There are 4 pages

Today is going to be a great day, I can see it already.


What makes a day great?

I can also see it. What a coincidence :)

Good morning to you too , i hope have a great day

Good morning.

Absolutely, I am off to a strong start with #threads.

Have a productive day

Gm Eric!

Why you sound like something special is about go live.

yeah, a great day indeed. Let’s rock it together

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

You can make it so Obi Won.

The force is with you.

From the creators of My Steam Library has 50+ games that I've never played

We now have I just downloaded to my Kindle more than 200 books that I will never have time to read

same happens with the games from xbox game pass, too many and a lot of threads to be made

You do realize you have 20K threads to make?

When you visit the heaven on earth
picture from our last trip


Such a beautiful and refreshing view.

thanks man it's really an amazing place to visit

Most welcome
Keep sharing.

So cute!! Are those black swans???

yep, black swans with me and my daughter. :D

wowww that's really great :D

yeah but the bad story is now this place is closed

why? what happened??

What an environment. Nature is indeed the most beautiful thing😍

connecting us with the real us, not the fake life we're living at

Beautiful, where is it?

it's in Lebanon:D

Wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction.

#Threads #life #motivation

What a quote. I like it. I would also like to add, do journalling at the end of day to monitor your own progress, be it a silly thing.

that’s the best quote I’ve heard today 👏

And perhaps take some action in between.

Definitely there are no results without actions then no satisfaction as well

Very true. That is the difference between those who make it versus not.

Doers and achievers take action in spite of the obstacles even if it is only between their ears.

I am so looking forward to @taskmaster4450 post today. I might even #thread about it. @taskmaster4450le.

You one of the secrets to Leothreads. I will post about that too.

Oh, and what secret is that?

It meant to say yes one of the secrets.

But it will be in an article. Threads opens up doors even to those who arent content creators.

And I cannot wait to read it. Thanks in advance

You always say that but yet you seem to have the ability to wait to read something until I write it.

You cant wait but you can.

Lol. I seem to have no choice 😕.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down & cry,

Show life that you have a million reasons to smile and laugh.

Stay strong.

Gonna be hard getting a million reasons on paper tho 😅

Wise words.
Thank you for sharing

Thank you for liking

Thank God, it's possible in imagination.

Aight ser. Copy that!

Yeah... It's more positive when we cry and move on..
Pain in this journey is inevitable

Thank you for your valuable input.

Leo threads is really popular. How do I know?

Look at ecency waves :P

Short content is popular

lol you are here :P Why do you need a new app on ecency? Why didn't you just integrate threads and buzz?

I am on Ecency decks commenting to your thread. There but not there 😊🌊

Great. What about my questions? can you answer them?

What do you mean new app? We don’t have new app… Waves are just one feature on Ecency just like Decks, Market trading, Swapping tokens, Publishing content, Communities etc. maybe I understood question wrong, please elaborate 🙏

Wouldn't it be easier if you just integrate leothreads and dbuzz and not create waves? Why do we need more names?

Where do we see that new thing?

Everyone is now willing to lower the barrier. Silly things matter and the "doctrine of average" is the pragmatic way of life in Hive.

Elaborate please.

1/ Blogging is time-consuming, not everyone's natural skill and even more so when U engage in other apps, u have to read d full content, so those who want to perform in engagement with a better strike rate, will switch to short-form content

2/ because they can produce comments in less time and can easily up their rank in engagement which in some way going to help in getting votes.

3/ Secondly, as I said earlier average life in Hive wins, microblogging niche complements the "doctrine of average" and makes it an overarching process in the realm of social blogging.

Now I understand what you are saying. I agree and now it makes sense on why you are asking about monthly average of number of threads.

The monthly average thread count should be a key parameter in the context of engagement. U can easily identify people who are here for the long run with this metric

rather than a burst of activity. I agree.

Care to elaborate for those not paying attention.

it is all over on threads by now. Ecency released a new short form content feature called ecency waves. I tried. There are interoperability issues but the app looks good.

Does it feed into the same container, ie are the threads appearing on the Leo UI and vice versa?

it is like before. You can reply to threads and they are indexed fine. You cannot index the first thread you send using ecency though.

Ah okay. I asked that above. I see.

But at least people can engage with threads through Ecency.

yes. they can reply to threads using ecency easily.

Ecency indexes all leo threads, no problem at all

What about the other way? Do ecency replies end up on leothreads?

Can you start a thread in ecency and comment on it through Leofinance?

Like said before. Cannot start a thread in ecency and comment on Leo.

hmmm, let me check it out

Not promoting them :P


Well, we have to wait next month to know the real effect of leothreads

What do you mean?

when the campain ends we will see the real users adoption of leothreads

That's true. i agree.

ecency waves is going to make threadcasting soooo much easier

I agree... so easy to use.

It seems quite smooth so far. Wonderful experience!


Glad you enjoy it. We hope to see more people like you diving right in.

How so?

Please explain.

wow, really?

yes really, why not?

ohk, that's great then

what do you mean?

Just came back from #work and I'm in #holiday mode now. Yeah!

#gmfrens pretty wild it's Thursday already last two days have blown by already but getting so much done. Focusing in on another 1,500+ word article today going to take some time to write that one!

I finished a 1500 article a while back and man, it took a lot of time. Best of luck in yours

Gm ser.

Have a productive day. Tho, how long it takes you to write 1500+ words blog?

Especially with all to learn and put into it, to make it great

GM have a good one, and thanks for the reminder to fluffing write!

Good luck, ser 🫡

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.


Your productivity is always high.


#gmfrens km gunna be productive as fuck today. What about you?

It's going well so far. Have a great and productive day too.

Gonna try. Cranked out a long form yesterday, have sights on another today.

hell yeah, same!

Gm ser.

Share some productivity brah.

I'm trying to make it productive lol.

Have a good one!

go forth and conquer


Has it been everything you dreamed of and more? 😉

Here is a classic.

The great Nat King Cole.

Not sure I was born when this was released. He has got a very good voice

Hell I wasnt born when it was released.

😂 I feel okay now.

Enjoy the thursday with a vibrant waterfall that I clicked with my phone one a way towards Sikkim tour.


I am glad I get to enjoy greenery & good company at the park in the vincity. #travelthursday

Nice shoot.. the dog seems to be unbothered about the worried of the world

yes... spending time with them, we too become less worried about the world. Just enjoy the present movement!!

i do not have a pet but i know they are nice and loyal creatures


Enjoy mate.

Tree's everywhere meanwhile #dogs doing rest... Need Moar trees fr.

this is where I exercise in the mornings and these doggies give me company too!!

Nice place and glad you got the company!

That's good to hear. Looks like there are lots of trees in the park which is awesome.

i just love visiting such places, amusement, fun and you can check the dogs how relaxed are:D

Today, May 25th.we remember George Floyd an African American man who was murdered by a former Police Officer, Derek Chauvin, in the US of America.


so far we can see the leothread feed but not the waves (ecency version of a tweet/thread) on the leo side. im impressed and like the vibe of it. being able to multi post between short & long form


the columns feature is one of those things you didnt know you wanted until you got it type of features


Interface look interesting

i like it a lot, threads will need to do something otherwise i'll end up hopping back over there for content creation again

That means it's an integrated feature. The notification of ecency is smooth, so the user experience will get a lot better with this.

Is this separate from #threads or an integration

Separate thing. Works similar to Threads, in that everything is a comment on Hive. Waves can "see" Threads but can't yet post to it and fully index.

Gonna be very interesting to see how/if the two mesh or collaborate.

It would be awesome if they worked together. What ever front end you find easier, personal choice, could be published to the back end. Then again it may cause each other to up their game.

That has always been the spirit of Hive, and I'd love to see these microblogging services take that to heart! Prioritize the UX for Hive users versus "my project's" users... but we shall see!

That would be awesome 👌

Is separated of threads, but you can watch in the same column threas, dbuzz and waves

commenting on waves will show up on threads, but waves (threads on ecency on the leothreads feed) dont show on the leo threads feed on leo


separate and more bells and whistles that are actually practical enough to be worthy of competing with threads

Well, so now competition is healthy. Going to be interesting to so what this brings forth


being able to read multiple pages of long form while simultaneously making & keeping track of short form is DOPE AF

As we've said over on Waves, there's a big decision for LF on the horizon on how to collaborate with this development :)

This sounds interesting. I’ve got to give it a try

do you know about biggest Splinterlands Anniversary reward splinterlands community will burn DEC or DEC-B tokens and all participation will receive points for each token burned. top burner members will get superb reward, @splinterlands

Thank you for sharing the info; I didn't know. It looks like a good incentive and will also help the price of DEC move a bit.

i am happy that you got information from my thread, yes this event will support dec market ,there are chance the increase of price of dec b and dec also welcome dear

Keep sharing such info; thank you. Let's see how it turns out to have DEC again at its peg value.

if you want to read more about this reward then visit this link
@splinterlands team explained every points very openly how to participate
#gosh #game

thanks for the information many users are unaware

wow, that’s a great initiative

I have 7 days left in May including today. I need to do 663 more threads. That is about 95 a day. I better get rocking..

663 more to slay the final boss?

No, To hit 3000 for the 10K XP ;).

Yep that’s the final boss for that quest. Good luck.

OH LOL. Thanks for the info. Slap myself.

Hehe just a little. Not too hard.

Lol. I won't knock myself Senseless

You are producing much more than 95 every day. That's a good thing; you will get there this weekend I think.

That is what I am aiming for.

How much time do you need to do such several threads? Keep rocking.

Two a minute if I am at my best, sonan hour a day just #threading.

Does it mean we can thread 120 per hour?

Absolutely, if you got quick fingers and something to talk about.

It could be like making many threads daily as we have so many active threaders, so interaction makes it easier and faster.

It does, replying to replies is one of the keys, I believe

That will keep you busy for the whole month of May.

It will a bit. I am going to try and do more sooner. That way I won't feel like inam behind the bullet

Seeing a started a comic book question and the other day I talked about Twitter and the ability to touch base with celebrities. Here is a storm of my interview with Mike Grell from a few years back.

A. In truth, I wanted to be a lumberjack, just like my Dad. Then, when I
was 16, he got me a job working in the woods and I discovered how hard
the old boy had been working all those years. I decided there must be

lumberjack really involves hard work and dedication, you need to be strong before you can do that work,

Or keep at till you become strong 💪 😉

I decided there must be an
easier way to make a living. I would have liked to become an architect, but
couldn't handle the math so I settled on commercial art, because it had the
word "commercial" in it

lol, maths is my favorite subject

Lol. It is one of mine.

(which meant you got paid to draw) and "art"
(which meant it wasn't really work).

haha, artwork is really worthy and I would have wished to be one but lol, didn’t work out for me either

I can draw an awesome stick person.

wow, that’s great, then I think by now you are don’t with the zealy artist adventure?

Q. Once you became an artist what drew (pardon the pun) you to comics and
DC comic?

A. While in U.S. Air Force basic training, I ran in to a guy who told me I
should forget commercial art and become a cartoonist because "Cartoonists
only work two or three days a week and they make a million
dollars a year

hmmm, cartoonist, what do they do actually

Best to research it. My answer was going to sound saucy. Lol.

Then, when I was stationed in Saigon, a pal brought his
stack of comics which included GREEN LANTERN/GREEN ARROW
by Denny O'Neil, Neal Adams and Dick Giordano and I decided that was
the kind of work I wanted to do.

hahaha, you have really made a lot of work decisions lol, let me continue reading you might even find a different one on the way as well

Awesome, thank you.

my pleasure, that is how life is, you never know where you would find yourself one day until the time comes.

I really wanted to do a comic strip, but
nobody was interested in adventure strips, so I wound up in comics.
As dumb luck would have it, DC just happened to have work at the time I
needed it.


Q. For me your three biggest characters have been Green Arrow, Warlord
and Jon Sable. Are one of these three your favorite? Or is it another?

actually I know none of them, maybe I might read about them later

Awesome, I am spreading my love of comics to others.

that’s great to share what you love to others

Especially when it is accepted

yeah, you would be much happier than before


A. Green Arrow is my favorite comic character. Jon Sable is my favorite among
my own creations.

that is good to know

Q. Green Arrow The Longbow Hunters has to be one of the best stories and
redevelopment of a comic character. Did you go after the Green Arrow
title or was it offered to you.

A. When I heard Denny O'Neil was resurrecting GREEN LANTERN/GREEN ARROW in the
'70s, I went straight to his office and asked him "Who do I have to kill?"

hahaha, what sort of question did you just asked him like that

why did you ask that

I was the interviewer. Those are Mike Grells answers

ohk, I see thanks, I thought you are the one being interviewed

Oops, my bad, I read the story, the wrong way lol

Lmao. At least now you know 😀

And that is just a phase used to let people know how badly you want something.

yeah, sure

Working with him was just
a blast. Then, a decade later, Mike Gold called me and asked if there was a character I liked enough to
come back to DC

I said I had done such a lousy job on Batman that I always wanted to take another shot it him, but I knew Frank Miller was just starting work on THE DARK KNIGHT

and I knew that would put a cap on the character for the next 20 years (more like 25... and counting). Gold suggested Green Arrow and I said that was always my favorite character.

Q. What was your inspiration to redevelop Green Arrow they way you did in

A. Mike Gold gets the credit again. He said "Think about this: Green Arrow as
an urban hunter." that's how THE LONGBOW HUNTERS came about.

Q. What where your first thoughts when you heard the CW was bring Arrow
to the small screen?

A. Trepidation and doubt. Turns out I was totally wrong

Q. You must have been excited when the CW and DC contacted you about
doing more work for Green Arrow (Arrow). I know I was.


A. Yes. I had been itching to get my hands (and pencil) on the character
again. When they asked me to draw the cover for the SDCC promo comic, I was excited.

that’s was a great opportunity for you then

For him. Lol

yeah, just realized I wrongly read the information, hahaha

Lol. The main thing is now you know. 😀

yeah, now I know hahaha

Later, Geoff Johns asked me to draw the police artist sketch that's used in the show and I asked if there were plans for a comic. He said, "Stand by." Whatever strings he pulled, I was on the book in a matter of days.

Q. Have you been watching Arrow since it has been on? And if so any
thoughts on how they are handling Oliver Queen/Arrow.


A. Yes. I think they're doing a great job on all aspects - great characters,
tight scripts, excellent production values. Movie quality stuff you can watch for free.

for me I haven’t watched that movie yet, I don’t know maybe because I am not a fan of movies

It is a TV show 😀

Ohk, I see, series right?

Q. What do you think of Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Arrow?

A. I think Stephen is doing an excellent job. He has the talent, the
physicality and the charisma to carry the lead. When I first saw thee pilot I said this will be a star-making role for him. The camera really likes the guy.

Q. Any last comments or thoughts that you would like to share?

A. After 40 years in the business, someone owes me 39 1/2 million bucks and
about 28 years vacation.

Oops, that’s a huge sum of money, have you gotten that now, sorry to hear this


yeah, to him instead lol,

I loved Mike's answers and it was a treat and a lifetime dream come true to have contact and an interview with him.

Thank you Mike Grell

End of

Wow, that was a great interview man, you really did extremely well with your answers, I really enjoyed reading your lifetime story.

2/ was supposed to be:

Q. How and when did you realize that you wanted to become an artist?

Thanks for sharing your fascinating real-life story.

I am the interviewer. I asked the the questions. Q.
Mike Grell answered. A.

Una publicación donde @lileisabel nos muestra El Palacio Ferrer, Museo de las artes de la provincia de Cienfuegos en Cuba. Hermosa edificación que contiene lo mejor del arte de la ciudad. #spanish

welcome to the short form party @ecency

i saw that the notifications had been changed slightly, but i guess thats not all theyve been doing...

interesting. At one point I thought they will just let threads slip into ecency UI



Hivesucre is doing some powerful stuff. We know the potential of HBD and that region is showing it. We are watching the community grow as well as more HBD being used.

Normalizing buying IRL goods with crypto is a fascinating and critical element of this whole Web3 thing. Glad to see that Hive isn't shy about it!

4/ B2B is crucial for the future of HBD. When businesses take in the currency and then use it for purchases they need, then you have a velocity of money that can explode. We see how HBD can really make an economic impact.

5/ This is where the transactions detailed in the article come into play. The fact that businesses are now starting to spend the money where for things they require, this means the money stays in the area. Here we can see huge growth.

2/ Feeding the currency into the region is the first step. Of course, there are other economic factors to consider. They had a Hive pizza day that was encouraging as many turned out for food and festivities.

3/ This is a great first step. Payment of goods and services like pizza with HBD is a starting point. It is not very effective if the currency ends up leaving the area. Here is where a second vital step needs to occur.

Its interesting and exciting to know.
But in India the things took time to reach that level.

Global adoption comes from small steps like these. HBD is merely the start of something bigger that only can turn into development to Sucre.

It is just the tip of the iceberg, demonstrating the potential of $HIVE and $HBD in particular and #crypto and #blockchain in general.

This is an interesting project showing the potential of the $HIVE ecosystem and that $HBD is not just an abbreviation and some numbers on a screen.

We have @khaleelkazi on #cryptomaniacs today. I will be posting the threadcast in a bit to get some questions.

We will try to get to them on air.

Lets make it a big threadcast.

Looking forward to the epic "live" episode of The #cryptomaniacs today @taskmaster4450le

Khal is always a good guest to have.

We will have to get you on before you start working again.

We’ll be there. I’ll be joining via YouTube

Very good.

1 pm eastern time.

thank you

I have a question to ask to #khal

Looks like the market is still down. Just the market or am I missing something here? #crypto

Opportunity to fill the bags.

If you have money to buy, yes 🙈💰💰👀

I'm aiming to buy some at 25K.

good job and good luck

Thanks mate.

It is just the market. #bitcoin is dragging down the whole #crypto market.

#cryptothursday my trading idea for $HIVE today r:r 2,96
$26,150 for bitcoin and I´ll close the trade for hive, waiting for another entry

Surviving in a Bull market is fun and lot easier and than a Bear Market.

Easy to catch when it's going up but taking profits and not losing it when trend is shifting from bull to bear is kinda hard.

Bulls > Bears. Who's side you're at.

Do we have bear people? I mean people who prefer bear. That should be the institutional investors

Eh, I don't think it's helpful to create "sides" out of something like market conditions. Tribalism is problematic enough in society, so I try to notice it and avoid it where possible.

Valid point.

Both sides comes with opportunities.. it's just hard or easy one depending on market conditions.

I tried to log into @ecency deck but keychain signing on gave error

#ecency has launched waves that are nice to thread from there

Did you try hive signer.

No. But i got into using my private key

Ecency is also working on threads and its known as WAVE

#ecency #ctp

Isn't it different than #threads? Because when we are going to make one, we have 3 options to publish,

To #leothreads
To #dbuzz
To #ecency.waves


Yes you are right
Exploring the option

Interesting. I believe every front end will have its own, given the success on #Leofinance.

On the other hand all are putting efforts invidually which is not o good for HIVE

Oh. R u sure? It sound competitive.

they have published today and its live now

Can you please share the link to rad more details.

Leo #threads work on waves too :)

A great way to make #Threads is to play quality music while chatting with other people. On this #musicfriday I will recommend to you my favorite song:

Enemy - Imagine Dragons

Nice. I always jam on beats while threading. No wonder thread count is good :) #musicfriday

man, whats your community? you are about to get the 100k delegation xD I need to publish there

xD I represent #Hivebr, a community of Brazilians and I hope to get the delegation for us!

I use spotify while i Thread

Had a power cut and when it came back my #virginmedia broadband was down. Even the phone line was dead. It had me worried, but came back eventually. Still had internet on my phone, but I need the connection for work.

glad you have internet again gm my friend

It is an essential service these days. We do stream a lot of TV.

What's the reason? Thunderstorm?

No idea. Weather is fine and it just cut out. There are some road works going on around here, but I assume they didn't cut a cable.

weird. glad that you have the connection.

May it fix as early as possible. Good that the phone is working.


Just realized that we can actually browse leothreads on ecency deck but the thread sent from ecency won't appear on leo UI.

I must say that's a nice UI implementation to auto refresh leo threads :) #ecencywaves

its the only thing that will keep everyone from coming to ecency at the moment lol

True. The Ui looks good enough.

i wrote that comment on waves, so we CAN see them, we just cant see the threads 🤔

yes. not a new thread but comments are as usual

and its beyond good enough its almost better than twitter lol

I like it. Yes.

Exactly, I guess ecency too is definitely upgrading their frontend too, for me I will say Leofinance is pushing other frontend to upgrade their's too

Agree. Ecency features look good though.

Definitely, I concur too

I hope that's a bug :!

Browse Leothreads like we can threads on Ecency posted from here but comments won't show up here?

Comments show like usual. new threads won't.

Oh.. you think it's a bug or gonna function like that?

Will send them a text on discord to know more.

I have no idea.

haha, then i think it won’t count for us here on Leo


then it is useless for us here on leothreads

maybe for now

So does that means it's one-way street? I am writing this using ecency waves. I will check whether it shows in leothreads or not

not so much i discovered just as you just did, that comments will come over from waves, (im on threads rn, but left a waves comment earlier and saw it) we just cant see the threads.

Replies work as usual. The fuss is about a new thread that you send from ecency.

I see. It will be good it's completely interoperable from either side.

One more question does that otherwise mean, microblogging is heating up all the dapps in some form or the other after the popularity of Leo?

That's what I am getting at. I think all front ends will have their own micro blogging feature

Microblogging feature with complete interoperability feature will be good for Hive. But if there is no interoperability it will create competing silos. And we don't need that. Our Blockchain is the same.

My situation while writing a long form post is

5 Minutes of writing < 30 mins of threading lol.

I gotta finish it before night. Started at 4:30 and it's already an hour still nowhere around end.

hahaha, actually when i start with a long form post it takes 1 or sometimes 2 days with almost no threading


I try to make relateable one's so it doesn't take more than 4-5 hours.

that’s good i wish i can but really it takes a lot of time

Killing two birds with one stone haha.

Sounds like I got some noice talent 😂

To write a masterpiece, it needs time :) have patience :)



Gonna be worth it in the end.

LOL... not a bad approach ;)

Haha, gotta keep balance..

hmmm long form post is never easy

Hah true!

Ain't easy but fun to write when you can relate with topic.

yeah, that makes it easy too

same here, is getting hard to do a long post w/o threading

I finally did published... Now will use threads lol.

Haha, that happens. Get on with it :)

Just finished it. Hah, now back to threading

New update for #threads standing. I am at 17th place with 2423 threads for May. #rocking.

Congrats dear
You are crushing it

#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes

Thanks so much my friend 😀

Awesome activities, Brad! Keep rocking!!


Like a rolling stone


Thanks so much.

That’s cool. Grats. I normally don’t check my position only the threads I’ve made. For may I think I’ve made about 1200 and still aiming for 3000.

You are 39th with 1153. 😉

U r a rockstar. Keep rocking the leaderboard.

Thanks so much. As always, I am working on it.

Can ya share it?

l can't see in my feed.

We all have to focus on what we want not what we don't want.

What are they benefits you've received from being focus?
#threads #gosh

Curation 2.0

Drop your best gems, we'll curate accordingly.

Check the article below before submitting your post


@leogrowth I don't think my replies to your question were broadcasting. Threads is still having some issue, apparently. I'll try this again. Hope this didn't mess up the curation opportunity.

That link is the weekly Ecency Delegation Experiment post; I used Ecency because I liked the formatting. Here's the LeoFinance link.

We hated getting to 30k so much, but now we wanna get to 30k because it will depict the start of a bull market. Remember to always take profits. Cryptocurrency is volatile Incase you didn’t know.


Nice tip about the volatility of #crypto. When do you expect #bitcoin to hit 30K?

30k, hmm. Maybe next month. This month has been shit anyway.

But I think some chunk of crypto should be left forever. Then only you can exponentially rise over time.

Oh yes of course. Taking profit doesn’t mean you’ll leave the market. You take profits and wait for another opportunity to enter.

True, now when we want 30k it is so hard and we might see more downside.

Taking profit is must and an art.

Yep even in uptrend taking profit is the best. A bull could easily turn to a bear.

True, most people profit get eaten by bear.

Book it when you can instead of holding all the way dooown.

Can't forget 2021 bull run lesson.

When do you think we will break the 30k barrier?

Hmm maybe next month. All I know is may has been a very bad month for crypto

Finding inner peace is crucial for true happiness. If we feel uneasy or sad, we must make changes. Pursuing spiritual peace can guide us toward contentment.

#threads #ctp #threads247 #threadathon

Breathing exercises and meditation do help to pursue spiritual peace.

Yeah, it helps a lot.

Indeed, doing Things is like is kinda inner peace and makes me happy...

Happiness brings a feeling of true inner peace.

Let me see if I can start a random topic for while I am away. Do you prefer DC or Marvel? And why?.

I'll prefer your likeness, so bring it on whatever feels good.

Lol. Thanks, I think.

DC and Marvel is both for me!

Awesome, I am a DC man.

Batman or Superman?

Me = Batman, no one is near to his level.

As my #Hive handle hints. Green Arrow.. then Batman.

Oh.. i see.

Nice one!

Thank you. And bradleyarrow is pretty unique. Try googling @bradleyarrow and you will find it everywhere

I like the movies produced by Marvel the most. The Avengers are Marvel! Iron Man is Marvel !😍

Cool, do read any comic books?

No, I wish, that comic books practically does not exist here, it would have to be imported from another country.

Sad. I have not read a paper copy in years.

Guys is this true?

“If you can solve a lot of your problems with chatgpt, google search traffic will go down a lot and so will their ad revenue”

What Impact will this have on SEO especially in the way we understand it today?

Masses still use Google.. I don't think it could bring that much impact in their ad revenue for now but who knows for future.

SEO.... hmm, let me ask this to ChatGPT.

I don't think it will change that much, I tried the Bing AI and it continues to give you the sites that are ranked in the first position in google

Makes sense for Bard, being that Bard is a Google product anyway. I’m not so sure ChatGPT uses Google ranking tho. Maybe I’ll ask it

Have you used Bard????

Yes I have, I prefer ChatGpt

+5,000 Lion

Am I a lion? rigth?


waiting to get some more money to buy $LEO

hahah, I like your new name

thanks man, It was really hard to think about xD jK

that’s great

15k is a lion rather so you need 6k more. Keep powering up.

right, but then the list need to be fixed, Im a cub next month maybe lion

You will get there gradually. Good luck.

Sounds like a glitch in matrix.

Mine should be cub if it's true...

no i think the info is ok, but for the number is the one in the right, so lion need 15k apex lion 150k

Ah right, yea that's true. I thought with new UI they've updated those.

yep you should be a lion, maybe it's a bug or something

el número correcto es el que está a la derecha. 15k para león, asi como para el último nivel son 150k

pero verás que a mi me sale que soy un new born cub y no un kitten

The table didn't display well. A lion has 15k LP

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