There are 5 pages

Slowly but surely my YouTube channel is growing

Looking good!!! keep going!

nice! Keep pushing

Wow, that's good to hear this, you are really doing well, keep it up, very soon you can start to monetize your content as well. Good luck

Congrats! Whats your Name? Link?

Name of channel? :)

Whether you're new 2 D Hive Ecosystem or you've been around a while, here's a #tip 2make Hive better all around:

  • Review your witness votes periodically

Unlike politics, witness votes take place all D time. Vote 4 active witnesses.

I found today 2 "dead" ones - means no block since half a year and changed them to more active ones.

@detlev.witness is as well around if you like to support me

Last night I switched a witness vote to you. I know you're around; I wasn't sure about the other one.

If you need to get rid of one, my friend @louis.witness or @primersion is another good choise.

do I see a little trend upwards? #terracore


Success! You mined 1.0 HBIT on Wusang: Isle of Blaq. Sorry, but you didn't find a bonus treasure token today. Try again tomorrow...they're out there! You can see your random number generated in the Discord server, #hbit-wusang-log channel. | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><

Check for bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at an H-E explorer or take a look at your wallet.
Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.

Good morning.

Do you sometimes feel you can't pull through the hard times you are going through?
Remember that tough time doesn't last, only tough people do.

#gmfrnes #inleo

Good morning to you too, of a truth only tough people survive tough times and for one to scale through, we need to be resilient and cultivate the ability of striving towards the goal regardless of what comes our way.

Yes, I have come to see resilience as a life any storm we face in life.

Good morning!

Yeaaaah! Only tough people do and not the tough situations.

Problems are temporal and there are always solutions for them. All we need to do is to keep striving, no giving up until the solution finally pops up.

Goodmorning Amie

Good morning to you.

Giving up should never be an option, we should always look for ways to thrive no matter what.

Honestly hard times 😭 makes me feel like giving up but most times I celebrate and get proud of myself when I get through those times

It's not always easy getting through the tough times, but with determination, we can always win.

Just determination that's all


I haven't heard that one before. Yes, sometimes you can feel like things are overtaking you, but hey, there's just buckle up and ride out the turbulence.

I can’t believe I used to think eating meat was unhealthy, sunscreen was necessary, raw milk was dangerous, public school was needed for child socialization, the news reported events accurately.

everything we are told is a lie (more or less).

Except CNN. They always tell the truth.


Yeah. Sad that we believe what the media tells us. And "science" to.

I'm so glad I woke up to all of this and question things now.

How do you get around the sunscreen? Ive had a lot of skin cancer issues. Florida boy here.

I stopped using seed oils was the biggest one for me personally.

what oils were you using? And you mean in cooking? But I'm confused about the relationship to sunscreen. Is your skin healthier and battles the sun better? I hate sunscreen but I have to use it on my face. I'd love an alternative.

I can’t believe I used to think eating meat was unhealthy, sunscreen was necessary, raw milk was dangerous, public school was needed for child socialization, the news reported events accurately

aka a sheep 🐑

school is such a massive waste of human potential and energy. If the point is socialization they should make it fun, and if the point is education, let the kids learn in their own way

I tell you a secret, everything wonderful in life is in your beautiful eyes.

how many of the witnesses you vote for are inactive & completely absent?

check your votes, support the ones making noise & building. #governace

Without a doubt. There are some in the top 50 who havent been here since the Justin Sun fight.

yeah, i'd wager a large amount of users either have no idea who they're voting for or are voting for completely inactive accounts

I would not take that bet on. I think you are right.

war mongols?

Advice of the year right here! 🙌🏼

i'd be wiling to bet that 1/3 of everyone's votes are for inactive witnesses

I have a TODO list item pop up monthly to check witnesses are still active. Things I like: solid witness node, provides a public API, active in the community pref. with some kind of project & have I met you at HiveFest?

great criteria ser

yep, we chatted a bit in the penthouse and on the bus. long hair, beard, and crazy username

went through the list yesterday. I found out that I was indeed supporting two that had been inactive for a long time

There is a saying that what has an advantage also have a disadvantage. I would like to ask what is the advantage of being poor lol.

Lol I guess that quote isn’t for this particular example, please young man look for a suitable example that will fit this quote until then do take care😃


There are some.Think harder. Poor people are more honest I think.

Good morning my dear community, a motivational thought for today would be "Desire and persistence can transform the impossible into a reality". Blessings to all. #freecompliments #inleo

Wow, what a powerful quote. When we desire, may we also be ready to take responsibility.

Musk's X to charge users in Philippines and New Zealand $1 to use platform

Might make HIVE more popular with people in Phillipines. Nostr too probably.

that would be a bonus 😀


@johnhtims.thrds! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (1/50)

UI refreshes a lot, and my supposed to be replies were gone before I could send them.

Does this happen to you too?

Yes you have to open the thread and reply. As soon as a new one comes in, the reply window gets zapped.

Like with this one, I opened the thread and replied. No problem.

you’re still having this issue? This was fixed a long time ago

Please send more details in a #feedback thread

Forgot to add a pic for easy finding.

thank you so much. Now It will be a better experience for me. there are a lot using threads and it's amazing

yeah it's best to open the thread before writing your reply, else it may vanish when new threads come in. I think disabling live update may also work to reduce it, but I'm not sure cause I use live update

So many bills on me
Yet to pay

I’m right there with you

It’s the worst

Haha that's the problem 🤪

Bills just keep coming but what can I do they have to be paid. That is why there is a saying that money is hard to make and very easy to spend. We will be fine at the end.

Ha ha ha. This meme has always been very funny to me.

hahahahah very fun abi lol

same, got plenty of em.

Me frog in the blockchain frog life knows no bills.

how please

Be a frog.

Sleep outside.

Have lots of friends (to stay with).

By not agreeing to have any bills. Not the life for everyone or attainable.

Or just make enough that bills are easily paid, and don't seem like bills.

the afternoon breeze
like a lover’s hands gently
brushing over me

#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday #inleo

I was watching a video the other day and they referred to the senate as the "most privledged nursing home" and I lost it.

One of the most accurate assessment.

Feinstein died with a net worth of $160 million. What ever happened to public service as a concept?

Oh wow, I didn't even notice she died. Wonder how she got all that money.

I didn't even notice she died.

Hard to notice a difference to be honest. She wasnt there for the last few years.

Her hubby was a financial dude although I am sure the trading on insider info didnt hurt.

Nor did the ability to keep whatever isnt spent from you campaign. Raise a hundred+ million and keep $10M or so each can add up.

Greetings all,

We are one of the new communities here, got to know about inleo and so we are here. This place looks so active.


Welcome! What is your community about? :)

good are welcome to inleo platform, here you can thread your thoughts and share meaningful ideas. feel free to engage and meet with new friends.

welcome to Leo. What's your community about?

Welcome to InLeo and this is really an exciting place. I am sure you will enjoy here. may be you can create a thread by sharing more about your community. more people will get to know you

Web 2.0 is killing itself or what?

YouTube desperate to get more #money restricting ad blocker, twitter is also too desperate and gonna ask $1 annual subscription to create new accounts.

Reddit discontinued their crypto coin.. rugging em.

I've been noticing the Youtube adblocker alert. So far I just ignore it. We'll see how long that's an option.

I am surprised they let you x out of it. Give it a month and I bet it will not be an option.

a lot of people are so pissed cuz of it.

There is a lot taking place. I know that we are going to see a lot of people upset over the next year as these things start to take effect.

yea, expecting a shift from web 2 to web 3 in coming time cuz of these things happening as of now.

We need to build things people want to use. That is the key.

very interesting set of events. Didn't know about this twitter thing. That's interesting. Soon web2 will lose power and web 3 will ascend the throne. Just like web2 dethroned web1.

Good morning Frens!

I did some play around with my photo lab app and here is my favourite from today's pics. The original was more colorful but I love this too.

What do you think about this filter? 😃

You look cute but this color is what I think 🤔 I don't really like lol

Lol why don't you like it?

It makes you look dark lol

Lol it's just a filter, my original skin is with me 🤣

I love this, for me, the original color is the black and white, you are absolutely beautiful, keep the smile it can heal a broken heart ❤️💜

Haha the original wasn't black and white though.

What a beautiful result! I love it, it looks great. The black and white filters are my favorite.

They are becoming my favorite too hehe

It looks great, very beautiful! You have a knack for photos, very photogenic!

Hehe thanks 😊

I love how your eyes are smiling too 😍✨

Aww thanks for noticing that 😍

Friends, do you know which Dapps provide the option of giving Auto Claim on the Hive account creation token?

My RCs are being drained and I couldn't find the source to deactivate (it's not in Hive Keychain)

#inleo #hive #rc

The only way I know to turn it on is in Keychain. I never heard that it just auto claims without approval.

Let me tag @arcange @taskmaster4450le maybe they can help.

Maybe or keychain? This is weird, I hope you find a solution soon.

It is done by the keychain most likely. The transaction is signed by your own key. Disable keychain and see if it stops.

1/🧵 Unlocking The secret of Success: Hard work, Luck or both?

#threadstorm #outreach

Hello Idk, thanks for sharing your content. Just to let you know, the outreach initiative works with posts published using the Leo UI :)

My bad, thanks for pointing out.. it was lateee night and was really sleepy didn't had in mind at that time that it works with post published using this UI.

Thanks again.

It's okay to share it though. I just thought I'd let you know so you won't be wondering why your post was not curated 😉

I'm glad you did pointed this.. I'll be sure enough next time where it went wrong and yea, could also guide others now.

Thanks, Good day!!

2/🧵we've been taught success comes through the hardwork.

Ever since #childhood have heard stories of successful people becoming insanely successful cuz of #hardwork and all

3/🧵haven't heard someone become insanely rich because of luck, yeah a #lottery or #jackpot once in a blue moon in this whole world.

But when it comes to practical realistic life, experience teach you how things work.

4/🧵you start to see the difference where your hard work did paid off, where your efforts and all hardwork got wasted in vein..

I've shared about it in this blog.

Truly hard work pays. I love farming when I'm home with my parents and that makes me enjoy the harvest too.

Hard work pays off when it is combined with smarts and intelligence. Without those things, working hard just leads to dying at break even or dying broke.

Good morning and hello, this is my first time using the Leo finance thread I want to say good morning bro all of the people in this community. Hope i am welcome

you are really welcom

welcome to Leo!

Hello and welcome! Just thread away and meet new frens here 😉

Who wants to treasure hunt in threads on the blockchain? Wonder how... Maybe reward some that reply... #crypto

freewill us more on how it would work


@treasure-hunting! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (5/50)

Treasure hunting on the blockchain sounds like a fascinating adventure. It's a creative way to engage the community. Count me in. Let's see what hidden gems we can discover.

It would be a nice idea to have a treasure hunt on threads, and yes, rewarding participants will make people participate more.


Gm amigos. Hoje o dia está extremamente cansativo e mal posso esperar pra ele acabar e eu pode deitar na minha cama e descansar.

Como está o dia de vocês?

i wonder if I'll get to see some #feet pics in Leo premium..

I'll love to pre-subscribe.

Nifty wants to pay with feet pics.

hahaha, payment acceptable.🤣

you can pre-subscribe by sending me 420 LEO

okay, if I'm getting 69 feet pics than why nooooot.

69 feet pics? Do I look like a charity? Lol

I thought I'm getting the homie discount. 😼

you're right. i forgot to add the discount.

They have been lying to you guys. They never sold.

A good sign.

Can't wait for them to start buying more #bitcoin in coming time.

Tesla diamond paws.

hmmm, some media just prefer misinformation. Creating panic

How far, how are you doing on the zealy campaign, I was stocked but am up once again

i am in 71st place


@beauty197! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/50)

Love your spirit, you aren't giving up, that's the best thing you can do for yourself..... keep moving mate.

The campaign has being so interesting no doubt.

Yes your doing well I guess

Right now I'm ranked #10, but I haven't lost a single task, so I'm basically at #1 (shared with other good hivers).

Don't let yourself fall, there are prizes all the way to 100th place this time.

Am number 54th am not giving up at all, the quest gives me opportunity to learn more things plus the price

It's always good to stand back on our feet when we fall, I'm glad to see you are back 🥰

i Saw a beautiful flower on my way home today and I decided to snap it, this flower is called sunflower


such a beautiful sight to behold, I always love flower and they have a way of melting my heart, the sun flower is very popular and well known around the globe.
Thanks for bringing this to our sight.

okay, thanks for your kind g

How beautiful. The nature is incredible. Yellow is a beautiful color. Thank you for sharing the photo with us.

Okay thanks

why do some of you engage/thread like NPCs. My God! 😭 are you people even real?! 😭😭 Is this how you talk and reason in real life? 😭😭😭

Let's just say we live in a Ai world 🌝🤣

I am Pinocchio...I want real friends 😭

rflmao 🤣🤣🤣

It bothers me a lot, majorly because most of the people who act this way are from my demographic and it is a poor representation of my people. I don't know why this space attracts the worst sometimes.

are you thinking about same guy I am thinking lol.

i am certain we are...they are two actually but one does his covertly while the other does it more openly and seems oblivious to the fact that he is being a nuisance

NPC dont know better 😅
No but guess some people just wanna rewards and then spam as many comments as possible.

it is so disgusting 😭. They can't even read the room. That's the annoying part. They are socially unaware.
You don't need to be cerebral to use social media appropriately.

Why do you hate puppies? I'm doing it for them (see image before I replied) :)

NPCs almost appear real... !LOLZ

How do you make antifreeze?
Steal her blanket.

Credit: reddit
@nonsowrites, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

let's use this little slices of paw paw to round off todays edibles #mydiary #foodie

mmm..looks so good! I hope you have a energetic day dear 😍

So it seems some users on Hive/Leo are just here to make frens and NOT the rewards….is that YOU? Or what I’m seeing were just CAP 🧢 and 🐂 💩? 🙄

I guess it's a 50-50, while many are forming strong bonds on the ecosystem, many also are earning steadily, it's not bad anyways

😊 thank you for your take but I strongly believe non of……well lemme reserve my comment LOL

Waiting on #Leo #music feature but till then …..🥱


hmm thats a great idea, it will be cool playing your library music through inleo, that is if of cause there is an app for Inleo, I wonder why they haven't made it mobile friendly like ecency

Dont worry. @wealthwess is setting up libraries on here. He is doing good work.

Music on Leo is going to be a force.

Ohhhh cant wait go that goody, i know it will be available for just premium members if of cause its executed

No. What he is setting up is available to anyone. It is a community and posted right on chain. Still work needs to be done with the UI and YT links.

Ohhh but those if have anything to do with stacking your favorite songs in inleo music library? And playing it with inleo music app?

Not play it in a music app. Playing it through Leo.

Hmm No waiting. You are the one building it. LOL

Oh sh!t, that’s true LOL

LOL cant look at the guy next to you when you are the one doing it.

but it's possible

X moves to implement a 1 USD #fee for service in an attempt to fight off #bots but the move will fail 1/3

There's a lot more trash fake accounts coming up it seems. I've been getting hit with up to 5 a day at the moment which are just nasty girls lol but all fake

Twitter was used for #crypto scams but the change has the potential to lock out the poorest nations and create an #elite platform 2/3

Celso Furtado - The diference between a 1ª country and a 2ª is in their history of progress. #economy #inleo #hive

Good morning, frens. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things! It's through new experiences that we grow, learn, and discover our passions.


Something I like to think that it's not always that we have to stop out of our comfort zone, sometimes things have to come in so they become parts of us without any stress or anxiety.

You always learn something from your mistakes. That is why it is important to analyze our actions before and after.

Have you already bought your Rebellion packs?

If you haven't, I invite you to see this new article where I explain some interesting things about this new edition. #outreach #threadstorm

I'm already telling you that changes are coming to the game, and you have to know about this:

♦ New abilities.

♦ New tactics.
♦ New titles.

And that's just a summary..

Don't wait any longer and come that in my article I tell you the details of this new edition.

I am very excited, but I have decided not to participate in the pre-sale. I believe that the cards may depreciate, and even the packs. So, I'll wait a bit and try to save some money, haha.

Good strategy my friend, I also commented that with some guys in the clan, but I was encouraged to at least buy only one pack.


What were restaurants called during the Jurassic?

Credit: reddit
@michupa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of zonadigital21

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

I have a feeling the presell is going to fully sell out which is a huge plus! Now the team just needs to get on the ball with giving us land etc :D

And I thought that the presale would not sell out so quickly, I see that many are not so encouraged to buy packs.

Acabo de llegar del cementerio y no tengo ganas de hacer nada. Emocionalmente destruido. La vida a veces es como una caja de Pandora, no sabes que tan mal sera lo que viene. Buenos días


Lo siento, triste lo que cuentas espero que logres sentirte mejor con el tiempo. Mucha fuerza para ti que todo pasa . Y que vengan momentos felices en el futuro próximo para ti.

Entiendo ese sentimiento, es como caer al vacío, nunca queremos estar en ese lugar que nos llena de tanto dolor, el llanto siempre es el protagonista de esa mala jugada de la cruel muerte😔


Got some $WORKERBEE tokens up for sale on the market for 2.7 Hive each!

Get em while their HOT! 🔥🔥

¡Gusmornin! +Grita internamente en Inglés+ ¡La conseguí! Como no puedo lanzar deseos en Genshin Impact hasta la versión 4.2, lanzo todos los deseos que puedo en HSR, y obtuve el personaje promocional, muero.

Let's go! Felicidades sabía que lograrías obtenerla, yo estoy obsesionado con ella por sus habilidades, diseño, además es increíblemente fuerte. Disfrutala, por cierto he estado usando a tu pj, está muy OP.

Cada vez que usas a mi pj me dan 2k de créditos, así que sigue usándolo todo lo que quieres, si quieres a alguien de otro elemento, me dices, tengo a varios.

Ya la subí a lvl80, con un cono lvl80, ando trabajando en sus rastros. ¡Es increíble! No me arrepiento de haberla sacado para nada. Hace demasiado, me encanta.

Va, cualquier cosa te aviso por el juego. Yo sigo nuevecito solo la subí hasta lvl60, aún tengo que terminar la historia principal para poder subirla un poco más.

Te va a llevar tiempo, al menos varias semanas, porque al tener que subir el nivel de aventura se tarda demasiado, eso sí es horrible y fastidioso, tener que esperar. Avisas cualquier cosa, que yo estoy jugando el juego desde el día 1. jaja

#gmfrens 💚😵

More Hive content on today's morning walk.

Just noticed how fine I was cutting it with the battery! ;)



Living on the edge as well, I see. My phone begs me to charge it constantly

Its the only way to live!

keeps ya on your toes


Our battery state is quite same.

Mine is at 15% 🤣

Let's keep it rolling.

Haha have you seen that Seinfeld episode where Kramer pushes the fuel gauge on a test drive?

Reminds me of this 😂

Thanks for checking out the show....Apologies for draining the battery!

I'll forgive you... this time.

Never forget: No one ever truly forgives.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good evening friends, I was at home all day today... practically disconnected. I took the opportunity to rest and literally do nothing.

How was your day? #gmfrens

My day was a long one but am grateful, I went to the salon to get my hair done, came back started creating a content which after I made dinner

It's still early morning here , still on bed , but I know I will have to be in the office once the day break very well, but for now,, still rolling on my bed.

Just now I checked the cost per pack in the #Splinterlands Rebellion presale.
The lowest cost is $3.97 (4000 DEC + 5 VOUCHERS)

#gosh #play2earn

meh, yet another pack sale. what's new?

There are several differences:

  • part of the revenues will go to the SPS DAO
  • there is a burning mechanism for unsold packs
  • airdrop of cards will take into consideration unsold packs and cards instead of purchased packs

maybe it will be better

There are several differences from previous presales:

  • part of the revenues will go to the SPS DAO
  • there is a burning mechanism for unsold packs
  • airdrop of cards will take into consideration unsold packs and cards instead of purchased packs

Do you think this price will tend to rise or fall in the next 3 months? Prices have generally fallen if you think about the last few editions, right?

My guess is that the price will vary according to the number of packs sold in relation to the number of players. If the packs sold will be more than 3 million I think the price will go down if the active players do not increase in number

Just about right on par to where it should be

A much-needed analysis

Thank you all for supporting the @town-hall witness node. If you have a spare witness vote, considering voting for us.

Done!! good luck with the witness node im sure will be one of the best

As long as it keeps running. I can assure you, with your vote, it is safer since I am not involved in the tech end of things. That make the chance of success go up exponentially.

already voted.

Great to see it's climbing up in ranking.

Thank you for your support. We do appreciate all the votes.

the hottest new witness on the block

I see you were recruiting the feet community. Good job.

they need a voice too

Without a doubt. We catering to all the underserved, underrecognized and even the malnurished.

100% im checking if my vote is already there!!

Yes, done. Excited to see a community witness and what you guys do!

I DID IT. Remembering the bad words people said to me breaks me down on daily basis, ChiNyere you can't do it, even if start your won't finish just because of an illness. #mydiary #aliveandthriving

What a beautiful picture! I loved! Is it from work or just personal photos? It looks like a photo from a magazine advertisement :)

wao you made it congratulations. You are really taĺl I musmusmust observe

Thank you, but just a picture. Do you want me to advertise your work for you? Hehehehe

way to go, friend! I’m glad you finally did it despite the negative words from people. You can achieve anything as long as you put your mind to it. Stay focused and determined.


When you get discouraged, encourage yourself and watch you gain it positively

Congratulations dear ChiNyere on your POP. May your lines fall in pleasant places. I love you.

yes - you can! Go for it…

I did and still doing, am glad I didn't let their discouragement get to me.

Keep having faith in yourself .You are beyond all that nonsense ! 😘

My faith needs work doesn't it?

We all have to practice our faith everyday! You're doing great dear! 😍✨

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. More success will come your way in Jesus name (amen)

If you haven't seen the movie Predestination, you should.

  1. Unfortunate the milker did not like that and decided to retaliate by downvoting everyone who downvoted him. I took a huge hit, but I was not having it either. I became a thorn in his flesh online until he decided to stop. 🙃


WOO CRATES have now been added to the WOO Discord Marketplace-Listings making it easier to be notified when players are selling WOO Crates.

#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

  1. navigation for simplicity. 2. Personalized dashboard for efficiency. 3.Adaptive layout for uniformity. These enhance user experience, making InLeo outstanding
There are 5 pages