Over the past 2 months, we began deploying a wide range of updates to the LeoFinance.io UI. For the first several iterations, we focused on bug fixes from previous UI versions. If you reported bugs to the Leo Team, then you'll notice that many of them have been resolved.
After collecting bug reports and fixing the major issues over the past few months, we began designing the next major feature update for LeoFinance.
The update was released last week and focuses primarily on the Post Publishing UI.
Two of the most requested features are scheduling and post drafts. We built a scheduling feature in the past but it had several issues including the potential to actually lose a post in transit.
Our latest update solved all of these issues by re-building LeoInfra's handling of post scheduling from the ground up. Between LeoInfra, Lightning and UI improvements, we've now got a publishing UI that we are truly happy with and ready to make more improvements to.
LeoFinance.io is our flagship application and the home of our community. It's vital to our ecosystem and a lack of updates over the past few months has been due to the stretch of new projects. About 2 months ago, we decided to expand the LeoFinance team to handle a wider range of updates on all of our applications with a dedicated developer now handling LeoFinance.io. More info toward the end of this post.
In this post, we'll cover the major new features. We won't run through the smaller fixes, bug patches, etc. but we may save those for one massive post about our past 2 months of updates for LeoFinance.io. For now, we'll focus on the major Publishing UI Update and what's next.
New Features:
- Autosave
- Advanced Drafts
- Publish Post Confirmation Window
- Scheduling
- Preview and Share Unpublished Posts
- UI/UX Improvements
Autosave will now kick in as you're writing your posts. It will create a draft for you and automatically save your writing as you go.
If you leave the publishing UI or your browser crashes, etc. you can visit your "Drafts" page to retrieve the draft you were working on.
This again is a backend-heavy development. Utilizing the LeoInfra database to store and retrieve content.
Advanced Drafts:
We've talked about this idea of advanced drafts in the past. The idea was simply to create a multi-tooled UI to handle various drafting tasks and make your life as a content creator on LeoFinance as easy as possible.
You can find your "Drafts" page from your profile page or from the bottom right "Drafts" button on the Publishing UI. This page will show all of your prior drafts and allow you to edit and publish drafts or delete them if you no longer need the content.
View, Edit & Delete Drafts
Publish Post Confirmation Window:
When you click "Publish", it no longer automatically publishes your post. Instead, you're brought to one last step to confirm before your content goes live on LeoFinance.io and the Hive blockchain:
This confirmation window will show you what your Post Card will look like when it's live on the site. It will also show you some info that you used to see in the "Advanced" tab on the old publishing UI. Allowing you to auto reblog and/or auto post to twitter.
The "Schedule For Later" button will expand the confirmation window and allow you to set a time to publish your content autonomously.
Scheduling (That Works)
Note: in order for post scheduling to work, you need to log in with Hivesigner. We're working on a second iteration to make this auth step easier/not require hivesigner.
By popular demand (@scaredycatguide) we built a scheduling feature several months ago. The scheduling feature we built utilized LeoInfra to create a database for content to be pushed to the Hive blockchain at a later date.
A number of problems arose out of this scheduling feature and it was almost unusable during volatile times (when Hive nodes were less reliable).
In our latest update, we rebuilt the scheduling infrastructure from the ground up. Now our users can schedule content to be posted to the Hive blockchain at a later date without worrying about that content being lost.
The content will live in an archived section of our database so in the worst case scenario of content not being posted to the chain, it will be retrievable from our database. No more posts getting lost.
Additionally, you can now view, edit and delete scheduled posts directly from the UI.
Preview and Share Unpublished Posts:
Sharable previews are probably a feature you never thought much about. With that said, if you've ever co-written a post or collaborated on content in any way, shape or form on the internet, then you've probably used some shared document editor before.
This is likely our first step in that direction. HackMD is a popular shared doc editor (so is Google Docs). In the current production release, you can click the "Preview" button on the bottom right of your post and get a sharable draft preview.
Only the author of the post can edit this draft but the link can be sent to anyone to view the draft before it is published to the blockchain.
In a later iteration, we will likely enable collaborative editing which would look very similar to Google Docs or HackMD.
One of our goals with a feature like this is to further our mission to onboard more Crypto Projects to LeoFinance.io and Hive. We believe this is the perfect community for these projects to share their official updates.
Right now, the majority of them use Medium. This is a mix of usability (LeoFinance is harder to use and understand than Medium) and also audience.
Our goal is to solve both of these problems and onboard a massive number of major crypto projects to LeoFinance.io in the coming months. This publishing UI update (now and the later iteration) is a great step in this direction.
UI/UX Improvements:
We also made a number of UI/UX improvements. Many of these are smaller changes with the aim of simplifying the UI and making the user experience more seamless.
Tags Icon:
To add tags to a post, click on the "Tags" icon in the upper right. Our Smart Tags feature will suggest topics based on your previous 20 posts.
Styling Keyboard Shortcuts:
We had a few issues with our Markdown Editor in the previous version of LeoFinance.io. These issues are now resolved and features like keyboard shortcuts are working again. (i.e. ctrl+b on highlighted text to bolden it).
Post Navigation:
The 3 lines in the upper right pop out a "Navigation" window which create clickable links for you to navigate your post via header titles.
It's especially useful if you write long posts and go back through to edit certain sections.
Hide Preview & View Full Screen:
New Team Member and Feedback Wanted
LeoFinance has been expanding in a massive way throughout 2021. Much of it has been very visible and much of it has been in the background as we prepare ourselves for the coming months and years of major developments.
We've brought on a dedicated team member to develop LeoFinance.io full-time - Shawn. Many of you have seen him hanging around in Discord and taking feedback for improvements as we continue to develop the UI and make progress on our long-term goals for LeoFinance's flagship application.
There's a lot of work to be done both on LeoFinance.io and on the backend for Lightning and LeoInfra, we've already made a great deal of progress just in these past few weeks and we're all excited to see the major iterations roll out alongside the 2021 roadmap for LeoFinance.io.
Feedback Wanted
We're looking for as much community feedback and feature requests as possible. In the near future, we'll launch a post and ask for actual UI/UX designs in detail from the community but for now we are asking for any features / wishes you have for the LeoFinance.io application.
If you've got any ideas for how the app can be improved, bugs you've seen or feature designs that you have in mind - please drop them in the comments below.
As we continue to design and iterate based on the 2021 roadmap, we'll adopt all of the feedback we get and see where we can deliver it in the iterations as we roll them out.
With Shawn working on the developments regularly, we'll look to roll out LeoFinance.io UI Updates on a scheduled basis. Every other Friday, there will be a UI update of some kind - whether that's a group of major features getting added (like this week's Publishing UI Update) or a long list of bug patches and fixes based on feedback.
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LeoFinance is a blockchain-based social media community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC and ETH blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.
DeFi Platform | Tokenized Blogging | Track Hive Data |
Cub Finance | LeoFinance Beta | Hivestats |
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Native DEX | Wrapped LEO (ETH) | Hive Node |
LeoDex | wLEO On Uniswap | Witness Vote |
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great one!
About the sugestions ...Make the site even more mobile frendly/optimized ...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I subscribe to that. I'm using brave and it doesn't load properly all the features, like the back button from opening a post for example.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Taking a note of this. Shawn and I will review, thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What about making a mobile app, similarly to the Ecency (it has both desktop and mobile applications)? And the Splinterlands game also has a mobile app.
Great. Waiting for the update.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, opening a post is wonky on all platforms. Hope to have that tackled very soon!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We did push an update for mobile friendliness and will definitely continue to make it a focus.
Are there any specific cases / screenshots you can share for poor mobile experience? We can work on them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Basicly loading and freezing ... sometimes not opening posts when you click them .... at least that is from my side, not sure is it maybe my phone :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've been imagining a LEO mobile apps portfolio quite a long time ago...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good to see you guys refocusing on Leo's UI.
Please consider removing all references to the word BLOG.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@whatsup @uyobong @urun @khaleelkazi Awesome discussion. I want to continue to take feedback to co-create leofinance with the community.
One issue is that in Hive there is a distinction between all of your posts and the posts that you have on your "blog". So when you reblog something, it goes to your blog. And you can have posts which you write which you don't put on your blog. The distinction is more clear on PeakD, where there are both posts and blogs. I almost added another section just for posts to the current UI, because it makes sense to show all your posts.
Seems to me that we could look at Twitter for inspiration. To me that means:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
for me, it would be enough to add a tag that means microblog, and the content with that tag doesn't show up in Blog, but under the category microblogging. It would be the easiest thing to do. Also because it could become another post interface that's super simple, like write a comment :).
Something that long term could be really beneficial is adding likes ( no dislikes) to content.
Not because it has any value, but for the user experience. Older posts can receive some likes (in addition). So authors can see which content is also long-term a thing.
I'd prefer to defer anything related to microblogging to Project Blank. Would rather not add features to support such a thing to leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hi Shawn and great to meet you, welcome to the community!
Just brainstorming here:
Regarding MY Posts:
MyPosts, Posts, Publications, Writing
When those are mixed in with what I've shared..
My Page (a bit facebookish)
So, perhaps a page and a list of posts?
Just ideas here. I personally think that words matter and BLOG keeps us locked into a specific idea of what a post should be.
Thanks for the consideration!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree, words matter. A lot. Happy to hear others who have the same view.
I would like to remove "My Posts" completely, and leave only "My Page" (which I suggest calling your Timeline). In Twitter, there doesn't seem to even be a way to show just your posts without showing what you retweeted. So IMHO there would need to be a compelling reason that the two would need to be separate.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Timeline is good and well understood! I like it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep the team has needed expansion for a while. This has been a focus for the past few months.
Why is "Blog" not a good term to describe blog posts?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The tags are not easy to find. I would make it bigger for people like this @urun guy, that doesn't find it and post on peakd :D
Blogging is outdated and limits, it helps to promote the idea of long content and quality.
Social media is about a quick post or publishing an article.
Blogs are NOT cool in 2021
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed, i've tried answering questions from my referees on the blog and posts and I even get lost on my answers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i agree. I would call it posts. So it could be everything.
I never do 3000 word posts, simple because nobody reads them and i don't like them :)
A short post about topics i like is IMO way more 2021
Really a smart observation there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Heck yeah, @khaleelkazi the new and improved scheduling feature will be an asset for me and @gualteramarelo for sure. Schweet!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm using the scheduling feature quite often as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Scheduling is yuge! I'm going to try and get back to posting and it'll make it 10x easier for my schedule
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I like the fact that posts now save automatically as drafts in real-time, I experienced this a few days ago when I was writing a post.
This will be a great addition here as we always want to collaborate on some posts.
I remember a few days ago telling a newbie to share his intro post with me on Google Docs so that I can go through it before he publishes it.
Thanks for the updates
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome! I'm already enjoying the updates!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
does shawn have a leofinance account?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey guys, it's me :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The man, the myth the Shawn!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hi friend! Can I dm you on discord? :D
Yep shwn#1670
Yes. I am not sure what it is but he dropped by @leomarkettalk a couple times.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just tried to post 1 article with new UI. It's much better to compose the content. However, I faced the below issues
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for this bug report. Are you sure you don't see your drafts? If you refresh your drafts page, you should see it, as it hasn't been deleted.
And yes, it should automatically add beneficiaries, that's already on the list :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hi @shawnlauzon, nothing in my draft. And I haven't deleted my writing/draft at all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's really confusing. From what I can see, it should be visible. DM me on discord (shwn#1670), and can send you your draft.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Everything works quite well for me, and I’m on mobile. they just take getting used to.
I’m personally used to condenser UI style for typing, but it seems this is the type used on Hackmd, Hackmd style has its unique advantages that supersedes condenser style and has a wider appeal, especially when it comes to drafting, at least this is what I think.
if this is the case then I guess I can get used to this one too.
One thing though, drafts cannot be saved in comments, perhaps we can do the same here too?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very nice to see the UI getting some much needed attention! 👍
My #1 request for the next update? A "bookmark" function like what we have with PeakD - the ability to "save" any post you like, for future reference. And, in so doing, putting one or more "tags" in it, so you can easily bring it back up for reviewing / rereading, as needed.
As a long-time PeakD fan, I do not know which function I like the most - the ability to save Drafts or the ability to save a post by "bookmarking" it. We now have one of these functions in the LeoFinance UI.
I hope to find soon that the other one is fully operational. Onward and upward! 🚀
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cool, thanks for the feedback. You're not the first one to ask about bookmarks. It'll definitely be considered.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All great additions!
Good to hear the team is growing! Welcome Shawn
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great improvements. I've noticed them already last week.
The scheduling and the drafts are great!
Only somehow my drafts aren't visible when I switch devices. Does it store these locally?
Nonetheless it's a bit leap forward again. Thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting, the drafts should show on all devices, as long as you are using the same username. However I haven't tried that myself.
There might be a loading issue, if you refresh the drafts page, perhaps they show up?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've tested it again and it seems to work now. PC, phone & laptop.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great, thanks.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I do have some other thoughts I would like to share.
I think filtering is something that could be improved.
When you open the "Curator's picks" from the top menu you get this neat filter on the right side.
Unfortunately Promoted, Recent, Hot and Trending don't have this.
It would be nice if this could be added.
Then you could get rid of the static bar with the tags on the main page.
I also don't know the difference between "Popular" (on the main page) and "Hot" and "Trending" (under Explore). These seem quite similar to me.
The "Curator's picks" is taking in a lot of space of the homepage and it doesn't look to be formed organically.
It would be really nice if the content on the home page could be filtered and sorted. Like sorting on "most views", "most likes", "most comments", date etc. And then filtered on tags and dates.
I think this would be a good improvement to find the articles you're interested in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just just used the Proofofbrain interface on mobile and they have just what I explained.@shawnlauzon
They have two drop down menus. With the left one you can select the category/tag.
The right one is to select 'Newest', 'popular', 'highest payout' etc.
All these updates since I saw them a week ago, I loved them, they make this interface look much more professional.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you, I'm really happy to hear that you like it 💫
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really an incredible development within the leoFinance community. Thanks for making a state-of-the-art interface that is making blogging so seamless and unique. Really a good reason to stay on HIve.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much for your kind words
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great addition... I have been waiting for this draft addition
Thank you! I'm really glad you like it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cool! Finally, have been waiting for these features to be available. Great work @leofinance
Thanks, glad you like them!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good job,
What I would like is a soft post. A brain version for microblogging. Because the interface now is really complex, but for easy peasy shitposts, it is a bit big :)
Yeah, it's not really made for microblogging. Dare I say, Project ____?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of course! SOONTM
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Prior to this, the previous upgrade wasn't cool for me, I couldn't see the draft anymore as I write. I would have to completely click overview before I see what I have written. It's too complex to post through the leo UI these days. Maybe its Just me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey, I'd like to understand a bit more what is wrong, I think perhaps a screenshot and some explanation would be a big help.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The HackMD idea is terrific. Communities are going to want to collaborate and the UI is quickly becoming a tool to do that.
We really do need to see Leofinance.io becoming a resource for people. Thus we need to see the price quotes for both Stocks and Cryptocurrencies. We have people Leofinance yet they have to leave to check the quotes. That, to me, is counterintuitive.
Plus, pageviews would explode since people check sites like Coingecko a number of times throughout the day.
I would like to see this made a priority.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really another mouthwatering feature. It will be a grat tool to help newbies have their contents previewed before finally hosting them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly, this should probably be made a priority
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken.
Your post was promoted by @taskmaster4450le
Is this an auto function? It'd decent.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cool new features and some that I will be using will probably be the Drafts and Schedule Posting. I think these are great additions.
On the other hand I don't think is a good move to hide the tags and having them under the title or down the page I think is much better, brings more visibility and implies fewer clicks. For usability, this really matters!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've been enjoying the new publishing updates.
One small thing I'd add somewhere. A warning if one doesn't add any tags. Currently, one can publish a post without adding any tags (other than the community tag, which is added automatically).
It can be easy to forget setting tags, since you have to remember to click the button for that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Your next target is to reach 90 posts.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Awesome stuff. I really like the look and feel of the new interface. It took me a while to figure out where to put tags, but now I have it down to a science. Just two requests... Can you add back the word counter and can you fix the interface issue where adding
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Why the scheduling function requires Hivesigner?
Because even scheduling is a posting function on Hive.
Super that you have captured the news in one place. I wanted to ask if my error that I reported on Twitter has been resolved. When I press CTRL + P it clears the whole document instead of the last word.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Here's the list of keyboard shortcuts: https://github.com/hinesboy/mavonEditor/blob/HEAD/README-EN.md
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Looks sick! Thanks for the work n hoping to be posting soon on LeoFinance
Great editing tool! Very much needed so great job.
Just 2 things:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The autosave function makes blogging so much more relaxing :D good job
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
New update change my posting lifestyle
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta