There are 4 pages

I paid for the #premium for the fourth time with the Hive keychain.

This time, it didn't go through instantly, unlike before.

I am still waiting for the orange check.

Is it a glitch or not?

probably a glitch, I had tons of issues earlier.. I see you have the checkmark now anyway so you're good :)

Some nodes have issues, I think. Life is easier with an orange.

I think so too, just keep trying is the answer lol. And it sure is lol


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/5)@meraki7578! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thisismylife.

She's back! Yeah, there were a few issues earlier I think, but looks like you're all set now.

Thank you. yes it is now.

It's probably a glitch.

I had some node issues before, not with a payment but some things posting.

I think there was an issue earlier. I got alot of error messages.

Yeah, node issues are kind of constant these days.

It is a bit frustrating and hard to know where the bottleneck error is.

I can see your check on here at 8:14 MST.

Thank you. Now I have it, but it took some time.

Yes, most likely was a glitch

Thank you, finally got through :)


You're welcome! Glad it did! 😊

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @lisamgentile1961, you just got hugged. on behalf of @meraki7578.

Probably it was a glitch, nothing to worry about, since you already have it.

Friends, my eyes don see nwii today, I just collected my phone and power bank from the charging shop,
I have gone through most of my diaries today,#gmfrens, Enjoy these alluring cucumbers!!

  1. My phone and power bank are Fully charged now, it has taken almost the whole day,
  2. I'm dropping my remaining activities, my routinal clenaing will still hold,
  3. My other daily engagements will follow suit, I know I will meet up never mind Nepa people.
    #mydiary #aliveandthriving #freecompliments #newsonleo.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

well am sorry about the nepa issue,it has became a thing of concern to we all,and this has made it very important for us to own power bank ooo,that thing de save ooo

Yes power bank is very important else they will frustrate one.

as in eh

it's good to know that your phone and power bank are fully charged now.
The feeling is good

Yesoo, I charged them hahaha 🤣.

Sorry for the stress you have gone through just to power your phone and power bank keep threading keep thriving

Thank you good mama, I ga adioooo.

That's Nigeria for you, with their unsteady lights, the cucumbers looks really alluring

Thank you, I appreciate

You're most welcomed

Thank you

Nepa people sef! Their wahala too much. Sorry. But I love your positive spirit o. Keep it up ma

Thank you that's the only saving grace, when situation is though, get tougher you will surely win.

I dont know you farm cucumbers. Dis you harvest these from your garden today?

Not yet, thanks

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Make things easier: good communication, good examples, calm when talking, do your best in sharing information to make life easier for the people around you. #freecompliments

I guess you mean team work!! Don’t take things for granted, play some part in making things work to solve & handle difficult situations!

That's right, each individual on a team can make things easier if they really try to be a facilitator, expressing clearly everything that needs to be done and making communication fluid. #freecompliments

But sometimes, people disagree, and things don’t get done. Community may not agree with you, fights and rifts happen. And you are better off not taking part in the discussion

I think it's normal for people to disagree on ideas and opinions, that's a good thing, but like you said, it's better not to get into arguments, I'm one of those people who stays away haha. #freecompliments

Yeah, people need to realize how to be part of the solution, sometimes there is no neutral part.

We need to find a way to help, sometimes we complain about difficulties but we create them ourselves, so we need to be part of the solution! A hug! #freecompliments

Ótimo conselho.

@leo.voter #hive delegation tiers inbound

Delegate HIVE POWER and earn up to 22% APR

👀 This is awesome, is it live now?

Thank you, I applied for Switch to Staked. I'll delegate some my HP in the morning.

has there been an official post explaining all the details? i've seen the threads but i still have some doubts...

It's not live yet, when it is all the details will be available

Heyy, Just came up here on Leo for the first time !

Welcome and happy threading!

Yeah, feels like a great place I've been missing for long

Yei, welcome!

Party Time!!!🥂🎶

Hello friends, it's Monday and we welcome you to the Party Time into. It's party time!!! M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in partnership with @taskmaster4450le and @coyotelation. We are here to make your day🥂.

Let the music play!!!

  • Invite friends to this party, and make a special music request for them.
  • Send some #freecompliments to friends wishing them a new week
  • Box some gift in the form of hive or Leo 🦁


#mydiary tonight is to party hard and send some #freecompliments to friends and loved ones, you are all invited #inleo


I never knew something like this is in existence

It didnt until a couple days ago but dive right on.

Share the music you like, place requests, click on what others post, and comment.

You are welcome 🤗🤗🤗

Welcome friend! Share your favorite songs here so we can listen together!

Have a feeling DJ @jongolson gonna drop some epic music! 🎵🎶🎧

He is a working stiff.

But the night is long Jon long silver right? 😅

(Or maybe I just butchered the joke you made now about Jongo being an adult actresses)

Yes. He is balls deep in work right now I bet.

Unless she says this...

  • Are you are music lover?
  • You spend much time on TikTok 😉🤣 what have you achieved?
  • Come inleo let's make this happen in our home!!

Without a doubt. Have to build the utility on Leo.

Okay I will listen to it.

What did you think? Not everyone's cup of tea.

Blues is an acquired taste.

Not a big fan of it from the Stones. I prefer the blues mix of ZZ Top. They had a good sound on some of their early works.

ZZ top was one of my favorites in high school. Lot of Jesus just left Chicago, La Grange, and of course Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers. lol

They were epic. I was more of the 1980s ZZ Top with the Eliminator album.

Billy Ray is an underrated musical genius.

THanks Sir

you are welcome my fren
Always so good to see you active and growing on the platform.
Keep up the good work

Thanks for your support and encouragement

Party time in the tropics.

Glad to see you joining the festivities.

Indeed when the music is good and sprits are high how can one stay away?
Let the fun times continue

Yep. Music is universal. It can touch all.

And on Leo, we have ad revenue increasing through the engagement and activity. Great to see page views matching.

When you give users something to utilize, numbers improve.

Absolutely lets do it.

I'm here, just a silent listener, as kid is sleeping :)

Good choice! Thank you for sharing with us.

let my soul feed on music 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

My first concert in 1975 at 16 years old. Some friends and I drove 20 some miles to the Memorial Coliseum in Portland OR.

The Tres Hombres album.

Damn that is going back. But that is what we were talking about. Much better than the Stones with this genre.

I love the Stones as a rock band but have always had a little soft spot for their quasi country/blues renditions of songs. That's just me though.

I only really knew them as a rock band. Their stuff in the lates 70s through early 90s was pure rock. That is where I was residing.

You definitely have to dig a bit to find some of those old songs. Country Honk, Dead Flowers, It's All Over Now

You are a real old man 🥂🥂..

LOL! Compared to most around here, yes I am.

According to your name 🥂🥂🥂.

This can attract more page views 🤗🤗. It's all fun

That is what it is about. Keep spreading the word. We will see what else we can add to the fire.

Thanks very much sir 🥂🥂

Dude, I am from the 1980s.

Of course, Huey was big back then. So was Eddie Money.

Task! The 80s really are a wealth of talent and songs. Good times and we still don't even have good generations from that time.

Without a doubt. The hairbands were a fun time.

Let's Dance! 🎶🎵

Doing the Carlton.

I can't feel my legs 🥶🥶🥶🥶

You might be sitting wrong. LOL

Yep! 😁😎🎵

Nice steps 😀😀, let's keep on 😄💯

Hahahaha... always a friend!

Only one more?

I think I expressed myself wrong, one more and another coming hahahaha...

One, then one, then one.

Wow they are like drinks.

Great expression! Yep! like a drink

10 More!!! I am enjoying your vibes 🥂🥂🥂

Almost 200 comments, congratulations to everyone for making this happen!

I think we can go for 400 today.

We are still early in the day. What time zone are you in my friend.

Right now it is 4:10 pm. It's almost time to pick up my wife.

But yes, we can increase the number of comments, here we still have the night and I will be able to be on the computer.

So you are ahead of me a bit. Good to know.

And I thought you were ahead of me hahaha...

But in the United States there is also more than one time zone just like in Brazil, here there are 4 and I follow the one in the capital (Brasília).

I am in eastern time. 2:24 here now.

Thanks alot 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

It is said that "music is a food for the soul then let's feed ourselves with music"

An porn is food for...oh never mind.

The sound of music is going down!!!

But we gonna amplify it sooner 🎶🎶🎶

having to some work on the database so there are more songs to share.

I will have another artist page for you soon enough.

Alright sir 👍👍👍, I sincerely appreciate all your efforts in making this party more blazing 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Love the initiative. We will keep the music flowing. Even after you depart for the night, I will add some more.

Excellent choice! 🎵🎶

That was a very interesting band. They have a helluva story.

Lot of name changes.

But then it was the 60s, so a lot of interesting stories especially for those from the SF area.

Read her book once. Interesting is a good word. 😉

This for your support 🙏🏽🙏🏽This song is specially dedicated to @tokenizedsociety

Getting paid to listen and share music.

This is what Leo offers.

Pageviews = money.

The essence is this, there is nothing better than listening to music and getting paid for it.

If you own $LEO, it is driving ad revenue as we open more pages and that equals...

Great to know, may more clicks come with more songs.

And more $LEO for us.

Keep building the pile.

Eventually it will have an impact upon price. That is what we want. It really is an easy concept.

I'll do my best! We move on!

@thetimetravelerz you are invited to our party inleo, please @coyotelation, and requesting a cool music for his listening pleasure 🥂🥂

Yeah! Of course yes.

how can I be away if you are involved 👍

Thank sir, you are welcome 🥂🥂.

@oldmans you are welcome to the party 🥳🎉🎉

Thanks Happy to be here! Will be popping in and out through out the day.

You are welcome 🤗🤗🤗🤗, it's our pleasure ☺️😄☺️

My Dad loves Elton music 🎶🎶🎶
He was the person that made me to love country and foreign musics 🤗🤗

Good to know!

This is what happens when you join the Music on Leo party put together by @caleb-marvel and pages are clicked on.

Just like the three wise men 🤣🤣🤣 @coyotelation @taskmaster4450le @caleb-marvel 🥂🥂🥂 how do you see it?

Not sure about the wise but we are starting something here that can have a great deal of impact.

What happens if we get 10 people involved instead of a small handful? Or 20?

The important thing is that we are making something happen and with 10 more people or even more it will be a huge party! Everyone having fun and getting paid for it.

10 or more people, we could have some huge numbers and a big party going.

Yep, without a doubt, my friend.

Hahahaha, just make fun 😊😊😊.

It is true!🎵🎶

If all that money is going to @caleb-marvel I am very happy for him

Thanks Sir 🙏🏽🙏🏽, I remember what you told me when I started threads, you said that I should be consistent and think of how to improve" .. A big thanks to you sir 🙏🏽🙏🏽.

You are doing good. Just make sure you enjoy what you are doing so that you do not feel burnt out. Life is a marathon that we run for ourselves and our families.

stay positive and we are all behind you

I have a feeling @beststart would like some songs while toiling away at whatever he is doing.

Exactly 💯💯💯

Of course, Task

Todays party has to be 300 comments. That is the minimum acceptable. It is early in the day. We can do this.

@anderssinho @jongolson you are all welcome to the party 🥂🥂🥂, how is your day going? 😎😎

122 comments. Keep it up gang. I have to go make a video. But I will get back to it when I return.

Hopefully lots of stuff to click upon.

See you later Task, we will continue.

Damn I cant pull myself away.

Oh yeah!!!

Alright sir, I wish you well🥂🥂

Let the fire keep on burning 🎶🎶🎶..
Welcome back sir ✋✋

A change of pace. Lets slow the beat down a bit.

I lost my shoes in the Party 🤣🤣🎉

In here, we can dance barefoot. It is approved.

How does this threadcast work, just share favorite songs?

Sharing and requesting for favorite music of your choice, you can also invite a friend and tell us the music you want us to play for his or her listening pleasure 🥂🥂🥂🥂


Well presuming one had friends.

Exactly. Think of it as being a DJ at a party.

Simply add what you want. I am taking from the Music on Leo database and putting the threads in to give more exposure.

You can do that or go direct to embed off YT. Whichever you prefer.

Okay cool initiative!

Yeah. And we do a lot of clicking, upvoting, and opening up pages.

Printing LEO.

Going into overdrive!

$LEO for the win.

Who needs a "minter" wen one mints by (their own) actions. Moar numbers, moar printing LEO.

Time to kick start this thing.

Oh yeah 👍!!!

We will cross 300 comments for the day. This is a nice bit of activity.

I consider it a good job. Next time, we'll surpass that 300 comments mark.

Yeah we have to get it up. It would help to get a few more people involved. Imaging getting to 500 comments in one day.

It would be incredible!

Today I'm going to bring other musical styles here in Brazil. I hope this will attract more people from here in the region to Leo.

Oh yeah!!!! Thanks very much sir 🙏🏽🙏🏽..

We move musically...

It was fun.

One of the best frontman in history. Freddie Mercury.

Queen - Hammer to Fall

Without a doubt one of the greatest in history. Unmistakable voice.

His voice are blazing 🔥🔥🔥

His voice is blazing 🔥🔥🔥

Wow!!! 🎸🎸🎸🔥🔥🔥🔥🕺🕺🕺🕺

He sings great, but this is one of the reasons for the problems with demographics and I don’t really want to listen to him :)

Time for a bit of Dean Martin with On An Evening in Roma.

A true classic. Right now it's raining here, all we need is a wine to go with it all.

LOL yes. A very Italian and imagery.

own🎶🎶🎶 My phone battery is going down the drain 😭😔😭, good night to you sir, pray to continue tomorrow 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽..

I sincerely appreciate your efforts together with @coyotelation and others 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽..

Good night to you from here 🎶🎶🎶.

Yes man.
This song only hit hard

HAhah 🤣🤣🤣, that's the Party inLeo for you🥂🥂4
Is a daily event 🥂🥂

Here is a singles page of Kizz Daniel songs already in the database.

I will check on it 🥂🥂🥂

What do you think about adding polls to the LeoGlossary movie pages and the songs in the Music on Leo database?

Do you think songs should have a poll to rate how one likes the song?

Its a perfect idea 💡💡💡

At least for the songs in the database so they do not get lost.

Exactly 💯💯, they will be forever 🤗🤗

I think this idea is very interesting, if it's possible to add it I think it's cool. These polls would draw people's attention and more clicks to the platform.

very correct 💯💯💯

Yeah. I agree. When I see what options there are, I will work up a something so it is standard. Then we can copy/paste the code into the songs in the database.

Polls can be good for moar numbers and interactions for sure!

Hello everyone 🤗🤗🤗, it's another day to party inleo.....

Where are the dancers? 💃🕺🤣🤣🤣

@ijebest you are welcome to the party tonight 🥂🥂

Nepa do me shege, I missed the party 🥳🎉🥳

Don't worry Mom, tonight is gonna be a good night.

Why not get involved while at work. This is a great place to make your day go faster.

Very fast 😄😄😄!!

You can be on the road and listening to nice music on Leo 🦁🦁

Without a doubt. We will fill this up with great songs. I will go through the Music on Leo library and artist pages.

I will add a few more songs after I get caught up on the playists from last night.

That's interesting 🥂🥂🥂🥂

Sharing and requesting for favorite music of your choice, you can also invite a friend and tell us the music you want us to play for his or her listening pleasure 🥂🥂🥂🥂

I always tell friends that inLeo is taking social media platforms and for those that start on time shall become the grand master 🤣🤣🤣

That's why a say, let the music play!!!

Who's ready to rock on!!!

Hahahah 😂😂😂, I love kids heart because they got no worries 🎉🎉🎉

If all people gat the mind of kid, there will not be problem 🤗🤗🤗. Because all they care is candy 🍭🍭🍭🍭

@philings good evening to you, how is your day going?

Great, I'm on my way home

Okay sir, we will be expecting you as soon as possible 🤗🤗🤗...
You are welcome sir 🥂🥂🥂

You have a show tonight?

@sammyhive It's party time 🎉🎉🎉🎉...

A bit of Outkast. They were big in the 1990s, coming out of the Atlanta scene I believe.

Holy raping 😎😎

It's time for party inleo, please come on to the dancing hall 🎉🎉@fokusnow it's a lovely evening and I you your day is going cool 😎😎😎.

On my way home. Hoping to beat the traffic and make it home.

Alright sir, hope to see you soon 🥂🥂🥂

It is wonderful to see people embedding the songs in the Music on Leo database and from playlists.

This is how we repurpose things. Lifetime page views is crucial. I am opening each song.

Great stuff. Keep it up.

Wow!!! It's forever 🥂🥂.

Holy Grandfather!!! Let the music play!!!

Promotion on my WhatsApp status 🥂🥂

This is a cool combination. Most of the band is now dead unfortunatley.

90 comments and 43 page views.

The cool thing is there are page views inside the threadcast. That will really add up too.

it we have 10 person that gives it's track a click that is 10 pages views.
Let's calculate it 🥂🥂

10 views × 7 days= 70
10 views × 31 day = 310 pgv 😳😳😳

You can calculate more 🥂🥂🥂🥂

It is amazing how much it adds up.

Just by supplying the threads (and comments) we can increase the amount of activity = page views.

In the 1980s, Eddie Money was big along with Huey Lewis. I think Money had more talent but they both were popular.

You are really turning into a Huey Lewis fan. LOL

Good music haunts me lol

That is good.

Then the goal is to make this a very scary place. LOL

Keep on listening to music #inleo, it's part time 🤗🤗🤗

Noon stoping music 🥂🥂!!!

  • What do you think when you get all you desire inLeo?
  • How would you feel when you can hang out with friends inleo?
  • How would you feel when a friend made a lovely music request for your listening pleasure?

Elton fans are here!!!!

Oh yeah!!!

I need some ladies 🎉🎉🎉

What is impressive is we have 120 views of the top thread. A great job by all.

This, of course, does not include the views inside the threadcast.

Who else loves listening to music from the Leo UI?

It is sensational even if they songs are embeds of YT. We are using Leo as a front end for it.

If the video is good by you, is good for all 🥂🥂🤣🤣

Friends, I'm leaving because I'm going on the road now, but I'll be back tonight and we're going to increase these numbers today! Until later!

Hahaha... Sheldon 😎


Very good series... I think I'll want to watch it again in the near future.

Thanks very much, your presence is felt🥂🥂🥂

I don't want to love my love for music tonight, that's why am here. What about you??

This time around, there is a music I love most. By Jimmy reeves 😂😁😂😁

hello @philings how was your journey??

Great,my day was quite stressful.How was yours?

Am doing good Sir ☺️🥰🥰, please you are free to make your request 🎶🎶🥂🥂

Battery low

So sorry about that 🙏🏽🙏🏽😞.

It spoilt my evening, how did it go friend?

let the music play ▶️▶️

Can you stay a day without listening to music 🎶?

@fexonice you are welcome to the party inloe 🥂🥂🥂

Do we do party on a Monday?

HAha is nonstop musical inLeo🎶🎶

@barski you are welcome to the party, which music would you like us to play for your listening pleasure?

Lol, I don’t change my preferences, same artist Peter Barski, any composition :)

No sir 😅🤣😔

And I don't listen to anyone anymore :)

Hello friends!!!
Break over 😂😂

Some persons went for a short break 🥂

Music music musical 🎶🎶🎶🎶 We are going musically tonight 🥂😁🎵

Had to spend some time building out a page for Fireboy DML.

Maybe some songs to add in here.

Thats great, let's check it out 🎶🎶..

Getting a lot of lists together. Right now focusing upon artists of Nigerian origin.

Also going to do Cuba at some point. A lot of ways to go with music.

Oh yeah!!!

I just added a bunch more to the Fireboy FML page. Give it a few minutes to update.

Now 35 songs on that page by that artist. Should make for great sharing.

please sir, is there a playlist for peter barski?

Nothing on Peter Barski. I can add it to the database and get an artist page. I will work on that one for you.

Ask me, lol, I forgot that my son closed his YouTube channel for a while, but some compositions are on YouTube music :)

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Uses: 17/25

We will get people listening if we can.

Just no manhandling, let whoever wants to listen lol, please :)

Thanks very much sir 🎶🎶322.

How about a page of old school with the Notorious B.I.G.?

A full page of his songs.

These are old musics but they never die

Here is a list of the artist singles pages we have done. Feel free to dive into these. Over 3500 songs in there and more being added.

One love to you all

Each day we can look to improve a bit more. Keep the numbers growing.

Exactly 💯💯, thanks once more for your support 🙏🏽😁😸

Time to get the new one up.

The early we can get the threadcast up, the more of the party we can get going.

DJ Tasky Task 😎

You are welcome to the party tonight 🥂🥂🥂

The first time ever I am without the #premium perks, that shows how important it is to have them.

Missing so many features.

Welcome back to #premium!

Thank you, not official yet :)

Haha, I realized yesterday that I was due in a few days and was counting my earnings to see if I'd have enough HBD :) Seems I will just make it in time lol..

Welcome back!

Thank you, It's good to be back and it's nice to have you on time in the club again. 😍 🦁

Thanks, just one and a half day left I think, but I will have just enough by the time it ends, and then it's back to throwing HSBI around again (thanks again, really!)


Yeah. And more are coming.

Hopefully they build it out to the point where it is insane not to be Premium if on Leo.

That'd be very good to have some more premium members.

Khal has a goal of 1K. The team will have to build more out for that.

It is going to come down to utility. The embed code was a big one, at least for me. Sprung an entire initiative.

my premium membership expired two days
It's been boring here

I know the feeling, as I was without it for a while. We will have you in the club soon.


I sent 1.0 HUG
(2/3)Dear @nkemakonam89, you just got hugged. on behalf of @meraki7578.

Yeah, once we get use to the features, it can be so hard to not have them.

Indeed it's like so.

Congrats! We are considering adding the premium membership for the business benefits too.


The crypto market always has some surprises, both good and not.

The previous days have seen some price actions in the market. Perhaps most of them are expected but there are two of which I found to be surprising, especially in the last 7 days.

#cryptomonday #februaryinleo #outreach


RON, the token of the Ronin blockchain saw an upswing from $2.56 at the end of January to $3.49 per Coingecko charts. It was up by 15% but it tumbled down below $3 just when it was announced that Binance is listing it and trading will start at 13:30 UTC. Quite the opposite of what most people would expect to happen.


The second movement was by LINK, which saw over 30% rise in the last 7 days and is still in the green zone today. The price action and the significant amount of the token withdrawn from CEX brought out some speculations that institutional investors are accumulating.

That and more in today's post


Link is doing super well for its holders

This is really awesome.

My work mornings are usually busy, so I like to get up to date news

Now I just go to the #newsonleo tag and get a perfect amount of news snippets.

Let's make INLEO the place to go for current news.

That is what the aim is. Part of the growth in value of a digital platform is the utility provided to the users. This is something that gets overlooked on Hive.

With Leo we are looking to solve it.

That is excellent.

Yes it is. We have the ability to print money through out actions.

That's so cool! We're making InLeo a place of everything

It is intended to become the "Everything App"

Good morning! The news never sleeps

#newsonleo #liotes

Epic Games Will List Web3 First-Person Shooter Game ‘Shrapnel’

Epic Games Store is set to launch "Shrapnel," a first-person shooter crypto game.

Article link in my comment below ⬇️

📚 'Grit' by Angela Duckworth

📖 Why passion, perseverance and resilience are the secrets to success.

🎞️ Tom Bilyeu of Impact Theory gives his review…

Related Threads in replies ⬇️

#leobooks #booksonleo #videoreview #books

I am mixed on Tom Bilyeu.

He can have some decent interviews but I think his theories are off. Especially when it comes to economic matters since I know he fails to understand the fundamentals of money.

Yeah, I went through a phase of watching a number of his interviews and some were great. I haven't heard him talk much on economic matters, but like most, best to take with a pinch of salt!

PNTV: Grit by Angela Duckworth | Brian Johnson

GRIT by Angela Duckworth | Animated CORE Message | Productivity Game

Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth | TED

Is Success Luck or Hard Work? | Ali Abdaal

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance | Angela Duckworth | Talks at Google

How many extra items do you think are in the photograph? check your attentiveness and intuition :)

A fun game. Going to have to get the car in the background.

Not a bad option, but I'm not sure I'm a minimalist :)

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Uses: 19/25

Good morning INLEO Pride.

A start of a new week, let's make the most of it.

#gmfrens #ctp

Very wise words, you have to take advantage of your time, it is a very valuable asset.

It is indeed, @empoweredwoman


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (6/10)@empoweredwoman!

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(6/50)@empoweredwoman! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

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Good day. Glad to see you made it back. Always good to be on the green side of the ground.

Indeed it is, Task, lol

Or so we think since we really do not know what is on the other side.

That is why it is called belief and not knowing. LOL


NASA craft snaps extraordinarily close images of volcano-covered world
The most volcanic land in our solar system.
By Mark Kaufman

I think that an experienced photo editor will take no more than half an hour to create any landscape :)

Okay then.


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!BEER 👍 😅

BEERHey @bradleyarrow, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

#newsonleo #liotes

$800M in Unlocks From Avalanche, Aptos, Optimism and More in February

February is poised to witness a series of significant token unlocks and airdrops.

Article link in my comment below ⬇️

Few Important #crypto News

  • China could be a positive catalyst affecting prices.
  • Dencun update will soon make it cheaper to use L2 projects on ETH.
  • $ETH options trading volume reach ATH.
  • Tether made$2.85 billion in profit.

More news covered in the video below 🧵⏬


South Korea's regulator and SEC's Gary Gensler are gearing up for a chat about Spot #Bitcoin ETFs! 🚀

#newsonleo #news

They stick together dont they?

I think so..

Dream of Aces

I found this short film about magic based on a real story performed by the actual person who experienced the story.

It is said that magic can't be explained, but it can be shared

#movie 🧵⏬

We've had to do some significant backend overhauls but...

and yes @taskmaster4450le, we are going to integrate the new V2 of Polls into Long-Form Posts

You Just made Task a very happy man!

Just created a lot more work for Task.

Good, you're too lazy already

I know. I will try to type faster.

At least made the playlist for you so my day was productive.

Oh goody.

What are the V2 of polls? Is it going to be more flexibility in the design of what the poll setter upper can do? Or is it going to be the same as before?

V2 is to get the polls back online with a redesigned backend that uses hafsql

After we're back online, we'll be able to push polls to long-form and continue on our roadmap of delivering stake-weighted polls, etc.


Super-Earth discovered in the "optimal" habitable zone of its star, TOI-715 b

ByEric Ralls

Interestingly, they saw a molecule that stuck to the sky through a telescope and call it super-earth :)



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!VSC ☺️

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Uses: 13/25

People are actually going through a lot at the moment. Do well to check up on your loved ones in this trying times.

Let love lead ❤️😘. #Mydiary

This is so true. The economic situation in the country has made it difficult to stay alive each day- plus many personal problems.

Yeah! It gets tougher daily

Well said.

The present time is full of uncertainties,we need to keep an eye on ourselves and our loved ones.The suicide rate is increasing but that won't solve any problems.

That's true. But it's well

nice, 👍,keep it up

Thanks a lot dear

You are truly true, my follow princess, wisdom of God will help us scale through this hard times.

Amen Ma 🙏🙏

Yeah, we can never take thing for granted, we need to make sure everyone is okay.

Thats true. We need each other now than ever before. Thanks for the advice

You're welcome ❤️

HAFSQL is really cool. We're doing some research on integrating it into the Dashboard, Leaderboard and other elements of INLEO

Do you or someone you know have any experience with it?

Since I dont know what HAFSQL is, I cant answer that question.

Although, since I dont know what it is, I probably dont have experience.

Unless that was the name of the dancer in Atlanta that one time...I was pretty drunk.

I was in the same boat not knowing what HAFSQL was

lol it is a project on Hive that is not utilized much

There are over a hundred endpoints with extremely valuable data. We're integrating it into LeoNode

This will allow us to rewrite Polls, the Leaderboard and hook up all the data we need for the Dashboard

It's superior to alternatives on #hive for gathering on-chain data. The INLEO Advanced View dashboard will have data in it that you literally can't find anywhere else

Imagine seeing your internal market order history in a simplified view. Imagine seeing the entire earnings history of your account in one shot, super fast

The dashboard is likely going to replace entirely and we'll have all the data you can get on Hivestats on the basic view of the dashboard. If you upgrade to Premium, you'll be able to get deep analytics on the Advanced View that you can't get elsewhere on #hive.

I wasn't aware of this either, but I'm happy and excited about this implementation for Leo. Looking forward to these polls.

Hola 😃 soy Daniela y me uni a Hive por medio de @hivetalkproject

Welcome. Thread away.


Someone said to me that Microbiologist is not a professional course. I disagreed because microbiology is making a lot of difference in our lives. Tell me what you think about this #Mydiary

How can someone say something like that. A lot of the products we use today pass through various lab processes managed by microbiologists. So I believe the course has relevance in modern society.

My point exactly 💯 That was my exact defense. I don't really know why he believes that.

Ignorance might be a factor. One cannot simply deny the existence of certain realities in life.

I agree with you

How can someone say that? Of course it is.

I'm not sure he knows what the course is all about


One of the most popular desserts in my country is the cake. Almost everyone loves it and chocolate cake is the most common and favorite and it's my favorite also.

I love chocolate cake too, is simple and tasty.

But too much chocolate is not good also. You may get sick. So stay cautious and remain healthy.

Not much specific from your country !! lol but still why not? chocolate cake is loved everywhere in the world. #crossculture

Chocolate cake is always a good choice, yummy!!

Okay so I had a notification that said my free Premium account would be activated today. Please can someone tell .e the benefits of an Inleo account? Or at least a link to a post of it? Thank you

wooooooow, that's thats just super amazing, thank you so much for sending this

Im still waiting on this myself, seems intresting though

how do we check if it was activated?

You should see an orange check mark next to your name. It will often take some time to activate. Other people may see it on your account before you do. Try refreshing. For what it's worth I don't see you have a check mark yet.

ok, thanks.

Chinas stock market is in a freefall but what's crazy is the US markets might not be far behind.

There's a lot of things pointing to a heavy recession building for the middle to end of this year. Something the powers that be keep pushing off with injections of funds which are quickly catching up and will most likely make the crash even harder.

What are you thoughts?

I think that China’s capabilities are underestimated due to internal discipline, and what is happening in the USA is quite natural and there is no handbrake that could stop it in the near future :)

The stock market has nothing to do with the economy. It is all capital flow.

The US markets are going to hold up (better than others) since we are heading towards (in) war. That means the flight to safety.

To global investors, that is the USD denominated assets. Chinese money, that can get out, is.

I think their real estate market crash is causing this freefall.

@alex-rourke Your Video of spending $HBD is 🔥

Yeah can just agree. Really high quality!
Let's hope they can get vital on shorts, Instagram and TikTok!

I saw that too, very cool

This guy is a legend!

Genius! 🤣

lol, so typical of Florida

#gmfrens are you ready to get out and get it on the fine Monday?

Hard at work in the farm factory getting organized and ready for some real production!

With #crypto being a bit boring at the moment, it's a good time to focus on some #3dprinting

I'm ready to rest, I've been with allergies for a few days and I still feel sick. I hate allergies, but is always good to have some 3D printing to watch, lol.

Hope you get better friend!

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

still no news from the hospital and it is 730 am here and I have to try and get some sleep. Have a greadt day/night all I shall update on Sharon when I get some news

May God heal her!

Thank you !BBH !PIZZA Have a great day

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@barski! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.

And all the best to you!

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Uses: 25/25

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Uses: 24/25

sending prayers, Eric!

Thank you !BBH !PIZZA

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/50)@lisamgentile1961! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.

The Honda van has a lot of warnings light and gave up on me. It’s in the shop now after I got it towed.

Did the engine just stall?

I so not mechanical. It would still go just only about 2 mph. LOL. !PIZZA

Describe the symptoms, it is possible that the answer to the problem is on the surface :)

Start not accelerating quickly. then it got to where it would only go about 2mph. Shaking/rattling noise when hitting the gas.

It is possible that there is a sinkhole in the engine block head and antifreeze getting into the oil sump.

I hope my mechanic and figure it out soon.

that is never good

wow what year we are talking about ? lol


wow more 5 years it gets 20 years!

Telegram has now the wallet support on it officially. You can use username 'wallet' to call and send the funds between the accounts. You can transfer crypto like eth, ton etc. Have you tried it?

Telegram has to be one of the fastest web2 apps that is taking the crypto shift so seriously.

Probably because of the amount of business (legal and illegal) transactions going on there😂

haven't tried but it's great. Paid subscription required to use or for all users?

Haven't tried it. Will have to read up on it.

A little insight into one of our new curation policies

Premium that pays for itself. Bitcoinman's premium ends in 3 days and he's earned an additional $37.56 on his blog posts in $HIVE upvotess from @leo.voter for being Premium 🦁

Provided that your content reaches minimum quality standards, we make sure every premium users makes at least 2x the cost of Premium back in upvotes

This is really nice to hear... Especially this part:

Provided that your content reaches minimum quality standards, we make sure every premium users makes at least 2x the cost of Premium back in upvotes


Keywordtool is a good tool that I have used for some articles and also for threads. It's an SEO tool that takes data out of the instant search of google. Link in the reply.

This is so useful, thanks for sharing it!

Commitment and dedication are the formulas for success. Don't rush things, dreams can take months or years to come true, but the satisfaction of finally completing them is inexplicable! #freecompliments

You mean don’t give up, keep going things consistently to go near reaching your dream(destination). Journey to dream will teach and grow you as person!! #freecompliments

That's right my friend, persistence is crucial to achieving our dreams! #freecompliments

Yeah, we can't give up, we need to be constant. That final satisfaction is so worthy.

There will be difficult days, but we must remain firm! Thanks for commenting! #freecompliments

I just went through the #booksonleo tag and did some upvoting.

Keep providing content and supporting that initiative. If you like to read, share with them what is on your list and give info about the books.

The Team behind @cryptoshots.nft also protects you from malicious links on HIVE. Tomorrow there will be a livestream again as every Tuesday on my twitch

yep, that would be me.


I'll soon be part of the Crypto Shots ecosystem offering more use cases to the DOOM token.
Same for @marcocasario 😎

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

good morning to you as well

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