kibri cross-posted this post in LeoFinance 4 years ago

30 DAY CHALLENGE: Thoughts on education (Day 14)

in Blogging Challenge4 years ago

Fawaka everyone!

This one is a very interesting one to me personally! By the way, before I begin: all my love and respect goes out to teachers at school! Lots of love for them (we would be nowhere without them).


I have a big problem with the things that we are learning at school nowadays (sure I know you should have some sort of base for educational purposes) but many of the things that we are being thought at school are outdated. Have you not noticed that so many people who start with the University nowadays just quit after a few months?

  • No it's not because they don't want to study anymore.
  • No, they are not dumb at all.
  • No, they are not being mistreated at their new school.
  • No, they actually are motivated to keep on learning new stuff.

The simple reason behind this is that our old school system is outdated. When people jump into real life situations they don't know what to do anymore and they freeze. They freeze because we are not financially educated at school (how do we simply budget, what type of investments can there be made, how do we take out a loan, why is interest a good/bad thing, what can debt do for you?). They freeze because they don't know how to socialize anymore (They have never learned how to network with other people). And no I am not talking about making friends at school. I am literally talking about a "networking class" at school. 101 HOW TO NETWORK, because I kid you not, your NETWORK is your NETWORTH. They freeze because they are being pressured by society that a diploma is all that you need to become successful in this life that we are living. They freeze because they have so much talent that they can't use, because they don't know where to start (maybe it's time that we have mentors and idols which give seminars at school). They freeze because they suddenly go to a new country and don't know how to budget. They freeze, because books on financial literacy where not allowed at school. Only harry potter books or books about sex and murder stories were allowed. It sounds crazy to you right? But still, it is the sad reality that we live in.

Before you go out and bash all teachers, STOP ! They are not the issue here, the issue is the same school system that we have been using for over 100 years and it's still being implemented in the same way. Some day people their eyes will open and we will have a society in which it will be all about skills.

  • Can you dance? Ah wow I needed a dancer for the show/party.
  • I see you have a camera, could you take pictures at my wedding? Don't worry I will pay you!
  • I heard you are really good at investing, do you mind sharing some tips with me?
  • What is this new technology I heard about? I hear you thought yourself the skill of coding within the program, do you mind showing me?

Life will be based on certain skills that we have. A diploma is just a piece of paper in my opinion. And all other opinions of people who have that old mindset are as old as that piece of paper. The people who scream out the loudest saying that are people who are actually really unhappy in there job! Trust me it's just a fact. You are probably reading this and thinking "Wow, this guy has a point".

I'm not here to win this discussion, I am simply stating my part of the coin.

p.s. I understand that a pilot, doctor etc. need a certain degree/diploma in order to fly or operate on you, but most of you (the majority) knows what I am talking about. More than 50% of people still get rejected everyday at a job, when it is them who have way more skills than the people with the degree for the same job.
