There are 4 pages

Just getting to find out about Leo although I am not deep into Cryptocurrency and I am still learning but here seems easy and going ..hope the upvote here is easy to earn on like #hive will take out time to #learn more

Welcome to #leothreads. Feel free to engage and have fun.

You just got a welcome upvote too.

It's #music monday!

Who's your favourite #hive musician?

@ravenmus1c and @stickupboys are two awesome creators, doing a lot for Hive!

We also like @tdctunes! Keep buzzing!

Aww thanks bro

Thanks so much!! =)

Thanks so much! =) I go with @newenx of course. ;) #newenx

Got to love @stickupboys. @ugochill cool too and check out stuff from @killetwot's band.

:) Thank You so much.

@aftersound. very underrated.

Thx John!

A Nigerian singer named flavour
He's my best musician.

Is a #crypto's price or value more important to you?

For a project, the value. That is why I am all in on Leo.

I'm the same

For me, i choose value, the price is subject to market fluctuations but the value determines the future.

Very true, I agree.

surely boss.

For me it's value! How it can be used and uplift the community around it

Regardless of the price, strong assets reach their true value over time.

I believe that is true, @rtonline! But what makes an asset strong?

Value is the obvious choice... if it exists price follows. A "guaranteed" choice...

I totally agree. Regardless of the price, strong assets reach their true value over time.

Yes, on the other hand prices can spike... no value means collapse...

What matters for me is value.

For me too.



i think too

Shopping for food is one of the best chores I love doing no matter how difficult it is, I love shopping for food, let's join in @mypathtofire contest

Tell us where you shop and the type of foodstuffs you like buying.

For me, I do not like it. Do you want to come over and shop for me? LOL

Wow that will be the best shopping ever, come all the way for Nigeria to shop for you.
I don't mind hahahahah

Long way to go for a cheeseburger.

A very long way at that.

Now for a steak, maybe a different story.

Sliced or grilled

On Leofinance Which login option is best ?

I use Keychain to log in everywhere. I love it

And it loves you right back.

Good to know! Thank you, @taskmaster4450le😀

For me, I use keychain.

I login directly from on my chrome browser.
Since it's fast and easy now.

Maybe it depends on each user. I personally use Hive Keychain.

#gmfrens was away most of the day yesterday so I have some catching up to do
Hope everyone has a great week

GM, enjoy the catching up :) Good to be off from time to time.

Thx man, great week for all of us!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Indeed. When a superuser is missing it is evident in the numbers.

Pageviews took a hit. Need to get back on track.

Well, it's Monday morning and $BTC is still above $26K. Let's see what this week has for us... $HIVE $LEO

Gm! It will certainly be interesting...
Let's see what happens

Hi! Yes, fun times!

I’m opening a thread container today for my #transfernews, I’d be dropping all news related to transfer inside the container.

Hopefully, my “ever present” lion 🦁 soccer fan’s will make it engaging.

Link will be on my next thread 🫣

That's a good idea. At least it will be easy for soccer fans to check them out and engage.

Exactly, that’s the goal.

Excellent idea.

I would also suggest dropping the link to the container in the main section repeatedly throughout the day.

That’s brilliant idea, I’ll be sharing every one, one hour till the day runs out.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Brilliant and my ideas tend to go together.

It is becoming the norm.

Yes, it’s a good way to keep everyone updated.

Good morning people! :) Little video from my first drum live gig after more than 7 years.. :D #gosh #drums #music #raven #gig #livemusic #3speak

awesome congrats that’s a bit of time but happy you’re back at it!

Thank you so much!! =) Sorry for the late reply... !PIZZA

Part of the prize was a bit more HP also.

Have fun.

Wow, thanks again!

That's awesome! Congratulations

I am trying to make something...

Post here once done, love to

Not sure what you are going for here.

Not sure what I'm looking at, but it looks cool! Leaving a upvote to you

I am trying to make a ball-tracking game for posting on thread. :)

That sounds cool. Can't wait to see it!


****If today is your birthday, I wish you a very merry birthday****

#birthday #freecompliments #threads247

Here we say Happy Birthday

Do you wish people merry birthday in your country?

Good afternoon to you from here, how are you doing today?

Trying to catch up on threading. My notis is blowing up.

You will meet up

Lol 😂

I know it's happy Birthday, but I want it to be a merry one for the celebrant

You are free to change it up how you wish.

Thank you 🤗

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Life is not same for everyone, some of us have to struggle hard to get food on the table on daily basis. Such is life.
#threads #

when the struggle eases for you in that regard, you’re better off than the people who don’t know what that’s like when times get tough. It’s not easy but it’s an important lesson!

True. It's just like Axl Rose said, " this game we call life and no one said it's fair"

Speaking for many from my part of the world. Its a proper

story of my life #airhawk

Feliz inicio de semana ..éxitos y bendiciones

Studies show that 68.7% of the woman and 21.5% of the men on Leothreads are madly in love with Taskmaster.

Cant argue with stats.

What can explain such a low percentage among men? Perhaps they see Taskmaster as a competition.

They are insecure in their masculinity and cannot admit that overwhelming attraction to me.

Yeah, insecure and jealous.

Simps all the way.

Hahahahah , I think am number one, hahahahah 😛 who next?

You make my toes curl also sweetheart.

And your eye tickle tickle 🤗.

I am not sure what that means but I hope it is good.

If not, oh well I blame @jongolson.

Why are you blaming @jongolson

Because he is guilty. He is chickenman to start.

And he is from Canada. That is strike 2.

And the third one is because he cannot deny his underperformance in so many areas of life.


Every time someone here mentions coffee I just can't resist making some too.
I'm such a weak man.


Should we see if it applies to sex?

If we mentioned that, do you get laid each time?

Hmmmm this question ehhhh, well am speechless at this

Which part too your tongue away?

Hahahahah hahahahah, I think 🤔 so.

I would certainly hope so! The magic of Threads lol 😀

Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex

Hope you used protection.

No! Can't handle that many!

A weakness for coffee is actually a strength!🙃

Is it like that? Good. Then I'm on the safe side. 😊

Just like when I hear bread, 🍞 because am in love with bread but I don't think am weak lol.

I guess we all have something we cannot resist. When have a bag of potato chips, I just have to eat all of it. Cannot leave anything for later.

Hahahahah hahahahah same when I say a bowl of Akara I don't leave any.

😂😅 Things that just cannot be stopped!


My notification right now. 👀

Is that a good welp or a bad one?

Lol the good Welp
Lol every Nigerian on hive is in my last post 🥲

Sounds like a crapload of pageviews coming up each time you open that.

Yeah. I have some links to Leofinance page. Hopefully people view as well.

It is a numbers game so the more links we drop, the better. It is how we grow things organically.

Good stuff! A good sign!

Good day bro

Good afternoon brotherly. How your side dey go?

Just woke a little while ago. NEPA no do me well at all

Lol same here. I don go buy power bank because I use all my money buy fuel. E no easy.

I saw the post you published on HiveNaija community, good that you have the interest of your people in mind. I drop a comment for you there

I don see your comment and I dropped a reply as well. Tha k you for stopping by. I appreciate it.

You are good bro

Anyone know how to check Leo vote worth ?
#threads #

I am not sure there is one at this time.

And dont use the threads tag. We all know this is threads. On this you might have wanted to use #question

The other tag i used was #askleo but that is missed.

Well , thanks.

When are we going to see such a response to any crypto project?

Or to a particular thread on Leo?

Imagine the pageviews with that much traffic. $LEO would be $3 just off that.

Wow! I love to see such a viral thread!

Right now a thread that went viral and got 100 would be helpful.

Is there a way to share a thread on both Facebook and Twitter?

I think that the solution to your problem is really simple, which is to share the thread two times, one on each platform. 🤔😆🤓


I was fired from the keyboard factory yesterday.
I wasn't putting in enough shifts.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester


I have a question!
Should refunds be allowed for digital products, like Ebooks?

As a matter of course, no since it is too easy to abuse.

As a matter of customer service, might want to do it once in a while.

But they have the product once the ebook is downloaded.

That is pretty much the way I feel about it.
Unless the product is totally misrepresented and there is not a no refund policy stated.

Es posible ganar con los NFT? O están muertos? 🧵

En solo 3 semanas y con las estrategias bien claras

Pero a parte gracias a la estrategia de apalancamiento

SACAMOS $300 extras que re-invertimos

En este video que subí aquí:

Y todo esto en pleno bear market

No creo que la cosa se ponga mejor en los meses que vienen

Pero lo importante es ser RACIONAL y usar SISTEMAS


La vida me enseñó eso, que las cosas no vienen por suerte


How you can know this?

Which account will be used to do these buybacks?
Maybe we can track this

Could it be @leo.bounties?

The bounties account is for HP delegation rewards. I don't think the buybacks have started.

Not sure if it started already. I seem to have read from Khal that the smart contract is yet to be deployed. But hopefully soonest.

Thats good for the leo Token.

It mentions the future of the ad buybacks but I don't see where it mentions that it started. If it did, I expect to see changes in my LEO power staked but that has yet to happen

What are those some skills I should focus on and learn in this summer vacations.?

Looking for serious advices..

Maybe start with something that you are interested in :)

Anything to do with learning code is valuable. Lots of free courses out there. (I should take my own advice!)

What kind of coding skill is more valuable and will remain valuable?

Looking forward to know...

Hard to say. I'd choose something that interests you. For Hive, python and Java script are likely the most often used as far as I can tell. The EdX CS50 course is one I started (but didn't finish). Was interesting intro.

SQL is a really helpful skill to have! Are you looking for computer skills or what?

Yea, I'm looking for computer skills.. like for profession in long term.

Depends a lot on the area you are interested in... trading, coding, etc are probably good skills to have. You could also dig deeper into AI.

I guess Ai is only safer and good long term skill as thing's are going.

Each time a comment shows up in my notifications, it is another page viewed since I open it.

Think of it like email: imagine revenue being generated each one you opened.

Blackrock has filed an application with the SEC for a Bitcoin ETF, and I think they will be successful.

If indeed successful, it'll be very, very bullish for BTC

I get mixed feeling seeing BlackRock getting into this BTC ETF. I'm sure they'd get the SEC green light, who can't fight against all that huge capital that is capable of literally dominating significant portions of any market.

Another wonderful day on the blockchain.

How is everyone doing?

hey dude can you give me the link to that Ted talk you posted yesterday? I think it was you. Wanted to listen to something while getting started with work!

We are fine and indeed it's a wonderful day

Energized! Let's make a great week out of this one

Record numbers will be achieved regardless. If not serious consequences will ensue.

Going well, currently at a funeral of a colleague's mom

Well that isnt well...especially for the colleagues mom and, I imagine, the colleague.

Yeah, she's broken

That is sad. Try to help put her back together.


I will try


Quite a hectic day for me over here but then am doing what i ought to do.

That is good. Thread when you can. It all helps.

It does i must say. I will keep it on

And how lucky! 40 #ctp won while multi-tasking. Reading and commenting both on Threads and LoH while Xploring.

Congrats for winning.

Thank you :D


Thank you. Lucky me, lol!

Awwwwww congrats lady😊

Thanks lady :)

You are welcome


Thanks. Must be luck :)

And I lost track of time. Lunchtime is here and yet to prepare something for the table. Correcting that right away though.

It's my first hive birthday yesterday. I celebrate this milestone through this post today

Awwwwqw congratulations sister🥳🥳🥳🥳

Happy #Hive birthday!!!

Thank you much. I'm so happy I reach this milestone.

Thank you. I'm so glad.


Thank you so much. Let's keep growing.

Happy first Hive anniversary, Congratulations!

My Blog Achievements: 5000 HP
Share targets completed with the help of community members 3rd Week #gosh #threads #alive #ctp #pimp


And thanks for sharing your LeoFinance content on Threads. I do recommend reading below post on how to share it better for Leo curation.

I may have announced in the wrong way my goal to reach 5k
Sorry for the confusion
I will read the article to better share content on thread

It's okay, might be me misreading it :) All the best.

that’s great congrats on hitting 5k! You will soon be a dolphin at about 5,600!

I may a mistake the goal is to reach 5k
My wallet currently holds 1K
I hope my title will not cause too many confusion

that’s good though, 1k is a great number! You have more hive power staked than I think 50% of the accounts at 1k!

Thank you brother

Currently practising 80s songs on the drums, and I just love this one sooo much! <3

#music #drums #practising #vanhalen #80s

Who else is enjoying the fastness of this present interface other than before like me? Indeed the dev. team is doing a great work @khaleelkazi and @taskmaster4450le.

#leofinance #projectblank #leo #UI #UX

Really happy to hear that!

Surely they are doing a great work. Unlike before where we have to struggle much more but now, the story has been re-written.

They are actually doing great work, applauds for them

surely they are.

I sure am!


Is there a way to filter out #threads from people I don't want to follow?

Up near the top of threads, you can filter it to following.

I saw that but I was wanting to do it the other way. Easier to block those I don't want to see than follow people who I might not see.
Does the following list automatically update my main one on Hive or are they 2 separate lists?

I think they follow the one on Hive and unfortunately, there is no mute button yet for threads.

OK. Thanks. A mute button would be great. Like on discord.

Unfortunately, mute button is not yet available.

I think there is no direct way to filter them.

May need to follow those whom you want to read from and then access their threads on the "Following" tab.

Yeah. Thanks. jfang003 answered the same. I miss seeing the chronological list of comments in #threads. Seems clunky to me, viewing one at a time or, when clicking on the orignal post having to click multiple times to see them all.

That's one thing we hope improved, not having to do a lot of clicks to access comments or replies :)

Looking forward to it. :)

I do too :) Let's wait for it.

This Tweet got 403 eyeballs so far after six days. My highest so far since the day my old Twitter account has been hacked.

That's great! Keep it going :)

That was rare. 🤭

Congratulations but it sucks to hear that your old account got hacked. Is there no way you can get it back?

1/It has been suspended by Twitter because the hacker violated some rules.

2/ I just didn't know exactly how the hacker abused that account.

3/ We see here a classic example of irresponsibility hiding behind anonymity or behind someone's name.

That sucks to hear. They usually don't tell you what they did wrong and if they removed the account, then it's tough to know correct anything.

That's why I don't want to recover it for Twitter will just assume that the account owner did it.

4/ That was in 2009. I still didn't know at that time the importance of having a Twitter account.

That was a really long while ago. Twitter was still under the radar back then.

And that is why when they asked me for my mobile number, I just let it go.

Ah ok. I probably wouldn't want to give them my mobile number either.


I miss that old account with 1k plus followers.

Hope those 403 "eyeballs" are not from bots! 🤗😅


Every thread has the opportunity to go viral.

Remember that. At some point we will have one that hits the 1K pageviews, 10K then 100K.

It is a matter of growing and time.

The subject matter of time determines the extent it goes viral but also the quality of the thread if its captivating is something else too.

That is all true. Most will never get anywhere but the occasional one might capture a bit of attention.

yes, thats true

I like that! Thanks!

All true.

The time shall come

At least UrAnus is safe!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

****If you can think it, you can definitely do it****

#alive #aliveandthriving #quotes

I totally agree :)

That's not how reality works, it's more like wishful thinking.

At least there's a "thinking" there

I just published my last article on The Way to Financial Freedom.

Sounds an interesting read. I recommend checking out the article below on how to share it better for Leo curation.

Sometimes, I do five threads to introduce others' posts. But in my case, I usually, do two only. Too lazy. 🤭


Don't be lazy, lol! Doing only 3-thread is okay plus the recommended tags.

Just like that comment of mine. "my" is missing. 😅

Haha. You must be typing fast, lol!

Or my hands are too slow to follow what is in my head. 😅

Pageviews improving. Keep it up grasshoppers.

Engage with each other even if it doesnt make sense. It makes Ad Sense. LOL


On form so early in the day! Impressive!

Yeah still trying to write a post and, well not having a lot of success at the moment.

Slow going since I am threading.

More coffee...

Standard operating procedure.

blockquote even if it doesn't make sense, it makes Ad Sense.

  • TM

Words to live by.

Engage engage engage.

It is so good you had to write it three times.

Yesooo so that it will sink well in my ear.

Oh God I love how people 'Love' 🥰🥰
Like seeing two people crazy about each other is such a wonderful sight to behold🥰🥰

#emotionsandfeelings #ladiesofhive #boom1me

Love is life.

I just love "love" and the crazy things it makes us do

Lol I know right? Once you dive in all of a sudden you’re either blind or deaf

Crazy feeling!😂

Yes, and when your eye clear you will be like "did I just do that" 😅

And you move to the stage where you start beating yourself up

Lol, exactly.

But that wouldn't stop you from falling again

27 LEO earned just by threading and have to remember that these rewards are a week old so it'll go up from that since I've picked up the pace.


Not to mention there's a financial incentive for curators to vote those who are active and engaged.

More ad revenue, means a higher price for their investment!

Exactly! It's like every action gives you a winning ticket.

Wow that's interesting, I earned a lot too.

Nice! Being active here really pays off.

That's pretty cool. Keep on :)

Thanks! Will do. 😊

I am still having issues while uploading pictures.

I have no problem while uploading photos in threads.

What is your login method?

Do you use mobile,?

If yes, upload the picture on another frontend, copy the link and paste on the box

Try logging in with your posting key instead of active key... solved my problems.

That is rule number one when possible.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Time to Power Up some #hive, total today is 47.36

Hi ! Here I am again.

Mr. Boombastic is back :


Nice , let's do this #boom1me

Haha, congrats! You're fast.

Lucky this time.

Great! Love it

Thank you.

Good Morning Sir. The 3x Boombastic vote is still valid or that is reserved for special days/tricky events only?



Even late comers may have a chance to enjoy the milk. #milkthewhale #boom1me

is this the real one?

It is !

Thanks for the confirmation, as there are so many accounts in here.

Best wishes of the week to you all here beautiful people

Here's my entry for Afritunes week67

#afritunes @afrwk67 #music

Markets red today, i want to remind you that dont panic. Hodl is the key. #threads

I spend too much time sitting in my office chair
my house is a bit of a tip since we had a TV crew filming here
I'm having a tidy, #declutter and #move day

#life #fun #boom1me

There are 4 pages