There are 4 pages

This is cool.

Cool! That's very helpful for onboarding.


A total level up ⬆️

Well done to the team.

LeoThreads keeps getting better for us all to enjoy!

Without a doubt. It is only July. What will things look like come October?

You’re right.

it’s definitely a future to behold!

I think so. We are looking at the basis of Web 3.0

And these recommendations are based on ?

I am going to guess based upon posts or activity. But I dont know.

Lets talk. #talkingpoint. Tell me what you think about the 3 questions raised in the banner.

@taskmaster4450le, I think this is an important topic, could you please make a meaningful contribution? #talkingpoint

Yes, we really need him to join this discussion. Everyone wants to be truly successful, isn't it?

lol @taskmaster4450le your attention is needed,
@khal can also tell us more about what true success means

I cant see the discussion. Can you drop the link?

Personally, I would say true success is this feeling of genuine satisfaction and happiness derived from actualization of goals and achievements


Amazing definition. Goals must be involved right or big achievements. It means that if one did not feel great after some achievement, or it brought sadness, thats not success.

I completely agree with you, for a success to be defined as true, it must consist of the necessary attributes 👇

Diligence, harwork, happiness and the likes


I agree with you because that feeling of satisfaction gives you joy and no success is bigger than that.

hive and leofinance is not a get rich quick scheme and they don't promise instant wealth so whatever one get comes slowly and it will take time actualize whatever goal set or success point

On point
True success can never be attained through get rich quick syndrome, it comes gradually through harwork and patience

True success remains true and lasting for a long time. True success is also when you meets your goals of arriving at satisfaction. It gives you the feeling of natural achievements and happiness.

This is amazing. Someone that achieves something and it didnt last cannot be viewed as successful right? Can someone achieve true success by cheating of doing evil?

The conscience always makes it difficult to enjoy life once you're evil, so even if you do evil to make money there is no success there

That is true. I think the media is also a problem. We see movies that glorify wealth at all cost.

hmmmm so many people have stab themselves today due to what they view on social media.
Then loss the success forever

That is true. We cannot achieve true success by cutting corners. It does not last at all #talkingpoint

Of course not, true success is based on a genuine process. Wealth amassed from illegal means,cheating etc can never be categorized as true success #talkingpoint

This is so true. I think peer pressure can make people try to be like their friends that did illegal things to make wealth. They feel thats success.

But they're being deceived, taking part in illegal activities just to fit in and be accepted by friends is far from true success

Thats really terrible. They will loose peace of mind. Then is that true success?

Exactly, you know sometimes I see rich people live an unhappy life, but I thought it's stress from wealth accumulation but now I understand better.... Their success isn't true. #talkingpoint

Thats to show you that true success do not come from material things rather real peace of mind

Success may differ from one person to another, but all of them are united by the desire of each individual to satisfy, achieve a specific objective, or goals prescribed by legitimate means and diverse methods.


#talkingpoint. That has so much truth in it. Many people also define success in terms of touching lives, in terms of how wealth was gotten. what do you think?

Yes, that’s true.

It’s just like Dickson Adom says “True success is assisting many people find joy through great direction, guidance, assistance and kindness.”

So, i agreed’

Sure you made a point

General view of success is being rich.

Hahaha. Thats true. Have you noticed that if you get a brand new car or expensive gadget, people tend to say you are successful?

but that's not true, being a car owner doesn't define ones success

Is car, gadgets all that makes one rich?

Being can be success, but many won't be happy in the long run , depression can take them.

Most people do not agree to you ideology, they say let them be successful first.

Yeah on many occasions they fall out, because they don't know how to handle being Rich.

What could be the actual reason for that?

It's that time of the year again. Let's go.

True success is achieving your goals

Yes. And that should make you happy right? Can one still be successful if he or she has failed many times?

Failing many times doesn't mean I can't make. When I fail, I keep trying.

That is so true. So giving up is not an answer!!! Have you failed before? Did you give up?

Oh yes I have failed before but giving up is not an option at all.

Waoo. You had the courage to keep fighting right? I feel you will be successful soon on Hive and Leofinance

Oh yes I have failed before but giving up is not an option at all.

Generally, success is being viewed by many as a state of massive wealth accumulation, a rich man will simply be tagged successful because he's wealthy but then this success might not be true....why?


Yes i would like to know why a massively wealthy person might not be considered successful. For one thing, if his wealth is gotten by defrauding others, is that true success?

When you say a rich man's success not being true what do you have in mind please?

We have people who were born rich with a silverspoon I mean, so this success wouldn't be classified as true because it wasn't worked for..... You agree with me @fokusnow? #talkingpoint

Some people born with silver spoon do sell the spoon. I guess you understand.

When am able to write, make post and comment on other people's post without asking my mentor for help.

For you, when you accomplish these things on hive, you feel successful right? Do you also think of success in terms of earnings, like making more money on Hive?

That's when I will say yes to this question

I see many people think of success on hive in terms of earning. Maybe its not all about the money after all? The value we bring or the change we make to happen could be viewed as success too

@wealthwess we have a discussion going on here, you are invited to join.

Cool, let’s go!

catch the question, let's know your view

Ok, i’ll leave my points.

To me, true success is an accomplishment that is achieved over time

Yes I agree with you
That's what true success means

Ok, am happy we are on agreement

That is so true. Some people do not view someone that didnt touch a life as successful. What do you think?

Yes, touching other people's lives positively is an achievement that has to be counted as part of success.

Achieving one's goals, impacting lives with those achievement, having those feelings of satisfaction over a long period and continual progress is what i see as true success

I love the aspect of impacting other people's lives. I think true success should spread and touch other people's lives right?

Exactly, I'll term one's success true when it has been able to affect others around positively. True success is selfless. #talkingpoint

So we should be self-sacrificing even if we do not have much, right? Have you ever touched someone's life no matter how small?

Yes, not with cash but by acts of kindness.

yes it should, others should feel our success too.

people generally view success as when they have all that money can buy and they are living comfortable

But that's not true, such wealth can burn off like candle. True success is also the ability to manage assets to keep one's wealth growing and not dwindling #talkingpoint

You are entirely right. I have seen people that considered themselves successful. But their lifestyle ruined everything. Do you think such persons can have another opportunity?

They can if they set realistic goals, work on their lifestyle and also work towards achieving those goals then have the right mindset too.

It's true that opportunity comes once but it can always knock again, so if you've missed the first one you better not mess up

Yes, I discover that many view success in terms of wealth. That is absolutely not correct right? Tell me why?

Getting material possession is the general view of people.

Yes they think that a wealthy person is successful right? Why is that a wrong view?

I have seen many people get rich quick, but at the long run, they pay therapist to help them fight depression. They are not successful. When you successful you have peace

Wealth doesn't equal success, many people go through many means just to acquire wealth.

As regards to Leo finance and hive I will say am successful when I become a consistent blogger and when my wallet reflect

same with me

Yes that is exactly my view dear

Consistency is the key, so I agree with you that you can achieve true success by being persistent #talkingpoint

In my locality, once you have a car, a mighty house and you're married, forget it you are a very successful person.

You have a very modest goal. Consistency first. I commend your recent efforts. Do you have any plans to stay consistent?

consistency is the key, any week am consistent my wallet tells me how good I was for the week

I can be able to understand the in and out of the Leofinance and hive. It will be a win.


At what point will you consider yourself successful on Hive?

Fat wallet with figures not with fat zero

When i can get 50 to 100 $ in a particular post, and if am able to know the in and out of hive.

People are very elated when they achieve a certain height of success in life, especially when the climbed the next ladder.

That is so true. Can I ask if you consider wealth alone as symbol of true success?

No, I don't consider wealth as an outstanding source of true success.

Generally people think that success is just for a period of time, if they have money for a particular period of time they will think they have arrived.

Sure, some people equate material possessions with true success. But is that right?

No because I believe inner happiness is associated with true success

Does that mean Success is periodical?

True success last a long time not within a period of time.

But we both know that's not true, a success that's temporary or designed to last for a short period of time can't be classified as true success #talkingpoint

point made

Honestly as regards #Leofinance and #hive I will see myself as a successful person when my wallet becomes fat and I can support others, that will give me happiness and joy.

Hahahaha. fat wallet right? How fat can it get? Give me figures. #talkingpoint

hmmmm the fat is ongoing fat, it will not stop because I will continue to stake $LEO
No matter how far my wallet becomes

What will you do if you get to 1m Leopower?

Hmmmmm, I will throw a beach party and invite @taskmaster4450le I know he loves beach
I will also invite you over.

Hahahaha. I would like to go to the Bahamas. Get ready

true success can be mentioned when one is able to raise others to succeed like him, true success desires to see others stand out rather than pull down

I think this is a cool definition. When we have not touch other peoples lives, we cannot claim true success. Did you notice that wealth is usually a key way people rate success?

I also say the feeling of satisfacton we can from acomplishing our goals should not be for just a short term..

the general view of success is mostly calculated by the wealth one acquires but to me that view is total wrong because one can acquire so much yet the people around are suffering

I agree with you, it happen all the time, after everything the acquire some of them Will still be considering commiting succde.

I will say true success is one which is achieved in the correct way, one that gives peace of mind. Peace From knowing you achieved your goal.


People view success having everything thing, I mean material possession.

If i get to the point of being able to understand completely the rule and regulations in posting am in getting more votes and engagement

Exactly, success you can truly boost of knowing it's your sweat and not the other way round #talkingpoint

Yeah knowing you worked hard for it , that feeling is priceless.

True success is a gradual process, regarding #leofinance and #hive, I'll say I'm truly successful when my wallet has accumulated enough to extend a helping hand to bloggers through big votes, #talkingpoint

Then you will say yes I am successful

As regards to Leofinance and hive, when am able to make atleast one post everyday, engage in people's post often, earn rewards and then learn those terms that have been confusing i'll have that feeling of satisfaction.

That is consistency right? Do you have any plans to achieve that? Tell me

I'll start by organizing my time well, writing and talking about things that are of interest to me and then seeking support and help from those that have been in the game for a long period.

I think you've made a point here, readiness to learn is the key to true success, don't worry you'll make it big on #hive most especially #leofinance #talkingpoint

readiness and action is the key, we'll definitely succeed

True success is achieving ones goals in life. It may not be financially it may include finding the right person for you, it includes being able to handle any situation and having that sense of satisfaction within you(opinion

I don't know. The picture doesn't fit in the frame for me so cant read the whole text. Desktop browser. #feeback

Keep grinding if we want to make it!

Here's a Threadstorm about #myleogoals journey to a LION

#outreach #threadstorm.

My journey to power up 15k in LEO

How am I going to do it?

My plath to be a LION

#outreach #threadstorm.


I detail my five main methods of stacking LEO

Can you guess what those methods are?

Find out here ...

#silverbloggers #liotes

$LEO will be $1 by December of this year

How do I know?

@taskmaster4450 told me. The LeoAds revenue post must've gotten him excited

@taskmaster4450 knows everything, that's why he got the master's tag.

I know a lot of women who would disagree with this comment.

Meaning you don't know much about women?

The opposite. LOL

Why will a lot of women disagree with my comment that you are master of all

$1 is a bold prediction but still less then it's previous ATH.

If it will touch 1$, it will great new for entire comunity...

I Believe



The timing is actually very nice because I'm planning a family trip for April so maybe I will be able to get fancier accommodations :P

I trust TM 😆

More reason why Leo should be taken with all seriousness. Staking Leo is the greatest goal now.

Hopefully it will be true. Sending hugs to our master

wen 10 ?

#pepe excited about $LEO with #leofans


Trying to appear rich will make you poor. #fintips

Very true. I've seen that countless times

Yep. It is all fake and usually financed through debt.

Without a doubt.

Very true, it's a trap that is easy to get into but hard to get out of.

Record usage levels frens, keep it up!

Amazing. We are having a small threadcast. I call it #talkingpoint. Right now are talking about success"Take a look:

This is a great initiative.

Thank so much. Happy to have 10 friends thread and talk for 1 hour 9pm - 10pm. Its my way of getting them active and consistent. Next friday, we grow bigger and thread better

Let’s get that 500k page views in :)

Without a doubt. We need to get the numbers up. Hopefully the new features will add to things in a big way.

This is awesome, it's indeed a part way to growth for the community....we keep pushing harder and breaking records.

We need to get things to the next level.

Time to engage more with the added features.

Hehe, this is just the beginning. We move stronger

Its great and with addition of new features its going to the next level.

awesome 👌

So cool! A small Zealy campaign or such now would be great to boost it even further

What do you think about Twitter sharing revenue, but only for accounts with Twitter Blue check.

A smart move by Elon Musk. That is how he can entice more into the subscription. The question is what other requirements are there?

you will need:

  • More than 5 millions impresions in the apst 3 months (or monthly is not specifyied)
  • Twitter Blue

So basically only a few are eligible for it. 10K followers are a lot.

It is almost unreachable for the majority of users.

Yeah that is what I thought when I first heard about it. But these numbers verify that.

It's rewarding. Maybe good idea to have accounts verified before being paid. Rather a challenge to get the needed impressions of five million or something to get paid.

Well I need first get 10k followers before worry about that

Yes, that too. Forgot to mention that initial challenging part.

Real-Time threads are going to be disabled for a short-time so that we can deploy about 10-12 fixes that you all found

Thank you for the #feedback, this community is incredible and this is exactly what we were looking for ❤️

hell yeah

ah, thats why I getting some issues in my threads profile. Hopefully will fix everything and some new features came out. Thanks for the quick update.

Oh that's nice, my #lpud tomorrow will be a little bigger than I was expecting

A reversal of what most girls who were with you said. LOL

Hey where did you get that? It is my ex girlfriend. I mean someone a buddy use to date.

LOL it was cold! Not my fault

I understand that. Even in the tropics its cold, or so I tell them.

Good to hear Sir.

I have 215 LEO ready for LPUD. Thats my little bag.

Also fixed an issue with commenting on Long Form!

Thanks for listening to us.

Gracias 🙏

The value of my Hive win on my article today will go for purchasing additional $LEO for tomorrow LPUD. Hope I win something good tonight

We will see when $LEO starts to get some wheels.

Expectedly, we are in for the long haul.

Agreed. We will be in a different position by the end of the year.

owLooking forward to it.

woohoo, loadsa avatars in da noti, but it should bring me to the too of the mainfeed when clicked/ tapped, no?! #feedback

I see my face in there :)



Just bought 68 $LEO on LeoDex

Thanks to winning Saturday Savers Weekly Poll

That's 250 for tomorrow's LPUD


I have a feeling that will serve you well.

I get that feeling too 😁

That's a perfect business here, happy lpud in advance mate.

Thanks bud, yes the start of my new strategy to hit LION status by the end of the year!
Happy lpud in advance to you too 😁

What's the benefit of putting in 300 instead of 150?

Of course it gives more, but is it better to save some $LEO for the next lpud or just go all in on a single go?

The live updating of Threads makes my screen jump from Threads to Threads.

Not sure if auto updating is good when I am at the top of the feed, but definitely a good add when i'm not at the top

Working on a fix

yeah it's kinda glitchy. Keeps kicking me to the top

owLet me quickly have my dinner, still have some catch up to do for my daily thread target.

We’ll be expecting your return soon :)

I am back

That was so quick :)

But we still miss you LOL

it's always quick because I don't eat much food.

What is the daily target?

My modest number is 50 threads a day

How long will the dollar hold out before collapsing, with the Fed's bad economic policies, since according to technical data the deficit in the US with Powell's new interest rate hike, is expected to reach a trillion dollars? #btc #economy

That is really laughable and total nonsense.

Have you notice what other countries are doing?

Didn't you hear Task?

Twitter tells them that the BRICs economies, led by the proven minds of Argentina, South Africa and Russia, are the future.

Join them or perish.

I am glad Twitter does tell them that since it is right and Web 3.0 had the solution for them.

Hi, sorry for the late, yes I have seen what some countries are doing, breaking with the dollar openly, like ASEAN, those countries have 611 million people. I also saw the BRICS, and other countries, even the change in the position of ISRAEL's economic reserves. I don't know if that's what you mean?

The sad thing is that the dollar only rises in countries with devastated economies, which depended directly on US economic policy, including Venezuela and Argentina, which are two clear examples of this. But elsewhere it is going down and now with the new interest rate hike, the dollar crisis is closer I think, I don't know what you think?

BTC dropping , others follow, fear in minds. Dont panic sell. keep in mind that Holding is a key.


I am the owner of this feed, the latest feed.

Deal with it

Ha, there you have it … the duplication fx 😎

Well played. source

Jump Jump UI Jump



The replies to this thread will contain the links to the writings of the authors.

#topauthors #hivenaija #pidgin

Vote for your Favourite Artist for Afri-tunes Week 70

The replies to this thread will contain the links to the videos and writings of each artist

#topauthors #polls #afritunes #music

10 Weeks rewarding the efforts of authors in the Family & Friends community!

Congratulations to 🎉 @yolimarag 🎉 for being the most outstanding author this week.

We open again the nominations for this week: Vote for your favorite author.

Thank you truly it is an honor for me, to be among so many outstanding authors 🤗🥳 I value it very much, thank you 😍.

Yeah, did you see the cat just a second ago, it walked across twice … a glitch in the matrix 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

Voting is fixed.

If you find more bugs or glitches make a thread, tag it #feedback!

DCA is one of the best strategies for beginning investors looking to trade ETFs.

#crypto #dca #leofinance

Done with my longform Content for tomorrow's lpud, now I can say am 💯 fully ready for Leo power up day 💪💪💪.

Nice! I'll leave my post writing for tomorrow. That's me, always leaving things for the very last minute.

legend moves

😅 Cheers! That's way I got through my education

Yeah, it cool man as long as it favored you

It did, couple of close calls but made it! :D

Oh, that's not really a bad idea too, but for me, I write ✍️ immediately am getting inspiration to write.

Procrastinating it, will affect big time.

That's a good point, gotta take advantage of inspiration, never force it.

Exactly, when it comes, writing becomes easy, to even make research about some certain things comes with ease.

Definitely. Hoping to catch an inspiration boost tomorrow! :)

You’re a smart one.

I should learn from you 😉

Thanks mate, I love doing this on time, so I will just use tomorrow to engage and prepare for the next day content too.

Thanks for the compliment.

You’re welcome man 🤗

Hurray 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

I will start writing my very first leo power up day post in sometime. I am happy and excited to do that.
Those who are unable to collect 150 leo just remember that there is another tier where minimum requirement is just 50 leo.


It seems like everyone is enjoying the updates.

Are we having fun yet?

More than you know. Hehe


Fun in dark / dim mode #pepe source

I sure am hehe

🧵 1. Tucker Carlson, formerly of Fox News, plans to launch a media company with Twitter as its backbone, offering free episodes and paid subscriptions for shorter versions, interviews, and documentaries. #business

🧵 2. With former White House adviser Neil Patel, Carlson aims to raise millions in funding for the new venture, expanding content with additional hosts and exploring other platforms.

🧵 3. Carlson's team has discussed with Twitter the idea of creating a media organization with its own website, app, and optimized TV viewing of Twitter videos.

🧵 4. Alongside Twitter subscriptions, Carlson's team plans to secure brand sponsorships, potentially disrupting the TV news industry. Carlson was fired by Fox News in April.

You don't need to click on the new thread notification if you don't want to be taken back to the top of the page.

I think the new thread notification is cool

I would like an option to turn it off. I prefer manually refreshing the page.

You can make a suggestion thread about it, the Leofinance team can look at it.

holy shit the new "dimmed" mode is fire. it's the darkest of dark modes. #feedback

ohh I didn't notice that until now
its freaking cool!

when i noticed, i immediately changed. the darker the better.

where to find? how to get to settings on mobile phone browser?

on desktop, same spot. next to the LeoFinance logo. on mobile, top right there is a drop down with a Sun icon

ah yeah, cthat dropdown is new, thanks man 🤙🏽

Lol yes smol bug, they are flip flopped!

I knew you'd like this one tho

looks so good. My eyes are happy

HIVE is starting to wake up...


let hive cook

I am getting notification widgets at the bottom right, but my left menu notifications are not lightning up :(


I was playing in the Diamond league of #Splinterlands and trying to get myself a spot in the top 10 of this league’s lb. I was playing well this season and even for a moment, I even reached into the top 3 position



Today we will talk about Wily Coyotian. Wily is a common type card that recently got launched with the latest edition reward set and as a 2 mana card, will very useful in micro to medium mana limit matches.


If you are interested and want to know more about My battle strategy with this #NFT card, Plz read!

Link -



$HIVE oh baby oh

Did you just have an orgasm?

I did, that is what this blockchain does for me!


Voting is working again on threads but I still can't vote on long-form posts. When I try, it loads the post instead and on the post itself, the vote button doesn't seem to do anything


Seeing some threads numerous times over. Sometimes even twice right after itself.

See a "New threads are available". However the thread moves to lose my place, and the doubling or more of same threads as mentioned above.


Fixing this now, thank you for the feedback ❤️

Let's QUICKLY see what are the current prices of our favorite tokens!




$SPS - 0.024$

#pepe #leofan Dimmed Mode activated! source

Welcome to the club..

Reply if you see this thread.

I'm wondering if we will soon be having another zealy campaign for threads? Maybe once ad revenue start kicking in finally? Or before?

HERI would be glad if that can be done.

There have been so much quality of life improvements that I think a Zealy campaign would be a great to have atm - perhaps even more people would stay to become regular threaders.

Yep we hit hive pretty hard so one targeting a bit more outside of hive could yield some good results especially since everyone is getting hyped about crypto again.

Definitely. LeoFinance is at good position for the upcoming bull market & hype.

I think that's in the plans but not sure wen. Probably soon

I never know when soon is sometimes it's 2 years other times it's a month

hahaha yea thats the beauty of it
that evergreen payout thing I thought would take ages but apparently it's about to be deployed already

Honestly Leo team has done a great job, this page is amazing, my favorite is the Who to follow section, the trending tags, infact everything about this update is amazing

Exactly, everything that we experience on PC now get better too on mobile 📲.

I guess you missed the threads post Notification early, well that has being removed, because it cause lot of glitches.

Everything keeps getting better like we the mobile device users are enjoying thread now, Leo team are so considerate and I appreciate that.

Do you want to know why everyone is crazy about Bitcoin Spot ETF?
#threadstorm 🧵 1/

1/ 🧵 First it gives institutions accessibility to the cryptosphere

2/ 🧵 It also offers a layer of security to anyone investing into Bitcoin without talking about the massive surge of liquidity

3/ 🧵 It offers the security needed and the much anticipated diversification to boost your investments gains

Investors can acquire more coins at cheaper prices and fewer coins at higher prices by consistently buying in up- and down-markets.

#crypto #dca #leofinance

DCA is our best friend

whoa, cool man I got a partner in crime

Now this gif is really cool lol

yeah, it's feels

There are 4 pages