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Ask Leo Threadcast #004

This #threadcast is a space for all newbies to ask any questions about InLeo, LEO token, Hive and generally about life.

Some old Lions like @taskmaster4450le will be here to give answers.

Do well to give answers where you know, it will surprise us how many problems can be solved with your opinion.


I found this question on the latest feed, and I thought it'll be great to ask it here too:

If you could learn a new language which it'll be?

Mine would be Japanese.

That is very interesting. With #ai, we will speak and understand every language.

Well, it'll translate for us, at least. Translation has become much better in the last 3 years...

Without a doubt. There might be some ways it doesnt understand the nuances.

If there were no rewards, will you still use INLEO?


Yes because it is building equity. Any $LEO you have is enhanced by the activity that is on here. So by getting involved, one is aided in this endeavor. There will be other ways to earn also.

Delegating HP to leo.voter, as an example, gets you LEO.

Yes, I can still build and monetize an audience here if money were my main objective.

That is true. Soon, I hope people can start creating masterclass here on INLEO. is that possible?


Anything is possible with creativity

Have you ever traveled by car to another country?


Yup! From Libya to Tunisia... It takes 3 hours from my City to reach the country's border. A few hours in the border. And other 3-4 hours to reach our destination from there.

A little far away, but I believe you can have a good experience on your trip.

my answer is nooooo


Hahaha... But would you like it?

Yes. Sure.
Many times

The good thing is that in Europe it is possible to do this type of trip, right?

Some countries are very close to each other. Here in Brazil it is more difficult to do this in some regions.

Yes I did. Wen to Canada as a kid.

It's much colder there than in your area, right?

not yet travelled out of my country. But wouldn't that be so long a journey/

If you are going to travel, use a plane, which is faster.

Yes, crossing the bridge between sweden and denmark in a car :)

Hahaha... Something good and simple to do. 😁

Do you like fishing?


And not tried

I believe that if you try it you will enjoy the experience.

Never tried it before, but maybe I'll like it if I tried it.

My initial opinion: It's too slow of a hobby.

I believe you will like it a lot.

At the fish counter at the store.

Oh, that's not worth it. LOL

Have you ever tried going to a lake and fishing?

Do you leave upvotes on all threads you like?

I do....just like I did right now.

Until my voting power declines

Not all. My voting power is even so tiny for now.

What do you mean voting power is tiny? A upvote is always a upvote, dont look at the vote value :)

Do you think @coyotelation is mad at me?

He is hiding today. I wonder what I did.

You did nothing to make me mad. LOL

I'm not hiding.

You arent showing up. That means you are hiding. LOL

Probably just being you 😂

Most likely. I have that effect on people without even trying.

Maybe he had a long sleep like I did.

Curious minds may wonder what you did. But only you need to know. lol Thread on.

Should HBD have its name changed?

change to what?

Some have suggested HUSD

Meaning Hive USD?

That is what it would stand for.

Does this idea exist or did you think about it now?

I had never thought about that.

Maybe, just to change peoples mindset and dont think in dollars.

No...HBD sounds cool.

How many LEO tokens do I need to stake to give someone 1 LEO at a 100% vote?

Theoretically I can tell you that +- 40,000 LP.

Is there any other "tically"? Lol

Thanks. Noted.

Well, sorry, I don't know what you meant, but it's okay.

I came up with these numbers based on the amount I have and how much I would need to obtain to have 1 LEO for 100% of VP.

No, that was a joke. Since you said "theoretically"

I appreciate you taking the time to answer.

Ah, now I understood. All good! 👍🏻😅

@taskmaster4450le will know this answer.

Do you think Kamela Harris will be the Presidential nominee for the Democrats?

#politics #askleo

She may, she may not. The Americans will decide

May be......that has been the trending topic in politics.

Will you attend the AMA tomorrow live on Spaces?

Or will you have to listen to it on recording?

Either ways, it's important

It is. Live can get in the threadcast.

I'll be live in the space.

We like more people live. It helps the threadcast.

Probably recording this time =/

No live viewing?

No after I need to fix a grass cutter which I broke yesterday and with me being not that much of a handy man, its going to take all day -.-"

Recording...because of different time zones.

Do you leave your HBD in savings?


I have some in there. I take it out as needed.

It's definitely a great source of income here and I'll have to focus on it soon.

not gotten there yet.

I hope you get it.

I plan on expanding my savings account. Dont have much there now.

The important thing is that you are on the right path. I still need to start this journey.

You also want to have more in your savings?

Do you think @simplegame will turn Ragnarok into an awesome game?

I'm not sure if he will change the game mechanics but he will surely release a well made game!

He seems to do that. I look forward to him updating the progress.

Must say I like @simplegame even more after his apperance on Lions den :)

I guess you like his viewpoint on things during the show.

I mean I think I like the way he presented them more than the viewpoint. You can clearly hear that he is passionated and just want what is best for Hive and is not afraid to share his oppinion.

Is that another Hive game?

Yes it is one that he is now taking over the development.

Are you looking forward to $LEO being used as collateral for lending?

Do you know all that will enable you to do?

This one sounds smart.

Yes, wanna use it as a hedge for accumulate more assets.

Yeah. Accelerate the growth of one's holdings. It will be great for Leo.

Yes yes...very badly I need that....the best thing would be HBD as loan against colllateral as LEO

Did you participate in The Movie Club (the new threadcast) at all today?

I have participated already.


Very good. It is a nice addition.

What have you used LLMs for so far?

Did you know that xAI went live with 100 H100 NVIDIA GPUs. It is the largest training cluster ever for LLMs.

It will be used to train Grok, with version 3.0 slated to go live by the end of the year.

Do you believe in the future of INLEO?


In a major way.

Yes definitely we all do


That is great.

Yes thats why I stick around and spend my time here.

I am doing that too. It is becoming interesting here.

I belive inLEO more than Hive.

Good believe. But its the same, I guess.

What do you think of INLEO?


Will open source #ai projects be able to gain on the closed generative AI models?

I hope so, but its a tough race to compete with billion dollar companies.

Need distributed compute and a lot more open data.

Of course, Meta is a billion dollar company and they have open source models.

"Open source' Big vocabulary for me.

It means the code is available to anyone who wants to use it. Meta's AI model is open source. Anyone can copy it and change it how they want.

Hive is open source.

Hello my friends!

Let's raise these numbers.

Seems like it was a bit slow overnight.

Yesterday wasn't such a great day for me. I really wasn't very productive here.

I am back. i had a long sleep.

It's good, because you recover your energy.

Are you fluent in another language?


Our local language is Punjabi and national language is Hindi, I am fluent in both.

Wow! Pretty cool, I'm still trying to learn a second language.

just my local dialect and English. learning a second local language.

Cool! I'm still learning english.

That means English isn't your first

Have you ever watched The Office?


honestly not bale to understand the question itself.


The series "The Office". Have you already watched it?

What is the genre of the video?

Do you have a pet in your home?


Not yet.
But my kid always asked for one.. some time sparrow, some time time a dog and now days she want a pet fish..


Cool choices, but fish may be a better option if she will really enjoy having others in the same tank.

No. Not any more.

So you had a pet? What animal was it?

No the landlord rules forbid it.

Interestingly, it's not allowed here at home either. The family that lived here before had 4 or more dogs.

Are you thinking about creating a threadcast? What subject would it be?


not yet..
May be in future and mostly will choose the technology related topic..


The technology threadcast is handled by @taskmaster4450le daily, you can check his icon at the top later today and join the discussion.

Which other topic would you like to create a threadcast on?

Very interesting and I hope it doesn't take you too long to do this.

#askleo. There are many questions on my mind.

Excellent choice.

A geography one :)

Interesting idea. I'm wanting to expand into history hahaha...

World history or more a specific time in history?

How long will Hive Blockchain last? Will it fade, and will another platform be established?


I don't think anything will last forever... But there are two ways blockchain might die:

  • If every single computer running its nodes stopped somehow, or was cut off the internet. That's unlikely, but who knows what'll happen in the future.

  • If some new technology made the blockchain's encryption methods obselete. Like making hacking users passwords for HIVE trivial. If no hardfork came to solve it, the blockchain will die. Even if a hardfork came to solve it, the damage might be already done to many user accounts making the blockchain lose its value.

If human beings do not last forever, how much more of technology like Hi

It will last decades especially as #Technology gets cheaper per performance.

There will be other networks built as there are today.

What factors contribute to the longevity of technology in the coming decades?

The cost of servers to run the blockchain. As that gets cheaper over time, more will be able to run servers, which expands the longevity of the chain.

That will hopefully be fueled by more being added to the data base, and utilized by different applications.

Alright. Thank you.

Hive is a cryptocurrency that fluctuates. Can we have another stablecoin similar to HBD?


We have HBD, so we dont need another :)


Why would we need another? I dont see any usecase for more stablecoins?

Is there a crime If we have up to two stablecoins?

Two stable coins tied to the same blockchain will take away from each other... Unless they have two vastly different usecases, or different working mechanisms, and even then it'll be uneffecient.

Ofc not, but they would fill the same need and just eat from each other. Would just be a lose lose situation

You have no volume on HBD. So why would you set up another and dilute what is already there.

No idea. The tech gurus will answer that.

No problem. I hope you are learning from the guru.

With our concept of cross-game-items that we launched on
you own a real human readable text on chain.
Here is an example of the account : pepetoken
owning a Monster Egg that is hatchable and edible and whatever else any Dapp wants it to be.
and you can see that with your own Eyes!
you don't need to know how to code.

incredibly undervalued

also LeoAI will be able to read it and let you do cool things with it.

this is something I hadn't considered. very interesting.

yep that is why we are going to put leaderboards on chain. So you can ask LeoAi. Who has the longest 1st place streak on game (X) and it will answer.

so sick

That is something that is really amazing.

A big use case for the database.

yeah I see a very bright future

Finished 2nd of a Poker tournament. Was way ahead and played much better. Put the other guy All in 5 times. 3 times, coin flip, one time 70/30 for me and one time 30/70. Lost all of them... Still won $4k but winner gets $6.9k. #poker #life

Good solidwin, but yeah irking when he got out of jail five times!


Clearly. Tilted me a bit but well, shit happens!
Next time I'll be on the other side hopefully :D

So we have this design concept in Portal Brawlers that there is an active battle going on to close the Portals. During your journey you may come across the bodies of adventurers that were unsuccesful.

You may find resources on them to help you or maybe they are a warning to turn back.

Here is our early concepts

I must confess this is an exciting and interesting concept for Portal Brawlers. The whole idea makes me remember how we are often taught to stand on the shoulders of giants to reach the biggest heights. After all, there are so many things we could learn from the experience of another person

Thank you for the feeback. I am glad you like it.

My pleasure

Here we go again..

Good or bad? Your thoughts. !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 20/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

i've met and worked with some of the most incredible people thanks to Hive.

never stop networking. never be afraid to try something new.

Same here, and you are one of them !DOOK

I am the exception.

I doubt that !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 23/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

you're special in your own way

I am short bus special. I know and accept it.

I wonder how many even know that term anymore.

you get canceled if you say that now, so likely not a lot lol

What dont you get cancelled for these days?

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 22/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

thanks fren, likewise

Oh, that is amazing. Glad you made great connections and gained lots of experience.

hope you have a similar experience

#feedback can we make the following list in threads to be only people we follow on threads???
Is this even possible???

I like the For You feed a lot but sometimes I am looking for a specific user. I use the search anything tab but would like to be able to bookmark my top 10 people.

or is that what bookmarks is for??
sorry I am just confused on the best way to do it.

I am definitely in favor of this!

You mean something like:

It just needs to actually show the ones you follow instead of being another version of "latest"

Lists are exactly what you described here

Make a list and then you can set it to public or private (if you want others to be able to follow it)

Then you manually add users to the list and then you can use the list selector at the top of the feed to see threads from users only in that list

TBH I have never used Lists.

Wild to hear it but I know that it's hyper underutilized

People just don't know about it. It's super handy. You can even set them as default displays so when you visit the homepage, it defaults to a list you created

been spending a lot of time studying Amazon to Amazon arbitrage for #books... like this one. this book is being sold for $15 for whatever reason and the historical price is over $100. these are opportunities to make extra cash... all you have to do is pay attention. going to be doing a lot of this going forward.

oNlInE aRbItRaGe IsNt PrOfItAbLe #business

this is a batch i sourced last night

super awesome.
how much automation do you have in this arbitrage?

this was a couple hours of manual sourcing & storefront stocking. using Nepeto, reverse sourcing is automated.

then i pack & ship, til i move to a prep center at least. once i do that, i'll just be sourcing & purchasing. then i'll hire some VA's to source & move to only purchasing. that's the goal at least.

We are successfully holding the line against the SPL DHF Proposal.
As of today we have saved the chain 2,777 HBD that was not paid out as ransom.

Damn. You are framing it like a ransomware attack.


Hmm I notice you didnt deny it.

it wasn't my intention but i can't deny that is how it sounds.
It just came off the top of my head, through my fingers, to the chain.

And is now immortalized.

Well might be the first ransomware attack where HBD was asked for. LOL

It is now a legit currency.

so now we can ask LeoAI has there ever been a ransomware attack paid with HBD and i would love to see the answer

Awesome. !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 29/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

You are heavy wit the #dailydook whale status soon !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 7/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

welp dat stinks! !LOLZ

Why doesn't Voldemort have glasses?
Nobody nose.

Credit: mimismartypants
@bitcoinman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

We just bee !DOOK'n around man!

You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 10/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Always, we about that !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 10/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

King Baudouin Tower, Belgium. One of the three (and a half) countries I walked recently. Read more in my post:


What can one do with PEPE token ? !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 5/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

stake it, or send it to a fren

Does staking it do anything ? !DOOK

Curation rewards. Will interact with upcoming Frog Battle Card game also.

Say no more! !LOL !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@chaosmagic23 thinks your content is the shit.
They have 4/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Why are bass guitarists always safe?
Because they stay out of treble.

Credit: reddit
@pepetoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of chaosmagic23

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

Nice, you have an post that explains the token ? !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 16/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

You just got DOOKed!
@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 9/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Do you really think long posts have minimum engagement? Well, there are several organic conversations under my most recent post - and I've only published it like an hour ago.

This advertising method always makes me chuckle. Plus I use it myself and know it's effective. I'm on my way to gawk!

Well, there actually are several discussions under my most recent post :) Not a fake claim. Plus, I made my to make the post interesting too ;)

Hey. Relax. I'm already sold on the idea! My long posts received a lot of engagement, quite often. It's all in the delivery I guess. Shorter posts are quieter. 1 thought triggers 1 thought. 1000 thoughts trigger 1000 more.

Also, it's in the way you engage with the others ;)

I am tipsy, hence perfectly relaxed ;) Not really touchy when sober anyways ;)

Thoughtful responses to the response certainly helps keep the flow going. If I visit a post and see the author continuously repeating "Thank you" "Thanks for the support", I won't leave a comment.

Well, I happened to meet some poeple from various places I've already met, or am going to meet offline, so I chat with them every now and then ;)

And if they're not responding at all, I won't say anything, because I know it'll be ignored.

#feedback when clicking on my own rehtreaded thred. Win11, desktop, Brave, Keychain.

We've got the fix for this in testing, will be released this week

Where are the artists?

This side quest just showed up haha go check the latest @leogrowth post!

Ethereum ETFs Clear Final Hurdle to Begin Trading Tomorrow

#crypto #ethereum #etf

And what does that mean for Crypto?

It means that retirement accounts and pension funds can gain exposure to Ethereum the same way as Bitcoin ETFs.

As for the price, only the markets know.

Understood. Thank you :)


You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 25/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Do you think certain financial institutions would want to dip their feet in?

So the Splinterlands community says they are provding value to Hive.
This is what they are posting on chain.
I mean how is this helpful.


I guess onboarding new users is also one positive thing they have done and buring Hives for new account created during the purchase of license is another help.

the question is how many new users to hive have the onboarded. A lot of their community is on X and admits in the last 4 years they have done nothing on Hive.
Them burning Hive was only back in 2021. Since then no impact.

@khaleelkazi will there at some point be a HiveBuzz badge for Leo Power Up Month, similar to HPUM? I would say 3 or 5 $LEO a day and it will bring a lot of activity.. unless people don't care about badges, but I personally do 😁

You mean like this?


That is the LPUD. Imagine having an extra badge for people who powered up at least 3 $LEO every day of the month, like the HPUM (except that's 1 HIVE per day, or 1 post with 100% power up)

Sorry, my mistake! Please forgive me :)


You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 14/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Absolutely no problem. Just thought of a new badge that could potentially also increase the $LEO price

Anything that would help :) !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 18/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 12/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

I guess no, because Power Up Day and Power Up Month and two different badges.

Yes, it says power up day, but in truth it is the day of the month that you power up. It is power up month. Not daily ;)


You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 13/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

#selfie #photography #spanish con el café infaltable en mis mañana antes de salir a trabajar

I think you attached the announcement link :)

Damn! You right, i copy it for the end of my entry haha! Here it is! I try to edit but i dont know if i can

You must be thinking of other things, lol!

haha! Mostly i was thinking if i forgot something! There is always something i miss, thinking about that i get the wrong link hehe

Haha, that happens :)

Here is my entry for Day 23
An amazing prompt and my article was meant for Ladies of HIve community, but the fix was being pushed and when it published, it went to LeoFinance and tagless but leo did get the 5% beneficiary...

Had this in my draft for a while now

My entry for day 14

1/ Today I'm back on Hive and I wanted to share with you an update on the content I plan to share in this new return.


Fun fact:

In Finnish language, 'kamala' means 'horrible'.

Not my opinion though.


That is fun 😂

"Awful" is a synonym for "horrible":

Indeed! Although I wouldn't use the word 'kamala' when describing a bad food for example but instead describe an accident

We are giving away some more #splinteralnds assets! This time it's for DEC. Enter to win in the article within the comments section and good luck friends!

Volver a experimentar el reto de 21 días de carreras pero con más experiencia me tiene bastante emocionado.😋💪🏻 #hiverun #spanish

Superaremos los récord del anterior challenge 🤔 es todo un desafío

Trying to fix the Ragnorak code / design.
Did anyone try out the old code ?
Or is everyone into it for the airdrop and tokenomics????

Just trying to get a feel for the community view of the project.

I dont know if he played it but I think @edicted was excited about the game for a while.

Might want to check in with him and see if he has any insight.

I think I didn't try the old code... but maybe I am hearing some opportunity for alpha testing and feedback? Is there a place for it?

we are putting up the old code on our page for people to play and give feedback while we work on a new design document.

Are you in the Rag discord?
I will be putting up a link and the password in their and here on threads.

this is the code we got from the old dev team. A lot will be changed but want to look honest opinions of it.

We should have it live tomorrow. Working on it right now.

I am there, will poke, tks

You are Ragnorak?

TheyCallMeDan has contracted us to help bring the game to market

Tracking my hive goal for the week

Made one post
Commented on 17 different post
Made some threads, so it was a fulfilled day.

Good night fans

You did well, good night Beauty

You did amazingly well, ma'am. Well done. Good night

thank you, good morning

Good Morning, ma'am 🥰

I give you, a Cowboy corgi in a cart!! Dare you not to smile 😁

#photography #freecompliments

Lol. I actually did :)

Aww, that makes me smile!

Hello my besty :) !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 27/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Oooh! Hello back super awesome bestie!!!


Whats all the news?

I've been overworked and had too many parties in the last three days so I'm currently half the Kat I used to be😁

And you? What's all the news in your beautiful northern realm?

Not much, dealing with my grief, work and Hive is saving me :) I am doing a little better everyday.

Going through grief just plain sucks. You continually amaze me with your amazing drive to live and create no matter what Life throws at you. I'm super glad to hear you are doing bits of better every day!

Dealing with grief, so sorry about that

Cowboy Corgi? Is that a heeler corgi mix?

It sure is! She's a corgi and red heeler combo!

Each time I refresh a page while working on my laptop, I get an error. It doesn't occur when I use my phone. Who else has noticed this?
#feedback #inleo

we’ve got this fixed in labs

We’ll push it to production this week

Oh! Great. So I can work on labs right.


It happens to me too. I can't open threads on a new tab on desktop, but it works perfectly on mobile. Did you find a way around it? Please share. Thank you

Oh! Okay. Khal said it has been fixed on labs and will be pushed out this week. I'm yet to test it on labs.

Oh!? Alright. I will wait for the new update. Thank you.

You're welcome dear.

Yeah. I get that all the time. Major bug.

Do you experience it on both desktop and phone?

I havent been using phone but as Khal said, it is fixed in labs so it will be in the next update.

I got it earlier, but then I noticed my wifi cut out.

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 15/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Were you on phone or laptop?

This dook, what about it? It's weird because of the look.


There is a link I think in the !DOOK reply that explains it all. @bitcoinman

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 17/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Okay, I'll check it out. Thanks so much.

I am going to !DOOK you to death. lol

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 21/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩


BTW, I miss the !BBH.

I am mostly on mobile sorry


Oh! Okay. Most times I love to work on a bigger screen.

We've been working on this. It's a broader minified issue

Fixed in labs, it will be pushed to production this week

Yeah, you commented earlier yesterday, seems you forgot.

You were so special, I commented twice ;)

😀 Oh yes! The Leo Lady is so special, hahaha. Thanks for the compliment Khal. 😊

BIG NEWS! Starting with tomorrow #selfie threadcast. Running from then through and including Saturday. I will do a random draw, on Suday, for a gift of one month Premium upgrade. And @bitcoinman is putting up 1000 DOOK to go with it.

Great initiative. Like to see it.

Help promote it. I know you will :)

It's a pity I do not have a selfie. Does supporting other people's selfies count?

Put up a pic of a memory. !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 10/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Best of luck to everyone


You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 9/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Thank you

Binance launches BAB tokens, non-transferable tokens that works as identity credentials for Binance users who have completed KYC verification.

El reporte de la semana 29 ya está publicado, vayan a verlo #hiverun #spanish

Cada kilómetro recorrido cuenta, somos un equipo, somos #hiverun

Espero Dios mediante poder salir en los reportes nuevamente. Ya hoy inicie con una caminata ,luego de aproximadamente un mes de reposo por lesión en tobillo derecho.

una semana con poca distancia pero seguro estamos agarrando fuerza para retomar con todo 💪 #spanish

Siempre feliz de formar parte de la imagen del resumen semanal. ¡Vamos por más!💪🏻

No salí en la foto, por eso le falta brillo a la portada 😅

poco a poco nos vamos activando nuevamente. #hiverun

🥳🥳🥳 seguimos sumando kilómetros cada semana

A darle amor y cariño

That's the largest payout I have seen on an #INLEO post... $5.47... impressive! #INLEO #cent

Even I wasn't expecting such a BIG move on BARRON! 453% since my call on the weekend. Published on the green arrow. #Trading #cent

Just had lunch

Now hangin’ out with the goats

Why is everyone taking pictures of me? I don't get it! #photographers #selfie #guys


Did the prices increase or decrease?

1/🧵 Imagine finding one of these just sitting on the sand while scuba diving, that's how this was found off of Florida. #threadstorm #outreach



That is quite a beauty

I wish I had found that one!

It looks so bright it is fake!

And over 300 years old and looks like it's almost brand new!

What's it's value?

The gold coin is around $10K US. Not a bad day diving!

2/🧵 This is a coin lost in 1715 by the lost Spanish fleet. I also shared a coin from the British Virgen Islands.

3/🧵 I'm restarting up my treasure hunting series, come check out my post today!


Does anyone know how to make AI draw the keyboard keys in their correct placement? #aionleo #ideogram #freecompliments

Maybe you need to specify the language used?

If the issue isn't language, perhaps specify form factor (desktop, laptop, terminal, etc.)?

If you did either or both, then I don't know what else to suggest.

I didn't specify the language, I'll try that!

all of this is 100% true

I have the persistence down ;)

100% commitment to LEO.

80% is not enough.

I am definitely saving this image because it is true that focusing on the 80% helps streamline our efforts. And I believe once that’s clear, the 20% will naturally align and follow. Thank you for sharing.

80% substance. 20% shitposting

You nailed it, that is why I am going for it as a builder on Hive. And hoping for some partnerships with InLeo as I continue to build ;)

This right here is spot on. Taking a leap can be scary, but growth awaits anyone willing to take the risk after all the cost of inaction can be even higher.

That looks insane... all you people with your #foodie pics are killing me...

Iglesia de San Salvador, en remodelación. Leganés España #spanish #photography

Campo de lavanda Guanajuato España #photography #spanish

🧵 1. Kamala Harris gains momentum in fundraising as Biden exits race. Big donors, including bundlers from past campaigns, join forces to support her candidacy. #politics

🧵 2. Major donors who backed Harris previously immediately mobilize after Biden's endorsement. Plans in motion to ramp up fundraising efforts across the country.

🧵 3. Biden's endorsement triggers swift response from both big donors and small-dollar contributors via ActBlue. ActBlue records significant donations post-endorsement.

🧵 4. Biden's campaign shifts to become "Harris for President" following endorsement. Renewed energy seen among top fundraisers who had initially held back funds.

🧵 5. Venture capitalist Reid Hoffman to increase support for Harris. Plans to donate more than to Biden throughout the 2024 election cycle. Excitement builds for Harris' candidacy.

There are 5 pages