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RE: New Milestones: 4k Account Tokens and 80 rep.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I wouldn't say that RPs are completely meaningless. RPs are extremely resistant to downvotes as well as upvotes. If your rep somehow ends up below 15 or in the negative, you must've done something so messed up so as to upset the community or a portion of it. I'd be much more weary of absorbing whatever you say. On the other hand, people with high rep are much more trustworthy. This might be meaningless to you right now, but when HIVE explodes and adoption skyrockets, reputation is gonna matter more than ever before.

Reputation is guarded by three things: Time, effort and community approval. the foremost two are essential in a good-quality article, but what gives rise to rep is the approval of the community by them throwing votes your way. There is no way to purchase vote for your account, but your Love Handles (really?) paves way to purchasing accounts with high rep.

I like that idea!

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