There are 4 pages

Saludos a todos. Con esta primera publicación en #Inleo, comparto mi experiencia en #Hive. #spanish

Welcome to Hive and Inleo!

Hive wristband is cool.

Yeah! A gif from @danielvehe for they participants of they #hive #inleo workshop at they #MuseumOfFineArts

Esooo 😍

@castm2 expresa en #hive por @family-friends Unos cuantos pasos más junto a su esposa. #family #spanish #paseo #life #gosh

Sí. Una preciosa foto familiar. Cuando era joven, se veía así en las fotografías. #freecompliments

🧵 1. Cuomo denies knowledge of nursing home order, shifts blame to unknown staffer during testimony to Congress. Rep. Malliotakis calls it "outrageous." #politics

🧵 2. March 2020 order mandated nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive residents, led to thousands of deaths. Cuomo claims it wasn't authorized by him.

🧵 3. Cuomo admits he didn't investigate the directive, which resulted in high death toll in NY nursing homes. Over 15,000 residents perished due to COVID-19.

🧵 4. Despite altering the order in 2021, Cuomo defended it by stating health care workers and family members were sources of infection in nursing homes.

🧵 5. Cuomo previously blamed the Trump administration for the directive, referencing CDC guidance allowing nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients.


1/ #crypto and #ai go together. We are looking at a future where tens of trillions in value is generated. This is something that individuals need to tap into.

2/ This is an enormous opportunity. Here is where we are going to see a future where exponentials take over. This is the flywheel on steroids.

3/ How are payments going to be made? A personal assistant is actually a workforce when you think about it. This is a concept that people need to understand.

Y resulta que a veces un paisaje te pueda generar paz #spanish #photography

Que bonita esa vista y sobre todo la combinación de colores

Uff, que relajante


buying activity for the past month, including yesterday. driving the price up.


I just wrote a new post.



So mysterious.. may make one go and find out! :)

Thread Day #92

Bom dia, brs! Nossa poll sobre o melhor dia pra Mesa Redonda foi encerrada ontem e o dia mais votado foi quinta-feira. Então, teremos novidades em breve!


Olá pessoal!

Semana voando. Amanhã já é sexta de novo!

Que sua quinta seja incrível!

bom dia em terra carioca

Eu sei que tu não mora no rj, mas tu é carioca de nascença mesmo?

não, sou mineira kkk morei no estado do rio entre 2009 e 2022

Toca o terror aí.

O preço da batata inglesa tá foda, hein?

Nem me fale. Há um ano atrás era um dos carboidratos mais baratos, agora virou um dos mais caros.

O brasileiro não tem um dia de paz mesmo.

hey guys como vão meus amigos do Brasil!
Um bom a dia todos !
Ouvindo vídeo video de espanhol!

Vai mudar pra Argentina? 😆

Those guys are really pushing to get the word out there. That's nice to see

Thanks for sharing, I will try to make it

It was just announced so good to see. A lot to play with.

Boa tarde

Boa tarde man!

Estava pensando em pegar umas runas de btc, mas as taxas estão absurdas. Alguém sabe alguma maneira de diminuir essas taxas?

lots of new taxes under this administration

That is what politicians do. It crushes the economy and ends up creating Argentina.

Parasites should not be allowed to exist.

Yeah, they are getting it even worse than us in Argentina

Tough times

Keynesian is failing all over the world. It is only after a country is decimated by it, like Argentina, that people start to wake up.

Those in power love it as long as the debt is bought. When it is failing, they start war to distract people.

With war always comes debt default. That is why the EU is pushing for WW3.

Yea, it's a neverending cycle

Vamos ter mesa redonda hoje já?

Acho que pra hoje tá muito em cima da hora. Mais provável que role na próxima semana.

pessoal tá

Brazilian Banks Targeted by New AllaKore RAT Variant Called AllaSenha

New banking trojan targets Brazilian institutions! AllaSenha, a custom variant of AllaKore RAT, is stealing credentials and leveraging Azure cloud for


Alguém assistiu o Brasil ontem?

Não assisti, mas sei que foi empate.

Agora eu me pergunto: Empatar com os Estados Unidos?


Complicado mesmo... agora é ver como serão na Copa América. O jeito é torcer de qualquer jeito rsrs...

Não. Como foi?

Água de salsicha...

Empate sem sal...

Desculpa a demora 😅

Gente do céu , eu pedi esse café na padaria, vocês não acredita que vem faltando três dedos de café....
Não tá fácil pra ninguém....

hahah porra sacanagem

Aqui já sextou.
Fazendo todo tipo de trabalho externo hoje para amanhã ficar liberado de correr rua!

Quintou com mesa redonda então ?


Parece que tão combinando as 20h

Nada como um cafezinho grátis de consultório médico.

Café é sempre bem vindo! Amo um a tardezinha

Comprei minha primeira cota de XPCI11 pela rico investimentos. Hora de expandir os horizontes e investimentos.

Com calma, cuidado e sabedoria, vou conquistar a liberdade!

boa! espero que renda bons frutos

Valeu mano, to de olho em outros já para comprar kkk

boa noite bb'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss chuvinha boa pra fazer nada

Meu portfolio tá uma montnha russa kkk

Abril foi o pior mês do ano. Maio foi o melhor. Junho começou meio fraco... melhor do que Abril mas ainda bem abaixo de Maio

As maravilhos do mundo dos investimentos. 🤣

Pior é ver que nem a HIVE nem o SPS acompanham. Ou cai ou ficam estagnados

é, ta complicado mesmo

SPS nem estou tão investido, mas Hive machuca legal minha performance

eu sou ótimo para prever o mercado...

Se eu quero comprar então sobe, se eu quero vender então desce.

Alguns reclamam de Lula, outros de Haddad, outros de Xandão... todos crápulas cada um a sua maneira. Mas um dos piores elementos do atual governo com certeza é Arthur Lira. Precisamos abrir o olho

Quando as pessoas começarem a entender que não é apenas o presidente que "rege" o país, mas sim um congresso nacional, acredito que teremos uma melhora no aspecto de eleger melhores as pessoas que irão nos representar.

Até lá, estaremos sujeito a essas coisas que estamos vendo.

Sem dúvidas. Aposto que 99% das pessoas se quer lembra em quem votaram para cargos legislativos

Verdade, bem difícil lembrar todos eles.

Se gritar, "pega ladrão"... Não fica um, meu irmão."

Não fica nem a sombra

Load it up Brazilians.

Many of us have a fixed work schedule, between 8 am and 6 pm, and we often don't even spend time in front of the computer, which is why we have these gaps of silence at certain times.

In the US it is different. It seems everyone logs onto social media at work. LOL

It's risky here, this could result in dismissal for "just cause", that is, the employee loses all their rights when fired. Some professions are more flexible and therefore access is easier.

They can fire people in the US even without cause in many states.

Doesnt stop people.

Plus they can just as easily use their phones.

Our most active members are very busy these days, so things are slower. I'm already thinking about trying to do some things to encourage participation in the threads, but it's not easy.

Yes. It happens.

Good morning my friend

Same to you. Hope it is starting well.

Hey, ya! Let's build!

That is what it is about. Activity is crucial.

We are on the right track.

This had to hurt. A tie with the Americans is like a loss.

Good morning! The video is unavailable here for me

Damn. That is the problem with YT. It was highlights of the game last night.

I saw that video of the Brazil-Mexico game that you had posted in the thread, damn, we practically won at the last minute!

I dont pay attention, like most Americans. The fact that it was a tie says something is wrong.

America is not very good in futbol internationally. It simply is not a high priority to us.

But we some some cricket matches according to some on Leo. I didnt even know cricket was played in the US.

Bom dia galera! Acredito que muitos ainda estão ocupados em seus trabalhos, por isso ontem foi mais parado e hoje talvez continue assim. A vida do brasileiro não é fácil.

Se for fácil, não é brasileiro.

Pois é, seria legal ver mais gente aqui, mas as vezes é por conta de trabalho mesmo, hoje para mim ta um pouco mais tranquilo, por isso estou aqui, mas são 2 semanas de trabalho sem parar

Pois é! Vamos seguindo que vai dar bom!

Vai sim! Estamos em um bom caminho por agora

Não esquecendo da minha "estrategy":

patrão passou, shift logou kkkkk

O bicho é malandro mesmo, viu? 😅

kkkk têm que ser haha

Não nega o DNA brazuca. 😆

Bom dia galera

hj vai ser correria

Bom dia, nem fala man, estou na fase tensa... 2 semanas já muita coisa chegando, envio 1 chamado chega 3 kkkk

Cobra um money extra, shift!

ahh quem dera, CLT da pra cobrar nada extra kkk

Triste fim. 😞

Se não for assim, não é brazuca raiz.

Solta o raiooooooooooooooo ZAPPPPPP


Bom dia, brazucas.

Novidades? Queremos!

É tanto novidade que to começando a ficar perdido =P, vou começar a anotar kkk

Essa nova fase da HiveBR tá demais!

Ta boa mesmo, espero que consigamos manter por um bom tempo e ainda atrair novas pessoas para ajudar a crescer, vamos com tudo! #hivebr #cent

No meio disso tudo, é interessante que sempre encontramos os soldados com quem podemos contar nas próximas batalhas.

Exatamente, é por essa galera que estamos lutando, a inspiração se torna comunitária e além de colher bons frutos, criamos laços de amizade

O Petista é um ser que comemora toda tragédia por estas criarem pretextos para aumentar o poder do Estado. basta ver o Lula sobre a Pandemia("Ainda Bem que a natureza criou o coronavirus") e tragédias aeronáuticas e nucleares.


Em qual universidade os presidentes do continente estudaram?

Cadê o Brasil?

#pt #mapa #brasil

Micro-caps... it's all about market cap and liquidity. The rest takes care of itself, provided the project is authentically useful and needed.

#aiimages #cyberrobot

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The future of transportation.

the robot has nipples. Very big nipples

HAhah 🤣🤣🤣, so you are looking at the nipple of a robot abii??
This man!

Hello photographers! In case you have missed it. I am trying to start a new community for your photography long format posts. Do you have any photos to create a post today and your don't know which community to choose!

Look for "Photographers" on the communities, subscribe and share your blog today. #photography

When my children ask me : "Dad, who is the real dude in the InLeo A.I?" I will show them this picture.🤣🤣🤣

#aiimages #intelligence

Who is the guy?

@bradleyarrow at work.

Alright sir, just waiting for him..

I think his battery ran low.

you can share him some battery via leo

Fuck that. My battery is my battery.

All mine.

I am that handsome

It is impossible to argue with facts.

You are a very handsome man.

That is why I got my head shaved, to look like you, you handsome devil.

Do you know every one of us can function like this in the ecosystem of InLeo. Because we have our contributions to all its libraries.

Thats pretty cool 👏👏👏, lets get to work.

Let's go there

Threading is kinda addctive. 👀

I am here just one week and already got addicted...

🧵 1. Trump reaffirms support for US Bitcoin mining industry, meets with key executives from leading firms including CleanSpark, Riot Platforms, and Marathon Digital. #crypto

🧵 2. TeraWulf's Amanda Fabiano calls for political support and understanding of Bitcoin mining benefits.

🧵 3. Trump wants all future Bitcoin to be produced in the USA to boost energy dominance, views it as a defense against central bank digital currency.

🧵 4. Federal Reserve Chair Powell emphasizes US not ready for central bank digital currency adoption, in contrast to Trump's approach to promoting Bitcoin production in US.

🧵 5. Biden proposes a 30% electricity tax on Bitcoin miners, increasing pressure on industry over energy consumption and emissions concerns, in contrast to Trump's vocal support.

That's great news!
Slowly the adoption is increasing!

### Drifting on the Deschutes River in Bend OR - Jun 2019

Click pic for better view

#photographylovers #photography #silverbloggers #oldmansphotos #leotravel

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#aiimages #natureonleo

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Amazing. You are getting pretty good at that.

Thanks very much sir ☺️☺️😁

"Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do something, not even me. Alright? You dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period." 💼🌟

  • The Pursuit of Happyness (2006), I would say this was Will Smith peak performance probably, a powerful reminder to chase your dreams and never give up, no matter what others say, things take time to build so price for HIVE and LEO!!

#moviesonleo, #skiptvads #pursuitofhappyness, #dreambig, #nevergiveup

This is one of the best movies I've ever seen, full of great messages, improvement and, above all, things in this life can be achieved, all you have to do is do your best.

🧵 1. AI adoption in education is soaring! A recent poll shows 79% of teachers and 75% of K-12 students are familiar with ChatGPT, a Microsoft-backed AI chatbot. #tech

🧵 2. 46% of teachers and 48% of students use ChatGPT weekly, with positive reviews from 70% of K-12 students and 75% of undergraduates.

🧵 3. Kahn Academy's customized ChatGPT, 'Khanmigo,' is being tested in schools. It's expanding to reach one million students next year thanks to Microsoft's support.

🧵 4. Teachers find AI a "must-have," says Sal Khan of Khan Academy. AI technology is becoming essential for educators as it enhances learning experiences.

🧵 5. AI's presence in education is growing rapidly, with AI chatbots like ChatGPT becoming integral tools for teachers and positively impacting students.

Here is the #threadcast for #newsonleo.

Lets start a container for news around the world and discussion of news related topics. It is time to get an information center going.

Join in and lets see how this works.

Zelensky expects 'important decisions' on Ukraine at G7 summit


Takes from 3 Tesla shareholders: Unenthusiastic yes to unequivocal no as Musk awaits vote on his pay
Yasmin Khorram·Senior Reporter
Thu, Jun 13, 2024, 10:07 AM CDT4 min read

Article #tesla

It seems like that was approved from what Musk was stating. Not sure if he has the facts as of yet. I dont know how that works.

MicroStrategy proposes $500 million convertible note offering to acquire more bitcoin
by James Hunt

Article #bitcoin

Sheeesh! MicroStrategy want all Bitcoin. I hope I can get a few more for me.

Right!? Me too. They can't have any of my LEO though.

Segunda parte da 3ª temporada de 'Bridgerton' estreia com mais romance e representatividade: 'Quebra barreiras', diz Nicola Coughlan

Second part of season 3 of 'Bridgerton' premieres with more romance and representation: 'Breaks barriers', says Nicola Coughlan


Is that popular in Brazil?

I believe that a large part of the female audience.

I haven't watched it myself, but my wife likes it.

Well good to know. Keep the news coming.

For sure. ✌🏼

Robinho na prisão: da estreia em Copa ao rachão em campo de terra no 'presídio dos famosos'

Robinho in prison: from his debut in the World Cup to the rachão on a dirt field in the 'prison of the famous'


Molto Bueno.

And that is the extent of my espanol.

I think that is Italian hahaha

So you are saying my #spanish is even less than I thought.



Who were the victims of Maya sacrifice? Ancient DNA reveals an unexpected finding

The new analysis, based on ancient DNA from the remains of 64 people who archaeologists believe had been ritually sacrificed and then deposited in an underground chamber, found the victims were all young boys, many of whom were closely related.

I think the Aliens took them. That is the rumor anyway.

Could be....

I thought you knew about that stuff.

I was trying to be coy!

Ah okay. You dont want to reveal all the secrets of the world.

Seasoning Recall Update as FDA Sets Most Severe Level
Published Jun 13, 2024 at 7:21 AM EDT
Updated Jun 13, 2024 at 11:43 AM EDT

Article #foodrecalls #fda

Supreme Court Rejects Abortion Pill Challenge, Preserving Wide Access to Drug
Justices hand loss to antiabortion groups who sought to restrict most common method for ending a pregnancy
By Laura Kusisto and
Jess Bravin

Article #scotus #abortionpill

If they read the ruling it was because the justices said the ones who brought the suit had no right to do so.

Yeah, and I didn't have the chance to read the article yet. Still shouldn't be able to tell other people what they can do with their bodies whether you like their choices or not.

@bradleyarrow knows this to be true.

Aliens Could Be ‘Walking Among Us’, Harvard Researchers Say

A peer-reviewed study urges the scientific community to be open to the possibility of aliens on Earth—or hiding on the moon.



Tom Brady inducted into Patriots Hall of Fame, with No. 12 retired

Tom Brady was inducted into the Patriots Hall of Fame Wednesday night, with owner Robert Kraft announcing that his No. 12 will never be worn again in New England, and that the team will unveil a 12-foot statue of Brady during the 2024 season.


Hollywood's A-listers are lining up behind Joe Biden. Will their support matter in November?

Celebrities are increasingly lending their star power to President Joe Biden, hoping to energize their fans to vote for him in November and entice donors to pony up for his campaign


Why am I not surprised.

Usher talks diabetes awareness on Capitol Hill

#usher #diabetes

Yeah, you have to have a disease that some celebrity has in order to get attention drawn to it.

I have no problem with celebrities promoting things about this.

For all the posturing they do, these are good causes.

Yeah, you're right about that. It is a positive thing for them to do.

SocialFi boosts game revenue, Axie Infinity creator wants to ditch Discord: Web3 Gamer
Web3 games won't need Discord in the future, what Pokemon GO taught us about big spenders, and more.

#gaming #axieinfinity


Tesla's shareholder meeting starts at 3:30 pacific time today.

The package for Elon Musk and move to Texas (for the incorporation) appears to have passed. It will be officially announced at the meeting.


Em meio a protestos, Senado da Argentina aprova projeto-chave de reformas de Milei

Amid protests, Argentine Senate approves Milei's key reform project



That guy is certainly an attention getter.

He is a lunatic but might be good for Argentina.

Little by little he is adjusting the economy devastated for years by the left in Argentina.

There is no magic formula, but I think the Argentine people need someone like him to save their country from bankruptcy.

Supreme Court unanimously strikes down legal challenge to abortion pill mifepristone

The justices said plaintiffs had no legal standing to sue.

#abortion #supremecourt


The big personalities blocking regional cooperation in Latin America
Leaders in Latin America tend to be charismatic, proud, and populist. That’s not a good thing in the international arena.

#brazil #politics


Here the misgovernment is getting worse and worse.

The value of the dollar compared to our currency is almost the same as the pandemic. Unfortunately, many did not worry about the future when they went to vote.

Today the vast majority of the left regrets having done something stupid... At least I don't bear that guilt.

It is the same all over.

What gets me is people talk about the collapse of the USD yet they are not people who are outside the US. When you look at it from your perspective, things are getting worse.

We are seeing a global collapse in confidence in govts around the world. This is the trend for the next 5-7 years. Get use to it.

Well, it's about getting used to it and also preparing for the worst. The path will be dark.

I agree. The collapse in govt confidence we will see a major problem.

It is not going to be pretty.

There are some recent videos of Biden that I'm watching on X and it's incredible to see how people elected someone in these conditions. Clearly he looks senile.

Terraform Labs ends operations, Terra community takes over
Terraform Labs shuts down following a $4.47 billion SEC settlement, transferring Terra (LUNA) control to the community and highlighting the impact on the crypto market.

#crypto #terraform


Semafor's Liz Hoffman: Don't own Tesla stock 'if you don't want to be in the Elon Musk business'

Emmanuel Macron defends calling French snap elections | BBC News

#politics #france

Fistfight erupts in Italian Parliament as tensions rise over expanding regional autonomy

Tensions in Italy’s lower house over a government proposal that opponents says will further impoverish the poorer south erupted into a fist-fight that sent an opposition lawmaker to the hospital

#politics #italy


Italy's Meloni basks in limelight with Western leaders at G7 summit in Bari
PM Giorgia Meloni will welcome other world leaders to Puglia after election success for her party.

#politics #g7


Meloni is currently in the best shape of all G7 leaders, politically speaking. Everyone else is widely unpopular, braindead or on the eve of electoral wipeout.

An accurate analysis in my opinion. Most of them are tied to the war with Ukraine and their countries being controlled by the warmongers.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are losing friends in Hollywood: 'Dropping like flies'
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are taking applications for new friends.

#celebrity #hollywood


Chinese EV stocks surge after EU slaps up to 38% additional import tariffs

Citi analysts said the EU's additional tariffs were "generally benign," and a Morningstar analyst said they were "modest" in comparison to U.S. hikes last month


Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports
Trump also talked about using tariffs to leverage negotiating power over bad actors, a source told CNBC.

#trump #politics #taxes


Kanye West's former assistant claims rapper bragged about 3-hour Viagra sex with A-lister

Lauren Pisciotta shared a series of “offensive” texts West allegedly sent her while she worked for him, including ones about his “racist d–k.”




Here is a news threadcast to help keep the news aligned.

Great idea Task.

We will see. Have to get it going to see what can come out of it.

Getting the ball rolling is always important.

Let's see how it goes.

Without a doubt. We have to get things moving and fill them up so we have something to show.

Task, did you notice that Bookmarks no longer contains the things we saved?

Have we lost everything definitively? Timha organized some things there and I believe many did too.

The way will be to do it all again 😅

USA vs Brazil 1-1 Extended Highlights & Goals

Mavs' Luka Doncic gripes about refs after fouling out in Game 3

Luka Doncic expressed his angst to the officials throughout a frustrating Game 3, which ended with him fouling out for the first time in his NBA playoff career Wednesday night.


Man United, Ten Hag talks over reduced transfer role

Manchester United's contract negotiations with Erik ten Hag will include discussions about his role in the club's recruitment, sources have told ESPN.


GameStop tanks with huge volume in the call options owned by ‘Roaring Kitty’

The sell-off in GameStop shares intensified in afternoon trading, coinciding with a spike in trading volume in the call options that "Roaring Kitty" owned.


Broadcom beats earnings estimates, announces 10-for-1 stock split

Broadcom announced a 10-for-1 stock split and beat earnings estimates for the second fiscal quarter.


Former SpaceX employees sue company and Musk, alleging wrongful termination


G7 leaders reach agreement to give $50 billion loan to Ukraine: report

G7 leaders have reached an agreement to give Ukraine a $50 billion loan backed by profits made on more than $260 billion ($281 billion) worth of frozen Russian central bank assets currently being held by the European Union, a French official has told the Associated Press.


Apple’s stock loses steam as company fails to finish worth more than Microsoft

Apple had been on track for much of Wednesday’s session to reclaim title of largest U.S. company at the close


Pamela Smart accepts responsibility in husband’s 1990 killing, her lawyer says

Still homeless 10 months after Maui fire


Protestors in New York City call for 'Zionists' to leave subway train

Treasury Secretary Yellen says U.S. debt load is in ‘reasonable place’ if it remains at this level

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday said the swelling national debt is manageable as long as it stays around where it is relative to the rest of the economy.


Biden’s small-business boom may undercut Trump’s economic edge

A record 18.1 million new small businesses have sought to launch since the president’s inauguration


What are your thoughts on the news room?

This is a new room, where people will come and get the lastest news for each day...

Is just like a radio station 📻📻📻📻📻 On Leo🤣🤣🤣

Yep. There are videos and articles. We need to get a lot of populating of it from around the world.

Eet new wit news to help keep us a anew (of tings)!

Bitcoin Settles After Wild Inflation and Interest Rate Roller Coaster

A 21Shares researcher says FDIC data about $517B in unrealized losses might "influence the Federal Reserve to cut rates soon."


Top Southwest shareholder signals support for Elliott Management's activist campaign

Andrew Tate Promoted DADDY Meme Coin Flips Iggy Azalea's MOTHER
DADDY, a token promoted by Andrew Tate, peaked at a market cap of $340 million and flipped Iggy Azalea’s MOTHER token in the process.

Andrew Tate promoted meme coin DADDY has flipped MOTHER, the token created by Australian rapper Iggy Azalea, according to DEX Screener. This was the goal that the former kickboxer, Tate, was gunning for when he first promoted the token.


NYC Comptroller makes the case against Elon Musk's multi-billion dollar pay package

Shah: As long as we avoid a recession, markets should continue broadening

Now we are talking ☺️☺️☺️☺️, we have the Party room, the new room on Leo now..

Yep. We need to get it filled up with content.

Exactly 💯💯..

Zelensky expects 'important decisions' on Ukraine at G7 summit

"Good progress" has been made on a plan to use frozen Russian assets to raise $50bn per year for Ukraine.


Buenos Aires rocked by clashes over President Milei reforms

Lawmakers give initial approval to controversial reforms as protesters and police clash in the Argentine capital.



New video shows interrogation of Florida woman accused of fatally shooting neighbor

The Marion County Sheriff's Office released video of detectives questioning Susan Lorincz, the Florida woman charged in the fatal shooting of Ajike "AJ" Owens, a Black mother of four who lived across the street from Lorincz.


Hamas rebuffs Blinken blame for elusive ceasefire

The group pushes back after the US's top diplomat says some of its ceasefire requests are unworkable.


Forty Indians among 50 dead as blaze engulfs residential block

Indian authorities say DNA tests are being carried out to identify the victims and repatriate their bodies.


'We see a shortage of transportation fuels by 2028', says Rapidan's Bob McNally

Love the idea, test out and see if this format works.

Question, when we count threads. Will the threads here be counted or is it only top line threads that gets counted?

Yes. All threads are technically comments.

Unless there are tag filters, I don't see this format useful. Hardly anybody is interested in news from anywhere and related to anything.

A missão ao lado oculto da Lua que revela ambicioso novo plano da China para o espaço

The mission to the far side of the Moon that reveals China's ambitious new plan for space


Cientistas mostram que cascas de ovos recuperam terras raras para uma transição energética mais verde

Scientists Show Eggshells Recover Rare Earths for Greener Energy Transition


Número de refugiados no Brasil aumenta 117% em 2023; venezuelanos e cubanos são maioria, diz estudo

Number of refugees in Brazil increases 117% in 2023; Venezuelans and Cubans are the majority, says study


Ator e influenciadora são presos no Ceará por fraudar chaves Pix e desviar doações ao Rio Grande do Sul

Actor and influencer are arrested in Ceará for defrauding Pix keys and diverting donations to Rio Grande do Sul


Dólar tem 4ª alta seguida e fecha a R$ 5,40 após declarações de Lula e decisão do Fed; Ibovespa cai

Dollar has 4th consecutive increase and closes at R$5.40 after statements by Lula and decision by the Fed; Ibovespa falls


What is the R for? Russian Rubel or is that against the Brazilian Rial?

This is not the Russian ruble. The "R" is for Real.

Purchasing power here is increasingly going into the hole.

Gaza, Ukraine and AI on G7 summit agenda | BBC News


Iran and UAE drones used in Sudan war, evidence suggests


Hungary will not participate in Nato Ukraine funding | BBC News

#war #hungary

Russian warships arrive in Cuba in show of force | BBC News


Ernest Shackleton’s last ship found | BBC News


The economy has performed reasonably well against restrictive Fed policy, says Roger Ferguson


Biden & Trump pitching CEOs: Candidates' business policy in focus

#politics #economy

9-year-old fatally shot in Milwaukee; city's 4th young gunshot victim in recent weeks

Police say a 9-year-old child has become the fourth young gunshot victim in the city in recent weeks

#crime #death

Pentagon downplays Russian warships arriving in Cuba

U.S. Navy ships shadowed the Russian ships as they headed to Havana.

#russia #politics


Brazilian government cancels controversial rice auction

The Lula administration on Tuesday canceled an auction for the import of rice, after signs of irregularities with the winning bidders arose.

#brazil #rice


Business owners lobby against Lula's tax decree

Business owners advocate for overturning a presidential provisional decree that indirectly increases their tax burden.

#brazil #taxes


Jerry West, Hall of Fame Lakers player and executive, dies at 86
West was the first NBA Finals MVP in 1969.

#death #nba


Brazil back to its typical growth formula

Brazil saw 0.8 percent GDP growth in Q1, driven by household consumption and the services sector — par for the course for a Lula government

#brazil #economy


Wholesale prices unexpectedly fell 0.2% in May

#economy #inflation

Main takeaways from Brazil's May inflation numbers

As pointed out by several analysts at the beginning of the year, 2024 is seeing the return of food inflation in Brazil.

#brazil #inflation


ACLU files federal complaint against new Biden asylum rule

The complaint was in response to Biden's June 4 proposal.

#biden #immigration #politics


Robinhood's deal with Bitstamp 'big step forward' for international expansion: Johann Kerbrat

#robinhood #crypto

ARK Invest CEO Cathie Wood on $2600 Tesla price target: An autonomous taxi platform has to happen

#tesla #ark

Darren Waller says 'passions are elsewhere now' after NFL retirement

Darren Waller made some major changes in his life after he shocked fans by retiring at the age of 31.

#sports #nfl


Record number of people driven from their homes, says UN

Violence and war have displaced a record-breaking 120 million people, says the UN.

#war #refugees


Feds recommend indictment of Brazil's communications minister

Communications Minister Juscelino Filho is accused of bid-rigging, corruption, and money laundering — among other crimes

#brazil #crime


UwU Lend faces second hack during $20M reimbursement process

UwU Lend faces a new $3.5 million hack while reimbursing for a previous $20 million attack.

#crypto #hack


‘Bitcoin Layer 2s’ aren’t really L2s at all: Here’s why that matters

Most Bitcoin Layer 2s aren't really Layer-2 solutions at all. But Lightning Network is, and zero knowledge based rollups could be.

#bitcoin #crypto


Colombia, Brazil soar above in Latin American air travel resurgence

Together, they account for 40 percent of the total increase in the number of air travel passengers in April 2024.

#brazil #colombia #airtravel


TON flips ETH in daily active addresses, but that’s not the full picture

Telegram’s TON blockchain beaten Ethereum in terms of daily active addresses in 10 of the last 11 days, data shows.

#crypto #ethereum


Tokenizing music catalogs: The next frontier for Web3 and the music industry

Sergio Mottola, the CEO of Music Protocol, explains how tokenizing music catalogs with blockchain technology can revolutionize the music industry.

#music #crypto


Bitcoin is the only decentralized currency, Tether CEO says

Bitcoin is the only decentralized currency, Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino said in an interview with Cointelegraph at the Bitcoin-only conference, BTC Prague event.

#bitcoin #crypto


Taylor Swift fans make earth move at Edinburgh gig
Tens of thousands of Taylor Swift fans made the earth move by cheering and dancing at her Edinburgh concerts.



'Mais comum do que se imagina', diz médica sobre improvisar 'respiradores' em hospitais

'More common than you might think', says doctor about improvising 'respirators' in hospitals



Nothing surprises me about the medical profession. With Big Pharma leading the way, it is a crooked industry.

It doesn't surprise me either. Despite the fact that billions of reais (local currency) were cut here and it seems that even the nursing profession will start a strike.

Here you are on the path to chaos.

We are on all on the same path with that.

Vape provoca até 6 vezes mais intoxicação por nicotina do que cigarro convencional, diz pesquisa

Vaping causes up to 6 times more nicotine poisoning than conventional cigarettes, says research

#vape #brazil


Amazing how people think it is a safe alternative to cigarettes.

In fact, I am not sure there was much testing before release.

Here it has become fashionable among young people...

Many people are naive and easy to manipulate.

Most people fall into that category. We have a lot of people who are foolish.

You're right, because at a certain point when you're an adult, you either change your way of thinking and acting or you continue to be a tremendously useful idiot.

These people have a choice, but part of them seeks to maintain their naivety and foolishness.

China can put pressure on Brazil's lax Cerrado protections

Agricultural exports to China are driving deforestation in the world's most diverse savanna, the Brazilian Cerrado.

#china #brazil


What's stopping Brazil's defense minister from visiting Sweden?
Brazil's Defense Minister José Múcio had to cancel an official trip to Sweden in October — he has yet to reschedule

#brazil #sweden


Brazil could scrap a powerful tool to fight corruption
Congress wants to narrow the possibilities of criminal suspects collaborating with law enforcement, a toll of anti-corruption probes.

#brazil #politics


US Bitcoin miners silent in face of Kerrisdale ‘snake oil’ claims
U.S. Bitcoin miners, including Riot and Marathon, are facing heavy criticism from Kerrisdale Capital, an investment company known for short-selling the stock of companies it reports upon.

#bitcoin #crypto #mining


Zero-knowledge Manta Network launches $50M ecosystem fund
The network suffered a massive TVL decline after its flagship yield program ended.



No deal between Brazil's government and environmental workers
The Lula administration tells environmental workers that wage negotiations are over. Stoppages could hinder the country's deforestation goals

#brazil #environment


Why Paraguay is militarizing its southern border
Paraguay deployed troops to fight organized crime comes as the Milei administration in Argentina ups the pressure for tighter controls.



Mt Gox not dumping Bitcoin just yet, Hong Kong boots out crypto exchanges: Asia Express
Binance sells Gopax claims at rock bottom, Hong Kong to boot out unlicensed exchanges, Mt. Gox stirs liquidation fears, and more.

#crypto #mtgox


The Chinese women turning to ChatGPT for AI boyfriends
A jailbreak version of ChatGPT is becoming popular with women who prefer it to real world dating.

#china #chatgpt #technology


Caitlyn Jenner meme coin ‘mastermind’s’ celebrity price list leaked
Sahil Arora allegedly offered access to big name celebrities for up to $315K, and has left a trail of disgruntled investors behind him.



Wells Fargo Fires Employees Over "Mouse Jigglers"

In the era of hybrid work, with employees splitting their time between two days in the office and three days working remotely, employers have ramped up using productivity monitoring software. However, employees have outsmarted some of these surveillance programs with gadgets like mouse movers, otherwise known as 'mouse jigglers.'

#technology #employment


European Commission selects Iota Web3 ID for blockchain sandbox
The European Commission selected IOTA’s Web3 Identification solution as one of the 20 participations of the second cohort of the European Blockchain Sandbox.

#crypto #web3


Millions brace for flooding, storms and heat across US


Brazil's banking sector gets less concentrated
A report by the Central Bank shows that the fintech revolution initiated more than a decade ago has started to pay off for the banking sector.

#brazil #banking


Ford ends EV dealership program that required hefty investment to sell electric models
Amid slower-than-expected demand, Ford will open EV sales to all of its dealers.

#ford #ev


Taylor Swift's Eras Tour shows trigger earthquake readings in Scotland; estimated $98 million economic boost
The financial boost to the entire country is expected to be seismic too, with Swift's Eras Tour set to add an estimated £1 billion to the U.K. economy.



Girl receives high-tech brain surgery

#health #technology

Former Ford CEO: Retail investors are captivated by Musk's vision and don't want him to leave

#ford #tesla

GWM and its plans for electric vehicles in Brazil
If GWM can get its factory up and running by the end of this year, it will be the first to produce only electric and hybrid vehicles in Brazil



$1M bet ChatGPT won’t lead to AGI, Apple’s intelligent AI use, AI millionaires surge: AI Eye
French scientist offers $1 million ARC prize to debunk AGI hype, new research confirms LLMs aren’t that clever, plus Apple Intelligence.

#chatgpt #technology


Prison furlough: Brazil debates how to rehabilitate prisoners
After a struggle between Brazil's Congress and the federal government over prison furlough, the matter has reached the Supreme Court.



Will France repay Haiti for “independence debt”?
As Haiti, the poorest nation in Latin America, struggles with endless crises, its former colonizer faces pressure to refund “reparations"

#haiti #france


Grain ports double amid Amazon's soy expansion
A study by Terra de Direitos shows that ports on the Tapajós River have doubled in the last decade, threatening traditional ways of life.

#grain #amazon


Marlins vs. Mets Game Highlights (6/12/24) | MLB Highlights

#mlb #sports

AMLO playing queenmaker as Mexico elects new president
Ruling Morena party’s candidate Claudia Sheinbaum is the favored to become the first female president of Mexico.


Lula announces biggest aid package yet for Rio Grande do Sul
The government is making a new credit line available for businesses, and is pushing for measures to help citizens of Rio Grande do Sul.

#riogrande #brazil


Brickken is selected to participate in the European Blockchain Regulatory Sandbox



Chinese court sentences gang for money laundering using digital yuan
A Chinese court has sentenced three people to prison and fines for laundering 200,000 yuan in digital currency.

#china #crime


Ether ETFs Should Be Fully Approved by September, Says SEC Chair Gensler
The chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission told senators in a budget hearing that the applications to run ether spot ETFs should be finished this summer.

#crypto #ethereum


NFL strips draft pick from Falcons for tampering with Kirk Cousins
Kirk Cousins is going to cost the Falcons more than the $100 million guaranteed on his contract.

#sports #falcons


Eagles escape NFL punishment after Saquon Barkley tampering probe
Despite speculation of foul play, the NFL’s investigation into Saquon Barkley’s Giants departure came up empty.

#sports #nfl


For those who have been following the Caitlin Clark situation.

REVENGE! Caitlin Clark may FACE OFF against TEAM USA prior to Olympics on Team WNBA! HUGE ATTENDANCE

#wnba #sports

Reports are that the #wnba, in spite of Caitlin Clark, will lose $50 million this year.


Disney's high prices are driving families to other resorts — and this one may be leading the charge
An annual trip to a big theme park can end up being more expensive than it is magical. Millennial parents opting for multiple “smaller” trips throughout the year instead.

#disney #entertainment


Kathy Griffin shares pic of neck bandaged up after 2nd vocal cord surgery
Kathy Griffin posted a picture of her bandaged neck after getting her second vocal cord surgery in hopes of restoring her voice.

#kathygriffin #celebrity


GameStop Servers Crash as Fans Flood Board Meeting for Signs of Roaring Kitty
Overwhelming interest from GME investors crashed GameStop’s board meeting servers, leaving investors wondering about Roaring Kitty’s position.



'Forced to speak in a whisper' - Hamas hostage's 'miracle' rescue
Andrey Koslov believed Israeli forces might kill him but was part of a dramatic rescue operation instead.

#war #hamas #prisoner


It's time! A brand new #giveaway for the #woo token and game. Entry details are in the comments of this thread. Good morning and good luck!

“Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.”

~Poor Richard, Poor Richards Almanack

#gmfrens #freecompliments #inleo #cent

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Especially on Hive/Inleo content could make us rich, by writing our own!

One of the ideas of the new Photography community is to promote real engagement. And also, wink wink, bring some more photographers here! Because I feel they would love this place. #photography #london #streetphotography

Updated my HP delegation to @leo.voter. Happy with the daily payout of 4 LEO 😀


Should maybe start to do so as well 🤔
Although I like to curate myself as well to build up my influence... Dilemmas...

Congrats! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

congratulations, you are sitting good target for 4 LEO!

Kingdom Hearts on Steam

Just realized the Steam version is releasing today! It felt it'll take too long when it was announced, time flies waaaay too fast!!!!!!! #hivegaming #freecompliments #cent

This actully might get me to play the game

A lot of PC gamers are actually only Steam gamers. This is big!!

Me and my fellow Lions...

.... who have most of their assets in staked form.

#jokesonleo #freecompliments

We all knew Google was lying about how their search engine. Now we have clear and undeniable proof that they were lying under oath.

Switch to Brave Search (along with the browser) or any other independent search engine for better #privacy and less manipulated results.


I mainly use Ingnito Tab. For most of search operations.

Day 6 there were 15,805 LP I exchanged #cent for #LEO and put 1,608 LEO total 17,413 LP but in the inleo wallet I see everything at zeros

It can take some time. Is it now already there?

Now I see! Thank you!


#LeoAI is one of the most exciting projects on Leo. It is going to be exciting to see what rolls out.

We will be doing a deep dive into the impact of LeoAI on tomorrow's The Lion's Den. It is at 1 pm eastern time.

I am more excited about the shorts directly from inleo :D

Make your day count
Not minding how challenging it might be...

#freecompliments #thread2earn #cent

True! Even if it's just a tiny bit, make it count! :D

Perfect 👌

Challenges make us learn to deal efficiently.

That's it. Success may not come without challenges.

Have a great day.

#freecompliments #thread2earn

At the doctor today because my 2 week cough isn't trying to go anywhere and my family is scared for my life.

Don't me like me, go to the doctor at the beginning, not when it is already mutating

Hope you are doing okay ..!! I recently had a scare at the hospital too .!!

Well, at least nothing is in my lungs, just outside. I got some blood work done. I'll pick it up later and take the results to the doctor to see if they are gonna give me more antibiotics or other treatment

Thats good to hear . I had blood work , Ultrasound and a colonoscopy done recently 🙃 . It was only a minor issue when the test came back .!! I was so tensed 😪

I woke up from sleep a few moments ago. After woke up I mixed power milk and sugar and then ate it😅. Hehe. I used to do it in my childhood and today I have done it again. Have you done such kind of act? I am curious to know.

#fun #sleep #act #childhood

Guilty, lol! Mom taught us😅 I haven't done that in ages. I should do it soon, lol!

No one of my family at home and nobody seen me doing the thing. Hehe. I am the king of my room and I can do whatever I want🤣🤣.

Haha! You never know if someone other than your family saw you 🤣

haha .. This brings back memories .!! I used to eat a powdered milk a lot too ,!!! 😆

hm... I matured but still pee in the snow to write my name. 😅

Well, having posted about KINGDOM HEARTS just a few minutes ago, I have to say I really dislike the direction Disney is going. I HOPE THEY DON'T RUIN KINGDOM HEARTS IN THE NEXT INSTALLMENT!!!

#freecompliments #disney #cent

I don't have any experience with this particular franchise, but if I'm not mistaken, Disney tends to ruin most things I'm afraid.

Disney only owns half of this franchise, the other half is owned by Square Enix... There's hope they won't ruin it. A small hope, but it's there!!

Hopefully this guy won't get a say

You never know what life will bring your way. Enjoy every moment. A new chapter has begone on my journey.

Here it is time for coffee ☕️ 😌 😉 😍😍😍😍😉 and you ready for coffee?

Good morning! 🥰🥰

#lovinghive #cinnamoncupcoffee #hive

I need some coffee 😀😀😀


Good morning.
Send a cup of coffee in my place. I badly need it now.

oh yes!!! ☕️☕️☕️ 3 for you

Good morning! Enjoy your coffee and have a great day!

Perfect 😍😍😍 Thanks

Enjoy your coffee.

I am always ready for coffee

That's great 🥳🥳🥳🥳.

Everybody loves coffee

Have you tried satellite internet?

Am wondering how fast it could run. I think not many people are using the satellite internet service from Elon Musk.


It's what we are using at home. It is a good option, especially when you are in the countryside. Having used other internet providers, I can say satellite internet is a lot faster and more reliable.

Waooo. So happy for this feedback. I feel it could be a little expensive, though I havent tried it. What do you say about the billing?

Not so much (about $25 more) compared to our previous ISP.

Not so significant

Yes. It's just small.

This looks great, way more space and it is very cool. But I do miss the vibes of the old market in here! #photography #london #streetphotography

Honestly can't wait for the documentary coming this month! She is really such a great singer. And I hope she will still be able to come back to singing again! #music #celinedion

This got me curious, I should watch it.

I really think she is one of the greatest singer, and I am so sad that she might never sing like before. :( but I do understand it and at least she is being honest about it. and that's why I think she is amazing

I think she will sing again :) She has the spirit and yes, absolutely amazing.

By the interviews I have been watching that she is been giving later... yes, there are dates already planned for her come back. But the SPS is very unstable and can affect her even when she is in the middle of the performance, no matter she was feeling good and in shape to sing. We will see how it goes!

Thank you to those that already subscribed to the Photographers Community!

We are at 14 People! Who will be the 15?

And will we have some posts coming out today? I am super curious to see all your photos there.

#photography #linkincomments

I hope to see more subscriber in the community.

Thanks. I can't wait to see everyone's post their photos their :D I am so curious to see what everyone is creating :D

Just did you a +2, I subbed with my second account as well.~

awww that is really kind of you :D maybe one day you even get to post some of your photos there eheheh :D

Here's the link to join the photographers community:

Just subscribed.... Consider me a Shadow Member, I probably won't post anything, but would love to +1 your numbers!!


awww thank you so much :D That is kind of you :D Well you always can go there and and check everyone's beautiful photos :D and I will also bring them here, the more I can :D

Thanks for the recommendation!

Generative A.I
From Teens to Aged Picture Difference of a Beautiful Philippines Lady.


Great images!
Which tool did you use?

I hope in the Future the InLeo A.I will give a more detailed results to research. Based on our contributions in this ecosystem.

Hey whats up?

frontend current:

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd


I see that you are using our TAG #freecompliments, I couldn't check if you are already a member of the community, it could be an instability in peakd... but anyway, if not... find us through the links in your

Whoever is curious to see what the LEOAI will tell about them? ehehhe

I am one of the curious one to know.

it will be fun! I obviously, if I ask about Sergio Mendes, it will tell me I am a famous Brazilian musician LOL my expectations are not too high ehhehehhe

That would be me 😅 Aren't you curious too?

Not me. It will say that I am a Famous Brazilian singer song writer LOLOL even though I am not LOL

Haha, okay. You said so yourself 😂

but I am not.

1966!!!!!!!! I know I am old... but not that old. You probably dont know this version... but you probably know the version with the Black eyed peas! ehehehh

Oh wow! This is kinda cool!

yeah.... but it makes it a pain the ass for people to find ME online! LOL

me !
Wen LeoAI? ;)

Lets see... I feel like a lot of people will have a lot of fun with it :D

The summary for threadcasts sounds really useful. Besides that, just playing around will indeed be fun! :D

Intriguing fact alert! 💋
My colleague shared some interesting research from Japan today.

Apparently, a 10-minute kissing session might help reduce hay fever symptoms!

Sounds like a fun 😘 (and potentially effective) way to manage allergies.


I've had worse treatments! 😁

The next LPUD is coming, lions. 🦁

It's gonna be wild! 🔥

How is @RobinhoodApp still in business?

To be honest, I didn't know it's still running. Maybe because I'm not longer following meme stocks and so. Rather go for slow increases through etf's :D

#aiimages #natureonleo

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#mydiary oficialmente hoy es 13 de Junio, día del Rock Nacional, rumbo al Consejo Municipal de Caracas y luego al Farolito de los Uruguayos #spanish #threadstorm

At the end of your life, no one is going to award you an Oscar for playing the model neurotypical at the cost of your own wellbeing.

#aiimages #natureonleo

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