There are 3 pages

Honestly, what is Croatia doing?

#euro24 #football

Tried to find it, but it proved ddifficult on phone. Thanks! 🙏🏼

En el gimnasio también me acomacompaña #Hive


Nice to workout daily. Wrist band looks so cool.

Hi! Good morning... a training session is best.

Morning, yes it's best always. Stay fit.


Hive es parte de nuestra cotidianidad.

#hiverun Yo listo para correr, pero el clima no ayuda😒

#hiverun #spanish

So much clouds there, run in the rain, is it good?


Sí. Así lo hice. Pero lo mejor fue que dejó de llover. Y pude correr tranquilo.

I have a bad cough from running in the rain, I think it's not good. #hiverun

Corre con paraguas, claro a un ritmo más suave 🤗 #hiverun

A good question.

I'll keep asking around. I also wonder how hard would be to put something like this together regardless of existing source code

LOL That isnt my area of expertise. I an not sure how to look it up. That is a developer question.

Maybe @simplegame has some idea about it.

Transaction sent: 0x957d8d049cda41967a246288854f696bfa42296ec60dae581dc12a9ad3edbf2a
gotta put this here so it does not get lost.
unwrapping LEO

LOL interesting use case for the blockchain but why not?

Firefox just gave me a transactioncode and the option to ok it so I had to copy paste it somewhere where I know I would find it.
It is a text database after all.

A great idea. I have to remember it and do that too. There are some things we can use it for.

Put it on the chain

Sure. Why not? If it is on other chains, why not put it here.

An important note. Good thinking

Thread Day #98

Chegamos ao meio da semana! Quarta-feira tá aí e amanhã temos nossa primeira Mesa Redonda!


Uma dica para não cometerem o mesmo erro que eu: se forem fazer algum swap na LeoDex envolvendo Hive, garantam que vocês tem a Active Key importada no KeyChain, caso contrário o Swap será interrompido no meio.

Seus ativos não serão perdidos, mas você terá que retomar o swap de onde ele parou, o que implica em mais trabalho....

Fui usar um browser novo e esqueci que só tinha carregado a posting key nele e tive esse problema

Great deal. Keep spreading the word.

um pensamento aleatório... eu juro q n sei pq o pessoal some qd os valores baixam um pouco. pelo menos eu, ainda que esteja 1 centavo, considero lucro, pq gastei 0 reais pra estar aqui e estaria ganhando 0 reais em outro lugar. 🤔

Já desisti de pensar sobre isso há muito tempo, mas logo no início também me perguntava a mesma coisa.

Lucro é lucro, principalmente quando você não coloca nada do seu próprio bolso no jogo.

Para falar que eu não investi nada, eu comprei o spellbook do splinter por $10, vamos por que seria 50 reais na epoca, depois disso foi so lucro, investi o meu tempo e to de boa.

Ai tem gente que fala, "ahh, mas o tempo nao tem preço e bla bla", fala o maluco que o tempo dele é investido em bar bebendo, putaria em cabaré, vendo jogo de futebol, traindo a mulher e por ai vai.

Sabendo dividir e aproveitar cada momento, da para investir na hive e aproveitar a sua vida, sua família, eu tenho feito isso.

Tudo é uma questão de organização, foco e ação.

Isso mesmo, bons pontos concordo plenamente!

exatamente. poxa, em 5 meses aqui eu já lucrei tanto... por mais q eu não esteja conseguindo juntar a grana, mas consigo sacar e pagar o q eu preciso com um dinheiro q eu não teria se tivesse em outro lugar, saca?

... mas consigo sacar e pagar o q eu preciso com um dinheiro q eu não teria se tivesse em outro lugar...

Eu sinceramente não sei o que pode ser mais motivacional que isso. O problema é que a galera web 2.0 tem outro mindset.

acho q vai um pouco também da facilidade. web2 é cheia de apps que funcionam relativamente bem e com mais estabilidade. isso faz o alcance ser maior. eu, por exemplo, n consigo ficar aqui nas threads pelo celular, pq é tudo mt 'agarrado'

Esse ponto é incrível que vc levantou, é o mesmo do pessoal que está no facebook e instagram enriquecendo o markinho e levando zero na bunda do que vim para cá ganhar nem que seja centavos.

O problema do brasileiro é que ele quer ganhar grana vendo televisão, ou seja, não quer trabalho duro, não quer investir, ele não quer pegar 1000 reais e ganhar 100 por mes e pegar o ROI (return of investiment) em 10 meses e depois so lucro, ele quer investir 1 real e ganhar 1000 por mês.

Tudo isso é mentalidade, por isso o país é o que é, políticos ladrões, corruptos, leis fracas e por ai vai, é tudo mentalidade fraca, de não entender que nada vem fácil e se vem fácil é suspeito demais

pois é. e dá mt bem pra fazer os dois. ficar aqui e na web2 do msm jeito... não é preciso escolher um caminho só e abdicar do outro

Exatamente, basta querer realmente buscar um investimento para o futuro

É aquela história, né? A galera quer o peixe, mas não quer aprender a pescar.

Exatamente, quer que tudo caia do céu affs

O tombo vem.

Pra mim isso é característico de quem só enxerga o curtíssimo prazo

E se você se mantém quando está na baixa, será mais lembrada quando chegar a alta, fora o lucro que você poderá ter a mais, se acumular os seus ganhos agora que o preço está barato.

Otimo ponto, quem permanece na baixa diferencia quem realmente acredita no projeto de quem só quer sugar e tal, isso pode trazer muitos e muitos frutos no futuro.

Estava aqui pensando, nessas ultimas semanas muitas pessoas têm me mencionado, seja na #hive ou no servidor do Discord da #hivebr e isso é bem interessante pelo seguinte motivo:

Quanto mais apareço e interajo com as pessoas, mais elas têm me mencionado e conversado, então, isso nos mostra que realmente o fato de participar e interagir, abre caminhos e cria laços de amizade e confiança com elas, o que têm como retorno, essa abertura para mencionar uns aos outros e estabelecer uma relação incrível entre ambas.

Isso é gratificante para mim, não pelo fato de me sentir "famosinho", isso fica para a web2, o que mais me deixa feliz é que isso demonstra que as pessoas têm confiado mais em mim e me buscam como uma referencia de amizade, companheirismo, ajuda e conhecimento.

Muito obrigado por essa confiança em minha pessoa! ❤️

Você já é patrimônio na hive

kkkkk valeu mano, agradeço por essa confiança no meu trabalho e no que tenho oferecido para a comunidade! Valeuuuuuu

e eu já fico aqui pensando que eu te perturbo quase td dia, q vc deve achar isso um porre kkkkkk errei, fui mlk

kkkkkk pior que nem acho, serio mesmo, acho muito bom conversar com as pessoas, ainda mais nós que estamos trabalhando para melhorar, conversar e interagir é essencial, se não tiver conversa ai que nao sai do lugar mesmo xD

Nada menos para o embaixador da HiveBR. 😅

kkkkkk que isso, não é para tanto 😅 , mas estou feliz com isso, me sinto bem quando as pessoas interagem comigo e espero que isso seja inspiração para outras também

Tá no caminho certo mesmo.

Valeu demais, vamos juntos construir uma comunidade melhor e mais forte o/

Happy hump day :D Boa quarta para todos :D

kkkk Valeu amigo, um ótimo dia para todos nós!

mesmo. Vamos la bombar hoje :D

Vamos sim! Estamos organizando para sexta-feira, nossa thread day numero 100, espero que seja incrível! Vai bombar muito!

Isso e que se quer

Obrigado. Boa quarta para você também!

sempre as ordens. Ai tambem

Toda vez que eu vejo uma propaganda de carros usando o termo "popular" para se referir aos preços e "ganhar" o cliente...

E os NPCs acreditam e depois saem se gabando por terem adquirido um desses, parcelado em 259 vezes

Nossa querida $HIVE voltou ao patamar de 0,21, bem, foi por pouco que eu consegui aproveitar o valor de 0,20. Meu HBD vai cair na conta hoje e agora entre comprar a 0,21 e esperar para ver se volta para 0,20 ... acho que vou aproveitar o que temos agora mesmo, jogar seguro, porque se subir não terei aproveitado tanto assim.

Guenta que vai dar bom isso aí.

Num cai mais =/

Vai conseguir um lucro legal mesmo assim.

isso é verdade, acho que ao entrar meus 60 hbd lá, ja vou converter e fazer o powerup, não vou esperar pra ver se cai nao kk

Acho que não cai mais que isso (pelo menos não por agora).

Bom dia galera tudo tranquilo? Mais um dia para nós!

Tudo suave. Espero que por aí também esteja.

Tudo tranquilo mano no momento, dia calmo até o momento rs

Se tá tudo calmo no momento,

É hora de threadear na velocidade do vento.

Se o chefe não ficar a contento,

É hora de deixar ele ao relento.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Wise rapper uauhahuauha

Wisenem em alusão ao eminem kkk

Bom dia, guerreiros!

Vou tentar estar presenta na mesa redonda amanhã.


Tá fazendo falta ser um usuário premium, hein? É triste não poder editar threads.

Bora primo rico, tira os escorpião da carteira ai e ja compra o premium kkkk

No dia em que eu ia comprar, saiu aquele resultado lá... Haha! Ganhei uma assinatura premium e tô esperando creditarem.

eu me sinto assim usando o twitter todo dia, pq sempre digito errado lá kkk

Que merda, haha!

Vou tentar tmb, apesar da correria, preciso colocar o discord no celular, fica mais facil escutar e falar com o pessoal

Acho que na próxima semana a adesão será maior.

É tem que ter calma e paciência, normalmente já não temos muitos adeptos, ainda mais quando a hive despenca, ai que o povo some mesmo kk

Melhor pra gente que tá aqui, porque ganhamos mais!

Com certeza, esse é o melhor momento, se muita gente para de postar, até mesmo os perfis de curação da hive tem mais chance de votar na gente por falta de pessoas para votar kkk

Seria melhor ser reconhecido pelo trabalho duro, mas desse jeito ai tmb ta bom kakaka

Fill this sucker up. Lets see it moving higher.

I guess today is gonna be a slower day.

It has been raining over here and the thunder/lightning kept flying everywhere, so I quickly off my Internet and all electronics..

Achei que hoje o threadcast seria mais lento, mas olha só... Já já chegaremos aos 100 comentários.

Já está virando algo comum as 100 threads

Oremos. 🙏

100 agora kkk

It is good to get to triple digits.

Bom dia. Mais um dia úmido e chuvoso para a felicidade de alguns.

Por mim, eram 8 meses de inverno (sem tantas temperaturas tão baixas e tantas chuvas) e 4 meses de verão (sem aquele calor infernal, claro).

8 meses de outono e 4 meses de inverno

eu queria dia úmido e chuvoso, mas aqui só tempo seco e sol (apesar do friozinho)

Só os grandes no topo 😎

It is looking good.

E esse cancelamento do Nubank hein?

Em pleno 2024 as pessoas estão começando a descobrir que o capitalismo não tem bússola moral e só se importa com dinheiro... Seria engraçado se não fosse trágico

A lista de reclamações vai só aumentando, haha!

Quando chegar no final, que tudo estiver cancelado, vira o jogo? Reseta? Do jeito que vai não vai sobrar nada kk

Chega um concorrente e inverte o jogo.

kkkk usa a carta do uno lá que volta tudo

como se isso fosse fazer cócegas neles kkkk

"Vamos cancelar nossas contas no nubank",

Enzo, petista, saldo em conta: R$ 1,74

Bom dia galera

Amanhã não vou poder participar da mesa mas espero que seja proveitosa para quem for

Como assim? Justo o nosso host? 😞

Foda :(

Quinta naturalmente é um dia ruim e essa semana com o falecimento da minha avó ficou ainda mais complicado...

Vou tentar participar eventualmente em alguma próxima oportunidade

No worries. É totalmente compreensível.

Pior que talvez nem eu vá conseguir participar, mas vou tentar aparecer lá. A noite costuma ser uma correria para tudo kk

Looking forward to the rewamped leaderboard @khaleelkazi talked about yesterday.

yeah that will be fun :D

That will be interesting. Gamification can be a great way to get some more activity. People like that type of stuff.

Yes we need more of these things to engage people. Liked the community wars idea as well 👏

Exciting times ahead

I like the community wars. We will see how that goes.

We test it out now and tweak it and keep expanding it. Will be great.

I am not involved so I just watch. LOL

Would almost be cheating if you joined ;)

That will foster immediate gratification+gamification

Lets hope you are right :)

If it's going to be a main thing it needs to not be tucked away under more. Could be a great feature though for true engagement. Honestly I'd like to see it award some type of nft or badge that displays on your profile here on InLeo

I think that might be a thing they add later on, would be really cool :)

Me too... kind of thinking it will bring a lot of #gamers into this... I will sure to call out from the many I have played and tag along anyone that know me.

Sounds good! I hope for the best

Is hiveblocks dead ? Where else I can see stats ?


There's and, but I liked hiveblocks the best. It's sad to see it going...

Thank you for that, are they reliable ? Who owns them ?

I don't know... Maybe you could find their owners somewhere on their pages? , and I'm sure there are others. So much work went into stats and not really anything worth wild lol. As far as I'm concerned the stats should be a basic thing of the core chain.

Yes, I think so.

The other day I also asked about it, the last uptime I witnessed was around 10/12 back since then it has been down.

Did you find out any other reliable tool ?

Just a wild guess, but it might be waiting for the new revamped version of the explorer that is upcoming on soon to be released version...

But was there any post on that ? Any idea who owns it ?

You have many other explorers

Check here:

Been like that for a month or more. I am not sure what is going on with it.

Any idea, who maintains it ?

No clue who is behind that.

Yeah have been down a long time. Will check if someone gives you a good answer to an alternative.

⚡️ cryptoNEWS ⚡️

Tokenize Your Time


Imagine being able to turn your time into a tradable asset—sounds futuristic, right? Well, that’s exactly what offers. By tokenizing your time in minutes, you can create a valuable asset on Base where your fans can buy, sell, and redeem your time for ETH. It’s a revolutionary way to monetize your skills, talents, or even just your availability. Whether you're an artist, a consultant, or simply someone with a unique offer, makes it easy to connect with your supporters and get compensated in a whole new way. Plus, trading time in this way not only provides a fresh income stream but also fosters deeper connections with your community.

#crypto #time #eth
#newsonleo #news


Sounds way more complex than they make it out to be😂😂😂

When choosing a role, it is extremely important that we choose someone who is successful in areas we want to succeed.


Good Afternoon all
Hope all is well


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Have a lovely evening.


Everybody has a universal urge for happiness. To be sure, the search for happiness drives all human behavior. Working nonstop both night and day, the workaholic accumulates achievements based on the quest for happiness. Renouncing worldly activities, monks, nuns, and ascetics follow this universal search for pleasure. A lover looks to their partner for this satisfaction. Pursuing happiness is the motivation, even under something as sad as addiction. Do people reach that holy grail of joy?


It's not a quote my friend.

uuuuups, sorry, that wasn‘t supposed to be an answer to your thread 😳 something went wrong here 🤔

It's ok, no worries :) Happy evening.



Role models are people we look up to for inspiration, motivation, guide and support


#threadstorm #outreach

Today's farm task is potato planting. I love sweet potatoes and planting is what saves me the cost of buying expensive ones

Today I might get 500HP added to @leo.voter

That means I will be at 2K

We just need a couple more ZEROS between the 2 and the K eheheheh

Good start and with activity you can grow it!

thanks. That is the goal. Just here and want to see everyone grows to be honest.

every zero makes a big difference. 😬

I'll keep it coming as much as I can :D And as fast as I can :D

When $BTC moves down, all altcoins move down harder. If $BTC moves up, altcoins follow just slightly... It doesn't sound good for altcoins. #hive #crypto #freecompliments

Looks like $BTC luring us to sell our altcoins 😊


Looks like it.

Get the party going :D that is the way to go :P

YOu are welcome my dear friend, am just adding up some songs on thread so that we will have more music in the party room ☺️☺️☺️..

Dance party eheheh :D

Is this a live event?

I dont know. It was a live stream I found. Just trying to vary the content that we post.

Alright my dear friend, welcome to the party room ☺️😄☺️😄.

Your request is processing!!!

Oh! I remember this song but never knew the artist. Lol.

Thanks for sharing.

We just uploaded some of his songs on thread today..

Oh yes, it's another day to have more of whatever we desire 🤔, but please there are also some restrictions. Don't desire my Leo, because you won't have it 😂😂😂😂😂..

This advice should be going to @luchyl because she needs it more! 😂😂😂😂

Oh yeah 👍👍👍, it's another party day on the Blockchain 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂.

Before we proceed, let's take few music's from #deanmartin

Chain Chatter is a great show.

It's more than great 😸😸😸😸..

Liquidity Pools are amazing. (Especially after I learned how they work.) But they're only profitable if many people are Swapping using them. Know what you're getting into. #leodex #feedback #freecompliments

More people would join, it's only the beginning yet.


I'm banking my $LEO on that. Literally!

YouTube is getting better at fighting ad blockers. In future we will most likely see ads added to into the middle of the stream rather than a separate thing.


That is why alternative platforms is crucial.

@spknetwork needs to launch and grow as soon as possible! We need to improve the platforms we have for free speech.

It is important infrastructure.

Tomorrow I'll start writing posts about drawings and photos in Inleo in the #freecompliments community I'll be able to tell more #artinleo #cent

Impressive work. 😀

My impressions, there, in the swamps that day, were like this :)

That's a nice decision so more beautiful art coming up.

I will try to be consistent in my story about the drawings:)

Keep up the excellent work

God bless! :)

Here you come with another lovely art work ❤️❤️❤️❤️, it's so beautiful 😍😍..

This is one of my first works and I'll try to find time to work on it in the future, thank you! :) !PIZZA

centralized anything is crypto’s worst nightmare. The goal is decentralization and functionality in all places.

This in itself will keep as standing if an underperforming government decides to police crypto, for propaganda.

#wordofthedayonleo - jubilee

What It Means

Jubilee usually refers to a special anniversary or a celebration of such an anniversary. It can also refer generally to a season of celebration or act of rejoicing, or to a religious song of African Americans referring to a time of future happiness.

//My grandparents will be celebrating their golden jubilee this year—as Grandpa puts it, "50 years of wedded bliss and occasional blisters."

//The town is planning a year-long jubilee in celebration of its founding 200 years ago.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Here is a #threadcast for matchday 6. Three matches to play, the first one starts in 90 minutes.

Tip the correct results of the 3 matches before the first one's kick off and get my full upvote

  • Croatia vs. Albania
  • Germany vs. Hungary
  • Scotland vs. Switzerland

And it's over - drama to the very last second.

Croatia vs. Albania starts in less than 90 minutes. The match can be a bit spicy, the Balkan nations had to overcome many issues within the last few decades.

I was kinda close with my tip yesterday. Lets see how I will do today

Good luck with your tip today :)

Damn.. I am not yet asleeppp!!! I am actually watching something else LOL

The first match hasn't started yet, the kick off is in like 25 minutes.

I'm rooting for Scotland today.

What iis Croatia doing?!

Will they come out and dominate and win?

I am not watching it really, just checking the score once in a while :)

2-1 now.
Placed a bet for 150 that Croatia will win. Will win 600 if they do 🤞🏻

150 euro?

No, it's DKK 😄

Well, I thought I had. Apparently they hadn't registered my bet correctly

Good for you :))

Free streams will likely be available here:

A private tab with an AdBlock is a must, though.

Free stream with no ads and other bullshit is here:

You need a VPN with a Czech IP address available, though.

Love those times... I used to get into betting websites to see games for free! Obviously things changed over time...

Croatia vs. Albania 2 - 0

Germany vs. Hungary 3 - 0

Scotland vs. Switzerland 1 - 2

Looks reasonable, let's see :)

Second games (rounds) are usually the weirdest ones... because of the initial "false" hype and preparations. In my view...

Yes we will now see which are the real contenders if this tournament!

Tu du du dum... It only took like 12 minutes, yet this tip is already wrong. Make sure to stop by tomorrow!

Big surprise that Albaina is first scorer 🇦🇱🇦🇱

Not the first time, though - they did so against Italy too :)

I have no idea about this stuff.

What are these games? These are national teams? Is this an annual tournament?

Yes, and it takes place once in four years.

So this is a very big deal.

If your team doesn't win, you pretend it's not really a big deal :)) If it happens to achieve, you drink for three days. Wine if you're French or from the Mediterranean are, shots if you're from the Eastern Europe, whiskey if your Irish, or beer if you're from anywhere else :))

Those are the rules, I didn't make it up!

If you are Irish, you drink for three days no matter what. LOL

Well, that applies on most Slavic nations too, but then you eventually need to go to work sometime. If you win the Championship, you're pardoned.

its national team and its like the world cup, but just for european countries :)
We play this tournament evey 4 year

I would think it would generate more excitement on here then.

Seems like not too many are interested or talking about it.

Maybe we are just very few europeans on Inleo?

I thought they were well represented but maybe not.

And there are a lot of football fans outside of Europe. Perhaps that tournament isnt of interest outside there but the EPL is popular on here.

Think EPL has lots of traction outside Europe but the Euro I dont know.

I know very few europeans here. But still, this initative is good and we have room to grow.

It looks like an international party 😂😂😂😂..

May the best team win

Maybe the worse team will win.

It almost happend yesterday - the Czechs were like 20 minutes far from defeating the Portuguese, who played far better.

That's the tricky thing about soccer

Upsets always make for more interesting viewing. Also screws up the bracketing which can be fun.

Whichever, a win is a win, hehehe.

Fill it.

Come on football fans. Get in the football threadcast and engage.

I am not a Scotsman but I can join in.

Don't you like Scottish women?

Feel free to do so, it's kinda dead in there :)

Yeah. I guess not many people watching the matches.

Just like 30 millions, they're just not on Hive while watching it.

I mean on here. Not in general.

Then you're likely right :) Not many Scots, neither Swiss around :)

From the look of things i think Scotland and switzerland is gonna go 0-2, been a fan of switzy knew how good they are.

And how about the other two? You should tip all three results.

well not sure on that but my guess should be

  1. 1-1
  2. 2-1

Croatia vs. Albania = 1-2
Germany vs. Hungary = 3-1
Scotland vs. Switzerland = 1-3

Good luck! I guess Albania is an underdog, but let's see :)

Right mate! Enjoy the games... I will see yall tomorrow...

Been a rough day... as usual! But nice to come around here and see the motivation.

Thanks for stopping by! Sleep tight.

come to think of it were can i monitor the stats of this game as its being played? what website specifically?


And here we go!

Albania is one goal ahead. Quite a surprise:

HT. Albania still one goal ahead! It's gonna be drama I guess.

let's keep all fingers crossed

Wow - 2:2 in the 5th minute of added time. What a drama!

The second match starts in 30 minutes.

And here we go! I see a clear victory of the German side.

The first goal seems to be just a matter of time, Germany squeezes the Hungarians badly.

Actually, the poorer the country is, the more open the people there are to mass crypto adoption. In the EU, we have free instant bank transfers, and the banking industry is extremely customer-oriented. It seems superior to crypto for many people.

Ignore the last comment, it was meant to another threadcast.

Quite a messy situation in the Hungarian box, and the Germans scored the first one!

This could have been the equalizer! So close.

The Hungrians scored an off-side goal in the very last moments of the first half. HT

Here comes the second half.

GER 2:0 HUN. What a goal!

No surprise here, the Germans secured an easy victory for their side.

The last match is about to start. Some Scotsmen here? @tengolotodo.leo?

That was a hell of a counter attack! Scotland takes the lead.

And this was, by far the most beautiful goal so far.


It looked like from a viedo game.


Are you watching the Scotland match?

Hehe no, I am a Rangers fan, the Scottish FA tried to destroy and kill my club, so I can't really be bothered with them.

Wow! I never imagined this historical fact would happen. Now I understand.

Yes they relegated us 4 divisions! They will never kill us!
That is why Rangers hold the world record attendace for fourth and third division matches!

This is very cowardly. I never thought that a country would force a situation like this.

Now I understand you, Tengo.

When the delegation on #cent doubles, each thread / long-post is supported better.

When the earned tokens are provided liquidity on Hive DeFi, it yields more than 100% APR, too!

Such a SocialFi cycle 🔥

#cent has some really under valued pools that most people don't know about. The only part that's bothered me with the token is it hasn't held up it's name in being worth 1 cent each. Hopefully that changes.

Too difficult to stay strong for stablecoins. I'm sure the peg will be kept when the market turns green ✌️

That's how I see it too.


Good morning lions! I like what the Cat said on the AMA yesterday. #leodex should have a "tutorials" tab next to the "docs" tab.

Yeah, while it is included in the Docs, people still have to look for it so having a link to it where it is easily accessible is better.

"The" list of #hive block explorers. There are more of them than I thought!!! #freecompliments #crypto

1/🧵 The crypto world is no stranger to drama, and this week's episode features Martin Shkreli, aka "Pharma Bro," now in the crypto spotlight. After denials, he admitted to creating the DJT token, allegedly with Barron Trump. #threadstorm #inleo #cent

2/🧵 ZachXBT, a blockchain investigator, uncovered evidence linking Shkreli to the DJT token, leading to a $150,000 bounty by Arkham for proof of the token's creator. The revelation? A 58% price drop of DJT in 24 hours.

3/🧵 The saga continues as personalities like GCR and Alex Wice bet big on Trump's non-involvement. Shkreli's response? A mix of bravado and strategy, stirring the market. The lesson? Always research before investing in the volatile crypto space.


I hope everyone is doing well today

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Yes, kinda slow at work tofay because people are waiting for our AW 😅

Have a great day.

Thanks. I'm doing very well. Have a nice day!!

#gmfrens. A good day indeed

Do you see my ugly face up there.

That means the #photocast threadcast is running

That means I am waiting for your photos to start dropping.

will post some photos when I get home 😀

you have time. You know I'll be there all day. Can't wait to see what you have there for today eheheh

Wish you all the luck with your community. I don't have photos to share, (unless you're okay with photos taken from the internet,) so I can only send wishes.~ #freecompliments

We are focusing on original photography. But even if you dont have photos you are always welcome to see all the photos there and participate in the conversations :D

I'll probably do that!

Nice, today it is been very quiet there. But later on hopefully the party will get going :D

The SEC Has closed it's case against $ETH being a security. Man Gary must not be sleeping well 😂

Allow me to be a little "selfish" here when I say that I want to thank myself for being in the blockchain lands for seven and a half years even after so many ups and downs.

It's has been an amazing journey!

We are happy to have you here! 👏👏

Thanks. It's a pleasure to be here!

Hope the plan is to stay here atleast 7 more years.

This is really nice!

It's good to have dreams and better to pursue those dreams so they become a reality. And in the process of pursuing the dreams, challenges, difficulties will come, that's for sure. It's now left for you to decide either to give up or push ahead, for me I'll say no to giving up.

#wordofthedayonleo #thread2earn #freecompliments #liotes

Are you a day threader? 😅

I am a threader whenever I find time.

Comparison tab of LEOdex and other Mayas DEXes affiliate fees

Nice overview!

About right in the middle!!

Science has sorted out that heat pumps are more damaging to the environment than burning gas... Well, I'll be damned! #newsonleo

Heat pumps are indeed so damaging.


Just did my morning workout and now it's raining outside. So, going out for a walk while it's raining.

Hope you're having a good day.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#gmfrens it's Wednesday and i have no work so it's pimp meet time at 9 😎

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

exciting over here you work your ass through out the week including saturdays

Well when it comes to give it's 24/7 for me 💪 !BBH

Hey Folks
Who's looking forward to The silent Hill 2 remake!!!!!!
Super excited as it looks amazing!!!!

Game? Movie or show?

The Game. They look to have rebuilt it. Added some new stuff in!

Used to stay up all night playing this and even got stuck in the piano puzzle for days 😅

I have never completed a Silent Hill game!
Always got too scared ahahha

I reviewed my retirement fund (KiwiSaver, a bit like a 401K) and found it was on a way too passive investment strategy. So, bish, bash, bosh and I've applied for a more aggressive mix.

So far for me has been working great in ish aggressive mode. Will it have ETF on Crypto one day? Maybe not this year for sure... unless desperate measures come into place...

Aggressive is the way if one has the time or other less risky investments elsewhere. Interestingly, they have an option that keeps one 100% aggressive until age 45 and then shifts 2% a year into income (bonds) to give that 60/40 split at the retirement age of 65. Good for the set and forgetters.

I might be on that one! 😅

That particular strategy is called UniSteps, and they handle it automatically. It's probably decent for someone with no significant investments outside of their KiwiSaver and who doesn't want to think much. So, could copy it manually.

I hate that my retirement funds are restricted in investment choices.

Speaking of Kiwisaver, most have some settings like: Cash, conservative, income, balanced, growth, aggressive. I think SmartShares is running one that allows you to buy your preferred mix of their ETF products.

Yeah. Mine has all of that but nothing that really suits my investing style-- a somewhat aggressive value dividend growth investing. They have income and dividend growth portfolios, but nothing as aggressive as I like (and had been doing successfully myself prior to the changing of our 401k company)

Change 401K company again?

Oh I have already asked my company about that and been denied. I am not the decision maker on that.

I am persistent though so who knows ;-)

I don't understand much about the 401K system, but it seems open for massive corruption and massively out of touch with the realities of modern working life if it's your employer that chooses your 401K provider or if you're locked into a provider once you choose. Surely I must be mistaken.

Today is a run between the router and the computer, I haven't seen such a bad signal for a long time and it's like a lame mare, this mare clearly needs a fifth leg :)

Without a good internet there is no life.

It's not quite so, life is good without it, but habit is habit :)

Habits make things complicated or simple.

morning light
the river sparkles
eyes I can’t look into

#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday

1/🧵 Credit card delinquency in the US is at its highest since 2012, signaling financial distress. This economic strain is impacting investments in speculative assets like meme coins, which have seen a significant drop. #threadstorm

2/🧵 Despite the market downturn, 'degens' investors in high-risk assets remain undeterred. Their behavior reflects a cultural shift towards normalization of speculative risks, possibly as a reaction to instability in traditional financial systems.

3/🧵 The resilience of meme coin enthusiasts amidst financial hardships suggests a trend of economic escapism. This could indicate a long-term shift in attitudes towards high-risk investments, even beyond current economic challenges.

It happens with me

#freecompliments #memeonleo #meme

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