LeoAlpha update - 3rd weekly look at Leofinance metrics.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Greetings Leofinance community.

Each week, this report will be produced to focus on the performance and growth (hopefully) of the Leofinance platform, and look at the initiatives that LeoAlpha has been working on.

Over the last week, I have not been as active, with some real world stuff taking priority. I have shared and tweeted when I could, but the main thing I have been working on this week has been building up some curation power in this account. At some point soontm, this account will be added to the "official curation" ranks with a delegation confirmed to be on its way by @khaleelkazi. In the meantime I have been starting to lease some Leo Power, both from the LeoFi platform and also through a private arrangement. I am also delegating my personal LEO to this account.

As a piece of full disclosure, this account is fully approved by Khal, but ownership of it and any income/assets generated are retained by myself - @jk6276. Supporting it with votes is supporting my efforts to promote the Leofinance platform externally. I have delegated my personal LP basically to save myself from having to curate from 2 separate accounts, or set up auto-votes. All @leoalpha votes are manual.

rough logo from khal.png

LeoAlpha twitter.

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The top tweets selection is similar to last week,, with my efforts this week not really gaining alot of traction. As I said, I was less active, and it shows in these results. Still, the account added 20 new followers, and I should be much more active in the coming week to get back to driving this forwards.

Make sure you follow LeoAlpha on twitter

LeoAlpha reddit

Because of my low activity level this week, I have not done much to update the LeoAlpha subreddit this week. We currently have 7 members joined, but I'll lift the effort this week and try to build it up.

Join here

Metrics: Alexa.

Over the last week, we gained another 2000 ratings places from Alexa. The positive momentum continues, which is very nice to see.

Alexa 17nov.png

The interesting thing to note is that Nearly a quarter of all the traffic coming to Leofinance is coming from search results. This compares favorably to other Hive platforms, like Splintertalk, Hive.blog and Peakd. Alexa compares Leofinance to these, and it is positive I think that our search results are strong. The growth of search as a traffic source is likely the main driver of the improvement in the overall Alexa ranking for Leofinance.

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Overall traffic for the week to Leofinance was slightly up compared to last week. We did better with Google referrals, but dropped for Twitter and most other sources of external traffic.

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Two of the top 10 pages visited this week were guides to various aspects of Polygon, by @finguru and @jmsansan.leo, both of which were posted months ago. Also, the article from @handtalk5 was still comfortably in the top 10 pages. These results show the benefits of producing evergreen content. Posts may not gain instant success, but over time they can pick up traction and when google likes sending people to a certain article, it produces growth in the visibility of the whole platform and the authority of the site. I would encourage you to look favorably on the above mentioned content creators and consider rewarding their efforts on future posts.

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Overall, a solid week for Leofinance. Traffic slightly up, Alexa ranking improving, increased search engine results, and some good content around the place. Sorry personally for not being very active, the upcoming week should be much better. On another note, I have seen a couple of posts shared on twitter, tagging Leoalpha account which is great. However, these people have shared the Peakd post link. That is also great, and good for the overall Hive ecosystem, however this account exists to promote native Leofinance content. Something to keep in mind.

Cheers all,



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am tagging my friend, who appears to have missed this development, otherwise I am sure he would have commented.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks, you are right, it's hard to know everything happening on Hive, but I get by with a little help from my friends...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely amazing ecosystem. It was through splinterlands that I find hive and now leo finance, it so full of ideas and innovation !


There is so much happening, it's hard to be across everything.

Thanks for your comment.

I didn't know my post had that many visits. I will update it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is picking up nice traffic from Google - 1,400 visits in the last 3 months.

I'll link it for other people seeing this comment:


Any updates or refreshing of the post will help - also consider adding a link or two at the end to other posts - either your own or other more recent Polygon content. Gives readers a reason to stay on LEO longer and read more posts.

Nice work, If you produce more in depth guides like this, feel free to add a #leoalpha so I can pick it up and promote it a bit.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great this gives me something to focus on, thanks 👍

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Feel free to tag me in your tweets @profits_bitcoin - my following will add some weight to our mission

I'll keep that in mind - thank you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great work JK!

I'll add this account to my autovoter to ensure I'm not missing anything.

I'm a huge proponent of increasing the quality of content on LeoFinance and as this project is all about highlighting the best of the best, I'm a huge fan.

Something that got brought up again in LeoMarketTalk, was how dodgy the 'curators picks' section of the LeoFinance homepage continuously looks.

Just taking a look at what you've reblogged on this account, that is what the curator's picks should look like.

As you're a manual curator who is only voting on the absolute cream of the crop qualitywise, you should bring this up with Khal and possibly get him to make the change so whatever you upvote on this account goes into that section.

Keep going :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey mate, yes I've enquired about having the LeoAlpha account be an official curator. He has said yes to a delegation, so I assume that being one of the curators comes with that. At some stage that will be active. I've got to pop in and get more involved in the LeoMarkettalk - but at the same time I don't like when 3, 4 or even all 5 curated spots are those posts. The most recent, yes, but it needs to be fresher.

I'm trying to focus on the posts most likely to bring external traffic, which might not always be the ones that get the most attention within the leo community.

Big fan of the @crypto-guides project - the finished products once each guide is done should be featured somewhere on leofinance.

Thanks for the support. I think it will take a while, but with everything going on for Khal and the Leo team, having the community focus on building the base layer - leofinance.io - will benefit the whole eco-system.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Just a little update mate, I've been added in to the curator group. A delegation will be made in a few days to @leoalpha to support that also.

Next task is to work out what we need to do with the way the curated posts are selected to improve its freshness and variety.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome to hear progress on this front.

Remember this is the first thing that newbies to the site see, so we want to make a good first impression.

In my opinion, you should just keep curating the way you have been curating on LeoAlpha.

You're picking the highest quality work and showcasing it.

Nothing else the community can ask for :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a nice update, I will follow your account on Twitter now because I want to have all the hive family there not to miss out on any update

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Hopefully I'll be able to spotlight the best posts each day and build the audience flowing back from Web 2 to Leofinance and Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Traffic coming from search results is a very good thing. I think we can be bullish based on the many signs we are seeing!

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

It is, there was a time not too long ago where twitter and google traffic were around the same. Search has grown rapidly, which has been a great development.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for digging into the metrics like that. Makes me realize where I need to really try and improve my SEO on posts to try and drive further search results...

SEO has been something I have never gotten any real results from personally. But it is a huge driver of traffic now, which is great for the site and the growth of Leofinance and Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to know. I guess it would make more of a difference if you were posting say on your own Wordpress site and then sending it to Hive

I've been saying since the Steemit days that we need to keep Google in mind when creating content. Over on Twitter, I'm seeing responses from tweets I sent out months ago, as if I wrote it today, and I know they're being referred by Google since they index tweets. Some people may not know this, but they do.

It's one of the reasons why I keep that top of mind when I promote mine and others Hive and LeoFinance blog posts on Twitter. Time of day matters, day of the week matters, with Tuesday being better for promotion than Monday, for instance.

One thing I don't do, is promo every. five. seconds. Instead, I weave it in throughout my natural, organic tweets, so as not to chase people away. I know some of the super-promoters" mean well, but they need to consider the effect "promotion fatigue" has when bombarding their audience on Twitter.

Keep it natural.

We need to do something to boost engagement on LeoFinance. The same post here and on Hive gets much more visibility and support on over on Hive. Could be time of year, Splinterlands drawing people away, the constrictive format of the finance niche, I don't know. But I'm glad people like you are working as the rest of us are to keep this little corner of the blockchain hopping.

Remember people, even if your post doesn't quote: "do well" on the blockchain, your evergreen content (you are focusing on evergreen content, right?) is being seen on Google as long as you're keeping SEO, keywords, formatting etc. at the core of what you do when creating such content. I write for Google, Bing, Yahoo, and I know that over time, it works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These are some great observations. Search has been a weak point for me personally, and something I need to work on more.

Thanks for the tips and pointers. BTW, what account do you post from? I looked at this account, but figure you might use a different one to post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My main Hive and LeoFinance account is evernoticethat, same on Twitter. I set this up mainly to use on @LeoMarketTalk (where I encourage everyone to stop by daily) so I could use my main for curation. Being a busy student, I post on this one whenever I have time, maybe once a month (if that).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great Project, I will be following it and I think it's positive news for the community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for your support mate, appreciated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta