EA Sports has brought 11,000 college football players to digital life in just 3 months using AI! For the first time, real player likenesses are featured in 'EA Sports College Football 25.' This groundbreaking tech could revolutionize sports gaming! 🏈
Team USA remains undefeated this summer after needing a go-ahead layup in the final minute from LeBron James to seal the victory against a hot-shooting South Sudan team. Another example of how Team USA can't take a night off because they will get every team's best shot.
got about 100 units of OA product out for delivery. ready to get them to the warehouse along with about 200 units of CDs/DVDs. grind don't stop. #business
I havent calculated it but I am someshere in the same board. So we both need much higher numbers through the rest of the year. A few 500 thread days could really help.
these are layer 1 Hive NFTs, not like the ones on Hive Engine. you can buy them on https://darkcloaks.io/launchpad/QUST. will be used in multiple different games.
check out @simplegame's profile for updates. they have also taken over development of Ragnarok.
Una de las emociones que todo ser humano presenta es llorar, donde a veces este se convierte en el modo de liberar todas esas emociones que con las palabras no se pueden expresar.
Por cierto, ¿has pensado en participar en nuestra encuesta sobre el autor de la semana? Aún hay oportunidad. Puedes ingresar aquí. Te lo agradeceríamos muchísimo
Well, let's hope there would be something better than Splinterlands soon. Nothing else on Hive can still match it, not even remotely. In terms of MAU, in terms of money invested...
And its great that you get aa channel to share your viewpoints on the Splinterlands proposal were more people can listen and hear the argument. I feel like tou say that there is a selective "club" on Hive who can decide this stuff behind curtains who and what gets funded.
#newsonleo #unitedstates #politics #biden US President Joe Biden has just announced that he is withdrawing from the presidential contest. He is supposed to remain in the office until the end of his term in January 2025.
Cant say this is any surprise. As much as I dont like Harris, Biden should also resign and let her take over. He isnt in any shape to be in the highest office.
Absolutely. The issue is not election, but whether the control of government and nuclear codes should be left to someone who definitely isn't there. Kamala should take over and do what US Constitution said it had be done in this situation.
#newsonleo #unitedstates #politics #harris Hillary Clinton has just endorsed Kamala Harris for President, which, for all practical purposes, ends race for US Democratic nomination. Now the issue who Kamala would pick for VP candidate.
The ready-made drinks are at the heart of a labour dispute that saw thousands of Ontario liquor board workers walk off the job.
Last week, Ontario Premier Doug Ford posted a video online with a message for his Canadian province.
It seemed like a typical innocuous political advertisement - Mr Ford sporting a casual black polo shirt and a blue apron, standing at a barbecue grilling burgers, cans of beer at hand.
“It’s summertime in Ontario,” the premier said, beaming into the camera.
A college football player was found dead Saturday night in a reservoir after an apparent cliff-diving accident.
Andre Seldon Jr., a cornerback for Utah State, was found dead Saturday night in the Porcupine Reservoir roughly 40 minutes from campus, having drowned after an apparent cliff-diving accident, the university announced.
More than 100 people have died in the unrest, with at least 50 people killed on Friday alone.
Bangladesh's top court has scrapped most of the quotas on government jobs that had sparked violent clashes across the country that have killed more than 100 people.
A third of public sector jobs had been reserved for the relatives of veterans from the country’s war for independence from Pakistan in 1971.
But now the court has ruled just 5% of the roles can be reserved for veterans' relatives.
Sarah Packwood and husband Brett Clibbery had set off from Nova Scotia and were heading for the Azores on their yacht, Theros
The bodies of a couple who set off on a sailing trip across the Atlantic Ocean have been found on a washed-up life raft almost six weeks after they were last seen.
Briton Sarah Packwood and her Canadian husband Brett Clibbery are thought to have abandoned their yacht and perished before washing up on Sable Island near Nova Scotia in Canada on 12 July.
HTX Is Developing an Apple Vision Pro Crypto Exchange Concept.
In a recent social media post, Justin Sun, the crypto entrepreneur, shared his experience with the HTX app on his Apple Vision Pro. He expressed his satisfaction....
TapSwap Daily Code for 22 July 2024: A Tap-to-Earn Game.
TapSwap is a Tap-to-earn game on Telegram, captivating millions with its straightforward and rewarding gameplay. Inspired by the popular Hamster Kombat, Tapswap...
Há 55 anos, a missão espacial Apollo 11 levava os primeiros seres humanos à Lua, nosso satélite natural.
A alunissagem ocorreu no dia 20 de julho, data que terá seu aniversário no próximo sábado, levando Neil Armstrong e Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin a andarem no solo de outro corpo celeste além da Terra pela primeira vez na história.
Cumprindo a missão prometida, os astronautas americanos plantaram a bandeira americana na Lua, recolheram amostras e fotografias e experimentaram o solo lunar com uma caminhada, ao contrário do que teorias conspiratórias afirmam.
hahahahahaha. I must be doing something right. She told me if I went off the rails she would come back and haunt me. If I really miss her one day, I will put my dirty underwear on the kitchen table and see what happens.
At this point, it's a cultural war... "They" are smart taking over Disney, Netflix and many aspects of the world's entertainment. Doesn't mean we have to give in, right? #infowar
lol. My air conditioning. I got a heatpump that replaced my oil burning furnance . In the summer I can switch it to cool. And it pumps cold air through the duct work system to keep the house cool..
Spaminator is a group on HIVE that combats spam... Apparently, they consider threads on INLEO low quality content unworthy of upvotes. Luckily they only affect the $HIVE parts of the rewards, the $LEO parts are not affected.
There's no use fighting them, the best option is to keep doing what you're doing until they get tired of you and target someone else.
I think that leo.voter is already a potential deterrent if they chose to, but it is probably best to just let things go on as they currently are for now.
I am mostly ambivalent about all of that. I am sure I would be pissed if it happened to me, but the rewards are not mine until 7 days...
I think with this type of thing, fighting fire with fire just doesn't work. The main thing that i don't like is when hall monitors get funding from the pool.
If an individual downvotes, even for reasons that I think are stupid--that is their right as long as they do it with their money
Domingos de extrañar muchas cosas del running, mucha gente.. En el primer grupo de running donde comencé eramos más de 20 personas entrenando. #hiverun
The following will replace the current Leaderboard design. Our goal with the new design is to adopt HAFSQL and build a better database along with a Points system.
This Points system will be a far superior way to rank-ordering users on the Leaderboard. Expect that we'll start to use the Daily/Monthly/All-Time Leaderboard stats to give out grants/delegations/prizes (in a similar manner to how we conduct LPUD).
The Points system can be tweaked over time as we gather data on how people are performing. Generally, this can add a deep-level of gamification to the interface.
I (Khal) have also long-said that I would love to replace the Reputation Score system on the Interface with a completely new "Engagement Score". I imagine that something related to this points system would be possible and would allow us to then use the API for that purpose and many others. Potentially even open-sourcing that API for other Hive UIs to tap into as well.
Generally a clean design with a focus on the top 3 users based on points. The "Today, Monthly, All-Time" categories will be toggled at the top.
Share Button
A share button in the top right will let you share a screenshot of the current standings into a Thread (automatically screenshotting it and then publishing it as a thread where you can add more text).
Scrolling down will show you the rest of the leaderboard. Likely showing the top 100 and then a "View All" button to load the rest.
Tap to Expand a User
If you tap on a user's username, then it will expand their "User Card" and show you the subcategories of how they earned their points.
Imagine tapping a user's icon and seeing a breakdown of:
To get people familiar with LeoDex both on the Maya Protocol side and on the Hive/LEO side. We want more users of LeoDex on a regular basis. The Airdrop is like a "opening day sale" at a retail store that is meant to encourage people to look around the aisles and see what we have to offer the world.
Hopefully, they find that we've built an amazing product and decide to use it both for the airdrop and into the future. Learning about the LEO token economy and the flywheel effects of growing LeoDex's Trading Volume
UI will track the logged-in user's trading activity on LeoDex (their total volume of $$ traded on LeoDex.io)
It will have a fixed calculation based on that trading volume - the higher the trading volume, the more LEO they will earn for the airdrop (for example, 1 LEO for every $1 traded on LeoDex) (example calc, the real calc will be some other number)
So for example, in the address I'm logged in with - I may have traded $12,600 on LeoDex.
So my number would be $12,600 on the UI display.
You can add 10 tiers. To reach the next tier, you have to swap above a certain amount of $$
We can have 10 tiers. To reach the next tier, you have to swap above a certain amount of $$.
and so on ... up to 10
The higher your tier, the bigger your airdrop. This encourages users to swap more and more to reach the next tier and gamifies the process by displaying their tiers on the frontend in real-time.
Since the goal of this Volume Drop is to spur activity and awareness around LeoDex and the LEO Token Economy, we should also include an element of "LP Requirements" in order to be eligible for this Volume Drop. The target audience is primarily people who have not yet interacted with the LEO Token Economy or her ecosystem of products.
We will likely introduce an LP Requirement to the tiers. I imagine this could be done in either of two ways:
Each tier will have a corresponding Pooling Requirement to reach the next tier (i.e. $100 LP position alongside the $500 in swap volume for Tier 1... $250 LP Requirement + $501-$2500 swapped for Tier 2, etc.)
Alternatively, we could have a blanket LP amount that is simply an eligibility requirement for the entire drop and is not tier-dependent. This would reduce overall complexity (i.e. must have $500 in the LEO-CACAO LP, then reach the tiers based on swap volume alone).
note: we will have some stipulation that the LP must be symmetric LEO:CACAO OR be asym on the CACAO side).
TBD (optional) bonus for creating an account on INLEO - this may require some additional verification, which adds another layer of complexity but would create a lot of value for the overall LEO Ecosystem
Since the amount of LEO for the airdrop will come from the ecosystem, I believe a LEO POWER stakeholder vote should take place. It should be adequately emphasized that the potential value capture of a successful LeoDex product will be incredibly high for the LEO Token Economy.
I also believe the LEO Team could match the airdrop amount by purchasing LEO off the open market. So if the ending airdrop amount determined by a stake-weighted community vote is 100k LEO, then perhaps the LEO team should also buy 100k LEO off the open market and donate it to the Volume-based airdrop to make the total 200k and also negate any negative sentiment around the potential downside of unlocking 100k LEO from the ecosystem and airdropping it to new users of LeoDex.
The frontend for the volume airdrop will show on the Dynamic Island module. It will be a tier based airdrop and show your real-time tiers as you progress through the airdrop.
To make the Volume Airdrop display module, we need a backend to keep track of who's swapping and how much they are swapping (based on their Arbitrum / Maya Protocol wallet address).
This backend will go live at the same time as the Volume Airdrop display on the LeoDex.io interface.
In the process of building this backend, I realized that there are many other use cases available for it. In the future, we'll be able to expand more layers on top of this backend and it will allow for more features that are data-centric.
The 1st example of such a feature in my mind is trade history - if you are familiar with using popular CEXes (i.e. Binance), then you'll know that they have a Trade History tab. On this tab, you can see all your trades that you've ever made with that account. You can also export that history as a CSV file.
This is incredibly useful for analysis and many other reasons. Users often want to download their data and be able to use it.
Other potential features are a dashboard where users can see global trading metrics on LeoDex/Maya Protocol as well as deep analysis on their own account (wallet) that they are signed in with.
For example, seeing the total $ value of all the trades they've ever made... what assets they trade the most... what assets are traded on LeoDex most frequently...
We also could have features that show real-time swaps happening. I imagine this like a Shopify store - have you ever been to a digital storefront where they have those little message pop-ups in the bottom right? For example "sally bought 1x pair of Nike shorts for $39"... imagine that but for swaps. As other users swap / pool liquidity, you could see global messages.
The goal of this would be to encourage more activity in general. More activity on LeoDex = more Affiliate Revenue = more $LEO getting bought and deployed as permanent liquidity.
The emissions for LEO are 0.208 LEO/block and decrease over the next ~32 years. Block rewards stop when LEO reaches 50M tokens in circulation.
System Income (LeoAds, LeoPremium, LeoDex, LeoBridge Oracles and
LeoSubscriptions) are designed to replace this inflationary pool over time. As of right now, the System Income buys LEO and deploys it as permanent liquidity in various liquidity pools on DEXes (as of April 2024, this is deploying entirely into two pools: LEO-CACAO on Maya Protocol and LEO-HIVE on the Hive Blockchain).
Starting in 2033 (when inflation drops below 4%), the System Income will buy LEO and deploy it into the SIRP (System Income Rewards Pool).
This pool will continually grow in terms of rewards vs. the inflationary rewards pool. Starting in 2033 and until 2056, the LEO Inflationary Rewards pool will continue to drop in signficance as inflation drops and SIRP's share in the rewards allocated to users increases. By 2056, the inflationary pool will be 0% (as all LEO - 50M Tokens - is in circulation) and the rewards from the SIRP will be 100% of what is paid to users and active LEO POWER stakeholders on the platform.
Until 2033 (9 years), all System Income will buy LEO off the market and deploy it as permanent liquidity in DeFi LPs for the LEO Token. Right now (June 2024 as of this writing), this is LEO-CACAO and LEO-HIVE.
Why these two pools? Because of the Hive Aggregation Technology that drives revenue into the LEO Token Economy (more system income through affiliate fees + LeoBridging fees). As these 2 pools grow, the $ volume per month that can be transacted on HAT will increase. More $ volume = more system income = more deployed as permanent liquidity (a flywheel for the LEO Token Economy).
In the year 2033, the LEO Inflation rate will drop to 4% per year. At this time, the SIRP contract will be launched. Once SIRP is launched, the system income will no longer buy LEO off the open market and deploy it as permanent liquidity.
Instead, the SIRP contract will use system income to buy LEO off the open market and deploy it into the SIRP. The SIRP pays content creators and curators on the platform. As described above, from 2033 - 2056, the share of SIRP's payouts relative to the inflationary rewards pool will increase (as the System Income increases overtime and the inflation continues to drop Y-o-Y).
In the meantime (until 2033), the LEO community and team should aim to grow System Income as much as possible. This is a decade-long opportunity to deploy permanent liquidity into DeFi protocols. That liquidity will never leave the designated pools which means that as the LEO Token Economy grows, the $ value depth of those pools will continuously grow up and to the right.
Liquidity is important for any asset but it is even more so important for the LEO Token. Why? Because a large % of current and potential System Income is derived from trading and bridging the LEO Token. As mentioned above - LeoDex Affiliate Fees and Hive Aggregated swaps all run through the LEO Token Economy. Deeper pool depth = more volume = more system income = more permanent liquidity deployed.
Goal: grow the INLEO platform by creating deeply entrenched incentives that turn the existing community into an army of marketers.
Incentives can dramatically shift sentiment. As of this writing, INLEO has
~1,400 Monthly Active Users. If this userbase were able to leverage simple affiliate tracking links/codes to onboard new users and earn clearly defined incentives now and into the future, they would turn into an unstoppable force of marketers.
1,400 people working toward the common goal of onboarding as many new users as possible.
When a user arrives on INLEO Threads, if they are served the Latest feed first, it is a randomized experience. We don't know what time of day the user is coming in at. We don't know the activity of other users at that time. The latest feed is not an efficient way to provide high quality user minutes off the bat.
If users aren't given high quality minutes right away, they are likely to leave and possibly never return. Expecting that Threads / INLEO have low quality content.
What is a high quality user minute? A minute where the user is looking at the feed and finding interesting things that catch their attention and lead to them spending more minutes on the platform.
The current implementation of the For You Feed on Threads uses an algorithm to determine what content to serve to users. The current algorithm is listed below. We'll continue to tweak this algo until it serves better content. In the long-run, LeoAI should serve as a viable replacement or enhancement to the algorithm with the goal of serving users relevant content.
The For You Feed should be the default feed that all users see (unless the user otherwise changes their default feed via the settings page). Existing users are accustomed to the Latest feed. I believe we can change this culture through a superior For You feed. It is undeniable that the majority of X users utilize "For You" along with pretty much every other social media platform. The For You feed is the future, the critical question is how do we create a better content serving environment.
Authors You Follow - Threads created by an author you follow and has 1 comment and 1 vote
Reply Authors - Show Threads from any Authors who have replied to you or you replied to author in the past 12 hours
For example - if I replied to one of @taskmaster4450le's Threads yesterday and then go to my For You feed today, his Threads show up in my For You
Show threads where the logged-in user was tagged (I know that these also go to the notifications tab, but I think it'd be nice to see them in the For You feed as well)
Reply Threads
Author is in follow feed AND thread has more than 3 votes or more than 3 comments
Show threads from hashtags that the logged-in user has engaged with in the past 24 hours. For example, if I replied to a thread that had #hive in it, then show me some threads in my feed that contain #hive
(let me know if this is possible @Deniz)
Top 5 most viewed threads in the past 12 hours
Take the top 5 most viewed threads (using our simple analytics API) and mix them into the feed
X recently implemented this - beneath every Tweet that you open, there are now 3-5 "Recommended Tweets". These Tweets are usually quite relevant and are based on the Tweet you're currently reading.
A similar recommendation feature would create more positive user minutes IF it serves the user Threads that they are likely to click and read based on the current thread they clicked and are reading.
I believe we can implement a recommendation engine that works on the following parameters to rank-order a list of 3-5 recommended Threads beneath the current thread you're on:
Threads containing 3 or more of the same keywords as the current thread you're on
INLEO technically has 8 feeds for article content (the 4 above with a toggle to sort from INLEO.io only content and all Hive content).
A For You Feed that is similar to the one used on Threads should be implemented for Blog Posts. The idea is to give users highly relevant long-form content based on their account and their on-chain activities... creating more positive user minutes on long-form the same way we do on Threads.
Recommendations should also be added beneath blog posts. When you get to the end of a blog post, 3-5 more blog posts should be recommended to our user. Again, the same algo that we use for Threads Recommendations can be repurposed here.
As it stands, there is a lack of high quality, fast and accurate news on INLEO Threads.
This is not to say that there is none of this happening, but there is a definite lack of quality news.
For Threads to grow as a high-quality news outlet that spurs engagement around highly relevant topics, we need to feed the feed with more high quality news.
The new feature would move News2Threads off Discord and onto INLEO Directly. This would coincide nicely with some other features we are working on via slash commands (i.e. /command).
We're adding slash commands for Premium INLEO Users. This will allow this group of users to call on various commands that are built into the UI.
For example "/news2threads [insert-article-link]" could be used by premium users who want to share articles on INLEO as summarized threads + the article link.
I believe putting this on the UI in this way will have two major impacts:
New feature that adds value to being Premium
More News2Threads activity out of convenience and ease of use
Suggestion: could news threads get a colour coded edge or box ? That way we can immediately see them (as long as not too many other colour codes are used).
Right now, News2Threads is a Discord bot where a certain group of INLEO Lions have access to share article links and then have them auto-published on
Threads as a 3 thread-summary of the article + a link to the original story.
I believe this is a fantastic way to share high-quality news on Threads. It allows users to get concise summaries of top news stories without even leaving INLEO. If they are interested in diving deeper on any story they've seen, the link is provided in the last thread.
Polymarket has seen incredible success. INLEO is a social platform with built-in monetization features. This means we could also have a prediction market where people can vote using liquid LEO, HIVE or HBD on various public outcomes.
A new form of System Income: a small % fee could be collected by the LEO Pool account.
Engagement - event-driven engagement can create a lot of positive site-time for users (in turn leads to more fun, ad revenue from page views, premium subs, etc.)
Premium use case? We could require premium in order to create a market (but not to vote in one)
How it Would Work
To launch a Prediction Market, you could require users to burn a small amount of LEO or send a small amount of LEO to Leo Pool. This can prevent spam creation of random prediction markets.
To make the decisions of outcomes decentralized, we can use Poll voting for the outcomes. Could do the poll in various ways:
Community Leaders are elected and it takes 3/5+ of them to vote to close a prediction market (results of a market are then closed by majority vote)
No leaders are elected and instead, a community-majority vote is required over a 24 hour period (same way normal Polls work right now)
The creator sets 2 possible outcomes. (Kamala or Trump to win the U.S. election). They then can set the initial voting fee for each. The fee is dynamic to the current winner % (this creates the odds).
The creator also has to choose when the market closes (i.e. 1 day before the end of the election, date when winner is announced).
After the election is over, a poll is initiated by the creator of the market (or autonomously by the prediction contract). That poll is then voted on using 1 of the 2 implementations mentioned above (either community leader-based voting or community-based voting) to vote on the actual outcome of what happened IRL.
Once closed, the voted crypto (HBD, HIVE or LEO) is sent out accordingly based on votes.
Imagine if INLEO had a prediction market for the upcoming U.S. Election. It was created by XYZ user by sending 10 LEO (or HBD/HIVE, etc.) to @leopool as the creation fee.
Web 3.0 a hitherto unthinkable question in the large spread of big tech owened Web 2.0 will ultimately distribute the thing and set a new template in motion. You all are building it, never distrust yourself, never allow the fatigue to set in. You are creating history.
Firstly, I really like this idea. Both the general idea of calling commands with / and this way of implementing news2threads directly in the UI
The second thing I'm thinkin about is that news2threads and the archive.ph-idea are pretty close to each other in terms of both functionality and purpose. Perhaps there really isn't a need to develop the latter, and that we'd be better off focusing pressing on getting news2threads developed as you outline above. What do you think?
You bring up a viable point. The threadstorm that the articles are broken up into arent the same but is that necessary if you are dealing with volume. Probably not if it is heavily used.
I agree if there was something more pressing that we could use a chatbot coding for, that would be the wise move. For now, I keep adding the news2threads, hopefully it gets a kick in the future with the command prompt.
Sounds good. @kendewitt is currently looking into the feasibility and likely workload of actually doing this. Unless it turns out to be a super simple way to build it, I have a feeling our energy is better spent elsewhere, on the badges thing for instance
Yes. I like that. Certainly if we can do it, it is worth doing. It will be a major boost to the democratization of data. We can then post content before it disappears.
We continue in the great game of SpongeBob, where little by little our restaurant is gaining strength, in order to be able to prepare the best Hamburgers at the bottom of the sea and be very recognized.
Quisiera pararme frente a ti y vomitar toda la rabia que tengo. Sentirme mejor al verte humillada cubierta por las pestilencias que fermentaron en mí. Y yo libre al fin, ¿libre?
you’ve never seen screen print? Basically there’s a silk screen with a transparent section and a translucent section and paint can go through the transparent section so you press the paint over that section. This designers clothes go for around $70-$500 but you can use his designs for $7 a piece if you want to put them on your clothing. Nice system for all kinds of people!
2/ 🧵You should have enough faith in yourself to know what parts of your life are no longer helping you. Try not to ignore losses and steady harmful effects on your life.
3/ 🧵 Feeling stuck in your job will get better when you have other things you enjoy doing daily. Find a good mix of fun and important things so you have enough time to do what you want.
4/ 🧵 If you admit you're not good enough, you can start to be grateful for the good things in your life. People always seek the key to happiness because good feelings don't last long.
It's that time of the week which means Hive goals and checking out what's new on hive! Yes, that also includes $LEO as well. Check out the latest article in the comments.
Okey, eat my shorts, @mightpossibly!
Finally some competition. Also, damnit, that's a tough score to beat
It seems impossible to get any faster - I mean you can likely do like 0.1 second better time, but hadly 5 seconds or so.
this is the non-Hive leaderboard over on itch.io
OMG we're playing childs games over here
Wow. If it was not a bug, Maci discovered some kind of a secret door :)
not a bug
this is the non-Hive leaderboard over on itch.io
some professional Mega man speed runners on it.
What do you mean by what?
I will answer any questions.
LOL he was big into that.
Then I am the big fish now :P
The top tuna.
That much is clear to everyone looking at the leaderboard.
He has to bend the knee.
Link to the game?
Thank you.
yall are wild lol speed run challenge?
Give it a shot!
How the f.ck you did it that fast? I was like 8+ minutes with 90+ deaths :-D.
AI-art gallery
Discover the power of AI-generated images! Let's share unique and fascinating artworks created with the help of artificial intelligence.
Join the #threadcast on a visual journey where technology meets creativity.
If you like the art, dont forget to leave a little upvote, comments and re-thread it on the latest feed.
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
Thx for sharing! :)
You're Sends
Hello my friends!
Hi! Hope you come to share some AI images?
For sure my friend!
PROMPT: A lion navigating a jungle, kicking up clouds of dust
TOOL: Adobe Firefly
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
Highland Archer from #splinterlands
Hahaha... It's true.
Is legolas the inspiration?
I tried and failed miserably. LOL
I want to create some images of elves and orcs, but it's not the way I would like. LOL
#aiart #aiimaged #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
hAha I like this one
Yeah thought it was cool also :)
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiary #aiimages #aiartonleo
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #25
July 21
EA Sports has brought 11,000 college football players to digital life in just 3 months using AI! For the first time, real player likenesses are featured in 'EA Sports College Football 25.' This groundbreaking tech could revolutionize sports gaming! 🏈
#ai #sports
Another good use that AI can do. I found it very interesting.
Amazing stuff for sure.
Yep, without a doubt.
How AI Brought 11,000 College Football Players to Digital Life in Three Months
Team USA remains undefeated this summer after needing a go-ahead layup in the final minute from LeBron James to seal the victory against a hot-shooting South Sudan team. Another example of how Team USA can't take a night off because they will get every team's best shot.
I think the USA are big favorites to win the gold medal at the Olympics.
Mets' 11-Game Gauntlet: Make or Break Before Trade Deadline!
I always think the transfer window is a good period, as we can see new signings to strengthen the squad.
I didnt know what it was. But it makes sense to me now.
Here we use this term "transfer window" for negotiations.
I will have to look what time the #mets are on today.
They need to pull today's game out. The wild card race is getting tight.
Does the Wild card classify only the best?
I still haven't gotten used to this much game.
Don't think I don't like it, I just haven't gotten used to it yet hahaha...
Very sad news, dying so young. I think drowning is one of the worst ends a person can have.
Yep. Without a doubt. It is sad when things like this happen.
It's true.
MLB Expansion incoming after Rays New Stadium deal?
Flamengo intends to create its stadium. It will be great to have a home for the matches and will generate much more income.
Apparently, will the Mets have another stadium? It's cool to see the club's development. Having a stadium is very important.
Good day for all sports lovers!
Sejam bem-vindos ao nosso espaço para compartilharmos todas as notícias do mundo dos esportes.
Be sure to join this threadcast. A great place to ask questions about different topics and get answers. Especially the Mets. LOL
got about 100 units of OA product out for delivery. ready to get them to the warehouse along with about 200 units of CDs/DVDs. grind don't stop. #business
Top reasons to go to the grocery store:
All else can be delayed. Those you cant put off another day if out.
you forgot one of utmost importance.
That is covered under toilet paper.
They go together with burritos.
ahhh, that makes sense. the Taco Bell starter pack
well said hahaha out of tequila
So true! I don't know what exactly toilet paper gets used for at my house, but keeping it around is damn near impossible !DOOK
LOL yes it does seem to be a good business to be in. Demand never wanes.
the TP gnomes always use all of mine
It's so bad at my place that I sometimes keep a secret cache for emergencies. Out of sight, out fo mind :-)
absolutely right brother, I'm just trying to think of another one and I can't seem to find one hahahahha I think that's it
Sorry about the formatting. Had a comment and a vote before I could edit it
Proper formatted:
Just crossed 73K threads. 7K more until I am at 80K.
Super! I am yet to reach 10k threads. You are challenging me to get my fingers typing.
That is a worthy challenge. Everyone should be looking to up their threadcount. I like the idea of a new leaderboard as a way to motivate action.
927K to go until 1 million!
That is another way to look at it.
And damn...I best get busy.
Excellent friend, that's a great number and no doubt you are a great user and very active.
Anyone can do it.
Even @coyotelation is working towards 20K threads/comments.
You're right, people need to understand that anyone here can do this.
It’s about getting involved and interacting every day.
My goal is 20k threads. Whenever you reach it, go up and create another goal.
I do believe it was earlier this month you wanted to hit 10K. You are now nearing 13K. It all adds up quickly.
It's true, time is flying, but the numbers are also rising. Consistency is the key.
Trying to maintain a daily goal now of making 300 threads and this has helped me.
That is a worthy goal. If that is the case, you will hit 20K before the end of August. That would be impressive.
Hehe Im roughly at 10% of you then :)
Hell if you are behind @coyotelation, that is sad. LOL
It's true, I consider myself a turtle. If he's beneath me, things aren't great for him. LOL
Type faster.
Slow and steady hahahaha... It sounds like me saying that. LOL
Congrats Task! We are going to increase these numbers even further quickly.
You can count on me and I will help you with this.
I'll find a way to get half of that done by the end of the year hahaha...
Half of what?
You're close to making 80k.
I hope to be able to reach close to 40k threads by the end of the year.
According to my calculations, by making 300 threads/comments daily, by the end of the year I can easily reach more than 40k.
I havent calculated it but I am someshere in the same board. So we both need much higher numbers through the rest of the year. A few 500 thread days could really help.
Yes true. It will be great to demonstrate that building these numbers through activities is possible.
A few days with 500 threads will really help speed things up.
It seems like a 🤯 task to do that every day. Not impossible, but huge! Good luck, can't wait to see if you can! 💪 #ChallengeAccept
I think we can do it especially on some of the days we really focus upon the threadcasts.
congratulation 🎉
I'm still at the starting line and of course I'll get there too ☺️☺️
Just keep typing and it all adds up.
Make more here and join the Space:
Sorry was on another call. I will listen to the replay though.
Share the sunsets #photographers
Love it. Need to go there again....
Got some cool upvotes from @darkcloaks by having their NFTs
| - | - |
| | |
welcome to the Darkcloaks fam
Thank you! And thanks for the help getting there 🙏
no problem
Interesting what market do you trade on?
these are layer 1 Hive NFTs, not like the ones on Hive Engine. you can buy them on https://darkcloaks.io/launchpad/QUST. will be used in multiple different games.
check out @simplegame's profile for updates. they have also taken over development of Ragnarok.
Bought them from here: https://darkcloaks.io/launchpad/QUST
¡Nuestra comunidad alcanzó los 3.200 subscriptores!
Anímate a publicar ante ésta creciente audiencia
#emotionsfeelings #spanish
waoo felicitaciones 👏 y seguirá creciendo ie
Muchas gracias por tus hermosos deseos 😍
Muchas felicidades por todo eso y el trabajo que están haciendo.
Gracias por compartir nuestra alegría ✨
Una de las emociones que todo ser humano presenta es llorar, donde a veces este se convierte en el modo de liberar todas esas emociones que con las palabras no se pueden expresar.
#emotionsfeelings #spanish
Bien dicho. Es como una válvula de escape
Así de simple.
Por cierto, ¿has pensado en participar en nuestra encuesta sobre el autor de la semana? Aún hay oportunidad. Puedes ingresar aquí. Te lo agradeceríamos muchísimo
🐹 Estás son las tarjetas del combo diario #hamstercombat
Is it true that hamstarcombat has been suspended
There is always something melancholy about the empty chairs-- Mehmet Murat Ildan
#freecompliments #quotesonleo
Just listen to Fridays Lions Den with @taskmaster4450le and @simplegame and man what a banger!
Just wanted to share a video I got recommended to me by Youtube yesterday.
Well, let's hope there would be something better than Splinterlands soon. Nothing else on Hive can still match it, not even remotely. In terms of MAU, in terms of money invested...
Lets hope that something @simplegame build can be the next big thing 👏
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.
You made a great duo 👏
And its great that you get aa channel to share your viewpoints on the Splinterlands proposal were more people can listen and hear the argument. I feel like tou say that there is a selective "club" on Hive who can decide this stuff behind curtains who and what gets funded.
Link -->
It's Sunday July 21st, 2024. Here's the #threadcast for #newsonleo today.
Local News.
International News.
Every Thing News.
News from the grapevine
#freecompliments #thread2earn
#newsonleo #unitedstates #politics #biden US President Joe Biden has just announced that he is withdrawing from the presidential contest. He is supposed to remain in the office until the end of his term in January 2025.
Let the fireworks begin.
Cant say this is any surprise. As much as I dont like Harris, Biden should also resign and let her take over. He isnt in any shape to be in the highest office.
Absolutely. The issue is not election, but whether the control of government and nuclear codes should be left to someone who definitely isn't there. Kamala should take over and do what US Constitution said it had be done in this situation.
#newsonleo #unitedstates #politics #harris Hillary Clinton has just endorsed Kamala Harris for President, which, for all practical purposes, ends race for US Democratic nomination. Now the issue who Kamala would pick for VP candidate.
Wow, this is a twist. Let's see who the lucky person will be.
#freecompliments #thread2earn #newsonleo
#newsonleo #unitedstates #politics #biden #harris #kamala New update. President Biden has endorsed Kamala Harris as presidential candidate.
That means he stepped down.
#freecompliments #newsonleo
#newsonleo https://inleo.io/threads/view/khaleelkazi/re-leothreads-eyewdery
What do the americans think about this?
Most think he was cooked. Only those who watch the MSM were surprised that he was lost and had no capabilities. The media hit it completely.
He should step down as President. As much as I dont like Kamela, it is the succession. Biden isnt only unfit to run, he should be in the office.
We will see what happens. I guess the politics wont change much with Kamal compare to Biden.
Politcs = "We are not Trump so therefor we are not evil".
It will be interesting is he throws his support to her or calls for an open race.
Good for him and the state.
#freecompliments #thread2earn #newsonleo
Why Ontario Premier Doug Ford is at war with the LCBO
The ready-made drinks are at the heart of a labour dispute that saw thousands of Ontario liquor board workers walk off the job.
Last week, Ontario Premier Doug Ford posted a video online with a message for his Canadian province.
It seemed like a typical innocuous political advertisement - Mr Ford sporting a casual black polo shirt and a blue apron, standing at a barbecue grilling burgers, cans of beer at hand.
“It’s summertime in Ontario,” the premier said, beaming into the camera.
#newsonleo #liquor #canada
What Will Happen When the Fed Finally Cuts Rates
Andre Seldon Jr., Utah State cornerback, found dead at 22 in apparent drowning after cliff-diving accident
A college football player was found dead Saturday night in a reservoir after an apparent cliff-diving accident.
Andre Seldon Jr., a cornerback for Utah State, was found dead Saturday night in the Porcupine Reservoir roughly 40 minutes from campus, having drowned after an apparent cliff-diving accident, the university announced.
He was 22.
#death #newsonleo #ncaa #football #sports
A young lad at that. Why cliff diving with no one around in case of accidents?
People do crazy things every day.
Top court scraps most job quotas after violent unrest
More than 100 people have died in the unrest, with at least 50 people killed on Friday alone.
Bangladesh's top court has scrapped most of the quotas on government jobs that had sparked violent clashes across the country that have killed more than 100 people.
A third of public sector jobs had been reserved for the relatives of veterans from the country’s war for independence from Pakistan in 1971.
But now the court has ruled just 5% of the roles can be reserved for veterans' relatives.
#newsonleo #bangladesh #jobs #court
Good one. Everyone
Atlantic trip couple Sarah Packwood and Brett Clibbery found dead weeks after setting off
Sarah Packwood and husband Brett Clibbery had set off from Nova Scotia and were heading for the Azores on their yacht, Theros
The bodies of a couple who set off on a sailing trip across the Atlantic Ocean have been found on a washed-up life raft almost six weeks after they were last seen.
Briton Sarah Packwood and her Canadian husband Brett Clibbery are thought to have abandoned their yacht and perished before washing up on Sable Island near Nova Scotia in Canada on 12 July.
#newsonleo #death #yacht
So many bizzare news. What a death.
Hope they find alternative to it.
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn
Fortunately there is always an alternative, but it is annoying when these things happen.
Hello my friends! Good day for all!
Welcome. Hope you are having a great day.
#freecompliments #thread2earn
Thanks! May you have a great day too.
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #weather
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn
#newsonleo #freecompliments #crypto #airdrop
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #crypto #airdrop
#newsonleo #freecompliments #crypto #thread2earn
#newsonleo #freecompliments #crypto #thread2earn
After suffering a major hack earlier this week, Indian cryptocurrency exchange WazirX has announced an $11 million bounty.
The crypto industry places high hopes on Donald Trump to “reset” the SEC if he wins the presidential election.
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #crypto
The Bitcoin ecosystem is drawing strong institutional interest, with the Chinese gaming giant Boyaa Interactive being the latest to invest.
The vast majority of Americans’ income taxes are now being swallowed up just to pay interest on the country’s national debt, new numbers show.
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #crypto
Some good review there
In a recent social media post, Justin Sun, the crypto entrepreneur, shared his experience with the HTX app on his Apple Vision Pro. He expressed his satisfaction....
TapSwap is a Tap-to-earn game on Telegram, captivating millions with its straightforward and rewarding gameplay. Inspired by the popular Hamster Kombat, Tapswap...
#NEWSONLEO #freecompliments #thread2earn #airdrop #thread2earn
Andrew Kang predicts Bitcoin could reach $1 million soon. Rumors suggest Trump might recognize Bitcoin as a national reserve asset.
#newsonleo #freecompliments #crypto #thread2earn
Discover why BlockDAG, Cardano (ADA), and ATOM are among the top investment opportunities in the current crypto market.
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn
Cynthia Lummis, one of the Bitcoin-friendly senators in the USA, talked about BTC in her statement following the latest developments in the world.
Article inside 👇
#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn
Why it took 29 days to find his body
Questions remain after the teenager's body was found in Tenerife - and it's unclear whether they will be answered.
Just over a month ago, you probably hadn't heard of Jay Slater.
He was a teenager on a first holiday without his parents in Tenerife, like so many Brits this summer.
Sometimes accidents happen while abroad and occasionally they become tragedies. Few ever hear about them.
#newsonleo #bbc #death #tenelife
What a sad one. Good his body was finally found
Yeah. So now he can rest in peace and the family can start the process of moving on.
Yeah. Such a pity
Apollo 11 | Missão que levou o homem à Lua completa 55 anos
Há 55 anos, a missão espacial Apollo 11 levava os primeiros seres humanos à Lua, nosso satélite natural.
A alunissagem ocorreu no dia 20 de julho, data que terá seu aniversário no próximo sábado, levando Neil Armstrong e Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin a andarem no solo de outro corpo celeste além da Terra pela primeira vez na história.
Cumprindo a missão prometida, os astronautas americanos plantaram a bandeira americana na Lua, recolheram amostras e fotografias e experimentaram o solo lunar com uma caminhada, ao contrário do que teorias conspiratórias afirmam.
#space #newsonleo
My Tinder bio says that I have a corner office with views of the entire city, drive a $500,000 vehicle, and that I'm paid to travel.
My dates are always upset when I tell them I'm a bus driver.
LOL I like that one.
haha good one
on the 1 month mark of my wife's passing I took a little big step.
I started making the home more Bradley. Books out of storage.
Proud of you for taking your life back, step by step.
Thanks so much :)
The transformation will be complete when dirty underwear is on the kitchen table.
hahahahahaha. I must be doing something right. She told me if I went off the rails she would come back and haunt me. If I really miss her one day, I will put my dirty underwear on the kitchen table and see what happens.
Set up a camera just in case.
If you capture something you might be able to sell it to Discovery Channel or something.
Make some money out of your haunting.
That I will. I got a series on YouTube for about 10 years ago. Ghost in my Kitchen it is called.
We need more of that on Leo. You should post more ghost and alien stuff.
A nice addition.
I have put the Youtube stuff up before , here
man cave time
lotion & tissues + plenty "reading material"

hahahaha. all DragonLance novels. Is that what does it for you?
oh yeah
well then, that is Fracking Awesome :)
You’re doing super great friend!
At this point, it's a cultural war... "They" are smart taking over Disney, Netflix and many aspects of the world's entertainment. Doesn't mean we have to give in, right? #infowar
The fragmentation of the media is moving everything in a different direction.
Hollywood is going to have little influence in the future. #Technology is changing everything.
Even posts on here alter the landscape.
That's true to some extent, but they have enough influence and "nostalgia" factor that they could use to push any agenda they want.
The downvotes will have less impact the more that is posted. Dilutes their votes.
Finially got the inside house temp where I want it. Centeral air is cutting in and out. Instead of on all the time. 22C inside 30C outside.
C? What the hell is that?
F for you Americans. 71.6F inside 86F outside
Which means the rest of the world should follow.
You are doing a great Job, although I have no idea what you are talking about 🤣💭😲.
lol. My air conditioning. I got a heatpump that replaced my oil burning furnance . In the summer I can switch it to cool. And it pumps cold air through the duct work system to keep the house cool..
Alright sir, please if you need some hands, am here with you 🥂🥂.
What makes you think he does?
I always appreciate my brother 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good morning friends! Don't forget to drink that hot coffee.
May your Sunday be amazing!
Enjoy your coffee and an amazing day to you.
You too! ☕
I didnt forget. Actually had to go to the store yesterday.
The important thing is that you stocked up on your stock hehehe...
Good morning!
The weekend is winding down. I'm busy with today's article. Enjoying some coffee and working up an appetite!

Still in the middle of Sunday myself.
Yeah, mine is shutting down... then again I am often up until the early hours of the morning... so so time still to go. 🙃

happy sunday
Got do my Sunday laundry today. Need clean work cloths.
That is an oxymoron.
Arent work clothes designed to get dirty.
Got some frying ham taken out of the freeze, fry that and some bacon, and make a sandwitch for supper. In about 4 or 5 hours.
Chef Bradley at your service.
Just trying to survive. Just trying to survive....
A flower from our small garden
#photography #photographers
This flower looks so beautiful, was it given to you by you pretty lady?
It is an incredible flower.
This flower has a personality! Your garden must be so pretty. #photography #photographers
Thank you, it is a very pretty flower
Spaminator is a group on HIVE that combats spam... Apparently, they consider threads on INLEO low quality content unworthy of upvotes. Luckily they only affect the $HIVE parts of the rewards, the $LEO parts are not affected.
There's no use fighting them, the best option is to keep doing what you're doing until they get tired of you and target someone else.
You can also message them on their Discord and explain yourself to them, that may or may not work. #spaminator #inleo #hive #freecompliments
The best solution is simply more threads. As always, the numbers can overwhelm.
That's one way to do it...
Just keep growing. One day they won't matter. The collective HIVE held by lions will be enough one day to make them think twice.
Hope that becomes a reality soon...
I think that leo.voter is already a potential deterrent if they chose to, but it is probably best to just let things go on as they currently are for now.
For now that alone is not enough... I think most of the threads that got downvoted were upvoted by Leo.voter but I didn't take time to confirm that.
I am mostly ambivalent about all of that. I am sure I would be pissed if it happened to me, but the rewards are not mine until 7 days...
I think with this type of thing, fighting fire with fire just doesn't work. The main thing that i don't like is when hall monitors get funding from the pool.
If an individual downvotes, even for reasons that I think are stupid--that is their right as long as they do it with their money
I have mixed feelings about this, but logically I totally agree. It's just that emotionally, it's hard to accept:
No Threads, No Gains.
Words to live by.
Just a quicky very nice !DOOK
Get that DOOK
Da rise of the !DOOK nation 😂
People around when they see takesme only 20 secs been like !LOL
It's a little meteor
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of fonestreet
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@bitcoinman, I sent you an
Domingos de extrañar muchas cosas del running, mucha gente.. En el primer grupo de running donde comencé eramos más de 20 personas entrenando. #hiverun
Hello everyone, greetings and blessings
Good day. Hope all is well.
Thread Day #130
Domingou, adm foi pra roça e ficou sem Internet! 🤡
Já tá podendo almoçar?
Boa noite galera
Boa noite mano e tenha um bom descanso.
Passei 4 dias afastado do mundo e estou sobrecarregado, tenso. Final de semana complicado.
Melhoras aí mano. Vai dar tudo certo.
Bom dia pessoal!
Hoje eu consegui encontrar a threadcast da comunidade hahaha...
Vamos levar isso ao topo.
Que o domingo de todos seja incrível!
O que vcs acharam do lance bizarro que gerou pênalti para o Flamengo?
Curioso para ver as opiniões aqui.
eu acho que foi legal
Vc tem razão, por incrível que pareça. Estar na regra e o engraçado é que tem torcedor clubista que não percebe isso.
Se o defensor do Criciúma não tivesse feito aquela sacanagem, teria sido nada.
Esse lance de ficar sem internet nos dias atuais é complicado...
Estamos tanto dependentes que alguém consegue imaginar ficar um dia inteiro ou uma semana sem? Kkkkk...
chega a dar um nervoso quando vejo o sinal de sem sinal kkk
kkkkkk... Complicado.
Faz um tempo que não vou em um interior para ir em uma roça...
Gastei legal meu VP ontem... Esperar hoje carregar legal.
Eu não gosto de gastar meu VP para ficar abaixo de 85%.
Admiro a galera que não liga pra isso, mas eu não consigo kkkkkk...
Alguém vai assistir as Olimpíadas? Pelo menos alguns jogos?
eu vou, com certeza. sempre acompanho pelo menos o volei e o handball br!
Dois esportes massa para acompanhar. Me lembrei agora nos tempo do ensino médio no handebol hahaha...
Alguém já comeu bolo de tapioca?
O almoço eu não faço ideia do que será hoje rsrsrs...
Alguém gosta de assisitr batalha de robôs?
Here is a #container for the Leo issues on Github.
#1 Leaderboard
The following will replace the current Leaderboard design. Our goal with the new design is to adopt HAFSQL and build a better database along with a Points system.
This Points system will be a far superior way to rank-ordering users on the Leaderboard. Expect that we'll start to use the Daily/Monthly/All-Time Leaderboard stats to give out grants/delegations/prizes (in a similar manner to how we conduct LPUD).
The Points system can be tweaked over time as we gather data on how people are performing. Generally, this can add a deep-level of gamification to the interface.
I (Khal) have also long-said that I would love to replace the Reputation Score system on the Interface with a completely new "Engagement Score". I imagine that something related to this points system would be possible and would allow us to then use the API for that purpose and many others. Potentially even open-sourcing that API for other Hive UIs to tap into as well.
Ranked Points System
Points are earned through actions on inleo.io:
The ranked points system would have 3 time-sorting categories:
Mobile Design
Generally a clean design with a focus on the top 3 users based on points. The "Today, Monthly, All-Time" categories will be toggled at the top.
Share Button
A share button in the top right will let you share a screenshot of the current standings into a Thread (automatically screenshotting it and then publishing it as a thread where you can add more text).
Scrolling down will show you the rest of the leaderboard. Likely showing the top 100 and then a "View All" button to load the rest.
Tap to Expand a User
If you tap on a user's username, then it will expand their "User Card" and show you the subcategories of how they earned their points.
Imagine tapping a user's icon and seeing a breakdown of:
100 Threads = 100 Points
27 Comments = 27 Points
3 Blog Posts = 30 Points
4 Referrals = 400 points
200 LEO staked = 20 Points
Total = 577 Points
Desktop Design
pending, will likely be similar to mobile but expanded
Comment on This Proposal
You can comment on this issue directly on the INLEO Platform.
#2 LeoDex Feature - Volume Airdrop
Goal of the Airdrop
To get people familiar with LeoDex both on the Maya Protocol side and on the Hive/LEO side. We want more users of LeoDex on a regular basis. The Airdrop is like a "opening day sale" at a retail store that is meant to encourage people to look around the aisles and see what we have to offer the world.
Hopefully, they find that we've built an amazing product and decide to use it both for the airdrop and into the future. Learning about the LEO token economy and the flywheel effects of growing LeoDex's Trading Volume
Details of Airdrop
From a functionality standpoint/overview:
So for example, in the address I'm logged in with - I may have traded $12,600 on LeoDex.
So my number would be $12,600 on the UI display.
You can add 10 tiers. To reach the next tier, you have to swap above a certain amount of $$
We can have 10 tiers. To reach the next tier, you have to swap above a certain amount of $$.
and so on ... up to 10
The higher your tier, the bigger your airdrop. This encourages users to swap more and more to reach the next tier and gamifies the process by displaying their tiers on the frontend in real-time.
Since the goal of this Volume Drop is to spur activity and awareness around LeoDex and the LEO Token Economy, we should also include an element of "LP Requirements" in order to be eligible for this Volume Drop. The target audience is primarily people who have not yet interacted with the LEO Token Economy or her ecosystem of products.
We will likely introduce an LP Requirement to the tiers. I imagine this could be done in either of two ways:
note: we will have some stipulation that the LP must be symmetric LEO:CACAO OR be asym on the CACAO side).
Other Eligibility Requirements:
TBD (optional) bonus for creating an account on INLEO - this may require some additional verification, which adds another layer of complexity but would create a lot of value for the overall LEO Ecosystem
Amount of the Airdrop
Since the amount of LEO for the airdrop will come from the ecosystem, I believe a LEO POWER stakeholder vote should take place. It should be adequately emphasized that the potential value capture of a successful LeoDex product will be incredibly high for the LEO Token Economy.
I also believe the LEO Team could match the airdrop amount by purchasing LEO off the open market. So if the ending airdrop amount determined by a stake-weighted community vote is 100k LEO, then perhaps the LEO team should also buy 100k LEO off the open market and donate it to the Volume-based airdrop to make the total 200k and also negate any negative sentiment around the potential downside of unlocking 100k LEO from the ecosystem and airdropping it to new users of LeoDex.
The frontend for the volume airdrop will show on the Dynamic Island module. It will be a tier based airdrop and show your real-time tiers as you progress through the airdrop.
Data Backend
To make the Volume Airdrop display module, we need a backend to keep track of who's swapping and how much they are swapping (based on their Arbitrum / Maya Protocol wallet address).
This backend will go live at the same time as the Volume Airdrop display on the LeoDex.io interface.
In the process of building this backend, I realized that there are many other use cases available for it. In the future, we'll be able to expand more layers on top of this backend and it will allow for more features that are data-centric.
The 1st example of such a feature in my mind is trade history - if you are familiar with using popular CEXes (i.e. Binance), then you'll know that they have a Trade History tab. On this tab, you can see all your trades that you've ever made with that account. You can also export that history as a CSV file.
This is incredibly useful for analysis and many other reasons. Users often want to download their data and be able to use it.
Other potential features are a dashboard where users can see global trading metrics on LeoDex/Maya Protocol as well as deep analysis on their own account (wallet) that they are signed in with.
For example, seeing the total $ value of all the trades they've ever made... what assets they trade the most... what assets are traded on LeoDex most frequently...
We also could have features that show real-time swaps happening. I imagine this like a Shopify store - have you ever been to a digital storefront where they have those little message pop-ups in the bottom right? For example "sally bought 1x pair of Nike shorts for $39"... imagine that but for swaps. As other users swap / pool liquidity, you could see global messages.
The goal of this would be to encourage more activity in general. More activity on LeoDex = more Affiliate Revenue = more $LEO getting bought and deployed as permanent liquidity.
Comment on This Proposal
You can comment on this issue directly on the INLEO Platform.
#3 Economy - System Income Rewards Pool (SIRP) and LEO Token Mining
LEO Tokenomics Overview
The emissions for LEO are 0.208 LEO/block and decrease over the next ~32 years. Block rewards stop when LEO reaches 50M tokens in circulation.
System Income (LeoAds, LeoPremium, LeoDex, LeoBridge Oracles and
LeoSubscriptions) are designed to replace this inflationary pool over time. As of right now, the System Income buys LEO and deploys it as permanent liquidity in various liquidity pools on DEXes (as of April 2024, this is deploying entirely into two pools: LEO-CACAO on Maya Protocol and LEO-HIVE on the Hive Blockchain).
Starting in 2033 (when inflation drops below 4%), the System Income will buy LEO and deploy it into the SIRP (System Income Rewards Pool).
This pool will continually grow in terms of rewards vs. the inflationary rewards pool. Starting in 2033 and until 2056, the LEO Inflationary Rewards pool will continue to drop in signficance as inflation drops and SIRP's share in the rewards allocated to users increases. By 2056, the inflationary pool will be 0% (as all LEO - 50M Tokens - is in circulation) and the rewards from the SIRP will be 100% of what is paid to users and active LEO POWER stakeholders on the platform.
Until 2033 (9 years), all System Income will buy LEO off the market and deploy it as permanent liquidity in DeFi LPs for the LEO Token. Right now (June 2024 as of this writing), this is LEO-CACAO and LEO-HIVE.
Why these two pools? Because of the Hive Aggregation Technology that drives revenue into the LEO Token Economy (more system income through affiliate fees + LeoBridging fees). As these 2 pools grow, the $ volume per month that can be transacted on HAT will increase. More $ volume = more system income = more deployed as permanent liquidity (a flywheel for the LEO Token Economy).
In the year 2033, the LEO Inflation rate will drop to 4% per year. At this time, the SIRP contract will be launched. Once SIRP is launched, the system income will no longer buy LEO off the open market and deploy it as permanent liquidity.
Instead, the SIRP contract will use system income to buy LEO off the open market and deploy it into the SIRP. The SIRP pays content creators and curators on the platform. As described above, from 2033 - 2056, the share of SIRP's payouts relative to the inflationary rewards pool will increase (as the System Income increases overtime and the inflation continues to drop Y-o-Y).
In the meantime (until 2033), the LEO community and team should aim to grow System Income as much as possible. This is a decade-long opportunity to deploy permanent liquidity into DeFi protocols. That liquidity will never leave the designated pools which means that as the LEO Token Economy grows, the $ value depth of those pools will continuously grow up and to the right.
Liquidity is important for any asset but it is even more so important for the LEO Token. Why? Because a large % of current and potential System Income is derived from trading and bridging the LEO Token. As mentioned above - LeoDex Affiliate Fees and Hive Aggregated swaps all run through the LEO Token Economy. Deeper pool depth = more volume = more system income = more permanent liquidity deployed.
Comment on This Issue
You can comment on this issue directly on the INLEO Platform.
Feature -Affiliate Program
Goal: grow the INLEO platform by creating deeply entrenched incentives that turn the existing community into an army of marketers.
Incentives can dramatically shift sentiment. As of this writing, INLEO has
~1,400 Monthly Active Users. If this userbase were able to leverage simple affiliate tracking links/codes to onboard new users and earn clearly defined incentives now and into the future, they would turn into an unstoppable force of marketers.
1,400 people working toward the common goal of onboarding as many new users as possible.
What Are the Incentives?
The incentives should be both immediate and recurring.
This means that there should be some instant gratification to onboarding new users. An instant payout for your work to onboard someone.
There also should be recurring incentives attached to each onboarded user.
Feature Improvement - Content Serving
When a user arrives on INLEO Threads, if they are served the Latest feed first, it is a randomized experience. We don't know what time of day the user is coming in at. We don't know the activity of other users at that time. The latest feed is not an efficient way to provide high quality user minutes off the bat.
If users aren't given high quality minutes right away, they are likely to leave and possibly never return. Expecting that Threads / INLEO have low quality content.
What is a high quality user minute? A minute where the user is looking at the feed and finding interesting things that catch their attention and lead to them spending more minutes on the platform.
If we can create high quality user minutes both for new and existing users, we are likely to see:
I will break down possible solutions for Threads and Blogs separately below.
For You Feed
The current implementation of the For You Feed on Threads uses an algorithm to determine what content to serve to users. The current algorithm is listed below. We'll continue to tweak this algo until it serves better content. In the long-run, LeoAI should serve as a viable replacement or enhancement to the algorithm with the goal of serving users relevant content.
The For You Feed should be the default feed that all users see (unless the user otherwise changes their default feed via the settings page). Existing users are accustomed to the Latest feed. I believe we can change this culture through a superior For You feed. It is undeniable that the majority of X users utilize "For You" along with pretty much every other social media platform. The For You feed is the future, the critical question is how do we create a better content serving environment.
50% of following feed & 50% of non-following feed
For the 50% of following feed:
Authors You Follow - Threads created by an author you follow and has 1 comment and 1 vote
Reply Authors - Show Threads from any Authors who have replied to you or you replied to author in the past 12 hours
For example - if I replied to one of @taskmaster4450le's Threads yesterday and then go to my For You feed today, his Threads show up in my For You
Show threads where the logged-in user was tagged (I know that these also go to the notifications tab, but I think it'd be nice to see them in the For You feed as well)
Author is in follow feed AND thread has more than 3 votes or more than 3 comments
There are several news2threads accounts like this one (https://labs.leofinance.io/profile/cryptoinsights). Mix in threads from these accounts because they are high-quality news
Show threads from hashtags that the logged-in user has engaged with in the past 24 hours. For example, if I replied to a thread that had #hive in it, then show me some threads in my feed that contain #hive (let me know if this is possible @Deniz)
Take the top 5 most viewed threads (using our simple analytics API) and mix them into the feed
X recently implemented this - beneath every Tweet that you open, there are now 3-5 "Recommended Tweets". These Tweets are usually quite relevant and are based on the Tweet you're currently reading.
A similar recommendation feature would create more positive user minutes IF it serves the user Threads that they are likely to click and read based on the current thread they clicked and are reading.
I believe we can implement a recommendation engine that works on the following parameters to rank-order a list of 3-5 recommended Threads beneath the current thread you're on:
All Hive UIs have long-held the same 4 feed:
INLEO technically has 8 feeds for article content (the 4 above with a toggle to sort from INLEO.io only content and all Hive content).
A For You Feed that is similar to the one used on Threads should be implemented for Blog Posts. The idea is to give users highly relevant long-form content based on their account and their on-chain activities... creating more positive user minutes on long-form the same way we do on Threads.
Recommendations should also be added beneath blog posts. When you get to the end of a blog post, 3-5 more blog posts should be recommended to our user. Again, the same algo that we use for Threads Recommendations can be repurposed here.
Feature - News2Threads V2
As it stands, there is a lack of high quality, fast and accurate news on INLEO Threads.
This is not to say that there is none of this happening, but there is a definite lack of quality news.
For Threads to grow as a high-quality news outlet that spurs engagement around highly relevant topics, we need to feed the feed with more high quality news.
New Feature
The new feature would move News2Threads off Discord and onto INLEO Directly. This would coincide nicely with some other features we are working on via slash commands (i.e. /command).
We're adding slash commands for Premium INLEO Users. This will allow this group of users to call on various commands that are built into the UI.
For example "/news2threads [insert-article-link]" could be used by premium users who want to share articles on INLEO as summarized threads + the article link.
I believe putting this on the UI in this way will have two major impacts:
Anything that moves conversation off Discord (centralised) and into Hive (decentralised) has to be a good thing !
Suggestion: could news threads get a colour coded edge or box ? That way we can immediately see them (as long as not too many other colour codes are used).
Could we invite some news organisations to post directly. Maybe even with the DHF funding LEO Premium for them for (say) a year ?
Outside of simply encouraging users to do this (and we should be doing this), we can also improve the News2Threads AI Engine that we've created.
Right now, News2Threads is a Discord bot where a certain group of INLEO Lions have access to share article links and then have them auto-published on
Threads as a 3 thread-summary of the article + a link to the original story.
I believe this is a fantastic way to share high-quality news on Threads. It allows users to get concise summaries of top news stories without even leaving INLEO. If they are interested in diving deeper on any story they've seen, the link is provided in the last thread.
The problem I see here is that we need more News2Threads Activity as well as More scaling for the bot itself.
We should see more content being published by the News2Threads bots and we should also see more engagement beneath that content.
A feature that could do this is adding News2Threads directly as a feature on Inleo.io.
I am just learning about this. It is interesting.
Yes it is. That is why I did a thread storm for it. We are now to the point where we need to share things as threads.
[Feature] Prediction Market
Polymarket has seen incredible success. INLEO is a social platform with built-in monetization features. This means we could also have a prediction market where people can vote using liquid LEO, HIVE or HBD on various public outcomes.
Why Build it?
A new form of System Income: a small % fee could be collected by the LEO Pool account.
Engagement - event-driven engagement can create a lot of positive site-time for users (in turn leads to more fun, ad revenue from page views, premium subs, etc.)
Premium use case? We could require premium in order to create a market (but not to vote in one)
How it Would Work
To launch a Prediction Market, you could require users to burn a small amount of LEO or send a small amount of LEO to Leo Pool. This can prevent spam creation of random prediction markets.
To make the decisions of outcomes decentralized, we can use Poll voting for the outcomes. Could do the poll in various ways:
Community Leaders are elected and it takes 3/5+ of them to vote to close a prediction market (results of a market are then closed by majority vote)
No leaders are elected and instead, a community-majority vote is required over a 24 hour period (same way normal Polls work right now)
~~~ embed:1840779613997347299?s=46&t=f3qY2xxYIegwgxWlYwko8g twitter metadata:MHhwb2x5Z29ufHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tLzB4cG9seWdvbi9zdGF0dXMvMTg0MDc3OTYxMzk5NzM0NzI5OXw= ~~~
The creator sets 2 possible outcomes. (Kamala or Trump to win the U.S. election). They then can set the initial voting fee for each. The fee is dynamic to the current winner % (this creates the odds).
The creator also has to choose when the market closes (i.e. 1 day before the end of the election, date when winner is announced).
After the election is over, a poll is initiated by the creator of the market (or autonomously by the prediction contract). That poll is then voted on using 1 of the 2 implementations mentioned above (either community leader-based voting or community-based voting) to vote on the actual outcome of what happened IRL.
Once closed, the voted crypto (HBD, HIVE or LEO) is sent out accordingly based on votes. Imagine if INLEO had a prediction market for the upcoming U.S. Election. It was created by XYZ user by sending 10 LEO (or HBD/HIVE, etc.) to @leopool as the creation fee.
Web 3.0 a hitherto unthinkable question in the large spread of big tech owened Web 2.0 will ultimately distribute the thing and set a new template in motion. You all are building it, never distrust yourself, never allow the fatigue to set in. You are creating history.
#freecompliments #technology
Sunday is almost over
Hope you have a lot of fun
Just getting the day started here!
Greetings to you my good friend, oh yes my day is going musical 🙂🙂.

My first day working as a consultant at Microsoft!
All going extremely well apart from tripping over a cable.
I'm 99% sure I plugged it back in the right socket though.
Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times
The #bees love the #sunflowers #homesteading #gardening #farming #food #nature #ecotrain #life https://peakd.com/hive-114308/@flemingfarm/harvests-bee-waters-pdc-haircut-trimming-freeze-dryer-batch-90-grilling-saturday
@mightpossibly did you see this?
I did not, thanks for the tag.
Firstly, I really like this idea. Both the general idea of calling commands with / and this way of implementing news2threads directly in the UI
The second thing I'm thinkin about is that news2threads and the archive.ph-idea are pretty close to each other in terms of both functionality and purpose. Perhaps there really isn't a need to develop the latter, and that we'd be better off focusing pressing on getting news2threads developed as you outline above. What do you think?
You bring up a viable point. The threadstorm that the articles are broken up into arent the same but is that necessary if you are dealing with volume. Probably not if it is heavily used.
I agree if there was something more pressing that we could use a chatbot coding for, that would be the wise move. For now, I keep adding the news2threads, hopefully it gets a kick in the future with the command prompt.
Sounds good. @kendewitt is currently looking into the feasibility and likely workload of actually doing this. Unless it turns out to be a super simple way to build it, I have a feeling our energy is better spent elsewhere, on the badges thing for instance
I do think a repository still have a great deal of validity. It would be an interesting application to have on here.
This is something that could really apply to the democratization of data that we need.
100%. I also like the thought of a dedicated front-end where archived articles can be recorded and fetched.
One point where the archive-idea and news2threads clearly differ, is the slogan the archive uses; "a time capsule for web pages!"
Yes. I like that. Certainly if we can do it, it is worth doing. It will be a major boost to the democratization of data. We can then post content before it disappears.
Hopefully it will not be too difficult to build.
I do like the potential of what it could do for the numbers. That could be something that sets things off on a large scale.
Hell 200 per day, at 5 threads each is 1,000. That could be done by 10 people. Just in the news threadcast along that could make a difference.
Come on, Lions! We need more votes so we can have some winners this month. Come cast your votes. #freecompliments https://inleo.io/threads/view/freecompliments/re-leothreads-4gyt9ptp
Just some blurt things.
Wait blurt is still a thing?
It never was.
lol wut
people are crazie
no idea they were still around
Yup, they are thriving...
This was a long park walk eheheh #london #photographers #nature
Ah London's one of my favorite cities!
I am lucky to live here. But now it is a living hell LOL
oh no why is that?
Looks like an awesome green space to hang out.
Yeah, one of the cool parks here in London for sure :D
Parks are great scenery for photos.
I agree with that. 200%
We continue in the great game of SpongeBob, where little by little our restaurant is gaining strength, in order to be able to prepare the best Hamburgers at the bottom of the sea and be very recognized.
Post in the comments
Looks like fun!
Very good
Quisiera pararme frente a ti y vomitar toda la rabia que tengo. Sentirme mejor al verte humillada cubierta por las pestilencias que fermentaron en mí. Y yo libre al fin, ¿libre?
Car free day #photography #phonephotography
It is all about the angles and the framing, make your images look interesting #photographers #london #architecture
Photography class 101 #photographers #london #architecture
Threads is educational.
Just a reminder eheheh :D
Interesting angles on the building on the left.
they are indeed. It is a beautiful area now. :D
The building on the left looks quite familiar. Is that Frank Gehry's design?
After a quick research... I guess you know your architects!!!!
"We trace the story of the redevelopment, seeing completed and ongoing projects by starchitects such as Rogers, Foster and Gehry."
ehehehh :D
Not too well, I just happen to know Gehry, haha! Very unique works.
Have you asked a question today on #askleo?
Many lions waiting toto give you answers.
Tried my first screen print today! My pants just got way more fun 🔥
show us the final product!

very cool
You seem to have got your brain in your pants. I know what you're thinking with and you're clearly happy to see me.
This is cool! How does this work?
you’ve never seen screen print? Basically there’s a silk screen with a transparent section and a translucent section and paint can go through the transparent section so you press the paint over that section. This designers clothes go for around $70-$500 but you can use his designs for $7 a piece if you want to put them on your clothing. Nice system for all kinds of people!
not my design. I chose the prints from the designers collection. Plan to make my own designs someday though
There's a fetish for everything, I suppose
Lol 😆
Better be dropping your original photos #photographers
1/ 🧵Seeing when you're wrong opens the door to possibility and change in your life
#outreach #threadstorm #freecompliments
2/ 🧵You should have enough faith in yourself to know what parts of your life are no longer helping you. Try not to ignore losses and steady harmful effects on your life.
3/ 🧵 Feeling stuck in your job will get better when you have other things you enjoy doing daily. Find a good mix of fun and important things so you have enough time to do what you want.
4/ 🧵 If you admit you're not good enough, you can start to be grateful for the good things in your life. People always seek the key to happiness because good feelings don't last long.
5/ 🧵
It's that time of the week which means Hive goals and checking out what's new on hive! Yes, that also includes $LEO as well. Check out the latest article in the comments.
https://inleo.io/@bitcoinflood/hive-july-21st-whats-new-and-goals-8pn #gosh