
I always wonder if I'm passed worrying about privacy because all my shit is out there now (and needs to be if I want to be a member of society haha).

Do I need to commit 100% to a life on anon?

I dunno, I'm already semi doxxed so there's not really much privacy on that front. I think more about privacy of my crypto stuff, finance, and things like that being less out there. The idea of privacy is nice lol

I also don't think I'm smart enough to be 100% anon. That takes some level of intellect that I do not possess

Haha same. -sighhhh.

I get that its part of a stake weighted system, but even how our HIVE and LEO stacks are out there, probably isn't ideal long term.

maybe a cool feature for Leo would be to have the option to "hide" your wallet on the UI. Obviously anyone could check on chain. But I think people would like that option