Introducing DEC Farming on Cub Finance | Changes to Dens/Farms, 24 Hours Left for Wrapping CUB

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)


This week is going to be massive for Cub and LeoFinance. We've got a wide range of updates, AMAs, interviews and more lined up all week.

In this post, we'll dive into some platform updates.

Reminder: the CUB airdrop took place on the Hive blockchain but CUB is ONLY utilized as a Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) token. There are only 7 days to claim your CUB airdrop on the BSC by wrapping it from Hive to BSC using

This bridge will be closed in the next ~30 hours. If you haven't converted your HE CUB into BSC CUB, then please do so now. Once the bridge is closed, HE CUB will no longer be valid in any way, shape or form.

DEC Added to the Cub Farms

We've worked with the @splinterlands team to add DEC to the list of farms on Cub Finance. This is a great opportunity to cross-polinate our communities - gaming and finance - and continue our expansion of opportunities available to our users on the Binance Smart Chain.

In 48 hours, a DEC-BUSD farm will be added to Cub Finance. This pool will have a 5x multiplier on CUB rewards and a 4% deposit fee (an identical setup to BNB-BUSD, if you're looking for an easy comparison).

all deposit fees on Cub Finance farms & dens are sent to the Cub treasury which splits the funds and burns CUB and bLEO (80% CUB and 20% bLEO).

On launch day (2 days from now) there will be more details and guides available on how to wrap DEC into BEP20 DEC, pool it with BUSD and stake it in CUB Vaults.

Farms & Dens Update

Since the launch of Cub, a number of people have requested new farms/dens to get added. The issue with adding new farms and dens is that their multiplier has an impact on the other farms and dens that currently exist - meaning less rewards on other farms and dens.

We've decided to add a DEC pool because we believe it will add a great deal of value to the Splinterlands community and to the LeoFinance community by giving more exposure to Cub and bringing new users in who otherwise might not be familiar with LeoFinance and our suite of applications.

Instead of pulling away from all the existing farms & dens, there will be some minor changes to the underutilized farms & dens in order to add DEC without impacting the overall platform multipliers.

DEC will launch with a 5x multiplier on their farm. Our goal is to gather that 5x from other farms and dens that have less overall value to the platform.

You may have heard about some recent issues with CAKE / Pancake. Regardless of what the fallout of those issues will be, CAKE is the most underutilized farm / den on the platform and as it stands it is one of the most represented as well:

  • CAKE-BUSD Farm ($166k total liquidity)
  • CAKE-BNB Farm ($293k total liquidity)
  • CAKE Den ($150k total liquidity)

To make room for DEC, we've decided to deprecate the CAKE Den and CAKE-BUSD pool. These are the two least utilized on the platform and we believe DEC brings more than enough value to the table to offset any potential TVL losses from CAKE.

48 Hour Notice

It's important to give users a headsup before a change like this is made. Namely because of deposit fees. It wouldn't be fun to deposit to the CAKE den and then 1 hour later have the DEN deprecated after paying a 4% deposit fee.

We will never unilaterally make a change to farms / dens without giving proper notice. We're also implementing a time lock smart contract to our ability to change farm / den multipliers which will force us to give notice. This has become a common practice on major farming platforms like Goose as it gives more security and peace of mind to users.

The exact changes will be:

  • CAKE-BUSD farm removed
  • CAKE-BNB farm multiplier reduced from 2x to 1x
  • CAKE Den removed
  • DOT Den multiplier reduced from 2x to 1x

Outside of these changes, there will be no impact on other farms or dens.

Will we add other farms & dens? It's very possible. Especially through collaboration with existing Binance Smart Chain applications. It's important to calculate the tradeoff of adding a new farm or den to the platform and make sure that the value brought in by the new vault is more than the potential value taken from somewhere else.

In this case, we're basically replacing CAKE with DEC (although there will still be 1 CAKE pool) and it is very likely that the Splinterlands community brings more value than the few hundred k in CAKE vaults.


LeoBridge is an exciting feature that we're bringing to Cub Finance. This will serve as another source of continual burn revenue headed toward the Cub treasury. The fact that no other platform on BSC has something like this is what is truly exciting.

If you've been using Cub Finance for any level of farming, moving funds, etc. then you know it can be a pain to move funds into BSC from something like Ethereum.

LeoBridge is a cross-blockchain swap mechanism. At launch, you'll be able to swap ERC20s into BEP20s and vice versa using decentralized AMM pools. A 0.25% swap fee on every transfer is sent to the CUB treasury and burns CUB & LEO at a 50% / 50% split.

This is an exciting feature and one that operates in similar ways to projects like Thorchain who are building cross-chain liquidity pools (and cross-chain swaps) with blockchains like Bitcoin. LeoBridge will tap into mechanisms like this to offer more versatility when it comes to trading/utilizing crypto.

Cub Roadmap

We had a bunch of people show up for the BSCGemz AMA that we did on Monday. It was exciting to get exposure to another community and some of their questions gave a good glimpse into what the DeFi/BSC community is looking for in a project like Cub Finance.

The audit report is dropping soon and this will be an important stamp of approval that we get in the eyes of BSC users.

Other than this, the #1 question that came up was related to the Cub Roadmap. We have a lot of plans to adopt and build smart contracts that directly tie into Cub Finance (and LeoFinance) to bring new and exciting features to the Binance Smart Chain, Cub and our existing community.

The current Cub roadmap is very loosely defined which gives us plenty of flexibility to change things (i.e. changing the layered farming aspect by either removing it entirely or modifying the contract - more details soon).

With that said, we're going to add more details to the public version of the roadmap to discuss new features like LeoBridge and other smart contracts that we plan to migrate / build in the near future.

CUB is the base layer of the DeFi stack that we're building and it's important to share our vision of what kind of contracts we plan to adopt, modify and build to bring continual value to the Cub / LEO ecosystem.

This week, we'll start testing LeoBridge and also introduce the timelock smart contracts for added security and user peace of mind on Cub vaults. After that, we'll continue to add new protocols to LeoBridge and simultaneously adopt new smart contracts to Cub. Like many things in LeoFinance, after a few weeks/months of development, Cub will be almost unrecognizable in the best ways possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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I believe CAKE is under utilized because CUB is so new, doesn't have its audit yet, BSC in general does not know about CUB yet.

I feel removing CAKE-BUSD and CAKE den now and reducing multipliers seems premature. CAKE has a 1.3B market cap, many many users with value locked on BSC. Splinterlands doesn't compare imo. Splinterlands users are already aware of LEO and CUB because they are part of this ecosystem, so for this reason I would disagree that it brings additional exposure. I think Splinterlands users benefit because of addition utility for DEC but this will come at a cost to CUB and LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Valid point. I think, they are trying to engage more HIVE Communities into CUB Finance this way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally agree with your opinion, as Pancake is a big player in the BSC market, and i feel that a collaboration with them will be even more fruitful, they let you to add your coin, cub in our case, per limited promotional pool.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for working so hard to make all of us rich but.... WEN project blank ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

WEN project blank ?

I am guessing it starts with a "s" and ends with a "n".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sun? I thought we got rid of that villain!! ;0)

Well said, just like a super answer to a super question.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le many people are really waiting for the projectblank,as for me i believe it is going to be one of the best projects that will exist on the LEO platform......

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know but I had to do it for the memes :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha... nice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

p.s. CryptoWendy made a great video about Cub Finance and LeoFinance today. Go check it out on Twitter / YouTube and give it some love:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That was a very good intro into CubFinance and LeoFinance.

She covered ground pretty well but kept the level of detail appropriate for someone who knows nothing about these two particular platforms but is familiar with crypto and DeFi to a degree.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

She got it covered exceptionally well 👌

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great seeing DEC added. This will certainly bring @splinterlands players onto cubdefi

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said, and I think, another use case for DEC as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool, I have DEC, but only 9.5 Cub. What is the best option for me? Do I need to buy more Cub? They said that 9.5 is too little, is that right? Thanks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You will need DEC and BUSD to participate in the DEC pool to earn CUB. Once the pool is live you will be able to trade half of your DEC (or other tokens) for BUSD so you have equal dollar value of DEC and BUSD to add to the pool.

Thank you, I will study better on how to put this into practice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@yabapmatt the DEC Farming on Cub Finance will also help to increase the value of the CUB finance and also the DEC itself and that is a good news for everyone ,i love the way many wonderful projects are springing up....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can also stake these CUB to earn more CUB. Just go to CUB Finance then to Dens and stake your CUB there.

You can also access the Dens by going to this link:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice! This seems to be the easiest and simplest way. I'll try. Thank you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm in the CAKE-BUSD farm that is being deprecated (my third largest position). My holdings are about strategic diversification, and I have no issues with allocating that balance to the new DEC farms when the time comes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's huge, both for Cubdefi and Splinterlands - loving that addition!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can you do a post about this? Is it likely to increae the value of DEC? I've been wanting to sell some so I can get more LEO but the price has been so low lately that I haven't done so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll try to do one soon. It should at least help to stabilize the price. Also having 2 (rather) stable coins paired together in a 5x pool is a great way to farm CUB without too much risk involved. I'll certainly get into it :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I look forward to it. Thanks! 😊


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Very cool. I have been sitting on a bunch of DEC for another reason, but this will work out as a great alternative! Thanks for always innovating!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been sitting on a bunch of DEC because the price is so low at the moment. Do you think this will help with that?

I wanted to sell some and get more LEO but didn't do so due to price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it might. There will likely be people buying it up to throw into the pool. I would just keep an eye on the price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would just keep an eye on the price.

I check it every morning but it hasn't really moved for ages so it would be nice if people started buying. 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Price has already started increasing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not enough for me to sell yet. 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No argument there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Once the bridge is closed, HE CUB will no longer be valid in any way, shape or form.

So after 30 hours all CUB on Hive Engine will be worthless ? And if someone wants to jump in to CUB after 30 hours, what are the options ?

Buy CUB on Cub Finance. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

CUB resides on BSC, the HE version was just a way to get the drop to people.

One needs to be on BSC to buy it. The link @oldtimer left is where one goes. Requires some type of wallet such as Metamask.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Metamask is better considering LeoBridge is coming out in near future, Binance Wallet will also work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Next SIM integration. :)

This commitment and all this constant work to bring more news to us is what makes me most happy to continue generating content here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A good move to add DEC instead of CAKE. This shows that you are proactive. Bravo!

Why there's is no @cubfinance link in the LEO Apps dropdown?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Will there be DEC den too???

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was wondering about that, too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As a new Splinterlands player, the DEC-BUSD pool sounds great to participate in. Nicely done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for heads-up on changes with the CUB Finance site. I don't have any CAKE FARMS approved, so no problem for me.

Welcome @splinterlands to the Cub Finance bunch! I believe that FARM is going to be busy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Kudos to you guys! Splinterland has been an integral part of hive success, and seeing hive-based dapps/communities partner is really awesome. Cheers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great to hear about the Roadmap

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, I can really say this brings a lot of value and utility to both ecosystems. I know you have plenty of plans for the future but I would also love to see some sort of NFT market place and index funds investment opportunities :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another good time to buy more #DEC
just check the leodex and it is on the green.
Better grab while you can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the fact that these posts are coming out before anything is implemented, if not for anything, to get people prepping. Awesome seeing DEC coming into the mix. Would love to see how the time lock contract works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

DEC Farming? Awesome! Time to go play some #splinterlands!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah this is cool! I just hit 1 million DEC just the other day so might need to check this out. Also thank you for the heads up gives me time to try and get my hands on some BUSD

1,000,000 $DEC tokens? I have a plot of land on @splinterlands ocean front property. Interested? 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great news. I think almost all DEC holders with ETH will move to

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@tipu curate !invest_vote

Looks interesting. It's just that these terms are gibberish to me, even when looking into the article. LOL Cross-commented at

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you ever sleep 🛌?

This was to be expected but still Congrats for helping out fellow Hive communities.

We will either grow together or fail ✌️

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You guys just keeps pulling it off effortlessly. I doff my hat for the Leofinance team!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

DEC pool? Fuck yeah. I'm going to have to go supercharged on my Splinterlands battles now. Imagine winning battles, then pooling my rewards for even more money.

Why are you working so hard to make me rich? Why do you love me?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really impressed with all the updates that you're rolling out. Great job, team!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Adding the DEC pool is an excellent idea and builds on-block ... branding? Camaraderie? Whatever it is, it gives me the sort of cross-project optimism I was feeling around the dawn of steem-engine. Also selfishly glad to hear my CUB/BNB and BNB den yields won't be affected.

Tangentially, I've been trying to figure out what to draw from in the visual accompaniment to my first ambient music NFT on @nftshowroom and I'm 100 percent making it a melancholy reflection on slowly overcoming impermanent loss and emerging triumphantly with a pile of CUB flourishing in liquidity pools. Well, that plus a giant CUB logo slapped on it as is the internet.

I am looking forward to more progress

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

good time just when I was gathering dec so I will surely enter dec's farm, I still have 48 hours to collect more dec hehehe, greetings

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great update.

I have never been as aware of the articles shown in trendy as these days, and all because I'm hyped about Cub's platform lol.

Thats a great thing to be having a bridge between chains, so it is a huge update in the crypto cummunity that you are giving and that will give lots of value to the entire hive ecosystem as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't send my CUB airdrop to DENs from my Metamask wallet because of FEE in BNB. I don't have any BNB, Binance blocked my account so, I'm thinking - on exchange.cub.defi there's bLEO and I can exchange it to CUB. How to buy it with LEO? Is it possible?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tremendous news and moves on the CUB Finance, I really appreciate the Splinterlands angle and adding a DEC pool shows what you are doing for the HIVE blockchain and its communities. You are simply supporting and encouraging the entire ecosystem, salute for that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i don't know if there many SPT Players on Leo, but i'm one of them, i happy about it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, no, @taskmaster4450le I am greatly affected as big part of the Cake is mine. What should I do? I feel somehow betrayed as i still needed 3 more days to recover the 4% fee paid for Cake. Bad luck, i should say. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

removing cake dens for the pool is really the worst news i received today, had to move some of my cakes to cub finance to farm yesterday and now am hearing it will be be removed and replaced with dec, am a splinterlands lover and was happy dec will be added but removing cake turn off the whole mood, this cant give cake users the opportunity to make use of the cub finance platform. there should be a way where what is need to fix in dec can be shuffle form the available pools without it having any real effect and yet will still give dec the chance to stay without one leaving for the other. I hope this will be given a second thought.

I also hope a short announcement will be given incase if cake dens will finally be leaving cub finance so we can move our cakes immediately

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now players will have no more excuses to say what to do with their cards they don't use in the game. Switch to CUB and let render nasd farms :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The addition of DEC coin is great on Cub Finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looking forward to the Dec being added. #financialindependence is something that crypto has given us all. More power to #leo I thank that I have been able to board so early

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, no, my DOT den is getting weaker. Time to invest moooooaaar!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now I'm going to buy some more CUB on Hive-Engine before the bridge close and invest more. Boy I've been happy with the returns I'm getting. Diamond Paws FTW!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great news as always! 👊🏽

its a good airdrop and cub finance interesting idea...good luck...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Any way to more integrated communities is positive for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just bought some DEC

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now this is big news! It's going to be great for both projects and provide a lot more liquidity/demand, as well as a more stable price for DEC. Thanks for the update!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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