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RE: We Are Witnessing The Flippening - Between US & China

in LeoFinance5 years ago

The new normal will be a global totalitarian state modeled on China, maybe even called China and ruled by Xi Jinping as a figurehead.

These banksters that kept the US Congress from passing laws manufacturing medications in the US, or ventilators, or adding hospital beds, or locking us down and giving us good information on how to remain uninfected, aren't too stupid or incompetent to do those things. Trump didn't set up any Presidential Task Forces for the same reason. Government is just like Tron's sock puppet witnesses on Steem.

We're being crippled financially, basically sentenced to house arrest across the world, and good information censored and misinformation drilled into us for a purpose, and that purpose is to end 'normal', and replace it with a global dictatorship. Many of us, like in every revolution that institutes a tyranny, will die from the biological weapon unleashed on the world in this war, or actual acts of war afterwards.

Why not join in?

You're asking why we don't lick the boots of our conqerors gratefully.

If you're not ready to man barricades and defeat professional armies today, you're going to be a slave next year, or dead.

The D&C tactics regarding BTC and Libra seem to have worked on you. Helicopter money is a trap. The FED throwing money at the markets is fraud. BTC is centrally controlled by companies with interlocking directorates that control miners, and the futures market as backup.

The 21 million people in China that no longer have cell phone accounts could tell you how this will work, if you could talk to them. They were mandated to use Alipay to pay their rent, buy food, and after China mandated people download and use the Health app, they needed the green 'healthy' icon to legally even be outside. Today those 21 million are either socially and financially crippled, unable to buy food, pay rent, or even walk outside, or dead.

That's what's coming to America, Europe, and the rest of the world during the lockdowns and imposition of martial law. Fight it, die, or be a slave.

Imma fight.


I'm proud to live in a country that banded together as a community and made the (somewhat simple) sacrifice of all living inside for 6 weeks. And I'm ashamed of my home country for making this into a political nightmare and condemning tens of thousands of people to die.

I'm using McKinsey projections here - those guys are widely recognized as "the smartest guys in the room." It's not a us v. them thing that you seem to make it out to be. It's a manage v. mismanage thing. I can tell you from what I see on the ground here in Shanghai. We are getting back to "normal" pretty fast - the only difference is people wear masks, there is hand sanitizer everywhere and people try to keep their distance from each other (which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned). It could be a good long while before that happens in America.

I'm sorry, but most people in America are already debt or wage slaves. And it happened without much of a fight a long time ago.

GL in your fight. Hope it is fought not in vain.