There are 4 pages

"Decide whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying." —Amelia Earhart

Power Up #hive every day - Total today is 77.870 HIVE

75% of my Threading is done on the toilet

95% of my Threading is done without pants on

It's all about the balance

way too much info for #threads

At least he didnt include pics.

only for my subscribers

Leverage the good stuff for the big bucks.


ha ha ha ha I can’t upload pics via iOS mobile

no such thing

we are having fun and you do as well
Keep on #thread ing

yep, all good fun

If you can be this productive without pants on that 5% must be unreal

you wouldn't believe lol

That shows the interest of threading in you 😅

it shows the power of multi-tasking

Yeah, i missed that even multi tasking. Some read newspaper while they are in the same situation. Threading can be the modern replacement to it.

we didn't need to know this nifty 🥲

You're welcome

Good think the pic upload is having issues.

Sometimes fate is on our side.

it definitely is. The world isn't ready for that

That is even too much for Adult Threads.

onlyleos exclusive

By the way, that means to increase your threading you need to shit more.

time to get some taco bell

That certainly will do it.

Why this so hilarious lol

It's funny because it's true 🤣🤣

That’s one way to enjoy thread(ing) :)



Web 3.0 is going to be one of the most powerful things the world has seen. The Internet is already worth tens of trillions of dollars, value that is not really quantified nor captured.

4/ Here is where tokenization steps in. It allows for people to own pieces of protocols and networks that operate globally. We can also get involved in revenue generating projects.

2/ This is going to change with tokenization. We are going to see all this transition to a state where the value is captured and many can participate.

3/ This will unleash fractional ownership in a way we have not seen before. Even though this is about 3 years old, it is something few around the world even participate in.

5/ Those projects that allow people to get in without having resources are the ones that will radically transform things. We could see more with tokens than the centuries of stock holders.

asi es amigo libertad financiera

#gmfrens Dungeons and Dragons day! I think it's gonna be a fun session today as we are heading towards the end of the campaign

fuck yeah

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Dude, I just needed some time to get down to biz.

Good things in the near horizon for the bizdev side of Leo

y'all hiring any influencers/marketers?

Ser, we need as much helps as possible. Send me a DM plox and say hello to Satoshi and the duck fam for me

That is good. We have to keep building.

The future of gaming industry is gradually being revolutionized with the concept of blockchain technology, which is the future of gaming that will allow gamers to own their in game assets and trade them for real cash #threadstorm #outreach

Yeah, still going to be massive... and $HIVE is well-positioned for this...

Hive is actually well positioned for all the web3 move. It is based in inclusion.

Yeah, very much so... almost too perfect! 😎

It is a point people need to realize. We are getting closer. Just need to keep building on a scale not seen before. The inclusiveness is Hives advantage.

more in game utility will boost splinterland adoption it is just getting

Gaming is going to be transformed by tokenization. This is one of the major benefits to cryptocurrency.

Yeah and a major boost for hive blockchain as well.

I agree. I must admit I thought things would move a little faster in that arena, especially because blockchain games were huge 1 year or so ago... it seems things have stalled big time. Maybe its the bear market so hopefully it will pick up

Bear market did take a turn on the crypto industry a lot of projects have been stalled by it hopefully things will start to pick up

Splinterland Co-founder Matt Rosen talks about the future of blockchain technology and how splinterland is playing a role in this field to give asset ownership to users this concept is believed to drive adoption into the blockchain space.

Welcome to the party.

To #instagram 's #threads by #meta #google.

95% of people won't even glance at that much less read it.

Instagram threads is crap. Same as every meta app. I got suspended for 12 hours on Twitter for being vocal about

And people are still thinking about why to not use these meta threads. Actually people don't value their data privacy anymore. It is a sad reality that unless they are harmed because of data breaching they don't know the value of it.

That's a lot of data they are farming

Have you noticed this?

You sign up on instagram or metathreads, you reveal real life details.

You post on hive, noisecash, torum etc, you post like anonymous lol.

Conclusion: We sell our data by choice to centralized people.


these services aren't free. we pay with our identities and data

And thus after some time, we expect good behavior from those so called apps, which literally has our whole life details :)
& some people want decentralization :)

I had to spend most of the day yesterday away from the blockchain and it feels like it's been weeks! Missed this place

Welcome home.

Thanks mate! Great to be back

#mets won 6 in a row.

Daaamnn go #mets! Hope they clinch that wildcard spot

They are still like 6.5 games out with about 72 to go. So still time. Need to keep it up through the rest of the month and maybe add at the trade deadline.

Welcome back amigo, we missed you

Thanks fren! I missed you guys also

I feel you, I've been absent as well

¿Piensas como dueño o como empleado? #thinkingoutbox #outreach

1/ 🧵

No es fácil lo primero. Requiere de disciplina y estoicidad a toda prueba. #ownership

2/ 🧵

Tengo que contestar tu DM! Hoy mismo 🫡

Eres muy genti, Erick!

Y en nuestro contenido de hoy en #Hive les contamos porque algunos se alejan de ser vistos como dueño a pesar de sus esfuerzo #spanish

3/ 🧵

No preguntes que puede hacer HIVE por tí, pregúntate que puedes hacer por HIVE #paraphrasing

4/ 🧵

Woke up to light rain. Let the dawg out, ground up 66.6 grams of coffee beans from Guatemala, smoked the last half of a joint from last night, and now I'm cleaning up the house a bit before band practice at 10 am. #gmfrens

Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.

Get some threading in.

Who all was good in mathematics during his/her education period ?

I was very good, but my teachers pushed me so hard that I went into philosophy and sociology after high school xD

I was good in #math, not so great in #english.

You know what, even i was bad in English. Though my favourite teacher was a english teacher (she was my class teacher. I remember she left the school when she was preganant and then came to meet us after the delivery for the one last time.

Unsure if I would have been called "good" in mathematics.

Teachers had classmates race against me with calculators and I didn't lose.

Did Calculus in my head.

Algebra Midterm 2nd highest of 102 asked, what did you get?, 111

Good or moar

Considering to use even less Twitter, Facebook and more Thread.

Behavior change. Personal choice.

Without a doubt. That is how things change. It is one dollar at a time out of the financial system and one tweet or comment at a time.

welcome. bring people with u as well :)

I have stopped using twitter and facebook long back. Facebook was full of hate content so i exit that also anyone should better use threads here rather than twitter.

The more in Web3 the better. We need thousands doing this a day on threads.

Do you mean #LeoThreads instead of "threads" in general? 🤔😏

Have some !PIZZA with !LOLZ! 😁

How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus?
Ten- tickles

Credit: reddit
@cryptothesis, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

The #lacasitahive team wishes you a prosperous weekend filled with much success.

Saturdays are slow on Threads, + the Americas hasn't woken up yet

Quick, post your conspiracy theories memes while they are asleep!


I got whole conspiracy blog posts that mods are missing on

It's been consistently slow for the last weeks I've been here. It's slower this week than last and if it that trend continues Khal and/or others need to step up. If we can't get Hivers here, the rest won't come either.

We will, and we are ser

That kind of proves my point, but the latest numbers, while lower(not significantly) they are coming from fewer users. So, retention sucks because there's not enough Attention, but those still here are threading more.

Meh, not convinced myself about this. March and May had huge marketing campaigns hence the pump in users, and the months after the mkt retention has worked wellish. There's room for growth though.

Unlike you, I've been pretty much watching the feeds for the last 17 days and am just relaying what I'm seeing in real time not missing one thread in that time. Some accounts are creating new ones run by one user and they are spamming more


Hopefully something good will pop up from the team to get #leothreads busy again

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I always wanted to watch to see the sun rise and set, maybe some day I will go camp on the mountain to experience that.

Have to get up early to see the sun rise. LOL

Have done that, but is a long time ago. I don't think I can remember the experience.

@ridwanms talk about his experience at the beach, showing beautiful shot of the sun set.
Have you ever watch the sun set?
#gosh #threads247

God's creation is very wonderful. Beaches are nice place to relax

Sure when the breeze blows your face, is just as if your stress are taken away

I also we love to travel and see beautiful views, there are so much things that nature can offer us, and I wish to see more

Is a good thing to travel and see new things.

Yeah 😀😀

Hahaha it's really funny that I've not visited a beach before buh it's okay I will very soon

I've seen the sun so many times and it's usually a beautiful view.


I have seen the sunset in Africa and I have seen the snow fall in Alaska

Seriously that is an experience you can never forget


What's next mate?

What about waiting a little longer for a bull market? If you are not in a financial emergency, it is best to wait or you will miss out on a lot of gains.

🚨 BREAKING: David de Gea leaves Manchester United, it’s over.

[@FabrizioRomano] #transfernews

it was inevitable

Didn’t just like the way he left, a proper sendoff would have been great.

1/ 🧵 Games are one of the best entry points into #crypto as it targets an already tech savvy audience while providing real utility. We have had decades of fiat sales of virtual goods for games already

#splinterlands #threadstorm #outreach

2/ 🧵Land expansion is bringing in a whole new dimension to @splinterlands gameplay while Soulkeep is getting ready to attract Tower Defense niche to #hive

Some updates have been delayed. That has not changed my optimistic outlook.

3/ 🧵Don't forget that #splinterlands comes with a strong #defi integrations. Even non gamers can get involved and invest!

So much for $ETH2.0... last time I checked gas fees were pretty much $20... and we are not even in a bull market... can you imagine 2025...

common misconception is that the merge would reduce gas fees. this was never the point.

No it wasnt although they supposedly are going to try and address it in future upgrades.

That's what many are missing... improving scalability is inherently linked to a reduction in gas fees.

Not really, increased scalability, by default will/should reduce gas fees... it's a "fringe benefit" of improved/increased scalability.

That is why I feel it will be in the hands of the banks. They will run the nodes and do not care about a $250 tx fee.

WEf coin! 😆

One thing not being talked about with Meta threads is the centralized database. All that data is going to feed Zuck machine learning engine and he will likely lock it down.

The reason why people are not talking about this is because they themself don't know the value of their data. A sad reality !

Sad in 2023 that people do not realize the value of data.

They only realise it after becoming a victim of something related to it. One more thing is sad, as parents themself don't know about the importance of it they care less educating their kids about it.

meta threads is like giving zuck all your information, when you want sign up and read those terms and condition you be scared

You are giving him all your info and he is going to use it for his advantage.

Very true. And from what I heard they are mining a LOT of data from users

They are. Just think of what they feed into artificial intelligence engines.

my big question is when does Meta Get into the AI game?

Crap like Meta's threads and its totalitarian censorship measures will push the mass adoption of true WEB3 apps such as @leofinance #threads. At some point plebs will wake up... Hopefully

It'll probably take a significant increase in the price of HIVE or LEO to get them to come over...

Spent my entire day trying to figure out this proof of access thing.

Proof of access, tell me that it is not a type of consensus algorithm.

it is been used by the spk network

Okay guys I don't want you to be biased about LeoThreads, so let's do it with these two.
Twitter or Threads (by Meta)

With the amount of permisiions Threads (Meta) is seeking, it is like giving them my whole life in their plate! And that even willingly ;)

Looks like Bitcorn is now a stable coins

Hottest stablecoins on the market are $BTC and $LEO at the moment

So it seems :)

Hey I don't mind that at all for a while

So the Women's World Cup is kicking out soon and Hive Buzz is once again hosting a fun contest like that of last year. This is exciting, yay!


Is there any hype at home around your ladies?

Should be extremely proud of getting to this tournament!

I'm not so sure if there is any hype around here as I'm off TV and other socmeds 😅

If you haven't read yet, check out the announcement post:

Traveling is fun, but...

It is also nice to be home, where you have your things and desk setup for video calls and such. #threadlife

Yea, coming back home is defintely good

For some reason, I love to stay in front of PC nowadays more than traveling! Gone are those days, where I used to love Traveling!

Thank you @ifarmgirl-leo. I reduced the next image to 2mb and it uploaded completely. My pineapple yet to bear fruit. #hivegarden


Everyone knows pineapples grow on trees..

Pineapples on trees? Amazing!

That's great to hear :) Your pineapple is thriving! Mine is really small.

Thanks. Am sure it is growing healthy and fine. Its a matter of time.

Planted it almost a year and its growth seems to have stopped😅

Now that I already exceeded my 100 $HBD goal this early, the next goal will be 1,000 $HBD. The long-term goal would be 20,000 $HBD. How long will it take to achieve that? Can it be done in 5 years?

when you put your mind to it you will be surprised how quickly you will reach those figures

5 is the minimum number of years I have in mind. Maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part to think that I can give more time to Hive if I don't have this job, this study, and this responsibility to support a family of 5.

You'll be surprised how quickly you reach your goals once you're stable. I'm sure you will hit your goals as soon as possible.

If I will do nothing else but Hive and the only concern I will have is just to provide food on my table, I think that will be the time I can focus. 😅

I wonder when shall I achieve that. 😆



My roommate keeps saying that our house is haunted.
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.

Credit: reddit
@rtonline, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg


Accumulating 20,000 HBD is easily attainable if you win in a national lottery or something like that. 😅


What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?
It gets toad.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester


The next Episodes we will be reviewing! #TwilightZone

Nice! Are you posting to CineTV or where?

Hive via 3Speak usually.

  • Rain delay in the cricket.
  • Rain delay in the tennis.

Very on brand, England 🌧️🌧️🌧️

#ashes #wimbledon🍓

That's UK weather. Welcome to England.

Bloody England! 😉

haha, england weather like her mood swings 😆

Killing me here.

I just want to watch sport from the other side of the world tonight!


watchin series till it starts again.

it's bad news for sports.

Good news for me getting an early night's sleep though!

Hmm, yes. The rest of sleeping on a rainy night is completely different, I also can feel that.

Waking up and planning your day.


En Cumaná la economía está cambiando gracias a la Criptoadopción con transacciones sencillas, seguras y libres de comisiones🔥 y tú ya hiciste tu compra con HBD? Cuentanos tu experiencia en @hivesucre

#spanish #hivesucre #threads

In Cumaná the economy is changing thanks to Cryptoadoption with simple, secure and commission-free transactions🔥 and you already made your purchase with HBD? Tell us about your experience @hivesucre

Vive la experiencia aquí en #hivesucre de realizar tus pagos HBD a través de la keychain P2P. Fácil y Rápido!
#Hive #spanish #threads #hbd

Live the experience here at #hivesucre of making your HBD payments through the P2P keychain. Fast and easy!
#hive #spanish #threads #hbd #wallet

Today I would like to congratulate a friend I met thanks to Hive on her Birthday. Congratulations @lileisabel have a beautiful day. You deserve it! 💙🎉🍾 #happybirthday

Happy birthday to your Hive friend. Cheers to more 🥂 🎂

Celebrations time. Have a fabulous day!

Thank you very much!

Notice the #app not shown?

Leo power up day is just 6 days away from here.

How prepared are you ?

lpud is coming!!!!!!


I think I have my 150 ready already

awesome, am with 121 too, but will definitely be doing some buying during the week to match up on time.

well done, you are almost there!

Definitely, thanks for that, we keep moving forward

Currently 426 #leo are ready but I will buy more.

awesome, this is super ready, still finding my way into the minimum requirement, though having 121 now, but will definitely buy too to meet up

I buy whenever I can. I wonder if I can reach 1K.

Very possible, if you have enough hive to trade or other tokens that you can trade to get Leo, you can even go more than 1k

Have six moar days to prepare! Time for moar $LEO

Definitely, a lot can still be achieved on that process, just doing that as a reminder.

¿Sabías que el tequeño fue declarado patrimonio cultural de Venezuela? Eso me llena de orgullo, en este post te muestro mi #receta.

#hive #food #HiveSucre #spanish #gosh

“You're not everything you could be, and you know it.”
― Jordan B. Peterson

I love Jordan P. 😍

Awesome !BBH


@rzc24-nftbbg! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (6/50)

Finally, after 5 days, I am done with the first book. This article is about integral liberation.


#outreach #threadstorm

Sorry for that cub with metal armor. I struggle to find an appropriate image for integral liberation.


Let's see what the Hive GIF bot will say about that. 😏

!GIF lion armor


@rzc24-nftbbg, @savvytester(2/10) sent you LUV. | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Type ! help (no space) to get help on Hive. Info

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Another African proverb to contemplate:

Great people become great when others are sleeping.

Too many people sleep while Hivers remain awake.

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

@leothreads! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @guurry123. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

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