There are 4 pages

Something really incredible came together overnight last night on the LeoDex and Maya front

I don’t think anyone is expecting this. It’s going to have a major improvement on our Hive rail for L1 swapping through LeoDex

Well that is very cloudy.

How about some clarity amigo?

When will u produce a detailed article with tutorials on this MAYA things.....??

feed me more!!!

AS a leo fan it's really very exciting moment for us. I appreciate you bro you nailed it.

this is awesome

Sounds good.
Big things ahead.

It seems that the future looks even brighter

Did you see and teamed up to bring Wrapped Bitcoin integration to Lightning Network.

Article inside.

Just read it, thanks my friend.

I am glad you found it informative.

One day people will understand the importance of transacting with 0 fees

good article

Yeah especially when the space starts to move out of the financial. They are accepted there but not in other places.

Thanks very much sir, I just listened to it will the audio function. 🤗🤗
This is a great improvement to hive 🥂🤗🤗.

Lions, do not amputate your creativity, dreams and goals to be part of the heard.

Be you.

Be light.

This is beautiful☺️☺️ Being yourself and being the light will definitely pave ways for you. Thank you for this

Exactly....that shd be our intrinsic motivation...that romance should not be made blurred under the grab of bullish run.

1/3 🧵 #threadstorm

Depression prevents to see the colors of life


2/3 🧵

And it can affect anyone, regardless of age, sex or address.

3/3 🧵

In my last post I try to say in a few words my first contacts with this cruel disease.

No one is immune, do you agree?


"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." —Winston Churchill

Powered Up 115.54 #hive

congrats on powerup.

attitude is important sometime 💀

Good morning friends.

Every sunrise is a pointer that you can recalibrate and pursue your dreams.

Don't give up!




Has my curation capability disappeared?


Strange ..... Noticed my voting LEO power keeps sit at 100%.
Made a bunch of 100% bOOms , but nothings changes.


VP Power remains at 100%, heart icon after vote do not change color, rewards still show 0.00 LEO everywhere:

Brave, Chrome, Librewolf browsers, both labs.inleo and INLEO.
Win11. All same.


Perhaps they used a different front end like Peakd to respond. For some strange reason LEO penalizes people for that.

Very strange......I just checked....the reward breakdown is showing 0 LEO...but reflecting HBD and HP reward....

The entire system is confusing AF. I don't understand why we still don't tell people what they are earning in curation each day like you see with Hive. These are core things that should be worked on.

Social Media is unforgiving 🤣 with the news on P Diddy houses getting raided and supposedly him hopping on his Private Jet heading to a country where there is no extradition the folks on X are posting some funny ass shit #newsonleo #music #scandal


A deleted thread is only deleted on the ui, but can still be found on chain, right?

Yes, that's correct. It's an immutable ledger....

sure it is, but how can "deleted" content be found when there's no ui linking to it? I never tried to find something "deleted" so i'm curious ...


Did you notice that CoinGecko is now showing $CACAO TVL and therefore ranking also?

#maya #cacao #crypto

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I want to see the price chart of $LEO and where to see it?


Just finish watching #spaceman2024 , unique way to explain selfishness and how it affects all our decisions, love ones, child, a man who realize he have live his life for the wrong reasons, review soon #moviesonleo #netflix #spaceman

A production that sounds very good and I already have it on my list of movies to see.

it is a very slow movie and its not about space exploration, very philosophical to a certain point still a good watch

I'll look it up to see how it goes.

I am tired now. Finished my ifter and thinking about today's post. I hope I will get a idea very soon for it. What about you?

have you checked HL Weekly Featured Content?

just checked and I will write on the topic today.

Iftar here is a bit more than 4 hours from now... I'm thinking about today's post too, but maybe I'll pass.

Yeah, I woke up from a really empowering nap and I'm also thinking for the best post to pot together now. Good luck with yours. 🌺

Good Morning #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

That's the best way to say Good Morning.


Good Morning Bro

I am almost back... Internet back!

Updated the #rules for the upcoming #giveaway... hint? 5 winners now!

What exactly the task?

Short form... every #HPUD I normally release a #giveaway post under the @forykw account. People just need to be powering up a min of 10HIVE on the 1 day of the month. Then come to my post, and reply something with "ATX" word. That's it...

Thank you. I will participate.

But please read the rules, and once the post releases (in the next 3 days) you can get to it.

I have also #NFTs to increase the ability to receive more HP delegation. Also, you get free $ATX tokens just by participating.

The ATX tokens for now only have one use... to get more distribution and some rewards from the pool I have.

This one...

Rules link if you want to read before I release the post under @forykw account:

Hi all! I took a marker to mark this day on the calendar, as the day when SCOTBOAT came out of his binge and started giving out rewards :)

"Get a degree or you'll be stuck flipping burgers," they said. So I got a degree. Then they crashed the economy, killed the career for my degree, and burger flippers are making almost as much to start as I get after 10 years as a librarian.

Should have become a librarian flipper.

You could still become a burger flipper... R- right?

This is not the worst option... the founders of McDonald's laugh at these words :)

HiveBR Thread Day #40

Terça feira começando! Ontem foi um dia um pouco mais parado. Será que hoje conseguiremos retomar o ritmo? Afinal, é a super terça!


A very important article for Hive if you havent seen it.

hoje voltamos a ir pra academia de manhã, também mudei minha série, agora tô com consultoria e senti muita diferença. treinando superiores e inferiores em dias alternados

Consultoria é tipo personal ou é outra coisa?

é quase como se fosse personal, mas a diferença é que é on-line. mas o professor monta a série toda voltada pro que você precisa. no caso desse que eu tô, tem um app com as séries, vídeos dos exercícios e ele tá sempre on pra tirar duvida

Show hein

Acho que eu preciso de um negócio desse hahah

eu achei bom d+. a diferença do treino que que tava fazendo antes, pro de agora, foi absurda. antes eu ficava 30min na acad, hj fiquei mais de 1h kkkk

e ainda tem um planejamento nutricional junto pros primeiros três meses também

Então vc vai treinar os mesmos músculos mais de uma vez na semana, certo?

segunda vai ser ênfase em quadriceps, terça e quinta superiores, quarta ênfase em posterior e sexta ênfase em glúetos

Hm entendi. 2 dias focados pra superiores e pernas dividido, faz sentido mesmo.

uhuum!! e o foco é emagrecer por enquanto

bom dia, galerous!!

Bom dia.

Anyone from #hivebr excited about today's AMA?

We will see what this does for Leo.

Perhaps we need to set a day to go for another record. Are the Brazilians up for it?

What they will talk about today's ama?

I am sure Maya.

Is the launch party confirmed for today?

I dont know if it is the launch party or a regular AMA.

We just need more pieces online in a good day, like friday, which is a holiday

We have some good soldiers ready to fight.

Formatando um pc aqui de uma clinica, to meio ausente, computador cheio de arquivo, o pessoal cria uma pasta para cada documento, nossa temos que fazer uma limpa na busca de documento.

hhaha foda

eu costumo fazer meu proprio backup aí quando mando formatar só falo pra apagarem geral

Aqui eu que formato sou o tecnico rs

Então tu é o famoso técnico

3.5k de comentários no feriado...


eu voto SIM

This place is about to...

Só se tiver ovo de chocolate na parada kkkkkk

acabei de antecipar minhas férias pro mês que vem e tô mt feliz

Parabéns! Sem dúvidas serão férias merecidas.

Eu ja to quase vencendo 2 Ferias, já quero pedir uma

Boa noite, galera e até amanha se assim Deus nos permitir, tenham todos uma Ótima noite e bom descanso a todos!

Galera vou dá uma descansada, as costas estão doendo de ficar sentado na frente do PC. mas jaja volto.

$BTC O beach coin tá subindo... E o SPS tá ... vou falar nada.

Eu tô quase desistindo do SPS, sinceramente. Não é possível q essa desgraça não consegue subir de jeito nenhum.

Tenso... Parece cutucar alguma coisa e ela não reagir. É frustante ver tudo subindo o splinter parado, segurando para não cair mais.

Até aquele lixo do axie infinity tá indo melhor, e bem melhor. A oferta daqueles tokens são infinitos e tão dando mais lucro do q o SPS que tem oferta limitada

Vou falar um negócio se essa renovação da ranked e a campanha de marketing não der em nada acho que o jogo não vai ter saída, porque eles tão apostando todas as fichas nisso. O tenso é esperar e ver o que dá? 8 ou 80?

Você viu o post que soltaram hoje?

Vi uns 2 posts recentes dos bots e também o do rework.

A ideia parece muito boa, o problema é que sempre dão um jeito de cagar tudo.

Lendo o post do que virá na atualização penso cada vez mais em me livrar de tudo o que tenho no jogo

Eu tenho que pensar um pouco sobre isso também...

bitch coin

(Beach, Bitch, Bee eat, Be Eat) Coin

ta dificil man, uma hr a nossa sorte chega

Po, mas a galera que já tá no splinter nos últimos tempos só tem tomado. Cade o momento de redenção na jornada do heroi?

Essa parte foi cortada do filme :(

#hivebr já começa o dia na ativa!

bora bora

E o $BTC em, será que vai pros 100k dessa vez ou está só iludindo o pessoal?

Acho que está juntado forças para subir uma vela verde fortíssima

Tomara. Eu só queria que o preço estabilizasse e parte da grana viesse pras altcoins.

Eu também

acho que ainda vai rolar

Acho que é só ilusão.

Bom dia. Juventudão está na final do gauchão, bora ganhar essa taça!

Pega quem na finalissima?

Hoje vai sair o segundo finalista. Está entre grêmio e caxias. Grêmio ganhou de 2x1 o primeiro jogo.

que time é esse? hahaha zoa

Melhor teu vasco tomar cuidado em 😂

Kkkk time ordinário

Bom dia.

Acho que estou com dengue ou alguma virose. Ta foda!

Oloco, qq tá pegando aí?

dor no corpo. Ontem fiquei o dia todo deitado

Vish, foda. Melhoras aí

Valeu man!

Melhoras. Vai num postinho qualquer coisa.

valeu man, voltei da academia um pouco melhor

eita, melhoras man


Barril , toma muita agua e repouso, aproveita e manda muita msg

Caramba!! Melhoras pra você! Espero que cure logo

Obrigado meu amigo!

Eu ia para a academia agora as 9:30 , mas não deu, so vou as 12:00

Horário de almoço não é o caos, não?

rapaz la no horario de almoço não tem ninguem, a academia fica aqui do lado de casa

to aqui pra sofrer bullying de vcs pra aumentar a quantidade de comenatrios na tread 🤣

Volta e meia aparecemos nos trendings novamente #hivebr

tem que usar a tag na thread mãe, nos comentários acho que não conta

Olha, eu acho que ajuda a subir a tag nos trendings, mesmo que não apareça lá

Se você for clicar lá na tag, vai ver que a última thread com a tag foi ontem

fui no centro da cidade em pleno horário de pico e cheguei morta em casa

aqui esfriou pra caramba. que delicinha colocar casacooo

Aqui deu uma amenizada, mas ainda tá na casa dos 25

Aqui tá ameno, chega próximo dos 30 a tarde e a noite dá uma boa esfriada.

Bota casaco. Tira casaco.

sim! Tava precisando, aqui foi de 39 pra 10 graus 😹 o imunológico sofre mas o cobertor tá comfy

Quem ai ficou com sono ontem acompanhando a briga do Bin Laden e do Davi, com participação do Buda e o chão?

eu fui dormir bem antes, mas já me atualizei toda no twitter. eu acho que tinha que deixado acontecer naturalmente 😂

Khalkashi e seus gatos

Animados para a partida de daqui a pouco? Ou foi sorte de estreante de Dorival?

Bora pra super terça rapazeada, bater pelo menos 200 comentários hoje hein, cade o gás do começo de semana, boooora

Animados com a volta do LeoDex?

Espero voltar a utilizar aquela função de multiplicador do nosso VP.

Vai ser bem legal.

Como funciona isso, nunca participei, explica por favor para eu participar também

Era um Hive-Engine melhorado, eu gostava de usar bastante o multiplicador pois me ajudava a votar em diversas comunidades e não afetava meu VP no Hive.

Não sei se vc entendeu, infelizmente não ti conseguindo enviar um comentário extenso... Parece que some.

O multiplicador era uma ferramenta que a gente configurava de graça para votar muito mais vezes e não gastava nosso VP do Hive.

Aqui na INLEO eu voto em seu post a 5%, Mas o valor e o peso do voto seria 50%.

Mas o VP, seria gasto apenas os 5% no Hive.

VP que ne refiro aqui:

Não peguei essa época. Como funciona essa função?

Task acabou de me atualizar um pouco e pelo que entendi, ele não será como antes... É uma pena...

Ele é tipo um Hive-Engine melhorado.

O multiplicador de VP espero que eles consigam trazer de volta.

Funcionava assim:

Vc deixava como gostaria de usar seu VP na configuração lá, caso vc votasse em um post sobre Splinterlands em 10%, seu VP no Hive consumiria apenas 10%, mas em Splintertalks, vc teria votado em 100% naquele post.

5% = 50%

1% = 10%

Assim, vc usaria muito mais seu VP em diversas comunidades sem gastar muito seu poder de voto no Hive.

Entendeu ? Qualquer dúvida pergunte de novo, pois talvez não fui tão claro.
Tô colocando a bebê pra dormir e digitando ao mesmo tempo. 😅

Funcionava assim:

Vc deixava como gostaria de usar seu VP na configuração lá, caso vc votasse em um post sobre Splinterlands em 10%, seu VP no Hive consumiria apenas 10%, mas em Splintertalks, vc teria votado em 100% naquele post.

5% = 50%

1% = 10%

Assim, vc usaria muito mais seu VP em diversas comunidades sem gastar muito seu poder de voto no Hive.

Entendeu ? Qualquer dúvida pergunte de novo, pois talvez não fui tão claro.
Tô colocando a bebê pra dormir e digitando ao mesmo tempo. 😅

Acho que não entendi kkkk vc aumenta o seu poder de voto e em troca paga alguma taxa em hive, hbd ou outro token, é isso?

Vc paga nada, apenas é uma opção para configurar seu upvote.


Estamos na INLEO, neste seu comentário eu voto em 10%, mas aqui na plataforma é a mesma coisa que 100% do meu upvote.

Já no VP do Hive, eu teria gastado apenas 10% dele... O VP é disso aqui que ne refiro:

Pqp... Sumiu o comentário de novo

Vc paga nada, apenas é uma opção para configurar seu upvote.


Estamos na INLEO, neste seu comentário eu voto em 10%, mas aqui na plataforma é a mesma coisa que 100% do meu upvote.

Já no VP do Hive, eu teria gastado apenas 10% dele... O VP é disso aqui que ne refiro:

No caso, vc configura o vote power em leo? É isso?

Tice que enviar meu comentário picado de novo... Malz aí.

Dá pra ver, é só clicar em cima que dá pra ver o comentário todo. Ele fica invisivel se vc não está dentro do campo do comentário

Eu já percebi que se a gente fizer um comentário bem grande, ao enviar ele some .. vai pro limbo...

Tive que colocar em partes e espero que entenda.

Não é que some, ele fica invisível, mas se você clicar em cima da pra ver

100 comentários. #hivebr

Ate me assustei aqui com o tamanho da publicidade acima do Threadcast rsrsrs...

mds kkkk aqui pra mim n aparece anuncio nenhum

Sério? Estranho, pois parece que agora a frequência aumentou até nos tamanhos rsrsrs..

Se vc usa algum bloqueador de anúncio isso pode acontecer. Dá pra habilitar essa opção em alguns navegadores sem precisar de extensão também. Qual navegador vc tá usando? E extensão, tem alguma?

aaah, vdd. é por causa do bloqueador de anúncios. errei, fui mlk

kkk, canva é muito massa , uso sempre

Ótima ferramenta para nós aqui. Caso não saiba, posso indicar tbm o Adobe Express.

Tem mais funções gratuitas, mas quero enfatizar que ambos são ótimos e uso os dois pois se completam.

Boa tarde, que possamos seguir com uma tarde Abençoada.

venho por meio deste comunicar aos nossos consagrados meu primeiro post em pt brazuca para elevar a glória de nosso império democrático bananil, digo, varonil -q

eu ouvi um amém?

Pra glorifica de impé!!!

tem alguma forma de trocar hbd por hive sem ser aquela de esperar 3 dias?

Tem sim!

Você pode usar seu HBD pra comprar Hive no mercado interno

Você pode usar a função Swap ou então usar as visões Basic ou Advanced se quiser colocar ordens de mercado

E também tem uma função de Swap direto no KeyChain

Muito obrigada!!

Voltei, ia treinar Jiu-Jitsu, mas não deu. O Trabalho ta puxado hoje aqui.

Boa noite, Que nossa noite seja tranquila e Abençoada !

Bom dia! Correria hoje novamente mas vou tentar aparecer sempre que der uma brecha

bom dia!! dias de luta dias de glória 😂

O feriado pelo visto vai cair bem aí em

Nossa, nem fale

Vai ser uma dadiva

Os humilhados (um dia) serão exaltados.

Bom dia.

Bom dia! Isso mesmo hj será show, Vamos que Vamos. Uma Ótima terça-feira a Todos.

Hoje infelizmente não deu pra acompanhar o AMA da LeoFinance... marcaram duas reuniões bem no horário

Vou ter que acompanhar a gravação

Tbm tem um resumo caso queira verificar depois. Quando o bot lançar eu jogo aqui.

Bom dia, hivers.

Eu mudei de chefe recentemente no trabalho. O chefe atual é muito bonzinho, mas ele tem cara que quando ele fica pistola ele destrói o mundo... espero não descobrir o que acontece hahah

eu sendo chefe 😇

mas pelo menos esse vai te dar ferias


simmm, nisso ele foi foda

ele falou assim: "Se você me garantir que está tudo combinado com a equipe e com o cliente nos seus projetos, eu nunca vou negar nenhum pedido de férias"

mais que um chefe, um pai kkkkk

Os piores.

Esses bonzinhos são os mais perigosos haha

Que negócio é esse que a Scarlett Johansson está sendo cotada para estrelar a próxima sequência de Jurassic World? Já vou fazer piquete na frente do estúdio da Universal, porque essa aí só saber "atuar" sendo "super-heroína".

Nem sabia que ia ter uma sequencia

Porém, sou um homem simples. Se eu vejo a scarlett vou assistir 😍

Linda, sem dúvidas. Porém, limitadíssima atuando.

A beleza ilude.

Até demais.

Here is the Space link:

~~~ embed:1772656289442598968?s=46&t=f3qY2xxYIegwgxWlYwko8g twitter metadata:a2hhbGthenx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9raGFsa2F6L3N0YXR1cy8xNzcyNjU2Mjg5NDQyNTk4OTY4fA== ~~~

Quem vai aí uma água com Gás? Para refrescar a tarde!

Eu gosto. Com um limão espremido e um café


Com cafe? nunca fiz isso não , eu tomo mais para malhar por conta do Bicabornato

com uma rodela de limão, pfvr

Ai fica ruim, rs

Pelo visto, alguns estão sem a sua foto do perfil. Eu percebi que o meu voltou, mas talvez para vcs o meu tbm não tenha voltado.

Espero que esses bugs acabem login

aqui pra mim o de todos aparecem, menos o seu 👀

Que coisa... E o seu não aparecia, mas agora posso ver.

Bug doido kkkk

Task voted me...but the reward breakdown is not showing any $LEO reward.


I noticed it in the report I wrote yesterday.

Let's hope dev fix it soon.

I hope so 🤗🤗🤗🥂🥂.

Hello @bradleyarrow I love your meme and jokes, feel free to rethread them in the party room, the party room is a place for fun of all kinds. Please feel free to share all your memes in the #partytime threadcast.

Thanks so much. If I was not at work I would take you up on that offer.


Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣, the party room is a place where all fun is welcome. For our pleasure.
Please sir, you can read through the party report for more clarity.

During the party time, we ensure that all threads in the room are attended to, and it will increase its reputation 🤣🤣.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/50)@caleb-marvel! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

Hello Lions! How is your day going?

It's unfortunate the songs are not yet back. Hopefully, the Inleo team will work on it soon.

Oh yeah 👍👍, they are in it. But for the main time, the party must to on. We can't go for holiday 🤣🤣🤣.

Yes, activities will still be on. We get to interact with others.

hangouts 🤣🤣🤣

Hahaha "Space Aliens" 😂

I need to see them and maybe go with them to space 🤣🤣

Exactly 💯🤣🤣🤣.
But this guys are wonderful 😊😊.

Hello, #partytime people.

Sorry I have not been on sooner, I have been very busy these past 2 days.

But alas, I am here today.

Y'all are doing a great job keeping the #partytime up and running.

@caleb-marvel @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @oldmans.

Always good to see you here John. Don't worry, we'll always keep things lively around here.

Thanks, @coyotelation


You're welcome my friend.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/50)@coyotelation! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (4/10)@coyotelation!

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

you are most welcome sir 😊😊😊

if I plays football with my girlfriend and I score a goal. can we call relationship goals 🤔🙄


I don't think that's how it works 🤔

@coyotelation @mightpossibly, how is the day going?

Hello friend, life is busy here. Lately I've only been able to show up later at night...

But I'll always make a sacrifice to show up earlier.

Thanks a lot, there is no problem 😄🙂 as long you are fine 😂.

Oh yeah 👍👍👍, I love SpongeBob 😻😻😻😻

Do you still watch their movies?

Not verymuch actually. But I do like it!

"I'm ready! I'm ready!"

In the dubbing here in Brazil, he says this 😁

What do you have to say about this quote?

Head over to this quote to rate and engage.

if a car hits Jessy does that make her Jessica.

#jokesonleo #partytime

Lol 😂😂😂, I think I will ask @mightpossibly this question 🤣🤣.

Hello @metzli, how is your day going? I hope you have casted your votes. 🤣🤣🤣

I'm the spider man they've been looking for. I'm no longer hiding 😂😂🤣


which web is going to carry you?

We intend making the party room a place like the Casino 🥂😎🥂.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Click the thread to use the poll to engage.

They said, "Why men were asleep, the enemy planted weed". So am a night owl because am always watching them as they plant the weed so that I can uproot it and smoke the hell out of it. 😂 Lol...

#partytime #jokesonleo.

Lol. I can imagine.

haha 😹😹😹😹😹

Please feel free to invite your friends to the party room and interact we them ..

Most of them are at work at the moment.

Then you can make any body your friend. By the way, you said most of them are at work, what about you?

I work from home. I join in to relax or when less busy.

Hive is an office, do you know that?

Sure, it is. I know that if I switch totally to Hive and make it a permanent job, it'll be a great one. I'm thinking in that direction and consistency and smart work is all that is needed.

How many of us has engaged in such act? Hold your phone while sleeping, next thing you see is your phone falling on your face 🤣🤣.

This happened when I was exhausted and needed to still send a message. When it fell on my face, I quickly woke up.

hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣..

😂😂 🙈

so many times. 😅

It happens to me a day before yesterday 🤣😂.. while I was writing a post.

Hello @fateme, how is your day going? You are welcome to the party room inLeo 🥂🥂🥂.

Holy Grandfather 🤣🤣🤣, his uncle is not yet a billionaire 🤣🤣.

Women should not have children after 35.
Really… 35 children are enough. I'm I right 😂😂

#jokesonleo #partytime

Hahah, who's gonna give birth to 35 puppies 🐶🐕🐕🐕🤣🤣🤣

A very important read. Click on the thread to get the article in the comment section.

Alright sir 👍👍.

I will post the link since embed doesnt seem to work.

Here is a video about sora and how it is going to take over Hollywood.


Here is the secret to your happiness. What do you think?

Am I love with you 😍❤️😍😍❤️😍😍

Lol. Is that the secret to your happiness?

Here is the space link:

~~~ embed:1772656289442598968?s=46&t=f3qY2xxYIegwgxWlYwko8g twitter metadata:a2hhbGthenx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9raGFsa2F6L3N0YXR1cy8xNzcyNjU2Mjg5NDQyNTk4OTY4fA== ~~~



Same here, hope the party is rocking?

good morning lions hope we all are having a great day 🌹❤️

Good morning to you my dear friend 😊❤️❤️

Good morning Lions

Good day to you the lion king, how is your day going?

My day is going great, pleasant weather, great to work. And your day, how it's going?

My day is going well too. Just a cool weather as well 🥂🥂.

Good morning

This face is not friendly oooh.

The cat's eyes need a touch. Lol.

This the final result hope I tried 🙄

very nice drawing!

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/5)@emmally! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @logen9f.

thanks so so much I really appreciate it 🥰😍

hello party time I've been kind of busy doing some drawings I think I should post it but I don't know if it will show 🤔🙄🌝🌚

hahahaha maybe you will add it to your report card 🤣🤣

I think I should still post it here 🤔

Try your best 🥰🥰.

@emmally @wealthwess,is party time

Happy Party time..

You are welcome my dear brother, anything for the party?

Being here alone is it for me 😂

Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣, this man !!!

Wetin i do 😉

happy party time it's time to laugh again 😁😂😂🤣🤣🤣

🤣🤣🤣I made our #partytime report yesterday, I hope we have commented, if not, you can give it a comment and up-vote.

Its another day 🥂🥂🥂, how is it going?

Its a lovely Tuesday, how is your day going?

Just for you and you alone 🥂🥂

Its a freestyle day, we are just doing all it takes to make sure the #partytime/room threadcast stand the test of time 🥂🥂.

🥂🥂🥂🥂 to all the party participants..

Lets try to bring up the threadcast for the benefit of others.


I feel like doing what I have never done.

I'll believe it when I see it

BUt you just saw it🤣🤣

Who is with me?

Example of how to dance without listening to music:

Damn... I can't send GIFs on my cell phone.

Am Always on cell phone... I can see gif

In Threadcast there is no Gif option... nor can I move to the side...

I can't upload pictures with my cell phone 😭😭😭, but i can send gif with it ..

Mine is the opposite. LOL

Hahahaha 🤣😂

How did you upload this screenshot ? Is it with your cell phone?

Yep, image I can... but I can't Gif

Me, I can't send images, but I sent gif 🤣🤣😭😭

Aff... 😂😂😂

I need to have your phone so that if I want to upload messages, I can use it. Lol

It seems to be working now. Can you try again ? It worked for me

On cell phone?

Yeah, I actually only use my phone on threads

why is it not working on my device 🤣🤣🤣

GIF is showing on mine. I'm using my laptop.

I got It.


You're welcome.

It's showing on mine 🤔🌚🌝🙄

This the starting hope I'm trying it's not that fine though it's been 5 years now and I haven't even draw any image.but I hope I tried 🙄🌝🌚

It's still loading........... 🙄🌝🌚😂

Couldn't get an answer from the lecturer, so I turned to ChatGPT for help! 💡🤖 Always there to save the day. "What's maximum # of parameter for bash script?
#ProblemSolving #ChatGP

1 / 2
The maximum # of parameters that can be passed to a script is limited by the maximum command-line length allowed by the operating system. This limit can vary depending on the specific environment

2 / 2 On Raspberry Pi the default maximum command-line length is like other Linux systems, determined by the kernel configuration and system settings. Which is on my Raspberry Pi 2 '2097152'. So plenty of parameters to fool around with.


1/ Hive's middle class is forming. Collectively, it has more power than most realize.

3/ This is not possible with larger accounts. One is not going from 500K to 2.5M without buying a lot of $HIVE.

Over time, we see a middle class forming.

2/ When it comes to influence, it is easier for smaller accounts to gain since it is a matter of increasing based upon percentage. For example, an account with 100 HP could get to 500 HP in a year (A 5x).

Problem: they don"t participate in governance as they should. Seems the problems are same IRL and on chain...

That's a nice point to be discussed.

The members of the middle class has to realize how strong they are.

Today's World- VUCA

  • V- Volatile
  • U- Uncertain
  • C- Complex
  • A- Ambiguous

What are some examples of VUCA? I'm not sure if Bitcoin counts as it's not complex nor ambigious.

work hard even as you're also playing hard

testing times bring tested personality/


Enjoying a coffee then going to pick up some bees at the post office

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Coffee is always a must.

All my bees died last year. I need to order some more this year. I didn’t;t even get any honey out of them.

Discovering one's purpose is an individual's obligation and is a lifelong journey. Finding purpose is crucial, no matter if you are a fresher, mid-career professional or an experienced senior executive.

Purpoe is like a compass--- it gives direction and meaning to your life, keeps the noise away and serves as a beacon when in dilemma.



#newsonleo #uk #censorship #assange UK court delayed its decision whether to finally approve or disapprove Julian Assange's extradition to USA, demanding "further assurances" from US authorities.

I don't know this guy, but you clearly want to make him famous :)

I don't have to. He was already played by Benedict Cumberbatch in biopic.

Ran into this written by @milaan and it resonates with me:

The best way to promote INLEO is not to actively promote it. Just make it part of your daily life, a culture in your family which could potentially translate into a culture of society.

Thank you so much.....

I ended up promoting INLEO with a video, lol. But I still love what you wrote.

👍 👍 👍

If you are using Metamask and and getting Json_RPC error trying to bridge your bleo/pleo, try using Xdefi. It seems to work well.

Referral ⬇️

XDEFI is so much better in every way.

Plus it will work with Maya. I'm looking forward to leaving MM behind. 😁

Totally hilarious!!!!

lol !BBH

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/50)@ben.haase! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

so so funny 😂😂

lol. Some I wonder about posting but everone got a different sense of humor. Glad youbfoubd it funny 😁


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/50)@emmally! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.


Mom are we pyromaniacs?
Yes we arson.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of idksamad78699

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@bradleyarrow, I sent you an


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@idksamad78699! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.


lol. !BBH

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(12/50)@coyotelation! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

This is actually beautiful!!

Thank you :) !BBH

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(6/50)@ahmadmanga! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

Really cool to see more votes here.

Get one more, mine. ✌🏼😁


A new day. A new opportunity to do more (and better).

A new day is blessing indeed.

Writing on demand.

Write it like never before....

Okay, someone give me something, a link, a post, to getting started with MAYA. Please.


lol. +1?

Means, I also need a detailed article on the same to undertand MAYA fully....

As I understand it, you need any link... aren’t you afraid? :)

I have no idea what you are saying. lol


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@barski! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

BEERHey @bradleyarrow, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Okay, here's a How to post I wrote with some explanation of what Maya is and How it works.

You are awesome


Is it still valid as there is not wleo anymore? going to be arpLeo or something like that.

I have wleo in my wallet waiting for the cacao-wleo pool. What is arpLeo?

did you watch the AMA? I have not hasmd a chance to dig into anything yet. Need to dona lot of reading.

I am listening now.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(14/50)@shortsegments! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

I believe other than El Salvador there's another government buying #bitcoins and in couple of months they'll make it official..

For now, let's just call it a conspiracy.

I've seen Taskmaster talking about Argentina ditching $USD for $BTC

More the nationa-states adopt it...the more it becomes digital gold.

It is customary to talk about such things in a whisper :)

What a pscho day with convertin pCub or bCub, Cannot wait to manual for ustaking vexPolycub. Wen? :-)

Ohhh, you are funny, man..
Don't you know WEN?


Vienna is sleeping peacefully and has no idea how much happiness has befallen her, if you believe the translator, and not that one. what did you write :)

Where to check the Leo Voting Power??


bottom left in the three dot menu next to your name on desktop and in the hamburger menu top right on mobile ...

Thank you so much.

I appreciate it.


What was that date when $LEO hit $1 for the first time in its entire history??


what I don't know if anytime $LEO hit 1 dollar. Can you say me when?

Can you say me when?

No one can say that...that we need to leave it to the mystery of future....

But you said what was the date which means it touched in the past🤔

oh! I didn't know the price of Leo has once entered that amount actually.

Yes, yes it has already printed that figure in the last bull cycle, perhaps in 2021, not sure about the exact date though.

wao! That's a good one. And I hope it gets back very soon

This time it could surprise all.....just a matter of time.

I hope so and I believe that's what most people are anticipating

I was not aware that inLeo has got so many cute GIFs.....some of them are as cute as Khal..... 😀

we will be back!

The next generation would not have to suffer to mak money like we do. There are various platforms to make money at the comfort of our homes. #web3

Why can't this generation use those platforms and not have to suffer to make money?

A lot of people are yet to fully have the knowledge and information needed. I perceive that the needed will be enormous for the next generation

The future is bright to all of us.

#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for March 26th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Mental Health Ambassador Team: @alessandrawhite @bitcoinman @caleb-marvel @ckole @fantagira7 @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @goingcrossroads @gregscloud @ibbtammy @jongolson @juva @laurapalmerr @lorennys @luchyl @manclar @pepetoken @solymi @thebighigg @wongi Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.

Its Another day friends 😀🎈😀, lets see what's going on 😀😀

Glad to have you here, Caleb! !LOLZ !PGM

How do construction workers party?
They raise the roof.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@caleb-marvel, I sent you an

Checking in 💪 !BBH

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(17/50)@freecompliments! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.

Welcome! !LOLZ !PGM

What's the difference between a poor man and a feather pillow?
One is hard up, the other is soft down.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@bitcoinman, I sent you an

Morning sir 🫡

Good day to you! !LOLZ !PGM

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

What did the Golden Gate bridge say to the Golden Gate river when they broke up?
I'm over you.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@fashtioluwa, I sent you an

GoodDay OGs

Likewise, good day to you! !LOLZ !PGM

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 13


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
He just needed a little space.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@fonestreet, I sent you an

Use this pinned post to post links in case the InLeo Ul isn't working well for you: @freecompliments/a-bimonthly-post-for-our-mental-health-ambassadors-to-post-links-to-distressed-users-3132024 Google Docs action flowsheet:

🧵/1.kucoin exchange is registered under FIU guidelines which is a good thing because Indian exchanges have failed to provide a better service for Indian users. At least something is better than nothing

#outreach #threadstorm #crypto

We need our own cartel of p2p....that's the best thing to do if we could develop like minded 50 Indian guys....

But who will do this 😞

Indians need decentralized exchange with a p2p feature..

You, me and other active users.....

You, me and other active users.....

Come to India United discord server where we are already doing p2p
do you think we will get buyers in bull season 💀

do you think we will get buyers in bull season

During peak....just book it and get into USDT....then u can keep on selling USDT from time to time.... that....we can strnegthen and expand India United P2P service....

🧵/2.OKX said users should take out their funds from the OKX wallets before 30 April and also if you are an okx user then you have to close your account after you take out your funds.

$PNS needs to be added on inleo soon! First Splinterlands community #memetoken Attention a token by #splinterlands

#crypto alles grün $BTC beendet Konsolidierung $HIVE +8%


Simpson Avenue Bridge in Hoquiam, Wash.

#photography #creativecoin

lighting makes this bridge beautiful


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Make introspection a daily ritual and if possible maintain a journal to record your thoughts, insights, and feelings to reap maximum benefits. Journalling, though considered old fashioned, is a very powerful practice.


It's time to do something productive and learn something.

Hope your day is going well.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Let's do this, everyday.

hell yeah!!

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