kibri cross-posted this post in LeoFinance 4 years ago

30 DAY CHALLENGE: Advice for 16-21 year old's (Day 4)

in #money4 years ago (edited)

Fawaka (Whatsup) everyone ! Here is some advice for 16-20 year old's that you won't get in school

  • Work on your body & mental health
    I can't stretch this enough! Working on your body and mental health are such an important aspect of feeling your best during these ages. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You will just feel depressed, lacking of energy and lacking of the need to be creative in anything that you are doing. Feeling fatigue and procrastinating the whole day? No worries, just follow the advice that I gave you and you should feel way better after doing so.
    ~Do a daily workout (make this a challenge)
    ~Try and eat healthy (Yes you can order food once in a while, but don't make it a habit)
    ~Go to the gym if you don't like doing home workouts.
    ~Do a sport that seems interesting to you if you don't like home workouts or the gym.
    ~Read a book a month and try to keep this up for at least 6 months. If you have trouble reading try audiobooks on Spotify, YouTube or any other audio platform where you can find the book that you want to listen to.
    ~Try yoga and meditating (Yes men. This is also something that you can do).
    ~Let go of stress (Life is just beginning).


  • Work on networking with people that you look up to
    Surround yourself with people that you look up to. No, you won't only be able to "become" something in society if you have a college degree. It is perfectly possible to work somewhere if you have the right skills and have the right people to network with. Let me keep it really simple for you: Your network is your net-worth (Look that up).
    Here are some tips on networking:
    ~Online friends are a good place to start (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, YouTube, LinkedIn and lets not forget HIVE!).
    ~Networking parties: (Look up the thing that you like most. For example food. Now look for food networking parties and try to go as many of them as you possibly can. Trust me you will find one of your idols there and doors will open up for you! THEY ARE HUMAN AS WELL).
    ~Start networking with family members. Most of you think that you know family members but I am sure that you don't know what they do and why they do it. Try to network with them as you have to feel the most confident around them.


  • Build up your self-confidence
    Don't let anyone burst your bubble. Be confident and try to use this confidence to get some things done in your life. It might seem like a challenge at first, but by just taking the step to doing the thing that you have always wanted to do, you are taking a step closer towards your goal. Self-confidence sounds easy, but you will have to start with baby steps. DARE TO SAY NO when you don't want to do something or when you are confident that something can be done more efficiently. Dare to be the change this worlds needs! Turn that self-confidence button on and see how your life will instantly change for the better!

Small note to add: during this period you might fall a lot and feel like a failure a lot, but don't let this keep you from going at it. This is a sign of your habits changing and you fighting against "failure". There is no such thing as failure, these are lessons for the others steps that you are taking on your road to greatness!


  • Try and grow your ASSETS
    The reason why you should try and grow your assets is because these will help you towards growing your portfolio even more. Growing your assets just means that those assets will make even more assets for you (this will go exponentially when you reach a certain point). Keep at it and don't stop doing this! I can't stretch this enough. Don't be like almost 90% of the world who saves up a bit of their income every single month in the hope that they will have a million in 60 years... focus on investing some of your monthly capital (in assets) that can grow for you in the long-term! Here are some suggestions:
    ~Cryptocurrencies (Investing in the world of cryptocurrencies). Been there since 2016.
    ~Looking at stocks of your home country or internationally.
    ~Looking at Gold & Silver (Especially Silver for the long-term!)
    ~Looking at properties and flipping properties or renting them out to other people
    ~Investing in startups
    ~Putting your money in crypto lending platforms that have an APY of 20-35% every single year.

All these subjects are being spoken about in my free discord channel so feel free to ask me about that so that I can put you in there (It is Dutch) but we don't mind creating a specific channel for English speaking people.



#Keepgrinding #Keepmoving #Kibri #OntheGrind