For the first time since November 2023, #NASA 's #Voyager 1 spacecraft is returning usable data about the health and status of its onboard engineering systems. The next step is to enable the spacecraft to begin returning science data again. The probe and its twin, Voyager 2, are the only #spacecraft to ever fly in interstellar space (the space between stars). They were launched in the summer of 1977, almost 47 years ago.
Cause I understand, rewards are important, and maybe people are giving fewer likes at a higher percentage so they can make some rewards. But in this stage is that good to grow an active community?
LeBron misses a wide-open, uncontested 3-point shot in the closing seconds of a tie game, only to have the #nuggets Jamal Murray hit a highly contested baseline fadeaway over Anthony Davis at the buzzer as Denver goes up 2-0 in the series and wins their 10th straight against the #lakers. Home teams are now 11-0 with a couple crazy finishes yesterday. #nba #sportsonleo
TD 60! Um marco para nossa comunidade! Estamos em constante evolução, buscando sempre uma nova maneira de interagir e fortalecer os laços entre os membros. Um ótimo dia a todos!
Falei (mal) do M. Night Shyamalan por tantos anos que agora tô pagando à minha língua, haha! Não tô acreditando que eu tô no hype pra assistir ao próximo filme dele nos cinemas (primeira vez que isso acontecerá).
Dependendo do gênero do filme, é uma loucura mesmo... Haha! Só que o Shyamalan é um cineasta indiano que faz filmes americanos (embora mais "contidos", até por causa dos baixos orçamentos).
Eu acho que é uma galera bem de vanguarda na Hive. O maior motivo pelo qual eu apoio o trabalho deles é uma coisa que sempre falo: eu sempre apostarei nos construtores. A galera que continua desenvolvendo coisas apesar das adversidades. É por isso que eu continuo apoiando projetos que muitos estão abandonando, como o Rising Star, por exemplo.
Dito isso, acho que poderiam focar em menos coisas e solidificar as bases do que estão construindo antes de sair expandindo loucamente. Pra mim a falta de foco prejudicou bastante a imagem da InLeo ultimamente.
Porém, sigo junto. Até porque, considerando o balanço final de todos os tangíveis e intangíveis, meu saldo com a InLeo é altamente positivo
Perfeito man, acho a sua analise incrivel, realmente eu fiquei fascinando com tudo o que construiram e isso me motiva a acreditar neles também, claro que eu sou sempre desconfiado de tudo, mas isso é algo que vem de minha vida mesmo.
Concordo também no quesito foco, acho que todo mundo quer crescer e expandir, mas é preciso concretizar a base, como por exemplo os bugs da threads que têm aqui, que acontecem uma vez ou outra, acho que eles precisam focar nisso primeiro.
Mas também estou do lado deles, esperando sempre pelas novidades!
Uai mano eu nao to muito feliz com a inleo não, ja vou para o quarto post sem votos deles... desde que acabou o meu premium, pelo visto isso virou um criterio para receber os votos ou algo assim
Valeu mano, ela tá com vomito e diarreia, deve ter comido algo que fez mal, hoje cedo ela estava bem, estou aqui de olho nela... vai ficar tudo bem tenho certeza
Acho que tem um pouco a ver com o que eu falei sobre a recompensa do thread day.
Primeiro que o vempromundo sumiu.
Segundo, ele estava distribuindo as recompensas pra muita gente, inclusive pra quem faz uma e outra thread na semana. Tem que dar pros 3 mais ativos em minha opinião.
Sim com certeza, o vempromundo eu falei com ele um pouco pelo whats, está com problemas pessoais, eu percebi que ele sumiu mesmo, então é esperar ele voltar e a gente tentar organizar melhor as coisas.
Se vc der uma recompensa insignificante pra cada um, quem faz meia duzia de threads na semana não vê motivos pra se esforçar mais, e quem faz muitas threads não vê motivos para continuar a se manter ativo.
A new "Hive" game launched today and went down the Layer 2 HE Token route and promised in the whitepaper to "bring the game" to other chains.
Can we just stop.
Build games on Hive for all gamers and work on screens where gamers are. Switch, Xbox, Playstation, Steamdeck, Mobile etc....
Gamers are for fun not for wrapping a "token" in a game.
come on already.
True but this begs the question what is "on-chain"
I have spoken about this many many times.
You can build on Hive native, not HE and still allow other "chains" to access your games.
The paradigm is wrong, we are changing it.
Yes. Also there isnt enough posts to break it up. I would spend an hour getting them up there if there were more posts to fill in. Since there are times when I do the posts and I put up 5 in a row, that is not great.
I had the opportunity to listen to allot of music because people around me where musically incline persons. One of the songs I loved so much and sang it many times is "ADOABI" by The Mavins..
The rhythm of the song keeps us dancing round and round while mimicking the song. That's what made the song more likely for me during my childhood days...
It seems everytime I come outside late at night I hear this faint robot voice "Authorities have been notified and are en route at the moment". It kind of creeps me out, the way it echoes on the wind, it feels dystopian 🤖
This isn't one of those, it's some kind of loudspeaker outside that just repeats over and over. One of these days I'm gonna go on a walk at night and figure out where it's coming from lol
It's not just about geography, it's also the mindset and style of life what tells where does a country belong to. Sadly, the Czech Republic, my home, tends to go East. The pull comes from the countryside, not Prague, though...
It is so weird how that can happen, in Hungary too. The Russians oppressed the country for over 50 years and now everyone wants to go back into their arms. They forgot that their ancestors were shot on the streets dragged into dark cells and beaten. They forgot how they could not even go to the bakery without being spied on.
Yeah, never seen one. I think they got their things mixed up cos it snowed a lot here during the night even though it shouldn't be snowing during this late in the spring time
Over the past decade, the compute capacity used to train advanced large language models has increased tenfold each year. Demand for AI services is expected to rise by 30–40% annually over the next 5–10 years. And more powerful AI models will require more energy. One estimate suggests that, by 2027, global AI-related energy consumption could be 10 times greater than it was in 2023.
Solar, solar, solar. We've barely tapped into that giant fireball of energy in the sky. And solar panels are just the beginning of the tech that can convert that energy to electricity.
1/🧵 Do you know yourself well enough? There are some attributes we possess that we may not find comfortable with but we find ourselves living our lives that way.
I believe that one does not end up knowing oneself. It could even take a lifetime.
By the way, keep in mind not to let more than 2 to 3 hours pass from the time the article was published until it is shared in order to aspire to curation.
2/🧵 In communicating with others, we find out they also have same attributes, now how do you feel or handle such when you realise this? Do you feel relaxed or you recognise that it is something that needs a change?
3/🧵 I published a blog post where I mentioned some of my attributes and how I manage it when I meet others who have same. Click the link 👇 to have an insight, learn from it and leave a comment. 👇
The chalk looks to continue in the #nba playoffs as the home team #cavaliers are up big in the 4th quarter vs the #magic. Things are much different in New York, however, as the #knicks trail the visiting #76ers 65-62 halfway through the 3rd quarter. Later it's #lakers/#nuggets with Denver trying to continue it's dominance of LeBron. #sportsonleo
Looking forward to start watching this. I have played Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4. In my opinion, great games. And now, because of this thread, I expect a lot from the series 😆
In the early 2000s, we had them scattered all over the streets. One did not need to make travel before getting a repairer to fix a faulty bicycle, but at it now, not even one can be found in a whole city.
For the first time since November 2023, #NASA 's #Voyager 1 spacecraft is returning usable data about the health and status of its onboard engineering systems. The next step is to enable the spacecraft to begin returning science data again. The probe and its twin, Voyager 2, are the only #spacecraft to ever fly in interstellar space (the space between stars). They were launched in the summer of 1977, almost 47 years ago.
#newsonleo #space #astrophysics #technology
My Inleo Premium sub is about to end less than 2 weeks!
Time runs faster in Leoverse it seems, 😅 but I am enjoying every bit of it!
Are you Premium too?
#inleo #premium #polls #askonleo
I think it's worth it to have the few benefits but to also help grow the eco-system.
100% agree niallion, its a win-win situation and I will continue my premium membership!
Time really flies nowadays. life goes by so fast!
Resourcefulness > Resources
There is a path towards getting what you want, even if it seems out of reach.
How often do you scroll on the different feeds to try and engage with content, by dropping likes and comments?
It still bothers me to see that everything is getting so few likes!
I try to do it as much as I can.
Cause I understand, rewards are important, and maybe people are giving fewer likes at a higher percentage so they can make some rewards. But in this stage is that good to grow an active community?
I keep mine at 5% and spread them out.
Same. But because my LEO power is so low, now I am giving nothing away lol other than my like lolol
I like, likes :)
For now thats all I have eheheh
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(12/50)@sergiomendes! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(11/50)@sergiomendes! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Dunno how much but I try to engage on topics I like
Yeah I think it is important to like what you support for sure. But I feel that many people just scroll and do not like anything grrrr
The still ongoing visibility issue in the Latest feed could be a reason ...
I get that. But how would that be an excuse for not even some of the trending ones do not get more likes and comments?
maybe ot enough RC for voting available for example or people just don't like stuff ...
I personally people are just being selfies! :(
LeBron misses a wide-open, uncontested 3-point shot in the closing seconds of a tie game, only to have the #nuggets Jamal Murray hit a highly contested baseline fadeaway over Anthony Davis at the buzzer as Denver goes up 2-0 in the series and wins their 10th straight against the #lakers. Home teams are now 11-0 with a couple crazy finishes yesterday. #nba #sportsonleo
Send Lebron home early.
HiveBR Thread Day #60
TD 60! Um marco para nossa comunidade! Estamos em constante evolução, buscando sempre uma nova maneira de interagir e fortalecer os laços entre os membros. Um ótimo dia a todos!
Falei (mal) do M. Night Shyamalan por tantos anos que agora tô pagando à minha língua, haha! Não tô acreditando que eu tô no hype pra assistir ao próximo filme dele nos cinemas (primeira vez que isso acontecerá).
Maldito indiano! 😅
Filme indiano é uma loucura desenfreada kkk
Dependendo do gênero do filme, é uma loucura mesmo... Haha! Só que o Shyamalan é um cineasta indiano que faz filmes americanos (embora mais "contidos", até por causa dos baixos orçamentos).
Entendi, confesso que não conheço nada sobre ele, não guardo muito o nome de diretores e atores kkk
Qual a opinião de vocês sobre a inleo? Vamos fazer uma reflexão?
Eu acho que é uma galera bem de vanguarda na Hive. O maior motivo pelo qual eu apoio o trabalho deles é uma coisa que sempre falo: eu sempre apostarei nos construtores. A galera que continua desenvolvendo coisas apesar das adversidades. É por isso que eu continuo apoiando projetos que muitos estão abandonando, como o Rising Star, por exemplo.
Dito isso, acho que poderiam focar em menos coisas e solidificar as bases do que estão construindo antes de sair expandindo loucamente. Pra mim a falta de foco prejudicou bastante a imagem da InLeo ultimamente.
Porém, sigo junto. Até porque, considerando o balanço final de todos os tangíveis e intangíveis, meu saldo com a InLeo é altamente positivo
Perfeito man, acho a sua analise incrivel, realmente eu fiquei fascinando com tudo o que construiram e isso me motiva a acreditar neles também, claro que eu sou sempre desconfiado de tudo, mas isso é algo que vem de minha vida mesmo.
Concordo também no quesito foco, acho que todo mundo quer crescer e expandir, mas é preciso concretizar a base, como por exemplo os bugs da threads que têm aqui, que acontecem uma vez ou outra, acho que eles precisam focar nisso primeiro.
Mas também estou do lado deles, esperando sempre pelas novidades!
É como diz aquele ditado: Um olho no peixe e outro no gato, haha!
kkk boa
Falar mais o quê depois disso? Apenas concordar.
Já melhoramos nossa marca em relação a TD de ontem, isso aí galera, vamos interagir!
Bom dia, brazucas.
Um passo de cada vez e chegaremos lá.
Manter a constância que a recompensa chega
Falando por experiência própria: chega pra caramba!
Bom dia mano tudo de boa?
Tudo suave! E contigo?
Tranquilao, muito trabalho mas a vontade de faze-lo está zero kk
Nada de novo no fronte então, haha!
Força no trampo.
exatamente kkkk
Trampo hoje vai ser pesado, mas bora ver como vai ser!
Patrão na "séde" shift sem thread kkkkkkk
mandou bem na rima porque é tipo isso ai mesmo kk
Uma marca bem legal, rumo aos 100 agora!
Bora, depois da metade vai rapidão
Vai sim, com certeza vamos chegar lá, só precisamos mais da galera para ajudar
Bom dia
Bom dia man, so de boa?
Pelo visto os votos tem sido bons por conta do premium. Será que o número de assinantes diminuiu?
Então, ate onde sei o premium da um voto maior para você mesmo, a chance de receber os votos que deveriam ser iguais, mas pelo visto não sao =/
Tranquilo. Inleo chegou pesado nos meus posts de splinter, alegrando o dia kkkk
E por aí, como está?
Uai mano eu nao to muito feliz com a inleo não, ja vou para o quarto post sem votos deles... desde que acabou o meu premium, pelo visto isso virou um criterio para receber os votos ou algo assim
Que estranho. Eu tenho feito só os 2 posts de splinter por semana. Nas últimas 3 semanas, ganhei 4 upvotes.
Ta otimo pra vc entao kkkk, o que ta me salvando agora é que nos posts do HL está vindo com uma certa frequencia o aliento junto com o call me dan
Pode ser que estejam levando mais a sério aquele negócio das views no Twitter, pq post de splinter pega fácil 50 views.
Entendi, pode ser que seja, não sei, o foda é que preciso tirar uma graninha da hive... nao sei se assino mais uma vez esse premium haha
Com o premium tava vindo quase todo dia, sem premium, 4 posts ja sem ele =/
Não queria muito não, mas Premium assinado por mais um mês. Que papai do céu me ajude e me proteja 🙏
Opa! Vai dar bom.
Estou contanto com isso kkk
O futuro é #hivebr ops, cripto!
kkkk mas pode ser #hivebr mesmo, quanto mais nos unirmos melhor para garantir um bom futuro para toda a comunidade
Com certeza meu amigo, esse é um dos objetivos.
Vamos com tudo então! Todo dia crescendo um pouco!
Cade o @taskmaster4450lee ?? Where are you taskkkkkkkkkkk
Errei o nome do nosso amigo kkk @taskmaster4450le
Is that Portuguese or Spanish?
That's perfect Portuguese :)
Welcome back amigo.
You absence was noticeable.
Hopefully you got everything cleared up in a satisfactory manner.
Thanks my friend
Yes, I made the most of this time out and now I'm back with full power
Português - Portuguese
Bom dia, tudo bem ? Esse bom dia ta animado kkk
só o gif mesmo, pq eu tô numa preguiça kkkkk
kkkkk, nada que um banho gelado não resolva :D
Bom dia.
Bom dia
Hoje o dia foi corrido! Parando agora como foi o dia de vcs?
o meu foi corrido também mano, estressante demais ta doido
Mas no final deu tudo certo!
EIta eu fui 100º Threads desse threadcast!!!
Boa kkk, chegou na hora certa kk
Depois de um dia complicado, estressante e FDP no trabalho, chego em casa e a minha filha está passando mal, affs
Sinto muito mano
Espero que ela melhore logo
Valeu mano, ela tá com vomito e diarreia, deve ter comido algo que fez mal, hoje cedo ela estava bem, estou aqui de olho nela... vai ficar tudo bem tenho certeza
Salve galera!
Hoje ainda ta correria porque ainda estou me atualizando de muita coisa no trabalho, mas aos poucos retorno a meu nível normal de atividade por aqui
Bom saber. Já estávamos avaliando substitutos para o cargo.
isso aí, tem que manter o cidadão ligado
LOL! 🤣
Espero que tenha curtido as tão merecidas férias.
Boa. Mais gente tirou férias pelo visto, mas faz parte. Já já o pessoal volta com tudo.
Pessoal deu uma sumida boa né, muito estranho kkk
Acho que tem um pouco a ver com o que eu falei sobre a recompensa do thread day.
Primeiro que o vempromundo sumiu.
Segundo, ele estava distribuindo as recompensas pra muita gente, inclusive pra quem faz uma e outra thread na semana. Tem que dar pros 3 mais ativos em minha opinião.
Sim com certeza, o vempromundo eu falei com ele um pouco pelo whats, está com problemas pessoais, eu percebi que ele sumiu mesmo, então é esperar ele voltar e a gente tentar organizar melhor as coisas.
Pois é. Os thread days estão atrasadassos, dá pra fazer uns 10 posts de cada semana pelo menos kkk
Torcer pra que as coisas melhorem pra ele o mais rápido possível.
Acho que temos que recompensar os mais ativos mesmo, quem faz mais merece mais, eu acho q eh isso ....
Já posso assinar?
Se vc der uma recompensa insignificante pra cada um, quem faz meia duzia de threads na semana não vê motivos pra se esforçar mais, e quem faz muitas threads não vê motivos para continuar a se manter ativo.
Boa, é uma ótima analise da situação mesmo
Pois é! Tem que rever isso.
Espera só o preço da Hive voltar subir pra tu ver uma mágica acontecer, haha!
isso aí, tem que organizar tudo e voltar com calma
Bem interessante o AMA da InLeo
Parece que a equipe do Splinterlands injetou alguns milhares de dólares em liquidez de LEO
Eu tava acompanhando mas nao entendo muito o ingles falado, solta as novidades ai que vc entendeu pra gente kkk
Novidades mesmo não tiveram muitas não...
Acho que a maior é que a LeoDex foi oficialmente anunciada para a comunidade Maya ontem
Fora isso apenas anunciaram que SPS e DEC serão os próximos tokens a serem listados. HBD deve vir na sequência
Top demais, aos poucos vai melhorando e expandindo mais, os cara não para mesmo, isso que é legal na comunidade da inleo
Parece que vem coisa boa por aí.
Boa tarde, Tudo tranquilo?
Boa tarde man, tudo de boas
Dailizinha maneira agora
Todo mundo junto e misturado
É nós na fita kk
cade a thread de hoje ta atrasado em
cansou ne bb eu te entendo... 😆
Rate on scale of 10.
#inleo #hive #thread #trend #art #ballpoint
10! Really good work! 👍
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/50)@bem999! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Thank you sir
10 for me. It's brilliant!
I am not sure if this was a good move or not, but I have started developing my first game in Rise Of The Pixels.
write a long post and share your experience here 😀
Will do
Here you go : Check this out!
Re-thread because of ongoing visibility issue in Latest feed 🙄
Fun with #splinterlands #ai image generator. I said he was holding a staff topped with a skull but...
Dr Blight is holding broom instead of a staff. 😅

Ai is just taking over everything. Do Spinterlands now has an ai image generator?
oh sorry I misphrased it. The image generator is an external site. I just described the Splinterlands character I wanted which was dr blight.
Ohh, okay. No worries.
Starting to look at ways to encrypt custom json on Hive...
Interesting, I will explore it.
Thank you.
Hive, high above the ground!
Hikingtrip to Pinner-Kreuz, Cochem.
Hive Streetpromotion Germany
Wow! This is really cool. We've also start promoting hive in Nigeria but not pasting posters of it in streets and roads.
This is really cool.
Spread the word to the world.
A new "Hive" game launched today and went down the Layer 2 HE Token route and promised in the whitepaper to "bring the game" to other chains.
Can we just stop.
Build games on Hive for all gamers and work on screens where gamers are. Switch, Xbox, Playstation, Steamdeck, Mobile etc....
Gamers are for fun not for wrapping a "token" in a game.
come on already.
Hive is honestly small potatoes and it's showing more and more every day now.
True but this begs the question what is "on-chain"
I have spoken about this many many times.
You can build on Hive native, not HE and still allow other "chains" to access your games.
The paradigm is wrong, we are changing it.
Huge day today at work, and setting up for the next 2 days on the road!
Hope you Lions are having an epic start to the work week!
It has been a good week. Make the most of yours.
I hope you and task come together again one day so you can talk about your new job :)
Lets make it a good one :D
I just added another 1500 LEO (along with the associated HIVE) to the diesel pool.
We need to focus upon getting more liquidity in there.
eheheh dip pockets :D LOL
I bet your pocket is heavy. 👀
ok, so that was pretty funny
just buy one book and read it twice 😅
i knew it already that you are a genius bro. 🤣🤣🤣
How ??
It's a funny meme, unless you do the math.
1 time = 50% solved 👌🏼
2 times = 75% solved
Good morning friends! May your Tuesday be amazing!
I hope you had a good cup of coffee.
Just adding a bit to newsonleo.
I'll start too.
I am going to do some throughout the day. Every hour I will put up 5 or so stories.
That should get the numbers up by the end of the day.
It's a good strategy, Task
. There will be lots of news throughout the day
Yes. Also there isnt enough posts to break it up. I would spend an hour getting them up there if there were more posts to fill in. Since there are times when I do the posts and I put up 5 in a row, that is not great.
Well, we know that life isn't perfect, right? If things were so simple, it would be easier to resolve hahaha..
But the important thing is that you are bringing more and more news.
Do you love memecoins? This might be good to read for you
#gmfrens ☀️
Lets be productive :D
Good morning :) !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@moretea! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Good Morning.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Yo yo , good morning everyone

How has music contributed to your childhood growth? For me, childhood was fun with some of the music I'll highlight..
I had the opportunity to listen to allot of music because people around me where musically incline persons. One of the songs I loved so much and sang it many times is "ADOABI" by The Mavins..
The rhythm of the song keeps us dancing round and round while mimicking the song. That's what made the song more likely for me during my childhood days...
I Love horror movies, so every time I get on the DLR driverless trains I am always imagining all that can go wrong! #photography
I imagine the same in dark alleys lol
uhhhh I dont even go on those! LOL
LOL! 🤣
losing control, start accelerating like wild! uhhhhh so many thing can go wrong LOL
Smiles 😃. I'm not the movie type talk more of horror movie. I can stay more than 4 months without watching any movie.
Oh really! I am always watching something. They can be fun. And then sometimes they are so bad that they are still fun LOL
Smiles 😃. Different personalities with different choice.
For sure and that is the fun of the world :D
One thing pushes me back so much from pooling on LEODEX.
That crapy token name:
Sounds almost like the other shitty stuff, like meme-pepe-shiba-doge-maga-toshi-floki-bonk and other nonsense.
CACAO it means almost CHOCOLATE (COCOA) for me.
cocoa comes from cacao seeds
I wondered why they named it that. Although seeing it reminds of chocolate (cocoa)😅
cocoa comes from cacao seeds
Yes, that's why the token ($CACAO) reminds me of chocs😅
Do not worry, be happy. Somebody else will do it. ;-)
It is mostly based on Thorchain technology, that’s as good as it gets. I’m sure you must appreciate thorchain
Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below
It appears like you have strong aversion to MEME tokens.
Yes I do. And there is no secret about this.
What about Leo?
On CoinGecko there are a couple of them but not our Leo.
Have noticed the same thing. Maybe Leo devs should get more concerned bout all this?
Sounds interesting, yes the name is kind of not very much appealing.
Syria above S.Korea, Taiwan and UAE ???
I am shocked
Surprising, indeed
Yeah thats surprising. Can it really be accurate with Syria? Its super wartorned?
There are many Toyotas registered. Of this kind:
Not all of them still exist thgough ;)
This is kinda shocking tbh.
I am equally shocked.
I thought UAE was in the top 3. But it's not.
That is surprising! Japan makes sense to be first. Not too many too far behind.
Syria can be explained by necessity. I don't think that their public transportation works that well, considering the circumstances.
It seems everytime I come outside late at night I hear this faint robot voice "Authorities have been notified and are en route at the moment". It kind of creeps me out, the way it echoes on the wind, it feels dystopian 🤖
My alarm system faintly whispers every time someone opens a door or window.
This isn't one of those, it's some kind of loudspeaker outside that just repeats over and over. One of these days I'm gonna go on a walk at night and figure out where it's coming from lol
Yo some places in Cali ve straight creepy.
When I say I live very near the CENTER of EUROPE - they think I am joking.

It's nice to be in the center like a golden heart.
It's not just about geography, it's also the mindset and style of life what tells where does a country belong to. Sadly, the Czech Republic, my home, tends to go East. The pull comes from the countryside, not Prague, though...
It is so weird how that can happen, in Hungary too. The Russians oppressed the country for over 50 years and now everyone wants to go back into their arms. They forgot that their ancestors were shot on the streets dragged into dark cells and beaten. They forgot how they could not even go to the bakery without being spied on.
It's not about the affinity towards Russia, I meant the values and mindset too - but yes. Crazy.
Interesting. I was not aware of that.
One day I will visit your country. Maybe on 2028, should I get a job by that time.
You're not wrong after all. 🤣
Is that time of the week y'all!
Time to throw some $HBD into savings!
And thanks to that plus the monthly interest, I passed the 1000 $HBD in savings milestone :)
Performing art photography is so much fun! When you struct the perfect light! #photography
Light has its own charisma in life.
And light is the whole key of photography
#gmfrens a lovely thought to begin the day
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
That's why on "Threads" we only discuss ideas - even when they're disguised as people (Satoshi, Vitalik, Dan Larimer, etc.) 😉
I cho
This morning I saw a deer in our front yard! Poor guy was probably lost. I live in the city so haven't seen them here before.
a deer in the city? That sounds weird.... I have seen end of the world movies like that LOL
Yeah, never seen one. I think they got their things mixed up cos it snowed a lot here during the night even though it shouldn't be snowing during this late in the spring time
@slobberchops I love you :)
Now that's what I call a public coming out!
So you don't love me?
i love all my Hive family 😀
🙏 🙏 🙏
A new #airdrop is here!
Zerolend snapshot is about to happen - 29.04
By doing some simple tasks you can save your allocation in it.
Check the comment to join!
Join from here:
Do simple quest like connect discord for 100 points, say gm for 10 points and some other if you want to do.
How many points minimum to become a beneficiary of this airdrop?
there's no minimum limit..
Just get as much points as possible and as much as you can to be eligible.
Okay. Thanks
Can I still join and become a beneficiary??
yes you can join.
AI’s Carbon Footprint is going to be a Problem!
Marco Antonio Lueras
#ai #power #carbonfootprint #quotesonleo #quotes
Switch to renewable source.
Solar, solar, solar. We've barely tapped into that giant fireball of energy in the sky. And solar panels are just the beginning of the tech that can convert that energy to electricity.
Threads can make you rich. Just a thought.
Not yet, or by itself… but it can contribute over time.
That's the mindset.
#threadstorm #outreach #life
1/🧵 Do you know yourself well enough? There are some attributes we possess that we may not find comfortable with but we find ourselves living our lives that way.
I believe that one does not end up knowing oneself. It could even take a lifetime.
By the way, keep in mind not to let more than 2 to 3 hours pass from the time the article was published until it is shared in order to aspire to curation.
That is right, it could take a lifetime.
Okay, thanks so much, I will keep that in mind.
2/🧵 In communicating with others, we find out they also have same attributes, now how do you feel or handle such when you realise this? Do you feel relaxed or you recognise that it is something that needs a change?

3/🧵 I published a blog post where I mentioned some of my attributes and how I manage it when I meet others who have same. Click the link 👇 to have an insight, learn from it and leave a comment. 👇
sitting by a fire
watching the news
on the wall of our cave
#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday
Reply with your favorite wallpaper.
#inleo #hive #thread #favoritewallpaper #watermark.
How to trace our old Threadposts in a quickest possible time???
Search your profile
That will be time-intensive.
In the case of Blog posts, it's relatively easy....but not in the case of threadposts.
You literally just type in the search box of your profile. No search bar for blog posts as far as I can see, so that's more tricky for me
Wow it works, thanks I never did it before.
Yeah, it's a bit funky sometimes but works ok.
Yeah, at least something is available.
Can we search by a partigular tag in this search box?
in your profile, filter by oldest
Thanks a lot.
How much do you love Dogs?
Rate your Love for Dogs from 1 - 10
#neoxian #askonleo
why not 10?
For cat, I can give 10....I love cats more than dogs. But I guess 8 and 10 are not very far.
You're a Cat lover
I am not a lover of 🐕 🐕 🐕 I hate it
Can you tell us why?
A verified lover of Dogs
Why is this on-chain ?? DB of Nothing! powered by the Crystal Spider API will change this.
1/ Hello friends, happy start of the week. Today I want to share with you my last pictures of my visit to the beach of Choroní with my family.
2/ If you want to know more about the experience you can do it from the following post:
#familyfriends #liketu #photography #beach #gosh
The chalk looks to continue in the #nba playoffs as the home team #cavaliers are up big in the 4th quarter vs the #magic. Things are much different in New York, however, as the #knicks trail the visiting #76ers 65-62 halfway through the 3rd quarter. Later it's #lakers/#nuggets with Denver trying to continue it's dominance of LeBron. #sportsonleo
Fallout the TV series kicks ass. Very well done. Got me playing fallout 4. #gaming
Can not wait to start this.
you won't be disappointed
I will use my mother in laws prime account because ther is no way I am paying Jeff more money :D
hahaha this is the way
Is it worth watching even though I havent played fallout?
absolutely. My wife loved it
Looking forward to start watching this. I have played Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4. In my opinion, great games. And now, because of this thread, I expect a lot from the series 😆
you're going to be sucked in fast
I can't wait. Will do it today! 🤩
Freedom is a precious gift. Dont get into a debt trap, because debt denies freedom and might cost your valuable time in entirity.
Will Ethereum regain decentralized finance dominance because of layer two blockchains?

#threadstorm 1/3 #ethereum #layertwo #consume #newsoninleo
Layer Two Blockchains are reverese the flight of investors away from ethereum

Ethereum the Return of the King

Looking closely here in Nigeria, I found out that bicycle repairers have gone into extinction.
Read on👇
#threadstorm #outreach #cycling

In the early 2000s, we had them scattered all over the streets. One did not need to make travel before getting a repairer to fix a faulty bicycle, but at it now, not even one can be found in a whole city.
"Deal with the big while it is still small." —Lao Tzu
Keep powering up!
That's my plan, how about you?
Keep working. This is great.