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"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." —Bruce Lee

Powered Up 116.3 #hive

did you know it is #cent power up day on the 10th ;)

Many opportunities are just waiting to be seized. Today we have several ways to earn resources. #cent #bbh

En esa batallas se tomaron un par de decisiones malas.
¿Cuál consideran que son?


War Pegasus debió estar de último protegiendo la retaguardia, no a la mitad. Y Janni Rebel debió estar al principio en lugar de la rata para que el Drybone barbarian ataque mientras ella también. Te faltó alguien que te reparara la armadura, como el topillo. Por otro lado el usar a ese invocador con Blood & Sunder fue un error, porque la armadura se te va a disipar.

Es cierto, es un desperdicio dejar a War Pegasus en esa posición.
Me deja un poco la duda, dices, Janni Rebel antes de Drybone?

Sí, porque tiene la habilidad de Flank, que le da la manita peluda a la carta de atrás. Aunque Janni tiene buena salud, no sé si es mejor escoger otra opción. Digamos que Janni está bien. Si la pones de primero y atrás a Drybone, Drybone puede atacar de segundo. Pero en lo personal, pienso que ponerlo de primero es mejor. La ratita mariguana sirvió su propósito y le dio poder al Drybone, entonces no lo veo mal.

Yo pienso que el invocador legendaria fue desperdiciado, la regla de batalla reduce la armadura, por lo cual no sirve el que otorgué la habilidad de dañar primero la armadura, a parte no está aprovechando la habilidad amplificar.

Aparte el oponente uso a gárgola en la última posición, debió estar en la posición de Goblin Tower. La posición del monstruo con Taunt la hubiera colocado en última posición. #hivenftgamelatino

Es cierto, Myceli le hubiese quedado mucho mejor en la posición final y si, totalmente desperdiciado el Invocador.

Yo hubiera pensado en poner a mycelic en la ultima posición, tower goblin en la quinta, Gargola, Goblin Psychic, venari, pelacor. La velocidad de Pelacor lo ayudaría a esquivar ataques.

Eso pienso yo.

Con esa estrategía creo que si me hubiese ganado por mi mala decisión.

Pero ¡si ganaste Rosmi! ¡Era una pregunta tramposa!

Si, si gane, pero, por pura suerte, hice algo mal.
Pensé que sería fructífero un debate sobre esto.

Sí, tienes razón.

Las nuevas cartas son bastante poderosas pero ya se nota la consecuencia de haber sacado esta edición tan pronto, apenas la gente esta descubriendo la edición RW. Falta mucho tiempo para que use Rebellion #hivenftgamelatino #spanish

1/🧵 The Alps offer a lot to adventurous travelers, including several lakes where you can dip between hiking or biking. Zeller See, or Lake Zell, is not the largest but still attracts crowds.

#threadstorm #outreach #photography #cent

2/🧵 It is nestled right between popular skiing and biking resorts and has marvelous surroundings. Grossglockner, the highest peak in Austria, is just a stone's throw away—some 30 kilometers—and you can spot its summit topped with a glacier in some of my shots.

3/🧵 Speaking of the glacier, you might have guessed the lake is of glacial origin; it is relatively young from a geological perspective, only about 10-15 thousand years old. It was created by a minor glacier that melted towards the end of the last ice age.

4/🧵 My most recent post takes you around the lake, points out the best place to take a dip, and then showcases the Alpen architecture of the town of Zell am See. Read more:

idk shit about football

rate my bets lol am i rekt?

Flip a coin and you might do as well as the "experts".

yeah i went totally random

You stand a good chance of winning. LOL

sounds like I've got good odds

I don't know !DOOK either. #lolz !BBH

You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 97/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@l337m45732! @pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (95/100)

(html comment removed: )

InLeo and Threads seems to be running smooth and fast at the moment.

We made a bunch of updates with many more on the way

Some big improvements to the backend caching as well so overall speed should be noticeably improved after this is all smoothed out

That is because you got into the rum.

$1000 for a new laptop. Oh boy. I must be dedicated to Threads. And everything else I am doing on HIve.

what kind?

A machine like that will easily cost more here.

Ouch. !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 9/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@caspermoeller89! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (9/100)

(html comment removed: )

solid machine! have you got it set up?

I got to get it first ;) 23 Sep is delvery date.

damn, that's a long time for delivery

welcome to living an island in the middle of the north Atlantic.

Hi, @l337m45732,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

See it as a investment in yourself ;)

absolutley :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@anderssinho! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (1/100)

(html comment removed: )

@khaleelkazi Again the same error, 504, that other day it was this or 502 as said. 20 minutes with this error screen. #feedback

Thanks for reporting this, we're working on it

I appreciate your commitment to solving and delivering the best experience. Let's build a better Inleo together! #freecompliments

Son cosas mías o la primera semana de Agosto pasó volando. #spanish

Pasó hace raaaaato

Hi, @tsunsica,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

No, va volando este mes.

Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates

Edition #74
September 8

White Sox vs. Red Sox Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Hello my friends sports lovers!

Mais um dia de threadcast.

Vamos para as novidades.

Brasil ficou em quinto no quadro geral das Paralimpíadas.

É a melhor posição da história para o Brasil.




















Futebol Saudita

Neymar vai precisar de mais dois meses de tratamento, diz jornal saudita

Neymar deve completar mais de um ano sem jogar uma partida oficial. É o que aponta o principal jornal esportivo da Arábia Saudita, Ariyadhiah. De acordo com a publicação, exames apontaram que o camisa 10 brasileiro vai precisar de mais dois meses de tratamento de sua lesão no ligamento do joelho esquerdo.

Com a nova previsão, o atacante só voltaria aos gramados em novembro. Neymar se lesionou no dia 17 de outubro do ano passado, na derrota do Brasil para o Uruguai nas eliminatórias. A nova previsão deve alterar o planejamento de Jorge Jesus, segundo o Ariyadhiah. O técnico estuda inscrever o brasileiro na liga saudita somente em janeiro.

#newsonleo #sports #futebol

O prazo de inscrição do elenco para a primeira metade do Campeonato Saudita se encerrou na segunda-feira passada. Com nove estrangeiros acima dos 21 anos, o Al-Hilal precisava deixar um fora da lista. O dilema persistiu até o fim e, segundo a imprensa saudita, Renan Lodi teria sido o preterido.

No entanto, os clubes podem fazer mudanças até o dia 11 de setembro. Segundo o Ariyadhiah, Jorge Jesus cogita deixar Neymar fora da lista da liga saudita e utilizá-lo somente nos jogos da Champions League da Ásia até janeiro. Lodi, por sua vez, seria escolhido apenas em torneios locais.

Caso seja inscrito apenas em janeiro na liga, Neymar teria apenas mais seis meses para atuar no Campeonato Saudita. Até agora, o atacante tem somente cinco partidas pelo Al-Hilal, dos quais três foram pela liga. Seu contrato com o clube vai somente até junho de 2025.

O retorno de Neymar à seleção brasileira ainda em 2024 vira dúvida com o novo rumo do tratamento. Em novembro, o Brasil tem compromissos contra a Venezuela, no dia 14, e Uruguai, no dia 19. A CBF acompanha a recuperação do craque, e o técnico Dorival Júnior deixou claro que conta com o jogador.

O ex-PSG e Barcelona tem compartilhado seus treinos físicos nos últimos meses e, na semana passada, divulgou um tímido exercício de finalizações com a bola. Na publicação, Neymar brincou e escreveu que “o pai tá voltando”. O trabalho de transição para o campo, no entanto, ainda não começou.

Neymar rompeu o ligamento cruzado anterior e do menisco do joelho esquerdo. Ele passou por cirurgia no dia 2 de novembro do ano passado, em Belo Horizonte. É a pior lesão da carreira do atacante brasileiro.


Kurzawa é oferecido ao Corinthians, mas contratação do lateral é considerada improvável

O Corinthians avalia a contratação do seu 21º reforço em 2024. O nome na mesa é o do lateral-esquerdo francês Layvin Kurzawa, de 32 anos, que está livre no mercado desde a saída do Paris Saint-Germain.

Kurzawa foi oferecido ao Corinthians nos últimos dias. O clube procurou durante toda a janela um lateral-esquerdo para reforçar o setor que conta atualmente com Hugo e Matheus Bidu, que oscilaram ao longo do ano e nunca foram unanimidade no clube.

#newsonleo #sports #corinthians

O que tem pesado contra o avanço da negociação é o fato de Kurzawa ter feito oito jogos nos últimos três anos, motivado por problemas físicos ou por opção dos treinadores. Por isso, um acordo é visto como pouco provável por pessoas ouvidas pelo ge que participam das tratativas.

Em contrapartida, a possível chegada de Kurzawa seria uma oportunidade de negócio, já que teria um contrato até o fim do ano com a possibilidade de renovação por metas alcançadas. O custo da contratação seria baixo levando em consideração outros nomes avaliados pela direção alvinegra.

O lateral-esquerdo não entra em campo há quase um ano. A última partida de Kurzawa foi em 21 de outubro de 2023, quando atuou por oito minutos pelo PSG contra o Strasbourg, pelo Campeonato Francês.

Kurzawa chegou ao PSG vindo do Monaco em 2015 por 23 milhões de euros (R$ 127 milhões na cotação atual). O jogador de 32 anos disputou 154 jogos na passagem pela equipe de Paris.

O lateral-esquerdo, que também defendeu a seleção francesa em 13 oportunidades, foi emprestado ao Fulham, da Premier League, na temporada 2022/23. Ele fez apenas seis partidas pela equipe inglesa.

Mantendo a forma enquanto busca um novo clube, Layvin Kurzawa usou as redes sociais para provocar e deixar mensagens enigmáticas envolvendo o Corinthians.

O lateral postou a música de Memphis Depay que tem o nome de Corinthians para mostrar o treino feito no domingo. Além disso, o francês ainda usou uma música do MC Hariel, torcedor declarado do Timão, que também cita o clube.

Kurzawa tem como grande ídolo no futebol Ronaldo Fenômeno, usado para convencer Memphis Depay sobre a representatividade do Corinthians na América do Sul. O lateral atuou com Marquinhos e outros brasileiros no PSG.

Engajado em causas sociais, Kurzawa gostou do Corinthians pela maneira como o clube se posiciona e usa a causa antirracista como bandeira e até tema dos uniformes do clube em 2024. O lateral se viu representado no clube e teria se empolgado com a possibilidade de atuar no Brasil e no Corinthians.


Número 1 do mundo, Sinner vence americano na final e é campeão do US Open

No último Grand Slam do ano, o melhor jogador do mundo pelo ranking da ATP teve uma tarefa dura no estádio Arthur Ashe, em Nova York, neste domingo. Jannik Sinner enfrentou Taylor Fritz na final do US Open, americano que contou com o apoio da torcida na decisão do torneio.

Mas o italiano parece não ter sentido muito a pressão de jogar fora de casa. Dominou o número 12 do mundo e venceu a partida por 3 sets a 0, com parciais de 6/3, 6/4 e 7/5. Este é o segundo título de Grand Slam na carreira do jovem fenômeno de 23 anos, e é a primeira vez que um tenista da Itália vence o Aberto dos Estados Unidos.

#newsonleo #sports #tennis

A nova geração do tênis tomou conta da temporada de 2024. No masculino, apenas dois jogadores venceram os quatro Grand Slams do ano. Carlos Alcaraz e Jannik Sinner são os grandes personagens que podem substituir Nadal, Djokovic e Federer nas próximas décadas.

O italiano abriu o ano com a vitória de seu primeiro Grand Slam na carreira ao vencer o Australian Open. Depois, o espanhol entrou em cena: campeão de Roland Garros e Wimbledon. Para fechar a temporada da nova geração, Sinner, já como número 1 do mundo, levou o título do US Open.

Apesar de ter tido um ano espetacular, o italiano passou por momentos conturbados. O número 1 do mundo testou positivo em exame antidoping para clostebol, uma substância esteroide anabolizante proibida, mas alegou contaminação acidental, e a versão foi aceita pela Agência Internacional de Integridade do Tênis (Itia, na sigla em inglês). Com o caso resolvido e Sinner inocentado, o tenista de 23 anos terminou a temporada de Grand Slam com um título em cima do americano Taylor Fritz.

Jogar na casa do adversário nunca é fácil, ainda mais quando o jogo é uma final de Grand Slam. Mas isso não parece ter sido um problema para Jannik Sinner no primeiro set. Italiano começou quebrando o serviço do americano. Taylor Fritz conseguiu se recuperar e devolver a quebra, mas o número 1 do mundo embalou em mais duas quebras e fechou o primeiro set por 6/3.

O segundo set começou bem diferente do primeiro. Os dois jogadores seguraram bem os seus serviços e não deram espaço para quebras, até as devoluções de saque de Jannik Sinner começarem a entrar mais potentes. Com o jogo em 5 a 4, o italiano quebrou o serviço de Fritz e fechou o set em 6/4.

Futebol Feminino

Carlinha, goleira do São Paulo, pede música após brilhar com três pênaltis defendidos na semifinal

A classificação inédita do São Paulo à final do Brasileirão Feminino contou com o brilho da goleira Carlinha. Depois da vitória da Ferroviária no tempo normal por 1 a 0, neste domingo, em Araraquara, ela pegou três cobranças na disputa de pênalti.

"Agradecer a Deus. São seis anos no São Paulo, desde a reativação do projeto. É fruto do trabalho. Ano após anos fomos chegando. Nos últimos três anos disputamos as semifinais. É mérito do trabalho - disse a camisa 12.

#newsonleo #sports

Por fim, a destaque tricolor também se emocionou ao dedicar a atuação para a família.

"Família, amo vocês. E vó, onde a senhora estiver, sempre vai ser por você.

O adversário do São Paulo na final será o Corinthians, atual tetracampeão do torneio. A primeira partida está prevista para o próximo domingo, às 10h30, com mando das Soberanas. Por ter melhor campanha, o Corinthians faz o segundo jogo em casa - provavelmente no dia 22 de setembro, também um domingo.


NFL: Patriots win first in "post-Bill Belichick era"

On the first Sunday of the 2024/25 NFL regular season, eight games livened up the afternoon for American football fans. One of the highlights of the day was the New England Patriots' 16-10 away victory over the Cincinnati Bengals, simply because it was the team's first official match after the departure of coach Bill Belichick after 24 years.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

Now under the command of Jerod Mayo, a former linebacker for New Engand's own franchise, the Patriots achieved the victory, considered an upset due to the opposing moments of the teams in terms of "mature squad", with running back Rhamondre Stevenson's touchdown at the beginning of the second half and three Field Goals by kicker Joey Slye in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters.

The Bengals cashed in on running back Zack Moss' TD and Evan McPherson's FG. At the end of the match, Mayo even received an isotonic bath to celebrate their first victory.

Another very notable away victory was the Minnesota Vikings' 28-6 victory over the New York Giants. The match highlighted, once again, the terrible moment of the super traditional Giants, who even took the lead with Graham Gano's Field Goal in the first quarter, but succumbed as the game continued.

Still in the first period, the Vikings managed to turn things around with running back Aaron Jones' touchdown. The score was consolidated with TDs from Justin Jefferson (wide receiver), Jalen Nailor (wide receiver) and Andrew Van Ginkel (linebacker), with Gano scoring another FG for the New York team.

The game with the most flexible score was the New Orleans Saints' 47-10 victory over the Carolina Panthers. The hosts scored with touchdowns from Rashid Shaheed (WR) and tight end Moreau (1st quarter), tight end Juwan Johnson (2nd quarter), running back Alvin Kamara (3rd quarter) and running back Jamaal Williams (4th quarter), in addition to Blake Grupe's four Field Goals.

Quarterback Bryce Young scored the only TD for the Panthers, who also had a FG from Eddy Pineiro in the 2nd quarter.

The big turnaround in the first games of the day was from the Chicago Bears, who came to be 17 points behind the Tennessee Titans, thanks to touchdowns from Tony Pollard (running back) and Chigoziem Okonkwo (tigh end) and Nick Folk's Field Goal still in the first half, but managed to turn things around in the second half with TDs from Jonathan Owens (safety) and Tyrique Stevenson (cornerback), three Field Goals from Brazilian kicker Cairo Santos and Swift's 2-point conversion to close the score at 24 to 17.

Finally, the most exciting game was the Miami Dolphins' 20-17 comeback at home over the Jacksonville Jaguars. The visitors took the lead with touchdowns from running back Travis Etienne (1st quarter) and wide receiver Brian Thomas Jr (2nd quarter), but De'Von Achane (running back) scored a TD for the hosts to reduce the deficit . Still in the 2nd period, Walker Little expanded for the Jaguars.

However, in the 3rd quarter, wide receiver Tyreek Hill - who was arrested hours before the game - scored a touchdown for Miami. And, in the last quarter, Jason Sanders recovered from a missed Field Goal by converting two other FGs, the last one in the final seconds, to guarantee the Dolphins' victory.


Cowboys and Buccaneers run over in the debut of the 2024/25 season

Four more games continued the first week of NFL 2024/25, this Sunday. The day still has one more game, with the first Sunday Night Football of the season being played between the Detroit Lions and Los Angeles Rams.

The highlights of Sunday's "second half", after eight games were played during the afternoon, were the Dallas Cowboys and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who "thrashed" the Cleveland Browns and Washington Commanders 33-17 and 37-20, respectively.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

Away from home, the Cowboys took no notice of the hosts, who even took the lead with kicker Dustin Hopkins converting the Field Goal in the first quarter. Dallas' turnaround began in the first quarter with wide receiver Brandin Cooks' touchdown and was completed by TDs from running back Ezekiel Elliott (2nd quarter) and returner KaVontae Turpin (3rd quarter), in addition to 4 Field Goals from Brandon Aubrey. WR Jerry Jeudy and running back Jerome Ford still scored for the Browns.

In Tampa, the Buccaneers took no notice of the Washington Commanders and lined up touchdowns with WRs Mike Evans (2nd and 4th quarter), Chris Godwin (3rd quarter) and Jalen McMillan (4th quarter), in addition to three Field Goals from kicker Chase McLaughlin. The franchise from the capital of the USA, which had two FGs missed by Cade York, got TDs with running back Brian Robinson Jr (2nd quarter) and quarterback Jayden Daniels (3rd and 4th quarters), but missed a conversion of two points.

The most exciting match in the second half of Sunday was the Seattle Seahwaks' 26-20 home victory over the Denver Broncos. The visitors, who had three Field Goals converted by Will Lutz and a touchdown scored by quarterback Bo Nix, had two safeties in their favor in the 2nd quarter.

However, Seattle managed to win the comeback with TDs from Geno Smith (quarterback), Kenneth Walker III (running back) and Zach Charbonnet (running back), in addition to two FGs from Jason Myers. The hosts even had the "luxury" of also missing a two-point conversion.

Finally, the Los Angeles Chargers prevailed at home and easily beat the Las Vegas Raiders 22-10. Kicker Cameron Dicker was the "top scorer" of the match with three Field Goals, but the hosts, who missed a conversion of two points, they still managed touchdowns with J.K. Dobbins (running back) and Ladd McConkey (wide receiver). The Raiders scored with a TD from Alexander Mattison (running back) and a Field Goal from Daniel Carlson, who missed another FG.


Jordan Love could miss the start of the season with a knee injury, says journalist

The Green Bay Packers' defeat to the Philadelphia Eagles at the Neo Química Arena, in São Paulo, may not have been the only negative result for the team led by Matt LaFleur. After suffering a tackle, Jordan Love left the field loaded and became a concern for the championship run.

According to information released by journalist Adam Schefter, from ESPN, the quarterback may have suffered a sprain in the medial collateral ligament (MCL). He will undergo additional tests to confirm the diagnosis.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

With just 22 seconds left in the game, the Packers advanced to the middle of the field, but Love ended up being hit by two Eagles defenders and, in that play, injured his knee. After treatment, the athlete left the field carried by two team members. If the injury is confirmed, the player may be sidelined for a few weeks.

After a 10-hour flight, the Packers team arrived in the city of Green Bay just before noon. When disembarking the aircraft, the quarterback leaned on the stair railing to get off the plane. This was Love's first regular season game since signing with the Green Bay Packers last July.

Guardians vs. Dodgers Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Giants vs. Padres Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Angels vs. Rangers Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Mariners vs. Cardinals Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Blue Jays vs. Braves Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Twins vs. Royals Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

White Sox vs. Red Sox Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Reds vs. Mets Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

SHOHEI OHTANI TIES CAREER HIGH with his 46th home run! | 大谷翔平ハイライト

#sports #mlb

Rockies vs. Brewers Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Phillies vs. Marlins Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Nationals vs. Pirates Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Rays vs. Orioles Game Highlights (9/8/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Highlights from ALL games on 9/7! (Mets win 9th straight, Dodgers, Yankees win)

#sports #mlb

Guardians vs. Dodgers Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Mariners vs. Cardinals Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Giants vs. Padres Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Nationals vs. Pirates Game 2 Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Mariners vs. Cardinals Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Giants vs. Padres Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Nationals vs. Pirates Game 2 Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Twins vs. Royals Game Highlights (9/6/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Angels vs. Rangers Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Blue Jays vs. Braves Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Rockies vs. Brewers Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Looking good, playing good! 🔥 Mookie Betts hits one out in the Dodgers' CITY CONNECT threads!

#sports #mlb

D-backs vs. Astros Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Tigers vs. A's Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Reds vs. Mets Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Rays vs. Orioles Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Phillies vs. Marlins Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Yankees vs. Cubs Game Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Nationals vs. Pirates Game 1 Highlights (9/7/24) | MLB Highlights

#sports #mlb

Highlights from ALL games on 9/6! (Shohei Ohtani hits 45th HR, Anthony Rizzo returns to Chicago)

#sports #mlb

No me decido, será que me compro algunas cartas únicas o packs o cartas para las Raves ? Ustedes que opinan, el presupuesto son 500k starbits. #risingstar

#hivenftgamelatino #spanish

no se como estará el mercado ahorita, pero, antes resultaba más comprar la carta.. #hivenftgamelatino

Deje un comentario, explicando bien lo que puedo comprar. por si tienes dudas

Aclaro un poco, 500k puedo comprar :

  1. 5 cartas para raves
  2. 7 cartas únicas
  3. 60 packs

Solo me alcanza para comprar una de esas opciones.


#septemberinleo day 9!

Do you have a patch or a kitchen garden? Does someone close to you have one?
How's the experience? what are you or them growing there?

Take a few pictures and tell us about it on the Plant Power (Vegan) community!

Drop your links down bellow! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Summer holidays are over 🙃

booooooo bring back summer

9 months later :P

How old are you to still get summer holidays?

It's time to work harder

Every day is a great day this is me having good time with my children at the church
#freecompliment #inleo #dailyook

“May there always be a fresh start for those who have been hurt undeservingly. Give yourself a chance to be happy again.”

#freecompliments #phrases

We owe ourselves this much. Holding unto past wounds won't help

#freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 32/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Exactly, we suffer, the people around us do the same to us, but we cannot let this fear and suffering shake us for the rest of our lives. We need to give ourselves the chance to be happy again. #freecompliments.

PC seems to work again. I was a worried that I have to buy a new one.
Funny how it scares me that the PC will not work. How far did this digital world enter my life? I'm a computer kid since 16 and I'm now over 50 years old.

#feedback the Following tab needs to be made functional if anyone outside of our existing chain is going to take this site seriously.

This feedback doesn't help

What does functional mean? What is wrong with it. Include screenshots

Thanks Khal, sorry for a bad report. The following tab isn't limited to folks I'm actually following. Screenshot as an example. It's basically a copy of latest


So, is this broken or is it counting communities I follow as part of the "follow" tab? Which, if that's the case, should probably be renamed to Community.

Last three days I didn't receive my staked #LEO, any hints? Maybe it is something that is not daily? It was until 6th for me...

Update, it seems fixed now, I got the staking reward and the "free" (not staked) one today.

“Many people say they are available when you need help, but I think it's just a way to sound delicate and polite, because when you really need it there is never anyone.”

#freecompliments #phrases

So true... I had a lot of fake friends who were never available. This led into me helping but never asking for help.

I prefer to keep to myself as well, I let it go, I don't help much with financial values... if it's another kind of help, we can try. I've had a lot of problems, so I'm a bit defensive.

You know who really cares about you when you need help

#freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 33/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

This is the key moment, when we realize who is truly willing to help or not. #freecompliments

Buenas noches, hoy me he dedicado con más calma y tranquilidad a realizar un analisis sobre mi emprendimiento deportivo y con ello he dejado un post en mi perfil para la comunidad #Beentrepreneur espero lo disfruten #spanish

1/🧵 Looking for ways to earn resources, honeygain is one of them. Share some of your bandwidth and earn crypto!

I thought they were all fiat is this a new change by them?

You can choose to collect their internal token until it reaches $20 and withdraw via PayPal or switch to jump mode, which is this token. I just made the withdrawal, I'm thinking about staking it or something and getting it later to buy Hive

Wouldn't you like to give it a try and be my affiliate :D I'm inviting my noble friend to help me haha 😂 🤣

2/🧵 Tested and approved, it is possible to earn passively just by sharing your internet bandwidth that you do not use. 100% safe and you can choose between $20 to withdraw or earn in crypto!

3/🧵 So if you want another way to earn passive and effortless income, this is the way! Enter with my referral link and you'll start with a $3 starter gift! #cent #bbh #honeygain

A virtue that teaches you more than just being patient.
#threadstorm #outreach

From understanding the other, going hand in hand with time and much more. This despite the stress caused along the way.

I invite you to read my experience and learning on this path of patience.


Growing up, my siblings and I loved watching scary movies together. We would huddle under blankets, eyes glued to the screen, and try to brave the terrifying scenes. It was a thrilling experience that brought us closer together, and we always looked forward to our next movie night.
#threadstorm #outreach

But there was one time when our love for scary movies backfired. I must have been around 10 years old when I watched a particularly scary movie that left me with a sleepless night

In this post, I shared the story of the time my heart almost jumped out of my chest.


#outreach #threadstorm
The Investment in Cryptocurrency can be risky. It can result into the complete loss of your digital assets. To strengthen my perspective about small Investors and Cryptocurrency, I have designed several memes.

#crypto #memeonleo


Sometimes, we are happy and sometimes we have to face loss related to Crypto. Overall they are the whales that manipulate crypto Market and play with our emotions. If we can afford to lose then we should invest. Otherwise don't believe on anything either it is yelling from Social Media or from Financial Advisor.


To enjoy all memes related to Crypto and Small Investors, please click on following link. Thanks!


Hora de mandar las misiones en #neonstrike, ocho horas ara que regresen mis guerreros con algunos tokens. #spanish #hivenftgamelatino

Lately, these are the skills that's very important. I think they call it soft skills if I am not mistaken 🥺

#freecompliments !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@sabrinah thinks your content is the shit.
They have 4/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

$LEO rises with this price. #hive #leo #cent

Pizzaaaaaaaaaa..... ossff!!!! Amante de la pizza presente! 😍 😋
Pero, díganme algo, la pizza Con Maiz o sin Maiz? #spanish

Ahora sí, nivel 52 en #dofus unity Beta. Rumbo al nivel 54 para un nuevo set. #spanish #hivenftgamelatino

Little Summertime Sunset fior me Fellow Leo Threadsters 🌸✨️

Ah love that landscape! Have some land of your own?

Inleo Heyyy. It's been a long while! 🤗

Good to see you return.

Hello there! 🤗

Everyone in this life is capable of achieving anything and will always find a way to achieve it, because the rest is just excuses.


You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 7/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@davidpena21! @pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (7/100)

(html comment removed: )

This might be the first time anyone is giving away this #splinterlands #nft card! Enter for your chance to win it via the article in the comments. Good luck!!

7 day streak of eBay sales. on pace for $10k this month

Lfg #books #business

Some months I feel like I'm spending 10k on ebay. Though this month is probably close, made several purchases in the thousands of dollars(and recomp'd by employer means EZ Credit Card points).

hell yeah, easy to do

This is the #selfie & #memory #threadcast. You are your brand, your face is your brand. Post a selfie of yourself, or yourself with friends, pets, food, or just what ever you are doing. Or just a memory. Or a Leo Short.

Thinking about what mischief I can get up to today to annoy my kids. #selfie, #memory

Looks like you will come up with something awesome. !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 8/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@mamaemigrante! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (8/100)

(html comment removed: )

A selfie in the bathroom.

#selfie #memory

Awesome :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 21/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@soyunasantacruz! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (21/100)

(html comment removed: )

My favorite shade
#selfie #memory


You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 11/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@palabras1! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (11/100)

(html comment removed: )

lol that's a nice mug

thanks, one of the last things my late wife gave me. !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 10/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@tokenizedsociety! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (10/100)

(html comment removed: )

Have a good day my friend!

Awesome. Thank you! !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 25/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@cre47iv3! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (25/100)

(html comment removed: )

Nice bush you have between your legs? Where you going for that look? !BBH !DOOK

Hmm, i thought the bush around my shadow‘s head is more obvious 🤔

I guess I am just a perv. @taskmaster4450le might be correct about me! lmfao !BBH !DOOK

@moretea! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (20/100)

(html comment removed: )

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 15/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@moretea! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (15/100)

(html comment removed: )

Since the $STARBITS market has slowed down for the foreseeable future, I’ve switched to #dripping #tokens. Time for new strategies! 💧 #Crypto #DrippingToken #MarketShift

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