There are 6 pages

M👁’s M👁rningwalks

Crocusses and Mushrooms
happily together on a mossy green tree trunk,
this can only mean one thing …
Spring has arrived!

#spring #mushrooms #fungi #crocus #morningwalk #photography #mmw


in my #actifit 👇🏽 Report

I'm currently using Canva, but I want to level up and use Power Point in my covers, presentations, and videos. I do this little by little, since I don't have much time #hivediy

#outreach #threadstorm


It may not have been the best week but we are discovering the way X works, its algorithm and above all how our presence there impacts.



The important thing is to be constant in order to maintain this progress. Not every week will be equally impressive or outstanding, but it will help you to see what you are doing wrong or right.

Statistics help a lot in this, but you have to understand them.


If you want to know what I have written about it, you can visit my new article in which I tell some interesting things.

#feedback if i click on notifications. and someone has responded to a thread. I can click on the response and it opens the thread. No issues.

If the notification is just an upvote and I click on it to see what thread was upvoted I get the error page.

Exactly. I am also facing the same issue from the last three days.

It seems fixed this morning.

No...that issue still persists...

hmmmmmm..... it went away for me. Odd.


Social media, like Twitter, offers a platform for global outreach. Premium features enhance user experience, making engagement and promotion more effective.

#outreach #threadstorm


Weekly progress tracking on Twitter reveals fluctuating metrics. Engagement remains crucial; consistency fosters growth and opportunity in the digital sphere.

Published a long form post and link is shared in next comment-

For me, I love learning new things. As for my educational side, I am a graphic design student, I don't do it for the money but because it was something I always wanted to study. And as for my situation I am saving money to start a business later on.

#marchinleo #inleo #hive

In my country we all eat rice, like the Chinese, no dish is finished unless you put rice like this one with pork and tomato. We also eat it sweet, with gray, yellow and mixed.

#plantpowervegan #foodie

por favor me invitas a vomer? Me encanta el arroz en todas sus presentaciones y este tiene buena pinta.

Invitadisima siempre amiga , sin tener que tocar la puerta ❤️

Waoo I didn't know that

In Cuba, rice is the main dish of all meals.

In Cuba, rice is the main dish of all meals.

Undoubtedly, we cannot miss rice in our meals.

We are rice eaters haha

jajaja we can´t live without rice

I like to eat with rice every day too as a chinese people.

It's our idiosyncrasy friend 👍🏽

No flour eaten without rice

Rice is everything 🤭🤭

It is very versatile. That dish looks great.

Yes, but we Cubans eat too much of it haha, we like it with everything, we exaggerate haha

Es cierto, los cubanos comemos mucho arroz y solemos comerlo Es cierto, los cubanos comemos mucho arroz y solemos comerlo casi todos los días, es uno de los ingredientes principales en nuestras

No conseguimos comer sin arroz 🌾

We cannot eat without rice

It's true, at home lunch or dinner without rice is not a meal for us.

We Cubans are like that haha, they are our customs, we look like Chinese haha

We Cubans are like that haha, they are our customs, we look like Chinese haha

Would you rather get:


1 million in hbd savings :)

Hard to argue with that logic. That is more than $10K per month.

That's easy. $1M right now. Even paying $400k in taxes you could put $600k in $HBD and make $10k/mo in interest. Then you'd get both. 🙂

IS the $10k forever or it will stop at some point? If it's stopping, I will take $1 million and invest the money wisely. It can produce more than $10k monthly.

At my age I think I have to take the mil.

LOL Yeah that is one way to look at it. Have to have more than 100 months to live if choosing the other option.

I'm pretty sure I could be happy either way. 🤑

Considering the bull market in play and a clear bull market to be precise, 1 Million USD will be sufficient to retire financially.

I'd love to keep getting 10K a month ongoing forever. We could live pretty good on 120K a year.

I think I would have a easier time to handle 10k a month without going money blind :D

Would only need %12 APR initially to get $10,000/month on $1 million.

1 million now, and put 500K HBD savings for 100K per year. Put the other 500K into HP, delegate half to Leo.voter for Leo tokens and use the other half for Hive curations.

That is the sensible thing to do. Get the money and invest it.

Guranted income+speculative income.

The right balance of investment.

The ten 10k will be worth nothing in ten years (inflation) - so the 1mil + put it in HIVE & LEO 😆

My crypto bag right now 🤣

Do not underestimate XRP.

Yeah, $XRP is frustratingly lagging while others are mooning.

$LEO is now my largest Hive engine holding.

Congratulations. I'm gonna be like you some days.

congrats, mine is always has been Leo since beginning.

That's good.

U have a fortune to make in 2024/25.

It's already reserved for u.

Is there anyone who doesn't like eating rice? I doubt.
This one is our locally processed rice called Abakiliki rice, tasty, nutritious and healthy.

I love eating rice a lot and especially jellof rice and the recipe for making it is fresh tomato, fresh pepper, red bell pepper, spices like ginger, garlic, bay leaf, ground curry leaf, seasoning of choice, crayfish, salt to taste, vegetable oil and of course protein of choice.
To make it more appetizing I add carrots, green beans and spring onion. So yummy 😋

If you eat Naija jellof rice, you wouldn't want to eat any other type of rice, hehehe.

@beckyroyal @winanda @beauty197, hope you agree with this?.

#plantpowervegan #foodie

I love to eat rice and I enjoy it more when I cook it with vegetables, be it white rice and stew, jollof rice, fried rice or white rice with green vegetables, I enjoy it so much.

Thanks @luchyl

That's one beautiful thing about rice no matter the recipe used in preparing it , it will still be enjoyable

That's right.

Honestly I enjoy Nigerian rice too especially when I use red oil to prepare it concoction type.

Chai, that concoction rice is the master of them all especially if prepared with dry fish and scent leaf. I will just sit on the floor, spread my legs and enjoy it 🤣

Am telling you, the enjoyment no be here

Hahaha, I also like jollo rice ooooo.

Thanks for the tag

I know you will, we're birds of a feather 😂


I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @beckyroyal, you just got hugged. on behalf of @luchyl.

Of course 🤗

Hello, I am a rice lover hehehe. It can't be missing in my kitchen.

Exactly, we can't have rice missing in our kitchen because we love eating it, 😂

Amazing all the things you can do with rice. I loved your photos.

Now that Cryptoholics is not happening twice a week.
What is a good podcast / X space for me to go on and chat about our marketplace launch ????

Come onto the Lions Den next Friday.

Sounds good.

1 pm eastern time.

perfect. :)

Nice. Looking forward to it next friday. !PIZZA

Why do most people like a fixed salary than making investment to earn profits?

They are conditioned with the slavery mindset.

It is how people end up controlled.

You are right, and most of them ended up being unhappy with the jobs.

Without a doubt. Even if employed, they are often broke.

they want some else to make sure they food on the table.
they stress out if food is not a guarantee

Food security right? But at the end of the day, the salary is never enough to buy the food.

fixed salary = constant income stream

Investment = no fix profits.

Salary constant income that keeps losing value with cost of living. Profits from investment keeps growing even in time of inflation.

Because of stability.

The same argument we can advance in crypto as if I could rephrase it--

Why do we have stablecoins in Crypto?

Here in Venezuela prepared a variety of recipes with dice My favorite being, rice to the gardener and rice with coconut

#plantpowervegan #foodie

What is the ideal duration of a D&D session?

#dnd #rpg #polls

Acho que depende muito do grupo! atualmente 2 ou 3 horas pra mim é um bom tempo. antigamente eu tinha 3 mesas e a que durava menos era no minimo 4horas e as vezes se estendia até 8horas varando a madrugada e era otimo.

sdds da adolescencia

Caralho, 8 horas nunca tankei hahah

Normalmente jogo entre 3 a 4 horas... 5 estourando

5 era o padrao de toda sexta e sabado.. domingo era

eu era mto viciado em rpg mano.. mas pra ser sincero as mesas mais longas não eram de D&D era de Vampiro a Mascara e Lobsomen...

we do marathon sessions. last night was about 3-4 hours. we're travelling to find the eye of vecna

Nice! Yea, the ones I play are usually around that mark as well

I find 3-4 is the ideal duration. Less than that you can't really do much and more than that can be exhausting

yeah anything longer gets really exhausting.

We need more #rpg content on #hive

Definitely! I will try to get some of that going

i am onboard. I ran a play-by-post gaming on Hive for a few years.

Ohh nice, that's a cool format

Some dude tried to do that a few months ago but he got too busy and stopped DMing the game

interesting. I find with Premium that if I am active on InLeo I always have more HBD earned then I need to renew

i guess I didn't maximise it enough
I will do better next one

no worries. Just being on InLeo is helpful.
and spreading the word.

For active user and regular long form content, I think premium subscription is a must.

But as you said rightly, we should have money to make the first move.

I have to get the funds to do another asap

1/🧵Splinterlands 🐉| The Game's Player Base.

👉 How many player we actually need to things go crazy?

⚠️ It's not that much to end Chaos Legion.

#splinterlands #Play2Earn #crypto

I doubt if anyone will refuse a drink served from this beautiful jug.

The rose flower decoration on in is enough to entice you to enjoy the tasty fruit juice, yogurt, smoothie, kunu, zobo or chilled water that I usually serve with this jug.
Even if you preferred drink, you'll get it served from this jug.

I'm sure @taskmaster4450le @peniel2010 @caleb-marvel, @dwixer won't refuse it either 😂

#amazingdrinks #foodie

That is a really very nice looking pitcher, I love it

Yeah, it's beautiful. Thank you

Flower, J'adore.
How big is it ?

It's about 1.5 litres. Big enough to serve some cups of fruit juice 😂

Knowing it's fruit juice, I'll always be there

Lol, I was thinking you like something stronger than fruit juice 😂

My head isn't that strong , so, I try to stay safe

Oh, that's a good one. Some other guys will insist on taking it

My dear, you always know me as a natural drink lover 😉💓. You can call me a flower boy..

Lol, flower boy indeed 😂

thanks very much 👍👍

Please don't take that jug out in front of your house, because criminals may come and steal it. How beautiful! No wonder it's your favorite

Oh, I won't take it out then, lol. 🤣

That jug looks That jug looks very pretty with those pink flowers, I loved the design

The first time I saw it, I just loved it 😂.
Thank you

Seems there's something special about the jug bah, maybe you should just send me the jug straight up.

Everything is special about it. The flowers there is Rose, I'm sure you understand now

Waiting for my BTC to be sent to Hive so I can send out monthly rewards for participants in the #freecompliments community

When someone you know enters your thought, please find a way to reach out to the person. You might be saving a life by doing so.

#kindness #freecompliments #thread2earn

por favor , arreglen Dashboar !!
no puedo decirle que me paguen en staking leos para restakear un porcentaje mayor ....

It might be time to add some music to the database.

Perhaps time to build another artist page with some polls in them.

Good times.

I was trying to search for a Lady Gaga playlist the other day and having problems finding her.
Any tips on searching better for music???

I will be adding it through the rest of the day. But it is started.

Will be adding about 40 songs with polls. You can do a lot of voting.

This is usually the starting point. It is the individual artist/bands pages. There is more but this is a good starting point.

I havent checked to see if the search is back functioning.

I will have to check on Lady Gaga. I thought I made a page for her but it doesnt look like it.

I will get on that one today. It will be built in a few hours.

Forty-eight Savers in the Saturday Savers Club now - all achieving wonderful things!

Woot! If I own EDS tokens is that what the Savers club is or is it something outside of that?

The Savers Club is an extra benefit.
Lots of Savers in the Club own EDS, but they can save in any currency.
If you'd like to join, leave your primary and secondary (if you have one) savings goals for 2024 in a comment on this week's Club post.
New savers always welcome, any time of the year 😍.

very nice.
Nice to see you on threads.

Thank you, good to be here 😍

I love to dream coffee every morning, but I prefer to drink in my Cubita cup of coffee that represents one of great coffee arround the world. The Cuban's coffee. #silverbloggers

nada como el café de la mañana para tener un maravilloso día.
Me encanta tu tacita 🥰

El café es algo vital en la mañana para mi
Y mi tacita me gusta mucho ya que resalta mi cubanía.


@jlinaresp has sent VSC to @babyl

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
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@jlinaresp ha enviado VSC a @babyl

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
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Uses: 22/25


what beautiful is your cup of coffee ☕

Those cups are very popular in Cuba, and they are very popular. Good choice

Cuban coffee is really very tasty and I used to drink it in my favorite cup a lot.

Your Cubita cup is very cute :) Do you get a refill when you finish it?

A very delicious coffee at dawn, a Cuban doesn't do that 😉

Yes, my dear, thanks.

Fire in the heart,
Drive to succeed, never rest,
Dreams will be reached.

#haiku #weekend

Democracy is like cut cassava.

It rots quickly.

A movie told me.
Guess which?

#freecompliments #amovietoldme

Do you prefer...


Always Country side.

Beach area only occasionally.

Small towns and wilderness are my natural habitat. Cities are not for me, aside from occasional excursions for essentials.

The only reason being is the ease and convenience of getting what I need quickly. I don't want getting groceries to take 1/2 the day.

Please can anyone help me out .I have been hearing alot about Leo ads revenue. I need more clarification in simple tense how it works and how I can qualify for it ? #askonleo

you should have at least 500 leo staking to eligible for leo ads rewards

I don't have up to 500 leo, will I still be eligible


Here are your views. Seems like you already have a following. Hang around, you'll get to the point when you earn ad income soon enought.

awawow! I still need more and I yarn for more. Please share me your ideas as soon as you get one.


It looks like you aren't using your Hive-Engine to its full potential. Do you know about second layer tokens?

There's 2 types of income.

  1. Earn by staking, and using. To earn this you stake 500LEO and then use the inleo website.

  2. Create content that generates more than 200 views.

Payouts are once per month and paid as LEO stakes.

More than 200views, how will that be possible?

I don't have up to 500 leo, Are my eligible?

Once you earn (or buy 500LEO), then you will be eligible. For the 200 views... I'll tell you as soon as I implement a plan (that works). My suggestion would be to use the space - your account will grow as you do.

Please I will be waiting for your feedback.

It looks like you have over 100 liquid Leo. If you stake it, you will be a lot closer to having 500LEO staked. Some people wait for LPUD to power up. I just power up whenever I feel like it.

Ok that's lovely to hear. Please how can I power up, can you guide me?

#feedback I'm trying to link a hive-engine account to teach someone about second layer tokens and the interface wont let me

I have open the link, any guidance on how to stalk

Looks like $RUNE want to hit $10 to close this weekly candle.

RUNE/BTC is beautiful.


What system would you want to play Portal Brawlers on?

Water x Death - Lineups

👉The opponent focused a lot on speed with Kelya's +1 and Kinjo's -1 Slow and with this advantage in the initial attack he used Pelacor Bandit and Uraeus to attack my backline.


Lately it seems blue is the dominator in meta

Yeah, and unfortunatly it's one of the summoner I don't have high level yet... That +1 speed is strong.

Billie Holiday - The Very Thought Of You (Official Audio)

*Link in comments

#musiconleo #playlist #timemachine

Ruleset - Equal Opportunity 👀

👉It grants all units on the field the Opportunity ability, which allows them to attack cards that have the lowest HP on the opposing team.

👉 You can place monsters with martyr to get the buff.

#crypto #play2earn

🧵 1. A well-funded super PAC supported by the crypto industry aims to influence pivotal U.S. Senate elections with over $85M backing, including contributions from Coinbase and Ripple Labs. #crypto

🧵 2. Ohio, Montana, Maryland, and Michigan are key battlegrounds for Fairshake's efforts, targeting vulnerable Democratic senators who have expressed skepticism or negativity towards crypto.

🧵 3. With Senate control hanging in the balance, Fairshake's strategic ad spending in these races could potentially shape the future of crypto regulation and support within Congress.

Do you think crypto can make people financially independent?

I quite literally live from it

It has already made many a people independent

I Built My Cat a Blanket Fort on the Couch

I think she likes it.

#caturday #photography #petsonhive

She finds it cozy.

By the way she is very cute.

I think she knows how cute she is. lol

that cat is very cute

She does have her moments. 🐈

I think she loves playing tower defense too... pawning incoming hands

I would NEVER stick my hand in there.

Finally made some money by watching Marbles on Stream on Twitch :) Sweet! #crypto #twitch

Is it free?

How do I do that?

more or less free - u need a NFT held in your Solana Wallet and Connect. I'd explained here: and here are other related collections

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

your welcome. feel free to ask questions, if u have some.

13.32 by just watching twitch videos ?

yea, in a few days just by interacting with the stream with "!play"

This image is from yesterday. But man love to see $RUNE finally do some stuff!
Let hope to see more big green days!

#thorchain #rune

The best ever asset I must say is Thorchain

I can just imagine how @khaleelkazi account looked yesterday 😅

wow man that's delicious

"Angry" I don't like it when someone else uses my toothbrush and it makes me angry but whenever I mention it to someone they laugh at me as if it's nothing.


What! I, after getting angry, go to the store to buy a new one. There is no other solution. 😅 important. U might consider replacing it with a new one. Make sure this does not happen next time.

Yeah, anytime such thing happens I always replace the toothbrush because it's a personal thing that nobody should share

It's swoon-worthy. OMG!

Welcome to my #missingdeadgirls #threadcast. I had fun reading this book last week and thought it would be fun to do a threadcast of all the music that is shared within the book.

Welcome and Enjoy

Here we could have chosen any "soft acoustic ballad" by Hayley Williams. I just happened to pick this one pg 27

nice Musical 🥂🥂

thank you!

you are welcome 🤗🤗.

it's a pleasure to see your threadcast, please keep it up. Let me go fill some music in my threadcast before going to bed. 🥂🥂🥂


I had never heard from this artist before. It makes me happy I took the time to listen to the songs/artists that the author Sara Walters took the time to mention.

pg 78 💜 💜 💜

What happened in this page?

They created a playlist of all the songs they had shared with each other and labeled it with three purple hearts.

wow 🤗🤗, that's pretty cool.

It takes a lot longer to embed songs when you take the time to actually listen to them. Listening to all of these brings a different perspective to the book. Makes me enjoy it even more.

pg 136 again they are "singing lyrics to songs they love" but the author chooses to let the lyrics be a secret between her and the girls.

I was very surprised to see this here and don't remember ever hearing about this artist before.

And it looks like these kids are coming to San Diego in July. #northpark

pg 88 "music is played over a Bluetooth speaker" but we are robbed of knowing what music was being played. I wonder what stopped the author from sharing more songs.

Am I welcome to this room or is for the ladies alone? 😄😄😄

You are welcome of course. I am playing songs from the book "Missing Dead Girls" by Sara Walters

wow 😲, that's cool, we have to party room tonight 🤠😄

its page 36 and these girls are now drinking "3/4 full of pink lemonade then opened the vodka and topped off the glasses."

I chose this one because it's from 2021

The book didn't specify which Taylor Swift song was playing, but they all meld together for me anyway, so I just chose this one.

They talk about iced coffee a lot in this book. So as you listen to this music, imagine the coffee induced haze these teen girls are on. #theyalsosmokepot

This song is probably what made me like this book. <3

The rich girl drives a car that looks like this:

Its a BMW X1 pg13

Are you that rich girl?

Well yeah. Try complaining about wealth while living in California... but I'm a mom of four so I drive a minivan.

U r a brave lady.....

This threadcast is a #booksonleo and #musiconleo hybrid. In order to set the background for the music we are listening to, I will share that they are both teenage girls. One is a lifeguard, and the other is a rich girl. #missingdeadgirls

"Missing Dead Girls" was written by Sara Walters and is considered a slow burn thriller. It centers around teenage girls. I do not recommend this book to anyone who is queer phobic.

Awesome way to do a Threadcast, @metzli

Creative idea, good luck with it.

Thank you. The book was enjoyable and this was a fun way of listening to its music.

Great idea, keep up the excelled work.

Thank you for visiting.

My pleasure

They don't say the name of the song they just describe this and this is my best guess. Anyone else who read the book and want to guess something else, I am open to suggestions.

As I wrap up page 233. No more songs are shared with us. Seems like I just gave us a tiny glimpse of what Sara Walters thinks on Teenage girl music. DId you recognize any of it?

It's $BBH Saturday Drip Time Again!

Thanks, @bradleyarrow

#bbh #ctp

BBH has so many drops as I can see

It certainly does.

Now is a great time to buy some as they are very inexpensive.


Limited resources, unlimited coins....

That always seem to be the case, right?

Yeah......the real challenge is how to shortlist the coins from the oceans of coins.

U can not do research for each and every single coin. That will be time intensive.

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (5/10)@milaan!

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/50)@milaan! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

Hope everyone's having a most cosy #caturday!


Cute kitty!

Aww, Pork meowed politely, which I assume means thanks 😁


Well, your welcome Pork.

sweet 😀

G'day good sir!

sir? SIR? Stop that. Lol


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@generikat! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

There are 6 pages