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RE: Listnerds: Helping To Round Out Hive's Social Media Tools

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I wrote a post about ListNerds yesterday. I'm loving the platform and I've never even been interested in email marketing. It encouraged me to send out my first email using MAIL tokens that I earned. I'm hoping that my first email gets verified but right now it's only at 2 of 20 votes lol. This is how we learn and get better though. Trial an error at small scale while using it as a tool to drive traffic to our blogs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah and depends upon how many you get to. With the restricted amount of emails, hard to get to the 20 votes I imagine.

But like you said, it is a learning and sharing process. That is how we help each other along.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Right. I used 115 MAIL to send it out and it doesn't look like it's getting very far. Not sure what the number of MAIL actually has to do with it, but I'll be testing it.

Well I would say that the more mail one is able to send out, the greater the change to get 20 upvotes.

I would imagine that many who are receiving the mail in these early days do not have many votes to give. Just a guess but like anything, the longer people are at it, the more they have.

Right now not a ton of CTP staked.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta