There are 5 pages

🧵 1. FTX and BlockFi settle disputes post-collapse, FTX to pay BlockFi up to $874 million, per court docs filed. Approval pending by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge in Delaware. #crypto

🧵 2. $250 million payment priority for BlockFi; up to $689 million possible for Alamexa loans. FTX also to pay $185.3 million for funds in BlockFi accounts during collapse.

🧵 3. BlockFi to repay FTX up to $275 million from rescue loan. Agreement includes dropping lawsuit over 56M Robinhood shares. FTX founder convicted of $8B theft, awaits sentencing and plans to appeal.

This little guy was such a helper back then!

And yeah..I'm this old 🤣


To be old, you have to remember the original series.

One of my favorites in the 1980s.

Once upon a time we looked forward to the TV for new episodes...
Those were good times
Will our children be united by something like this, or only tiktok and memes?

Oh, I remember that. Around year 2000s. Such nostalgia it brings 😀

We just gave away $SPS the governance token of the #splinterlands game here on hive. Now we are doing it again! Enter for your chance to win in the article in the comments section. Good luck!

#gmfrens , is a new day with it's challenges, may we all succeed in our days endeavors.#mydiary

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I love your picture, is giving those fierce look. Have a nice day.

Thanks enjoy your day too.

#gmfrens have a wonderful

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Have a happy Thursday, Let we overwhelm all the challenges with ease.

We keep on fighting to win each day. Challenges come everyday and we are bold to have all of them overcome.

Exactly and we wont give up.

I won't stop eating fresh tomatoes no matter how costly it is right now. I like them raw or in Stew's. What about you?

Plans for today

  • I will join @asknoloe threadcast tonight organized by @fokusnow

  • Go out for cleanplanet exercise and make the post.

  • I will also capture some interesting shadows today to write in shadows Community.

  • My house today na for Inleo.

  • Etc

Fresh tomatoes, all red blood cells. Enjoy eating them organic.

Only those who have never eaten tomatoes can dislike tomatoes :)

Tomatoes are one of the best and nutritious vegetables. I think I will try eating it more raw.

I just pulled the pecan pie out of the oven, now to wait 2-3 hours for it to cool lol 😆

HiveBR Thread Day #21

Quarta semana de Thread Day començando, quem acompanhou o AMA ontem? Lembrando que dia 18 tem live da HiveBR na Twitch, quem tem interesse em participar? Como vai ser o dia de vocês hoje?


Acredito que vou conseguir chegar em 150 tokens $LEO de forma orgânica até dia 15 tranquilamente, muito bom quando dá para juntar assim sem ter que gastar nada adicional!

Parabéns amigo! Vc está juntando com o que ganha através de criação de conteúdo?

Isso, tipo todas as fontes de ganho que temos aqui, seja post longo, as threads, algumas migalhas de pools e por ai vai, tipo so interagindo aqui mesmo e engajando e vai caindo os tokens rs

Boa! Espero que consiga ir além!

Eu to achando que vou conseguir passar, vamos ver, o importante é que de qualquer forma estou bem próximo, então no pior dos casos vou ter que utilizar pouco swap.hive para adquirir o restante rs

Mantém o foco que vai dar bom.

Valeu! Bora subir esse stake haha

vo comentar mais, curtir mais reblogar mais so pra ganahr mais leo e vc demorar pra chegar no 150 🤣

kkkk isso é bom man, quanto mais gente participar e interagir melhor!

Cara, tá bem em

hoje o dia passou tão rápido, que já são quase 20h e eu ainda tô aqui no notebook pq nem vi o tempo passar 🤡

Eu to cansado, meu Deus, vou deitar mais cedo hoje kk

Home office tem dessas coisas.

O tempo passou voando mesmo. Já irá dar 23:00 hahaha...

Olhando os preços dos ingressos no cinema à partir da quinta-feira...

Nem me lembro a ultima vez que fui ao cinema... deu vontade agora

Vai agora assistir o Madame Teia?

hahaha acho que esse vou passar.... ouvi falar muito mal

Seria tortura hahaha...

Que heresia! 👀

Se eu pudesse, eu iria todos os dias.

É 2 viu, não lembro quando foi a ultima vez que eu fui tmb =/

Herege! 👀

kkkkkkkkk falta de tempo e dinheiro mesmo u.u

hard situation kkk

Saudades de quanto eu estava na Irlanda....

Morava perto de um complexo de cinemas que o ingresso custava 3.50 euros nos dias de semana, e 5.00 euros nos finais de semana.

Que paraíso! 😍

lembrando aqui da época da minha primeira faculdade, lá em 2008, que tinha uma promoção no UCI que toda segunda-feira era R$ 2 pra estudante... eu saía de uma sessão e ia pra outra... tempos bons

Nossa, top demais

eu nem consegui aproveitar dessa vez :(

Triste fim.

Por que choras wisezinho ='/

O governo (e os empresários) assaltando os cinéfilos. 😑

Embarque com os piratas

kkkkk bora de ONE PIECE 😀

Ainda não assisti ao anime, mas pretendo assistir ao live action da Netflix.

Meu DNA cinéfilo não me permite isso.

ja perdi as contas de quantos filmes eu vi xvideos kkkkkkkkkkkk

O imposto encontrou os ingressos do cinema agora foi?

Foi sempre assim desde o início, mas agora está muito pior.

Alguém já pensou em pedir empréstimo bancário e jogar na Hive?

Li uma thread de algum usuário sobre isso e achei interessante. Acho que vale o debate aqui.

Sinceramente, não sei se já comentamos isso no passado... Pensando nesse porno baseado em alguns anos atrás... Como vc acharia que estaríamos?

Na minha opinião, 2 ou 3 anos atrás eu teria coragem. Hj estaria rindo toda vez que votasse hahahaha... Pois além de mim, as outras pessoas tbm estariam crescendo.

Há alguns anos eu também estaria mais propenso a fazer algo assim, mas nos dias de hoje essa ideia nem me passa pela cabeça.

Chega de tanto imposto... Pior ainda conviver com as taxas de juros atualmente...

Se não me engano tem alguém na hive br que faz isso

Seria legal um depoimento dessa pessoa.

Só que tem dois pontos que tem que ser levados em consideração.

O primeiro e mais óbvio são as taxas cobradas pelo banco.

O segundo é em relação a você devolver a grana para o banco, como vc vai fazer? Vai declarar tudo o que vc comprou em cripto? Isso vai ter um custo também.
E se não declarar, como vai fazer pra escapar do Leviatã?

Bons questionamentos.

Não. Na teoria funciona, mas na prática envolve criar uma série de laços no sistema legado que estou querendo romper

Penso igual.

hivebr logo

COMUNIDADE #HIVEBR não é AGRO, mas com certeza é TOP!

bom diaaa. hoje já começou agitado com operação da PF por aqui

Eita, começou bem animado mesmo


toc toc toc

Começou animado, hein? Haha!

$1 quando?

Se ninguem sacar chega a empatar com o btc rapidim

Verdade. Se cada um comprar +1 hive e chamar um amigo para comprar também kkk

isso o btc ta custando 335.000 mil reais se 335.000 pessoas comprarem hive empata com o btc 😱

Alguém por acaso conhece o jogo #shrapnel? Gostaria de saber porque quero fazer negócios :D

Não é esse jogo que tava com um esquema com a games gg?

Aí eu nao sei, sei que é um jogo que parece que ta bem hypado, pelo o que vi abriu uns dias de testes de hoje até sabado ou domingo, baixa pela epic, tenho 3 codes aqui e gostaria de ver se da pra fazer negocio com alguém, no caso eu passo com desconto em cima do valor do pack

Deve ser gringo que compra isso, então nem fui muito atrás para ver, mas que tem gente comprando tem.

Entendi, vou ver se consigo anunciar aqui ou algo assim, acho q no twitter é uma boa, mas ai no caso teria que passar uma metamask da vida ou algo do tipo

Então era esse mesmo eu não cheguei a jogar vi que jogo pedia 12 gigas de vram kk , bom tenho um código ativado e um não ativado, mas tô meio assim com esse jogo.

Eita, ta pedindo 12 giga de VRAM ? Ta maluco kkk, eu ia ver se baixava hoje pra ver se ja ta aberto o testes deles, mas se pa nem vou rodar no low kkk.

Então acho que essa informação de 12 gigas de vram vi no Discord deles não posso confirmar pq sai de la, já que não posso jogar com minha placa atual mais problemas de segurança do site deles me fez querer afasta dele kkk

Deste do dia que me registrei toda semana recebo e-mail de pedido redefinição de senha deles meio suspeito.

Isso é estranho mesmo, eu to registrado la de boas, chegue um email ou outro avisando sobre alguma novidade deles, mas nada de redefinição de senha, isso ai sim é bem suspeito mesmo. Para mim ta de boa, entro la e tal e nada de estranho kkk

Mas sobre venda de códigos sei que da para vender pelo Discord acredito que seja p2p vi isso na live do seroy, entao sugiro que procure Discord do seroy e pergunte isso la no Discord dele alguém vai te passar link de outro Discord.

Entendi, eu quero muito passar pra frente, to com 3 codigos e tipo, se desse pra conseguir uma grana nisso, de preferencia em HBD ou hive, seria bom demais, porque não acho q vou ter algum amigo pra jogar e tal, então seria legal conseguir isso. Ainda não anunciei para gringos ou no twitter, capaz de lá conseguir passar pra frente rs

Passamos dos 100 comentários.

Agora é superar os comentários de ontem.

Lancem as dúvidas, ideias de melhorias e etc...
Bora compartilhar a Palavra com geral!
up! up!

Olhem para cima

a @xlety está com dúvidas sobre como serão as lives e qual o assunto será apresentado sobre a hivebr. Seria bom começar explicando essa parte para que possamos entender melhor. 😍

Vamos ver o que me aguarda

Bom dia bug do dia

Nem achei mais =/

Quelo mais bugs kkkk

Achei um e reportei já

como assim kkk

Foi rápido até, tava de boas ali e fui logar e bugou kkkkkkkkk

kkkk ta ligeiro nos bugs

bugmarrom, lincebug kkkk

Veio outra ideia agora, vou testar depois

kkkk alguém segura o menino kkk


kkkkk lincesandubuguer uhauhauha


kkkk lince the buguer master

Acho que depois desse, difícil achar mais algum

Bom dia comunidade, desejo um ótimo dia a todos!

bom dia!!

Bom diaaaaaa, só de boa?

já começamos no pique kkk e por aí? tá tranquilo hoje?

Até o momento ta tranquilo, mas a qualquer momento pode chegar muitas coisas pra fazer e ai o trem aperta. Vida de programador têm seus desafios kk

$0,5 até o final do dia?

É o que eu quero. Depois disso quero 0,3 pra comprar de volta kkkkkkkkkkkk

Vamos que vamos então! PUMP!

Não, hoje é um dia de lateralizar

Show, vamos acompanhar.

Retiro o que eu disse, já coloquei uma ordem de venda a 0,5 porque to vendo uma possibilidade de chegar a 0,48 batendo pico de 0,50 e ai se tiver sorte come minhas ordens e eu me reposiciono com mais hive

Boa estratégia. Aqui as hive tá em stake, então pouco posso fazer hehe. Alguma dica?

Quais são suas metas?

Por enquanto é subir o HP, chegar em 2100. Depois eu aumentou +100 de HP na meta...

gente, qual vai ser dessa live na Twitch? Alguém explica? Eu tive que sair no meio do AMA ontem...

O @jaopalas vai ser o host que vai guiar junto com a gente da hivebr (qualquer um de nós que quiser, basta se oferecer) para falar sobre a hivebr a cada 2 semanas na twitch

HiveBR voando alto!

saquei! daora d+

Iremos pegar assunstos, atualizações que rolarem durante esses 14 dias (dois AMAs), posts da comunidade e etc...

Vamos levantar todos esses assuntos e abordagens na live, enquanto vamos trocando ideia com o chat tbm

Pelo o que entendi vai ter transmissões feitas pelo joapalas e mais alguns amigos deles do grupo lá e com isso vai divulgar a hivebr, explicar o que ela é e como funciona, acho que é algo assim

aaah, saquei! valeu

Marketing orgânico pra HiveBR.

deveria ser proibido tem enxaqueca

Têm tanta coisa que deveria ser proibido kkkk, trabalhar com qualquer problema de saúde deveria 😐

é so arrancar a cabeça

pode ser a sua?


Outra manhã que passou voando

da proxima coloca na gaiola

so piada ruim hoje Deus me livre...


Pior que passou mesmo, eu to doido pra ir embora =/

Bom dia galera!

Ótima quinta a todos

Bom dia man! Tudo de bom pra nós no dia de hoje!

bom diaa

Hoje vai ser correria novamente!

Boa tarde pessoal! Vamos chegar logo nesses 100 comentários hahaha...

Ultrapassamos a marca de comentários de ontem. Muito bem pessoal!

Ta me cheirando Rubinho Barichello!

And away we go!

I love it when HIVE jumps and Hive Engine tokens go "on sale"

This is just the beginning.

It's true! The fun has only just begun!

Boom! Just hit gold level in Splinterlands. Now the rewards will really start kicking in. I'll drop a little post in the next 48 hours to try and compare silver to gold.

congrats. Im stuck in silver. I guesa gold gives significant rewards

Nice to move up the leagues.

Found this article predicting where $HIVE is going. No idea how they can do that for 20 years ahead, but it's on the up. Link to follow as not allowed to put here...

Very interesting prediction. The wallet though 😅


Microblogging needs links. Accept that!

Shopping this morning started the day a little devilish numerologicalwise …
The sun is shining and all is good so far 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

#numerology #666 #shopping

Lions and lionettes: As this bull run prepares to take off, pick your wins. Don't try to capitalize on 100 meme coins that are starting to show signs of taking off. Pick a couple of projects you truly believe in.

Or ape in.

Do you.

#lambos #bogwifhat #poopcoins

Such trust must be earned, but so far I see frequent reasons for disappointment :)

#lion when not threading.

Make money on Solana; move it to Hive; earn 20% APY.

Make money on TON, move it to Hive; earn 20% APY.

Make money on NEAR, move it to Hive, earn 20% APY.


Probably the lowest risk strategy out there. Once it gets in this ecosystem, your funds are pretty safu

Great tips to increase Hive.

It's Ton and Near paying now? I have those stuff's but don't know how to go about them

So the leoads stat today I checked. Slow and steady. I hope weekend it grows. I have to keep addding data to the chain in the meantime. How is thursday going?

Good morning Esmee.
I am not long up and having my second coffee of the day, just been checking messages.

What is that you are using that you screenshot?

187 pageview is pretty good, what period is that over?

It's the stats from the simpleanalytics. Its the state collected from 1st march to 6th march.

That's what it's about. It's up to us to drive those numbers up.

Happy Thursday! Take a moment to appreciate how far you've come this week. Now, let's finish strong.

#motivation #goals

someone forgot to string the finishing ribbon across the road :)

Happy Thursday @barski

Hey @jimmy.adames, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Inleo Art

Do You Even Roar?


this art be reaaly fantastic

Thanks, you are fantastic! !PIMP

Aw man @dynamicrypto, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Cool art

Yes I do🦁


You must be killin' it out here!
@dynamicrypto just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @mviews.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Looking powerful there. Cool art.

hanks, DALL-E 3


You must be killin' it out here!
@dynamicrypto just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @niallon11.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Gm frens

Sun is out, so I will be and about this afternoon, after I get some work done!

What are your plans for Thursday?


Sounds like a lovely day, Tito Ed. Good morning.

It's past 4 pm for me so just catching up with things :)

Hiya CJ, yes just finished a meeting with a client, that was fun.

So like you now catching up here a bit. Of course the sun vanished haha!

Glad to hear your meeting was fun :)

May you see the sun before the day ends 😅

hehe I hope so, I need to walk to the shop to get some groceries for dinner later!

Sounds like another fun walk is coming up :)

hehe not today, I was there and back as fast as I could go, football tonight and I want to be done and dusted before it starts!

Enjoy the shining Sun. Happy Thursday.

Sun went on holiday whilst I was working! Now time to find him again, Happy Thursday 😀

#gmfrens! Meeting a friend I haven't seen in a year for beers later. Lots of work to do first though. A good day to you

Now that sounds like fun.
Enjoy work and enjoy the 🍻 with your friend later!


A look at the January 1985 issue of Your Commodore.

#retrocomputing #Commodore #Commodore64 #VIC20


Highlights include a look at the new Plus/4 computer (which would be a flop), an article on Compunet, an online service for the Commodore 64, and much more.

Lucky guesses can pay off. #Wordle 992 3/6


I should have tried lottery instead with my luck today :)

Wordle 992 2/6



Wow, excellent! I do the Connections puzzle as well and got that with no wrong guesses today. There's no prizes, but it's satisfying. !BEER

Hey @godfish, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Remind me of the rules, I see three words, or three rows of cells for letters, and you are only waiting for one word :)

You have to guess the five letter word in 6 attempts. The colours indicate if a letter is correct and in the right place. Different word each day.

Ok, my word is "whale"

Sorry, this link is unfamiliar to me, and I don’t click on unfamiliar links :)

LOL! That must limit your internet experience.

Good morning friends, I woke up to a cold morning, I felt like sleeping more but then I haven't gotten the life I wished to have. So I got up said my morning prayer to go about my daily routine.

I wish that my day will be awesome. Have a fabulous day ahead. #gmfrens #mydiary

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good more info fren

Have a lovely ahead miss.

Of course your day is gonna be awesome and great and God will favor you anywhere you step your foot today.

Amen, thank you for this

Good morning to you. Have a fruitful day as you are stepping

Thank you

We are enjoying the cooler weather here have a good

Thank you

Cold mornings are way to go when you know you're not going out. Hope you had a nice day?

Yes I did.

Good to see some action on hive today :)

Yup, I was glad when I woke up and found it like this!!

!PIZZA !LUV, ahmadmanga sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

See that price going up? I see the aftermath. Been through this before, several times. Many sell, price settles down. Then that dry spell where all who sold can no longer provide support but still want things to be the way they were.

Will it be different this time around?

$HIVE was alive the whole time. It was just messing with you(some of you).


‘Twas testing some peoples resistance for a while and they lashed out for it not moving the way they want. Some even blamed huh…😉

WelI, I see $0.5 $HIVE real soon.

$0.5 is a given at this point.

I would have been more comfortable if $HIVE have returned to four digit price in sats, but considering how frustrating previous weeks have been, we shouldn't complain too much.

I remember when this was hi-tech. The adding machines that were digital. What a breakthrough.

I used to play with a typewriter when I was a kid))

Lost technologies of antiquity)))

My dad used to use this exact one every day at his job when I was growing up, ha!

I created a ledger of all my dad's Diesel purchases on one of these. I was 7.

I had this one for years. I used it for my personal bookkeeping.

I got through Calculus with a TI-92

Hey! I still use one 😂

The money currently coming into the #crypto sector is new investor money. #Bitcoin is currently backed massively by the USD and we're in one of the largest liquidity periods. What are your thoughts on what the next dip will be like if there is one.

I didn’t focus on a dip since we are already in the bullish season . I only foresee a wild bull season unlike before.

Throw in record high inflation and there's no reason we shouldn't be hitting ATHs soon

This is true, I wonder how it will roll out by years end. Interest rates are at their peak currently.

Of course. The real ATH (in 2021 US$) for $BTC is supposed to be around 79,000 US$.

Se que no es mucho, pero ya estoy ganando $35 al mes por dar "likes" a publicaciones en #hive 🥳 #lovinghive #spanish

Pues a mi me parece muy respetable la cantidad. Te felicito, y que sigas progresando.

🧵 1. Controversial GOP candidate Mark Robinson wins South Carolina primary following fiery anti-transgender remarks made in 2021, endorsed by Trump. #politics

🧵 2. Robinson set to face NC AG Josh Stein in governor race, marking a clash between diverse views. Robinson under fire for past comments on various issues.

🧵 3. Robinson emphasizes defense of America and receives Trump's endorsement. Stein's camp criticizes Robinson, setting the stage for a heated election battle.

I am not eligible for the #wormhole #airdrop. I though I bridged assets from Binance to Terra Luna using the service. Apparently not.

Cheers to us, lol! None of my wallets are eligible too 😂

I need to connect my metamask wallet. I don't think I am eligible for that either.

EVen while away, I am still your OG. You can't replicate these threads numbers 😏

I’m having a really bad day. I woke up this morning to see that the construction project I was working on which was almost completed had collapsed for the second time after buying all the materials used in building it again. It feels like I’m looking my mind, I don’t know what’s going on or what it keeps collapsing. I’ve spent just too much money on this
😑😑. I think I need a break from everything

Hold on there brother , sometimes coming back to it helps you see what was wrong

Thanks. I put a stop to the project for now so I can focus on other things.
Thanks so much for the comment. It really helped

I think you sure do need time to reflect on what’s causing the collapse so you can make it work the next time.

I think I would do that
Cause I’m getting tired already

Sorry to hear. Could the materials be substandard? Or perhaps the foundation is weak?

I suspect the foundation but the workers keep denying it

You might want to check it or you will keep spending money.

I’ll be there when the rebuilding start again but I have to seat and plan again. The inflation in the country is killing 🥹

Hope things will go well for you. All the best!

Thanks 🫶🏽

I'm really sorry to hear about the project troubles. Taking a break for your health is a good idea.

Thanks you
I’ll do that. It’s really frustrating

Hey Fash, I think you need to take a deep breath and lease it slowly to calm yourself down first. Now can you just let out a long and loud laugh at the damn construction sight and tell it that it's not gonna put you in a fix 😂😂. That's right, tell it that you are gonna fix it so it had better behave 😅.

This might sound crazy though but I believe it will help and taking a break from everything like you said is just the best thing to do now so do it already but don't we'll be here for you.

Lots of.!HUG


Thanks so much @luchyl
It really made me side that I can’t even think properly 😪😪
I almost cried this morning when I saw it

I can understand. Just try and keep cool.

Thanks so much 🫶🏽🙂

@luchyl, sorry!

You are out of hugs for today.

You can call the HUG bot a maximum of 3 per day.

The current call limits are:

HUG in walletcalls per day

It's clear that you're having a hard time with this one. Unfortunately these things do happen sometimes... I completely empathize, recently having had some trouble with some hands-on things which I nailed before.

Sometimes we have bad days, and it's good to just step back, cool off, and reassess what went wrong from a less-stressed mindset.

Take it easy for a bit and come back later. Sometimes the new perspective will show you something you've missed. In the meantime, it'll bring your head back into its rightful space, and you'll feel happier.

Remember that you'll get this. Just make sure you take the right steps to get there, and that includes resting. I believe in you.

Thank you so much sir. I do appreciate your words . 🫶🏽😪

Without seeing the problem in front of you, it is difficult to give advice on what and how you built?

I might upload a picture of it later but my state of mind couldn’t even let me take a picture.

Things happen sometimes. Have to figure out the problem in this matter and a break is good to recess the situation so that you may best move forward with it. !BBH

@fashtioluwa! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (10/50)

I do appreciate your words

Today's crypto insight: staking as crypto's treasure and with $HIVE, such a treasury is compounded.

#mydiary #gm

The cost of #gold hit a historic record, rising above $2153 per troy ounce 📈

Historically, the rise in the #cost indicates an impending #crisis. And in all likelihood, the Western world is in for a serious #shakeup.
#finance #economy

It seems that we are on the cusp of something substantial and very significant.

I recommend stocking up on crypto assets and the means of production!

1🧵2 #gmfrens #threadstorm

Welcome to #GHAWG, LeoThreads @ InLeo's 1st daily #zapfic serial

No other zapfic goes here. No contests/quests. Only comments go here (no zapfic except mine for GHAWG)

Entry for 2024Mar07 in reply below👇

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

👇## #zapfic

Once at the Bitcoin ATM, Hank & Frank showed Lindsay what kinds of cryptocurrency were supported. They showed her how they deposited cash to their $DOGE Ledger wallets. "You'll have fun with Dogecoin," Hank told Lindsay.

is $HIVE pumping?

Yep. The Koreans at it again.

That's what I thought. Who else will love $HIVE this much?

What about $LEO?

I have a pecan pie in the oven and I just checked on it at the halfway point, smells so good 🙂

Enjoy your dinner. Time to sleep here :P

Pie is a DESSERT but thanks just the same 😜

the question is - how big was the pie?🥧 🙈🦷

We're coming over 😁


theb0red1, metzli sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

What grinds your gears today, fellow #Hive people? #drama

People always riding the clutch.

I won't judge.

short sighted greedy sabotaging whales holding Hive back by destroying others lives and thousands of investments made with their influence!

Haha. #Hive never changes.

Those who know about the #freecompliments community's reward system and contests are likely expecting rewards and contest winners to be announced this week, but HiveSQL's caused a little delay. We're regaining access to the data and will have this all out soon. Here's about Public Service Announcement about this:

oh no, we in trouble...

What is bilpcoin?

Some shit coin that is used by a few spammers like offgridlife and bcpvoter1, bcpvoter2, bcpvoter3, and so on. Like Mykos's shit coin, it is suppose to be the solution to everything yet has less than 1 cent of volume daily.

Good Morning Hive,

It's thursday here. And things have slowed down a bit. I have been focusing on some of my content as of now. Hopefully i can add new stuff on the chain as usual. How is your day going along? #gmfrens

Have a good Thursday!

Good morning fren😊

My day is just starting but I hope to stay creative all through the day - add in some threads and create a long form before the day comes to an end.

Enjoy your day :)

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It (Official Music Video)

*Link in comments

#musiconleo #playlist

Nice video, like the beat.

Movie: Insidious : Red Door #moviereview

  • Same old story pattern. Same old predictable parts.
  • You can easily connect the dots, it does not thrill you
  • Movies like this put a bad name on horror
  • Its one time watch and that too very boring

recently the state of my nation has been in shambles as inflation has suceessfully eliminated the middle class and what's now left is the rich and the poor

This is a ubiquitous phenomenon :)

Yet reality in HD

Happening here too at accelerated pace!

There are 5 pages