Leo Talk 3/25/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Here is the post for the Daily Leo Talk. In preparation for the upcoming Microblogging features, this is a good place to start conversations, posts charts, memes, trades, or anything else that comes to mind.

Let us boost our overall numbers by posting lots of comments throughout the day. Spread the word to get others involved.

It is a great way to stimulate engagement.

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I'm sure you guys talked about this yesterday, I was wondering if this is what started the decline in Bitcoin?
Bitcoin could become ‘outlawed the way gold was outlawed’ in 1934, speculates Bridgewater’s Dalio


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The topic was discussed earlier today. Just do a ctrl + F for @taskmaster4450's comment about Dalio.

I personally think the crackdown was bound to happen but I am waiting for the banks and the business people to fight it out. Regulations will definitely be the focus as the government wants to maintain their control.

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The latest update on the first month for the musicforlife tribe after VIBES went live. Summary apparently the new things they are working on are:

  • NEW UI
  • WAX NFT SALE (to buy and burn vibes)


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Cool! A new UI is much needed for Music4Life! Lot's of potential there

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Yea I find the normal UI for most of the front-ends a little bland and I would prefer a change. I wonder if the speed of comments will be better like LeoFinance or will it only look better.

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Radio? Sounds like a Pandora type of thing. Maybe something to let play in the background while we're surfing the web. Good to see they're not sitting still. Next thing you know, they'll be the LeoFinance of music! :)

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It would a radio for the independent musicians of HIVE. If you haven't looked, you can try listening to the tracks on the Rising Star game. It cycles through music created by people in the community. There is also a one hour show every Sunday with tracks from the community and you can win Rising Star NFTs.

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Seems like they have some good plans. Glad to see another tribe with at least a road map they are trying to implement.

So few do. There is some hope for that community I believe.

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Yea coming in with a plan is good and they are pushing for things right at the start. It also keeps people up to date every week with their progress. I just hope some of them start being implemented and not postponed too much.

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If this community continues like this, it will undoubtedly be among the main ones in the Hive blockchain. It is good to see that your plans are very interesting.

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Well more than the community I think the team is doing a great job . Having a roadmap , introducing new stuff , going beyond Hive - that's amazing .

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Expanding horizons is the best decision to make.

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Yeah that's what LEO is doing and seems like other tribes like VIBES are following it . CTP has a good roadmap too so I am bullish on them .

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VIBES I am not part of the community but I hope it will be one of the best on the platform. CTP will still grow much more and I have great expectations for the future.

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Yeah once the new UI is released and the secret project mentioned in the roadmap is uncovered , I guess it will pump too .

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It is vital to get beyond Hive and push things outside our borders.

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If a tribe has to get attention , new UI has to be their top priority . Looks like this tribe is doing amazingly well as of now .

With NFT and stuff coming in , I will definitely hop on over there and be more active .

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Yea I think its good to have a plan but I wonder how the NFT system is going to work out. It takes more than just an idea to ensure that these NFTs still have value.

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Yeah that's true but until we try it we won't know it I guess . Once it is started , I guess more ideas flow . I am happy because atleast 1 tribe on Hive has included NFT in their roadmap .

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I think when agroed put out the plan of diesel pools, he also put out the idea of NFTs for tribes. I think also lassecash wants to sell NFTs that would modify how many of its tribe tokens one would get from post.

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Are you tired of the lockdowns? I am and sure wish things would be back to normal. I guess the lockdown fatigue is really starting to hit and people are pushing back enough that Merkel had to shut down her plans.


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The lockdowns have pretty much ended where I live, even on St Paddy's Day nobody was wearing a mask inside the bar or outside in the party area.

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Well in California, some things have been able to returned back a little bit. But I can definitely see plenty of masks everywhere. People are less paranoid right now and its weird enough that I see people wearing masks when driving alone in a car.

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Yeah well perhaps the fact that no lockdown, more people, and an older population yet few deaths than NY had something to do with it. That state locked things down to the nth degree and still more people died.

How is that?

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I wish I could explain that, I still think sunshine kills the virus and that's why we faired better, plus all the vitamin B from the sun.

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The biggest problem was them sending sick people to nursing homes where the most vulnerable was. Did you expect to see reduced death rates when you endanger the those most at risk? All you got to do is look at Cuomo and Whitmore.

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Worse than the blockages are the taxes that are running out of us little by little ... Every week the prices of food and hygiene utensils increase ... The fuels keep rising and every time I refuel I see a different price and still I’m not walking much on the street.

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Tell me about it. Same thing over here; there's no lock down in my country anymore but things keep increasing and what get me worked up has a student is how to support my two retired parents which the government doesn't give there pensions. And this is happening because there no drive for personal improvement they want for the country.

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Hm that sucks , where are you from if I may ask ?

This is happening here in India too , taking the pension has become such a big problem here for old age people , it really sucks .

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Make money in crypto and then dont tell them about it.

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Lol , that's what I do or atleast trying to do ;p

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Keep building and growing and you will find success.

It is not brain surgery and the path is easy to follow. Just do it.

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Thank you :) Giving my best nowadays , haven't really wasted a minute , have been doing something or the other .

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Yea it definitely is unsustainable. The packages took half a year to pass in Congress so the payments are actually what people needed 6 months ago. I wish they understood what the people needed and get it to them faster rather than bickering or filling their own coffers.

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The problem is that they really care about the population ... Unfortunately, we know that this is practically impossible.

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When they don't know to handle the situation , they just go for lockdowns , it has been proven that it won't work but the government doesn't care . They just want to show to others that they are doing something even if it is utter stupidity .

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That is how Congress operates. It is always behind. What they dole out now was needed last year. What they start to talk about now is needed immediately.

Of course they have to play their games for the cameras to ensure they get the publicity they need.

None of this actually helps people.

That is why we need to take all the power we can from them. People who support either party are feeding it, screwing themselves.

The Biden voters are going to learn what a catastrophe they set up.

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I think they already have. All those union workers lost their jobs. The kids are essentially in the cage facilities. Riots and protests have not stopped. Violence has not stopped. A bunch of people got removed from the stimulus checks and much more.

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Well that is what I get for not watching the news.

Is that stuff evident to the average sheeple?

I cannot believe the mainstream news is out there touting what you just mentioned. The likes of CNN will do all they can to hide it.

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Yea but I was surprised that CNN came out with the border crisis first out of the news networks. I guess they might start chasing the money.

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Can't agree more . The diesel and petrol here has touched 1.5$/Lt . It used to be around 90 cents if you calculate in dollar terms and has almost went up by 60% . All the farmers are finding it very difficult to pay the fuel prices for their tractor and other machines .

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That is what happens when you have every oil company in the world shutting down production because of a glut in oil. Couple that with the idea of closing pipelines and you get a shortage of oil.

Of course, few of the brainiacs in the general public understand that things such as food production and transportation depends upon oil for production.

Add that to the food shortage resulting from the global shutdown and we can see how some areas are going to enter famine.

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true that! i dont know if i can attribute the hardship in my country to covid but a lot has changed for many households since the pandemic. the cost of living is way above the roof and there is a lot of scared and depressed youths in the street uncertain about their future.

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It is true, in many places things have gotten much worse. Unemployment, hunger and misery are one of the factors that have intensified because of the pandemic, but I hope that things can change for the better as soon as possible.

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The tyranny across the world is pathetic. We need to stand up and rise against these politicians and bureaucrats.

What they are doing to people are criminal.

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What they are doing to people are criminal.

All the criminals have become politicians , that's the problem . Here so many journalists gets threat calls ( I am sure it is the same over there in US too ) that many fear to talk against them . I literally give 0 crap when dealing with government , last month I complained to the higher authority about lack of information regarding a particular document and I had to travel back and forth 13 times to get it . Once I complained , I got my document next day .

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In the US, the media is in bed with the agenda.

And I think you meant to say all politicians are criminals. There are many criminals out there who aren't politicians. LOL

We also have the problem with bureaucrats. These people are miserable, arrogant, and the system protects them.

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the media is in bed with the agenda.

Same here , all the major news channels are affiliated to one of the other major political party .

all politicians are criminals.

Oh yeah right , that's what I wanted to say .

We also have the problem with bureaucrats.

Here it is a 50/50 situation , certain bureaucrats are very good , honest and really want to work for the people and also they go face to face against the government but the other half are as you said arrogant .

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Even if they are good, they are a hindrance. That is what happens with government, it is the most inefficient model there is.

Yet we have to put up with it for so many areas of our lives.

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And probably all politicians become criminals lol

It's funny, but it's tragic ...

There is so much bureaucracy to try to solve our problems that when it is something we need to do, the authorities do not even want to know about delays ...

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It is why we need to break away from the system. Keep developing and growing and the hell with them. Do not even invite them into the virtual world.

Cut them off at the knees to remove their power.

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You said everything and I will do it.

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Yeah I have seen a very few politicians who have remained honest and worked for the people and guess what most of those politicians are unmarried ;p

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I heard about a bill proposed in Canada about cutting the politicians salary to cut down deficit. That politician's bill got rejected by everyone else and last I saw, they were planning to kick him out.

If only these politicians took a cut to their paycheck like their citizens, then they might understand.

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Could it be that the problem lies with their wives for corruption?

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This is true, the worst is that many people are accommodated with the crumbs, it is that old saying of "bread and circus". I have no doubt that Brazil today is better known for its corruptions than for football, beach and samba as it was known abroad in the past ...

With the latest decisions by the Supreme Court I feel more disgusted in politics ... Next year we will have elections and I am even afraid to know the options.

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LOL Elections?

Look at what the United States just did. Does anyone in their right mind trust election results?

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It is true, they stole the elections there in the face and without any shame ... As we already know ... it is trying to do everything so that in the not too distant future we can manage not to depend on banks, governments and anyone else.

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well like the article stated a scheduled lockdown could cause a large gathering which is something the government does want as it would lead to a wide spread of the virus.
i don't know what the pandemic is like in other countries but here it's business as usual. the hysteria over covid has died down significantly. The government has already started vaccination in different parts of Nigeria. I know a few people who have gotten vaccinated. i am yet to get vaccinated i don't know if I would honesty.

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The problem isn't the reason but the fact that they are still insisting on lockdowns without actual proof that lockdowns have done anything compared to non-lockdown places. Also the reason why she decided to pull it back wasn't because of a large gathering but the heavy backlash she got after declaring another lockdown. They did not address people's economic situation and its definitely a problem if we still have to lockdown even after vaccinating.

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Florida has more people, an older population and no lockdowns compared to New York which has more COVID deaths.

So there is an example of where the locked down area has more deaths.

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Yea I agree. This is why Fauci's latest Senate hearing was so bad. He couldn't explain when asked about that data. All of it seems like a partisan hack implementing lock downs. If you can prove something and I think its reasonable, I will trust you and follow the directions. Whereas right now, there is no clear data so I don't know what to trust.

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i am yet to get vaccinated i don't know if I would honesty.

Screw that. No way I am going to trust Big Pharma with some RNA altering drug that was hardly tested.

People who are lining up for the vaccine, especially the young, are completely insane.

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Some are more tyrannical than others. Isn't it amazing that the ones breaking the lockdown orders are the ones who scream for them the loudest: Merkel, Pelosi, the Mayor of Chicago.

Fucking hypocrites of the tallest order.

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They definitely are. I thought Fauci was hit pretty hard in the latest Senate testimony. He was pretty much bsing about not knowing because one the research documents used to validate the lockdowns had the National Institute of Health on it. I think everything is starting to crack and I wonder how long until nobody will listen to them.

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I think everything is starting to crack and I wonder how long until nobody will listen to them.

As long as the mainstream media keep beating the drum, most will listen. They are so full of crap their eyes are brown.

It is no wonder people are starting to realize it is all bullshit.

No matter, keep sending out the money and hope the masses will stay calm. Unfortunately for them, a check wont cure what ails people now.

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I think the problems are really becoming way more apparent. They were covering up the border crisis but apparently it has become so too big. I hope people understand that we need a 3rd party that actually cares about us because the existing politicians don't care about us.

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We know two party system is failed since they, in the end, are both the same.

Look at the border crisis as you mentioned. Biden is no different than Trump other than not building a wall. Of course, the Democrats are in favor of walls as Pelosi is building one around Washington to protect her psychopathic ass.

Politicians have one goal: to get re-elected. That is all.

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I almost feel like Congress would be better if we randomly picked citizens to be Congressman for certain temporary terms and got rid of voting altogether. At least it would be inline with reality and the donors would have problems influencing people.

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I’m not much of a technical analyst so I’ll just note without comment that Hive’s recent price rise was on heavy volume but its subsequent decline has been on light volume.

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No clue what is going on with the price. It was obviously a pump but the dump followed the market and wasn't particular to Hive.

So it might be just it is being pulled down with the rest of the market.

We will know in a week if it goes up or down.

That will be the best time to guess there things will be a week from now.

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HBD's cooling off too as it's started drifting back down towards its dollar peg. Still above $1 but at least not overly so...

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Get your CUB n the cheap folks, if not you might regret it later :P


I saw a lot of people making CUB memes for khal's contest and I made a few of my own but I just can't come up with an extra awesome one

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Yeah they are using Memes to promote the hell out of Cub. Smart idea.

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That is what we shall do for projectblank . Memes , memes and memes.

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Hell yeah. It is the ideal mechanism for that.

We can have the meme creators pumping them out and the rest of us can blast them all over the place.

That will be a great opportunity once it goes live.

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This is a good one lol but you can do better ;p . This is like my standard meme but since you are busy we shall accept it .

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I need to be in the zone to churn out dank memes and that was difficult to do lately

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Lol. I only have a small position in CUB and it was for the most part free. Let that CUB go up because it only means free money.

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I rarely post through leofinance.io

It’s because I can’t upload images. PeakD works just fine, bit with leofinance.io I always get this error message:

Error: 500:
500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error

nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)


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You can upload the picture in PeakD then copy the link to LeoFinance. I see many people using this as an alternative. It's a problem with the uploading service but the markdown can use image links from other sites without issues.

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Yeah we get some strange things with that. Most time I dont have an issue but occasionally I do.

It is then that I have to add the image through Peakd.

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I told you guys it will hit 2$ . I am buying some now .

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I did good, I saw it dip down and then I picked some up at a dollar 85, it was perfect timing to get out of the BNB pool end change it to Cub.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good timing on that one.

Great for you. Should work out very well.

I need to get off my ass and get my money moved around.

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It was such a huge help having my Metamask connected to Leo Finance. @crystillhumun hooked me up with some Bnb to get started and it was pretty easy with all the directions on Cubfi. From there, my Bleo bought all of the necessary trade pairs and I farmed away.

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I still need to convert my money over. It is a hassle but need to get it done.

Being in the US is a pain for BSC.

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Yeah I see most of the US users over here having problems with BSC . How do you actually convert fiat to crypto ?

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That isnt a problemm. I use Coinbase.

However, they do not allow access to BSC tokens.

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many of us want to earn passive income via cryptocurrencies....i saw this post some minutes ago...


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I made a huge mistake today😢😓trying to send money to my wallet just to start my cub farming and i got scammed by the wallet customer agent due to the fact that crypto wallets can not be connected to my bank so i used peer to peer payments.
The money was debited from my account without been blocked but it took time to get credited on my wallet so i messaged the customer support on Facebook to get assistance and after the money got paid to my wallet the customer care agent just decided to take advantage of me and transferred all my money by buying Trorex crypto. Now, i just want to share this not to always panic when transactions are been made and always trust any customer agent dealing on a crypto wallet. And never invest with all your saving.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea that is the tough part about crypto. Trying to convert fiat into crypto is fairly though without a trustworthy company. You need to call out those companies with proof. Bash them online and show it to the rest of the world. I bet you they will take actions once the proof is out and their credibility goes down the drain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank so much i am better now and overcome the pain and learnt my lesson. I actually reported scam on Facebook and blocked them

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Sorry to hear that. Guess you needed to be more patient.

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Thank so much taskmaster that was a lesson i learnt with a price attached to it🙂

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Posting more than 30 comments a day and ready to engage more .....

gif source

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Let it rip. Start hammering the keyboard.

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Glad you found us :) Here is where all the fun is if you are interested in engagement .

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I wonder if all those decentralization lovers will have to find another centralized platform to sit in all day long and bullshit.


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I really hate it when big tech takes over companies instead of trying to create a competitor. I guess it's just easier and more profitable to take over the incumbent. I mean Google bought Youtube for a "mere" 1.65B and now Youtube is worth a couple of hundred billion or something like that.

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I really hate it when big tech takes over companies instead of trying to create a competitor.

There is a suit going on in US against the FB for this reason only right ? It not only kills competition but also innovation and creativity.

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I think there is too many law suits against the big tech companies I can't keep track. It's possible but I think it is for buying out their messenger competitors.

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It is why we just need to keep creating our own.

Decentralization will help to make them vulnerable. It is not easy but, in my view, starts one person at a time.

Just need to start converting people over.

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Yea I am hoping that the conversion is starting more and more. The biggest plus I see recently is that the big tech corporations aren't talking about user numbers anymore. So I think they aren't being very favorable for them right now.

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I hadnt noticed that part about the user numbers but it makes sense. We need ProjectBlank to hit and take a few million users away from Twitter. If we can do that, it is game on.

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That is how it usually operates.

They either buy it and roll it in or shelve it. That is not only tech but corporations in general. Look at Facebook and Instagram. They bought it for a billion dollars and now who knows what it is worth.

It is important for start ups not to sell out. However, a young developer creates something and gets offered a ton of money, it is obvious what that person will do.

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it is a dog-eat-dog world out there. This is why we hammer our own taking back ownership from these institutes and corporate giants, even the government. they are monopolizing everything and that is dangerous. the average joe doesn't care as long he gets the services and products he wants.

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It is very dangerous and they grow ever more powerful. We need to do everything we can to turn the tide the other way.

Each users, each dollars, anything that is moved away from the establishment is a step in the right direction. Get a 100K of them a day and things are moving.

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Yea I saw the article. Discord was already having issues before this since they already kicked off a few channels already. I think one of the law channels I follow on youtube got kicked off Discord and I think it was because of some bs reasons that the mods took care of fast.

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Yeah well that I understand but a bunch of decentralization advocates hanging out there all day long just bsing about nothing.

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Yea I am hoping they set up something before they get kicked off. Otherwise people will be in chaos about where to go.

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Lol well said . They are doing exactly opposite of what they are propounding . "Hive is decentralized , all should move here "

  • a guy on discord .

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You look at most of them and see the amount of engagement they do onchain and it is pathetic.

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I would actually prefer if they chat on discord but then bring up the discussion on-chain afterwards to involve more people. It's also why some people were complaining about the DCity politics stuff but I think it was a nice change.

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The problem is , they don't bring it over here . They chat it over there and leave it over there as far as I know .

I don't see how that is adding value to Hive or Leo . Discord is essential in helping new users and solving queries but all the discussions must happen over here .

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Yeah but that doesnt happen either. They simply keep in their own cubby hole on discord.

Sad but we could have 50,000 comments on chain if those people would spend half their time posting comments.

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I wonder if all those decentralization lovers will have to find another centralized platform to sit in all day long and bullshit.

They will find an excuse to hang out there but will never take charge and hop on here for discussions . Sad state of affairs .

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maybe we will have a discord like service on hive. I would certainly use it more

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It's difficult given the 3 seconds block and the need to refresh to load comments but certainly if the devs wish to do it , they can .

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Not sure that is possible. I would agree but it doesnt seem like that would be doable. Discord has all types of private features and what not.

But it is worth exploring if someone could do it.

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Did you ever hear the bullshit about the world is heading towards overpopulation and we have to reduce the number of people. Bill Gates is one of those who believes this.

Well it seems that is not the case. Not only are we becoming an aging population since many countries, especially in the west, are not even reaching replacement birth rate, it now appears we are also losing a great deal of our "swimmies".

Sperm counts are down considerably compared to 50 years ago.


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It probably don't help very much that so many people are turning gay now and not having children. I even know a lot of straight couples now that don't want children either.
I guess some people just don't want the hassle or or think it's a bad idea to bring them into this world!

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Actually I think the worst problem is all the woman who keep saying that they can't find the right guy. It's kind of become a running joke since they went the career route. They are all chasing the same type of people and they leave the rest because they don't think they fit.

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That could be a big factor, it is hard to find a good guy these days. I guess it goes both ways, I can't find any good women either. Been married twice so I'm not worried about it though. I did my part having 3 kids.

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we do have a problem with the amount of microplastics we ingest but I think the seriousness of the problem will become more obvious further down the road

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That is also true.

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Wasn't he the one that said they wanted to get the global population down to 2 billion? What's going to happen to the other 6?

I saw the fertility drop in person over in Germany. The staff told me that they were even offering Germans bonus money if they had more kids and even that didn't move the needle. They told us that was the main reason Merkel let in over a million refugees back in 2015. Apparantly they need 800k arrivals per year just to keep up.

The average age of an auto plant worker in Germany is 43...

And rising...

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Germany has peaked in terms of its native population. It is now on the downward path like Japan. Spain too I believe.

The United States finds itself in the same boat but immigration does make up for much of it. That is what Germany is trying to do. The problem is that, economically, little is felt from the first generation of immigrants. It is only after the second generation is born, educated, and assimilated to a degree do you see significant economic impact. Thus it can have a boost in 20 years or so but it will take a while.

The German auto industry is in rough shape anyway. The cost of energy is hitting these companies hard.

We will see how that all pans out.

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Gloomy times ahead ... Now has it decreased in the last 50 years? With the pandemic, there are several conspiracy theories to say that Covid-19 was something intentional for the population to have a significant reduction ... Well, I don't want to believe that ...

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The vaccine might be the thing used to lower the population. We will see how many people drop dead within the next year.

Of course, they are likely to be older so people will just say they were old.

There are already cases in the US where people got the vaccine and drop dead a few days later.

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Actually I think the worst thing is that every death was classified as a COVID death by hospitals during the crisis. They did so for the money because if the source of death happens to be COVID, they get reimbursements by the government.

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Many states here have done this, the worst is that many government officials used the money intended for the treatment of Covid-19 and diverted it into their pockets. That is why Manaus was in a terrible situation that even oxygen did not have for its patients.

Corruption plagues not only here but worldwide.

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Yes the corruption needs to be weeded about. The entire economy is crumbling so something will happens soon enough. Yea and the media keeps covering for the politicians so its so hard to keep people informed.

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What I see most are people who are even intelligent but very alienated by certain things and politically blind ... It's complicated ...

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Without a doubt.

We had a guy on a motorcycle killed on the highway, was actually decapitated. The cause of death: COVID.

The local media went nuts with it.

The number of cases were severely overstated.

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Well they need the numbers to scare people but I am pretty sure their friends/family are pissed at them mislabeling their cause of death.

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It is like the HIV situation all over again. They fluff the numbers to make people scared so that they agree to behavior modification.

If people really would research, the numbers are there.

I see these people with masks and it is laughable.

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Unfortunately it happens and if God willing my parents will not die because of it. This week I took them to get vaccinated.

It was their choice to get vaccinated, although today we don't have much of a choice. My wife and I don't intend to vaccinate but the way things are I don't even know what to do ...

It means continuing with my isolation and praying that I and my family will not be contaminated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know a guy 74, his wife 72, both got it. They were suffering for a couple weeks with tiredness and a bad cough. Both got tested, had it, no cure so go home and wait it out.

They did, and are fine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just want it to pass as quickly as possible ... this year was one of hopes for better days but from what I see it will probably be another "lost year".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

🤣🤣we all heard lots of different stories about the out break of covid. Overpopulation or unpopular; there's enough resources for everyone on the earth to sustain them for more years. Its just have to be rationed right to give a better balance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The amount of resources on the planet keeps growing as we find new means of production.

When it comes to food, the production went through the roof the last few decades.

This is going to continue.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No sooner did I post the above comment and link when I come across this gem about China and its birth rate.

Some good info in there about not only China but also Japan and Korea.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sure is some interesting information. I guess having so much data on their population came in helpful when they needed to see what policy has the best effect. However I think it is clearly a downward trend.

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We will increase most likely into the middle of this century, on a global basis and then head down.

The west is already heading that was as is Eastern Asia.

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India also wanted to introduce two-child policy but we looked at the existing problem with China and backed off ( fortunately ) .

Also the fertility rate is around 2.2 in India right now ( 2.1 is the rate of replacement ) so we don't need any policy in this front for now .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

India is one of the areas that is destined to keep growing along with Nigeria.

They will be the two most populous according to researchers expectations.

Of course, that could change as the country gets wealthier. That tends to diminish growth rates of population since people have more options and focuses.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

India is one of the areas that is destined to keep growing along with Nigeria.

Yeah ? But a recent forecast predicted that from 2050 Indian population will start declining and by 2100 we will be less than a billion .

Right now we are 1.3B .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah China is set to lose about 500 million people by 2100. They are going to peak in the next few years so they are about 25 years ahead of India.

It is bound to happen. As populations grow and countries get wealthier, the number of children decline. This happens all over the world.

So the fear of overpopulation, in the next 20-25 years, the mantra will be the fear of underpopulation and there wont be enough people for us to survive as a species.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah when the survey results were announced , they tied the population / fertility rate to two things .

  1. Wealth
  2. Education of women .

The more educated a woman is the less number of children she will have .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Author Matthew Yglesias has a book out One Billion Americans, where he discusses how having a billion people here would benefit our country.


I get what he's saying in positioning us against for example, China, but since we have one of the three federal immigrant detention centers nearby, we've been innundated with a wave of destitue people here, when we can't even care for the locals.

Can we absorb that many people?

This would also drastically change the politics of America. We have 330 million now, Adding another 700 million would change everything. If it happens, it'll be interesting to watch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Actually I am not surprised. They actually want to inject hormones into kids to affect their growth. I saw a few cases in California where they were injecting hormones into juveniles by threatening them with prison and not telling their parents. There are also cases everywhere pushing the gender related stuff so sperm counts down makes sense to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there is no doubt that there is an evil faction among us intent on killing off as much of the population as they can.

The use of medical technology is one way to do that. They are putting hormones in everything to make sure they get to this end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Fucking psychopath.

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lol the sperm count comment got me. well, I heard jordan Peterson talk about how the theory of overpopulation is BS. i am not a scientist and I haven't done much deep research on the subject but it makes sense. But in retrospect, isn't it crazy how we take random comments as facts without doing proper research. it is fact because someone popular said it is so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Jordan Peterson has the interaction skills of sandpaper but he is often spot on. He does his research and is aware of the numbers.

The simple fact is you have the West and East Asia all either declining or about to decline. This leave Africa and India which, as was pointed out, both will peak in the next 30-40 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

AI is really helping us to start to understand different parts of the brain.

We are so clueless about what takes place in our heads, we are in the stone age. AI is helping to close the gap some.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

About AI, I'm just afraid of SkyNet lol

But it is to celebrate what AI is doing for humanity. One day I saw I don't remember where a Japanese singer was able to sing new songs thanks to AI that managed to reproduce his voice. It is even astonishing to do such a thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

About AI, I'm just afraid of SkyNet lol

Hollywood does a great job of scaring people about technology but it rarely comes close to what eventually unfolds.

There is a lot of discussion about our evolution and how "intelligence" is moving beyond us. However, we went moved to multi-celled organisms, did we kill off all the single-celled ones?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, without a doubt Hollywood has left many people scared and in some interviews that I followed, robots like Sophia have already said that one day they will dominate the human race. Well, it looks more like a sci-fi movie, but I have no doubt that in the wrong hands, we may have a very different path as is predicted with AI.

However, do we move to multicellular organisms, do we kill all unicellular organisms?

Nop :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

but I have no doubt that in the wrong hands, we may have a very different path as is predicted with AI.

That is why we need it in no hands. We need to focus upon decentralization like with the Internet.

The Internet is already a super-intelligence that is all knowing, always on, and has all the answers. It also cannot be turned off in all likelihood and will just getting bigger.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like AI but I don't know what to think about it. I wonder how many people they will hook up to get enough data and whether or not they can use what they learn to replace humans online.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They have your voiceprint, thanks to Alexa, Google and Siri. Your fingerprint, which they're now asking for even more. Your DNA and scans of your face and body, thanks to phones, security cameras and the TSA. And because of the internet, they know what you think about a whole range of issues.

So it looks like Project 2045 is right on track. They'll have enough information by then that they could clone us and who would know the difference? They even planned an Amy Winehouse hologram tour. At some point, they'll be bio-synthetic creations and then we're off to the races!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They did a Roy Orbison concert in the past too.

That is why we need decentralization. Too much power is going into the governments and major corporations.

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Crypto Mom Hester Pierce on regulating DeFi.

She is a sharp one. Maybe the SEC will listen to her.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It would definitely help a bit when you look at all the Defi exit scams. There are so many being spun up since its fairly open sourced. All those crypto stolen really sucks and these people are one of the reasons why people look at crypto unfavorably.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is an interesting twist if true.

Raoul Pal is not one to just throw crap out there without having some knowledge of what is going on.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a great trend if true. If one of the G7 countries does it (so far none), then it's a game changer. That would be bigger news than even Tesla buying bitcoin, and Telsa's news was huge.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea he definitely has a good source of information. I wonder how much they bought though.

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Another daily thread for @leomarkettalk.

We did another 300+ day. That is our new minimum target each day. We have some more people joining in which is good to see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lets aim for at least 300 again today. Maybe 400 if we are lucky.

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We will do our best. Need a couple more people to hit the 50 level to help us get there.

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Yea I ended up a little busy so I came back a bit later than usual at night. It does seem we are off to a bad start.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I replied to all my replies today so we touched 350 mark actually :)

We are doing great , we are seeing new members here too . Let's keep it going .

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A slow day today but one that we can help to push forward.

Added a couple more things for others to comment upon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It looks like the goldman sachs aftermath caused other banks and credit unions to prevent something like that occurring. I think its a PR move and also to prevent anything similar occurring.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess people have started to learn that they need to be careful with their money. The money takes forever to get passed and most of the time, it just isn't enough.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you really believe that?

I have a feeling it is because some of the checks are slow in arriving. People are not going to stop spending. At this point, consumerism is in their DNA.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the people on the lower end of the spectrum are learning to not spend as much. The money was needed 6 months ago so I think they are already half a year behind. So those struggling will probably make the most of it. The people who didn't struggle will probably spend it without thinking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Perhaps many of them are starting to realize the mortgage and rent forebearance isnt going to last forever.

At some point they will have to make up the payments (not happening) or move (more likely).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. I think our society will be messed up by the amount of people filing for bankruptcy and I wonder how our credit system will look after all these people default.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah well the credit system I think went out the window years ago. I dont think anyone gets turned down. Instead, they just get approved by at a higher rate. That is where all this subprime crap comes in.

Look at auto loans, go into a car dealership and everyone gets approved.

I guess they can charge a high enough rate of interest to overcome the bad loans they have to write off...or more likely they sell the loans so they dont care what happens to them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are times we have a moment where you can say, damn things just changed.

In the world of quantum computing, the following article covers how we just had the "aha" moment.

Instead of scaling to thousands of qubits, million is now on the table.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another change to help improve the speed of computation is another step towards better AI. I wonder when we as normal people will gain access to this at reasonable prices.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder when we as normal people will gain access to this at reasonable prices.

A lot of that is going to depend upon the power of devices. We can go to the cloud and find things yet it is so early, not really going to help the average person.

However, there will be a time when our phones/VR whateverset will have AI built into it that we can use.

It will be interesting to follow how all of this unfolds over the next few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Our future is going to see millions of drones.

They are going to be everywhere.


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It makes sense and it will probably be cheaper than hiring someone to do the labor separately. I wonder when we can say goodbye to people doing deliveries.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder when we can say goodbye to people doing deliveries.

It will be a while but they will be phased out over time.

My guess is they still are around in 2030 but in much smaller numbers. By the middle of the next century, my guess is the order to delivery process is fully automated. This is what Amazon seeks and I am sure others too.

No human involved in the process at all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In couple of remote areas here the administrators are using it to deliver medicines to "difficult-to-reach" areas , I am impressed by it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is one of the real world use cases already. We are also seeing drones used for inspection of things such as windmills and airplanes.

Over the next decade, the use cases will just expand.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The post says less than 10% traffic is coming from google .

But what caught my eye is 7% traffic from youtube , that's amazing , we are diversifying the marketing .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea it is nice. I wonder if Cub Finance has improved these numbers or not. I fully expect most of the articles about CUB to be from LeoFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maybe , I should really look more into SEO . I mean everyone should right ? It will add a lot of traffic if every one of us took it seriously .

I also saw you commenting about seo bot on hitmeasap post , can't thank you enough :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes we all should focus upon our SEO if we can. It takes all of us doing things that can add to it. Every little bit helps in my opinion.

I still believe the number of comments we are adding has to help. We probably could use a few more links to send the bot bouncing around but each comment adds another page.

So we are adding over 300 pages a day to Leofinance just from what we are doing here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah that's the reason I create the seo bot , a couple of users are using it . I need to promote it a bit , will soon .

300 pages per day from us is great , if we had full access to SEO tools like alexa we could have made better decisions .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We probably could use a few more links to send the bot bouncing around but each comment adds another page.

Interesting , we can do that . All the top-level comments can have relevant links ( internal or external ).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes but especially within Leofinance.

Take a couple of other people's post and use them as topics of conversation.

That will send the bot within Leofinance for a little while longer from what I understand.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's what I am trying to do daily , if I find a good article then I instantly copy that and paste it here . Not only does that help good authors but also help Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is one who is focusing upon YouTube to try and generate traffic.

It makes sense since that is such a huge platform.

We have our weekly podcast now going out on Spotify.

So it is a matter of putting things out there where people are.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome , what is the podcast about ? Is it the roundtable discussion ? If yes don't you think very few people will listen to it ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is the show with myself and @jongolson. It is called "CryptoManiacs".

We livestream every Tuesday at 1 Eastern time.

Then he puts it up on the podcast venue.

Here is the image shot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Link right there and we'll start pumping this out more!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm glad you drop the link so now I'm going to go check it out and listen to you guys because I know it'll be good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good. Maybe @amr008 will listen and start touting it for us.

He is good at that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Will check that out . I really wanted to see what KYLE had to say to you and what all you discussed about HSC .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I found myself using ctrl + F so I didn't forget to participate. I do think the contest is nice but it sure is tough given the large number of participants. But it's easy enough since all you have to do is place a number down in the comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol yeah , I sometimes don't even research or anything , I see couple other guesses and take average and post it ;p

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What could be the feature aid that can be given to people with the Single cell blood stream, without them always having to visit the hospitals every three(3) months to have a change of blood flow. I mean there should be a treatment that could help the white blood cell and also help there flow of blood easily. And this would reduce there pains and never have to face crisis.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

China offers global regulatory guidelines for CBDCs. Isn't that nice of them?

We really need to get the development churning. The solution to what is taking place is to out tech them. As we see in the West, they can be slow to react. This is where the techno geeks have to step up and provide the infrastructure in a short period of time.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well the west has always been slow to react recently. They are more worried about politics than anything else. Right now the Fed is too busy placating the market and Congress is busy doing the usual.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congress is busy doing the usual.

Which is?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ray Dalio is appearing very bi-polar on Bitcoin. One day he says he is starting to get it then he starts talking, again, about banning it.

He is basically all over the place.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le the more he tries to discredit bitcoin,the more he keeps becoming irrelevant....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well he is a billionaire and a big name on Wall Street. He still does run one of the larger hedge funds on the street.

So he is a big player and what he says matters to many.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well at least he is consistent with BTC being a store of wealth and how it won't be a good unit for transactions. I at least agree with that but I don't know whether or not they will ban BTC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with the store of value sentiment.

But isnt that the point? If it is a store of value and not a unit of exchange, then the central bank has nothing to fear. Bitcoin will be hindering gold but not the USD.

That is where I find him to be all over the place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it also affects USD because of the liquidity crisis. The more money that moves out of the US economy, the more the problem increases. Also the stock market is addicted to the increased money supply so if the amount entering starts to drop, it will also affect his own assets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wife leaving husband for buying Bitcoin.

Bet the ranch her lawyer asks for half of it in court.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bet the ranch her lawyer asks for half of it in court

I definitely agree though they might settle for physical assets in exchange so he can keep the BTC in his account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL well either way it is going to cost him.

She will want more because of his decision, especially if it moves up to $100K.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea but it will depend on the price when things get settled. I predict the entire process will probably take a year or so. If BTC is 200k by then, I bet he will have to cough up more of the money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

By the way, how is everyone finding the building and compounding idea of Hive?

Are you seeing success in your own wallets? This will help if each of us becomes a "success" story.

How do we convey this idea to others?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I find that my account is slowly building so I think it would be decent. As for the compounding, I don't think I have waited long enough for that. The best version of compounding would probably be UTOPIS given the APR but I don't think it will maintain its current APR unless it is hard capped.

I think its will take some more time before I can convey a success story, but I can definitely seeing my account grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes well compounding is not really noticeable over short periods of time or when dealing with small amounts.

However, if you charted your growth ratio, month by month, I bet you would find that it is very impressive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I definitely see a decent increase every month. On PeakD, I see that my HP is on a constant line upwards just by looking at the previous month's data.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

An update on CineTV. Might be worth the read if interesting in movies or films.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le anyone that is an entertainment lover will definitely love the platform and also be able to earn the cine token via their contents...it is a wonderful platform....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It certainly seems the Us versus them is arising.

The central banks do not like what is taking place nor that people are turning more to Bitcoin and stablecoins. They are all getting together to try and stop this.

We are moving towards critical mass. It is time to kick things to a higher level. We need to double or triple the number of crypto users around the world.

If we can do that, things will explode.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not surprised but I don't think a world's version of a CDBC won't work. There are just too many people with their own interests that I don't think that they can completely agree.

The biggest problem for them is that wealthy people are now starting to enter BTC and they want to keep their assets on their balance sheets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The biggest problem for them is that wealthy people are now starting to enter BTC and they want to keep their assets on their balance sheets.

This is a major concern for that agenda if you ask me. The more of the elite that are into Bitcoin, the less they will be able to do anything about it. Especially if we see a number more Fortune 500 companies involved.

Tesla is small potatoes on that scale. We need some of the real big boys to get into the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I would of expect the game to truly change when the FAANG stocks enter. Their capital is going to be amazing and it would mean anyone owning the stock will be indirectly affected by BTC price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This could be a major shift.

Wyoming could take on Delaware as the leader in business incorporation. As we see a shift towards crypto based firms, the idea of a DAO takes on added meaning.

All good stuff if you ask me.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think its because of the money. If this works out, not only will they be able to move away from relying on the current financial system, they will also have plenty of economic opportunities due to the jobs and taxes it generates.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I have no idea what the fees are but think of the renewal fees on 1.5 million businesses incorporated in the state.

Even at $50, that is some chedder.

If I had to guess, the renewal is probably a couple hundred bucks apiece.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So close…


Nice, you got plenty of HIVE staked. I think it will reach $1 soon enough if HIVE pumps up a bit more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You had to be over it a few days ago before the pullback.

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