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💰 Btc ETF Inflow : 2024-06-20

#IBIT : $1.5M
#FBTC : -$51.1M 📉
#BITB : $0K
#ARKB : $0K
#BTCO : -$2.0M
#EZBC : $0.0K
#BRRR : $0K
#HODL : -$3.7M
#BTCW : $0K
#GBTC : -$53.1M 📉

📊 Net Inflow : -$108.4M 🚨🚨

⚡ 7-day Avg : -$103.1M

This is amazing @onealfa Thank you so much!

#photographers This is the place to be. I might be bias but listen from the others!

DASH is an incredible option for moving assets around, especially since it's easily available for trading on #leodex

I use to be into Masternodes, and my goal; run a Dash masternode, securing the network and earn Dash. But I had to own 10,000 Dash, which at one time was either a million dollars or one hundred thousand Dollars. Both to far out of reach.

yeah I ran a few master nodes for shitcoins abck in the day lol

Realy, are you considering running one now?
Are you a Hive witness?
Did you mine badl in the day too?
I am checking it out again and it looks much easier now.

yeah i did a good bit of btc mining, eth minings, etc... but yeah i'm 1/3 of @town-hall witness.

Cool. Do you make any money if your not top 20? Or is that where the big money is?

not really, as we don't sell the Hive Power earned. We use it for curating

It is becoming easier and easier to get in and out of HIVE.

Many options.

the built in arbitrage is fun to play with. A lot of my swaps end up paying me.

That is awesome. This is what we have to promote. Democratize the knowledge and get other people doing the same thing. We could really get more volume that way.

It is something I would join in with.

Seems like another Nifty Maya article.

I've thought of a few videos. Maybe I'll get one recorded in a bid

Great idea.

starting to prefer video over writing lately. Mainly due to lack of time

Im just starting to figure it out

gotta start somewhere

That's true!

By the way, where do I find the Leo Arbitrum token contract address?


I have come to make negotiations

Now you've got everyone's attention!!!!

We are waiting for it 😂😂😂🥂🥂🥂.

how about a #books #threadcast?

  • drop a pic of the book you're reading (or have read, or just have on the shelf) & share something about it.

  • engage with other people's book pics

  • use the #books tag, earn votes

  • get laid 100% more often

Book shelf in my office:

I want to read sapiens.

Homo Deus is also good

that will be my July book

Amazing read, one of my all-time favorite books

### Engineering Data and Tables for tight tolerance inspection tools ©️1961.

Probably more like a catalog but published as a book.


I’ll pass on this. Haha.

Guaranteed to help you sleep at night.

i bet there's a collector looking for this one. thanks for sharing!

I just looked on Ebay. There are a few solds ($15-$35) some older but none with the exact same cover. Maybe it's rare! haha

yeah i couldn't find this particular one either so i figured it must be special lol

Then I'm going to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

#books #inleo #fantasy

some of the best.

Without a doubt my friend.

I'm currently reading the same book!!!

Although I'm not listening to it being read to me😂😂

What's it about?

epic fantasy.

This is the author that finished the wheel of times for Robert Jordan.

oh wow, very cool. Thanks for sharing,

you got it. cool threadcast. found 2 books I want to read.

not reading this one because it's a #photography book but...

I do enjoy the's focused around the female body, of course. listed on ebay for around $100.

OBSESSION - Bob C. Clarke #books #nsfw

And the final one - it is said to be a good reading:

#book #books4nifty

i'll take it

A scholar, I see. True bookworm :)

In all honesty I dont really read! I probabl should. But this is a great idea. Look at tiktok!

the booktok as it is known there is one of the biggest and strongest communities they have there!

yeah I'm not a big reader either. Just happen to sell books. Will check TikTok, I had no idea

ohhh yeah! check booktok it is huge! but also, obviously it is tiktok so there is a lot of silly stuff even on booktok! ehehhe

I have this book "Percusión y Tomate" exactly what it looks like "percussion and tomato". It's the weirdest yet more enjoyable book I've read in Spanish. It's about the author writing her memories, but she doesn't know how because her life is not glamorous, so she tell the story in a way that you don't really know which is real and which is her spicing it up.

I can't even give a review of this thing lol but it earned a awards and everything.

It's toxic, decadent, funny. Love it.

wow. sounds awesome! thanks for sharing fren

I did a bit of research for you. If you were a naughty boy, feel free to ask Santa for them:

#book #books4nifty

LOL damn that is cold.

I‘m reading the most recent book of my favorite travel author:

Joint Adventure

Eine Reise in die Welt des Cannabis

Helge Timmerberg

Travel Documentary • Germany • 2023


”Der Veteran im Krieg gegen die Marihuana-Prohibition ist nun durch die Länder gereist, die Cannabis bereits legalisiert haben. Was auf uns zukommt, wenn in Deutschland zur Abwechslung mal Pragmatismus über den Mutti-Ismus triumphiert, erzählt er in diesem Buch.”

#jointadventure #helgetimmerberg #deutsch
#booksonleo #leobooks #books

love a good documentary

Meet the veteran of the marijuana legalization movement, who's been on a fascinating journey through countries that have already embraced cannabis reform. His new book offers a firsthand account of what Germany might expect if it follows suit and embraces a more pragmatic approach. With vivid storytelling and insightful observations, he reveals the potential transformations in policy, society, and economy. This isn't just a dry policy analysis—it's a lively, engaging read that brings to life the real-world impacts of legalization.

The first one I intend to read is The Hobbit. It's been a while since I bought Tolkien's books and I need to read them.

#books #inleo #fantasy

The problem with this threadcast is it is based upon the ability to read.

Now you are looking for the more intelligent demographic...on social media no less. LOL

it's a weird world out here

I'd join this

Join what?

The book threadcast thing. I think its a good idea

You are already part of it. LOL

I am? Fuck yeah! I'm usually not allowed in the cool kids groups

I wouldnt know if you are or arent.

I am not in those groups to know.

This is pretty cool, although I don't have any book that am read right now, but am gonna support this threadcast with some curation 🥰🥰🥰..

Also the audio of 'The 12 Week Year', an interesting one condensing your goals into shorter timelines

love a good audio book

Great theme for Threadcast. I'm currently reading no books, but I want to start reading The Hobbit.

I have the books at home and I need to use them hahaha...

And then I will read Silmarillion. Well, I hope the reading order I chose is the correct one. 😅

#books #inleo #fantasy

Task just opened my eyes to what the #nsfw tag means 🤯 It‘s the NIfty tag: NiftyS Feet Woodoo 🦶🏿🦶🏾🦶🏽🦶🏻

oh shit lol it has been discovered

The last book @bradleyarrow read was to his grandkid.

See spot run.

I tend to do books with pictures only. I think that is called a Playboy collection. Does that count?

I have a great collection here if I am allowed to share. Pictures are awesome.

LOL I was kind of tongue in cheek. Keep the pics in your back pocket. We will have a place for them on here at some point. It is being worked on.

definitely counts!

How many issues do I need to be considered a book?

I only have 527 issues.

I think you crossed the 420 threshold

This is right up @adambarratt's alley.

A great convergence of his ideas.

Here is the #threadcast for today's episode of The Lion's Den. It starts at 1 pm eastern time.

The topic is going to be threadcasts and ideas of how to use it.

Speaking about games, I'm looking forward to actually using the NFTs I bought from @simplegame. I have some, but that's it for now.

It's crazy how I keep missing out 🤦‍♀️

Have to get it on your schedule.

You're absolutely right 💯
I'd add it to my schedule next time, so I'd be able to remember and attend.
Thanks for your suggestion 🌻

1 PM eastern every friday.

More being added to the database.

yes. Soon video + transcript too.

I mentioned that during the show. Leoshorts with transcripts will be huge. I can see how much that will add.

Can you automate the posting of the transcript?

Hm it depends on what you mean exactly. For the Lion's Den episodes, I just make a top level comment called Transcript and then drop the transcript in pieces below. Not a big job to do manually for individual episodes like this, but I'm guessing you have something slightly different in mind? In short; sure, it's probably possible.

I'll try to get a good listen of the whole episode during the course of the weekend.

I responded a little quick. Leoshorts with transcripts.. Yeah that's probably gonna be a bit difficult to automate. At least with my current setup and access

Ah ok. If you figure something out, and need RCs (either for this or anything else) let me know.

will be voting on all engagement here. let;s run this way past 420 comments.

my favorite thread cast was still the Super Bowl.

It was a very impressive one. It was a record for about 3 days until Hivebr squashed it.

looking forward to next year!

Yes and seeing if we can top it. Will have to get #nfl threadcasts going during the regular season and playoffs.

Oh, I didn't know the showcase was only for the premiums.

Oh, yeah, I remember the Japan threadcast!! @selfhelp4trolls is a cool guy!!

Here rrI am moving my internet from a place to place for a better signal!

Have you cleaned your den up Task? It's polite to do so before inviting people over ;)

I have to leave now. Been over an hour. Have a nice day everyone!~

Wait... Only Premiums appear on top?!!!

Yea... unless it was changed recently

I think having daily threadcasts for feedback will lead to more organized and discussed troubleshooting process!!

yeah, if you wanna be seen, get in the middle haha. Some people write posts and we never see them, then you check their activity and they don't do anything else

HiveBR is on a very special mission today! #td100

Thanks for the support, Task!

I've actually missed the community wars announcement. Is there a brief summary someplace? I don't want to listen to an old AMA, I prefer written information.

Promote me! Promote me!

People who guess the right score of the final match of the day will get my full upvote! That's like 6 to 1 chance, considering the reasonable guesses.

Wait 3100?!!! Comments on one threadcast?

Yup :)

That's our current record. We are trying to beat it today.

Hello Lions.

It's going to be a great show. 5 minutes to go.

Any tips about the niche of Crypto, Play2earn, Finance? How to get more views at Hive and Twitter?

I'm thinking about a flat-earthers threadcast. I hope for people all around the globe attending.

lol you are on fire today

That sounds like a grilled fish. No, thank you :P

I am going to gues that a #threadcast is around an event like a concert or a baseball game. Or a current event in the news.

This should be a fun one! Hopefully I'll be able to make it

I've got some ideas

Looking forward to hearing them. Come on air.

#threadcast vs. #contatiner. What is the difference? I remain confused.

A threadcast is a live chat (eg. Lion's Den, AMA, sport event, whatever).

A container is a thread on a particular topic with a bunch of related threads in replies (not a live chat).

Thanks for the clarification, @adambarratt!

I should say, that tagging #threadcast in a top level thread generates the live chat environment, which is what differentiates it from other tags

Okay, thanks again.

Okay. It's making more sense now. Thanks again!

Love to see that people are enjoying out little daily #photographers corner there :D

Have to help the others along.

You are one of the people keeping this going and we are thankful for that

Others can do the same. There is plenty of room for leaders around here.

I am ready to lead everyone to their demise LOL

People are doing that on their own.

This is a very interesting topic to handle this evening but it's I will not be around during when its gonna start, but I will try to come back home on time so that I will join or listen to the record.
But I don't like missing the Lions Den 😔😔😔😔

What? You are abandoning us. That sucks monkey balls.

Am gonna for a video coverage job, just to set things up for them and I will be back...

Good luck with it. I hope it goes well.

Alright boss

You just copy/paste the link. We built auto-embedding

I do want to allow the author to pin their threads at the top

So wouldn't that + the embedding that we already have solve this problem?

Yes - reactions and other various gifting functions

There will also be a tie in for OnlyLEOs

If you’re familiar with Twitch chat - you’ll understand the only Leo’s tie in as being akin to Subs on Twitch

Interesting … tasks live youtube link works for me here in germany 👍🏽

to solve this problem, we need to tweak and improve the For You feed

LeoAI will do a great job of fixing this issue in that feed and in other ways

Currently working on getting the AI to add suggestions on threads

If you use X - you see they have thst new “recommended” feature when you scroll to the bottom of a tweet

youtube live stream using the share link, not the embed code.

that‘s what i was testing before …

Well, the tournament will last for a month, so no worries :)

Please, do not mention fishing! It's not a hobby, it's a massacre!

I thought Bradley was Task's sub. Are we talking different subs here?

Not sure if that is the way to go in a stage like this. Dlive tried! never succesfully, other than a week when pewdiepie was there. Vimm been around also with no viewers. I think they just closed doors.

This morning I gave Caleb an idea for a threadcast! What about a dating threadcast! eehehhehe

threadcast speed dating 😂

yes that was the idea :D

Not sure how that would work but worthy of ideas.

Just a bunch of thirsty people having thirsty conversations LOL

That is true. Many do not come up with ideas so we need to help them along.

I am an idiot I am always full of ideas!

she is a beautiful sexy

I know you love creatures like this 😂😂😂..

dont say creatures LOL I actually dont love no one other than myself. LOL

You peddling your AI girlfriends again.

So beautiful 😍😍😍😍.

Why I haven't thought of posting art in the #photocast?!!!

all the the original photography art is welcome there :D

It will be a small step for Nifty but a huge leap for the Lionkind.

Somebody goes the extra mile, Nifty is always ready to go the extra foot :))

Its bc of how beautiful his feet are

working today so only listening. No threading. Hope it is as good as always.

It sure will be.

One good potential side effect of mass adoption of threadcasts is increasing RC cost of transactions, which makes Hive Power more valuable

I wish I had a Cat, but my family doesn't take pets

I thought Nifty would take a photo of his bush :/

I like to talk about crypto, finance and Play2Earn any tips task?

Maybe someone should make Threadcast-to-AI-voice application that people could use in their streams. (Like on Twitch, machine voice reads special lines.)

On today's Hive-BR threadcast I already learned a lot if interesting stuff that people shared there

Great, just about time to pick the delivery - my dinner has just arrive.

Twitch's Just Chatting covers many things though, including Watching Anime and stuff!!!

By the way, also loving the comments going on X as well :D use #inleo there :D Imagine the space gets on the trends there. How many curious eyes :D

Then, Threadcast shall be more reliable than Twitch or YT embeded chats. And from what I've experienced so far, that may be a bit of an issu.

Ohh that kind of interactiveness that Nifty is talking about would be super cool

Oh, hello Khal. Nice to see your upvotes around ;)

We know that you're an OnlyFans streamer, YT is simply not your thing :)

One idea I said before is Emoji Reaction on threadcast comments, like discord, it can be very addictive itivand it'll pave the way for SUPER REACTIONS with monetary tips!!

Oh, so there's a bit of magic behind :)) Sacrifice a rooster and then you can share a live stream :))

I have tried the live streaming from a live match the other day, but it didn't work out.

You can't use this, which is the one people is using to share youtube videos a lot of the time:

Twitch audience will never leave Twitch, Youtube Audience will never leave Youtube, you'll lhave to get your audience for this out of the box!

BTW will the LeoAI be able to read out the comments loud?

I can imagine a gamer would not have time to read the comments while playing.

Hehe, I thought you needed to learn to play some games :)

Hmmmm.... I understand but it breaks compatibility with older threads of musiconleo for example!!

Did he use jazz to be sure nobody would listen ;)

(Just kidding, I actually listen it every now and then)

Meds fan? Is that a polite word for a junkie?

LOL Mets fan but that was a good joke

Pun intended ;) I know what he meant :)

I believe if you're able to bring live streams of football matches in a way that could be easily accessible, people will flood that page!!

Oooh, an educational threadcast? The possibilities are endless!!!

Yeah is a good education tool. Imagina a Class On Leo.

Today is a great day to discuss such an important topic for our platform.

I'm just glad that adding reactions and sub-only modes is in the plans now!!!!

We changed the format of our weekly show a bit. Instead of people hosting and others watching, we turned it into a roundtable where everyone is invited to speak their minds.

Yeah, Twitch is changing the amount the pay streamers and a lot are upset and leaving

See, @khaleelkazi...? It doesn't work!! This is a threespeak link!!!

that doesn’t look like a YouTube link

3speak links are something we’re still trying to figure out auto-embedding for. We need to build that from scratch

As the "Wen LEOAI" guy, I admit it's true yru, and I'll find another feature to scream Wen for. !LOLZ

My Name Is Nobody is on YouTube 💪🏽😎👍🏽

WEN video on Leo Khal?

Lions are hungry for it.

Back to the Future is on YouTube 🤘🏽😎🤟🏽

Can't believe "Birdwatching" is an actual hobby!!

As long as you fancy golf, then yes ;)

Be a product of the product. Why promote or ask for what you're not gonna use

Just noticed. For the first time that I have seen. Today Brazil is in first place when it comes to traffic! Guess more users have been joining them there!

yeah. pass. sorry! Might even have to close mine LOL

Stop by my threadcast - the last match starts in 20 minutes - Netherlands vs. France.

Guess the correct score and win my full upvote. Hint - France is favoured; and no more than 3 goals are expected.

A drunk threadcast! everyone getting smashed and talking smack LOL

let's goooo call it a PubCast

That would be a different threadcast theme

ahahahahaah yes

Copyright Free?

Public Domain?

that wasn‘t a video, that was a YT live stream test …

kinda strange seeing Khal asking WEN 😜 instead of sooning us …

He gets to be in the crowd.

everyone head to X to set the reminder and remember to drop a comment a like and RT :D

I was like... what.. .it started?? but there's still 1 hour to go :D

Here is the Space. Be sure to set a reminder

I Can't wait, it is always spectacular, let's do this.

The Den starts in about 80 minutes, right?

Running all over to see whats happening around LOL

It will likely be slow until the threadcast goes live in 2 hours.

we will see. Since my RC are dropping faster than my panties I might go for a test today. I might slow down and see how the #photographers keep the #photocast alive if I am not in there as much ehehhe

If you need more RC let me know.

I'll just have to wait for some rewards to come in to recover. I think it was because of the activity here but all the fact that I have delegated almost all the HP to Leo voter. So it was a big drop.

I can delegate you RC if you need. That will not be a reason to stop you.

I have issues with threadcasts today... Can't see comments under this one either.

Are you on desktop? It is a bit slow for me but does show up.

Try to reduce the size of your screen and they usually pop up then increase it back.

Funky stuff going on for some reason.

Desktop, Brave browser. Quite a reliable wi-fi too. Let's see if reducing the screen helps...

I am on the same. That is what I have to do periodically to get the comments to load.

Drop your threadcast ideas and we will mention then on air.

You will smash it for sure :D

Thanks for the support. Hope you will listen in.

I'll try! Do you know the London time????

It is 1 pm eastern. I have no idea the time difference.

6 pm in here :D I might be able to listen to it :D

We've seen some great new threadcast initiatives lately, like the language threadcast from @selfhelp4trolls and the photocast by @sergiomendes. We need more people putting their creativity to work like this

Without a doubt. We are seeing some interesting ideas emerging.

the more the merrier :D

Don't say photofeed or they will come for me LOL different community! ehehhe LOL

Oh m xD . Photo-threadcast?

yeah. They are a big and old community. Don't want to get any troubles with them ehehhehe :D #photocastep8 now running :D I thought calling it a photocast would be fun :D

photocast is nice!

First from #td100 here! We could have some integration with other apps like Splinterlands to have threadcasts at tournaments, right?

Yes you are.

Yes you can. You can make threadcasts for anything. Splinterlands is a great subject for threadcasts.

let's fill it up

Without a doubt. Going to be hard to compete with Hivebr today.

I will do the space soon and post the link in here.

Nah That’s not needed

We have #feedback already.

Threadcast are good for LIVE events not long-term stuff

Playing on nifty’s idea - how can we create more predictable payouts for thread casters?

Most of these streamers want to know “okay if I stream for 1 hour and get XYZ engagement, I’ll earn $25”

Have an account that rewards Threadcasters who are consistent!

I disagree on the build it and they will come

We need to not only know what to build, but have people using this stuff

You can already do Threadcasts and all the things being discussed

As important as it is for us to build this stuff, it’s important for you guys to showcase the current abilities and usage right now

A life of building soons to answer wens only to find more wens on the other side has taught me this

this being said - maybe we can do a live “hackathon” style livestream + Threadcast 1x per month or something

During this, we can focus specifically on feedback and troubleshooting bugs + feature ideas live on air + cast

So I'm not the only one misunderstanding Task once in a while :)

Still, there's a place for a FeetCast. Infortunately, I only have fins :P

FinCast - could be big.

I am also very annoying! LOL

You dont have a monopoly on that. LOL

That is good news for me :D

It's not that embed is not working

It is disabled, permanently. Will likely never be re-enabled

To embed a YT video, you need to copy/paste the link

We need more streamers and more live Threadcasts like this one

Imagine when OnlyLEOs goes live

Now anyone who is a subscriber to taskmaster shows up as a sub in this Threadcast

Task can then choose to have sub-only modes, subscriber sorting, sub-only features

Just overlay everything twitch has for subs and apply it here

I have a new idea that I’d like to hear your takes on

It’s taking a page out of Thorchain/Maya’s play book

A place for me to dump ideas and then get feedback from you guys

You can screenshot the gitlab ideas and then give feedback by making threads about it / talking on X about it

At first glance I like it. It definitely seems to be more clear than the current leaderboard format for sure and more concrete.

A good way to frame LEOAI:

It’s a trained AI on the entire hive blockchain

Promoting is 1 feature of this engine

Recommendations is another

For you algorithm is a 3rd

Hundreds of potential features

That a good idea, but when Dlive moved to the other blockchain, they got Pewdiepie! And still... they did not really made it. :S And they got THE BIGGEST YOUTUBER!

How do you see the future of InLeo in five or ten years?

Thank you so much for sharing the #photographers here! Super star!

If we are having a show on threadcasts, it would be good to support other threadcasts.

Dont you think?

I totally agree. That's why I am here. Although I shouldn't. I might need to be quiet at some point today! LOL I am running out RC LOLOLOLOL

Yeah and I have the show. We will see what we can do.

for you when the show is running is when your threadcast will go wild as well :D

I hope so. Have to get those numbers up. Want at least 200 in total.

We gat 40 minutes for the lions Den to 🥂🥂🥂🥂

Good day to all the Lions

It is about having photography fun and build the community! :D

Who's Khal?

You can embed a YT LiveStream

We all do it on threads already

but not all the links work so they probably encounter the ones that don't. It allows just specific formats. You shared one that didn't work on the comments in one of the last spaces haha

Aren't you guys able to watch this live without leaving the threadcast?

I feel that all these things are already possible with the current tech

It falls into the category of "do it and show me there is a demand" and then I'll build more UI around it

This is wrong Task - embedding works

We cannot and likely will not ever allow embedding again

It poses a security risk to the site. We removed it and added auto-embedding. So you copy/paste the YT Link and it works fine

All you do is right click, copy video URL and paste

It's that easy

Will this work with 3speak videos or videos from other platforms like Rumble?

I think the #threadcasts need to be in a spot giving them more room for more info. Under the Trending Tags is perfect, because ALL of them can be listed as we scroll down and can have titles and descriptions, #feedback #suggestion

Everything you guys are saying can be done now

The scaling and improved UI is coming. Keep building the usage to show me it’s worth building

What about 3speak videos? Both long-form and thread, videos are not showing.

Am 37minutes late, my bad it sucks but am here regardless.

We could have a set up threadcast. Like open every day at 8pm idk...

Sub-only modes on Twitch are used creatively sometimes, like allowing only the die-hard fans to comment to avoid spoilers on anime/movie watch!

Wen Leo AI?!!!

i don't know how to read

YouTube LIVE test:

Live now talking about ADOBE‘s dark side … let‘s see if it works:

THe party room is for all.

can be "deep throat"? It is a great movie

cock film you said?

YouTube LIVE Link test failed, it does’nt work ..

What are some ideas you guys have for bringing in new users?

I laid out the calculation and framework for MAUs valuation - $1,300 per MAU (based on current MAUs / MCAP)

What can we all do to grow this?

I'll let that guy again... See Khal? It doesn't work!!

We're gonna call it Leoflix.

From Netflix 😂😂😂

Yeah, also flix is associated to movies.

You are right 👍👍👍

This one is available for free. It's about me :P

Wait, that's a movie... I thought iyit was someone boasting!

Aren't feet your favourite features? Or feetures?

Actually, aren't you about to kick off a feet-ture movie threadcast?

  • fed meetings
  • Tesla share holder meetings
  • any stock’s shareholder meetings

Also task - on your movie ide - you can do viewing parties for anything

Like tonight, I’m going to listen to the All-In Podcsst interview of trump on YT. This could be a cast

it doesn’t work like that

You right click the video, copy it and you paste it

There is no way around this. Thank the guy who showed everyone those stupid HTML “hacks” on the LEO UI. We had to ban that

ALIEN is on YouTube 🤘🏽😎🤟🏽

LABYRINTH is on YouTube 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

Vimm never got views! because they never got traffic there!

That thesis would make sense if they were coming in the 1st place and trying it

In order to get them to come, we need existing users to use this stuff

I grew up watching Twitch

That’s the vision for Threadcasts

as task is talking about taking initiative

My reminder - when you see something like this - what are you doing to grow premiums

It’s the owner mindset and is hyper important

this is going to be my new idea center

It is open source. You will see this fill up quickly with ideas

Then you guys can discuss them publicly and I’ll refine them, and move them to the roadmap as I see fit / see demand for them

I heard task will suck your feet if you make Threadcasts regularly

(while nifty takes pics to put it on chain)

We should open a storefront For streaming

We can call it “Threadcasts with a happy ending”

The Gitlab link I keep dropping is going to be very important going forward

Keep it close ;)

It’s going to have all of the upcoming features listed there with designs included

I’ll be looking for threads to get posted with feedback based on my ideas in gitlab

this one - I’ll be listening to it. Perhaps we do a live Threadcast viewing party?

I’ll host a Biden v Trump debate viewing party Threadcast

I’m not hugely political, but I do pay attention

Task for president!

If you want politically themed threadcasts, June 30th French election 1st round coverage should be a good start. UK could follow on July 4th.

Does it work if you do the first 15 threads in a threadcast yourself?

Depends what are you wearing, and how do you look like :P

And if heels are worn.

Yes, it feels kinda weird, but I learned to fill in like 7 comments just to help it establish itself.

Have to prime the pump.

Wen Nifty‘s #feetcast? 🦶🏻🦶🏽🦶🏾🦶🏿

#nsfw also known as the Nifty tag.

now i get it! 👍🏽

If you get Nifty you get why that is. LOL

Threadcasts! We need moar threadcasts!

Thanks for the show. See you around. In some of the Threadcasts perhaps ;)

Agreed. Drop by other threadcasts.


vote for @town-hall as witness

Awesome show!
And congrats on the 326 comments we love that :D

The comments keep building.

smashed it. Congratulations :D

Trying to. Did you think that will motivate some people to get involved with setting up threadcasts?

I would like to say yes, but sadly I think I would have to say no. Because many of the people there are already too involved in other threadcasts and dont think they will open new ones by themselves. but there's always hope :D

Apparently I missed everything... so what have we come to? How much will this develop?

Threadcasts? A lot going into it. We need people to develop them.

I'm sure their number will grow :)

Yes if people focus upon it.

That's how it will be, after some time, when everything is weighed up properly :)

Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

New #photocast happening NOW

Do you get it? A #threadcast to share your photos 📸

This is a space for you to share your own original photos and appreciate everyone's art!

Let' see all those beautiful photos and today lets get some long format posts on the community as well.

What we will be doing?

  • Share your own original Photos
  • Comment and share your opinions on other people photos
  • Connect with new Photographers
  • Don't forget to use the hashtag #photographers when sharing a photo

A #photographers community threadcast


Timberlakes Utah

Aspens? I bet it looks gorgeous in fall also. Nice shot.

Yessir! !PIZZA

hey hey hey :D welcome home! ehehhe that looks like a beautiful place to photograph and also just sit and chill... :D We need your help! Where is that #photographers hastag wink wink

good call I’ll add that next time. Beginner here.

No problem :D We are always learning! And that is the good part, beginner on the blockchain or just new to inleo?

really in love with the sunny vibrant colors in the lap of green nature 😍

### Fort Rock in the Oregon Desert

#photographers #photography #leotravel

You must have decades worth of pictures.

If I count my parents and grandparents photo collections I can go back about 100 years. Think I shared one not long ago of a 2nd great grandfather from 1920.

That is awesome. You will fill the Photocast for months.

Always a bless to get these photos of yours here!

There's also a suggestion about this chip, maybe it's a tree stump? :)

### Stately Buck in the Backyard

#photographers #photography #animals

Beautiful deer, I need to go to the zoo :)

That's what you get on your backyard???? wow so cool. They look so awesome. But I heard can be can of aggressive!

That is one of the bigger ones I've seen. I stay well away and use telephoto lens. Even then I think he was telling me to stay away. 😁

yeah not really getting friendly vibes from this photo either eheheh

Come listen today's @taskmaster4450le Lion's Den on X:

I will get back to my walking tomorrow after a couple days off. I will be sure to click a couple picks on my journey.

They will end up in here.

yes. do it. Have fun with it :D Just a warning if see a window open dont go and photograph inside. That is illegal LOLOL

I am telling you. one of these days your gear list is as big as @onealfa

photography is addictive

LOL Sounds like you speak from experience.

Never done it. But... in my mind it has always been a tempting idea LOLOL in the UK there are no blinds! LITERALLY

LOL well you might get a surprise.

If I ever do it... I hope so! LOL

Very cool! Look forward to seeing them.

Good luck with your photography and your vacation! :)

M👁’s ShowTech Sh👁ts

Walkie and Talkie

#walkietalkie #communication #showtech
#photography #photographers #msts

great photo! But those get me PTSD from a couple of retail jobs I had! And also, I am here crying..... Why??? #photographers??? LOLOLOL NOOOOOOOOOOO

edited …

I was joking :D no problem. But look at as going. Almost at 100 threads! YAY and I has someone tell me, "photography is only on the top because it is a general tag" Well... I guess they were wrong! cause we are smashing it

Mayday! Mayday! ... are there any people left here? :)

Not the best photo but this dude turned 12 today and I had to share. happy dog day Blaise #photographers

They say the owner starts to look like his dog.

In your case, the dog is too cute to look like you.

you always know how to cheer me up

A sneak preview.

Can we do a Lions Den without a feet reference?

Times are challenging.

It is a great photo, look at that cute face! AWWWWWW Thank you so much for sharing it! Send my birthday wishes to Blaise :D #photographers

he is having steak for his birthday dinner!

uhhhh fancy boots! eheheheh but he looks like a good boy and seems to deserve it! It is Sirloy ?eheheh

There is an X space starting #photographers

@taskmaster4450le is always here supporting all of you and pushing for the thread to keep going! So now it is time to join the X space and listen the conversation, today about threadcasts

But also, show some love and support on his threadcast! Lets go! everyone heading there and saying they are coming from the #photographers threadcast

M👁’s ShowTech Sh👁ts

DVD - Some physicians still bring those silver discs to conferences to show their special DICOM Images

#dvd #tech #showtech
#photographers #photography #msts

You gotta take the business opportunity and start offering them a service where you transfer all of that to usbs or hard drives :D

The guys don't change their habits and it's worthy of respect :)

The 2 road bridges between Edinburgh & Fife ... in #Scotland

last week #photographers #photography #silverbloggers

I love this shot! The two bridges, the tidal flat and the road + houses. A lot to look at. 😀

That is a nice view :D Thank you so much for sharing it here with all of us! New face on the threadcast right? be very welcome :D

This is my leo account so yes will be posting on it from this one not my main.

ohhhh you chose to have 2 different accounts? You dont have to with inleo. That is the magic of it. Everything you post here does not post on the main feed. It post it as a reply on the blockchain :P You can be here with your main account without affecting your main feed at all :D

Yes tengolotodo is my main account I have been using it here for a long time, but there were so many glitches etc that I created an account for inleo over a year ago I think.

well do it as you prefer. I have been here everyday now for almost 2 months now. And the first couple of weeks I have joined in was still a little bit up and down. But other than a couple of flops here and there. Now it is all running pretty smoothly :D

In light of recent events, moving across such bridges can be scary :)

I Love the composition of this photo. I am so egocentric! LOL #photographers #london

Interesting angle, were you standing on the bridge? :)

not really a bridge. that whole area is all built in different levels, eheheh :D

so my day job. I own a couple auto detailing shops. Here is a photo from the shop of a tech getting some dents out of a fender

Straightening is a very difficult task, accessible only to true artists, which I can't boast of :)

Being the owner is a boss move. literally ehehhe that looks like a fancy car as well :D

And I told you I was going to be annoying today. This is your reminder to post a long format post on the community and upload with INLEO!

Remember I am just trying to help you.

And for that we also need some more activity in there!


I will try again tomorrow, promise. 🤞

You said you need 2 or 3 days to get a post up! you have a pass! :D ehehehh

Should we take the Saturdays and Sundays off so everyone can have a rest and also work in new photos? Or should we keep coming every day? #photographers

Your call as you set it up!

I just joined the community and here now to jump on hte action with my leo account!

Oh nice, welcome to the community. :D glad to have more photographers joining in. I hope you can join us a little every day. We are doing this threadcast daily. And they will keep on coming and the goal is really to build a strong photography community that is based here on inleo. To both threads (short posts) and also long format photography posts uploaded to the community with inleo. If you want a quick update on the news and what's up. Ill drop the link for the pinned post on the community that has all the basics :D

Everyday. Even if it is slow on the weekend, consistency is key. If more people come in, you want to capture them when you can.

Okay. I was just thinking. to see if people also wanted a break. But I guess people are still pumped so we will keep them coming :D

Even if it slows down, you want it there each day. Not having it can be fatal.

That's why I wanted to have people's feedback :D to know :D now I know

Yeah. That is a good approach.

Do we have in here any B&W #photographers?

I should probably explore it more. I've only changed a couple pics that were really hazy in color to B&W. They turned out pretty well.

I guess it is about how your brain works, and some people prefer colours and see and create better with colours than black and white. But it can be fun, because you really have to think about the image differently. I personally usually envision it all in BW, for some reason my brain works like that. So to photographs colour I have to think way harder. #photographers

A very interesting architectural solution... it will be difficult for a realtor to explain to a client exactly where the apartment windows face :)

Not a house. Luckily it is a shopping center :D ehehheh

Then this changes the basic concept of looking at real estate :)

#photographers this just happened!

The community just reached 35 members!

Thank you all. And lets keep on smashing it

Already 36 :)

ohhh yeah :D The more of us the merrier. Now we just need some posts there as well :D

Keep sharing your photos I will re-thread some more later form the #photographers account

And also, we are almost at 100 threads on the trending tags!

WOW you all keep smashing it :D

Humpback whale calf born in the waters of Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, this Thursday! It's whale season around here. #photographers #td100

thanks for the visit and for sharing. :) nature is beautiful and we really do not take care of it as we should

These moments remind us of that! Thank you for the comment 🥰

You are always welcome here to share your photos. ehehhe we are here every day :D

LOL so good it is posted twice in here.

Hahaha! A completely wonderful moment to see

Keep the photos coming and I will keep posting them in other threadcasts.

Hey, thank you so much for sharing this one in here! How have you been. I think I never had brazilian bananas! do they taste very different?

Hi, I'm fine and you? There are many varieties of bananas here. I honestly don't know if there are any here, but the name could change, right?

Here there are apple bananas, silver bananas, "beef ribs", dwarf bananas, plantains and others hahaha...

Anyway. never been a banana fan! Only like strawberry and banana liquid yogurts LOLOLOL

But making a smoothie is really good.

ohhh yeah. sometimes I do those... but once again... only with strawberries. I do strawberry banana smoothies.... but they are like the yogurts almost LOL just thicker LOL

Once, it was a great surprise for me to learn about the huge number of varieties of bananas :)

Thanks to all of you we are back on the 3 digit threads on the Trending Tags!

#photographers are smashing it again!

You are amazing.

Since were are in the animal theme! Here's a photo of Freud! She is not the biggest fan of being photographed! LOL #photographers #cats #animals

She doesnt look happy.

no she doesn't. She really does not like to be in photos. LOL

She would not fare well on social media. It is a haven for selfies.

not all her. Her and her son are not social media cats. LOL they are cute and awesome cats. But just lazy LOL they dont do anything other than literally eat and sleep LOL

That is all cats. They dont do anything other the sleep shit and eat.

This is the color of a real BEAST!.:)

eheheh she is actually a sweetheart :D

Appearances can be deceiving :)

Hey @sergiomendes, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Whoopi Goldbear should have haggled a little about the price of the squirrel :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

We made the 200 comments line! You guys came trough in this last part of the day! That means, 8 days of #photocast threadcast here for the #photographers community always above 200 comments. I was tempted to cheat and "spam" post some of my photos to get us above the 200 comments. But you guys saved the day!


Ohhh wow! That’s so nice of you

No one can stop us :D

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicusнавязитьthinks that my thoughts about its recklessness are stupid :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

he was posing in there for you :D ehehhe

Not exactly, the squirrel was moving from tree to tree and I was catching up with it :)

Whoopi Goldbear is a very fast reader since she managed to read all the signs that said something about squirrels :) #photographers #photography #nature

Love when they are like that trying to decide if they should go or not ehehhe

She is constantly in an internal struggle between going left or right :)

We are live and ready to go!

How many photos will we get in here today?

Will we have any long format posts coming out on the community today?

Any new members joining.

Who is going to start?

lets go #photographers

Should we get the animals and pets going #photographers?

Anymore animals and pets photos out there to be shared?

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus deceived my expectations and didn't jump :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

It was running away from you :D

nature is beautiful.
Me: I will leave people be on the #photocast

Also me: replies to everyone lol

That is the way to get the numbers going. It is amazing how much replies can add to the totals.

That is so true. And that is the way people also can build connections :D

That is how it goes. Engagement is a way to get connected.

I don't know how it was possible to take such a photo...:)

Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus gathers courage before jumping :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

Nice you caught it's face there. Today you should get all of those together. And post a post on the community. Just write a bit about the day, where it was, how it was. :D #photographers

It won't take too long to wait :)

### My cat getting high on catmint

#photographers #photography #cent

this one made me cackle LOL love it and such a funny face :D

Yes. this is what a cat's pleasure might look like :)

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus before a desperate act :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

This one is cool. Bet you were freezing taking those photos :D

I don't remember anymore, but I think that I was hot in this race in winter :)

ehehhe I would be freezing. Not a fan of snow!

When I'm hunting, I stop noticing external stimuli :)

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus in search of treats :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

Wow. I have never seen a red squirrel. That is amazing.

Where was that taken?

In Ukraine, you can see them anywhere, I found this squirrel on the territory of the local history museum :)

Very cool. Great photo. Keep those coming. Terrific work you do.

Thank you, I like it here :)

You are a valuable contributor and an excellent photographer.

Keep sharing your craft. It is impressive.

@barski has sent VSC to @taskmaster4450le

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@barski ha enviado VSC a @taskmaster4450le

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
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Uses: 22/25

Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I love the contrast of it's colour and the white snow :D

Yes, at this time of year they are especially bright and their fur looks perfect :)

@barski has sent VSC to @sergiomendes

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@barski ha enviado VSC a @sergiomendes

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
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Uses: 20/25

it looks awesome indeed :D

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus and fleas :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

And they are not easy to photograph. They are always moving and so quickly ehhehe :D But they are so cute!

Everything depends on the temperament of each individual :)

Okay. So no matter what. And I have a lot to do.

I Promise here I will post a new long format post on the #photographers community!

I obviously will do it using inleo.

Who else is joining me and posting a post as well?

### Sugar Springs on the Metolius River in Central Oregon.

#photographers #photography

I don't know. Somehow you make me like green in your photos! How do you do that? #photographers

Assim e que se esta bem :D

It looks like something unattainable today :)

Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

We dont have those type of squirrels in here but I love them. they look like bad boys squirrel version #photographers

An interesting and curious animal :)

It is indeed. and super cute #photographers

Today I will be very annoying!

I want to see more people pressing that JOIN button and also, I want at least a couple of new posts on the community today

Get those photos together. Write something about them, their story, what happened. So many thing that can be done.


Copy the threadcast link.

Share on your socials.

Invite your friends to join the #photographers on inleo


just head to my X and drop a like, a comment and a RT on this one:

I'm making your life easier!

And if you were Whoopi Goldbear... would you buy a squirrel? :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

why not :D

In theory, this can protect you from trying to turn onto the wrong road:)

Whoopi Goldbear also thought that the conversation about the squirrel ended in the movie Rat Race :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

Love the name of this one LOLOL so good #photographers

And she, apparently, now hates squirrels :)

Listen! I had the photos ready! 30 minutes to upload, add some links, write something. And bang. A new long format post is out. I know it is not a Shakespeare piece of art! But It does the job! What are you waiting for to do the same?


I shared a version of this pic yesterday. I always thought It kind of looked like a painting. So I went full edit in Lightroom to try to enhance that more. Here is the result.

#photographers #photography #digitalart

Hey! How are you? Yeah I loved yesterday's version. So good. You did an awesome work with the editing and I definitely see what you mean. :D Well done. Beautiful :D As per usual!

I'm doing good.

yeah these pics really wanted to be paintings I think. haha

They do indeed give that vibes for sure :D

Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus and the world upside down :)
#photographers #photography #nature #animals

In my previous house, I had some garden squirrels and one of them was starting to be friendly with us. But then I moved out :( #photographers

Since they carry rabies, I try to respectfully keep my distance :)

yeah we should. But I didn't care. I was already able to feed them from my hand :D

There are things we want to do, but there are things we can no longer fix, we have to choose :)

Hey @sergiomendes, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

If you are new to the threadcast! Welcome. Hope you feel comfortable to be sharing your photography here with everyone.

Remember to keep it going. It is important to like and comment in as many photos as you can.

And also, give a follow to your favourite #photographers.

I am leaving you all in charge of the place.


I want to work on a long post for the #photographers community before 6 PM!

So I better run to get it together and out.

Please misbehave while I am not in here! eheheh

Today I might let you lead the way and be in charge of the #photocastep8 because since I have done a delegation and I have been so active. My RC for the first time ever are getting close to ZERO very quickly. So I will see if you guys can keep the threadcast alive and running without me!

What do you say #photographers? Can you do it?

One more question:

Is it worth it to create an X account to help share all yours threads there and get more eyes on us in here?

Do you want me to do that?


This is your reminder to call your #photographers friends! Because this is the place to be! Right here, right now!

Got these small garden eggs from mom's garden this evening.

#freecompliments #photography #thread2earn

I thought these were tomatoes? Was I wrong? :)

Nah, they aren't tomatoes, tricked you again, hehehe.

Yes, that definitely fooled me... I have no alternatives in this case :)

Hey @luchyl, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Wut do they taste like? Luk like they cud be gud in sum tings. :)

Bitter taste.

What are garden eggs? Are they a veggie you eat?

Yes, they are. This leaves of this particular one is eaten either like that, squeezing it into a drink or used to cook soup - ofe añara.

They are rather small. Not very filling.

Interesting, mi like green tings.

What are those? now I am curious!

Already said what they are in the image. Local. Garden eggs. The leaves called (añara) are edible, can be chewed, squeezed into a refreshing drink or used to prepare soup.

#freecompliments #foodiesbeehive

ohhh sorry thought it had another name! never heard of garden eggs! :D Thanks :D

That's cool.

These are some lovely tones indeed. And love the focus point

Now, or early spring? Isn't it a daffodil, an early spring flower? :)

I will definitely think about it :)

FOR REAL????? WOW That is a huge support from you! Thank you so much. You know. Always a pleasure to have you here not just support everyone on the thread but also, sharing some really bomb Images! Thank you so much

Hey @onealfa, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

not anything special and from the phone… it is what it is…

A couple days ago was like this in the middle of the night.

It is a beautiful viu. nice reflection :D I love it. keep them coming. :D

I wouldn't say there's nothing special here, this landscape is mesmerizing :)

The only thing that was rare, was the lack of the wind =)

Wind can also be a rarity on hot, sultry days :)

Also in Wellington... In that night... it was probably 5-8 C =)

When its southerly, it can drop temps for around 10C compared with wind coming from the north...

Its a very biased by the wind place...

As I understand it, this is natural for this place, we must pray that nothing changes dramatically :)

Another day of over 200 will be a great accomplishment after yesterday.

That would be amazing indeed. I think we never dropped under the 200 in any episode! :D

That is good to know. I wasnt sure what the low was. Keep it over 200 use that as the baseline.

The dynamo machine doesn't immediately pick up the necessary speed :)

In case you have missed the BIG Announcement on the community as well. I would Love for you to read this. To know what's we are up to:


I will drop this in other threadcasts.

Awww thanks. But it is fine! No need to bother them! We will get up there eventually. Everyone really busy today! And that is good to see :D

Breaking free from the imprisonment of old habits is one of the most beautiful ways to grow.


“We’ve acquired Rockset, a leading real-time analytics database that provides world-class data indexing and querying capabilities. We'll integrate Rockset’s technology across our products, empowering companies to transform their data into actionable intelligence.”

#ai #newsonleo #openai

I just powered up 76 $HIVE. 1.1k more to reach 7k HP.

#cent #gmfrens

You are gaining on it. Keep up your activity and it will arrive.

If I will reach 10k HP by the end of the year, I will consider that a great accomplishment.


Good job. We look forward to it. We need more people doing that and increasing their influence on here.

A few months ago, I was glad to see three younger accounts owned by Filipinos who share the same mind.


There is an opportunity here for those who take it.

Agree. Many still don't see it and their HP shows their view of Hive despite their long years of joining the chain.



all the best my friend. congrats on the power up, that seems so sweet.

The goal is 10k by the end of the year.



All the best my friend, the price is so nice to be able to reach that goal

My dad got selected to be the Godfather of the graduation of the kindergartners on the school where he works. He wants to get them gifts, something simple, but even something simple is expensive for him with the salaries here (Venezuela)

It's 22 kids only

I'm gonna buy some things, notebooks, pencils, stuff to start the first grade.

Do you wanna help to the cause? haha

I have some Hive bags left from previous events so we could make it as a gift from Hive. (If I get enough, I can find where to make Inleo bags instead)

Just shooting my shot, I'm gonna do it anyway but any help would be appreciated

you got my upvote and some !PIZZA and !BBH cool award for him!

what is red string theory, from your point of view? Do you believe it?

I can't say I believe in it but I find it endearing and would like it two be real. It's a way of explaining why of all people you end up with exactly that one, and how some people meet in extraordinary circumstances because their daily lives don't really cross over.

yeahh you right but my question is, when we met a wrong person before the right one who sring with us, we fall and feels like we found “it” till everythings seems off or we miss it. so can we say it false feeling at that moment? Ugh 😂

Well the theory says the string stretches and entangle before you actually get to the right one. So you might end up getting stuck with the string of other person for a while haha.

And it doesn't have to be a false feeling. It's like a bra, you think you have been comfortable wearing them until you find one that actually fits xD You were comfortable, you just are more now.

oh i love this bra theory it more witty and easy haha.. but how if we string with our death seems spooky but when they are not meant to anyone else but time.

I don't know if things are fully predetermined, but there is certainly something to it.

Certain beings have a a predilection for an affinity to each other that strengthens when in proximity. Happens for me with friends, lovers, strangers, and even animals. Can't explain it but it is there.

Interesting you talk about proximity which i concern about it too.alot easier to build feeling if we meet or
Near. But how if we dont know em. what indicator to know “this is the right one” just know?or do we need to “make” decision to it

1/🧵 Switzerland's Project Helvetia III is a game-changer for digital finance, extending its pilot for a wholesale CBDC on the DLT-powered SDX platform. This move could revolutionize the Swiss financial system and set a global precedent. #threadstorm #leofinance #inleo

scary to have a country own it.


2/🧵 Vincent Gusdorf of Moody's highlights a key challenge: the scarcity of DLT-compatible digital cash. Project Helvetia III addresses this by enabling wholesale CBDC transactions, paving the way for secure and efficient financial systems.

3/🧵 With its advanced implementation, Switzerland is a frontrunner in financial innovation. The success of Project Helvetia III could attract investment, talent, and create a unified, efficient global economic system, benefiting businesses and consumers worldwide.

What to say? I am facing a very busy time that doesn't allow me too much time to be active. I am writing my research paper and I think it will take some more days to finish and I need to cook also as my mother and sister are still in the village.

#time #busy #activity #cent

The two founders of Gemini announced that they had each donated $1 million worth of Bitcoin to the Trump campaign and would vote for him in the November election. They criticized the Biden administration for weaponizing multiple government agencies to bully and sue the cryptocurrency industry.

#newsonleo #cent

That is huge.

that is an interesting news for the upcoming election.

stop staring at the keyboard warrior!!!
well unfortunately I could not make a long psot today.
Threading is my Ninja way to win the battle.

1/🧵 Arbitrum's daily revenue soared by a staggering 16,680% due to LayerZero's ZRO token launch, showcasing the power of innovation in crypto. Despite this, Arbitrum's ARB token price fell by 5% in 24 hours. #threadstorm #inleo #cent

2/🧵LayerZero's proof-of-donation for ZRO tokens has sparked debate. While some applaud the support for Ethereum devs, others see it as a hurdle for users. The crypto market's volatility is evident in the price fluctuations despite positive developments.

3/🧵Arbitrum's commitment to crypto gaming is clear with its $215 million investment over three years. This initiative could lead to exciting new projects, blending the worlds of gaming and blockchain for innovative experiences.

LeoDex ties into that. In fact, $LEO on Maya is really aLEO.

wow I didn't know that.

Yep. LeoDex provides are great deal of access to the outside world for both Leo and Hive.

It is something that everyone should familiarize themselves with and utilize.

wanna know more about leodex, you got any links?

I read the first part tand I cheered, then I read the second part... Well, at least it's a good sign!

sorry for thethe rollercoaster feeling 😁. Yep it's a good sign s

⚡️ NEWS ⚡️

Nvidia passes Microsoft in Market Cap to become Most Valuable Public Company


Nvidia just snagged the title of the most valuable public company in the world, beating out Microsoft! On Tuesday, Nvidia’s market cap shot up to an astonishing $3.34 trillion, just edging past Microsoft’s $3.32 trillion. What’s even crazier is that Nvidia’s shares have skyrocketed by more than 170% this year alone. Earlier this month, it even hit the $3 trillion mark for the first time. It’s a wild time for tech stocks, and Nvidia is leading the charge!

#marketcap #stocks #nvidia
#newsonleo #news


Join our #hivebr hundredth threadcast, we speak portuguese and english too 🙂 #td100

rise & ~cry~ grind or whatever

Old ppl

#leoshorts is going to really change InLeo. Mark my words. Having that integrated into threads is huge. Being able to direct upon through a thread then have it engaged with (including rethreaded) is huge.

Think of this as TikTok light. Hopefully we will have a powerful recommend engine built at some point that adds to the suggestions. Even if it is tied to the tags, that will help.

Then think about what LeoAi could do with that down the road.

How do I teach without a guide?

I have with me here two pupils whom I take home lessons with. Both children do not have textbooks, of which I had informed their parents about it and yet to get a positive response.

I decided to ask ChatGpt for some topics to cover, and I got exactly the ones they need. Now, I am good to go teaching these kids.

DRYBONE RAIDER is a soul-bound type card that comes under the Chaos Legion reward edition card set and this card belongs to the Neutral element.

#threadstorm #outreach


This monster costs a whooping 12 mana to be used in battles so you can fit this card easily in medium to large mana limit matches. It is a legendary type card and holds dual attack type and carries both Melee and Ranged attacks within him.


Keep in mind that $LEO on Maya is actually aLEO, resident on Arbitrum.

That is becoming a popular chain and bridging LEO over using automatically puts you on that chain.

I'm really happy that sending LEO to aLEO is without fees! (HIVE is underrated!)

Well there is a bridge fee. I think it is .25% to bridge it over. But that goes into the diesel liquidity pool.

Trump seeks recusal of judge who fined him $464M in civil fraud trial
Trump alleges Judge Arthur Engoron violated New York's Code of Judicial Conduct.

#newsonleo #trump #judge #trial

I hope it happens. I have my doubts.

Black Sherif - Second Sermon (Remix) (Official Video) (feat. Burna Boy)

#musiconleo #blacksherif #partytime

Rate this music:

What a cutie! She looks so well behaved too.

Listening is another thing, but cute? Definitely!

Yeah, I know. They're like kids.

Molly is 2 months old and it's indeed like a baby, have to get up at night, needs to pee every 2-3 hours and is cute! ^^

You must be looking forward to sleeping through the night again. 😊

Yes, I am! It's the only disadvantage for the moment. But normally in a couple of weeks, it should be possible again! :D

How the party room started on leo

#historyonleo #partytime

You've really built something good with #partytime.

Thanks alot, we sincerely appreciate 🥰🥰🥰

You're welcome. Love watching your progress

We are glad you love it ❤️😌❤️😌❤️.

FAA investigating after Southwest Airlines plane descended dangerously low on airport approach
An automated warning went off from the Minimum Safe Altitude Warning system.

#newsonleo #faa #investigation

Too scary.

Yeah seems nuts to fly these days.

Yes, it is. I am sooo glad we can handle the sale of my sister-in-law's house remotely. The real esate agent who is handling the sale asked Roy if we were coming back to El Paso for the closing. NO WAY.

I just discovered that as a #inleo frontend user, I need to subscribe to Inleo premium, good staking of Leo to, consistent posting and threading to maximize the opportunities in Inleo.

This isnt a threadcast.

Using the tag sets one off.

thank you for correcting me

Yes, that is the case. Taking ownership and growing the platform.

> How is cheap becoming expensive in your life?

You've been taught to save, to go with the cheaper option whenever possible. You have positive intentions, but this bias may be costing you a lot more than you think.

One rule I’ve learned: The cheap option is often the most expensive in the long run.

When you cut corners to “save” you just pay for it later (and with interest).

The cheaper car may end up in the shop more often than the more expensive one. The cheaper furniture may break down and require replacement. The cheaper appliances fall apart quickly.

You save in the short run, but pay for it in the long run (in money, stress, and peace of mind).

This rule applies to products, but it's even more interesting in its application to decisions:

The cheap decision—the hack or shortcut—is rarely the right decision.

Jerry Seinfeld

#freecompliments #quotesonleo

I am seeing more and more howv true this. There is no free lunch. There is a cost to every choice

Yes very rightly said. Thank you

You're welcome and thank you.

### Tam McArthur Rim Over Little Three Creek Lake - Aug 2020

Click pic for better view

#photographers #photography #silverbloggers #hiking #polls

Rate This Image

Llego el viernes y el precio del hive sigue muy bajo, sin duda queda continuar y esperar que con los días se recupere todo y estar todos contentos 😎


🧵 1. Investors face Europe's first AAA loss in CMBS since financial crisis, signaling potential systemic issues. #finance

🧵 2. AAA tranche debt backed by commercial real estate suffers losses as buyers receive less than initial investment in Manhattan property deal.

🧵 3. Impairment of AAA tranches in structured finance not seen outside crisis, raising concerns about market resilience and risk assessment.

🧵 4. Bank of America reports potential AAA tranche losses in UK shopping mall-backed loan, sparking comparisons to global financial crisis impact on investors.

🧵 5. Investors experience losses in top-tier debt securities amid record-high market levels, prompting scrutiny of financial system vulnerabilities and risk management.

It's already 10:00 p.m. and electricity gone approximately 1.5 hours ago. Right now I am doing my cooking which is almost about to ready.

#cook #electricity

First, you must decide that you want to be happier. This is the most critical step.

After completing that decision, you will become aware of opportunities for happiness that you may have overlooked. When you make these choices, even if they are very insignificant, such as meditating for ten minutes when you are exhausted rather than pushing through a task, you begin to establish a pattern of seeking happiness that continues to develop.


Genial! creo que lo que se viene creará un antes y un después en la vida de mucho y del Pais como tal.

Do you need one serious reason to join #photographers threadcast on #photography ?

Nowdays ~98% of my voting power is spent in that one particular #photocast

I can see #photography tag has gone popular and trending at top.

There was no electricity for four hours, that's bad, but I had a pencil in my hand and paper on the table... that's good :)

sounds like you made it

And it turned out pretty well, four hours is quite a long time for a drawing... but there is still something to work on :)

share your work!

Sure, but at the moment I publish posts about my previous works, and the time will come for this drawing :)

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Uses: 21/25

i'll be waiting

Okay, lol, I'm working on finishing this drawing, a lot of work.

Fortunately, there are no electricity issues here right at the moment. By the way, you have a pencil in your hand. So time will be passed easily for you.

I already put the pencils in the box :) !LOLZ

Did you hear about the lobster that got a job at pizza hut?
He's working in the crust station.

Credit: reddit
@intishar, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of barski



#leoshorts, if done properly with its own page (in the menu) and a recommend engine will send page views on Leo skyrocketing. As we fill the library, there will be more for people to view.

Think of topics that have staying power. Cat and dog videos will be great also.

I think there will be interest in various kinds of hobbyists and their collectibles, this attracts many people !BEER

Without a doubt. Those are great subjects for a video library. Something like woodworking has no end date. It is valid even 5 years later.

This will always be relevant for any generation :)

Cable TV Will Likely Die in The Next 5 Years

#newsonleo #cable #television #entertainment #technology

I killed cable TV in my apartment about ten years ago, only TV cables remind me of it :) !VSC

That is true. I did it about 15 years myself. There are still 70 million in the US who still have cable though.

That case when there are many potential like-minded people, but also many who are attached to the TV screen :)

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Uses: 14/25

as someone who works in telecom - for one of the largest 3 providers in the world...

this particular SP has had 8 different iterations of TV service since I started in 2013. cable has been dying for a while, but it's so insanely profitabletthat these major companies won't let it.

why kill a product that locks people into a malicious 2 year contract with hidden price increases along the way to boost profit even more?

Even the fucking streaming service version of their latest TV product is a 2 year contract. Can you even imagine? 2 year contract on an app that let's you watch live TV... Lol

Yeah but they are starting to get the competition. It is true that the cable cos switched the revenue stream from television to internet. But that is getting competition too.

Cord cutting 1.0 really hit hard. Now we are seeing the onset of cord cutting 2.0. What is that? When people switch their internet.

Elon, Bezos, and the mobile cos are going to vie for that over the next 5 years. They need to improve their service but that will likely get done.

yep, there's a major push for glorified hotspots these days too. Tmobile home internet, Verizon home internet, AT&T Internet Air, and the list goes on... don't even get me started on the TV streaming platforms.

interesting to watch people cutting the fiber optic cord to go to a hotspot but i guess the mentality is "i can take it anywhere" and these devices are typically much cheaper than a standard internet connection.

something i've noticed, maybe related, maybe not. i tend to associate this need for portable devices and services with the fact that a lot of people my age are struggling to buy a house. it's weird but think about it. can't buy a house, so it's not really mine. might as well have a service i can take anywhere like netflix and a hotspot... that way if i end up having to move for whatever reason, i'm good to go.

maybe it's just a newer-generation thing

Could be. There is a lot going on.

Disruption comes in waves and tends to hit different layers. The entire broadcast world is facing that. Hell we are waiting on video to be an alternative to YouTube and TikTok. Major fragmentation.

So why not at the infrastructure level? I am not going to say the mobile or even satellite competes yet but it will. This is going to really affect these mobile companies.

Of course, telcos are now getting into bitcoin mining. The smarter ones will adapt. AT&T is still huge even though their long distance service died.

Amazing to see #td100 on the trends :D


Nós estamos fazendo muito barulho! #td100

parabens pela hashtag :d #td100 :D bora la :D

Junte-se aos brasileiros no threadcast! #td100

eu ja ajudei um pouco. Mas os meus threadcasts e eu ter aumentado a delegacao, LOL esta a dar cabo dos meu RC! LOLOL daqui a pouco nem posso mais comentar. LOL a caminho dos 20% LOL

Thank you meu amigo bilingue! #td100

deserved. Vamos la


Muito porreiro. E no trafico da pagina brasil hoje esta em primeiro! Estao a trazer pessoal novo???? ou acordou tudo hoje?? eheheheh

Pessoas novas já é mais complicado, na teoria estão participando as mesmas pessoas de sempre haha, tentamos sempre chamar o pessoal, para que participem mas é complicado, pouca gente realmente participa com vontade.

acho que temos todos que comecar a sair pelo menos com mais posts na HIVE todos os dias. se 2 ou 3 users fizessem um por dia. todos os dias. ia pondo o inleo por la.

Can we have the hive community page on thread arranged in alphabetical order. It’s alway difficult to search for a community that fit one’s post with no order of arrangement

#inleo #threads

Interesting idea. Make sure tag a question like this with #feedback . It will be seen easier that way. I know they check that tag.

Time vs Money

TIME in itself is a commodity and perhaps the only commodity which is equitable. Whetehr rich or poor, everyone has full 24 hours a day.


I think about this sometimes when I'm laboring.

graduation ceremony of my friends, shout-out to the newest fashion designer.
#career #hive

There are 5 pages