There are 3 pages

Got off work early today, and now the wife wants to start prepping the barn for the chickens to go in tonight....

Farm work I guess for the afternoon!!!

Farmer Jongo checking in!

hehe farmer black lion Jongo is finally here. When are you joining us in this battle fellow black lion. Let’s show the white and brown lions who’s boss. # blacklions

Still need to read up on everything lol

haha we’ll be right here when you finish. But a summary is to make engaging threads, polls, threadstorms and comments which will be scored and added to your team’s points.

Oh that I can do! Let's rock!

Welcome. Which of the teams do you belong to

If you want to play with your cock just do it. Don't blame the wife.

That's the Thread of the day LOLOLOL

Doesn't she realize what is at stake here?
This is the EPIC battle! lol


Dude I have no idea what's going on lol

Neither do I, LOL
I am just here to talk smack, lol
and maybe earn some XP.


Homestead Jongo, fits you well

Nice, you got to get off work early. I can't unfortunately. I am just on a break to do my part.

Has @tokenizedsociety found out what CFNM is and how much he enjoys it?

Ah okay.. not as bad as I thought. I may or may not have been involved in such a situation before

I may or may not have been involved in such a situation before

The best response is "I do not recall that ".

I found that works well.

And would I steer you wrong?

i did not have sexual relations with that woman

Now the man, that is a different story but they didnt ask about that.

well it's on chain now, no goin back from here

No pics on chain, only text.

So it is fantasy only.

That is what I am sticking to.

I will start reading about it right now. But I got this warning as soon as I type it on the search box LOL

ignore it. A bunch of uptight people trying to ruin your fun.

it's just confused. proceeed ser

a man of true culture! much respect.

Yeah took him a second but he clued in.

we talked a great deal about building culture. is this what we were talking about? lol

You and I? I believe so.

@jongolson No I think he meant something different. But he get sup set when I mention Cummie tokens or Metamask.

So he is too weird for us.

wasn't he supposed to be the cumrocket connoisseur?

Maybe. HIs wife is from Trinidad so you know how this island girls can be.

I believe she knows not to use the claw end of the hammer so jon is safe.

I am sure the reason everyone wants me on their team is because of a deep seeded sexual desire.

Even those nobody came out and said it, that is what I am going to believe as to why you all want me.

Our basal desires influence all of our decisions. Use this to your advantage.

Unlike you, all I have on the line are my compliments, which are free regardless! There goes my bargaining chip.

Yes but you are contributing to the well being of others in a positive manner which can have a lasting impact upon one's life.

I, on the other hand, am just a sexual fantasy in the minds of people that ends with....well, ack to threads.

Don't discount the health benefits of... well, "getting back to threads!"

There seems to be disagreement on the health benefits of not or consistently...getting back to threads.

It's certainly possible for certain people to... get back to threads more frequently than they should. Like anything in life, too much of a good thing can be dangerous! Yes, even free compliments.

Free compliments doesnt require lube like too much threads. The hands can get sore.

Don't let anyone come near you 🤣😂

They're all down bad for you.

If all wanted a piece, I would need lots of blue pills.

lol you can join my team...we want you for your kind, thoughtful and plentiful threads... join the #brownlions

You just want my body like all others on here.

that is not a bad thing if you think about are your body. so if you are your body then i want you come to me, daddy!


Dont let @bradleyarrow see that. I will never hear the end of it.

lol i hope he sees all of it!


He will. Not much gets past him.

What? Link PLEASE 🙏

😂😂I will second you on this one TM. They won’t say it but that’s the reason

Thank you. You are very wise, or a total nutcase like me.

Either way, we agree.

I’ll take the wise part. Even though most people think am a nut case

Screw them. They most likely have problem having logical thoughts so what they think means nothing.

Oh I don’t care actually 😂, I enjoy it all the time. I don’t know but they make it sound real cool

You gotta admit, Task,
it is nice to be wanted.


Yep even if the reasons arent totally pure.

haha didn't I ask you to join #blacklions when the event started :P

Yeah and it was obviously sexual like everyone else on here.

no u misunderstanding. It's ok just stay neutral! that's the most fair way you would singlehandedly make the difference between any of the teams.

LOL relax it is a joke.

I'm young don't bully us young people. Don't forget you have kids older than me :D

I think I had a pair of flip flops older than you.

the LeoFreaks might start coming out if we keep poking

Without a doubt. We just need to set up payment using $LEO for blue pills.

Then we are golden (shower?).

Wow what a good attitude... #whitelions

Hmmm interesting.

But you joining or not?

Joining what? Is someone throwing a sex party?

Nifty is on it isnt he? The head of leofreaks hard at work.

Join or #brownlions pride and well see what kind of party we throw when we win :D

I heard about the kind of parties you freaky people like. 69 with some 420 and no clothes, at least pants.

Too much for someone like me.

You can choose the party

Either you fail to realize what you are saying, or you realize EXACTLY what you are saying.

If the latter, then you should be very popular.

If sex will not want you to join #brownlions, would an instant #bounty that will give you lifelong passive income?

Hey everybody, What's up? I am starting from here. I belong to #whitelions . So what's up everybody? Is anyone available here at the current time?

It's a contest that's happening here on the leofinance interface #blacklions is my team

I am a white lion. So, it's time to start the battle.

Good to have you in our team.

#blacklions roaring and hustling hard.

Yes buddy we are available. Am a whitelion too

I am just wrapping up my lunch break.
I will need to get back to seeing patients.
Maybe I will have some no-shows. :)


Hi fellow doc and member of the #whitelions!

I haven't tried threading from work yet lol. I take it you're doing this from your private office? :)

Let's just say; I am the only provider here today, lol


Welcome to the fun! #threads are very fun and busy right now. The #whitelions are a great group, and a lot of people are here for this contest.

But I can't see many active users here at the current time. I think it's sleeping time in other countries and they are sleeping now.

Only if @taskmaster4450le joins #whitelions team in this battle of lion.

I'll submit free #feets pic 😂 #memes

You just want me for my keyboard.

That keyboard is game changer.... You know queen Gambit moves that's like enough forcheckmate in this battle 🥵

Queen? Now you are bringing in alternatives to Leofreaks.

Yeah you are now a member.

Very good meme. Of course it would be a great support to our team #whitelions

wen feet ser, wen!

Leo Team's expanding, if someone wants to earn a few bucks for 2hrs of weekly work a week send me a DM on discord

Gotta be #newborncub or above

(the reputation model on Leo will fix this, we could ask for Rep 🦁🦁🦁/5 instead of LP)

That’s cool man, leofinance team really deserve all the best

Interesting, but I think I need to digest the recent workload I've taken on first in order to commit to more.

There will be more opportunities soon ser, don't worry

Do I qualify sir? If yes, what's your Discord

you don’t reply to my dms👀✅

You are so right, I will fix this, especially because you prefer threads than discord (this is the way) and if I'm already asking you to discord then I'll reply hahahaha

that’s the point. I am on DMs coz you said so and now you don’t reply

Yeah, I second that too, you really need to fix that too, but since you said, here is the way, we move, I have a dm on your Discord too, lol

do you reply to dms, if you do then I think not for me.

I'm interested...

Let me know if I should send you a dm if you think I qualify.


oh I am down....

I can't send you a direct message on discord, how can I get across?

Hi, please I have given you a dm on Discord about this

vaya! que buena oportunidad !... pero no llego a newborn será para la próxima

Deseo pronto volver a la playa. Algún #brownlions que me acompañe.



What a lovely, infinite beach!

I love the sea and the white sand, the best place for holidays.


Dejamos a César por traidor jajajjajajaLos #brownlions de #hivebarquisimeto.

Jajajaja pobre @filoriologo, se quedará con el frío de las montañas. De verdad que tenemos que ir algún día, que espero no sea tan lejano. Me gustaría ir a Chichiriviche.


A mi me gustaría ir a una playa donde pueda quedarme y nadar ya cuando no haya tanto sol. La última vez que fui me estaba cocinando


Yo me tengo que meter al agua por momentos para no quemarme tanto, te bañas primero en protector solar y listo XD.


Mi relación con la playa es de odio amor, porque amo el paisaje, el viento pero no el sol jejeje.

Jajaja es algo típico el salir quemado que uno no puede ni moverse bien, yo trato de nadar por ratos para que no me afecte tanto.

Me pasa lo mismo con la playa! prefiero la montaña...

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Yo odio tener que estar en la orilla. Es bastante tedioso yo quiero es ir a nadar jaja

Claro, buenas son las playas para nadar, esas que son bajitas y con piedras, a nadar full. Eso es lo divertido, incluso con máscara y unas chapaletas si es posible.

#spanish #brownlions

Los que no sabemos nadar, nos quedamos en la orilla y de paso como nos metemos es en la orilla nos va fatal jajaja

Si fuera una playa con un techo seria ideal jeje, la mejor hora es por la tarde cuando baja el sol. Por acá hay unas playas muy buenas. #brownlions

A mi me gustaría una playa techada, o meter un toldo gigante al agua y que haga sombra siguiendo a uno. Pero tendría que escogerse muy bien el material para uno no acabar ahogándose


jeje, que malos! A mi los mios de Cuba me dejaron tambien, estan en el equipo Blanco @crptogeek @garorant

Jajajajaja Bueno, tocará pelear contra ellos mientras tanto xD

jajja, si claro!

No lo puedo creer, lo que le espera cuando nos reunamos jajaja


amazing. Ready for the finals tomorrow?


Ready for these remaining hours, although I must work I will do my best.

#brownlions 🚀

we should do as much as we can. Today is the day.

i said i am visiting the beach after this contest and i mean every word lol...i must relax by force


I like to go to the beach and stay in a hotel, disconnect from everything for a couple of days, I would like to do that after the campaign.


i think that would be ideal...I am decently doing that with my partner. it has been a long few weeks. I have worked so hard. I need some time off


I hope you can go and share pictures of your trip to the beach here on Threads.


certainly. I will be celebrating my wins with my I assure you there will be a lot of picture taking in a few days


Tengo una playa que puedo ir caminando, es pequeña y siempre hay muchas personas. Cuando yo estudiaba en la secundaria (años 80) me escapaba de la escuela para ir . #brownlions #spanish

Yo vivo como a 3 horas en auto para llegar a la playa más cercana, quisiera vivir cerca del mar. Pero no me gustaría que estuviese repleta de gente jajaja XD

#brownlions #spanish

Donde tu vives tienes el mar cerca, no? Imagino que las noches sean mas frescas?

Si,en el balcon corre buena brisa por la noche. Tengo las playas del este de La Habana, la mas cerca es Bacuranao.

Que rico, en tiempo de playa solo vas caminando, no pasas trabajo para llegar

Que bonita Playa, pero yo para vivir en una isla rodeada de mar, no me gusta mucho la playa y el sol... Como que uno nunca esta conforme con lo que tiene jeje #spanish

Jajajaj En eso tienes razón, la playa me queda muy lejos pero normalmente las personas que viven cerca del mar, pocas veces visitan la playa por diversión.

#brownlions #spanish

Asi mismo, yo no vivo muy cerca pero igual no lo extraño mucho.

No, you frens .. I got another question!
I will have all my questions answered within 2 days - how cool is that?!
Could we publish any theme now in leofinance's long post? Or is it still only finance etc?

You can majorly talk about anything provided there's an element of money in the discussion

Long form is still the original genre. Finance, money, crypto, biz, etc..

If you have answers to leo or hive questions, that is fine.

Or you could do a threadstorm about it too.

Thanks much!
I was wondering, because in the past we used to see only the leofinance posts in our 'blog' profile, now all posts appear.

All are appearing so that people can see what is going on with different things. Also, you can reply to comments on all your posts from leofinance so you do not have to leave to engage.

But try to keep the leofinance long form stuff to that so that you can get rewarded in $LEO.

But most of your stuff you do a good job tilting in leo direction anyway.

I think it's still finance/crypto related for long form posts but threads is for anything

Maybe just financial and crypto, however it looks like some news ahead with the addition of other communities to leofinance

For long form I think it's still finance and related areas only. I hope it stays like that

Hey Kat, can you send me a DM when able pls?

Sure, will do it now!

I ve just dmed you on Discord, I ll be still around here for another 40 minutes!

who have seen Fast X? Is it intriguing to watch or i should just bail on it?
#whitelions #movie

Nah, haven't watched it yet.

So far I've watched only first 3 parts of Fast and furious.

Oh dear!! I guess you’re not a fan then.😃


I haven't bothered. Maybe I'll wait for it to show up on streaming services and binge watch it with other movies when my backlog is large enough. No need to spend too much money

Oh, I like your idea it’s a smart one. I also agreed sometimes we need to save up some money by doing little things.

I havent watched it yet. It's probably crap but I like the fast & furious franchise so may give it a go

Hehe…You’ve said it all. Even if it’s a crap ama give it a watch.

how are you doing #brownlions keep up the spirit and engagement

We will win this battle 🚀 🦁 #brownlions

for sure. We should not let go the momentum . We need all hands on deck.

Am for #whitelions, good luck #threading, and happy Friday!

does not matter we are aiming for 100k threads. All lions do it.

Am sure we can do it!

That is the vibez brother. We keep pushing and we do not relent.


yes. How is the day so far? I am threading and threading

Today is for threading


yes. We talk to people using keyboard 🎹 🫡


don’t drop your guards now

Motivation 101....keep pushing them.

yes. Lions need a little push and threads to react to🙏🙈🧵

Whip them into shape.

ha ha I am trying to have a civil conversation with my fellow 🦁

Well that plan went to shit.

Congrats. You are now part of Leofreaks.

I am not sure. Let me first have my morning tea and biscuits ☕️

I guess they're fine, but of all everyone is definitely doing well , just in matter of time, everything we go back to normal,but for now, we still keep going.

yes. We push for more threads and that’s what matters

Exactly, for me i believe you and hoping to see you doing what you do best on Leofinance.... engagement.

Yes, will do it

@taskmaster4450le. Seeing I cannot reply to a reply (some of them). I am on Desktop at work. I like worms. lol


What do you mean you like worms, only birds eat worms... #brownlions

And fish, makes great bait on a hook.


Fishing...ok, how stupid of me(:

You like worms? Are you into fishing?

I love to fish. Don't get a chance much anymore. To busy fishing for great content on Hive.


LOL I see what you did there. Pretty witty.

Lol. Thanks my friend

if only I could upload photos ☹️🙁😢😭😕

When you can please us the #nsfw tag... we can find them easier.

sure. Wait for the tag.

Okay. I am waiting.

I will tag you for sure.

upload on peakd draft, copy link and paste here

I just don’t want to do that. If it is working fine for others then it should work for me.

depends on your login method. keychain and leoauth work find. hive signer still not working for me for uploads

I have tried everything. keychain browser on mobile, leoauth for safari mobile. Nothing works for me.

You can make use of this site to upload your pictures

Well photo upload doesn’t work for me either on mobile. Unless Pc

I am using peakD now

To upload photos to Thread?

To give up is not an option
life is a a one way road
set your targets and move on
reach and conquer one mile stone at a time
the final post is there right in front of you

#threads #liotes #bcpoets

in the end we are just lions

Hello, hello, hello,

It is time to pick your favourite author in #featheredfriends community. Come and vote and choose the #Bird of the Week. #topauthors #leofinance #polls #birds

Voted, good luck everyone

Than you so much!

Where is @jongolson?

He is missing all the fun. He could liven this place up. Or try to keep us in line.

He's out playing with his cock..


Sometimes a man has to take matters into his own hands.

What did I miss?

Just got home!

Umm. @tokenizedsociety was misbehaving.

He was talking about a culture of cummie tokens and metamask.

He also brought up CFNM.

Or maybe it was me who brought all that up. I dont remember.

But I blame Nifty anyway. He started Leofreaks.

Poor Nifty, always getting blamed for things!

Yeah but 71.5% of the time he is at fault.

Unless it has to do with his wife: then he is at fault 100% of the time.

Happening at the wrong time!

On the sick bed again 🤒

Ooh, so sorry. Take good care of yourself and get better soon

Thank you so much. I will try my best

sorry to hear that fren

Thank you so much... I really appreciate

kpele my need to rest

Thank you so much chief... the thing just too hold me like this oo

Get well soon!

Thank you so much!

This may not be my usual #splinterlands brawl, but who am I not to join such a massive battle?

Thanks @libertycrypto27 for the invite, and here I am fighting (ehm, threadding!) for the honour of the #blacklions


how many hours have you been on threads today? #polls

if you like anime and recognize this anime you have good taste. if you like comedy you will surely like this anime!


Have to admit threading is mode changer!

I was feelin tired and sleepy af thought I should make some threads and sleep that 5 minutes is now about to turn into hour lol.


get some rest fren, a sleepy lion is no good

Gonna sleeep Once I do my part for #whitelions

True, there's some kind of motivation you get when you keep threading

Man like IDK, why do you wanna sleep 😂. You want us to loose?

Oh I used to have a good stamp collection when I was younger maybe I should search for it and see if it got appreciated in value. If it has then I would have more money to buy more leo tokens

#whitelions and #blacklions acknowledge the #brownlion squad☝🏿

I will acknowledge nothing but DEFEAT!!!


We will see about that at the end #brownlions

thankfully we dont need your acknowledgment hahaha


True, but we will be respectful of your defeated pride. :)

okay... i will bookmark this thread so i can make funny of you at the end of the contest


That is a bit of a problem when smack-talking on the blockchain.
It is imprinted forever, lol

Oh really, we never say die until the battle is over. we still have more time to go to decide the winner

It would probably be easier to have y'all back down now to avoid an embarrassing finish.


Yes of course e we would surely do that

Hmm, that is really true, I don't see any our members here again

a few are around. but it is okay. we hold the forte while they are away


Yes, for sure, we would do just that

Answer honestly which team will win the battle.

I support my team #blacklions, I do not deny that the battle is being very hard

#blacklions are hard to beat man... but you guys are feeling the heat?? #brownlions

Yes, there is no doubt that we are seeing how they are rising, even so we will keep the line #blacklions

wow!! I love the spirit battling for your lion pride #brownlions

I like the spirit of your pack, yesterday they were down, today they are up, it's incredible how they came back #blacklions

black lions as always. We continue to keep our pride and also our territories safe from invaders

We must keep all the packs on the sidelines, this will be difficult, but we will make it, don't forget to use #blacklions

Thats just it. A proud member of the pride. And that’s the #blacklions.

yeah I am using that. #blacklions

I support our team as well but this battle is far from over. Things are getting pretty tensed. I am all in for this

It's getting tense, the teams have somewhat close scores, but only the one that is more active and of better quality will win #blacklions

Yes that is true brother. Only the quality ones will win. We have got to make more pills and threadstorms. I just made a poll. Time to get a threadstorm out

Quantity is good, but only by combining quality with quantity can many things be achieved. #blacklions

1/ For a network, both numbers and quality are the essential constituents. Here numbers are not antithetical to quality, rather disproportionate bearing with one another is the central question.


2/ Quality alone can not bring network effect if it is not complemented with numbers, can not reach critical mass.


3/ In contrast, numbers alone can not bring a healthy network if not positioned in exact proportion with quality.


4/ Therefore the network effect, the community is searching for or building it is a consistent search of the exact proportion of numbers with quality.


5/ Initially, the network effect may be shaped by the numbers, that is how it gains momentum, but ultimately it has to be in exact proportion with quality to reach synthesis


6/ Here the attempt is not being made to paint them as culprits of engagement, no, not at all, but there should be a smooth transformation from numbers to quality, and vice versa and that is a time-dependent phenomenon.


7/ So number and quality are not antithetical rather they are part of a continuum, not contrasting constituents. Put simply, numbers and quality are inalienable constituents of network effect,


8/ in which number transforms to quality and quality transforms to numbers, and thus provide easy access between the two, and that is how we achieve social mobility.


You have got that very right brother. Both quality and quantity is the way to go

Without a doubt. #blacklions are demonstrating their valor. However never underestimate your parallels, there is no room for complacency.

Without underestimating, we don't know how many turns the battle can take, even so we are standing well #blacklions

The truth is that all the teams are giving their best. But I also support my team #whitelions

I support my team as well, good luck to us #whitelions

I'm glad this team found you #whitelions

Lol thanks

That's right, it only remains to see the end of everything, for now all the teams must support each other #blacklions

Let's continue to support #whitelions

Support your team I support mine #blacklions

In my honest opinion #brownlions is going to win the battle.

I like it that way, that you have faith in your team, only then will you be able to know who is the champion #blacklions

certainly. I am nothing without my team. My effort alone cannot make us win. So i have to count on all of them


You are a member of your team, you have scored many points, any member is good in every team #blacklions

I hope the #whitelions win, what do you think about that?

We don't know, we just have to bet on our team, just like I support my team #blacklions

Great, you guys are ranking top at the moment though

We plan to continue like this, we will not lower the quality or quantity of threads that #blacklions make

The #blacklions got this already

We really want to win this, nd we are leaving no stone unturned to protect our territory. Rise #

Do we have any data on the three armies' battle that is going on?


I think going by the threads count, #blacklions remain the leding army. No team can attempt to step into our jungle.

#blacklions roaring like anything to proclaim their territory and this proclamtion does accept any exception.

Failure is not an option. Either die or conquer.

We win or win. No two ways about it. Dear great #blacklions, we cannot stop roaring. Lets do this. Winning is our culture.

We do. I see it popping up on threds all the time but personally I'm not looking. I just know we will win and I rather spend the time threading rather than checking scores

But it is necessary to have the real-time data to maneuver rationally. We should up the ante whenever we are supposed to do so. Data helps in that regard.


I will leave that to the strategy people hahaha I will keep grinding regardless

Grund it hard to rise high. That's the motto.


But I get your point

#blacklions forever, we will not lower it, we have quality and quantity there is no way to stop

We really missed you friends for many hours now. So happy to hold the front until you all came back. Lets do it #blacklions.

If you are not in the discord, I invite you to join, we must have the greatest possible support. #blacklions

We will win it. #blacklions. We are going to make sure we fight till the end. Everything for this fight is ready.

The #blacklions will win, we are on top, we must stay

Yes, for #blacklions failure is not an option.

I think it's excellent, don't give up, all this can take an unexpected turn, so we must stay #blacklions

Interesting, I think we have already spent 18 hrs time, so it's half way mark. We have another 18 hrs to fight this battle. Never give up. Fight till the last second.


We will not give up, I know we will succeed, I trust my team #blacklions

if you could buy #leo tokens with a credit or debit card would you buy ?

#leo #threads #poll #polls #ctp

The $LEO tokens that I have - I have earned here inside.

But I wouldn't bother buying a little LEO for immediate availability. Moon soon.

The more you have staked the more leo you earn so in a way leo is a never ending growth opportunity as long as the currently developments are going things are falling into place

that's the thing, we are in the hands of the devs

luckily we know them and we know that they are doing things very well

I bought already, and ready to buy more soon.

The same goes for me

My debit or credit card balance is always zerooo.

Loif savings in crypto. !LOL

Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France?
There was nothing left but de Brie.

Credit: reddit

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@thetimetravelerz, I sent you an on behalf of @idksamad78699

yes for a lot of us our savings on crypto are the things that keep us going ahead and forward
#blacklions rock

That holds very true for the #blacklions as well my dear friend

Not so sure but it would buy with a credit card. I have been stacking though and I am ready to keep stacking Leo. I believe the moon is coming

Of course I would. Buying little by little now.. #blacklions

Of course I would buy it, it's a great investment you're making. Once Leo was at $1 I know he'll be there again #whitelions

Oh that was such a long time back and still early days for leo but now things are a lot more different think it can go to $ 1 I do not think that would be fair to speculate a price but it seems good for more

Let's make coffee nerd engineer style! Are you ready?

My coffee cup has around 100ml capacity and that's roughly the output of my moka pot

well that might be the nerdiest thing i've ever read related to coffee

hahaha right?! I love teaching shit no one needs to know

100ml of water is roughly 100 grams so that's the mass we want to heat. Now, The specific heat capacity of water is approximately 4.18 Joules per gram per degree Celsius. I have no idea what that is in Fahrenheit so dont ask :P

My water will start at room temperature which, right now is around 20 ºC. That means we need to heat it up from that temperature to around 100 ºC, which is when it starts to boil.

So, we can calculate how much energy we need using this formula:

Q = m * c * ΔT

Q is the heat energy
m is the mass of the water
c is the specific heat capacity of water
ΔT is the change in temperature

That will become:

Q = 100 * 4.18 * (100-20)

Q = 33440 J

I'm using a common domestic stove for that so we will assume it has a heating power of around 1000 Watts.

Using the definition of power we can determine how long it would take to heat our 100g of water from 20 to 100 ºC

time = Energy divided by Power or t = Q/P

That will be 33440 J / 1000 W which equals roughly 33.44 seconds. Assuming it will take another 30 to 40 seconds for the water to go through the moka pot and turn into coffee and adding some time to account for uncertainty...

I would say it's gonna take roughly 2 to 2.5 minutes for my coffee to be ready. So that's the time I will have to thread once I get everything set up.

So, there you go! The nerdiest cup of coffee you have ever seen!

Let grind some wise word again, especially having them as a threadstorm this time around will be much more better, so Incase you need one check.y threadstorm.


Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.


In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream.

3/ 🧵

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.


👀 checking for you threadstorm let’s see these words

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.


If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.


The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of strength not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of will.


Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but don’t quit.


If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.


Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything.


Words are never warm and tender enough to express one's appreciation of a great kindness."


Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart."


As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them


Forget yesterday — it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow — you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift — today."

17/ 🧵

Any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day."


The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."


We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures


In this blog post, I discussed about web3 social blogging platforms and how Hive is making a difference.
#threadstorm #outreach


The Hive blogging platform is the torchbearer for web3 blogging platforms in this new era. Hive is an ideal example of how web3-based blogging platform should be.


The Hive Power system is quite exceptional as it motivates users to keep their tokens and make investments in the platform.


In the realm of web3 blogging platforms, Hive blog has forged ahead as a trailblazer with its focus on community, distinguishing itself from the rest.


In short, the future 0f web3 social blogging looks bright with the Hive blogging platform.

#gosh #outreach

Who else finds it very lazy or difficult to edit their posts? I cannot remember the last time I edited even a single photograph of mine. Is it really necessary to edit your pictures? #blacklions

Pictures? How many times do I even take my own pictures to even edit them 😂

😅 I don’t even take pictures of myself too man. It is a pity I have to scroll to hours before I can find a single picture of me.

I like it that way😂. Fuck the pictures man

😂 haha take it easy my guy. Relax, the picture haven’t offended you in any way

My network fucks me up 100 times in a day. Shit is soo annoying #whitelions

hehe see who finally decided to show up. Welcome man, best those network providers of yours. Why do they keep messing up with you? #blacklions

Well, they mess me up daily. What can I do? I always buy for the two sims I have for which ever is good

Well that’s the way to go. Vodafone are in a bad place right now and you can almost never get their network moving but you can have your data turned on on mtn and they still will mess you up

man I switch all the time. Abi h ever is good I take it

haha 😅 you want to play a fast mind on them

Which fast mind😂. Is it not my money they are spending

We don't need a network that fucks up a #whitelion that much in a day!

Don’t worry buddy, I go round the whole house in search of hood network 😂

Hahaha cool just don't climb on top of the roof.

😂😂hehe I’ve gotten a good spot right now actually

nothing worse than a bad connection. well, bad sex is worse i guess.

Hehe, bad sex is sure worse

That's because you are in the wrong team, lol. Switch to #blacklion and your network would be perfect. Lol....

Ah ah😂, what has this got to do with my team

I'm just trying to win you over, lol..

Never underestimate Brown Lions as long as @rmsadkri is part of that tribe.

However, we #blacklions will give all that makes us Lions.

For a minute I thought you were a brown lion. So you are underestimating whitelions 🙂

White lions ran away when the #blacklions roared. Only the brown lions put up a challenge. So white lions are just shivering and watching from a distance.

Thats what you’ll think until the next update is put up 😂. Forget what’s on trending o

I just forgot about the trending page right now. White lions are winning. Lets just continue to roar #blacklions. Lets do more!


No no, never could I underestimate White lions. Everyone is special in their own right. I am just anticipating who is close to the #blacklions lead.

😂😂oh yep am only messing with you. But am sure we’ll be right behind you guys.

We wanna see u at par with us....ha ha ha..


We fear no foe. We have the best team. A team of many persons working hard for us. #blacklions is the team to beat. We remain king of the jungle.

We fear no foe.

And that's our strength. With the characteristics of valor, we will conquer this battle.

By the way, do we have any data on the ongoing 3-armies battle?


No data yet. We still lead by thread count. I will have to check leogrowth page. Wake up dear #blacklions

Okay. Closely monitoring the trending tags. We will be home and we will make sure we will achive it at any cost.

We need to win this at all cost. No letting our guards down. #blacklions. Lets continue roaring just as we are in fact doing since

Sure. We will....


Maybe, after this day ends, I will see if I can find Fast Furious X, a non cam version.

Nothing worse than cam, well other than porn. Dont you agree @l337m45732.

Well well, someone told me #porn have better storyline than fast furious X.

Not sure how true it is. Nifty knows it...


Some of the storylines during the Golden Age of porn were good. John Holmes as a private dick was good.

Yeah Fast Furious isnt known for its storywriting and deep plots.

Whaaaaaaaat theeeeeee... Golden age for real?

Mah God... seeems like I need to dig more and more to find golden treasure 😂

I've only watched first 3 fast and furious #movies. Will watch rest of in some other loif.

The one in Brazil was good (I think 5).

Yes golden age. Look it up. The late 70s into the 1980s.

favorite kind of porn? #nsfw #polls #blacklions

I think the professional or even the amateur will do as well

no preference? just good ole porn. i like that style.

Yeah just get in on with lol

Anything with "Horny stepdaughter" you won't find any better out there :)

Damn, went straight for the step porn. Love it

alright, #blacklions... i have to go finish my final drawing for the campaign to turn in. hold the lines. strong, steady, & remember... it's a marathon. not a sprint.

You've done enough, leave it to all of us who will trail you to victory, time for threads #blacklions

I am with the #whitelions but I admire you too!

We got this fren. Do a kickass drawing

Definitely, we keep holding on till you're back too, for now the rest of the armies are here grinding the contest, we move to the next level.

Good luck with that...I need to write one more post as well




Threading notifications slow down. So time to create my 4th threadstorm. This time it is about Real and Imaginary Goods.


2/🧵 #blacklions

This topic is taken from The General Theory of the Good written by Carl Menger in his Principles of Economics (1871).

This is a theory I should read... I never thought about what's considered an actual Goods before. Actually, I think I should read more books about economics.

that useful.#Youtube videos are too focused on being flashy to be


Yeah, Carl Menger's Principles of Economics is tough reading, but I find it worthwhile.


3/🧵 #blacklions

The chapter has six sub-topics: the nature of goods, the causal connection between goods, the laws governing goods-character, time and error, the causes of progress in human welfare, and property.

4/🧵 #blacklions

However, I would reconstruct the six sub-topics and limit this threadstorm to just three of them: real goods, imaginary goods, and a special class of goods.

5/🧵 #blacklions

Real goods comply with four basic prerequisites:

  • A human need to be satisfied

  • A thing must have the properties capable to establish a causal connection to satisfy a human need (I hope this will be clarified later).

This is true. A good is not considered a real one if it cannot satisfy a need.

It seems Menger's exposition is too academic at first, but it made sense to me.


Yes it does make a lot of sense. #blacklions

6/🧵 #blacklions

This is becoming too academic so I will not add the remaining two prerequisites. I will just continue with the content that can be clearly understood.

7/🧵 #blacklions

Real goods are subject to the law of causality:

If, therefore, one passes from a state of need to a state in which the need is satisfied, sufficient causes for this change must exist.

8/🧵 #blacklions

Two kinds of real goods exist:

  • material goods

  • useful human actions and inactions

Among useful human actions, labor services are the most important (p. 55)

9/🧵 #blacklions

Real goods lose their “goods-character” in four ways (pp. 52-53):

  1. Disappearance of specific human needs due to either internal or external changes.

10/🧵 #blacklions

  1. Disappearance of a causal connection between the thing and the human need due to a change in the properties of the previous real good.

11/🧵 #blacklions

  1. Disappearance of the knowledge of a causal connection between the real good and the human need

12/🧵 #blacklions

  1. Disappearance of the command over the previous real good making men incapable of directly using it to satisfy a human need.

I think I will end with this. The threadstorm has become unusually long.

13/🧵 #blacklions

I will just create another threadstorm later for imaginary goods and a special class of goods.

If only i’m man enough, i would have loved to have you as a pet 🦁, damn #whitelions are cute.

#whitelions are strong. Let's just keep going but I don't know if I would want it as a pet.

Yeah, just like #whitelions together we’re stronger, let’s keep going. By the way that’s why i said if only I’m man enough haha, I’m sure i can’t keep one.

I love #lions would love to have it as pet but it will sure eat me up

haha.. please don’t get eaten up by one instead you can go see them at zoo’s.


Lol yes, so not a lion pet for me

#WhiteLions are Champiom not pet!

OH YES!!! Helluva Champion 🦁💪🏻. Pardon my manners, my love for #whitelions got me confusing 😁

For sure #whitelions are the great ones reagard of anything

Embrace the cuteness of #whitelions

Yayyyy totally loving them

OMG!! Will you just look how cute they’re 🫣🥰


they are super cute I totally love them :D

Yes, totally same here.


And that’s the bottom line..


Cute yes but not fit for a battle. Am I right #blacklions

haha, You lions gonna feel the wrath of #whitelions tonight.

Took some moments away from here, now am back, we go again, where are all the #blacklions am back and better, let keep grinding mate.

Welcome. I will be taking a break to get fuel for my devices. Try to hold my position. The brown lions are right behind us. I will be back #blacklions

Good one, just come back and finish up with us, we definitely miss you here for the main time, we keep grinding till you're back mate.

We do this for you

You continue to be the frontline of #blacklions, we go on to victory.

Collective effort matter's now, just as you're here too, let keep giving it all our efforts mate, we move and win this together


Wut is these hashtags :/.

You aren't a #blacklions mate I guess, when it for where I belong in the quest, I guess you missed the announcement post, that Why, but of all just keep engaging mate.

Yea, was inactive busy with IRL.

Just saw that announcement and know what's going on.

l.jpegTo the lionesses of the #brownlions team, up the lionesses.

you guys should take over my timeline...I love to see it


So we will

At the end lionesses are the fighters 🦁💪way to go our lioness #brownlions are sure will get stronger with you.

You are right, they are the ones who hunt for the herd! 🦁💪

so you are our hope🥲
Just kidding we are all working together.
Waiting till the next leaderboard to check our progress

jaja, yes, I can't wait for the table to be posted!

hahaha looks like you’re doing great job here. That’s a good motivation for myself

Well, I want to keep answering your threads until this is over....

She is wild beauty

True, all wild animals are beautiful.

Was thinking of doing a weekly post asking people for help either via donations or votes so I can make it to Hivefest this year! Need around 3k for the trip (I live in Greece) and if the community supports this then I'll be able to attend!

Asking for votes and donations may work. It depends on your reasons and your appeal. #whitelions

Wrote my reasons in thread! Connect, have fun and represent @skatehive community!

Have to think about it, still have 3 more months hehe!

Haven't done this yet cause I don't wanna look like a cheap fuck who wants other to pay for his expenses! Truth is if I had 3 spare $k I would book my flight right away but I dont.

What do you think? Would you support me in this?

Btw the reason I wanna travel to Hivefest is to meet all legendary Hivers I admire, have fun chatting about my favourite blockchain and of course do a presentation of #Skatehive!

I think you should, Hivefest seems like such a fun event;

Hello guys, are you all interested and ready for the upcoming Champions League Finals hosted in Istanbul? Who will win this one? What is your prediction? #polls #ucl

I'm not really into football and my brother isn't around to ask him about his thoughts, so I chose by random. (Europe soccer is popular even here, but I'm not into it.)

Hey #whitelions #blacklions #brownlions

Feel free to use all of these images.

A #threadstorm

I like the second one here. They can fight between them while the #brownlions just pass them xD we have any interim update on the leaderboard stat of this ongoing 3-armies battle?


Thank you so much. More lion roars right now as we try to stay and protect our jungle. #blacklions. Watch out for this.

Gracias son realmente muy lindos esos leones... el blanco es mi preferido...y los que están llenos de colores quedaron geniales!!!

This is actually quite a nicely rendered set of images. Are they all AI-generated?

so if you won the leofinance zealy campaign grand prize what would you do with your winds?



I better wake up to reality 😂

Next time, I guess.


I will take a break and get back to mainstream crypto research, I still have not followed updates on SEC declaring most good cryptos as securities. Next week, need to catch up #brownlions

yeah that is something i have not been following closely. heard binance is leaving America. that wont be good for their business


Hey SEC has declared Cosmos & Matic a security. I did not expect them to attack blockchains like these. Polkadot has managed to get immunity from this months back, SEC terms Polkadot as software it seems #brownlions

lol it sucks to be in America at this point...they want to take the entire crypto industry down but they can only try


They also say it's for protections of the costumers while freezing all their money and not allowing them no use their own assets... knowing it will only affect US branches if there are any lol

Lol so people can't make decisions for themselves again. They government does. It is crazy how we just these entities so much power over our lives


I’ve thought about this recently. What I will do if I won a prize. Well, nothing in my right now apart from investing it in maybe lgn so I could get the monthly div until I need it

not bad. I am thinking along that line. i would invest 80% back and use the remainder to do something for myself. it is only. i have worked hard enough


Oh yep. I’ll by all means take some out for a few things and invest most of it back into something that will give me dividends

what would you invest in, that is the question lol


Power up in Leo.

But you should have had asked the question what could be the probable prize distribution in figures for different ranks?


lol i dont even want to think about it because it has given me sleepless nights... lol i spent money on this contest as well...over $50 i hope it is worth the time and monetary investment


you spent money on it? Was it for the influencer quests??

that and getting gears like my pencil, ring light , etc for other quests


Ringlight? Oh that is a huge investment.

I didn’t even attempt any of the vlog quests

Lol I got that for for around $50. I will still use it to make tiktok videos as well


A good investment for sure.


certainly. everything i bought i has made money from it is not a waste at all


Haven’t thought about this because I know it’s not gonna happen😂😂😂.

I even sometimes feel that on the final day, I would wake up to realize I’m out of the reward zone

lol come on! Be optimistic....this last task can be a major boost for you. i will enjoy you to keep at it for as long as you can...


As much as I try to be optimistic, I’m equally pessimistic 😂.
I’m always preparing myself for whatever is to come. I do hope this last quest turns out good

Amen. What pride to you belong to btw so I know if you are my enemy or not

Oh I’m an enemy. I thought you knew that😂😂


Oya come and back your bag and be going. I am not doing again


It will go towards the equipment and all stuff i need to by. My PC is way too old, so is the phone. So many things I can't do because I'm limited by them.

I understand. I need a new phone as well and if the money is enough I might get one. If not I will reinvest the money


Sure, I don't think for me it will enough for a phone, but at least will make it easier to get. Tho, the investment has been big too.


Yeah .. fingers crossed. Looking forward to see how everything pans out

#brownlions este meme es muy bueno, jajaj hombres haciendose pasar por mujeres trans y que se han lesionado los huevos

Can't understand your language but from the chart I see what it is. 😂

LoL, 2023 might break previous records

Jajajjajaja ese es un chard interesante, no había pensando en algo como eso. Pero bueno, nuestros deportes no toman eso en cuenta


The monthly record for pageviews in the past was 50K, a month.

We just crossed 30K in 23 hours.

absolutely bonkers. good thing eric doesn't need to sleep.

Ah those Mexicans. Dont need sleep and beans dont affect them like they do us.

Who is eating beans

Lots of people I am sure. Nifty can put away some Chili at times.

We can achieve that too, just few hours away from that right now,let see what happehappens in few minutes also.

Things slowed down although it is night in the east.

Some of the Europeans might also be occupied on this friday night.

Well I think we will retain a lot of that traffic even after the contest, who knows, maybe 60% of it.

That is optimistic and I hope you are right. In the past it seemed to dwindle and quick.

Well I'm being hopeful, but I think a lot of people now enjoys this place

I do but many seem to only concern themselves with the contests. Then it is vanishing.

Thats big! Now we are all responsible to keep people coming back everyday

It starts with bringing ourselves back. The question is how many will?

We have seen this play before.

That's fantastic. I wonder where we will land by the end of the month

Higher than 30K is my guess.

hahaha sounds about right

See. Simple logic.

everyone is going crazy at this point. it is indeed a grand finale...


They were crazy long before $LEO. They just now have a way to express it.

#brownlions ! Share your music for this battle on a thread and then put the link to that thread as a comment on this one to make the soundtrack for our battle! remember using the tag #musicfriday on your thread with the video.

well, this is what i am listening to today. it is titled Champion by FireBoyDML

Is it possible that the player Messi appears as a player card in #GenesisLeague ? Since he might possibly be going to the Miami team #blacklions

There are 3 pages