All LEO Holders Must Read This

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Since July 3rd, 2019, INLEO has been building an incredible tech stack. This stack has brought features to the Hive blockchain that were never possible before. I think it's safe to say that we've radically changed the way people think about content and interactions on Hive.

We're now shifting toward a bull market in late 2024. Many are anticipating a wild cycle of all-time highs to suddenly be upon us. BTC has already reached highs this week and I suspect the altcoin market is about to start regaining some dominance as well.

With all of this in mind, we need to get far more active.

There are thousands of accounts that hold at least 100 LEO staked. In the last Growing INLEO Call, I talked about the need for us to step up as a community. The mini-initaitves and constant contests are not the path to long-term growth.

Lately, we've been working with other crypto communities - especially some of the larger meme communities. Many of these include having them on Chain Chatter (our weekly podcast every Wednesday at Noon EST) and also partnering with them for long-term collaborative community building.

When I interact with these communities, I notice something interesting. They have 1/10th our userbase size and often 1/10th the market cap of LEO. That being said, they have 10x as much activity across all social platforms and they have 10x as much force when it comes to things like telegram raids and other small initiatives on a daily basis to push the ideals of their community and spread awareness about their token ecosystem.

My message in the Growth Call will continue to be reiterated: it is time for the LEO stakeholders to step up. The team can feverishly build technology and also do massive marketing iniatives but the best path to growing both our token market cap and our platform's monthly active users is through word of mouth and community involvement.

If you own LEO, then you should have what @taskmaster4450le refers to as "The Owner Mindset". You own the token and thus, you have a vested interested in working hard to grow the ecosysstem. You shouldn't need constant mini prizes in order to incentivize you to be engaged in activities on a daily basis that grow the platform. You already have a stake.

Work for your bags - as the meme communities would say.

What follows is a simple call-to-action for all LEO stakeholders. If you have 100 LEO POWER staked or more, I will be personally tagging you in threads and posts to come to see if you are getting active in the Telegram.

The rent seeking is coming to an end. If you own LEO, we expect you to get involved. If you don't, the community will start calling people out. It's time to come together as a community. As a tribe. As Lions.

The door is very clearly available to anyone who doesn't want the responsibility of owning LEO. If you own LEO, you should be a true lion that wants to participate deeply on a daily basis to grow this community and token ecosystem. The price of LEO is already up 50% since bottoming out in the last bear market. It will continue to rise as we all get involved but if you don't plan to get involved, sell your tokens and move on to something else. The time for Real Lions is now.

Do Your Part as a LEO Stakeholder

Every Lion is part of the INLEO community, and as we've mentioned in previous AMAs and Spaces, we need to take ownership of INLEO and do our best to contribute to this goal of getting as much attention as possible on X and other platforms.

We've recently revamped our entire Telegram group and added Raids. The TLDR; on Raids is that they allow you to spend 20 seconds clicking a few buttons that like, repost and share the X Content posted by the official INLEO Account.

Raids are utilized by many of the top crypto communities out there to organize community involvement and push content by the official account.

The steps are simple:

  1. Join the INLEO Telegram
  2. Click on @raidar's profile
  3. In your conversation with @raidar, type /login
  4. Connect your Twitter account to Raidar
  5. All set! ✅

Now whenever there is a raid going on in the Telegram Group you will receive a push notification so we can all smash the raid as soon as we see it. If a lot of people raid an X Post early, then the post is spread far more widely because it is picked up by the X Algorithm.

To raid properly check the buttons under every raid:

  • Click 💬 to leave a comment (you have to open the conversation with raidar to write it there - it's very quick and efficient)
  • Click ❤️ to like the post
  • Click 🔄 to repost (retweet) the post
  • Click 🔖 to bookmark the post
  • If you click 👊 you will perform all actions at once (recommended)



You have to connect your X account to Raidar to be part of the leaderboard, this way we will know who is smashing the raids the hardest! Like I said, it's time to hold Lions accountable.

Instead of our old model where we promise all sorts of random small prizes, it's time to move on to a better model: if you own more than 100 LEO Staked, then you are expected to participate. The larger your stake and the less participation we see, the more the community will call you out for not doing your part as a community member and stakeholder. This is how a real tribe works. Rent seekers get booted from the camp and hardcore participators rise in the ranks and are rewarded for their loyalty.


Make sure that your Telegram user matches your INLEO username so we know exactly who is smashing the raids!

It is now up to you, lion. It takes just a few minutes each day to contribute to growing our ecosystem. If you are a LEO stakeholder, this is in your vested interest. Stop rent seeking and start participating in the growth of INLEO.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This feels really aggressive. Like, I get why it is, but how "little" is too "little" and what does "calling someone out" do to grow the platform? Couldn't that potentially turn people off from being involved? Statements like this kind put a bad taste in my mouth. Yes, I've got (just) over 100 Leo staked, so I'm accountable in this... but I've got a 45+ hour a week job, an 18-month-old at home, and I'm doing online schooling for a BBA with plans to go for and MBA afterwords. Forgive me for the initial knee-jerk reaction to this of, "Fuck off." Maybe I'm just not the right person to be on InLeo, but this kind of gatekeeper attitude doesn't seem like the right way to grow the platform.

It's not. Incentivizing people is a better way. What's going to happen if ppl ignore the call outs? Will they send Guido over with a Tommy gun?

lol, yeah that's a pretty good angle on my point.

It is meant to be aggressive

It takes 20 seconds every time there is a raid. You click one button and it pushes the tweet exponentially if many people get involved

Even at a 45 hour a week job and other obligations, you can do this

The point is: if you’re a stakeholder, get involved and don’t sit on the sidelines

As the saying goes, piss or get off the pot. We’re moving on toward a future where community members are involved or they are not

We will know who is involved and who is not as should any society / community

Then is this post only trying to get people involved with Telegram raids? The only time I've used Telegram in the last five years was for Hamster Kombat, and I'm even done with that at this point. What else does it mean to be involved? I do my best to check in and vote/comment on threads, but I don't use any other social media, so I try to be on the platform to help the platform.

Where do we get to see how we rank in the involvement scale? What actually happens when people aren't involved enough? Shunning? I came over and started using InLeo because I liked the community I saw. This, however, feels like the joke about the boss being able to get another Lambo next year if I keep working just as hard.

I get it, a platform (business, product) doesn't grow without marketing, but yelling at the users to "piss or get off the pot" is telling people to do the marketing or leave. I'm not in any of the crypto space because I enjoy the typical web 2.0 circlejerk. Hell, I'm not on web 2.0 anymore because of how much I dislike the same circlejerk.

I dunno, I don't mean for this to be a tantrum, this post just doesn't sit well with me as someone who likes to use 3.0 because it's different. This doesn't feel different.

How about incentivizing people to do what you want them to do instead of threatening them?

"Sorry, you don't deserve LEO because you didn't come to the school dance" is childish and silly.

Crypto is self-rewarding. The more you do, the more you earn. Hive, in particular, was built on that principle. So what if somebody holds 100 LEO and doesn't participate in your raids? Is this a decentralized business model or a country club? It can't be both.

Rent seeker here with over 4,000 Leo staked.

To this I say, LOL, FUCK YOU!

I have been trading and staking Leo for well over two years. That investment and holding strategy is a contribution to the long term health of the Leo ecosystem. There's no way in hell I'm going to participate in ridiculous little games, no matter if they will be successful. I've simply got better things to do with my time.

As an owner, that is my prerogative.

The threat of being called out is mostly meaningless (especially if I call myself out). I suppose you can do some kind of fork and Justin Sun people who refuse to participate. That would be interesting to see, I guess.

fully agree with this statement

You're very welcome to dump it all or hold on to it. This is a call to action for people to stop being lazy and actually participate and be a part of the community

Reading this article as this much of a fuck you is taking it far too seriously. Take a sip of tea and relax and re-read it

Thanks for the tea proposal...I'm not going to do it, thanks. I've read your article more than 3 times to make sure I understood it, I'm sorry but what you're asking seems too much for someone as lazy as me (LoL). Good luck with your new proposal.

You're very welcome to dump it all or hold on to it. This is a call to action for people to stop being lazy and actually participate and be a part of the community

Reading this article as this much of a fuck you is taking it far too seriously. Take a sip of tea and relax and re-read it

if you own more than 100 LEO Staked, then you are expected to participate. The larger your stake and the less participation we see, the more the community will call you out for not doing your part as a community member and stakeholder. This is how a real tribe works. Rent seekers get booted from the camp...

I'm not taking it too seriously. You are threatening people with punitive action. That's wrong and gross.

Why would you encourage people to sell their Leo? I'm staked and I would not be happy to be hassled for being 'lazy'. I have an off chain life and staking Leo is one small thing I can do to support what you're doing. I'm not gonna use Discord or Telegram as I don't have time for that in a busy life, no matter how easy or fast you say it is.

I really want to contribute to the leo community and had been active for past 1month or so. Recently got my stake to 1k. Which is a big achievement for me.
But I exited X few years back because of the toxic nature of it. And I am not very active on Social Medias other than Hive blockchain and ofcourse inLeo.
As for the telegram, I recently got rid of that.

I hope you understand my situation. ♥️☮️
Noob lion.

What is this, a cult? You're going to call people out? For what? Being so busy they have lives outside of LEO? Are you going to provide free cups of Kool Aid? This is really creepy and sophomoric.

"Okay, frat boys! Everybody to the pillow party or your next!"

Lol see ya never over there then ;)

I first read this post last night after spending eight straight hours in a Teams meeting as part of my training to become a licensed mental health clinician. Even in a bit of a mentally depleted state, there was a few things about this post that concerned me.

While I understand zeal and enthusiasm for a project, I can see where the overall tone of this post might be interpreted as off-putting. All humans, and especially adults, prefer to be asked to participate with their time and energy, not told.

That said, as a person who volunteers in multiple in-person projects, I can also totally understand the frustration that is felt by the people who are constantly facilitating the whole thing (or feel like they do).

There are many of us who love the Leo-verse, appreciate what you all do, and are participating to the best of our abilities. I personally feel like if a project or idea is a good one, then no coercion is necessary for adoption. Hard work, yes, and I am not even against the Telegram raiding idea, it's just the first I have heard of it, and it comes off as a bit spammy. That doesn't mean I am against it, I just would have appreciated a bit more education, persuasion, and a little less of a Helldivers-level call to action.

You expressed the same thing I have in mind. Thank you!

LOL! I hope the community steps up. I'm not on Twtr/X any more and I would discourage people from using it, but good luck.

same here... idk why i should like, comment, repost etc. on x for any reasons - especially using telegram - i'm using telegram mostly only on hivefest times to communicate better with the audience ^.^ maybe i should start a discord for hivefest aswell to have alternatives :D

you should do these things because they get more people onto INLEO and thereby, onboarded to hive accounts

If your goal is to grow hive, do the things

If tour goal isn’t to grow hive, don’t do them

How to participate if you don't have telegram. I don't use it!

I and the entire Brazilian community are here for you. We will be available for whatever you need. There are 220 million Brazilians ready to hear about Hive. With your help in developing an infrastructure for advertising, marketing, and onboarding, we will be able to reach a large audience.

this is amazing to hear! How can we collaborate more closely?

I'll come up with a structured plan, send it to you or Eric on Discord?

Yeah that sounds great! Send it to me on Discord!

Hello everyone.

I have already done the tasks, it was easy and fast.

I don't have the amount they require in staked, I only have 58 leo, because I have been accumulating to make a leopower of 250 leo on the fifteenth of this month.

Do you recommend me to continue accumulating until this date or do it right now? @leofinance 🦁


Thank you for your support!! We appreciate it


Reading this today makes me glad, and I think it's time for me to get back to being active in the community as before. I am already a member of the telegram group, next for me is to set up myself to join the activities there.

HODL LEO and be active? Sure. I also have the referral link in the footer of every post to encourage reader adoption. But join Telegram and get chores?


So, voting manually every day from the start with my stake is not participating and engaging??? Ask @onealfa.

Same question here.

I think it would be also important to review the curation process of Leo.Voter. I am publishing since years very regularly posts via INLEO/Leofinance but hardly ever get any votes from Leo.voter. I guess that is true for quite some content creators and it’s not very motivating. 😔

I don’t hear this from the majority of users

  1. Ensure your content meets basic quality standards
  2. Consider going premium. Premium users get bigger upvotes (we vote based on quality but increase the % of our vote based on premium)

Votes are never guaranteed. I monitor voting patterns weekly

I echo on what @borsengelaber has mentioned. I mean, I am not taking it in a negative way. But, the truth is, I keep checking leo.voter on hiveblocks, simple thing is you need to be a favorite to a curator, I hardly got 1 post curated in last 12 to 14 days that too that post was curated as part of 3 I posted under stake based curation even after being a premium member and have staked over 5K and another 5K+ delegated.

Please don't take it in a negative way as well, but I think the curation process and algorithm how it works isn't helping some of us who are regulars, promoting community on other platforms and I feel I post decent content if not super awesome. If we politely ask about this to some community leaders about any issues with our blogs and all, all we get to hear is, we are not suppose to approach curators with that kind of questions and it's against the policy.

A sincere request is to check on the posts curated in a day and some people keep on getting curated and some of us are missed everyday inspite of following what is said.

Would be happy to listen to someone working in background on curation like any issues with our content or something else needs to be done.

It's a win win situation for us to grow with the community and I am not giving up yet and would like to listen to any advise if I am doing something wrong and I am sure even most of the guys who are not being supported by leo.curator will agree with me.

Looking forward to a healthy communication. Thanks, good day to all.

Thanks @coolguy123 to share your experience on that too. 🤝🏻

What I heard from curators in between was that my posts for example are often not long enough. But what argument is that? Leo itself promoted Threads as a special channel for (very) short content.

Curation shouldn’t be denied just because some words „are missing“, on the contrary posts that are quality should be curated no matter how long they are. curators can still adjust the percentage of the vote to the length of the post.

Agree with you, lets hope there is some positive discussion on this, thanks have a good day.

Please have a look at my latest posts and you see lots of votes, none of Leo.Voter though.Thanks for coming back on this @khaleelkazi

At the end of the day I can only speak for myself, I am posting quality content since 2021 now, regularly, often several posts per week via INLEO/Leofinance but very rarely get votes from leo.voter though many other Hivers seem to see value in them and vote. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Ok. I don't use telegram for many reasons.
I will work on getting it setup.

Can we also then get rid of LPUD?

Thank you!

Why should we get rid of LPUD?

It seems it doesn't fit in with the strategy of bringing in new users.
The energy from it could be focused on outreach.

Just a thought. But I know you believe it is still very important.
So what ever you feel is best.

that’s a discord icon?

haha :D searched the entire @hivebuzz page for this Badge :D not found...

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You published more than 450 posts.
Your next target is to reach 500 posts.
You made more than 400 comments.
Your next target is to reach 500 comments.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
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LEO isnt that important to me, so I'll pass on being active

respect the honesty

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[Rent seekers get booted]
What is a rent seeker and do you boot them?

In economics, "rent" isn't a usage fee like paying someone for temporary access to shelter, a car, or the like. It revers to seeking profits by imposing burdens instead of providing benefits, especially through some investment of resources. For example, think of a city changing the speed limit on a road and dedicating a cop to fining speeders. There is no real crime being prevented, but the city has expended resources in changing signs and paying for a patrol to generate revenue from unwilling people.

Rent seekers are basically people who don’t contribute to the good of any society or organization. Broad definition could be googled

Very common for social groups to pay less attention to rent seekers and instead favor attention and promotion within the group to people who don’t rent seek

Simple yet powerful concept

Very good. Let's go

Hvent used Telegram in a while but I'll look into setting it up

Took about 10 minutes to re-educate myself on telegram lol but all set and ready to raid!

Can't login in Raidar. Don't know

This is a great idea. Everyone should realise its responsibility as a stack holder. is not working in pakistan but I try to install VPN and try to get active on that. Also try to create telegram account with my same user name. Regards @leofinance

Are leo Ads generating any revenue for ruining paid campaign on or Facebook or telegram.

More engagement = Growth for InLEO!

I'M up for it ✌️

This may bring privacy issues by linking the user with other social networks, however I agree to be more participatory to grow the ecosystem; by proxy accounts perhaps.

While I appreciate the initiative and understand the reasoning from where it comes, I must disclose that I don't use Telegram for security issues and the fact that I was spammed too many times there while I had it briefly installed.

I will continue contributing through creating articles and treads on InLeo, but due to above concerns probably I will not be a Telegram user.

That's okay!

There are other ways to participate in growing the community!

I see you doing your part by trying to get more referrals. Keep pushing

I will also agree with this as well. Exact same reasons i deleted tm a couple of years back. Also i would like to point out that every person his/her own life with whatever that entails. For instance i used to be one of the top active people here in inleo for months and this is a fact that can be easily proven. Currently due to working all the time, having to deal with real life and real life family issues i simply can't spend even a 1 minute in general in the cryptoverse let alone hive and leo.

From posting daily i end up create a post once per week or even 2-3 posts per month. My way of contribution is articles creation, a bit of upvoting and commenting when i make my post and ofc to simply hold which i keep on doing and keep on powering up.

At best case scenario i can make a Twitter like/report/comment if needed for inleo but that only if i don't the planet align and the day that i will have 30 minutes to create my post, i will also do that. Besides that i simply can't.

I was always stating what a cool place Leo is and how i believe in Leo the leadership but as i mentioned above that's the best i can do based on my real-life. If something changes ofc i will be more active as well with whatever that entails. Now if i will get called out or something let it be :P i will keep doing what i can (posting and staking) when i can and if it's something twitter based when i manage to have time i will also do my part. It's sad but it's true unfortunately.

The amount of people who are reading this as a "fuck you" is showing me how much bitterness there is.

Relax guys. Life's not that serious.

The simple call to action is: participate and be a part of this community.

If you think this is such a big fuck you, then maybe you don't belong here to be completely frank.

I can't believe how many people got butthurt by simply being asked to do the bare minimum.

You misunderstood. I don't think any of us read this as a "fuck you", that's our response to the post.

The post didn't "simply ask", it threatened and chastised.

As for, "maybe you don't belong here", I certainly don't if this is the kind of attitude presented by the leadership of the platform. I wouldn't work for anyone who talked to me like this post did, I'm definitely not spending my free time participating in a platform that talks to me like that.

This appears to be too good a news.

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

You can query your personal balance by !DIYSTATS

@oasiskp2 just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @leofinance! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Ok I joined the TG group and activated raidar. Lets see how often I can raid.

I do not have any problem with the participation in it but I do not have the same name in Inleo and twitter... What can somebody in this situation do? @khaleelkazi

I dont like telegram, but plan to be here long term and contribute to the platform.
Hope some Lions will help you with the Telegram raid thing.

Holy F***!! Telegram really is doing the most!
Let's get raiding.