There are 4 pages

This track still sounds so fresh even after 10 years .!! So unique and beautiful.

This tune brings me so much nostalgia and For some reason this brings a flood of memories from my childhood . Do have a listen to it .!
#musiconleo #goldpanda #carnaticmix #quittersraga #playlist #freecompliments

the one who makes a good party better!

yes ... Can also make people jump and scream .!!! 😆

and very tired after the fun! How long have you been a dj then?

yes .. that very true .!!! I am more of a music producer , I just started dj' ing last year .

✈️ Travel Talk #threadcast

Ep1 Thu 27-Jun-24

ℹ️ This is the #travelcast where we chat all things #travel brought to you in conjunction with @leotravel

💬 Talk about your trips, discuss adventures and enjoy the world's delights!

💡 In future casts we can get more specific, but for today let's throw some ideas around…

  • What would you like to see covered here?
  • Where have you been, and where would you like to go?
  • Post pics, quotes, news, videos and anything else related to travel

Tag #leotravel and have fun! 🧳 🛫

Got quite a few travel polls out there too. Here's an example one for Paris (both the poll itself and the bold type don't appear here but open it to see it in its full glory)

I’m off to Switzerland soon to hike in the alps. Looking forward to my trip.


Sounds great, enjoy! 🇨🇭

This is an example of the container style Threads I was putting together on various cities, places and regions. Here we have Madrid, although all the videos have disappeared due to the embed code situation, so will need to be edited with the video link in due course…

Oh damn, that smells like work 😅 editing the videolinks …

Yep. But they'll either need to be edited or just abandoned, so not great either way. I'll hold off a bit as things could change again…

Think about the whole musiconleo project as well, which would also include coordinating everyone to edit their threads.

Hopefully an easier solution might appear, but I might just do a few at a time as they crop up

i see, the iframe embed code isn‘t working anymore … damn, all my music threads are empty also 😱

iframes won‘t come back i think, that‘s one of the possible doors to inject “bad code“, happened already Khal told me the other day … the way to do it is just parsing normal links without any shenanigans around them …

Nice 👍🏽 what about a collab? 👀 We could cross pollinate with my Sunday City Walk threadcast, what do you think?


Great 👍🏽 will this threadcast gonna be a daily one?

Not sure. I think daily is a bit excessive but I understand the idea. Maybe I'll do them every other day or 3 or 4 days a week but I'll see how it goes after the first couple, and my schedule etc.

yeah, consistency is the key they say, but i don‘t think this topic needs to be there every … 2 times a week and maybe not even on certain days, something like that …

A great idea. Get it things moving into different threadcasts.

We have more threadcasts going that allows for the cross posting of threads.

Consider some news about travel, say airlines, being dropped in the news threadcast, then copied into the travel one.

It is important information to potentially both sets of people.

Exactly. Anything that's relevant to each (or several) is worth posting in both/all

Yep. Repurpose the same info. Cross posting and rethreading are great ways to do that.

Get some TravelTech on the go

Without a doubt. A lot of things to talk about and cross pollinate. This could be massive.

It is also a great place for travel documentaries.

Stop by Aachen, Germany, this weekend. A Hive Meetup takes place there ;)

Cool, let us know how it goes!

trying to save money for my next trip to Glacier National park. Anyone been?


Not me unfortunately

It’s one of my favorites.

Nope. I never was. Seems like it would be a great trip.

Hello Fellow Travellers 👋🏽

Check out the very first Sunday City Walk through my hometown Berlin, Germany! Enjoy photos, facts and stories and you can even still add to it and feed in your Berlin photos or stories ...

Any photos you post here, be sure to put them in @sergiomendes photographers community and that day's photocast too!

awwww thanks. That is kind of you. Let's get everyone's involved for sure

I have never traveled outside of Brazil, it is one of my dreams that I want to fulfill in the next 5 years.

Go for it when you can. I've never been to Brazil, so would love to at some point!

Remembering here, it's been a while since I went on a trip... the kind where we spent days away from home.

I need this hahaha...

ah cool, I was thinking of doing just this! Guess you beat me to the punch. I haven't traveled for a while because every time I do I end up moving to another country and I'm tired!

Plenty of room for us all to experiment...

I know the feeling! Enjoy Japan for now ;)

Hoping I can go to Okinawa soon. I want to stay for 2 weeks and meet some musicians and artists there. Let's see

Sounds great, keep us informed!

My travel often involves things like staying in squats, hitchhiking naked sauna parties, or BBQ at random strangers houses :-D

Intriguing, tell us more!

Rather than comment on individual posts you can encourage people to link the comment they are replying to and make everything part of the main threadcast

Good point. A healthy dose of both is great, but getting most in the main feed is optimum

If anyone comes to Tokyo let me know. My life here is pretty tame compared to my life up until now but I can show you some great food at least

Amazing! Definitely on the list 🇯🇵

Will give you a shout if and when I swing that way

Feel free to get involved! Drop all your travel stuff…

There's loads of videos and more in the community on various destinations (will drop a few here), although now the videos don't show due to embed code no longer allowed! Will edit in due course with the video link…

And of course, any travel pics you put there, re-thread or post here too!

Hey there, let's go! 🚀

🇮🇹 Kicking about the Colosseum in Rome! Have you been to Italy? I'm hoping to go back in the not too distant future…

#rome #italy #leotravel #photographers

Might be good to have a theme for each TravelCast, focus on a particular country etc. The first few I might just keep it general and see what happens…

Let me know what you think!

50 comments... solid start. I imagine we could consistently get a few hundred...

Good afternoon people!

love to see more threadcasts here. Been broke so not travelling a lot but this is a bomb idea.

Tell me about it… but we can always enjoy it anyway even when at home… and plan for future adventures! Also, wherever we are is also a travel destination for someone else

lets get this one to travel to the top of the page

Let's do it! Should be there shortly…

ohhh yeah that is the way to go I think this is going to be an amazing corner to be

The biggest claim I have ever had on Golem Overlord! #go #game #hive

Claim Successful. 5831.1136 PART were added to your ingame Wallet.

How much is the investment and roi in Golem Overlord? Info for potential new players.

I don't play it for investment... or ROI... but if you calculate how much 5k PART is per day... at the moment...

I might have put in, probably 100-200 HIVE in total, that's it.

Note, you can't unlimitely withdraw... there is re-investment obligation if you want to keep withdrawing.

Best way is to try the game, its not very expensive... But if you don't like these type of games, maybe don't. Up to you =)

Just not enough time to play these days. I gave up most of my p2e games with only Splinterlands left.

Yeah, I have the same problem. Had to pause quite a few, that I keep revisiting time to time, to follow and catch up with the news.

Is there a list of all game available on Hive somewhere? Feel I should get involved more

Started posting #proofoftekken project. A series of videos on 3Speak of my recording footage while playing the game. I'm currently beginner so I hope this series serves as blockchain proof that anyone can learn fighting games! #freecompliments #hivegaming

Great initative!

Hot take?

Free Speech is a Lie... Even on HIVE. If the majority of HP Holders were Woke people, a lot of us won't be welcome here. Of course, no one can delete your content on HIVE, but many will self-censor in fear of Downvotes and hope for sweet payouts.

It puzzles me how USA prides itself on Free Speech while doing the opposite most of the time.

That is a bogus opinion. What do downvotes have to do with the ability of your content being on chain?

Nothing. It can be seen both through block explorers and through different front ends. Anything posted on Leo is not hidden regardless of the downvotes.

Insane 92% of voting mana. In danger of full tank!

How come HP drained down.....

Delegated to leo.voter to earn LP!

Oh...I see. Sure that is the best way to put HP into work.

Wow! It's going to take a while to get that back.

It's time work, haha!

My voting power had taken a huge hit but it is now back. Upvotes to be given in lots of threadcasts.

I will support you there!

It is good to recharge at a point.

You are the ambassador of threadcasts, haha!

Well it is something that I came up with because I think it can be a pillar of the platform. I saw what it did on a simple sports blog and how, during a game, it would get thousands of comments.

We can get the same thing going here.

I hadn't even realized that... I'm glad you got your VP back.

Sometimes we get carried away and get out of control hahahaha...

Yeah. Especially when trying to add to the content of others and supporting them.

You are essential here, support is very necessary and I am sure we will encourage more people to follow in your footsteps.

The beauty about hive is it refills automatically and you can get right back to work,... I've had mine to a 30% one time still fills up

Powered up 43 $HIVE. I need 300 more to reach 7,000 HP.



You are doing really well. Congratulations on this.

Thanks! Let us grow together as a community.

Nice! Keep powering up 👏👏👏

Thread Day #106

Quinta-feira chegou e já podemos sentir o cheirinho do fim de semana!

Hoje o assunto polêmico é por conta de vocês


Proposta de encaminhamento

Vamos analisar quem ta deixando seu votinho nas threadcasts da HiveBR?
Ganhar voto todo mundo quer né, deixar um pingadinho pra ajudar a comunidade dói muito?

Senta o dedo no like


Mudar a mentalidade do brasileiro é complicado. Infelizmente tem muita gente que não ajuda, mas nos os ajudamos, acho que o certo, não podemos criar um clubinho fechado, mas têm dias que é chato mesmo ver que só alguns participam.

É continuar fazendo nossa parte e conscientizar os outros a participar.

O upvote é uma ajuda mútua. Ambos ganham com isso.

Pois é, ja vi de tudo na comunidade, nego falando que não vota automático porque não quer votar em um fulano que não gosta, outros falam que seguir trilha é perca de tempo e por ai vai.

Cada um tem a sua opinião e eu respeito isso, mas tem umas coisas que a gente vê que não é bem o que parece ser kkk

ja vi de tudo na comunidade, nego falando que não vota automático porque não quer votar em um fulano que não gosta

Kkkkkkkkk... Incrível que tem isso aqui.

Sim é verdade, temos que manter o respeito.

Pois é, as pessoas deveriam lutar para se unir, quanto mais gente junta seguindo trilhas ou delegando HP, mais poder de melhorar para todos temos tmb

É uma boa! Isso ajuda a todos.

Eu costumo sempre deixar meus votos em 5%.

É merreca, mas a longo prazo rende alguma coisa para ambos hehehe...

Meu deus... ainda lembro quando tinha a threadcast só da HIveBR e uma ou outra a mais... agora ta cheio!

virou moda kkk

mas levantar uma tag eles não fazem...
o exemplo da hivebr é simplesmente matador, se comparar ao tamanho da comunidade com o tamanho do barulho!


somos poucos, mas somos loucos kkkkk

Pior que é verdade, antes não tinha quase nada, agora têm um monte todo dia kkk, de qualquer forma, somos os que chegaram primeiro! xD

ai, gente, vou desabafar fofocas trabalhistas... tem um produtor de um outro site, que é de uma ex-âncora do jornal local, que VIVE me pedindo as coisas. toda matéria q eu faço, o cara vem me pedir foto/vídeo, perguntando qual a fonte...

tô quase falando pra me contratar de uma vez, pq, né?! tá querendo pegar meu trabalho pronto, po... simancol tá em falta

Pena não existir uma Hive Watchers na vida real, já iria fazer a denuncia kkkk

pois é kkkk

Só mais hoje e amanhã e férias! Segunda viajando com a família para a Bahia, primeira vez em um avião e em uma praia kkk, to ansioso.

já prepara pra fazer a foto clássica da janela do avião mostrando a asa (meu sonho)

kkkkk vou fazer, eu quero ir na janela mesmo, para ver tudo e aproveitar kkk. Não sei quando irei viajar novamente xD

eu nunca voei, tenho vontade e tenho medo kkkk

Caramba achei que vc já tinha viajado para algum lugar, eu to com medo também, mas ai vai a minha esposa e filhos, eles já voaram antes kkk, espero q eles tenham calma comigo xD

de avião, nunca! o máximo q eu já cheguei perto de um avião foi no aerofest q teve aqui e tiramos fotos kkkkk

Quem nunca, né? Haha!

férias chegou, shift viajou kkkkk

KKKKKKKKKKKKKK eu amo essas rimas que vcs fazem kk

BOm demais mano


Valeu, preciso descansar a cabeça e o corpo um pouco rs

Prevejo alguns posts sobre a viagem chegando. 😅

Aproveite ao máximo!

kkkk vou fazer sim, espero conseguir tirar muitas fotos para criar um ou mais posts bem legais ^^

Capricha pra pegar votão daquelas comunidades de viagens.

Puts eu fico pensando neles kkk, se der certo bom demais, mas se nao der tmb ta de boa, mas to com saudades de um post pegar uns 50 dol pra cima humilde kkkkkk

Humildade gritou agora, hein? Haha!

Tem que tentar, porque tu vai viajar pra um lugar TOP demais e certamente terá chances de tirar ótimas fotos.

Aí sim em, aproveite(q'ueria fazer uma rima mas não conseguir pensar em nenhuma kkkkkkk)


shift viajou, galera se emocionou huauhahuahuahua

po cara voces merecem!
Desejo uma boa viagem e uma boa curtição a todos vocês!


Valeu demais mano, vão ser 9 dias lá, quero ficar de boa, vou levar só o celular e por estes dias esquecer de HIVE, trabalho e problemas haha.

Quero ficar de boas na praia ^^ #freecompliments

como assim o chefe vai ficar off? untitled.gif

Quero ver o circo pegar fogo kkk, o michupa vira o chefe temporário kkk =P

Dolar a R$ 5,50, taxação das blusinhas antecipadas, adeus minhas comprinhas no Aliexpress! 😥

Ferraram com tudo

Sonhos destruídos.

E até hoje nada de picanha pro poble =/

O que me dar raiva é que falta de aviso não foi...

Teve um amigo esquerdista que teve a cara de pau de dizer para mim há uns meses atrás que eu não tinha como "prever" isso... E eu não tinha bola de cristal kkkkkkkkkkk...

Não precisa alguém ter bola de cristal e saber que daria nisso e o pior é que o buraco ainda não chegou em seu fundo.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk eu nem tento discutir as ideias com petista, os cara leva no rabo, paga mais imposto, mais taxa, poder de compra diminui, mas o importante é que tirou o bozo kkkkkkkkk

Ele xingava muito kkkkkkk

kkkkkkkkkkkkk, galera falava que o cara era um presidente ruim porque xingava muito kkk

Ainda tem gente que culpa apenas ele pela morte de centenas de milhares de pessoas...

Sendo que a responsabilidade na época foi transferido com exclusividade para a prefeitura e o estado.

Fora as inúmeras mortes que colocavam COVID e era na verdade outra coisa... Enfim...

Pois é, em grande parte pela imprensa mesmo e suas milhares de fake news e tal. Globo contra ele, tudo e todos contra ele, complicado demais... mas o povo tem o que merece e infelizmente quem não se identifica com esse gov do amor vai junto porque não tem o que fazer.

Eu sei exatamente como é esse sentimento meu amigo.

Lojas americanas e seu rombo bilionário tá tendo operação...

E os cabeças da operação sairão incólumes

Muitas memórias afetivas com essa loja.

Não tenho assuntos polêmicos, tudo está ocorrendo normalmente aqui

Flamengo tá fazendo escola com o Vasco.

O povo brasileiro agradece o entretenimento

Ah, com certeza.

Tudo tranquilo, segue o jogo :)

Não vou mentir que para ganhos pessoais, esse cenário é ótimo... Haha!

kkk sim... tirando em dolar aqui da hive ou alguma outra fonte ta legal, problema é que todo o resto sobe junto kkk

Pois é! Essa é a parte ruim. Não podemos ser egoístas.

Pois é, mas é o jogo kkk, prometeram dólar a 3,50 acho que algo nao deu certo kkkk

Deve ter sido apenas um pequeno problema operacional.

Quanto mais subir, mais caras serão nossas hives pra quando quisermos vendê-las

Por esse lado é bom mesmo e o pior de tudo é que nem vou vender agora kkk

Foco no que é bom pra gente.

Pra gente no Hive é ótimo.

Mas para 98273748273733737474747373 de brasileiros que não tem ideia do Hive, é péssimo.

É por ai mesmo. Quem está feliz também é a galera do youtube, twitch, instagram e o facebook também talvez não sei, mas os dois primeiro aí eu sei que recebe em dolar, por isso os cara é tão fã do lule kkk

Ah sem dúvidas! Se dependesse de uma galera, Lula permaneceria eternamente no poder kkkkk...

Boa hora para se ter HBD

HBD é uma mina de ouro.

Bom demais mesmo... basicamente acho que não precisamos preocupar muito com o preço da hive e sim do HBD, enquanto estiver atrelado a $1 para mim a ideia é acumular e acumular, bota no savings e se precisar para fazer algo ai tira e compra hive e faz todo o processo.

Bom dia

Bom dia man, so de boa?

Tranquilão. E por aí?

Só de boa, trabalho tranquilo até o momento, estou é com fome torcendo para a hora do almoço chegar logo kkk

Bom diaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



vc melhorou da sua dor? Vi no post do michupa que era dor nas costas, vc ta melhor?

tô melhorando! fiquei com mt medo de ser algo grave, pq anteontem eu não tava nem conseguindo andar. parecia hérnia, nervo ciático, sei lá. começava uma dor na coluna e descia pelas pernas até o pé... mas o médico disse que foi uma distensão muscular na coxa só, me passou um remédio fortíssimo e hj tô sem dor alguma já, graças a deus

Que bom que não é nada grave, isso já alivia um pouco, agora é tomar a medicação e seguir as recomendações medicas para melhorar! Logo você ta 100% de novo o/


Kd a galera que fez o L.

Dólar a R$5.50 hoje kkkkkkk...

Prometeram tudo entregaram nada kkkk

Com certeza kkkkkk...

Poucos tem a coragem de admitir o erro que fizeram.

Achou que ia ter dólar a R$3,50? Achou errado bebeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Ledo engano hehehe... .


Não recue, coloca assunto polêmico kkkkkk... Gera mais engajamento.

tô fazendo um teste kkkk

Teste aprovado hahahaha....

Bom dia galera!

E eu pensando que já era sexta... Kkkkkk

quem deraaaaaa

Hahaha... Mas a quinta passou voando.

Bom dia, guerreiros!

Que seja um dia produtivo para todos nós.

quintou, para alguns é praticamente sexta!

This is what we need in every threadcast.

Absolutely. They are forming. Go through your For You feed and you see how there are a few showing up.


I still get very confused in some words where "right" is written with "ht" and I sometimes change it to th. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Interessante notar que as ultimas TCs contando com essa de número 106, voltaram a passar de 100 comentários. Isso é bem legal, mostra que a média de interação está aumentando bastante.

É legal mesmo

E isso que temos poucas pessoas engajando regularmente. Imagina quando conseguirmos atrair mais gente

Vai ficar top demais, conseguiremos manter um nível de interação tremendo, podemos pegar por exemplo 500 comentário sem algumas horas

Uma frase interessante de James Clear, um autor que acompanho bastante:

Não confunda uma explicação confiante com uma previsão precisa.

Um engenheiro pode prever quanto peso uma ponte de aço pode suportar e você pode ter uma certeza razoável de que a realidade se aproximará dos cálculos. Isso é uma previsão precisa.

Ao mesmo tempo, opiniões fortes sobre o que acontecerá nos mercados, nos esportes ou na políticas tem pouco poder preditivo. Muito do que você ouve pode ser resumido como: confiante, mas impreciso.

Boa, bem interessante mesmo... concordo com cada palavra e é algo para se refletir.

Uma grandiosa diferença! Boa seleção de frases, permite muita discussão. Vamos ver se levantamos alguns pontos ai, segue o fio. E guenta minha tag #freecompliments que nós estamos na guerra de clans da inleo...

A ciência exata é a ciência abstrata da ciência teórica, ela é certeira em afirmar ou negar. É a matemática, e assim não tem espaço para outra coisas.

Ou é, ou não é. Não tem meio termo. Isso é base.

A ciência da natureza, do mundo real, é bem diferente pois permite algum grau de incerteza, e ainda assim faz previsões e afirmações que se concretizam (quase sempre).

O grau de incerteza é um número calculável e sempre é explícito.

Sempre é explícito nos artigos científicos do pessoal da biologia, do pessoal de agrárias, e etc. Geralmente os cientistas medianos pagam para um estatístico rodar os programas e ... #freecompliments

Mais polêmica irruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Bem, acho que oficialmente estou colocando o #ecency de lado. Muito lento para fazer tudo... e eu sou o típico ansioso apressado, então, agora é me acostumar com o #peakd e #inleo.

Com o passar do tempo ficamos mais exigentes e obviamente desejamos produtos com qualidade, eficiente e velocidade nas respostas. O PEAKD já mexi um pouco e gostei bastante que da para criar uma lista de favoritos geral igual tinha no ecency e também podemos criar listas, não sei o total de listas que podem ser criadas, mas isso é bem legal mesmo.

Com as listas podemos criar por exemplo, uma lista de brasileiros igual eu fiz (HiveBR) e posso criar uma lista de jogos por exemplo e colocar os perfis de jogo lá, separando e focando no que desejo para o momento, bem legal mesmo.

  • lista de BR's ✔️
  • lista de favs de toda Hive ✔️
  • lista de projetos pra comentar ✔️
  • lista de baleias pra puxar saco e tentar ganhar voto bom ✔️


tipo isso uhahuauhahua

Vamos migrando pro que estiver melhor no momento, haha! 👀

Tipo isso mesmo, nós buscamos o que está melhor no momento rs

Nunca usei Ecency

Eita kkkkkk, posso dizer que o meu padrão era lá, mas agora vou migrar, nao do conta de site que não carrega os bagulho rápido, fico maluco kkkkk

eu gosto do peakd pra escrever os posts com html e também pq dá pra salvar os templates e é um adianto danado. mas sempre posto pela ecency, pq ganho votinho deles (já que o inleo sempre cagou pra mim kkk)

Caramba huahuahuahua, os templates são uma mão na roda mesmo, já tenho uns 5 ou 6 salvo aqui para cada situação que costumo postar, ajuda demais mesmo a ganhar tempo rs

Os boatos são verdadeiros.... comecei a ver Breaking Bad pela milésima vez


Quando a serie é boa a gente ve muitas vezes. Detalhe: Nunca vi breaking bad kkk

Já percebi que vc não assiste nada do que a gente ver mano kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

kkkkk acho que é por ai huahuahua

Quais boatos?

O Brasil gasta 590 Milhões por ano mantendo pessoas que foram presas com 100g de maconha

Enfim, o atraso.

Hoje estamos devagar. Bora enraiar

Já enraiamos.

Hoje está programado o lançamento da THORChain University. Estou ancioso pra aprender mais sobre a rede e ainda ser recompensado por isso

Faz a boa e depois joga um resumão pra nóis aê!

Outro tema é o filho do Olavo de Carvalho sendo acusado de crimes sexuais. Não vi detalhes mas parece que tem coisa bem pesada

eu vi isso. tortura e estupro de quatro muheres

Nossa, pior do que eu imaginava... canalha

Nada de novo sob o sol.

Um tema quente que rolou foi a tentativa frustrada de golpe militar na Bolívia. A população segurou um baita rojão por lá

eu ia por isso no tópico polêmico do dia, mas achei melhor não pq né, políticaaaaaa

kkkk tem que botar fogo no parquinho mesmo

Já não fazem mais soldados como antigamente -.-'

Brinks... nem sei dizer se é bom ou ruim... teria que ler e ouvir os 2 lados da história para entender melhor

Clima foi bem tenso mesmo.

O meu assunto polêmico atual é: o que vou jantar?

Já decidiu?

Já sim, kkkk, pizza. Peguei no sono, acordando agora.

Pizza é bom! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Comi tanta pizza que fiquei mole de sono, tenso.

Então fez efeito desejado hahaha...

Estamos mantendo um média boa de comentários!

Parabéns pessoal!

Hello, I am a newbie, first time here .

#photography #freecompliments


Thank you

Welcome aboard!

Thank you 🙏

Welcome to Threads and to Hive, Hoorain! Hope you have an absolute blast here! ☺️ #freecompliments

Thank you, I hope so taking the inspiration already.

When editing a thread the pop up window is too narrow. It doesn‘t even show the whole bottom menu cutting off polls, emoji & GIF … Safari on iPad

image shows the whole ui width#feedback

Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #INLEO the premier destination for the sports community by establishing #sportsonleo as the hub for sports updates

Edition #1
June 27th

@taskmaster4450le the United States are playing today at this exact moment.

The opponent is Panama, by beating them your country will take first place and guarantee a place in the next phase.

Dont mess with the US.

This exact moment.

That sucks. The Americans cannot stand the prosperity.

@jimmy.adames The #mets are back to .500 and on a roll. Taking both games in convincing fashion from the Yankees made a statement.

In spite of that, Judge is a stud.

That was actually the better news for the Mets with crushing the Yankees the bonus and yup Judge is a monster 💪🏽 @taskmaster4450le

Another potentially tough series against the Astros. Do not want to peak out at .500.

Need to get above that level. Need to take 2 out of 3 this weekend.

Astros are playing much better but I don’t believe the Mets will embarrass themselves against them. The Mets have a favorable schedule in July so what they accomplished this month has been admirable @taskmaster4450le

Yes. They have been on a roll. Hopefully they can carry it forward for the next 3 weeks and force Stearns to buy at the deadline.

A federal judge in California has ordered the NFL to pay billions in damages to Sunday Ticket subscribers who filed a class action lawsuit against the league, according to multiple reports. The NFL was ordered to pay $4 billion to residential subscribers and $96 million to commercial subscribers.

#sports #newsonleo

Was that a long time ago?

These justice decisions usually take time. But being billions of dollars, it will be very interesting if people actually manage to win this case.

Very recent. I am a great admirer of justice in the United States. It's not a mess like in Brazil.

Here the law does not apply to everyone equally in the vast majority of cases.

Very interesting decision.

It was a lot more than was awarded the USFL a few decades back.

Will anyone who receives this money buy BTC? There's a lot of money involved.

It will be appealed.

England handed huge Luke Shaw boost as Manchester United star makes Slovakia claim

Luke Shaw could finally return from injury when England face Slovakia at Euro 2024 on Sunday.

Manager Gareth Southgate took a gamble in taking the 28-year-old to Germany given he hadn't played football since February.

#newsonleo #football #sports #england

It's risky to take a player without game rhythm. But I believe they should be aware of the situation they chose.

Do you watch EPL?

I watch few games, but it's an interesting championship.

In football, the biggest and main competition in the world.

Did the USA win?

India vs England Score Live Streaming, T20 World Cup 2024 Semi Final: Covers on as rain halts play again at Guyana; IND lose 2 early wickets

India vs England Live Score, T20 World Cup Semi final: After a long wait, the toss took place at 8.50 pm IST with England winning the toss and opting to bowl first vs Rohit Sharma and Co. The toss for India vs England semi-final match was delayed amid continuous pouring in Guyana. The match at the Guyana National Stadium or Providence Stadium finally began at 9.15 PM IST with Ro-Ko (Rohit and Kohli) opening the innings. There is a chance of passing showers potentially disrupting the highly anticipated clash, according to local time in Guyana.

#newsonleo #sports #cricket #india #england

Glen Sather retiring from NHL after 24 years with Rangers
Rangers longtime front office executive Glen Sather is metaphorically hanging up the skates, the team announced Wednesday.

#newsonleo #nhl #sports #glensather #nyrangers

24 years in a sports career is a long time.

Here in football it would be a long time.

He was not a player, he was a member of the front office.


The hot bats of the Franciscos, Alvarez and Lindor, Mark Vientos, a clutch J.D. Martinez and many others all deserve praise for the Mets’ run in June, along with the steady hand of Carlos Mendoza. The president of baseball operations deserves credit, too.

#newsonleo #sports #stearns #nymets #mlbs

Anthony Joshua vs Daniel Dubois stunning undercard confirmed

Anthony Joshua and Daniel Dubois will headline a bumper card at Wembley Stadium on September 21.

The British pair will meet for the IBF heavyweight world title which is held by Dubois after Usyk vacated the belt and he was upgraded from 'interim' champion status.

#newsonleo #boxing #sports #ibf

Da sua saúde aos esportes que você pratica: o que seus ouvidos revelam sobre você

From your health to the sports you play: what your ears reveal about you

#newsonleo #sportsonleo

Anthony Joshua vs Daniel Dubois officially confirmed as AJ attempts to join Muhammad Ali and Lennox Lewis in exclusive elite club

Anthony Joshua vs Daniel Dubois has now been officially announced for September 21 at Wembley Stadium.

Oleksandr Usyk has vacated the IBF heavyweight world title, which will now be at stake for his two former foes.

#newsonleo #boxing #sports #ibf

Brazil is in such a bad phase that even the supposed propaganda that Ronaldinho made is the pure truth and the feeling of millions of Brazilians.

They all can get on the USA bandwagon.

Hahaha... I don't doubt that.

Hawks pick France's Zaccharie Risacher at No. 1 in NBA draft

The Atlanta Hawks took forward Zaccharie Risacher with the first pick in the 2024 NBA draft, marking the second straight year that the draft has had a decidedly French flavor.

Risacher, the first of four French players taken in the first round, follows in the footsteps of countryman Victor Wembanyama, who went No. 1 to the San Antonio Spurs last year.

#newsonleo #hawks #france #nba #sports #draft

Do you have an NBA team that you support?

Not really but if there is one is the NY Knicks but I dont pay much attention.

I understand, I'm going to research a little about this club. Were you born in New York?

Generally people support clubs in the city where they were born. I know it's not a rule.

I myself support Flamengo and the team is from Rio de Janeiro and I was born in Maranhão.

Steve Gleason to receive Arthur Ashe Courage Award at 2024 ESPYS
Steve Gleason has been selected to receive the 2024 Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPYS.

#newsonleo #stevegleason #espys

⚽ No matches in the Euros these next couple of days, that continues with the last 16 matches over the weekend…

🏏 The cricket T20 World Cup is at the semi-final stage – who's going to meet South Africa in the final, England or India?

Between the two, perhaps England have a better chance of going to the final, right?

Not sure, could go either way

I got It, thanks!

The knockout phase will actually be at the weekend.

I confess that I was enjoying it and I was also used to watching the matches every day 😅

Yeah, last 16, not sure why I put QFs initially.

Indeed... and now the real business begins!

No problem. 😅✌🏼

Knicks Final 2024 Draft Haul:

• Pacome Dadiet
• Tyler Kolek
• Kevin McCullar Jr.
• Ariel Hukporti
• 3 Second Round Picks

Still need a Center if I-Hart leaves because not sure Robinson is a true starter. More a backup.

Just got curated by the party room curation account, feel free to follow the curation trail of the party room.

Timberwolves acquiring No. 8 pick Rob Dillingham from Spurs
The San Antonio Spurs are sending Kentucky guard Rob Dillingham, the No. 8 pick in this year's NBA draft, to the Minnesota Timberwolves

#newsonleo #nba #draft #trade #sports

Task, the Celtics were this season's champions. But which sport is in the spotlight right now in the United States?

Baseball is the only one going. People will start talking more about the NFL in about a month.

I got it. I'm more aware of that now. Thanks!

Euro 2024: Ronaldo narrowly avoids fan jumping from crowd
Cristiano Ronaldo narrowly avoided being hit by a fan who jumped from the crowd to get close to the Portugal star after their 2-0 defeat to Georgia.

#newsonleo #sports #football #euro

There are fanatical and crazy fans... At least Ronaldo wasn't hurt.

Yes. That is a blessing.

Yes it is true.

We can add a lot to this with news and other things.

Sports all over the world. We should focus upon them all.

Yes, no doubt. The content is vast and there is sport everywhere in the world.

It is. Lets get this to over 100 on the first day. It shouldnt be that difficult. There are dozens of sites and videos to choose from.

We achieved! For a first day, we did very well and surpassed 100 comments.

Perfect! We are looking for this and through Threadcasts we will be able to bring more engagement to the platform.

If we have 100 people per day in the threadcasts, it would make a huge difference. More than just the AMA or whatever the broadcast is.

Randall Cobb, family 'lucky to be alive' after house fire
Wide receiver Randall Cobb and his family escaped a fire at their Nashville, Tennessee, home this week.

#newsonleo #randallcobb #sports #nfl

Having your house on fire is one of the worst feelings anyone can have and unfortunately I had the misfortune of feeling it this year.

Fortunately, my children are fine and I only had material losses in my backyard and the fire did not spread to the bedrooms.

Fire devours everything.

I had a house hit by a tornado within a hurricane. You could see where it ripped through the island.

Celtics' Kristaps Porzingis has surgery, to miss start of season
The Celtics announced Thursday that center Kristaps Porzingis had surgery to repair the rare leg injury he suffered during the NBA Finals, and that his recovery time would be five to six months -- meaning he'll return well into next season.

#newsonleo #celtics #nba #sports #surgery

I once heard from a club doctor who said that these deadlines are usually longer than "normal", so the athlete can return earlier and leaves the impression that the medical team did a good job in bringing the player back before the deadline hehehe...

LOL that might be the case. I have no idea. I often see people out longer after the "setback".

Celtics are the defending champions, right? Do you support this team?

Yes they just won the championship last week.

No I am a Knick fan although not much of one.

Are you ready for an AI-generated narration of the Paris Olympics?
NBC is giving the Paris Olympic Games an unlikely twist: an AI-generated voice.

#newsonleo #paris #olympics #NBC

This is quite interesting and I'm curious what this narration will be like when the Olympics start.

It will be interesting.

Here is another for you to add to even if you only ask some questions.

Paris Saint-Germain poised to reignite Marcus Rashford interest as they prepare for life after Kylian Mbappe

PSG have been long-time admirers of Rashford and could pursue a move given his uncertain future at Old Trafford.

While Man United are not actively looking to sell the forward, the Red Devils could be open to a big-money offer in order to help raise funds for new signings.

Rashford endured a disappointing campaign last time out after scoring just eight goal in all competitions.

#newsonleo #sports

PSG will have to spend a lot to make a great competitive team if they want to reach the Champions League final again.

Let's start bringing this to the top.

Apesar da derrota do Flamengo ontem, ainda somos líderes.

What is your favorite sport?

When you were young at school, did you often play sports?

What is the most popular sport in the United States?

The most popular sport in Brazil is football. ⚽

What is your favorite club?

Palmeiras anuncia contratação de Maurício, ex-Inter

Palmeiras announces signing of Maurício, ex-Inter

Textor terá reunião nesta quinta para fechar contratação de Almada pelo Botafogo

Textor will have a meeting this Thursday to close the signing of Almada by Botafogo

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol

Euro 2024 termina fase de grupos com recordes e chuva de gols contra

Euro 2024 ends group stage with records and rain of own goals

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol

Flamengo ainda no topo.

CBF dá ok, e Douglas Luiz fará exames em Las Vegas para assinar com a Juventus

CBF gives ok, and Douglas Luiz will take exams in Las Vegas to sign with Juventus

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol

A charge do Fortaleza hahaha...

We reached the top!

Corinthians troca documentos com o Flamengo e prepara anúncio de Hugo Souza

Corinthians exchange documents with Flamengo and prepare Hugo Souza announcement

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol #mercado

eu acho que não deveria gastar com goleiro agora, sendo que tem outras áreas mt mais necessitadas de reforço. Donelli tá mostrando ser uma promessa maravilhosa, só precisa pegar ritmo, mas chamou a responsa pra ele e tá se saindo mt bem

Sempre é assim..
Aqui no Flamengo há um bom tempo que precisamos de um lateral direito... Só espero que essa janela que vai abrir a gente possa contratar.

Hugo pegou mais experiência então eu acho que ele é um bom nome para o elenco.

Yankees vs. Mets Game Highlights (6/26/24) | MLB Highlights

#newsonleo #sports #mlb #nymets #nyyankees

Lebron may be PANICKING as NO TEAM drafts Bronny on Day 1 of the NBA Draft!

#newsonleo #sports #nba #lebronjames

Anthony Joshua accuses ‘idiot’ Tyson Fury of ‘disrespecting boxing’ in passionate rant after Oleksandr Usyk loss

#newsonleo #sports

Just schedule a fight between them and they'll settle in the ring.

Or they can play Gin Rummy to settle it.

Or strip poker.

Simpler and more peaceful this way. LOL

I’m a Wimbledon champion who is marrying fan who stopped me for a selfie – now I’ve retired at 30 and help run tennis

Wimbledon champion Garbine Muguruza now has a brand new job after retiring from the game at the age of just 30.

It is just seven years ago that she etched herself into the history books by beating Venus Williams in the 2017 women’s singles final.

#newsonleo #wimbledon #tennis #venuswilliams

Seleção da Geórgia receberá quantia milionária após vitória sobre Portugal na Euro

Georgian team will receive millionaire sum after victory over Portugal in Euro

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol #portugal

Jury rules NFL violated antitrust laws in 'Sunday Ticket' case and awards $4.7 billion in damages
The suit covered 2.4 million residential subscribers and 48,000 businesses who paid for the package of out-of-market games from the 2011 through 2022 seasons on DirecTV.

#newsonleo #nfl #sundayticket #lawsuit #sports

Amanhã o Brasil vai jogar contra o Paraguai. Será uma tragédia se a gente empatar ou perder.

Eu já estou preparando meu psicológico caso isso aconteça.

Estados Unidos empatando com o Panamá.

Os anfitriões não estão conseguindo superar o seu adversário.

Falta pouco para o jogo acabar.

O que fizeram com Fernando Diniz foi a mesma sacanagem que o Vasco fez com Ramón Díaz quando demitiu ele.

#sportsonleo #futebol

Amir Murillo finishes on target, but the chance is saved by the opponent

Morre maior colecionador do Flamengo, com mais de 22 mil itens

Flamengo's biggest collector dies, with more than 22 thousand items

#newsonleo #sportsonleo

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllll do Panamá!

Estados Unidos está perdendo!

Check out the match statistics so far.

And the match ends and Panama becomes today's winner. This postpones the United States' classification.

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol

Em jogo animado, Panamá vence os Estados Unidos de virada e embola Grupo C da Copa América

In a lively game, Panama beats the United States and manages Group C of the Copa América

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol

Corinthians é condenado pela Fifa a pagar R$ 40,4 milhões a Rojas

Corinthians is ordered by FIFA to pay R$40.4 million to Rojas

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol #fifa

Dorival pede equilíbrio na Seleção e lamenta discussão de torcedor com Danilo: "Contribui pouco

Dorival calls for balance in the national team and regrets fan arguments with Danilo: "He contributes little

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #futebol #brazil

Have you seen this?

Nice @khaleelkazi

context please! where‘s that? what‘s that for? 👀

I was waiting to see who would ask first... First place for you mr. @moretea. It is a Thorchain university site. And you are getting my 100% upvote :-).

woohoo, wasn‘t expecting that! thx 🙏🏽

No matches on the #euro Championship today. I guess I'll engage in other threadcast then.

By the way, nobody has drafted me for the community battle yet ;)

#cent perhaps? Or #freecompliments?

That would require me to take some photos :P

Not a problem for you 😀

I am far from being a photographer, I just take random smartphone snapshots ;) No skill, no post-editting.

Now you gonna make @taskmaster4450le a bit sad. Maybe a different

Can't I take a day off after hosting like 8 threadcasts or so in a row?

Besides, I'm attending the Hive Meetup in Aachen, Germany, this weekend, so I won't have much time to hang around ;)

Haha you have to think about the abstinence you will give people :D

Oh thats cool, hope the event is fun!

Well, there were like three people and one Task engaging, I am sure they can handle it :))

Yes, for sure!

That happens. They dont play everyday.

What's the heck with the BTC selling Spee?

The US government wallets deposited 3,940 BTC($241.22M) into Coinbase Prime today. The US government currently holds 213,546 BTC($13.07B).

The founder of CryptoQuant said it would not have much impact on the market. Coinbase Prime handled 20-49K BTC in sell-side liquidity daily during high spot ETF inflows and 6-15K daily during low spot ETF inflows.

#newsonleo #cent

Joy does not follow from events you go through or goods you acquire; it is not the side effect of life. Absolute pleasure is the inside state of being that you choose to welcome. This is personal development and self-awareness at their places.


TON has introduced AdsGram, allowing Telegram mini-app developers to earn Toncoin by displaying ads.

#newsonleo #cent

I am getting curious of TON.

It worth the curiosity. TON seems to be in a league of its own.

Yeah, from nowhere to the 8th place. That's remarkable!

this is not about gender identity is it? 😅

more of a mental identity friend. Thanks for stopping by

Exactly the kinda motivation i need right now, at the end we will always win especially when patient

it's a wonderful thing you keyed in. Thinking positive is important.

Yes of cause one of the first step to making the mind for you

A post in the Photographers Photocast, re-threaded in the TravelCast! Plenty of potential and cross-over in this stuff…

#leotravel #photographers

There is a 43% chance that Donald Trump will mention cryptocurrency and Bitcoin during the debates with Joe Biden (according to Polymarket betting data).

On June 28 at 4:00 (GMT+3), the U.S. presidential candidate debates will be broadcast live on CNN. #cent #newsonleo

We now have a threadcast you can add your news threads to.

Good, but I can't see any threadcast on my feed.

Really. It is at the top of the screen on desktop. Is that not on mobile? @coyotelation...does the threadcast show up at the top of your screen?

It wasn't showing on my phone when I replied to you. It's showing everything now.

LOL that is good.

Good to know!

I can see perfectly.

Maybe he's seeing his own profile feed instead of the "general" homepage feed.

In any case, both on your laptop and on your cell phone you can see all Threadcasts.

I actually took my time to get prepared for my speech for the United Nations on Drug and Crimes 2024 which was held on the 26th of June which aimed at sensitising Drug and imploring addicts to shun from abusing illegal drugs. But it was cancelled as there was no time for it. #cent

News Across The World, June 27th, 2024

  • Local News.

  • International News.

  • History.

  • Every Thing News.

  • News from the grapevine

****Drop any trending news in your locality inthis**** #threadcast

#freecompliments #thread2earn


#newsonleo #croatia #technology #robotaxi #rimac During yesterday's presentation of Verne, robotaxi designed by Mate Rimac, scheduled to become operational in Croatia in 2026, the model failed to move.

I would say that is the definition of "off to a slow start".

Oh, what a disaster

O menino sírio que cruzou cinco países da Europa a pé aos 13 anos

The Syrian boy who crossed five European countries on foot at the age of 13


Wow this is a great achievement

7 coisas que Divertida Mente 2 revela sobre o cérebro e as emoções, segundo especialistas

7 things that Inside Out 2 reveals about the brain and emotions, according to experts

#newsonleo #movies

Quem é Juan José Zúñiga, general que liderou tentativa de golpe na Bolívia

Who is Juan José Zúñiga, general who led a coup attempt in Bolivia

#newsonleo #policy #military #bolivia

I am glad to see this threadcast up each day. Hopefully others will see it an post in it.

Hopefully they will.

Micron shares slide after revenue forecast fails to top estimates
Micron reported better-than-expected results on Wednesday, but the stock declined on a forecast that was only in line with estimates.

#newsonleo #micron #company #chips #technology

Turkey has legalized the regulations on cryptocurrency usage and the penalties for violations.

The Turkish Parliament passed a bill regulating cryptocurrency usage in the country and establishing fines for violations, ranging from $7,500 to $182,600, as well as imprisonment for individuals for a term of three to five years.

#newsonleo #cent

University of Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger to stand trial on June 2, 2025
Bryan Kohberger is accused of killing four students on Nov. 13, 2022.

A trial date of June 2, 2025, has been set for Bryan Kohberger, the man accused of killing four University of Idaho students in an off-campus house.

#newsonleo #murder #crime #trial

Killed 4 students in a day, is he a maniac

So if he only killed three, what would he be?

Supreme Court justices have "extraordinary exchange" in Idaho emergency abortion access ruling

#newsonleo #supremecourt #idaho #abortion

O que se sabe sobre tentativa de golpe militar na Bolívia denunciada por presidente

What is known about the attempted military coup in Bolivia denounced by the president

#newsonleo #policy #bolivia

Os pescadores de polvos que estão ajudando a proteger o maior recife de corais de Portugal

The octopus fishermen who are helping to protect Portugal's largest coral reef

#newsonleo #portugal

Os robôs japoneses criados com 'pele viva' que se parecem mais com humanos

Japanese robots created with 'living skin' that look more like humans

#newsonleo #technology #japan

Jeez, this is scary 🥺. These guys are going crazy
Doesn't look good at all.

The future is something magnificent hahaha... I have no doubt that in 10 years, we will see machines very similar to us.

No one did

In another ten years, no one knows what they will come up with.

O que eventual vitória de Trump na eleição dos EUA pode significar para o mundo?

What could Trump's eventual victory in the US election mean for the world?

#newsonleo #us #policy


Court sets date to hear suit seeking to remove Ganduje as APC Chairman

The Federal High Court in Abuja, on Wednesday, deferred hearing a suit aimed at removing All Progressives Congress (APC) Chairman Abdullahi Ganduje from office until July 5.


#newsonleo #law #freecompliments

Lets get the news flowing

The debate in the US Presidential election takes place tonight. It is between Biden and Trump.

Trump running again? holy shit 🤣.

Yeah it is a rematch at this point. That said, if Biden gets crushed in the debate, they might replace him on the ticket.

My guess is that Biden will be, either through being drugged and/or editing manipulation, perform better than expected and MSM will, of course, proclaim him as the absolute undisputed winner that mopped the floor with Trump.

Trump would be smart not to beat up on him too bad. I have a feeling if he destroys him, the Dems will go with someone else at the convention.

Hillary Part 2?

Will the Japanese yen hit 300 against the USD?

El’Rufai sues Kaduna Assembly for probing how N432bn state funds was spent

Nigeria’s political scene faces a fresh wave of tension as former Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State, on Wednesday, filed a lawsuit against the State House of Assembly.



Corruption is everywhere.


Governors meet over minimum wage, LGA autonomy

The Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) met on Wednesday in Abuja to discuss the proposed new national minimum wage and other national issues.


#newsonleo #hivenaija #minimumwage

I believe yesterday was a record day for comments in the news threadcast.

It is possible when a number of people get involved.


2,600 killed in Benue communities’ attacks in one year – Amnesty Int’l

Amnesty International said on Wednesday at least 2,600 persons, mostly women and children, have been killed following attacks on 50 Benue communities in the last one year.


#newsonleo #hivenaija #benuekilling


Shettima rejects claims Tinubu discriminating against Northern Nigeria

Vice-President Kashim Shettima on Wednesday dismissed insinuations that President Bola Tinubu was working against the interests of Northern Nigeria.


#newsonleo #hivenaija #politics #freecompliments


Amid declining output, Nigeria records 400 cases of oil theft in one week.

As Nigeria’s crude oil production continues to fall below the 1.5 million barrels per day quota allotted by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited has recorded a total of 400 incidents of crude oil theft in the past week.


#freecompliments #newsonleo #crudeoil


Investors gain N94bn as Nigeria’s equities market reverses losing trend

The Nigerian equities market rebounded from its negative run with investors making N94 billion at the close of trading on Wednesday.


#newsonleo #hivenaija #stockmarket #freecompliments #thread2earn


Fire damages ex-East German leader, Erich Honecker’s birthplace

Fire has damaged the birthplace of a former leader of communist East Germany, Erich Honecker.


#fireoutbreak #newsonleo #foreign #freecompliments #thread2earn

Georgia stun Portugal to qualify for Euros last 16; Belgium through

Georgia have secured their place in the knockout stages of the Euro 2024 after beating Portugal 2-0 in Group F on Wednesday night.


#sports #freecompliments #newsonleo

Greetings here. Let me fill the threadcast with some news threads.


Elon Musk owned #SpaceX will sell insider shares at $112 apiece in a tender offer, valuing the company at $210 Billion up from $180B in a transaction in December - Bloomberg

SpaceX is now worth more than names like Disney and McDonalds.

#newsonleo #cent


Images aren't uploading via mobile. In trying to do so, it freezes UI sending error messages.

#feedback #freecompliments

According to Arkham, the whale: 3G98jS…NvHkhN transferred 1.2k BTC (about 73.44 million US dollars) to Binance Deposit at 19:48 UTC+8 today. These BTC mainly come from withdrawals from OKX and Binance one week ago. The whale address: 3G98jS…NvHkhN also owns 10,148.57 BTC, worth about 621 million US dollars.

#newsonleo #cent

Wang Yang, vice president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said that China's total ban on cryptocurrency mining was very unwise, causing miners to move to the United States, bringing more than $4 billion in tax revenue to the United States. He said that with Trump's possible election, Chinese government should rethink the significance of cryptocurrency.

#newsonleo #cent

Breaking News: Coinbase sues SEC and FDIC, alleging Federal Regulators aim to exclude crypto industry from banking sector.

#newsonleo #cent


Prices of commodities are increasing by the day. Bought this torchlight for ₦2,000 and the led bulb 5wats for ₦600. It's really crazy.

#inflation #newsonleo #hivenaija

According to BitcoinNews, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) plans to abolish non-custodial Bitcoin wallets, citing concerns about the unregulated activities in order to comply with the EU's MiCA regulations. Last July, it ordered a bank to liquidate its cryptocurrency holdings.

#newsonleo #cent

Sweden's central bank chief says 2 to 3 more rate cuts this year is a 'forecast not a promise'
Erik Thedéen told CNBC the inflation outlook was more positive, particularly around inflation expectations and wage growth.

#newsonleo #sweden #centralbank #interestrates

Inside Boeing operations as it defends safety procedures

#newsonleo #boeing #airline #business

Brexit aumentou a imigração no Reino Unido?

Has Brexit increased immigration to the UK?

#newsonleo #uk

@taskmaster4450le, the presidential elections in your country will be this year, right? Will you return to Trump?

I doubt if he will. Well let's hear what he has say

Hahaha... Don't be scared by his answer.

I dont think they let Trump win. He is against the war and the neocons will not let him back in office. If he is likely to win, my guess he ends up getting killed.

I didn't imagine the situation there would be so complicated. Well, it's true that there must be a target on Trump's back, but I wouldn't think they would have that courage.

Although... these people are capable of anything.

Yep. They are pure evil. They run the show....the President is just a figurehead.

DOJ charges nearly 200 people in $2.7 billion health care fraud schemes crackdown
The Justice Department has charged nearly 200 people in a sweeping crackdown on health care fraud schemes nationwide with false claims topping $2.7 billion

#newsonleo #doj #fraud #healthcare

Just got curated by the party room curation account, feel free to follow the curation trail of the party room.

"Vovó nazista" de 95 anos é condenada à prisão

95-year-old "Nazi grandmother" sentenced to prison

#newsonleo #ww2 #military #historyonleo #history

away going strong. Love it.thanks for the

M👁’s Nature M👁ments

Busy Bee approaching
Can you hear her humming?

Arrived for the Appetizer

And Now the Main Course

#smallfloweredbalsam #bee #photographers #photography #nature #amazingnature #mnm

Rate this Photo Series:

the best shot of the day

thx 🙏🏽 which one?

Breaking News: According to Lookonchain, a miner address that has been dormant for 14 years: 1PDTDw…cm3Jcm transferred 50 BTC to Binance Deposit at 2:01 UTC+8 today, worth about $3.054 million.

The miner earned 50 BTC from mining on July 14, 2010, and then dormant until now. At that time, the price of each BTC was about 0.05 US dollars.

#newsonleo #cent

14 years dormant and now active. Wonder what that signals

Cash to the bank of course. Is there anything else for waking up the sleeping cat?

Another drop in the total number of subscribers. I thought the end of June goal was around 300 Premiums.

Not everything goes according to plan... I assume HIVE's downward spiral is one of the reasons for this drop.

1/🧵 Sonia, an AI chatbot, offers a new approach to mental health care. For $20/month, users can discuss issues like anxiety and sleep troubles. It's a step towards accessible care, but can it replace the human touch of therapists? #threadstorm #inleo #cent

2/🧵 Despite the tech prowess of Sonia's founders, their lack of psychological expertise raises questions about the chatbot's effectiveness. They're consulting with psychologists, but is that enough to navigate the complexities of mental health?

3/🧵 Privacy concerns loom over Sonia, with minimal personal data stored. But in an era of data breaches, how secure are our conversations? Sonia's potential is clear, but so are the challenges it faces in revolutionizing mental health care.

1/🧵 Recent studies reveal a link between gut bacteria and compulsive eating, suggesting our microbiome influences food addiction. #threadstorm #cent

2/🧵 Landmark research at the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum 2024 shows specific bacteria like Blautia can reduce such behaviors in mice, hinting at new treatment paths.

3/🧵 This gut-brain connection could revolutionize our approach to food addiction, offering hope for those struggling with this condition.

Is this true?

Photo Credit: CryptoFam_eng Channel on Telegram


Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 6/27/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.

Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.

Not sure if this has been added here yet. I found it this morning.

Explorist -- NVIDIA's Epic Rise From Zero To $3Trillion [Documentary] #documentariesonleo #technology #nvidia

Of course, this can be added here. Technology documentaries are welcomed. This is for anything to do with #technology.

Here is a post I wrote 3 days ago on AI development with Softbank. It has some great information.

Google Photos ‘Ask Photos’ will let you search your images with voice and text prompts

"Ask Photos" will make it easier to search across your photos and videos with the help of Gemini models. It goes beyond simple search to understand context and answer more complex questions.

#newsonleo #tech #cent

Voice is going to be incorporated into everything. As chatbots/LLMs improve, we will see it spread rapidly.

Technology is moving faster than we thought.

Well some were predicting it so it is not totally unforeseen.

The difference is now the mases are waking up.

OpenAI is considering allowing generation of NSFW content

OpenAI is considering allowing NSFW content generation on DALL-E and more importantly, ChatGPT. Despite this, they will still have a ban on deepfake content, especially adult related. This suggestion was revealed in a recent document that talks about the development of the AI.

#newsonleo #technology #artificialintelligence #cent

That will be big. I think it is a smart move.

NSFW content is mostly restricted on most platforms.

Yes. It will likely be done so through the chatbot. We will have to see what they come up with.

OpenAI’s newest model is GPT-4o

OpenAI has announced GPT-4o, a new flagship generative AI model that can handle text, speech, and video. GPT-4o provides "GPT-4-level" intelligence with improved capabilities across multiple modalities and media.

#newsonleo #ai #tech #cent

How many threads did you end up with yesterday?

It is at 275 now but it tends to increase a bit over time as notifications are answered.

So it is slowly growing.

As stated the end of year goal is to have more then 2,000 comments in here each day.

Man what a big information hub this is going to be.

Just a question. How do you think about visibility of the info? Or will it be solved when leoai launch?

What do you mean the visibility of the information?

I am not sure I am following what you mean.

I mean doesnt all these threads dissapear for the common user when the threadcast ends?

It is still on chain and being fed to the For You feeds. I started spending more time in there each day. A lot of content comes up and refreshes repeatedly as you scroll.

And yes I imagine LeoAI will also be fed this.

What do you think the replacement for the smartphone will be?

Many thought the watch, that didnt take off. Will it be glasses? What is your guess?

God the watch is terrible hahah I hate it

I have doubts if we will even get to the glasses before we start getting technology incorporated in our bodies

That could be. I wonder how long that will take. I know there are trials now but that is still a long way off in my opinion.

The smartphone isnt advancing but it is still one of the main ways to access the Internet.

The replacement for phones ended up being phones so I'm guessing phones will be the replacement for phones.

Could be. Many have proclaimed the death of the smartphone and wrongly so.

I remember when the Apple Watch first came out my boomer step-mom asked me what I thought about it (in terms of investing in Apple and if the product has value). As someone who doesn't even wear a watch I never understood it and feel like it got more adoption than expected.

It certainly paled in comparison to the iPhone and iPad. I honestly have no idea how it performed other than it did not become the next "big" thing for Apple.

That said, without looking at a chart, if you bought Apple stock when the watch was released you probably did very well. Of course, if you both Apple anytime in the last 20 years, that holds true for the most part.

Very successful company in spite of not being really innovative.

It could be a microchip implant.

If he has anything to say about it, that is the direction things could go in.

Sure. He's a great innovator. I hope it would have no negative effect if it happens.

Remember to support threadcasts by sharing re-threading them and dropping your like!

Os motores de navios são enormes e essenciais para a indústria naval. Mas como são feitos?

Ship engines are huge and essential to the shipping industry. But how are they made?

#newsonleo #technology

They certainly cover some real estate.

Hard to move them around.

Coritiba firma acordo com empresa de tecnologia para aprimorar o atendimento aos sócios e torcedores

Coritiba signs agreement with technology company to improve service to members and fans

#newsonleo #sportsonleo #technology

Cursos Harvard Gratuitos: Python, JavaScript, Análise De Dados E Mais!

Free Harvard Courses: Python, JavaScript, Data Analysis and More!

#newsonleo #technology

A indústria automobilística está em choque com o novo motor rotativo da Liquid Piston, um motor compacto e poderoso que promete revolucionar o mercado

The automotive industry is in shock with Liquid Piston's new rotary engine, a compact and powerful engine that promises to revolutionize the market

#newsonleo #technology #market

Eu ia voltar para o momento em que o primeiro partido de esquerda seria criado e daria um sumiço no maluco que criou essa bosta pra nossa vida T_T


To curangado com esse governo do amor de bosta ta maluco

Vc teria que voltar bem mais... Tipo na época de Marx kkkkkkkkk...

Ia ser só um tiro na cabecinha =P


Eu ri demais aqui, quase acordo a bebê.

kkkkkkkkkkkkk aqueles tiro de sniper top, tipo sniper elite, pubg, call of duty hauauhauuhahuau


Assim sem o Marx, talvez as coisas seriam bem diferentes.

Tenho certeza que seria, ta maluco, entro no X é um imposto atrás do outro, uma fala idiota atrás da outra, ta foda... que governo merda que estamos vivendo meu Deus

E ainda bem que uma porrada de esquerdista tinha saído, seria pior hahaha...

Mas.... Sempre bom ter os "dois lados" por lá. Assim gera debate rsrs

É por este lado é bom, ter os 2 lados para ter um debate e tudo mais.

Think about it. Go 1 year into the future and see the stock or #crypto market. Then you know what to buy today.

Or... go back 5 years and buy whatever you want cheaper, the best #crypto and then come back and be happy


Yeah except if the time machine allowed actions of the past to change the present. If you change the past it affects the future. That is a quandary of time travel.

For example what if you go back into the past and are driving, get into an accident and kill the other drive. Turns out the other driver is your dad. That change means you arent born.

The grandfather paradox hehehe... Sometimes I like to see these subjects. Yes, I would purposely alter the past.

One more millionaire with BTC wouldn't affect much in the present for other people.... 😅

I would go back to the 1970's and purchase stock in apple and amazon for pennies on the dollar.

@taskmaster4450 has a a good idea as well.

Excelent idea! Wow! And to think that back then they were pennies...

I would go back to 2011 and begin my crypto journey, buy some $BTC and keep adding up. (That is if it is designed to go to the past.)

This was hi tech at one time

The one we had on the wall in the kitchen had a very long cord. I was long enough for my sister to walk to one of the closets across the basement to go and talk to her friends. Yes, we had and still have the kitchen in the basement.

That was portable at one time...the long cord in the kitchen as opposed to the short one where you were glued to 2 feet from the wall.

Right?! My Mom would unplug the phone and take it to work with her so we would get stuff done around the house. So my sister walked to the pay phone a couple blocks away so she could call her friend who's house she walked past to get to the pay phone. 😂 😂

Yeah. Little things like that were a major pain in the ass. We tend to overlook them.

I remember going to Lake Tahoe for an event. I was going to call Roy when the flight arrived and there were no fricking pay phones to be found anywhere. I didn't have a cell phone at the time. What a nightmare. I had to borrow someone's cell phone to make a quick call to just let him know I got there.
There were slot machines everywhere in the airport but no pay phones.

@bradleyarrow learned on this computer.

Fortran and punch cards.

Shell and beads for me. It was money too.

See compute being money is nothing new. LOL

I am going to write an article about decades worth of MTV articles being erased from the website by the owner.

This is why Web 3.0 is important.

Cuz once it's here it's here forever. Why would they do that?

Money I am sure. Some believe that they are trying to improve SEO of other things. I have a feeling they are trying save money.

iPhone 16 to launch in September: Rumoured specs, design leak, expected price and more
Get over iPhone 15 and get ready to embrace the new iPhone 16.

Get over iPhone 15 and get ready to embrace the new iPhone 16. Rumours are abuzz that Apple is gearing up for its annual iPhone launch event, expected to take place sometime in September 2024.

While Apple remains tight-lipped, rumours and leaks have painted a fascinating picture of what the iPhone 16 might hold. Let’s delve into the whispers and speculations surrounding Apple’s next-generation flagship.

#newsonleo #iphone #apple #technology #smartphone

on and you will get there. If someone can. That someone is you.

Well it is going to take the input of a lot of people. One person cannot do it.

But hopefully as well people will get used to use that as the place to be and as you always say! Start engaging with the news that are interesting to them :D making the numbers multiply for sure :D

We can only keep adding so people see the value. A lot of cross posting of threads will help since people then in those can see what is taking place.

It all comes back to numbers give them something to talk about.

yeah. data is what keeps the internet alive today!

It is only growing in value. Few saw how it would impact AI. Now we have to figure out what it will impact next.

Character.AI now allows users to talk with AI avatars over calls
a16z-backed Character.AI said today that it is now allowing users to talk to AI characters over calls. The feature currently supports multiple languages

#newsonleo #ai #voice #translation

YouTube Premium upgrade adds smart downloads and picture-in-picture mode for Shorts
YouTube is adding several new features for Premium users, including smart downloads and support for picture-in-picture mode for Shorts

#newsonleo #youtube #premium #shorts #video

NVIDIA Unveils NIMS: Mind-Blowing Digital Humans and Robots!

#newsonleo #nvidia #technology #robots #digitalhumans

OpenAI, Microsoft sued by Center for Investigative Reporting as news industry bolsters attack on AI
Following lawsuits filed by The New York Times and other publications, the Center for Investigative Reporting is now taking on OpenAI and Microsoft.

#newsonleo #openai #microsoft #trial

I think we should! Why do you think of people that are resistant to technology?

They are conditioned by Hollywood to fear it.

Do you really think that is the main reason?

A large part especially as it becomes more advanced.

Some of the minor stuff is humans resistance to change. The Baby Boomers were the kings of this. The younger generations not so much since they are open to new tech.

yeah for sure. But also, i dont think that they have that point of view for the best reasons. Many probably think that the world has always had wi fi LOLOLOL

Vatican City will run solely on solar power thanks to new plant
A letter entitled ‘Brother Sun’ laid out the pontiff’s plans.

#newsonleo #vatican #solar #energy

We hit a record in the technology threadcast yesterday.

275 comments. Great job everyone.

Drop all your technology related questions, comments, videos, and memes.

Odaseva raises $54M to secure Salesforce users
Securing cloud services remains a challenge for enterprises. That's why several companies have been working on security solutions that specifically

#newsonleo #technolgy #odaseva

Dream Chaser spaceplane is off the manifest for ULA's second Vulcan launch
Sierra Space said that despite the slip, its first Dream Chaser spaceplane is still on track for its maiden mission before the end of the year.

#newsonleo #space #ula #dreamchaser #technology

TikTok's Instagram rival, Whee, has no traction
Like Instagram, Whee also supports the use of photo filters and includes messaging. However, the company's plans for Whee aren't clear.

#newsonleo #tiktok #instragram #socialmedia #whee

Dust grabs another $16 million for its enterprise AI assistants connected to internal data
French startup Dust has raised a $16 million Series A funding round led by Sequoia Capital. With Dust, companies can create custom AI assistants

#newsonleo #dust #ai #technology

The goal for this threadcast, by the end of the year, is to reach 2,000 comments daily.

That is 2/3 of what we are doing most days on threads now.

It is important to understand how data might only increase in relevance. What will it be used for in the future?

This is something that is not considered. How many thought about it training of AI 6 years ago. I discussed this on Steem yet few listened.

SpaceX is building a NASA craft to intentionally destroy the International Space Station after retiring
NASA will have a spacecraft from Elon Musk's SpaceX guide the International Space Station's destruction after its retirement.

#newsonleo #spacex #iss #nasa #space #technology

Good morning technology!

Good day my friend. I hope you are doing well. I see you are adding quickly.

I'll do better tomorrow, I'm trying to find interesting sites that have current technology news.

I confess that those that exist in Brazil are not "rich in information".

I think I'll have to look for American sites.... Without a doubt there must be several.

Are we going to break a new record today?

I am up for it. I still have to reply to what you posted last night so it might be higher. But topping 275 would be a great thing to do back to back. I will keep commenting as I go through my day.

Maybe we can break the record this Friday. I don't know how much it will be this Thursday because I'm also responding to the comments.

Well, I'll find a way to observe later, but if we don't manage to overtake today (Thursday), we will overtake on Friday. 💪🏻

Satélite russo se parte no espaço e força astronautas a se abrigarem

Russian satellite breaks up in space and forces astronauts to take shelter

#newsonleo #nasa

Caminhada Espacial na ISS é Cancelada Devido a Vazamento em Traje Espacial

Spacewalk on ISS Canceled Due to Space Suit Leak

#newsonleo #nasa

I hate when that happens.

Me too, sometimes I hope everything goes well at the launch, during the trip and it's like I'm watching a football match.

Sometimes I get carried away. But it's quite unpleasant when that happens.

YouTube TV Teams Up With Verizon's 5G Home Internet

#newsonleo #television #youtube #verizon

Might be an unpopular opinion but I honestly think the smartwatche is a solution looking for a problem

Agreed. To me, there isnt much use to them unless you can incorporate hologram technology in. You have a couple of older generations who cant see the damn thing.

How long until people on Hive learn?

OpenAI and Time strike multiyear deal to improve ChatGPT with journalistic content
OpenAI and Time said the new deal will allow OpenAI to access more than 100 years' worth of the newsmagazine's articles.

#newsonleo #openai #chatgpt #ai #technology

Inside Europe's tech hubs: France's AI push puts it on the rise
France has looked to position itself as Europe's leading artificial intelligence hub, with companies like Mistral AI and H getting large amounts of funding.

#newonleo #technology #ai #france

Meta starts testing user-created AI chatbots on Instagram
Mark Zuckerberg said today that in an early test in the U.S., Meta is surfacing AI characters made by creators through Meta AI studio on Instagram.

#newsonleo #meta #ai #chatbots #technology

Mark Zuckerberg said today that in an early test in the U.S., Meta is surfacing AI characters made by creators through Meta AI studio on Instagram.

Orby is building AI agents for the enterprise
Orby AI, is building a generative AI platform that attempts to automate a range of different business workflows, including workflows that involve data entry, documents processing and forms validation.

#newsonleo #orby #ai #agents #enterprise

Startups scramble to assess fallout from Evolve Bank data breach
Fintech-friendly Evolve Bank disclosed a data breach, saying it may have impacted customers and partners.

#newsonleo #evolvebank #data #breach

Boeing Starliner Keeps STRANDING on ISS! NASA to give up…

#newsonileo #boeing #nasa

Meet Sohu, the fastest AI chip of all time.

#newsonleo #sohu #ai #chip #technology

AI Model Simulates 500 Million Years of Evolution to create new Proteins! ESM3 is a LLM for Biology.

#newsonleo #ai #proteins #llm #biology

Think about how much more processing is in your phone as compared to this.

It was advanced #technology at one time.

Rondo Energy funding shows a new way across the climate startup 'valley of death'
Climate tech startups especially those building hardware, face a particular challenge when trying to move beyond the prototype or pilot phase and start selling finished products to customers.

#newsonleo #rondoenergy technology

Amazon consolidates Amazon Clinic into the One Medical brand
Amazon is folding its Amazon Clinic telehealth service into its primary care business One Medical, the company announced on Thursday. The company Amazon has decided to fold its Amazon Clinic telehealth service into its One Medical primary care business.

#newsonleo #amazon #medical #company

Uhul! 100 comentários!

We did hit it. Still a long way from anything monumental. Going to add as much as I can throughout the day.

Me too! Early evening will be better for me. I will add more.

I am adding and responding to see if things expand.

O que exploradores espaciais vão comer quando estiverem vivendo na Lua?

What will space explorers eat when they live on the Moon?

#newsonleo #technology #space

Jio tariff hike: Jio Platforms launches JioSafe, AI-powered JioTranslate apps; will be free to use for 1 year

Reliance Jio has announced two new mobile applications: JioSafe and JioTranslate. These new offerings underscore Jio’s dedication to enhancing user experience through advanced technological solutions. The apps are launching alongside updated tariffs which see Jio hiking the price of its prepaid plans by up to Rs 600.

#newsonleo #reliancejio #ai #translate

TikTok to challenge Amazon Prime Day with its own sales event in July
TikTok is gearing up to challenge Amazon's Prime Day event in July. The social network announced on Thursday that TikTok Shop is holding a "Deals For You

#newsonleo #tiktok #amazonprime

Amazon, GFT e Sysvision oferecem 30 mil bolsas para tecnologia

Amazon, GFT and Sysvision offer 30 thousand technology grants

#newsonleo #technology

De mamute a lobo-da-Tasmânia: empresa vai ressuscitar espécies extintas

From mammoth to Tasmanian wolf: company will resurrect extinct species

#newsonleo #technology #science

I dont see the point in that. They are extinct for a reason. LOL

We'll soon see a real-life "Jurassic Park." I just hope it's different from what we saw in the movies. LOL

Hollywood is full of lies.

There is a place that won't change that.

About the mammoth, it makes sense. But I believe that other animals, like the Dodo, had their extinction influenced by humans.

Maybe this is a way to lessen the guilt in this.

I have no guilt about it.


I'm sure you don't have it.

SpaceX foi a escolhida para tirar de órbita a Estação Espacial Internacional

SpaceX was chosen to take the International Space Station out of orbit

#newsonleo #technology #spacex #space

Time to retire that bastard. LOL

SpaceX has become a “do-it-all”. It's time to retire NASA.

You arent kidding. The problem is Biden hates Musk and his administration is doing all it can to stop him.

As always, these leftist governments trying to screw everything up.

I hope the elections come soon so you can vote for Trump to put an end to this.

JBL lança no Brasil torre de som Stage 2 e receptor avançado

JBL launches Stage 2 sound tower and advanced receiver in Brazil

#newsonleo #jbl #brazil #technology

Axelera lands new funds as the AI chip market heats up
Axelera, an AI chip startup, has raised a new tranche of cash as the market for AI chips continues to attract big investments.

#newsonleo #axelera #ai #chip #technology

Why and How Will Superintelligence Impact You and The World?

#newsonleo #superintelligence #ai

Google announces record-setting 110-language expansion for its translation service
With these new additions, Google Translate now boasts support for over 1,000 languages.

#google #newsonleo #translation #ai

Directo turns a TikTok travel hack into a deal-finding Chrome extension
A travel hack that went viral on TikTok teaches users how to save money on hotels and Airbnbs by booking directly with the properties themselves.

#newsonleo #tiktok #chrome #extension #directo

We had one thread below with 20 comments. That is how it works.

Illumex is using GenAI to ease pain of getting good data into LLMs
Illumex is building a solution that uses generative AI to find data wherever it lives and prepare it for use in LLMs.

#newsonleo #illumex #data #ai #technology

Reddit to update web standard to block automated website scraping
The move comes at a time when AI firms have been accused of plagiarising content from publishers to create AI-generated summaries without giving credit or asking for permission

#newsonleo #reddit #scarping #technology

Amazon hit with fresh class action-style suit in UK -- $3.4B in competition damages sought for 200,000+ sellers
Amazon is facing another competition lawsuit in the U.K. The latest claim, which was filed Thursday, is seeking more than £2.7 billion in damages

#newonleo #technology #amazon #lawsuit

What if brain-chip implant gets hacked; Here’s what the first Neuralink patient has to say Noland Arbaugh on ‘hacking brain-chip implant’

What if your brain gets hacked! What can happen! Here’s what the first Neuralink patient explains if his brain-chip implant gets hacked. Reportedly, Neuralink’s brain chip already showed promising results for its first recipient Noland Arbaugh, since he received it in January.

But when asked about if the chip could be hacked or not, Arbaugh said that it’s definitely possible to hack a brain chip implant, as reported by Business Insider.

#newsonleo #ai #technology #neurallink #chip

What's different and new on Starship Flight 4?

#newsonleo #starship #spacex #space

Bluesky lets you curate accounts and feeds to follow with its Starter Pack feature
Social network Bluesky has added a new feature for users to create a curated list of people and custom feeds to follow.

#newsonleo #bluesky #socialmedia #technology

Adeus coolers: Após sanção do governo, DeepCool para de vender produtos nos EUA

Goodbye coolers: After government sanction, DeepCool stops selling products in the USA

#newsonleo #technology #us

O Verdadeiro Problema de Inteligências Artificiais

#newsonleo #technology #ai

Robôs vão dominar o mundo

Isso é certeza, basta saber quando isso acontecerá.

#newsonleo #technology #ai


#newsonleo #technology #ai

Câmara aprova projeto que reconhece Campinas como capital nacional da ciência, tecnologia e inovação

Chamber approves project that recognizes Campinas as the national capital of science, technology and innovation

#newsonleo #technology #science #brazil

Nasa contrata SpaceX para rebocar a Estação Espacial Internacional

NASA hires SpaceX to tow the International Space Station

#newsonleo #technology #space #nasa

I need help please... Trying to bridge arbLEo to LEO on Hive using and it just wants to open up metamask and run the transaction there, but my funds are on keystore. What do I do?#feedback

Just tried it, and I think it's an oversight from the developers. @khaleelkazi, any thought?

so same thing happened to you too?

Yeah, but I didn't do it because I needed to, I was just testing.

ok thanks for letting me know

Here is the #threadcast for "Cross-Chain summer kick-off" hosted by Chanflip.

Not sure what will happen during the show, but they hace invited both Thorchain and Maya!

I think I will pass on this one, though, it does not really fit in my schedule.

Thats always the problem to fit all interesting stuff into the schedule.

Okey, and here's the second one. If you reply on both, you're there ;)

Lets see if I can get anyone listening into this and have some conversations :)

@mightpossibly is there any chance you might make a summary?

I found the link below. They didn't record it, so the answer is unfortunately no

Ah to bad! Thanks anyways

Something good must be said about Maya.

Lets listen in and hope so :)

Bring some of your friends over here 👏

I am not sure what this is but it is good to see another one up here.

Not entirely sure either, just say it on X and since Maya and Thorchain will be apart :)

It is a great thing to add to the platform.

Okey, here's another comment to help you get over that 15 you need ;)

And where's the event?

Its a space, put the link in a thread.

Thanks :)

Just saw this on X and thought it can be cool to listen into.

Oh okay they are hosting a hackatoon together with Maya and Thorchain.

Just another thread so I can get enough 😂

need a couple of more threads to appear :)

@theringmaster maybe something to listen into?

Oh wow I got your message a bit late, had a few networking issues is it still going on

@khaleelkazi might also be able to help. Did you plan on listen into this?

@taskmaster4450le might be able to help me boost it with some threads.

You are welcome to the threadcast family 🥂🥂🥂🥂

Thx wasnt that big of a success but tries atleast

its little by little, it will get better ☺️😞

Just got curated by the party room curation account, feel free to follow the curation trail of the party room.

It's too #hot to eat #outside

Eating in the sun is madness. Everyone in my country does that

Do we have Lion census data in inLeo?



what is census data?

what is Lion's census data?

Lion's population and information about Lions den

Is it possible to #livestream on #3speak?


It is not. Only streaming solution on Hive that I''m aware of is It is strictly for streaming however, it can't record the livestream - so you gotta record it separately, then post that to 3speak after

This could be a good solution until 3speak support livestreams.
Thank you! 🫶🏼

#gmfrens hope you have an awesome day leave a comment for some #dook love

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

A gang led by Remy St Felix, a 24-year-old man from Florida, USA, broke into homes, kidnapped residents and forced them to transfer cryptocurrencies several times between September 2022 and July 2023. He faces at least seven years in prison and could be sentenced to life in prison.

#newsonleo #cent


1/ MTV News was eliminated by its parent company, Paramount. This move shows the need for #web3. It exemplifies the power corporations have over our history.

2/ Here is where we see the immutability feature of blockchain becoming crucial. While music news is not the most vital, what else can be taken down? Basically anything.

3/ Also, what can be changed. How are we to know if a 2004 article wasnt altered by the company that controls the data? When it is on their server, they can do as they see fit.

We're apparently less than a week away from video posting on inleo. Why, oh why am I going away this weekend

It's going to be real fun and engaging.

For sure! Do you intend to post videos? If so what kind? I'm curious to see what ideas people have for this type of content

Let see if it's kind of Tik Tok version then I am not good at it. I'll prefer to upload birds and animals content.

I'd be interested in seeing that. I'll definitely be posting some nature shorts too, among other things

Nature is always very cool. Funny videos would be more engaging and get more views.

yep, we're definitely gonna need some of that


I can't wait for that.

INLEO AMA | Cultivating a Tokenized Digital Community


Here's my place of work yesterday, not bad for New York:

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

-Robert Brault

#freecompliments #quotesonleo

One dream

One decision

One commitment.

An awesome opportunity for my boxers to have a pose with the world boxing champion, #MelvinJerusalem #wbc #inleo #anateurboxing

There are 4 pages