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Feliz por haber conseguido completar el reto #21days. 5 kilómetros durante 21 días consecutivos. Ahora a celebrar. #hiverun #spanish

¿Qué sientes al pensar en tu hermana?

¿Cuándo fue la última vez que le dedicaste algo bonito?

Mira éste hermoso post en nuestra comunidad #emotionsfeelings



Pertenece a nuestra querida @carisma77

Tal vez te anime a escribir a tí también 😉 :

😊💕 gracias

#mydiary al caer la noche pude variar un poco la cena con una ración de Pizza en la cafetería Don Elías #spanish #foodies

in my country it's like egg martabak

💰 Bitcoin ETF Inflow : 24-06-10

#IBIT : $6.3M #FBTC : -$3.0M #BITB : $7.6M #ARKB : $0.0K #BTCO : -$20.5M 📉 #EZBC : $0.0K #BRRR : -$15.8M #HODL : $0.0K #BTCW : $0.0K #GBTC : -$39.5M 📉

📊 Net Inflow : -$64.9M 🚨🚨

Thread Day #90

Bom dia, brazilians! Chegamos à 90ª TD! Falta pouco pra marca de 100, hein?! Será que teremos comemorações?


Bem, pelas contas aqui estou vendo que a nossa Thread Day #100 vai cair no dia 21 em uma plena sexta-feira! Então não tem como deixar passar em branco, vou pensar em algo e conversar com os outros membros para fazermos algo para movimentar a TD 100 e ainda gerar uma mini competição com prêmios! #threadday100 #hivebr

Baita ideia

No meu pensamento, podemos tentar fazer aquele processo de quem comentar mais na thread, como será um dia comemorativo, por mais que seja cansativo, podemos fazer isso, foi o meu primeiro pensamento, o que você acha? Claro que o anuncio vem com alguns dias antes para que todos possam se preparar.

É interessante. Acho uma ideia válida.

Já que estamos há mais de 3 meses fazendo threadcast, é justo fazer sermos mais notados por tal marca.

Pois é, seria um desafio bem legal, premiar os 3 primeiros com alguma coisa, ou pode até ser 5, sao muitas possibilidades. Eu pensei muito em um premio em HIVE liquido ou em HSBI, por que ai o hsbi pode ser comprado pela hive-br e ajudar nas proximas postagens a conseguir um valor maior em retorno

JJá ouvi falar nesse hsbi, mas nunca corri atrás. Como funciona?

cruzando os dedos pra que o #inleo não bugue kkk

kkkkk não vai, estou confiante que vai dar certo >.< kkkk

Pensei a mesma coisa. 🤣

Você disse prêmios? 😅

Já quero participar (e ajudar).

Então a ideia que pensei, ja que é buscar visualização e exposição seria subir essa tag acho que #td100 ta legal, pequena e be facil de escrever, o taskmaster fala sempre de tentar botar muitos comentarios na thread, ai pensei nessa td 100 botar a galera pra conversar bastante e usar sempre a tag, vai ser meio chatinho isso, mas vai dar muita visibilidade e ai quem ficar nos 3 primeiros lugares ganhar algo, pode ser hive, hbd, hsbi, ai tem que ver... quem quiser ajudar a escolher eu fico agradecido kkkk

Seguinte então, o que acha de nós tentarmos quebrar o nosso próprio recorde de comentários nesse thread day? Criar uma "força tarefa" pra fazer barulho nesse dia? Caso isso aconteça, posso me comprometer em doar 100 LEO pro TOP 05.

Podemos tentar fazer isso, é a ideia que tenho em mente, ai com threadcast enraiada e uma tag td100 explodindo ali na direita, todo mundo vai se perguntar "o que está acontecendo?", tem tudo para ser memoravel! Ai você pode sim ajudar com esse premio em leo, vai ser super bem vindo!

Já topei.

Tem que escrever um post oficial sobre isso e publicar usando o perfil hive-br. Precisamos conseguir o máximo de visibilidade (e quem sabe não vem um votão também, haha!).

The Hivebr threadcast is not going to show up on the top due to a lack of Premium membership. It ran out.

OMG, we have to arrange the next premium!

Yep. Might have gone unnoticed. It happens. Hopefully the yearly subscription will help a lot of us with that.

Needless to say, the writers are doing an incredible job, they are helping the community by donating part of their time to create posts and thus move the hive-br profile forward. I would even like to take advantage of the moment and invite you, who are always here helping and participating, if you can help publicize, share, vote or reblog the posts made by the @hive-br profile, I would be very grateful, all of this helps the community as one all!

Can keep adding to it and help in any way I can. My focus is upon leo and making this a strong digital platform. I think threadcasts are a great way to do things.

I am trying to think up others ways to use them. You did well with this one.

You are certainly one of the people who supports us the most and the entire community is very grateful for that! We have a loving and friendly relationship with you task! Thank you very much for everything you have done for us! <3 ❤️

We still need a better source of generating resources for the community, for now we have 4 writers who are creating posts so that we can make them through the community profile, with this we are once again generating a little money for the hive-br profile, with This makes it easier to guarantee the premium, pay the writers, hold events and most importantly try to improve the account's HP!

Focusing upon money is a path to failure to be honest. That is the entire Hive problem.

Give us money (votes).

Hivebr like every community needs to figure out how to attract people without the monetization. That can come later. It needs to be something people want....

i.e. education, entertainment, fun, engagement, whatever.

There are people all over Web 2.0 doing that and not getting paid. We focus too much upon rewards.

Yes, I understand your point of view, I didn't necessarily mean "we are here please vote for us or else we won't be friends!", far from it haha 😂 , what I meant is that we are really looking for more exposure, so that people can see the incredible work we are doing!

This idea of ​​decentralization is new to everyone, it's normal for some people to stand out and others not, so whoever is doing everything to make hive-br grow is learning during the process and that goes for me too lol 😅 , but it's very good have a conversation channel with you, we have a lot to learn from everything and everyone! 👊

Good day all. It is AMA day here on Leo. I hope all are excited.

Dia de trabalhar meu povo, let's go!

Falta pouco pra marca de 100, hein?! Será que teremos comemorações?

Tá vindo aí, hein?

Temos que pensar em algo kkk, fazer algo nem que seja simples so para brincar mesmo e interagir com a comunidade

2 HBD ou um presente surpresa?

Eu estou pensando em alguma coisa para a thread 100, acho que sera bom ter o premium para isso

Na teoria a TD 100 vai cair no dia 21 ne?

Ansioso para o dia acabe rápido, depois de amanhã, férias de 15 dias. Viajar, conhecer algum lugar novo, tomar boas cervejas e aproveitar cada minuto.

Boa! Só não deixa a ansiedade comprometer o desempenho no trabalho kkk

Tudo planejado, só seguir o fluxo.

Férias é sempre bom, bate aquela ansiedade para que o dia do descanso chegue logo!

Faltando apenas mais um dia, estou tranquilo, tudo planejado, quinta feira já amanheço na praia.

top demais man, sempre bom o merecido descanso

tõ na correria aqui tentando deixar uns posts prontos no gatilho pra postar durante a viagem

Você é fera eu sei que vai conseguir se organizar! Boa sorte em tudo!

Post da titia lety n pode faltar

Adm sempre eficiente, hein?

Bom dia pessoal! Hoje vou dar uma escapadinha pra participar mais!

Patrão bobeou. Shift enrolou.


Assunto rolou, wise rimou xD

Did you enjoy the Leo news yesterday?

The lending platform on Maya is huge.

I confess that I didn't follow it, but I'm sure that great news is always coming to improve the entire inleo and its ecosystem

It is a nice step forward. We are seeing a lot of good things taking place.

Really, inleo is finally very stable, it's fun to use and the new features never stop!

Yea, huge news indeed

Thanks for hosting that Space to go over it yesterday

Yeah. We will see what else Khal has up his sleeve.

90 rumo ao 100! Vamos com tudo pessoal!

#hivebe can help this. Here are the latest thread count numbers.

We need to aim for 5K daily as the minimum.

How cool is this graph, is there a website or something so we can access and stay up to date with this data?

It is a weekly post by @leo.stats. I look at the posts for @leothreads to get an estimate.

Here is the article.

Ahhh thanks, thank you very much!

Bom dia, hivers!

Tempo friozinho é tudo de bom.

Para comemorar, faremos o sorteio de 1 milhão, a pessoa tem que pagar apenas o frete e o valor da caixa. Detalhe: milho pontinha.

Enraiamos kkkkk antes tarde do que nunca!

Boa tarde

Alguém me ensina a fazer a poll aqui kkkkkk

Qual tag fica melhor para a nossa Thread Day 100?

#threadday100 ou #threaday100 ou #td100

Gostei muito de #td100

#threadday100 em segundo

Acho que gostei da #td100 tmb, tava pensando em fazer na sexta dia 21, que provavelmente será a nossa td 100 alguma coisa, o que você acha? Ou podemos deixar para o sabado kkk, #td101 para ter mais adoção por ser sabado

podemos observar durante a semana

mas eu acho que fim de semana costuma ser meio morto

Realmente sabado e domingo é mais paradão, o que poderia ser feito é tentar divulgar isso bem antes e ver se o pessoal aceitava o desafio de bombar essa TD kk

Galera, vamos tratar de renovar o quanto antes esse premium da comunidade.

Yes sir! 😍

papai mandou, shift renovou

boa tarde povo

Boa tarde mano, só de boa?

Estamos tentando implementar umas novidades no perfil da HiveBR, mas a inleo não colaboraaaaaaaa

Aos poucos vamos conseguindo implementar coisas novas e a inleo vai melhorando enquanto isso, vamos acreditar que tudo vai dar certo kkkk

Mexico vs. Brazil Highlights | International Friendly

I watched it live

that last minute winning goal was crazy!

I need to see how the game went, I haven't even had time for that yet 😅

No idea just posted the video to try and motivate others.

Over 125 comments. Good job.

Some tremendous potential for this threadcast.

nice to see the link at the top of the page.

This is a nice addition. It will help the building of this threadcast.

Thank you for your help! Always welcome! 🚀

I think there is some potential with what we discussed.

Our collaborator @xlety created a thread with the tag #newsonhivebr, through the hive-br profile, but it does not appear on the profile. Do you know what it could be?

The link is this

Right now the thread isnt coming up. Might be something with the server. Will have to take a look in a bit.

It looks like it is there now.

Cafézinho com bolo de fubá no meio de uma tarde com céu nublado.

boa noite lindusss

@shiftrox eu acho que poll não funciona dentro de threadcast, só no feed principal

AHHHHHHHHHHHH entendi, valeu man!, vou fazer do jeito antigo mesmo kkk valeu

Parece que a opção de premium de 1 ano já está live

Tô pensativo sobre isso

Sim, tem usuários que já assinaram. Ainda não tive coragem, haha!

Acho que vai ser bem interessante a funcionalidade de empréstimos da Maya

👀 dá uma resumida quando puder

Basicamente o protocolo Maya está criando uma plataforma que vai permitir tomar empréstimos usando cripto como colateral. Até aí nada de novo.. existem centenas que fazem a mesma coisa

O que é legal pra nós é que eles não vão fazer isso só pras gigantes tipo BTC, ETH, etc... vão permitir usar qualquer moeda que tenha um pool na Maya. Como tem um pool de LEO, isso quer dizer que poderemos tomar empréstimos usando LEO como colateral

Caraca, isso vai ser muito bom pra nós. Foi falado algo sobre usar HIVE como colateral tbm?

Por enquanto não, mas talvez seja uma possibilidade no futuro

Pode render bons resultados.

Opa, estamos na contagem regressiva!

Seria bem legal para termos mais um atalho para dar aquela força para os broders kkkk

Tá vindo aí.

Acho que ta tendo migraçao, o tokenized me respondeu ali kkk

Mano eu ia até falar com você, aquela sua lista de brazucas aqui na inleo sumiu, eu lembro que estava participando dela, você pode criar ela novamente?

Eu acho que as listas ainda estão sendo migradas para os servidores novos. Vou tentar confirmar

Ahh sim, entendi, então quando terminar de migrar elas devem voltar automaticamente. Vou aguardar então! Valeu!

Easy for you to say.

hahha I meant we are in the countdown towards our 100 Threadcast

I have no idea what you meant. Hell I have no idea what you even wrote.

Preparando os fogos de artifício já.

Qual tag fica melhor? Pensando no nosso Thread day de numero 100? #cent #hivebr #inleo

Acho que a minha poll nao funcionou kkk

Qual tag fica melhor? Pensando no nosso Thread day de numero 100?

testando polls:

Polls are still not working at the non top threat level.

Sad but it is where we stand.

I discovered this haha, tokenized responded to me in a thread, okay, good to know now how it works! Thanks!

Or in this case, how it doesnt work. LOL

Another way to exemplify the situation haha, this gets to be philosophical 😂

Opa, o Airdrop baseado em volume na LeoDex que comentamos ha um tempo no AMA finalmente vai rolar

Como que faz para participar desse airdrop?

Usar a LeoDex

ahh bem simples kkkk, apesar de que no fim acho que nem vou usar, nao parei para olhar o que tem la exatamente

Uia, mais novidade.

Atualização sobre Listas: alguns drives foram corrompidos durante a migração e PODE SER que as listas tenham sido perdidas. Saberemos mais em breve.

No limite, criarei uma nova. Não é uma perda gigante

Eita, que tenso, mas nada tão grave assim

Menos mal.

Pepe/USDT chart I follow.
Current level: 0.0x121-0.0x127. Possible targets: 0.0x01-0.0x0991, 0.0x157-0.0x162.

#cent #pepe #crypto

#meme time: Ecency is just like us, tired, lost, slow lol 😂 😂 #cent #joke

Yeah, I had to refresh the page several times for it to update.

This happens to him from time to time, it's not the first time, but it's funny, a post from 10 days ago appears and you think the value of your last post lol 😂

Yes, it seems to be a recurring glitch or something. Sometimes I thought my post got lost somewhere, haha

Why do you think we don't have more whales from HIVE coming to inleo and using the platform on a daily basis?

Do you have any theories?

Politics. Ignore Hive. Focus upon Leo.

wait wait wait... lol... so there is drama? Eheheh we need drama here. Lol tell us the tea.

People need to grow up and focus upon their business. If they are building on Leo, it is not building on Hive per se. It is like building a business on AWS and talking about that.

Hive is a decentralized database. Use it as such.

Yeah but don't we all want to HIVE to get their value up and grow as well, since everything in here can be affected by the decrease of HIVE value and the stability of the community? No?

And how are you going to get Hive value up? What are you going to do?

That isnt where the focus needs to be.

phhh my... if I only knew what I could do for that value to go up... we would all be trillionairs by now LOL

Am not married to Leo alone, no more posting in other communities 😎😎😎😎...
I want to focus on my lover and see how sweet she is...

You need some tea

ehehehhe I hate it but also, it is so much fun eheheh

WHy did you hate it?

cause there are already too much negativity in the world. so I try to not feed too much to that negativity online

It's a thought I've had as well. Guess they prefer to rather stay on Hive and farm their auto votes instead of putting effort in once again to build it up? I couldn't blame them for doing so..

It is a fair way to see it. I guess, in the end, for many of them this is just a business and an income source and not a Social media platform! Like for many of us!

Yea, I would probably do the same or atleast not put as much effort / time in Inleo if I would have their stack of HivePower..
We'll see if can become a whale one day and how I'll think at that moment ^^

I kind of think not many whales are actively creating content. The good thing is that we are interacting with the active ones here on threads :)

yeah I also think that is the reason

Who know, some like the project I am sure, some maybe don't know it exist and are passive investor anyway. It is probably better to try and get good content creator here then hive whale unless they plan to buy $LEO tokens.

Believe me, I am all for getting this full of content creators. But I am also afraid on getting my expectations high. Because I have been pushing for that wherever I go, and in the end, I dont see them coming ever. But there's hope and we have to keep doing the work to make this a content creator friendly place :D

Atimes change of environment is important in every aspect of life because one can make more progress and be exposed to new things inother to "learn" and "unlearn".

#askonleo #waiv #knowledge #lifeprinciple

You are right. There are people that struggle in a particular environment. But once they move to a new place, things start going well for them.

Yes it is and it's of a good course with the benefits that comes with it.

Summary feature of #leoai is something that will be useful.

very cool!

The #AI race is on. We have to get into the game. It is something that if you are 6 months behind, might be too late to catch up.

No doubt about that. It's fascinating how the majority of people sits with their arms crossed complaining about how awful AI is

Many will be like this guy soon

I am old enough to remember when cell phones were expensive (both in price of the phone and per minute) had, in major cities had a 40% drop rate.

And then people said there wasnt enough coverage (kind of like they say with EV chargers) hence will never be adopted.


Leo is building out AI that is useful.

Pretty cool features.

Yeah. This a major step forward.

That would be really useful! I've been late / missed sometimes a part because of important phonecalls, would be nice to be able to cach up fast!

#gmfrens hope you have an awesome day, excited to share my acool project with y'all but more on that later

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good morning! Another 3D-print project? 👀

Great guess! but it's actually hive related just need to work some shit out hint 🤣 !BBH !LOL

What did the Golden Gate bridge say to the Golden Gate river when they broke up?
I'm over you.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of bitcoinman

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@stekene, I sent you an

I am already curious!

What a teaser ;)

Top secret shit that is the only hint I can give 🤣 !BBH

I am surprised to see that my total #CENT power already broke out 100k. Thanks @balina for the 10k delegation.


#cent "Cent Community caters to general content. We support content created without sacrificing quality and originality."

I would assume the tag for long form is cent?

I will start using it for hear on out.

I saw the CENT hashtag trending and wondered the content that filled it. Now I know it's not only finance-related content but general content and the project is in collaboration with INLEO.

Good to know that I can use it not only in the cent community but also in other communities when I publish long-form content.

Yes, the more the better :)

It's really cool to see projects like this. I never knew the cent community has been there for over 2 years.

Yes for the long form content, it's #cent. I started using it too.

Just trying to create some cool "London Postcards" ehhehe And who doesn't Love a photo of the Big Ben! #london #photography

It's amazing to me how people can take clean shots like this. So clean!

thank you. As I always say, the secret is to keep on practising

Big Ben!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

always very photogenic ehehhe

Will $HIVE revisit the September 2023 price? That's 0.26 USD.


There's a substantial chance...


Daily screenshot of my LEO/CACAO Pool. The USD Value dropped significantly since yesterday. Well, $HIVE dropped so, so it must be it. #freecompliments #cent #leodex

Lets see in like 6 months what it will be worth :)

The good thing about fantasy is that you can launch it into orbit, but also land it safely when the idea changes :)
#artinleo #cent

Very good drawing 😀

Thank you, I'm glad you like my work :)

@barski has sent VSC to @logen9f

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
Join our photography communityVisual Shots
Check here to view or trade VSC Tokens
Be part of our Curation Trail

@barski ha enviado VSC a @logen9f

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
Consulte aquí para ver o intercambiar VSC Tokens
Se parte de nuestro Trail de Curación

Uses: 5/25

Sometimes things become clearer in the darkness.

Very true.

But I can't see anything in the darkness🤣. lol
By the way, I get the message of your threads.

Finaly. It was a small challenge to complete everything on a mobile ph.

1267 USD monthly payout, that's a salary. Passive income.

Soon you would be having 0.3 million HP. Money begets money, HP begets LEO.

Oh it's back up to 18% now? Looking good! That's a stack of Hive power as well!

if you proxy & delegate

You've growing your account really fast.

My favourite fruit ♥️

I likenthe taste and crispyness as well! It just take some time to get the seeds out of it 😔


#apple announced their #ai initiative yesterday.

We are seeing things expanding very rapidly. #leoai cannot get here soon enough.

Leo is going to get into the game.

they also announced "themes" and changing the icons colours! LOLOL Poor them. They were the ones introducing something new when they came out... now they are just sheeps and follow everyone's else steps, with a big delay! But their marketing team.... that's where they shine! LOL

The advantage Apple does have is products and a crap ton of data they control. We will see how this all unfolds. Not a ton of innovation but the personalization, due to having so much individual data, could turn into something.

⭐️ Rising Star Giveaway - #risingstar #liotes

Today we meet, Carole King, American singer-songwriter and musician.
Giveaway ends 11/06 midnight EST

Post link in comment below ⬇️

Tell me what better news there is as a student than having the test you weren't prepared for postponed?😄


I wouldn't think it's good news for me as I remain prepared for the exam.🤣

I bet you do!😂

$HIVE price is down, what do you think happened? Is it time to sell HBD and buy LEO? 🤔

#crypto #hive #freecompliments

$LEO is always a good pick anytime.

The lower $HIVE goes the more I will move my assets into it... and that's because of what I the future reserves within this community all alone... my view.

I wonder... have our drones reached Magadan and Kamchatka? :)

I like seeing the vast unmanned zone in the northern part of the map :)

All those planes look like whiteflies, haha!

Full of man-made birds.


🇺🇲 U.S. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be speaking at the world's biggest #Bitcoin conference

Beautiful view friend 😄

it was a nice one, thanks

skies like this are something else :D

A bit sensational video title, but it was actually pretty insightful.

#ai #technology

He brings up good points but it is a problem in the terminology.

Using "ai" is like saying technology these days.

LeoAI is more focused which is helpful.

very true, and this is also very high level. The point is exactly what you say; It's when it's actually integrated in- and gains access to solutions that it becomes truly powerful. Chatbots are a very basic use-case

Yep and, in my view, a commodity. This is something that people are relying upon and where some of the hype.

It is the building of integrated products using this technology that will make it valuable. That is why I have some optimism about LeoAI.

Is Notion going to allow Mark's chatbot in? Nope.

Seems like an opportunity for Hive here.

Definitely is. Unfortunately most of Hive seems pretty disinterested to utilize this tech

The aroma of coffee fills the quiet classroom, the only sound the whirring of my laptop booting up.

Monday morning peace. 🥰

A warm mug cradled in my hands, I savor the quiet anticipation.

Soon, these empty desks will be filled with eager (or sleepy) faces, and the day's symphony will begin.

It's these little moments, these stolen breaths before the whirlwind, that make it all special and worthwhile.


After days of hard work and focus,

I finally reached Champion League in #Splinterlands!

#spt #inleo

Hard work pays if you are focused. More

thanks for the appreciation my friend !pimp

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@mango-juice just slapped you with , @supiconvees-md.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You are welcome.

Some excellent trading on #bbh in the last 24 hours.

Its a new Day in here, Good morning Family.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Everything is like in life, gradually, some stage follows something first :)
#artinleo #cent

I ran a query that showed over 1500 active Hivers in Venezuela and over 600 in Nigeria. This ignores those with less obvious geo-data. We need to build on those numbers as they are tiny in the scheme of things.

I may look at doing lists for other countries like the #BritList, but I would prefer local communities to manage them.

Quite popular Hive is in those countries.

But there will be local Facebook groups that have more users, so it's all relative.

Apple AI FINALLY Arrives | Full Breakdown (Featuring ChatGPT?!)

#newsonleo #technology #apple #ai

Looking forward to having a tad smarter Siri :))

I dont know how it is all going to interact. Using ChatGPT means it will likely be smarter.

it's time to go to university to discuss about my result of my research paper result with my supervisor. Till late at night I put in a lot of effort and finished it. So goodbye for now. I will try to be active if I arrive at university.

#university #research #result

Do you know God's Favourite Colour?

I think it is Green. Because if you look closely, you will notice that all creation has a Green colour be it dark green or light green mixed with other colours.

#neoxian #askonleo

I think the main true color is white light and all others are found within it.

Wowww, am beginning to have a rethink!


A look at the March 1977 issue of Byte.



Highlights include building an inexpensive joystick interface, a type-in BASIC Star Trek game, and much more.


Check out the original post for lots more from this issue:

Here is the party threadcast for today, feel free to hop in, "Let's Get Down On It."


Let's party 💃💃

In the US, every candidate running for president is aggressively using Bitcoin in their campaigns.
#outreach #threadstorm

Instead of forcing the cryptocurrency companies to leave the nation, Trump declared he would halt the Biden Administration's efforts to destroy the industry and promised to build the future of cryptocurrency in the United States.

swept away
once again
by your voice

#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday

Once again, a beautiful poem! 💯

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