There are 4 pages

[@PowerPaul:] Sometimes I don't have fancy screenshots of #cryptocompany because "just" programming/optimizing stuff in the background. And bam: you have to fix next things/relations because of your changes/optimization. #NotFunButNeeded

I am looking for a man by the name of @khaleelkazi. If you know his whereabouts, Send him this way. We have some business to discuss regarding video editing.

I would fire him a DM on discord. Send one to @anomadsoul too. That is the best way to get a hold of him.

Thanks, I did, but I'm guessing he's hella busy right now. Sending @anomadsoul a friend request on Discord and tagging. Maybe he can relay the message.

Khal can be tough to get a hold of. But keep tagging him and dropping him DMs in discord.

In other words, bother the shit out of him.

I think it worked. Thanks for the advice :)

Good deal. I hope you can come to an agreement.

Hear he's on the blockchain somewhere. Maybe wait for the next block...

Just replied to him. Wait, he is right there under your nose!

😅 Hey, that's not Clint!

Khal you better come prepared because I think he means business

You got that right.

I mean business.

I'm not angry though; just serious.

you can find him on discord 😁

I sent him a DM on Discord. I'm also putting the word out so he knows I'm looking for him

I don't think that's the right tag, my friend.

Hmm okay

New update live for Labs

Few tweaks to the For You algo and we also made the 3 dots menu on Mobile a lot cooler

Nice one, this is cool.

Glad you like it!

Yea, it signifies growth and advancement in our universe here on hive.

Thank you for letting us know and keep up all the gud werk!

i am loving this new updates

Keep updating it.

How quickly does the machine learning engine progress? How much do we need to feed into it?

#gmfrens It's not easy being green

WWhat a beautiful sight to behold

Not easy fren lol

Gud morning, Nope, not easy being green.

Someone just asked me what I was doing lately and I told them about LEO

They’re like “oh you’re still doing crypto? I didn’t know that was possible”

Bear market is still here frens. Just strap in and wait

yep, same when talking with old friends.

haha so funny

Yeah, the mindset such as that someone has toward crypto is just crazy! I bet people thinking like that jumped in at ATHs while not realizing that the building should be done before the moon.

Yeah as soon as we see an ATH, we'll see the sentiment come right back

For sure!

we are not stopping even during bear market. We will keep going

LOL people really have no idea what is taking place.

Leo's first #DHF report is live

We outpaced the onboarding target and spent 11.7x less than expected

this is incredible Boss, exceeding the target figure in the onset meaning that more fish will get in the net in days to come 💪

When rebrand? Think leofinance (and HIVE) gets even more users when leofinance becomes a general site.

Doing well so far. Time to kick the numbers up even higher.

Good evening did your days go today hope you all had a nice one today.Didnt do much my self was jux at home all day taking care of my little brother who is not feeling ok#mydiary

Had a nice day, everything went as planned. Speedy recovery to kid bro and both of you a peaceful and enjoyable evening!

Thank you so much and happy to hear.
Have a peaceful evening as well

how is your own day going

Trying to meet up to come and cook and do thread

Not really easy right?

Too many times of multi-tasking! It hasn't been easy and rosy for me either. Working offline and managing my online activity can be really stressful. Keep it up lioness!! Thread fiercely!!

Like not easy at all but we gatz to hustle


I couldn't do it. I'm outvoted 40% to 30% but won't bet the $88. I bet $16 instead. And put another $100 on the NYG moneyline for myself.

Maybe the QB will not score and blow the spread.

That never happens does it?

Only when Vegas wants it to.

Amazing how gambling is illegal in these sports yet these sports advertise gambling.

Pete Rose shakes his head.

Pete Rose shakes his head.

in shame

Nah. He has no remorse...or conscious.

Have to have one of them to have shame.

the amount of new users on Hive the past month is insane... Probably nothing though...

just a coincidence...

has to be. No other explanation. 😂

The X made account wallets not working though I think it's super important with the push right now to get it sorted sooner

we need this #feedback. Open bug report tickets in discord. Send screenshots

I brought it up a while back was told that keys and wallet are coming soon for the x made accounts but I suppose I will do another report see if there are any updates

yep, I know that feature is in the works

But that's what the zealy campaign was aimed at.

More will still get onboard in months to come

of course

See how many stay...

of course, probably around 15% stay

I am sure that is because of some of the Hive whales.

maybe. Or my feet. Who knows

Well that was a great selling point.

🧵 The reason why I want witnesses to be required to publish a single article each month and tie it to their witness leaderboard page is so that people can better be informed as to what each one is doing. It doesn't take that much time.

I am not sure if it should be obligatory, but it would be great if there was more information to the users of this platform about how important it is to vote for witnesses.

not obligatory for sure but at least to me to get my vote moving forward I think it's going to be something I look for. Otherwise I legit have no idea what the heck you're doing and a vast majority of others don't know either

You simply can't just expect people who have Hive powered up to go on the hunt and try and figure out what a witness is doing. It needs to be front and cent and easy to find.

If you feel you're unable as a witness to take maybe at max a hour to write one article a month to tell me what you've done well then I'm sorry to say personally I feel I'm unable to give you my vote.

I don't think it should be a requirement, but if I don't know anything about them, they don't get my vote that's for sure.

oh I totally agree it shouldn't be a requirement. Simply that it would be nice and something that at least for myself personally will be looking for.

I like seeing them post I won't lie!

Today's Thread has been postponed until further notice.

Will further notice be given via a thread?

There will be an announcement announcing when the announcement will be announced. Please remain patient.

Patiently missing an announcement in sum other thread... or was it the announcement?

Aye Aye Captain.

I will patiently thread waiting for the announcement. But first I need the announcement of how it will be announced.

It'll be a Threads exclusive event.

Mine too. Postponed to another today.

Thanks for the heads up

Thanks for your understanding. Things should be back to normal, at some normal point in the future.

Excellent news!

Question for my American friends, did I got this right?

#crypto #elections

The last two administrations werent friendly to it so on the surface, neither.

But Trump seems to be involved now. But Kennedy has come out in favor of it in a big way.

I remember Trump talking negatively about crypto in the past... but talking and doing are of course two very different things.

Bobby Kennedy Jr is by far the best candidate period. Im not sure his views on crypto. Im not a political person but Trump and Biden do nothing but divide the country.

I remember Kennedy being actually very pro Bitcoin. Have to find out more about his views!

I know he is against the Pharma companies having free reign to poison people for profit and has spoke out agains the bureaucracy going as fas a saying the CIA assassinated his uncle. If he is willing to call out the B S i am all for him .

Sounds like a stand up, good guy. Hoping all the best for him.

Hello, my friend Bruno sends you a warm greeting.

My regards to Bruno. He must be gentle, his face tells it. Thanks for this beautiful capture.

Bruno has got to be the most adorable looking dog ever. Looks well taken care of. And look at those gorgeous eyes. What breed is this?

I love 🥹

I’m a big fan of dogs. You have a good looking dog, he looks so innocent but I am sure he is troublesome 😂

Say hi to Bruno too

Consider it done, it was just a moment of rest. 😅

It's a warm greeting, but also a very disciplined one.... hahahaha.... It's very funny to see him very erect waiting for you to take the picture. My cat doesn't do that, unless she's conveying a lot of displeasure to me with her gaze :)

Hahaha, he spent hours burning energy until he got into position for the photo :)

Ciao Bruno.

This is one of the busiest road in my state cause it's a major road that leads to the Federal Capital Territory. I wonder why it's this quiet today. #mydiary

Today is monday and public holiday, maybe people are probably having a nap


yea I guess so

it looks a bit calm

Yes it does

the amount of hate for Thorchain on X right now is wild. Why?

Because hackers moved stolen funds through its decentralized cross-chain pools.

Do these dense fucks not realize that millions of dollars are laundered through fiat daily?

Just sounds like Thorchain is doing it job...

You're either permissionless or you're not,

yep, this was my argument. Sounds like it's working as intended without missing a beat.

Purpose accomplished.

the sad thing is that the virtue signaling is obvious. They should have used another “excuse”. They are inadvertently giving THORChain good pr

it's like a big flashing sign saying "working as intended, carry on"

This news is true, I have not read anything about it, it is something serious what you are reporting my friend.

not really lol

It's called permissionless for a reason

Crying to understand tech as opposed to trying?

Went snail hunting, here's what I got #mydiary

they look so huge


my best type of meat. But way too expensive now. You have to be rich to eat this

Major system outage for normie work, I guess they don't want me back yet lol

Hhahahah welp, guess we have to rest xD


That is okay. You didnt want to be back.


Tea is my regular drink which make me energetic and feel refreshed. I am not an addicted one but I take 2 times at least in a day. What about yours?

The tea is very good. And I agree with you, consuming it more than once a day does not necessarily turn us into addicts. We just like it and have the joy of enjoying it frequently. Nice photo

Do you by any chance drink your tea with milk? It's only that way that a tea (like the one in your picture) would look like. I usually drink red fruit tea and green tea is my favorite, the best thing there is for the stomach.

You guessed right. Milk and sugar mixed there. And it's my favorite type of tea

A bump in the road? LOL

I went there to visit the place and I went to the top of the hill which you can see here.

What is on the other side?

Well, I think you're close to an addicted one for taking it twice a day 😂 nice tea shot by the way.

firstly it is only rich kids that take tea and not just once but twice a day wow, lol just kidding well as for me i only take tea when im eating but i love water more than anything.

  • hahaha 😂😂
    Two time a day and you are not addicted? Lol
    It's my favourite drink too

what happens if you were offered syphilis or herpes as @taskmaster4450le said

This one really cracked me up. I was expecting a twist but not something out of

Lol I thought it will be "Make lemonades with the lemons", funny one.

Olá meu nome é Gustavo, e esse foi um teste para a criação de uma conta nova utilizando o X!

Fala Gustavo! Seja bem vindo. Como você chegou até a Hive?

Yesterday I was complaining that it was too hot. Today I'm complaining that it's too cold and raining all the time. I just don't want to spend all day drying the floor. Good morning, yes, I have a leaky roof. #gmfrens

!LOLZ are you British? That’s the national trait to complain 😉😅

I always try to use the word mucho around my Spanish-speaking friends.
It means a lot to them.

Credit: reddit
@roadstories, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fantagira7


Lol man is indeed insatiable 😂😂

Sorry about your roof though

It has hardly rained here today, so it has been a bit warm. Good morning, let's hope it stops raining soon.

Lol story of my side too, it gets so hot here recently but I can still remember how freezing it was some days ago 😅

Oops, sorry about that. The rainy season will soon end. You should also get it fixed soon because it's not easy drying the floor always.'s absolutely normally!
Humans request a lot of things and they're quite naggy. If only the weather was a human we would have collected lots of punishment for disturbing lmao 😂 😂 😂

Oh, that's certainly uncomfortable. I honestly love it when it rains but I'm imagining how it would feel if I had to deal with a leaky roof. Hope you're alright.

This looks like my life, although I doubt I would complain about the cold and the rain, I love both, but I do hate the leaks in my house!

Do you think retail investors will have an impact on the future of crypto? Why?

#hive #leofinance

Yes. Because they have the funds to buy up large parts of the crypto market.

hmmm never thought about that

Well there you have something to reflect on, you can also read my last post, where I talk about the topic.

My best food is catfish pepper soup, 😋 and am very happy that I know how to prepare it very well

I love soup, I have tried catfish soup many times and I like it. But I had never heard about soup with pepper. Maybe with a lot of chili or spicy, but I've never added pepper to fish.

Hahahahah hahahahah, we call it pepper soup because it has a lot of pepper

wow, you must be a good cook beauty, I also love pepper soup but catfish pepper soup are always a hassle for me, bones everywhere lol, I don’t think I love catfish pepper soup so much but I love pepper soups in general, keep enjoyin my dear

So what protein do you like for your pepper soup

I prefer cowskin or the intestines of goat pepper soup

This looks delicious. I used to not eat catfish when I was little but overtime I have come to appreciate it's unique and brilliant taste.

well i just want you to know that someone is already salivating for the pepper soup and once it is done please call me to come over to eat, thanks in advance.

Hahahahah it really came out well, come and join me.

hello hivers happy tto be here, heard this is a wonderful space where everyone is loving, friendly and really accepting

you heard right! keep threadin and welcome! !PGM !Gif community

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP tokens

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Power back on.

Is anyone out there from the #spanish community that want to do a speaking club so we help each other with our English practice?
English speakers welcome to help and to practice Spanish if you would like to...

Hi there Jessica, I want it, it's necessary the practice, so it makes teachers. Whether we can have the support of some natives would be amazing. If it is unpossible with they then let's do it the same way.

It would be great to set times for people to show up. I know a method I liked, it's on a paid site but you only pay because they provide the spot for people to meet, we could do it without that

which is the site? And what things are they offering? For now, I propose telegram, video or audio, what do you think?

then you chat about it. It doesn't matter if the topic looks boring. I had an interesting conversation with a Taiwanese about windows xD

I've just seen the site and seem friendly and nice, besides it has a free option for 4 community meeting, We can start with that. I'd like to know what you think about it.

The original site is called "speaking club" hhaha and what they do is to have already a list of topics so you don't need to worry about making conversation, you just read the questions there, the other person answer

And their meetings were on zoom. I like zoom or google-meetings because we can just drop a link and people can join with not even logging if we set the options that way

Good evening guys it's been a while 🤠
Am on my way home so I took this photo of nature 🤩

oh dang that sky looks amazing!

Really amazing

nature is beautiful

So so beautiful

I failed to mention this bug.

Sometimes our threads even without links don't appear in profile and also on feed.

#bugs #feedback

That's exactly what I'm experiencing now. I have be looking for al my replies today but I can't find any. Please this should be fixed.

ooh! I thought am the only one that experiencexperiences this

Facing the same issue from yesterday. I couldn't find my threads on my profile. I have to visit the threads I replied to get my reply.

There's a thread I need to edit from September 4th which I can't access via LeoThreads. Although I can edit this thread using other front-ends, I'm afraid of making the thread inaccessible by LeoThreads later. For now, I'll leave it as-is.

This is just magnificent 👏 honestly

Seeing those bright clear skies is a relieve and the tempered breezes, oh my goodness. Today's weather was a blessing.

Wow I love this, I'm always fascinated by cloud shots, the sky is so bright and lovely!

so so lovely

Yeah 🤓

yes of course

look at how beautiful this picture look, where do you take the picture and which phone? it looks so captivating

is just one local phone like that

is it day time at your place already or this is a picture taken before

As I said earlier (and yesterday) with the For You on labs, it is vital to keep adding threads to feed the algo. It will only improve the more we put in.

Engage Engage Engage.

On Android? I don't even see a lab..

Log in the same as always and the for you feed will appear.

Agreed! Will make a video about Leo tonight:) just sharing my experience

Ok got it my friend, although lately I've been using Leofinance more frequently, I'm getting the hang of making threads.

thank you so much to those that attended the first @town-hall space on X!

Yeah, history in the making!

it all starts with the community

Yes! Still, this one of those 'why didn't we do this earlier' moments


#outreach #threadstorm

Privacy in our life is very important and I think life will be like hell if there exists no privacy. Don't you think so?



I have written a post about it and I hope you will enjoy reading it. So you are invited to read it


Without privacy, we may need to face financial insecurity which is very natural. Sometimes we need to face embarrassing situations also and sometimes it can be life-threatening if there exists no privacy.

Writing the revised and updated mission statement for LeoFinance

This will get released on the day the new brand name goes live. Be ready.

We are all waiting with excitement! Is there something you guys are good at is building hype with the Soon 🔜

Appreciate Leo is taking creator friendly approach :)

Waoooo, Finally.

It's zombie season! And within the community
at #Hive we're celebrating. In this post I answer questions for the ongoing initiative.

Get involved before time runs out!

Link in the 🧵

I thought this would be a post about zombiecoin lol. I still click that game every once in awhile

Ha ha ha. I don't know what zombiecoin is but it sounds interesting.

tHis is my first thread how can I get my keys

which keys?

private keys

#boardgame on #threads (10/2)

Pick 1 # 1-4.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

*Reward to least picked # (1-4). +/-10/7

Last week game reward 0.01 $LEO each: @lordshah @luchyl (X2) @pepetoken @solymi #gaming #leofinance

I pick number 1..


Thanks for the prize



Dear @boardgame, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @luchyl.

@boardgame! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (3/5)

Reading is a great investment, it helps in learning new things and acquiring new ideas, but reading without learning,and acquiring is a waste of time.

Reading is also a great asset that makes one valuable. When you read, you are accumulating information that could be turned into a valuable asset

Absolutely, and the information gotten will deliver you from some difficulties in the future.

Well said friend

Last day of #zealy campaign and I might just be able to reach the 2k XP 😁 Just a few more hustles to complete. How are you guys doing with the quests?
#outreach #threadstorm 1/🧵

In those last days I somehow managed to climb into top100, which was a nice surprise for me


ho yeah it is the last day, how come you should have got more than 2k xp, or do you started late?

Yeah, I was a few days behind everyone and also took me a while to find new fren to join, so a few more days delay on daily quests 🤷🏻‍♀️

Ho now I understand, I hope you make it

Congratulations that you were able to reach 2000XP 👏

Thank you 🙏 Still a few small quests to get there, but I’m almost there 😁

I also managed to dig up and finish my spring walk draft on my main account 😁

#gosh #hivegarden

hmmmmmm honestly it has been hectic and hellish, the last three days has been crazy, I am only left with an X influencer of 5k followers, other tasks are completed, I hope we get to loot sth tomorrow

It's been a tasking one I must say but we've done our best. Big congratulations to us 😆

I'm working hard not to fail at the last minute... only one of the tasks I have left to do worries me, the rest are mastered.

I´m number 21 right now.

1 🧵. Here is a 'Threadstorm' on India's own CBDC and people ignorance about digital currency. Would you like to add any point? #threadstorm #outreach #feedback

2 🧵. The ignorance about crypto makes people unaware about pilot phase of digital currency in India. There are lot of doubts and faq on people mind. I am doing my part, woukd you like to add anything ?

I planned to focus more on books this month. This is my first book for the month. My sister got it for me.

Normally I would go for fictional novels, but you know I wanna get rich, haha

#gmfrens #books

thats a good habit to form. I can't remember the last time I read. I rely more on podcasts.

Haha. I rather paperback books I kinda concentrate, unlike ebooks.

I usually listen to podcast but not recently.

#Good Morning everyone. I took this photo in school today. The photo looks amazing still surprised my phone captured it.

School????, looks very cool like a beach or something.

yea I guess it is a beach

this is looking so fresh

Good evening everyone. I took this photo in school today. The photo looks amazing still surprised my phone captured it.

it really looks so fresh


Current pot $216

Tonight's bet $88

Current votes on Tonight's game

Seattle 3 votes for 40%

NYG 3 votes for 30%

That leaves 3 of you out there..


You have been outvoted. But I still believe.

Oooooo! Oh well I will see the result from you I am sure!

I am picking the Giants to win by 2. But I took the points

Phew who the hell would back any of these xD

But I gotta say Seahwaks just because I don't see the giants doing anything this season

Tune into ESPN tonight and watch the Giants do something. Or follow the tag #thenflonthreads where I'll be posting scores. And rooting for the Giants

I am rooting for a rainout. Or a blizzard.

They should try that shit the Mets did. Suspending the game as soon as they were losing.

Yes. That is one way to do it.

Call in a bomb threat.

Cryptocurrency Prices

#bitcoin #blockchain #crypto #finance #hive #leo #leofinance #web3

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

#ai #digital #hive #image #highquality #liotes #treasure

Oh hai, I do art through AI too. Which tool you use?

That saying is very true. That image truly represents that saying.

There are 4 pages