Leo Talk 3/07/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Here is the post for the Daily Leo Talk. In preparation for the upcoming Microblogging features, this is a good place to start conversations, posts charts, memes, trades, or anything else that comes to mind.

Let us boost our overall numbers by posting lots of comments throughout the day. Spread the word to get others involved.

It is a great way to stimulate engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


MicroStrategy buys $ 10 million more BTC / STOP! - leave us some BTC )

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Have no fear. We're not going to be running out of BTC any time soon. lol There are 900/day, 6300/week, 27,000/mo newly mined Bitcoin being created. That's every day, every week, every month for the next 3 years. At these prices, that's $315M of new money that needs to flow into the market EVERY WEEK to eat up the supply. Obviously, that number doubles when the price hits $100k. So, while there is a lot of money flowing into the market and coins are being taken off exchanges, there still is a goodly supply coming available. Next time the price spikes I'm sure the miners will sell a bunch off again and the market will be flooded with plenty of BTC to buy if you want. In the meantime, I think the fact we're maintaining these prices and floating upwards slowly is a VERY bullish sign. The longer we trade in this range, the less likely the price will break below it next time there's a big selloff..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for doing the math.

However $315M a week is nothing if the banks or big players gets involved but it doesn't look like they want to. Mainly because it will hurt their control over the system if they start focusing on BTC.

It doesn't rule out Apple and Amazon from investing and taking it out. It's kind of chump change compared to their trillion dollar valuations where they sell some stock every week.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No question. There's obviously a lot of money out there buying Bitcoin just to maintain its price, let alone move it up. And, realistically, most of those "new" coins are probably being hodled by the miners for now so they're not affecting price. I'm just saying that there is still plenty available for people who want to buy. I know he was kidding but...I just thought it was a good place to throw in the metrics.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would disagree. Look at it from the token perspective, not in USD.

There are what, 14 million BTC available when we factor in those that were lost (estimated to be about 4 million). Yes there are 900 more a day coming to market yet that is not going to go very far.

Microstrategy alone as close to 100K Bitcoins. Those are basically locked away for a long time. The same is true for most of these institutions. They will simultaneously use it to ride the long term appreciation as well as strengthening their balance sheets.

I see BTC as being in a liquidity crisis. The demand is far exceeding the supply, regardless of what the price is.

Even a 10x in the price of BTC, using your number, is $3.15 billion per week. That is basically two Tesla orders, not much for Wall Street and corporate America.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They will simultaneously use it to ride the long term appreciation as well as strengthening their balance sheets.

this says it all

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Their support of Bitcoin sure helps it stay less volatile, which's been needed for the masses to jump in. Nobody likes to buy something and watch it go up and then way down all the time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@tbnfl4sun and when the masses jump in,it will help the bitcoin market to grow more and more,and everyone is happy...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

sincerely every investor want to invest on something that will give them profits so of course you are right,they will not want to invest on bitcoin and watch it come down,....@tbnfl4sun

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I remember when this all first started, thinking it would take forever to mine all of those Bitcoin. But we're getting closer each day.

It is nice to finally see the long-awaited-for adoption finally happening, though. I did think Satoshi would have been unmasked by now and am pleasantly surprised the mystery remains. Let it be so...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Satoshi was smart to do it anonymously. He/she/them had an idea what would be set off and having a face to it could have destroyed it.

We are now past the point to do anything yet Satoshi might end up as the richest person in the world if it is an individual.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Remember Phil Zimmerman of PGP? He had to go to Mexico and upload the software to get around export restrictions at the time.

I remember thinking how silly it was at the time and am so thankful we have come out of those digital dark ages.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We still are in the digital dark ages.

We are going to look back on the time when we had an Internet that was siloed and realize how ridiculous it was to give power to the likes of PayPal, Facebook, and Google.

These companies do not operate in the best interest of anyone but themselves. Sadly, they are run by psychopaths who are intent on destroying humanity for their own gain.

We need to reverse this trend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In a while, only a small portion of investors will have some satoshis to insure while the big companies will keep the rest of the BTC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@steem-key that is a huge buy and i think that news could bring some bullish boost to the bitcoin market and this new week we might see the bitcoin reach $60000 before end of the new week...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

tbnfl4sun is a hacker/hacked account.
@leomarkettalk please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2. Sincerely, @keys-defender
Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Did you post a video on 3Speak?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I watched one for a few minutes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

tbnfl4sun is a hacker/hacked account.
@taskmaster4450le please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2. Sincerely, @keys-defender
Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.

That might be where it is coming from.

3Speak is having major issues. One of the developers went awol and seriously fucked things up.

key-defender is seeing anything coming out of there as phishing, spamming, and hacking.

It is a mess. Being worked on.

But hey, your comments now count for two for a while since each time you post you get the lovely trail.

Have no fear we know you arent hacked. It will be cleared up and all the downvotes I would imagine will be removed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks, it looks like it has been fixed except my view on Hive shows no comments on my last post, they all show up on Leo and sports talk but I can't get or receive comments on Hive. It's weird, they show when I click on reply's but not in any posts I comment on either. I figure that will work itself out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

tbnfl4sun is a hacker/hacked account.
@keys-defender please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2. Sincerely, @keys-defender
Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.

Will post the stats soon .

In the mean time here is a question for you .

Do you think Hive will surpass Leo price ? If yes , how much time do you think it will take ? If no , why?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think so, not any time soon perhaps. With the new projects coming up on Leo, and again I found out that most people don't really keep their staked hive, just a few to keep their resources credit, most people buy other tokens with their hive while some sell theirs. We have more stakes holders on Leo. I think that will give Leo the edge for now

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well that's true . I personally do that too , I only leave the powered up hive staked , I don't stake the liquid Hive . I instead use that to buy some other tokens because that's what makes a lot of sense to me but what happens where there are lot of potential and good projects? Say I want to buy a miner tomorrow and the only way it is possible is through hive , then doesn't that put buying pressure on Hive?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's just like a big put serving other smaller pots, and if they don't all get filled, it will be difficult for the big pot to increase because it will keep feeding the smaller ones.

Hive has other tribes attached to it. They all depend on it, it depends on them to as the front end and back end.

But Leo just has to do with hive and it's inner project which are all doing well.
I don't know if you understand the fact that I am trying to draft out

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Leo just has to do with hive

Well with respect to blogging yeah but other features are on other blockchains too like Eth , now BSC .

But yeah I get your point .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No I do not think so. I am bullish on HIVE as it is the building block of the block chain. However this is precedent on the number of users who require RCs. As of right now, LEO are making the most appealing applications and they are closest to releasing them. Also with all the liquidity pools being created, there is a shortage of LEO. Also over 80% of LEO is staked but I am not so sure about HIVE.

I still think HIVE will go up but there is more liquidity on HIVE and if HIVE starts to pump more, I can expect some people to power down and sell out part of their HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Don't you think the RC will be the reason in future for buying Hive? Let's say we onboard 100k users through projectblank , they get addicted and then they will have to buy Hive (to maintain the RC ) which will add more buying pressure for Hive? Will that allow Hive to surpass LEO price?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What's RC?

RC means resource credits,with the RC you will be able to write comments,create posts and upvote posts,the more RC you have the more you will be able to engage in those activities which i mentioned....@ceestitches

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

RC stands for Resource Credits . It is required for everything that you do on Hive blockchain , if you want to post , comment , vote etc it takes RC .

How do you increase them ? by staking Hive ( or in other words power up your Hive ) . The more Hive power you have the more RC you get and hence the more transactions that you can perform on Hive .

Where can you see your RC ? - https://hiveblocks.com/@ceestitches

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great way to point to a useful tool.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh thank you for making me understand this one

It's all right . Feel free to ask more questions . The more you ask , the more you learn , don't just be a bystander.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is going to be the main driver of the value of HIVE. Price of course can do its own thing.

RCs are how people are allowed to operate on the blockchain. Anything that is tied to the chain and done requires RCs. Thus, if there are 100K on blank, then yes that will require a ton of RCs.

The question is how long to 100K users? Hive is not designed to add a ton of users very quickly. I guess there are ways to alter this but it is slow. I think Leofinance has about 15K accounts it can use to sign people up. After that, it is tough.

Claiming accounts is slow. So we will see how it goes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea it's tough and I believe Rishi said the faucet doesn't have enough HP to supplement users if it happened either. I think there will be way too many new users complaining and our retention rate will drop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is going to be tough to gear it up to higher levels if there arent the accounts.

The RCs can be helped by applications buying more HP.

That is one way to solve it and also the demand side of HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the problem is you can only delegate out your own HP. Would applications like LeoFinance need to essentially pay for Dleases to get HP for people when they run out? So either way you got more people competing for HIVE and jacking up prices.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le i believe what leofinance needs right now is to just engage in wonderful projects like the projectblank,what they need is more engagements that will bring more visitors who can then sign up on the platform...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It would require way too many users to be added at a single time. Honestly if this happened, I think we would have too many people complaining about HIVE and it would be detrimental to the block chain. Imagine what would happen if people were complaining about the fact you needed to spend at least $20 to be active on HIVE? Or if this number jumped to $100?

Not to mention the people who would power down just to take advantage of the price jump then pop back in later when things settle.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yes that definitely can happen . That is what is the biggest problem Hive is facing right now according to me .
We boast of being feeless but in order to maintain that we have to figure out a way for RC problem .

I still believe RC trading can be profitable in this case . Dapps can buy RC or rent RC from users to use it on their users . It will be another source of income for Hivers .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you say price, what do you mean?

Are you talking market cap or per token price?

There is a huge difference between the number of tokens. HIVE has 400 million, LEO 7 million.

Thus it is likely the LEO price, per token remains higher. The market cap will not catch Hive unless no other applications do anything. I find that unlikely.

So LEO will, in effect, end up pulling HIVE up, especially with blank which is going to require RCs to use.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I was talking about individual token price and not the marketcap because Hive is most probably 10 times bigger than LEO . I understand there are more Hive out there than LEO but so does Hivers . I mean to say there are more Hive users than LEO users so shouldn't that take the Hive price over LEO ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No I dont think so. If Leo keeps developing like it is, the per token price will always be higher, and likely by a large amount. The token distribution is going to be much less, thus it allows for that.

It is like the difference between BTC and ETH. No matter how popular Ethereum gets, it will have a tough time surpassing BTC on a unit basis since there are 10x ETH to BTC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right . My reasoning was flawed . By your explanation , if we ever see Hive beat LEO price that means we have created a big sink for Hive which eats up Hive a lot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

its not the just the number of users that matters but the value placed on the token itself,for example a crypto might have more users than bitcoin users but the bitcoin is more valuable than that particular crypto with many users....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah you make a good point but my question is what exactly derives the value for a particular token?
Is it the usability ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are you set for tomorrow? Are you ready? :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will come whether I am ready or not.

Since I have no idea what I am doing in terms of how it will unfold, I can only just watch and wait like everyone else.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

24 days to the end of the first trimester in the year 2021, I hope we are all seeing our #financialgoals2021 come to reality gradually.

Are they coming up fast as you expect, or a little bit slower?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I only made a month's end goal and it looks like I am doing a good steady job on it. I think the engagement project by @amr008 is boosting my activity and I have started following a few more people to expand my network.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel really happy when someone says they are increasing activity because of the project .

I usually get tagged atleast twice a day saying the project helped them increase engagement

So thanks to you for making my day.

Also I have sent you 1 LBI for commenting atleast once on STEM from March 1 - 6.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your welcome. I plan to keep doing at least 1 comment a day on all the front-ends involved. At least this way, there will be some numbers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I will try to get more engagement over at STEM soon . As far as CTP is concerned once the new frontend rolls out I am sure it will see more engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Personally I thought STEM would have more comments as there is a burn rate. Are people just posting their original posts and then commenting else where? It just seems a little weird why STEM's engagement is so low.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Two things is affecting the engagement on STEM as far as I know

  1. Price of the token has been reducing to a great extent .
  2. Lack of general posts to engage with .

If you look at most of the posts , its highly subject specific ( but of high quality ) which is difficult for a layman to comprehend sometimes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is great that you are fostering engagement. Something that is badly needed. We need to keep upping the numbers on chain, however we can do that. So if people are getting more active with their commenting, that is exactly what we want.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you :) I actually didn't expect the users to react so positively to the project but many who haven't commented even once before ( not even joking ) have commented atleast 2-3 comments to get the upvotes .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thats a great one. I do see how you're hitting the top engager spot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, well done brother. We can obviously see that you are working continuously towards your goals, have you any other goals that you will like to share, because I found out that as we enter into the year, a lot keep happening, and most of us probably want to add one or two things to our initial goals

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now that you bring this up I need to review my plans, I wanted to have 50,000 Leo, but then Lbi came around and I'm holding liquid for this Cubfinance thing. It was easier to just power up everything before all of this. Looking on the bright side I am still stacking gold and silver like I always do!

My latest about precious metals collecting. (stacking)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I dont think that is much of an issue, the LBI part. It is easy to mentally convert your LBI into LEO since they are denominated in that. So your LEO holding is actually the amount of LBI (priced in LEO), your LP and liquid LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would like to ask that, if I decide to convert my Leo to LBI. would I still be able to up vote in Leo?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is it okay if I ask how much fiat you invested into LEO ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I mostly sold all of my Steem and some of my hive to get it, I may have invested a couple thousand in Steem and Litecoin and got more Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's awesome :)

I sold off most of my steem too to get hive . Right now I have some on dlease which gives me dividends . I dump all of them to get Hive :) Dump Steem and get Hive.

I am powering down over there though don't want that Steem at all anymore.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly like I made mention under @jfang003 comments, we seem to have seen a lot as the year rolls in.

It's good to add more goals to the initials, but we should make sure we keep our eyes more focused on the initial goals

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didn't set very ambitious goals so they are coming along nicely :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok, keep it rolling brother

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didnt set any. My process is a get up and get busy. Hitting the keyboard yields results, whatever they might be. That is how I keep pushing my bags forward and filling them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok, you might not note them but I think, there are still some things you want to see accomplished, one of which might be Leomarkettalk hitting 500 comments before the projectblank, LOL.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i am not there yet but i think i am progressing and it can only get better...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, same here, it's coming up gradually, might be small but, it means something to me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There has been a ton of positive news and development recently and there's a lot more of 2021 left so hodl hard so you will have some awesome stories you can tell your kids


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Our daily meme.

Personally I think we can handle two a day.

What do you say, are you up for it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All I can say is that I'll try :). There have been days where I wasted at least 1 hour before coming up with a decent meme. It's those days that put me of from saying a definite yes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will put you down for a hard maybe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't quite follow

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The "fucking legend" made me laugh lol . BTW yeah I am the dad here :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

like a real life dad? :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if hit $100 i could be too, and the LEO's whale will be billionaire, haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

you never know what will happen, just look at doge how it went up so fast

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think Hive and LEO can reach $1 this year

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I definitely hope so

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that is underestimating it.

We will reach $1 probably during the second quarter. We could see $5 LEO if the development schedule holds and the plans roll out as slated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LEO will reach 1$ as soon as projectblank is released :)

Hive ? Yeah maybe by the end of the year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You nailed it. Crypto can change things very quickly. We read stories about people going from nothing to millions of dollars via a run in one crypto they are holding. It seems to happen fairly frequently.

There are a lot more than Bitcoin millionaires in crypto these days. A ton of them in Ethereum, DOGE, and hopefully, soon, LEO and HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most of the people that would be millionaires in hive and leo absolutely deserve it so I will be happy for them, in contrast with people that are millionaire in other crypto, that may or may not be great people

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

well it depends on the individuals,i believe that anyone who posts great contents on the platform and becomes wealthy via the platform really deserves it because it means they got wealthy by creating great contents which is a positive thing...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah well it doesnt take character to become wealthy. In fact, often, being a scumbag is an asset when trying to make a lot of money.

Or it appears that way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le the world of cryptos have really made so many overnight millionaires and that is pretty interesting,i see alot of millionaires that will rise up via the LEO AND HIVE platform....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We will see. A massive price run will help out a lot of people.

The hodlers will be well rewarded.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another @leomarkettalk post. Time to get excited. We are heading towards Monday, some of you are gaining on it.

Some good things from Leo coming up in the month of March.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Monday, a day to begin the week, a day to preview what has been done over the previous week and to prepare, strategize for the new week

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very interesting Tweet put out. This could be a huge cross chain bridge. Consider the fact that it will allow for transferring from any Ethereum based token to any BSC token.

Not sure of the complexity of it but it could be a powerful mechanism to have in place. We will have to see how it all works.

By the way, just noticing that twitter posts dont come through like on Peakd through Leofinance.io. Hopefully something they are going to work upon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am guessing it means it doesn't matter which pool we enter as it will help the price of LEO.

I think there are a few issues that are appearing recently but I don't think they will be fixed soon. I guess their attention is on the new applications.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Different developers. The ones handling CUB are different from the ones working on Leofinance.io and Blank.

But yeah it seems like Cub is the priority, probably just because it is the next release. I know that LeoInfra is being worked on too which will add FB and Google to the sign up process.

I will say there is a lot going on at the same time which has to make it hard.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is too much going on and I am not part of the inner circle. Therefore I was unsure about whether it was the same developers on both projects or not.

But yea, everything is going on at the same time and trying to coordinate and test everything seems like a pain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Last I heard, there were 7 or 8 different developers working on things.

So it is a rather large team that was assembled.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To me, that's one of the most encouraging things about Leo. The developers. If Leo is seen as a place developers want to be, that is a hugely bullish sign for the future. I wrote a post about Proof of Brain and having developers want to be here to continue innovating and attracting new developers is really the lifeblood of this platform. In 4 years, there will be many "innovations" made in crypto that we aren't even on our radar right now. But they'll probably be crucial for ongoing growth and success. Having the kind of people here who can recognize those things when they happen will keep the future looking very bright indeed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I was listening to Patrick who founded SPORTS and he said there were developers working on both platforms when they first moved over to HIVE. But most of them stopped and moved to work on things in LEO.

Since then the development has a been a little stagnant there but its finally moving with some proposals. The entire SPORTS community is starting to move in the right direction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The challenge with Leo is that the developers have to actually be "hired", as it stands now. Unlike Hive where anyone can build, on the leo platform itself, that is not open.

However, developers can create app using LEO and tying into what is being produced here.

All that said, we are seeing a lot of development taking place which is going to separate us from many chains that really do not have a lot happening.

When the floodgates open, I think we will see this only accelerate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, thats a lot of people working on these things, things should start coming together at a faster pace then. After each project matures maybe they can focus on the same ones and knock them out quicker.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is also some cross development. For example, Leofinance and projectblank use the same code. Hence a feature or improvement on one can be quickly rolled out to the other.

Of course, blank needs to be rolled out first before we can see updates. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

well I was on to something with my bridge meme :P

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the March 1st Hive Power Up Day

Here is a good article by @alexvan about the crypto ban, or the now non crypto ban, in India.

Wax on. Wax off.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I saw the article. I also commented about how it's ban then no ban. It's a cycle and I wonder where it all ends. Even if they do ban, it's not like people will stop and they will search for a work around.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This seems to be the path of governments with crypto. It is like they dont know what to do. They are all for it, then against it. They cant decide if this will crush then or set their economies flying.

The answer is it will probably do both: set the economies flying and make governments, at least to a degree, obsolete.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the fight won't come easily. I think the closest one to making things work in their favor is China and the digital yuan. If they force all applications to transact using this currency, businesses will be forced to use currency conversions and thus banks will be a part of the system to convert any fiat/CBDC.

I wouldn't like this system but I feel it is the most practical for the governments. However eventually people will get fed up and want to change to crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Combine crypto in China with the much-vaunted social credit score, and you've got a powerful one-two punch.

This will allow this "new way" to suffuse itself through Chinese society and as we see with California, what happens there, will eventually find it's way over here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is actually bigger than California.

The IMF is adopting a form of a social credit system in the lending standards. Thus, if you go for a loan, they will look at more than just your credit score and income. We will see things like the websites you visit looked at and your social media content.

This is going global without people even realizing it. The marxist thought is everywhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's already happening. We got so much political division in the country that people have already started banning each other all around the country. As for California, I don't think its a lost cause yet. They didn't pass the discrimination amendment and everyone can tell that the state has not improved as much as they claim.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

China certainly has a leg up over most countries. They are overtly authoritarian while also being a very technologically advanced society. So this lines up well for them.

Most other countries will tend to fall in one area or the other.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just like me lol . I am already trying to find a work around in case they ban it but the downside is there will be hesitancy in putting fiat into crypto or in other words , there will be less investment into crypto by Indians .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am happy right now , I saw the news interview live and was glad to hear that from our minister but they can turn their views very quick and that is something we should keep in mind . It has happened before as we all know it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope they don't change their minds this time. I don't live in India but I imagine that crypto is turning around the lives of a lot of people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely , it is a great opportunity for someone like me who can actually get lots of experience and knowledge and practice together with earnings here.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Command accepted!

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

We also have similar issue here in Nigeria and we are getting the best out of the ban with the P2P that cryptocurrency offers.

I believe people will always find a way out of the government Loop

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They will.

Look at the Chinese. How many times have they embraced, then turned on, Bitcoin.

Governments are uncertain what to do so they just keep waffling back and forth.

In the meantime we just keep developing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

India. That reminds me of Firepower. He's also from India and I recall him posting about the ban. Have not seen a post from him in a minute and wondered if he made the jump over here. He was one of the few whales that would responded regularly to young minnows.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Alexvan is from India ? I didn't know that actually lol . Maybe the name Alex threw me off or are you talking about someone else?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@firepower is a well-known blogger (and very kind whale) that started out early on Steemit. He's from India and was one of the first to inform us about the possible banning of crypto in India.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh okay I thought you were talking about alexvan , that's why I got confused.

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I don't think REITs will do well but CNBC thinks differently. I don't know how they will do when there are permanent business closed and businesses have changed towards a digital approach. Also housing costs should go down due to 3D printing.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think REITs will do well but CNBC thinks differently

I don't either, people are chasing the large dividends and will probably get recked when that market crashes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I cant see how anyone can think, in the medium to long term, that real estate will do well, especially at the levels we are at now. Commercial is going to be obliterated for decades in my opinion.

With people starting to spread out due to the ability of working from anywhere, the insanely priced areas are going to keep losing people. The tech companies moving out of California for Texas are a prime example. There are also the financial companies moving out of the Norhteast for South Florida.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea it's true that REITs give huge dividends. Since they use people's borrowed money to buy up land and then renovate them, they give like 90% of of the profits out I think.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are you surprised that CNBC disagrees with you?

The financial media is about as right as CNN.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nope but are they trying to get people to buy the REIT bags since the market looks dangerous. However from the standpoint of the market, the risk-reward is fairly good right now. If I see a good curl up on the chart, I might just pop a position for a daytrade or a swing trade. It's too dangerous for a investment though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow the mortgage industry has started their infighting. I am rooting for RKT since they are the underdog and honestly I don't like how they are using threats to destroy RKT.


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Time to automate them out too.

Basically an industry of rent seekers.

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If you havent read it, here is the Bullshit Jobs article.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a long read, but a very interesting one. I've been debating that for a long time.

I actually left a job where I was heavily involved with oil and gas for a job in the education industry because I felt it would have a lot more meaning.

It feels a lot better, indeed, but there is still the business side of it that's not always ideal.

I lot of friends of mine say they just wouldn't know what to do if they didn't need to work every day. I find that line of thought a little disturbing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I lot of friends of mine say they just wouldn't know what to do if they didn't need to work every day. I find that line of thought a little disturbing.

I think it is indoctrination. People simply havent sat down and thought about what they would do. They are usually too tired to pursue anything after working all those hours. The norm is go to work, come home, eat dinner, spend a couple hours watching tv or online, then bed. Rinse and repeat.

When people are working 50-60 hours a week, not including commute times, that is eating a chunk of their time. No wonder they have little interest in much else.

It will be a shift for many people. The biggest is loss of identity. We associate who we are with what we do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow! That's a very interesting perspective. And true in so many ways. The educational system is a prime example. Every year the government just keeps throwing billions and billions of dollars at it and the results never seem to change. Our children are getting less educated and falling further behind compared to the rest of the world. This is the US I'm talking about, by the way. The fact of the matter is that most of the money gets filtered out by the admin side of things way before it actually trickles down to the teachers actually interacting with our kids. It would be laughable if it wasn't so criminal. The lawyers and paper pushers need to justify their existence so they steal from "kids" at the bottom of the food chain. Like I said, this is just one example. Another is inside the beltway in Washington DC. That one is even worse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The article really sums things up. I can only imagine what the book was like (I havent read it).

There are so many jobs that fall into the categories described not only in education. Look at the medical industry, that is filed with parasites. Same thing, different industry.

Costing billions of dollars a year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a mortal danger

It's exactly what I was saying before. They want to keep people busy so the government's faults don't become apparent to everyone. They need to keep people's mind away from the core problems and I believe that's one reason why the new media has become so polarized. If they can rile up people on political issues, they won't be thinking about how Congress isn't working to help them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good news. I saw it on the daily update from UTOPIS gig job. I think it's nice that we can trade around ETH without fees. However it is probably only a pool for ETH/HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wanted to throw this out here and it isn't related SWAP.ETH. I think there's a bug in your break even app. It doesn't correctly subtract the amount used in DCity and Rising Star correctly. I think it's because they don't use the regular HE transactions for buying NFTs between players.

I am unsure of the details of NFTMart but their transactions do not show up on Leofinance's HE wallet or PeakD's HE wallet. Therefore the SIM/Starbits amount in calculating the break-even amount is wrong.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yes I had actually mentioned that in one of the posts ( I guess announcement post itself but not sure ) . I had to explicitly state it .

I thought of including those too but the amount of time taken to retrieve all that increased a lot so I left it as it is for now .

I will explicitly mention again in the app soon about the inaccuracy that for gaming tokens and certain other tokens like LBI and DHEDGE which accepts transfer to the accounts as payment .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh ok. I thought I would mention it if you didn't know about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Please continue to mention these things .

Right now not enough time to focus on everything actually so not able to improve them . When someone mentions something like this I work on it and fix it if it needs to be fixed .

I spend 3 hours right now on here ( with breaks ) so not much time .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will depend upon the liquidity. If there is a lot of it, then it is a good thing. However, if it is like many on H-E, then it doesnt help much.

H-E is onto some good stuff it just is going to require a ton more liquidity to be viable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agreed . Although some might go ahead and add liquidity to the pools it won't be enough . We really need some kind of rewards for solving the liquidity crunch . Once the rewards are implemented I see a lot of potential for pools.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just read that some Brazilian exchanges are pressing charges against Binance, saying it is operating illegally in Brazil. I hope it doesn't harm people who are investing with Binance in the country.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's possible. I think the inflation in Brazil is really crazy and they need people to continue using their money. If putting pressure against crypto can do so, they will. However do so will only prolong the currency and doesn't solve the underlying issue.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think all they can do is to talk, it would not affect those holding Binance

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it will to an extent,because it means that binance might have to stop running services to the people from that country....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope it doesn't come to that...

Binance itself doesn't seem to be too worried about it, at least for now... they just hired some big shot from another crypto firm to run their operations in the country so I guess they are not backing down just yet

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you didnt see this, here is the SpaceX Starship landing which is accomplished, before it blew up.

A historic moment those since it did nail the landing, at least for a few moments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I remember seeing it. Well trial and error are a part of science. They just to improve it more and fix it up to standards before we jump on one of these ships.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

IBM looking to accelerate the material sciences. It wants to increase the discovery of new matereials by 10x-100x. If they can do that, we will see a lot of new innovations with products. I see this as another area that is going to radically change construction.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes but new materials will also accelerate technology and I think that's good. I wonder how expensive will these materials be and which parts of a computer/device it will affect. However I expect billions or trillions of dollars to go before any real results.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

the material sciences is one sector that i feel is not getting the attention it deserves,i am happy that IBM are looking forward to give it the attention,this is a good development and will create more innovations...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i love the fact that they are using an AI platform to deal with it,it shows how much technology can transform any sector in the world...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

so the New York governor Cuomo have recently revealed that a COVID-19 pilot built on IBM blockchain....


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so Major Cineplex Group that is known to actually be the largest operator of movie theaters in Thailand have now offered options that enables their customers to be able to buy movie tickets via bitcoin....


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is big news, if people are going to movie theaters.

In the States, they are going broke due to COVID, the lockdowns, and social distancing.

I wonder how many in Thailand are still going to the pictures.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah there are some countries where people still go to see movies though the population of movie lovers going to the theatres have reduced because of the covid19 pandemic.....

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