There are 3 pages

Ohhh very close to my 1000 follower goal. 🎉 😀 #follower #goal #hivegoal #raven #ravenstyle #1000

I just reached 200 this week. :)

That´s awesome congrats! =)

Thanks. It was slow going but the last five came pretty fast. Now I'm over. 😀

Congratulations in advance.

Thank you! =)

adapt or die.

No not us… You, VCs.

VC's as soon as they realize they can't buy #hive

Good to see you on threads. For a sec, I thought it's a fake Dan but well Thanks to that Rep!

Awesome man..... having you on threads is fantastic

Brian Armstrong Defies SEC, Vows To Stay In US: 'There Is No Break-Glass Plan'

The US is doing all it can to drive #crypto out. Pure foolishness.

Article inside.

🧵1. Most people don't know essential tips and strategies on how to have a profitable trade.

Most of this tips are listed below

#crypto #trade #leofinance #leocuration #leo

Mi sono appassionato al mondo della F1 sin da piccolo, all'età di 8 anni.
In foto sono io vicino alla McLaren di Ayrton Senna

Wow la mclaren di Ayrton Senna! Che tempi erano quelli in F1
Bravissimo Stefano e grazie di aver partecipato a questo contest!

Esatto Liberty, quella F1 era magica, la F1 secondo me è stata magica dal 1960 al 1994… poi qualcosa è cambiato irrimediabilmente nell’equilibrio tra competizione e business… il business ha prevalso. Senna è stato l’ultimo pilota ad andare apertamente contro la federazione, lui si accorse molto bene quanto ormai gli affari erano diventati giganteschi in quel mondo e preponderanti, valevano più della competizione stessa. Aaahh te ne potrei raccontare un sacco… scusa, torniamo alla vettura in foto… la McLaren del 1993 era una macchina tremendamente lenta, Senna la guidó nel 1993 segnando 5 vittorie dove 1 rimase un impresa leggendaria. Con questa macchina sotto la pioggia, a Donington, Senna doppió tutti tranne il secondo… ma c’è di più, andava talmente veloce sotto la pioggia che massacró tutti i treni di gomme per il bagnato e gli ultimi giri li fece con le gomme slick.

Qualche critico di automobilismo ritiene che Senna fece cose incredibili con questa autovettura. Un auto che era destinata e progettata per risparmiare soldi (insomma per perdere).

Ero troppo piccolo per viverlo, ma ho vissuto le grandi sfide tra Schumacher e Villenueve

Bench... ti perdono per quello che hai scritto. Scherzo dai!!! Per me dopo Senna, la F1 si puó cancellare preticamente tutta tranne l'era Schumaker - Hakkinen. Che comunque anche quella sfida non fu nulla a confronto con le grandi sfide Jim Clark/Graham Hill, Lauda/Hunt, Villeneuve/Pironi, Senna/Prost. Senza parlare di quel matto di Bruce McLaren che sfidó l’impossibile. McLaren da giovane voleva costruire una macchina da F1 e vincere un gran premio con la sua macchina. Sembra impossibile ma ci riuscì. Così ora conosci le origini primordiali di quella McLaren che vedi in foto

Non sono molto appassionato di motori in effetti 😅

Dai scusa… ti ho messo paura, peró quello che ho scritto potrebbe risultare anche a te se un giorno vedrai documentari sulla F1.

Ma no, figurati, per me le corse della domenica erano una scusa per stare sul divano e passare un po' di tempo con papà che puntualmente si addormentava dopo 20 minuti di corsa 😜

Two new members mentioned they just joined the Pepe (token) community. So sent them 100 $PEPE each. Always try to thank blockchain accounts for their support, such as initial upvotes. Especially during Pepe's early journey here.

Busy day. Renovating

That looks like hard work. I will stick with my keyboard.

Sticking with the keyboard warrior role. Heaviest lifting is a bag with lap top in it.

Hahaha 🤣 it very hard work, I was just sitting look on boys working, I'm internet lazy guy. Lol

Just bought about 310 LEO and powerup

Good job. Great to see you doing that. That will help your curation a bit.

Thanks man

Good job! WIth more LEO and curation, you'll earn more over time.

Nice one! It's a good start and it'll be a good feeling to start getting curation rewards

@Zahidsun is flexing! Who's going to challenge him!?

is threading running slow or It's the network issues of mine?

Seems fine for me

Then it may be the connectivity problem here

Must be on your end. No difference on mine.

Hmm. It was raining all day long and it can be a reason of connectivity problem. I hope it will be fine very soon.

its working fine here, seems issue at your end, maybe its your internet connection issue.

It can happen because today it was raining all the day and such kind of thing is normal in rainy day.

Did you get #worldcoin ?


LOL No chance.

So you are not interested ?

Did you? I'm not interested in that kind of product

Even I'm not interested because it can be risky as they store biometric. Its a future threat I think

I have no interest at this time. That could change depending upon security, use case, etc., in the future. I have learned to 'never say never' as things evolve and can become usefull.

right at this time its a security risk..

I don’t think it’s in Nigeria yet

ok once its there then would you go for it ?

I don’t think so, maybe for $10k

Picked a bird nest on my walk today.

#naturelovers #pepetoken #threads247

That's a good sign

A good sign for what

It looks like a basket nest. 🤔

Yeah, it does.

There were plenty of them on the palm tree.

Ooohh. Do you have any idea what kind of bird it is? A picture of the builder would be awesome. 😃

No I couldn't capture the birds because they are far up the tree.

#sketchbook Have I portrayed my little darling well? Do you like the reduced style? #liotes #morticia #drawing #berlin

I can see the resemblence! Tongue is out in the sketch so looking happier :)

Yes, you are right. He was a bit surprised when I shot the photo, and I like him happy all the time 😉

Well, that explains it! 😊

If it looks like a dog, it must be a dogg.

Dog it is then! Btw, Snoop not high or anything in that GIF...😅

Snoop high? No way.

Maybe he was just a bit tired 🙄... Now his happy!

Very cute.

It is always great to see the work of people on here. Thanks for posting that.

You are skilled.

Thank you for your comment and these nice #freecompliments

Was on the other side, Publish0x, for a while but now back here at home.

Do you often share your Hive posts on other platforms?

I clicked on something and ended up at this site. I wondered why I was not signed in because I am usually signed in automatically to Leo. . .

So this is threads.


Welcome to the Madhouse.

This is threads indeed. Welcome :)

Welcome 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

Sir welcome to threads.

Welcome! This where all the cool kids hang out 😀

I am checking what this looks like on hiveblocks. I don't want to interrupt my series of posts. (not a good reason not to post, I know)

Hmm... Not sure what you mean? Threads don't appear on your blog or posts.

I see... They appear on Hive as comments and replies. That is clever!

You seem pretty active here on #threads - are you on the developer team?

Nah, just an average, active user. 😊 But I agree, that is a clever system. With some other Hive dapps like Reverio and dBuzz, for example, it was kinda... well, if I asked a question on Reverio it was shown as a post and being a single line made it look a little spammy on my feed! 😅

Nah, just an average, active user. 😊 But I agree, that is a clever system. With some other Hive dapps like Reverio and dBuzz, for example, it was kinda... well, if I asked a question on Reverio... was shown as a post and being a single line made it look a little spammy on my feed 😅

Ha ha, indeed

:D That's us!

Obviously :)

We now have light after almost 3 months

#thread #web3

wow feeling..

Hahaha... Yes....

Heavy rain, Berlin.


HOST: @fokusnow.


In less than 2 hours, It will start.

you are all invited. Lets discuss, argue to learn which strategies help you personally

#threadstorm #finance #crypto #money #talkingpoint

Making money or saving money which is which , come join us on #talkingpoints

You can't save any money if you don't make any money.

#photograhy #decluttering more #streetart in #brighton #uk. I didn't notice the traffic cone when I tool the pic so this one is going too. #declutter #life

Drexel basketball player found dead in campus apartment.

Terrence Butler, a junior, was found unresponsive.

There is too much of this going on.

Article inside.

Athletes, post COVID. 🤔🤔 Where they vaccinated? It has already been proven the vaccine causes heart problems. 🤔🤔🤔

Today $LEO powerup 18.138

why do I see 0.06 cents at ?

I think this $LEO is fetched from somewhere else, Coingecko perhaps, and that 0.06 is the price its trading on Hive-engine.

That makes sense.

wdym ?

hivestats is where I usually check the leo price but apparently its price feed is not up to date

best is to look bid/sell on hive-engine

#photograhy #decluttering not sure why I took this one. I was lying on the beach and put my feet in the air. Another one for the bin 😂 #declutter #life

I'm curious to know

If you guys "Follow #Influencers in #Crypto"?

I'm writing a long form on this... I guess it'll be an interesting read for ya!

I don't follow anyone though, but I know some people who are following hard after influencers


Hard after influncaaarz "ah that never ends well.

It mostly end in tears.

Nope, I'm not the influenceable type.

I follow few legit ones

Legit one's are rare!

I know phew.

Not really... I mostly get my information on LeoFInance

oh that's Great!

Hehe, I found it's great to share infos here.

Genesis League Goals Has An Improved Landing Page Now. Gameplay should soon be available making $SPS and $GLX HODLers very happy.

need 1$ GLX plz

This will most probably happen.

making cards buyer happy too

How many of you use Waka spiritblade in battle? . Today I used him in a match and luckily won that. checkout the battle : #spt #splinterlands

I honestly don't think I own one

Well !! happy to know that 😀

lol I had forgotten about that promo. Is he still dishing out good I heard some rather mixed that it wasn't a great card?

Well indeed it's one of the worst summoner in splinterlands, but in certain situation it can be good, such as here I used it because of low mana game & the aimless rule, the poison affect worked pretty well here.

Unfortunately I don't have the Waka spiritblade card, but I would love to have one. Congrats, nice victory.

Waka is not that much good card, so I would not suggest any one to spend money on him. thanks #splinterlands

Seems someone went crazy upvoting on lots of threads yesterday to try it out moar and share moar upvotes. May break from upvoting a little longer and resume in a few hours to charge up some moar.

I only upvote what I read and comment on. I do read and not upvote if I feel it is opposite of my thoughts.


Usually about what I do as well. Sometimes spread votes a little more as a way for upvotes to say Hello. Sometimes I don't always feel a need to comment. Maybe I should though to have strong linkage through my voting. :)

I feel that in commenting it lets the writer know I didn't just randomly vote on it, that I actually read it.

My notifications went blank, cannot reply. Anyone else?


Mine are fine, but it's usually local and a node issue, not a frontend issue.

Cool, thanks

1/3 🧵 Post through the Pepe token community and earn $PEPE tokens!

Moar in post in 1st reply..

What type of post do you receive in the community?

I can't do meme post.

Open to receive posts beyond memes. Understood meme post is not for everyone.

Open to anything you love. Anything in written form that goes beyond what a meme would express such as fun(ny), informative, life, love, & moar. Most anything.

Great, I will try to post in the community for a test

2/3 🧵

What may be posted?

This has been a recent question. With the philosophy of #pepe being that of love, you are moar than welcome to post whatever you would love to that you love in your life beyond that of just #memes.



Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France?
There was nothing left but de Brie.

Credit: reddit
@luchyl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken



#news Giveaway by Kai Cenat, Twitch streamer, has apparently turned into mass riot at Union Park Square at Manhattan, involving hundreds of youths.

bought a suit for wedding. 880€. Thats nearly 2500 Hive!

For that kind of things is better rent one.

that ain't nothing

Wow. That's a lot of Hive. Must look good!

if i needed to buy one i would buy a used suit for maybe €10-15. As it happens i have one i bought about 25 yrs ago which is perfectly good except it's too big now, i lost a lot of weight, but could get it taken in.

its expensive

Let's pick the Ladies of Hive AUTHOR OF THE WEEK. The Poll ends on Sunday at 23:59 PST. #topauthors #leofinance #ladiesofhive #hive


Great, and THANK YOU, @devania !

Good luck everyone!

Picked mine!!!😁

done voting.. good luck to the four nominees..

Good luck to all four.

Last meeting of the day finished.

My morning was back to back meetings

Meetings about meetings again... 😉

Meetings. The biggest waste of time in business.

yep, especially in person meetings

I've got one in an hour and a half. It's literally about nothing. That's the best part


The replies to this thread will contain the links to the writings of the authors.

#topauthors #hivenaija #pidgin

I just expanded the #leoglossary page for stablecoin.

And so are you, you gorgeous human being. 😃

Awwwn, I'm blushing 🤭

Thank you

Goood this is an important topic.

how's it going with you?

My passion is blogging, sharing information and learning from other. HIVE has made information totally independent and today information pays us back.

You had a great passion my friend. Keep it hope, I love what you're doing here

Nice pic! Keep Blogging and Learning my dear Stephano!

Thanks for your kind words. I also learned many things on this platform

Let me know your opinion on the above issue. Lets do #talkingpoint #threads247

If am not to take a stand I would say both are important to financial freedom. @fokusnow

I think you are absolutely right. So if we are to place them in order, which do you thing should come first - making or saving money?

Most times we can't really choose which comes first some money comes with out us making it so we save it and start making money. Then some times we make money not even from savings and begin to save some and make more money

Do you think that budgeting can help one to save more?

But how does this apply to cryptocurrency?

in crypto currency one must understand that both saving money and making money is a function of cryptographic knowledge. Because in crypto currency money takes different forms and turns

A total different from, but how can you save your crypto, ist trading with it or just leaving it in your digital wallet?

Not all coins requires trading.. And even at all you intend to trade you should know how to trade.. And be ready to stake money and also be ready to lose money

Really? So there are some coins you can't trade, I never knew?

I'll say making money #talkingpoint

OK dear for me is still

Spending less than what you make is more important but not a firm promise of being rich. #talkingpoint

You mean one should try not to spend more then their income right?

Spending more than what you earn makes you a debtor. #talkingpoint

if you don't spend less you will apparently be left with nothing

If you don't save, you'll have nothing to fall back to in need. #talkingpoint

#talkingpoint yes especially during emergency

Savings is very important. #talkingpoint

I can never keep what I don't have or is that possible? #talkingpoint

Making and saving goes together. Isn't that what you're trying to say?#talkingpoint

That's it, so they now work hand in hand

is there any firm promise of making rich anywhere?


Are you saying that making money is not all that important?

Did I?#talkingpoint

The number one building block of financial success is Saving. #talkingpoint

Really? What type of savings are you talking about?

i don't think saving gives more I think investment gives more money especially long term investment.

Exactly saving from what you make

'ecan you save what you don't have?

What do you think of making and not saving?#talkingpoint

Thats illiteracy at work and it must surely lead to the spirit of poverty.

Do you think Saving makes on rich?#talkingpoint

Hahaha, see question!! If you think saving is waste of time, try ignorance. Yes, keep on making money without saving any. Poverty is knocking, do you want to open door for it?

well the truth is that you can save what you don't have so I will say that the both works hand in hand, you make money then you save.

So if you are to them in order, making the money should come first right?

yes make money then chop small and save small

Yeah, they both work hand in hand, accumulating and saving

Making money and saving money are both important as they contribute to wealth growth, you can't get rich without saving money and how can you save when you don't

So which of them should you do more - Saving more money, or making more money?

I honestly think you should save as you earn

No one gives out knowledge that you don't have so you must gain because you give likewise you must make money before you save

Quite agree with you

Are you saying the co-exhist? #talkingpoint

Yes, I honestly don't think you can use up all the money you have at once, it's always using some and keeping some or do you think otherwise?

Some people don't believe in savings, they say they'll always make. Have ever heard people talk that way?#talkingpoint

Saving a percentage of what you make is making payment to yourself first. #talkingpoint

So for each income, I need to bring out a percentage to save right? I believe there is short term savings and long term savings right?

I think the percentage should be in uniform and there's long and short term saving, the choice is up to the individual.#talkingpoint

Between making money and saving money, I think the most important of the two is making money.

Both work together because if so not save you won't invest and if you do not make money you won't save

Yes. Building wealth should involve making and saving. But if I may ask, which should is the fastest way to grow wealth - Saving more or making more?

Only that cannot make you rich. Making money without save will make work without result

Yea, I can clearly detect an atom of truth here. Because, it's only when you make money that you'll save. So, the first step is Make money

Yeah, I have reads book of many rich people, none of them got rich just by saving, them kept investing their earnings.


No one is less important, the both work for our betterment. You make money and also save. You cannot save what you don't have also you have to saveti make more investment

Thats is right. But then, what are some things that make it hard to save money consistently?

Indiscipline. Problem no dey finish ooo
Am also on this table

I think making money is the most important, I'll state my reasons soon

Oh, this is really a nice view point. Let me wait for your reasons.

saving money simply means keeping money aside for the later use. All are important but are very intertwined

This true. But with regards inflation and many other things, is it advisable to save fiat?

it is advisable to seek financial education on how to save money.. So yes it is advisable to save money

Sincerely speaking, both are of great importance. But, when I scale both, I found out that making money is more important than saving money, while, saving money makes you richer.

So you will actually put more effort in making more money abi?

Yea because it's only what I have that I can save

welcome back #talkingpoint

U made an interesting talk

Thanks dear fellow#talkingpoint member

So I say and I Stan that both are necessary for getting richer

Money does not come down from heaven, hence we must struggle to accumulate money then we can decide whether to save or not

That is right. But then, some people attempt to earn more money and spend a lot. Where others, earn less money but save more. What do you think of the two approaches

You know many may decide to spend just the same way they earn extravagantly while others are conscious of their spendings in order to save for rainy days #talkingpoint

So we need to watch how we spend right? Will making a budget help?

Hajaja, so, which do you do?

honestly, both are of high value because they do work shoulder to shoulder. Yes, if you want to be rich in life, you need to make money and then save

As we are talking about saving money, I know you do save. What methods are you using to save?

i do save in hbd, HP, Leo, layer2 tokens. Let's just say in crypto

That is the best. I do not save money in the bank. Do you?

I tInk it's making money because you can't save money without having

You are absolutely right. Now, saving more money, and making more money, which should be done more?

Making more money. As I make more money I will have to also save more money

that's the point you cat save empty pocket

Yea that's true do you know that some people make more money and still tend to loose them in future because of unnecessary spending?

thats the point, you should know that you have to stop at some point and save more

You think what of making money? #talkingpoint

If you don't make money, how do you expect to save? #talkingpoint

Hahahaha. One cannot save what they do not have. Isn't it?

You got my point clearly, it's impossible to keep what you know you don't have, hence the first step is get it first then you save

Do you think it's possible to make money without saving? What's your opinion? #talkingpoint

same thing applies to making money, making money is important but knowing how to actually make that money is important esle you end up losing money instead of making money

That is right. We need to create an income avenue right? But when it comes to savings, why is it so hard to save money, especially for young people?

Making money and saving it goes hand in hand, you can't save what you don't have. #talkingpoint

I wonder why saving money is so difficult. Why?

I made this one,I will still make another and continue to make, makes it difficult.#talkingpoint

I stopped saving money in the bank since i came into crypto.

Are you saying you invested in crypto or saving in it?#talkingpoint

I invested in crypto because it is yielding passive income. What do you think about it compared to savings?

Is saving same as investing?#talkingpoint

Because there are a whole lot to do, so many bills to pay

That is so true? So how can we manage to have some savings with so much bills to pay

Now what about making crypto and saving crypto which one is more important

Balancing the two is necessary because on the surface it may seem as if making money makes one richer but it's not, rather making money and putting it to good use like investing then saving the profits can add to one's wealth

I think I prefer investing than saving. What do you think?

Investing is great, what do you do with the profits generated from your investment, reinvest?

And what kind of investment are we talking about

Thats my daughter talking. You're the real matured daughter of your mother. But, while doing so, always shift small for me your mama oo. Am hungry

I go with making money. Is better to invest money and make more money than saving it. No one has ever become rich by saving.


Making money is important. You make it and then decide what to do with it. But then, some people believe that saving consistently for years can make one rich.

I don't believe that saving a lot can make one rich

So after making money, what next?

what saving in Crypto and saving in bank which do you think is best?

What do you do with the profits generated from your investment?

What about incases of emergency like occurance of natural disasters where money is important for survival, don't you think your savings will help?

This topic is really important because alot of people are very confused on which area to go on with. Some people are struggling with making money and saving money. Even countries are struggling between making money and saving money

Should we save money in a bank?

Banks are wolves in sheep clothing, Banks will claim they love you but don't have you at heart. All they are interested in their profit

Hahahaha. That is true. I only use the bank to swap my tokens to local currency. I change on demand. I do not keep money in the bank

many people don't know this. This is why I tell people financial education begins with crypto academy. The interest at bank is not always the focus when it comes to saving money in the bank because the interest is as good as

Banks dont even pay anything. Everyone that has not joined crypto yet is still a modern slave to our financial institutions

uhm for me it's a two Way thing if you know about crypto you can invest on it buh if you don't you can keep uIt in the bank

Saving can also go a long way. It helps to prepare for buisness opportunities if any

That is really true. But is it advisable to save money in the bank?

I don't think so if you have an experience in investing in crypto

Saving money is effective because the resources wasted can make one rich.

#talkingpoint #finance

Compared to investing money, which do you think is the best?

What about incases of emergency like occurance of natural disasters where money is important for survival, don't you think your savings will help?

Yes, it will. I think the only reason to keep some fiat is becaause of natural disasters or things like that,

Savings can be only in fiat! A good businessman keep his assets and fund running his business for him.

Gainsin saving plan, there is an arrangement for feedings, needs and emeemergememergency

i can't even imagine making money without proper investment in other to have a reason y you make money you should have things that gives you back that money. It will show you rae growing

That is true. That is why I prefer investment to savings. So that I can always have roi

Remember that investment is not possible without savings

I think one can take a loan and invest in business right? I dont think that all investment money comes from savings.

taking loan is not making money. Its saving in advance

One invest out of savings.

Really? So you have to save first, then invest. Right? Do you save in fiat?

even in crypto, there is a provision for savings. You still have not understand what saving is all about

I have. I really appreciate the type of savings that makes more money. I think that looks like investment.

Can resources be wasted in savings please? #talkigpoint

no. Otherwise is the case.

what's your opinion on saving crypto and making crypto?

I think the right term for me is investing in crypto. I have invested some reasonable money in crypto and I get returns regularly.

Thats one good thing about investing in crypto you will be getting better returns unlike Fiat money that will vanish

And remember that inflation eats into any money you save in the bank. It looses value, right?

It loses value especially Nigerian currency
Bank will now collect half in the name of charges

Yes, apart from the charges, do you know that $1 exchanges for 861 naira today?

Do you save fiat money?

honestly am still finding my way around crypto so I still save part of my money on Fiat currency, but soon I will switch

I know you will soon change that. Fiat savings is not really a great way forward

Am done with them, they collect my money for nothing

Do you know I have several incomplete transactions till today? I think they just steal by tricks.

a popular statement says you don't save to get rich and till today no one has broken that statement

look for instance most people save money to start making money... Meanwhile other people make money and save

Yes these are two different approaches to wealth-building! I think I rather make more money first, right?

As you're making the more money will you be keeping it or using it to make more and more?

Why did you invest in crypto as a savings plan? #talkigpoint

I made my money in crypto. So I was really confident that investing in crypto will give me more money and it has.

And I believe your investment is producing a good result, that's why you've invite few friends to invest as well. Isn't that true? #talkingpoint

Yes, thats true. And many of the friends that joined me are already seeing the gain in joining crypto. Very soon you will see it too.

Do you think am among the many?#talkingpoint

Yes. You will definitely be one of the many success stories here

It is said that a stitch in time saves nine, saving leads to a bright future but that's only possible through making money first

Thats true. May I know from you why saving money consistently is even difficult?

The cares of life makes us anxious, so we have to use the little we have to sort out bills thus making saving seem impossible

I think that is the point. Another reason seem to be low income. Also when one does not have multiple income streams, it becomes difficult right?

Exactly, that's when management of funds comes in, at this point they do not have some left for savings


you don't prefer

I would say making money is the most important, I'll state my reasons

Can we hear your reasons please

Of course, first and foremost
Everything takes a gradual step, make money first and save later

Hahahah, today's#talkingpoint really makes sense. You will hear from me shortly

Are you cooking? Please put salt and pepper first before we hear from you

Loud am ooo 😂 #talkingpoint

I no get naaa #talkingpoint

You no get salt and pepper? Should I send small for you? #talkingpoint

nooo i no get

Loud wetin? You're not making any #talkingpoint. Leave me alone jooor.

Ahh, thanks for the reminder oo. You know what #thread can lead one into doing especially when it comes to#talkingpoint

My madam don land, make more money or save money for us madam 😁 #talkingpoints

Sure. As long as am by your side, we must make and save money. Hope it's our goal?

Gbam! Make more, save more #talking points

Thats our Motto. Soon, it gonna be our Tipper . . #talkingpoint not talkingpoints" f

savings has actually come through for me alot of times and can't denial the peace that comes to one when money he or she saved comes through for the person

So since I agree that this two proposals are important, I will say which one you want to do. Seek financial education.. Saving is important, however knowing how to save is very important especia/

Yes the two are very important. But with what I know about crypto investments, I stopped saving money in the bank.

Making money gives you the opportunity to increase your wealth and pursue your goals. Ultimately, I think it depends on your individual circumstances and what's important to you

why is it good to save in crypto and what are the dangers to this effect

Crypto gives guranteed passive income. For example, HBD savings pays 20% per annum. And it is a stable coin too.

Volatility is one danger of crypto savings. But when you do it with a stable coin, the danger reduces.

stable coin

Saving more makes one financial secure than making more with much spending.


Thats true does it surprise you that most people make money and still don't save?

Are they financial secure? No!


Saving is a good habit and we save from what we have made. Setting out a percentage of what we have made and investing in it on hive/crypto #talkingpoint

yea but do you know that some people make money without saving any?

My Thursday was rainy and late, but I got a few wet pictures from the evening that I hope you like, and I shared it in my Actifit report, link in reply.


When Was the Last Time you Thought about this "One Thing"

All these social platforms like "FB, X, insta, YouTube" are current "Big Thing" (multi billion $ )

But what could be the "next big thing"? Do you know any or have thought about it?

The next big thing is a killer app that put together all the features of the existing social media and much more. Leofinance can be that app if they push further the development beyond the hive ecosystem.

yeah, I believe it could be Hive as a whole!

Everything App for sure all we need is to reach to masses.

something in crypto world will become a big thing, but what idk

hive could be that thing if everything goes well and we manage to reach masses..

i don't know, maybe there is too much whale, maybe if tomrow there is a new hive fork and everyone start at low balance some more people would join without being "the lowest on the scale" idk if you get what i mean


#outreach #threadstorm

The banking system is a trap. Through the system of banks, the government is trying to control us.


Many people still think that saving money in the bank is a wise idea because of interest but they forget that their money losing its value.



I have discussed with details about it in my post. So you are invited to know about it and learn something new.

Just joined PepeToken community! Gonna start posting my funny, future memes through this one. 😊


Joined a while ago too.

Nice! Let's make it an active one!

Look forward to it! 🐸

🧵 1. Google parent Alphabet drastically reduces stake in Robinhood, 90% dumped, selling over 4.3M shares during Q2. #business

🧵 2. Robinhood's IPO struggles, but reports surprising earnings of 3 cents/share in Q2, beating estimate of 1 cent/share loss.

🧵 3. Despite profit, Robinhood's monthly active users still low, affected by controversies and meme stock scandal.

🧵 4. Alphabet also trims holdings in Duolingo and 23andMe, selling about 523K shares of Duolingo and previously holding 6.7M shares of 23andMe.

🧵 5. Alphabet still retains around 612K shares of Robinhood as of June 30th.

🧵/1 Sales of unregistered token violates investors right according to U.S SEC filing, as we have seen in the case of ripple vs SEC that dates back from 2020 to 2023 #threadstorm #outrea

🧵/2 Hex founder Richard heart is on SEC watchlist, for violating these laws and has been alleged with charges which includes introducing a high return staking feature, an extravagant lifestyle of spending investment funds and more.

🧵/3 What might likely be the end result of such allegations find out here as I digress more in this link.

Thanks for sharing your LeoFinance content on Threads! If you want this kind of posts to be eligible for curation on Leo, check out this article!

#news #movies #television Mark Margolis, actor best known for playing Hector "Tio" Salamanca in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, has died at the age 83.

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