There are 4 pages

I'm going to figure out how to use a Leo Premium subscription as an incentive for the #freecompliments community. It is going to happen. The question is... Wen?


Jokes aside though, it is going to be announced in a post at some point.

imagine if there was an affiliate aspect to

Premium would become way too powerful lol.

But hey, who knows what the future will bring? That's actually a good idea until the market gets saturated... then tiers of premium will come. 😂

Wait, if we all are dreaming and expecting to get financially independent and freedom making generational #money from #crypto

How is it going to happen?

Not everyone will be able to make that instead I think majority is going to lose as each cycle is becoming more hard.

That is it. It is not possible for everyone to achieve that through crypto.

yeah, will be tough thing to do.

it’s getting harder and harder to make it “generational wealth” but there are still 2-3 more cycles to make significant gains and after that protect purchasing power.

But crypto also has the added benefit of allowing cross border payments which increases opportunities to many places and I hope crypto based social media catches on with the mainstream so that we don’t need Musk and Zuck in order to make a living from creating stuff online

It is discouraging that we don't have accurate information about many things. E.g. How to trade without greed. Freedom could come if we all have accurate information.

Grandchildren make life worth living.

I see she's already dressed up for the Halloween

Wanted to show me :)


@luchyl! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (4/50)

Glad to see you happy with your grandchildren. I am also proud of my grandfather. He gives me the best support whenever I need. Grandfathers are the blessing for our life.

thank you so much for the kind words 😀 🙏


@vagabondww! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (5/50)

Awesome. I can see you're really having good time with them. It makes you feel younger too.

Absolutly :)


@uyobong! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/50)

Having grandchildren is indeed a great blessing. Keep enjoying their presence.

Please, I need you to vote for me. I am on the third poll

i sure will


@princessbusayo! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (3/50)

Thank you so much sir.

Looks just like you! (Except a little bit smaller, more hair, and a slightly different fashion sense. 😉)

Enjoy your grandchildren, brother. They are a priceless treasure.

true true it's all about fam

Good photography... And the grandmother who comes out next to the door, is she a relative of yours?

Anything make life woth moar and living is moar than worth it! Enjoy and have fun! :)

Ajá, oficialmente 500 videos en mi canal de @3speak. 3 años de emoción y acción en #hive

Wow, that's an incredible milestone, man! You've surely worked hard in these last few years. Congratulations on the achievement!

Hello brother, that's right, it has been 3 years of perseverance and dedication and more to come. Thank you for your visit


1/ if you're not yet a part of the Hive Car rally campaign on Zealy, you're wrong. It's full of inspiration, motivation and a reflection of Hiv'es impact!


2/ Engaging moments at Central European Rally over the past three days has been nothing short of beauty, excellence, inspiration and impact, at the sight of #Hive Car.


3/ It's rare and at the same time inspiring to see Hive blockchain setting a pace in the web3 world as it leaps into sponsoring world events.

4/ The Hive Rally Car is a prove that Hive blockchain has no rival. It's in its unique level and category. This is a model blockchain powering life outside the internet.

5/ What we see above is not a blockchain racing game, it is a gallant and record participation and support of a web3 community in the 2023 World Racing Championship. This is worthy of emulation as it pioneers how blockchains can impact lives in many ways.

6/ This Rally comes with benefits for Hive as a whole, the web3 world and Zealy campaign participants who are sharing these moments.

7/ Tasks take forms such as:

Quoting tweets on X.
Uploading provided content to your personal accounts.
Commenting, liking, retweeting.
Using specific tags, etc.

the @town-hall VSC witness node is live. make sure you join us this week for the next Hive Town Hall! this is a reminder to set a reminder for the X space. link below.

Nice, well done! Was the setup process harder for this than a Hive witness node or?

reminder set and much ready for this 2nd town hall, it's going to be a great day.

happy to have you there

No waiting let's get going.

I already did and hope to be around for this. Good morning.

Four years ago Luke Perry, another 1990s television star who, by coincidence, had his last name, also died relatively young, succumbing to stroke at the age of 52.

2 days ago, Matthew Perry drowned at the young age of 54.

first print on my new resin 3d printer was a massive fail. turns out you should read directions and the bottle of resin lol. calibration test in progress. #3dprinting

What? Read the directions? Don't be absurd! :)

Hopefully, the next one runs out better!

it printed flawlessly. Now I'm ready to out this bad boy to work

Could you get some photos and post them up? Interested to see the results. I will, eventually, have to try resin. I could take a couple of CAD files and find a resin printer in #thailand to try out I suppose.

yep, posting now

Show us both of the outcomes for the lulz 😁

(Are you 3D printing feet, by any chance?)

not yet, gotta get the settings dialed in for maximum quality

#gmfrens! Another week has begun, and I'm very excited! Tuesday will be a holiday, providing a good opportunity to rest during the week. What are the good news on your end?

I will be travelling a long distance this week and I am already scared of it. Lol. All the best though.

Please, I need you to vote for me. I am on the third poll

Good morning fren. I love the sound of holiday and I always look forward to it. It's nice to know that you gonna rest in this coming holiday for you. The good news on my end is that I am alive and hoping for great opportunities, hahaha

Excellent, being able to rest one more day is always important, for my part among the good news is that I have one more day of life, with that I can achieve everything I set out to do. Blessings.

As for me, school resumption begins tomorrow. Although I might not resume because I haven't found an accommodation to stay, as I didn't get hostel during the balloting.

Halloween? 😁

Well #gmfrens
Rise and shine lions, have a great start of the week!

#gmfrens have a great week start too

thank you!

Have a wonderful week ahead

Thanks a lot Jessiana!


Looks beautiful!

Have a great week.

Thank you!


GM Fren, What a beautiful rise and shine! Thank you for sharing! #freecompliments

I do my very best. Monday was OK. Now #Tatort

gm my friend!

#amazingdrinks #foodie

Oster is my blender brand, with it I make multiple recipes to pamper my family

they never break down. Running nonstop for years.

You are right, this one has been with me for 20 years or so.

I see that from the button. Mine is a switch that can go up or down. I replaced the seal but the motor keeps on going.

If they are very good, this one has been with me for many years

Haha I love that part you said, to pamper my family 🥰 I'm sure they appreciate what the blender could do for them through you. That blender looks old, guess you've had it for a long time.

Greetings, she is my friend, I have been with her for many years.

noodles, fresh Pepper, carrot, green beans, eggs, tomatoes, onions.

The Noodles is looking tasty. I would like to add some chicken balls and Macaroni there. So it could be tasted more. Thanks for sharing mate..

you're always welcome sis

Mmmm, that looks yummy, I can feel it taste good and nice already without tasting it in real life, I love noodles too, but then it has been a while I ate some.

really but why??

This looks delicious a lot. Waooh. I wish I could just come around and enjoy that with you.


Embora tenha estado pouco ativo recentemente, estou planejando retornar a escrever com mais constância sobre meu tema favorito: negócios.

Acho um tema de grande relevância pois é muito abrangente e permeia diversos aspectos das nossas vidas


Você com certeza é uma referencia brasileira quando o assunto é negócios, o conhecimento que você compartilha com todos nós é sempre um grande aprendizado, para mim você é tipo o sensei das finanças e um cara bacana! Valeu man!

Valeu Shift! Ainda tenho muito a aprender mas fico feliz que já consigo ajudar pelo menos um pouco outros amigos aqui e fortalecer a comunidade BR!

Tamo juno

Tamo junto mano, um forte abraço!


Este tema é o meu preferido por diversas razões. Uma delas é que, por ser tão amplo, dificilmente eu fico sem assunto visto que sempre há algum ângulo ou perspectiva diferente para se abordar.

3/ Outro ponto é que, como vivo isso no meu dia a dia há mais de uma década como gerente de projetos e, mais recentemente, como empreendedor, tenho certa facilidade para abordar o tema o que não quer dizer, é claro, que acertarei sempre, apenas que consigo pensar rapidamente em maneiras de desenvolver tópicos ligados a essa temática


E, finalmente, acredito também que a Hive em si é um negócio e qualquer um que seja portador de Hive Power, independente da quantidade, é dono de parte dese negócio e, assim sendo, deveria trabalhar ao máximo para que este negócio prospere. É por isso que desejo sempre compartilhar um pouco do que eu sei e também aprender com os demais membros dessa grande "empresa"

My tweets on Twitter are so bad that even the sex bots have unfollowed me.

hahaha, that was good! But at least that's something positive!

ouch lol thats harsh

The best thing about driving explosives around is that if things go horribly wrong, me and everyone within a quarter mile of me won't feel a thing.

Research links exercise to better finances. Being unhealthy is expensive. Being energetic gets more done. #fintips

True, health is wealth. It's a win-win situation – invest in your health, and watch your productivity and finances flourish. Keep moving forward towards a healthier and wealthier you!

100% true! A healthy diet and exercise may cost more in the short run, in the long term can help save an enormous amount on health-related expenses, which is one of the largest sources of debt among people.

One of the major reasons you're not using the best of items(phone, wears, gadgets etc) is because you don't have the money.

What if money is not a thing??

Check comment 👇

#threadstorm #outreach 🧵/1

I once vowed not to use more than $50 to buy a phone but look at where we are now.
Now I'm aiming at phone of $200😄


you shocked me a lot. What if it's not money, than what else can stop me from using the best. But my view on gadgets is that there's no best because there's always a new version than what we have. Money not never my fear, Technology is.

But my view on gadgets is that there's no best because there's always a new version than what we have

Yeah, I agree with this but....
You know what I'm talking.,👁️
Maybe you find like using iPhone but if you're gifted iPhone 15, won't you take?

Anytime you're bored, look at nature. There's a lot of inspiration embedded in every sight.

Good morning friends.

#life #motivation #gmfrens

You are very right. Nature has a way of cooling and inspiring us. It is what I have experienced.

Please, I need you to vote for me. I am on the third poll

Congrats already!

Thank you so much.

I do look at it most times but they don’t solve my boredom, do you mind recommending another activity that has proven to be the best? I await your response dearest friend 😃


Nature has got to be the most beautiful thing that exists. Seriously, just look at how nicely placed that tree stands in the middle. Where is this please? I would just love to travel the world, admiring nature

And you are very right my fren.
There is nothing as beautiful as losing yourself to nature's embrace, it gives an unexplainable feeling in return.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

Set a reminder for the upcoming Hive Town Hall!

GM tokens are distributed manually for now. For more info or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Whenever I feel bored, I try to make a tour plan to visit some natural places. I love to visit the mountains and see the sunrise and sunset from the top.

Nature is the most beautiful thing that our earth has, I agree that it gives us peace, if we want to concentrate, nature will always give us that feeling of freshness and tranquility.

Nature is a wonderful reminder of the inherent, intrinsic beauty of the world. We wouldn't exist without nature, but nature sure would continue on without us!

Absolutely nothing is impossible when the mind and soul works together. Be creative and plan wisely so as to win all the races. Time to explore the world of greatness ahead. Good morning everyone #mydiary #gmfrens

Nothing is impossible as long as you have the mind to achieve the best. I wish you good luck this week.

Please, I need you to vote for me. I am on the third poll

It's positive thoughts like these that move people! Have a good day and an amazing week!

I agree with you, firstly the mind...a lot of decisions takes a positive mindset to achieve something great! Planning wisely, being creative can indeed help one to explore the world of greatness. Good morning Sammy

Indeed, when the mind and soul unite, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Creativity, wise planning, and a positive mindset are truly the keys to winning races.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

Set a reminder for the upcoming Hive Town Hall!

GM tokens are distributed manually for now. For more info or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good morning friends, for next month’s Zealy spaces on X, I’ll be really happy if the spaces are held a bit early as half the time we join spaces it starts from 1am.

Good morning my dear, I am glad you pointed this out now, hopefully the Leo team will read this and take action for our sake. Most of the timing for spaces has been uncomfortable. I wish they can choose a balanced time time !

Yeah I would really love that, staying up from 1 am to 3 am is crazy and the part where you have to make meaningful threads when your brain is already in Dreamland is not easy!

it usually suit their timing and the shows are in the discretion of the host when we that form the real bulk of the followership are never considered. We are doing it for one reason only, our dedication for the chain. Nothing else!

You really can’t blame them though because no time can be perfect for everyone but I would love for them to do a market survey and know the countries that are active on the Zealy campaign and work out something

Good morning! This time zone is good for some and bad for others. I usually have to listen to them while I'm at work, and that can earn me a few scoldings from my boss.

Ohhh dear it’s really crazy, sometimes I struggle the stay up just to listen and once I go back to sleep automatically I am waking up late that day for work.

I know no time is perfect for everyone though.

Greetings and good morning, it is too bad that in your region it is at 1am, I imagine that these spaces are made in a normal schedule for the region of those who do it, usually when they make them here they are at 2pm or 8 or 9pm.

Yeah too bad, Lol the part that annoys me and my people here is when they start playing music, everyone here would be like “they are messing with our sleep”😂😂 it hasn’t been easy my friend😃

Hahaha I guess not, but I admire them for their perseverance and that's the important thing, to stand firm. Many blessings 🙏

I totally agree with you, many blessings too.

I did not go to work today and it feels good to be just at home chilling.

is it your off day and did you call in to give them the reason why, cause it won’t feel good again if there was a query. But thinking about it, it does feel good staying at home and not doing anything, especially when there is someone aroun

It's election day ( barangay level) my day off is yesterday. I don't ditch work for no good reason, I need money and I know my responsibilities at work.
Whenever I had to do something important, I do it in the afternoon, i still go to work on half day.

I wish we can be having holiday everyday

And chilling for mw means doing tye laundry too. I just want to be away for people and being my ugly introvert self

I have so much laundry to do but I don’t want to do it and yet I know if I don’t do it I will get in trouble

👿 I’m getting out of wears 😭😭

you gotta do it whike you still have time

I did half, will do the rest in weekend again

I have got cloths to wear now

I think I had a similar day yesterday. I was just home, doing nothing in particular. The body deserves rest and we should try to give it the rest it deserves

Good for you. It's my rest day yesterday too an today is election day. And is a holiday

Good morning frens. It's the beginning of a new week. I spent most of my Sunday resting, after Sunday service . Then in the evening, I took my diary and write down this week's goal. I hope to have a fruitful new week .

I hope you have an awesome week!

Sundays always offer us a great day for worship and fellowships. A day to learn more about God and his purpose in our lives. We plead for his mercies and blessings. This week will be great and wonderful as our goals will be achieved

Yea .. hoping for a wonderful week
Thank you sammy

Good morning! That's great; I wish I could have rested a bit. I hope this is an amazing week for you and that you can achieve all your weekly goals!

Thank you 😍

Sounds like a perfect start to the week, with a well-deserved rest. That's the way to make the week ahead truly fruitful! Wishing you a week filled with productivity, positivity, and all the success you're working toward.

Thank you 😍

Good morning friends, here it is good evening and there is a beautiful full moon. I tried to take a picture of it with my mobile, but it looks bad, it doesn't do credit to how beautiful it is today

Here it is also night, and the moon is beautiful, although the photo is not bad, you can see its brightness very well, I hope you have a nice night and you are ready for a new week.

The moon still comes out nice considering that you took it in the evening.

Please, I need you to vote for me. I am on the third poll

Done, voted

Thank you. I truly appreciate your support.

Done streaming Apex for the night…

Now I will make a cup of Valerian Tea and do a few things on the computer, perhaps I’ll begin to write a post about my experience buying coffee with $HBD in Mexico

That's an article I'd like to read.

Sounds like a gud one to write about! :)

Share Your Watch List!

This is part of mine, from CoinMarketCap. Look at #HIVE at 34 cents, ready for 40! Let's keep that "up and to the right" thing going!

Let's see a screen shot of Your Watch List!

See sum gud ones in there!

"Up to the right thing".

Is that a Wall Street term?

It's actually "up and to the right" which just describes the price line on the chart, but I ran out of characters so I left a word out. 😅

I've heard it mainly from the #HEX community which is another crypto I like to keep up with.

best community out there :)

"Up and to the right" is something hexicans and Richard Heart came up with due to the price of HEX going up 10,000x in less than 2 years... the price chart was pretty much up and to the right none stop

I powered up 126.38 #cent and 6.39 #pob.

Should have sold it for LEO and powered that up ;)

Nov 1st or 2nd we will finally know if it would be worth it

It's not going to be worth it initially.

But all that matters is seeing how much traffic we need in order for the revenue to buy/burn inflation.

Then come up with a structured plan to get there!

Very valid points, with shorts if they can figure out how to inject a random ad in there that's going to b low up revenue for sure. There's a lot of place holder ads at the moment which don't pay sadly. But also LEO can implement other features which get paid in leo. Not sure we should burn it though just issue it as part of the APR. Lots of room for growth and things to do for sure. It's a good thing lol

After a lot of discussions, I think we've come to the conclusion that burning is not the best way to build long-term value

The float of $LEO is already so low. Most is powered up

The main issue we have is liquidity. So the long-term benefit of having permanent liquidity that constantly is bought and then deployed to LPs seems to be the best long-term value add for the ecosystem

Imagine $5M+ across the LEO liquidity pools that is permanently held there, never to be removed

A hard concept for people to understand. The default mindset in crypto is to burn.

Thanks for that. I have an account for LEO. Hoping to reach 7,000 LEO Power by the end of this year. This account is dedicated to curating articles posted on the #cent tribe.


Estas tijeras tienen conmigo por lo menos 4 años, han salido demasiado buenas, son muy suaves al cortar

Excellent tool

VIDEO: HiveFest 2023 - Behind the Scenes by NEO 😀

Link in comments 😇👇

Buenos días, para algunos, aunque sigue siendo de noche para mí, he descansado bastante este día, ya mañana lunes a trabajar con todo y siempre con la mejor actitud pase lo que pase, ustedes como se preparan para el lunes #spanish #mydiary

La verdad, no me preparo, jaja. No hay diferencia de actividades entre mis domingos y mis lunes, ya que tengo la suerte de laborar cuando lo decido.

Excelente, yo igual, tengo mi propio horario y no trabajo para nadie más sino para mí mismo, pero, planifico mi rutina para tener consistencia y buenos resultados, el tener buenos hábitos es importante, esto es lo bueno de la web 3.

Aquí ya es lunes (01:30 horas). Esperando que esta semana salga genial. Por favor, necesito que voten por mí. estoy en la tercera encuesta Gracias.

I like to buy fresh strawberries direct from the producer. It's like they say: from the field to the table.

#threads #foodie #plantpowervegan


My daughter loves to have a fruit cup for breakfast with strawberries as the main ingredient.

And what better way to start the day than with a load of vitamins C, folic acid, iron, magne
sium, phosphorus.

#foodie #plantpowervegan

That's a good habit, you get to enjoy the real taste of your strawberries. Those strawberries look so fresh and healthy 😍

They are delicious... My family loves them

#vegan # #plantpowervegan

Hackers Steal $4.4 Million From 25 Users of #Lastpass #Password Management App

That's the main reason why using password managers isn't recommendable - more so now, with easy to access #AI models.

Wow. Such huge amount. We need to be more careful.

Please, I need you to vote for me. I am on the third poll

Data and assets security and ownership should be the foremost feature on the world of cryptocurrency as it's effects are gravely dangerous.Updating and strengthening of the security architecture and apparatus should be the optimum IMPORTANT

"This Week In Hive" Podcast #5 by @TaskMaster4450le | Web3, Blockchain, Finance & Technology

Link in comments 😇 👇

Neo is on the case. Very little gets by him.

Hope it's good :))))

With you Neo, it is always good.

#treasurehunt # 1 (three players (4,7, K), day # 3): {+/- 1.85+ $LEO}

Hunt 1 square #0-9, A-V




@treasure-hunting! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (1/5)

Hey, did #inleo finally support tables!!

Don't forget to give one or two people in your life some #freecompliments today. It's a high-grade investment into fulfillment and happiness for both of you! :)

That's so true. A lot of people are feeling miserable because of lack of words of encouragement. Imagine how much change we will be making by making it a part of our daily life to give people #freecompliments. Hehe.

Absolutely! One genuine, personal compliment can stick with someone for a long time. I know this effect on myself, and have seen it play out with others. It's quite incredible. Go for it! 😊

Thanks man. It's a lifestyle worth adopting.

Good morning from this end. Is a new week here and I really need to give people some free compliment. Honestly when show people some of compliments they feel good and appreciated.

I also feel good when I compliment others

Absolutely, it's a mutually beneficial effect! Go for it. You can do this.

Free compliments work miracles to ears of the listener and the heart of the speaker. There is a lot happening, and sweet, kind, meaningful real words to someone today will mske their day.

I know it will make my day, which is so sweet.

Yes! Thank you too! :)

I'm complimenting you today.

You're doing a fine job mate

Appreciate that greatly, Stevenson! 😊

Transferring all of my DHEDGE to @fc-curation, the curation account for the #freecompliments community. That way, I don't have to spam the DHEDGE command a million times using this account lol. Let the curation account send these out!

Good morning! Arrived at office and just got my self a cup of coffee, making myself ready to have a productive Monday!

What's your plan for today?

Good morning, same plan as last weeks. Get productive on/off chain ;)

Morning bro, being productive is key and the only way to be productive is by working smart and not working hard.

Good Morning Hive,

New week is here. Hope you are having a good weekend. Its good to be back at work. I'll be around on and off.

Enjoy your day!

oh good morning to you sister, yes I had a great weekend, went to church yesterday it was beautiful overall. Hope your Monday bring you smiles. Beautiful day ahead.

Good morning to you to!
Just getting ready to take my bike to work now 👍

Good morning, Thank you and you too! #freecompliments

Well #gmfrens
Ruse and shine lions, have a great start of the week!

It is a beautiful Monday morning. Grateful for life. Taking on my day with all the energy I can muster. Looking forward to a productive week.


Good morning bro, grateful indeed to witness another day.

Have a productive week.

Goodmorning friend it is indeed a privilege to be able to see the light of the day..Do have a beautiful day

What a positive start to the week! Embracing Monday with gratitude and energy is the way to go. Wishing you a highly productive and successful week ahead!

good morning to you too!
Have an awesome day!

Good morning to you sir, a new week, new blessing to us, I am hoping for a great and a productive week as well, I will try to make it a good one for myself.

Its sure a beautiful Monday do have a

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

Set a reminder for the upcoming Hive Town Hall!

GM tokens are distributed manually for now. For more info or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

El deporte es pasión y alarga la vida, Mi Hive Fútbol con mi gente ya recuperado. ⚽ ¡Dile no al Sedentarismo! 🏃 Sport is passion and extends life, My Hive Football. 💪 Link en comentarios #fulldeportes

The dollar and naira difference,my uncle just sent 100dollars to my mum and this isis what we could buy with it ,can u do this with 100naira.#mydiary #vyb #gmfrens #feedback

It's rly a pity to see what inflation has caused, ₦100,000 can barely buy things that will last a family for one month.

This is not about inflation, it's all about bad economy, this are things that add to inflation in that market today, if the economy is well structured, inflation won't have it way.

Buenos días.

Tuve una semana fantástica. Cumplí con lo cometido. Eso me anima a enfrentar una nueva semana. La verdad, tendrá algunos retos. Pero hay que asumirlos con buena actitud y seguir adelante

#spanish #gmfrens

#fulldeportes 2do fin de semana consecutivo en esta increíble actividad del @hiverun, cada día mejorando y aprendiendo mas de mis compañeros de plataforma #hive. link en comentarios

Aprender es lo más seguro cuando estás con otros miembros de Hive. Buena suerte. Por favor, necesito que voten por mí. estoy en la tercera encuesta Gracias.

GM frens, I am awake and alive to a new working week. Glory be to God almighty.

Good luck in your new week and may everything go well. A big hug.

Good morning! It's wonderful to hear your positive outlook as you start a new week. Gratitude is a great way to kick things off. Wishing you a productive and blessed week ahead

NO matter how much"God forbid" you mutter,our gatemen,drivers,house helps are our first line of defense. Treat then like you would like to be treated,like human beings.If you can't be humane enough for them, then don't employ one.

Well I reckon 3 out of 4 aint bad.

Three of my teams won this weekend, The Ohio State Buckeyes, The Tennessee Titans and The Denver Broncos.
The Cleveland Browns did not win, but they did keep Seattle on the ropes for most of the game.


3/4 is a very fair return. Haha. It must feel really good to see that performance from them.

I'm into English football and my team played on Sunday. It was a very entertaining game and we got the win in that too.

Have an amazing week 🙂

Thanks, @kenechukwu97
I hope you have a great week as well.

#gmfrens. Ever felt so reluctant to do anything when you probably have a truckload of tasks to carry out? But your body and mind say no? That was my state yesterday. I got a well deserved rest.

When last did you get some rest?

I can't remember lol. I just got back from a four days program that had me staying up with little sleep. I'm hoping I'll get to rest well enough during this week hehe.

Yeaaaas! About the program, how did it go?

It went well, will share a bit about it in a video post soon. Not sure when I'll get the chance to edit and publish though 😅

Alright hun..I'd be looking forward to it

I will be doing that today. Nothing like going out or anything. Will be home watching anime and resting. I already had a long week till Sunday yesterday and I will take all the rest I needed today. Wongi Wongi, I just say make i hail you

You did well to take rest. After all the stress,you certainly deserve it.

This hailing 🥲 am I safe?

Don’t worry you’re safe

That's how I'm feeling right now 😂

There are 4 pages