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RE: We reached the point we feared. Censorship has taken over social media

in LeoFinance4 years ago
  1. "We've reached the point we feared. Censorship has taken over social media."
    -Umm.. where have you been the last several years?

  2. All this stuff coming out about Hunter Biden and Ukrainian natural gas companies was reported on and published by The Guardian during Obama's presidency. How do I know? Because I remember calling my parents who live not that far from Ukraine and telling them about it in the early 2010's. Most people just didn't bother reading the news back then and/or found the information about the structure of Ukrainian Natural Gas Company Board of Directors quite boring.

  3. I can't comment anything about crack pipe allegations as those are new, though I am trying to understand the relevance towards international politics, if point #2 should be damning enough. The last part slightly seems like someone went "well the masses don't really give a sh** about the intricacies of an oligarchical natural resource company.. but they sure do hate the idea of drugs, so let's throw that in."

Finally, I read a few of your other posts, including one where you rant about the incorrect prioritization of being nice over other things. You've got the right idea and I'm glad you are a defender of what's correct in your mind over nice. But here's what I'll tell you:
Yeah.. it's shady as f*** what happened happened during the time Biden was VP. Biden should have NEVER been the presidential candidate. But that doesn't change the fact that you could've made this post without having the caption of your first image be "Sleepy Joe and his son, sleeping crackhead Biden." The guy is dead. Get some class, bro. It's more effective when you make your argument without name-calling.

Just my 2 cents before I get downvoted to oblivion for being "a leftist," while somewhere else getting downvoted to oblivion for being "a Trumper."

The world has lost all sense of intellectual examination. Just name-call the other side because they're evil, right?


Beau Biden has passed away. This latest smear campaign is against Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden is not dead.