Yesterday, LBI bought back 933 LBI tokens as a one off move - and they were burned.
The price of LBI was low in the LP, and some liquid funds were available from our HBD unstake, so I bought up enough to roughly restore the pool price to around the asset backed value.
Anyway, there are now 933 less LBI tokens in circulation.
Good info for this $LEO investment!
Thanks.. 😍
Yesterday, LBI bought back 933 LBI tokens as a one off move - and they were burned.
The price of LBI was low in the LP, and some liquid funds were available from our HBD unstake, so I bought up enough to roughly restore the pool price to around the asset backed value.
Anyway, there are now 933 less LBI tokens in circulation.
I've started investing the funds from the HBD unlock.
Have a very happy new year everyone.
Here is to a great 2025 for all.