There are 5 pages

Just got schooled by a snail on my way to school this morning.

Guess I gotta slow down and enjoy the little things in life. 🥰

#freecompliments #photographers #inspiration

nice clicke.. specially the bokhe effects.


just leveled up to legendary on #HampsterKombat!


I hear the token should be going live this month.

Chickens were my wake-up call to homesteading and self-sufficiency.

Such a great pleasure to be able to have fresh products ✌️

How curious are the colors of those eggs?

Chickens are great!!! We homestead a little where we live too... Hey check pout the threadcast I started for all things self-reliance

Getting Ready for Tough Times, just in case... #shtf Day 2

Pick your favorite Dooms Day scenario, and let's use this #threadcast to inspire each other find ways to live with more self-reliance.

Why? Because the world seems to be falling apart... And if it never crumbles, we'll still win at life!

Thread and Share Your Knowledge:

  • Tips and Tricks for saving money
  • Side Hustles and Gigs
  • Food/Health Sovereignty Ideas

Don't forget to use the #leopreps tag

PS: Let's focus on solutions please, and not the doom's day scenarios, thanks 😜

I have a side gig that brings in a little income on Etsy. it's reliant on that platform for now... but the plan is to create my own website soon. For now I'm growing an email list. #leopreps

A dollar saved is more than a dollar earned when taxes are figured in.

I spent 3 years trying to live without money, just to see if I could. Never got to 0 a month but got very close so now I know how to budget 🙃

That's an impressive feat!

first calculate the things you waste the most money on and attack those. Get over your addictions. Those cost most people 10-20% of a full salary

Oh my god, that's so true!!! You know cigarettes in NYC now cost around $18 a pack?

WHAAAAAAT that's insane!

Yep and that's an expensive habbit here!

if you don’t have money for entertainment, be the entertainment. I play music so I’d organize shows. That way I never had to pay for tickets. You can have a potluck party, if you host a party at your house

This is a great idea!

Spend less than you earn.

Yep that is a big one, not a lot of people understand really... it's sad.

They simply lack the emotional control to be disciplined to live like that.

I spend lesser than I earn, I hope is a safe idea? 🤣🤣🤣

Then you need to invest the rest.

I always live the "rest" with the "rest" and take the lesser only.


Smart move on that one.

Hahah, am leaning how to be brained like you.

Do not focus upon income. Concentrate on accumulate assets.

Income is nothing more than slavery. Assets can generate income which is not controlled by a boss or company.

But at some point, one needs some sort of income to buy assets no?

That is true but that is why people work. But if they do not use the income to accumulate assets they are stuck on the hamster wheel of trying to get more income to keep up with their lifestyle.

I see this happen to too many people around me. No matter what I say they can't give up the spending more than they earn! But they do tell me, every time I take a trip somewhere: it must be nice to be wealthy! We make the same amount of money by the way! LOL

Even worse they go into debt to fund their habits.

Oh man, that's so true!

It's kind of funny, because it doesn't matter where. There will always be these people in the world.

yes there will be. but if everyone was wise with money... would there be as much money being made where there is money to be made?

I know exactly what you mean. I've heard this several times and am just frugal with my expenses. Most people don't understand this.

Man is a rat, works day and night, lives to work and works to live.

It's a never-ending cycle if the person doesn't wake up and want to get out of that bubble.

You're right, if people have this mentality, they will be able to be more successful in their investments and, of course, in their lifestyle.

I intend to focus on this from now on.

This is very true. Assets, unlike a job will provide me with financial freedom and independence from the control of others. Thanks for this highlight

Do you know how to grow food?

Now and I do my fishing at the fish counter.

But to prepare a good fish for lunch, you will need onions, tomatoes, lettuce...

Do you know how to plant that, Task?

I'm surprised about the fishing bit coming from you... I'm sure you would teach a man to fish over giving him fish!

I know, if something happens that I need this in the future, I will be prepared.

What remains is to save good seeds for this.

And seeds don't last forever

No, but it is important to plant and harvest and do these cycles every time so that you will have infinite seeds.

Well that's the thing though, you can be mentally prepared to grow food, but it does take some trial and error... our first garden was mostly eaten by the groundhog!

It's important to be prepared for what could go right and wrong. Unforeseen events happen and this is normal.

Lets get down to work 🤣🤣.

Every week, I spend a set amount of USD to buy dividend paying stocks, dolar cost averaging that and Bitcoin

Find ways to pay less that you are paying for the same thing. In Japan, supermarkets discount fresh food at 7 or 8 pm so if you shop around that time you get 50% off on pre-cooked food

Oh.. I didn't realize that was a thing in Japan. There's a little Japanese shop in Queens, every perishable item was at a huge discount when we got there at 8pm. Lol

Wow, they do it over there too? Take a picture next time and tag me :-D Would love to see what they are selling

Will do next time I'm in town

find ways to monetize your hobbies. Hive makes this easier. You can turn your study or hobby into a post or an initiative

I promise this is the last time I attempt to dance 🕺 but this was too ridiculous and too funny not to share 🤣

I have laugh and I laughed hard, because you can still dance better than me. Lol

I so thought I was going to smash it LOLOL and I failed so hard LOLOL

It was so fun to watch though :)

it was fun for me as well....but also painful lol when I realise I don't look even slightly sexy or cool as everyone else lolol oops.

This should be sent to the party room 🤣🤣🤣🤣... Lol

lol glad to see someone sharing themselves shamelessly here 🔥

ohhh yeah. embarassing myself online it is part of my brand LOL


Hello foodie Lions! It's Tuesday! 😃 Welcome to today's show. 🥗🍲🫕

This is the #threadcast for Day 22 of the #foodtalk on Leo. Road to Day 30.🤸🏻‍♀️ Time for some meal inspirations. Let's get into the discussion, learn and connect with each other. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.


  • Share some meal inspirations. 😋. Share your experience.
  • Have you had any bad experience with food? What happened? More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast.
    Upvote the comments you find interesting, engage and connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie

These are the most creative and deliciously designed cakes for the $LEO fam 🦁. #food #foodie

Oh! These are colourful yummy-looking cakes. I can see that a slice goes for $5+, I guess the blueberry slice would cost over $6.

Thanks so much for sharing.

Yes and I would say that it’s a fair range of prices for cakes in a shopping mall.

I think it's fair enough considering the inflation.

Agree. Have to set my mind to adapt to the effects of inflation on a yearly basis 😂

Hahaha... I hope the economy gets better anyway.

You could still learn how to bake cakes and enjoy anytime if you desire, it would save you cost too.

Two Plaid Aprons-Thick Potato Noodles. #foodtalk
Would you try this?

Who would have thought? This potato noodles looks good.

Pot roast for everyone. Lets share it.

This looks delicious with the carrots and potatoes in it. I know you would love this dish because of the beef used.

Looks like an easy and quick dish.

Carrots and potatoes are great with pot roast. It is a must.

Is donut your favourite snack?

Favorite sweet. I prefer salty for snacks like chips.

A box of sweet treat or maybe "sweet enemies", lol.

Who can resist after having one?

Sprinkles on donuts are great.

I guess children would love this type of donuts because of the sprinkles.

I am not a child, at least in years, and I love it because of the sprinkles. LOL

We need at least 100 comments in the #foodie thread today.

Yeah, we do. We have few counts of 100 comments in the past few days. I felt I should let you know it's #foodtalk threadcast not #foodie threadcast.

Too many letters to type lol

How many did it peak at? Do you know the record?

Lol. Just two letters away Task, you can do it. It's shorter than photographers and technology. Haha.

I lost count, I will check again tomorrow.

Do you consider this #food?

According to my mom: The little that you eat you can also drink.

Be sure to get your grains. LOL

There is a reason why Germany has a beer purity law. (Reinheitsgebot) We are serious about beer. 😜 !LOL

What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?
It gets toad.

Credit: reddit
@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of chaosmagic23



Well, they could be classified as alcoholic beverages under Food. #foodtalk

They are grains.

This guy here had my favorite recipe website... my bible when it comes to preparing #wildwood

Oh! This looks delicious. It's a pasta dish right? I will visit the site. Thanks so much.

Everything I've made from his site has been delicious. Even the pickled Chicken of the Woods (mushroom)

I checked the site and there are good recipes. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome, I'm glad I could share

Orange drink 😋.

Would you prefer the extraction of juice from fruits or making them into smoothies?

For me, I will go with the smoothies because, the fibre content are needed for some work in my body and they also contain nutrients.

Nice, Chris @chaosmagic23 is enjoying his salad.

I like beetroot and I use it to make smoothie.

Beetroot is so healthy. I love it. This beetroot is from our field and looks a bit different. It has red and white rings.

Yeah, it has great health benefits. I also add it to my Rice dishes and it gives it a nice colour.

Wow! That's great to know it's grown in your field. There is so much joy in harvesting from what you planted. I have bought that type of beetroot with red and white rings, it's a rare specie here.

I thought about planting beetroot in my parents' garden, but I'm not sure of the soil that is best for it. What soil do you have in your field?

I do it also in my fried potatoes and nearly every curry I make.
I have no idea what soil it is. Every year the field is prepared by the farmer who rents it. We grow, zucchini, beetroot, parsley, garlic, different beans, tomatoes, cucumber and salad and some other things who doesn't come into my mind right now. I would just try to plant beetroot.

Crossing the 50 mark. A good start for only being up for a couple hours.

Yeah, I was surprised it increased fast. I need to work on setting it up earlier, but other activities get in my way. Looking forward to the day we will hit a record of 200 comments.


Another orange grove but from up high.

At first view I thought it was a wallpaper, but your text revealed the beauty of the top view. This beautiful. I feel like taking a walk along that path.


What do you think?

I think I should have a picnic here with family and friends, lol. I love the view, it looks real.

Holy Grain!!!

Is this what you ate for lunch?

No I was on the AMA call during lunch...well listening.

That is breakfast food anyway.

What was it?
Names of the fruits..

Oh! No wonder, I didn't see much of your comments in the AMA threadcast, suspected you were busy.

It's often a breakfast meal.

Is it the kind of breakfast most ladies in Nigeria serve guy? 😂😂😂😂..

Last last, all of the will eat breakfast... Lol

One of my meals for breakfast. It's nutritious and delicious.

Did anyone see the healthy threadcast?

Some healthy food in there.

Yeah, I visited it.

It's good to see the number of threadcasts increasing. We will have 20 daily threadcasts soon and more.

Let's have fun. #foodie

Hmm that can be taken a few different ways.

Funny, I just found out you got that from the text in the #foodtalk threadcast.

That is okay. I forget what I had for lunch even when it was 10 minutes ago.

Really? No, you're kidding.

I only have one which you spelt out well.

Welcome Welcome to the **#Foodtalk On Leo Show.

Let's get into the discussion for today. What meal inspiration do you have for us today? #foodtalk

Have you had any bad experience with food, either at home, restaurant or at a friend's place? Share your expereince.

Does this quality as a bad food experience?


Oh no! Task can you delete this?

Is this what you do to your food? That's an abuse, you know.

BTW, bad experience with food is told by your taste buds, you know that.

Not my food but I always check the pie before I eat it.

Can you share with us the meals you had today?

Insider Food- 20 Comfort Foods From Around The World. #foodtalk

You like?

Soon Films- Japanese Style Egg Bacon Pancakes. #foodtalk
Eat or Pass?

Bento Club- You've Never Seen A Meal Like This. #foodtalk
Hello @selfhelp4trolls, I guess you would know about this in Tokyo. Can you tell me more?

Oh no! It's obvious I have never seen a meal like this.

I just can't eat raw Eggs even though I heard it's nutritious, I doubt I would give a try. It would refuse to pass down my throat, lol.

Do you eat raw Eggs? @luchyl, @caleb-marvel, @gargi, @ifarmgirl, @taskmaster4450le, @coyotelation, @kingsleyy, @peckypeace, @fashtioluwa, @bradleyarrow

You're right, I've never seen it before and I wouldn't eat that raw egg. LOL

Lol. I can't even imagine eating raw eggs.

Not in a long time. I use to when I was young and working out. It takes some getting use to, but after time there is nothing to it.

Its likw eating a raw chicken. Na, the food is looking delicious but looking delicious doesnt make it good for consumption. I cant eat raw or half cooked egg

It's good for voice clearing/ treatment or you chew fresh okro...

If the egg is mixed with hot rice, it won't feel raw😉

Some say that some surfaces under the (summer) sun are already so hot that you can already fry an egg there. 😆🤓


No doubt about that.

People can also "write" on the soil on a sunny day if they have a magnifying glass. ☀️🔎🤓


Hey @ifarmgirl, here is a little bit of BEER from @savvytester for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Why did the hospital send all the nurses to art school?
So they could learn to draw blood.

Credit: reddit
@ifarmgirl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

I did sometime ago but it was missed with ugu juice. I was recovering from sickness then so had to take it for a week. 😂. It was a matter of life.
Mom usually miss her own with Lipton and milk.

#foodtalk #foodiesbeehive #freecompliments #thread2earn

I haven't ooooo. I saw my sister drink it, it looked disgusting to me but it is very good for the body.

These are the most addicting

Milky glazed donuts. They are inviting and anyone could be addicted to it if not taken in control.

Without a doubt. Cant resist them.

Do you prefer milk or coffee with your donuts?

I haven't tried any of the combo: donuts and milk or donuts and coffee, but if I were to choose, I would go for donuts and coffee.

Coffee goes with anything sweet. LOL

Best Ever Food Review Show- Crocodile Lechon!! Puerto Rico's Most Outrageous Food. #foodtalk
Can you eat this or have you eaten it before? Share your experience.

This crocodile dish looks delicious. I wouldn't mind having a taste of it in a good restaurant.

GOod day to you my dear lady chef, how is the kitchen tonight?

Welcome dear friend, it's been a while.

The Kitchen has closed for the day, packing up.

What??? 😳😳😳
Kitchen that just started a few hours ago?

Lol. The physical Kitchen is closed but the virtual one on INLEO is still open And will be on throughout the night.

What about the owner of the kitchen, will you be awake through the night?

Nah, rest is needed.

@anicsaldivia1 Living the happiness of the first graduating class // Viviendo la felicidad de la primera promoción #family #motherhood #maternidad #gosh

Muchas gracias por el apoyo mi estimado @omarrojas

Okay now ready for bed! 15 active threadcasts people!
Go explore and engage!

That is a record. We need had 15 at one time. And one more coming.

Glad to break records!

It is fun to see the growth before our eyes. With a few more features, perhaps we can see how they become even more popular.

Spammed a lot of questions in the threadcast 👏👏

Congratulations to the Tron community for surpassing 8 billion transactions on-chain. Impressive growth with 200M+ account.

It seems more people are starting to wake up to how things truly work in Washington and how politics is really theater.

Those who we dont see are in control.

Get ready for another video on 3speak from me. Just started encoding, may be awhile. I will let you know. Today I go almost 10 minutes on "Success begins with trying." Inspired by @taskmaster4450le thread comments to me today.

Anything to motivate you.

a push is always good, it is great during grief.

WHat did he say to you?

something about succeeding ;)

Hahaha, that's nice to hear, please I need some tips.

watch full video, it is easy

You wil have to watch the video. lol

I need @taskmaster4450le to come over, let's WHat the video and see what you gat for us.

i don't know if @taskmaster4450le has ever watched one of my approximately 950 videos on 3speak

If you want to pull his attention, just make a video of Tesla and you will see him on it in a seconds.. lol

Who @bradleyarrow?

I called him a lazy, non-knowing fool and he is motivated to succeed.

Go figure.

HAhahah, remember that sometimes you also calls me grass hopper, it makes me to hop into action. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

We once hard some English Rabbits 🐰, they look look so pretty and loving..

This is Kat the cat.

Creative naming. How long did you think on that one?

her real name is Danielle Tiger, granddaughters.

I see what you did with the name. Absolutely love it 😁

thank you. Her real name is Danielle Tiger

You are welcome. She has such a lovely name too 😍

Kat can absolutely understand the gravity of its name. Kat knows.

The change of color on face is exactly in the middle. Nature is great artist


Ethereum ETF starts selling in one week! Who's excited?

#leo #eth #etf

Can't wait to see how this impacts the market. Do you think it be a game-changer for crypto investments?

It will be. No matter how it happens, it brings more money into cryptocurrency and more education.

It will excite the market. I am not sure the inflows will rival that of #bitcoin but we are looking at billions ultimately.

Yep! So glad we are getting more exposure.

Hope that will make positive action on price..


good news for my portfolio

LOL that about sums things up.

Who thought the Internet would be used for 144 character interactions.

😂 i know right .!!! Lets just hope that things dont go wrong in the future ,!! 😆

Maybe "Jesus Christ" or some brain with 12 X 12 cranial nerve connections (possibilities). Robots can be our frens.

Hoy nuevamente nos unimos por aquí para seguir aprendiendo de esta gran interfaz de inleo.

Todos están invitados.

Get on it. A great initiative.

He is the best and always attentive.

Lets see a lot more Spanish threads on here.

The Hispanic community has a lot of potential and a large number of users.

Today started with lots of work and I will end it on hive lol

Well you did have a good day in your healthy threadcast. A great start.

You made it, I appreciate it, My joy is that I didn't miss the threadcast today

that's the reality of many of us


bolBitcoin to $70k!

I have been away from #threads all day. I'll scroll down to see what I missed and possibly respond to a few. I hope you all held the place together.

I think so . Lol

Is thinking your strong suit?

You know it is. Just like you.

The best we could.

A round of applause then 👏

We have been holding things...

@taskmaster4450le and @bradleyarrow with myself, we keeps flying around when you were away.. 🤣🤣🤣.

hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂 TRUTH

One thing that I love when ever @taskmaster4450le says it is, "keep playing around and you will learn more"

So I have learnt to be a play boy.. 🤣🤣🤣

keep at it. Practice makes perfect. Lol


I am going to need wings 😂

@bradleyarrow is a Batman, he can help you with some bat wings 😄.

Lol. I can't wait to fly

I just ordered a 16TB hard drive.
Prices down. Finally cheaper that two 8TB.

LOL I remember when hard drives were in GBs.

Got ya beat, I remember MB. 20 was big

Well yeah but I didnt want to embarrass myself that bad.

I dont seem to mind, or care. Lol

LOL you mean you dont care what a bunch of people you dont know nor never will meet think about you.

That is so out of touch with the age of social media and the online world.

Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂 but I will be at Hivefest 2025.

Congrats. Waiting helped I guess since you found a storage solution that gave you a big space at an affordable price.

Well , it is to expand my Chia miner.

How much it costs?


$339 Canadian plus sales tax. And in Newfoundland tax is 15 Percents

This week Risingstar brings us a new contest with the “Sasha” card. My story is about a dancer with a super power: saving the world with her dancing.



sure hope you grabbed some when it was around 60k :P

You have so much faith in me Bro! 😎 Did you though? 👀

Incredible, it finally breaks that barrier and will continue to rise a little more.

Let’s not stop at all… 😎

we so need a bull market....

You don't like it? 😅

You can win an HBI weekly with a bit of fun writing just by reading @alonicus's weekly Worldbuilding Prompt and writing a cool scene! Check it out!

I just had one cup of coffee:

It's empty now:

#photographers #photography

ChainkeyX DEX launches testnet on Internet Computer.
Swap/Lend/Borrow BTC & ETH on-chain. Fast, Gasless and Self-custody.

#defi #dex

It's been 2 months now, I've been on this wonderful platform.
I've experienced some challenges, one of my challenges, is being consistent, due to the fact I have other jobs, it's kinda difficult to be consistent on inleo.

So, I'd like to know what are your challenges and how did you cope with them..?

#askonleo #inleo

Why everyone should watch out for Indonesia | Business Beyond #hive #cent #indonesia #business #future

$leo is here to stay! Khal is playing the long game. #ama

quit playing games Khal and get back to work lol

And hopefully all Lions think the same. We are here to stay!

The FreeCompliments Community has announced the winners of its 1000 Member Contest from last month (incidentally, by the time I posted this, we already broke 1100 members lol!). Come congratulate our winners in the post below! 👇 #freecompliments #contest

1/ 🧵
Understanding genotype compatibility is crucial before committing to a lifelong #relationship. Many children suffer from sickle cell disease due to their parents' negligence in this regard. #health #hivenaija #outreach #threadstorm

2/ 🧵
Couples must discuss their medical histories early in their relationship to avoid heartbreak and health challenges later. Knowing your partner's genotype can prevent the pain of discovering incompatibility after years of investment.

3/ 🧵
Prevention is better than cure. Dive deeper into why this is vital by reading my full post here...


#feedback Just encountered this bug when I refreshed the AMA's threadcast page:


You are happy now stay on inleo and hive

I count 14 threadcast going, is that a record @taskmaster4450le?

I think 14 was/is the current record

@mightpossibly think I got one more active. Just need to wait a couple of mins

Oh my god, we're at 17 now!

Please someone make another thrradcast! We need to break the record

"HP is useless. Nobody needs it or wants it. Anyone buying that is a moron. Hive is a dump. Splinterlands is the only good thing about it. So could you please use your HP to support the Splinterlands DHF proposal? I'm fresh out again."

That's the spirit! :)

Yup. The spirit of an HP holder, flying out the window.

Then you can support the proposal, and then start buying packs ;)

Mmmmm. Dopamine.

lol. Not so useless after all, I guess.

The world is so silly sometimes.

Wait is this a real example or just a satir of the sentiment of Hive users?


Its pretty accurate

The reality can be far more frustrating.

I didn't know I voted, thanks for letting me know.

I thought it was deliberate..

It was, I was being sarcastic as I don't need anyone telling me I voted.

You just need that to upvote, I know it must be a mistake 🤣🤣🤣


Love this

LOL They are going to have a field day with this.

Trump is in my scene now 🤣

It is making headlines these days.

Por acá andamos trabajando un poco en una presentación sobre web3, acompañado de un buen café ☕ en una tarde calurosa.


Bitcoin ETFs In 'Two Steps Forward Mode,' Gobble Up Another $300M In Inflows

#newsonleo #Bitcoin #etf #crypto

Good, but I would like the surges to be more noticeable, how does this affect the hive market, for example? !VSC

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Uses: 8/25

17 threadcasts at one time. A new Leo record.

Now we have to work our way toward 20.

There are actually a couple that dont have premium like the sports threadcast.

One Piece episode Shanks vs Kid is just 🔥🔥🔥 #OnePiece

haven’t gotten there yet, behind a few episodes but anything with Shanks is 🔥

Already cool since episode 4

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

Hey @gibic, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hello @gibic
This is my own !BEER
Have fun with it!:)

There are 5 pages