Agreed we need top 20 witness change over.
Agreed it was from the Fork
Also with the 1 year decay on witness votes now a lot of small accounts that combined have enough influence to change the top 20 have not checked their votes.
I did more than just invite...helping to onboard. All got account set, made 5-9 posts, even more.
Then just dissapear. Some quit after 2-3 years of activity...
Some of the invitees disappeared immediately after registration, they did not like the open source code and complete information about activities and finances :)
Could we differentiate the name "Threads" from Meta's "Threads" (that they launched several months after INLEO's Threads)? I'm sure that on "X" many people are confused when we only write "Threads", like in today's AMA title: "INLEO AMA | Threads Views on LeoAds and Building Web3".
It's one of the most commented Inleo articles. I believe the rant on historical votes to "grandfather witnesses" is actually one of the consequences of the interest rate - people have very little incentive to stake HP and actively use it (for witness votes among other things) than to vest HBD and just grab the interest every now and then.
I know, but I had put my #feedback many time to record status of InLeo site optimization, which is not yet done. They need to work on meta tags and anchors that appear in search Engines.
The stats are from a reliable statistics website and it has even anchors with same links, I was shocked myself too.
I haven't bought premium yet since I don't really do long form content anymore and that seems to be the main value (votes on long content posted through in lieu)
To attract more users, wouldn't it be relevant to Thread in other #languages, beyond English & Spanish? I almost never see Threads in French, Arabic, Urduh, Italian, Mandarin, etc.
Could we differentiate the name "Threads" from Meta's "Threads" (that they launched several months after INLEO's Threads)? I'm sure that on "X" many people are confused when we only write "Threads", like in today's AMA title: "INLEO AMA | Threads Views on LeoAds and Building Web3".
There's no limit for the number of post and content to be published via inleo but the number to be curated and appreciated are limited exclusively by the Leo stake weight and ranks
Do you mean that YT video would be playing in a smaller pop-up window?
That would be great if we can navigate between feeds & pages under single tab and the video would still play
Question: are the limits of how many long-form articles we can post in a month still active? I mean to be eligible for curation. I remember there was a limit for 6 posts/month for Cubs or something like that...
at the end of every month, one can earn massively from leoads and increase it by purchasing more Leo token for LPUD on 15th.... That's the wonderful and rewarding triangle on Hive blockchain
This is going to be fun. Already the visibility that comes from premium takes ones game to the next level. A drive for premium that pays for its self is another step closer to the moon.
To attract more users, wouldn't it be relevant to Thread in other #languages, beyond English & Spanish? I almost never see Threads in French, Arabic, Urduh, Italian, Mandarin, etc.
Ok, I got more LEO than usual on the February first but on H-E it doesn't say that it's from LeoAds. I remember it was mentioned with the first payment.
It would be cool if we would know which reward is from which source.
1\1 In this case, it is profitable for Inleo to give the first couple of subscriptions for free and thereby involve people in the payment process in the future,
1\2 any sales manager will tell you this, because the margin in any case is higher than ever for Inleo, because he does not shell out his f1unds from his own pocket.
I need all the necessary information to get things right on hive and inleo. Without the necessary information one will do the wrong thing and there would be no return
Cool updates! Can't wait, the more stats available the better! 👍
The AI integration will be interesting as well and surely helpful when growing our accounts. Nice work!
ChatGPT now is only trained for data up to 2022... And ChatGPT 4.0 can has full access to the Internet/Google in real time to be 100% up to date at any time.
Makes me wonder, does some like that user even understand what he or she could be doing with LEO... it hurts me to see anyone just holding an asset as liquid! 😅
An avalanche on the way. In the next top years. Things about to get uncontrollable. As the saying goes. The best time to plan a tree was 20years ago. The second best in now. Use $LEO to your advantage
A lot of people don't like a lot of us.
Basically the grand fathered in crowd doesn't like us.
I think the term was "annoying egomaniac" last time I was mentioned.
Often when they talk about two announcements, one of them is good, and the other announcement speaks of bad news, I hope that both announcements will please us :)
This inLEO feature I'd love to watch over every single day to see my Hive progress. Watch your actions and votes, it's the real metric for growth on the platform.
1/ I'm meeting up with a guy I have followed on Twitter (X) since 2007 or so. We have never met in person. He'll be in town for a conference. I haven't had a tweetup in years.
Some Blockchain New UseCases You may not have heard about.
In this post I made a deep dive into some new Blockchain Usecases that are outside of the crypto space.
🧵 1/4: Binance adjusts token listing methods amidst allegations of malpractice by employees. Internal mechanisms will be implemented and listing procedures will be adjusted. Via Yi He. #crypto
🧵 2/4: Reports claim price drops and suspicious activities for tokens listed on Binance. Stricter management and improved communication will be enforced. Infractions will lead to cancellation.
🧵 4/4: Binance improves technical monitoring, discloses contract information. Previous approach isolated token listing research, paving the way for fraud. Transparency and security are prioritized.
1/ 🧵 Chinese regulators add restrictions on the crypto mining servers. And this is to boost their EV sector. This would be a good direction to help save electricity for their economy usage.
2/ 🧵 China currently has the 111 megawatts of the electricity spend so far from the crypto mining serves. And the govt wants to limit that for freeing up some space for the EV.
3/ 🧵 Regulators wish to reduce the crypto mining servers and this would also push for the proof of stake based coins more market from the chinese exchanges and the regulators.
when we look back, we can see the footsteps behind us which carry memories. The Hive Learners community contest takes the footsteps of 100 weeks and it's a milestone.
Do you Agree?
I bet @onealfa will love this!
#hive #inleo #crypto
nice addition dkid!
There was a time when I believed Chrome to Brave was web 3 but they went back to web2 with KYC lol
true :( i stopped using brave after the kyc update
The INLEO AMA is going live at Noon:45 today
Mitch is MIA so I will be joined by Eric as my Co-Host
We've got Two Major Announcements during the broadcast
Join us for all of the Alpha!
#threadcast 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
@khaleelkazi is Hive's Nayib Bukele: all in for efficiency and democracy.
Was the LeoAds paid on the first? I don't think I got any :(
there are criteria to getting it
I know. I meet the criteria.
Check your wallet via peakd
Where can I see it on PeakD?
Go to wallet and hive engine then scroll down
10 blogs post and 1,000 threads.
Anything less, then go to X you fools.
Aman brother.
Per day!
LeoAi = Taskmaster
because you are the main person feeding it.
You know it.
That is what Leo needs.
More of everything.
Yep. A simply yet effective message.
Look at who is leading the traffic on Leo.
Adoption on steroids!!!
Need to spread it out.
I'm in the 4% :)
It is always good to be in the smaller percentage. The masses are usually wrong. LOL
Of course, Gauss curve always shows it.
almost 500! 🚀🌕👍🏽
Just want to reiterate this.
5 minutes?
hmmm... I have little doubt I spend 4000+ minutes on INLEO per month. Will see if I will be ignored again on the second payout...
I don't think you were ignored.
I thought I saw you got a payout from leoads.
it goes straight to staking not liquid
I believe the account in question was an alt.
oh ok.
thank you for the info.
66.66 hour per month eh?
I don't think you will
Hahahaha… Some one is getting ready to shake tables and hit those numbers
LEO community names are Prides. Too easy.
Chinese is the most spoken language on the planet!
I would say that Spanish is spoken in the most countries.
but phsically there are many manymore chinese people in existance …
I thought it was English
Because of the amount of chinese people living on this planet it's 'technically' the most spoken language, but not necessarily all over the world.
Excited to see what the Advanced Dashboard will bring to the table.
As @taskmaster4450le always says "Ask for Tools, Not Features!!
He is a smart dude.
"Always listen to task".
It should be pinned to the top of each Leo page.
what happened to the leoads payout on February 1st?
I saw your Q earlier. We'll get to it
Been delayed it's going to come up soon.
I think they are trying to reward popular threads in the payouts.
Do I need my active key to delegate
Yes need Active to do anything with anything to do with your wallet (other than claiming rewards).
okay thank you so much
Ask the LeoAI what a good name for the LeoAI should be
LOL I see what you did there.
The logic of reducing HBD yield is that inflation-bad.
The logic is also that 20% is not fair because Hive makes less APR and is staked longer.
yet inflation is lower than expected 😅
gee I wonder how that's possible 🤑
Too much money chasing too few goods and services in the digital world....
How the hell can that occur. It is absurd.
Agreed we need top 20 witness change over.
Agreed it was from the Fork
Also with the 1 year decay on witness votes now a lot of small accounts that combined have enough influence to change the top 20 have not checked their votes.
I heard that Keychain negated that by automatically revoting governance.
I didnt look into it but someone mentioned it.
if so that is kind of BS.
I would have to look into it.
Yes it is bs. I cant say for certain but I did see someone mentioning that.
I think the term the person used was "ridiculous".
It is ridiculous if they are doing that.
More of the old Hive circle jerk BS.
Its ok, we just out build them.
Yep. And then have the value captured elsewhere then buy the daylights out of HIVE and alter things.
inleo have the best curation team that's working and helpful for more long form contents
Inleo is the best front-end for every contents and creators on Hive blockchain. Not only for financial content and one can earn massively too
100 percent
Who searched for penis enlargement pills?
Who asked?
During the years - I have brought over 60 people to Hive (from my country) .
. All are now gone ! I am the only one still left. True dinosaur...
any specific reason they left ?
Nobody knows. Best guess - they all expected to GET RICH QUICK
I get it ser.. I also invited so many people (50+) but very few are left as they had no patience.
I did more than just invite...helping to onboard. All got account set, made 5-9 posts, even more.
Then just dissapear. Some quit after 2-3 years of activity...
this is sad.
you helped them a lot by putting in so much effort.
there is no quick rich scheme here but long-term commitment with patience can pay off well.
Some of the invitees disappeared immediately after registration, they did not like the open source code and complete information about activities and finances :)
Quality post is that burrier you can’t run away from. It keeps all else in check.
Look at these numbers for the music party. Not bad so far.
200 comments? wut?
222 now.
having audio issues maybe I should try YouTube
Or clean your ears. LOL
hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah that's not fair
YouTube is Clearer but I can't join threadcast while on YouTube
Yeah they should embed the YouTube video in the main threadcast.
yes that's would have been better
We have the music party going on also.
Have we started?
Started what?
We are partying.
Yes, join us in the space
You guys have broken the threadscast
khal will fix it #feedback
LeoAds! 😂

"Buy" $LEO through your acitivity.
No money required...simply get active and grow the page views.
Let's dig from here until lunch :)
I would like more upvote for real and inleo is doing that generally not only for post on Leofinance
For Zoom meeting, visit here
Sandman arrived in this timezone. See ya later Khal and inLeo. Good Night!
Will the LEO A.I. questions be stored anywhere? (on the blockchain, an INLEO server or a third party server)
Very good question!
Few threads left to heat 500 threads replies.
This is really awesome.
Much better here,
The audio is breaking 🥺🥺
Will listen to the recording to catchup on the updates. Thanks so much for the show.
Could we differentiate the name "Threads" from Meta's "Threads" (that they launched several months after INLEO's Threads)? I'm sure that on "X" many people are confused when we only write "Threads", like in today's AMA title: "INLEO AMA | Threads Views on LeoAds and Building Web3".
I've been thinking the same but it's really hard to come up with an alternative 😅
Maybe at least something like "Threads OG" 🙃.
The Meta criminal gang has made a fortune thanks to three things:
a) purchasing start-ups;
b) copying/pasting the ideas of others;
c) spying on their products (sometimes called: "users") to harvest a maximum yield.
It'd be good to start pushing back, and limiting their extravagant powers on our lives.
Yeah, that's just criminal. People without talent do that, copy others. It's real shame.
Khal making it too easy.
It's supposed to be too easy!! Don't ruin it for us. !LOLZ
You are out of jokes for the day!
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@ahmadmanga you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 1 times per day.
wen polls back?
100 percent
What is leo premium?
Can you guys show us payouts in USD made by adsense? Do you get somekind of report that you could share?
Take all your delegation out of $zing and put it in Leo a real project
Here are four reasons for lowering the HBD interest rate:
It's one of the most commented Inleo articles. I believe the rant on historical votes to "grandfather witnesses" is actually one of the consequences of the interest rate - people have very little incentive to stake HP and actively use it (for witness votes among other things) than to vest HBD and just grab the interest every now and then.
Thanks for the show and updates! 👍
We need to improve threads link, which is currently 3% compared to other popular links on inleo.
WTF? This is crazy...check out both #1 and #2 users on thios list. BOTH are DEAD blogs..... Black SEO tricks, or what ?>
I know, but I had put my #feedback many time to record status of InLeo site optimization, which is not yet done. They need to work on meta tags and anchors that appear in search Engines.
The stats are from a reliable statistics website and it has even anchors with same links, I was shocked myself too.
is post scheduling working reliably now?
hello and GM!
7% drop is nothing!
There's no need for using of inleo hashtag for curation of content since one can convincely publish with it as a front-end
LAst talk in #leolive we talked about Leo shot. Please when start publishing shot directly and not from YouTube?
Double threads ,glitch ?
From my experience, they only appear so. Refreshing the page should fix it.
Tagging: @khaleelkazi in case it doesn't.
nah thats only @trumpan trolling
How long does it take for LeoAI to integrate one day worth of blockchain data into its training?
I can't wait to use samba(AI)
Wen polls back?
ps: Ecency is working on decentralised polling also!
Who would've thought... A democratic Blockchain is actually representative of how democratic politics works in real world.
About a year ago I said AI solutions need to be integrated into platforms, to kinda additional tool. Great to see this happening on Inleo!
I don't even bother to open ChatGPT anymore. We want things to be convenient and Not have 100 tabs open.
btw. have you heard of #lpday?
I can start writing threads in Finnish but don't see much value in that since I would be the only one who would understand them 😅
LeoAI = Simba or Simbot?
Let's thread harder folks
Build the value for Leo Premium.
That is essential.
I haven't bought premium yet since I don't really do long form content anymore and that seems to be the main value (votes on long content posted through in lieu)
How effective has this influencer sponsorships have been so far ?
No hashtag would help me find more of my Language speaking users . Because seems I am the ONLY (lone) user here from my country.
To attract more users, wouldn't it be relevant to Thread in other #languages, beyond English & Spanish? I almost never see Threads in French, Arabic, Urduh, Italian, Mandarin, etc.
ahref organic traffic.
Are people really landing here searching for mopping advice? 🪣 LOL 😆
🤣 It was a bummer, lol
You can run a check on this website. It is sure issue with localized SEO.
I can't upload images but I did a search on there and also got results related to cleaning and catering as well LOL
And I've got same results not only on this but a few others too..
Maybe we should all start posting #cleaningtips on Leo lol
What will be the first metrics on the dashboard?
YouTube is clear if anyone is having issues elsewhere.
not loading threads
Best is to upload a 3speak short. Those get rewarded heavily... Of course you need viewable content there as well.
Monthly Active Users InLeo
Sep was a great month but Jan is also not bad
Gud to see! Breaking the 1000 area and staying above it pretty well!
211 :)
Will the LEO A.I. questions be stored anywhere? (on the blockchain, an INLEO server or a third party server)
Could we differentiate the name "Threads" from Meta's "Threads" (that they launched several months after INLEO's Threads)? I'm sure that on "X" many people are confused when we only write "Threads", like in today's AMA title: "INLEO AMA | Threads Views on LeoAds and Building Web3".
Wow just look at this, so interesting
An #ama threadcast and one for music going at the same time.
We can really grow the page views and total comments.
This is what Leo needs. A lot of things to do.
I thought there will be an annoucement about the new UI, is there something else !?
Heard you loud and clear!!!
5 million is great and needed....
I just hear "anyone" over and over now...
what are you really thinking about? The two major announcements huh? Wait for it please
Eric is going to give numebrs.
Your sound is choppy, khal …
like and repost on twitter.
Kick the threadcast.
yeah. We are here
„Did you try turning it off and on again?“
Did you noticed our wonderful speaker whose voice melt the ladies Edwin is available..... Ladies man!
hearing now Sir.
All good
okay. Switching to YouTube.
Now you are audible
I can hear it now.... Turn it off and join again.....
i hear khal
Cutting in and out for me. Is that for everyone?
I'm listening at the gym!
Khal is good motivation for you. !PIZZA
When AdultLeo?
Wen #boobsonleo?
We need that.
"AdultLeo - Redefining Roars".
Here and ready for Alpha!
what are we talkin today ?
What is really going on..... I can't hear anything from the speaker via x space. Have it not started
no sound?!
I heard you, Eric.
Hello!! Is any body home!! I can’t hear nothing.
15+ people on X Spaces, keep the numbers up.
Please @herculeand, @ngobaby and @uzoma24, this is the time to learn and engage more
thanks for the mentione
you are welcome
what happened to the leoads payout on February, 1st?
Question: 📈 Does curating Leothreads count towards the minimum curation activity required for a LeoAds share?
is anyone speaking yet?
Hello everyone , good to join
Great time on inleo.... We will learn and engage more....
Hello everyone , good to joi
Can't hear anything at the moment
Let‘s rock this tuesday 🤘🏽😎🤟🏽
Was i the only person that joined the space meeting on X?
I joined too... Just now!
But can you hear anything at the moment?
Not yet... It's taking too long today...
Hoping to get all the information
We are readily available
Wen #boobsonleo? 😜
Wen $HIVE delegation tiers live?
ok, I have been waiting
Hello ama
Finally, I thought I arrived late, and still had to wait for the threadcast to start!!
Waiting for the Space to start now.~
144 page views on my threads so far. A bit of a slow day but hopefully it picks up. I want to top 600.
Question: will I achieve the Cub status before/during next LPUD?
Yes! I'm pumped. 💪
another great ama with fantastic updated. Its on
Updates expected on
Gains Time to move to YouTube.... X is something else
It has been a glitchy start. But I am confident alpha! Is still going to land our ears. Let’s gooooo!!!!
3x on long form use is massive growth. I would take 3x from last march anytime.
A new dashboard for premium cuts.. Now that’s sounds cool!!!
I lost the audio again on X
same here in and
come over to youtube
Is that a challenge...? !LOLZ
You are out of jokes for the day!
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@ahmadmanga you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 1 times per day.
I need to earn more
what have happened to leoinfra?
The INLEO AMA will launch today at noon: 45
an excellent activity
Be #500... Get bOOm ! (not b00bs)
That is where the focus has to be. It all starts there.
Les go 🔥🔥🔥
Premium that pays for itself by Inleo
Go give some more love to the AMA live cast:
Link in the reply
Here is the link:
Our #feedback are needed every time for more improvement and development
Question. How is substack like feature coming along? Any chance to see this year?
I love using but it got so buggy that I had to switch.
#INLEO Dashboard!!
btw if you guy wanna be in 2 threadcast at once I have a live threadcast too haha
if my net connectivity allows sure
that‘s the third one … there‘s a party going over at @caleb-marvel 💪🏼🥳👍🏼
Its party time 🎉🎉🎉.
On Leo
Can you tell us what's changed on Labs each week so we can hit those areas hard while still exploring everything else is working?
You heard him, maggots.
Use labs.
Become one with the guinea pig.
Is there gonna be a bug bounty? 😀
Let's Break INLEO so Khal can fix it!!!
How can one boost its page view and engagement on its thread and posts
100% true.
let‘s break labs so the devs can fix it 🤘🏽😎🤟🏽
we shouldn’t 🌚
I posted a question earlier, but it's drowned below the (delighfully) many threadcasters, should I repost it?
wen video upload through inleo ?
more focus on UI.. great. Please also fix hivesighner login in mobile browser
I believe nothing even comes close to what inleo has built and they just have to make it better
Change log on the updates and hype it up each week the release happens
How much have been pooled with Leo Premium fees?
@awf was complaining a lot about his pfp on inleo, can anything be done so pfps get displayed faster?
Threadcasts is really a killerapp on HIVE.
Inleo Interface is cool , love it.
There's no limit for the number of post and content to be published via inleo but the number to be curated and appreciated are limited exclusively by the Leo stake weight and ranks
Do you mean that YT video would be playing in a smaller pop-up window?
That would be great if we can navigate between feeds & pages under single tab and the video would still play
Question. Do you think threadcast and podcasting combo
session on weekly become Leo's use case?
Really looking forward to the dashboard being released 🦁🦁
Is there some things you can get jealous about when looking at other social crypto projects @khaleelkazi?
yap, threads gotten a little smoother and it feels great when stuff just works fluidly …
yeah, is it just me or the space is breaking generally with everyone
True, the threading experience has improved. Looking forward to seeing it improve further.
Question: are the limits of how many long-form articles we can post in a month still active? I mean to be eligible for curation. I remember there was a limit for 6 posts/month for Cubs or something like that...
at the end of every month, one can earn massively from leoads and increase it by purchasing more Leo token for LPUD on 15th.... That's the wonderful and rewarding triangle on Hive blockchain
INLEO actually beat Ecency for the interface I like to use the most... I hope Ecency impoves, though, so I'll be conflicted on which to use again.
Publishing on inleo is the most appreciated way of becoming a blogger and it's rewarding
Will Leofinance witness keep the hbd savings Apr at 20% or?
Any updates on LEOAI?
When is the last time you re-evaluated your witness votes?
Me? Probably a three months ago... I should re-check them soon.
Maybe 3 weeks ago
Wen all numbers go UP 🚀🌕👍🏽 ?
Inleo remain the only front-end and community that drives revenue into Hive blockchain with its numerous and exciting rewarding systems
Are we on Spaces?
#INLEO is evidently and practically becoming an everything app faster that X. #we have the beginners advantage
It still has ways to go in my opinion.~
Didn't know that using the hashtag doesn't give $LEO tokens anymore... I guess I'll stop using it outside of the INLEO platform then.
Yes, you just have to post from InLeo that's all.
not loading threads
INLEO does not discriminate. Premium or none premium. Premium just pushes you further.
Hi Everyone,
Nice to see a you guys gain with an awesome threadcast.
What the noise?
Tune in the space!
Ok, so we are listening this on YT now. A little heads up would be great next time 👍
In spaces is better! So more people learn about inLeo
I was tuned in on X spaces but no audio...
I can now hear, have been struggling to since
anyone having audio issue on X can hop on here on youtube audio is great here
Had a problem with Login, had to logout and login again. Now I'm ready to LeoThread!!
I received over 51 Leo on February 1st... It can only be from leoads
it can be from a post you made. I got 25 Leo just 2days ago and it’s from a blog
I use it for everything on Hive blockchain
Then it from it then
You have made it, lol 😂
it's still funny for many people and their rewards. I
Funny, how
it's nothing to be complain to what they got
This is going to be fun. Already the visibility that comes from premium takes ones game to the next level. A drive for premium that pays for its self is another step closer to the moon.
Please will leoai be only for premium subscribers or for every lion?
Please I want to know.
With the features continuously added to premium. One outside of premium might be jealous and would want to join.
I believe the premium on inleo is a good one and making 2x in bear season makes a lot of sense, that can turn 7x in a full bull season
Inleo to the world
Have a tagline - "If platform wins, we all win!"
I don’t know why but my space keeps breaking and I’m missing important information when it is said or before it is said
210 comments so far! Let's keep this threadcast alive, guys!
To attract more users, wouldn't it be relevant to Thread in other #languages, beyond English & Spanish? I almost never see Threads in French, Arabic, Urduh, Italian, Mandarin, etc.
An announcement about the $HIVE delegation to get rewards in $LEO, right?
Ok, I got more LEO than usual on the February first but on H-E it doesn't say that it's from LeoAds. I remember it was mentioned with the first payment.
It would be cool if we would know which reward is from which source.
Glad to know you have a 2-years long plan, and still working on it. Let's all help each other.~
I get te return, not only from the leo accounts, but also from the community. Don't mind the hate flaggs from that moron
Since leo subscription pays for itself, then resubscription won't be an issues.
Nigerian on board!!!!!
1\1 In this case, it is profitable for Inleo to give the first couple of subscriptions for free and thereby involve people in the payment process in the future,
1\2 any sales manager will tell you this, because the margin in any case is higher than ever for Inleo, because he does not shell out his f1unds from his own pocket.
with all these updates and techniques, the value of Leo token keeps increasing and worthwhile
Keep building the value of Leo Premium.
That is where we could see a difference.
I would love to see $LEO earnings from votes, delegation, and ads being show in the wallet section of my profile.
Is that in the roadmap or the to-do list?
A name suggestion for the AI: "KAAI".
In "The Jungle Book", "Kaa" is the serpent's name. AI's do penetrate everything and are stealth life forms.
It should be total thread page views that a user generates.
Leo Premium subscription is a must have.. The user experience is awesome and with AI it will be even better
"The best way to piss people off is to give free money" - Khal
So true.
Real good one
Inleo is the future of web3
Premium keeps deepening the liquidity pools. Awesome
Sometimes if you want to walk long road, you have to ignore people every step of the way.
can someone tell me the changes that was made to the leoAds I did not hear that part break out .
same here
free money 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I need all the necessary information to get things right on hive and inleo. Without the necessary information one will do the wrong thing and there would be no return
5 minutes is WAY too much. LOL.
INLEO is a perfect place, to get you prepared for the in coming bull run.
I feel naked without the Premium membership.
So did I, suddenly everything didn't work. At first I thought it was the UI then I discovered my premium expired LOL
So we can join curation trail to keep account active?
I didn't get LEOADS rewards in January... I wonder what I did wrong, or if I was just unluckly. (Not angry about it, just wanted to know is all.)
I love those changes made for Leoads because you have to meet some standards if you want to get part of the pie
Which activities can't earn one more Leo token? It keeps breaking audibly
You can follow the AMA from the computer, it shows the "Zoom" streaming and the sound doesn't break away.
so sorry. I'm using my phone for the show and threadcast
there should be a detailed post that will explain these changes and update for better understanding and engagement...
Wen is LeoShorts? or LeoReels?
So, was the LeoAds paid on January 1st?
Mid Jan. and Feb 1st is delayed a bit as the contract is getting updated to make it better.
Thanks, I got a bit confused cos I got unusually more LEO on the first so thought it was included. Not complaining though! 😂
Supporting the INLEO platform through premium payments. Is a solid win win situation for every one and hive in general.
When will we be able see our total account worth on Inleo wallet, both hive, Leo, and hbd?
it takes time to show the new apr mine still says 13% after I clicked staked
X Spaces is having issue
This audio issue on X is annoying me honestly, am I the only one experiencing it.
good to see another improvement from Leo, getting better each and every day
Can we expect Impressions to be an accurate representation of our share in the LeoAds rewards?
Now all we need is a feature to create and post our own promotion ads inside Leo.
premium use + more engagement =More rewards, access to better and well arranged features etc.
Speaking of LEOAI... WEN LEOAI?!!
Thanks for making Inleo great day by day
322 comments so far! ...It may not be possible, but can we get it to 1000?!!
what does the advance view do comparing to the standard one
If the number of monthly active users surpasses all kept records of it, how would it affect ad revenue and evergreen rewards?
The name of the LEO AI is obviously Robo Kitty.
Are we going to be penalized for posting AI's result on threads? I mean general consensus is against AI usage on hive flag team.
the AI will help us to know where we are to focus our energy
Need to focus on turning off the AI :)
When is leo AI coming?
I hope never :)
can i put a yellow ring around my avatar myselfor does this cabal thing involves some spooky rituals? 👀
Simba is a great name for LeoAI!!!
Kal predicted Leo to be 1:1 to hive by the end of last year. But unfortunately that didn't happen.
Please Kal I want to know why.
not enough premium users on InLeo.
we need more people using InLeo as the main Hive interface
please don’t name it CUBAI 😏
These two major announcements are worth the time.
The fact that LeoAI has full access to the blockchain data makes me think of infinite possibility.
Cool updates! Can't wait, the more stats available the better! 👍
The AI integration will be interesting as well and surely helpful when growing our accounts. Nice work!
will LeoAi be exclusively for premium subscribers
almost 400 🚀🌕👍🏽
Wouldnt cat AI also be called a vibrator?
I don't get it and I'm not sure I want an explanation...
There is a great chance that none of them have the first clue about how money actually works.
Oh we miss Jon in a threadcasts like this. He must be busy with new job.
@town-hall witness is also at 20%.
And we there are a few people behind that one who can be found on Hive each day.
Best part for fish in rank like us is we can't control what price should be lol.
I'm not supporting witnesses that lower the APR, save for a little few of them. It's not logical as you say, Khal.
Interest rate is for capital flow.
The dropping of the interest rate means people think there is TOO MUCH money in the Leo system.
It is absurd.
We gotta be careful not to get sued by Disney
Threadscast is acting up
I dont like @Khaleelkazi either.
But it is fair since he doesnt like me either.
Then again I am a jerk.
khal already knows the best name for Leo AI. Hahahaha
Make Inleo great 👍🦁
over 200 page views! 🎉
I can't hear anything in the space, is it just me?
So good to see the dashboard. It would help set the goals for the week, month and year ahead
that must be wrong right?
sample data as feature is yet to go live
ChatGPT now is only trained for data up to 2022... And ChatGPT 4.0 can has full access to the Internet/Google in real time to be 100% up to date at any time.
Participating in contributing to Music on Leo is really only for Premium since need to embed youtube.
I'm waiting for the recorded and replayed version of this wonderful show to listen and learn more.
Honestly this space and threadcast is really one of a kind. I really appreciate this timely piece of information.
@khaleelkazi with a snowglobe reference.
wen polls back?
Not many of the active hivecommunities are active on threads …
Searching for a name to give leoai is something I don't buy. Kal should have a fitting name for LeoAi.
Kal please give it a fitting name.
Good to know that LeoAI has all the normal data of ChatGPT... Does it get updated with new ChatGPT data too?
INLEO‘s future‘s sooo bright, we gotta wear premium shades 🚀🌕👍🏽
460 🚀🌕👍🏽 500 on the horizon …
Names are fluid.
I hear so are genders.
That is what people are saying anyway.
thx, see ya 💯👍🏽
Looking forward to hearing about updates.
I started to withdraw my HP from ZING 2 days ago. Just in time...
Sounds like a big injection soon!
Time for what?
Who has seen naked Task ?
😂 Haven't even seen him without sunglasses!
Somebody with sunglasses on - still does not count as "naked"
No it doesn't 😀 perhaps best to keep glasses and clothes on!
The cat was hiding in an alley. Send out the cat signal (text msg) next time ;-)
Were the announcments made already?
Where is the AMA held? X? Discord? Well, waiting for the day inleo can host their AMAs on inleo itself.
That's literally the first time I see that name! 😀
Me too. He does no posting, commenting, curating. Nothing . Not even staking. Just collecting LEO's on his HP delegation
Makes me wonder, does some like that user even understand what he or she could be doing with LEO... it hurts me to see anyone just holding an asset as liquid! 😅
Just be active and you will get LeoAds.
TBH InLeo is my main Hive interface so i don't even think about it and I get mine.
Finally a meaningful topic
It is a money maker.
"INLEO - Blogs, blobs & Boobs"
I'm pretty sure Kimba is also copyrighted.
Let's call this AI :
Come join the Music Party after the AMA ends. We have a lot of good engagement over there.
We need the ability to switch the UI to Pig Latin.
Or Klingon.
Thanks everyone! Great show! Enjoy all the updates
Integrating Leo with Ai will really be a nice move. At least it will help take Inleo to a higher level. This is really cool.
This is awesome.
Wouldn't training LeoAI on our content make it as prone to error as the majority of us...?
I see you!
While waiting, we have a party going on in the other threadcast. Drop some comments in there also.
If you can't hear me, leave the space and join again
or go listen on youtube
Math is hard.
only 5 streaming on the tube. Is it the real one or the deep fake version of the INLEO livestream
This is first time my internet is speedy while listening AMA. So good.
Question: 📈 Does curating Leothreads count towards the minimum curation activity required for a LeoAds share?
Monthly active long-form content creators are growing on INLEO
More people using the front end is a huge plus for the Leo ecosystem happy to see that.
Over 200 views on my threads now. Going to get that over 600 today.
Have to type faster.
audio keeps dropping in an out anyone else ?
So, is this live on somewhere? Can't hear anything on X
I am on YouTube. On Khals chqannel
wen scheduling working reliable?
Amazing seeing the growth of blogs being posted, via the INLEO U.I
Youtube is loud and clear 👍🏽
We branded hard for a number of years to be finance only it's going to take a little time to get away from that but we are getting there for sure.
The mandatory … Wen $LEO moon? 🚀🌕👍🏽
Happy to join after long time
Why not edit the main thread of the threadcast and embed the YT video in there.
wen pump ?
getting premium is easy as the cost is covered through upvotes from leo.voter and other users curating on inleo. Actually premiums are earning more.
Not against free money but I don't know did I get the ads payment or not! 😂
I mean, where to check that?
How much activity we need? It changes from month to month?
threading only doesn‘t count? even wen wildly active?
stats looking good
What could be used to determine the quality of a post so as to attract upvotes and more?
👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 so far …
So the total number of thread views per account or only threads that get viral amount of views that get counted?
Hey quick question did @leoads do a payout this month?
😂 Sorry! Lost focus for a second there
If leo shorts comes, would evergreen reward be attributed to it still?
Inleo is getting hot day by day . So much cool stuff happening.
How does growing the HP of leo.voter help getting to 1000 premium ??
An avalanche on the way. In the next top years. Things about to get uncontrollable. As the saying goes. The best time to plan a tree was 20years ago. The second best in now. Use $LEO to your advantage
Taskmaster will the person with the highest payout from leoads
Currently it's Sepracore with a 163k hive delegated.
wow. Thanks for the information
Does delegation also add with leoad payout
@leo.voter is eating really good these days!
Road to 1000 #premium subs.. Let’s do this!!!!
The dashboard is here😄🎉
What could be used to justify if ones subscription is almost finishing but doesn't have what to use or subscribe to as in the case of HBD?
How will shorts rewards work, will that be based on views on votes?
I love it Sir.
Has the free premium for January been announced?
I need that link sir even if it's not paying out yet 😂
Am terribly bittered right now, am on and off because of network.
Can not find DASHBOARD. Anyone have a link ???
Looking for that too boss, if you should find that out, let me know please.
How to delegate to leo voter
Thanks for the mention Sammy. I'm really happy to be here. Have some questions to ask.
danggggg looking nice
Nice... Too bad these are placeholder numbers.
I'm not a delegator, but I'm interested in the other data. Especially "impressions."
Impressions will be super cool. I love stats lol
This is the thing I've been waiting for! 👇
Love it. Awesome that we can see LEO rewards separated from Hive rewards.
Thank you. 🙏
oh ok I did not see the fine print 😂
Question. Any plan on making .inleo domain like ENS?
where do I find the dashboard?
Was there a link posted?
ChatPAW or PawAI
A lot of people don't like a lot of us.
Basically the grand fathered in crowd doesn't like us.
I think the term was "annoying egomaniac" last time I was mentioned.
Is there a chain chatter tomorrow?
Oh! I made it today but arrived late.
441 🚀🌕👍🏽
How would I always know the exact time this event normally take place, it's like I have missed today's actions.
Good morning friends, I feel so excited today.
It's all getting better. I have a business mentorship class today.I have been anticipating for this class and it's happening today.
It's all about self-investment. #mydiary #gmfrens
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Please we will appreciate it if you teach us oo,no business is moving except politics and ------
Lol, that's after my learning. You can actually be part of it if you have the time. It's a free mentorship
I wish I will have the time oo.
No knowledge has proven to be a waste.. And no investment is worth more than one done for oneself. Hope you have a lovely day.
Thank you so much
Good luck for that.
your day is going to be filled with different activities, well done my day is about to start
how's your plans going,were you able to meet up?
How do we imbed videos?
I forgot how to while I wasn't premium
Often when they talk about two announcements, one of them is good, and the other announcement speaks of bad news, I hope that both announcements will please us :)
i missed out on this. 🥺
The INLEO AMA is going live at Noon
GM Web3
The zero mistake is ignoring the signs
God always shows what is what
Stop self-sabotaging and accept it without complaining
The pain of insisting on a mistake is much worse than the struggle of victory
Lots of faith guys 👽
#mydiary #hive #freecompliments
Finger crossed. 🙃
good luck for this!
That a lot of $LEO
oh dang what's this about?
Just one of their giveaways. Coin base does them every now and then. One day I will win….. !PIZZA
#newsonleo #music
Country Music Legend Toby Keith passes aways at Age 62 from a battle with Stomach Cancer
Editoral: You will be missed! A true American!
I saw this. He just recently performed i saw. He was way too young.
I didnt even know he was sick. Granted I dont pay much attention but usually news like that filters out.
i was super surprised he was sick.
Yeah. Sad day. A few days after Apollo Creed departed.
Kudos on the Happy Gilmore reference.
Way too young for him to die. I cannot believe it.
Hope your day is full of off the chain beats and harmony Lions !ROAR! 🤘🏽🦁 #motivationonleo
Estou perdido no tempo, jurava que hoje era quinta feira.
semana passada dei uma desligada dessas tbm.
good song
I love me some Toby Keith
Yeah, he was a legend. He will be missed.
Tense cycle: I need money to make more money xD #crypto #money #investment
#leobooks/#booksonleo getting some traction…
Next up, #leotravel/#travelonleo… who's in?!
The only LION who I don't like in LeoVerse! 😅
lol, no one like him.
hope to get rid of him permanently one day soon!
😤😤Definitely me too
Especially when I’m making a thread then it pops up
I bet you never expected another #solana outage.
What happened to solona?
Was down for 5 hrs
I thought they had finally grown up.
Hola tengo una amiga que se acaba de unir a leo a través de su gmail y me pregunta si desde esa opción tiene sus llaves? #hive #threads #spanish
Todavia no, las tiene que reclamar en settings!
thank you very much, thank you for your kind help.😘🤗
Hola, que inicie sesión con su correo normalmente, y luego en settings las puede reclamar. Que las guarde muy bien.
thank you very much for your help and she downloaded her keys. 🥳😘👍
Googleization: Google as a Gatekeeper. The "I saw it on Google" syndrome.
google is the worst place to check symptoms for anything that’s wrong with you
You get it right, but some people do not understand this haha
A wonderful day for the whole hive. #freecompliments #liotes #hive #gmfrens
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
A great day for you and your family! A hug!
Why don't stockbrokers ever read novels?
Because the only numbers in them are page numbers!
And price tags :)
I hope everyone had a fantastic day with a dose of surrealism, utopianism and steam punk that lifted your spirits!

Good night everybody! :)
World Nutella Day
Do you know that Feb 05 is celebrated as the World Nutella day?
One blogger made nutella famous!! Who is that?
#liotes #alive
This inLEO feature I'd love to watch over every single day to see my Hive progress. Watch your actions and votes, it's the real metric for growth on the platform.
This is great, I love the innovations the Inleo team are digging up every day.
I hope they put a ad in there because I think I'll be watching that screen very often
Sometimes a degen can get a bit lucky:
Yesterday I sold all my SOL, bought ETH and jumped in to farm EL points 😬. Just before the Solana issues and small price drop.
Now I just need to get some funds to ape back into Solana again! 😅
What are EL points?
EigenLayer points.
You were so lucky there! That's good.
1/ I'm meeting up with a guy I have followed on Twitter (X) since 2007 or so. We have never met in person. He'll be in town for a conference. I haven't had a tweetup in years.
2/ Here is a blog post about our meetup.
She, so in love, trusted the wrong person, but she did not know the anguish that was firmly coming.
Some Blockchain New UseCases You may not have heard about.
In this post I made a deep dive into some new Blockchain Usecases that are outside of the crypto space.
#threadstorm #outreach

If you are interested to know some of the new Usecases for Blockchain, this blog post get you covered. Check the next thread for the link to the post.
Read the full blog post from the link below.
#gosh #febuaryinleo #newusecasesforblockchain
🧵 1/4: Binance adjusts token listing methods amidst allegations of malpractice by employees. Internal mechanisms will be implemented and listing procedures will be adjusted. Via Yi He. #crypto
🧵 2/4: Reports claim price drops and suspicious activities for tokens listed on Binance. Stricter management and improved communication will be enforced. Infractions will lead to cancellation.
🧵 3/4: Binance offers $5M whistleblower reward to users who identify corrupt employees involved in coin listings. Stricter measures for corrupt employees joining projects also imposed.
🧵 4/4: Binance improves technical monitoring, discloses contract information. Previous approach isolated token listing research, paving the way for fraud. Transparency and security are prioritized.
🧵 Read more at:
A lot of things look and smell better than they taste
Is weird how our senses work sometimes.
SO weird
haha, I think mangos tastes better than they smell
who summoned me?
1/ 🧵 Chinese regulators add restrictions on the crypto mining servers. And this is to boost their EV sector. This would be a good direction to help save electricity for their economy usage.
#outreach #threadstorm
2/ 🧵 China currently has the 111 megawatts of the electricity spend so far from the crypto mining serves. And the govt wants to limit that for freeing up some space for the EV.
3/ 🧵 Regulators wish to reduce the crypto mining servers and this would also push for the proof of stake based coins more market from the chinese exchanges and the regulators.
4/ 🧵 Check out how the chinese regulators add the mining restrictions.
🧵 1/4: A judge in British Columbia upholds B.C. Hydro's ban on crypto mining, ruling it reasonable and not unduly discriminatory. #crypto
🧵 2/4: Conifex Timber's challenge to the ban was rejected, as their proposed mining operation would consume 2.5 million megawatt-hours annually.
🧵 3/4: BC Hydro cited the high electricity consumption and limited job creation of crypto mining as reasons for the ban.
🧵 4/4: The ban aims to prevent a scenario where most electrical power is dedicated to one industry, resulting in increased costs for other customers.
🧵 Read more at:
#outreach #threadstorm
Little by little with time we move forward in life and after a certain time we can realize that we have crossed a long way.
when we look back, we can see the footsteps behind us which carry memories. The Hive Learners community contest takes the footsteps of 100 weeks and it's a milestone.
I have written a post about it and I hope you will enjoy reading it. I am inviting you to read my post.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
dkid14 tipped mcoinz79 @dkid14 tipped @bitcoinflood
I can't wait for Carnival n have 4 days off work. I'm exhausted
I feel you. You'd be able to rest soon.
A businessman walks into a bar and orders a drink.
The bartender notices he's looking a bit down and asks what's wrong.
Businessman "Well, I invested a significant amount of money in a company that manufactures landmines."
The bartender "Why would you do that?"
Businessman "I thought it would be a booming industry, but it blew up in my face!
Oh my dog, is so bad, I love it. lol
hope it brought you a lil smile 😀