Absolutely! Almonds are very noble, because you can make many things in the kitchen such as vegetable milk, flour for cakes and cookies and they are also a delicious snack with all the nutrients to keep our body and mind healthy🥰❤️🧑🍳
freeMany of us do like this fella said, rates went down, homes up & I sold... now investing in p2e web3 fps games... media says p2e is dead lol
This is a powerful video, a bit different
Mi olla favorita poque tiene el tamaño perfecto para hacer el café con leche, el chocolate caliente y la avena caliente. De las mejores inversiones que he hecho 😎❤️ #foodiesbeehive #foodie #threads
Kidding aside, I really dislike loud sounds. They echo in my chest and it's almost painful. (This happens to me with loud music too, not only motorcycles.)
Over 20 years of free training in various sectors has proven invaluable. When I try to help by shareing innovation, it is not always my crazy ideas ;) #marketing
& if I ask you for reciprical support in hive marketing chat, it is just that & not interesteinterested in paying to learn how to grow, market or brand myself lol
To be honest I don't feel bad for bank employees, govt employees losing the jobs to the machine and AI. The way we 90s people got harassed, AI is a saviour especially in banks and govt places.
wow that's awesome. I was aware of rebranding of LeoFinance but I just discovered that it's going to happen Tomorrow this is such a big day and hope this change will be useful for all of us. More Power to You Leo Team. Good luck
#fulldeportes Cristiano Ronaldo me parece un jugador más completo por si enorme capacidad goleadora lo cual le permite realizar los de cabezas y de pierna
Talking with TM about the Nigerian population on Hive, I am now thinking if there are at least 1,178 Filipinos on Hive, that is just 0.001% of the total population of the country. Too many people never heard of Hive.
I think in the past I already brought 7 seven people but they never saw what I saw. And then there is one that I just helped sign up a few days ago and another that showed some interest.
In recent times we have been seeing many banks getting themselves integrated with crypto-based payment services in some or the other way. The collaborations between traditional banks and digital assets is a trend from a while
Major banks are also getting themselves involved in the sector by partnering with existing businesses in the crypto sector to provide services to consumers and making the entire process a lot more streamlined.
Hello, meet your new friend @Gracedlife. My testimony has been Grace all the way. I am happy to get started on Leo and Hive again after 10 months of no action.
Thank you Sir @uyobong for encouragements.
Can you explain this statement, I am not familiar. "Doing threads after work", what is this thread exactly? lol things change so much around here you step away for a few months and its all different.
so i'm 3/4 of the way done processing an entire shipping container of used books. cost - $100. estimated profit minus shipping & fees - $3500. still have about 500 books to process. this shit is a grind. #business
nah, i don't really have a way to figure that. this is also the first time i've done this volume. i've learned a lot though, so i feel it has been way more than worth it.
1/ It's been a hectic Sunday. From multiple church services to meetings and coaching sessions. Sunday are always busy days for me but I'm glad I hit all my targets for today.
i think you should be able to pick your HOME feed. have a setting for this that allows users to pick "Latest", "Following", "Trending", or "For You" for their "Home" feed. #feedback
Yeah they are bullshit. Never liked them. Same with MLB playing in Japan and Puerto Rico although the latter isnt that bad since it is a skip from Miami.
Dying inside here...Defence is injured on every play it seems and the offence just looks 'meh'...Then again, the Bills traditionally start out slow...But this is EXTRA slow lol
Involving in a campaign like the one that @leofinance is doing on #zealy is just perfect by itself for the fun & knowledge that it get & the most important is spreading the word of @hive to make it reach as much people as we can💪
I see that makes sense. well just get more people and we should be good. i need to find 10 people that can write 100 a day :3 which will cover my 1000 if im unable to
I also get into the "October Race to 5000 HBD". Joined #zealy Not sure where I would land after 40 days. But the mission will keep me going #hive #community #leo
Almonds are one of my favorite nuts because they are very versatile in cooking and keep me healthy. ❤️🙏🏻 #plantpowervegan #foodie #leofinance #threads
Seems like most people like almonds. It's one of my favorite nuts.
#plantpowervegan #foodiesbeehive #foodie
Absolutely! Almonds are very noble, because you can make many things in the kitchen such as vegetable milk, flour for cakes and cookies and they are also a delicious snack with all the nutrients to keep our body and mind healthy🥰❤️🧑🍳
Thanks for stopping by!😊🙏🏻
That's great. Almonds are so versatile that you can virtually prepare anything with it and you still enjoy all it's benefits
It was a pleasure.
They are delicious and very popular, they go well with everything...
Exactly one can't go wrong with trying out culinary skills with almonds 😅
Everyone Here Needs To Watch This!!!
Wow. This is one of the most powerful #video I ever say. These two minutes really sum it up.
#money #wealth
I follow that Russian mobster on YouTube! He’s an actor in obviously but it’s good stuff!
Well yeah. I dont know many mobsters who convert to youTube influencers.
You’d be surprised!
The Italian mob is all over YouTube now.
Have to use the URL and paste it in Leo for YouTube videos.
The share ends up with an error message.
thus the 1 percent aand the 99 percent. Most of the world are sheep.
Yeah and most are sheep because of their thinking. They do not differ from the masses hence get the same results.
Sheep and Chattel. Am I one of them ?
I definitely would not consider myself a sheep. I normally dont do what the masses do, yet I am still poor. :D What do I do wrong?
Seems not to be your mindset or risk taking.
Might be the systems you established. If you have the mindset and the kahunas, then it has to be the systems you are using.
I have no idea what it is exactly, and further no idea how I could change it, and I think that´s the problem.
quite inspiring
Dis is a gud 1!
The video's codes are disturbing:
There are some interesting elements, but it remains very superficial
freeMany of us do like this fella said, rates went down, homes up & I sold... now investing in p2e web3 fps games... media says p2e is dead lol
This is a powerful video, a bit different
powerful and to the point, Don´t be a sheep
Mi olla favorita poque tiene el tamaño perfecto para hacer el café con leche, el chocolate caliente y la avena caliente. De las mejores inversiones que he hecho 😎❤️ #foodiesbeehive #foodie #threads
😋 Amiga, por fa ¿puedes prestarme tu olla? Pero que esté repleta de chocolate caliente 🤭
Con gusto! Jeje!🥰🍫☺️
People that drive loud motorcycles are...
Kidding aside, I really dislike loud sounds. They echo in my chest and it's almost painful. (This happens to me with loud music too, not only motorcycles.)
I know this one: Faggots!
Likely not well hung.
...are. Are perceived as loud. Are perceived as awesome. Are passionate.
You are so kind
Thank you. You are kind with your upvotes. Thanks again.
Behind every good man is a crazy woman.
And behind a woman there sure is a lot of men!!!!
Hmm. That could be taken a few different ways. LOL
Is this a AdultLeo thread?
Jaja 🤭 but it's true, we are crazy and men are crazy about us.
That is true. Especially when behind in a certain position.
It is nature running its course.
Jeje, this thread definitely took a different path....
I am waiting for AdultLeo.
Maybe that will be next.
😂 behind every man is a crazy woma
then mine must be some fucking cracrazcrazy 🤪
LOL man the fact that she is with you shows she wasnt playing with a full deck.
Or you have some really good blackmail material.
no blackmail. Lmao 🤣 🤣
Okay. Then yeah, she is nuttier than a field full of peanuts.
Hahahaha hahahahaha 🤣
I just came in now and this is what I see, Oh no 🤦🤦
Yep you show up and get exposed to ancient, factual wisdom.
You can thank me later.
Why will the woman be crazy since the husband is a good man
Why does the sun rise in the east?
I cannot answer the mysteries of the world or nature. The universe has many secrets not revealed to me.
This is one of them.
Hmmm okay. I will find out somehow
I agree
See. Most men know.
I already have the crazy one, now I need less hahaha
If you uncover where to find them, let me know.
Less is certainly more.
Maybe. Me wonder about the female frog, is she crazy too?
If there is a vagina connected to it, always the same problems regardless of species.
LOLz but you are right in everyway possible,
See. The experienced on here know what I am talking about.
No much explanation is needed on this because i do read and see things that happen between couples, gf and bf and the rest.
Observation can teach you a lot.
A lot less painful than being in the middle of it.
Yes, most at times the more reason why am not much on it is because am single.
Like single To stupor.
--Not that there'sanything wrong with that!
110% for sure true
Most times True LOL
My favorite coffee is they capuchino, but the black is My Ally every morning to Star My engines.
It is a fact the world over. Black coffee is the starter.
This is the weather for tea. Any one interested, you are warmly invited.
enjoy your tea, I just had mine couple of mins ago.
Good to hear that you also had yours. Was it also cold at your area?
We can enjoy together. How's the weather at your side?
its friendly
I am getting use to do podcast.
You gunna have a drink with us this Thursday on @crypt0holics?
I might, dm me on Telegram.
Wait until the encoding.
I'd love to help but no idea how to get my computer how to help with encoding hopefully we get push button simple soon!
No idea about that technical stuff either.
I submit for encoding and if doesnt work, I contact @eddiespino in the 3Speak discord.
That is my tech expertise. LOL
I have been waiting patiently cause i am doing it form my poor wifi hahaha.
I calculate another hour to be upload it, encoding will be after that.
Yeah well the encoding isnt on your end. And that is a fun time also.
Always Learning
Over 20 years of free training in various sectors has proven invaluable. When I try to help by shareing innovation, it is not always my crazy ideas ;) #marketing
& if I ask you for reciprical support in hive marketing chat, it is just that & not interesteinterested in paying to learn how to grow, market or brand myself lol
To be honest I don't feel bad for bank employees, govt employees losing the jobs to the machine and AI. The way we 90s people got harassed, AI is a saviour especially in banks and govt places.
I think the different opportunities will be created automatically if one facility decreases. It's the nature.
There is going to be a ton of disruption...more than most realize.
I have a feeling the knowledge work destruction will be orders of magnitude quicker than manufacturing.
So it wont be them but I agree, screw them.
Hello everyone, Happy Sunday to you all
Good to see you. Thread on my friend.
Tomorrow Leofinance will be rebranded to task.com.
All your LEO will be swapped to TASK. All can share in the expansion of task and the growth associated with it.
TASK will change the world and billions of lives.
Be ready, hivers... You are all gonna be TASKed.
It is a noun. It is a verb. It is an adjective.
TASK is versatile to say the least.
ill Also change my username to master. It’ll be nice for an introduction 😜
That is a wise move and I would highly recommend it.
Just dont change your last name to bater in that instance.
You mean this very platform I am posting on?
Yes but that is a joke if you didnt know.
I am only a few hours old here. A runaway hive user that just evangelised back.
wow that's awesome. I was aware of rebranding of LeoFinance but I just discovered that it's going to happen Tomorrow this is such a big day and hope this change will be useful for all of us. More Power to You Leo Team. Good luck
Yes it is happening tomorrow and if everything I wrote in the above thread isnt true, it will be a crime against all of humanity.
I always found you on right don't worry about it
dear ser, sounds great. wen moon?
All (y)our LEO (now) belong to @taskmaster4450le and tasq.com ...
Really amazing , can't wait !
Hello friends. Can we do a follow for follow? I need new friends here.
Thank you.
The best way to get followers is to get active. Engage with others on here and you will get others following you.
Get those thread numbers up.
Thank you Sir. I am learning and will improve by the day.
That is good. If you are consistent with your threading on here and keep engaging, people will get to know you and engage back.
I am already doing that. I have made close to 20 threads. Thank you for the encouraging words.
LOL I have already given you like 5 votes. They will add up over time.
On Hive we have micro-earning. Keep threading and you will end up with great success on here over time.
Thank you. It seems i know nothing about rewards yet. My mentor hasn't told me about them. Told me to focus on engagement.
Working on a really amazing addition to the referral system
Get ready to start getting paid for referrals
You can start referring users by checking your /settings page and share your ref link!
You are such a kind soul.
Why does @anomasoul say so many mean things about you?
Hive* is gonna explode!
But will these referrals get normal LeoFinance accounts or Lites Accounts?
If you hold the DHEDGE token you woul get some drip feed on daily basis.
Yep. Micro-earning at its finest.
HIVE is gonna change your life.
I also believe it.
Just have to get active.
Uno de mis Deportes Preferidos:
El Circuito Venezolano de Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tiene su próxima Competencia este 21 y 22 de Octubre en Parque Miranda.
Niños, Adultos y Masters #fulldeportes
#fulldeportes Cristiano Ronaldo me parece un jugador más completo por si enorme capacidad goleadora lo cual le permite realizar los de cabezas y de pierna
Talking with TM about the Nigerian population on Hive, I am now thinking if there are at least 1,178 Filipinos on Hive, that is just 0.001% of the total population of the country. Too many people never heard of Hive.
Your chore is to go tell every Filipino about the success you found on Hive and, in particular, Threads.
That is how it starts. Bring a couple people here and get them started.
I think in the past I already brought 7 seven people but they never saw what I saw. And then there is one that I just helped sign up a few days ago and another that showed some interest.
No most do not see what is happening. Everyone I brought he left also.
They simply do not see the potential. Hard to be an early adopter.
I suspect something lacking. Maybe, still too comfortable with the current system.
My goal is to develop a module incorporating blockchain technology in one of those lectures and make Hive a concrete example.
That is a good idea. Building is a great way to show the potential of Hive for others.
We have several subjects that I can include Hive: Financial Literacy, Church and Society, and Theology of Work.
A subsidiary of J.P. Morgan, Chase Bank has partnered with FCF Pay to provide crypto based payment services.
#threadstorm #outreach
In recent times we have been seeing many banks getting themselves integrated with crypto-based payment services in some or the other way. The collaborations between traditional banks and digital assets is a trend from a while
Major banks are also getting themselves involved in the sector by partnering with existing businesses in the crypto sector to provide services to consumers and making the entire process a lot more streamlined.
Check out this article for more information on the same, also drop your thoughts below,
Link - https://leofinance.io/@sayu907/jp-morgans-big-move-a-gamechanging-partnership-with-fcf-pay-in-the-crypto-space
End of🧵/4
Festive design to light up the shorter days of the turning seasons
#photography #travel
Very nice. Leo needs a lot more photos on it.
Thanks! I'm hoarding plenty of photos, so I'll have to upload some more
Agreed. Just don't look at them from the browser in the keychain app. Something is way off
I just learn something new here - A threadcast
A threadcast is an engagement feature that is designed to be coupled with some type of broadcast.
Thank you @taskmaster4450le for the link. We can host a Bible study in a threadcast.
There is also a threadstorm:
Wow. A whole new vocabulary for me to learn.
Yes we do a have a few terms that we kind of created for threads.
Now that the platform is rebranding, will these terms be valid?
Yes they will be. Threads is going to remain the same name. The Leofinance URL is what is changing.
let's settle this...
who should be on the mount Rushmore of crypto scammers?
first, Richard Heart. who else? join the discussion on X & tag them!
SBF of course and if other nationalities are accepted, then Do Kwon
Tag em on the Twitter post
let the world know
Hello, meet your new friend @Gracedlife. My testimony has been Grace all the way. I am happy to get started on Leo and Hive again after 10 months of no action. Thank you Sir @uyobong for encouragements.
Beautiful grace your welcome to thread, thread on and enjoy your stay
thank you very much 😊
welcome back. We are here. Questions? Ask away.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(14/50)@gracedlife! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Hello and welcome @gracedlife .
Welcome to Hive and Leo. Good Engagement is all you need to enjoy this space. Go girl!
What a perfect time to get some re-action on Hive!
Small but mighty 😅, this portable hot pot cooks majority of my meals, even my delicious Hive Foods ♨️👌
#foodiesbeehive #foodie
Football and Wings.
I don't know where we got the idea from that we ought to eat rice for lunch on Sunday. But nevertheless, my stew is ready

#mydiary #foodiebeehive
The speed at which I am doing threads after work.
Making people think. Making them overthinker like me lol.
I am going to be awarded as one of the "Overthinker" of the LEO/HIVE.
That award is mine!
laughs in evil
Have you thought yet what the prize should be for overthinking?
There will be a lot of research on this lol.
You might have to get a team together to overthink collectively.
Yes.. "Overthinking Avengers" Club!
Make sure to have T Shirts made up and serve cake at the meetings.
in the memetime, overthanks into a little cartoon frog meme
We’ll have to add a leaderboard item for this!
Can you explain this statement, I am not familiar. "Doing threads after work", what is this thread exactly? lol things change so much around here you step away for a few months and its all different.
so i'm 3/4 of the way done processing an entire shipping container of used books. cost - $100. estimated profit minus shipping & fees - $3500. still have about 500 books to process. this shit is a grind. #business
did you include your time to process the books in your calc? people tend to make this mistake a lot!
nah, i don't really have a way to figure that. this is also the first time i've done this volume. i've learned a lot though, so i feel it has been way more than worth it.
That's a lot of books! Are you running an ebay store or a used book store?
i actually sell them on amazon.
was about 4000 books in total
God's grace is always sufficient today and beyond 😊
Happy Sunday lovelies🥰
With LeoSubs, any hiver will be able to launch a paid newsletter (think: substack or patreon)
It'll be a whole new way to monetize your Hive account. You can start getting subs both on Hive and outside of Hive and build a business out
This is what we call everything app 😉
oh boy, I cannot wait!
Cannont wait to read more and get educated on this.
I am waiting to know more about it.
#boardgame (10/8)
Pick 1 # 1-4.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
*Reward to least picked # (1-4). +/-10/15
Last week game reward 0 $LEO each: (no game last week) #crypto #hive #leofinance
Pepe picks one.
Who else is excited for when the new name for LEO drops tomorrow?!
Only if it is task.com.
Outside of that, it is a stupid name.
You should totally create Task.com
I am willing to have the entire community share in it.
16 hours till #Zealy. 149 people getting ready. Not signed up yet? See the comment for my link.
1/ It's been a hectic Sunday. From multiple church services to meetings and coaching sessions. Sunday are always busy days for me but I'm glad I hit all my targets for today.
2/ I successfully reengineered @gracedlife to get active on Hive after months of inactivity. I hope she maximizes the opportunities.
Please get unto her blog and give her some love in her introduction post.
Again, thank you and God bless you. I am really encouraged to pick up my pieces.
3/ Welcome to Hive, Gracedlife
HOME menu item should link to the Latest feed, not to For You imo …#feedback the
i think you should be able to pick your HOME feed. have a setting for this that allows users to pick "Latest", "Following", "Trending", or "For You" for their "Home" feed. #feedback
being able to pick the option would be cool as well.
just another personal touch for users
Good idea, we'll add this
Especially with the upcoming lists feature, this would be nice
true, that‘d be even better!
Do you not like the For You feed?
If so, what don't you like about it? Curious so we can integrate feedback and improve it
I don‘t like that it shows replies without context instead of parent threads for example
agreed at least for now until some kinks are worked out. I don't get much in my foryou feed
Agreed the For You needs refining as it always old threads for me
Here's the #threadcast for the Buffalo / Jacksonville #nfl game
Maybe the Giants can help the Bills.
But not likely. LOL
these London games are bogus. Jags have been over there for 2 weeks. Bills got there on Friday.
Yeah they are bullshit. Never liked them. Same with MLB playing in Japan and Puerto Rico although the latter isnt that bad since it is a skip from Miami.
It's just dumb. So many injuries too because these guys aren't in a normal rhythm.
Well injuries happen no matter what. It is still a violent game.
But it is dumb. Nothing but greed.
But then the #nfl is fucked with the Thursday game.
The following week, one team has 10 days off, the other 7.
wow. Buffalo sucks
There's $33 I'll never see again.
Superman Josh might make an appearance.
A appearance at what, the snack bar?
ver. TLDR lol
and there goes any Buffalo hope
Get up Johnson. Faker.
Another play
Dying inside here...Defence is injured on every play it seems and the offence just looks 'meh'...Then again, the Bills traditionally start out slow...But this is EXTRA slow lol
more like reverse..
What an awful call to give the Jags life on hat drive. But ball don't lie, no damage done! #LetsGoBuffalo
So.....Jones is out. Milano is out.
Pretty much our best defensive players this year.
TD Buffalo! That's better!
End of the first half 11 JAX - 7 BUF
Stop these stupid London games!!!!!
Send Kair Elam to the moon! And not in a good way....My goodness this kid is awful today
And there's the interception to waste another good play..
I hate football
I still hate football
I still hate football....But hey, we got a TD!
This is just sad. Time to wrap it up and get back to America.
We need to kick the activity up a couple notches people.
Here is what the thread totals look like now. 746K
My few threads are also adding to the number I guess.
All are counted so yes you are adding to the number. That is good. We need more people to join here and get active.
That's good to hear. I could likely get 50 comments today in that case. it feels like I won't rest.
Are there any limits to how many I can make in a day?
Only based upon the number of hours in a day and how fast you can type.
I've still got 2 more hours before bedtime.
Well then you have a bit of time to get more threads in.
You want to get on the leaderboard..when the damn thing works.
I don't think I will be any where near the top. I know many people have been engaging here.
On the daily you might be. It adds up quickly and few really do a ton of threads/comments.
Almost 30k of those are mine (threads + threads replies combined) :P
Sooon 50k
someone needs to lead the charge
yeaaaaa, gotta keeep threadinnngg
First good glowing webs I can remember this year. #homesteading #gosh #nature #food https://peakd.com/hive-114308/@flemingfarm/spider-webs-potato-breakfast-harvests-grilling-saturday
Involving in a campaign like the one that @leofinance is doing on #zealy is just perfect by itself for the fun & knowledge that it get & the most important is spreading the word of @hive to make it reach as much people as we can💪
Okay time for an update. Let my pull the data and see where we were the other day.
o.o ok u can do that let see if we went up or down
We the number of total threads cannot go down since it is a total.
But the increase isnt very impressive.
I see that makes sense. well just get more people and we should be good. i need to find 10 people that can write 100 a day :3 which will cover my 1000 if im unable to
Good job. Delegation is smart.
Nothing in the rules against that.
O.O ya now the problem is how do i get them here and for them to stay long-term. some i invited alr quit after a few posts
Hung out with a couple of Burners yesterday. I'm hanging out in the playa after the next bull run.
posted her thoughts on the new was taking place in Israel, now in its 1st dayHer post (EN-DE) appears in the #freecompliments community
Link to post in reply:
I also get into the "October Race to 5000 HBD". Joined #zealy Not sure where I would land after 40 days. But the mission will keep me going #hive #community #leo
any here live in Newfoundland and Labrador?
you should start a meet up in Corner Brook to showcase Hive
I will :)
1/2 Sábado de Hiverun 💪 sudando la gota gorda 😅 // Hiverun Saturday 💪 sweating it out @enovf en #fulldeportes
Activada y en forma saludos amiga
I like pure black coffee, to perceive all the intensity of its flavor; also, because it gives me courage every morning.
I got this from @hivebuzz . thank you all that are voting on my posts.
It is the first of many. You will get more and your profile will fill up. There are dozens of different ones along with ones given at each level.
Stay active.
Thank you for the guides. I'm motivated to do more.
Yeah. You can see they exist for votes made, received, comments, posts, and a host of other things.
They keep moving up in level as you progress along.
Learning through the process is interesting. Thank you for all the headsup.
It is a way to gamify our activity. You can also look at your profile and it tells you threads, comments and upvotes you made on threads.