators Subscriptions on inleo are the answer.
i will never stop saying it
Shit I didn't now that, it is really a lot. I see why the company makes so much money off those girls making 20k per month.
taking that further - how many people are still here from the steem leo days?
i started on steem, but didn‘t know leo back then …
being delegating to leo since 2020 but was mostly to support another project on hive, I didn't really post in the community before 2024 but would read and curate posts that came on my peakd feed.
I don't like when one account rethread 15 threads in row, even less when the original was 5 minutes ago. It doesn't provide more exposure nor anything, just spams the feed for me.
Nope. It is foolishness.
The same on Hive when accounts just reblog loads!
As for rethreads , why do people rethread something less than 30 minutes old.
I just thought it was me, being a grumpy old bastard 🤣
Hhahhaha yeah, sometimes the feed is all reblogs of random things, not even something important or that was published long ago it needs to be brought back... they just reblog like giving a like
lol it is off putting for a new user seeing a feed that looks like it got spammed!
Hi, @tsunsica,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
If I was worried about rewards I would not have posted for 1890 strait days. I have good reward days and shit reward days. But I don't care. I just keep building.
this is why i tell my wife i always last less than 60 seconds
consistency is key
hahaha, my wife called me the 30 second wonder ;)
Thanks for a great show. Summary of the livestream will be up later on @ai-summaries
Open AI tokenizer:
You have to be really bad if you posted 1000 thread and didn't get any money... A lot of people here give upvotes freely. It's not much, but statistically you should get some HBD at least, never 0! is an excellent tool, I use it for most my articles too + most summaries. It's developed by @kendewitt
Exponential …
Right, if the masses come, the recent feed will be flowing so fast, without a good recommend feature, very few will be seen. Good creators will be lost
but i never claimed to be useful!
But you are ;)
still never claimed to be hahaha
true ;)
I've found that if you want to earn enough HBD to purchase premium, you have to blog. If you want to earn LEO you need to thread. On average a $12 post has earned me 8 LEO, but $0.12 on a thread will earn 1.xx Leo
That's was my observation as well... I'm getting enough @leo.voter votes for a new Premium sub on my blogs alone. But I barely get any $HIVE on threads. Only $LEO
This is somewhat as intended
LEO lives outside of the hive politics around short form content
I think LEO will always be the #1 reward you earn for short form content and HIVE will be primarily for long-form content rewards
Well, I think it's a great idea to stay away from HIVE politics.
Is Task still talking?
crypto is just a retirement investment to me, so the current values mean nothing to me. As long as the amount ticks up I'm good
Apparently Elon Musk decided to comply with the impositions from the brazilian judge who banned X so there is a chance I'll be able to catch the live shows again soon
That's great to hear. I also heard they made several adjustments to that VPN ban. Crazy stuff..
It's being said that they have a list of people who tried to bypass the ban using VPN or other methods, and the list will be submitted to the authorities. I don't think they will actually prosecute anyone for that but at this point I wouldn't be surprised
Yeah, it's utter madness, really. I saw this video (and channel) yesterday, and I found it really informative. Actually subscribed to it even - it's particularly applicable to the current situation in Brazil. Give it a listen if it looks interesting
Cool, I'll take a look! Thanks!
It is an interesting back and forth there.
Did the judge change any of the terms?
Not that I know of. Musk decided to comply and allegedly sent over everything that was asked and requested the ban to be lifted. The case is under analysis but I don't know if they mentioned a deadline for the decision yet. I'll try to find out more
Inleo is turning into a site that is appealing just for existing. Yesterday I presented a class about Inleo (and there were no errors during the process) and people loved all the microblogging, shorts, the threadcast...
Easy login and easy account creation
Now, having proper error, warning and instructions messages will ease a lot of the anxiety of new users when something they don't understand happens
We are truly on our way to have the ease of use of web2 with all that comes with web3
I think I can develop a small program that counts how many tokens are in each block, but I'm not sure I want to do it for Free.
Will I do it for payment? Hit me on Creator's Subscription and find out!
What you call dead data is used often by professionals in those fields. Sports commentors use past stats all the time and so do meteorologists. Political commentators use past data all the time too
That isnt what I was referring to. News tends to have little stickiiness. As a database it is of little value. The statistics are still useful.
The stats for a baseball player for a season is utilized. The article or videos about a game has very little value.
I got educated on tokens :)
Disposable content example:
yes, but mainly think of disposable content as an image or meme that has no text description or relevant tags. Because of this you can't search for it, because there's no search terms added to it
I have to make sure I don't do that!
But I can see mine on my counter.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@taskmaster4450, I sent you an
Ah, you aren't using the definition of disposable content I defined on my @faqonleo account. News is always relevant, especially if you do a series like, "what happened on this day 100 years ago" as an example. Disposable content in not searchable nor trains AI, so is not useful
Have a nice day everyone!
I thread threadcasts for two reasons: To show up on my profile, and (for the ones currently running) to show up in the latest feeds for people to jump in to them.
There's an infamous Lawyer here in Libya, whom an acquaintance of mine worked for. She's known to be REALLY good at her job, but once my acquaintance worked for her, she realized the woman wasn't doing anything. Her subordinates are doing everything. That lawyer only had her Charisma and zero lawering knowledge, and she was still known as being an amazing laywer.
I find it amusing.
Disposable content is like "Thank You" comments.
Thank you!
Steal it?
While I'm mainly on the Latest Feed right now, but when it becomes to fast to read, I'll switch to other feeds.
Aren't they're working on Recommendations System using LeoAI for the For You page?
The following feed on InLeo doesn't work. It's essentially the Latest feed at this point. The For you feed is Awful. Right now I only use the Latest feed
It will be good to learn more about this. I still don't quite understand how it works.
Human have a hard time actually conceptualizing what an exponential curve growth looks like. Our brain is more linear based I believe.
You just lost a lot of people with that... It's interesting how little people know about math.
It looks like there is a new listing for $HIVE
Does anybody know the details?
a new listing eh? I had not heard about that
Yea! I can't access X so I couldn't check details, but this is what was shared in some groups:
Very cool

I havent heard about it.
Doing a quick search, it looks like a futures platform in addition to spot pricing.
Cool. I hope it helps Hive
Hmmmm... Premium+ for having an X number of LEO Tokens? I don't know if this idea is really good, or really bad! It'll be good for the economy but I'm not sure about users.
I'm noticing that new threads are appearing at the bottom of this threadcast, while they appear at the top in others (like this one):
That's odd. Is it just on my end? 🤔
That is my screwup. I just looked, I forgot the hashtag with threadcast.
I editted it. We will see if it changes anything when it takes hold.
I hope so.
Ah that makes sense. Yeah it seems that solved it
That's the tokens that are created from data being add to the AI?
Well they arent created per se. That is like saying inches are created when you take out a ruler and use it.
Not quite sure what you're referring to with this. Looking forward to hear more.
A simple process. As I dive deeper into the core, it is rather eye opening. Peeling away the layers of nonsense to get to how it really works.
Nothing that isnt logical but it is quantified. It is also a framework most do not operate from.
Evergreen Content over Disposable content always... Support Evergreen
if you're not bullish you can always just send your tokens to me
If you get sent some tokens, you're free to send some of them to me. Share the !LUV
(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily@l337m45732, @ahmadmanga
At dive bars.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
@l337m45732, I sent you anhaha i gotcha
Please share them with me ;)
will do
Dis is bullish and best idea ever. :)
ChatGPT, Llama and the other LLMs will put the blockchain content on themselves in the future, I'm sure of it!
owners have a product they expect to profit from, So what you call earnings an owner or creator calls pay for a product. So I wouldn't discount the power of earnings. Rewards are given, earnings are earned
My example is that most aren't creating Task, you are, so using yourself as an example isn't representative. I'm seeing those trying to hit the numbers you state are only the spammers
That's fair...
An example for gaming, Steam takes 30% of each sale from their store, but as a user of Steam, I think they're using their earnings from the 30% they take from developers to support us gamers. Only a few companies are giving as much value to their store as them.
That an idea, creating a bot with like 20 slots that will delegate RC upon request to people but you have to do a minimum amount of posts/threads to keep it going else you are not able to subscribe to the service anymore.
I think INLEO is already doing that for people who registered to HIVE using INLEO.
I am talking about people that actually need more because they post a lot of threads.
Well, my brother isn't around anymore, (he's really busy with his IRL work,) but he finds it cool when I talk about him about INLEO so there's a chance he'll get back someday.
Yeah, I can't fathom why they want people who worked hard to get where they are now to give them upvotes for no work!
True I never asked myself the question about how people see me as on inleo. The question then becomes what do you want to be knowed for?
we need USERS as in AUDIENCE too!
Yeah people have less expectation on Facebook to make money for their post. that just shows more power to your previous quote about hobby & money.
Good quote to keep from today, if money is involved it is no longer a hobby but a business. taskmaster. sept,2024
Took me too long to realize that fact. Even in the gaming space, when money is involved IT'S SERIOUS!!
A surefire way for me to avoid your Youtube videos is letting me see Misleading Headlines more than once.
What ever the topic is, I like to read actual opinions, or experiences, of users. Not just a some AI pics.
I can delegate some resource credits too if anyone needs them... Maybe not for 100 threads a day, but at least a couple dozen.
I don't remember spamming, and I still have 7000+ threads on inleo. You're not supposed to do 1000 on the same day, y'know?
Not rendering thumbnails for URLs on other sites is an InLeo problem, because 3Speak urls render on other sites, but InLeo's urls of the same content doesn't. So, the lack of rendering is on our side and Khal needs to find a way to fix this
LeoAI is different... It costs money to prompt any LLM, and every AI competitor have a way to monetize. If you don't like it, use ChatGPT!
Did someone mention crypto people? 😎🟢🪂
Speaking of crypto, I need a proper dip! Not this choppy up a little, down a little... Couple of good entries on my mind. 🤑
Premium is cost of doing business on chain.
Which better do you think can be used to make people engage the more. Am saying so because it looks like the stat about SHORTS might not be improving that much. Do you think upvoting then would make users increase their capacity?
I would have to listen to the recording later, I can't tell why it keepkeeps tripping off.
Hmmmm... It's a messy situation.
„ME“ as in DATA 👇🏽😉
Question ❓
Which niche would you go in to when the subscription module is launched? Task.
Apparently it should be coming on Saturday if it is still on track.
Yeah, I can hear you
AI Hallucinated NEWS
All the big tech companies are listening in always and everywhere through our devices and gadgets, transcribing everything and training their AI models with that data and tomorrow they‘re gonna sell us robots that already knows us and greets us by our names or nicknames … 🙈🙉🙊
This is crazy, wow, could this be true?
Not every day, but I generate images with Ideogram sometime~
Didn't know they finished Training LeoAI!
I'm not sure if Fair Use works that way... If you're still posting the whole thing for the AI to use, even if separated in different places, you're feeding the AI a whole product of someone else without permission.
Lion's Den episodes are posted to chain with transcripts. But it's not automated yet unfortunately, that's true
I really should provide more context in the AI Conversations I'm putting out.
Question ❓
How do you see the creators Subscription Module that is about being integrated on InLEO?
I've been having problems with Leo Linker messing up the formatting in the Inleo publisher and it looks awful, creating way too much work to clean it up before publishing
Sounds like something I can do.
While I think they can do the thumbnail images for shorts link, the ability to play the videos from inside Twitter must be done from Twitter's side.
Oh, no. X keeps kicking me out of the space.
I'm actually glad that Leo Team won't train their AI on encrypted content. That will give more value to the Creator's Subscription model!
It's sad we're living in such a future now.
Don‘t touch my $LEO!!! 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
Okay, u got me there Task, you wanna know the foreseeable future of Leo token and if khal is taking it seriously?
Two hour long episode this week. My poor poor GPU 😆
the only way to add 1000 anything on InLeo requires spamming unoriginal content, which is not helpful for building a brand or base, because you are only sharing, not creating
Yea, Leo price increased because bull market is about to set in apart from that, maybe it will still be down, do bull market even affect the price of Leo?
We will be covering some good stuff today.
I like good stuff
first time hearing task smile, lolz
With how fast technology is improving, (affordable) training on video data isn't very far off.
Starting from now, my mission is to bring crypto talk back to Inleo!
More charts & greener candles! Fellow degens, join me! 🤑🟢
Let's push #crypto back on trending tags!
Ah, Lion's Den Day. A most excellent day of the week
I agree. LOL
Set a reminder for the Space
Waiting at 1x second per second!
We are live
See how long I can listen before I get interupted
See how long it takes to get a few people into the room.
Starting on time is always nice 👍
Task is always on time, love that about you.
Will be here in 5-10 mins, smth came up!
The data talk has been ringing in my ear since task started dealing with it recently on Lion's Den and on his content.
Using HBD for payment for me I think it's much more better because it's stable compared to Leo token.
Yea, boss, wen you say give Leo away, you are talking to us all.
I'm back!!
Yea for some time now, your article ha been about data and AI recently and this has kept me thinking about LeoAI.
You talkin‘bout me? 😉
Wow, no Lions Den on Friday, Task is falling in love again. 😂
Both the summary and the actual transcript are important!
Hey LeoAI: Thread an hourly updated counter of the amount of tokens contained in the HIVE Database (when you‘re ready)
LeoAI would be a great game changer.
Didn't know that Llama is doing multi-modal too... Can you repeat the name of the version? I missed that!!!
Yes all good for sound
Llama 3.2, got it!
That will take a time.
I don't hear you on my right earphone... Is it just me?
Nevermind, it was my earphone's problem.
Fun fact looks like Yahoo isn't quoted anymore, got got by private equity.
"Use our platform for money" not working is kind of making me sad...
leoAi will make premium worth it. Right now I'm not earning more by being premium. Most of the earnings and engagement on blogs is coming from those not using InLeo, so premium doesn't necessarily give you a better return
My suggestion to make Subscription not requiring Premium wasn't because I wanted it to be Free, but because I wanted to Small Creators to have as low as barrier to entry to try it as possible. INLEO could make Creator's Subscription a lot more valuable to Premium members while still making it Free-to-Start.
But that's just my opinion.
Yeah, a lot of users have just disappeared. I actually miss few of them.
Still some actual trader here
Agents …
On X I only use following feed. The for you feed can actaully be dangerous for any crypto degen if you accidentally click something shady.
I agree staking is important to not only show that you are serious, but to add value to the token by taking it off the market. We need to get rid of reputation and use stake by itself instead
Keeping it tabbed!
That is actually a great site for AI information. They do a lot of research. Not a ton of updates but when they do add a new post, it is long and full of into.
I think you'll like this:
P.S: On an unrelated notes, I think I found a workaround for posting external links on leothreads. !LOLZ
LOL I could hardly read the bottom part. Good deal on it if true.
As for the summary, nailed it. Amazing stuff.
thx, see y‘all 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
Inspiring. Thanks for the show. This gave me some ideas!
Have you heard of the token called $TRADE on Hive-Engine?
It is a new token issued by @anadolu to boost liquidity and generate revenue on Hive pools.
There is an ongoing event, join to get rewarded in #cent tokens 😎
The money on X - and all social media platforms - only flows to the top
How many of us use X daily and earn nothing? 99%+
INLEO will dominate the niche of small - medium-sized creators through:
Time to dominate
Amen my friend :)
That's why I love Inleo.
Hell you cant even own stock in it anymore.
There is zero way to profit off X activity unless you are a paid content creator.
Glad to finally have a specific niche to go for!
📚 Book Club #threadcast
Ep21 Fri 27-Sep-24
ℹ️ This is the #bookcast where we chat all things #books on Leo
💬 Talk about what you've read, what you'd like to read and discuss the world of literature!
Have fun! 📖
Welcome to the Friday BookCast! Post all your book chit-chat right here...
Previous edition:
Elizabeth Strout: ‘I would never ask someone to read my books!’
Article via The Guardian
7 New Books We Recommend This Week
Article via The New York Times
From beer to books: 16 subscription services to save you time and money
Article via The Guardian
Five feel-good books for animal lovers
Article via Washington Post
Babies in Somerset gifted books to encourage early reading
Article via BBC
News - Clytemnestra author Costanza Casati wins Goldsboro Books’ eighth Glass Bell Award
Article via The Bookseller
Why did a Brussels bookshop cancel my book launch?
Article via Spiked
8 books that will make you the master of analysing human psychology
Article via Times of India
Richard Osman Has a (Tiny) Bone to Pick With John Grisham
Article via NYT
LeoBooks community:
September's best psychological thrillers
Complicated mothers, glamorous con artists, and the bachelorette party from hell...
Article via CrimeReads
4 books that helped this guy become a millionaire...
Leo Library:
5 Book Reviews You Need to Read This Week
Article via Literary Hub
21 New Books Coming in October
Novels by Karl Ove Knausgaard and Jean Hanff Korelitz; nonfiction by Ina Garten, Alexei Navalny and Ta-Nehisi Coates; Sapphic horror and more...
Read Article (via New York Times)
📚 ‘Zero to One’ by Peter Thiel
📖 Notes on startups, or how to build the future.
🎞️ Productivity Game YouTube channel give their review…
#leobooks #booksonleo #videoreview #books #business
I know about Adsterra. I think it'll probably have the same problem for #inelo that made them ditch Google Ads and Coinzilla. I believe that Inleo making their own Ad program will be much better for the platform. #leoads #feedback #freecompliments #bbh
Our own native program will be far superior to any ad network middle-man
Imagine buying into a platform at its lows in terms of price action but all-time high in terms of:
3 more inquiries into INLEO yesterday. All I did was sent a DM to a guy who wants to fund a boat trip around Africa and make a note (thread) at Substack to my 40 subscribers:

Love seeing this. We need more of this!
I hope Eric @anomadsoul is in touch with you too. I want to get substack users/creators onboarded ASAP when creator subs are live
hope to get some results soon! It needs some patience but I have a feeling they will come in clusters. It’s definitely way easier than X because everyone there is a writer and hopes to earn “one day”! I’ll do my best 🔥
keep up the great job you are doing concerning the amazing platform
A digital platform that pre-dates LeoAI.
Alot of people are going through depression , always mind the way you talk to people.
Learn to be nice and caring towards others, it will go a long way to make our society a better place
#life #opinion #writing #dailydook
You are right. We ought to show even if it's a little kindness because we don't know what other people are going through 🥺
Thank you for using #dailydook. Here is a !DOOK for you
Check out these Highlights from the BRO Community... 😉 We are not quantity but quality.
Feliz viernes comunidad, llegó el último día de la semana y se tiene que aprovechar al máximo y terminar todas las actividades pendientes que se tengan y de esa manera lograr los resultados.
Every salaried individual should be looking at dollar-cost averaging every month. This should be 3% to 8% of your monthly income. This gives you skin in the game but simultaneously mitigates risk due to the allocation being minimal, relatively speaking. This can always be increased if your living expenses are low relative to your salary and you have a surplus in available capital. #Finance #cent
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 9/27/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
Bigger AI chatbots more inclined to spew nonsense — and people don't always realize
A study of newer, bigger versions of three major artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots shows that they are more inclined to generate wrong answers than to admit ignorance. The assessment also found that people aren’t great at spotting the bad answers.
#technology #ai #chatbots
Apple’s long-awaited ‘HomeAccessory’ could have square display, A18 chip for AI, more
According to reliable sources familiar with the matter, the leaked “HomeAccessory” is indeed Apple’s new smart home accessory. Codenamed J490, the device will be powered by the A18 chip, presumably to support Apple Intelligence features (which won’t be available on current HomePods).
Interestingly, sources told us that the HomeAccessory in its current state has a squarish display, rather than a rectangular format like an iPad. It’s unclear whether the square aspect ratio will make it into the final product. HomeAccessory also has a built-in camera that works for FaceTime and other video conferencing apps.
#technology #apple
Radian Aerospace completes ground tests of prototype space plane
Radian Aerospace has moved one step closer to achieving the “holy grail” of spaceflight: a reusable space plane that can take off from an airfield and land on a runway like a conventional airplane. The startup just announced completion of a series of ground tests in Abu Dhabi earlier this summer.
#technology #aviation #radian #space
There are technologies that have not changed for centuries for example the technology of scratching your back where it is difficult to reach with your hand. You take a thin twig and scratch your back or your forehead the door frame. :) !VSC
I find that dropping a weight on my foot stops my back from itching.
I heard somewhere that a bullet helps with headaches, attention is redistributed :) !VSC
My back feels a lot better when I slam my finger in the car door a few times.
This is probably not the case when you can say that it is good that there is something that distracts us from pain, but... distracts :) !BEER
View or trade
Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Reuters: US imposes fresh Russia- and cyber-related sanctions
Reuters: Google restricts creation of new accounts in Russia, news agencies report
Reuters: Microsoft to make $2.7 billion cloud, AI investments in Brazil
Reuters: OpenAI CEO denies exec departures linked to restructuring
Reuters: Britain buys semiconductor factory to secure supply for military
Meta reveals Orion AR, its newest smart glasses
During Meta Connect, the company finally officially revealed its new “fully holographic” augmented reality glasses, called Orion.
The device is revealed after months of speculation and arrives equipped with interesting technologies. However, unfortunately, it is still just a presentation version and is not ready to hit the market yet.
#newsonleo #technology #meta
One of the highlights of the new device is that it has small projectors that display holograms directly on the lenses, creating an immersive AR experience.
Another highlight is its look and design. For starters, it's not big and heavy like some previous AR products like the Magic Leap, Hololens, or Google Glass, which means it's more comfortable and practical to use on a daily basis. Furthermore, it is also more discreet and does not block the user's view of the real world, as many do. Thus, the user is always aware of what is happening around them and those nearby can still see the face and expression of the person using it in a natural way.
According to Meta, Orion offers a digital experience that goes beyond the limitations of a smartphone screen, superimposing holographic elements onto the real world. The integration of contextual AI will also allow users to interact more intelligently with their surroundings.
The big secret behind Orion's lightness is that not all the necessary technology is exactly on the device. The glasses connect to a wireless “puck” that handles much of the processing and transmits applications and content to the device. Additionally, a bracelet will be used to control gestures and interactions.
First sensor created that measures magnetic fields in any direction
The best sensors available today for measuring magnetic fields - also known as magnetometers - belong to the class of "quantum sensors", working based on the reaction of individual atoms to the magnetic fields they want to measure.
#newsonleo #Electronics #technology
Its active part are natural atomic defects present in the diamond, known as nitrogen vacancies, or color centers. These centers arise when two carbon atoms in the diamond's crystal lattice are replaced by a single nitrogen atom, leaving a "vacancy" in the crystal lattice.
Together, the nitrogen atom and vacancy can behave as a negatively charged entity with a spin of its own. Better than that, nitrogen vacancy centers are isolated from the environment, meaning their quantum behavior is robust and stable, making them not only excellent sensors but also ideal qubits for quantum computers.
And you can use them for other things, like measuring practically anything. By repeatedly exciting a color center and collecting the emitted photons, it is possible to detect its spin state. And, because the spin state can be influenced by external variables such as magnetic field, electric field, temperature, force and pressure, diamond's nitrogen vacancy centers can be used as extremely precise, atomic-scale sensors.
But in the case of detecting magnetic fields, there is a problem: The color centers can only detect magnetic fields that are aligned in the same direction as the sensors. Thus, a practical magnetometer needs to contain many sensors, placed at different alignment angles, which makes them difficult to build and use and with an accuracy limited to the number and position of the sensors used. Furthermore, the fact that they are rigid (diamond is the hardest natural material known) means that they cannot conform to the samples being studied.
Electric circuit will test whether gravity is quantum or not
Physicists have devised a new method to test in the laboratory whether the force of gravity is quantum or not.
And it is a multipurpose experiment: By allowing the modeling of a central theory of quantum gravity, the experiment could help not only decipher previously inexplicable phenomena, but could also improve computational circuits, such as neural networks.
#newsonleo #technology #gravity #space
Gravity isn't exactly a mystery as long as we stay at great distances: We can calculate the orbits of planets, send rockets into space with precision, and even map space superhighways. However, the theoretical description of gravity loses its explanatory power when we reach the level of the smallest particles, the so-called quantum level.
"To explain the Big Bang or the interior of black holes, we have to understand the quantum properties of gravity," explains professor Johanna Erdmenger, from the University of Wurzburg, in Germany. "At very high energies, the classical laws of gravity fail. Therefore, our goal is to contribute to the development of new theories that can explain gravity on all scales, including at the quantum level."
In terms of a theory of quantum gravity, what we have today is the so-called "AdS/CFT correspondence", which states that complex gravitational theories in high-dimensional space can be described by simpler quantum theories at the boundary of that space.
Don't be scared by the terms, you can understand them: "AdS" stands for "Anti-de-Sitter", a special type of space-time that is curved inwards, like a hyperbola. "CFT" is the acronym for "conformal field theory", a theory that describes quantum physical systems whose properties are the same at all spatial distances.
"This seems very complicated at first, but it's easy to explain," continues Erdmenger. "The AdS/CFT correspondence allows us to understand difficult gravitational processes, like those that exist in the quantum world, using simpler mathematical models. At its heart is a curved spacetime, which can be thought of as a funnel. The correspondence claims that the Quantum dynamics at the edge of the funnel must correspond to the more complex dynamics within it - in a similar way to a hologram on a banknote, which generates a three-dimensional image, although it is only two-dimensional."
All of these theories are very well founded mathematically, but it is necessary to test them in the laboratory, at least to know at what scale they begin to work or fail.
Professor Erdmenger's team is proposing a method to experimentally test predictions of the AdS/CFT correspondence that have never been previously confirmed.
@calebmarvel01 @mightpossibly @beststart @taskmaster4450le @shiftrox @xlety @winanda @michupa @davidpena21 @skiptvads
What do you think about this? Would you like to make your own film?
Please which AI is responsible for this? I would love to make a cooking movie, lol. It always plays in my head. 😁
THis woman 🤣🤣🤣, you and food eh....
Good combination. 😁
I ended up missing your comment, but I managed to read it.
I will explain to you in English what is in the image:
I went on a bike trail today in Alagoas and found this.
There was a note that said "junior I tie you to me forever"
I don't even know who is junior, but I freed the brother.
TMJ = We are together!
There are a few types and we will have many more options in the future.
I took this video from the internet. I don't know exactly where it was made.
this is pretty cool 👏👏👏👏, how did you do it?
I found it on the internet.
THats cool 😎
Caraca mano que da hora! Isso com certeza será difundido e aos poucos chegara em massa para as pessoas, um novo normal na produção de vídeos e curtas! #cent #freecompliments
Graças a AI, hoje já podemos criar livros, bons roteiros... Fazer filmes será algo bastante simples graças a AI.
9 startups that stood out on YC Demo Day 2
Here are the startups from YC Demo Day 2 that we thought stood out from the flock.
Silicon Valley accelerator Y Combinator held the second Demo Day for its Summer 2024 cohort on Thursday, and just like we saw on Day 1, AI remains the focus of most startups in this cohort.
However, we did also find a few interesting startups that are working on cool tech like drones that can’t be jammed, carpooling for freight, and weather prediction.\
#newsonleo #ycominator #technology
UK data watchdog confirms it's investigating MoneyGram data breach
The world’s second-largest money transfer provider, which filed a data breach notice with U.K. authorities, serves over 50 million people.
The U.K.’s data protection regulator has confirmed it’s investigating MoneyGram after receiving a data breach report from the U.S.-based money transfer giant.
The U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office, which requires that organizations report data breaches within 72 hours of discovering the incident, confirmed to TechCrunch on Friday that the watchdog had received a report from MoneyGram following a cybersecurity incident at the company.
#newsonleo #moneygram #data #breach
“We have received a report from MoneyGram and will be making enquiries,” ICO spokesperson Lucy Milburn told TechCrunch.
The extent of a potential data breach at MoneyGram remains unknown. MoneyGram, the world’s second-largest money transfer provider, serves over 50 million people in more than 200 countries and territories each year.
MoneyGram has remained largely silent about the cybersecurity incident beyond a handful of updates posted to its X account.
The company’s website, which is now back up and running after almost a week offline, contains no mention of the cybersecurity incident, and MoneyGram has not responded to TechCrunch’s multiple requests for comment.
MoneyGram first confirmed the cybersecurity incident on Monday following three days of operational downtime, saying it “identified a cybersecurity issue affecting certain of our [sic] systems” and had taken some systems offline in an effort to contain the incident.
The outage forced both the company’s website and app offline, leaving customers unable to make in-person or online payments. The outage also affected MoneyGram partners, including the Bank of Jamaica and the U.K.’s Post Office.
The latest update from MoneyGram, posted on X on Thursday, says that customers can now “send and receive money through both our digital platforms and agent partners,” but adds that the company is still working to fulfill pending transactions.
The company says that its app is now live and available. When TechCrunch checked on Friday, MoneyGram’s app remained offline.
Napkin is a note-taking app that is not about making you more productive
Note-taking apps typically aim to make you more efficient and productive. A lot of those apps concentrate on quickly jotting down your thoughts,
Note-taking apps typically aim to make you more efficient and productive. A lot of those apps concentrate on quickly jotting down your thoughts, organizing them better, or a mix of both. Napkin (not to be confused with the Accel-backed startup of same name) wants to stand out amid these apps by focusing on mindfulness. Think of it as a companion of sorts to your journaling.
#newsonleo #technolgoy #napkin
Founders David Felsmann and Fabian Wittel, who previously worked in BMW’s group innovation wing, started developing the app in 2022. They first released a web prototype. But, at that time, the app was focusing on productivity and helping you outline ideas around specific topics. They noticed that there was also a big chunk of users who used Napkin as a mindfulness tool to take some time and reflect on ideas that were valuable to them.
The company then shifted its focus to the mindfulness market when it started building its iOS app — the desktop app was maintained for existing users. The startup has positioned itself in the health and fitness category rather than productivity or utility because of its mindfulness approach.
“All notes are very different in nature. We are helping people capture ideas that change their state of mind. Like something that made you change your perspective or motivated you and you want to relfect on that later. These are the ideas that you collect with Napkin as a mindfulness habit,” Felsmann said.
Users can log their ideas, such as quotes from books, through the camera — those quotes are converted into text. They can also simply type these thoughts as well. Napkin curates some ideas for inital sessions that you can add to your library. The app uses AI to caregorize different ideas with auto-generatged tags. You can revisit these themes or tags at a later date from the home screen too.
Users can archive their ideas so that they stop showing up with the related flags. While the app can understand other languages like Spanish and German, currently, it is best suited for English.
He noted that a lot of people used the app first thing in the morning instead of opening social media to self-reflect. The co-founders noted that they have built the app around a so-called Sense of Coherence (SoC) model, which allows you to build a holistic mental model of the world and keep you grounded.
Napkin is available on App Store with a fee of $6 per month or $50 per year. You can also get a seven-day trial to test out the app.
The company says that the app doesn’t want to disrupt user flow so they don’t send any nudges or notifications to users. “We don’t want to add more noise to users’ lives. We would love to be an application in the background that is not screaming for attention, but rather a quiet place of retention for them,” Felsmann said.
Napkin sees itself as a companion for people who journal rather than a replacement. In the future, the app could also have integrations with popular journal apps or Amazon Kindle so users can capture their ideas easily and use them for journaling.
The company hasn’t raised any institutional money but has gotten checks in the form of convertible loan agreements from believers and backers totaling roughly $150,000. Napkin doesn’t want to raise money and wants to reach sustainability with more than 10,000 subscribers. Currently, it has roughly 4,000 paid users. Once it hits the goal, the company will consider building integration features and apps for other platforms.
Nomi's companion chatbots will now remember things like the colleague you don't get along with
As OpenAI boasts about its o1 model’s increased thoughtfulness, small, self-funded startup Nomi AI is building the same kind of technology.
As OpenAI boasts about its o1 model’s increased thoughtfulness, small, self-funded startup Nomi AI is building the same kind of technology. Unlike the broad generalist ChatGPT, which slows down to think through anything from math problems or historical research, Nomi niches down on a specific use case: AI companions. Now, Nomi’s already-sophisticated chatbots take additional time to formulate better responses to users’ messages, remember past interactions, and deliver more nuanced responses.
#newsonleo #openai #technology #nomi #chatbot
“For us, it’s like those same principles [as OpenAI], but much more for what our users actually care about, which is on the memory and EQ side of things,” Nomi AI CEO Alex Cardinell told TechCrunch. “Theirs is like, chain of thought, and ours is much more like chain of introspection, or chain of memory.”
These LLMs work by breaking down more complicated requests into smaller questions; for OpenAI’s o1, this could mean turning a complicated math problem into individual steps, allowing the model to work backwards to explain how it arrived at the correct answer. This means the AI is less likely to hallucinate and deliver an inaccurate response.
With Nomi, which built its LLM in-house and trains it for the purposes of providing companionship, the process is a bit different. If someone tells their Nomi that they had a rough day at work, the Nomi might recall that the user doesn’t work well with a certain teammate, and ask if that’s why they’re upset — then, the Nomi can remind the user how they’ve successfully mitigated interpersonal conflicts in the past and offer more practical advice.
“Nomis remember everything, but then a big part of AI is what memories they should actually use,” Cardinell said.
Starlink hits 4 million subscribers
SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet network is expected to hit a new customer milestone this week, company President Gwynne Shotwell told Texas legislators on Tuesday.
“This week, by the way, we will pass 4 million customers for Starlink, which is quite exciting,” she said while testifying before a state House Appropriations Committee meeting. (The milestone was confirmed by SpaceX on Thursday.)
#technology #starlink #spacex
I am back to Prague - let's fill this threadcast up!
The Guardian: Companies building AI-powered tech are using your posts. Here’s how to opt out
The Guardian: Will the ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ message protect users’ posts from being used to train AI?
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The Guardian: Echo Spot review: Amazon’s Alexa takes aim at the bedroom
BBC: How pen and paper comes to the rescue in an IT crisis
BBC: Watch: Can BBC reporter's AI clone fool his colleagues?
BBC: Dame Judi Dench and John Cena to voice Meta AI chatbot
CNBC: Hands-on with Meta’s Orion AR glasses prototype and the possible future of computing
CNBC: Alibaba, Tencent rally as Beijing stimulus plans push China’s tech stocks to 13-month high
Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first
A 25-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes started producing her own insulin less than three months after receiving a transplant of reprogrammed stem cells. She is the first person with the disease to be treated using cells that were extracted from her own body.
#technology #stemcells #health #diabetes
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CNN: Social media platforms are using what you create for artificial intelligence. Here’s how to opt out
CNN: This bank says ‘millions’ of people could be targeted by AI voice-cloning scams
CNN: AI-powered tech could help people with speech impairments to work remotely
Wired: Tesla’s Cybertruck Goes, Inevitably, to War
Reuters: EU privacy regulator fines Meta 91 million euros over password storage
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Diversity... we need more diversity!
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong Executes First AI-to-AI Crypto Transaction
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has announced the successful completion of his first crypto transaction entirely managed by AI agents.
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has announced the successful completion of his first crypto transaction entirely managed by AI agents. This marks a new chapter in the ongoing efforts within the industry to develop platforms that allow AI to autonomously execute transactions. Armstrong shared the news on X, writing, "this week at @CoinbaseDev we witnessed our first AI to AI crypto transaction.”
#crypto #ai #agents #technology
The transaction involved one AI agent — a bot programmed to perform specific tasks — using crypto tokens to interact with another AI agent in order to acquire additional AI tokens. These AI tokens are essentially strings of data that enable algorithms to learn and evolve based on the information they process. "They used tokens to buy tokens," Armstrong succinctly summarized.
Armstrong further elaborated on the current limitations of AI agents, noting that their effectiveness is hampered by their inability to handle transactions. Without a method to make payments, these AI agents struggle with basic tasks such as booking flights, reserving hotel rooms, or managing social media beyond content creation, such as promoting posts with paid advertising.
"AI agents cannot get bank accounts, but they can get crypto wallets," Armstrong pointed out. He added that these AI agents can now use USDC on Base, Coinbase’s Ethereum Layer 2 network, to transact with humans, merchants, and even other AI agents. "Those transactions are instant, global, and free," he emphasized, underscoring the potential for AI to revolutionize not just the crypto space, but the broader economy.
This development comes on the heels of Armstrong’s recent call for large language models (LLMs) — the underlying technology behind popular AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude — to have crypto wallets. Armstrong has been vocal about the need for AI agents to be equipped with the tools necessary to participate in economic activities, stating, "Let’s help AI agents get work done (on your behalf) and participate in the economy."
OTTAWA – China-backed cyber criminals hijacked nearly 10,000 devices in Canada and used them to hack government, university and critical infrastructure networks and steal confidential data, according to the FBI.
Last week, the U.S. government revealed that it had “destroyed” a network run by a hacker group that infected hundreds of thousands of devices around the world and then used them to steal sensitive data.
The WordPress vs. WP Engine drama, explained
The world of WordPress, one of the most popular technologies for creating and hosting websites, is going through a very heated controversy.
The world of WordPress, one of the most popular technologies for creating and hosting websites, is going through a very heated controversy. The core issue is the fight between WordPress founder and Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine, which hosts websites built on WordPress.
#wordpress #newsonleo #wpengine #technology
WordPress technology is open source and free, and it powers a huge chunk of the internet — around 40% of websites. Websites can host their own WordPress instance or use a solution provider like Automattic or WP Engine for a plug-and-play solution.
In mid-September, Mullenweg wrote a blog post calling WP Engine a “cancer to WordPress.” He criticized the host for disabling the ability for users to see and track the revision history for every post. Mullenweg believes this feature is at the “core of the user promise of protecting your data” and said that WP Engine turns it off by default to save money.
He also called out WP Engine investor Silver Lake and said they don’t contribute sufficiently to the open source project and that WP Engine’s use of the “WP” brand has confused customers into believing it is part of WordPress.
The legal battle
In reply, WP Engine sent a cease-and-desist letter to Mullenweg and Automattic to withdraw their comments. It also said that its use of the WordPress trademark was covered under fair use.
The company claimed that Mullenweg had said he would take a “scorched earth nuclear approach” against WP Engine unless it agreed to pay “a significant percentage of its revenues for a license to the WordPress trademark.”
In response, Automattic sent its own cease-and-desist letter to WP Engine, saying that they had breached WordPress and WooCommerce trademark usage rules.
The WordPress Foundation also changed its Trademark Policy page and called out WP Engine, alleging the hosting service has confused users.
“The abbreviation ‘WP’ is not covered by the WordPress trademarks, but please don’t use it in a way that confuses people. For example, many people think WP Engine is ‘WordPress Engine’ and officially associated with WordPress, which it’s not. They have never once even donated to the WordPress Foundation, despite making billions of revenue on top of WordPress,” the updated page reads.
WP Engine ban, community impact, and trademark battle
Mullenweg then banned WP Engine from accessing the resources of While elements like plug-ins and themes are under open source license, providers like WP Engine have to run a service to fetch them, which is not covered under the open source license.
This broke a lot of websites and prevented them from updating plug-ins and themes. It also left some of them open to security attacks. The community was not pleased with this approach of leaving small websites helpless.
In response to the incident, WP Engine said in a post that Mullenweg had misused his control of WordPress to interfere with WP Engine customers’ access to
“Matt Mullenweg’s unprecedented and unwarranted action interferes with the normal operation of the entire WordPress ecosystem, impacting not just WP Engine and our customers, but all WordPress plugin developers and open source users who depend on WP Engine tools like ACF,” WP Engine said.
Mullenweg wrote a blog post clarifying that the fight is only against WP Engine over trademarks. He said Automattic has been trying to broker a trademark licensing deal for a long time, but WP Engine’s only response has been to “string us along.”
The WordPress community and other projects feel this could also happen to them and want clarification from Automattic, which has an exclusive license to the WordPress trademark. The community is also asking about clear guidance around how they can and can’t use “WordPress.”
The WordPress Foundation, which owns the trademark, has also filed to trademark “Managed WordPress” and “Hosted WordPress.” Developers and providers are worried that if these trademarks are granted, they could be used against them.
Developers have expressed concerns over relying on commercial open source products related to WordPress, especially when their access can go away quickly.
Meta fined $101.5M for 2019 breach that exposed hundreds of millions of Facebook passwords
Reset your clocks: Meta has been hit with yet another privacy penalty in Europe.
Reset your clocks: Meta has been hit with yet another privacy penalty in Europe. On Friday, Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) announced a reprimand and a €91 million fine — around $101.5M at current exchange rates — after concluding a multi-year investigation into a 2019 security breach by Facebook’s parent company.
#newsonleo #meta #ireland #data #breach #technology
The DPC opened a statutory inquiry into the incident in question in April 2019 under the bloc’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) after Meta, or Facebook as the company was still called back then, notified it that “hundreds of millions” of users’ passwords had been stored in plaintext on its servers.
The security incident is a legal issue in the European Union because the GDPR requires that personal data is appropriately secured.
After investigating, the DPC has concluded that Meta failed to meet the bloc’s legal standard since the passwords were not protected with encryption. It created a risk as third parties could potentially access people’s sensitive information stored in their social media accounts.
The regulator, which leads on oversight of Meta’s GDPR compliance, also found Meta broke the rules by failing to notify it of the breach within the required timeframe (the regulation generally stipulates breach reporting should take place no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of it). Meta also failed to properly document the breach, per the DPC.
Commenting in a statement, deputy commissioner Graham Doyle wrote: “It is widely accepted that user passwords should not be stored in plaintext, considering the risks of abuse that arise from persons accessing such data. It must be borne in mind, that the passwords the subject of consideration in this case, are particularly sensitive, as they would enable access to users’ social media accounts.”
Reached for a response to its latest GDPR sanction, Meta spokesperson Matthew Pollard emailed a statement in which the company sought to play down the finding by claiming it took “immediate action” over what had been an “error” in its password management processes.
“As part of a security review in 2019, we found that a subset of FB [Facebook] users’ passwords were temporarily logged in a readable format within our internal data systems. We took immediate action to fix this error, and there is no evidence that these passwords were abused or accessed improperly,” Meta wrote. “We proactively flagged this issue to our lead regulator, the Irish Data Protection Commission, and have engaged constructively with them throughout this inquiry.”
Meta had already racked up a majority of the largest GDPR penalties handed out to tech giants so the latest sanction merely underscores the scale of its problems with privacy compliance.
The penalty is notably stiffer than a €17M fine the DPC handed to Meta in March 2022 over a 2018 security breach. The Irish regulator has had a change of senior management since then. However the two incidents are also different: Meta’s earlier security lapses affected up to 30 million Facebook users compared to the hundreds of millions whose passwords were said to have been exposed as a result of its failure to secure passwords in 2019.
The GDPR empowers data protection authorities to issue fines for breaches where the amount of any penalties is calculated based on factors such as the nature, gravity and duration of the infringement; the scope or purpose of the processing; and the number of data subjects affected and level of damage suffered, among other considerations.
The highest possible penalty under the GDPR is 4% of global annual turnover. So, in Meta’s case, a €91M fine may sound like a significant chunk of change — but it remains a tiny fraction of the billions the company could theoretically face, given its annual revenue for 2023 was a staggering $134.90B.
India's game streaming startup Loco sells to Redwood in $65 million deal
UAE-based Redwood has acquired a majority stake in the game streaming platform Loco as the Indian firm looks to expand focus to international markets, UAE-based Redwood has acquired a majority stake in the game streaming platform Loco in a $65 million deal.
UAE-based Redwood has acquired a majority stake in the game streaming platform Loco as the Indian firm looks to expand focus to international markets, TechCrunch has learned and confirmed.
Redwood, a newly-formed investment firm, has signed a $65 million deal with Loco, an investment that also gives full exit to all existing Loco backers.
#newsonleo #india #gaming #loco #technology
This valuation drop from Loco’s nearly $150 million peak in 2022 reflects broader struggles among Indian esports streaming firms to generate revenue, a challenge partly attributed to the limited number of popular games in the market.
Loco now sees a much larger opportunity outside of India and the new deal will fuel its “global expansion efforts,” the startup told TechCrunch.
“This investment is a recognition of the immense work done by our team in the past few years,” Loco founders Anirudh Pandita and Ashwin Suresh told TechCrunch in a joint statement.
“Gaming is an integral part of the cultural zeitgeist globally, and we look forward to building a platform that is at the heart of this global movement. Live streaming enables authentic connection in a way that other mediums can’t match and we want to put the fan at the center of this experience.”
The deal follows the sale of Loco’s sister property Pocket Aces, which sold a majority stake in a $40 million deal to Indian music label giant Saregama earlier this year.
Backed by investors including Catamaran Ventures, Krafton, and Hashed, Loco aims to build a Twitch-like platform and serve markets where either the Amazon-owned service hasn’t expanded to or has weak penetration. On its platform today in the Indian market, gamers stream titles such as “Grand Theft Auto V”; “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare”; “Battlegrounds Mobile India”; “Free Fire”; and “Valorant.”
Streamers on the platform earn revenue through virtual goods purchased by viewers. The startup struck licensing deals with several game publishers, including Krafton, Activision and Riot, based on what a 2022 pitch deck for investors described as a “first-mover advantage.”
OpenAI's New o1 Models: Smarter Than GPT-4o?
OpenAI just dropped their new o1 models, and they're stepping up the game, especially when it comes to reasoning. Thanks to some major upgrades in training techniques, these models crush it with tricky math and coding challenges, making fewer mistakes than before. Think of it as a next-level brain boost for AI. However, they're not perfect, spatial reasoning and understanding long-term context are still tough areas. So while they’ve come a long way, there’s still room to grow. Curious to see how AI evolves from here? #openai #o1model #reasoning #technology
> S👁️URCE <
AI Just Got Even Smarter: Now It Makes Podcasts!
Google's NotebookLM has leveled up with a cool new feature, Audio Overview! Now, it turns your uploaded content into podcast-style summaries, making complex info super easy to digest. Imagine getting all the key points of a document while you're driving or working out. Even though Google hasn't heavily promoted it, people are already calling this one of the best AI updates since ChatGPT. Perfect for anyone who loves multitasking and learning on the go! #google #notebooklm #audiooverview #summary #technology
> S👁️URCE <
Get Ready for Apple’s Next-Gen CarPlay!
Apple is leveling up CarPlay this year with a slick new interface! Launching with Porsche and Aston Martin, the update adds split-view, personalized gauge clusters, and even more control over your car's systems. You'll get widgets and customized layouts to match your style. But heads up, brands like Mercedes-Benz aren’t on board yet. While the design might still change, it’s shaping up to be a game-changer for driving tech. Stay tuned! #apple #carplay #interface #control #technology
> S👁️URCE <
ChatGPT Just Got Way More Human: New Voices Are Here!
OpenAI’s ChatGPT is rolling out Advanced Voice Mode (AVM) to Plus and Teams subscribers, featuring five fresh, natural-sounding voices. You’ll get faster responses and better accent recognition, perfect for smoother conversations. If you’re using ChatGPT at work or school (Enterprise or Edu), expect the update next week! Heads up: AVM isn’t available in some places like the EU yet, but hopefully soon. Ready to chat with ChatGPT in a whole new way? #openai #advancedvoicemode #avm #voice #technology
> S👁️URCE <
Mark Zuckerberg Unveils AI Avatars to Level Up Creator-Fan Engagement!
At Meta Connect 2024, Zuckerberg announced AI-powered video avatars for creators, now able to talk with fans on Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. These avatars, previously just for text, are a game-changer for creators looking to interact more personally at scale. While still a little buggy, the potential is huge, and testing kicks off next year. If you’re a creator, this could seriously change how you connect with your audience! #meta #metaconnect24 #aiavatars #creators #messenger #instagram #whatsapp #interaction #technology
> S👁️URCE <
Slack’s New AI: A Game-Changer for Team Recaps!
Slack just dropped an exciting AI feature called Recap, and it’s not just smart, it’s designed to be fun and reflect the brand’s vibe! The design team didn’t stick to their usual lanes, either. They wore a lot of hats to make sure Recap was top-notch. Quick prototyping and feedback from real users were key to making it awesome, all while juggling tight deadlines. It’s not just functional, it’s built to feel like the Slack we know and love! Ready to try it? Let us know your thoughts! #slack #slackai #recapfeature #productdesign #technology
> S👁️URCE <
AminoChain Raises $5M to Revolutionize Medical Research
Big news in health tech! AminoChain just secured $5M in seed funding, led by a16z crypto, to shake up the way medical research is done. Their first project? A bio-sample marketplace where researchers can access samples from biobanks. What's cool is that patients not only get paid but also gain valuable insights from their own data. This could mean big things for faster, more personalized medical breakthroughs! Keep an eye on AminoChain as they bring blockchain tech into the medical world. #healthtech #aminochain #biosamples #marketplace #technology
> S👁️URCE <
Apple’s Game-Changing Home Hub is Coming!
Big news! Apple’s next smart device, codenamed "J490", is in the works, and it’s set to combine everything we love about the iPad, Apple TV, and HomePod. Rumor has it the gadget will feature an A18 chip, making it a powerhouse for Apple’s future AI features. Imagine FaceTime calls with a built-in camera that recognizes your hand gestures and can make personalized responses! The design currently includes a squarish display, but we’ll see if that sticks. No release date yet, but keep an eye out for more updates! Sounds like a smart home revolution in the making, right? #apple #homehub #gadget #smarthome #technology
> S👁️URCE <
Starlink's Skyrocketing Growth: 4 Million Customers Soon!
SpaceX’s Starlink is about to hit a major milestone, four million customers this week! They’ve added a million new users since just May. Launched in beta back in October 2020, Starlink hit its first million subscribers by December 2022 and has kept climbing ever since. Now with nearly 6,000 satellites, Starlink serves both businesses and individuals in almost 100 countries. Keep an eye out as this game-changing satellite network continues to expand globally! #spacex #starlink #milestone #customers #technology
> S👁️URCE <
Build Mobile Apps Like a Pro with Hotwire Native!
Hotwire Native is changing the game for mobile app development! Instead of juggling different tools for iOS and Android, it lets you build screens in good ol' HTML and CSS, then use them everywhere. You still get full access to all the latest iOS and Android features, without the usual headaches of native app development. It's perfect for small teams who want to create sleek, powerful apps quickly and sustainably. If you're tired of complicated mobile dev processes, Hotwire Native is a breath of fresh air! #hotwire #build #createapps #mobiledev #technology
> S👁️URCE <
Inside Meta: Andrew Bosworth on the Future of Smart Glasses
Ever wonder what’s cooking at Meta? In a recent chat, Andrew Bosworth, Meta's Chief Technical Officer, spilled the beans on his journey since creating Facebook's News Feed and ad product. He’s now at the helm of Meta Reality Labs, where they're innovating with the Orion smart glasses. Bosworth also dished on the fierce rivalry between Meta and Apple, hinting at exciting developments on the horizon. With such a rich history at Meta, his insights are a must-see for anyone curious about the future of tech and how these two giants stack up against each other! #meta #realitylabs #orionsmartglasses #technology
> S👁️URCE <
OpenAI's VP of global affairs claims o1 is 'virtually perfect' at correcting bias, but the data doesn't quite back that up
OpenAI VP of global affairs Anna Makanju suggests that 'reasoning' models like o1 can solve AI bias. But if that's true, there's much work to be done.
Departures might be dominating the week’s OpenAI-related headlines. But comments on AI bias from Anna Makanju, the company’s VP of global affairs, also grabbed our attention.
#openai #technology #ai #newsonleo
Makanju, speaking on a panel at the UN’s Summit of the Future event on Tuesday, suggested that emerging “reasoning” models such as OpenAI’s o1 have the potential to make AI measurably less biased. How? By self-identifying biases in their answers and more closely adhering to rules instructing them not to respond in “harmful” ways, she said.
Models like o1 “actually take longer and are able to evaluate their own response,” Makanju said, “So they’re able to sort of say, ‘Okay, this is how I’m approaching this problem,’ and then, like, look at their own response and say, ‘Oh, this might be a flaw in my reasoning.’”
She added, “It’s doing that virtually perfectly. It’s able to analyze its own bias and return and create a better response, and we’re going to get better and better in that.”
There’s some credence to this. OpenAI’s internal testing found that o1 is less likely on average to produce toxic, biased, or discriminatory answers compared to “non-reasoning” models, including the company’s own.
But “virtually perfectly” might be a bit of an overstatement.
Supermicro Maxing Out AI
Vik Mayala of Supermicro taked about maxing out the AI infrastructure at the Ignite AI Infra event.
Vik Mayala of Supermicro taked about maxing out the AI infrastructure at the Ignite AI Infra event.
5th gen CPUs are going to 500 watts per chip and next gen GPUs are going to 1000 watts and beyond.
The AI training centers are going to 100k, 200k and 400k GPUs.
Supermicro was a primary vendor for the XAI Colossus 100K Nvidia H100 AI training center. This will add another 50,000 Nvidia H200s in the next few months.
Kaspersky defends force-replacing its security software without users' explicit consent
That lack of user interaction — or request for consent — is what confused and concerned some former Kaspersky customers.
Earlier this week, some U.S. customers of Kaspersky’s antivirus were surprised to find out that the Russian-made software disappeared from their computers and had been replaced by a new antivirus called UltraAV, owned by American company Pango.
#newsonleo #technology #software
The United States government has taken a unprecedented step by banning Russian-based cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab from selling its software in the country. The ban, which was implemented on July 20, 2020, prohibits Kaspersky from selling any of its products or services in the US, effectively cutting off the company's access to the lucrative American market.
Furthermore, the ban also restricts Kaspersky from providing subsequent security updates to its existing customers in the US, a move that will take effect on September 29, 2020. This means that Kaspersky's existing customers in the US will no longer receive critical security patches and updates, leaving their systems vulnerable to potential cyber threats.
The decision to ban Kaspersky is likely a result of long-standing concerns over the company's alleged ties to the Russian government. These concerns have been fueled by reports of Kaspersky's close relationships with Russian intelligence agencies and its alleged willingness to cooperate with Russian authorities. Some experts have even accused Kaspersky of being vulnerable to Russian government manipulation, potentially allowing them to access sensitive US data.
The ban has significant implications for Kaspersky's business in the US, where the company has a significant presence and a large customer base. The loss of access to the US market, combined with the inability to provide updates to existing customers, could lead to a significant loss of revenue and market share for the company. This could have a Ripple effect throughout the cybersecurity industry, as Kaspersky is one of the largest and most well-known cybersecurity companies in the world.
The ban also raises serious questions about the security and integrity of Kaspersky's products, and whether they can be trusted to protect US data. Many experts have long been skeptical of Kaspersky's claims of independence and have questioned the company's ability to resist Russian government pressure. The ban has effectively validated these concerns, and it is likely that Kaspersky's reputation will suffer as a result.
Overall, the ban on Kaspersky is a significant development in the cybersecurity landscape, and its implications will be closely watched by the industry and the public. The move is a clear indication that the US government is willing to take bold action to protect its national security and the security of its citizens, even if it means disrupting the business of a major cybersecurity company.
Tesla Superchargers: GM, Ford, Rivian, and other EV brands with access
EV owners of GM vehicles like the Chevrolet Silverado EV and Cadillac Lyriq will now officially have access to Tesla’s Superchargers.
#tesla #supercharger #automotive
The electric vehicle (EV) landscape is undergoing a significant shift as major automakers are adopting the North American Charging Standard (NACS) and gaining access to Tesla's vast Supercharger network. The trend began in 2022 when Ford announced that its EV owners would have access to Tesla's Superchargers, followed by General Motors (GM), Hyundai, and Rivian.
However, not aLL non-Tesla customers have been able to access the network immediately. Ford's EV owners, for instance, are still waiting for adapters to be delivered, although the company has promised to provide them for free. GM's recent announcement has brought some optimism, as its EV owners, including those of the Chevrolet Silverado EV and Cadillac Lyriq, will nOW have access to Tesla's Superchargers. To access the network, GM EV owners will need to purchase a GM-approved adapter for $225.
The shift towards the Tesla Supercharger network began in November 2022, when Tesla shared its EV charging connector design, which was considered superior to the Combined Charging Standard (CCS) used by other automakers. Ford was the first to announce its partnership with Tesla, followed by other major automakers.
As of September 2024, the Tesla Supercharger network has expanded significantly, with 36,499 NACS ports available publicly, compared to around 16,925 CCS ports. However, Tesla's website prohibits the use of third-party adapters, citing safety and performance concerns.
Several automakers have gained access to the Tesla Supercharger network, including:
As the adoption of the NACS and access to the Tesla Supercharger network continues to grow, TechCrunch will update the list as automakers gain official access to the network.
BMW says we need both battery and hydrogen EVs for a zero-emissions future
Despite hydrogen’s challenges, BMW thinks the only way to actually achieve a shift to zero-emissions transportation is through a mix of BEVs and hydrogen vehicles.
#bmw #technology #hydrogen
The article discusses the challenges facing the hydrogen fuel cell industry, despite BMW's recent announcement to develop a hydrogen fuel-cell consumer car for series production in 2028. The company believes that a mix of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen vehicles is necessary to achieve a shift to zero-emissions transportation.
BMW's Juergen Guldner, general project manager of hydrogen technology and vehicle projects, argues that hydrogen vehicles can complement the growing market of BEVs by offering a "best of both worlds" scenario, where customers can enjoy the benefits of electric driving with the convenience of refueling like traditional gasoline cars. Guldner believes that offering choice is key to changing people's behavior and that a mix of BEVs and hydrogen vehicles is more cost-effective and sustainable.
However, the challenges are substantial. The cost to build out hydrogen infrastructure is much higher than that of battery electric infrastructure, and hydrogen would need to be made using renewables, rather than fossil fuels, to make a zero-emissions claim. Jason Munster, principal and founder of hydrogen consulting firm CleanEpic, argues that the whole ecosystem needs to be taken into account, including production, distribution, and end-use, to replicate the success of battery electric vehicles.
BMW is working on building out an ecosystem for hydrogen vehicles, including partnerships with commercial fleet customers and testing a pilot fleet of hydrogen vehicles in over 20 countries. The company is also working with Urban-X, a tech startup platform and VC firm by Mini, to find companies that can fit into the hydrogen equation.
Munster argues that the VC model is not well suited for hydrogen projects due to the long-term payback and large capital requirements involved. He also criticizes the Biden administration's inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for its lack of clarity on guidance, which is "holding back the entire hydrogen industry" from experiencing the type of boom that the battery industry has seen.
The IRA includes tax credits for clean hydrogen production, but the initial guidance is "contentious," "limiting," and "not finalized." Munster suggests more relaxed rules that allow for fossil fuels from the grid to power existing electrolyzers in the short-term until a more robust renewables ecosystem is developed. The total amount of the subsidy is also unknown, ranging from $30 billion to $300 billion, which is causing companies to pause their expansion plans.
Overall, the article highlights the challenges facing the hydrogen fuel cell industry, but also suggests that a mix of BEVs and hydrogen vehicles could be a viable solution to achieve a shift to zero-emissions transportation.
Here is a list of the top technology stocks in the US market, based on market capitalization and performance:
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and the ranking may vary based on different criteria such as market capitalization, revenue, profitability, and growth prospects. Additionally, the performance of these stocks can be volatile and may fluctuate based on various market and economic factors.
Here are the top technology stocks:
Apple (AAPL): With a market capitalization of $3.46 trillion, Apple is one of the largest and most influential technology companies in the world ¹.
Microsoft (MSFT): Microsoft's market capitalization stands at $3.21 trillion, and its shares have seen a significant increase of 38.93% over the past year ¹.
Nvidia (NVDA): Nvidia's market capitalization is $3.04 trillion, and its shares have skyrocketed 192.13% over the past year, making it one of the top-performing tech stocks ¹.
Visa (V): With a market capitalization of $536.83 billion, Visa is a leading player in the digital payments space, and its shares have seen a significant increase of 19.31% over the past year ¹.
PayPal Holdings (PYPL): PayPal's market capitalization stands at $81.87 billion, and its shares have increased by 39.66% over the past year ¹.
Mastercard (MA): Mastercard's market capitalization is $453.85 billion, and its shares have seen a significant increase of 24.95% over the past year ¹.
Adobe (ADBE): With a market capitalization of $226.87 billion, Adobe is a leading player in the software space, and its shares have seen a modest increase of 2.54% over the past year ¹.
Salesforce (CRM): Salesforce's market capitalization stands at $263.63 billion, and its shares have increased by 36.63% over the past year ¹.
ZoomInfo Technologies (ZI): With a market capitalization of $3.76 billion, ZoomInfo Technologies is a smaller but notable player in the tech space, although its shares have declined by 36.56% over the past year ¹.
From Meta:
Tesla's market capitalization is approximately $832 billion, making it the 10th most valuable company globally ¹ ² ³. This valuation is based on the company's recent stock price and the total number of outstanding shares. To give you a better idea, Tesla's market cap has fluctuated between $761 billion and $832 billion over the past week ³.
If you're interested in tracking Tesla's market performance, you can check out financial platforms like YCharts or TradingView, which provide real-time updates on the company's stock price and market capitalization ² ⁴. Additionally, MarketCapOf and Trading Economics offer comprehensive data on Tesla's market cap, including historical trends and comparisons with other top stocks ³ ⁵.
Are you putting in as much as you're taking out? My latest Article added Almost 1k #datatokens to #inleoai Everyone gives and takes, but most don't find a healthy balance. InLeo's success depends on us owners finding that balance #freecompliments
Excellent. I will post this in the Lions Den threadcast and bring it up on air.
I'm humbled 😀
Not to worry, we will all find that balance. Great job on adding to LEOAI today. You are doing well 🥳
Thank you for contributing to #freecompliments. You are awesome 🥰
#freecompliments !DOOK
Click pic for better view
📷 📷 📷
Love the colors! ... I guess the pond is aptly named.
It certainly is. This is the Deschutes River as it flows through Bend. Also a beer named after it. 🙂
Terminando las batallas de esta Brawl, 4/5 Victorias en el Fray 8. Por el momento parece que mi clan obtendrá el primer lugar. #splinterlands
#hivenftgamelatino #spanish #sbt
#bbh #hueso #cent
Do not be like them
#thoughts #pob #cent #dailydook
That's right. You don't have stoop down to their level. They are not worth it
Thank you for using #dailydook. Here is a !DOOK for you
1/🧵 The Fictional Essence Of Movies, Crime Or No Crime Actions

The world of entertainment would be incomplete without the movie industries but why the criminal activities?#outreach #threadstorm #hivelearners
I think it's fine to have these kinds of actions in movies. What I'll be against is portraying real life criminals in a good light on the movies
Read more about the post here #gosh
#moviesonleo #cinema #review Douglas Sirk ended his directing career on a very high note with his classic melodrama. (link in reply)
I don't know what I'm doing, all I know is I got to have ALL the little flags!
Sometimes it's good to feel free and do whatever you may like without thinking of it intentionally.
I just wanted to see how high can I build this thing.. 😄
"more than good" 🦁
#inleo #investment #cent
Royal fart! #meme #memes #leomemes #notmymeme #jokesonleo
That is funny
He became buffed in prison 😅
Lol..CZ is now a heavyweight champion
😂 those prison pushups do wonders
Just bought another 3000 Leo. Don't buy at 0.10 or 0.20 if you can buy at 0.03 :-D
where did you buy it from at that rate?
Hive engine... 1 Leo is less than .15 Hive
It's excellent to buy as much as possible at this price.
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #88
September 27
Manea has let us down and the Mets are getting their butts kicked in Milwaukee and to make matters worse the Braves won earlier today so they are slowly disentegrating.
@coyotelation @jimmy.adams
Breaking Down How the Mets Can Make the 2024 Playoffs
The New York Mets enter Friday tied with the Arizona Diamondbacks for the second National League Wild Card and one game ahead of the Atlanta Braves for the final playoff spot. The Mets begin a three-game series with the Brewers in Milwaukee with Sean Manaea on the mound, while the Braves host the Royals and the D-Backs host the Padres.
Before breaking it down, let’s do the fun part of looking at the tiebreakers. The first tiebreaker is head-to-head. The Mets hold the tiebreaker with the Padres (5-2) and D-Backs (4-3). The Braves hold the tiebreaker over the D-Backs (5-2) and currently have the tiebreaker (6-5 over the Mets). The Padres and D-Backs season series is knotted at 5-5. The Padres hold the tiebreaker over the Braves, which is why they’ve clinched a playoff spot.
Five Mets Wins (92-70)
This is obviously the clearest one because the Mets hold the tiebreaker with the D-Backs, so if they win out, they’re in no matter what the other teams do. This would make the Mets the second WC team at the very least and could make them the first WC spot if the Padres fail to win more than one game over the weekend.
Four Mets Wins (91-71)
This also means the Mets are in and are guaranteed at least the second WC. Four wins still puts the first WC spot in play if the Padres lose all three games.
Four Mets Wins (91-71)
This also means the Mets are in and are guaranteed at least the second WC. Four wins still puts the first WC spot in play if the Padres lose all three games.
Three Mets Wins With One Against Braves (90-72)
The first scenario involving the Mets not being guaranteed a playoff spot. The Mets could finish with 90 wins and still not make the playoffs because the Braves would then hold the tiebreaker against them.
Of course, the Mets would still get in if the D-Backs fail to sweep the Padres.
Three Mets Wins With One Against Braves (90-72)
The first scenario involving the Mets not being guaranteed a playoff spot. The Mets could finish with 90 wins and still not make the playoffs because the Braves would then hold the tiebreaker against them.
Of course, the Mets would still get in if the D-Backs fail to sweep the Padres.
Two Mets Wins With Both Being Against Braves (89-73)
Yup, the Mets could get swept by the Brewers this weekend and still get in. Beating the Braves in both games would guarantee that New York and Atlanta teams are capped at 89 wins, with the Mets holding the tiebreaker.
All Other Scenarios
The Mets winning only two games with none coming against the Braves is where things get really dependent on the series played this weekend.
Even if the Mets win, they will have to depend on some negative results from other teams in this case to get a place in the Playoffs.
Well, let's see how the Mets play this weekend.
The Mets control their destiny. If they win 5 games, they are in. If the Braves and DBacks lose this weekend, that will help the Mets.
I get it, so it depends on the Mets winning streak.
Baseball is a pretty crazy sport hahaha... There was a time when the Mets were on a terrible losing streak and I didn't think that today would be enough for the team to get a spot in the Playoffs.
MLB is undoubtedly an interesting competition.
162 games is a long season. Every team has losing streaks.
It is grind.
You're right. It's a long and absurd journey.
Hello my friends sports lovers!
Mais um threadcast.
Flamengo foi eliminado ontem pelo Peñarol.
Uma eliminação vexatória. Flamengo acumula vexames.
Pior eliminação.
A semifinal agora ficará entre Botafogo x Peñarol.
Gabigol não dá mais para continuar no Flamengo.
Tite não soube comandar seu time na noite desta quinta feira.
A torcida do Peñarol fez uma linda festa ontem a noite.
Os jogadores precisam de mais raça.
Alguma coisa deve ser feita.
It's almost 11 hours since I paid for the Inleo premium subscription and still, I can't see the green tick mark beside my profile. It's quite disappointing.
#premium #subscription #feedback
I hope it gets sorted out quickly! Premium is cool
11 hours means a lot and I think if I were a new user, I might be frighten thinking about losing the send money.
We hit a cap on the system and the last 4 premium accounts didn't activate, but that was already fixed :D
Not a big deal. I noticed that it already updated.
Thanks to @simplegame for joining the support of @thebbhproject Witness :)
I am very close to reaching 3K LEO. It may not be much but considering that these are the results of the delegation to leo.voter. That's more than good! 🙌

Damn is a lot! Still having like 150, and im saving some for paying some bills =P
But i try to stake some here and there
I would like to get to 5K, although I am also thinking of making some trading moves, although it is more complicated haha. The other time the price went up a lot, I think it would have been a good opportunity.
Im so bad at trading, and i have also bad timing and horrible luck
I keep on the designing stuff xD
Then you need to start writing like a lot! 5k is a good reachable goal! Even you can turn your profits hive into leo to accelerate the process. Im kinda draining my profits, those electric bills are coming pretty fat =P
good job!
Thank you! 😊
Every bit counts. You'll get there soon
Time will make it possible for you to reach that goal and have a new one.
Keep it growing nicely. Excellnet stack of $LEO
Thank you very much! Gradually climbing the lion's peak!
@lisamgentile1961 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/100)@vikvitnik! to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.
(html comment removed:
Congratulations! on your 3k Leo made possible from your delegation to @leo.voter. For me there's a lesson I learned here, the need for delegation.
It is always good to keep resources active. In this case by making a delegation that represents importance. Although other people will have their own strategies to accumulate LEO.
Use un poco del Glint ganado durante estos días en esta 5 Major Chest. Estoy a una copia de subir de nivel a Kha'zi Conjurer #splinterlands
#hivenftgamelatino #spanish
#cent #bbh
@guurry123 I think I have a responsibility to warn you because I shared Blue with you. I think it's a scam. I paid 0.15 TON and received an airdrop of 0.294 Blue worth 0.04 TON.
oh thanks for the information. Luckily I have not sent any TON or any other currency till now.
Still I guess the losses are not much so consider yourself also luck
Yeah, many are already shouting "scam" on their channel. My chat was deleted. I also disconnected my wallet from the app.
The reason I fall into this #scam is because I assumed Hamster News is a reliable source. That Telegram channel is actively promoting Blue.
I am also following the Hamster News on telegram but never give much attention to it.
The channel regularly updates its subscribers with all the Daily Combos on Telegram.
Anyone can use the name "hamster" on their platform. 😆🐹😅
Dump coca cola in the lake, because its quacktacular!!!!
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an
Jajaja, usando MundoBot del Discord de #mundovirtual logre atacar al hombre tiburón 🦈 y robarle una buena cantidad de Dog. #spanish
#hivenftgamelatino #hueso
How the name Rio de Janeiro in brazil was formed
#travel #facts
Cool! I'm brazilian and I didn't even know that
Thanks for sharing!
Good to know this historical fact about the samba nation. Appreciate.
Hello everyone we now have a new heavyweight champion , guess who ?? The only and one only CZ binance
#binance #funny #meme
CZ will be released soon.
CT says it is a bullish unlock 🤣
#binance #crypto #cent
In Portugal we have a saying " quanto mais depressa mais devagar" which basically means the faster you go the slower you actually go.
This just happened to me...
I wanted to make my workout shorter so I skipped the 15-20min cardio warm up. Long story short, I now have a pulled hamstring.
I can still walk, and hopefully it's not really bad and it will heal in a few days.
Never skipping the warm up again. 15min of cardio is all it takes to prevent an injury.
#sports #injury #life #workout #gym
Now you know please don't skip it again, it's very crucial.
I should have already known, but I'm dumb and always convince myself that "It's just this one time surely nothing will happen"... And then it happens
That can happen sometimes
I made this mistake a few years ago but now that I'm older I do at least a warmup for 10 min before using my kettlebell. I focus also on the muscles I will use later in the workout.
yeah, I should have known better, it was foolish of me to go without warming up.
The mind and spirit feel young, but the body is not 😅
Yep.... But it happened to me too. We are all foolish sometimes.
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(5/50)@teutonium! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
(html comment removed:
Eu machuquei os joelhos então tenho pulado o cardio também mas espero voltar logo
Obrigado igualmente, saudades dos tempos em que treinava sem aquecer e nunca tinha lesões 😅 30 anos e já começo a sentir a idade
More haste, less speed
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/50)@teutonium! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
(html comment removed:
Hora de ir a entrenar 🏋️♂️
Today in #historyonleo
On September 27, 1940, the Axis powers are formed as Germany, Italy and Japan become allies with the signing of the Tripartite Pact in Berlin. The Pact provided for mutual assistance should any of the signatories suffer attack by any nation not already involved in the war. This formalizing of the alliance was aimed directly at “neutral” America—designed to force the United States to think twice before venturing in on the side of the Allies.
🔗 Source in Comments
I slipped a link to a Leo article on Substack yesterday. So far 20 people have read the Substack article.
Is there a way to check how many people click the referral link?
Lesson from Tap-2-Earn mini-apps: remain extra cautious and vigilant even though someone you are familiar with is the one recommending a new game or link.
#cent #bbh #freecompliments
Did something bad happen? I mean apart from the dust that the community said Hamster spread?
Thank you for contributing to #freecompliments. You are awesome 🥰
#freecompliments !DOOK
Not that bad. I joined Blue because it was recommended by a Telegram channel that is seemingly reliable. Earlier Blue announced that we could claim the airdrop only to see later that the fee was higher than the value of the airdrop.
Oh no. I think the same thing with one other airdrop like that. If I am not mistaken it's Catizen.
I saw tweets saying they made users transfer TON that wasn't recoverable or so. I don't know the full gist because I did not do that one.
I am sorry about Blue 🥲
#freecompliments !DOOK
In the case of Catizen, I received 2 CATI for my minimal effort. I was able to sell when it reached 1 USD plus and so my airdrop increased to 2 USD plus. Though the airdrop is small, the fee is not that much.
#cent #freecompliments #bbh
Aww. That's amazing 😍
Congrats 👏🎉
#freecompliments !DOOK
Thanks! Now 2 CATI is worth $1.20. 😆
Perhaps, for those who did not reach the higher level, they received nothing but dust. Though not as I expected, I can't call a 10.72 USDT airdrop dust.
Yes, you are right. You are the first person to acknowledge this. Most of my friends called it dust too. I got up to $22. What I understood was that we got what we worked for.
#freecompliments !DOOK
That's good enough. In my case, I received 1,500 HMSTR and 100 plus has been vested. I sold 1,300 plus last night and I am planning to use the airdrop they gave to trade their token once the selling pressure stops.
#cent #freecompliments
Just come in , I'm home
#jokes #dailydook #memes #meme
lol, my past coming back to haunt me again. !BBH !DOOK
Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣, I saw one quote that takes about past a few hours ago 👀👀👀.. let me see for it...
okay . lol
how do you get back so far in my threads, so many thousands of them?
I travel through Space and Time! With my !DOOK widely open 👀👀👀.
Be careful, don't want the wrong item to fly into your !DOOK
Myself DOOK is hard in nature, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 well protected...
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(29/100)@calebmarvel01! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
Hello friends!
Today I worked on the roller shutter box, which was quite a fiddly job. The kitchen is finished, now all that's missing is the bedroom, but we still need a new belt for it.
#cent #dailydook #DIY
You did DIY? Nice one. I hope you get to finish the bedroom as well.
Thank you for using #dailydook. Here is a !DOOK for you
I worked in construction for years. Thanks for the !DOOK
I was going to ask you about that but didn't want to seem too curious 🥺
#freecompliments !DOOK
#leobooks #books #money #wealth
A 50% proc skill....
SEVEN TURNS hitting to apply Affliction to Quora in #Splinterlands. I guess I should hit the Casino tonight.