There are 5 pages

yaaaaaaaay💃... look who just became a premium member... Meeee. Thank you so much @khaleelkazi, I am indeed grateful for the opportunity.

I tried my luck and won😂

Congratulations. Welcome to the club.

thank you so much

I also won in the same draw, I'm very happy about it. The opportunities offered to the community are incredible!

oooooh... Congratulations my fellow winner... Yeah inleo is always doing great things. Thank you

Let's go far! Let's make the most of this opportunity! A hug.

where are you guys winning the draw....share updates sis 🥰

khaleelkazi made a post and required us to give answers some hours ago that the first 3 non premium members will win premiumship

Oh my goodness 🤭🤭🤭
I missed it

Hive overall has been a pretty miserable experience over the past few days on the node / Hive-Engine side of things. Me thinks the priority for anything on Hive needs to be stability of the apps and creating an inviting user experience across the board.

This should 1000000% be the focus of everything on the blockchain. Or else we will never have to worry about mass adoption. No one will even give us a minute of their time....

I just want to say #hive is very stable. #hive-engine is. not.
Hive-engine is not Hive.
it is a side chain
if more people built on hIve and not Hive-engine it would be better

even Hive has been having node issues lately too. constantly trying to pick one that is stable has been a chore. it's not just hive engine.

APIs have been unstable a fair bit in our experience, we need to do better.

What nodes you using? I've just stuck to @deathwing's node and have had basically no issues other than the occasional posts being behind, which hasn't happened in a few months.

I have not noticed that.
but I do run my own node.
So what we need is more people to run nodes.
and just because peakd has issues for a few days doesnt mean Hive did its just a front end

ok but what are the apps most people use?

peakd is up there. so if they are having issues but we are telling the world to come.....and it's an awful experience. i mean, it's pretty clear this stuff needs to get fixed for good.

for good? it is on the apps to do that.
that is like saying well facebook went down lets get AWS to solve it for them.
either make your own / hold the app team accountable or teach what other interfaces are out there

and that's my much does AWS go down? lol Now compare that to the issues that constantly plague the nodes here. Without a strong foundation a building cannot be built.

the front ends need to build better roll over to other nodes.
so a dapp issue not a hive issue

you have to be careful when you say Hive is having issues verus dapps on hive.
the chain is very stable and FUD around it not being spreads and hurts onboarding

lol yeah i think what hurts onboarding is that apps cant connect to nodes properly and the experience is awful as a user, people get frustrated and leave.

agreed. but that is the apps fault not the chain.
they should run a node and be responible or build in better roll over node techniques.
So we need to be more critical of dapp teams and not just FUD "hive issues"

oh i have every right to be critical lol i have spent 5 plus years of my life, dedicated to this blockchain. lol

and all i have seen as a response to anything node related is...

'change your node' as a response.

when 99.9% of the population doesnt even know what a node is. it's a silly answer to a larger problem.

100% we need infrastructure, things like an unreal SDK would also help


correcting downvotes, I like your profile... just learning a bit of python myself yet beginner and like the abuse fighting part, I am experiencing it here on Hive and not referring to these downvotes, these are nothin.

I am experiencing it here on Hive and not referring to these downvotes

There's generally a reason for it, but there is no user manual. 😔

Reasons indeed, they are angry, the toxic type

How would an unreal sdk help with node issues.....

I said would also help as in adding infrastructure, thanks for the downvotes. How it would help Hive is provide a native building solution giving the 0 fee structure we have a real reason for game developers to flock here!

This is one of the reasons why we are building VSC.

love to see it, can't wait!!!!

Even 1 minute of downtime is too much and lately we have been having issues after issues. To a front facing user it doesn't instill a lot of confidence.

true, it's happening from so long and there's like once in a week or two hive engine nodes are down.

Stability is needed and I think more strong nodes like inleo planning to introduce it's own node in future might fix it all.

But what's the solution in your point of view?

I see two solutions, the first will never happen...

  • The Splinterlands team fully decentralizing Hive Engine.

  • But the second option is just that, another option....Being created by

And we are committed to it.

Eagerly waiting for VSC to go live and build more stuff in hive.

better chance of the latter happining




@jongolson! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne. (1/20)

I think most of us are just used to that.

  • Ah HE is not working, time to water the plant and (insert anything you did not do for a while)

But agreed, for mass adoption we need fast seemless user experience. Should be number 1 priority. Especially on the second layer.

I'm so bullish on the later 2 options because I see the massive potential but my goodness...What are we to think when H-E can't stay online and there is zero communication from their team.

i think we need more than one solution here. I hope VSC is going to do a few things there.

its not a real 2nd layer its a side chain that is what causes the issues

Most of Hive has been pretty stable lately for me, but the H-E situation is not great. It will put people off. We need to ensure funding gets to the right people to improve this.

It really sucks to see engine down so bad and so frequently.

Wen town hall engine node?

I think what's so disturbing is the lack of any response from the owners of it, they ignore all the discussions in their own discord. that is no way how to treat this community.

It's very frustrating. Honestly new users like myself do not understand what all these nodes thingy blah blah is.

^^^^ Exactly my point.

We are told anytime there is an issue...'Change nodes'

O.k., most people dont even know what that means. lol But we expect them to. It's insanity.

There should be something like changing nodes automatically instead, to make our lives a bit easier.

some apps do that, but others dont even let you. it should all happen on the back end, without any user influence unless they want to choose.

it's like the example of a TV i always use...We all have tv's. we dont know how they work. but we know we want to press a magical button and they turn on and things show up when we do.

user experience needs to be flawless.

I hope it's not a rocket science, anymore. Such things need to be fixed once and forever.

If you are competing social media giants then need to put up some good show.

yup, things just need to be smooth. the user experience must be priority number one. less trying to figure things out, and let people just use this stuff all the time :)

exactly friend, it makes user experience complicated..

True that !lol Mostly. I see opportunity as well. We all know the greatest achievements often comes out of chaos. Why I created the #pepentropy token. #fun

What's the difference between a poor man and a feather pillow?
One is hard up, the other is soft down.

Credit: reddit
@jongolson, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld


My life has been nothing but chaos for 5 years now lol I'll be something one day lol

Your solution is in the chaos. May need to adjust your receiver to see the solution. !lol Otherwise learn to be content just surviving. I mean that in a nice way. #toofuckeh

To err is human.
To arrrgh is pirate.

Credit: reddit
@jongolson, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

explain.....adjust your receiver.

by adjusting receiver I mean one needs to be aware of internal filters.

keep going, explain that as well. what are my internal filters?

Absolutely agree, stability and a user-friendly experience are paramount for widespread adoption.

Is @Leofinance on Hive Engine or Hive? What's the difference?

Both. Hive is layer 1. Posts, comments are stored here. Hive, HBD and Hive Power as well as RC are also done here.

Hive Engine is layer 2, something built on top of engine. The custom LEO token is handled here.

Leo relies upon 2 separate 3rd layers as well which are: custom code written by the hive-engine team that handles sending tokens out for posts(this feature is implemented right in hive-engine as well, but the Leo team needs to migrate to it) as well as their own custom indexer which handles the stuff they do.

That means Leo infrastructure that Khal talks about is the third layers on Hive?

Thanks for the info though. And, why is HE down all the time lately?

Some engine nodes are going down, and most of the sites use those node. I recommend using beeswap,

Try changing your node until issues are worked out, works for me.

I don't see any problem with Hive Engine. I think not all the nodes were affected. Some of the nodes had issues but there were still some good nodes that were not affected.

Yeah, I share a similar opinion.

AGREE 100000000%

We are so incredibly disappointed in Hive-Engine, it's not even funny. Constant issues with our classifieds front end. Really looking forward to what VSC is building and if we can migrate all of our stuff.

Trying to change that on my behalf. Once I have things ready, I will let people know. People need to understand that ALL apps need to be coded with options to select RPC nodes and/or be intelligent to choose other nodes if things go south. That's should be the default of decentralized blockchains.

If you have an app pointing to one RPC, change that now!

I agree, it's not a good experience to see this on Hive-Engine

Big surprises happen and often you just need to participate, leave a comment and everything can work out. Thank you so much @khaleelkazi for the opportunity and the chance to go premium! #inleo #premium

what am I missing please, what's happening with premium opportunity?

Khal drew 5 premium entries and all he had to do was comment on one of his threads, the one in which he drew.


I hope he does these actions more often and I hope you can participate, maybe next time it will be your turn! I will cheer for you!

Awwwwww 🥰
Thank you so much
I will be on the look out

#premium: Hello guys o/ New premium user here, thanks to #inleo and Khal !

Let's THREAD! 😄

welcome to premium!

Thanks solymi :)

welcome onboard fellow winner and congratulations

#Finance: Check out this data made by Genuine Impact about:

💼 Working Hours vs Salary 💰

#inleo #hive

People in China don't work?

I think just like Brazil, they are off chart.

We just released the backend update for gifting Premium to any user. The frontend update will deploy soon (a little gift box that lets you choose any user on Hive to gift Premium to)

For Thanksgiving, I'd love to gift 1 free month of premium to 3 #hive users. Comment below if you are not premium yet and would like to be. Just say 1 thing you are thankful for

First 3 non-premium users to reply will get a gift from me 🦃

I am thankful for the gift of life this year

Amazing answer! Always a good day to be alive Welcome to Premium fam 🦁

oh my God, I am so happy. Thank you so so much 💃

you have every reason to be thankful

I'm thankful for being part of an amazing community #hivebr

Community is everything

Welcome to the Premium Family and Community 🦁

Thank you so much Khal :D 🎉 🎉
Yeah Community is All !

Glad to be part of another great community!

I am grateful for my family, they are everything I need, everything I have and they are my strength in wanting to do more and improve more in everything!

Family is always #1! They've got your back and push you to be better, always

Welcome now to the Premium Family! 🦁

Thank you very much! I have a smile from end to end haha, thank you very much!

I'm very grateful that I'm creating a life inside me and that the baby is healthy!

Congratulations! I hope all is going well with you and I'm happy to hear the baby is healthy

Welcome to Premium! 🦁

That's nice. I didn't think I'd be too late for Premium but I wanted to say thanks anyway!

Thanks for the Premium @khaleelkazi I'll make good use of it <3
And thanks for the congratulations :)

I am thankful their are alternatives to the big companies stranglehold on tech

That's what we aim to build here 🦁

I just shot you a free month of premium! Welcome to the platform and welcome to Premium!

That is an awesome feature. Thanks, @khaleelkazi

glad you like it! I’ll b using it a lot

I’m thankful for the number of premium users growing….I’m a premium user and I can’t wait to have everyone onboard, it’s about community empowerment and more.

As the platform grows, its ability to attract quality content and engage users increases, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and reward. I have a full post on this coming out later today.

I’ll be renewing my plan for Shure

That is very nice! There is very few people I would like to gift it too right now haha but it is a great option! I want some of my frens to have a taste of it haha

a little gift box that lets you choose any user on Hive to gift Premium to

Sounds cool, thanks sir

I am thankful because after a long break I came back in hive and able to explore and understand well. I found leothreads as a bonus also.

The givers of life is presenting many opportunities this period. I think I am thankful

Love to hear this!

I just gifted you premium for 1 month, enjoy 😉

That is great, I appreciate it.

Nice update! This can be really useful for people doing competitions or giveaways.
Keep up the great work!

That is a great idea! It will definitely be used as a prize for the Hive Poker community when launched and working 😎

Am I the lucky one?

Oh, my bad. I am thankful for this amazing life and my family :)

can i have it ? I want to try it the premium feature , thank you for the opportunity

I think so.

let's wait and see.

i Wish to win this.... i

I'm thankful for this platform because it looks like a lot of time and effort is put into in!

Ohhh, and I'm ready for a thanksgiving turkey . 😜

I am thankful I bought a turkey and am cooking it now or else the American wife would have my balls for garters!

I have been trying to be active on Threads in the last week. I would like to thank you for staying up here and keeping the Leofinance project live. Thanks for building continuously inspite of bad market situation.

Thanks Bala! That means a lot! I have laid out a 30 year vision for where I see INLEO heading and I am not going anywhere

I am excited to keep delivering on our roadmap for $LEO along the way and can't wait to keep propelling us forward

I just gifted you 1 free month of premium! Thank you and happy to see you around Threads more 🎁

Thank you so much for the free premium. You are definitely doing good. When many projects are progressing slow, you have always been very fast and consistent in delivering things.

I'm really excited to see how the future looks like for $LEO. I'm sure it will be bright.

Still amazed at how fast features are pumping out, specially if it was a request and not in the initial plan.

Haha love to amaze you

Yes this was a request in the last #ama and it was a great one so I bumped it to the top of the roadmap :)

It's a nice feature, and hopefully many new premium members will join the club. Good luck to all.

I'm quite late but nvm, here is my entry, I would love to try Premium!
I'm thankful in Crypto-Land about how I have learned to be more tolerant participating in Hive/Leo, reading about different cultures and not pre-judging in advance.

Finally :D now I can make more giveaways more easily, thanks!! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

For those who celebrate....

What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

Happy thanksgiving.

Finally !

In Vilnius today.

Wow! how lovely to see such beautiful photos. I'm waiting for snow here.

oh man, this is beautiful.

Snowfall is still 2months away and I'm planning to visit hometown to witness snowfall it in #winter holidays.

Wow that's more snow than we see in a whole year!

Are you going to Tenerife this year?

Nobody knows this. Perhaps - YES, but later in January.
I have heard bad reports from Tenerife - so much OVERCROWDED there this season. All Europeans afraid going to Turkey, Egypt ( because of HAMAS war), now everybody goes to Canary islands.

A beautiful winter wonderland :)

It looks lovely. I know that it will not stay like this forever when the temp drops down further. Enjoy it while you can.

Amazing, we still wait for some raindrops where I live! (so that we can think about winter coming)

It's been a while here and I miss Hive generally. I left the NYSC Camp yesterday and had a 14-hours journey back home. I left North at 7 am yesterday and got back home at exactly 9 pm. This morning, I had another trip to another state to continue the process of my Nysc documentation since I redeployed back to a state closer to my family and not staying in the North. I know I cannot cope over there.

welcome back home dear
, it sounds really stressful, get a good rest

Thank you 😊

It good to see you're back

Thank you 😊

I love seeing ads all over the place. They are on long form content also which is crucial.

Going for some big numbers with #leoglossary.

i always have to smile when I see an ad.
Well never thought this to happen.

@henrietta27, you are the first gifted Premium sub!

Welcome to the Premium Fam! Also glad the gifting backend is now working 😅

I would like such a beautifully decorated table for Christmas. (But costs a small fortune 😅)

#ladiesofhive #christmas #photography

I think the Christmas decorations are very beautiful, especially the lighting. Here in Brazil, in the poorest places, I feel that people have stopped buying, because everything is so expensive and the basics are lacking.

May there be wealth and peace for all, amen!

The decoration is really beautiful. You can do by selling some of your hive 😅

Wish I could have enough $HIVE to spend.

yes it does cost a lot but also you have to find a place to store it

Yes you are right.

beautiful table setting

Thank you if I manage to buy.

Everyone talks about giving thanks, but nobody asks how thanks is doing 😔

I much prefer to take thanks than give them 😂

UP, UP and UP.


yeah yeah... One of the newest premium members on board

good , good and very good Sir

Are these premium members? I am in number 114.

The family still growth <3 <3 <3

All you people in Nigeria, Venezuela, SE Asia - do you envy us ???

ha ha they do until they are on that road themselves :P

Probably yes, nice click.

looks amazing

So much cold. Not every vehicle should be out there.

I do envy you guys. Some great natural phenomenon. Wish we have one honestly.

Never seen such things in my life. Hopefully someday I'll experience this. I'm not sure if I can even withstand this temperature. 🙂

what about Indians? Yes I do envy you , now walk!!

I live in Romania and I envy

My mum and I. We are good like that.

Mother and daughter moment, always fun to have these.

Yeah. Many thanks

Two beautiful ladies. 😍
You look festive. I hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Something is broken today.

Inleo very very VERY SLOW today...

i thought its my internet which is slow.

No way. My 1000 Mbps fiber-optic line is fine, but this does not help in any way...

So it was general

We released a big leocache update which may have broken some things. Today is a debugging day for the team so we are working on things

If you can post more #feedback threads with specifics. Like "the UI is slow when I click on the articles tab" that would help!

Hive Engine is also slow today.

There might be an update or something

Yeah, I noted as well. Maybe new updates are coming

1/3 🧵Let's take a closer look at the aftermath of CZ's resignation from Binance. The crypto world shook, but what's next for the giant exchange? Explore the speculations and opinions.

#outreach #threadstorm

2/3 🧵 Amid uncertainty, Binance faces a change in leadership. Will he maintain his reign or experience a decline? The industry speculates about what is coming.

3/3 🧵 Are you curious about the future of Binance after CZ leaves? Here you can read more and share your opinion. Full article here:

Got myself a standing desk, my blood levels are halfway down (still a lot to go) and I'm feeling way better. No fever in over a week and got back to exercising.

You are not ready for Eric 2.0 frens

Good for you. Wishing you the best. Yesterday coming back from my cardiologist appointment, in a miserable storm I almost got smoked in a car accident. Another reminder to enjoy every moment of life. !luv

That's good news. Have a complete recovery,

i broke my no fever in over a month streak just yesterday.. lol got fever in cold. 😆

Stay fit Eric.

Whaaats new in Eric 2.0 and where can I long it with 120x lev.

Awesome! I'm glad you are feeling better, even my mom asks how are you every day xD

I have one of those desk on my mind as well, sitting all day is no good. I do exercise but still not enough to make up for the amount of sitting.

Also bought magnesium and I'm sleeping better. Even when we eat good food there can be deficiencies in one's diet our daily routine.

What android version are you on right now? :P

I no longer have android nor windows, i feel like such a hack now :(

I meant I suppose Eric is an AI running on some android version. Eric 2.0 felt like an OS update :P

Ohhhh, then yes ser, I'm running on Leela now xD

How close are we in using the supercomputer powers and the AI joining hands and calculating scenarios? I am asking so that if this works out rich people would be hiring the staff, office employees, people around based on AI suggestions.

AI can even predict result of wars based on the weapons and strategies used.

Now that you have decided when to get for Black Friday. Don’t forget to get little something you can brandish $LEO or $HIVE. Give it to some one for adoption or use it as a conversation starter to increase adoption.

my inleo sub has expired today. I still have the checkmark, I did not get a reminder and have no option to pay.
I logged out, and in again.

1/ 🧵 Bank of Korea has decided to launch the CBDC pilot program and they are planning on releasing the pilot among the 100k citizens at the start before final release.

#outreach #threadstorm

2/ 🧵 The pilot for the CBDC would be running for the 3 months in next year and at the end of that there would be an update. Before they can finally release the CBDC out.

3/ 🧵 South korea already has the variety of the digital voucher and transaction system but the blockchain and the CBDC is meant to solve some fo the tough issues in the payment systems.

4/ 🧵 Check out how the Bank of Korea is planning on launching the CBDC pilot program.

#binance: What will happen to the exchange without #cz ?

He'll still have a lot to say about it, I'm sure. I actually think Binance will go above and beyond what we have previously seen

Nice thought. I'm curious to what he'll do next.

Just renewed my #premium membership
We all good now, note there was no prompt in the settings @anomadsoul @khaleelkazi

#feedback #tengocrypto

Blue Eye Samurai, a good TV series of a lady Samurai is on Netflix. I was surprised that a lot of asian content has been going mainstream lately. Especially animation,which is good.

They are ordinary beach shells, but I still find them very special. Their shape is perfect, and they have a beautiful color. I love to leave with my coat pocket full of shells.

#ladiesofhive #leotravel #netherlands #nature #photography

I'm browsing my phone #thanksgiving morning, and what pops up?

A notice from my dealer that they're selling 1oz #silver bars for only $1.49/oz over spot 😬

Yeah, I grabbed some

#silvergoldstackers #pimp

We're working on a cool update to make the Search feature more usable day-to-day

The LeoCache database has gotten really good at serving search results, this update will get everyone to use it more

If you haven't tried it yet, think of a random topic you want to read more threads about... maybe "hive" or "thorchain" or "leo premium"

Then search it in the explore page and click "Thread Results"

You'll see highly relevant content. Our new update will make it super easy to access search

That's good to see the things being made easier.

If I wanna buy new premium, how do I do it now? It looks like this for me when I go to premium tab. This is in the inleo environment, not labs.

okay I’ll go check it out

Build products with yourself as the audience. You build the best products when you are the 1st in line to love it

Key example - this bookmarks feature is going to save me tons of time by helping me keep all your feedback threads organized

another solid option..

you speak truth

Nice feature and yes it saves time.

#gmfrens i've just won a thanksgiving premium! I loved being able to choose the color of the buttons and I already want to use the other features!

What color do you use for your INLEO interface?

Thanks again @khaleelkazi for the opportunity to try Premium!

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

De Zerbi got away with this comment, man got lucky #football

What if Somewhere in multiverse.


That gave me a nice laugh.


The other day I sent my girlfriend a huge pile of snow.
I called her up and asked “Did you get my drift?”

Credit: reddit
@idksamad78699, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rentmoney



haha, so glad to hear.

2024 will be a very interesting year for the #crypto market.

I read somewhere that 2024 is a year that will make thousands into millions, but also to avoid futures trading. Just hodl

That's what I do too, I just #hodl them and keep stacking.

I believe the days is coming for crypto in 2024

Me too. Great things will happen.

I also think so and I am very much positive about it.

Me too. Great things will happen.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Premium tab says differently when I access it from labs and regular.

  1. Labs looks like this -->

  1. Regular looks like this -->

Which one is correct @khaleelkazi?

Remember we run different versions in labs and production, we deploy new features in labs so this might be a bug, thanks for using the tag feedback!

didnt notice this, let me check mine.

Getting ready to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday later today. Wishing you all a happy holiday here in America (I think this is the only place worldwide that celebrates it?).

I will like to taste it one day because I have not tasted it before

Club football is back this weekend. I am looking forward to all the matches in Laliga and EPL this weekend #laliga #epl #football

you have any prediction for weekend games??

Chelsea is going to beat Newcastle United.

#pept problem solving token #toofuckeh pricing & availability is changing Check it out At this price you have to agree it is a seed token By design the price started at the lowest possible value. No where to go but up. Ask me why?

What is a problem solving token?

All about troubleshooting and rewarding accordingly. Someone helped you solve a problem, send them some #toofuckeh tokens. Someone needs help, including funding, send them some tokens.

I'm constantly catching up with comments hahahah I just replied and upvoted about 90 for the third time this week.

Not complaining though. I love the interactions on chain

that's huge... But it's a good thing 👍

what is the link to the leodex where we can exchange 2nd level tokens for hive?

It was totally unexpected to see my name in the top 5. I didn't notice it when I entered in the top 5. It feels good to see it. I am exited.


You did a great job keep the good work 👍!BBH

@intishar! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adedayoolumide. (1/5)

Awwww🥰....that's amazing 😍
Keep up the great work my friend 👍

Gas fee is one of the problem we're going to face in the future of finance

@themarkymark! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adedayoolumide. (2/5)

Hmm. The banking system is a lot cheaper.

what actually happened there ?

Massive loss due to incorrect fee

Such cases happened in the past where miners returned the funds to the owner.
Lets see what happens this time.

Have been at home eating and sleeping today. Just coming back from cleanplanet activities.


Hello my dear, how are you doing? Good day to you dear. I sincerely missed you on threads 🥰🥰

There are 5 pages